227e3lhsu 27 Dfu Aen

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  • 7/27/2019 227e3lhsu 27 Dfu Aen




    N ser manual 1

    Customer care and warranty 29

    Troubleshootng & FAs 34

  • 7/27/2019 227e3lhsu 27 Dfu Aen


    Table of Contents

    1. Important ................................................ 11.1 Safety precautons and mantenance...11.2 Notatonal Descrptons .............................21.3 Dsposal of product and packng

    materal ................................................................3

    2. Setting up the monitor .........................42.1 nstallaton ...........................................................42.2 peratng the montor ...............................62.3 emoe Base Stand and Base .................8

    3. Image Optimization.............................103.1 Smartmage te ...........................................103.2 SmartContrast ..............................................113.3 Phlps SmartControl te .......................11

    4. PowerSensor ....................................17

    5. Technical Specifications ......................19.1 esoluton & Preset Modes...................21

    6. Power Management ............................22

    7. Regulatory Information ......................23

    8. Customer care and warranty ...........298.1 Phlps Flat Panel Montors Pxel

    Defect Polcy ..................................................298.2 Customer Care & arranty .................31

    9. Troubleshooting & FAQs ...................349.1 Troubleshootng ...........................................349.2 SmartControl te FAs .........................39.3 eneral FAs ...............................................36

  • 7/27/2019 227e3lhsu 27 Dfu Aen



    1. Important

    1. Important

    Ths electronc users gude s ntended foranyone who uses the Phlps montor. Take tme

    to read ths user manual before you use yourmontor. t contans mportant nformaton and

    notes regardng operatng your montor.

    The Phlps guarantee apples proded theproduct s handled properly for ts ntended usen accordance wth ts operatng nstructons andupon presentaton of the orgnal noce or cashrecept ndcatng the date of purchase dealersname and model and producton number of theproduct.

    1.1 Safety precautions and mainte-



    se of controls adjustments or proceduresother than those specfed n ths documentatonmay result n exposure to shock electrcalhazards and/or mechancal hazards.

    ead and follow these nstructons whenconnectng and usng your computer montor.


    Keep the montor out of drect sunlghtand away from stoes or any other heatsource.

    emoe any object that could fall ntoentlaton holes or preent proper coolngof the montors electroncs.

    Do not block the entlaton holes on thecabnet.

    hen postonng the montor make surethe power plug and outlet are easly ac-cessble.

    f turnng off the montor by detachng thepower cable or DC power cord wat for 6seconds before attachng the power cableor DC power cord for normal operaton.

    Please use approed power cord prodedby Phlps all the tme. f your power cord

    s mssng please contact wth your localserce center. (Please refer to CustomerCare Consumer nformaton Center)

    Do not subject the montor to seerebraton or hgh mpact condtons durngoperaton.

    Do not knock or drop the montor durngoperaton or transportaton.


    To protect your montor from possbledamage do not put excesse pressure on

    the CD panel. hen mong your mon-tor grasp the frame to lft; do not lf t themontor by placng your hand or fngers on

    the CD panel.

    nplug the montor f you are not gong touse t for an extense perod of tme.

    nplug the montor f you need to clean twth a slghtly damp cloth. The screen maybe wped wth a dry cloth when the powers off. oweer neer use organc solentsuch as alcohol or ammona-based lquds

    to clean your montor.

    To aod the rsk of shock or permanentdamage to the set do not expose themontor to dust ran water or excessemosture enronment.

    f your montor gets wet wpe t wth drycloth as soon as possble.

    f foregn substance or water gets n yourmontor please turn the power off mmed-ately and dsconnect the power cord. Thenremoe the foregn substance or water and

    send t to the mantenance center. Do not store or use the montor n loca-

    tons exposed to heat drect sunlght orextreme cold.

    n order to mantan the best performanceof your montor and use t for a longer lfe-

    tme please use the montor n a locatonthat falls wthn the followng temperatureand humdty ranges.

    Temperature: 0-40C 32-9F umdty: 20-80%

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    1. Important

    MPTANT: Always actate a mongscreen saer program when you leaeyour montor unattended. Always actatea perodc screen refresh applcatonf your montor wll dsplay unchangngstatc content. nnterrupted dsplay of

    stll or statc mages oer an extendedperod may cause burn n also known asafter-magng or ghost magng on yourscreen."Burn-n" "after-magng" or "ghost mag-ng" s a well-known phenomenon n CDpanel technology. n most cases theburned n or after-magng or ghostmagng wll dsappear gradually oer aperod of tme after the power has been

    swtched off. Warning

    Seere burn-n or after-mage or ghostmage symptoms wll not dsappear and cannotbe repared. The damage mentoned aboe snot coered under your warranty.


    The casng coer should be opened only

    by qualfed serce personnel. f there s any need for any document for

    repar or ntegraton please contact wthyour local serce center. (please refer to

    the chapter of "Consumer nformatonCenter")

    For transportaton nformaton pleaserefer to "Techncal Specfcatons".

    Do not leae your montor n a car/trunk

    under drect sun lght. Note

    Consult a serce techncan f the montordoes not operate normally or you are not surewhat procedure to take when the operatngnstructons gen n ths manual hae beenfollowed.

    1.2 Notational Descriptions

    The followng subsectons descrbe notatonalconentons used n ths document.

    Notes, Cautions and Warnings

    Throughout ths gude blocks of text may beaccompaned by an con and prnted n bold ortalc type. These blocks contan notes cautonsor warnngs. They are used as follows:

    NoteThs con ndcates mportant nformaton and

    tps that help you make better use of yourcomputer system.

    CautionThs con ndcates nformaton that tells youhow to aod ether potental damage tohardware or loss of data.

    WarningThs con ndcates the potental for bodly harmand tells you how to aod the problem.

    Some warnngs may appear n alternate formatsand may not be accompaned by an con. n such

    cases the specfc presentaton of the warnng smandated by the releant regulatory authorty.

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    1. Important

    1.3 Disposal of product and packing


    Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment-WEEE

    Ths markng on the product or on tspackagng llustrates that under uropeanDrecte 2002/96/C goernng used electrcaland electronc applances ths product may

    not be dsposed of wth normal householdwaste. ou are responsble for dsposal ofths equpment through a desgnated wasteelectrcal and electronc equpment collecton.To determne the locatons for droppng offsuch waste electrcal and electronc contactyour local goernment offce the waste dsposalorganzaton that seres your household or thestore at whch you purchased the product.

    our new montor contans materals that canbe recycled and reused. Specalzed companescan recycle your product to ncrease theamount of reusable materals and to mnmze

    the amount to be dsposed of.

    All redundant packng materal has beenomtted. e hae done our utmost to make thepackagng easly separable nto mono materals.

    Please fnd out about the local regulatons on

    how to dspose of your old montor and packngfrom your sales representate.

