page 6 42 22 18 Should We Block His Calls? Never give up. Miracles happen every day. Winter Is Coming... New prayer meeting series Captive No More A life in prison! A cry for help. Read more at news.3abn.org January 2012 WORLD 3ABN Dr. Yvonne Lewis General Manager Dare to Dream Network the Lighting Cities

3ABN World February 2012

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Should We Block His Calls?Never give up. Miracles happen every day.

Winter Is Coming...New prayer meeting series

Captive No MoreA life in prison! A cry for help.

Read more at news.3abn.org January 2012


Dr. Yvonne Lewis General ManagerDare to Dream Network



Page 2: 3ABN World February 2012

ISSN 1552-4140

Executive Editor Mollie SteensonManaging Editor Bobby DavisCreative Director Michael PrewittDesign Assistant Adam DeanCopyeditors Diane Hamilton Barbara Nolen Mitch Owen

About 3ABN World3ABN World is a monthly publication. Sub-scriptions are free.

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We would love to hear your feedback about 3ABN and 3ABN World. We would especially enjoy learning how 3ABN has blessed you and your family or community. Please write to:

3ABN WorldPO Box 220West Frankfort, IL 62896-0220E-mail: [email protected]: 3abn.org

Office hours (Central Time): Mon–Thu: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Copyright © 2011, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc. Three Angels Broadcasting Network, 3ABN, 3ABN Books, 3ABN Latino, 3ABN Music, 3ABN Proclaim!, 3ABN Radio, 3ABN Television, 3ABN World, Dare to Dream, SonBeam Channel, and the respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc.

All Bible quotes are from the King James Version (KJV) or New King James Version (NKJV), unless otherwise noted.

Jim Gilley, 3ABN president

Dear Partner,What does the New Year hold for us? Most of us have those

thoughts around this time of year. There will be opportunities, and if it is like most years, there will be challenges. There will be very unexpected events, too; some in the form of setbacks, but I believe the Lord will also bring extraordinary opportunities our way if we ask Him to, and if we act upon them when they come.

Sometimes I run into those who are discouraged because the Lord has not returned yet. I do my best to encourage them by reminding them that His timing is best. As a friend of mine is fond of saying, “The Lord has put me on the committee for preparing people for His return—not the arrange-ments committee!” I agree with that statement, and I actually thank the Lord that He’s postponed His return so even more people will be saved!

I always receive negative mail when I say something like that. They write, “Don’t you realize that with that philosophy the Lord would never return?”

No, that never occurs to me, and I’ll tell you why. For one thing, mankind will eventually mess things up so badly that it will be difficult to sustain life. The nuclear arms race is heating up again, and some madman will use nuclear weapons. Besides, mankind has become so evil that one of these days the Lord must say, “That’s enough!” and He will come!

But whatever the future holds, I don’t believe we have much longer to preach the Word. 3ABN is pledging to you and to the Lord to pull out all the stops and pro-claim the truth even more strongly than ever before!

Thank you for joining with us. Your prayers and support keep us going.

Keep on Keeping on With Jesus,

James W. GilleyPresident

What marvelous illustrations come from the natural world. Just think of how the light of a candle grows ever brighter as

darkness increases. So does Jesus, the Light of the World—even as our earth grows darker. Let’s bring the Light to the dark cities of our nation. Let’s lift Jesus higher!

Features 6 Lighting the Cities

Dare to Dream launches on satellite

18 Captive No MoreA life in prison! A cry for help.

22 Winter Is Coming—and So Is Jesus!New prayer meeting series

36 How to Avoid Fluid RetentionGood advice from Dr. Agatha Thrash

38 Last Minute GiftsCelebrating His Birth and Young Scholar Bibles

40 Eating Poison...and hoping the other guy dies!

44 Giants—and the Unpardonable SinGod’s incredible patience

46 Ultimate PrescriptionNew series with Dr. James Marcum

Departments 3 President’s Letter 4 Letters 12 3ABN Radio: Mysterious Ways 14 3ABN Latino: Paving the Way 16 Kids Korner 42 Pastor’s Page: Should We Block His Calls?

Broadcast schedules 24 3ABN Television Schedule 32 3ABN Radio Schedule

Cover photo: John LomaCang



I believe the Lord will bring extraordinary opportunities our way if we ask Him to, and if we act upon them when they come.

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Contents President's Letter

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Thank you for your comments, suggestions, prayers, and financial support as we seek to reach the world for Jesus Christ!

Letters and other materials sent to 3ABN may be used in whole or in part, and edited for content, grammar, and readability, unless otherwise requested.

Write to Us!Have you been blessed by 3ABN? Or have you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ by watching or listening? We’d love to know!

3ABN World PO Box 220 West Frankfort, IL 62896E-mail [email protected]

Abilene, Kansas: “A few days ago I was standing at my kitchen sink praying that my rent would go down a certain amount. When I had finished praying, I told myself, ‘That was a silly prayer!’ About a

week and a half later I was told that my rent would be lowered almost three times the amount I’d prayed for! All praise and honor and glory to God! He is keeping watch of things, so I’m able to send you a donation. How good of God! He had my interest in mind—as well as yours!”

Ukraine: “Thank you very much for continuing to send us Chris-tian literature. My son Alex looks for your letters in the mailbox every day. Attached to this letter are pictures drawn by Alex. In

so doing he expresses his grati-tude for the materials you have sent him. He was so excited to receive a package from you! When I watched his joy, my eyes welled up with tears because my disabled child has so few occasions to rejoice. Also, I want to thank you for sending your nice books to his friends. We are all very thankful to you, and may God bless you abundantly!” —Sent to our 3ABN Russia headquarters in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

Bogotá, Colombia: “Some time ago I was channel surfing at

home and I discovered 3ABN Latino. I was delighted, and I still watch this channel every chance I get. Your network has taught me much about spiritual things. Through 3ABN Latino I’ve learned about tithing, and also about the Sabbath—the Lord’s day. In fact, I started keeping the Sabbath holy from the moment I heard the truth. I’m praying the Lord richly bless the 3ABN Latino network.”

McAdoo, Pennsylvania: “I was praying Christ would show me

the way I should walk for many years, and when I began to fol-low the speakers on 3ABN, God opened my mind to what this real truth is. After praying, myself, and speaking to your prayer staff many times, I began to change. I under-stood what a Seventh-day Adven-tist is. I love this change in me! I joined an Adventist church in a small country town. The people are unbelievable! How wonderful this is to worship and finally learn the truth. Many people in this church watch 3ABN. You have my sincere thanks!”

Via E-mail: “I love all the pastors on this channel. I’m only in high school and I don’t have a job, so I can’t donate. But I pray that God will keep you on TV and keep changing people’s lives. The pas-tors are fantastic! Thank you for changing my life. I never get bored watching 3ABN. May God be with you always.”

Las Vegas, Nevada: “I want to thank you and give praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for you stepping out in faith and building 3ABN. We have started watching your network, and have truly come into the knowledge of the true Sabbath. God bless you and all your staff ! Through the Lord’s guidance, I now attend the Paradise Seventh-day Adventist Church on Saturday, not Sunday.

The Lord is truly good, and I give Him praise through all things. We keep your station on 24 hours a day!”

Zellwood, Florida: “I want to thank you for having closed captioning on your program-ming. In March I lost what hearing I had, and found that most of our religious satellite stations do not have closed captioning. It has meant so much to me on Sabbath to be able to ‘read’ my sermons for the week. I have also appreci-ated being able to see the Sab-bath School lesson in closed captioning on Thursday eve-nings. Thank you again for your ministry.”

Via E-mail: “I just want to say a big thank you to the team of pas-tors at this station. I have learned so much from all of them. I’m 20 years old, and I realize I need the Holy Spirit to be with me. I’m going through some issues, and through reading the Bible and listening to your programs, I’m able to gain faith in God and feel better about myself. Thanks for the television schedules. Now I’m at school and I watch the station on my laptop. I hope to meet those pastors someday and give them the story about my rough jour-ney. I’m praying for your station. Please pray for me.”

“Through 3ABN Latino I’ve learned about tithing, and also about the Sabbath—the Lord’s day.” —Bogotá, CoLoMBiA

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incarceration. Many families have no concept of money management, proper nutrition, food preparation, or sexual purity. Literal millions of men have no concept of what it means to be a father, and many more buy into the ideas portrayed by music artists who glorify a life of crime. We cannot ignore their desperate conditions. We must

try our best to bring them a better way to live—and that’s why God brought Dare to Dream Network into existence!”

Innovative ProgrammingPerhaps the most difficult chal-

lenge is how to reach a diverse audience with programming that makes a difference; but after much prayer, Yvonne says Dare to Dream will begin with the family.

