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3rd Year First Term

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three secondary First Term 2016

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Page 1: 3rd Year First Term

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Page 2: 3rd Year First Term


Space Holiday July 2009 was the 40th anniversary of man first walking on

the Moon. Ever since that day, we have been promised that holidays in space are not far away. Now a representative for the World Tourism Organization predicts that, in the next ten years, people will be queuing to book their holidays in space. They will fly by rocket to a space station which will be orbiting the Earth at a height of 320 kilometers – that is about the same as the distance from Cairo to El-Minya. The space station itself will be like giant spinning wheel with spokes like a bike wheel. There will be two kinds of spokes: those with ordinary gravity for weightless sports.

Some people who are interested in space holidays are worried that, as space tourists, they will suffer from the same horrible side effects as astronauts have suffered from, but

experts say that there are now treatments for most side effects. Just think about such a holiday in space. Everyone who has travelled in space has described

the magical feeling of looking down on the Earth as it spins below you. It will be impossible to go shopping or go for a walk, but think of the fun you can have with weightless football or weightless gymnastics.

For most people, the main disadvantage at the moment is the cost of space holidays. Currently, the cost of a holiday is very high. But like everything else, the more people want to do something, the cheaper it will become. So, if you are interested, start saving now

Interviewer: Thank you for coming into the studio this morning. Could you start by telling the

listeners what you’re doing this week?

Astronaut: Well, this is a very special week for me. Tomorrow afternoon, I’m traveling with two

other astronauts to a secret location. The launch is at 7.50 the next evening.

Interviewer: How exciting! Will this be the first time you’ve been in space?

Astronaut : Yes it will. I’m really looking forward to it.

Interviewer: What is your mission, exactly?

Astronaut : We have to repair equipment on the international Space Station.

Interviewer: What’s the problem?

Astronaut : There are two or three things we need to look at, but the main problem is the

temperature control system. We think there may be a leak of some kind.

Interviewer: Is that a difficult job?

Astronaut : No, not particularly, but we’ll almost certainly need to spend some time working


Interviewer: Do you mean a spacewalk?

Astronaut : Yes, maybe, but we won’t know for sure until we’re there and can examine the

equipment properly.

Interviewer: Isn’t that really dangerous?

Astronaut : Not really – we’ve had a lot of training and of course we’re going to be very careful.

Interviewer: How long will you be in space for?

Astronaut : We’ll probably be there for about five or six days. It depends on how serious the

problems are.

Interviewer: That’s exciting. Thank you for talking to us. And good luck with your mission!

Astronaut : Thank you.

Page 3: 3rd Year First Term


examine ���� gravity ذ��� ���رة/ �launch ���� /ا��ق gymnastics ز����ب ا�� أleak !ب / ر"#$ side effects ���%ر �&' mission ��() / �*� )�2ل %�#0(�.ور �#",� spin (v) (+(�ر��/ �secret "4 /4"ى spoke (n) ����� 6�4 اsystem م8% distance �9#) /.�� currently ��2 /:��� ,.�< ا��زن weightless 9: ا��>; اlocation ?<�) weightlessness زن�� ا%�.ام اspace shuttle ءA9 ك�C) orbit ور �2ل.�)D!( astronaut ءA9 .Eرا steam رF� benefit .��� / .��H#� /ة.E9 lake ة"��� repair (n.& v.) �J� / >K)"� ح�Mإ/>�)"$ lift ?9"� equipment ات.� �.ول أ,�ل timetable أ�)Pة/ (space station ءA9 ���) arrange Q$"� main :#�Eر arrangement Q�$"$ temperature ارة"�� ���/ �plan S�F در�� اcontrol system >C�H�8%م ا predict ـ� +�UH� particularly �M� ��J� /M�J� prediction V�U$ properly :W�U� �YH.م ���apply Q آ�training Qر�.$ frightening Z�F) serious د� /"��� physical exercises ��%.� [ر��$ spacecraft ءA9 �U��4 movement 2"آ� hole QY& / م"� /��H9 perform دىV� /P�U� liquid \E4 thin Z��% /?�9ر organised U)>8 metal bar :%.�) Q�A< damage ").� /ر داE"ة ring د(air conditioning اء�(� ),"��/ درا�� (,��� Z��C$ wheel اpassword "4 آ��� unexpected ?<�H) "�] replace ل.�H#� /\�) \�� result ���H% fuel pump د�<��ط �FA) activity ا_% sat-nav ��EA��match (v) Q4 ا����2 اU�)سY�� )اdeaf >Mأ anniversary ���U4 ذآ"ى objects ء��Aت muscle atrophy أ!�� ��aر اrepresentative وب.U) /\*�) deterioration ر $.ه�ر/ ا%)�space tourism ءA���4�2 ا blood cells م.� ا��� organisation ��8U) weakness Z�a /[وه giant ��,ق immune system �,U��ز ا(� spinning Z� �improve [#�� /[#�H دوران/ ordinary دى, transport \YU� ا���ا�Mت/ اzero gravity ذ�����cت communications ا%�.ام اJ$ا weightless sports زن��در sources ر��a ا%�.ام اJ) horrible ?�89 / ?�") /Qره� minerals دن�) expert "��� satellite :,UM "�< / ?�$ "�< describe ZJ� medical test :�� ر�Hا� magic �4"ى /?Eرا surgery �2"ا�دة/ �, disadvantage Q�, available حH) /"9ا�H) cost Z�C� /���C$ space exploration ءA��ف ا_CH4ا decrease \�Y� e-learning �H���HC"و%:اcا >� amount آ��� fields تc �Y2ل/ (�especially �M� ��J� /M�J� security [)أ

Page 4: 3rd Year First Term


float م��� / ���� / �#� instant \�, /�8�� initial :����>; E.�) a waste of time:/ أو ���A) nausea ن�*] climate change خU�� $�W" اvomiting D< /اغ"�H4ا global warming ارى"��س ا�H2cا dizziness دو��/ دوار education >���H� اheadache اع.M step ة��� lethargy \#ل/ آ��� questionnaire ن��H4ع رأى/ ا��H4ا

a leak in a pipe :9 �4رة$#"ب) send … into space \4"� ....ءA�� ا�: اtake off ?�Y$)ة"E�� �#turn around "�.H )اreach for the stars م��U� �jهgo on a mission ��() :9 Q ا���Mل ا�: اcope with :�, Q�WH� walk on the moon "�Y� ��_: ,�: اlook for [, k��� by rocket روخJ�� look after ـ� :UH�� depend on :�, .�H�� There’s a problem with :9 ��C_) كUه on a radio programme :,اذا l)%"� :9 walk around �2ل �! ,�: ار$�ع ��H� at a height ofل (land on the moon "�Y� ()H< �ـ m�, S�(� interested in اgo on space holidays ءA��%: (] �Y� suffer fromم �+�زة m9 ا�� be attached to ـ� S�$") /?) �9") look down on m� �8U" (] أ,�m اworry about :�, ��Y� go for a walk ��_�H�� Qهj� break down \��H� go down n�FU� /\Y� refer to :�رج take someone out �_�" اF�� �F! j�+� the distance from .. to [) �9#��رن compare … to إ�m..اY� .....ـ� disagree with ?) ��H� c queue up ر��� m9 Z�J� treatment for ـ� �#benefit from [) .��H ,�ج discuss ….. with p<U� ......?) agree with ?) ��H� connect to ـ� \M�� fall to the ground رضrا m�, SY#� Good luck with.. m9 .��4 s2.. have fun with m9 ��H) .��.. apply for a job م.YH����t�� Q��� go up دادP� /?�$"�

launch a ship �U��4 ���� launch a rocket روخM ���� examine a patient n�") ���� book a holiday زةP��� take turns ا� دل اcدوار�H� make predictions اتV�U$ \�� ��Yم �do gymnastics ز����ب ا��رس أ�� solve a problem ��C_) \�� stand still �ZY �� 2"اكpass the exam ن�H)cز اH��

make notes ت �.ون (�82

Examine ���� look at something carefully in order to find out something Launch ���� when a spacecraft is sent into space Leak ب"#$ A small hole that liquid or gas gets out through Mission �*�� /��() An important job that someone has been given to do Secret 4"ى Known about by only a few people System م8% An organized way of doing something Currently ��2 At the present time Gravity ذ���� What makes objects fall to the ground Gymnastics ز����ب ا�� A sport in which physical exercises and movements are performed أSpin �,"#� ور.� Turn around and around very quickly Spoke ����� A thin metal bar which connects the ring around the outside of a wheel to the centre 6�4 ا

Distance �9#) The amount of space between two places Weightless زن�� Having no weight, especially when traveling ,.�< ا

Page 5: 3rd Year First Term


The hotel is in a lovely location overlooking the lake. ?<�) / ?a�) /نC) Our flight will reach our destination at 7 p.m. دة�JY��)9: ا�#�"( ا��)� ا

An astronaut is the person who travels into outer space. ءA9 .Eرا An astronomer is the person who studies stars and planets. 6�9 >�, An astrologer is the person who predicts the future. >�U)

How + adj + (v.to Be) + subject………………….? How good are you at English? How + adj + subject + ( v.to Be )………………...? How good you are at English!

He went to the garage to repair= mend his car. أ Z�$ 0� 2.ث D! ح�Mو a"ر ��Yم � The government is trying to reform our educational system. [���.�\ أو $�#�] ,�: 8%م ($ \�� ��Yم �

The best way to explore the countryside is on foot. Z_CH#� ) نC) /تc�H2ا( The artificial satellite was invented in 1957. ع"HF� )\�< [) د��0 و� [C� >� D!( Christopher Columbus discovered America. Z_HC� )c�(�) ن!D آن (���دا (] >�\ و �0UC آ

I live on a bus route so I can easily get to work. ن ا�: ا�"( �"�� C) [) / ) ���4ه.ف(و ��Y�H�( Hard work is the best route to success. We live on a quiet road. ��"� )\YU�4E\ ا ?��, "�#$ .(�) \��� Q�M �4(

The plane has just arrived. \J� )� c0� ل���) 0�� ( The plane arrived at Cairo Airport on time. :�ن �WM" (�.ود( �J\ إC)( The plane arrived in Cairo on time. :�)ة(.��U آ��"/ ,��M / دو�� ( �J\ إ I won't reach the office till noon today. / He could reach his goal. :�0 (���ل �J�)0\ إ���( They could get to Cairo during the rain. m����� إJ� \J�

I don’t know the reason for his failure. ing Q�4 /رK"�) )ـ� :(HU� \� ا4< أو 9(��� I don't know the reason why he failed. Q�4 /ر"�)) \� ���� $�CHن (] 9,\ و 9(���( I reasoned with him for hours, but I couldn't make him change his mind. ع ـ ��Hـدل (ـ? Uول إ>ـ�� Reason it out for yourself. ��U��� ?UY� ـ �Y�U) lHUH#� What caused the fire? Q�#� What was the cause of the fire? Q�4 ) >4ا (���(

Smoking affects health badly. "&V�:�, Smoking has a bad effect on health. 0�"�&+$

There is a long queue in front of the ticket office. ر��� )"�vس وا2.ا $�� اU�)�ZY 0�9 ا We had to queue for three hours to get in. ر��� m9 ZY� / Z�J� I’d like to sit in the second row. ZM)QU� :� إ�U� ء�!rس أو اU�)(] ا raw material مF�دة ا��raw m%– la ا% "�]

We celebrated our wedding anniversary with dinner in an expensive restaurant. ���U4 ذآ"ى The statue was erected as a memorial to those who died in the war. QJ% رى$jآ She has an excellent memory for names. ذآ"ى/ ذاآ"ة Tourists always buy souvenirs from Khan ElKhalili. ر�� ه.ا� $jآjubilee \���� )ات�U4 (��, ") ��4U�� ل�H2��) ��م silver Jubilee mA��م 25( ا�����\ ا, ( golden jubilee mه�j�م 50( ا�����\ ا, ( diamond jubilee m4��م 60( ا�����\ ا, (

Thank you for your help . / Thank you for helping me.. ( ing :�, "C_� )ـ� :(HU� \� ا4< أو 9(���

Dr. Hafez lost weight by taking more exercise. (ing ��4ا�� ) ـ� :(HU� \�9 (��� I’m looking forward to my next summer holiday. (ing :�و 9�\ �HU): �ـ ���) ا4< أ( ���H? ا I’m looking forward to visiting my relatives in Giza.

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She spent the evening writing invitations to her friends. :AY� ..... :9 She spent a lot of money on her new clothes. :�, ل�� ���U ا

It was such an exciting film . ( a / an + ��M + د"�) >ا4 �.ه� m$+�) ا.�

Gymnastics is a physical sport ز����ب ا���\ �W�M :9 ا���"د(أ�� ا(���(

The older you get, the more cautious you become. (The+ MW� �%رY) � , the+ MW��%رY) � ) ...آ��...آ�� The more people want to do something, the cheaper it will become.

( to + ا ��2 :9 [C�رع ا��#FH#% "�H.م 4A��ا��J.ر ( FH.ا()� 9: ا ((J.ر + start / begin + v. + ing / to) و It has started raining. It has started to rain. It’s starting to rain. start by + (v + ing/ noun ) أ �ـ.�� Can you start by telling us your name?

��two-hour ��� أن �� �� �hour آ��� ���رة �� ��� ��آ�� و ا���� � ���� و �a two-hour film [�H,��.ة 4 >��9 = a film for two hours

help + ل���) + to + ر.J) ر.J)/ The loan from the bank helped her (to) start her new business. help + ل���) + with + >4ا His father helped him with the costs of buying a new flat. make ر + ����ل�� My teacher always makes me study hard. cause ل���� + to + ر�� My teacher always causes me to study hard.

way of + v. + ing ـ� .There are many ways of solving the problem و���4 way to + ر.J) That's not the way to do it - let me show you.

enjoy + v. + ing ـ� ?H�H#� I enjoy meeting new people. Dr. Elbaz is an expert in( on) space. �� )���� �� ���ل ���� ( Amr is experienced in computers. ة� ����

In + �) ��ة ز��� Future ( I will finish my work in two hours. In + �� "�د��# ) future ( I will travel to Alex in 2012. In + ��$�� ��# ( past ) I visited England in 1999.

wonder Q��H� ءل ـ#H� I wondered if I would be invited to the party. wander ل��H� We wandered about the city square, and window-shopping.

