A Free E-Book For Parents Everywhere

30 Ways To Help Your Child Become A Serious Book Lover and A Great Reader

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A fabulous list of ideas to encourage, motivate, inspire and help your child become a serious book lover and a great reader.

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Page 1: 30 Ways To Help Your Child Become A Serious Book Lover and A Great Reader

A Free E-Book For Parents Everywhere

Page 2: 30 Ways To Help Your Child Become A Serious Book Lover and A Great Reader


This mini-doc is free, extracted from the author’s considerable reservoir of

knowledge, and does not contain any affiliate links.

Share it with anyone else whose children may benefit from these ideas, as

long as you give complete credit to the author – Linda Ogier of Heartfire At

Home under the terms of the Creative Attribution 3.0 License.

Page 3: 30 Ways To Help Your Child Become A Serious Book Lover and A Great Reader

If you’ve been around my blog Heartfire At Home for any amount of time

you know how crazy I am about books. And, particularly how crazy I am

about books as part of the tapestry of a true home and as a grounding for

any child.

For me, if a house is to be a home for a child…. It MUST have books in it

(and not just for decoration purposes!), plus a comfy place to become

immersed in those books.

As you know, I’m mad about interior design and how we can make it more

holistic and connected to our lives. I blog joyfully about this concept, and

spend many, many hours helping those in my ‘real’ offline world to do just

that in many ways.

What you may not know however, is I’ve also been a practicing primary

school teacher as well for over 24 years (four days a week still), and I’m

specifically trained (an extra year on top of my 4 year Bachelor Degree) in

the area of reading.

So, I know a tad about it.

Here then, are 30 ideas (plus a few more, and then one big one), to help

your child become a true lover of books. Most of these can be used with

picture story books for younger school age children, or longer chapter books.

Read on…..

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1. Read TO them, particularly books that are too hard for them at the

moment. The only way they’ll get to hear amazing literature that’s a

little bit hard for them is if someone (YOU) reads it to them.

2. Read WITH them. If you read along together, they can model their

expression and phrasing on yours. Great practice for them!

3. Listen to them read. And then, talk to them about what they’ve


4. Praise them when they read well or figure out an unknown word.

5. Pause – don’t jump in immediately if they get stuck - give them a

chance to figure it out (around 10 to 20 seconds).

6. Prompt – if they’re still stuck after you’ve paused appropriately,

give them a prompt (a clue), or just tell them the word. You don’t

want to lose the ‘flow’ of the story or else they’ll forget what they’re

reading about and enjoyment will fade.

7. Take turns reading parts of a page, or a page each.

8. Read your own books sitting next to each other, and then share

your fave bits.

9. Read your own books sitting back to back… human touch is a

bonding experience…

10. Have poetry reading sessions… find some funny poems and stand

up and read them aloud to each other!

11. Find some books with children’s plays in them and have a go at

practicing and performing them!

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12. Get them to write their own scripts for a play and then perform


13. Ask interesting questions about the characters in the story -

What’s the worst thing that’s happened to your favorite character in

the book? The best thing? Why do they think that? How do they feel

about…..? What would you do if you were in their place?

14. At the end of a page or chapter ask them to predict what will

happen next in the story. High five if you were right!

15. Keep a chart with a gold sticker or star for every book read. When

you get to a pre-determined limit (5, 10, 20), go for a trip to the

bookstore and buy a favorite book.

16. Get out your scrapbooking materials and make up a scrapbook

page representing a character, a place, an object or an emotion from a

favorite story.

17. Draw a map of all the places in the story. Look at maps from The

Hobbit and Narnia for inspiration.

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18. Get out paints, textas, pens, charcoal, all sorts of drawing

materials and make a picture about the story/book. Collage is great


19. Use sticky notes (kids LOVE them) to mark up favorite pages in a

story or book. Use these to refer to when looking for ideas to

draw/write/scrapbook about.

20. Use sticky notes to stick on pages with unknown words that you

could look up later together.

21. Use sticky notes to stick on pages in non-fiction books that

provoke questions they would like answered, then Google more info

later on.

22. Use the interest generated in the last idea to create a mini project

or book on their topic of interest.

23. Use a program like audioboo to get the children reading aloud on

to the computer and creating podcasts of their reading to hear what

they sound like!

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24. Get them to create a voki of their favorite character from a story

and make them say something appropriate for that character…. Make

several vokis from the same book, each about a different character.