“Making It Work is the first pro-gram we’ve produced with this

A new source of light will brighten the midnight sky on New Year’s Eve, as

3ABN’s Dare to Dream Network begins shining the light of God’s Word on North America’s biggest cities! It will be the latest televi-sion channel launched on G-19, designed specifically to meet the needs of inner city residents.

But what need brought Dare to

Dream into existence? Simply, it was the cries of God’s children.

“There are many specific chal-lenges inner city residents face,” says Dr. Yvonne Lewis, general manager of the fledgling network, “so we’ve designed specific programming with them in mind. We see the erosion of the family unit, and that single parents are raising most of the children in the cities. We see large numbers of ex-offenders who struggle to re-enter society while carrying the scars of their years of

Yvonne explains. “Aaron Chancy is on fire for the Lord, and the fact that he speaks from experience goes a long way in reaching our target audience. They need hope, and they need to see someone who is excited about life!

“We’re deliberately seeking young hosts for our Dare to Dream pro-grams,” she continues. “Minorities face tremendous challenges, and they need to see others whose lives have been dramatically changed by the Lord. We’ll talk with ex-offenders who’ve gained victory over their problems and addictions; we’ll also give them the tools they need to successfully re-enter soci-ety—things like how to find a job when they get out, and who their Ultimate Resource is! We believe

in mind,” she says. “It’s hosted by Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin and her husband Arthur. They are both psychotherapists, and their years of work in Detroit have uniquely prepared them for the task. They will be dealing with every aspect of family life, offering practical, Bible-

based tools to strengthen parents and connect them to a loving God who can solve their problems.”

Another great challenge comes with trying to help the millions of ex-offenders, who after spend-ing time behind bars, struggle to become integrated in society. Dare to Dream’s solution is a new pro-gram called The New Journey.

“It’s important to have someone they can relate to, so we chose a host who is an ex-offender himself,” ph


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“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.” Matthew 5:14–15

Dr. Yvonne Lewis says she’s excited about the Seventh-day Adven-tist Church’s new initiative, Mission to the Cities. “The Lord is laying the burden on those of us who work in media ministry to reach the inner cities, and we’re excited to join with the church in this tremendous effort. Surely, the Lord is “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9.



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that when they find hope in Jesus, they’ll seek out other ex-offenders and share what happens when the Lord takes control of their lives.”

Poverty is demeaning, and the mental stress about finances can

completely overwhelm even the strongest person. Dare to Dream addresses financial problems with a new series, Take It to the Bank, hosted by Cordell Thomas, MBA.

“This program addresses poverty and debt and provides real tools to rise above them,” Yvonne says. “Cordell will teach budgeting, tith-ing, and how to take control of our finances, using biblical principles for money management.”

Sexual purity is a topic rarely addressed in today’s society, but Dare to Dream is not afraid to deal with it in a program called Pure Choices. “We won’t be shying away from difficult topics,” Yvonne states. “Instead, we’ll be dealing with some pretty sensitive issues in a frank but tasteful way. This program features a live audience of young people interacting with a panel of pastors and special guests, hosted by Pastor

Seth Yelorda, from Chattanooga, Tennessee. We believe it’s important to talk about this problem, since it destroys all chances of a happy family life, and we’ll be sharing Christian strategies on how to live in purity.”

Proper nutrition and food prepa-ration are also important, and Dare to Dream will seek to educate those whose eating habits have rarely gotten past processed and fat-laden foods. “A Taste of Paradise is struc-tured in a very different way,” Yvonne explains, “because the first half of the program focuses on raw food preparation, and the second half features cooked food and nutritional tips. Evita Tezeno and Brenda Kemp are from Dallas, Texas, and Evita will draw from her experience as a vegan chef to come up with some amazing ideas for raw food. In the second half of the program we’ll work with Nyse Collins, an international health edu-cator and lecturer who has appeared many times on 3ABN. This program is fun and informative, and the reci-pes are yummy!” she adds.

Dare to Dream will also use the power of music to lift viewers’ spir-its in praise to God. Magnify Him is the flagship music program and will feature interviews and two songs from each artist, giving viewers a glimpse into their ministry.

“I have the privilege of co-host-ing this program with a wonder-

fully talented man from Baltimore, Maryland,” Yvonne exclaims. “Duawne Starling’s talent is amaz-ing. He’s a writer, producer, singer, and arranger, and he’s sung with such notables as Kirk Franklin, the Winans Family, Donnie McClurkin, and many other gospel artists. But what definitely stands out is his godly humility. We really do have something for everybody—from gospel to classical, and even instru-mental music.”

Health Guard is hosted by tal-

ented health lecturer, Parris Carter So’Brian, and will feature “man-on-the-street” type dialogue with community members as they dis-cuss their health issues. “Our topics will range from chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes to obesity, and we’ll also address nutritional concerns, like artificial sweeteners,” Yvonne adds. “Parris

is personable and knowledgeable, and she and her husband Keith have been a real blessing to Dare to Dream.”

Meeting the unique needs of men is the goal of a new program called For Guys Only, hosted by Pastor Willy Lee from Indiana. “This program deals with the challenges facing African Ameri-can men in our society,” Yvonne explains. “Challenges like being a good spouse, Christian parenting,

Cordell Thomas addresses poverty and debt and provides real tools to rise above them in Dare to Dream’s new program, Take It to the Bank.

Poverty is demeaning, and the mental stress about finances can completely overwhelm even the strongest person.

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unemployment, and many other topics that are of concern to inner city males.”

Yvonne has also been involved in producing short spots that air throughout Dare to Dream’s broad-cast day. “Did You Know spots feature major contributions that African Americans have made to the world,” she says. “These are

mostly unfamiliar contributors, and it’s important to show them because our society needs to be made aware that there are African Americans that ‘dared to dream’ and invented invaluable items we use daily.”

“Please Add Dare to Dream”While the exposure as an Inter-

net channel has been good, launch-ing on satellite will open many more opportunities. “We can reach so many more people now!” Yvonne exclaims, “and those who may not have computers can now begin receiving the signal, learning about Jesus and the ways He can make their lives better.

“I’ve been traveling around the country visiting urban churches

and telling them about 3ABN’s Dare to Dream Network. I’ve asked audi-ences from coast to coast to join us in requesting their cable companies to add this new network to their channel lineup.

“It’s very important that they write, since their letters become a

document the company must keep on file and respond to. If every 3ABN World reader who has cable writes a note on their cable bill each month, saying, ‘Please add Dare to Dream to your lineup,’ the results would be a tremendous boost! It costs nothing to do this,” she adds, “and the Lord has promised to bless our efforts to further the gospel.

“Dare to Dream posters are avail-able for free, and we encourage you to put them up on church bulletin boards and other prominent loca-tions, such as your place of busi-ness. Let them know there’s a new network, and how they can get it.”

Joining Hands“There’s no greater privilege

than to lead someone to the Lord,”

Yvonne continues. “Recently, a woman came up to me at a fel-lowship dinner in a church in New York and said, ‘I just want to tell you that through your ministry on 3ABN, I was led to conversion and baptism.’

“Tears came to my eyes immedi-ately, because I was so grateful that the Lord used me to draw someone to Him. In fact, I couldn’t stop cry-ing for a long time; it was such a humbling experience for me.

“I believe Dare to Dream will bring many thousands, if not mil-lions, to the Lord. I sense His hand and His power in this effort! But we cannot do this alone. This is something we all have to link arms and be serious about. It’s our home mission field, and if we don’t do it, who will?

“We are trying to help those who don’t have the means to sup-port us; therefore, we are always in need of the prayers and finan-cial support of our brothers and sisters who’ve faithfully invested

in 3ABN’s ministry through the years,” she continues. “I’m con-fident that the Holy Spirit will impress them, but meanwhile, we’ll continue to step out in faith.

“Just as the waters of the Jordan River parted when the priests stepped into it, God will swing the doors of cable companies wide open for this network. No one else is focusing on the inner city with the gospel and tools for liv-ing. Therefore, there will be a real demand for what we offer. God is calling us to do this for Him, and by His grace, it will be done!”

Recording artists, Dr. Donnell and Denise Josiah, share their ministry vision with host Yvonne Lewis, on Magnify Him.

“I believe Dare to Dream will bring many

thousands, if not millions,

to the Lord.”

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Nikki Anderson is the administrative assistant for 3ABN Radio.

is going to go where God wants it to go!”

The Mystery of the DrivewayThen there’s the man who suf-

fered from agoraphobia—a fear of open spaces and crowded places. He rarely left his home, where he felt safe, and the best he could do was drive around late at night and listen to the radio. As God would have it, one night he drove into an area where he picked up a few seconds of a signal from one of our affiliates; although he only heard a few words, they were powerful, so he glanced at the frequency.

