3 Deadly Medical Secrets

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  • 8/4/2019 3 Deadly Medical Secrets


    dlyMedicalSecrets file:///C:/Users/Lynne/Desktop/3DeadlyMedicalSec

    1 6/14/2009


    SECRETSYour Doctor Could Lose His License If He Tells You These!

    The three conversations in which your doctor can not participate with you.

    Most of us want to believe that our doctors are our friends. We cling to

    the thought that a downturn in our health will affect his day or change

    his plans for the evening. We want desperately to believe that this

    person who stands between us and death is consumed with curing our

    situation. But that is not the way it works.

    For a great deal of us, kindly old Dr. Marcus Welby or the handsome Dr.Kildare still permeate our current beliefs about doctors, some 30 years


    The truth of the matter is that todays doctors are not taught to heal or

    even attempt to heal any disease we might present him with. Todays

    doctors are taught primarily 2 things. One is pain management and the

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    dlyMedicalSecrets file:///C:/Users/Lynne/Desktop/3DeadlyMedicalSec

    1 6/14/2009

    other is disease management.

    Curing diseases is no longer in his realm. He is now a portal to the world

    of pills and other pharmaceuticals which will teach you how to manage

    whatever disease or ailment you have.

    And that is the first no-no that doctors are not allowed to discuss with

    you under any circumstances.

    If you ask your doctor, Is there anything out there that will cure me of

    this disease?"

    By law, he must say, We have no cure, at this time." He is legallybound by law and the FDA to respond with those exact words. Even if

    he knows it is a lie.

    If he were to discuss with you some of the alternative therapies that have

    been shown to shrink cancer tumors and in some cases shrink those

    tumors right out of existence, he would be subject to everything from

    harassment and threats of losing in medical license to jail.

    They can do this because our government has passed laws which

    stipulate that only medicine can cure disease and the only items which

    are considered as medicine are those produced by the big pharmaceutical


    The sad part of this equation is that pre-med and medical students are

    being taught that this is also absolute truth when, in fact, we know thatonly the body can cure disease. This is a medical and scientific fact that

    the drug companies have been slowly obscuring over the years.

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    dlyMedicalSecrets file:///C:/Users/Lynne/Desktop/3DeadlyMedicalSec

    1 6/14/2009


    It seems that we continue to get dumbed down to the point where we

    will even accept lies because it is what we are told to believe andbecause it is the popular thought of the day. We accept and believe these

    lies even if they can kill us.

    If you were to ask your doctor, How long will I have to take these pills

    before I am cured?

    He will reply, Your condition can not be cured, what we will do is usethese pills to manage your disease and keep you from suffering.

    Managing diseases is the new cure. And here we come to the second

    no-no that doctors can not tell you the truth about, curing diseases.

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    dlyMedicalSecrets file:///C:/Users/Lynne/Desktop/3DeadlyMedicalSec

    1 6/14/2009

    In all honesty, I do not think we have cured anything

    since polio in 1952. And even after we had a viable

    cure for Polio, two doctors on either side of the

    planet in late 1950 poisoned a batch of Salks

    vaccine in New York which sickened 250 and killed

    11 children.

    They then let the world know that they were racing

    toward a better cure. One of the doctors,

    Kaprowski, began testing on mentally ill children.

    When it was discovered he was forced to quit but he

    was not prosecuted. The other doctor, Saben,

    worked within the USSR his native country where he

    vaccinated millions.

    Kaprowski chose the Belgian Congo for his tests.

    When Kaprowski was informed by Saben that he had

    tested his vacine and found an unknown virus in it,

    Kaprowski responded by ending their friendship.

    Many believe this strange new virus inside

    Kaprowskis polio vaccine was the beginning of the

    AIDS pandemic in that very same region 30 yearslater.

    Dr. Hilary Kaprowski, even today, denies that there

    was any live virus present in his vaccine.

    There has been no attempt lately by the

    pharmaceutical industry to cure diseases because

    they have realized that there is no money in a cure.

    AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes are three of the most

    notorious diseases of our time and even though the

    American Cancer Society has been in the business

    since 1948 and has raised billions of dollars for

    cancer - they are no closer to a cure than they were

    when they first started over 70 years ago.

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    dlyMedicalSecrets file:///C:/Users/Lynne/Desktop/3DeadlyMedicalSec

    1 6/14/2009

    Your doctor can not talk with you about cures that involve alternative

    therapies. He can only tell you about how to manage your particular

    disease and teach you how to live with your particular ailment. This

    information should shock and outrage us, but it usually just falls into therealm of things that just make sense, when it shouldnt.

    Essentially we are being used by the big pharmaceutical companies to

    explode their bottom line. We must live with debilitating diseases so that

    their share-owners can make a dollar.

    To make matters worse is that your doctor is well-versed in teaching youto claim your disease. He does not refer to it as cancer, it is your

    cancer. He does not call the health-scavenger diabetes by its name, he

    calls it your diabetes. And he teaches you to do the same.

    Whether you are a Christian or a Universal Citizen

    (Bob Proctor, The Secret, the movie) follower you

    have learned that we call into being situations,

    circumstances, people and things in our lives.

