3. sample Forms of Government

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  • 8/9/2019 3. sample Forms of Government



    1. manner of government: the system or

    manner of government;

    2. state of governing a place: the act or

    state of governing a place;

    3. authority: control or authority

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    It means the management of the

    affairs of a business, organiation, or


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    %orms of "overnment&

    The principal forms are thefollo'ing&

    (!As to number of personse)ercising sovereign po'ers;

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    *! As to e)tent of po'ers

    e)ercise+ by the central ornational government;

    ! As to relationship bet'een thee)ecutive an+ the legislative

    branches of the government;

    4. As to source of power orauthority:

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    (! As to number of persons

    e)ercising sovereign po'ers&

    A. Government by one

    A(- Monarchy or one in 'hich

    the supreme an+ final authority

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    is in the han+s of a singleperson 'ithout regar+ to the

    source of his election or the

    nature or +uration of his tenure!

    Monarchies are further

    classifie+ into&

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    Monarchy, form of governmentin 'hich one person has thehere+itary right to rule as hea+

    of state +uring his or herlifetime; the term is also applie+to the state so governe+!

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    Monarchs inclu+e such rulers as

    .ings an+ /ueens, emperors an+empresses, tsars, an+ .aisers!

    T'o types of Monarchicalgovernment&

    (! Absolute Monarchy or one in'hich the ruler rules by +ivineright; an+

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    *! 0imite+ monarchy or one in

    'hich the ruler rules inaccor+ance 'ith a constitution!

    The po'er of the monarchvaries from absolute to verylimite+; the latter is e)emplifie+

    in mo+ern1+ay constitutionalmonarchies!

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    A* Authoritarianor one in 'hich

    the supreme po'er of the+ictator 'hose po'er is usually

    through force!1. strict and demanding

    obedience: favoring strict rules

    an+ establishe+ authority;

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    2. demanding politicalobedience: belonging to or

    believing in a political system in

    'hich obe+ience to the rulingperson or group is strongly


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    B. Government by few

    2( Aristocracy or one in 'hichpolitical po'er is e)ercise+ by fe'privilege+ class!

    1. people of highest social class:people of noble families or thehighest social class

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    2. superior group: a group

    believe+ to be superior to allothers of the same .in+

    3. government by elite:government of a country by asmall group of people,especially a here+itary nobility

    . state run by elite: a stategoverne+ by an aristocracy.

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    B2 !ligarchy

    1. small governing group: a

    small group of people 'ho

    together govern a nation orcontrol an organiation, often for

    their o'n purposes;

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    2. entity ruled by oligarchy: anation governe+ or an

    organiation controlle+ by an


    3. government by small group:

    government or control by asmall group of people!

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    "ources of their power:

    (!2y birth*! 2y 'ealth! 2y 'is+om

    In an aristocracy, although the

    po'er of government is 'iel+e+ bya fe', theoretically the

    a+ministration of government is

    carrie+ on for the 'elfare of themany!

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    3henever the interests of the

    people as a 'hole are ma+e

    subservient to the selfishinterests of the rulers,

    aristocracy becomes a form ofgovernment .no'n as oligarchy!

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    #. Government by many

    #1 $emocracy or one in 'hich

    political po'er is e)ercise+ bythe ma4ority of the people! It is

    further classifie+ into&

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    #1.1 $irect or pure democracyor

    one in 'hich the 'ill of the state isformulate+ or e)presse+ +irectlyan+ imme+iately through thepeople in a mass meeting orprimary assembly rather thanthrough the me+ium ofrepresentatives chosen by thepeople to act for them!

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    #1.2 %ndirect& representative or

    republican democracy or one in'hich the 'ill of the state is

    formulate+ an+ e)presse+ through

    the agency of a relatively small

    an+ select bo+y of persons chosen

    by the people to act as theirrepresentatives!

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    *! As to e)tent of po'erse)ercise+ by the central ornational government&

    A! 'nitarygovernment orone in 'hich the control ofnational an+ local affairs ise)ercise+ by the nationalgovernment;

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    2! (ederal government or onein 'hich the po'ers ofgovernment are +ivi+e+

    bet'een t'o sets of organs,one for national affairs an+ theother for local affairs, each

    organ being supreme 'ithin itso'n sphere!

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    Dist! bet! %e+eral 5 6nitary "ov7t

    (ederal states, such as the 6!S!an+ S'iterlan+, comprise unions

    of states in 'hich the authority ofthe central or national governmentis constitutionally limite+ by thelegally establishe+ po'ers of theconstituent sub+ivisions!