We always travel abroad by plane. E"ة ���"ك � A glider can fly without an engine. ة !"ا,�� �.ون (�"ك"E� A shuttle can travel into space and return to Earth more than once. ءA9 ك�C) Astronauts will fly by rockets to a space station. روخM A spaceship can travel to space. ءA9 �U��4

Satellites orbit the earth. � أ�".ور �2ل >#� The Earth spins on its axis. }ور �2ل (��ر.�

Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final destination. ن ا���Mل C) ) د�JY��ن اC��)ا What is the exact location of the ship ? ?<�) Abu Simble is the site of two temples south of Aswan. ء / (�>ـ? أ&ـ"ى(�>ـ? ,�: اU� /;%"H%cـ

Egypt launched two satellites. �:,UM "�< ��� The soldiers shot the mad dog. ر (] U� ......... )(#.س ـ �U.>�� ( ���� اThe volcano erupted and caused a lot of damage. "��U� ن ( �*�ر ـ)�"آ Teenagers always revolt against parental discipline. :�, ر�*� ))م وa? ـ 8%

In space, tourists can do weightless sports. تaر� My son was very happy to join a sports club. :a ر�

Page 7: 3rd Year First Term


Choose the correct answer:

1. People usually (queue – line – vote – stand) to book their holidays every year. 2. July 2009 was the 40th(adversaryو., –annually –university –anniversary)of man first walking on the moon. 3. It is thought (space – spade – spice – spare) stations will be built up to enjoy space travel. 4. The space station itself will be like a giant spinning wheel with (speak – spokes – wires –

manners) like a bike wheel. 5. Our country is in a bad need of economic (informs-reclamation-repairs-reforms) . 6. The space station will (spin-orbit-fly-wander) the earth at a height of 320 kilometers. 7. Medicines have side ( effect - affect - affection - effects ) 8. This map shows the exact (place - point – region- location) of the bus stop. 9. It is (protected – prevented – predicted – forecasted)that, in the next ten year people will be

queuing to book their holidays in space 10. Can you imagine the (magic – tragic – terrifying – frightening) feeling of looking down on the

Earth as it spins below you? It is marvelous. 11. In ten years people will be (queuing – standing - lining -rowing) up to take holidays in space. 12. Medicines have side ( effect - affect - affection - effects ) 13. The navy (launched – lunched – punched - attached) a new warship last week. 14. Distance" means the amount of (place – time – money - space) between two places. 15. (Gravity – Ability – Activity - Capacity) makes objects fall to the ground. 16. Astronauts usually work in (weightless – useless – hopeless - meaningless) conditions. 17. To spin is to turn(around and around –on and off – up and down – forward and backward) very

quickly. 18. (Doing – Making – Having - Taking) gymnastics is a very good way of keeping fit. 19. (Astronauts – Accountants – Astrologers - Engineers) are well trained to do space walks. 20. A lot of people would like to go (on – in – at - with) space holidays. 21. The spokes of the space station have (full – zero – maximum – under) gravity. 22. Some people have(comforted –infected –benefited -filtered) more from this TV program than others. 23. Space (exploration – admiration – aspiration~�U$ - celebration) cots a lot of money. 24. Gymnastics and football are two sports that people can (do – make – act - avoid) in space. 25. I can smell a gas (fakeZEزا – break – leak - lock) in the kitchen. 26. These plans must be kept (known – regret – secret - open) from the enemy. 27. He started the meeting (with – in – by – of) telling us something about his family. 28. We always celebrate our wedding (anniversary – memory – memorial - failure) with dinner in an

expensive restaurant. 29.The contents of the report were ( baked – cheated – liked – leaked ) to the press. 30.The rocket is going to reach the Moon on Tuesday. Everyone watched the ( lunch-launch – exploration - excavation ) on TV.

Find The mistakes in the following sentences: 1. Space explanation can take several years. ………………………………………..…………..…… 2. Ancient technology has improved everyone's lives. …………………………………………….… 3. Computer passwords should always be obvious. You should never tell anyone. .……………… 4. Our air-conditioning has broken down, but someone is coming to prepare tomorrow. ………… 5. Astronauts think that the next step is to explode outer space. …………………………….……… 6. Computers, mobile phones and satellite technology have made people happily……………… 7. Doing gymnastics are a very good way of keeping fit………………………………………………. 8. Current, I'm working for important exams. Then, when I finish, I'll travel………………………… 9. The way between Cairo and London is 3,500 kilometers………………………………………….. 10. There is a problem with the temperature controlled system ……………………………………… 11. Two of the speaks on the front wheel of my bike v/ere broken in the accident…………………. 12. The doctor exchanged me carefully before he gave me the medicine……………………………

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13. Space fissionsقY_%ا can take several years………………………………………………………….. 14. You can lunch a new ship and a rocket……………………………………………………………… 15. The moon has less weight than the earth , so you could jump much higher there……………. 16. Scientists are testing the new drug to find out if it has any outside effects……………………… 17. July 2009 was the fortieth memorial of man first walking on the moon………………………… 18. In space, you can have fun with weighty football and gymnastics………………………………. 19. The feeling of looking down on the Earth from space is described as logical………………….. 20. Activity is the force that makes things fall to the ground……………………………………………

Future verb forms \�YH#���\ 9: ا�� ��M ا�ق �����&' (�)�*�� �, ز�, ا��-:

Will + inf. /��0� �1 �2�1 ا future fact \�YH#��V�U$ offer �� د��\ m9 �Y�Y2 prediction without evidence ا ,"ض !mء : �3� �, ا�34

request ءm! Q�� intend to ي�U� threaten د.(� quick decision?�"4 ار"< - I think you'll enjoy your holiday. - I'll be 16 next week. - That's the phone – I'll answer it. - I'll go shopping with you if you like. - Will you give me your new address? - I'll see you this evening.

- I'll resign if I don't get a pay rise. ��Mإرادة أو و mU�$ Aأ� want= 56� willـ�ي ���-� أ

Shall + inf. :)� I / We,���0�suggest أو �(�م offer �1 ا ح : �3� �, ا�34 �)� - "I'm cold." "Shall I close this window?" - Shall we go out for dinner tonight? - Shall I meet you on Monday? - Shall I help you with your homework?

Be(am/is/are) + Going to + inf.

prediction with evidence \��.� V�U$ future decision "�C�$ .� �, ا�34 >"ار ���3: - There are no clouds in the sky. It's going to be another sunny day. - I think I'm going to fail this exam. I haven't done much work - I'm going to do more exercise next year. - We are saving up because we are going to buy a car. - I'm going to make some coffee. Do you want some?

:s2c أن be going to + inf. = intend to + inf. - Are you going to buy a new mobile? = Do you intend to buy a new mobile? - She is going to travel abroad. = She intends to travel abroad.

be + v. ing (The Present Continuous "�H#��رع اA�� (ا plan to = ����� وأA� B�Cآ� ا�?�وث :�&���. �, �Eث �� ا��*�(�) D3 ا

- He's travelling to Cairo tomorrow. He's got his tickets. - I'm going home in half an hour. I have arranged it with the boss.

The Present Simple S�#��رع اA�� ا�� G'�H ���2ول ز� Iو� D�3 اث�Eأ ,� ���..........ا��N?�-�ت/ ا��*�(�) �L) ��ا��� و#�/) ا���اKCت

- The plane takes off at 10 p.m. - The film starts at 9.

will be + v. + ing.(The Future Continuous )"�H#��ا��#�YH\ ا I will be working from 5 to 8. �, �Eث #��� (�)�*��. ��Pن �*�� �� و"G �?�د �� ا - Between 9 and 11 a.m. tomorrow I'll be studying.

will have + p.p.(The Future perfect ) مH�ا��#�YH\ ا

Don’t worry I will have finished the project by next week. �� د�?� G"و (�" (��P�# ث�E ,� ���(�)�*��.ا -

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Choose the correct answer: 1- I think our team (will win-win-are winning-are going to win) more matches. 2- Look at those black clouds. It (will rain-is going to rain-has rained-is raining). 3- He (will fly-is going to fly-is flying-flies) to London tomorrow. He’s got his ticket. 4- The concert this evening (starts-will start-is starting-is going to start) at 7. 5- He (is seeing-saw-has seen-was going to see) the director in a few minutes. 6- I promise I (have bought-will buy-am going to buy-must buy) you a nice present. 7- The cup is on the edge of the table. It (is falling-has fallen-is going to fall-will be falling). 8- (Might-May-Should-Will) you buy me some stamps, please? 9- My little sister looks very sad. She (will-shall-might not-is going to) cry. 10- (Will-Shall-Are-Might) we go to the club tonight?

Find the mistakes in these sentences then write them correctly: 1- I think I buy this watch…………………………………………………………………………… 2- I expect that our team must win the match…………………………………….……………… 3- The film shall start at 7 p.m. tomorrow evening…………………………….………………… 4- The water is boiling – I am going to turn the gas off…………………………………………. 5- It will rain. The sky's looking very dark…………………………………………………………. 6- They leave for London tomorrow. They've arranged everything……………………………. 7- From 5 to 6 tomorrow, I am studying English………………………………………………….

A- Language Functions 1) Respond to the following situations: 1. Ahmed asks you about your favourite subject. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. A friend asks you about the subjects you are studying at school. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Your cousin offered you a computer as a birthday present. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Maha asks you why you like English. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2) Supply where these situations take place and who the speakers are:

1. A: Hello! Can I help you, sir? B: Yes, I'd like to have a single room, please. A: With or without a bathroom? B: With a bathroom.

Place: ………..….. Speaker A :…………...….. Speaker B :……..…… Function……………….……..… 2. A: I'd like a ticket to Alex, please. B: Here you are.

A: Thanks. How much is it? B: It's 20 pounds. Place: ………..….. Speaker A :…………...….. Speaker B :……..…… Function……………….……..…

B- Vocabulary and Structure 3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. A: I am going on holiday tomorrow. B: I'm sure you( are going to enjoy - are enjoying - enjoy - will enjoy)it. 2. A: What are you doing at the weekend? B: I expect I (am going to spend - am Spending -will

spend –spend)some time with my friends. 3. The population of Cairo(would - is going - will - is going) reach 15 millions by 2020. 4. I think the weather in England(would - is going - will - is going) cold and rainy. 5. There's not a cloud in the sky. It( will be - is going to be - is being – will)another very sunny day. 6. I think you( is going to be - are being - are going be - will be)very good at squash. 7. I've planned. Definitely! I( will - am not going to - am going to - won't)try hockey.

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8. A: This year I( am going to- am going - will - will be going)go swimming every day. B: That's a good idea. You will get very fit.

9. There was a ( brake- leak - lake - fake )in the water pipe and I had to have it fixed. 10. The astronauts went on a two-hour ( side walk- space walk - country walk – walk) to replace a

broken fuel pump. 11. Some drivers have a sat-nav ( discipline- system - circulation - repair ) in their car to help them

find the best route. 12. The rocket is going to reach the Moon on Tuesday. Everyone watched the ( lunch - launch -

exploration - excavation ) on TV. 13. Computer passwords should always be( known - public - secret – distributed). You should never

tell anyone. 14. Space ( tasks - jobs - missions - discussion ) can take several years. 15. The Moon has (more-much-few -less) weight than the Earth, so you could jump much higher

there. 16. Doing (housework - homework - exercise – research) is a very good way of keeping fit. 4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

1. The doctor exchanged me carefully before he gave me the medicine……………………………… 2. Space fissions can take several years………………………………………………………………….. 3. Look at those clouds! It will rain…………………………………………………………………………. 4. I expect they are being here soon………………………………………………………………………. 5. The plane will arrive at 10 o’clock……………………………………………………………………….. 6. Do you think you are passing the test? …………………………………………………………………

(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books 5) Read the following passage then answer the questions: William Shakespeare was born in the market town of Stratford-upon-Avon . It is said that he attended the local grammar school, where the principal subject taught was Latin. Nothing certain is known of what he did between the time he left school and his departure for London . Whatever caused him to leave the town of his birth, the world can be grateful that he did so . What is certain is that he set his foot on the road to fame when he arrived in London . It is said that at first he was without money or friends there, but after that he earned a little by taking care of the horses of the gentlemen who attended the plays at the theatre. In time, as he became a familiar figure to the actors in the theatre, they stopped and spoke to him.

They found his conversation so brilliant that finally he was invited to join their company . By 1592 he became one of the three leading members of a company of actors called the Lord Chamberlain's Men . This company was under the protection of the Queen's Court. From what we know of his later life, it is clear that Shakespeare's connection with the theatre made him a wealthy man, since his plays attracted large audiences and he shared in the profits. Towards the beginning of the seventeenth century not less than eleven of his plays were produced. These included the great tragedies;" Othello "," Macbeth " and " King Lear" His last work was" The Tempest".

A) Answer the following questions : 1. Why did the actors at the theatre invite Shakespeare to join their company ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. What language did Shakespeare learn at his early life ? Where ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Why did Shakespeare look after the gentlemen's horses when he first arrived in London ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

4. The words" he did so" written, in black-type, refer to......................... a) he set his foot on the road to fame b) he left school c) he learnt Latin d) he left Stratford-upon-Avon

5. The passage gives us a good lesson that it is better......................

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a) to look after horses b) to talk to actors c) to endure hardships or obstacles d) to be a wealthy man

6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Man's life has been subject to a lot of change during the last hundred years, particularly in what is connected with his consuming ك�(H4ا habits. Sixty years ago, before the start of the consumer societies آ���(H�4ت ا����� of today's world, people did not throw away so many of the things they used. They used and re-used bottles, jars ت�%��"�, cardboard ر$�ن boxes, paper آ�bags, etc. much more carefully than we do today. Now, more than fifty years later, we are returning to the same good idea which we now call "recycling". We can again think about what we throw out. Why do we throw away so much food packaging �����$, so many plastic supermarket bags, old newspapers, old books, bottles and cans Q��,? What is all this rubbish doing to our environment, to the world we live in? Can't we use some of it again? The answer is: yes, we can. New industries - recycling industries - are starting to re-use some of our rubbish. For example, the island of Taiwan now buys tons of waste paper from the U.S.A. and recycles it to make newspapers, and for use in offices and homes. Japan takes scrap دة"�� metal from the U.S.A. and makes some new parts with it. Most European and American cities now have "recycling centres" for people's old bottles and newspapers. All this recycling is not only good for the environment but it is good business, too. For instance, a recycled aluminum container is 20% cheaper to make than a new one. For both the environment and the economy, recycling makes very good sense. A) Answer the following Questions: 1. What "change" does the writer refer to in the first paragraph? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Mention two industries that make use of rubbish. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Why is recycling economically good? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

4. Our grandparents were ................ than we are today. a) less careful b) more careful c) more economic d) less wise

5. When we recycle rubbish, we ................... our environment. a) pollute b) protect c) destroy d) consume

D- The Mask Of Gold 7) (A) Answer the following questions: 1- What was amazing about the Incas? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Why was Dr Hafez looking for a Chimu king’s tomb? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B) Read the following quotation. then answer the questions

“I sighed. I wasn’t in Peru any more. I was home.” 1- Why did the speaker go to Peru? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- What made the speaker realize that he / she was home? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… C) Complete the following sentences:

1- Unlike Leila, Samira……………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Archaeologists in Egypt developed……………………………………………………..………………

E- Writing 8) Write a paragraph on:

How has modern technology improved people’s lives? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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F- Translation 9) A- Translate into Arabic:

In the field of space, it is expected to set up a completely artificially constructed space colony there . According to experts' reports, it is already technically feasible to achieve such a great project. Future will witness further development in this field .



B) Translate into English: �2�4 Q�"Y�س�4ف $m9 �Y�H ا��#�YH\ اU� ا�C*�" (] ا(��ء ا�j�U�4 mHب إA�� . ا

………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ��"_��ء ا��.�. آ\ ��م �F.(� ا���� �Y.م ا


-The ancient Greeks called our galaxy the Milky Way because they thought it was made from drops of milk from the breasts of the Greek goddess Hera. -Astronauts become a little taller in space. There is less gravity, so their bones are less squashed together. -Astronauts' footprints and Lunar Rover tyre tracks will stay on the moon for millions of years as there is no wind to blow them away. -It snows in the upper atmosphere of Mars but vaporizes before reaching the ground. -Buzz Aldrin's(second man on the moon) mother's maiden name was "Moon". -A 100 pound object on Earth would weight 116 pounds on Saturn. -Mars is red because it is rusty. There is a lot of iron in the soil, and the air on Mars has made it turn red-just like rusty iron on Earth. -It takes about 29.46 Earth years for Saturn to complete its orbit around the sun.