    Recycling Information for Customers

    our dsplay s manufactured wth hgh qualtymaterals and components whch can berecycled and reused.

    To learn more about our recyclng program

    please st www.phlps.com/about/sustanablty/recyclng.

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    2. etting up the monitor

    2. Setting up the monitor

    2.1 Installation

    Package contents

    VGA (optional) DVI (optional)

    Audio cable (optional)

    egister your product and get support at




    Install base stand

    1. Place the montor face down on softand smooth surface takng care to aodscratchng or damagng the screen.

    2. old the base stand wth both hands andfrmly nsert the base stand nto the basecolumn.

    (1) ently attach the base to the basecolumn untl the latch locks the base.

    (2) se your fngers to tghten the screwlocated at the bottom of the base andsecure the base to the column tghtly.



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    2. etting up the monitor

    Connecting to your PC

    Model 227E3L:


    AC power nputA nputD-D nputKensngton ant-theft lock

    Model 227E3LH:





    AC power nputA nput

    D-D nputDM nputAudo nputAudo outputKensngton ant-theft lock

    Model 227E3LPH:



    AC power nputA nputD-D nputDM nputDM audo outputKensngton ant-theft lock

    Connect to PC

    1. Connect the power cord to the back ofthe montor frmly.

    2. Turn off your computer and unplug tspower cable.

    3. Connect the montor sgnal cable to thedeo connector on the back of yourcomputer.

    4. Plug the power cord of your computer andyour montor nto a nearby outlet.

    . Turn on your computer and montor. f themontor dsplays an mage nstallaton scomplete.

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    2. etting up the monitor

    2.2 Operating the monitor

    Front iew product description

    Model 227E3L:



    Swtch montors power N andFF.

    Access the SD menu.eturn to preous SD leel.

    Change display format.

    Adjust the SD menu.

    Change the signal input source.

    Smartmage te. There are threemodes to be selected: StandardInternet



    Model 227E3LH:



    Swtch montors power N andFF.

    Access the SD menu.

    eturn to preous SD leel.

    Adjust the speaker volume.

    Adjust the SD menu.

    Change the signal input source.

    Smartmage te. There are threemodes to be selected: StandardInternetand Game.

    Model 227E3LPH:



    Swtch montors power N andFF.

    Access the SD menu.

    eturn to preous SD leel.Set the sensor level for backlight

    automatic control.

    Adjust the SD menu.

    Change the signal input source.

    Smartmage te. There are threemodes to be selected: StandardInternetand Game.

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    2. etting up the monitor

    Description of the On Screen Display

    What is On-Screen Display (OSD)?

    n-Screen Dsplay (SD) s a feature n allPhlps CD montors. t allows an end user toadjust screen performance or select functonsof the montors drectly through an on-screennstructon wndow. A user fr endly on screendsplay nterface s shown as below:

    Model 227E3L:








    Model 227E3LH:









    Model 227E3LPH:








    Basic and simple instruction on the controlkeys

    n the SD shown aboe you can pressbuttons at the front bezel of the montor

    to moe the cursor and press OK button toconfrm the choce or change.

    The OSD Menu

    Below s an oerall ew of the structure ofthe n-Screen Dsplay. ou can use ths as areference when you want to work your wayaround the dfferent adjustments later on.

    Main menu Sub menu

    Power Sensor


    DVI (aailable for selectie models)

    HDMI (aailable for selectie models)

    PictureWide Screen, 4:3




    Picture Format




    On, OffSmartContrast

    OSD Settings0~100


    Off, 1, 2, 3, 4

    5, 10, 20, 30, 60




    OSD Time out



    On, OffYes, No




    H. Position


    V. Position



    Resolution NotificationReset


    Language English Espaol, Franais, Deutsch, Italiano,

    Portugus, Trke!



    Color6500K, 9300K

    Red: 0~100

    Green: 0~100

    Blue: 0~100

    Color Temperature


    User Define

    Audio0~100 (aailable for selectie models)

    On, Off

    On, Off


    Stand Alone


    0, 1, 2, 3, 4

    On, Off (aailable for selectie models)

    Power LED

    Oer Scan


    (aailable for selectie models)

    OffFastFasterFastest(aailable for selectie models)

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    2. etting up the monitor

    Resolution notification

    Ths montor s desgned for optmalperformance at ts nate resoluton 1920 1080 @ 60 z. hen the montor s poweredon at a dfferent resoluton an alert s dsplayedon screen: se 1920 1080 @ 60 z for best

    results.Dsplay of the nate resoluton alert can beswtched off from Setup n the SD (nScreen Dsplay) menu.

    Physical Function


    2.3 Remoe Base Stand and Base

    Remoe the Base Stand

    Before you start dsassemblng the montorbase please follow the nstructons below toaod any possble damage or njury.

    1. Place the montor face down on a smoothsurface takng care to aod scratchng ordamagng the screen.

    2. Detach the base stand away from the basecolumn by:

    (1) se your fngers to loosen the screwlocated at the bottom of the base.

    (2) ently moe up-and-down to releasethe latch that locks the base and pullthe base away from the base column.



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    2. etting up the monitor

    Remoe the base

    1. ou may use a flathead screwdrer to stcknto two release hols on the hnge coerand gently pry the hnge coer to hae tremoed.

    2. emoe 4 screws and then remoe thebase from the montor.

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    3. Image ptimization

    3. The Smartmage te on screen dsplaywll reman on screen for seconds oryou can also press OK buttonto makeconfrmaton.

    4. hen Smartmage te s enabled thesB scheme s dsabled automatcally. To

    use sB you need to dsable Smartmagete wth the button at the front bezelof your montor.

    xcept usng key to scroll down you canalso press buttons to choose and pressOK button to confrm selecton and close theSmartmage te SD.

    There are three modes to be selected: Standardnternet ame.

    v Standard: nhances text and dampensbrghtness to ncrease readablty andreduce eye stran. Ths mode sgnfcantlyenhances readablty and productty whenyou're workng wth spreadsheets PDF flesscanned artcles or other general offceapplcatons.

    v Internet: Ths profle combnes colorsaturaton dynamc contrast and sharpnessenhancement to dsplay photos and othermages wth outstandng clarty n brantcolors - all wthout artfacts and fadedcolors.

    v Game: Turn on oer dre crcut for bestresponse tme reduce jaggy edges for fastmong objects on screen enhance contrastrato for brght and dark scheme thsprofle delers the best gamng experencefor gamers.

    3. Image Optimization

    3.1 SmartImage Lite

    What is it?

    Smartmage te prodes presets thatoptmze dsplay for dfferent types of contentdynamcally adjustng brghtness contrast colorand sharpness n real tme. hether you'reworkng wth text applcatons dsplayng magesor watchng a deo Phlps Smartmage tedelers great optmzed montor performance.

