29-06-2017 Mirage Testbed Showcases New Capabilities 2017 - 06 - 19 - www.ainonline.com In late 2015, the French ministry of defense approved a mid-life update (MLU) for the air force‟s Mirage 2000D fighter-bombers, for which Dassault announced a contract on July 19 last year. The upgrade will be applied to 55 of the 60-plus aircraft that remain in the Armée de l‟Air inventory and will equip them for service until around 2030. The upgrade is being undertaken in line with France‟s desire to maintain force levels at 225 air force and navy combat aircraft, the updated Mirage 2000Ds to serve alongside Rafales from both services. Major elements of the program include the addressing of radar and avionics obsolescence issues and the replacement of the MBDA Magic 2 infrared-guided air-to-air missile with the MBDA MICA-IR, the latter allowing the Mirage to expand its air-to-air tasking from a purely self-defense capability. Sagem‟s AASM precision-guided bomb will be introduced, as will the Thales Talios targeting pod, as developed for the Rafale, to replace the current Damoclès pod. Upgrades to datalinks will allow the Mirage 2000D to remain fully interoperable with allied aircraft for joint operations. Aircraft are not scheduled to enter the MLU process until late 2018... Lire la suite

29-06-2017 · Leonardo has signed a £290 million contract with the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) which will see Leonardo and Hensoldt, working together as „Team Skytale‟, to upgrade

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Mirage Testbed Showcases New Capabilities 2017 - 06 - 19 - www.ainonline.com

In late 2015, the French ministry of defense approved a mid-life update (MLU) for the air force‟s Mirage 2000D fighter-bombers, for which Dassault announced a contract on July 19 last year. The upgrade will be applied to 55 of the 60-plus aircraft that remain in the Armée de l‟Air inventory and will equip them for service until around 2030. The upgrade is being undertaken in line with France‟s desire to maintain force levels at 225 air force and navy combat aircraft, the updated Mirage 2000Ds to serve alongside Rafales from both services. Major elements of the program include the addressing of radar and

avionics obsolescence issues and the replacement of the MBDA Magic 2 infrared-guided air-to-air missile with the MBDA MICA-IR, the latter allowing the Mirage to expand its air-to-air tasking from a purely self-defense capability. Sagem‟s AASM precision-guided bomb will be introduced, as will the Thales Talios targeting pod, as developed for the Rafale, to replace the current Damoclès pod. Upgrades to datalinks will allow the Mirage 2000D to remain fully interoperable with allied aircraft for joint operations. Aircraft are not scheduled to enter the MLU process until late 2018... Lire la suite



Winch plate for helicopter AS532AL 2017 - 06 - 25 - eportal.nspa.nato.int

Ref: CLE17009 Organisme: LA - Aviation Support Date limite: 06.07.2017 Contact: [email protected] Lire la suite

Acquisition de composants (STARFLEX) pour hélicoptère Ecureuil UH-50 2017 - 06 - 23 - www.contrataciones.gov.py

Ref: 332058 Organisme: Ministerio de Defensa Date limite: 17.07.2017 - 09:15 Contact: Roberto Antonio Vidal Oviedo Tel: 2498202/251 E-mail: [email protected] Lire la suite

Fourniture d’un banc de radiocommunication pour l’AIA CP 2017 - 06 - 23 - www.boamp.fr

Ref: 17-88798 Organisme: SIAé Date limite: 26.07.2017 - 15:30 Contact: Xavier Fieschi Tel: 04-22-43-19-45 ; Fax : 04-22-43-11-33 E-mail: x.fieschi leane-adsl.com Lire la suite

Fourniture d’un calibrateur de précision tension continue et alternative pour l’AIA CP 2017 - 06 - 23 - www.boamp.fr

Ref: 17-88807 Organisme: SIAé Date limite: 26.07.2017 - 15:30 Contact: Xavier Fieschi Tel: 04-22-43-19-45 ; Fax: 04-22-43-11-33 E-mail: x.fieschi leane-adsl.com Lire la suite


Pièces et consommables de moteurs et hélices pour avions IA-58 Pucara 2017 - 06 - 22 - www.argentinacompra.gov.ar