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Choose the correct answer: 1. That's the phone. I (answer – am answering – would answer – will answer) it. 2. My German lesson (is stating – starts – has been starting – start) at four o'clock this afternoon. 3. I expect that he (wins – will win – is going to win – is winning) the match. 4. She (is flying – flies – fly – would fly) to Spain next Monday. Everything is arranged. 5. Watch out! You (are dropping – drop – are going to drop – would drop) the glasses. 6. We won’t start the meeting until you (arrive - had arrived - will arrive – arrives ) . 7. I( clean - am cleaning - have been cleaning - ’ll clean) the car for you. 8. I( will have driven –am going to drive-’ll be driving –will drive)to the airport at 4 o’clock tomorrow. 9. Would you like fish or chicken? - I think I(’ll have-am having - am going to have - have ) chicken. 10. Are you ( plays – played- playing -play) tennis after school today?

Find the mistakes in the following sentences: 1. Are you play tennis after school today? ……………………………………………………………. 2. By the age of 25, I expect I am going to finish my studies. …………………………………….... 3. It's arranged .We will be going to the Red sea this summer……………………………………… 4. I think my brother is going to be a doctor……………………………………………………………. 5. What have you doing at the weekend?....................................................................................... 6. Do you think you are passing the test? ……………………………………………………………… 7. Will you help me carried this heavy bag, please?....................................................................... 8. It is predicted that Egypt exports more goods next year…………………………………………... 9. I hope you are visiting me in my home one day……………………………………………………. 10. I can't answer the phone at the moment. I do the washing up………………………………........

��Aت ا��ق/ ���� � ���رة/ �ذ��� ��aر ا )�2ل %�#0(�.ور �#",� $.ه�ر/ ا%)�ر $#"ب / ر! ��() / �*� ا�.م (+(�ر��/ ���� ����� 6�4 ا ��2 /:����Z 9: ا��>; اa /[�9 وه#) /.��

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The Prisoner of Zenda The story takes place in nineteenth-century Europe. Rudolf

Rassendyll, a wealthy Englishman, if the cousin of Rudolf

Elphberg, who is about to become the new king of Ruritania, a

fictional country in central Europe. Rudolf Rassendyll decides to

travel to Ruritania to attend the coronation of his cousin, who he

has not met before. Soon after he arrives, he is walking through a

forest where he meets the future king. The two men are surprised

to discover that they are so alike: they are almost identical twins.

The cousins talk excitedly about the coronation.

However, on the night before the great occasion, Rudolf Elphberg is kidnapped by his younger brother Michael and

locked in the castle in the town of Zenda. Although Michael does not have the right to be the next king of the country, he is

popular with some of the people of Ruritania. He wants to stop the coronation so that he can become the next king himself. Rudolf Rassendyll solves the problem by taking his cousin’s place. Because the two men look so alike, nobody realizes what is happening and the coronation takes place as planned. While Rudolf Elphberg remains in the castle, Rudolf Rassendyll lives the life of the king and spends time with his cousin’s friends. At the same time, he realizes that he can’t remain the king of Ruritania forever. He decides to rescue Rudolf Elphberg. The story ends happily for Elphberg when he finally becomes the new king. Michael dies. Rassendyll says goodbye to his friends and leaves the country. The people of Ruritania never find out what has really happened.


In today’s Book Program, we’re going to hear about the life and work of the writer Anthony

Hope. In the studio we have Professor David Lyons from the University of South

London. Professor Lyons, Anthony Hope is well known for his adventure novels, but

what sort of a man was he? Was he like his heroes?

Not in the least. Anthony Hope was a well-educated English lawyer who started writing in his free


Presenter P Could you tell us something about his early life?

Professor Lyons: Yes, of course. Anthony Hope was born near London in 1863. After finishing

school, he went to Oxford University, where he studied classics. He was interested in

politics and was a good speaker in university debates. After Oxford, he trained as a

lawyer and started working in London in 1887.

Presenter :So how did he start writing?

Professor Lyons: Well, as in those days he has plenty of free time - so He wrote short stories

for magazines. He wrote his first novel, a Man of Mark, in 1890, but had to pay for the

publication himself.

Presenter: How about his most famous book, The Prisoner of Zenda? Did he pay for that?

Professor Lyons No. By then, he was already a successful novelist. The amazing thing about

this book was how quickly he wrote it. He first had the idea in late 1893 and the book

was published in April 1894. It was immediately successful.

Presenter : What was so special about The Prisoner of Zenda?

Professor Lyons::: Well, it’s a very exciting adventure story which takes place in a fictional

European country. I think it was popular as it’s not about everyday lives- people like


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Presenter: Did Hope marry?

Professor Lyons: Yes, he did. In 1903, he went on a speaking tour to other countries and met

Betty Somerville. The couple were married later that year, then came back to England,

where they had two sons and a daughter.

Presenter: And did he continue writing?

Professor Lyons: Yes, in all he wrote thirty-two works of fiction, but The Prisoner of Zenda was

always his most popular story. It made him a lot of money. A lot of firms have been

based on the story, and the public still enjoy reading it today.

Presenter: Thank you, Professor Lyons - that was interesting. If you haven’t read The Prisoner

of Zenda, borrow it from your local library. It's one of those books you just can’t put


classics >�.Y�%: و ا�"و(%: ا%��� $coronation l��H درا�4 اcدب اcouple ن�alike 0 زو�_H) debate �_<U) / ة"tU) /p<U� attend "A�� escapism ?<ا���� castle ا�)"وب (] ا�< fictional story ����� �J< the right to :9 ��� اpublication �,���) /"_% occasion ��4U) Well-educated >���H� &"ى/ wealthy :U] ,�: >.ر ��. ([ اprisoner [��4 popular ب���) /:��! literature دبrا the public ر�(��� اancient >�.< local :��) romantic :#%," poet رو(! relationship �<�, print ?��� entertainment ���#$ /0�9"$ available H) ا9"/ ح�H) activities ��_%أ real :Y�Y2 worries ه��م Greeks ن��%%��� اenjoyable ?H�) Romans ن ا�"و(education >���H� رformal :�4 اpublish "_U� reduce \�Y� sign �)�, /�H9c global warming ارى"��س ا�H2cا writer Q$رة architecture آ��� 9] اnovelist :Eروا home team Z�A�� ا��"�� اself-confident 0#�U� �&وا chase رد�� smart ��%ذآ:/ أ suspect }")0 9: أ�H_) adventure novels ات")W���.%�� coin روا�ت ا) ���, sort = type = kind ع�% quantity آ��� hero \�� athletics ى�Y�ب ا�� أlawyer :)�) favourite sport ��A�) �a ر�law ن�%< require Q��H� free time اغ"�� ه��م/ �)�< attack و>; اpolitics �4�#��H.ى/ ()�< attacker ا) immediately ل��ل ceremony 9: ا�H2ا adventure story ات")W) �J< wedding ف �2\ ز9officially �rescue jYU ر��4king 6�) finally ��(U� 9: اqueen �C�) replace \�) \�� kingdom �C��) leader .E< legally �%�%< /�,"! ambitious ح��� valuable >�< /���< ذو cruel :4<

Page 16: 3rd Year First Term


possessions تC�H�) steal ق"#� own 6�H�� altogether �) /)�$ summary �F�) choice ر�Hا� forest ��] member �A, identical \&�H) /���H) morally أ��>�twins أم�$ follow ?�H� excitedly ل��%� Central Europe :�4�� أورو� اkidnap Z�F�)JF!( fictional country ����� �� دوlock ��W� /\�< power ���4 / �< >�ة/ �realise رك.� finance ل��� /����� اforms لC!أ needs ت��H2ا suspense ���_$ occasionally % أ�2remain :Y�� /\8� beliefs ات.YH�) forever .�rا :� و���t $.ر�~ teaching job ا

listen to :� ��دع �H#� say goodbye to? اforget about [, :#U� free ….. from ��F�)ر"�� ... ([) well-known for _)ر �ـ�( be put in prison [�#� ��a? 9: اtell about [, ث.�H� fall off his horse 0%J2 :�, [) SY#� interested in ـ� >H() belong to �F� /:� ��HU: اpay for [�& ?9.� stop ….. from ?U�� ....[) write … for QHC� ....ـ� break in >�HY�)ل�� )�.ون (�go on a tour ���� :9 Qهj� know nothing of [, �"ف !��� c come back د��� at the same time ;<�� 9: %�~ اprevent from [) ?U�� an expert in :9 "��� escape from [) ب"(� protect from [) :��� walk through "�, "�#� ready for ـ� Pه� on the night before $ :H��.ى/ (���ب (] popular with #��9: ا����� ا ?E! have the right to :9 ����.�0 ا at the coronation l��HH� 9: �2\ ا

make regular visits ��8HU) رات�P� م�Y� look in astonishment �_8" 9: دهU� not in the least ق��cآ� ، ,�: ا work as آـ \��� It made him money ل�� درت ,��0 اlook alike 0�_H) و.��

classics دبcدرا�4 ا >�.Y�%: و ا�"و(%: ا%��� ا

the study of the language and history of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

couple ن two people who are married or have a romantic relationship زو�debate �_<U) an organised discussion on an important subject Escapism ?<ا�� entertainment or activity that helps you to forget about your work ا�)"وب (] ا

or worries and think of something more enjoyable fictional :��� not real, invented by a writer publication �,���) when a book is printed and available to buy well-educated ا.�� >��H) having had a good education alike 0�_H) almost exactly the same; similar

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attend "A�� to go to a meeting, school, church, etc. castle ���< a very large strong building built in the past to protect the people

inside from attack coronation l��H$ a ceremony in which somebody officially becomes a king or

queen have the right to ����.�0 ا:9 legally or morally allowed to do something occasion ��4U) an important event or ceremony wealthy ى"& /:U]

having a lot of money, land or valuable possessions, especially when you or your family have owned them for a long time.

Mr and Mrs Adel are a happy couple. نن (] %�ع وا2./ زو�U&ا The doctor said my leg should be better in a couple of days. What do you think of this pair of shoes / gloves/ glasses/ trousers? [) زوج) [�EP� [) ن�CH� .2وا D!( I paid double for those trousers before the sale. ( Z�a ) ���C��.د أو ا�,Z / اA� Company profits have doubled since the introduction of new technology.

The children all look very alike. 0�_H) She looks best in bright, vibrant colours, like red and pink. \*) Do you like fish? Q�� My father and I have similar views on politics. 0�_) /0�_H) My twin sister and I have got the same nose. D_� %�~ ا

The wife of a businessman has been kidnapped from her home in Surrey. Z�HF� )JF!( Two men hijacked a jet travelling to Paris and demanded $125 000. Z�HF� )ة"E)�U��4 أو � He snatched the photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them. Z�HF� )D!( A little boy grabbed her handbag as she was walking across the park. Z�HF�)D!( He grabbed his child's arm to stop her from running into the road. 6#��

Have you ever heard of(about) Alfred Nobel? [, ?�#� ) �F! /D!( I haven’t heard from my cousin for so long. [) را �Y�H: أ��

A terrible accident took place last week. ��.ثHe took the place of his father after his death =He took his father’s place \�) \�� Students take part in the school activities. :9 رك_�

This film is based on a true story. :�, >E< / :�, .�H�) My uncle’s company is based in Cairo. :9 }"Y) ن�C� )ن (C)(

He borrowed some money from the bank. Z�H#� /"��H#� The bank lent the businessman 500000 pounds. Z�#� /ض"Y� This library loans books, CDs and videotapes. Z�#� /�Yض" I owe Janet ten pounds. ءm_أو �ـ �F_ـ� [�.� In the end, we decided to go to the theatre. ر"Y� أن I've decided on blue for the bathroom. رHF� / د.�� She decided that she would retire to the country. ر"Y�

I’m not interested in politics. �4�#��.و�� و%(ا� �MF�8م ا��C<ا( It’s my policy to do business with people I like. د/ (�.أ"��,.ة �#�" ,��) ا< /\���ا

The hero of the film is a little boy. \��) �J< / �8</ روا��, \��م �< �F!( He is the world swimming champion. \��):a )ر�

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Twelve people died in the accident. ���ت She's been dead for twenty years now. ;�) He never got over the death of his daughter. ت�) Deadly weapons are used in wars. \$< /;��)

The company has published all his books. "_U�)�*) ����M ب أوHآ( The books will be distributed free to local schools. زع��

He isn’t dead. He’s alive. pEة/ 2: / ,���,�: >�. ا Life is full of problems. ة ���م(ا, 0���( He leads a happy life / a life of happiness. ةة( �2���)%�ع (��] (] ا He saved the life of my son. �2ة ) �F! /Q�!(

Father let me go on a tour round Luxor. �#� ـ� Father allowed me to go on a tour round Luxor. He doesn’t allow smoking in his office.

The thieves stole(steal) five million dollars from the bank. وق�+$: �( �#"ق"#���.{ ا�_D ا( They robbed a bank last week. �F! ن أوC) [) ق"#� Someone robbed me last night. Someone robbed me of my watch last night.

How long does it take you to do this job? It takes me two hours. ق"WH#�

He was about to leave the house when the phone rang. ��"Y$ /6!و :�, = He nearly left the house when the phone rang.

.�� k�*�ر ����� آ%; (�as ��U اFH4.ام ا�Z�"JH اJHا� Uله� ه�(���� The coronation takes place as planned. = The coronation takes place as it has been planned.

He trained as a doctor in a big hospital. رب آـ.H�

(��� :H�ت ا�J�ك ��n اUر (ه.J) +to( It was easy to answer all the questions. He was shocked to see the homeless poor people.

The government should provide citizens with their everyday needs. ���� ) ��C( I like to visit my relatives every day. م��ف ) آ( R(

My father was born in Tanta in 1972. m9 د��ن( (�C) ( My son was born on Monday 2003. m9 د��) و>; ( (� She was born into a good family. ��د �ـ �) ) ��E, (

He bought another lovely car last week. ) ا4< (�"د ( '�" Please , give me the other book ( books ). ) ا4< (�"د أو ��? ( '�" Some students are clever while others are bad. "�').H#% ��) ل ,��0 (] ا4 >4

Choose the correct answer: 1- If you are (well-good-badly-bad) educated, you have had a good education. 2- A (true-fictional-fractional-functional) story is invented. 3- My brother and I are not twins, but we are very (alike-same-like-correct). 4- For some people, reading and watching films are forms of (fiction-ecotourism-waste-escapism). 5- Anthony Hope's first novel was (declared-published-announced-said) in 1890. 6- A lion has escaped (of-from-out-into) its cage. 7- You can still see a lot of (classical-fictional-classics-classic) architecture in Greece and Rome. 8- In Britain, children (go-intend-choose-attend) primary school between the ages of 5 and 11. 9- Some twins are more (like-same-common-alike) than others. 10- Nobody has the (light-fight-right-night) to steal things from other people

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11- The last important (chance-occasion-opportunity-incident) I went to was my brother's wedding. 12- Everyone has the right (for-with-to-in) their own beliefs. 13- He died after he (dropped-fell-felt-filled) off his horse. 14- The Egyptian monuments are very popular (of-to-with-on) tourists. 15- After leaving university, he worked (as-like-similar-same) a lawyer.

Find the mistakes in these sentences then write them correctly: 1- If I were wealth, I’d help poor people………………………………………………………………. 2- Would you like being a leader?................................................................................................ 3- She went to London a pair of years ago………………………………………………………….. 4- He started to writing in his free time………………………………………………………………. 5- He was interested on politics………………………………………………………………………. 6- Anthony Hope’s first novel did him a lot of money……………………………………………… 7- Escape a kind of entertainment that helps people to forget about their worries……………… 8- All the characters in this film are intentional. They are not real………………………………… 9- Chat is formal, organised discussion…………………………………………………………….. 10- The opening of the new school was a great occasional……………………………………….. 11- The concert takes part next Thursday…………………………………………………………… 12- The manager couldn’t pretend the meeting……………………………………………………… 13- The communication of the king took place in the royal palace………………………………… 14- These two sisters are so like………………………………………………………………………. 15- The gang hijacked the boy and asked for a lot of money to let him go………………………..