    No one thing exists in our physical world that was

    not once a thought. Once that though was verbalized,

    that thing, whatever it is, came into being as a living

    verifiable truth.

    For as long as you claim ownership to a disease, you will possess it.

    Be careful of your words. They shape your future.

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    dlyMedicalSecrets file:///C:/Users/Lynne/Desktop/3DeadlyMedicalSec

    1 6/14/2009


    When we take a critical look at our world we begin to understand that

    there are forces which control our lives over which we seem to have no


    We look around and find that many, many things that impact our ability

    to survive have been placed into the safekeeping of others.

    Most of these things we just accept as being an inevitable part of life.

    Things like paying four times the cost of a house to the bank. This is

    after the house has been built and all parties involved have received their

    compensation for building the house. Yet, when we approach the bank to

    buy the house, we are charged anywhere from 5 to 10 times the cost of

    actually building the house.

    When we seek to start a business, we are obligated to pay local, state and

    federal fees and taxes before we can sell our first widget.

    And when we endeavor to retire, we find that all of our money is in

    someone elses hands or that our retirement funds are being managed by

    other corporations and that our social security is embroiled in a fight for

    its own life, even before we see a dime of it.

    All of these things we just accept as a part of life. We dont ask anyone

    to explain them. We dont demand that they be changed because of theinherent problems they cause for us. And we dont insist that our laws be

    changed so that we can live a less complicated life. We just accept them.

    The one thing we shouldnt accept. The one thing we should shout from

    the rooftop, though, is for reform over our health system.

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    1 6/14/2009

    In America, and other countries who are following our lead, our health

    system is made up of a government that works for pharmaceutical

    companies and pharmaceutical companies who work for a profit. Our

    governmental officials who should work for us are beings used as pawns

    in a deadly game that allows pharmaceutical companies to ride

    roughshod over them and push inferior drugs onto us, the unsuspectingpublic.

    Doctors are routinely compensated by the pharmaceutical companies to

    write prescriptions for their drug-of-the-month. The free samples that

    your doctor hands out to you may seem like a good thing but it is just a

    clever marketing ploy by the pharmaceutical companies.

    And now we come to the third no-no that your doctor can not discusswith you.

    If you were to say to your doctor, How long has this medicine you are

    prescribing for me been studied? How long has it been on the market?

    He is bound by his duty to the pharmaceutical company NOT to divulge

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    1 6/14/2009

    this information. And there is no law on the books that compels him to

    do so either.

    This is an attempt to hide the fact that most new medications have their

    Stage Four testing done on an unwitting public, namely you and me.

    If your doctor prescribes you a new medication that has been on the

    market for less than seven years, you are the guinea pig.

    The pharmaceutical companies allow that there is an acceptable number

    of people who will be sickened and possibly die from every new medical

    miracle they cook up, and our government agrees that they may

    experiment on us in this manner.

    So dont be deceived.

    Your doctor does not work for you.

    And your health is not his primary concern in life. But it should be


    Because there is a simple and effective method that you can use to get

    healthy and stay healthy for life.

    Watch a video for a similar product, The One-Minute Cure For All

    Diseases here:


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    dlyMedicalSecrets file:///C:/Users/Lynne/Desktop/3DeadlyMedicalSec

    1 6/14/2009


    There is a therapy on the market right now today, that has been used for

    over 100 years by doctors in Europe, Belgium and Denmark.

    This therapy is so effective that Dr. Christiaan Neethling Barnard (Nov.

    8, 1922 - Sept. 2, 2001) the South African cardiac surgeon, famous forperforming the world's first successful human-to-human heart transplant

    was a proponent of using oxygen therapy. He stated that he has used it

    for years personally and would recommend it for anyone who wanted to

    live a healthier life which was free of disease.

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    11 6/14/2009

    Dr. Barnard made this statement in March of 1986. He said that he was

    taking H202 and water several times daily to reduce arthritis and ageing.

    He had been recommending it highly at the time. His conversion came

    about when he found some heavily reviewed medical articles on H202

    therapy, some dating back to the 1800s.

    In support of him, Walter Grotz has been touring and lecturing

    extensively on the benefits of self-administering oxygen therapy, literally

    saving hundreds of lives wherever he goes, and bringing hope to people

    who had been told their cases were hopeless.

    Dr. Kurt W. Donsbach at the Bio-Genesis Institute in Rosarita Beach,

    Baja Mexico (Tel: 0011-1-619-428-8585) has achieved a remission rateexceeding 70% in over 300 patients, at last count, most of whom had

    been previously told they were beyond hope, and had 'tried everything




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    The facts go on and on supporting this inexpensive therapy. But because

    it is so cheap and readily available, the pharmaceutical companies have

    no interest in pursuing it as a viable alternative to their pills with their

    massive and sometimes deadly side-effects.

    But you can.

    You can take charge of your own health and rid yourself of a life of

    pill-popping, disease, and medical dependency.

    Get more information here.

    Then make an informed decision to live healthy and grow old gracefully.

    Lynne Gordon

    My Self-Administered Oxygen Therapy Program

