The main image of this album cover is of the artist Rihanna and the photograph is in black and white. Black and white could be suggesting the image of being dangerous and daring. There is an “R” on the top right side of the album is as if its a scar or a cut which shows danger which reveals that Rihanna is trying to show a dangerous image of herself through the album. The colour of the font used on "Russian Hard Roulette" is in red which signifies danger. The use of the word "Hard" also gives the artist a rough image and portrays her as an idol as she has made it although she also had rough times. The institution for this advertisement is Island Def Jam, Rihanna's record label. This particular record label is known for signing R'n'B artistes' in particular such as Rihanna. The audience for this particular album advertisement is between the ages of about 17-25, as the record company have attempted to give the artist a more adult appeal, as it has a parental advisory warning on it. The target audience is mainly female however can also appeal to less feminine females as she shows a quiet masculine image having the short hair and dark clothing, on the other hand she's make up on so it is portrayed so that it can appeal to more than just one gender. Her image also looks very serious as she is not smiling and as she has dark lipstick on it gives her a rather gothic look which also shows her non feminine side. Representation: As well as being portrayed as dangerous, she also portrays a very gothic image through the mise en scene with the use of dark clothing, heavy make up and jewllery. However she also portrays the stereotypical female R'n'B artist image,

3 cd advertisements

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Page 1: 3 cd advertisements

The main image of this album cover is of the artist Rihanna and the photograph is in black and white. Black and white could be suggesting the image of being dangerous and daring. There is an “R” on the top right side of the album is as if its a scar or a cut which shows danger which reveals that Rihanna is trying to show a dangerous image of herself through the album. The colour of the font used on "Russian Hard Roulette" is in red which signifies danger. The use of the word "Hard" also gives the artist a rough image and portrays her as an idol as she has made it although she also had rough times.

The institution for this advertisement is Island Def Jam, Rihanna's record label. This particular record label is known for signing R'n'B artistes' in particular such as Rihanna.

The audience for this particular album advertisement is between the ages of about 17-25, as the record company have attempted to give the artist a more adult appeal, as it has a parental advisory warning on it.

The target audience is mainly female however can also appeal to less feminine females as she shows a quiet masculine image having the short hair and dark clothing, on the other hand she's make up on so it is portrayed so that it can appeal to more than just one gender. Her image also looks very serious as she is not smiling and as she has dark lipstick on it gives her a rather gothic look which also shows her non feminine side.

Representation: As well as being portrayed as dangerous, she also portrays a very gothic image through the mise en scene with the use of dark clothing, heavy make up and jewllery. However she also portrays the stereotypical female R'n'B artist image, as it is typical for female R'n'B artists to be wearing a lot of jewllery, particularly rings. By wearing the rings she is representing the stereotypical 'bad girl' gangster image, and this is possibly a reflection on the songs featured on the tracklist. The songs on this album are also generally darker with more adult content than Rihanna's previous albums.

Page 2: 3 cd advertisements

Language: This album advertisement is laid out in the format of a playing card, which is unconventional for an album advertisement. The name of the album is Empire, and the albums name is shown on a red ribbon and the word empire is associated with royalty, and red is one of the royal colours.

The layout is quite traditional as the font at the bottom is basic, however in the middle where it says the band's name, the font stands out as it is large and bold. This has been done to attract the attention of it’s the reader.

Ideology: It is interesting that the band doesn't actually feature on this advertisement. It is conventional for bands of the indie genre to do this, as their looks are generally used to promote their music or albums like other genres.

Institution: The institution producing this advertisement is Columbia records.

Audience: The target audience for this magazine advert is a mainstream one, predominately male and in their late teens to mid 20s. The band Kasabian are regularly featured in mainstream indie music magazines like NME and Q, therefore are likely to have the same target audience as these magazines, which are young adult males. It is likely to appeal to people who have a high interest in music, and to people who have an indie sense of style.

Representation: The comments and ratings at the bottom give some picture as to the way this magazine advert is represented. The fact it has been given good ratings shows it is being represented in a positive light, which also encourages the target audience to buy it.

Page 3: 3 cd advertisements

Language: The first thing that stands out in this text is the artist as she is seen to be royalty. This is done with the use of the gold background, the fact she is dressed in white and she has lots of bling. The colour of the font is also gold to match the theme, and the font itself is the typically old fashioned and associated with royalty. This particular media text is unusual because its outlandish, but this is because the artist Gwen Stefani has a particularly unique streak. However it is conventional in the way that in the lower left hand corner it has a picture of the actual album cover, showing the audience what to look for when they go to buy it in shops. This also keeps the theme consistent, as it is important to do this in order to sell the album.

Institution: The institution producing this media text is Gwen's record label Universal. This also indicates this advert is aimed at a mainstream audience as universal is one of the big four, which are the four biggest record labels in the world.

Ideology: The fact that an unconventional theme of royalty has been used shows the institution are trying to present the artist as being unique, to uphold her media image. It also says at the bottom "Love.Angel.Music.Baby" which is the title of the album. The fact that she is sitting on a throne with lots of bling shows that she is being presented in a way which shows she is supposed to be there, and showing she is worth alot. It is also typical that pop-stars are shown with lots of bling, especially very successful ones who appeal to mainstream audiences.

Audience: The target audience for this album is young women, between the ages of about 18-24. It is particularly aimed at those who have a unique sense of style, are interested in fashion and like to stand out from the crowd. The artist Gwen Stefani also released her own clothing line around the time this album was released, this shows that her fans are interested in fashion unique style.

Representation: The artist is represented in a way which shows her as being well off and spoilt, due to the way she is sitting on the throne. She also has lots of bling with shows she is worth a lot of money, and perhaps causes her fans to look up to her.