Ref: 5.913.598 Organisme: Air Force Date limite: 11.08.2017 - 10:30 Tel: 4317-6163 E-mail: [email protected] Lire la suite

Procurement of spares for AN-32 aircraft 2017 - 06 - 21 - eprocure.gov.in

Ref: 2017_IAF_215525_1 Organisme: Air Force Date limite: 01.08.2017 - 11:00 Contact: CDR Yadav Lire la suite

Repair and maintenance services of Puma Mk 2 helicopters 2017 - 06 - 21 - www.dcicontracts.com

Ref: TKR-20170621-OJ-10475958 Organisme: MoD Date limite: 17.07.2017 Contact: Andrea Cowan Tel:+44 3067934704 E-mail: [email protected] Lire la suite

Spares for Mi-17 helicopter 2017 - 06 - 20 - www.airforce.lk

Ref: AHQ/17/FS/M17/1014 Organisme: Air Force Date limite: 06.07.2017 - 13:30 Fax: +94 11 2342572 E-mail: [email protected] Lire la suite

Cougar helicopter materials 2017 - 06 - 13 - www.hvkk.tsk.t

Ref: HK17-B7-020 Organisme: Air Force Date limite: 03.08.2017 - 10:00 Tel: +90 312-2986737 E-mail: [email protected] Lire la suite



La France près de vendre 64 Mirage F1... aux Etats-Unis 2017 - 06 - 22 -


La France devrait vendre 64 vieux Mirage F1 à une des deux sociétés de services américaines, Draken International ou Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC) C‟était sur le bureau de la ministre des Armées Sylvie Goulard, plutôt dans le haut de la pile. Après son départ de l‟Hôtel de Brienne, le dossier de la vente de 64 Mirage F1 attendra la nouvelle ministre Florence Parly. Elle devra choisir de vendre les Mirage F1 retirés du service en France en 2014 à deux sociétés américaines Draken International ou à Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC), selon nos informations. Le contrat serait évalué à 25 millions d‟euros, précise-t-on à La Tribune. Les deux sociétés sont très intéressées par l‟avion de combat de Dassault Aviation (720 appareils vendus) mis en service en 1973 et dont les stocks sont conservés sous… Lire la suite

Falcon modification contract granted to Sabena technics by Dassault Aviation 2017 - 06 - 17 -


Dassault Aviation selects Sabena technics as a partner for the modification of four Falcon 50 Ms aircraft belonging to the French Navy. The Falcon 50Ms aircraft carry out daily missions of surveillance and maritime rescue. After modification, the cabins will be equipped with a hatch which will allow a rescue boat (the SAR chain) to be dropped as close as possible to the castaway. Using its engineering and manufacturing capabilities (PART/FRA 21J/21G organization), Sabena technics will carry out the prototype working party in its Bordeaux facility: the modification design, based on Dassault‟s preliminary concepts and specifications, the manufacturing of the modification kit, the integration of the first aircraft, the control, tests and certification, along with Dassault‟s quality department, test flight pilots and engineers... Lire la suite



A400M : les moteurs définitifs bientôt certifiés et en production 2017 - 06 - 27 - www.latribune.fr

”La solution définitive du TP400 devrait être certifiée dans le courant de l‟été par l‟Agence européenne de la sécurité aérienne (AESA), confie à La Tribune le président de Safran Aircraft Engines, Olivier Andriès. Le moteur définitif devrait entrer en production d‟ici à la fin de 2017… Lire la suite

Leonardo and Hensoldt to upgrade over 350 UK air, land and sea platforms 2017 - 06 - 26 - www.adsadvance.co.uk

Leonardo has signed a £290 million contract with the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) which will see Leonardo and Hensoldt, working together as „Team Skytale‟, to upgrade the IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) technology on more than 350 of the UK‟s operational aircraft, naval vessels and ground-based air defence systems to the latest „Mode-5‟ standard… Lire la suite

Chile to upgrade C295 maritime patrol aircraft for full ASW capability 2017 - 06 - 25 - santiagotimes.cl

A Chilean Navy Airbus Defence and Space (Airbus DS) C295 Persuader maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) arrived at the company‟s facility in Seville, Spain, in mid-June to undergo a major depot check and upgrade to full anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capability, according to military. Three C295s, worth USD125 million, were ordered from Airbus DS in 2008 under Project „Alcatraz‟… Lire la suite