    Why do I need it?

    ou want a montor that delers optmzeddsplay all your faorte types of contentSmartmage te software dynamcally adjustbrghtness contrast color and sharpness nreal tme to enhance your montor ewngexperence.

    How does it work?

    Smartmage te s an excluse leadng edgePhlps technology that analyzes the content

    dsplayed on your screen. Based on a scenaroyou select Smartmage te dynamcallyenhances the contrast color saturaton andsharpness of mages to enhance the contentsbeng dsplayed - all n real tme wth the pressof a sngle button.

    How to enable SmartImage Lite?

    1. Press to launch the Smartmage te on

    screen dsplay;2. Keep pressng to toggle betweenStandard nternet ame.

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    3. Image ptimization

    v Follow the nstructon and complete thenstallaton.

    v ou can launch after nstallaton scompleted.

    v f you want to launch later you can etherclck the shortcut on desktop or toolbar.

    First launch -Wizard

    v The frst tme after nstallaton ofSmartControl te t wll automatcally go

    to zard for frst tme launch.

    v The wzard wll gude you through

    adjustment your montor performance stepby step.

    v ou can go to Plug-n menu to launchwzard later on as well.

    v ou can adjust more optons wthoutwzard by Standard pane.

    3.2 SmartContrast

    What is it?

    nque technology that dynamcally analyzesdsplayed content and automatcally optmzesa CD montor's contrast rato for maxmum

    sual clarty and ewng enjoyment steppngup backlghtng for clearer crsper and brghtermages or dmmng backlghtng for clear dsplayof mages on dark backgrounds.

    Why do I need it?

    ou want the ery best sual clarty andewng comfort for eery type of content.SmartContrast dynamcally controls contrastand adjusts backlghtng for clear crsp brghtgamng and deo mages or dsplays clearreadable text for offce work. By reducng yourmontor's power consumpton you sae onenergy costs and extend the lfetme of yourmontor.

    How does it work?

    hen you actate SmartContrast t wll analysethe content you are dsplayng n real tme to

    adjust colors and control backlght ntensty. Thsfuncton wll dynamcally enhance contrast for agreat entertanment experence when ewngdeos or playng games.

    3.3 Philips SmartControl Lite

    The new SmartControl te software by Phllpsallows you to control your montor a an easy

    to use on-screen graphc nterface. Complcated

    adjustments are a thng of the past as ths userfrendly software gudes you through fne-

    tunng resoluton Color calbraton Clock/Phaseadjustments B hte pont adjustment etc.

    qupped wth latest technology n corealgorthm for fast processng and response thsndows 7 complant eye catchng anmatedcon based software s ready to enhance yourexperence wth Phlps montors!


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    3. Image ptimization

    Start with Standard pane:

    Adjust menu:

    v Adjust Menu allow you to adjust BrghtnessContrast Focus Poston and esoluton.

    v ou can follow the nstructon and do the

    adjustment.v Cancel prompts user f you want to cancel


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    3. Image ptimization

    Color menu:

    v Color Menu allow you to adjust BBlack eel hte Pont Color Calbratonand Smartmage te (Please refer toSmartmage te secton).

    v ou can follow the nstructon and do theadjustment.

    v efer to below table for sub-menu tembase on your nput.

    v xample for Color Calbraton:

    1. "Show Me" starts color calbraton tutoral.

    2. Start - starts the 6-step color calbratonsequence.

    3. uck ew loads the before/after mages.

    4. To return to Color home pane clck theCancel button.

    . nable color calbraton - by default s on.f unchecked does not allow for colorcalbraton to happen dmes out start andquck ew buttons.

    6. Must hae patent nfo n calbraton screen.

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    3. Image ptimization

    First color Calibration Screen:

    v Preous button s dsabled untl the secondcolor screen.

    v Next goes to the succeedng target(6-targets).

    v Fnal next goes Fle>Presets pane.v Cancel closes the and returns to the

    plug n page.

    SmartImage Lite

    Allows user to change settng for better dsplaysettng based on content.

    hen ntertanment s set SmartContrast andSmartesponse are enabled.

    Options>Preferences - ll only be actewhen selectng Preferences from the drop-down ptons menu. n a non-supported

    dsplay capable of DDC/C only the elp andptons tabs are aalable.

    v Dsplays current preference settngs.v A checked box enables the feature. The

    check box s a toggle.

    v nable Context Menu on desktop schecked (n) by default. nable Contextmenu dsplays SmartControl te selectonsfor Select Preset and Tune Dsplay n thedesktop rght-clck context menu. Dsabledremoes SmartControl te from the rght

    clck context menu.v nable Task Tray con s checked (n) by

    default. nable context menu shows thetask tray menu for Smar tControl te. Arght clck on the task tray con dsplays themenu optons for elp Techncal SupportCheck for pgrade About and xt. hennable task tray menu s dsabled the task

    tray con wll only dsplay T.

    v un at Startup s checked (n) by default.hen dsabled SmartControl te wll notlaunch at start or be n the task tray. Theonly way to launch SmartControl te sether from the desktop short cut or from

    the program fle. Any preset set to runat startup wll not load when ths box sunchecked (Dsabled).

    v nable transparency mode (ndows 7sta P). Default s 0% paque.

    Options>Input - ll only be acte whenselectng nput from the drop-down ptons

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    3. Image ptimization

    menu. n a non-supported dsplay capable ofDDC/C only the elp and ptons tabs areaalable. All other SmartControl te tabs arenot aalable.

    v Dsplay the Source nstructon pane andcurrent nput source settng.

    v n sngle nput dsplays ths pane wll notbe sble.

    Options>Audio - ll only be acte whenselectng Audo from the drop-down ptonsmenu.

    n a non-supported dsplay capable of DDC/C only the elp and ptons tabs are aalable.

    Help>User Manual - ll only be acte whenselectng ser Manual from the drop-downelp menu. n a non-supported dsplaycapable of DDC/C only the elp and ptons

    tabs are aalable.

    Help>Version - ll only be acte whenselectng erson from the drop- down elpmenu. n a non-supported dsplay capable ofDDC/C only the elp and ptons tabs are


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    3. Image ptimization

    Context Sensitie menu

    The Context Senste menu s nabled bydefault. f nable Context Menu has beenchecked n the ptons>Preferences pane then

    the menu wll be sble.

    The Context Menu has four entries:

    v SmartControl te - hen selected the

    About Screen s dsplayed.v Select Preset - Prodes a herarchcal

    menu of saed presets for mmedate use.A check mark shows the currently selectedpreset. Factory Preset can also be calledfrom the drop down menu.

    v Tune Dsplay - pens the SmartControlte control panel.

    v Smartmage te - Check current settngs

    Standard nternet ame.Task Tray Menu Enabled

    The task tray menu can be dsplayed by rght-clckng on the SmartControl te con from the

    task tray. eft Clck wll launch the applcaton.

