Page 1 Happy Christmas 1 He Did It !!!!! 1 Editorial, A New Year Resolution 2 Congratulations Vaughan 2 National News 3 Club News 4 Photographic Competition 5 Pudsey Bear Visits No 10 6 Jersey 2012 - Travel 7 The Back Page 8 Number 26 December, 2011 News@41Club.Org The Monthly Newsletter of the Association Of Ex-Round Tablers’ Great Britain and Ireland Contents Contributions to [email protected] Please send contributions to [email protected] The copy date for the January issue is Sunday 18th December. editor: Ray Hill national Communications officer A member of the Round Table Family of Clubs WELL HE DID IT! The President completed his run in the GREAT SOUTH RUN for ‘Round Table Children’s Wish’ in 2 hours 53 minutes 53 seconds, finishing with the words ‘Never again..! In 16,147th place (1,149th in his age-group)’ There is still time to support him using the links below, so if you or your club feel you can then please help: DONATE HERE He Did It !!!!! The Four Presidents Await The Cenotaph Parade I am writing this as we move swiftly to the end of 2011 and what a year it has been for me. I have had the great pleasure of meeting many 41 Club members, visiting many places around the country and attending many different events and I am looking forward to my future travels in 2012. The hospitality has been tremendous and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made me feel so very welcome. Finally, to all 41 Club members, may I also take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very happy Christmas and a happy New Year. Vaughan Harris National President 2011-12

28 - December 2011 Newsletter 41 Club

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The monthly Newsletter of the Association of Ex-Round Tablers' Clubs

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Happy Christmas 1He Did It !!!!! 1Editorial, A New Year Resolution 2Congratulations Vaughan 2National News 3

Club News 4Photographic Competition 5Pudsey Bear Visits No 10 6Jersey 2012 - Travel 7The Back Page 8

Number 26 December, 2011 [email protected]

The Monthly Newsletter of the Association Of Ex-Round Tablers’ Great Britain and Ireland


Contributions to [email protected] send contributions to [email protected] copy date for the January issue is Sunday 18th December.editor: Ray Hillnational Communications officer

A member of the Round Table Family of Clubs

WELL HE DID IT! The President completed his run in the GREAT SOUTH RUN for ‘Round Table Children’s Wish’ in 2 hours 53 minutes 53 seconds, finishing with the words ‘Never again..! In 16,147th place

(1,149th in his age-group)’ There is still time to support him using the links below, so if you or your club feel you can then please help:


He Did It !!!!!The Four Presidents Await

The Cenotaph Parade

I am writing this as we move swiftly to the end of 2011 and what a year it has been for me. I have had the great pleasure of meeting many 41 Club members, visiting many places around the country and attending many different events and I am looking forward to my future travels in 2012. The hospitality has been tremendous and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made me feel so very welcome.

Finally, to all 41 Club members, may I also take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very happy Christmas and a happy New Year.

Vaughan HarrisNational President 2011-12

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With Christmas rapidly approaching it is time to start thinking about the New Year and what resolutions we will be making for the next twelve months. Resolutions that are easily made and often more easily broken! This year I would like to challenge all 41 Clubs to make one collective resolution, that in the first six months of 2012 they will hold a joint meeting with another 41 Club, perhaps in their own region, possibly further afield or even overseas.

In our Tabling days we all enjoyed the great fellowship that was part of the Table ethos. We attended Area Meetings, went out on scatter nights and competed against many other clubs in various sporting events. These were just a few of the many varied ways that we associated with “other like minded men”. But when we joined 41 Club it would appear that for many of us ‘lasting friendship’ only extends

as far as the four walls of the venue we meet in every month. Now I am not saying that all clubs have this attitude but it is plain that many clubs just do not associate with other 41 Clubs. Ask yourself when was the last time your club actively sought to have a joint meeting? This year? Last year? Never?

So gentlemen I take this opportunity of asking all clubs to resolve to have at least one meeting with another club before the end of June. This is one New Year resolution that I ask you all to keep. Hopefully It will bring back the memories of those great days in Table and who knows you might decide to have several joint meetings in the future.

May I take this opportunity to thank all those that have contributed to the newsletter and/or Links magazine in the last twelve months. It is has been

a pleasure being your editor and I look forward to an even more successful 2012.

May I wish all members and their families a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

EditorialA New Year resolution

From: Julie Atherton <[email protected]>

To: president <[email protected]>; president <[email protected]>

Sent: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 12:55Subject: something to inspire you

after your challenge on Sunday

We have just received these and I just had to share the story with you for you to also then share with whoever you think would like to see this. Elva is 7 and has lymphoma. Her wish was for a playhouse in the garden and 2 weeks ago a local businessman went to see her and draw up a design. He started on Monday in the pouring rain, finished it Tuesday pm and Elva moved in on Tuesday night with ‘walkie talkie’ contact to mum in the house. These photos arrived this morning. See attached and more to follow over 2 more emails to tell the story – it’s wonderful!

