Page 1 of 6 MOTOR VEHICLE Section 5 – Procedure 3 Date of Issue: January 2013 Date of Review: January 2015 G:\Policies & Procedures\Section 5 - Administration Policies And Procedures\5. Motor Procedures\Motor Vehicle Procedure.Doc BINSA owns its own vehicle and when not required by the Executive Officer (EO) is available for use by staff during the working week on a booking system. If the BINSA vehicle is required at other times this may be negotiated with the EO. BINSA has an expectation, as detailed in all staff employment contracts, that as relevant, staff hold a current South Australian driver's licence and that use of their own car may be required. This is due to the limited funding capacity of BINSA to provide sufficient access to a BINSA vehicle as external appointments may require. Clients may not be transported in BINSA’s vehicle except in emergency situations where no other transport can be arranged. The BINSA vehicle must be returned to the office at the designated time and it would only be due to exceptional circumstances that this is unachievable. In the event of a problem arising relevant staff member using the vehicle must inform the EO immediately. In the interests of providing the safest possible transportation BINSA is committed to meeting standards and ensuring its vehicle is regularly serviced and well maintained. In order that the vehicle is maintained and serviced according to the manufacturer’s specifications, the following procedures must be adhered to: The designated driver for a vehicle will ensure regular servicing/safety checks are undertaken on the vehicles by the due date/kilometres The designated driver will ensure the vehicle is cleaned regularly. Staff Responsibilities All staff must familiarise themselves with the vehicles they drive Possess a relevant current driver’s licence Observe all road rules at all times As the safety of staff is a priority it is imperative that any concerns regarding vehicle safety are reported promptly to the EO Ensure, wherever possible, that all loose objects are secured (e.g. by using a net or an unused seatbelt or alternatively store in the boot compartment) Not drive an unsafe vehicle and must report any safety hazards, such as bald tyres or faulty brakes to the EO Report to the EO any accident that they have been involved in regardless of extent or damage Ensure they and all passengers use seat belts Ensure that they or any passenger do not smoke in the vehicle General Conditions of Usage of BINSA Vehicle Vehicle must always remain under the control of a staff member or registered volunteer Staff incurring parking or other traffic offences while in the BINSA vehicle are personally responsible for payment of fines and they should be advised to the EO and then settled promptly

3. Motor Vehicles Procedure

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Section 5 – Procedure 3

Date of Issue: January 2013 Date of Review: January 2015

G:\Policies & Procedures\Section 5 - Administration Policies And Procedures\5. Motor Procedures\Motor Vehicle Procedure.Doc

BINSA owns its own vehicle and when not required by the Executive Officer (EO) is available for use by staff during the working week on a booking system. If the BINSA vehicle is required at other times this may be negotiated with the EO.

BINSA has an expectation, as detailed in all staff employment contracts, that as relevant, staff hold a current South Australian driver's licence and that use of their own car may be required. This is due to the limited funding capacity of BINSA to provide sufficient access to a BINSA vehicle as external appointments may require.

Clients may not be transported in BINSA’s vehicle except in emergency situations where no other transport can be arranged.

The BINSA vehicle must be returned to the office at the designated time and it would only be due to exceptional circumstances that this is unachievable. In the event of a problem arising relevant staff member using the vehicle must inform the EO immediately.

In the interests of providing the safest possible transportation BINSA is committed to meeting standards and ensuring its vehicle is regularly serviced and well maintained.

In order that the vehicle is maintained and serviced according to the manufacturer’s specifications, the following procedures must be adhered to:

• The designated driver for a vehicle will ensure regular servicing/safety checks are undertaken on the vehicles by the due date/kilometres

• The designated driver will ensure the vehicle is cleaned regularly.

Staff Responsibilities • All staff must familiarise themselves with the vehicles they drive • Possess a relevant current driver’s licence • Observe all road rules at all times • As the safety of staff is a priority it is imperative that any concerns regarding vehicle safety are

reported promptly to the EO • Ensure, wherever possible, that all loose objects are secured (e.g. by using a net or an unused

seatbelt or alternatively store in the boot compartment) • Not drive an unsafe vehicle and must report any safety hazards, such as bald tyres or faulty

brakes to the EO • Report to the EO any accident that they have been involved in regardless of extent or damage • Ensure they and all passengers use seat belts • Ensure that they or any passenger do not smoke in the vehicle

General Conditions of Usage of BINSA Vehicle • Vehicle must always remain under the control of a staff member or registered volunteer • Staff incurring parking or other traffic offences while in the BINSA vehicle are personally

responsible for payment of fines and they should be advised to the EO and then settled promptly

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• Any fines attributed to the vehicle are the responsibility of the employee who had the use of the car at the time of the infringement and details must be advised to the EO

• Under no circumstances will BINSA be responsible for overdue notices (including any additional financial penalties)

• There are penalties associated with driving a vehicle whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In the event of an accident under such circumstances, BINSA’s insurance cover is negated and the driver will be responsible for meeting all associated costs.

Private use – Designated Staff Only

The following persons ONLY may use the BINSA vehicle for private use:

• Staff who have a vehicle as part of employment conditions • Designated staff approved by the EO.