Countable and uncountable nouns:- Countable uses of nouns:

:اU#��ء ا��� ��3 3*���م ��د أو 1�2 - He went to a school in Cairo. - There are hundreds of schools in Cairo. - The Prisoner of Zenda is a novel. - I read three novels last week.

ت ��C��.FH#$a / an / the / one.م ا$ mH��4ء اrا ?) : - I’ve just seen a train. - I’ve just seen an accident. - Where's the book I lent you? - There are 60 seconds in one minute.

��$vت ا��C� (? اAأ� .�$ mH��4ء اrم ا.FH#$و: any / some / many / the / How many / two / three, etc. / a lot of

- Were there any mistakes in your homework? - Some children are having a picnic in the park. - There aren't many cars on the road this morning. - The apples were in my shopping bag. - How many students are there in your class? - He has got a lot of friends. - There are six CDs and four DVDs on the table.

�FH4ا s2c ام.any ���U�� . 9: ا���4r و ا���\ ا��" ,] ,"ض أو ��s2c some Q اFH4.ام � $ :H� . 9: ا���\ ا��*��H و ا���4r ا . 9: ا���\ ا�����U و اs2c many ���4r اFH4.ام � . 9: ا���\ ا��*�s2c a lot of �H اFH4.ام �

Uncountable uses of nouns: �$ c mH��4ء اrا (� (�"د وFH#� c.م ((�) \��� :(*\ c .a / an $��? وا

accommodation [C#) furniture ثل money أ&�� ا�bread P�F ا��"ور traffic اadvice ���J% harm ر"a news ر��rا water }���ر damage ا).� اbaggage ��H)أ informationت)���) luck s��rubbish ا��weather~Y ا �)�< behaviour ��4ك knowledge �9"�) luggage ��H)أ work \��� 'cت machinery ا

Abstract nouns:- ���U����4ء اrا N �������داU#��ء ا������3) ������ ا �V� 1�2 ��'��� اW��. ��3 و N 1��3 وإن آ�ن ����ه� �X ا

Advice ���J% behaviour ��4ك help ة.,#) love Q�� ا�C"اه�� hatred اKnowledge �9"���ت information ا)���) luck s2 fun ��H�� ا�YH.م progress اBusiness \�, happiness دة�4 freedom ��"�����< education ا$ sadness نP�� ا

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Fear ف�F�ل beauty ا��Pن sorrow ا�",horror Q ا��� ا�#�م peace اHonesty �%)rا courage �,�_� ا�*confidence �Y ا The news I got was very good. Freedom is to live and let others live too.

��� �� �0�-:�, اU#��ء ا��� N ��3 أ

• Sports ( football- Tennis ……………………….etc ) • Meals ( breakfast- lunch – dinner ……………etc ) • Languages ( English – Arabic ………………...etc ) • School subjects ( Physics – Mathematics …..etc ) • Activities ( writing- reading- shopping……….etc ) • Liquids – gases \Eا�#�زات - اW� ا

X� ت���P�د'�\ ا������3) ������ ا �V�P�-:�Rهه� 1�2 و Athletics / politics / gymnastics / mathematics / maths / news / economics / statistics / physics

/ genetics / classics / electronics. Mathematics is my favourite subject. Nouns and noun phrases which refer to groups:

د أو 1�2�� (�� �V�� م���*� إ�� ������ت ��P, أن �]3 ��� : �D^�� (L اU#��ء اcompany آ�"! army p�� class \J9 team ��"9 crowd ر�(�� crew ( ><E"ة(��/�U��4 couple ن��committee �U زو� navy ��"���,� group ا�� gang ��J, family ��E, university ��)� staff[��)��ن population ه��� اC4

%�C" 9: ا�����,� آC\ أى آ�2.ة وا2.ة %#FH.م 9�\ (�"د�).U, - The Egyptian team is going to play in the finals. آ�2.ة وا2.ة ��"�� ا��Cم ,] اUه

�?�� \�ء ا�����,� آ+9"اد %#FH.م 9A,9: أ "C�% ).U, - The Egyptian team are going to play in the finals. آ+9"اد ��"�� %JY. اUه

�\ ��? أو (�"د the public آ��� ��� ا(�) m$+� سU�(� ا, mU��� : - The public has / have the right to know everything.

�?) ?�� \� %#FH.م 9U%أ s2c : police / people / cattle - The police are looking for the bank robbers. Nouns which look plural:

(���د �1 ا���ارة ���3) ������ ا?�� و ا��زن ودر�2ت ا��*��� وا�_�, و ا��L, و ا������` ا����� و ا��P�� ��� ا� : ا����رات ا��ا- Ten million pounds is a lot of money. - Fifty litres of petrol fills my car. - Five kilometres is a long way to walk if you are carrying a heavy bag. - Two hours is a long time to wait. - Fifty degrees is a very high temperature.

: و�aEN ,P أ-�� -(�ل����- Three one-pound coins are on the desk. 0�U�� &�ث ,��ت (�.%�� (] ��9 ا

ف ?' ��V�����*���م ���V دا/�� ��) ��د s '�\ اU#��ء ا �� و ا���اد ا��را#��$������ب اUا (L� : Athletics ى�Y�ب ا��politics �4 / أ�#�ز gymnastics / ا����ب ا��ر news / أ��rا / mathematics ت�a�"� ا

/ maths ت�a�"�د economics / اJH<cا >�,/ physics ء�P��� ا- Politics was my best subject at university. - Athletics is my favourite sport.

� :�EK^�ت ه��ى ��P, أن �P3ن ���� :�1 ا �Kف ا����� �uncountable (L أو countable ه��ك آ���ت أ

orange / paper / coffee / hair / chicken / glass / time / cold / light / iron 1- Would you like an orange?(the fruit ) ��Y$"� I don't like orange. I prefer red. (the colour ):�Y$"��ا���ن ا 2- Would you like a coffee? (a cup of coffee )ن >)�ة�U9 Coffee can you stop you sleeping. ة�(Y� (_"وب ا3-I’ve got a hair in my mouth. (a single hair )ة"�! There’s hair on the floor. (a lot of hair )"�!

4-Do you like chicken? (chicken meat )اخ"����< ا Do you like chickens? (the animals ) اخ"��ا 5-I’d like some writing paper. ) ��HC��.-ورق ا� c ( I’m going to buy a paper. (= a newspaper) 6-The window’s made of unbreakable glass. ) ج�P��.-ا� c ( Would you like a glass آ�ب of water? 7-Don’t hurry. There’s plenty of time. He went to London three times. ات") 8-Don’t go out in the cold without a coat. �� �"د .I’ve got a bad cold ا��"د ,��(P% 9-This table is made of iron. .�.���.(ا� c ( She bought an iron yesterday. اة�C) 10-The sun gives us light ء�A��./ ا$ c We need two lights in this room. m�"(ح آ�J)

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���� ��' X3e� few / a few أن �^EK� 1� ��� D#ا - There are a few cakes left over from the party. :�C� د >��\ و., - Very few people can afford to pay those prices. د >��\ و.,[C�:�C� c

���� ��' X3e� little / a little أن �^EK� 1� ��� N D#ا - This sauce needs a little salt. :�C$ آ��� >���� و - They have very little money. آ��� >���� و[C�:�C$ c

�.schoolآ��� � $ m(9 mUر�4 آ��.�� ا%.J< إذا �. أ($ c ب�����< 0�9 اH� يj�ن اC���mU ا�� :

- She drives the kids to school every morning. - They're building a new school in the village.

� �1 ا��P��ت /_�������, ا���P, ا#���ام أ���ظ ا D#ا X����V إ�?�� � A piece of information �)���) A piece of luggage ���Y2 A piece of furniture ث�� أ&�< A piece of jewellery ه"ات��) ���< A cup of coffee ن >)�ة�U9 A jar of jam ��") ن��"� A loaf of bread P�� Z�]ر A slice of cake / cheese [) ���"! A sheet of paper �<ور A glass of lemonadeن���� "�J, آ�ب A tube of toothpaste نU4ن أ�����ن A bar of soap أ%���� (� ���< A piece of advice ���J% A bar of chocolate �$c�C�! Q�< A bottle of milk [�� �� ز�

Choose the correct answer: 1- How (much-many-long-little) people are there in the team? 2- How many seconds (is-are-have-would) there in an hour? 3- Ten kilometres (have-been-is-are) a long way to run. 4- Would you like (some-much-a-any) cup of tea? 5- There is (hairs-some hair-a hair-any hair) in my soup. 6- What’s wrong with you? Have you got (a-an-any-a few) cold? 7- Do you collect (a-an-some-any) stamps? 8- It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in (a-an-the-some) garden. 9- I’m going to buy (some-a-an-many) bread. 10- Can I have (an-some-many-one) milk in my coffee, please? 11- You need (much-many-a lot of-a few) money to travel around the world. 12- He asked the electrician to fit (light-a light-some light-much light). 13- Let’s go and have a coffee. We have (a few-many-a lot-a little) time before the train leaves. 14- Athletics (am-were-is-are) my favourite sport. 15- How (many-much-a lot-a lot of) coffee did you drink? - Two cups. Find the mistakes in these sentences then write them correctly:

1- Five litres of petrol are enough for me to get to work…………………………………………. 2- How much coffees have you drunk today? ……………………………………………………. 3- Do we have a rice left?......................................................................................................... 4- How many money do you need for your holiday?................................................................ 5- Fifty degrees are a very high temperature……………………………………………………… 6- Athletics were my father's favourite sport………………………………………………………. 7- The team usually plays very well………………………………………………………………… 8- Two hours are a long time to wait……………………………………………………………….. 9- The people in our group was watching the film………………………………………………… 10- Hurry! There is not many time left………………………………………………………………..

A- Language Functions 1) Respond to the following situations: 1. You're asked why you admire Dr. Magdi Yacoub.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. A friend asks you what you would like to be after leaving school.


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3. Salem wants to know the best thing about your school. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. You're asked why you'd like to be a civil engineer. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2) Supply where these situations take place and who the speakers are: 1- A: Can I help you ?

B: Yes, I like to book a double room for a week. How much is it? A: It’s 50 pounds per night.

Place: ………………….. Speaker A :……………….…...….. Speaker B :……………………… Function…………….……..… 2- A: What’s wrong with you?

B: I have a headache. A: Take these tablets three times a day.

Place: ………………….. Speaker A :……………….…...….. Speaker B :……………………… Function…………….……..…

Vocabulary and Structure 3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. Films and books can sometimes help people to ( escape - escaping- escapist - escapism )from

their worries. 2. Anthony Hope’s first novel was ( publish - publishing - published – publication)in 1890. 3. Novels are usually works of ( fictional - fictionalize - fictions - fiction )but they are often based on

real life. 4. The Prisoner of Zenda ( took - made - let – did)Hope a lot of money. 5. The king was kidnapped and ( looked - booked - blocked – locked)in the castle. 6. My sister had a good ( educating - education - educate - well-educated). She went one of the

best universities. 7. People believe he died after he fell ( of - with - from - off )his horse. 8. Zenda is the town ( which - where - what – that)Elphberg is locked in the castle. 9. Three days ( weren't - aren't - haven't been - isn't )long enough for a good holiday. 10. Fortunately the news ( wasn't -weren't - haven't been - don't )as bad as we expected. 11. I don't have ( many - much - some - a lot of)furniture. 12. Did you bring ( any - some - an - a )oil. 13. I have a new ( couple - double - twin – pair) of shoes. 14. Dou you think the people ( are - was - is - has been)happy with the government? 15. (Does - Is - was – Do)the police know how the accident happened? 16. Money ( are - have been - has – is)the root of all evils. 4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly: 1. Hope wrote short stories to magazines. …………………………………………………………….. 2. The amazing thing about this book was how quick he wrote it……………………………………. 3. Is a fiction story true or invented?................................................................................................ 4. Our luggage are searched carefully…………………………………………………………………… 5. Much people don't have enough to eat……………………………………………………………….. 6. Athletics are important…………………………………………………………………………………..

(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books 5) Read the following passage then answer the questions: Did you think of money? Is it important to us or not ? Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, summed up the four chief qualities of money some 2000 years ago. It must be lasting and easy to recognize, to divide, and to carry. This means it must be, “ durable [�H) , distinct, P��H) divisible and portable \�<\YU��? “. When we think of money today, We picture it either as round, flat pieces of metal, which we call coins or as printed paper notes. But there are still parts of the world today where coins and notes are of no use .They will buy nothing, and a traveller might starve if he had none of the particular local “ money “ to exchange for food .Among isolated people, who are often reached by traders from outside commerce usually means barter . This is a direct exchange for pots, baskets, or other manufactured goods. For this kind of trading, money is not needed, but there is often something that everyone wants and everybody can use, such as salt to flavour food, shells for

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ornaments, or iron and copper to make into tools and vessels. إ%ء These things :Salt, shells or metals are still used as money in some primitive parts of the world today. A) Answer the following questions : 1. Which of the four qualities of money, do you think, is the most essential?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. How would you describe money at present ?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. What does the underlined word ( barter ) mean ?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B) Choose the correct answer : 4. In some isolated parts of the world money is …………………….

a) needed for trading b) not needed for trading c) needed for buying thing d) wanted as coins or paper notes

5. According to the passage, everyone in the isolated parts needs …………………… a) only salt to flavour food b) iron and copper to make into tools c) salt , shells , iron and copper d) tools and vessels

6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions: In 1961, John Kennedy became president ~�Eر. The world was then introduced to his beautiful wife Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. She was intelligent, graceful �Y�!ر, and beautiful. Americans and the world fell in love with her. She was born Jacqueline Lee Bouvier in 1929. She lived in New York City and East Hampton, Long Island. She loved riding horses and had lessons at a very early age. She went to private schools. Her interests were writing poems and stories, ballet 0���� .and drawing ,ا Jacqueline traveled all over the world. She became a photographer for a Washington D.C. newspaper and soon met Senator John Kennedy. She married John Kennedy in 1953. They had two children, Caroline, and John Jr., who was born just before John Kennedy became president in 1960. The family moved into the White House. They had another child Patrick, who was born prematurely وانrا \�< and died. A president's wife is called the First Lady. As First Lady, Jackie promoted the “arts”. She introduced the world to the White House by conducting tours for visitors. She had many responsibilities, but her children always were her top priority ���� .اrو Tragedy ة4+) struck ;�2 with the assassination ل�H]ا of President Kennedy. Jacqueline Kennedy had to care for her children alone. She moved to New York City. She protected the children from all the publicity ��U�,. She wanted as much privacy ��M�J� as possible, but the people and press always wanted to know about her life. She married Aristotle Onassis in 1968 and lived in Greece. After his death she moved back to New York City and was the editor رة"�) for Doubleday. She died in 1994. She is remembered for her grace and beauty, her love of words and her family. A. Answer the following questions: 1. What did Jacqueline do after John Kennedy’s assassination?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Where did Jacqueline live when she married Onassis?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Why is Jacqueline Kennedy remembered?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4. Jacqueline’s interests were……………………………….

a) riding horses b) writing c) ballet d) all of these 5. As first lady, Jacqueline’s first priority was………………………

a) riding horses b) the arts c) her children d) the American people

D- The Mask Of Gold 7) (A) Answer the following questions: 1. What did Leila take with her when she travelled to Peru? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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2.What was amazing about the Incas? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B) Read the following quotation. then answer the questions

“I have never been to South America before.” 1-Who said this to whom? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2-What were the speaker’s feelings about flying? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……… c) Complete the following sentences: 1. Researchers in Cairo were so clever that ……………………………………………….…………….. 2. The Incas were tough because …………………………………………………………..……………..