Later, while sitting in his drive-way, he tuned in the frequency again and discovered that he could listen to the station—even though he lives quite a ways outside the coverage area! He’s still listening, and the Holy Spirit is teaching and comforting him!

Mysterious TimingJust the other day I told someone

about an e-mail I received from a woman who tunes in 3ABN Radio when she has trouble sleeping.

“That doesn’t sound like a praise report if it puts her to sleep!” they laughed, but that’s not how we look at it. What could be more soothing than to fall asleep hearing about Jesus? In fact, many of our listeners tell us they leave 3ABN Radio on all night so that if they wake up they’ll hear something comforting, instead of lying awake and fretting about not being able to sleep.

They also tell us that they often mysteriously wake up just in time to hear something they need to help them through a difficult situa-tion, or to get the answer to a Bible question they’ve struggled with.

We’ve all heard the first lines of William Cowper’s old hymn, “God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform.” Over the centuries, those words may have become a worn-out cliché to some, but to us they’re an immense reassurance that God will literally move mountains to reach those who desperately search for truth!

Mysterious to us? Yes. Mysterious to God? No. Amen!

by Nikki Anderson

i was talking to someone the other day about the mysteri-ous ways God reaches people,

and it reminded me of an experi-ence I had during my first few months at 3ABN.

Mysterious ReceptionI was working for our television

engineering department when a

woman who lived in a large apart-ment building called.

“Nikki, I’ve asked every other tenant in this building if they’ve watched your channel, but no one knew what I was talking about! Am I the only one who can tune in 3ABN television?” she asked, adding that she’d been watching us for the last 10 years.

Well, she sounded a little agi-tated, and since I couldn’t tell by the tone of her voice exactly what

she was feeling, I asked if she was upset about it.

“Oh no!” she exclaimed, “I’m just wondering why God thinks I’m the only one in this whole building who needs to hear about Him!”

We laughed, and then and I told her I’d ask our engineers about it. They had no explanation, so we decided she should just continue enjoying the programming, and that someday she’d find out what God had in mind.

The Mountain MysteryThat brings to mind a story

about one of our early affiliate sta-tions. Since FM radio transmits a line-of-sight signal, only those who can “see” the tower can receive it—a few trees notwithstanding. However, if the signal hits a moun-tain or tall building, it is blocked, and no one on the other side of that obstruction can hear the broadcast.

This particular affiliate was situ-ated in a valley, but the station kept hearing from people living around the side of the mountain who were enjoying the broadcast! I remember Jim Morris, our opera-tions manager at the time, saying, “That just shows that this message

Later, while sitting in his driveway, he tuned in the frequency again and discovered that he could listen to the station…

Mysterious Ways

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3ABN Radio

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We expect to see the 3ABN Latino network added to at least 15 cable companies in Chile!


3ABN Latino

by John Dinzey

of the time they were broadcasting music, with hardly any preaching.

Impressed to do something, Jim made some personal sacri-fices and donated two satellite receivers and a satellite dish, so the radio staff could broadcast 3ABN Latino’s television audio track over their radio station to the local community!

Expect Big ThingsDanny was scheduled for Friday

evening, the Sabbath morning worship service, and an afternoon concert later that day, and a near capacity crowd turned out the first night. Danny sang some songs and shared some of the miracles that propelled Three Angels Broad-casting Network into a worldwide television ministry, and after the service many expressed how they’d been blessed by 3ABN’s program-ming over the years.

On Saturday morning about 1,200 people crowded the Univer-sity Church as Danny told stories of the miracles that led to 3ABN’s full-power television stations in Manila, Philippines, and in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Quoting Mat-thew 28:18–20, Danny encouraged those present, and all those who watched around the world via the university’s Internet broadcast, to move forward in faith.

Then, on Saturday afternoon, Danny was joined by the universi-ty’s chamber choir and local musi-

cians in a moving concert, drawing us all closer to the Lord. The choir sang four songs from 3ABN’s Pil-lars of Our Faith album, and they were very well received. Two of the songs were translated and adapted to Span-ish by the univer-sity staff. This was their first public performance of these songs, and I’m happy to say that Danny was so impressed with the univers ity choir that plans are underway to prepare the Span-ish version of the CD!

But the best part is that because of our meetings with the Chil-ean Adventist Church leaders, we expect to see the 3ABN Latino network added to at least 15 cable companies in Chile!

Little could Jim Petts have known that his efforts to spread the gospel many thousands of miles away in Chile would pave the way years later for 3ABN Latino to be well-received. Because of his sacrifice, untold thousands will find their way to Jesus Christ—who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

Chile is a country in South America that is home to more than 16 million

people. This ribbon of land borders Peru and Bolivia to its north, and Argentina to its east, and travels down the west coast of the conti-nent along the Pacific Ocean to the very tip of South America.

More than a year ago, we were privileged to receive several visitors from Chile Adventist University, including their chamber choir, who taped several songs in our studios—much to the delight of our 3ABN Latino viewers.

So when university officials invited our founder, Danny Shel-ton, to visit their campus on their 105th anniversary, he was delighted to come and share how the Lord miraculously brought 3ABN into existence. The organiz-ers of the event rightly believed that

Danny’s participation would serve as an inspiration for students and staff to allow the Lord to lead them and move forward in faith. And so it was I found myself traveling with Danny and our 3ABN Latino production manager, Jorge Jaque, to this grand event in Chile.

Paving the WayAlthough our signal reaches

them on the Intelsat 9 satellite, Chile is one of the few countries where 3ABN Latino is not avail-able on local cable companies. So our plans included meeting with local church leadership and cable companies to further the work of preaching the gospel.

However, upon our arrival, we learned that the groundwork had been laid nearly ten years ago, when Jim Petts, a 3ABN employee, had visited the university on a mis-sion trip. Jim was very impressed with the school and the fact that they had a radio station broadcast-ing to the local community. How-ever, he noticed that the majority

John Dinzey is the general manager for 3ABN Latino Network.

Top: Danny Shelton spoke at the Chile Adventist University church during its 105th anniversary celebration, with John Dinzey interpreting.

Bottom: Jim Pett's selflessness in donat-ing satellite dishes helped pave the way for 3ABN to reach the people of Chile.

the WayFrom left: Enoc San-dova l , a ss i s t an t to the president at Chile Adventist Uni-versity; Danny Shel-ton, founder of 3ABN; Dr. Ricardo Gonzalez, president of the uni-versity; John Dinzey, general manager at 3ABN Latino; and Jorge Jaque, pro-duction manager at 3ABN Latino.

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Hi Kids!Did you know that penguins are actually birds? They don’t

fly, but they’re covered in feathers and lay eggs. They use their wings for swimming, and most of them swim at about 15 miles per hour. That’s pretty fast—but they need speed to get away from the leopard seals that try to catch them! Most penguins live in and around Antarctica, and they don’t drink water, but eat snow instead. They also love to slide along the ice on their bellies! The female emperor penguin lays a single egg, and then the daddy keeps it warm by balancing it on his feet for up to nine weeks while the mommy is away feeding in the ocean. When she returns, she finds her mate and baby by calling out to them and hearing their unique call back! They are very loving parents, too. Aren’t God’s creatures wonderful?

Tammy Tammy Larson runs a jib camera (on a boom) for 3ABN. She’s also a talented artist!

Coloring ActivityUse your markers to color this happy Penguin family. We’ve included a small color guide if you need help.


“Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done; And Your thoughts toward us… they are more than can be numbered.” Psalm 40:5

Follow The Word

Hey, check this cool penguin craft! These little guys are fun and easy to make! 3abn.org/kidscrafts

Playful Penguins


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Who is a captive? Perhaps you’re thinking of the one who’s behind bars

of steel—but that’s not all. Satan holds billions of people captive—and only a fraction of them are in literal prisons.

Such are the lives of a young woman and a young man in this

story. They both had a similar background, having grown up in less-than-ideal circumstances, which made them easy targets for the evil one. But the truth is that we’re all targets of his cunning ways.

How can we guard against his relentless attacks when he leads us down a path we didn’t intend

to travel, and the dangers are not readily discernible? First, we must daily submit our lives to Jesus, who made the ultimate sacrifice for us by humbly leaving His throne in glory, His royal crown, and His robe, to come to this world. Here He ministered through love and humility, stooping down to touch the life of a perishing soul without ever sacrificing His principles. 

This young woman had been in multiple foster homes, and when she turned 18 the state declared her an adult and dropped her off at a city park with her meager belong-ings! Now homeless, and experi-encing what she describes as pure hell, she made a disastrous choice by mistaking a man’s attention in a local bar for love. After years of abuse, loneliness, and misery, she paired up with him, and ultimately they were both arrested.

