244879299 Comparative Study

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  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study



    Alphonso is a mango cultivar that is considered b man to be one o! the

    best in terms o! s"eetness# richness and !lavor$ It has considerable shel! li!e

    o! a "ee% a!ter it is ripe ma%ing it e&portable$ It is also one o! the most

    e&pensive %inds o! mango and is gro"n mainl in 'o%an region o! "estern

    India$ It is in season April through Ma and the !ruit "eigh bet"een ()*g

    and +**g each$

    ,on aerated Mango drin%s li%e -rooti ./arle Agro Co$0# 1umpin .2odre3Industries 4td0# Maa5a .Coca Cola Co$0# 6u%es Mangola and Slice ./epsiCo

    Inc$0 are ver popular in India$ Man other local brands are also available$

    Alphonso mangoes are mostl e&ported !rom Ratnagiri and sindhudurg

    districts o! Maharashtra$

    7ere main three mango drin%s giants Coca Cola# /epsiCo 8 /arle Agro

    mar%eted their mango drin%s i$e$ Maa5a# Slice 8 -rooti respectivel$ India9s

    mango obsession might be as old as the !ruit but the business opportunities it

    is creating !or !ood processing sector is something that has never happened

    be!ore$ :hile mango drin% brands li%e Coca;Cola .Maa5a0# /epsi .Slice0#

    6abur .Real Mango 3uice0 and /arle Agro .-rooti0 are promoting the

    categor "ith ne" mar%eting and advertising campaigns$

    ,e" capacities# driven b the mango 3uice and drin% segment# are being

    added even as the industr consolidates itsel!$ The total domestic processing

    capacit !or the %ing o! !ruits has gone up man times in the past t"o ears

    and no" is estimated at ()#*** tonnes per da during the season$ The


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    demand !or processed Indian mango products is gro"ing b about )= o! the mar%et share? about +> million cases

    o! mango;based drin%s are consumed b Indians ever ear$

    Similarl Coca;Cola# "hose product @Maa5a is said to have more than +)=

    mar%et share !or mango drin%s in India$ The demand !or this mango all over

    India is abnormal$ Anbod cant !orecast the e&act demand 8 gro"th o!

    this mango drin%s eing on mar%et$ India is the "orld9s largest mango

    producer# accounting !or more than )* per cent o! the "orld9s output in

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    Countries Share in lo!al production "in #$India %&

    China 9

    Me&ico 'Thailand %.2

    /hilippines 4

    /a%istan 3.8

    ,igeria 3

    Indonesia 2.'

    Fra5il 2.%

    Egpt &

    Top (ango Producing Countries of the )orld

    Source* C+ )orld act !oo "20&&$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    Source* ///.mapsof/orld.com

    Thus India is "orlds 4argest manu!acturing Countr and the companies li%e

    Coca;cola# /epsiCo and /arle Agro have a big bene!it to manu!acture there

    product "hich are based on mango$ This compans ne"er get shortage o!

    ra" material and it is an added advantage to the companies$

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    SCP1 ST

    ($ 6etailed stud o! the non;carbonated so!t drin%s industr in India$

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    1S1C (1T:*

    $ T C::1CT+;

    (0 Primar< Source


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    :iterature e>ie/

    T+C:1 ;. &

    PepsiCo +ndia launches interacti>e promotion for (ango Slice


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    commercial "as shot under"ater in Thailand# and has artisticall captured

    under"ater visuals that give 'atrina an ethereal loo% inside the bottle$

    NSlice is all about the indulgence that is bottled in ever single pac%# and the

    concept o! this uniHue initiative is to o!!er an un!orgettable e&perience to our

    consumers via ever bottle o! SliceG said 7omi Fatti"alla# e&ecutive vice

    president# Colas# 7dration 8 Mango;based 6rin%s ; /epsiCo India$ G:e

    have !ocused e&tensivel on building engagement "ith our consumers via

    e&citing e&periences planned online and on;ground# including radio

    integrations# an interactive outdoor campaign "ith "eb inter!aces and larger;

    than;li!e @'atrina in a Slice bottle installations# among others$G


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    rticle no. 2

    Coca-Cola Sesting ?2 5illion in :ong-Term,

    Sustaina!le ro/th in +ndia

    (Investment includes new infrastructure, partnerships, brand building and

    sustainability programs)

    ;, +ndia, ;o>. &4, 20&&

    Coca;Cola India# the countr9s leading Feverage Compan# toda announced

    that the Coca;Cola sstem in India "ill invest USO< billion over the ne&t

    !ive ears# beginning in

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    ,ART6 beverages have enormous gro"th potential in India$ The Coca;Cola

    Compan and its bottling partners have robust plans to capture this

    opportunit "ith investments in innovation# consumer mar%eting and brand

    building# e&pansion o! distribution and cold drin% eHuipment placement as

    "ell as !urther development o! manu!acturing capacit to meet gro"ing

    consumer demand$

    The Coca;Cola sstem has alread invested over USO< billion in India since

    it re;entered the countr in (BB+# and currentl it directl emplos more than

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    The Coca;Cola Compan has registered volume gro"th in India !or the past

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    :orld"ide# The Coca;Cola Compan and its bottling partners are investing

    nearl O+* billion over the ne&t !ive ears to support anticipated gro"th

    across its sstem$ These investments range !rom ne" manu!acturing

    !acilities to ne" distribution sstems to ne" mar%eting investments in

    emerging economies$ The Coca;Cola sstem currentl emplos more than

    **#*** people "orld"ide# ma%ing it one o! the "orld9s top !ive private



  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    rticle no. 3

    Coca-Cola +ndia, 6ain +rrigation Partner /ith armers to5oost (ango Production "thecoca-colacompan

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    production o! the Totapuri Mango# a %e ingredient in Maa5a# India9s top;

    selling mango drin%$

    U76/ practices represent viable and sustainable solutions to meet the

    gro"ing demand !or pac%aged mango;based beverages in the coming ears$

    The initial demo !arms "ill sho"case and train !armers on U76/ practices

    under a capabilit;building program 3ointl managed b Coca;Cola

    Universit and 1ain Irrigation$ Coca;Cola Universit9s curriculum o! training

    programs in India includes G/arivartan#G "hich has success!ull trained

    more than *#*** traditional retailers through classroom teaching and acustomi5ed# on;the;go training bus$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    Article no$

    Maa5a Mango ma5aa# round the ear

    5< nushree 5hattachar

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    and it is the e&perience that the crave more than the taste$ GLver the ears#

    "e have relished di!!erent varieties o! mangoes$ The latest campaign !or

    Maa5a is designed to give all mango lovers the choice to en3o the

    superlative taste e&perience o! the delicious !ruit all through the ear# "ith a

    ne" variet ;; Maa5a# the 97ar mausam aam9# he sas$

    GThe thought is to strengthen brand Maa5a9s strong association "ith the

    mango in a ver entertaining and engaging manner#G adds Avramen%o$

    ' V Sridhar# national creative director# 4eo Furnett# e&plains# G:hether it is

    9Fina guthali "alla aam9 .seedless mango0 and 9Aam %i paas bu3hae9# to

    91aldi %a hai9# Maa5a has al"as been positioned as an alternative !or people

    "ho love mangoes and are read to do anthing !or it$ The ne" tagline# 97ar

    mausam aam9# combines all earlier thoughts and re;positions Maa5a as the

    natural ans"er to the problem o! being unable to consume mangoes once the

    summer season gets over$G

    In addition to a television campaign# Coca;Cola plans to roll out a range o!

    initiatives including out o! home .LL70# point o! sale merchandise# and on;

    ground activations across %e mar%ets$

    Striing the right chord

    The television campaign dra"s mi&ed revie"s !rom industr pro!essionals$

    :hile most agree that 97ar mausam aam9 is the right idea !or the brand# the

    add that the idea could have been brought alive in a more interesting "a$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    Ran Mene5es# chie! creative o!!icer# /erceptP7# sas# GThe ad has a

    promising start# but ends "ith a "himper ;; "ith a standard product

    endorsement stle that sho"s a %id on top o! a mango tree mouthing the line$

    The TVC is# ho"ever# "ell produced and cast$ 97ar mausam aam9 is a strong

    plat!orm# "hich could have probabl been e&ploited better !rom the

    vie"point o! the consumer# rather than the mango sellers# though Maa5a has

    been do"n that path be!ore$G

    Mera3 7asan# vice;president# strategic planning# Everest Frand Solutions#

    calls the idea strategicall correct on the insight about Indians missing the

    mango season# and round the ear consumption cues$

    GMoreover# the mango sellers9 side o! the stor has been e&ecuted "ell# "ith

    a good cast# "hich !urther ma%es it entertaining$ Lver all# the idea o! the

    commercial "or%s and is also a "elcome departure !rom the last 9"annabe

    commercial9 1aldi %a hai#G he adds$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    T+C:1 ;. %