E- Writing 8) Write a reply to the following letter :

Your name is Nader and you live at 16 Ahmed Saed Street Abbassia, Cairo. Dear Nader,

How nice to write to you gain after so long. I have finished my final exams. Now I’m free. I’m thinking of going to Gamasa this year. What about you ? Please, tell me about your plans for the summer holiday. Please write soon.

Yours, Hazem


F- Translation 9) A- Translate into Arabic: Escapism stories are stories that make us to forget about our worries and troubles. They take us to the world of imagination and thinking. the are the same as fictional stories that are not real or true. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… B) Translate into English:

>Eا"��ن ا�jى ���~ 0�9 ا���"(�ن و("$��Cا اC�� .ا�#�] ه� ا………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

�%� (�aأن أ ?��H4أ c m%ا ��ر.��� �.ا Eرا �JY� .ا………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

-“How things look on the outside of us depends on how things are on the inside of us.” -“Clothes and manners do not make the man; but, when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance.” - “A man's character is measured by what he would do if he knew he wouldn't be found out. ” -“All men are equal but it's what they're equal to that counts. ” -“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. ”

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Choose the correct answers : 1-How (much – many – long – little) people are there in the team? 2-How many seconds (is – are – were – would) there in an hour? 3-Ten kilometers (have – been - is - are) a long way to run. 4-Would you like (some – much – a – any) cup of tea? 5-One of the pages in the book (is – are – were – have been) torn. 6-We didn't take (some – many – much – little) photographs yesterday. 7-Ali was listening to (a – many – one – some) music. 8-We didn't do (a – much – many – some) shopping last week. 9-I still have (a little – much – one – a few) things to do. 10-I am going to buy (some – a few – two – one) bread. Find The mistakes in the following sentences: 1- Athletics are important……………………………………………………………………………………. 2-The Egyptian teams is very clever…………….................................................................................. 3- She has got a little books. ………………….. …………………………………………………………… 4- How much clothes have you bought?............................................................................................. 5- Our luggage are searched carefully. …………………………………………………………………… 6- How much coffees have you drunk today? ……………………………………………………………. 7- Do we have a rice left? ………………………………………………………………………………….. 8- How many money do you need for your holiday?........................................................................... 9- Fifty degrees are a very high temperature……. ………………………………………………………. 10- Athletics were my father's favourite sport……………………………………………………………..

�%�%< /�,"! l��H$

�0 ذو >���/ >�< _H) ت C�H�) "A�� \&�H) /���H) حH) /"9ا�H) ل ��%� \�Y� Z�F�)JF!( رة��� 9] ا ��W� /\�< رد�� % (_0�H 9: أ("{ أ�2�YH.ات ) Q��H� ل ذآ:/ أ%�� �H2ا �jYU ر��4ل �� ���ح 9: ا 4: أ��>�<

%: و ا�"و(%: ا�r >�.Yدبا%��� درا�4 اcدب ا�<�, �_<U) / ة"tU) /p<U� ا�)"وب (] ا��ا>? $"0�9/ $#��� ��� ه��م�� �J< :Eروا �,���) /"_%

0#�U� �&وا �) /)�$ ���/ ���ل �� ا

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Energy Nothing can live without energy. People, animals and plants need energy to live and machines need energy to work. Today, most of the energy we use still comes from fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, which have been formed underground over millions of years. We called these non-renewable forms of energy because they can only be used once. Because of this, we need to reduce our use of non-renewable fuel and use more renewable forms of energy like that from the sun, wind or geothermal energy. For centuries, the wind has been used to sail ships and to pump water. Now it is used to produce electricity.

Groups of wind turbines along the red sea in Egypt generate large amounts of electricity. Water is also a renewable form of energy. Huge quantities of water go through the high dam at Aswan from lake Nasser. This hydroelectric power supplies Egypt with a lot of its electricity. As well as being inexpensive to produce, this clean energy does not pollute the environment. Other countries depend on nuclear power- power produced when atoms split. However, nuclear power produces dangerous waste which must be stored for thousands of years before it is safe. Accidents at nuclear power stations are extremely dangerous to people’s health and to the environment. Energy from the sun is probably the best form of renewable energy. Scientists believe that the sun’s energy will last for another five billion years. This energy can now be captured and stored. It’s important for us to save energy in our homes and workplaces in order to stop using up non-renewable sources of energy.

Interviewer: Doctor Zaki, I have heard that we get energy from rocks under the earth. Could you explain how for our listeners؟ Dr. Zaki: Yes, of course. We get energy from the heat inside the earth. This is known as geothermal energy. “Geo” means earth and “thermal” means heat. Interviewer: but rocks are cold, aren’t they؟ Dr. Zaki: Not all rocks are cold. Below the surface of the earth, the pressure is so great that rocks are in a very hot, liquid form. We say that these rocks are molten. Interviewer: I see. Dr. Zaki: The molten rock heats underground lakes of water. Sometimes, steam is produced like this. When the hot water comes up through a hole in the earth’s surface, that’s when we get hot springs. Interviewer: Is this like the hot water that comes up in the Siwa Oasis? Dr. Zaki: That’s right. Interviewer: That’s very interesting. But I don’t understand how we can use energy from these molten rocks. Dr. Zaki: Well, using today’s technology, we drill deep below the earth’s surface into the underground lakes of hot water. This water is then pumped to the surface and is heated again to make steam. This steam is then piped to a power station where it is connected to machines which produce electricity. Interviewer: This incredible. So we do this already؟ Dr. Zaki: Yes. There are geothermal power stations that produce as much energy as two large coal power stations. Interviewer: Well, doctor thank you for talking to us about this very interesting subject. Dr. Zaki: It’s been a pleasure.

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liquid \E4 coal >��� اmolten "(JU) atom رةj� اnuclear وى�% atomic ذرى pipe ����%أ /Q��%r� \YU� fossil fuels ت�"��� و>�د اpower station �<� ���) generate .��� pressure SWa generation .���$ /\�� geothermal :a2"ارى أر hydroelectric power �E>� آ)"و(�� renewable د.�H) waste ت� �A9ت/ %�non-renewable د.�H) "�] wind turbines ح�"� (�"ك ���\ ��Yة اoil products ول"H��ت ا�HU) form \C_� / ن�C� /\C! oil rig ول"H���� ا' forms of energy �<��ل اC!أ furnace أ$�ن/ 9"ن Lake Nasser "M ���"ة %geo = earth رضrا :U��� ?�Y) steam رF� thermal = heat 2"ارة hot springs �U�4 }�) ?��U� nuclear power و���% �<� pump �A� /�FA) nuclear power station و���% �<� ���) incredible ق.J� c solar panels ��#�! اح�� >.�</ $��Y.ى traditional أplant ت�% /?UJ) create ��F� /Q�#� sources درJ) pollution ث��H� اresources ارد�) pollute ث��� sources of energy �<��در اJ) environment ����� اclean energy �<�� �.push ?9 اsubstance دة) industry �,UJ� اflow ب#U� /�9.H� impressed "&+H) solid Q�M sugar cane "C#� >QJ اrocks ر�FM vehicles ت ("آ�extremely ��W�� أ!�ر ا�palm trees \�FU �.ا/ split "�_U� corn ب���� اcontainer ء ا�AF"اوات vegetables ا%ء/ و,press :�, SWA� /~�C� beans ل��� اsurface �4 diesel لP�.� ز�; اdamage ").� camp "C#�� /"C#�) limp ج"���. !�] recharge ,"ج/ �� bio-fuel و>�د ��2ى battery ر���� natural gas :�����ز اW�رك share ا_� amount = quantity آ��� public transport �)�� ا���ا�Mت اrubbish �)�Y� �Pداد/ �increase .�P اtower ج"� materials اد�) blade �2و"�� �.J% bury/buried/ buried [9\/ ر�_� اtransport \YU� conclusion جHUH4ا /��$� reduce \�Y� drill "��� produce lHU� cooperation ون�H� اproduction جH%ا cooperate ون�H� store نPF� air conditioning اء�(� $Z�C اthermostat تH4�)"$ expectations ت� أ(ل/ $�>roar � أرP /"�Eز harness "F#�/م.FH#�/\WH#� capture :�, :��H#� /"4+�/:�, \J�� nuclear waste ت %�و����% workplace \���ن اC) cycle ��درا Qآ"� energy-saving �<��� "9�) recycle = reuse ام.FH4ا .��� electric bulb :�"(ح آ�J) recycling ام.FH4cدة ا ا,

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be joined to ـ� \JH) turn down n�F�)�*) ت�J� )اbe extracted from [) ج"FH#� at the same speed �,"#� ��U~ اcome up :�,r .�J� make use of [) .��H#� /\WH#� pump up to :� 9: رأ�: �A� in my opinion إbe connected to ـ� \JH) run out of j�UH#� /6�(H#� turn into :� أ%�اع آjا ��H� types ofل إcome from [) :$+� afford to + ر.J) ـ�ل �� ��C: (] ا) 0�.� supply … with ودP� ....ـ� import … from رد�H#� ...[) depend on :�, .�H�� dangerous to :�, "��� last for ة.�� "�H#� be produced from [) lHU� use up 6�(H#� at the weekend ��4عrا ��(% ���, :9 divide … into >#Y� ...:� )ا��Uر/ �)ز (���switch off D إget rid of [) ��FH� deal with ولUH� /?) \)�H�

do damage ـ� ��Yم ���H4ع رأى Q�#� do a survey د(ر along the red sea "�2rا "���ذاة ا��� go through "��[) sail ships [�#� �Y.م give a reason Q�4 ���0 أو �#�" اdo a lap �2ل ��)>� ا�_�#�$.ور Z�� solar-powered دورة آ��� � recycled material (��UJ$ د�دة () as much energy as دل�$ �< آ��� �

Liquid \E4 A substance such as water which flows, and is not solid or a gas Molten "(JU) Molten metal or rock is liquid because it is extremely hot. Nuclear وى�% the energy that is produced when an atom is split or joined to another atom

Pipe Q��%r� \YU� to send a liquid or gas through a pipe to another place Power station �<� ���) a building where electricity is made Pressure SWa The force produced when pressing against something. Coal >��� .a black fossil fuel from underground اAtom ذرة the smallest part that a substance can be divided into Fossil fuel ت�"��� fuel made from animals or plants that lived millions of years ago و>�د اGenerate .��� Make electricity Hydroelectric :E using water power to produce electricity آ)"و(Renewable د.�H) Can be produced as quickly as it is used Waste ت��% Materials that are left after you have used something, which you

want to get rid of because you no longer need them. Wind turbine \��ح�(�"ك ��"� A building with parts that turn with the wind used to make power

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She heard a noise outside. ?�#� ).J< ون.�( What kind of music do you listen to? :�) ��H#�).JY? ا�:/ �JU; ا

When atoms split ( spilt/ spilt ), enormous amounts of energy are released. >#YU� / \J�U� / "�_U� /"�_� The milk spilt(spilt /spilt ) all over the floor. QC#� / QC#U� Did I spell (spelt /spelt) your name right? :�(H�

Don’t lie (lied/ lied)to me. I know everything. �jCب He lay (lie/ lay / lain)in bed listening to the birds singing. .<"� /مU� The town lies(lie/ lay / lain) to the east of the river. ?Y� ) نC���( He laid (lay / laid / laid)the book on the table. ?A� The hens have laid (lay / laid / laid)a lot of eggs. n��$)���.�)ا She laid (lay / laid / laid)the table for four people. .�� /QK$"�

She bought a bag made of leather. ع�UJ) [))?�UJH��. ا� (�C! "�WH� c اد�) دة أو)( Bread is made from flour. [) ع�UJ))?�UJH��. ا� (�C! "�WH� اد�) دة أو)(

The snow usually melts by mid March. "(J� / "(JU�)ارة"���( Molten rocks rushed out of the well. "(JU))دن������ (*\ ا��FJر و ا)9: در�� 2"ارة , Iron ore م� is smelted in Helwan factory. مF��.ن (] ا���#FH"ج ا Sugar dissolved in water quickly. \E4 m9 وبj�

We need to find forms of energy that will never run out. j�U� m(HU� ظ) ل �0���) 0��H� c( We've run out of milk – can you go to the shop and get some? ( 6�(H#�)0� ل���) 0��H� Many cars nowadays run on petrol with no lead صMر in it. �.ور �ــ / ���\ �ــ The police ran after the thieves who robbed the bank. رد��

Most = ( nearly all) people think that money brings happiness. >8�) This is the most expensive car I have ever seen. اrآ*"

Instead of eating at home, we went to a restaurant. [) c.� There's no coffee - would you like a cup of tea instead? 6�)$+$: أ�" ا�����(�.c (] ذ

Machines need energy to work. جH�� ......:C�

As well as cooking for 20 people, she did all the washing up. :��9 اa��

Wood is used to make furniture. ـ��#FH.م Wood is used for making furniture. ـ��#FH.م I used to smoke.(I no longer smoke .�� >�د ( H�آن ( She is used to smoking. ( It is her habit ) :�, دH�) We used up most of our oil. 6�(H#�

We should stop using up non-renewable sources of energy. [, Z<�H� We should stop to dink some water. mC� Z<�H�

Renewable energy ( will last forever–will never run out) such as ( the sun-wind-water)دة.�H) �<� Non-renewable energy ( will run out ) such as ( oil – coal – natural gas ) دة.�H) "�] �<�

The factory bought modern machines. تc' )40 (�"د ا��. و� >( The machinery in this factory is high-tech. تc' ) د"���(�� ا�) \)��0 (�"د و � ~���. و� c >4ا(

generate – produce – make +electricity .���– lHU� – ء�"(C� �UJ? ا

� �� ��� � �� �� �� ������ ��� ��� ����� �� water ءء –(�� .He used a lot of water to water the plants �"وى �

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fuel د–و>�د�<�� .P� I need much fuel to fuel my carود �sun ~�!-� H ~�_ The cat sat in the sun to sun itself. remains �Y�- :Y�� He decided to remain in Luxor to see the ancient remains rock "FM-PH(� During the earthquake the house began to rock. force ��8U) ة�<-"��� He would like to join the police force. The thief forced the lady to take off her necklace.