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    In unitary states, such asthe 6nite+ 8ing+om an+

    2elgium, the constituent

    sub+ivisions of the state are

    subor+inate to the authority of

    the national government!

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    9ountries 'ith fe+eral political

    systems have both a centralgovernment an+ governmentsbase+ in smaller political units,

    usually calle+ states, provinces, orterritories! These smaller politicalunits surren+er some of their

    political po'er to the centralgovernment, relying on it to act forthe common goo+!

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    In a fe+eral system, la's are

    ma+e both by state, provincial, orterritorial governments an+ by acentral government! In the 6nite+

    States, for e)ample, people 'holive in the state of Ohio mustobey the la's ma+e by the Ohiolegislature an+ the 9ongress ofthe 6nite+ States!

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    %e+eral political systems +ivi+epo'er an+ resources bet'eencentral an+ regional governments!

    9entral governments +eci+e issuesthat concern the 'hole country,such as organiing an army,

    buil+ing ma4or roa+s, an+ ma.ingtreaties 'ith other countries!

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    In unitary systems, 'ith la's givingvirtually all authority to the central

    government! The central

    government may +elegate +uties tocities or other a+ministrative units,

    but it retains final authority an+ can

    retract any tas.s it has +elegate+!

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    The central government in aunitary systemis much more

    po'erful than the centralgovernment in a fe+eral system!

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    ! As to relationship bet'een the

    e)ecutive an+ the legislativebranches of the government&

    A! )arliamentary government orcabinet gov*t! is one in 'hich thee)ecutive an+ legislative branch of

    the government are +epen+ent ore)ecutive branch is part of thelegislative branch!

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    Distinctions bet! :resi+ential 5:arliamentary

    In parliamentary

    governments, of 'hich the6nite+ 8ing+om, In+ia, an+9ana+a are e)amples, the

    e)ecutive branch is subor+inateto the legislature!

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    In presidential

    governments, such as in the

    6!S!, the e)ecutive is

    in+epen+ent of the legislature,although many of the

    e)ecutives actions are sub4ectto legislative revie'!

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    e)isting constitution but has thegeneral support of the people an+has effective control of the territory

    over 'hich it e)ercises its po'ers!

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    2! $e +ureis one 'hich is

    constitute+ or foun+e+ inaccor+ance 'ith the e)isting

    constitution of the state but hasno control of the territory!

    9! ,ereditary - lective

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    #hec/s andBalances, the +octrine an+ practice of +ispersing political po'er

    an+ creating mutualaccountability among politicalentities such as the courts, thepresi+ent or prime minister, thelegislature, an+ the citiens!

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    The system of chec.s an+

    balances is a basic feature of the6nite+ States government.

    The first chec. comes from the factthat +ifferent branches of the

    government have overlapping

    authority, so each branch can actas a limit on the other!

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    %or e)ample, the presi+ent canveto an act of 9ongress! A t'o1thir+s ma4ority in 9ongress can

    then overri+e the presi+ent7sveto! The presi+ent appointsma4or fe+eral officials, but only if

    the Senate by ma4ority voteagrees!

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    "eparation of

    )owers, the +octrine an+ practi

    ce of +ivi+ing the po'ers of agovernment among +ifferent

    branches to guar+ againstabuse of authority!

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    A government of separate+po'ers assigns +ifferent political

    an+ legal po'ers to the

    legislative, e)ecutive, an+

    4u+icial branches! The

    legislative branch has thepo'er to ma.e la's.

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    The e0ecutive branchhas theauthority to a+minister the la'=

    primarily by bringing

    la'brea.ers to trial=an+ toappoint officials an+ oversee the

    a+ministration of governmentresponsibilities!

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    Theudicial branch has the

    po'er to try cases brought to

    court an+ to interpret the

    meaning of la's un+er 'hichthe trials are con+ucte+!

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    A government of separate+

    po'ers is less li.ely to be

    tyrannical an+ more li.ely to

    follo' the rule of la'& theprinciple that government action

    must be constraine+ by la's.

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    A separation of po'ers can also

    ma.e a political system more

    +emocratic by ma.ing it more

    +ifficult for a single ruler, suchas a monarch or a presi+ent, to

    become +ictatorial!

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    The +ivision of po'ers alsoprevents one branch of

    government from +ominatingthe others or +ictating the la'sto the public! Most +emocratic

    systems have some +egree ofseparation of po'ers.