    +ts all fun and games /ith rooti

    5< 5iprorshee as, afa@sA, (um!ai, pril 0', 20&&

    Continuing "ith its theme o! 9:h 2ro" Up9# -rooti9s latest 9Cra5 Mango

    -un9 campaign ta%es to !urther engagement "ith an outdoor game sho"$

    The shades are dra"n$ The ice buc%ets are out$ The aroma o! luscious

    mangoes !ills our senses$ And# -rooti launches its ne" campaign as the

    countr "aits eagerl to savour the %ing o! !ruits$ A!ter -rooti 9Slurpbo&9 and

    the much popular 9Mango Surprise9 campaign last summer# -rooti carries

    !or"ard the theme o! 9:h 2ro" Up9 this ear$

    This time around# it is a game sho"$ The campaign ; Cra5 Mango -un ;

    created b Creativeland Asia "ith the team at /arle Agro# is a conceptualised

    branded entertainment !or vie"ers in the !orm o! a mango;themed outdoor

    game sho"$

    -or the game sho"# called Mango Slam Fam Fam Fam# a set "ith giant

    mangoes "as created "ith three mango;based games$ Eight rigged cameras

    on the set captured ()* contestants in the age group o! ();D* ears tring

    their hands at the games over a period o! three das$

    Multiple +*;second television commercials !eaturing the participants in the

    games are being aired# currentl$ Ram Madhvani o! EHuino& -ilms has

    directed the !ilms$


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    GThe last time# "e interpreted a certain television !ormat and created it

    around the mango$ This time# "e "ent a step ahead and too% on realit game

    sho"s#G sas Sa3an Ra3 'urup# !ounder and creative chairperson#

    Creativeland Asia$

    GMadhvani and I o!ten 3o%ed a!ter the shoot that mabe "e should retire and

    do game sho"s#G 'urup Huips$

    7e sas that it is challenging to reinvent the categor ever ear and do

    di!!erent things$ GAll agencies handling similar products get almost the same

    brie!$ Fut# ho" much more can ou %eep saing the same thingJ :e bro%e-rooti do"n$ It is a !un drin%$ So# "e thought o! creating an e&perience$

    /eople "ill remember people having !un "ith the mango#G sas 'urup$

    G,obod has the time !or verbal gmnastics$ :e are the mar%et leaders and

    "e "ant to head con!identl and demonstrate the same$ That is the genesis

    o! 9:h 2ro" Up9#G he adds$

    According to Madhvani# it is being ridiculous# but in a good "a$ 7e sas

    that communication needs to get people tal%ing about it$

    G:e are not 3ust loo%ing at a stand;o!! !ilm# but at interaction$ The best "or%

    in advertising is one that goes beond the usual and becomes a part o!

    popular culture$ :ith the -rooti campaign# the biggest challenge !or me "as

    to create the atmosphere outside the camera that "ould capture the emotions#

    the over"helming cra5iness inside it#G he sas$


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    GM 3ob "as not 3ust about placing the cameras# but to capture the realit ;

    the mood ; to get people to react spontaneousl and be themselves#G

    Madhvani adds$

    Clearl aimed at higher engagement "ith the consumer# the integrated

    campaign involves multiple +*;second TVCs !eaturing the participants# an

    e&tensive social media campaign across various vehicles# direct mar%eting

    and on;ground activation such as replicating the games at malls and other

    strategic locations# sampling and radio$

    A microsite# """$cra5mango!un$com# is also live "here games are beingdeveloped# "here one can superimpose other !aces on the !aces o! the

    contestants in the ad and !or"ard it$

    -rooti is also ting up "ith a outh channel to run the content as a branded

    game sho" and a bigger blast is e&pected during the I/4$

    ,adia Chauhan# 3oint managing director and chie! mar%eting o!!icer# /arle

    Agro# sas# G:e have the advantage o! using innovation in our

    communications$ The ne" TVC is radical in its approach# ta%ing this

    innovative realit TVC !ormat to a "hole ne" level that "ill help us

    communicate the brand philosoph o! 9:h 2ro" Up9 and connect "ith

    consumers across age groups$G

    The media duties !or the brand are handled b LM6$

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    Cra=< 1nough

    The campaign has evo%ed mi&ed responses !rom industr e&perts$ :hile the

    strateg that !acilitates large scale engagement has been "elcomed andmuch appreciated# the !ilms have met "ith slight criticism# as "ell$

    Fri3esh 1acob# managing partner# :hite Canvas# is o! the vie" that the !ilms

    get a tad monotonous$

    GAs a !ormat# the previous campaign "as !ar more entertaining$ The !ilms in

    this campaign# in the 5one o! !un games# get a bit repetitive a!ter a !e""atches$ I! ou have seen one !ilm# ou !eel ou have seen them all$ The

    level to up the humour in some gets a little slapstic%# too#G sas 1acob$

    7o"ever# he is all !or the strateg# "hich he thin%s "or%s "ell !or the brand

    to sta on top o! the mind$

    GIt is !antastic$ There is onl so much ou can tal% about "ith a product li%e

    this$ It is a lo" involvement categor# and it is ver important !or the brand

    to sta on the top o! the consumer9s mind$ So# it is phenomenal !or the brand

    to ta%e that higher ground#G 1acob sas$

    1itender 6abas# vice;president and head# planning# McCann Eric%son# loo%s

    at the campaign at large# o!!ering his comment on the same# as "ell as the

    categor$ According to him# -rooti occuping the territor o! !un# has bothits advantages# as "ell as ris%s$

    GMango as a !ruit can be seen at t"o levels$ It is associated "ith e&treme

    taste cravings# as "ell as the !un that is associated "ith the !ruit$ -rooti

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    seems to occup the !un categor$ The creative device generates curiosit

    instead o! craving$ The !ormat brea%s clutter# creates bu55 and has the

    potential to step o!! TV !or a complete integrated campaign#G sas 6abas$

    GIn this case# ho"ever# the advertising "ill be tal%ed about much more than

    the product$ 6o I !eel li%e reaching out !or a mango drin% a!ter "atching the

    adJ ,oQ :ill I be tal%ing about the campaignJ YesQ Right no"# -rooti might

    not have to bother "ith the campaign having such clutter brea%ing potential#

    but Maa5a and Slice are !ocussing on taste and craving$ 7ence# there is a

    ris% o! the brand losing the taste association#G adds 6abas$

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    ;;-C5;T1 ST +;D +;ST +; +;+

    ; 717+1)*

    The non;carbonated SL-T 6RI,' .,CS60 sector can be classi!ied as -ruit

    drin%s# ,ectar and 1uices$ The classi!ication is based on the percentage o!

    the !ruit pulp content in the beverage$

    -ruit drin% has to have minimum !ruit pulp content o! (*=# "hile ,ectar

    needs to have a minimum !ruit pulp content o!

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    The main reason !or this gro"th in the ,CS6 Categor is the change o! the

    consumer pre!erence !rom the carbonated to the non;carbonated so!t drin%

    sector mainl due to increasing 7ealth A"areness among consumers and the

    /esticide issue relating to Co%e and /epsi$

    In the -ruit 6rin% segment# -rooti is the clear mar%et leader "ith around

    >)= mar%et share but in the ,CS6 categor as a "hole# its (< share has

    been declining because o! the gro"th in -ruit 1uice segment$

    So# "ith the gro"th o! the ,CS6 categor# -rooti has to compete "ith all

    the segments in this categor to ta%e a larger share o! this gro"th$

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study



    )hat is !e>erageE

    A drin# or !e>erage# is a liHuid speci!icall prepared !or human

    consumption$ In addition to basic needs# beverages !orm part o!

    the culture o! human societ$ Lr an liHuid suitable !or drin%ing? Lr a liHuid

    to consume# usuall e&cluding "ater? a drin%$ This ma include tea# co!!ee#

    liHuor# beer# mil%# or so!t drin%s$


    The various tpes o! beverage are

    Alcoholic beverages

    ,on;Alcohol beverages

    So!t drin%s

    -ruit 3uice

    7ot beverages


    &. lcoholic !e>erages

    An alcoholic beverage is a drin% containing ethanol# commonl %no"n as

    alcohol# although in chemistr the de!inition o! an alcohol includes man

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    other compounds$ Alcoholic beverages# such as "ine# beer# and liHuor have

