. لسادة :ؤلفة من ا الم لجنة الحكمام أم3102 - 3102

3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the

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Page 1: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the


أمام لجنة الحكم المؤلفة من السادة :







Page 2: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the

( م55

011 )



Calanus robustior, Xanthocalanus agilis, Scolecithrix bradyi, Scolecithricella dentata,

S.auropecten S.ovata , S.minor, Diaixis pigmaea, Vittoria longifurca, V. parva , Copilia vitra



511,095,077 530, 550, 551

Page 3: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the

Paracalanus parvus Clousocalanus furcatus Corycella rostrata Temora stylifera

Oithona plumifera Limacina inflata Oithona nana Oikopleura dioica Larvae Bivalvia

Pleopis tergestina Sagitta inflata ،

Pleopis polyphemoidis, Labidocera brunscens,

L .pavo,L. acutifrons, Pontella mediterranea , Acartia clausi , A. grani , A. negligens, Oithona

nana , Larvae Bivalvia, Oikopleura dioica .

C,Aمن المحّطات 55- 1


،المحّطات -






Eurythermic EuryhalineEurybiont

, Limacina inflataOikopleura dioica,Temora stylifera, Corycella rostrata ,Paracalanus parvus

Calocalanus styliremis . ,Oithona similis,Noctiluca miliaris ,Oithona nana

Stenothermic ،ة الملوحةضّيق و Stenohaline. البيئية ةالكبئنبت ضّيق منوهي بذلك

Stenobiont ،Podon intermedius, Labidocera pavo,Pontella mediterranea

Oncaea curta , Euchirella intermedia, Scaphocalanus echinatus

, Monstrilla longiremis,, Chiridius poppei Acartia discaudata

Doliolum denticulatum Rhopalonema funerarium ,


Page 4: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the

,Temora stylifera, Corycella Paracalanus parvus

, Limacina inflat , Oithona nana , Noctiluca miliaris,OithonaOikopleura dioica rostrata ,

Calocalanus styliremis , Euterpina acutifrons.similis,



3737, 41

Paracalanus parvus ,, Clousocalanus furcatus Corycella rostrata,Temora stylifera

Oithona plumifera,,Limacina inflata, Oithona nana,Oikopleura dioica,Larvae Bivalvia

Pleopis tergestina, Sagitta inflata


;; ;;

المحّطات 1-5

210655;01451;726553 A




3142 ;372754;355756

091156095955 ;;095257


346597 559567;451501;

2154925525 ;;93505




Page 5: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the



Paracalanus parvus , Clousocalanus furcatus, Corycella rostrata, Oithona plumifera

Limacina inflata, Oithona nana,Oikopleura dioica,Larvae Bivalvia, Sagitta inflata





752259 في

569754في 359756

554457في 5401,6

502550في 537953


















Page 6: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the





م( 55-05)1,540


1,99( م011-51)

م( 55-05)1,630


1,990( م011-51)

Evadne spinifera(5- 1 )م


-5) 1,551546( م 1 -55)

1,410م( 1

1,450( م 1 -55)

Paracalanus parvus(5- 1 )م


1,121,05( م 1 -55)

1,151,36م( 1 -5)

1,151,53( م 1 -55)

furcatus Clousocalanus(5- 1 )م


1,171,01( م 1 -55)

1,161,12م( 55-05)( 1 -5)

1,151,12( م 1 -55)

Oikopleura dioica(5- 1 )م


م( 1 -5) 1,591,73( م 1 -55)

Page 7: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the


1,541,22( م 1 -55)




مدينت جبلت . ، الساحليتالغزارة ، المياه التوزع العمودي ،العوالق الحيوانيت ،:مفتاحيوكلماث

Page 8: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the


The vertical distribution of zooplankton in the coastal region of Jableh city has been

studied, both qualitative and quantitative, and spatial and temporal variations .

Vertical zooplankton samples were combined from three regions differ from each other

in their environmental characteristics that make them distinct impact on the vertical

distribution of zooplankton in both quality and quantity, these areas are: Alasilah, Alzzouzo

Castle, Albhes River estuary .