Prefixes ت� ا���د"��C�9: ��n ا�Eدف �A$ تprefix \*) :#C, :U�) :��H� :

� in = opposite / not ~C,/"�] expensive :�] inexpensive ر��� convenient Q4U) inconvenient Q4U) "�] efficient ءZآ inefficient ءZآ "�]

� non = not "�] /م., fiction ل�� non-fiction :Y�Y2 /:�وا> nuclear وى�% non-nuclear وى�% "�] renewable د.�H) non-renewable د.�H) "�]

� dis = opposite/not ~C,/"�] connected \JH) disconnected \JH) "�] agree �9ا�� disagree �9ا�� c appear "(8� disappear :�HF�

� un = not "�] happy .��4 unhappy .��4 "�] fortunately s����#] ا unfortunately s���#�ء ا paid �9ع.) unpaid �9ع.) "�]

Choose the correct answer: 1. ( Sun – Water – Coal – geothermal ) energy is a non-renewable energy. 2. Some forms of energy will ( charge – run out – release – last ) forever. 3. Coal, gas and oil are all forms of ( nuclear – natural – renewable – atomic ) energy. 4. Which ( resource - reward - recycle - renew ) do we get most of our energy from? 5. It’s important for us to ( increase – recycle – reduce – generate ) the use of energy 6. Energy ( makes – allows – lets – gives ) living to move about, grow and develop 7. Coal, oil and natural gas are all ( atomic – fossil – nuclear – solar ) fuels. 8. It takes millions of years ( to make – making – make – makes ) or renew fossil fuels. 9. Fossil fuels are ( non-renewable – recycled – renewable – recharged ) fuels. 10. The world ( thanks – remains – depends – reminds ) so much on energy. 11. We need to find new forms of energy that will never run ( over - into - out - away ) 12. A wind farm is a group of ( fossil – windmills – turbines – winds ) used to make electricity. 13. Rubbish is also a ( renewable – geothermal – non-renewable – nuclear )source of energy 14. The (returns – remains – resources – recycles )of dead plants and animals make fossils. 15. Our boat was ( fueled – watered – rocked – recharged ) by high waves.

Find the mistakes in these sentences then write them correctly: the 1. We get hydroelectric energy from the heat inside the earth ……………………………………….. 2. Energy from the sun can be hunted and stored ……………………………………………………… 3. Crops of wind turbines along the red sea in Egypt generate electricity……………………………. 4. Water is the solid form of ice……………………………………………………………………………. 5. Nuclear power is produced when atoms spilt………………………………………………………….

The Present Simple TenseThe Present Simple TenseThe Present Simple TenseThe Present Simple Tense ������ ���� �� ������ ���� �� ������ ���� �� ������ ���� �� • Form

/��0���Pن ا���) I / You / We / They �1 ا ات ��W3 ر '�ون ا$���ت أو�� -I / You / We / They ...play.

1� ,P����را���) و�P��� 0-�g دا/� 0- s�He / She / It g و �es ـ' (��� o–s–ch–sh–x إذا ا-��V ا- He / She / It...plays. watches goes washes

ف #�آ, �y(L اذا ا-�XV ا���) 'ـ iesا�3y X?�ل E �V��"و : carry...carries y (L� jk أ�� اذا ا-�XV ا���) 'ـ �W�� K� كف ��?E �V��"و: say...says

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• Usage دة !CH)��JF"رة1-, Amr usually plays tennis on Friday. Frequent Habit 2-�H�& �Y�Y2"�WH$ c The moon orbits the Earth. True Fact

�� آن 2.و&) m9 ا��#�YH\أ2.اث3- mH2 ;�& mU)ول ز.�� ?AF$ The bus leaves at 7tomorrow. -4 .�� ��U)P� ..…after / before / when / as soon as / till / untilاv$�� ا�"وا�S ا

���3 ��0رع (L� (�)�*��ي �*�(�) وذ�m ��� ر': H�E�, �� ا Uا ����� :'*�: واAfter he studies, he will play. Before he plays, he will study

• Key Words وف ���Kت ز�, ا���0رع ا R ,� رة��� :�*�� ) :أ�Eال (

-1 \����\ و$��" ,] $C"ار 2.وث ا��,\ وا�� : t"وف $+$m ��] اoccasionally = from time to time n� ,�E ,� always = at all times��/دا generally)��, sometimes = at times �-��Eأ usually دة, frequently �H4"ار� often��]

��Y ه� #�ت ا)����\ ا���2. ا�jي �+$m >�\ ا�� to be. v اAmr usually behaves well. Amr is usually good . • Negative

�\ �.ون اFH4.ام 2-���\ و$��" ,] %�m ا��,\ وا���\ وهm وt not9 "&V$ c"وف $+$m ��] ا�� : Z�"J$ m ادرا neverأ�.ا %rarely درا�- seldom

-10 ا���) �� ا���ر don’t / doesn’tو�P, ��� ا���� 'ـ Amr doesn’t study well. He rarely studies well

• Question -3(���� أو أو��V و�3ل ��� ز�, �Eوث ا���� ا o �� �3e3 وفR

every.../in the... (evening/morning/afternoon)/at night/at noon. �, #Aال �� ا���0رع ا��*�: -*���م �P3 ���E ��do / does

• Passive �����Vل -*���م ����� ا�����ل .am / is / are + p.p + �� ا

Amr doesn’t study English. English isn't studied .

The Present continuous TenseThe Present continuous TenseThe Present continuous TenseThe Present continuous Tense ������ ���� ��

• Form You / We / They + are + inf. + ing. I + am + inf. + ing. He / She / It + is + inf. + ing.

ing(L� : lie lying ��� إ$��� y 3?�ل إ�� ieاذا ا-�XV ا���) 'ـ �ف ا�*�آ, ��� ا$��?�ف ��?ك -g��0 اE ���"ف #�آ, و?' (��� ing (L� : Cut cuttingأ�� اذا ا-�XV ا

• Usage 1- (�)�*����?�وث �� ا qا��اد D3 jk I’m traveling to India next week. �?�ث أH��ء ا�KPم - 2 jk Look, your father is coming. 3 -�- N ,P� �, أ-�� �� ����k gء و���� ا�KPم ^?� �� ���

I'm quite busy these days . I'm doing a course at college . I must get back to the office . we're working on a new project.

ا�[�ء ��� ��ة '���ة -4�W�3 ����� ��*�� -*���م ا���0رع اThe number of the cars on the road is increasing. The earth is slowly getting warmer.

• Key Words listen اlook ?�4 اat the moment "8% $�6 ا���now �8اcن c still زال look out اH2"س �Eدا ) D! [) QAW����" ,] اH��(always

- You are always behaving me badly. - Listen! someone is coming.

Passive ����)�ل %#FH.م mU�����ل .m9 + am / is / are + being + p.p ا��� ا

He is still playing football. Football is still being played. • ��*�� / ��0رع �*�� ( aEN أن ه��ك أ���ل �3e3 N �� ز�, ا��*� �$�� / )��0رع �3م �*��

possess = own = have / belong ...to.. ��C���ل ا� أ9agree / disagree = refuse n9"�ل ا���ا�Y9 وا� أ9love = like / hate = dislike / prefer / admire �����ل ا� أ9know / understand / think / suppose / mean / believe / expect �9"���ل ا� أ9need / wish / want ����ل ا� أ9see / touch / hear / taste / smell / feel اس���ل ا� أ9

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Choose the correct answer: 1- In many countries, the wind (use-uses-is using-is used) to generate electricity. 2- Holes (drill-is drilled-are drilling-are drilled) into the earth to find hot water. 3- In some cities, rubbish (burn-burns-is burnt-is burring) to produce electricity. 4- Water (heat-is heated-are heated-is heating) to turn it into steam. 5- The steam (is piped-pipes-is piping-are piped) to a power station. 6- Electricity is sometimes (to make-making-makes-made) from wind turbines. 7- Plants and trees (are used-are using-will be using-use) for different purpose. 8- She often (is working-works-was working-work) at the weekend. 9- We (use-are used-will be used-is used) palm trees to produce vegetable oil. 10- We (are used-use-using-to use) different types of energy in Egypt today. 11- Be quiet! I (listen-have listened-was listened-am listening) to the news. 12- Mary usually (wash-washes-is washing-washed) the dishes before watching TV. 13- You must take your umbrella. It (rain-rains-is raining-should rain) outside. 14- Nurses (look-looks-are looking-are looked) after patients in hospitals. 15- Ann (isn’t drinking-didn’t drink-don’t drink-doesn’t drink) tea very often.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly: 1- My brothers likes sport. …………………………………………………………. 2- Ali catch the same bus every morning. …………………………………………………… …… 3- What colour you like best ? ………………………………………………………….. 4- What is this word here mean ? …………………………………………………………. 5- The farmer is owning the land . …………………………………………………………. 6- He doesn't gets any money . ………………………………………………………… 7- Does the computer belongs to Ahmed? …………………………………………………………. 8- Mr. John always is accurate . …………………………………………………………. 9- She never smoke cigarettes . …………………………………………………………. 10- My son not like boiled eggs. ………………………………………………………….. 11- Ali, what do you look at ? …………………………………………………………. 12- This is a photo of the village I'm coming from. ……………………………………………………. 13- I think of buying a new computer. …………………………………………………………. 14- At the moment I stay at a hotel. …………………………………………………………. 15- Hala wearing her new coat today. ………………………………………………………… 16- The children is doing their homework now. ………………………………………………………. 17- The girls are play tennis at the moment. ………………………………………………………. 18- look! How fast that lorry goes. ……………………………………………………….

A) Language Functions 1- Respond to each of the following situations: 1. Sameh asks you about your plans for your next weekend. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. You're asked about the best way to keep fit. ……………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………….. 3. Farid asks you about the characteristics of a good friend. …………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………….. 4. You're asked about the importance of sport. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2) Supply where these situations take place and who the speakers are:

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1- A: Can you show me where I can try this dress on? B: The fitting rooms are on the left over there A: thank you.

Place: ………………………………….….….….………………………………Speaker A :………………….. Speaker B :……………….. Function………..………….. 2- A: How long have you been feeling unwell? B: Since Sunday A: Well, you need to take one of these tablets 3 times a day.

Place: ………………………………….….….….………………………………Speaker A :………………….. Speaker B :……………….. Function………..…………..

B- Vocabulary and Structure 3) Choose the correct answer 1-"Nuclear energy" is the powerful force produced when the nucleus of an atom either (spells - splits –spills - spoils ) or combines with another atom. 2-Rubbish is a cheap sort of ( nuclear - non-smoking - non-renewable- renewable )energy. 3-When oil ( find - found - is found – founded)it is pumped to the surface. 4-Hydroelectric power does not ( purify - pollinate - pollute – promote) the atmosphere 5-Scientists ( is wanted - am wanted - has wanted - want )to find more sources of renewable energy. 6-We can benefit from newspapers by ( recycling - making - using - cleaning ) 7-My sister ( arrives - arrived - has arrived - was arrived )at six tomorrow morning. 8-Windmills are connected to turbines to ( motivate - radiate - generate - facilitate ) electricity. 9-"A hydro-electric station" uses (wind- coal - water - oil )power to produce electricity. 10-It takes (thousands - hundreds - millions - billions )of years for fossil fuels to form. 11-In many parts of the word , wood ( burn - burns - is burnt - are burnt)to heat people's homes. 12-Sugar cane ( grow - grows - grown - is grown)and used to make fuel. 13-We ( pump - pumps - are pumped - is pumped)water to the surface and heat it again. 14-Water (pumps - is pumped - pump - are pumped)to the surface and heated again. 15-The tower ( build - builds - is building - is built)in an open place. 16-( Wind - Solar - Atomic – Hydroelectric)means using water power to produce electricity. 4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

1. Oil company is searched for oil everywhere………………………………………………………….. 2. The sun rise in the earth………………………………………………………………………………… 3. The food is preparing in that restaurant……………………………………………………………….. 4. Water are brought to people's houses in plastic bottles……………………………………………… 5. Heat and light comes from the sun…………………………………………………………………….. 6. We are used petrol in our cars…………………………………………………………………………..

(C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books 5) Read the following passage then answer the questions:

My advice about learning to drive would be to have proper lessons from a qualified instructor and never to let a friend or family member try to teach you. It's a guaranteed way to spoil a good relationship. Every Sunday, when the traffic was quieter, my father would pick me up and take me for a drive along the streets of our hometown and give me a lecture on how to drive, explaining everything he was doing and why. Eventually it was my turn to have a go. My dad was so nervous that he panicked before I'd even started up the engine. He used to shout at the slightest mistake, and when the lesson was finally over he'd come home and have a large glass of whisky to calm down.

Answer the following questions: 1-According to the writer, who is the best person to teach you how to drive? …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2-What do you think about the writer's father? …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3-Find words in the passage which mean:

a) felt very frightened b) having suitable knowledge, experience or skills …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Choose the correct answer: 4-The underlined word he refers to ------------------.

a) the writer b) the instructor c) the writer's father d) the writer's friend

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5-The writer's father used to teach him how to drive --------------------. a) once a week b) every Monday c) twice a month d) every day

6) Read the following passage, then answer the questions: In Egypt, the tourism industry has come to hold a position of great importance lately. It is felt that it could help increase the national income. In some European countries, tourism has brought in millions of dollars yearly, although they lack the natural and historical attractions we have in Egypt. We could, for instance, establish tourist villages for children on the Red Sea. We could teach fishing, swimming, diving and sailing there. Another good idea would be a village in the New Valley for horse riding. And what about villages for people with health problems like rheumatism ? The warm dry climate of Aswan and Helwan would certainly help them get better.مP�$ ا�"و( Our tourist today wants efficient and friendly service. He would probably prefer to try our samples of our local food rather than to eat the international meals, which are served, in some places. It must also be remembered that most tourists nowadays are seldom rich. Many of them are students or hardworking employees. So what is needed is not expensive hotels but clean comfortable places to sleep and eat in at reasonable prices. This, too, would encourage Egyptians to travel more and more around their lovely country. A) Answer the following questions:

1. How could we encourage Egyptians to see more and more of their country? …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Why has tourism become very important? …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. What sort of people did the writer suggest to enjoy our warm dry climate? …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. B) Choose the correct answer:

4. The writer feels that Egypt has….... the other countries which make much money out of tourism. a) less attractions than b) the least attractions of c) the same attractions as d) more attractions than

5. According to the writer, if someone has pains in his muscles and joints, he should go to ……… a) Europe b) Aswan c) The Red Sea d) The New Valley

D- The Mask Of Gold 7) (A) Answer the following questions: 1- What made Leila suspect Lander? ………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………….. 2- Why did Leila study archaeology in Rome? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….. B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:

“Yes, of course. They asked about it in Customs.

1-What does “it” refer to؟ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2-Where did this conversation take place؟ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….. C) Complete the following sentences 1-When Lander knew that Leila was an archaeologist, he seemed …………………………..…………. 2--Dr Hafez worked in Luxor in………………………………………………………………………………..

E- Writing 8) Write a paragraph of seven about:

"The traffic problem in big cities ". ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………

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……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………

F- Translation 9) A- Translate into Arabic:

There are many different forms of natural energy that give us light and power in our homes and work. One of these forms is hydroelectric power, which is a renewable source of energy. It's cheap to produce and doesn’t pollute the atmosphere.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………… B-Translate into English:

������ �� ��� ���� � ������ ��� ����� ����� ��� ���� ���.

………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….. ����� � � !�"� # �$% ��& ����� '$( ��)����$&� ����"� ��* ���� +��� ,-U� .


• In 200 B.C., people in China and the Middle East used windmills to pump water and grind grain.

• The first modern wind turbine was built in Vermont in the early 1940s.

• Wind farms currently produce enough electricity to meet the needs of more than 600,000 families in the United States.

• The largest wind turbine in the world, located in Hawaii, stands 20 stories tall and has blades the length of a football field.

• One wind turbine can produce enough electricity to power up to 300 homes.

• More than 10,000 homes in the United States are powered entirely by solar energy.

• Enough sunlight falls on the earth's surface every hour to meet world energy demand for an entire year.

• Silicon from just one ton of sand, used in photovoltaic cells, could produce as much electricity as burning 500,000 tons of coal.