    been part o! human culture and development !or >#*** ears$

    2. ;on-alcohol !e>erages

    ,on;alcoholic beverages are drin%s that "ould normall contain alcohol#

    such as beer and "ine but are made "ith less than $) percent alcohol b

    volume$ The categor includes drin%s that have undergone an alcohol

    removal process such as non;alcoholic beers and de;alcohol 5ed "ines$

    ,on;alcoholic variants

    4o" alcohol beer

    ,on;alcoholic "ine

    Spar%ling cider

    3. Soft drins

    The name Gso!t drin%G speci!ies a lac% o! alcohol b "a o! contrast to the

    term Ghard drin%G and the term Gdrin%G# the latter o! "hich is nominall

    neutral but o!ten carries connotations o! alcoholic content$ Feverages

    li%e colas# spar%ling "ater# iced tea# lemonade# sHuash# and !ruit are among

    the most common tpes o! so!t drin%s# "hile hot chocolate#

    hot tea# co!!ee# mil%# tap "ater# alcohol# and mil%sha%es do not !all into this

    classi!ication$ Man carbonated so!t drin%s are optionall available in

    versions s"eetened "ith sugars or "ith non;caloric s"eeteners$

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    4. ruit Fuice

    1uice is a liHuid naturall contained in !ruit or vegetable tissue$ 1uice is

    prepared b mechanicall sHuee5ing or macerating !resh !ruits or vegetables

    "ithout the application o! heat or solvents$ -or e&ample# orange 3uice is the

    liHuid e&tract o! the !ruit o! the orange tree$ 1uice ma be prepared in the

    home !rom !resh !ruits and vegetables using variet o! hand or

    electric 3uicers$ Man commercial 3uices are !iltered to remove !iber or pulp#

    but high pulp !resh orange 3uice is a popular beverage$ 1uice ma be

    mar%eted in concentrate !orm# sometimes !ro5en# reHuiring the user to

    add "ater to reconstitute the liHuid bac% to its Goriginal stateG

    %. ot !e>erages

    7ot beverages# including in!usions$ Some times drun% chilled$

    Co!!ee;based beverages




    Ca! au lait -rappe

    -lavored co!!ees .mocha etc$0


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    7ot chocolate

    7ot cider

    Mulled cider

    Tea;based beverages

    -lavored teas .Chai etc$0

    2reen tea

    /earl mil% tea


    7erbal teas

    Yerba Mate

    Roasted grain beverages


    '. ther

    Some substances ma either be called !ood or drin%# and accordingl be

    eaten "ith a spoon or drun%# depending on solid ingredients in it and on ho"

    thic% it is# and on pre!erence



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    51711 +;ST +; +;+

    India is home to one o! the most ancient cultures in the "orld dating bac%

    over )*** ears$ Feverages industr in India plas an important role in the

    Indian -MC2 mar%et$ It is an industr# in "hich the plaers constantl

    innovate# in order to come up "ith better products to gain more mar%et share

    and to satis! the e&isting consumers$

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    The beverage industr is vast and there various "as o! segmenting it# so as

    to cater the right product to the right person$ The di!!erent "as o!

    segmenting it are as !ollo"s

    Alcoholic# non;alcoholic and sports beverages

    ,atural and Snthetic beverages

    In;home consumption and out o! home on premises consumption$

    Age "ise segmentation i$e$ beverages !or %ids# !or adults and !or

    senior citi5ens



    lcoholic ;on-lcoholic

    Car!onated ;on-Car!onated

    Cola ;on-Cola ;on-Cola


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    Segmentation based on the amount o! consumption i$e$ high levels o!

    consumption and lo" levels o! consumption$

    I! the behavioural patterns o! consumers in India are closel noticed# it could

    be observed that consumers perceive beverages in t"o di!!erent "as i$e$

    beverages are a lu&ur and that beverages have to be consumed occasionall$

    These t"o perceptions are the biggest challenges !aced b the beverage

    industr$ In order to leverage the beverage industr# it is important to address

    this issue so as to encourage regular consumption as "ell as and to ma%e the

    industr more a!!ordable$

    -our strong strategic elements to increase consumption o! the products o!

    the beverage industr in India are

    The Hualit and the consistenc o! beverages needs to be enhanced so

    that consumers are satis!ied and the en3o consuming beverages$

    The credibilit and trust needs to be built so that there is a ver strong

    and sa!e !eeling that the consumers have "hile consuming the


    Consumer education is a must to bring out bene!its o! beverage

    consumption "hether in terms o! health# taste# rela&ation# stimulation#

    re!reshment# "ell;being or prestige relevant to the categor$

    Communication should be relevant and trend so that consumers areable to !ind an appeal to go out# purchase and consume$

    The beverage mar%et has still to achieve greater penetration and also a "ider

    spread o! distribution$ It is important to loo% at the entire beverage mar%et#


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    as a big opportunit# !or brand and sales gro"th in turn to add up to the

    overall gro"th o! the !ood and beverage industr in the econom$

    )hatGs in Soft rinsE

    So!t drin%s have been part o! the American li!estle !or more than (** ears$

    Man o! todas so!t drin%s are the same as the !irst ones en3oed in the


    So!t drin% production begins "ith the creation o! !lavored srup using a

    closel;guarded compan recipe$ The srup is mi&ed "ith puri!ied "ater and


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    then carbonated b adding carbon dio&ides gas under pressure$ This

    carbonation creates the Ntingl !i55 that gives so!t drin%s a re!reshing taste$

    Now for a closer look at soft drink ingredients.

    4i%e other !oods# the ingredients that are used so!t drin%s are approved and

    closel regulated b the U$S$ -ood and 6rug Administration .-6A0$ All o!

    the ingredients used in so!t drin%s are !ound in a variet o! other !oods$


    So!t drin% production starts "ith a pure source o! "ater$ Regular so!t drin%s

    contain B*= "ater# "hile diet so!t drin%s contain up to BB= "ater$ 6rin%ing

    "ater o!ten contains trace amounts o! various elements that a!!ect its taste$

    You have probabl noticed that tap "ater tastes di!!erent in various regions

    o! the countr$ Fottlers use sophisticated !iltering and other treatment

    eHuipment to remove an residual impurities and to standardi5e the "ater

    used to ma%e so!t drin%s$

    Car!on ioHide

    A colorless and odorless gas# carbon dio&ide is the essential characteri5ing in

    all Ncarbonated beverages$ It is given o!! "hen "e breathe and is used b

    plants to produce o&gen$

    :hen dissolved in "ater# carbon dio&ide imparts a uniHue taste$ -or that

    reason natural sources o! carbonated# or e!!ervescent# mineral "aters "ere


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    once highl pri5ed$ These rare mineral "aters "ere also believed to have

    bene!icial medicinal properties$ E!!orts to ma%e and sell Narti!icial

    e!!ervescent mineral "ater "ere "ell under"a in Europe and the U$S$ b


    It "as the innovative step o! adding !lavors to these popular Nsoda "aters

    that gave birth to the so!t drin% beverages "e en3o toda$ In the earl das

    o! so!t drin% manu!acturing# carbon dio&ide "as made !rom sodium salts$

    This is "h carbonated beverages "ere called Nsodas or Nsoda "ater$

    Toda# bottlers bu pure carbon dio&ide as a compressed gas in high;

    pressure clinders$ Carbon dio&ide gas is absorbed into the !lavored so!t

    drin% in a carbonator machine 3ust be!ore the container is sealed$ :hile

    under pressure and chill the so!t drin% ma a sorbe up to !our times the

    beverage volume o! carbon dio&ide$

    :hen ou open a so!t drin% bottle or can# he Npop ou hear and the N!i55

    ou see is the rapid escape o! carbon dio&ide gas caused b the sudden

    release o! pressure on the beverage$


    Lne o! the most important ingredients in so!t drin%s is !lavoring$ Most so!t

    drin% bottlers mi& man individual !lavors to create distinctive tastes$

    ,atural !lavors in so!t drin%s come !rom spices# natural e&tracts and oils$

    -ruit;!lavored so!t drin%s such as orange and lemon;lime o!ten contain


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    natural !ruit e&tracts$ Lther !lavors such as root beer and ginger ale contain

    !lavorings made !rom herbs and spices$

    There are also some arti!icial or man;made !lavorings used in so!t drin%s$

    ,ature does not produce enough o! some !lavors to satis! "orld demand$

    Also# some natural !lavors are limited geographicall and seasonall$


    Man people dont reali5e ho" important color is to taste perception$ Colora!!ects our pschological impression o! !ood$ I! ou don @believe it# tr

    eating a !amiliar !ood in the dar%$ The colors used in !oods and beverages

    come !rom both natural and snthetic sources$


    Ca!!eine is a substance that occurs naturall in more than D* plants including

    co!!ee beans# tealeaves# %ola nuts and cacao beans$ In some cases# small

    amounts o! ca!!eine are added to so!t drin%s as part o! the !lavor pro!ile$ The

    amount o! ca!!eine in a so!t drin% is onl a !raction o! that !ound in an eHual

    amount o! co!!ee or tea$

    Ca!!eine has a classic bitter taste that enhances other !lavors$ It has been part

    o! almost ever cola;and pepper;tpe beverage since the "ere !irst

    !ormulated more than (** ears ago and has been en3oed in co!!ee# tea and

    chocolate beverages !or centuries$


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    Even though some people !eel the e!!ects o! ca!!eine are harm!ul# scienti!ic

    research has re!uted these claims$ The long histor o! ca!!eines use con!irms

    that it is sa!e "hen consumed in moderation$ -or people "ho "ish to restrict

    their ca!!eine# man ca!!eine;!ree so!t drin%s are available$


    Similar to !ruit 3uices and man other !ood products# most so!t drin%s are

    slightl acidic$ Acidulates add a pleasant tartness to so!t drin%s and act aspreservative$ Some so!t drin%s contain a small amount o! one or t"o

    common !oods acidulates K phosphoric acid and citric acid occasionall#

    other acidulates such as malic acid or tartaric acid are also used$


    So!t drin%s do not normall spoil because o! their acidit and carbonation$

    7o"ever# storage conditions and storage time can sometimes impact taste

    and !lavor$ -or this reason# some so!t drin%s contain small amounts o!