Russia & UAC discussing MiG-35 future configuration for the country’s Air Force 2017 - 06 - 25 - airrecognition.com

The Russian Ministry of Defense and the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) are determining the configuration of the latest MiG-35 multi-purpose fighter. At the request of the military, the aircraft has to receive thrust-vectoring engines, a new navigation target acquisition system and an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. In terms of its performance and combat… Lire la suite


Lockheed reveals customizable C-130J for international special operators 2017 - 06 - 20 - www.defensenews.com

Lockheed Martin on Tuesday launched a new special operations version of its C-130J Super Hercules specifically meant for international users. The new C-130J-SOF would come loaded with a 30mm gun, a Hellfire missile system, and a suite of data link and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities… Lire la suite

USA : Harris to update F-35 Lightning II mission system avionic 2017 - 06 - 23 - www.airforce-technology.com

Harris has been selected by Lockheed Martin to upgrade the F-35 Lightning II mission system avionics, in a bid to improve the aircraft‟s data storage, display processing, and throughput capabilities. The improvements are being carried out as part of the F-35 Block 4 follow-on modernisation programme, also known as Technology Refresh #3 (TR3)… Lire la suite

Malaysia adapts Russian-built jets to drop US-made bombs 2017 - 06 - 15 - www.defensenews.com

Malaysia has adapted its Russian-built Sukhoi Su-30 multi-role combat aircraft to drop U.S. laser-guided bombs, with a successful release of a live weapon at the end of last year. A video by the Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia, or Royal Malaysian Air Force, to celebrate its 59th anniversary showed a brief clip of a Su-30MKM dropping a 500-pound GBU-12 laser-guided bomb… Lire la suite

Australia : $70 million sustainment contract for C-17A Globemaster 2017 - 06 - 28 - www.asiapacificdefencereporter.com

Twelve new jobs will be created in Queensland after the Minister for Defence Industry; the Hon Christopher Pyne MP announced today that a $70 million contract had been signed with Boeing Defence Australia to sustain Australia‟s fleet of C-17A Globemaster aircraft. Minister Pyne said the $70 million C-17A Australian Sustainment Services Contract was a key initiative for the ongoing support to the... Lire la suite


Espagne: La DGAM estime à 876 millions d’euros le coût du MCO des systèmes militaires en 2017 2017 - 06 - 28 - www.infodefensa.com

La Direccion General de Armamento y Material estima que las necesidades minimas en 2017 para el sostenimiento de los sistemas de armas de los Ejercitos asciende a los 867,59 millones de euros. El jefe del Area de Sostenimiento de la Subdireccion General de Gestion de Programas, coronel Francisco Javier Munoz, aporto esta cifra durante las jornadas SYMDEX… Lire la suite

Indian Air Force trainers still lack maintenance supplier 2017 - 06 - 25 - www.janes.com

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has yet to sign a service and maintenance contract with Swiss aircraft maker Pilatus for the 75 PC-7 Mk II tandem-seat basic trainer aircraft (BTA) it acquired in May 2012 at a cost of around USD1 billion. Industry and diplomatic sources said the extended warranty for the PC-7s, the last of which were delivered to the IAF in November 2015, expired in December 2016 but the... Lire la suite

US Marine Corps F-35s restart flight operations at Yuma after software fix is found 2017 - 06 - 24 - www.defensenews.com

A Marine Corps F-35 squadron is back flying after software glitches grounded planes at Yuma Air Station in Arizona for a day. Flight operations for F-35Bs used by Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 211 were suspended Thursday because of “anomalies” caused by a recent update of the aircraft‟s Autonomic Logistics Information System, which is used for critical functions such as maintaining the jet... Lire la suite

Lockheed to support Sniper, LANTIRN pods 2017 - 06 - 22 - www.shephardmedia.com

The US Air Force has awarded Lockheed Martin an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract to provide sustainment support for Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods (ATP) and LANTIRN navigation pods, the company announced on 20 June. The five-year contract is worth up to $200 million… Lire la suite


Martin-Baker Australia to commence Pilatus PC-21 MRO in 2018 2017 - 06 - 22 - www.asiapacificdefencereporter.com