Life in PrisonHave you ever considered what

it might be like to be 21 and facing life in prison with no possibility of parole? Here are a few excerpts from a letter she wrote us after being convicted of murder:

“One day I just broke down and cried in my bed, and for some reason I began to argue with God—I probably sounded crazy to the other inmates around me.”

Captive No More

Grace Yost is a full time volunteer. She is an integral part of our pastoral team and is fulfilling a childhood desire to work for the Lord. She and her husband Don moved here from Florida in 2003.

by grace Yost

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“In the beginning, I didn’t really know what to think of my predica-ment. I was in shock, but slowly I began to grow bitter. Then one day I just broke down and cried in my bed, and for some reason I began to argue with God—I prob-ably sounded crazy to the other inmates around me. I grew up fighting Him all my life, and you could say I had an enormous chip on my shoulder. Throughout my life I was taught the Scriptures and at 17 I accepted Him into my life and was baptized. I truly believed I was heading in the right direction and felt a touch of happiness. But that feeling was very short-lived, and soon I allowed Satan to take control of me. 

“What an argument I had that night with God! When completely exhausted, I began to feel some-thing I hadn’t felt in a long time: peace and comfort. I began to see what people were talking about when they said God knows how much you’re capable of handling. 

“At first I fought the reins, believing that life had put me through too much, and this was too much for me to bear. But, I am still alive. I am here and going through this for a reason. And even though I don’t have a clue what that reason is, there is one. We’ll have different trials and tribulations, but it’s what we do with them that matters: who we meet, how we act—it all shows our

true strength. I now see this life as a challenge and I want to finish it well. I don’t really understand what happens after I die, but I would really like to learn.

“Thank you again for all you’ve done, and please keep up the good work of ministering to every-one. God bless.”

This young woman’s journey with God has just begun, but let me tell you about a young man who has steadily climbed the spiritual ladder since he began correspond-ing with us over six years ago. His bad choice of friends led him to become a member of a gang, and after a murder happened he went to trial and was sentenced to life in prison, too. At the time he was first being charged, his girlfriend gave birth to a precious daughter whom he has not been able to see grow up. But look at these excerpts from the letters we’ve received:

“I lost my state court appeal, so prison is looking permanent unless the federal courts (God really) says otherwise. But I’ve come this far, and I’m mature enough to see the reality of the situation; I see more of others’ needs than mine. I’m right where God can use me, and I pray for those I can’t heal (those I’ve hurt), or apologize to.

“I’ve repented of my old sinful ways and genuinely acted out my salvation in spreading the doctrine of the Most High.” 

These young inmates have sat at

the feet of Jesus, but they’re on dif-ferent rungs on the spiritual ladder.

Not an OptionIs Jesus calling you to reach out

and touch someone who may be less than desirable in your sight? If so, you may need to sit at His feet and study His character more fully.

Complaints, criticism, and a judgmental spirit are tools of Satan. The tools of Jesus are a meek and quiet spirit. Pride and self-importance must not reside in the heart of a child of God. The Scripture tell us in Psalm 52:2, “Your tongue devises destruction, l ike a sharp razor, working deceitfully.”

There have been times in my own spiritual journey when I took the words of Jesus too lightly, but those words have become the step-ping stones that today allow me to minister to inmates too numerous to count. In my younger years I would likely have turned down such an opportunity, but God uses life circumstances to change us.

We are called by Jesus in John 13:34 to love one another, as He has loved us. This is not to be taken lightly; this is not an option if we’re seeking eternal life. In Isaiah 61:1 the prophet Isaiah calls on us to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. Jesus himself spoke similar words while speaking

in the synagogue in His hometown of Nazareth (see Luke 4:18).

Through the Eyes of JesusAs I’ve prayed earnestly to see

others through the eyes of Jesus, my eyes have been opened to my own shortcomings, and I earnestly desire to have the mind and character of Jesus. If we could truly discern the circumstances that surround each individual’s life, we would be far less likely to speak hasty, judgmen-tal words, and would be possessed

of a much greater love! Jesus, the Redeemer and Mender of broken people, willingly came to free all men and women burdened down by the ravages of sin.

Are we guilty of shunning the captives? Oh yes, it can easily hap-pen when we’re in our comfort zone and see no need to step out of it. Our precious Savior had a marked love for the captives and less fortunate. Can we do any less?

P.S. 3ABN’s pastoral ministries department did send this young woman information on what hap-pens when we die. Please join us in prayer for her, and all the others we seek to help.

“What an argument I had that night with God! When completely exhausted, I began to feel something I hadn’t felt in a long time: peace and comfort.”

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faith-builders from our to-do list. But don’t despair! Beginning

Wednesday, January 11, at 7:00 p.m. CST and continuing every Wednesday, 3ABN will air a prayer-meeting-style live broadcast. It will feature a vital time of prayer, and a study of topics that are vital to our Christian growth. In fact, our first episode will be on “Victori-ous Christian Living,” addressing how we can live a spiritual life in a natural body. A special website will enable viewers to send us their prayer requests for mention on the air, along with downloadable study topics.

I will be privileged to be your host, along with other 3ABN pre-senters as their schedule allows. If your church doesn’t have a mid-week meeting, why not join us live, or record the service and share it with your congregation?

Ellen White encourages us with these words: “Prayer meeting is the pulse of the church body. A prayer meeting will always tell the true interest of the church members in spiritual and eternal things. The prayer meeting is as the pulse to the

body; it denotes the true spiritual condition of the church. A lifeless, backslidden church has no relish for the prayer meetings.” (Pastoral Ministry, p. 183.)

She also wrote, “Those who are really seeking for communion

with God will be seen in the prayer meeting, faithful to do their duty, and earnest and anxious to reap all the benefits they can gain. They will improve every opportunity of placing themselves where they can receive the rays of light from heaven.” (Heavenly Places, p. 91.)

As a people, we believe that Jesus is soon to come. If we continue to neglect one of the most basic avenues of preparation, I believe that time will prove, as former president George W. Bush said, “The enemy has found our Achilles’ heel.” So get your Bibles and join us as we get back to basics!

Winter Is Coming

by John Lomacang

John Lomacang is pastor of the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church. His wife Angela works at 3ABN Radio.

Henry Clay put it well when he said, “Prepare! The time will come when

winter will ask you what you were doing all summer.” I believe the time is coming when it will be revealed whether or not we have prepared for the winter that lies ahead of us.

Jeremiah pointed to a time when opportunity would be exhausted and possibility would all but evap-orate. His words are a chilling reminder that the days in which we live demand we take inventory of our future preparedness. His words seem to echo the regrets of those that ignored vital opportuni-ties when he declares, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved!” Jeremiah 8:20.

Spending Time TogetherOne of the greatest prepara-

tions we can make is to spend time together corporately. Hebrews

10:25 cautions us to do this, “not forsaking the assembling of our-selves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”

In a push to revitalize the church and restore the essence of who we are, 3ABN is taking a bold step to restore the midweek service as a focus for the church. Isaiah laid out the blueprint: “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many genera-tions; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.” Isaiah 58:12.

Too often we apply this only to the restoration of the Sabbath, but I believe it has a far greater reach. It’s a call to re-establish those assem-blies that have safely sustained us from generation to generation; to rebuild the vital elements that have been broken down; to restore those essential practices that have been abandoned. With the world con-stantly grabbing for our attention and our daily responsibilities, we’ve eliminated one of our most needed

and So Is Jesus!

With the world constantly grabbing for our attention and our daily responsibilities, we’ve eliminated one of our most needed faith-builders from our to-do list.

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C h o o s e y o u r t i m e z o n eESTCSTMSTPST

Anchors of Truth ...continuedVariety Help Yourself to Health (Agatha Thrash)His Harvest Is Ready (C. A. Murray) ...continuedRevelation Now (Jac Colon) ...continuedBody & Spirit Happy the Home (Raynes) Kids’ Time (Brenda Walsh) Praise! (Kelly Mowrer)3ABN Today ...continuedIndia: Face to Face/Grandma’s House (Joyce Neal) Adventures in Missions MIQ: Most Important Questions (Doug Batchelor) ...continuedInspirational Hour ...continuedExalting His Word (Shelley Quinn) Melody From My HeartASI Conventions ...continuedBody & Spirit Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) 3ABN Today LIVE (repeat) ...continued ...continued ...continuedThe Carter Report (John Carter) ...continuedWonderfully Made ShareHim Newsmagazine Revelation Insights (Lyle Albrecht) ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedLiberty Insider (Lincoln Steed) Battles of Faith Engage (David Asscherick) Help in Daily Living 3ABN Today ...continuedSecrets Unsealed Presents... (Stephen Bohr) ...continuedCelebrating Life in Recovery (Cheri Peters) ...continued

3ABN: January Sunday





Time: Thursday at 8:00 p.m. CST

Thursday LIVE January 2012

Jan 5 3ABN Year in Preview Jan 19 Ranko Stefanovic

Jan 12 Dr. Neil Nedley Jan 26 Lincoln Steed: “A World of Opportunity”

For more program information, please visit 3abntv.org

This schedule is an overview of the program lineup for North American and website broadcasts. Check out the schedule listings on our website, 3abntv.org, for additional details and program changes.