Needless to say we couldn’t do this without you and we truly appreciate everything you do.

Kind regardsJulie

Congratulations VaughanCongratulations to President Vaughan

on completing the 10 mile Great South Run. He competed with only very light training (consisting mainly of lifting one pint pots with his right arm.) The going got very tough towards the end but he determined to finish and with

the help of a masseur on the way he completed the run in a time well within the three hours he had set himself. Vaughan’s own account will appear in next month’s newsletter, but in the meantime I thought that you might be interested in the e-mail below which

was sent to Vaughan by the RTCW a few days after the run. The photos say it all - just how proud we should be that the Round Table’s own charity does such wonderful work for children.

Well done Vaughan ... we are all proud of your efforts.

A personal request from the editor

Gentlemen may I take this opportunity to request that you all consider making a contribution to the Round Table Children’s Wish,

either individually or as a club.

Over the last 6 months I have published many moving stories of the great work they are achieving for children with life threatening

illnesses. Please help in any way you can.

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Jack Hallam

It is with regret that we announce that Jack Hallam, National President 1978-1979, passed away peacefully on the 4th of November 2011 aged 86 years. Jack was the last surviving Life Honorary Member of the Association, the highest award the Association can bestow.

National News

Remembrance Sunday - Alrewas

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It is good to hear from Trevor Chappell, a member of one our Region 26 (Overseas) clubs, regarding a very successful event. On October 6th, 2011, the Riyadh Round Table and 41 Clubs organised the Irish Open Golf Tournament and Charity Ball. This was the first Irish Open Golf Tournament held in Riyadh and was supported by the Irish Ambassador and his wife. The Inaugural Irish / American Express Open Championship was played at Dirab golf course, in Riyadh. An incredible one hundred and sixty golfers signed up to the Golf day and over four hundred for the Gala Ball.

The Gala Ball was hosted by Dr. Niall Hollohan and his wife Felicity Heathcote at the Irish Embassy. Despite not being a golfer Niall was clearly impressed and delighted by the proceedings over which he and Felicity presided.

As well as a fun golf event and evening function, the day had a serious side to it. All proceeds from the event were earmarked for the charity Hoopoe Bird Foundation. They raise money for causes here in the Kingdom as well as in Palestine, where they assist a blind school. After all of the money raised by sponsorship, entry fees, raffles and auctions was added up, Gary and Andrea were able to present a clearly stunned Felicity with a cheque for SAR 330,000 (equivalent to about £55,000).

A full report and photographs will appear in the Spring edition of Links magazine.

Club News

Llantwit Major Hawk Night

Wickford 41 Club Gift To The RNLI

I attach a photograph of a recent presentation of a £350 cheque to the RNLI at Southend-on-Sea (the 2nd busiest station in the UK) on Friday November 6th. This money was raised by Master-at-Arms fines during the 2010/11 year and is donated to the Charity of the Chairman, for that year’s, choice. In the photo,

left to right are current Chairman Richard Mears, Roy Thompson, Immediate Past Chairman Eric Cater, RNLI representative Brian Wood, Reg Budgen and Ian Rogers (I took the photo hence I am not in it!

Ian Piddlesden, Wickford 41 Club

It’s some while now since Keith Payne was seen sporting a 20 year old bird on his arm but, at Llantwit Major 41 Club’s November meeting, the Chairman was given the opportunity to do so again when Jamie Monroe brought along a Lanner/Gyr falcon cross to show to the Club Members at the Blacksmith’s Arms, Llanmaes.

Jamie runs the Welsh Hawking Centre with his parents and gave a fascinating talk covering the history of the Centre and his aims for the future which cover ecological, tourism and educational themes. A successful breeder of birds of prey, with over 200 eagles, owls, hawks, falcons and buzzards, Jamie is well placed to give an expert’s view of the subject which the members, replete with Blacksmith’s Arms’ steaks, fully appreciated.

Reg Hewitt, Llantwit Major 41 Club

Riyadh RT And 41 Club Charity Event

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After The Service ... Continued FriendshipOn a beautiful Autumn day, at

the beautiful yet “triste” National Arboretum, 41’s Vicar on Earth and IPP lead a moving service attended by a congregation of about 100 drawn from our family of clubs.

After the laying of wreaths and some moments of reflection fifty-six made the short journey from Staffordshire, through passport control, into the lovely (and formerly exclusive) village of Lullington in Derbyshire where Lichfield 41 and Tangent jointly hosted a “Light Luncheon” in the tiny village hall.