Martin-Baker Australia and Pilatus Aircraft have today signed a Letter of Intent for Martin-Baker Australia to provide Ejection Seat Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul for the Royal Australian Air Force PC-21 aircraft. The agreement proposes a seven year firm fixed price solution with rolling Contract Change Proposals out to twenty years… Lire la suite

South Korea : Military all set for FA-50 fighter depot maintenance 2017 - 06 - 22 - www.koreaherald.com

South Korea said Thursday it has completed a yearslong project to acquire the depot maintenance capability for the nation‟s advanced FA-50 light combat fighter jet. It will enable the military to save around 450 billion won ($390 million) in costs for the operation and maintenance of the fleet over the next 30 years, according to the Defense Acquisition Program Administration… Lire la suite

Boeing to continue P-8I support 2017 - 06 - 21 - www.shephardmedia.com

Boeing has received a three-year contract to continue its support for the Indian Navy‟s fleet of P-8I maritime patrol aircraft, the company announced on 19 June. The contract includes engineering support and planning, in addition to field and logistics services. The work will also include robust material support, including a 737-based component services programme, which will be executed in conjunction... Lire la suite

South African Air Force boosts Gripen availability 2017 - 06 - 20 - www.flightglobal.com

Previous low availability of South African Air Force (SAAF) Saab Gripen C/Ds has been overcome by bringing stored aircraft back into service, says Lt Col Josias Mashaba, commanding officer of the service‟s 2 Sqn. South Africa has 19 single-seat Gripen fighters and nine two-seat D-model examples, most of which are operated by 2 Sqn at Waterkloof air base… Lire la suite


Derco and StandardAero Partner to Support F100 Engine Repair 2017 - 06 - 19 - www.asdnews.com

Derco, a Lockheed Martin Company, has teamed with StandardAero to bring Pratt & Whitney F100-220/220E engine repair to F-16 operators worldwide. Based in the Netherlands, StandardAero repairs F100 engines and matched together with Derco‟s F-16 Component Asset Management (CAM) program, offers operators fixed rate engine repair pricing… Lire la suite

Leonardo Wins €100 Million in TYPHOON Avionics Maintenance 2017 - 06 - 19 - www.monch.com

Leonardo has signed contracts with Airbus, worth over €100 million, to cover all avionics repairs estimated to arise over the next five years for the German and Spanish Eurofighter TYPHOON fleets. In partnership with Airbus and Eurofighter, the company will provide coverage for all equipment, directly or indirectly, for which it is the design authority, including the radar… Lire la suite

US Navy says oxygen systems are main suspect in T-45, F-18 pilot sickness 2017 - 06 - 15 - www.washingtonexaminer.com

Systems designed to provide breathing air and pressurization for pilots of the T-45 Goshawk and F-18 Hornet are the prime suspects in a rash of oxygen deprivation incidents, the Navy said Thursday. Pilots are at risk of breathing contaminated air from the on-board oxygen generation system used on the aircraft, while aging parts and inadequate testing of the fleet have caused… Lire la suite


Airbus Helicopters orders Saab’s IDAS self-protection systems for H225M Caracal helicopter 2017 - 06 - 23 - www.airrecognition.com

Saab has received a contract from Airbus Helicopters for the IDAS integrated electronic warfare self-protection systems for H225M Caracal multirole utility helicopters, the Sweden-based defense and security company announced on June 22… Lire la suite


Safran signs new production contract for Strix sights on Tiger helicopters 2017 - 06 - 21 - www.safran-electronics-defense.com

Safran Electronics & Defense has signed a contract with the Organization for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR) to supply 18 more Strix optronic sights for the Tiger helicopter program. This latest tranche is part of France‟s revised 2014–19 defense spending plan, which calls for a homogenous fleet of 67 Tiger HAD (multi-role attack) helicopters. Strix is a major part of the Tiger HAD‟s weapon system... Lire la suite

Russian Arms Exporter,Czech Enterprise Win NATO Bid to Repair Afghan Mi-17 2017 - 06 - 27 - www.ruaviation.com