    preservatives that are commonl used in man !oods$


    /otassium is another essential nutrient !ound man natural and man;made

    !ood ingredients$ 4i%e sodium# potassium e&ists naturall in drin%ing "ater


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    and# there!ore# so!t drin%s$ Small amounts o! potassium are also !ound in

    some o! the !lavoring agents and other ingredients used in so!t drin%s$


    Fecause the names Nsoda pop# Nsoda "ater "as associated "ith earl so!t

    drin%s# man people !alsel believe that carbonated beverages contain

    signi!icant amounts o! sodium$ This is not true$

    Sodium# in the !orm o! various salts# is present in man natural and man;made compounds$ It is an essential mineral nutrient responsible !or

    regulating and trans!erring bod !luids# as "ell as other important bod

    !unctions$ Although an adeHuate dail inta%e o! sodium is necessar !or

    good health# e&cessive consumption has been tied to high blood pressure in

    some people$

    So!t drin%s are not signi!icant sources o! sodium in the diet$ In !act# the local

    drin%ing "ater suppl used in ma%ing so!t drin%s contributes most or all o!

    the sodium$ Small amounts o! sodium in some so!t drin%s can also come

    !rom other ingredients$

    So!t drin%s are classi!ied b -6A as Nlo" or Nver lo" sodium !oods$

    Even people "ho are advised to restrict their inta%e o! sodium b their

    doctor can usuall drin% and en3o so!t drin%s "ith their doctors approval$

    Sodium;!ree so!t drin%s are available$


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    ;on-iet Soft rins

    Most regular .non;diet0 so!t drin%s are s"eetened "ith sucrose or high

    !ructose corn srup# .7-CS*0$ A mi&ture o! these s"eeteners ma also be

    !orm sugarcane or sugar beets$ 7-CS is a ne"er and more convenient liHuid

    s"eetener# similar to sucrose but made !rom corn$ It is no" use in man

    prepared !oods$

    :ith either# the amount o! s"eetener in a so!t drin% ranges !rom to (=#

    about the same amount as a glass o! pineapple or orange 3uice$ Foth sucrose

    and 7-CS are easil digested carbohdrates# and carbohdrates are an

    important part o! the diet$ The provide calories# "hich are the source o!

    energ !or the bod$

    Sometimes thought to be more !attening than other !oods sugar actuall

    contains the same number o! calories b "eight as protein . caloriesPgram0#

    and less than hal! the calories o! !at .B caloriesPgram0$ Sugars also contain

    !ar !e"er calories than alcohol . caloriesPgram0$

    iet Soft rins

    The popular class o! beverages %no"n as diet so!t drin%s is made possible b

    the intensel s"eet substances "e re!er to as Ndiet or Nlo" calorie

    s"eeteners$ Aspartame# saccharin# sucralose and a casual !ame ' are


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    approved !or use in so!t drin%s toda and s"eeteners remains an active area

    o! !ood research$ F choosing !rom a variet o! di!!erent s"eeteners#

    manu!acturers can blend s"eeteners to match beverage !ormulations and

    better appeal to all consumer tastes and pre!erences$


    A!ter man ears o! scienti!ic testing# aspartame "as !irst approved !or use

    in some !oods in (B>(# and !or so!t drin%s in (B>+$ it has been revie"ed and

    approved# not onl b the U$S$ -ood and 6rug Administration .-6A0# but

    also b the governments o! more than D* countries and the :orld 7ealth


    Aspartame is a Nnutritive s"eetener# meaning it is easil digested and

    provides calories$ 7o"ever# its s"eetening po"er is so great that the tin

    amount needed to s"eeten a so!t drin% adds less than one caloric per (

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    Saccharin has man desirable properties that ma%e it a valuable !ood

    ingredient$ It is e&tremel s"eet K about +** times s"eeter than sugar K and

    contributes no calories$ It is stable in !oods and is metabolicall inert# "hich

    means that it goes through the bod "ithout changing$ -inall# it is relativel


    Fecause o! some concerns raised in the late (B*s# labels !ormall "ere

    reHuired on all products containing saccharin$ It is no" generall accepted

    b academic scientists# the !ederal governments ,ational To&icolog

    /rogram and various international health organi5ations that there is no ris%

    in consuming saccharin$ The man ears o! saccharin use demonstrate not

    onl its popularit "ith so!t drin% manu!acturers# but also "ith consumers$


    Acesul!ame '# under the brand name o! NSunnett# is an e&ample o! a ne"

    diet s"eetener approved !or so!t drin%s b the -6A in (BB>$ Acesul!ame '

    is a calorie !ree# heat stable s"eetener that is !or use in a "ide variet o!

    !ood products including so!t drin%s$ Sucralose is a lo" calorie# high;intensit

    s"eetener that is about D** times s"eeter than sugar$ It is sold under the

    brand name o! NSplenda Sucralose and sucrose .sugar0 have been sho"n to

    have similar taste and !lavor pro!iles$

    A number o! other !ascinating lo";calorie s"eeteners are currentl

    undergoing sa!et evaluations !or !uture use$ These include all;time# a


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    compound similar to aspartame that is remar%abl

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    sugar# no beer# along "ith developments in 3uice drin%s and dair;based

    drin%s# are helping to turn around sales in these categories$ :hat !ollo"s is a

    categor;b;categor loo% at the state o! the beverage industr# including the

    top brands# ne" products# innovations and !uture trendsetters$

    In order to be success!ul in the mar%etplace# one has to thin% in terms o!

    health innovation# !lavor innovation# ingredient innovation and speci!ic age

    groups$ These are the !actors that "ill shape the !uture o! the beverage


    NTodas consumers are concerned "ith overall health and "ellness$ As a

    result# there is signi!icant impact on !ood and beverage purchases$ Man

    studies have sho"n that consumers are as concerned "ith good health as

    the are about maintaining a high Hualit o! li!e$

    6o ou %no" "hat tpe o! ne" beverage consumers are most li%el to trJ

    6o ou %no" "here the are most li%el to pic% those products upJ 6o ou

    %no" "hJ

    Feverage Industr "anted to %no" the ans"ers to these Huestions and to

    delve deeper into the ever;increasing number o! ne" product launches in the

    beverage mar%et$ NThe so!t drin% industr is training people to see% out ne"

    products# even the big gus are coming out "ith limited;edition !lavors# and

    consumers are beginning to see that there is more !lavor activit going on in

    the categor$ :hether that reall nets anbod an sales gains is another

    thing# but it is teaching consumers to see% out and tr ne" products$ Its also

    tring to create some e&citement there$

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    In spite o! several challenges and restrictions !aced b this industr# it is a

    @roll li%e never be!ore$ Customer pre!erences ma have shi!ted# but the are

    still al"as on the loo% out !or a can o! @co%e or a ne" @!lavored drin% to

    Huench their thirst$

    +;+; 51711 (D1T

    The si5e o! the Indian !ood processing industr is around O D)$D billion#

    including O million$

    The si5e o! the semi;processedPread;to;eat !ood segment is over O($(

    billion$ 4arge biscuits 8 con!ectioner units# Soa processing units and

    starchPglucosePsorbitol producing units have also come up# catering to

    domestic and international mar%ets$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    The three largest consumed categories o! pac%aged !oods are pac%ed tea#

    biscuits and so!t drin%s$ The Indian beverage industr !aces over suppl in

    segments li%e co!!ee and tea$ 7o"ever# more than hal! o! this is available in

    unpac%ed or loose !orm$ Indian hot beverage mar%et is a tea dominant


    Consumers in di!!erent parts o! the countr have heterogeneous tastes$ 6ust

    tea is popular in southern India# "hile loose tea in pre!erred in "estern India$

    The urban;rural split o! the tea mar%et "as )(B in million$

    The total so!t drin% .carbonated beverages and 3uices0 mar%et is estimated at

    million crates a ear or O( billion$

    The mar%et is highl seasonal in nature "ith consumption varing !rom

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    Source Euromonitor International

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    ST )T ST +;D (D1T

    ST +;DS

    Carbonated drin%s are dominated b arti!icial !lavors based on cola# orange

    and lime "ith /epsi and coca;cola dominating the mar%et$ The entire part o!

    the drin% is based on its arti!icial !lavors and s"eetening agents as no natural

    3uice is used$

    So!t 6rin%s in India industr pro!ile provide top;line Hualitative and

    Huantitative summar in!ormation including mar%et si5e .value# and

    !orecast to )0$ The pro!ile also contains descriptions o! the leading plaers

    including %e !inancial metrics and analsis o! competitive pressures "ithin

    the mar%et$ Essential resource !or top;line data and analsis covering the

    India so!t drin%s mar%et includes mar%et si5e data# te&tual and graphical

    analsis o! mar%et gro"th trends# leading companies and macroeconomic



    The so!t drin%s mar%et consists o! retail sale o! bottled "ater# carbonates#

    concentrates# !unctional drin%s# 3uices# RT6 tea and co!!ee# and smoothies$

    7o"ever# the total mar%et volume !or so!t drin%s mar%et e&cludes the

    concentrates categor$ The mar%et is valued according to retail selling price

    .RS/0 and includes an applicable ta&es$ An currenc conversions used in


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    the creation o! this report have been calculated using constant billion in