Zooplankton samples were collected vertically, continuously and gradually in each

region of the foregoing regions and in two stations for each of them: the first close to the

beach (the depth of the water about 52 m), the second far from the beach (up the depth of

water to 011 m), and collected at each station in three layers of water, and a total sample

included three layers together .

Sampling accompanied with different hydrophysical and hydrochemical measurements

such as: water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen in the foregoing depths, as well as

transparency .

Vertical sampling of zooplankton was performed in the period between August 5112

and December 5101, where the number of Cruises executed during the study period were 52

ones. The number of studied samples in all regions of the study were (552) sample. The total

number of hydrophysical and hydrochemical measurements that have been taken in

conjunction with the process of collecting samples of zooplankton in all regions of the study

were (5222).

The results of the hydrophysical and hydrochemical measurements in all sampling areas

during different seasons showed that there were differences between these regions on the one

hand, and on the other stations. The measurements differences were not significant in the

near-shore stations among its depths, while seemed more pronounced at stations far from the

beach, making an impact on the vertical distribution of zooplankton and abundance .

The number of species that have been identified in all regions of sampling during the

study period were (522) species. The number of species in Alasilah area were (525) species,

and in the area of Alzzouzo Castle were (525) species, the number of species that have been

identified in the area of Albhes River estuary were (525) species .

Throughout the study (00) species have been registered , they are:

Calanus robustior, Xanthocalanus agilis, Scolecithrix bradyi, Scolecithricella dentata,

S.auropecten S.ovata, S.minor, Diaixis pigmaea, Vittoria longifurca, V. parva, Copilia

vitra .

It was observed that the stations offshore (A `, B`, C `) were more diverse than nearby

stations from the beach (A, B, C) .The number of species in the second stations in areas

Alasilah, Alzzouzo Castle, Albhes River estuary were (022, 025 ,511) consecutively, while

the number of species in the first stations in the same areas were(551, 550, 520)

consecutively .

Page 9: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the

It was found throughout this study that there were species where their existence

(stability) were very high in all areas of sampling, both in the terminals away from the beach,

or near it, and in every region of the sampling. Among them, for example :

Paracalanus parvus, Clousocalanus furcatus, Corycella rostrata, Temora stylifera, Oithona

plumifera, Limacina inflata, Oithona nana, Oikopleura dioica, Larvae Bivalvia, Pleopis

tergestina, Sagitta inflata……..

The study revealed the presence of species and taxonomical factions in the stations near

the beach (shallow) and the degree of presence (firmness) is higher than in the distant stations

far from the beach (big deep), or they did not show at all, like:

Labidocera brunscens , L. Pavo, L. acutifrons, Pontella mediterranea, Pleopis

polyphemoidis, Acartia clausi, A. grani, A. negligens, Oithona nana, Larvae Bivalvia,

Oikopleura dioica……….

During the study it as found that the aqueous layer (1-52 m) of near-shore stations (C, A)

was the most diverse among all the other layers of water, while the aqueous layer (02-52 m)

from the station (B) in Alzzouzo Castle area was the most diverse in the station itself. While

the aqueous layer (1-2 m) was the least diversified in all near-shore areas of all sampling

stations. In the offshore stations (C `, B`, A `) the aqueous layer (1-011 m) was among the

most diverse of all the other layers of water, while the aqueous layer (1-52 m) was the least

diversified in all stations away from the beach.

The study showed that Copepoda group was the most abundant from other animal groups,

the number of species that have been identified in the area, including Alasilah (050) species,

and in the area of Alzzouzo Castle (055) species, in the area of Albhes River estuary (052).

The summer season was the most diverse season, where the number of species in it (522)

species, in addition to (2) genus, followed by spring, where the number of species were (512)

species, in addition to (5) genus, then winter, where The number of species in it (511) species,

in addition to (5) genus, while autumn is less diverse season, where the number of species in

it were (050) species, and (2) genus of zooplankton .

