24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc

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  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc





    Individual-Level Factors and Orani!ational

    Per"or#ance in $overn#ent Orani!ations%an#oo& 'i#%eoul (ational )niversit* o" Tec+nolo*


    In t+is .ournal/ Raine* and %tein0auer roosed a t+eor* o" e""ective overn#ent

    orani!ations/ and ,reer and %elden conducted an e#irical stud* it+ data "ro# t+e

    1336 erit Princiles %urve* t+at con"ir#ed #ost +*ot+esi!ed relations+is in t+e

    t+eoretical #odel o" orani!ational er"or#ance Folloin t+ese studies/ t+is stud*"ocuses

    onl* on t+e individual-level "actors/ suc+ as .o0 satis"action/ a""ective co##it#ent/ u0lic

    service #otivation/ and orani!ational citi!ens+i 0e+avior It e#iricall* tests t+e e""ects


    t+ese varia0les on orani!ational er"or#ance in t+e u0lic sector o" 'orea +en t+e


    data o" 1/783 u0lic e#lo*ees in overn#ent aencies ere anal*!ed/ t+e +*ot+esi!ed

    relations+is in t+e roosed #odel ere con"ir#ed I discuss t+e surve* results in li+t o"

    revious studies/ eseciall* t+ose o" ,reer and %elden

    In t+is .ournal/ Raine* and %tein0auer 91333 roosed a t+eor* o" e""ectiveovern#ent

    orani!ations/ urin t+at t+is t+eor* 0e tested e#iricall*; ,reer and %elden 92>rous o"


    +o roduce desired oods or services at +i+er ?ualit* it+ t+e sa#e or "eer


    9133/ 11 $ood u0lic e#lo*ees #a* 0e i#ained to +ave suc+ c+aracteristics as

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc



    satis"action it+ t+eir .o0s/ +i+ co##it#ent to t+e orani!ation/ +i+ #otivation to


    t+e u0lic/ and stron intentions to or& "or t+e orani!ation illinl* and devotedl*


    assu#e t+at u0lic e#lo*ees it+ t+ese c+aracteristics ill contri0ute to

    orani!ationaler"or#ance and t+us t+at individual-level "actors ill ositivel* a""ect


    er"or#ance I ill discuss t+e individual-level "actors and develo t+e #odel t+at


    I ould li&e to t+an& t+e anon*#ous revieers "or t+e use"ul suestions and co##ents rovided t+rou+ t+e revierocess Address corresondence to t+e aut+or at s#oo&Bsnutac&r


  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    246 Journal o" Pu0lic Ad#inistration Researc+ and T+eor*

    Fiure 1

    T+eoretical odel o" Individual-Level Factors and Orani!ational Per"or#ance

    t+e# to orani!ational-level er"or#ance T+en I ill e#iricall*test t+e +*ot+esi!ed


    First o" all/ t+is researc+ revies recent e""orts on individual-

    level "actors/ +ic+

    see# to 0e i#ortant to redict orani!ational er"or#ance

    %econd/ I e=lore t+e t+eo-

    retical #odel redictin orani!ational er"or#ance it+

    individual-level varia0les T+ird/

    I oerationali!e and test t+e #odel it+ data "ro# t+e surve*

    conducted 0* Par&/ 'an/'on/ and 'i# 92

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    It s+ould 0e noted t+at t+e nature o" t+e causal direction is

    de0ata0le Orani!ational

    er"or#ance could lead to satis"action and co##it#ent/ in t+at

    u0lic e#lo*ees in +i+er-

    er"or#in orani!ations 0eco#e #ore satis"ied/ co##itted/ and#otivated t+an t+ose in

    orani!ations it+ oor er"or#ance In t+is stud*/ onl* t+e si#le

    relations+i 0eteen t+e

    to ill 0e investiated

    Jo0 %atis"action

    Jo0 satis"action is de"ined as >>a leasura0le or ositive e#otional

    state/ resultin "ro# t+e

    araisal o" one@s .o0 or .o0 e=eriences@@ 9Loc&e 1376/ 18

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    'i# Individual-Level Factors and Orani!ational

    Per"or#ance 247

    orani!ational citi!ens+i 0e+avior/ orani!ational co##it#ent/ li"e

    satis"action/ #ental

    +ealt+/ and .o0 er"or#ance It is neativel* related to a0senteeis#/

    turnover/ and er-

    ceived stress 9Jude et al 2

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    so#et+in 0e*ond #ere assive lo*alt* to an orani!ation It involves

    an active rela-

    tions+i it+ t+e orani!ation/ suc+ t+at individuals are illin to ive

    so#et+in o"

    t+e#selves in order to contri0ute to t+e orani!ation@s ell 0ein

    Gence/ co##it#ent1could 0e in"erred not onl* "ro# t+e e=ressions o" an individual@s