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    The per capita consumption o! so!t drin%s in India is around ) to D bottles

    .same as ,epal9s0 compared to /a%istan9s ( bottles# Sri 4an%a9s )= o! the

    so!t drin%s are currentl sold in returnable bottles$ There "as a !loating stoc%

    o! about (*** mn bottles valued at Rs D bn$ I! the industr "ere to abide b

    the ne" guidelines# it "ould have to invest in ne" bottles# resulting in a cost

    outgo o! Rs ) bn$ ,either Co%e nor /epsi is in a position to invest such a

    large amount$

    Around **#*** tonnes o! ra" material "ould be reHuired to replace the

    e&isting stoc% o! bottles$ Instead# the so!t drin% industr suggested that a

    seven;ear moratorium be e&tended to the industr so that it can incorporate

    the change in a phased manner$ There is no such mandator reHuirement

    an"here in the "orld to speci!icall label the glass sur!ace o! returnable

    bottles$ The government has decided to e&tend the date !or replacing

    the bottles to end;march

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    ,CAER stud sas that B(= so!t drin% sales are made to the lo"er# middle

    and upper middle classes$ The so!t drin% industr has been urging the

    government to categorise aerated "aters .so!t drin%s0 eHuitabl "ith other

    consumer products o! mass consumption and remove special e&cise dut$

    The industr estimates that the beverage mar%et should gro" at t"ice the

    rate o! 26/ gro"th$ The Indian mar%et should have# there!ore# gro"n b

    atleast (

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    The result# at least# in the short run "as a loss o! the mar%et to the

    competitor$ Coca;Cola decided to mar%et more e!!ectivel the /arle brands$

    It had in its armour Co%e# Thumps Up# 4imca and -anta$ The latest to enter

    mar%et "as /arles erst"hile Rim5im# alongside /ortello# a blac% currant

    !lavoured drin%# ver popular in Srilan%a$

    Coca;Cola operates through +) plants and (D !ranchisees throughout the

    countr# "hile /epsiCo has !ranchisee bottlers$

    'andhari Feverages# co%e bottlers !or north have been eeing to li!t a sta%e

    in Coca;Cola India$ Coca;Cola had !iled an application to o!!load B= sta%e

    o! its bottling operations in !avour o! their Indian operators$ Fesides

    'andhari# three other bottlers# one each !rom Uttar /radesh# 2u3arat and

    1ammu# "ere lined up to invest in 7industan Coca;Cola 7olding$ 'andhari

    has alread invested Rs +** mn in (BBB and

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    The total investment b all the !our "as e&pected to be Rs (*** mn$ Foth

    Coca;Cola and /epsiCo planned !or the launch o! lemon;!lavored versions

    o! their products$ Foth have been e&panding their non;carbonated drin%

    line;ups# as consumers seem to be shi!ting a"a !rom carbonated so!t

    drin%s$ /epsiCo is deliberating "hether to come out "ith /epsi T"ist# a cola

    mi&ed "ith lemon$ Fut "hile both companies have 3uice sports drin%s#

    bottled "ater and other such drin%s in their line;ups# neither co%e nor /epsi

    has launched a ne" national variet o! a cola;!lavoured carbonated so!t

    drin% in ears$

    /epsiCo had achieved Rs + bn "orth o! e&ports# "hich include processed

    !oods# basmati rice# guar gum and so!t drin%s concentrate$ /epsiCo

    completed the second phase o! its e&pansion and "ith this e&pansion#

    /epsiCo "as to e&plore the possibilit o! e&panding the e&port o!

    concentrates to more countries in addition to the e&ports to Russia and other

    South Asian countries$

    /epsi India has entered into a mar%eting tie up "ith 7industan 4ever to

    promote sales o! so!t drin%s through /epsi;744 net"or% o! vending

    machines and !ountains$ The ma3or so!t drin% brand in the /epsi stable are

    /epsi# U/# Mirinda# Tropicana and AcHua!ina$

    As a ma3or strategic departure# both M,Cs "ere e&panding their brand

    range$ ConseHuent to some diversi!ing moves# at present# the sales ratio o!

    Coca;Cola bet"een so!t drin%s and other beverages is B)$)$ The compan

    intended to change this to >*

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    thrust$ It has plans to go in !or canned co!!ee# iced tea and

    puri!ied categories under e&pansion schemes$ It has alread launched its

    bottled "ater brand# 'inle# in the Indian mar%et$ Fesides# it is intending to

    acHuire domestic brands in the non;carbonated beverages segment$

    The global deal bet"een Coca;Cola and /82 to !orm a snac%s and

    beverages 3oint venture compan "as reported to have slipped into rough

    "eather$ The /82 brand o! potato "a!er# /ringles# seemed to be !aced "ith

    distribution problems in India$ /82 had globall tied up "ith Coca;Cola to

    !orm a stand;alone 3uice and snac%s compan$ The ne" !irm is !ocused on

    developing and mar%eting ne" 3uices# 3uice based beverages and snac%s on a

    global basis$

    The Shar3ah;based Allied Feverages "as pushing its Ahlan brand in India#

    having entered the mar%et in mid;

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    C(P; P+:1


    Coca;Cola "as created in (>>D b 1ohn S /emberton# a pharmacist in

    Atlanta# 2eorgia# "ho sold the srup mi&ed "ith !ountain "ater as a potion

    !or mental and phsical disorders$ The !ormula changed hands three more

    times be!ore Asa 6$ Candler added carbonation and b BB# it !ranchised its bottling operations in the U$S$#

    gro"ing Huic%l to reach +* !ranchisees b (B(*$ 7eadHuartered in Atlanta

    "ith divisions and local operations in over

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    advertising a challenge "ith language# culture# and government regulation

    all serving as barriers$ -ormer CEL Robert :oodru!!s insistence that Coca;

    Cola "ouldnt Nsu!!er the stigma o! being an intrusive American product#

    and instead "ould use local bottles# caps# machiner# truc%s# and personnel

    contributed to Co%es challenges as "ell "ith a lac% o! standard processes

    and training degrading Hualit$

    Coca;Cola continued "or%ing !or over >* ears on :oodru!!s goal to ma%e

    Co%e available "herever and "henever consumers "anted it# Nin arms reach

    o! desire$ The Second :orld :ar proved to be the stimulus Coca;Cola

    needed to build e!!ective capabilities around the "orld and achieve dominant

    global mar%et share$ :oodru!!s patriotic commitment Nthat ever man in

    uni!orm gets a bottle o! Coca;Cola !or !ive cents# "herever he is and at

    "hatever cost to our compan "as more than 3ust great public relations$ As

    a result o! Co%es status as a militar supplier# Coca;Cola "as e&empt !rom

    sugar rationing and also received government subsidies to build bottling

    plants around the "orld$

    T; T1 C1;T )T +(P1T+71

    The (BB*s brought a slo"do"n in sales gro"th !or the Carbonated So!t

    6rin% .CS60 industr in the United States# achieving onl *$*s$ :hile per capita consumption throughout the

    "orld "as a !raction o! the United States# ma3or beverage companies

    clearl had to loo% else"here !or the gro"th their shareholders demanded$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    The looming opportunit !or t"ent;!irst centur "as in the "orlds

    developing mar%ets "ith their rapidl gro"ing middle class populations$

    T1 ):GS (ST P)1: 5;

    Interbrands 2lobal Frand Scorecard !or 0# and a (BB< return to NCant beat the

    real thing0 lin%ed that personalit to the core values o! each generation and

    established Co%e as the authentic# relevant# and trusted re!reshment o!

    choice across the decades and around the globe$

    PT1;TS, CP+TS, T1 S1C1TS ; T1(DS

    Compan o"ns numerous patents# coprights and trade secrets# as "ell as

    substantial %no";ho" and technolog# "hich "e collectivel re!er to as

    @@technolog$ This technolog generall relates to Compans products and


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    the processes !or their production? the pac%ages used !or products? the design

    and operation o! various processes and eHuipment used in business? and

    certain Hualit assurance so!t"are$ Some o! the technolog is licensed to

    suppliers and other parties$ Compans spar%ling beverage and other

    beverage !ormulae are among the important trade secrets o! Compan$

    Compan o"n numerous trademar%s that are ver important to business$

    6epending upon the 3urisdiction# trademar%s are valid as long as the are in

    use andPor their registrations are properl maintained$ /ursuant to compans

    bottlers agreements# compan authori5e bottlers to use applicable Compan

    trademar%s in connection "ith their manu!acture# sale and distribution o!