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Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. Coal and oil are two kinds of fossil …………………… .

a) petrol b) gas c) energy d) fuels 2. Electricity is produced in a ………………… station.

a) bus b) railway c) power d) energy 3. In very hot weather, ice cream turns to ………………….. .

a) water b) soft c) liquid d) juice 4. We call oil and coal ………………… fuels.

a) fossil b) old c) renewable d) waste 5. Wind and wave power are types of …………….. energy.

a) new b) waste c) renewable d) cheap 6. Most furniture ………….. from wood.

a) made b) is made c) make d) makes 7. Many people ………….. vegetables in their gardens.

a) growing b) are grown c) grow d) is grown 8. Petrol ……………… from oil.

a)made b) makes c) are made d) is made 9. In some modern homes, water ………….. by energy from the sun.

a) are heated b) heat c) is heated d) is heating 10. In some places, wood ……………… to heat people’s homes.

a) is burnt b) are burnt c) burns d) burnt Find the mistake in these sentences, then write them correctly: 1- Water is the solid form of ice………………………………………………………………………… 2- People can waste lots of money by using the underground……………………………………... 3- You should reinvent paper rather than throw it away…………………………………………….. 4- Wood is burning for heating and cooking………………………………………………………….. 5- Oil and gas are find under the ground……………………………………………………………… 6- The mechanic is repaired my car at the moment. …………………………………………………

\E4 ?9.� >��� ا"(JU) �,UJ� ا�jرة ا

ذرى (H+&" وى%���Q/ أ%���� %r� \YU� "C#�ت >QJ ا�"��� و>�د ا

�<�. ("آ�ت (��� ��� SWa \�FU���. أ!�ر ا�$ /\��

:aب 2"ارى أر����>� آ)"و(��E ا� ت ا�AF"اوات (�H.د� �A9ت/ %�

ح ا���ل [�" (�H.د�"� (�"ك ���\ ��Yة ات ا��H"ول�HU) دةر (F�

"H��ب ول'�� ا#U� /�9.H� �U�4 }�) ?��U� (Q�M �A� /�FA أ$�ن/ 9"ن

�U: اrرض�� ?�Y) ر�FM ق.J� c �� أ��اح !�#��W�� >.�</ $��Y.ى �.ا/

ت �% /?UJ) "�_U� ��F� /Q�#�

Page 37: 3rd Year First Term


You are driving your smart car along the motorway from Cairo to Aswan when something goes wrong with the engine. You do not know what the problem is, but the computer in your car will help you. It will examine the engine and find what is wrong. It will then connect to the Internet to find the distance to the nearest garage where your car can be repaired. The computer will then send an e-mail to the garage to check that it has the parts you need for your car. If the garage has these, you will receive an e-mail asking when you would like to take your car to be repaired. You will reply on your mobile phone which will e-mail your message to the garage. In this way, your car’s engine problems will be solved.

There’s also a device which will control how fast you can drive on the road you are on. It does not matter what you do, it will be impossible to drive faster than what the device tells the engine. Experts have found that this device will reduce the number of road accidents and save thousands of lives every year.

If this just a science fiction? No, both these devices are currently being used. You can find information about them on the Internet. Drivers all over the world are already using sat-nav systems to tell them where they are and how to get to a destination. In the future, technology will also help them to solve engine problems and to keep everyone safe.

Ahmed: Hi, Omar. Omar: Hello, Ahmed. Ahmed: Did you see that television program last night about energy from the sea? Omar: No, I didn’t. I had too much homework. Was it interesting? Ahmed: Yes, it was really interesting. It showed how electricity can be generated by waves. Omar: That sounds like a good idea. How do they do it? Ahmed: They use snakes. Omar: Snakes? Ahmed: Not real snakes! Snakes made of rubber. Omar: Really? How do they work? Ahmed: Well, this snakes are nine metres long. One end is attached to the sea bed. At the waves move, the snake goes up and down and this generates electricity. Omar: Nine metres! That’s very long, isn’t it? Ahmed: Yes, but in future, they’ll probably be 200 meters long. Omar: That’s amazing! Ahmed: They’re going to make wave farms with 50 or more snakes in one place. Omar: Really? Isn’t it dangerous for ships to have so many of these things in the sea? Ahmed: Yes, the snakes are just under the surface, so ships shouldn’t be permitted near the farms. Omar: Are they expensive to produce? Ahmed: Not really- the snakes themselves are very simple. There are hardly any moving parts, so

nothing much can go wrong. And they produce cheap electricity. Omar: That’s good, isn’t it? There will always be waves, so it means in the future, we will never run out of energy.

launch ���� /ا��ق renewable د.�H) side effects ���%ر �&' source "(U� (�U? اalike 0�_H) mouth "(U� (QJ اfossil fuel ت�"��� ��UH+ �ـ predict و>�د اpower station �<� ���) recommend ـ� :M�� / !"� have the right to :9 ����.�0 ا distance �9#) generate .��� capture :�, :��H#� /"4+�/:�, \J�� electricity generation ء�"(C���. ا�$ store نPF� waves أ(�اج motorway ?�"4 ��"�

Page 38: 3rd Year First Term


tides رP�� ���? collect ا��. و اgiant ق��, garage رات ور!� �4rubber ط�) repair �J� tidal power رP��>� ا��. و ا� contact ـ� \JH� permit �#� reduce \�Y� estuary "(U� :���� QJ) directions ت ا$�هcourse ى"�)) }��� ["ض purpose )اcurrent رء/ ه�اء ($�)( examine ���� barriers P��2ا e-mail :%و"HC�� �"�. اan inlet \2#� �H+آ. (]/ ���� check !"م �WM" 9: اan outlet )"F ج /)j�U message �� ر4release ���� control :9 >C�H� environmental :��� experts اء"�� impact "�&+$ science fiction :��, ل�� device ز(� currently ��2 include :�, \�H_� sat-nav ��EA�� ا����2 اbuoy �)ا�,)[�#��"�4 ا( destination ل�M�� �)� اriverbed "(U�ع ا< location نC) /?<�) seabed "���ع ا< cyclists ت راآ�: ا�.را�weather ��{ Y walkers~ا_�� اfast forward م)�� ��"4 car makers رات�#��: ا%M smart car رة ذآ���4 fine م"W� /�)ا"] road safety ��"��ت ا%�.ام ا��زن weightless sports �4(� اa ر�cushion (v) ام.�Mcة ا.! Z�F� speed limit �,"#� 2. اcelebrate ـ� \�H�� braking system \)ا"��ز ا(� anniversary ���U4 ذآ"ى speed bump �,"#��Z��FH ا Q�) features )�) solar energy ��#�_�>� ا�� اenforce ة�Y� ه��] hybrid ��"ض �route ��"� strictly مP�� /ة._� fault +�� /Q�, serious injuries ت ���"ة�Mا

be attached to \JH) ـ/ �ـ� ���) ask about [, ل+#� similar in shape to ـ� \C_��0 9: ا_) connect to the internet ;%"H%c� \JH� run out of 6�(H#� turn on \W_� at the weekend ��4عrا ��(% ���, :9 warn … of رj�� .....[) depend on :�, .�H�� at the age of [4 :9 spend money on :�, ل�� ���Hل إ�: ��U� be changed into اpay for [�& ?9.� be turned into :� ���Hل إdrive on the road ��"�� �_�Y� switch on \Wد ,�: اon the internet ;%"H%cا :�, in this way �Y�"�� �)j{ اlast for ة.�� "�H#� reply on the mobile \����� �"د ,�: اagree on :�, ��H� speed up ع"#� /Q�\\�, slow down D��� cause of اjآ Q�4

take an exam [�H�� do exercise ��aرس $�ر�] ر��� make predictions ��Yم ���\ $V�Uاتsolve a problem ��C_) \�� all over the world >��� 9: آ\ أ%�ء ا

do research k�� "اء�م ���Y� go wrong ��.ث �0 ,�\turn turbines تUر���H� �.�" اhold back [, ?UH��/[, ?�ا"H� take photographs of ـ� ���M SYHر

Page 39: 3rd Year First Term


special occasion ��4U) / train / clothes / care ��friend / ر, ص � )}"�] [, P��H�( private car / school / letter / life / hospital / visit ص)���F! 0C�H أو (���,�( �

Iron .�.���is a hard material. (v. to be Q�M / Q اM) ف و�M����.$+$: >�\ ا4c< ا� There were a lot of hard questions in the exam. They always had to work very hard to earn their living. د (H�� ):44rا \����. ا� :$+$(

د C�,.ة (�.ا>��� / �#��ل ا�9rا .�44: و �rا \��� .I hardly ( very little/ almost no) knew her )و$+$: >�\ اThere was hardly enough to eat.

They are similar, but they are not the same.=(alike������m9 m$+$) 0 '�" ا_H) ))�$ �Y��) ;#�� [C�( They are similar, they are alike.

ر%� %#FH.م Y���. آ��� toآ��� ,U. ا� Brass is similar to gold in colour. similar He was wearing the same shirt he’d had on the day before. D_�)c ���. أى ا��Hف( %�~ ا

ر%� %#FH.م Y���. U, as. ا� the same I like the same music as you.

Choose the correct answer: 1- Wave power is used for electricity (generation-generalization-generosity-gratitude). 2- You should (catch-attach-attack-join) a photo to your application form. 3- He (hardly-hardy-harder-hard) ate anything. 4- What are the main (reasons-causes-affects-cases) of road accidents in your area? 5- We should do our best to (increase-raise-rise-reduce) the number of road accidents. 6- We (did-worked-made-carried) three suggestions for improving road safety in our area. 7- The (smart-beautiful-fast-fashionable) car tells the driver exactly where the vehicle is. 8- I’m sorry; I have been trying to (contain-contact-contest-deliver) you for days. 9- He went to the (park-shop-museum-garage) to have his car repaired. 10- Something (had-went-worked-came) wrong with my car yesterday. 11- Our flight reaches our (destinations-goals-aims-delegations) at 7 pm. 12- Doctors are worried that the new drug may have serious (side-inside-sides-aside) effects. 13- Space tourists will be able to practise (weighting-weight-weightless-weighty) sports. 14- Astronauts wear (special-private-particular-certain) clothes which protect them. 15- I’m afraid he isn’t here. Can I take a (a letter-chat-message-massage)? 16- Let’s (pay-paying-to pay-paid) Hala a visit today. 17- Speed (jumps-clumps-bumps-stunts) stop drivers from going so fast. 18- Speed cameras (take-make-do-work) photographs of cars going too fast. 19- The doctor (expected-saw-examined-looked) the patient carefully. 20- The American navy (launched-started-began-set off) a new warship last week. 21- The (distance-way-area-space) between Cairo and London is 3, 5000 kilometers. 22- This map shows the exact (existence-destination-location-generation) of the project. 23- It is expected that oil will have (run-gone-moved-taken) out in 50 years’ time. 24- Coal, oil and natural gas are all (renewable-fossil-nuclear-energy) fuels.

Find the mistake in thes sentences, then write them correctly: 1- The wind farm may be able to generation enough electricity for 2000 homes…………………… 2- We should reach our destiny before midnight………………………………………………………… 3- The computer in the smarting car will be able to work out what’s wrong and what needs to be

done……………………………………………………..………………………………………………. 4- Let’s meeting at eight o’clock tomorrow……………………………………………………………….. 5- Foul is a substance such as coal, gas or oil, which can be burnt to produce power………………

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A) Language Functions 1) Respond to each of the following situations: 1) Someone says they think magazines are a waste of money. Disagree, giving a reason. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2) A friend from England calls and asks about the weather. You see dark clouds in the sky. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3) One of your friends watched a football match on TV and found it boring. You have a different opinion. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4) You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is energy. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2)Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: . a) A- So, John, could you tell our listeners how you started? B- Certainly. It was when I was seven. I won first prize in a poetry competition. When I was a student, some of my stories were published in a university magazine. A- And now it's your full-time job? B- That's right. My second novel was published last year. Place:…………………SpeakerA:…….......……SpeakerB:…….……..…… Function…………. b) A- Could you help me carry the shopping into the house, please, Aisha? B- OK, Mum. Where shall I put it? A- Just put the bags on the kitchen floor for the moment Place:…………………SpeakerA:…….......……SpeakerB:…….……..…… Function………….

B- Vocabulary and Structure 3) Choose the correct answer 1. This medicine is safe. There are no ( top effects -side effects- leaks- waste).. 2. I'm going to have lunch with friends tomorrow. We are ( going to meet- would meet - will meet- meet)at the restaurant. at 12.30. 3. The ( district - area- distance – space)between Cairo and my town is 650 kilometres. 4. It is hard to walk in space because there is no( gravity - waiting – spin- air) 5. In Britain children ( go – intend- share – attend)secondary school from the age of 11 . 6. Most furniture ( made- is made – make- makes)from wood. 7. Many people ( growing - are grown - grow - is grown)vegetables in their gardens. 8. In very hot weather, ice cream turns to ( water- soft - liquid – solid) 9. We call oil and coal ( fossil-old – renewable-waste)fuels. 10. She ( will become - am becoming - is going to become-become)an archaeologist when she leaves university. That is her plan. 11. He is flying to London at the weekend. His flight( leaving – leaves-left- leave)at 5.30 in the morning. 12. We don't have ( many- some - lot - much )time. We'll have to hurry. 13. My friend and I look very different, but our personalities are ( alike - same – common- like). 14. Six months ( are- is – be- am)half a year. 15. The walls of the( pyramid - mission - castle – house)were built to protect the town. 16. I am writing ( essay - a essay - the essay -that essay)that my teacher asked for. 4)Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,: 1) She's going meet her sister in town………………………………………………………………………. 2) I fixed the lake in the petrol tank…………………………………………………………………………… 3) How many time do I need to drive to the city centre?......................................................................... 4) Oil and gas are find under the ground……………………………………………………………………. 5) Water is the solid form of ice ………………………………………………………………………………. 6) The married team went to Italy on their honeymoon……………………………………………………..

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books 5)Read the following passage, then answer the questions: In the winter, many animals and birds travel hundreds of kilometers to places with a wormer Climate and more food. This incredible journey takes place every year at about the' same time. It is

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common to see birds sitting on walls or telephone wires waiting to travel the long distance between the places where they spend their summers and their winters. Scientists do not know exactly how they find their way to and from their winter homes .It is thought that there are different ways, for example, using the sun and stars for navigation. Some people believe that birds depend on their senses, including their sense of smell, to help them find the way. Some animals and birds travel thousands of kilometers. Blue whales have been known to travel up to 20,000 kilometers . A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1) Why do some birds and animals spend their winters and summers in different places? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2) How do birds and animals use the sun and stars? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3) What is surprising about the blue whale? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4) Why are the journeys birds and animals make incredible? a) They take place at exactly the same time every year. b) They are very long. c) The birds and animals do not know where they are going. d) They take place in winter. 5) Who does the word they refer to in the phrase they find their way? a) scientists b) winter homes c) birds and animals d) the 'sun and stars 6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

It is difficult to believe that less than a 150 years ago, we could not switch on lights in our homes when it went dark. People who wanted to work or study at night had to use gas or oil lights. Electric light bulbs were invented in 1879 by Thomas Edison, who also helped produce the system of getting electricity from where it was generated to where it was used. Edison was a very intelligent man, but when he was at school his teachers did not realize this. He had to leave school at the age of seven because he asked too many questions. His mother realized that he only asked questions because he was interested, so she educated him at home. The General Electric Company, which Edison started, still supplies most of the electricity in North America today.

A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1- What three forms of energy are referred to in the article? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- As well as light bulbs, what did Thomas Edison invent? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3- Why did Edison have to leave school at the age of seven? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4- Which of the following is true? a) Edison invented electricity. b) Edison never went to school. c) Edison was taught by one of his parents. d) Edison is still the owner of General Electric Company.