Abbreviations and symbols: PST = Pacific Standard Time (UTC–8); MST = Mountain Standard Time (UTC–7); CST = Central Standard Time (UTC–6); EST = Eastern Standard Time (UTC–5). = Closed captioned. = Live program. = New series. = Repeat of live program. Program titles in red are changes effective this month.

Upcoming Live Events please visit news.3abn.org for event updates

Jan 18–Jan 21

Anchors of Truth, with David Asscherick. Wed. 7:00–8:00 p.m.; Thu. 7:00–8:00 p.m.; Fri. 7:00–8:00 p.m.; Sat. 11:00 a.m.–12:00 noon; 3:00–4:00 p.m. All times CST (UTC–6).

Jan 28 Religious Liberty Sabbath, with Lincoln Steed. Sat. 11:00 a.m.–12:00 noon CST (UTC–6).

Mar 14–Mar 17

Anchors of Truth, with John Bradshaw. Wed. 7:00–8:00 p.m.; Thu. 7:00–8:00 p.m.; Fri. 7:00–8:00 p.m.; Sat. 11:00 a.m.–12:00 noon; 3:00–4:00 p.m. All times CST (UTC–6).

this month’s Anchors of Truth will feature Pastor David Asscherick, director of ARISE Institute in Jas-

per, Oregon. He is an ordained minister of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the co-founder of ARISE, an evangelism, dis-cipleship, and training ministry. A dynamic, clear, and relevant speaker, his frequent

appearances on 3ABN are a favorite of young and old alike the world over. He became a Christian at the age of 23 after reading the book The Great Controversy, by Ellen White. Don’t miss this dynamic series, airing live from January 18–21, 2012, right here on 3ABN! For more information, check our website, 3ABN.org.

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3ABN television Schedule

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C h o o s e y o u r t i m e z o n e C h o o s e y o u r t i m e z o n eESTCSTMSTPST ESTCSTMSTPST

Engage (David Asscherick) Descendants of Abraham (Shakeela Yasuf) Melody From My HeartHealth for a Lifetime (Don Mackintosh) House Calls (John Lomacang) ...continuedHeaven’s Point of View (Hal Steenson) Laymen Ministries (Jeff Reich)Body & Spirit Exalting His Word (Shelley Quinn) Special Feature ...continued3ABN Today LIVE (repeat) ...continued ...continued ...continuedHelp Yourself to Health (Agatha Thrash)Engage (David Asscherick) Issues & Answers Variety The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Kenneth Cox) ...continuedNEWSTART Now (Ron Giannoni) Let’s Cook Together Body & Spirit In Search of Truth (Charles Byrd) 3ABN Today ...continuedTiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) Kids’ Time (Brenda Walsh) Kids’ Time Praise Marriage in God’s Hands GYC 2010 ...continuedSecrets Unsealed Presents... (Stephen Bohr) ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedHappy the Home (Raynes) Wonderfully Made Revelation Insights (Lyle Albrecht) ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedHeaven’s Point of View (Hal Steenson) Exalting His Word (Shelley Quinn) ASI Video Magazine (Dan Houghton) Bible Rx (Jim Marcum)





Life Discovery Series (Jim Reinking) ...continued3ABN Homecoming 2011 ...continuedEleventh Hour Evidence (David Asscherick) ...continuedPraise! (Kelly Mowrer)Thinking About Home (Kathy Matthews) Body & Spirit His Words Are Life (Mowrer)/Grandma’s House (Neal) Digging Up the Past (David Down) Bible Rx (Jim Marcum) 3ABN Today ...continuedHouse Calls (John Lomacang) ...continuedShareHim Newsmagazine Books of the Book Life on the Edge (Scott Moore) ...continuedBehold the Lamb Presents (Kenny Shelton) ...continuedLaymen Ministries (Jeff Reich) Abundant Living (Curtis & Paula Eakins) Action 4 Life (Casio Jones) Heaven’s Point of View (Hal Steenson) 3ABN Today ...continuedTiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) Kids’ Time (Brenda Walsh) It Is Written Help in Daily Living In Search of Truth (Charles Byrd) Issues & Answers Celebrating Life in Recovery (Cheri Peters) ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedAnchors of Truth ...continuedThe Carter Report (John Carter) ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedASI Conventions ...continuedBooks of the Book Battles of Faith





TuESday3ABN: January Monday

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C h o o s e y o u r t i m e z o n e C h o o s e y o u r t i m e z o n eESTCSTMSTPST ESTCSTMSTPST

Books of the Book Faith ChapelUp Close ...continuedMarriage in God’s Hands Issues & Answers Origins (Terry McComb) ...continuedBody & Spirit NEWSTART Now (Ron Giannoni) 3ABN Homecoming ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedStop Smoking Clinic (Arthur Weaver) ...continuedWonderfully Made Making Waves (Jim Ayer) Celebrating Life in Recovery (Cheri Peters) ...continuedBible Rx (Jim Marcum) Happy the Home (Raynes) It Is Written Let’s Cook Together Body & Spirit Melody From My Heart3ABN Today ...continuedTiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) Kids’ Time (Brenda Walsh) Kids’ Time Praise Engage (David Asscherick) The Carter Report (John Carter) ...continuedCentral Study Hour ...continued3ABN Today LIVE ...continued ...continued ...continuedKenneth Cox Ministries ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedThe Robe (Stephen Bohr) ...continued3ABN Today LIVE ...continued





Celebrating Life in Recovery (Cheri Peters) ...continuedRevelation Insights (Lyle Albrecht) ...continuedShareHim Newsmagazine In Search of Truth (Charles Byrd) Families for Heaven Bible Rx (Jim Marcum) Body & Spirit ASI Video Magazine (Dan Houghton) Amazing Facts Presents... (Doug Batchelor) Help in Daily Living 3ABN Today ...continuedKeepers of the Flame Walking with Jesus (Garloff)/Grandma’s House (Neal) Melody From My HeartLiberty Insider (Lincoln Steed) In the Beginning... (Stan Hudson) ...continued3ABN On the Road ...continuedIn the Footsteps of Paul (Tony Moore) Abundant Living (Curtis & Paula Eakins) Action 4 Life (Casio Jones) Books of the Book 3ABN Today ...continuedTiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) Kids’ Time (Brenda Walsh) MIQ: Most Important Questions (Doug Batchelor) ...continuedHouse Calls (John Lomacang) ...continuedA Sharper Focus (John Lomacang) ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedAmazing Facts Presents... (Doug Batchelor) Books of the Book It Is Written In Search of Truth (Charles Byrd) 3ABN Today ...continuedRevelation Now (Jac Colon) ...continuedHis Words Are Life (Mowrer)/India: Face to Face Melody From My Heart





ThurSday3ABN: January WEdnESday

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C h o o s e y o u r t i m e z o n e C h o o s e y o u r t i m e z o n eESTCSTMSTPST ESTCSTMSTPST

Praise! (Kelly Mowrer)In the Footsteps of Paul (Tony Moore) Give Me the Bible (Kenneth Cox) ...continuedNature’s Lesson Book (Greg Evans) ...continuedBreath of Life (Carlton Byrd) Digging Up the Past (David Down) It Is Written Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) Kids’ Time Praise Kids’ Time (Brenda Walsh) 3ABN Today ...continuedCentral Study Hour ...continuedEleventh Hour Evidence (David Asscherick) ...continuedWorship Hour ...continuedAnchors of Truth ...continuedNew Perceptions (Dwight Nelson) ...continuedKenneth Cox Ministries ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedMaranatha Mission Stories (Dick Duerksen) Kids’ Time (Brenda Walsh) Kids’ Time Praise Tiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) Laymen Ministries (Jeff Reich) It Is Written Canada (Bill Santos) Books of the Book Exalting His Word (Shelley Quinn) 3ABN Today ...continued3ABN On the Road ...continuedIssues & Answers Making Waves (Jim Ayer) 3ABN Today ...continuedLife on the Edge (Scott Moore) ...continuedGYC 2010 ...continued