    Compan products$ In addition# "e grant licenses to third parties !rom time

    to time to use certain o! compans trademar%s in con3unction "ith certain

    merchandise and !ood products$


    Compan re!er to its emploees as @@associates$ As o! 6ecember +(#

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    Compan had appro&imatel ((#** and (+#*** associates# respectivel#

    located in the United States# including /uerto Rico# o! "hich appro&imatel

    (B* and B*# respectivel# "ere emploed b consolidated VIEs$

    Coca cola Compan# through its divisions and subsidiaries# has entered into

    numerous collective bargaining agreements$ Compan currentl e&pect that

    it "ill be able to renegotiate such agreements on satis!actor terms "hen

    the e&pire$ The Compan believes that its relations "ith its associates are

    generall satis!actor$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study



    /epsiCo is a "orld leader in convenient !oods and beverages# "ith revenues

    o! about O

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    "hich "e operate$ And in everthing "e do# "e strive !or honest# !airness

    and integrit$

    /epsiCos beverage business "as !ounded at the turn o! the centur b Caleb

    Fradham# a ,e" Fern# ,orth Carolina druggist# "ho !irst !ormulated /epsi

    K Cola$ Toda consumers spend about O++ billion on /epsi;Cola beverages$

    Frand /epsi and other /epsi;Cola products K including 6iet /epsi# /epsi;

    Lne# Mountain 6e"# Slice# Sierra Mist and Mug Frands; account !or nearl

    one;third o! total so!t drin% sales in the United States# a consumer mar%et

    totaling about D* billion$

    /eps;Cola also o!!ers a variet o! non;carbonated beverages# including

    AHua!ina bottled "ater# -ruit "or%s and all Sport$ In (BB< /epsi;Cola

    !ormed a partnership "ith Tomas 1$ 4ipton Co$ toda 4ipton is the biggest

    selling read;to drin% tea brand in the United States$ /epsi;Cola also mar%ets

    -rappuccino read;to drin% co!!ee through a partnership "ith Starbuc%s$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    Mirinda and /epsi;Cola ,orth America includes the United States and

    Canada$ 'e international mar%ets include Argentina# Fra5il# China# India#

    Me&ico# /hilippines# Saudi Arabia# Spain# Thailand and the United

    'ingdom$ /epsi;Co Feverages International also produces# sells and

    distributes 2atorade sports drin%s as "ell as Tropicana and other 3uices


    /epsi;Cola provides advertising# mar%eting# sales and promotional support

    to /epsi;Cola bottlers and !ood service customers$ This ,e" advertising and

    e&citing promotions %eep /epsi;Cola brands oung$ The compan

    manu!actures and sells so!t drin% concentrate to /epsi;Cola bottlers$ The

    compan also provides !ountain beverage products$


    /epsiCo .smbol /E/0 shares are traded principall on the ,e" Yor% Stoc%

    E&change in the United States$ The compan is also listed on the

    Amsterdam# Chicago# S"iss and To%o stoc% e&changes$ /epsiCo has

    consistentl paid cash dividends since the corporation "as !ounded$

    CPT1 C+T+J1;S+P

    /epsiCo believes that as a corporate citi5en# it has a responsibilit to

    contribute to the Hualit o! li!e in our communities$ This philosoph is put

    into action through support o! social agencies# pro3ects and programmes$

    The scope o! this support is e&tensive K ranging !orm sponsorship o! local

    programs and support o! emploee volunteer activities# to contributions o!


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    time# talent and !unds to programs o! national impact$ Each division is

    responsible !or its o"n giving program$ Corporate giving is !ocused on

    giving "here /epsiCo emploees volunteer$

    P1PS+C 1KT1S

    /epsiCo :orld 7eadHuarters is located in /urchase# ,e" Yor%#

    appro&imatel ) minutes !rom ,e" Yor% Cit$ The seven building

    headHuarters comple& "as designed b Ed"ard 6urrell Stone# one o!

    Americas !oremost architects$ The building occupies (* acres o! a ( K

    acre comple& that includes the 6onate M$ 'endall Sculpture 2ardens# a

    "orld acclaimed sculpture collection in a garden setting$

    The collection o! "or%s is !ocused on ma3or t"entieth centur art# and

    !eatures "or%s b masters such as Auguste Rodin# 7enri 4aurens# 7enr

    Moore# Ale&ander Calder# Alberto 2iacometti# Arnaldo /omodoro and Class

    Llden berg$ The gardens "ere originall designed b the "orld !amous

    garden planner# Russelll /age# and have been e&tended b -rancois 2o!!inet$

    The grounds are open to the public# and a visitors booth is in operation

    during the spring and summer$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study



    Parle grois an Indian private limited compan$ It o"ns the brands li%e

    -rooti# App# 4M,# 7ippo and Faille$ /arle /roducts "as !ounded in (B

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    Agro !or using the brand /arle !or competing con!ectionar products$ 4ater#

    /arle Agro launched its con!ectioner products under a ne" design "hich

    did not include the /arle brand name$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    pp)= mar%et share$ ,o"#

    -rooti also comes in /ET bottle pac%ing$ -rooti is li%e an Indian

    ambassador and is a hot !avourite not onl in India but all across the


    -rooti is the !irst tetra pac% !ruit 3uice in India$ 4aunched in (B># -rooti still

    holds a dominant position in the Rs+** crore tetra pac% !ruit 3uice .T-10

    mar%et$ -rooti over these ears have carved out a niche !or itsel! in the

    mar%et$ -rooti instantl caught the !anc o! Indian consumer "ith its

    tetra pac% and some smart campaigns$ Initiall the drin% "as positioned

    as a %ids drin%$ The product "as perceived as a health !ruit drin% b

    the mothers$ So "ithin a short span o! time# the brand "as an

    alternative to the Nunhealth colas$ The tetra pac% had other bene!its

    also$ -ruit 3uice is a perishable product and tetra pac% have e&tended

    the shel! li!e o! -rooti because tetra pac%s have < laers o! paper and a

    plastic coating that ensured tamper proo! and enhanced shel! li!e$

    4ured b the success o! -rooti# there "ere a lot o! ne" launches in the T-1

    mar%et$ /laers li%e 2odre3 "ith 1umpin? %issan etc tried their luc% in


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    this mar%et but !ailed to dislodge -rooti$ -rooti "as positioned as a

    mango drin% that is N-resh;n;3uic -or over ears# the compan

    promoted the product using that !amous baseline$ The product has tried

    to create e&citement in the mar%et through a series o! ne" variants and

    pac%ing$ Fut in late nineties the brand "as !acing stagnated sales$ The

    compan tried to e&cite the mar%et "ith an orange and pineapple

    variant but both the variant bombed$ The came "ith the e&periment in


    The YLQ -rooti variant came "ith a slim paper can aimed at the

    college going outh$ :orried b the stagnating sales# /arle tried to

    reposition the brand to appeal to outh aged bet"een (D;

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    -rooti is basicall a nectar based drin% so it is not (**= !ruit 3uice# it also

    has some preservatives added to increase the shel! li!e$ Although -rooti

    did not !ace much competition in the categor it created# competition

    came !rom a slightl di!!erent categor# (**= !ruit 3uices$ /arle sa" the

    emergence o! the N(**= !ruit drin% mar%et and launched N,3o brand

    but it did not clic%ed$ /arle could have e&tended -rooti to this mar%et


    The brand Real !rom 6abur is the main plaer in this categor$ Real

    e!!ectivel positioned itsel! as a premium health drin% !or adults$

    -rooti "as not able to appeal to adults and "as considered as a mango

    drin% "hile Real is not restricted to an !lavour$ -rooti also changed its

    positioning statement !rom @-resh;,;3uic to N1uice Up our li!e

    "hich has not clic%ed "ith the customers$

    Although -rooti en3os a commanding .)=0 mar%et share# -rooti is !acing

    stagnation$ Ma be some serious steps should be ta%en to increase the

    usage o! the product$ The launch o! /ET bottle -rooti is a step in this

    direction$ Recentl -rooti also launched a N2reen mango variant 3ust

    to create some hpe in the mar%et$ -rooti ma have to reposition itsel!

    again to appeal to cola drin%ers$


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    Maa5a is a Coca;Cola!ruit drin% brand mar%eted in India and Fangladesh#

    the most popular drin% being the mangovariet so much that over the ears#

    the Maa5a brand has become snonmous "ith Mango$ Initiall Coca;Cola

    had also launched Maa5a in orange and pineapple variants# but these variants

    "ere subseHuentl dropped$ Coca;Cola has recentl re;launched these

    variants again in the Indian mar%et$

    Mango drin%s currentl account !or B*= o! the !ruit 3uice mar%et in India$

    Maa5a currentl dominates the !ruit drin% categor and competes "ith

    /epsi9s Slice brand o! mango drin% and -rooti# manu!actured b /arle Agro$

    :hile -rooti "as sold in small cartons# Maa5a and Slice "ere initiall sold

    in returnable bottles$ 7o"ever# all brands are also no" available in small


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    cartons and large /ET bottles$ L! late# the Indian mar%et is "itnessing the

    entr o! a large number o! small manu!acturers producing onl mango !ruit


    Maa5a has a distinct pulp taste as compared to -rooti and tastes slightl

    s"eeter than Slice$ Maa5a claims to contain mango pulp o! the Alphonso

    "hich is %no"n as N'ing o! Mangoes in India and Totapuri variet$

    +ST (J

    Maa5a "as launched in (BD in India$ The Union Feverages -actor# based

    in the United Arab Emirates# began selling Maa5a as a !ranchisee in the

    Middle East and A!rica in (BD$ F (BB)# it had acHuired rights to theMaa5a brand in these countries through Maa5a International Co 44C 6ubai$