Now Lichfield’s Idea of a “Light Luncheon” may differ from some. This

was a three course meal served with unlimited wine and all for just a tenner thanks to the 8 Tangent lasses who did the food and not forgetting several Frenchmen who toiled in the fields of the Pays d’Oc last year to ensure that other vital supplies were sufficient.

It was a cracking afternoon.It had the feel of a real Table/41 event

and rolled back the years.Tables were waited, drink was topped

up (there was even some non alcoholic stuff available) dishes were washed , etc. Everyone mucked in.....including National officials....so you see they can have a use!!

Frankly it was lovely. A lot of hard

work for some of us but worthwhile. We had FUN and produced a surplus of £200 shared equally between the 41 and Tangent National Presidents Appeal.

Malcolm brought the event to a close with a few well chosen words and hoped we might repeat the function in future years.

Good idea Malcolm............ but I feel a subsequent engagement coming on!!

Thanks to all who came.

Mac CummingsLichfield 41 Club

Wreath laying at The Tangent sundial The village hall Three of the Tangent lasses

Photographic Competition 2012

Thanks to RTBI Pudsey Bear was able to tour many landmarks in the UK to encourage people to support this year’s Children In Need appeal. He is seen here outside 10 Downing Street with several MPs and his Round Table minders.

Pudsey Bear Visits Number 10

Several entries for the 2012 National Photographic Competition have already been received but there is still plenty of time for you to submit your entries.

All photographs must be your own work and can be of any subject. Several members have asked if there is a limit to the number of entries they can submit? The answer is no but please restrict them to a sensible number.

All entries must arrive by the end of March 2012 and should be e-mailed as attachments to [email protected].

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Jersey Conference 2012 -Travel41 CLUB NATIONAL CONFERENCE – JERSEY;

26th – 29th April 2012

All planes arrive at Jersey Airport which is located in the West of the Island. If you have pre-booked airport transfers during the Conference period, we will be there to pick you up from the Airport, take you to your Hotel and return you to the Airport on Sunday.

Important: Please note that we are only able to provide airport transfers where they have been pre-booked with the Conference Registrar and you have advised us when you will be arriving and departing. Conference Registration will need arrival and departure flight times and flight numbers to be able to provide you with airport transfers.

If you have not pre-booked, then

taxis are available, but they are limited at peak times (i.e. when a plane lands) and are expensive. A typical taxi fare from the Airport to St Helier will cost in the region of £30.00 - so we do recommend pre-booking with us.

Transport is being provided between all the venues throughout the Conference period; from Thursday until Sunday.

Anyone walking to Jersey, (via the ferry, we assume), can pre-book transport to their Hotel, during the Conference period. In that case they will be picked up from and returned to, Elizabeth Terminal.

During Conference we will be proving

a regular shuttle service from your hotel to the Conference Hotel (Hotel de France), although all hotels are within walking distance. We will also be providing a shuttle bus from Hotel de France into St Helier for those who do not fancy the short walk.

As part of the Conference package, on Friday, as an alternative to the golf you can pre-book visits to some of Jersey highlights or a brief tour around the island. Transport is included in all of these trips (although food isn’t, but there will be opportunities to purchase a meal).

By Air:

To search for airlines servicing Jersey consult the Jersey Airport website : www.jersey-airport.com

There are a number of airlines offering regular scheduled services. From London there are at least 12 flights to the Island a day, with journey times of less than an hour. Regular scheduled flights also depart from over 25 UK regional airports. To search for contact details of the transport operators please use the search engine at:


By Ferry / Car:

If you wish to bring your car to the Island, Condor Ferries fast car-carrying ferry services leave from the south coast of England, from Poole or Weymouth with and you can be in Jersey in less than 4 hours. Or you can choose the more leisurely, but comprehensively equipped, conventional car ferry taking 10 hours from Portsmouth.

Please see the Jersey Conference website for offers to conference goers from Condor Ferries, which includes the direct contact to their booking system for delegates.

Conference Transport

Getting Here

Getting Around The IslandIf you decide to extend your stay and

see a bit more of the island, there is plenty to see. We would recommend that you visit Jersey Tourism’s website at:: www.jersey.com

This provides a wide range of information about what’s on in Jersey, what to see, where to eat, etc. You can also request further information or sign-up for their e-newsletter.

Alternatively you can contact or visit the Jersey Tourism office at Liberation Place (details on their website) where they will be very willing to help you.

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To protect our quiet country lanes and to let users enjoy them in safety, Jersey has introduced a network of 50 miles of country lanes. These designated ‘Green Lanes’ have a speed limit of 15 mph (24 km/h) with priority given to walkers, cyclists and horse riders.