It was observed through the comparison between the four seasons during the years 5112-

5101, that there were different species and taxonomic factions, appeared in all seasons, where

some of these species were found with high varying presence (firmness), while some others

were found with lower varying presence (constancy). These species were characterized, and

taxonomical groups aforementioned by adaptation to living in a wide range of temperature

changes (Eurythermic), as well as salinity (Euryhaline), these were organisms with wide

adaptable environmental (Eurybiont), as is the case for the following species :

Limacina inflata, Oikopleura dioica, Temora stylifera, Corycella rostrata, Paracalanus

parvus ,Calocalanus styliremis, Oithona similis, Noctiluca miliaris, Oithona nana,

Euterpina acutifrons .

There were species and genera found during one season of the year without the other

seasons (20 species and 0single-genus),this may be due to that they can live only in a narrow

range of temperature changes (tight adaptable thermal) Stenothermic, and with narrow saline

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adaptation Stenohaline . They thus belong to the organisms groups with narrow

environmental adaptation .

Mention some of them, for example: species: Podon intermedius, Labidocera pavo,

Pontella mediterranea, appeared in the summer only .

Species: Oncaea curta, Euchirella intermedia, Scaphocalanus echinatus, appeared in the

winter only. Species: Monstrilla longiremis,Chiridius poppei, Acartia discaudata appeared

in the spring only. Species: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in

the autumn only .

During the study, it was found that Copepoda were the dominant faction between other

groups in term of the number of species that have contributed during the different seasons of

the year. The number of types of this group in the summer (055) species, but in the winter, the

number of these species (002) species, and contributed to this bunch in the spring with a

number of the species reached (012). Finally, the number of species in the autumn (20).

It was noticed through the study of the vertical distribution of zooplankton in the

different seasons of the year, and in the different layers of water, that the largest number of

species were in the stations near the beach and distant stations from it, appeared in all

aquifers. Mention some of them, for example :

Limacina inflate, Oikopleura dioica, Temora stylifera, Corycella rostrata, Paracalanus

parvus, Calocalanus styliremis, Oithona similis, Noctiluca miliaris, Oithona nana,

Euterpina acutifron .

The average total abundance of zooplankton was (2522.21) individual / m 2 for the whole

sampling regions, where the highest value for the abundance of zooplankton in Alzzouzo

Castle area, in which the average abundance (2252.22) individual / m 2, followed by Albhes

River estuary that the average abundance (2022.52) individual / m 2, while the lowest value

for the abundance of zooplankton in Alasilah area, where the average abundance (2222, 21)

individual / m 2 .

Species and different animal factions appeared in high abundance in all areas of, recall,

for example: Paracalanus parvus, Clousocalanus furcatus, Corycella rostrata, Temora

stylifera, Oithona plumifera, Limacina inflata, Oithona nana, Oikopleura dioica, Larvae

Bivalvia, Pleopis tergestina, Sagitta inflata .......

The stations near the beach (B, A, Cِ) were more abundant than offshore stations (C `,

B`, A `). With an average abundance in stations (C, B, A) (225232; 2202; 502235) individual /

m 2 on the sequence, while the average abundance in stations (C `, B`, A `) were (550130 ;

5212.25; 5050.2) individual / m 2 consecutively .

Recorded the highest abundance of zooplankton in the stations near the beach in the

aqueous layer (1-2 m) of all sampling areas, where the values in this layer of the stations near

the beach (C, B, A) were (210535; 01221; 2252 1.2) individual / m 2 on the sequence, while

the lowest recorded abundance of zooplankton in the aqueous layer A2 (2-02 m) of Alasilah

area, where the value in this class (2222.0) individual / m 2, while the (2522.2 ) individual /

m2 in the aqueous layer B5 (02-52) m from Alzzouzo Castle area, but in the area of Albhes

Page 11: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the

River estuary, has recorded abundance in the lower aqueous layer C2 (2-02)m and reached

(5555.2) individual / m2. For the abundance of zooplankton in the aquifers of the stations

offshore (C `, B`, A `), it has been more prolific in the aqueous layer (52-21 m) of all

sampling areas, where the values in this class (2122; 2222.2; 2522.5) individual / m 2on the

sequence, while the lowest recorded abundance of zooplankton in the aqueous layer (21-011

m) of sampling all regions, reaching values in this layer (0211.5 ; 0252.2; 0222 2) individual

/ m 2 consecutively .