    In India# Maa5a "as acHuired b Coca;Cola India in (BB+ !rom /arle;Fisleri

    along "ith other brands such as 4imca# Citra# Thums Up and 2old Spot$ As

    !or ,orth America# Maa5a "as acHuired b 7ouse o! Spices in

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study



    Slice is a line o! !ruit;!lavored so!t drin%s manu!actured b /epsiCo and

    introduced in (B># "ith the lemon;lime !lavor replacing Teem$

    Varieties o! Slice have included apple# !ruit punch# grape# passion !ruit#

    peach gla5e# Mandarin orange# pineapple# stra"berr# Cherr Cola# GRedG#

    Cherr;4ime# and 6r Slice$ Until (BB# the drin% contained (*= !ruit 3uice$

    The original design o! the can "as a solid color related to the !lavor o! the

    drin%$ These "ere replaced in (BB "ith blac% cans that !eatured color!ul

    bursts .once again# related to the !lavor o! the drin%0# along "ith slic%er

    graphics$ In (BB# the cans became blue "ith color;coordinated s"irls$ The


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    original orange !lavor "as re!ormulated around this time "ith the ne"

    slogan# GIt9s orange# onl t"isted$G Lrange Slice has since been changed

    bac% to its original !lavor$

    In the summer o!

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    5rand d>antage

    :ith the launch o! NAamsutra campaign in along "ith a "inning taste

    8 most appealing pac% graphics# Slice created disruptive e&citement in the

    categor and celebrated mango indulgence li%e no other$

    :hile other plaers have portraed mango as a simple and innocent !ruit#

    Slice celebrates the indulgence and sensualit o! consuming a Mango$ The

    creative idea NAamsutra communicates the art o! e&periencing pure mango

    pleasure through the taste o! Slice$

    As a !irst ever b an brand in the 1uice and 1uice 6rin%s Categor#

    Foll"oods reigning 6iva# 'atrina 'ai! "as signed on as the Frand

    Ambassador on Slice$

    Slice too% I,6U42E,CE to a ne" level in

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study



    S)T anal

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    A S:LT analsis must !irst start "ith de!ining a desired end state or

    ob3ective$ A S:LT analsis ma be incorporated into the strategic planning

    model$ Strategic /lanning has been the sub3ect o! much research$

    Strengths attributes o! the person or compan that is help!ul to

    achieving the ob3ective.s0$

    )ea%nesses attributes o! the person or compan that is harm!ul to

    achieving the ob3ective.s0$

    pportunities e#ternalconditions that is help!ul to achieving the


    Threats e#ternalconditions "hich could do damage to the


    /lanning !or an enterprise is entirel based upon Strength# :ea%ness#

    Lpportunit# Threat .S:LT0$The S:LT is an e&cellent techniHue !orstrategic planning$ 7o"ard business school has been b planner all over the

    "orld !irst develops the techniHue$ Such analsis helps to promote deep

    thin%ing and creative solution b highlighting the root cause o! problems$

    S:LT analsis enable the compan to choose de!ine its "anted !uture$

    SWOT Analysis of !ango "rin#s in India


    ($ Mar%et leader in ,CS6 categor;



  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    D*= Mar%et share$

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    ($ 7uge untapped unorgani5ed sector

    in ,CS6 categor$

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    SWOT Analysis of %rooti


    ($ Innovative ; -irst pac%aged Mango

    drin% in Indian mar%et# !irst to

    introduce Tetra pac%# /ET bottle

    pac%aging in ,CS6 categor$

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    $ 6emographicall# in the coming

    ears around ))= o! the population

    "ill consist o! belo" +) ears in

    age# "hich should be ma3or target

    mar%et !or -rooti$)$ Increasing health a"areness among

    consumers# >>= o! those pre!erred

    !ruit drin% to carbonated drin%$

    mar%et$+$ 7igh consumer pre!erence !or

    !lavors other than mango and green

    mango$$ Competition "ith global giants ;

    Co%e and /epsi$

    ifferential anal

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    6i!!erent companies have di!!erent pac% si5e to meet the demand o! di!!erent

    levels o! customers$ Such as# Maa5a having

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    According to this %ind o! strateg# Maa5a is !ar behind !rom its competitors$

    Fecause the dont have (** ml TT/ "hich is speciall made !or children#

    the lo"er volume customers$ Ln the other hand# "hen customers are getting


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    (D1T+; (+I

    Mar%eting Mi& is the set o! mar%eting tools that the !irm uses to pursue its

    mar%eting ob3ectives$ It has a classi!ication !or these mar%eting tools$ These

    mar%eting are classi!ied and called as the -our /s i$e$ /roduct# /rice# /lace

    and /romotion$

    The most basic mar%eting tool is product "hich includes product design#Hualit# !eatures# branding# and pac%aging$ A critical mar%eting tool is price

    i$e$ the amount o! mone that customers pa !or the product$ It also includes

    discounts# allo"ances# credit terms and pament period$

    /lace is another %e mar%eting mi& tool$ And it includes various activities

    the compan underta%es to ma%e the product accessible and available to the

    customer$ Some !actors that decide the place are transport !acilities# channels

    o! distribution# coverage area# etc$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    /romotion is the !ourth mar%eting mi& tool "hich includes all the activities

    that the compan underta%es to communicate and promote its product to

    target mar%et$ /romotion includes sales promotion# advertising# sales !orce#

    public relations# direct mar%eting# etc$

    These !our /s are the parameters that the mar%eting manager can control#

    sub3ect to the internal and e&ternal constraints o! the mar%eting environment$

    The goal is to ma%e decisions that center the !our /s on the customers in the

    target mar%et in order to create perceived value and generate a positive


    4PGs of rooti


    A product is anthing that can be o!!ered to a mar%et to satis! a "ant or

    need$ Indias !irst real !ruit drin% in a Tetra /a% is available in ; -rooti

    Mango# 2reen Mango$ -rooti Mango is !rom premium Indian Mangoes$

    -rooti has also been introduced in /ET bottle pac%ing$ Mango -rooti

    contains vitamin A "hich is essential !or ee sight# gro"th and health s%in$

    -rooti is a delicious and re!reshing read to serve !ruit beverage$ -rooti

    comes in -ruit drin% segment o! ,CS6 categor .,L,;CARFL,ATE6

    SL-T 6RI,'0$

    rooti is a>aila!le in follo/ing @uantities*-


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    D) ml .onl Tetra pac% pac%aging0

    )= mar%et share in India$ -rooti reaches more than (*

    la%h retai l out lets through more than ()** distributors and

    "holesalers directl and indirectl$ This is borne out b /arle

    Agro "inning the Feverage Industr a"ard !or the Fest Managed


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    Suppl Chain )

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    introduced in a ne" tetra pac% pac%aging in D) ml Huantit "hich

    is priced at Rs $)* each$

    The compan has appointed Siddharth as the ne" brand

    ambassador o! mango drin% -rooti $ This is the !irst t ime that

    -rooti has chosen a brand ambassador !or its ne" campaign$ An

    ad !eaturing Siddharth "as shot recentl and itll be aired soon in

    7indi# Telugu# Tamil# 'annada# Malaalam# Marathi# Fangla# and


    4PGs of (aa=a


    A product is anthing that can be o!!ered to a mar%et to satis! a "ant or

    need$ Coca Cola introduced Maa5a into a recognised beverage brand#

    o!!ering Maa5a in (* di!!erent !lavours .e$g$ Mango# Tropical# 2uava#

    4chee# /assion -ruitPMaracu3a# /ineapple# Fanana# /apaa# -ruit /unch

    and 2uanabana0 in B di!!erent pac%aging !ormats .e$g$ /ET bottles# cartons#

    glass bottles and cans0 suitable !or all segments o! the mar%et$ This gives

    customer various options to select !rom$


    Maa5a (

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    7o"ever the brand loal customers "ill pre!er Maa5a and nothing else$

    7o"ever pricing strateg is decent$ The price o! Maa5a starts at (< Rs and

    ends at )* Rs$


    Maa5a is one o! the product "hich is tring to ma%e its product available

    ever "here in the mar%et$ 7o"ever# Maa5a has its presence in more than ++

    countries .and e&panding0 "orld"ide$ The Maa5a drin%s are distributed to

    supermar%ets# convenience stores# hotels# ca!es and man other outlets$ The

    compan is tring to tap each and ever customer b reaching them at ever

    general store b giving them availabilit o! the product$


    The compan is promoting Maa5a as Maa5a K the "holesome !amil !un$ It

    provides the most authentic e&perience o! rich# 3uic mangoesantime#

    an"hereQ It has its slogan as N(aa=a lao aur am i p

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    months onl$ This ad promises that "e "ill provide ou Mango drin% no

    matter the season o! mango is there or not$

    4PGs of Slice


    Slice is %no"n !or its luscious Mango taste and unmatched e&perience o!