    The task tray has fie entries:

    v elp - Access to ser Manual fle: penser Manual fle usng the default browser


    v Techncal Support - dsplays the techsupport page.

    v Check for pdate - takes the user to PDandng and checks the user's ersonaganst the most current aalable.

    v About - Dsplays detaled reference

    nformaton: product erson releasenformaton and product name.

    v xt - Close SmartControl te.

    To run SmartControl te agan ether selectSmartControl te from Program menu double-clck the desktop PC con or restart the system.

    Task Tray Menu Disabled

    hen the Task Tray s dsabled n the preferencefolder only the T selecton s aalable.To completely remoe SmartControl tefrom the task tray dsable un at Startup nptons>Preferences.

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    4. Powerensor

    4. PowerSensor

    (Aailable for model 227E3LPH only)

    PowerSensor s a unque enronmentally frendly technology from Phlps whch enables user to saeup to 80% of power consumpton. n lne wth Phlps Sense and Smplcty Promse ths user frendly

    technology works for you rght out of the box wthout any hardware or software nstallaton andwthout any user nterenton n the default mode.

    How does it work?

    v PowerSensor works on prncple of transmsson and recepton of harmless nfrared sgnals norder to detect user-presence.

    v hen the user s n front of the montor the montor operates normally at the predetermnedsettngs that the user has set- .e. Brghtness contrast color etc.

    v Assumng that the montor was set to 100% of brghtness for example when the user leaes

    hs seat and s no longer n front of the montor the montor automatcally reduces the powerconsumpton down to 80%.


    Default settings

    At ts default settng (Settng 3) PowerSensor s desgned to detect the presence of the user locatedbetween 90 and 110 cm (3.4 and 43.3 nches) from the dsplay and wthn fe degrees left or rght of

    the montor.

    Custom settings

    v f you prefer to be n a poston outsde the permeters lsted aboe choose a hgher strengthsgnal for optmal detecton effcency: The hgher the settng the stronger the detecton sgnal. Formaxmum PowerSensor effcency and proper detecton please poston yourself drectly n front ofyour montor.

    v f you choose to poston yourself more than 110 cm or 43.3 nches from the montor use themaxmum detecton sgnal for dstances up to 130 cm or 1.2 nches. (Settng 4)

    v Snce some dark colored clothng tends to absorb nfrared sgnals een when the user s wthn100 cm or 40 nches of the dsplay step up sgnal strength when wearng black or other dark

    clothes.v ou can return to the default mode at any tme (Settng 3).

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    4. Powerensor

    Power ensor 3

    How to adjust settings

    f PowerSensor s not operatng correctly nsde or outsde the default range heres how to fne-tunedetecton:

    v Press the PowerSensor hot key.

    v ou wll fnd the default poston 3 on the adjustment bar.

    v Adjust the PowerSensor detecton adjustment to Settng 4 and press K.v Test the new setup to see f PowerSensor properly detects you n your current poston.

    NoteA manually selected PowerSensor mode wll reman operatonal unless and untl t s readjusted or thedefault mode s recalled. f you fnd that the PowerSensor s excessely senste to nearby moton forsome reason please adjust to a lower sgnal strength.

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    5. Technical Specifications


    Montor Panel Type TFT-CDBacklght D

    Panel Sze 21." (4.6cm)Aspect ato 16:9Pxel Ptch 0.248 x 0.248 mmBrghtness 20 cd/mSmartContrast 20000000:1Contrast ato (typ.) 1000:1esponse Tme (typ.) msptmum esoluton 1920 x 1080 @ 60zewng Angle 170 () / 160 () @ C/ > 10

    Pcture nhancement Smartmage teDsplay Colors 16.7Mertcal efresh ate 6z - 76zorzontal Frequency 30kz - 83kzsB SConnectiity

    Sgnal nputD (dgtal) A (Analog)DM (aalable for model 2273 2273P)

    nput Sgnal Separate Sync Sync on reen


    ser Conenence2273:2273:2273P:

    SD anguagesnglsh French erman Spansh talan ussanSmplfed Chnese Portuguese Turksh

    ther Conenence Kensngton ock Plug & Play Compatblty DDC/C sB ndows 7/sta/P Mac S nuxStand

    Tlt - / +20Power

    n Mode (typ.)2273: 21.8(typ.)2273: 21.8(typ.) 27(max.)2273P: 21.8(typ.) 24(max.)

    nergy Consumpton(nergyStar .0 test method)

    AC nput oltage at100AC +/-AC0z +/-3z

    AC nput oltage at11AC +/-AC60z +/-3z

    AC nput oltage at230AC +/-AC0z +/-3z

    Normal peraton (typ.) 18.4 18.4 18.

    Sleep 0. 0. 0.ff 0. 0. 0.

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    5.1 Resolution & Preset Modes

    Maximum Resolution1920 x 1080 @ 60 z (analog nput)1920 x 1080 @ 60 z (dgtal nput)

    Recommended Resolution

    1920 x 1080 @ 60 z (dgtal nput)

    Format Resolution Type V. freq. (Hz)

    480 720 x 480 SD 60

    480p 720 x 480 SD 60

    76 720 x 76 SD 0

    76p 720 x 76 SD 0

    720p 1280 x 720 D 0 60

    1080 1920 x 1080 D 0 60

    1080p 1920 x 1080 D 24 2 30 0 60

    NotePlease notce that your dsplay works best atnate resoluton of 1920 1080 @ 60z. Forbest dsplay qualty please follow ths resolutonrecommendaton.

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    . Power Management

    6. Power Management

    f you hae SA DPM complance dsplay cardor software nstalled n your PC the montorcan automatcally reduce ts power consumptonwhen not n use. f an nput from a keyboard

    mouse or other nput dece s detectedthe montor wll 'wake up' automatcally. Thefollowng table shows the power consumptonand sgnalng of ths automatc power sangfeature:

    Power Management DefntonSAMode

    deo -sync -sync Power sed D Color

    Acte N es es < 21.8 (typ.) hte

    Sleep FF No No < 0. (typ.)hte(blnk)

    Swtch ff FF - - < 0. (typ.) FF

    The followng setup s used to measure powerconsumpton on ths montor.

    v Nate resoluton: 1920 x 1080

    v Contrast: 0%

    v Brghtness: 20 nts

    v Color temperature: 600k wth full whtepattern

    NoteThs data s subject to change wthout notce.

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    . egulatory Infomation

    7. Regulatory Information

    Lead-free Product

    ead free dsplay promotesenronmentally sound recoery

    and dsposal of waste from electrcaland electronc equpment. Toxcsubstances lke ead has been elmnatedand complance wth uropean communtysstrngent os drecte mandatng restrctonson hazardous substances n electrcal andelectronc equpment hae been adhered ton order to make Phlps montors safe to use

    throughout ts lfe cycle.