Approval for use of Private Vehicle • Application for authority to use a private vehicle on BINSA business must be made in writing to

the EO on an Application for use of Private Vehicle Form (Forms – Form 36) • In granting approval the EO or delegated authority must be satisfied that the use of a private

vehicle is the most economical means of transport available. Approval for use of Private Vehicle (Forms – Form 37) Approvals may be given for a specific journey or a specific period

• Approval can only be given for registered vehicles which have third party property damage and bodily injury or comprehensive insurance. Proof of vehicle registration and insurance is to be verified by the EO or delegated authority prior to approval - See Forms - Form 37.

Claiming reimbursement from BINSA for use of private vehicle

As already indicated it is expected that where necessary, and where a BINSA vehicle is not available and where it is essential travel where the use of a motor vehicle is required, staff will use their own vehicle, as per the procedures specified above.

In some circumstances a vehicle claim may be made but this will need to be agreed and approved by the EO or their delegate prior to make the travel. If approved the following will apply:

• Vehicle allowance claims will only be paid to staff with proper authority for use of private vehicles designated by the EO or a delegated authorised officer. An Expense Claim Form must be submitted with the pay period for reimbursement to be made

• Approval for use of private vehicles will apply to travel within South Australia • Once approval is granted, such record will be entered onto the personnel file.


A staff member is entitled to claim the rate per kilometre specified by the Australian Taxation Office, on occasions where they use their own motor vehicle under the following circumstances:

• A staff member who is required to use their vehicle for the organisation’s business, subsequent to their arrival at work, will be entitled to claim an allowance from the work site to next destination(s) or return to work. A staff member will not be entitled to claim the total number of kilometres to their home should they elect to drive directly to home from their last appointment. They will however be entitled to claim the number of kilometres that may be in excess of their normal return trip home.

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• A staff member travelling directly from their home to a client’s home or to attend to other business of the organisation, will be entitled to claim a vehicle allowance for those kilometres travelled which are in excess of their normal journey to their primary worksite. Any journey subsequent to the first appointment or return visit to the primary worksite will attract a full entitlement.

• An entitlement to claim a motor vehicle allowance after hours will only occur when: o The use of the vehicle was for an emergency visit to a client or family o The vehicle was used for appointments subsequent to the first appointment but excluding

the staff member’s journey home other than outlined in (1) above o Approval has been given by the EO or delegated authority.

It is recommended that all staff check the currency of the ATO reimbursement provisions as they may change from time to time. See http://www.ato.gov.au/content/78956.htm

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Appendix 1

Procedure for Reporting Theft / Accidents

Accident i. Check whether anyone involved required medical attention. If so, call an ambulance from

nearest phone or mobile ii. In the case of bodily injury requiring medical treatment of any party involved and / or extensive

vehicle damage, call the police from nearest phone or mobile iii. Do not move the vehicle until instructed by the police.

For insurance purposes do not admit liability or responsibility for the accident to any party or the police attending the accident or any subsequent report.

Obtain and write down the following details: iv. Time and date of the accident v. Name and address of any witness(s) to the accident vi. Street name of where the accident occurred, name of nearest cross street, direction in which

vehicle(s) were travelling

If accident involves other vehicle(s): vii. Name and address of the other driver(s) viii. License number and expiry date of the driver(s) ix. Insurance company(s) of other driver(s) x. Make, model and registration number(s) of other vehicle(s)

a. If your vehicle CANNOT be driven, and you are in the metropolitan area, arrange for an APPROVED TOWING SERVICE to tow the vehicle to preferred repairer

b. In country areas contact RAA approved towing service where available. Make note of the tow truck driver’s name, company name and registration of the towing vehicle.

c. If your vehicle can be safely driven, continue journey and inform the Executive Officer of the accident as soon as possible and within 2 working days.

d. Within 2 working days of the accident return the Accident Information Check List to Central Office in order to complete the Insurance Claim Form.

e. In ALL cases, where there is damage of vehicles and property, the accident MUST be reported by the driver (in the case of the driver being injured, other attending staff to report accident) to the police WITHIN 24 HOURS.

Note: Date, time and police station where accident is reported if no report number is given.

Fire Evacuation Procedure for Cars xi. Stop the vehicle xii. Turn off the ignition xiii. Evacuate car, shut doors and keep area clear xiv. Call Fire Service or ask someone else to call for you

If it is SAFE and you are confident then

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xv. If extinguisher is accessible/available, attempt to extinguish the fire with extreme caution xvi. If the fire is under bonnet – release bonnet catch only. Do not lift bonnet as rush of air could

cause flare-up resulting in serious burns. Discharge contents of extinguisher through bonnet gap xvii. If fire is in cabin – then discharge the contents of extinguisher into cabin directly on fire and

close door xviii. Smoke from burning plastics etc contains many toxic substances; avoid breathing smoke at

all costs.

When fire has been extinguished xix. Do not drive vehicle until it has been thoroughly checked by a qualified mechanic or auto

electrician. Your priority is to ensure passengers and your own safety at all times.

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RELEVANT LINKS • Standard Operating procedures (SOPs) – N/A • Operational Instructions (OI)

Operational Instruction 33

Vehicle Accident Checklist ..\..\..\..\Policies & procedures\Operational Instructions\33 - Vehicle Accident Checklist.doc • Forms (F)

Form 36

Application for Use of Private Vehicle

..\..\..\..\Policies & procedures\Forms\Form 36 - Application for Use of Private Vehicle.doc

Form 37

Approval for Use of Private Vehicle

..\..\..\..\Policies & procedures\Forms\Form 37 - Approval for Use of Private Vehicle.doc