It was showed that there were species and taxonomical factions emerged in the stations

near the beach profusely higher than it is in the distant stations from it, or they did not show it

at all, as shown in the abundance of the largest aquifers near the surface .

Cladocera characterized stations near the beach with relatively large abundance for its

members compared with the abundance in the offshore stations, bringing the average

abundance in stations (C, B, A) near the beach were (225.22; 522.52; 251, 01) individual / m 2 on the sequence, while the average abundance in stations (C `, B`, A `) offshore were

(21.22; 22.25; 22.02) individual / m 2consecutively .

As for the types of species Acartiidae, it has emerged profusely higher at stations near

the beach than it is in the distant stations on the beach in all areas of sampling, and in spite of

the emergence of these species in all areas of sampling, but it was recorded the highest

abundance in Alzzouzo Castle area .

It was observed that Copepoda group was the most abundant group, the average

abundance in the areas of sampling stations in the following form: In Alasilah area (5221.02)

individual / m 2, which was (2552.2 individual / m

2) in Terminal A and (0205.2 individual /

m 2) at the station A `, and in the area of Alzzouzo Castle (5222.02) individual / m

2, which

was (2552.20 individual / m 2) and in Terminal B (50520.2 individual / m

2) at the station B `,

either in the area of Albhes River estuary, the average abundance in this region (5222.52

individual / m 2) , which was (2252 individual / m

2) in Terminal C and (0222.2 individual /

m 2) in the terminal C .

The highest values of abundance of zooplankton were in spring, while the average

abundance where (2222.52) individual / m2, followed by autumn, (2122) individual / m


then the summer season, (2255) individual / m 2, while the lowest value for the abundance of

zooplankton in winter , (2222.22) individual / m 2 .

Different animal types and factions were appeared with high profusely in all seasons of

the year,, for example: Paracalanus parvus, Clousocalanus furcatus, Corycella rostrata,

Oithona plumifera Limacina inflata, Oithona nana, Oikopleura dioica, Larvae Bivalvia,

Sagitta inflata

Cldocera appeared profusely high in the summer, with an average abundance is limited

to values between (522.52 individual / m 2) in the stations offshore and (0025.51 individual /

m 2) in the stations nearby. And was stationed mainly in the surface layer of water (1-2 m) of

the stations near the beach, and ( 1 -52 m) stations away from the beach, where the average

abundance of these organisms in the surface layer of water (1-2 m) ( 0225.2 individual / m 2),

Page 12: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the

while in the aqueous layer ( 1 -52 m) of stations away from the beach, the average abundance

of these organisms were (220.20 individual / m 2 ) .

The abundance at stations near the beach during the four seasons, is higher than at

stations far from the beach. In the spring, the average abundance in the stations near the beach

(2522.2 individual / m 2), while the stations in the offshore (2222.5 individual / m

2). While

in autumn, the average abundance in nearby stations from the beach (2522.2 individual / m 2),

while the stations in the offshore (5201.5 individual / m 2), and for the summer, bringing the

average abundance in the stations near the beach (2222.2 individual / m 2), while the stations

in offshore (5222.2 individual / m 2), in the winter, the average abundance in the stations near

the beach (2022.0 individual / m 2), while the stations in the offshore (0255.2 individual /

m2) .