    Congratulations!Ths dsplay s desgned for both you and theplanet

    The dsplay you hae just purchasedcarres the TC Certfed label.Ths ensures that your dsplay s

    desgned manufactured and tested accordng tosome of the strctest qualty and enronmentalrequrements n the world. Ths makes for a hgh

    performance product desgned wth the usern focus that also mnmzes the mpact on theclmate and our natural enronment.

    TC Certfed s a thrd party erfed programwhere eery product model s tested by anaccredted mpar tal test laboratory. TCCertfed represents one of the toughestcertfcatons for dsplays worldwde.

    Some of the Usability features of the TCOCertified for displays:

    v sual ergonomcs for good mage qualtys tested to ensure top performance andreduce sght and stran problems. mportantparameters are lumnance contrastresoluton black leel gamma cure colourand lumnance unformty and colourrenderng.

    v Products are tested accordng to rgorous

    safety standards at mpartal laboratores.

    v lectrc and magnetc felds emssons aslow as normal household backgroundleels.

    v ow acoustc nose emssons (whenapplcable).

    Some of the Enironmental features of theTCO Certified for displays:

    v The brand owner demonstrates corporatesocal responsblty and has a certfedenronmental management system (MASor S 14001).

    v ery low energy consumpton both n on-and standby mode mnmze clmate mpact.

    v estrctons on chlornated and bromnated

    flame retardants plastczers plastcs andheay metals such as cadmum mercuryand lead (oS complance).

    v Both product and product packagng sprepared for recyclng.

    v The brand owner offers take-back optons.

    The requrements can be downloaded from ourweb ste. The requrements ncluded n ths labelhae been deeloped by TC Deelopment n

    co-operaton wth scentsts experts users aswell as manufacturers all oer the world. Sncethe end of the 1980s TC has been noledn nfluencng the deelopment of T equpmentn a more user-frendly drecton. ur labelngsystem started wth dsplays n 1992 and snow requested by users and T-manufacturersall oer the world. About 0% of all dsplaysworldwde are TC certfed.

    For more nformaton please st:www.tcodeelopment.com

    TCF108 TC Document er. 2.1

    Technology for you and the planet

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    . egulatory Infomation



    The PAT (lectronc Productnronmental Assessment Tool)program ealuates computerdesktops laptops and montors

    based on 1 enronmental crtera deelopedthrough an extense stakeholder consensusprocess supported by S PA.

    PAT system helps purchasers n the publcand prate sectors ealuate compare andselect desktop computers notebooks andmontors based on ther enronmentalattrbutes. PAT also prodes a clear andconsstent set of performance crtera for thedesgn of products and prodes an opportuntyfor manufacturers to secure market recogntonfor efforts to reduce the enronmental mpactof ts products.

    Benefits of EPEAT

    educe use of prmary materalseduce use of toxc materals

    Aod the dsposal of hazardous waste PATS

    requrement that all regstered products meetN STAs energy effcency specfcatonsmeans that these products wll consume lessenergy throughout ther lfe.

    CE Declaration of Conformity

    Ths product s n conformty wth the followngstandards

    v N6090-1:2006 (Safety requrement ofnformaton Technology qupment).

    v N022:2006 (ado Dsturbancerequrement of nformaton Technologyqupment).

    v N024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003(mmunty requrement of nformatonTechnology qupment).

    v N61000-3-2:2006 (mts for armoncCurrent msson).

    v N61000-3-3:199+A1:2001+A2:200

    (mtaton of oltage Fluctuaton andFlcker) followng prosons of drectesapplcable.

    v 2006/9/C (ow oltage Drecte).

    v 2004/108/C (MC Drecte).

    v 200/32/C (uP Drecte C No.127/2008 mplementng Drectefor Standby and ff mode powerconsumpton) and s produced by a

    manufacturng organzaton on S9000leel.

    The product also comply wth the followngstandards

    v S9241-307:2008 (rgonomcrequrement Analyss and complance testmethods for electronc sual dsplays).

    v S K1-2000:2009 (S mark requrement).

    v prN0279:1998 (ow Frequency lectrcand Magnetc felds for sual Dsplay).

    v MP- (MP:1990:8/1990:10 owFrequency lectrc and Magnetc felds).

    v TC CTFD (equrement fornronment abelng of rgonomcsnergy cology and msson TC: SwedshConfederaton of Professonal mployees)for TC ersons.

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    . egulatory Infomation

    Energy Star Declaration


    As an N STA Partner wehae determned that ths productmeets the N STAgudelnes for energy effcency.

    Notee recommend you swtch off the montorwhen t s not n use for a long tme.

    Federal Communications Commission (FCC)Notice (U.S. Only)

    Ths equpment has been tested and foundto comply wth the lmts for a Class B dgtal

    dece pursuant to Part 1 of the FCCules. These lmts are desgned to prodereasonable protecton aganst harmfulnterference n a resdental nstallaton.Ths equpment generates uses and canradate rado frequency energy and f notnstalled and used n accordance wth thenstructons may cause harmful nterference

    to rado communcatons.

    oweer there s no guarantee thatnterference wll not occur n a partcularnstallaton. f ths equpment does causeharmful nterference to rado or telesonrecepton whch can be determned by

    turnng the equpment off and on theuser s encouraged to try to correct

    the nterference by one or more of thefollowng measures:

    v eorent or relocate the receng antenna.v ncrease the separaton between the

    equpment and receer.

    v Connect the equpment nto an outlet ona crcut dfferent from that to whch thereceer s connected.

    v Consult the dealer or an experencedrado/T techncan for help.

    Changes or modfcatons not expresslyapproed by the party responsble forcomplance could od the user's authorty

    to operate the equpment.

    se only F shelded cable that was suppledwth the montor when connectng ths montor

    to a computer dece.

    To preent damage whch may result n fre orshock hazard do not expose ths applance toran or excesse mosture.


    FCC Declaration of Conformity

    Declaraton of Conformty for Products Markedwth FCC ogo

    United States Only

    Ths dece comples wth Part 1 of the FCC

    ules. peraton s subject to the followng twocondtons: (1) ths dece may not cause harmfulnterference and (2) ths dece must accept anynterference receed ncludng nterference thatmay cause undesred operaton.

    Commission Federale de la Communication(FCC Declaration)

    Cet qupement a t test et dclarconforme auxlmtes des apparels

    numrques de class Baux termes del'artcle 1 Des rgles de la FCC. Ceslmtes sont conues de faon fourrune protecton rasonnable contre lesnterfrences nusbles dans le cadre d'unenstallaton rsdentelle.