3ABN Today LIVE (continued) ...continuedIIW Mini-Series (John Bradshaw) ...continuedLiberty Insider (Lincoln Steed) Battles of Faith Central Study Hour ...continuedBody & Spirit His Words Are Life (Mowrer)/Grandma’s House (Neal) Revelation Now (Jac Colon) ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedBehold the Lamb Presents (Kenny Shelton) ...continuedHealth for a Lifetime (Don Mackintosh) It Is Written Canada (Bill Santos) Secrets Unsealed Presents... (Stephen Bohr) ...continuedSpecial Feature ...continuedMarriage in God’s Hands Abundant Living (Curtis & Paula Eakins) Action 4 Life (Casio Jones) Steps to Christ in Song 3ABN Today ...continuedTiny Tots for Jesus (Linda Johnson) Kids’ Time (Brenda Walsh) Variety Melody From My HeartBreath of Life (Carlton Byrd) Hope in Motion 3ABN Homecoming ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedIt Is Written Maranatha Mission Stories (Dick Duerksen) In Search of Truth (Charles Byrd) In the Footsteps of Paul (Tony Moore) 3ABN Today ...continuedHis Harvest Is Ready (C. A. Murray) ...continuedBreath of Life (Carlton Byrd) In Search of Truth (Charles Byrd)





SaTurday3ABN: January Friday

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Wonderfully MadeCHIP HealthVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesDynamics in the Science of PrayerBible AnswersWhen God’s People PrayHealth for a LifetimeMelody From My Heart/3ABN InspirationFaith ChapelChristian ConcernsYour Story HourClassic Radio Sermons /Affirming Creation3ABN Today ...continuedHouse Calls (repeat) ...continuedMusical Meditations ...continuedCracking the Genesis Code ...continuedThe Bible in Living SoundFreedom’s Ring/His Words Are LifeWonderfully MadeWhen God’s People PrayMore Abundant LifeLifeQuest LibertyVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesHelp Yourself to Health3ABN On the Road ...continuedBible AnswersBy My SpiritCracking the Genesis Code ...continuedYour Story HourClassic Radio Sermons /Focus on Healthy FoodsMusical Meditations ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedThe Bible in Living SoundHelp Yourself to HealthHouse Calls (repeat) ...continued3ABN On the Road ...continued3ABN Today ...continued


Bible Answers LIVE (repeat) ...continuedVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesHomeschool of HealthKids’ TimeBy My SpiritWorship Hour ...continuedIt Is WrittenFreedom’s Ring/His Words Are LifeYour Story HourClassic Radio Sermons/The StoryHouse3ABN Today ...continuedBooks of the BookIn Search of the TruthMusical Meditations ...continuedCracking the Genesis Code ...continuedThe Bible in Living SoundFaith ChapelCHIP HealthIssues & AnswersKids’ TimeHome School of HealthVoice of Prophecy/Between the Lines3ABN Insight3ABN On the Road ...continuedHealth for a LifetimeChristian ConcernsCracking the Genesis Code ...continuedYour Story HourClassic Radio Sermons/3ABN HealthMusical Meditations ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedThe Bible in Living SoundLifeQuest LibertyHeartWise3ABN Family3ABN On the Road ...continued3ABN Today ...continued

Monday CST TuESday

3ABN RAdio: January


In Search of the TruthHeart WiseHealth for a LifetimeFaith ChapelOn Location ...continuedMusical Meditations ...continuedLift Him UpFreedom’s Ring/3ABN InspirationYour Story HourDynamics in the Science of Prayer3ABN Today ...continued Voice of Prophecy – WeekendThe Bible in Living SoundCentral Study Hour ...continuedBreath of LifeThinking About HomeCrossroads on 3ABN Radio ...continuedThe Prophecy Code ...continuedIt Is WrittenCHIP Health3ABN Today LIVE (repeat) ...continued ...continued ...continuedMusical Meditations ...continuedOn Location ...continuedGenesis to Revelation Seminar3ABN Family3ABN Today ...continuedBible Answers LIVE (repeat) ...continuedYour Story HourIssues & AnswersLifeQuest LibertyAffirming Creation/Focus on Healthy Foods3ABN On the Road ...continued3ABN Today ...continued

CST Sunday

3ABN Radio is available 24/7 on the Internet, through digital satellite, and via over-the-air radio broadcasts. To learn more, check detailed schedule list-ings, or listen online, visit our website: 3abnradio.org.

Abbreviations and symbols: CST = Central Standard Time (UTC–6). = Live program. = New series.

= Repeat of live program. Program titles in red are changes effective this month.

3ABN radio

3ABN Radio Schedule


Attorney Alan J. Reinach is the host for this program as he explores such topics as homeschooling,

freedom of speech, civil religion, and the balance between freedom and security.

Tune in on Sundays and Tuesdays at 6:30 a.m. and Mondays at 12:30 p.m., CST (UTC–6).

Freedom’s Ring-

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Friday CST SaTurday


3ABN Today LIVE (cont.) ...continuedVoice of Prophecy/Between the Lines3ABN InsightCentral Study Hour ...continuedMore Abundant LifeIn Search of the TruthGenesis to Revelation SeminarLifeQuest LibertyYour Story HourClassic Radio Sermons /3ABN Inspiration3ABN Today ...continued3ABN FamilyThinking About HomeMusical Meditations ...continuedCracking the Genesis Code ...continuedThe Bible in Living SoundHeart WiseWonderfully MadeBooks of the BookWomen at the WellGenesis to Revelation SeminarVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesLift Him Up3ABN On the Road ...continuedHealth for a LifetimeChristian ConcernsCracking the Genesis Code ...continuedYour Story HourClassic Radio Sermons /3ABN InspirationMusical Meditations ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedThe Bible in Living SoundVoice of Prophecy – WeekendBible Answers LIVE (repeat) ...continuedThe Prophecy Code ...continued3ABN Today ...continued

Genesis to Revelation Seminar3ABN Family3ABN On the Road ...continuedOn Location ...continuedMusical Meditations ...continuedChristian ConcernsMore Abundant LifeYour Story Hour3ABN Insight3ABN Today ...continuedMelody From My Heart/Affirming CreationFaith ChapelCentral Study Hour ...continuedWorship Hour ...continuedBy My SpiritBooks of the BookThe Prophecy Code ...continuedVoice of Prophecy – WeekendChristian ConcernsHouse Calls (repeat) ...continued3ABN On the Road ...continuedMusical Meditations ...continuedOn Location ...continuedCrossroads on 3ABN Radio ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedBreath of LifeWhen God’s People PrayYour Story HourWomen at the WellGeneration of Youth for Christ ...continued The Prophecy Code ...continued3ABN Today ...continued

3ABN RAdio: January (continued)



Wonderfully MadeBooks of the BookVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesLift Him UpGeneration of Youth for Christ ...continuedWomen at the WellBreath of LifeHeart WiseChristian ConcernsYour Story HourClassic Radio Sermons/3ABN Health3ABN Today ...continuedCrossroads on 3ABN Radio ...continuedMusical Meditations ...continuedCracking the Genesis Code ...continuedThe Bible in Living SoundFaith ChapelWonderfully MadeThinking About HomeBible Answers LIVE (repeat) ...continuedVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesHelp Yourself to Health3ABN On the Road ...continuedDynamics in the Science of PrayerThe StoryHouse/Melody From My HeartCracking the Genesis Code ...continuedYour Story HourClassic Radio Sermons /His Words Are LifeMusical Meditations ...continued3ABN Today ...continuedThe Bible in Living SoundHelp Yourself to HealthCrossroads on 3ABN Radio ...continued3ABN On the Road ...continued3ABN Today ...continued


Wonderfully Made3ABN FamilyVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesHomeschool of HealthKids’ TimeBy My SpiritHealth for a LifetimeIssues & AnswersFaith ChapelCHIP HealthYour Story HourClassic Radio Sermons /Focus on Healthy Foods3ABN Today ...continuedWorship Hour ...continuedMusical Meditations ...continuedCracking the Genesis Code ...continuedThe Bible in Living SoundBible Answers3ABN Family3ABN Inspiration/Affirming CreationKids’ TimeHome School of HealthVoice of Prophecy/Between the LinesIt Is Written3ABN On the Road ...continuedBreath of LifeIn Search of the TruthCracking the Genesis Code ...continuedYour Story HourClassic Radio Sermons /Affirming Creation3ABN Today LIVE ...continued ...continued ...continuedThe Bible in Living SoundIt Is WrittenCentral Study Hour ...continued3ABN On the Road ...continued3ABN Today LIVE (repeat) ...continued

WEdnESday CST ThurSday CST

34 3ABN World January 2012 3ABN World January 2012 35

Page 19: 3ABN World February 2012

How to Avoid

by Agatha thrash, M.D.