The Czech Republic‟s Lom Praha state enterprise has won jointly with Russia‟s Rosoboronexport arms exporter a NATO tender on the repair of Mi-17V5 helicopters in Afghanistan, a military cooperation source told Sputnik. Repair works, according to the source, are expected to be carried out this and next year… Lire la suite

Sikorsky and Israel’s Ministry of Defense Solve Parts Obsolescence for Israeli Air Force’s CH-53D Heavy Lift Helicopters 2017 - 06 - 21 - news.lockheedmartin.com

Israel‟s Ministry of Defense has signed an agreement with Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company, to supply spare parts and associated engineering services in support of the CH-53D heavy lift helicopters operated by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) since 1969… Lire la suite

Safran and Thai Aviation Industries to support Royal Thai Armed Forces helicopter engines 2017 - 06 - 20 - www.safran-helicopter-engines.com

Safran Helicopter Engines has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Thai Aviation Industries (TAI) during International Paris Air Show to support helicopter engines operated by Royal Thai Armed Forces. Royal Tai Armed Forces are operating Makila-powered H225M and Arriel-powered fleet of H125M, H145M, AS365N3+ and H155 in operation… Lire la suite


Esterline Awarded Contract by Airbus Helicopters to Supply Avionics Systems for German Armed Forces’ CH-53GS/GE Retrofit Program 2017 - 06 - 19 - www.esterline.com

Esterline Corporation, a leading global specialty manufacturer primarily serving the aerospace and defense markets, is pleased to announce the award of a contract from Airbus Helicopters to supply its CMC Electronics brand Integrated Helicopter Solution for the upgrade of the German Armed Forces‟ CH-53GS/GE Sea Stallion helicopters. The upgrade features the Esterline CMC Electronics CMA-9000 Flight Management System and the Esterline MFD-3068 Smart Multi-Function Display... Lire la suite

Airbus proposes upgrade for Australian attack helicopters 2017 - 06 - 14 - www.defensenews.com

In the lead up to the 2017 Paris Air Show, European giant Airbus has revealed details of its two-stage proposal to upgrade the Australian Army‟s Tiger armed reconnaissance helicopter. The managing director of Airbus Group Australia Pacific, Tony Fraser, said Airbus Helicopters is proposing an interim upgrade based on the Tiger Mark 2 development being mulled by European.... Lire la suite

Un prototype pour contrer les ravages de l’humidité sur les aéronefs de l’Armée de l’Air 2017 - 06 - 13 - www.defense.gouv.fr

L‟équipe d‟études techniques de réparation de circonstances (EETRDC) et l‟équipe d‟études techniques des méthodes de stockage (EETMDS), stationnées sur le site de l‟élément air rattaché (EAR) 279 de Châteaudun, ont étudié une solution d‟assèchement afin de limiter les effets de l‟humidité sur le matériel aéronautique. Elles se sont ensuite rendues sur les bases aériennes de Villacoublay et d‟Évreux... Lire la suite



United Aircraft Corporation will merge MiG and Sukhoi into combat aviation complex 2017 - 06 - 21 - www.ruaviation.com

Russia‟s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) will merge MiG and Sukhoi aircraft companies into its combat aviation structural unit in 2019, UAC President Yuri Slyusar said on Tuesday. This reported by TASS. “For us, the year 2019 is the year when we switch to the format of a single company, a single corporate contour while the division will be in the format of a unit of the UAC single company... Lire la suite

JBT Corporation Signs Agreement to Purchase Aircraft Maintenance Support Services, Ltd. (AMSS) 2017 - 06 - 19 - www.aviationpros.com

JBT Corporation has announced that it has signed an agreement for the acquisition of Aircraft Maintenance Support Services (AMSS). JBT Corporation is a world leader in fixed and mobile aviation support equipment, as well as maintenance services, with a global sales and service network. AMSS, based in Wales, is a leader in military and commercial aviation ground support equipment. AMSS manufactures... Lire la suite

Boeing to unveil Global Services site 2017 - 06 - 18 - www.flightglobal.com

Boeing will unveil the headquarters of its new Global Services company in Dallas, Texas, this July, creating a third leg of its enterprise by combining its existing commercial and defence aviation service companies. Boeing announced its new operating division in November and will serve both governments and commercial ventures. The venture also leverages Aviall, Jeppesen and Boeing‟s pilot training... Lire la suite


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