3D Ultrasounds

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  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    The emerging practice of

    3D UltrasoundBenefits and Risks of 3D/4D ultrasounds

    Beezer Moolji, MDFirst Peek Ultrasound

    Owner, Medical Director

  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds



    To provide short-term and long-term benefitto families by reducing the barrier

    between the mother and childbefore birth.

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    Customer Wishes

    Bonding begins at the first positive pregnancy test

    Pregnant women seek to know their baby, bond

    with their baby, and be close to their baby in manyways

    Curiosity and shift in focus occurs

    What will my baby look like?

    Is it a boy or a girl?

    Is my baby healthy and normal?

  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    What are ultrasounds?

    Sound waves at a higher pitch than one can hear

    Above 20kHz (3-15 MHz used)

    Produces an image based on echoes, similar tothe image a bat may have by using sound waves

    Ultrasounds occur in nature

    natural warnings to earthquakes

    Used by bats, dolphins, whales, andelephants

    May be felt by humans

  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    History of ultrasounds

    Began to be used as a saferalternative to x-rays in pregnant women

    Over 30 years of use, with no knownassociated medical harms

    Suspicion and hesitancy when first used

    Still discouraged by some

  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    What are 3D ultrasounds?

    An ultrasound with the transducer pointingat different angles, with the resultingimages put together and interpreted into a3D image by the ultrasound machine

    Analogous to CT scans in relation to x-rays

    Uses the same intensity and same

    ultrasounds as 2D ultrasounds

    Exposure is not multiplied, as with CTscans, but is related to duration of session

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    2D vs. 3D ultrasounds

    Clearer to theuntrained eye

    Mothers are betterable to recognizetheir baby

    Visual image:

    Stronger emotionalconnection

  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    3D vs. 4D ultrasounds

    4D is simply a 3D ultrasound moving in timetime is the 4th dimension

    4D ultrasound technology only recentlyavailable due to faster 3D ultrasoundtechnology

    4D recorded as a video clip on CD or seen on


    4d ultrasound video

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    Who gets the 3D ultrasound


    Upper middle class

    First baby Caucasian

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    Reaching out to others...

    Lower middle class

    African-Americans, other minorities

    Other cultures and languages

    Blind, Deaf, disabilites



  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    Best time to get a 3D ultrasound

    Gender check - at least 17 weeks

    Offered between 17 - 32 weeks

    Ideal time 24 - 30 weeks

  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    Way to get a good image

    No need for a full bladder

    Drink plenty ofwater (32 oz/day) for 1-2 weeks

    beforeWithout water With water

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  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    Other benefits to mom

    Better able to visualize the baby

    Bonding between mother and child

    Bonding, involvement of father

    Find out the gender

    Planning purposes

    Increases bonding, through visualization

    Able to share pics with family, friends

    Makes motherhood more real

  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    Risks of 3D ultrasounds


    Same/similar to 2D

    May produce heat when focused in one spotfor hours to days

    More safety issues regarding other aspects

    Getting on and off bed

    Aggressive manipulation of belly Drinking caffeine to stimulate baby for a good

    photo shot

  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    Risks of 3D Ultrasounds

    Medical harms

    Slight increase in left-handedness inboys who receive 3D ultrasounds

    Unknown reason

    No associated mental defects or harms

    Other unintended harms

    False positives

    Cysts, duplications, holes, artifacts

    Seeing the fetus too early (under 17 wks)

  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    Risks of 3D Ultrasounds

    False reassurance

    May discourage prenatal care

    Prolonged or repeated exposure may havesome unknown risk

    Exposure to untrained staff may causeunintended harms

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    Risk reduction

    Medical director

    Certified ultrasound technicians

    Adequate training

    Communication with ob/gyn

    Safety inspections of the clinic, regular

    inspections of the ultrasound machine Limit duration to 30 minutes

    Must have prenatal care prior to session

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    Future developments...

    May soon be part of routine care

    May soon be covered by health insurance

    Illinois State Law may soon developoversight and restrictions on 3D ultrasoundstudios, i.e. requiring a medical director,requiring verification of prenatal care

    Neurologic testing of the fetus forCP

    5D ultrasound?

  • 8/8/2019 3D Ultrasounds


    Thank you for your interest

    First Peek Ultrasound

    1100 Lake Street, Suite 155

    Oak Park, IL 60301