    0elie"s and oinions 0ut

    also "ro# +is or +er actions 9oda*/ %teers/ and Porter 1373 It can

    0e c+aracteri!ed 0*

    at least t+ree "actors: 9a a stron 0elie" in/ and accetance o"/ t+e

    orani!ation@s oals and

    values; 90 a illinness to e=ert considera0le e""ort on 0e+al" o" t+e

    orani!ation; and 9c

    a stron desire to #aintain #e#0ers+i in t+e orani!ation 9Porter et al

    1374/ 6>c+aracter/@@


    >>distinctive co#etence/@@ >>essence/@@ >>reutation/@@ and >>stron culture@@ For a use"ul revie o" t+e#udd*concetual aters surroundin t+e concet o" orani!ational co##it#ent/ see DiIulio 91334

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    24 Journal o" Pu0lic Ad#inistration Researc+ and T+eor*

    A""ective co##it#ent re"ers to t+e e#lo*ee@s e#otional

    attac+#ent to/ identi"ication

    it+/ and involve#ent in t+e orani!ation ontinuanceco##it#ent re"ers to an

    aareness o" t+e costs associated it+ leavin t+e orani!ation

    (or#ative co##it#ent

    re ects a "eelin o" o0liation to continue e#lo*#ent O@Reill*

    and +at#an 9136 also

    develoed a scale to #easure t+ree de"initions o" co##it#ent/

    includin co#liance/

    identi"ication/ and internali!ation co##it#ent ,al"our and

    ec+sler 91336 distinuis+ed

    t+e t+ree di#ensions o" orani!ational co##it#ent as a""iliation/

    identi"ication/ ande=c+ane co##it#ent Goever/ e#irical studies +ave not *et

    s+on sini"icant suort

    "or usin a t+ree-di#ensional de"inition o" orani!ational

    co##it#ent 9Allen and e*er


  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    continuance co##it#ent

    +ave loer er"or#ance ratins 9Anle and Lason 1334; %+ore

    and a*ne 1338

    T+e e#irical results suort t+e i#ortance o" a""ective

    co##it#ent in t+e u0lic

    orani!ation 9Liou and (*+an 1334; Ro#!e& 133/ 133

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    ill see& #e#0ers+i in a

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    'i# Individual-Level Factors and Orani!ational

    Per"or#ance 243

    u0lic orani!ation %econd/ in u0lic orani!ations/ u0lic sector

    #otivation is ositivel*

    related to er"or#ance T+ird/ u0lic orani!ations t+at attract #e#0ers

    it+ +i+ levels o"

    u0lic sector #otivation are li&el* to 0e less deendent on utilitarian

    incentives to #anae

    individual er"or#ance e""ectivel* Perr* 91336 develoed a surve*

    instru#ent to

    #easure si= +*ot+esi!ed di#ensions o" u0lic service #otivation:

    attraction to olic*

    #a&in/ co#assion/ sel"-sacri"ice/ co##it#ent to t+e u0lic interest/

    social .ustice/ and

    civic dut*Accordin to Raine* 9132 and itt#er 91331/ u0lic

    e#lo*ees lace a +i+er

    value on +elin ot+ers and er"or#in or& t+at is ort++ile to

    societ* reson 91337

    "ound t+at u0lic sector e#lo*ees rate a "eelin o" acco#lis+#ent

    and er"or#in or&

    +el"ul to societ* and to ot+ers as #ore i#ortant .o0 c+aracteristics

    t+an do rivate sector

    e#lo*ees (a"" and ru# 91333 "ound a sini"icant relations+i

    0eteen u0lic service

    #otivation and "ederal e#lo*ees@ .o0 satis"action/ er"or#ance/intention to re#ain in t+e

    overn#ent/ and suort "or t+e overn#ent@s reinvention e""orts

    Gouston 92

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    0eteen u0lic service #otivation and orani!ational er"or#ance