25. Let them create, build, and make ‘stuff’ that relates to a book…. a

castle out of boxes, a magic hideaway in the garden, a fairy ring to run

around, an animal out of clay or plasticine.

26. Create a special place in your home that gives reading importance.

Gorgeous seating, comfy cushions, a bookshelf within reach. Make

reading a priority.

27. Let them make books themselves. Kids LOVE this! Give them

paper, a stapler, pens, colored pencils… whatever, and let them create

their own book. Don’t be the ‘spelling police’ or go over the top trying

to make it perfect… remember, you’re trying to develop a LOVE of

books. Spelling is a whole different lesson!

28. Give them book plates to paste/stick inside the covers of all their

own books to make them more special. Etsy has some great sellers for

this. Just search for ’book plates’.

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29. Let them have a torch to read for a few minutes (10? 20?) in bed

at night and make it a little secretive, special, just for them

experience. They will never forget this!

And finally….

30. Let them read to their younger/older siblings. This makes them

feel special and like an expert… especially if they’re reading a book

that’s really easy for them to a younger brother or sister and talking

about the book with them, explaining the pictures to them etc.

NOW, keep reading for some extra tips

and one BIG idea at the very end!

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Some Entertaining Extras:

1. Whatever you do…. Make it fun! Go for picnics and take a book

each and have a picnic read-a-thon.

2. Sit under a shady tree on a hot day, or (horror), climb one together

and read a book up there (a-m-a-z-i-n-g).

3. Make a tree-house with shelves for special books.

4. Pitch a tent out in the back yard and read by torchlight.

5. Take a family photo with everyone peeking over their favorite

opened book and blow it up and put it on the wall near your special

reading corner or place. (LOVE it!)

6. Make trips to the library together… stop and have afternoon tea

somewhere... make it as special as possible.

7. Read a book and then go to see the movie or borrow a DVD of the

same book and compare them.

8. Get creative in any way you can think of! Making books a part of

special memories will create a love for books and reading that will

be life-long.

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And, one more thing for those children who already love

their books and for whom you’d like to take things a little


You know how some grown-ups get together for a ‘book club’ where they

each read the same book and then get together on a regular basis to discuss

the book?

Well…. If your child is up to reading reasonably lengthy chapter books (like

Harry Potter, The Narnia series, The Hobbit, The Secret Garden etc), there’s

no reason you can’t do the same with a bunch of interested children!

This could be 3 to 5 kids all with the same book, and each week (or

whenever they meet) they could be assigned 3 or 4 chapters (or whatever suits), and could meet up at a parent's house to read out their favourite bits,

talk about any words/parts they may not have understood, discuss what the

characters are thinking or doing, and to guess/predict what they think is

going to happen in the next few chapters.

It could only take 30 mins or so, they could have a yummy afternoon snack,

and then they could have a quick play together and be picked up by their


If it was your own child plus 3 more, you could fit them all in one car, and

the parents could take turns picking them up from school on the designated

day each week. So, you'd only have to go and pick them up from wherever

they were. Good way to meet the other parents (or chat more with them), and also a good way for parents to get involved in a different way as the

parent whose home it was at would have to 'lead' the discussion somewhat.

You could even have your own adult book group for half an hour after theirs while they played if you were all feeling really industrious! Then they'd get to

see parents discussing books too (even though they'd be playing, they'd

notice). They may even choose to sit in! Although you'd have to pick child

friendly books - lol.

So in short.....

1. 3 to 5 kids with same book.

2. Get together once a week (or fortnight etc) for 30 mins of ‘book time’. 3. See if what they predicted the week before came true (see part 7 below).

4. Share their favourite part.

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5. Share unknown words, bits they weren't sure of, or interesting thoughts

they may have about a happening or character (get them to make a note of

these while they're reading during the week, or use little post it notes to stick in the books).

6. Ask if there's anything they'd like to know more about and research. For

instance, they might be reading a fairytale that has dragons in it, and might

like to 'research' dragons and do a little project on them to bring and share the next week. Different kids would be interested in different things.

7. Ask them to predict what they think will happen next (write these down in

a little 'book club journal').

The steps above are based very loosely on the targeted group reading model

we shift to in the grade 3/4 areas in our schools in Australia, and are

fabulous for those children who are really up to getting more deeply involved

in what they’re reading.

Thanks so much for taking the time to get serious about helping your children LOVE books.

I hope my suggestions have given you something new to try or to think

about including in your family time!

And remember…

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Linda. xox

Heartfire At Home Blog