    CT apparel produt utlse et peut mettredes hyperfrquences qu s l'apparel n'estpas nstall et utls selon les consgnesdonnes peuent causer des nterfrencesnusbles aux communcatons rado.

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    . egulatory Infomation

    Cependant ren ne peut garantr l'absenced'nterfrences dans le cadre d'unenstallaton partculre. S cet apparel estla cause d'nterfrences nusbles pourla rcepton des sgnaux de rado ou de

    tlson ce qu peut tre dcel en

    fermant l'qupement pus en le remettanten foncton l'utlsateur pourrat essayer decorrger la stuaton en prenant les mesuressuantes:

    v orenter ou dplacer lantenne dercepton.

    v Augmenter la dstance entre lqupementet le rcepteur.

    v Brancher lqupement sur un autre crcut

    que celu utls par le rcepteur.v Demander lade du marchand ou dun

    techncen cheronn en rado/tlson.

    Toutes modfcatons n'ayant pas reul'approbaton des serces comptentsen matre de conformt est susceptbled'nterdre l'utlsateur l'usage du prsentqupement.

    N'utlser que des cbles F arms pourles connectons aec des ordnateurs ouprphrques.


    EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only)

    Polish Center for Testing and CertificationNotice

    The equpment should draw power from asocket wth an attached protecton crcut (a

    three-prong socket). All equpment that workstogether (computer montor prnter and so on)should hae the same power supply source.

    The phasng conductor of the room's electrcalnstallaton should hae a resere short-crcutprotecton dece n the form of a fuse wth anomnal alue no larger than 16 amperes (A).

    To completely swtch off the equpment thepower supply cable must be remoed from thepower supply socket whch should be locatednear the equpment and easly accessble.

    A protecton mark "B" confrms that the

    equpment s n complance wth the protectonusage requrements of standards PN-93/T-42107and PN-89/-0621.

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    . egulatory Infomation

    North Europe (Nordic Countries) Information



    Pakka/lmankertoVAROITUS:STA AT STN TT KKT



    BSMI Notice (Taiwan Only)

    Ergonomie Hinweis (nur Deutschland)

    Der on uns geleferte Farbmontor entsprchtden n der "erordnung ber den Schutz orSchden durch ntgenstrahlen" festgelegtenorschrften.

    Auf der ckwand des ertes befndet schen Aufkleber der auf de nbedenklchket dernbetrebnahme hnwest da de orschrftenber de Bauart on Strstrahlern nach Anlage,,,i$EVGHU5QWJHQYHURUGQXQJHUIOOWVLQG

    Damt hr Montor mmer den n der Zulassunggeforderten erten entsprcht st darauf zuachten da

    1. eparaturen nur durch Fachpersonal

    durchgefhrt werden.2. nur orgnal-rsatztele erwendet werden.

    3. be rsatz der Bldrhre nur enebauartgleche engebaut wrd.

    Aus ergonomschen rnden wrd empfohlende rundfarben Blau und ot ncht aufdunklem ntergrund zu erwenden (schlechteesbarket und erhhte Augenbelastung be zugerngem Zechenkontrast wren de Folge).

    Der arbetsplatzbezogene Schalldruckpegelnach DN 4 63 betrgt 70dB (A) oderwenger.


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    . egulatory Infomation

    China RoHS

    The People's epublc of Chna released aregulaton called "Management Methods forControllng Polluton by lectronc nformatonProducts" or commonly referred to as ChnaoS. All products ncludng CT and Montor

    whch are produced and sold for Chna markethae to meet Chna oS request.

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    8. Customer care and warranty

    8. Customer care and


    8.1 Philips Flat Panel Monitors Pixel

    Defect PolicyPhlps stres to deler the hghest qualtyproducts. e use some of the ndustry's mostadanced manufacturng processes and practcestrngent qualty control. oweer pxel orsub pxel defects on the TFT Montor panelsused n flat panel montors are sometmesunaodable. No manufacturer can guarantee

    that all panels wll be free from pxel defects

    but Phlps guarantees that any montor wth anunacceptable number of defects wll be reparedor replaced under warranty. Ths notce explans

    the dfferent types of pxel defects and defnesacceptable defect leels for each type. n order

    to qualfy for repar or replacement underwarranty the number of pxel defects on a TFTMontor panel must exceed these acceptableleels. For example no more than 0.0004% of

    the sub pxels on a montor may be defecte.

    Furthermore Phlps sets een hgher qualtystandards for certan types or combnatonsof pxel defects that are more notceable thanothers. Ths polcy s ald worldwde.

    Pixels and Sub pixels

    A pxel or pcture element s composed ofthree sub pxels n the prmary colors of redgreen and blue. Many pxels together form anmage. hen all sub pxels of a pxel are lt the

    three colored sub pxels together appear as a

    sngle whte pxel. hen all are dark the threecolored sub pxels together appear as a sngle

    black pxel. ther combnatons of lt and darksub pxels appear as sngle pxels of other colors.

    Types of Pixel Defects

    Pxel and sub pxel defects appear on the screenn dfferent ways. There are two categores of

    pxel defects and seeral types of sub pxeldefects wthn each category.

    Bright Dot Defects

    Brght dot defects appear as pxels or sub pxelsthat are always lt or 'on'. That s a brght dot sa sub-pxel that stands out on the screen when

    the montor dsplays a dark pattern. There arethe types of brght dot defects.

    ne lt red green or blue sub pxel.

    Two adjacent lt sub pxels:- ed + Blue = Purple

    - ed + reen = ellow- reen + Blue = Cyan (ght Blue)

    Three adjacent lt sub pxels (one whte pxel).

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    8. Customer care and warranty

    NoteA red or blue brght dot must be morethan 0percent brghter than neghborng dots whlea green brght dot s 30 percent brghter thanneghborng dots.

    Black Dot DefectsBlack dot defects appear as pxels or sub pxels

    that are always dark or 'off'. That s a dark dot sa sub-pxel that stands out on the screen when

    the montor dsplays a lght pattern. These arethe types of black dot defects.

    Proximity of Pixel Defects

    Because pxel and sub pxels defects of thesame type that are near to one another may bemore notceable Phlps also specfes tolerancesfor the proxmty of pxel defects.

    Pixel Defect Tolerances

    n order to qualfy for repar or replacementdue to pxel defects durng the warranty peroda TFT Montor panel n a Phlps flat panelmontor must hae pxel or sub pxel defectsexceedng the tolerances lsted n the followng



    1 lt subpxel 32 adjacent lt subpxels 13 adjacent lt subpxels (one whte pxel) 0Dstance between two brght dot defects* >1mmTotal brght dot defects of all types 3


    1 dark subpxel or fewer

    2 adjacent dark subpxels 2 or fewer 3 adjacent dark subpxels 0Dstance between two black dot defects* >1mmTotal black dot defects of all types or fewer


    Total brght or black dot defects of all types or fewer


    1. 1 or 2 adjacent sub pxel defects = 1 dot defect

    2. Ths montor s S9241-307 complant (S9241-307: rgonomc requrementanalyss andcomplance test methods for electronc sual dsplays)

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    8. Customer care and warranty

    8.2 Customer Care & Warranty

    For warranty coerage nformaton and addtonal support requrement ald for your regon please stwww.phlps.com/support webste for detals. ou may also contact your local Phlps Customer CareCenter number lsted below.