    Orani!ational iti!ens+i ,e+avior

    Orani!ational citi!ens+i 0e+avior +as 0een de"ined as >>individual

    0e+avior t+at is

    discretionar*/ not directl* or e=licitl* reconi!ed 0* t+e "or#al reards*ste#/ and t+at in

    t+e areate ro#otes t+e e""icient and e""ective "unctionin o" t+e

    orani!ation@@ 9Oran

    13/ 4 Orani!ational citi!ens+i 0e+aviors include or&in 0e*ond

    re?uired .o0 duties

    9suc+ as assistin ot+ers it+ t+eir tas&s/ ro#otin a ositive or&


    avoidin unnecessar* con icts/ 0ein involved in orani!ational

    activities/ and er"or#in

    tas&s 0e*ond nor#al role re?uire#ents T+e ractical i#ortance o"

    orani!ational citi-!ens+i 0e+avior is t+at suc+ 0e+aviors i#rove e""icienc* and

    e""ectiveness in 0ot+ u0lic

    and rivate orani!ations

    %#it+/ Oran/ and (ear 9138 used si=teen ite#s "or #easurin

    citi!ens+i 0e+avior/

    +ic+ consists o" to "airl* interreta0le and distinct "actorsaltruis#

    and enerali!ed

    co#liance Altruis# is de"ined as +elin coor&ers ersonall*/ suc+

    as assistin a

    coor&er to li"t a +eav* load $enerali!ed co#liance is i#ersonal

    +el"ul 0e+avior/ suc+

    as 0ein on ti#e and not astin ti#e on t+e .o0

    Oran 913 roosed "ive cateories o" orani!ational

    citi!ens+i 0e+avior

    onscientiousness #eans t+at e#lo*ees carr* out in-role 0e+aviors

    ell 0e*ond t+e

    #ini#u# re?uired levels Altruis# i#lies t+at t+e* ive +el to ot+ers

    ivic virtue

    suests t+at e#lo*ees resonsi0l* articiate in t+e olitical li"e o"

    t+e orani!ation

    %orts#ans+i indicates t+at eole do not co#lain and +ave ositiveattitudes ourtes*

    #eans t+at t+e* treat ot+ers it+ resect

    It +as 0een arued t+at orani!ational citi!ens+i 0e+aviors

    "acilitate orani!ational

    er"or#ance 0* lu0ricatin t+e social #ac+iner* o" orani!ations

    9%#it+/ Oran/ and (ear

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    25< Journal o" Pu0lic Ad#inistration Researc+ and T+eor*

    138/ 654 Goever/ in contrast to t+e nu#erous studies e=lorin

    t+e antecedents o"

    orani!ational citi!ens+i 0e+avior/ in relativel* "e studies +avesc+olars investiated

    t+e relations+i 0eteen citi!ens+i 0e+avior and orani!ational

    er"or#ance 9,olino/

    Turnle*/ and ,loodood 2

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    and "inancial er-

    "or#ance #easures Ot+er studies +ave also "ound #easures o"

    erceived orani!ational

    er"or#ance correlated ositivel* to o0.ective #easures o"

    orani!ational er"or#ance

    9Dolliner and $olden 1332; crac&en/ cIlain/ and Fottler2

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    'i# Individual-Level Factors and Orani!ational

    Per"or#ance 251

    Ta0le 1

    ,ac&round o" Resondents and PoulationDe#ora+ic Earia0les +aracteristics Resondents 9 Poulation9a

    %e= ale 633 73

    Fe#ale 8

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    aencies/ "ive rovincial overn#ent aencies/ and tent*-si= loer-

    level local overn-

    #ent aencies in t+e Reu0lic o" 'oreaere iven surve*s to

    co#lete durin reular

    or&in +ours in 2

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    252 Journal o" Pu0lic Ad#inistration Researc+ and T+eor*

    Ta0le 2

    T+e Di#ensions o" Orani!ational Per"or#ance

    Ad#inistrative Ealues""icienc* ""ectiveness Fairness

    Orani!ational Focus Internal Internal ""icienc* Internal ""ectiveness Internal


    =ternal =ternal ""icienc* =ternal ""ectiveness=ternal Fairness

    %our c e : ,re e r a nd % el d en 928@@ reresented indi""erence/ t+at

    is/ neit+er aree#ent nor


    Telve ?uestions ere used to #easure t+e deendent

    varia0le/ erceived ora-

    ni!ational er"or#ance 9a 5

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    ite#s o" enerali!ed co#liance "ro# t+e inde= o" %#it+/ Oran/

    and (ear 9138 T+e

    oriinal inde= consists o" si=teen ite#s in +ic+ seven ite#s

    reresent altruis#/ as in t+is

    stud*/ and nine ite#s reresent enerali!ed co#liance ,ut t+e

    ot+er ite#s in t+e cateor*o" enerali!ed co#liance/ e=cet to/ are e=cluded/ since so#e

    are not alica0le in t+e

    conte=t o" 'orean overn#ent and so#e are overlaed T+e scale

    relia0ilit* coe""icient


  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    'i# Individual-Level Factors and