10 Easy Suggestions

1. Water – Drink large quanti-ties of water, which will dilute the antidiuretic hormone from the posterior pituitary. Water is a safe and natural diuretic.

2. Muscle Movement – Walk-ing is very good for reducing fluid retention in the feet and legs. The muscle contractions “milk” the large veins and increase blood return to the heart. They also “milk” the lymphatics, which tends to reduce the tissue fluid.

3. Elastic Stockings – The use of elastic stockings or ACE bandages on swollen extremities may help to reduce fluid retention. Elastic stockings may be worn for years without harmful effects.

4. Arm Elevation – Walking with swinging of the arms causes fluid to accumulate in the fingers, even to the point of making them stiff; however, this fluid usually dissipates in an hour or two after ending the walk. Should the fluid last longer than two hours, one may need to elevate the arms for a few minutes, being careful that there are no constricting bands around the hands or arms.

5. Fasting – This is a remark-ably effective way to reducing swell-ing. Often, one or two days of fasting will reduce the swell-ing, or will prevent the swelling of premenstrual tension.

6. Diet – The use of salt, oil, sugar, and other concentrated nutrients is often a cause of fluid retention. These foods also tend to increase the blood pressure. By strictly omitting these items from the diet it can be almost guaranteed there will be some reduction in blood pressure and fluid retention.

7. Avoid Abdominal Pres-sure – Varicose veins are a com-mon cause of swelling of the legs. Individuals who have this affliction should use elastic stockings and get plenty of walking exercise. Varicose veins in the legs are caused by an increase in intra-abdominal pres-sure from such sources as over-weight or pregnancy, constipation, or the use of girdles or constricting bands. These should be avoided.

8. Sleep – Get plenty of it, since loss of sleep is a common offender. The blood pressure tends to be maintained at a high level, and lymphatic return of fluid is less effective in sleep loss. The accumulation of fatigue products and toxic metabolites may also promote fluid retention.

9. Exercise – Vigorous exercise always results in burning up extra calories, and increasing the meta-

bolic rate, which will eventually result in weight loss. However, if muscles become sore from over-use, they may become swollen and retain fluid. Many a woman feels her weight reduction program is a failure because of this kind of fluid retention, but if she continues her weight reduction, after a few days the inflammation in the muscles will go down, resulting in the loss of several pounds of weight.

10. Raspberry Tea – The pre-menstrual time is characterized by fluid retention in many women. Although no treatment other than the ones given above is needed, a cup of red raspberry leaf tea may be helpful.


Dr. Agatha Thrash cofounded Uchee Pines Institute. A variety of Dr. Agatha Thrash’s books, as well as some very good cookbooks, are available from the Uchee Pines Country Life Natural Food Store by calling 877-824-3374.

This fluid retention may be caused by the use of concentrated foods such as salt, oil, sugar, or other high-density food.

When f luid from the blood accumulates in the tissues, the condi-

tion of edema develops. This fluid retention may be

caused by the use of concentrated foods such as salt, oil, sugar, or other high-density food. At other times, fluid retention can be caused by congestion caused by inflam-

mation. High blood pressure can cause fluid retention, and serious pathological conditions such as congestive heart failure and kidney disease are accompanied by edema, as well.

But here we shall be discussing the benign but still undesirable forms of fluid retention, and sug-gestions on how to reduce it.

Fluid Retention

36 3ABN World January 2012 3ABN World January 2012 37

Page 20: 3ABN World February 2012

3ABN Store

Last Minute giftsTo order, call 618-627-4651 or visit store.3abn.org

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Celebrating His Birth CD NEWThis album features 12 beautiful songs by familiar artists

from your 3ABN musical family that are sure to give you many hours of enjoyment. Feel the reverence of “O Holy Night,” and thrill at the news on “Bethlehem Morning.” This album features fresh versions of many beloved classics.Item #3ABN042-2 Suggested Donation: $16.50

Celebrating His Birth DVD NEWThis incredible DVD features all the songs from 3ABN’s

new album, Celebrating His Birth, sung by 3ABN’s talented musical artists. Watch this timeless classic with your family, and it may well become a family tradition!Item #CBMS Suggested Donation: $10.00

this “3ABN Special Edition” of The Remnant Young Scholar Study Bible, in the New King James Version, features an easy-to-under-stand dictionary/concordance, more than 200 quotes from Ellen

G. White, and 48 full-color pictures. It also includes Bible study chain highlights, Prayer Promises for Kids, and much more! Available in a variety of covers, this Bible is our gift to those who choose to support 3ABN with a special gift of $150.00* or more.

Styles:1. Leathersoft (synthetic), pink Item #BYS1 for a donation of: $150.00*

2. Leathersoft (synthetic), lavender Item #BYS2 for a donation of: $150.00*

3. Leathersoft (synthetic), blue Item #BYS3 for a donation of: $150.00*

4. Top Grain Leather, black Item #BYS4 for a donation of: $150.00*

Get a great gift while supporting the worldwide ministry of 3ABN!

*Note: IRS law requires 3ABN to deduct the fair market value of these Bibles from the amount of the donation. A U.S. tax-deductible receipt for $103.00 will be issued with the $150.00 Leathersoft Bibles, and a U.S. tax-deductible receipt for $89.00 will be issued with the $150.00 Top Grain Leather Bible.

Full Page Illustrations

Charts Commentary Colorful Maps Prayer Promises for Kids

Songs: Mark Trammell: “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus” • Danny Shelton: “Silent Night” • Reggie & Ladye Love Smith: “The Birthday of a King” • Tammy Chance: “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly” • John Lomacang: “Beth-lehem Morning” • Darrell Marshall: “O Come All Ye Faithful” • Yvonne Lewis: “O Holy Night”

• Neville Peter & Allison Speer: “Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne” • Kateena Leforge: “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” • Melody Shelton-Firestone: “One Night in Bethlehem” • C.A. Murray: “Coventry Carol / What Child Is This” • Tim Parton: “Angels We Have Heard on High” (Instrumental)

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by Bobby Davis

this to me. I was hurt because you ignored me. I was resentful because I didn’t get my way.

But what could I do about it?Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I’ve never found a way to change

my own defects of character. I’ve tried to be forgiving (but I would never forget); I’ve tried to be gracious (but I’d make sure you never hurt me again). The more I tried, the worse things got, and I despaired of ever find-ing a solution. I failed to realize that unless God changed my heart, nothing I can do would ever change the way I really felt or acted for very long.

So how did I master my resent-ments? A little inventory taking—and a hefty dose of humility! First I looked at what caused the resent-ment in the first place, and found that my pride and my fears had done the most damage. Then I had to realize that I’d been extremely thin-skinned (imagine that)! In most cases I had also placed myself in harm’s way, or kept coming back for more. I just couldn’t understand why everybody was picking on me! When I’d retaliate, all I’d accom-plish was to up the ante. My selfish-ness, self-centeredness, dishonesty, and fears had often started the ball rolling, too. And even when others had harmed me through no fault of my own, I still had a part in the resentment by refusing to forgive.

The Lion CubWhat an ugly picture. All my

life I’d utterly failed to see my part in my resentments, and now they were eating me alive. As though they were a small lion cub, I’d taken resentments into my heart; I’d petted them, fed them, and watched them grow. Now the rav-enous lion was eating me from the

inside out, and I was powerless to do anything about it. “O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:24–25. But for the grace of God, I would have continued living a clueless life—angry, hurt, and fearful of everyone.

Going back through my life I found a long list of resentments, and by God’s grace, I was able to forgive them, one and all. Some took longer than others, but I dis-covered that I could always extend God’s forgiveness to those people, even when I had no forgiveness of my own.

While I can’t say that I’m always free of resentments, today I know how to be rid of them. God’s power works—it really does!

Resentment is like eating poison and hoping the other guy dies!”

I remember hearing that pithy saying for the first time, and I can’t say I laughed at it because I had no clue what resentments were actually doing to me.

I’ve always been fascinated with the origins of words, though, and resentment comes from the Old French word, resen-tir, or “re-feel.” When I felt harmed (whether it was real or perceived),

I made a strong memory of it—one that would last a lifetime. Then I’d lock it away in a safe place, taking it out time after time to re-feel its sting. I had resentments, alright. Plenty of them. And they were piling up.

In order to hang on to them, I


also had to justify them—If this happened to you, I bet you’d be

mad, too! I’d rationalize it away by focusing on the offenders’ defects, while carefully ignoring my own.

And it was killing me.

