3-Children’s Sunday School Organization Guide

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  • 7/26/2019 3-Childrens Sunday School Organization Guide


    Finding yourplace of service

    Childrens Sunday School

    Organization Guide

  • 7/26/2019 3-Childrens Sunday School Organization Guide


    A Class or Department?

    A Division?


    When a church grows to have one or more childrens departments, the group ofchildrens departments is referred to as the childrens division.

    The organizational structure can be any one of the following:

    One room/one class/one department Grades 1-6

    Two departments Younger Children Grades 1-3

    Older Children Grades 4-6Three departments Younger Children Grades 1-2

    Middle Children Grades 3-4Older Children Grades 5-6

    Six departments Younger Children Grade 1Younger Children Grade 2Middle Children Grade 3Middle Children Grade 4Preteen Grade 5Preteen Grade 6

    There should always be a minimum of two adults in each class or department of children.

    Two adults over eighteen years of age (not related to each other). In situations where twofamily members serve together, a third teacher/volunteer is recommended.

    A group of one to six children can be called a class or department. When a classgrows to two groups of one to six children in the same room, it is usually referred toas a childrens department.

  • 7/26/2019 3-Childrens Sunday School Organization Guide



    The Division DirectorA Childrens Division Director is needed when there are six or more childrensdepartments, each with several workers.

    The Childrens Division Director

    designs and is responsible for the budget in the childrens division.

    enlists all Department Directors.

    provides training experiences for all workers.

    participates in regular planning meetings.

    plans to meet regularly with all childrens Sunday School workers.

    organizes and maintains a resource system.

    attends Sunday School Council meetings.

    encourages all workers.

  • 7/26/2019 3-Childrens Sunday School Organization Guide



    The Department Director/Lead Teacher

    A Department Director is added when two or more teachers meet in one room witha group of children. The Department Director is also called the Lead Teacher.

    The Department Director/Lead Teacher

    leads Teachers in all work of the department, including planning and evaluating.

    greets children as they enter the room.

    guides large-group activities.

    secures literature and resources.

    maintains department records.

    determines training needs and provides appropriate activities.

    enlists all department workers.

    represents the department on the Sunday School Council, when necessary.

  • 7/26/2019 3-Childrens Sunday School Organization Guide


    The TeacherThe Childrens Teacher is the key to learning for the child.

    The Teacher

    teaches a small group of children during Bible Study time.

    reaches out to find and enroll children who need to be in Sunday School.

    contacts absentees weekly and all children in assigned group regularly. cares for and ministers to assigned children and their families.

    fellowships with children and their families.

    participates in regular planning.


    The Secretary/OutreachEvangelism Leader

    In a childrens department the Secretary and OutreachEvangelism Leader can bethe same person.

    The Secretary/OutreachEvangelism Leader

    maintains department attendance records.

    maintains department outreach and contact records.

    orders literature and other supplies and resources.

    leads department workers in evangelistic visitation and prospect discovery.

    serves as a substitute Teacher when needed in the department

  • 7/26/2019 3-Childrens Sunday School Organization Guide



    Children Protection and Positive Risk ManagementIt is recommended that each church vote on the concept that it will investigate,develop, and implement a Child Protection and Report Policy. After completion, thechurch should vote on the Child Protection Policy. The church will have responsibilityof the implementation and of maintaining such a policy.

    In support of and as part of such a policy, the church should do the following:

    Criminal background checks on all volunteers in each ministry for preschool,children, and youth.

    National Criminal or State Criminal or Local Criminal

    Observe the Rule of Two Two adults over eighteen years of age (not related to each other) In situations where two family members serve together, a third teacher/vol-

    unteer is recommended. Why?

    Each church is autonomous. Each church has responsibility to provide a safe place for students. Each church has responsibility to protect the leadership/volunteers. Each church has responsibility to protect the reputation and witness it has

    with the community.

    Insurance Companies who provide liability protection for the church, its congre-

    gation, and its guests are endeavoring to protect the church and keep it out ofcourt.

  • 7/26/2019 3-Childrens Sunday School Organization Guide



    Find your place of service!


  • 7/26/2019 3-Childrens Sunday School Organization Guide


    Text taken and adapted from:

    LifeWay Christian Resources, Nashville, TNUsed with permission

    Sunday School/Open Group Ministries

    Georgia Baptist Convention

    2930 Flowers Road South

    Atlanta, GA 30341

    1-800-RING-GBC or 770-936-5285

    Fax: 770-452-6580

    Website: ssog.gabaptist.org

    THE PURPOSE of Sunday School/Open Group Ministries of the Georgia BaptistConvention is to work in partnership with regions, associations, and

    churches to fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment byequipping leaders to develop Bible study groups and ministries devoted to:

    Foundational Evangelism Foundational DiscipleshipFamily Responsibility Spiritual Transformation Biblical Leadership