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 A PERSON WHO NEVER MADE A MISTAKE       NEVER TRIED ANYTHING NEW " - ALBERT EINSTEIN                                                                                                    Well, I am an ardent believer that one's views should be an 'open book'. And given the topic that who/what inspires me the most and why? I feel, 3 factors play an important role, that are rare combination of:-

mistakes-incorrigible truth nature- art of god hardships-obstacles of life

the above 3 mentioned factors exhibited are my best source of inspiration and so teachers...... anyways, what is inspiration? is it something archaic or exotic sounding irksome? Well,Inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something, which gives you new and creative ideas. Not sounding bragging,inspiration is something that cannot be derived immediately , say, it's not an overnight task !!!It's a slow and gradual process and i have realized this as I still remember...... time when we encountered very depressing, prosaic and lackdasical  period. we underwent 'deep seated resentment' and 'an air of pessimisive ' ..... we faced stagnant financial crisis.Time compelled me to 'think'.I was no longer what i was....I was completely a changed person.I learned nature,got spiritual and somewhat close to me hence, identified myself......There was an unbridled transformation in my outlook .There was gross turnover of ideas and views over the passage of time.I realized 'there is no time like present!'.I was very much like other kids risen in upwardly spiral,mobile and post internet generation but time is a great game player....... I became a more practical person in real life . Today I ardently believe in simple living and high thinking . I have a big gamut of emotions for everyone. It's well said 'time is a great dealer and healer '.Today i value money before shelling out flippantly.Thus,can well iron out difference between fact and fancy ,necessity and luxury goods.I now value and worth goods rather than lavishly and prodigally spending.           My other two modicum of inspiration are nature and my mistakes. Actually i feel nature-beautiful art of god has so much to teach us.Take any element of nature  ,say weather .Different

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weather are like flavors of life like some are cold hot or happy trigger, each exhibiting some message . Even  nature comes at peace and shows its love through calm silence   after an outrageous throw, thunder and rain....Thus ,any tampering and unnecessary inculcations resulting in capricing tantrums. at the end i got to learn and inspire from nature around me.... and as it's well said' flowers in adversity  is the rarest and beautiful of all'. Thus nature helps me to be calm,composed and an organised  human with blithe optimism and religious  edge.             The last agent inspiring me is my 'mistakes'. mistakes are basically, wrongful acts or deeds. Certainly, mistakes I commit inbuilt guilt within me , thus helping me to tackle the situation well....they are my best teachers. something that inspires me even more is a beautiful quotes by Lancer Armstrong  "best time to grow a tree was 20 years back,second time is now"...............                 Denoumenting the end, summing up in all I feel whatever or whoever inspires you ,never loose hope or give up! Always believe in pink and some 'orange blossom day to come'......... Think and believe in coming tomorrow!!! only stark truth ! if you are reading this congratulations !!! you are alive! if this is not something to smile, then I don't know what it is......But please remember Pain is temporary,quitting is forever....