Advertising Campaign: “This is Where” Carolyn Willis My purpose was to create an advertising campaign that convinced high schoolers to vis- it the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus. Before creating the campaign, I surveyed students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to evaluate the influence an official Uni- versity of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) campus visit on high school students’ college deci- sion processes. The results of this survey overwhelmingly indicate that campus visits increase positive perceptions of the university. Not surprisingly, therefore, the purpose of the accompany- ing advertising campaign is to convince high schoolers to visit UNL’s campus. The cam- paign is entitled “This Is Where.” It features three current UNL students standing where they made their college decision. The banner text of each ad reads “This is where I de- cided to be a Husker.” The back of the ad challenges recipients to answer the question “Where will you decide?” Directly underneath is a UNL logo and web addresses that lead directly to visit signups and the University's social media platforms. These ads are designed to make students consider, “If that student found a spot on Nebraska’s cam- pus, why can’t I?” This thought should lead high schoolers to apply for campus visits and therefore, enhance their perceptions of the university that I and thousands of others are proud to call home.

%22This is Where%22

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Advertising Campaign: “This is Where” Carolyn Willis

My purpose was to create an advertising campaign that convinced high schoolers to vis-it the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus. Before creating the campaign, I surveyed students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to evaluate the influence an official Uni-versity of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) campus visit on high school students’ college deci-sion processes. 

The results of this survey overwhelmingly indicate that campus visits increase positive perceptions of the university. Not surprisingly, therefore, the purpose of the accompany-ing advertising campaign is to convince high schoolers to visit UNL’s campus. The cam-paign is entitled “This Is Where.” It features three current UNL students standing where they made their college decision. The banner text of each ad reads “This is where I de-cided to be a Husker.” The back of the ad challenges recipients to answer the question “Where will you decide?” Directly underneath is a UNL logo and web addresses that lead directly to visit signups and the University's social media platforms. These ads are designed to make students consider, “If that student found a spot on Nebraska’s cam-pus, why can’t I?” This thought should lead high schoolers to apply for campus visits and therefore, enhance their perceptions of the university that I and thousands of others are proud to call home.

Advertising Campaign: “This is Where” Carolyn Willis

Advertising Campaign: “This is Where” Carolyn Willis