    providing /ure Mango /leasure to its customers$ Slice is available in

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    compared to there competitors$ 7o"ever the little di!!erence in price also

    a!!ects the sales o! the product$ Slice is cheaper than Maa5a and costlier than

    -rooti$ Thus it helps slice to still sta in the competition$ /ricing !or slice

    plas important role to sta in competition$


    Slice is one o! the product "hich has competition !orm both local and

    multinational compan and thus to survive in the mar%et compan is

    !ocusing more on suppl chain$ The compan has an ob3ective "herein the

    products "hich are available are sold more than other$ The compan

    believes in N1o 6i%hta hai# "o Fi%ta hai$


    The compan had started promoting there product "ith ne" ad "herein the

    customers "ill get a chance to meet the Foll"ood Hueen 'atrina 'ai!$

    'atrina 'ai! is the brand ambassador o! Slice /roduct$ The promotion has

    started on Valentines 6a# -ebruar (th

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    ata nal

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study



    -rom the surve it "as !ound that amongst (** respondents$

    a0 (= o! the respondents pre!er -rooti Mango 6rin%$

    b0 += o! the respondents pre!er Maa5a Mango 6rin%$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    a0 D= o! the respondents consume there pre!erred drin%

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    +$ Ln "hat occasions# do ou o!ten consume the Mango 6rin%sJ

    -eeling Thirst/arties P Celebrations:ithout an reason .3ust li%e that0An other



  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    -rom the surve it "as !ound that amongst (** respondents$

    a0 ))= o! the respondents consume Mango drin% "ithout an reason .3ust

    li%e that0$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    $ :hat induces ou to bu Mango 6rin%J

    /rice "ith Huantit7ealth 6rin%Status smbolTasteVariet



  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    -rom the surve it "as !ound that amongst (** respondents$

    a0 D= o! respondents bu Mango 6rin% because o! the Taste$

    b0 (D= o! respondents bu Mango 6rin% because o! the price and

    "ith good amount o! Huantit$

    c0 >= o! respondents bu Mango 6rin% because the !eel i t is a

    7ealth 6rin%$

    d0 >= o! respondents bu Mango 6rin% because o! variet$

    e0 Lnl (= o! respondent bu Mango 6rin% because o! status



    -rom the surve# it has !ound that people bu Mango drin% !or

    the purpose o! taste and this is because o! absence o! Mango in

    all the seasons$ Thus to get the !eel o! Mango people bu Mango

    6rin%$ There are (D= o! /eople "ho bu Mango 6rin% %eeping

    price in mind "ith Huantit$ The price is one o! the other !actor

    "hich in!luences to bu Mango 6rin%$

    There are some people "ho also pre!er to bu mango drin% 3ust

    to ma%e a change in their Taste as the !eel i t is a di!!erent

    variet$ 7ealth conscious people loo% it as 7ealth 6rin% and thus

    it in!luences to bu Mango 6rin%$ 7o"ever Mango drin% cannot

    be said as Status smbol$ So there are ver rare people "ho !eel


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    it as buing Mango drin% is Status smbol and thus it in!luences


    )$ 7o" do ou vie" Mango 6rin%J

    As a health drin%As a status smbolAs an aid to put o!! thirstAn other


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study



    -rom the surve it "as !ound that amongst (** respondents$

    a0 B= o! respondents vie" Mango 6rin% as an aid to put o!!


    b0 +>= o! respondents vie" Mango 6rin% as a health drin%$

    c0 (

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    D$ 6o advertisements a!!ect our purchasesJ




  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    -rom the surve it "as !ound that amongst (** respondents$

    a0 )+= o! respondents sa that advertisement doesnt a!!ect their


    b0 = o! respondents sa that advertisement does a!!ect their



    -rom the surve# it has !ound that its nearl )*;)* situation in

    advertisement a!!ecting purchases$ ,earl )*= o! /eople thin%

    tha t brand ambassador has made them bu Mango dr in% $

    7o"ever# no" all the three companies are using it 3ust to attract

    consumers$ And the other )*= sa it doesnt a!!ect as ads are not

    e!!ective and it doesnt in!luence them to bu the product$

    This is a sign "herein companies have to ma%e changes in their

    advertising strateg$ And also thin% over i t that should the

    spend more on advertisement or should !ocus on distribution



  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    $ :hat do ou !eel about the price o! Mango drin%sJ

    Ver high7ighMedium4o"Reasonable



  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    -rom the surve it "as !ound that amongst (** respondents$

    a0 )+= o! respondents !ee l tha t the price o! Mango drin% i s



  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    And an product provided at cheaper or lo"er rate "ould be said

    as costl as people have to pa !or it$

    >$ 6o ou !eel a price reduction "ill increase our purchasing po"erJ




  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    -rom the surve it "as !ound that amongst (** respondents$

    a0 D

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    B$ :hich pac% do ou consume the mostJ

    Tetra pac%

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study



  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    (*$ Ran% the !ollo"ing according to our taste and pre!erenceJ



    -rom the surve it "as !ound that amongst (** respondents$

    a0 (= o! respondents ran%ed -rooti as no$( pre!erence in terms

    o! taste$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    b0 ++= o! respondents ran%ed Maa5a as no$( pre!erence in terms

    o! taste$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    -rom the surve# it has !ound that -rooti is most pre!erred drin%$

    It is then !ollo"ed b Maa5a and slice respectivel$ -rooti is

    mostl pre!erred due to its taste and thus it is at no$($ 7o"ever

    Maa5a is not so !ar behind at no$

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study



    -rom the surve it "as !ound that amongst (** respondents$

    Kualit= o! respondents rated Maa5a as having Average Huali t


    d0 Lnl (= o! respondents rated Maa5a as having Fad Huali t


    e0 ,one o! the respondents rated Maa5a as having Ver Fad

    Hualit product$

    5rand +mage

    a0 D)= o! respondents rated Maa5a as having a good Frand


    b0 aila!ilit= o! people sa that Sl ice has good pac%aging and (*= o!

    people sa that pac%aging o! Slice is Ver 2ood and$ It means the

    pac%aging o! the compan is reall good and thats "hat people

    li%e it as it gets eas to handle$

    (+$ 2ive our ratings to !ollo"ing attributes o! -rootiJ

    TT+5T1S 71

    711 5 71 5


    5; +(1



  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study




    -rom the surve it "as !ound that amongst (** respondents$

    Kualit= o! respondents rated -rooti as having 2ood /ac%aging$


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    D+= o! people sa the brand image is good and = o! people sa that -rooti has good pac%aging and

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study



    -rom the surve it "as !ound that amongst (** respondents$

    a0 )+= o! respondents sas that the "ould visit another store to

    !ind there pre!erred Mango drin%$

    b0 = o! respondents sas that the "ould not visit another

    store to !ind there pre!erred Mango drin%$


    -rom the surve# i t has !ound that et there are = o! people

    "ho "ill stic% to onl one shop "here "hichever Mango drin% is


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    available the "ill bu it$ And )+= o! cro"d sas that the "ill

    de! initel go and visit another store to ! ind there pre!erred

    Mango drin%$ This )+= people are Frand conscious people$ And

    thus i t sho"s that compan has been partl success!ul to ma%e

    people brand conscious$

    ecommendation and Suggestions*

    or (aa=a*


  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    ,eed to start local advertisements$

    ,eed to change the pricing strateg$

    Appoint Frand ambassador as both other compan has it alread$

    ,eed to :or% on 6istribution Strateg .Availabilit0$

    Improvement in the pac%aging o! Maa5a bottles$

    Introduction o! small tetra pac% o! Maa5a o! Rs +P;

    or Slice*

    ,eed to improve ualit in terms o! thic%ness$

    ,eed to :or% on 6istribution Strateg .Availabilit0$

    Introduction o! small tetra pac% o! slice o! Rs +P;

    6ecrease in the price o! slice

    ,eed to start local advertisements$

    or rooti*

    ,eed to !ocus more on advertisements strateg$

    -ocus on Frand positioning$

    ,eed to improve Frand 4oalt$

    ,eed to e&pand brand# brand eHuit is not utili5e properl$

    Must increase !lavours$



  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study


    -rom the surve "e can conclude that# there is a big competition in Mango

    drin%s segment in regards to Maa5a# -rooti and Slice$ Though# it has been

    seen that people pre!er -rooti more than Maa5a and Slice !rom the surve$

    7o"ever# -rooti is not a clear Mar%et 4eader as it is !ollo"ed b Maa5a and

    Slice respectivel$ /eople pre!er Mango 6rin% less than Cola drin%$ Thus

    companies have to create more a"areness about mango drin% b the "a o!

    Advertisement$ Companies can endorse Frand Ambassador to promote there

    product "hich is ver necessar$ There is )*;)* situation in advertisement

    a!!ecting purchases$ Thus ads must be made more attractive$

    2enerall people are not having an regular timing or drin%ing so!t drin% but

    "e can assume that on an average ever customer drin% these drin%s

  • 7/23/2019 244879299 Comparative Study