Zooplankton abundance varied in the different layers of water from nearby stations

from the beach between one season and another, in the spring the highest abundance recorded

for layer of water (1-2 m), where the average in this class (2222.2) individual / m2, while the

minimum value for it were found in the aqueous layer (2-02 m) (2150.2) individual / m2, and

in the autumn highest abundance recorded in the aqueous layer (1-2 m), where the average in

this class ( 2025.2) individual / m2, while the minimum value for it in the aqueous layer (02-

52 m) (2222.2) individual / m2, but for the summer, the average abundance recorded the

highest value in the aqueous layer (2-02 m) (2200.2 individual / m2), while the minimum

value has been in the aqueous layer (02-52 m), reaching (2222.5 individual / m2), in the

winter, the highest abundance of zooplankton recorded in the aqueous layer (02-52 m) from

the stations near the beach, where the average in this class (5222.5) individual / m2, while the

minimum value for it in the aqueous layer (2-02 m) (2222.2) individual / m2. Note of the

above, that the layer (2-02 m) is the richest in zooplankton quantified in the summer, while it

is the poorest in the spring, the layer (1-2 m) is the richest in the spring and fall, the layer (02

- 52 m) is the poorest layer in the summer, autumn and winter .

Zooplankton abundance varied in the different layers of water from distant stations on

the beach between one season and another, in the spring the highest abundance recorded in

the aqueous layer (52-21 m) (2222.2 individual / m2), while the lowest value was in the

aqueous layer (21-011 m), where was (2222.2 individual / m2), and in the autumn the highest

abundance recorded in the aqueous layer (52-21 m) (2522.2 individual / m2), while the

minimum value was in the aqueous layer (21-011 m), reaching (5122.0 individual / m2),

while in the summer, the average abundance recorded the highest value in the aqueous layer

(52-21 m) (2521.2 individual / m2) , while the minimum value has been in the aquifer (21-

011 m), reaching (5121.2 individual / m2), in the winter, the highest abundance recorded in

the aqueous layer (52-21 m) (5205.5 individual / m2), while the minimum value has been in

the aquifer (21-011 m), reaching (0202.5 individual / m2). And from here we find, that the

richer layer of zooplankton was quantified (52-21 m) in all seasons of the year, while the

poorer layer was (21-011 m). The

Copepoda group was the most abundant of other groups during the different seasons of the

year. The average abundance was in spring (2522.2) individual / m2, and in the autumn the

average abundance (2155.5) individual / m2, while in the summer the average abundance

(0225.02) individual / m2, followed by Cladocera group, with an average abundance (522.55)

individual / m2, and in the winter, the average abundance (5222) individual / m


Page 13: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the

The study of the guide divergence (species diversity) in the areas of sampling showed

different values and the highest values recorded at stations far from the beach, where it ranged

between (1.22 and 1.22), while it ranged between (1.52 and 0) in the stations near the beach.

It was also noted that the highest values were recorded in the aqueous layer (02-52 m) from

the stations near the beach, which ranged between (1.22 and 0), while in the terminals away

from the beach, the highest values recorded in the aqueous layer ( 21-011 m), where it was

(1.22). In the four seasons of the year, the highest values recorded to guide divergence in the

terminals away from the beach, where it ranged between (1.52 and 0), and the highest value

in the aqueous layer (02-52 m) from the stations near the beach, where it ranged between

(1.55 and 0), while in the terminals away from the beach, the highest values recorded in the

aqueous layer (21-011 m,) where the value ranged between (1.22 and 0 ( .

It was observed from studying the coefficient control for species Evadne spinifera in

the areas of sampling that the highest value recorded in the aqueous layer (1-2 m) of the

stations near the beach, where it ranged between (1.25 and 1.22), while at stations far from

the beach, the highest values recorded in the aqueous layer (1-52 m,) ranging between (1.22

and 1.25). In the four seasons of the year the highest values of the coefficient control recorded

in the aqueous layer (1-2 m) of the stations near the beach, where it ranged between (1.21 and

0), while in the terminals away from the beach, the highest values recorded in aqueous layer

(1-52 m), where the value ranged between (1.25 and 0 (.