    Orani!ational Per"or#ance 258

    Ta0le 8

    Predictin Orani!ational Per"or#ance odel 1 90 odel 290

    ontrol Earia0les


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    0e+avior and .o0

    satis"action 9r 5

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    254 Journal o" Pu0lic Ad#inistration Researc+ and T+eor*

    Ta0le 8 reorts t+e results o" +ierarc+ical reression anal*sis

    T+e initial e?uation4

    reressed orani!ational er"or#ance on t+e "ive control varia0lesT+e de#ora+ic5

    c+aracteristics resulted in a +i+l* sini"icant 9 /

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    to orani!ational er"or#ance T+us it suorts t+e researc+

    "indins o" e*er et al 9133

    and %o#ers and ,irn0au# 92

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    'i# Individual-Level Factors and Orani!ational

    Per"or#ance 255

    T+ese "indins are also #eanin"ul in t+e 'orean conte=t Over

    t+e "ive-*ear eriod

    "ro# 1337 to 2

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    in t+eir researc+/ t+is stud* ela0orates t+e relations+i 0eteen

    individual-level "actors and

    orani!ational er"or#ance and tests it e#iricall* in t+e overn#ent

    aencies o" 'orea

    T+e resent stud* s+os t+e sa#e trend in orani!ational

    er"or#ance as t+e "indinso" ,reer and %elden 92

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    cannot "ull* ad-

    dress t+e causalit* issue Alt+ou+ t+e individual-level varia0les ere

    treated as redictors

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    256 Journal o" Pu0lic Ad#inistration Researc+ and T+eor*

    o" orani!ational er"or#ance/ t+e er"or#ance inde=es could also

    +ave 0een used as

    redictors o" individual-level "actors Future researc+ is neededt+at uses lonitudinal

    desins and ti#e-laed correlations to #ore ade?uatel* address

    causalit* %econd/ t+is

    stud* relied on su0.ective er"or#ance #easures Alt+ou+ t+e

    i#ortance o" orani!a-

    tional er"or#ance is idel* ac&noleded/ t+e #easure#ent o"

    orani!ational er"or-

    #ance is one o" t+e #ost di""icult issues in t+e u0lic sector T+ere

    is a need "or researc+ers

    to co#are e#lo*ee ercetions o" an orani!ation@s er"or#ance

    it+ o0.ective data inorder to deter#ine +et+er/ and to +at deree/ su0.ective

    #easures o" er"or#ance are

    valid #easures o" o0.ective er"or#ance in t+e u0lic sector

    T+ird/ I used onl* "our

    individual-level varia0les to redict orani!ational er"or#ance

    T+us/ "uture researc+

    s+ould loo& "or additional "actors t+at a""ect orani!ational


    T+e contri0utions o" t+e resent stud* are t+at it clari"ies t+e

    e""ects o"

    individual-level "actors reviousl* identi"ied and discussed as

    i#ortant deter#inants

    o" orani!ational er"or#ance and s+os t+e sa#e trend in t+e

    ercetual #easure o"

    orani!ational er"or#ance in 0ot+ t+e )nited %tates and 'orea It

    also +as a nu#0er o"

    ractical i#lications It is clear t+at #anaers need to treat u0lic

    e#lo*ees it+ resect

    and it+ "air and e?uita0le #anners and t+at t+e* need to use t+eir

    e#lo*ees@ &nolede

    and s&ills in loo&in "or a*s to 0eco#e #ore e""icient anaerss+ould also &no +o to

    0etter #anae and ro#ote e#lo*ees@ satis"action and attitudes/

    suc+ as .o0 satis"action/

    a""ective co##it#ent/ u0lic service #otivation/ and

    orani!ational citi!ens+i 0e+avior/

    in order to i#rove orani!ational er"or#ance Future researc+

    s+ould continue to

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    e=licate t+e relations+i o" individual-level "actors to

    orani!ational er"or#ance




    Deendent Earia0le

    Orani!ational Per"or#ance 9Al+a 5

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    'i# Individual-Level Factors and Orani!ational

    Per"or#ance 257

    9=ternal e""icienc* * orani!ation +as conducted 0usiness relations

    it+ outsidecusto#ers ver* ro#tl* 9#ean 5 883/ std 5

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    I "eel ood a0out #* .o0t+e &ind o" or& I do 9#ean 5 816/ std 5