    Contact Information for WESTERN EUROPE region:

    Country ASC Consumer care number Price

    ermany Semens &S +49 01803 386 83 0.09

    nted Kngdom nec Scotland +44 0207 949 0069 ocal call tarff

    reland nec Scotland +33 01 601 1161 ocal call tarff

    Span atsa Span +34 902 888 78 0.10

    Fnland A-noo +38 09 2290 1908 ocal call tarff

    France A-noo +33 082161 168 0.09

    reece Allman ellas +30 00800 3122 1223 Free of charge

    taly A-noo +39 840 320 041 0.08

    Netherlands Care +31 0900 0400 063 0.10

    Denmark A-noo +4 32 8761 ocal call tarff

    Norway A-noo +47 2270 820 ocal call tarff

    Sweden A-noo +46 08 632 0016 ocal call tarff

    Poland Zolter +48 02234910 ocal call tarff

    Austra Semens &S +43 0810 000206 0.07Belgum Care +32 078 2081 0.06

    uxembourg Care +32 26 84 30 00 ocal call tarff

    Por tugal atsa Span +31 2 139 1440 ocal call tarff

    Swtzerland A-noo +41 02 2310 2116 ocal call tarff

  • 7/27/2019 227e3lhsu 27 Dfu Aen



    8. Customer care and warranty

    Contact Information for CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE region:

    Country Call center ASC Consumer care number

    Belarus NA BA +37 17 217 3386

    Bulgara NA AN Serce +39 2 960 2360

    Croata NA enoprom +38 1 333 0974

    stona NA FTS +372 619900

    ata NA SerceNet td. +371 7460399

    thuana NA AB "Sercenet" +370 7400088

    omana NA Blue dge ntl. +40 21 2101969

    Serba &Montenegro

    NA Km Tec d.o.o. +381 11 20 70 684

    Sloena NA PC .and +386 1 30 08 24

    krane NA Comel +380 6232004NA Topaz-Serce Company +38 044 24 73 31

    ussaNA CPS +7 (49) 64 6746 (for repar)

    NA C Partners +7 (49) 64 3010 (for sales)

    Sloaka NA Datalan Serce +421 2 492071

    Turkey NA Techpro +90 212 444 4 832

    Czech ep. NA Asupport 800 100 697

    ungary NA Serware +36 1 2426331NA Prof Serce +36 1 814 8080

    Contact Information for LATIN AMERICA region:

    Country Call center Consumer care number



    Argentna 0800 3330 86

    Contact Information for China:

    ChnaConsumer care number : 4008 800 008

    Contact Information for NORTH AMERICA :

    Country Call center ASC Consumer care number

    .S.A. TS Teleplan (877) 83-1838

    Canada Supercom Supercom (800)479-6696

  • 7/27/2019 227e3lhsu 27 Dfu Aen



    8. Customer care and warranty

    Contact Information for APMEA region:

    Country Call center ASC Consumer care number

    Australa NA AS NTK PT TD 1300 360 386

    New Zealand NA sual roup td. 0800 67447

    ong Kong /

    MacauNA Smart Pxels Technology td.

    ong Kong:Tel: +82 2619 9639

    Macau:Tel: (83)-0800-987

    nda NA DNTN NDA TDTel: 1 800 42 6396SMS: PPS to 6677

    ndonesa NA PT. adngsar elektronka PrmaTel: 62 21 790903 79090671130

    South Korea NA PCS ne Korea td. 080-600-6600

    Malaysa NAAfter Market Solutons (C)Sdn Bhd

    603 793 3370

    Pakstan NA Phlps Consumer Serce (9221) 2737411-16

    Sngapore NAPhlps lectroncs SngaporePte td (Phlps Consumer CareCenter)

    (6) 6882 3999


    FTC.C 0800-231-099

    Thaland NA Axs Computer System Co. td. (662) 934-498

    South Afrca NA Sylara Technologes Pty td 086 0000 888

    nted Arabmrates

    NA A SAD CMPT ..C 00971 4 22762

    srael NA astroncs TD 1-800-67000

    etnam NAFPT Serce nformatcCompany td.

    +84 8 38248007 o Ch Mnh Cty+84 113.62666 Danang Cty+84 113.62666 Can tho Pronce

    Phlppnes NA lee lectroncs nc.(02) 633-433 to 34(02) 637-69 to 60

    Sr anka NA no dstrbutor and/or serceproder currently

    Bangladesh NADstrbutor: Computer Sourcetd (warranty buy-out)

    880-2-9141747 912792880-2-8128848 / 2

    Nepal NADstrbutor: Syakar Co. td(warranty buy-out)


    Camboda NADstrbutor: Neat TechnologyPte td (Sngapore) (warrantybuy-out)


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    9. Troubleshooting & As

    9. Troubleshooting & FAQs

    9.1 Troubleshooting

    Ths page deals wth problems that can be

    corrected by a user. f the problem stll persstsafter you hae tred these solutons contactPhlps customer serce representate.

    Common Problems

    No Picture (Power LED not lit)

    v Make sure the power cord s plugged ntothe power outlet and nto the back of themontor.

    v Frst ensure that the power button on thefront of the montor s n the FF poston

    then press t to the N poston.

    No Picture (Power LED is White)

    v Make sure the computer s turned on.

    v Make sure the sgnal cable s properlyconnected to your computer.

    v Make sure the montor cable has no bent

    pns on the connect sde. f yes repar orreplace the cable.

    v The nergy Sang feature may be actated

    Screen says


    Check cable connecton

    v Make sure the montor cable s properlyconnected to your computer. (Also refer to

    the uck Start ude).

    v Check to see f the montor cable has bentpns.

    v Make sure the computer s turned on.

    AUTO button doesn't function

    v The auto functon s applcable only n

    A-Analog mode. f the result s not

    satsfactory you can do manual adjustmentsa the SD menu.


    The Auto Functon s not applcable n D-Dgtal mode as t s not necessary.

    Visible signs of smoke or sparks

    v Do not perform any troubleshootng steps

    v Dsconnect the montor from mans powersource mmedately for safety

    v Contact wth Phlps customer sercerepresentate mmedately.

    Imaging Problems

    Image is not centered

    v Adjust the mage poston usng the Autofuncton n SD Man Controls.

    v Adjust the mage poston usng the Phase/Clock of Setup n SD Man Controls. t sald only n A mode.