Green Lanes exist in all but two of Jersey’s twelve parishes (Trinity and St Saviour) and can be identified by a distinctive ‘Green Lane’ road sign.

Don’t miss the opportunity of walking at least a portion of the island’s network of footpaths and lanes so as not to miss

the real charm of Jersey. Also there is an almost continual footpath along the north coast which gives access to some of the most spectacular scenery in the British Isles.

Car HireYou can bring your own car, catch a

bus – or even walk the many miles of green roads.

Alternatively you can hire a car - in which case please see the Jersey

Conference website for special offers by Sovereign Hire Cars.

Visitors must hold a valid driving licence with no endorsements for dangerous or drunken driving in the last

5 years. You must be aged 21 and over. Some restrictions may be imposed by the hire company’s insurance agent in respect of the upper age limit.

DrivingDespite its small size, Jersey has

over 350 linear miles (563 kms) of paved road on which to explore this beautiful Island. The maximum speed limit throughout the entire Island is 40 mph/64 kms per hour.

Visitors bringing their own car must possess a Certificate of Insurance or an International Green Card, a valid Driving Licence or International Driving Permit (UK International Driving Permits are not valid). Photocopies are not acceptable. Your vehicle must display a nationality plate on the rear.

Many of the roads and country lanes are quite narrow, and twist and

turn between the fields and farms, so please drive with care and observe the island wide 40mph/64km maximum speed limit. In addition to the general speed limit, you should also be aware of slower limits on certain stretches of road, such as 20/30mph (32/48km) in built up areas and 15mph/24km in Green Lanes. These limits are clearly shown by the appropriate signs.

It is an offence to hold a mobile phone whilst driving a moving vehicle.

In Jersey, it is a legal requirement for everyone sitting in a car, either in the front or back seat, to wear a seatbelt. Children must wear seat belts or a

suitable child/infant restraint, in both front and rear seats.

If involved in any accident - stop. In all cases you must contact the Police on 999, who will advise the correct course of action. Failure to do so is a criminal offence.

Jersey has similar provisions to the UK, with regards to fixed alcohol limits and roadside breath testing. The penalties in Jersey are severe, up to £2,000 fine or 6 months in prison for the first offence plus unlimited disqualification of driving licence. It is an offence to drive whilst under the influence of drugs.

Car parking BusesPayment by “Paycards” is required for parking wherever

the paycard symbol is displayed. They can be purchased from Jersey Tourism, post offices, garages, shops and anywhere displaying the “Paycards sold here” sign, but not in the car parks themselves, apart from Sand Street.

Jersey’s public bus service is operated by Connex Transport Jersey Ltd who offers a comprehensive network of bus routes, which run at frequent intervals around the Island.

There are a total of 19 different bus routes around Jersey, enabling you to get to and from your destination with ease. All routes leave from Liberation Station in St Helier. Here you will find the dedicated stands at which the timetable information for that route is displayed. Timetables are free and are available from Liberation Station and Jersey Tourism.


Paycards must be used wherever this badge is displayed

Jersey Airport can be seen in the parish of St Peter.The Conference and and Harbour are in St Helier.

Some of this information has been provided by Jersey Tourism. You will find further information available from their website: www.jersey.com

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[email protected]

The Back Page

And Finally ....

I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, ‘toys not included’.

Christmas is a time when you get

homesick - even when you’re home. Oh, for the good old days when

people would stop Christmas shopping when they ran out of money.

Anyone who believes that men are the

equal of women has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present.

Christmas is a race to see which gives

out first - your money or your feet.

The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn’t for any religious reasons. They couldn’t find three wise men and a virgin.

Christmas is the season when you buy this year’s gifts with next year’s money.

Did you ever notice that life seems to follow certain patterns? Like I noticed that every year around this time, I hear Christmas music.

From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it.

Why is Christmas just like a day at the office? You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit.

You know you’re getting old, when Santa starts looking younger.

Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people once a year.

What do you call someone who is afraid of Father Christmas? Claustrophobic.

Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall.

Christmas Quips

Dear Prospective Delegates

The Conference Committee are delighted at the response, but as already indicated the numbers booked in hotels far exceeds the numbers booked for the conference. We are updated by the hotels and find a lot have booked their hotel – but not the Conference.

Our message is – please register for the conference if you have booked your hotel - as we do not wish to have

to advise you that the conference is full and you have failed to book in time - even though you have reserved your hotel.

The special hotel offers rely on you being registered for the conference.

I look forward to welcoming you all once again to Jersey and the 2012 Conference.

Peter townendPublicity & sponsorship officer

A Message From The Jersey Committee