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    25 Journal o" Pu0lic Ad#inistration Researc+ and T+eor*

    Pu0lic %ervice otivation 9Al+a 5

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    sector A#erican Revie o" Pu0lic Ad#inistration 81:868

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    'i# Individual-Level Factors and Orani!ational

    Per"or#ance 253

    ,al"our/ D L/ and , ec+sler 133

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    s#all "ir#s:

    nviron#ental e""ects and er"or#ance Journal o" anae#ent 1:635715

    stein/ P D 1332 easurin t+e er"or#ance o" u0lic services In Pu0lic roductivit*

    +and0oo&/ ed Gol!er/ 16138 (e Hor&: arcel De&&er

    For0es/ D P 133 easurin t+e un#easura0le: #irical studies o" nonro"it


    e""ectiveness "ro# 1377 to 1337 (onro"it and Eoluntar* %ector uarterl* 27:182

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    26< Journal o" Pu0lic Ad#inistration Researc+ and T+eor*

    Larson/ / and E Fu&a#i 134 Relations+is 0eteen or&er 0e+avior and

    co##it#ent to t+e

    orani!ation and union Acade#* o" anae#ent Proceedins 84:22226Liou/ '/ and R (*+an 1334 Di#ensions o" orani!ational co##it#ent in t+eu0lic sector: An

    e#irical assess#ent Pu0lic Ad#inistration uarterl* 1:3311

    Loc&e/ A 1376 T+e nature and cause o" .o0 satis"action In Gand0oo& o"

    industrial and orani!ationals*c+olo*/ ed D Dunnette/ 12371848 +icao: Rand c(all*

    ason/ % 1335 $ender di""erences in .o0 satis"action Journal o" %ocial

    Ps*c+olo* 185:14847

    crac&en/ J/ T F cIlain/ and D Fottler 2>side-0et t+eor*@@ o" orani!ational


    %o#e #et+odoloical considerations Journal o" Alied Ps*c+olo* 63:872

    7 1331 A t+ree-co#onent concetuali!ation o" orani!ational co##it#ent

    Gu#an Resource

    anae#ent Revie 1 91: 613

    e*er/ J P/ ( J Allen/ and A %#it+ 1338 o##it#ent to orani!ations andoccuations:

    =tension and rest o" a t+ree co#onent concetuali!ation Journal o"

    Alied Ps*c+olo*

    7:5851e*er/ J P/ % E Paunonen/ I R $ellatl*/ and R D $o""in 133 Orani!ational

    co##it#ent and .o0er"or#ance: It@s t+e nature o" t+e co##it#ent t+at counts Journal o"

    Alied Ps*c+olo*74 91: 15256

    inistr* o" $overn#ent Ad#inistration and Go#e A""airs 133 Pu0lic e#lo*ee

    statistics %eoul/'orea: inistr* o" $overn#ent Ad#inistration and Go#e A""airs

    inistr* o" Plannin and ,udet 2

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    e""ects o" co#liance/ identi"ication/ and internali!ation on rosocial

    0e+avior Journal o" Alied

    Ps*c+olo* 71:43233

    Oran/ D 13 Orani!ational citi!ens+i 0e+avior: T+e ood soldiers*ndro#e Le=inton/ A:

    Le=inton ,oo&s

    Ostro""/ 1332 T+e relations+i 0eteen satis"action/ attitudes/ and er"or#ance:

    An orani!ationallevel anal*sis Journal o" Alied Ps*c+olo* 77 96: 36874

    Par&/ / J 'an/ ' 'on/ and % 'i# 2

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    'i# Individual-Level Factors and Orani!ational

    Per"or#ance 261

    Porter/ L / R %teers/ R T oda*/ and P E ,oulian 1374 Orani!ational

    co##it#ent/ .o0satis"action/ and turnover a#on s*c+iatric tec+nicians Journal o" AliedPs*c+olo* 53:6

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    to t+e test Journal o" Pu0lic Ad#inistration Researc+ and T+eor* 7:858

    House"/ D A 133 %atis"action it+ .o0 securit* as a redictor o" orani!ational

    co##it#ent and .o0

    er"or#ance in a #ulticultural environ#ent International Journal o" anoer 1398: 1434

  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc


    o*ri+t o" Journal o" Pu0lic Ad#inistration Researc+

    T+eor* is t+e roert* o" O="ord )niversit* Press C)' and its content #a* not 0e coied or e#ailed to #ultile

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  • 7/17/2019 24_17976_Kim S. (2005) individual level.doc