It was observed from studying the coefficient control for species Paracalanus parvus in

the areas of sampling that the highest value recorded in the aqueous layer (1-2 m) of the

stations near the beach, where it ranged between (1.05 and 1.05), while at stations far from

the beach, the highest values recorded in the aqueous layer (1-52 m), ranging between (1.12

and 1.05). In the four seasons the highest values of the coefficient control recorded in the

aqueous layer (1-2 m) of the stations near the beach, where it ranged between (1.12 and

1.25), while in the terminals away from the beach, the highest values recorded in the aqueous

layer (1-52 m), where the value ranged between (1.15 and 1.52 ( .

It was observed from studying the coefficient control for Clousocalanus furcatus in the

areas of sampling that the highest values recorded in the aqueous layer (1-2 m) of the stations

near the beach, where it oscillated between (1.12 and 1.12), while at stations far from the

beach, the highest values recorded in the aqueous layer (1-52 m), ranging between (1.12 and

1.01). In the four seasons of the year the highest values of the coefficient control recorded in

layers (2-1) and (02-52 m) from the stations near the beach, where it oscillated between (1.15

and 1.12), while in the far stations of the beach, the highest values recorded in the aqueous

layer (1-52 m), where the value ranged between (1.12 and 1.12 ( .

It was observed from studying the coefficient control for Oikopleura dioica in different

regions of the sampling that the highest values recorded in the aqueous layer (1-2 m) of the

stations near the beach, where it oscillated between (1.21 and 0), while in the stations

offshore, the highest values recorded in aqueous layer (1-52 m), ranging between (1.22 and

1.22) .In the four seasons of the year the highest values of the coefficient control recorded in

the aqueous layer (1-2 m) of the stations near the beach, where it oscillated between (1.25 and

1.22), while in the terminals away from the beach, the highest values recorded in the aqueous

layer (1-52 m), where the value ranged between (1.22 and 1.22).

Page 14: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the

It was noticed from studying the link between the depths and the average abundance in

the stations near and far from the beach that the link was significant at the 25 level, and that

the relationship vassals counterproductive and strong, any increase in the depth decreases the

average abundance, it was observed high impact rates of the depth on the average spatial

abundance in both stations. As it was noted by studying the average abundance in seasons

four and during the study period as a whole, the average abundance was less valuable to it at

the layer 1-52 m, while the highest value in layer 1-2 and 2-02 m in all seasons of the year

and with possibility of 225.

It was noticed from studying the link between the depths and the average abundance in

the four seasons and during the study period as a whole, that the link was significant at the 25

level, and that the relationship vassals counterproductive and strong, any increase in the depth

decreases the average abundance with the exception of winter stations (C, B, A), where the

relationship was weak, it was observed high impact rates of the depth on the quarterly average

abundance in both stations, near-shore and distant from it.

Values of correlation recorded high impact when studying the link between

environmental factors and the depths of the one hand, and the abundance of the other hand,

during the seasons of the year, allowing the prediction about the future abundance.

The studying of similarities and differences in the values of stability as shown by the tree

kinship Dendrogramme that Alzzouzo Castle area divided into two sections: a section similar

in the values of persistence with Alasilah area, a station near the beach, and a section similar

in the values of persistence with area of Albhes River estuary, the station away from the


The studying of the similarities and differences in the values of stability, revealed that

winter and spring were similar in terms of their values, while summer and autumn were

similar in the values of stability.


Keywords: Zooplankton, Vertical distribution, Abundance, Coastal waters, Jableh city.

Page 15: 3102-3102tishreen.edu.sy/sites/default/files/research_letter/Majed Y. Hamameh+++.pdfSpecies: Doliolum denticulatum , Rhopalonema funerarium, at noon in the autumn only . During the

Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of High Education

Tishreen University

Faculty of Science

Zoology Department

Vertical distribution of zooplankton under the influence of

some major environmental factors in the coastal zone of

Jableh city.

Thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. in the aquatic environment

Zoology Department- Faculty of Science

Prepared by

Majed Y. Hamameh


Prof.Dr. Kamal S. Al-Hanoun
