asraddadhanah purusa dharmasyasya parantapa aprapya mam nivartante mrtyu-samsara-vartmani [Bg. 9.3]

3 divisions of KC men

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asraddadhanah purusa dharmasyasya parantapa aprapya mam nivartante mrtyu-samsara-vartmani  [Bg. 9.3]. 3 divisions of KC men. Second class. Third class. First class . No faith No perfect knowledge Most probably will slip . Well versed Attained stage of firm faith - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: 3 divisions of KC men

asraddadhanah purusadharmasyasya parantapaaprapya mam nivartantemrtyu-samsara-vartmani

[Bg. 9.3]

Page 2: 3 divisions of KC men

3 divisions of KC men

First class Second class Third class

• No faith• No perfect

knowledge • Most probably

will slip

• Well versed • Attained stage

of firm faith• No chance of

falling down

• Not very advanced in

understanding scriptures

• Have faith that Krsna bhakti is the best course

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If somehow or other by good fortune one develops faith in hearing and chanting My glories, such a person, being neither very disgusted with nor very much attached to material life, should achieve perfection through the path of loving devotion to Me.

• Does not desire to pursue ordinary material existence any further• Does not give up all hope for perfecting personal existence• Complete detachment• Is a good candidate for going back to Godhead


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But ignorant and faithless persons who doubt the revealed scriptures do not attain God consciousness; they fall down. For the doubting soul there is happiness neither in this world nor in the next.

• Either no knowledge of the revealed scriptures or no faith in the words• Always doubtful• Makes no progress • Find no good in this world nor in the next

BG 4.40

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So how to awaken faith in oneself?

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Association of Mahajana by hearing

Faith awakens (doubts cleared)

Endevours for devotional service

Takes shelter under a bona fide guru

Serve Guru with firm conviction


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CC Madya Lila 23 Text 9-13Text 9"If, by good fortune, a living entity develops faith in Krsna, he begins to associate with devotees.

Text 10"When one is encouraged in devotional service by the association of devotees, one becomes free from all unwanted contamination by following the regulative principles and chanting and hearing. 

Text 11"When one is freed from all unwanted contamination, he advances with firm faith. When firm faith in devotional service awakens, a taste for hearing and chanting also awakens.

Text 12"After taste is awakened, a deep attachment arises, and from that attachment the seed of love for Krsna grows in the heart.

Text 13When that ecstatic emotional stage intensifies, it is called love of Godhead. Such love is life's ultimate goal and the reservoir of all pleasure. 

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Faith is the only qualification for bhakti

Enthusiasm is the life of Faith

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Main points discussed

• Simplicity is required for one to have faith in scriptures

• If one has doubts, one should clear them immediately via sadhu, sastras or guru

• One should constantly associate with devotees so as to ensure faith does not weaken

• Chanting and remembering Krsna’s pasttimes also helps one to be fixed on the path of devotional service.

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Reference materials

• Sri Bhaktyaloka – Illuminations on Bhakti by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur

• Nectar of devotion

• Srimad Bhagavatam – Canto 11

• Bhagavat-gita As It is – Ch 2 Text 41 & Ch 4 Text 40