Selfishness Is the ProblemWhen things finally reached a

breaking point, I was forced to face the fact that my resentments were a product of my own selfishness. In fact, selfishness is at the core of every resentment I’ve ever had. I was angry because someone did

All my life I’d ut terly failed to see my part in my resentments, and now they were eating me alive.

I was forced to face the fact that

my resentments were a product

of my own selfishness.

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Should We

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

In fact, his subsequent phone calls seemed to be his way of filing complaints against God.


to s



tion. Why does God allow this or that? Why doesn’t God do what I would do?

Questions allow for answers, and answers produce understand-ing. Understanding produces transformation, and transforma-tion is just what God wants! “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2. Brian was walking the very path God was calling him to walk.

As Brian would ask his often-brilliant questions, we would go to God’s Word for the answers. Why do evil people get away with doing evil? Why do good people suffer and die young? Why has God allowed Satan to run rampant for thousands of years? On and on it went, but God’s Word gave Brian the answers he needed.

Never Give UpThis continued for nine years!

Nine years of transformation by the Word of God. That’s where Brian found wisdom. That’s also where he found power—power to rise above anger by forgiving his enemies. It also provided him with the peace that God prom-ises in Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Brian found that he can trust God and His Word,

and that’s where he met his best friend, Jesus.

By our tenth year of conversa-tion, the man who had started out as what seemed like a sparring partner in 2001, had become my friend and brother in Christ by 2011. Brian dedicated his life to our Lord on March 23, and was baptized on July 9, 2011, by Pastor William Webb.

I congratulate and welcome my new brother, Brian Hofacker, one of the newest members of the New Port Richey Seventh-day Adventist Church in Florida! To God be the glory!

by Joe o’Brien

in October 2001 Brian called 3ABN’s Pastoral Ministries Department to complain about

God. As I listened, Brian shared with me why he thought God was a very poor and unfair manager of human affairs. He had lost a relationship with a lady friend; he had lost his brother to an untimely

death; and now a young lady he admired for her talent had met an untimely death in an airplane accident. In fact, his subsequent phone calls seemed to be his way of filing complaints against God.

For a number of years he’d called several other ministry prayer lines, as well as ours, and unfortunately, the guidance he received from some of the other prayer warriors only added to the confusion. On one occasion, someone at another ministry prayed that an individual who angered Brian would die!

As Brian pointed out the error in their beliefs, these ministry work-ers became disenchanted with him and blocked his phone number, refusing his calls. This resulted in him calling us even more often, using excessive time, and honestly forcing us to consider blocking his calls, as well.

QuestionsEventually he was restricted

to speaking only with me, and I was glad I was picked, because Brian’s anger with God was usually expressed in the form of a ques-

3ABN Pastoral Prayer Line: 800-752-3226Pastors' Page

Joe O’Brien works in our Pastoral Ministr ies department. His wife Nancy is principal at the Thompsonville Christian School. Their daughter Kalie is majoring in International Rescue and Relief in Lincoln, Nebraska.

His Calls?Block

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Dr. R. Dean Davis is a retired theology professor who writes from South Lancaster, Massachusetts. His son, Bobby Davis, is the managing editor for 3ABN World.

Through the Eyes of the


The wicked ones continually reject the Holy Spirit’s pleadings, and now they endanger the righteous!

Finally, He says, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” This isn’t a reference to man’s lifes-pan, since Noah’s descendants certainly lived longer than that. Instead, it indicates how long the Holy Spirit will continue pleading with men. Indeed, Noah preaches for 120 years before the flood comes, but men harden their hearts to the point where the Holy Spirit cannot reach them—the truly unpardonable sin (see Matthew 12:31).

The Genesis 6:4 reference to the nephilim (often translated as “giants”) causes great confusion. Some speculate these were giants in stature, others believe they were notorious rulers, and still others believe they were fallen angels. But while nephilim literally means “fallen ones,” they cannot be fallen angels, since neither Heaven nor angels are mentioned; they can-not be rulers, since no kings or kingdoms are mentioned; and as

far as giants, there’s no immediate contextual evidence indicating physical height.

Instead, the detailed lineages mentioned in the previous chap-ters indicate “the fallen ones” to be those who have fallen into sin. They are giants, all right—giants in wickedness, not in stature! They’re “men of renown”—notorious evil-doers. The next verse confirms this, when “the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

God Regretted?The Bible now makes a sad state-

ment: “And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.” Genesis 6:6.

The danger here is to make God human, since the writer, by neces-sity, must use human words to describe God’s feelings. Did He change His mind? Can God make mistakes? What we do know is that He “grieved in His heart.” We stretch to understand Hebrew thinking; we must stretch much more to understand God!

The antediluvians reject the Holy Spirit’s pleas for 120 years before they finally commit the unpardonable sin. What amazing grace God shows mankind through Noah—the only man who “found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”

by Dr. R. Dean Davis

After Cain rejects God’s grace and forgiveness, the Bible says he walks away

from the Lord and begins a genea-logical line that runs parallel with the righteous line of his younger brother Seth, the “appointed one.”

The Two LinesFamily was extremely impor-

tant to the Hebrews; married sons built onto their fathers’ houses,

and patriarchs extended their tents to cover three and four generations.

Cain’s descendants are listed first, and they try to lessen their guilt through personal achieve-ments. Cain builds the world’s first city, contrary to God’s desire for man to commune with nature. Jabel gains fame for his herds, Jubal for musical instruments,

and Tubal-cain for his mastery of metals. But the most notorious descendant is Lamech, a bigamist so wicked, he kills a man for merely wounding him—and brags about it! God promised Cain to bring a sevenfold vengeance on any-one who dared murder him, but Lamech boasts, “If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-sevenfold.”

By contrast, Seth’s line begins with Adam, created in God’s own image; Adam fathers Seth in his own image, and so forth. Another descendant,

Enoch, walks with the Lord 300 years, and grows so close to God that he’s taken to Heaven, alive! By contrast, none of Cain’s descen-dants are listed as righteous, none walk with God, and certainly none of them are taken to Heaven!

The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men

The Bible clearly shows these two lines—one godly and one wicked—intermingling in Genesis 6, as “the sons of God” marry “the daughters of men.” These unholy marriages greatly displease Him.

They are giants, all right—giants in wickedness, not in stature!

and the Unpardonable Sin


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“What Is This You Have in Your Hand?”

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1. Your gift provides you with a fi xed income for life and helps 3ABN evangelize the world!

2. You may fund a Gift Annuity for as little as $5,000 per individual or $10,000 per couple, provided you are 55 or older.

3. You receive an immediate tax deduction, and much of the interest is tax free.

4. To gain a higher rate with greater income, you may develop a Deferred Gift Annuity with a future payout, provided you are 45 or older.

5. You may fund a Charitable Gift Annuity for another person and claim the tax deduction yourself.

A Gift Annuity is unique in that while the gift is irre-vocable, the investment may earn you more than your initial gift —depending on your age.

EternityInvesting In

3ABN Trust Services

Loma Linda Offi ce:Dr. Leonard & Rita WestphalPO Box 907Loma Linda, CA [email protected]

West Frankfort Offi ce:Roy & Earlenne HuntPO Box 220West Frankfort, IL 62896800-752-3226 ext [email protected]

Glenn from Plainfield, Illinois, supported 3ABN’s ministry by donating his beautiful Gibson guitar and case, which sold for $525!

If you would like to donate something, please contact our Donation Center managers, Bruce and Tammy Chance, at 618-627-4651, or e-mail [email protected]. Al l g i f ts are U.S. tax-deductible.

Although we appreciate your support, we cannot resell afghans, clothing, old hymnals, sheet music, and many other items. Please call us before you ship anything, and thank you for your generosity! 

Here’s another way to support 3ABN—our eBay® store: giftshop.3abn.org



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Ultimate Prescription is co-hosted by Dr. James Marcum (right) and Charles Mills (left).


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Many of the diseases send-ing us to doctors’ offices, surgical suites, and early

graves are preventable—and we don’t need to be overmedicated to cure them if we use scientific evi-dence and common sense,” says Dr. James Marcum, a board-certified

cardiologist whose new program, Ultimate Prescription, will begin airing early this year on 3ABN.

The program, co-hosted by health reporter Charles Mills,

focuses on stripping back the misinformation about what makes us sick, and is based on the book of the same title published by Tyndale House and available this month.

“No one else out there is focus-ing on the most important aspect

of health—the loving, healing relationship with the Great Physician,” Dr. Marcum says. “We’ll answer our viewers’ medical questions with a balanced approach to

healing using biblical technology, focusing on a healing relationship with the Great Physician as the ultimate prescription.”

Watch for it soon on 3ABN!

“No one else out there is focusing on the most important aspect of health—the loving, healing relationship with the Great Physician.”

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