    Image ibrates on the screen

    v Check that the sgnal cable s properlysecurely connected to the graphcs board

    or PC.Vertical flicker appears

    v Adjust the mage usng the Auto functonn SD Man Controls.

    v lmnate the ertcal bars usng the Phase/

    Clock of Setup n SD Man Controls. t sald only n A mode.

    Horizontal flicker appears

    v Adjust the mage usng the Auto functonn SD Man Controls.

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    9. Troubleshooting & As

    correspondng companes web ste.nstall the drer. emoe SmartControlte and re-nstall t once more.f t s stll not workng we are sorry that

    the graphc adaptor s not supported.Please st Phlps webste and check f

    an updated SmartControl te drer saalable.

    Q4. When I click on Product Information,only partial information is shown, whathappened?

    Ans.: t mght be your graphc card adaptordrer s not the most updated ersonwhch fully supportng DDC/C nterface.Please try to download the most

    updated graphc adaptor drer fromcorrespondng companes web ste. nstallthe drer. emoe SmartControl te andre-nstall t once more.


    Theft mode enabled

    Q5. I forgot my PIN for Theft DeterrenceFunction. What can I do?

    Ans.: Phlps Serce center has a rght to ask forlegtmate dentfcaton and authorzatonn order to establsh ownershp of themontor.Please note that the ant-theft deterrencefuncton s proded as a conenent freeopton. Managng PN numbers s thesole responsblty of the nddual user or

    the organzaton who sets t. n case thePN number s forgotten Phlps sercecenter can re-set t for you at a nomnalcharge after erfcaton of ownershp.Please note that ths actty s notcoered by standard warranty terms.

    9.3 General FAQs

    Q1: When I install my monitor what shouldI do if the screen shows 'Cannot displaythis ideo mode'?

    Ans.: ecommended resoluton for ths

    montor: 1920 x 1080 @ 60 z.v nplug all cables then connect your PC to

    the montor that you used preously.

    v n the ndows Start Menu select Settngs/Control Panel. n the Control Panelndow select the Dsplay con. nsde theDsplay Control Panel select the 'Settngs'

    tab. nder the settng tab n box labelled'desktop area' moe the sdebar to 1920 x

    1080 pxels.v pen 'Adanced Propertes' and set theefresh ate to 60 z then clck K.

    v estart your computer and repeat step 2and 3 to erfy that your PC s set at 1920x 1080 @ 60 z.

    v Shut down your computer dsconnect yourold montor and reconnect your PhlpsCD montor.

    v Turn on your montor and then turn onyour PC.

    Q2: What is the recommended refresh ratefor LCD monitor?

    Ans.: ecommended refresh rate n CDmontors s 60 z n case of anydsturbance on screen you can set tup to 7 z to see f that remoes thedsturbance.

    Q3: What are the .inf and .icm files on theCD-ROM? How do I install the driers(.inf and .icm)?

    Ans.: These are the drer fles for yourmontor. Follow the nstructons n youruser manual to nstall the drers. ourcomputer may ask you for montordrers (.nf and .cm fles) or a drer dskwhen you frst nstall your montor. Follow

    the nstructons to nsert the ( companonCD-M) ncluded n ths package.

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    9. Troubleshooting & As

    Montor drers (.nf and .cm fles) wll benstalled automatcally.

    Q4: How do I adjust the resolution?Ans.: our deo card/graphc drer and

    montor together determne the aalableresolutons. ou can select the desredresoluton under ndows ControlPanel wth the "Dsplay propertes".

    Q5: What if I get lost when I am makingmonitor adjustments ia OSD?

    Ans.: Smply press the OK button then select'eset' to recall all of the orgnal factorysettngs.

    Q6: Is the LCD screen resistant to scratches?

    Ans.: n general t s recommended that thepanel surface s not subjected to excesseshocks and s protected from sharp orblunt objects. hen handlng the montormake sure that there s no pressure orforce appled to the panel surface sde.Ths may affect your warranty condtons.

    Q7: How should I clean the LCD surface?Ans.: For normal cleanng use a clean soft

    cloth. For extense cleanng please usesopropyl alcohol. Do not use othersolents such as ethyl alcohol ethanolacetone hexane etc.

    Q8: Can I change the color setting of my


    Ans.: es you can change your color settngthrough SD control as the followngprocedures

    v Press "K" to show the SD (n ScreenDsplay) menu

    v Press "Down Arrow" to select the opton"Color" then press "K" to enter colorsettng there are three settngs as below.

    1. Color Temperature; th settngs n the600K range the panel appears "warmwth a red-whte color tone" whle a9300K temperature yelds "cool blue-

    whte tonng".

    2. sB; ths s a standard settng forensurng correct exchange of colorsbetween dfferent dece (e.g. dgtalcameras montors prnters scannersetc)

    3. ser Defne; the user can choose hs/

    her preference color settng by adjustngred green blue color.

    NoteA measurement of the color of lght radatedby an object whle t s beng heated. Thsmeasurement s expressed n terms ofabsolute scale (degrees Keln). ower Ken

    temperatures such as 2004K are red; hghertemperatures such as 9300K are blue. Neutraltemperature s whte at 604K.

    Q9: Can I connect my LCD monitor to anyPC, workstation or Mac?

    Ans.: es. All Phlps CD montors are fullycompatble wth standard PCs Macsand workstatons. ou may need a cableadapter to connect the montor to yourMac system. Please contact your Phlps

    sales representate for more nformaton.Q10: Are Philips LCD monitors Plug-and-

    Play?Ans.: es the montors are Plug-and-Play

    compatble wth ndows 7/sta/P/NTMac S nux

    Q11: What is Image Sticking, or Image Burn-in,or After Image, or Ghost Image in LCDpanels?

    Ans.: nnterrupted dsplay of stll or statcmages oer an extended perod maycause "burn n" also known as "after-magng" or "ghost magng" on yourscreen. "Burn-n" "after-magng" or "ghostmagng" s a well-known phenomenon nCD panel technology. n most cases the"burned n" or "atter-magng" or "ghostmagng" wll dsappear gradually oer aperod of tme after the power has beenswtched off.

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    9. Troubleshooting & As

    Always actate a mong screen saerprogram when you leae your montorunattended.Always actate a perodc screen refreshapplcaton f your CD montor wlldsplay unchangng statc content.

    WarningSeere"burn-n" or "after-mage" or "ghost mage"symptoms wll not dsappear and cannot berepared. The damage mentoned aboe s notcoered under your warranty.

    Q12: Why is my Display not showing sharptext, and is displaying jagged characters?

    Ans.: our CD montor works best at ts nate

    resoluton of 1920 x 1080 @ 60 z. Forbest dsplay please use ths resoluton.

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