5- What does “generate” mean in the phrase “generate electricity”? a) produce b) use c) invent d) find

D- The Mask Of Gold A- Answer the following questions: 1- Where had the girl been before she woke up in Cairo? ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2- What did she take with her on her trip? ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. B- Read the quotation and answer the questions:

"You're going so far away," she sobbed. 1- Who said this, and who did they, say it to? …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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2- When and where did she say this? ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. C- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences: 1- The girl was away from her home in Egypt for .............................................................................. . 2- The Incas did not have .................................................................................................................. .

E) Writing Write a paragraph of about 100 words describing (what families can do to save energy) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

F) Translation A- Translate into Arabic: Everyone who has travelled in space has described the magical feeling of looking down on the Earth as it spins. It is impossible to go for a walk. However, you can do exercises. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. B- Translate into English:

رات و ا��"آ�ت ا�r"ى-1�#����\ و>�د � "C#�آ] �#FH.م ا)rا n�� :9. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………

ه"ة-2Y��� ا)�� ;Y�H� ا��.ر��4 ا(H4أ%); درا ).�� . …………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………

• A man was pulled over for driving too fast, even though he thought he was driving just fine. Officer: You were speeding. Man: No, I wasn't. Officer: Yes, you were. I'm giving you a ticket. Man: But I wasn't speeding. Officer: Tell that to the judge! (The officer gives man the ticket.) Man: Would I get another ticket if I called you a jerk? Officer: Yes, you would. Man: What if I just thought that you were? Officer: I can't give you a ticket for what you think. Man: Fine, I think you're a jerk!

• Two cows are standing in a field. One says to the other "Are you worried about Mad Cow Disease?" The other one says "No, It doesn't worry me, I'm a horse!"

• Two factory workers are talking. The woman says, "I can make the boss give me the day off." The man replies, "And how would you do that?" The woman says, "Just wait and see." She then hangs upside-down from the ceiling. The boss comes in and says, "What are you doing?" The woman replies, "I'm a light bulb." The boss then says, "You've been working so much that you've gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off." The man starts to follow her and the boss says, "Where are you going?" The man says, "I'm going home, too. I can't work in the dark."

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Choose the correct answer: 1- Wave power is used for electricity (generation-generalization-generosity-gratitude). 2- You should (catch-attach-attack-join) a photo to your application form. 3- He (hardly-hardy-harder-hard) ate anything. 4- What are the main (reasons-causes-affects-cases) of road accidents in your area? 5- We should do our best to (increase-raise-rise-reduce) the number of road accidents. 6- We (did-worked-made-carried) three suggestions for improving road safety in our area. 7- The (smart-beautiful-fast-fashionable) car tells the driver exactly where the vehicle is. 8- I’m sorry; I have been trying to (contain-contact-contest-deliver) you for days. 9- He went to the (park-shop-museum-garage) to have his car repaired. 10- Something (had-went-worked-came) wrong with my car yesterday. Find the mistake in these sentences, then write them correctly: 1- The wind farm may be able to generation enough electricity for 2000 homes…………………… 2- We should reach our destiny before midnight………………………………………………………… 3- Let’s meeting at eight o’clock tomorrow……………………………………………………………….. 4- Foul is a substance such as coal, gas or oil, which can be burnt to produce power………………

��E ا��ق/ ���� A�� (�H.د ا����2 ا���% (�U? ا�U)" �)� ا���Mل '&ر �

0�_H) نC) /?<�) "(U� (QJ ات�"��� ��UH+ �ـ راآ�: ا�.را�ت و>�د ا�<� ���) }_�� �"! / ��M: �ـ ا:9 ���رات �.�0 ا�#��: ا%M �9#)

.��: ,�: ["ا(�/ �W"م ���H#� /"4+�/:�, \J�� ء�"(C�ت ا%�.ام ا��زن $���. اa �PFن ر�

�"�� 4"�? 2. ا�#",� أ(�اج.��ز ا��"ا(\ و ا��Pرا(� ?���

�Z��FH ا�#",� ,��ق Q�) رات ور!� �4ط�) ��#�_�>� ا�� ��J ا

�JH\ �ـ ه��] �>� ا��. و ا��Pر ��Y\ �_.ة/ ��Pم �#�

"(U� :���� QJ) ت ���"ة�Mت ا ا$�ه{((�"ى ��� ["ض j�U(/ ج F"( )اء/ ه�اء ($�ر )( ���� ����

P�و%: ���: �2ا"HC�� �"�. ا �H+آ. (]/ ���� $+&�" �Z�F !.ة ا�Mc.ام

ز ���H\ �ـ(� :9 >C�H� ���U4 ذآ"ى :�, \�H_� اء"��

ل ,��: )�"�4 ا�#�](,�ا(� (�( �� ��Yةع ا�U)" ��"ض �< ��2

��"� "����4رة ذآ�� >ع ا +�� /Q�, م)�� ��"4 ��"�� �4(� ا

Page 44: 3rd Year First Term


Writers and stories Yehia Haqqi

Yehia Haqqi was one of the pioneers of modern Egyptian literature. As well as being an important writer, he was an expert on Arabic culture. Yehia Haqqi was born in 1905 in the Sayyada Zeinab district of Cairo. He graduated in law and worked for a short time as a lawyer. In 1929, he began his career as a diplomat and he worked abroad for more than 20 years. The time he spent in France, Italy, Turkey and Libya gave him experiences he later used in his writing . At the same time as he was working, Haqqi was also writing stories. His first short story, published in 1925, established him as one of the greatest short story writers of the Arab world. Haqqi always wanted to help poor and disabled people.

He had to go to hospital after an earthquake in Cairo, but gave his bed to a poor person who he thought needed it more. In 1955, he wrote a collection of short stories about the poor and the disabled which won an important prize.

Another of his stories, the postman, was made into a film. Haqqi wrote in a new way about Arab society and customs in the twentieth century. Haqqi was also interested in the Arabic language and he developed a new style of writing which is respected today. As well as writing his own novels and stories, Haqqi also translated Russian, French, Italian and Turkish literature into Arabic. He was a very strong believer in the power of education and supported many young Egyptian writers. Haqqi died in 1992, but is still thought of as the father of the modern short story and the novel in Egypt.

Interviewer: When did you start writing? Writer: I have written stories and poems for as long as I can remember. Interviewer: What was the first thing you wrote? Writer: When I was seven, I wrote a poem which won 2nd prize in a national competition for school children. Interviewer: When did you start writing stories? Writer: When I was at university I wrote short stories for student magazine. My head was always full of ideas. While I was finishing one story, I was thinking of the next one. Interviewer: Wasn’t that very confusing? Writer: Not really. I used to write very quickly- I finished most short stories in two or three days. As soon as I’d finished one story, I’d start the next one. Interviewer: Do you still write like that? Writer: No, I haven’t written any short stories for over 20 years. Now I only write novels-they take much longer. Interviewer: So how do you write now? Do you have a fixed routine? Writer: Yes. I write from nine in the morning till three in the afternoon, with a ten minute break

for coffee at midday. I write an average of a thousand words a day. Interviewer: Do you use a computer? Writer: No, I’m old-fashioned- I use a pencil and paper. I’ve tried using a computer, but it gave me a

headache. When I’m happy with what I’ve written, my secretary types it onto the computer. My publisher insists that I send everything as an e-mail attachment.

Interviewer: And do you check what you’ve written? Writer: Of course. I write one thousand new words a day for a week, then I spend two or three days

checking the week’s work until I’m completely happy with what I’ve written. My last novel was changed six times before I was happy with it.

Interviewer: Do you show other people? Writer: No, not until a novel’s almost finished. Then I give it to two or three good friends and ask them

for the opinions. Interviewer: Do they ever tell you they don’t like what you’ve written? Writer: Yes! Last year both of the people who read one of my books said they didn’t like how my story

ended. So I changed it. Interviewer: That’s very interesting. Thank you for talking to me. Writer: It’s been a pleasure.

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competition �Y�#) /�#9U) develop ر��� /:�U� old-fashioned ���.< �a�) district :UC4 :2 / ���Y) /�Y�U) routine [�$و"� �"establish ~4V� / ;�*� /�4 اattachments تY9") law ن�%< midday م��� راZJHU) pioneer .E اcustom دة, prize ةPE� publisher "!% respected position �%C) /�)"H�) ���tو interpret "#�� rules .,ا�< explosion ر ���? obey ا%��explode "��U� period ة"H9 national :)�< /:Uو� literature دبrا confusing "��) /6�") culture �9Y*� اfixed ;������ career (�.د/ &�ة ا��� اaverage S4�H) diplomat :4 ر�\ د���(insist :�, "J� diplomacy ��4)���.� اarticle ��Y) diplomatic :4 د���(extra دةة($�رب / ��"ات experiences ز���� )اsyllable ?�Y))9: آ���( disabled ق��) editor ر"�)):��M( disability �< ا,deliver \M�� postman .�"��4,: ا sound و.�� tour guide :2�4 .!") block of flats ��UC4 رة�, journalist :��M society ?�H�) lawyer :)�) traditional ى.��Y$ author Z�V) produce lHU� travel agent :2 وآ�\ �4product lHU) politician �4 ر�\ �4achieve �Y�� /P�U� political �4�4 achievement ز روRussian :4 ا%�regard = consider "�H�� Italian :� ا��support .�V� />,.� Turkish :آ"$ article ��Y) tools أدوات fiction :JJY�ل/ اrدب ا�� handle ?) \)�H� heart transplant Q�Y�رات skills زرا,� ا() create ��F� flexible ن") beliefs ات.YH�) readily ���(#� /c2 behaviour ��4ك challenge ى.�H� /ى.�H� اgraduate ج"FH� /l�"� retire .,YH� experience ب"�� /:%�� usage ام.FH4ا widen ?4�� reinforce >,.� / زP� ��Yى/ �horizons ق/ (.ارك9' encounter 0�ا�� /\�Y� revise ?�ا"� tolerant )#H) exactly )�$ emphatic [�"���رك _) particular area �U��) �Y�U) opportunity �M"9 excellent زH�) park }PHU) /رات�#�8ر اH%ن اC) training Qر�.$ soldier ى.U�

at night \��� �ـ... ��attach … to ���� / \M 9: اat midday م��� < $����0 ا�:�ZJHU) :9 be made into H اat midnight \��� ���" ZJHU) :9 an expert on / at / in :9 ا

Page 46: 3rd Year First Term


at dawn "���%�ن graduate in law 9: اY� �FH"ج 9: اa believer in ـ� [)V) typical of اjآ ت أو (Pا��M ~�% 0� compete with ?) ~9UH� succeed in :9 �U� happy with ـ� .��4 adjust to � Z�CH /:�, >�<+H� available for ـ� >E�) /ـ� Q4U) go out :���)ر�U� )اprovide a model for ـ��.ى %!" Y� work for a publisher.م %��ذج أو >.وة \��� cut down trees ر�!rا ?�Y� at least \<rا :�, interested in ـ� >H() give in >�#� />�#H#�

do the homework Q�ا���enter a competition �Y ��\ ا#) \�.� e-mail attachments \���cت �Y9") It gave me a headache �: M.ا, Q�4 It’s a pleasure 6��.%: ذ#� look old fashioned ���.< �a�) و.�� establish himself as آـ �%C) 0#�U� �Y�� have lunch اء.W�ول اUH�

Competition - �#9U) )#�Y� a situation in which people or organisations compete with each other old-fashioned ���.< �a�) not modern and not fashionable any more Routine [�$و"�8%م ��(m(ا( the usual way in which you do things Midday )م���ZJHU ا Twelve o'clock in the middle of the day. Publisher "!% person or company that produces books, magazines, etc., and makes

them available for people to buy Attachments تY��) something you attach to/send with an e-mail Custom دة, something that people do in a society because it is traditional Develop ر��� /:�U� to make a new product or idea successful District :UC4 :2 /�Y�U) an area of a city or country Law ن�%< the system of rules that people in a country or place must obey Pioneer .Eرا one of the first people to do something that other people will continue to

develop Style أ��4ب a way of doing or making something that is typical of a particular person,

group or period

Ahmed won the match and got the first prize. (�Y�#) m9) ةPE� I bought her a dress as a present for her birthday. ( ) ��4U) m9 ) ��.ه He did his work well and so I gave him a reward. ةPE)[�" ر���4( � Dr Zewail was awarded the Noble Prize. PEة ر���4 �

The boat was full of people. ء �ــ���) I filled the cup with tea. The cup is filled with tea.

My daily routine is to go to the club. mJF! [�$رو ) 8%m)���ة ا��� )م اI had a lot of red tape to get my passport. m)�C2 [�$اءات ( رو"�cا(

My brother graduated from Cairo University. [) ج"F$ He graduated in medicine. F$ دة) m9 ج" ........ He was a graduate of Cairo University. [) l�"� .....

He traveled abroad to do post graduate studies. رجF�� He went aboard the ship to go to Italy. �U��4 "(t :�, /Qآ") / ة"E� The teacher told us to look at the black board. �2��

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My habit is to get up early and go to the club. دة 9"د��, It is a custom in Egypt to visit each other in feasts. ��,دة ��, Our grand fathers' traditions were very difficult. �&ار�H) .��Y$

This job really needs a lot of experience. ة"�� ) .�� c( He told me that he had a bad experience. ��"�$ أو Z<�)ة���)ا4< ��. ( m9 ا He is experienced in farming. 0 ��"ة�.� They did a number of experiments last week. ��"�$ )>(&ء و أ������ %�H.ث ,] ا).U, م.FH#$(

Famous people have different biographies written about them. �4ـ"ة ذا$�ـ� �_Fـ� ��HC)ـ !Fـ� '�ـ" He published his autobiography last year. 0ـ� %�#ـF_��4ـ"ة ذا$�ـ� �_Fـ� ��HC)ـ ا

When the employee is 60, he retires and can live on his pension. �ـش ��� )�YHـ,ـ. ( ��ـل Mr Ahmed resigned his position last week. \ـ��� �#�YHـ\ (] ا

He works for a company that publishes reference books. "_U� ـ [��ب( �Hآ ( Terrorism spreads panic Q,ر among all classes of society. ـ "_U�"_HU� Justice will prevail over tyranny. >� �#�د ـ �

We take disabled children on trips at the weekends. ��.#ـ�ـ� <ذو إ, Retarded children go to special school where they get special care. ـ���Y, ـ�<ذو إ, The UN helps backward countries. :�����)� !Fـ� ـ دو�( (Z�FH ,] ا��Uـ� ا Backward children need to learn more slowly than others.

Choose the correct answers: 1 – Early black and white photos show people in ( new- old-fashioned – stylish – modern ) clothes.

2 – The sun is at its strongest at ( night – evening – morning – midday ) 3 – My ( routine – red tape – customs – traditions ) is to get up and walk. 4 – I sent an e-mail with two ( attacks – attachments – attractions – e-mails ) . They were my photos .

5 – The verb of the word " attachment " is ( attend – attack – attract – attach ) 6 – He is a publisher his work is to ( write – translate – publish – public ) stories and novels. 7 – Midday is 12 in the day, but ( mid year – midnight – mid evening – good night ) is 12 at night.

8 – It is not modern , it is ( stylish – modern – new-fashioned – old-fashioned ) 9 – To( develop – divide – retire – involve )means to make a new product or idea successful. 10 – Al Gamalya is a famous ( restrict – governorate – system – district ) of Cairo. 11 – I really enjoyed that book , it is written in a very simple ( style – road – draft – styles ) 12 – My sister loves clothes and buys ( very old – traditional – fashionable – old-fashioned) dresses.

13 – Yehia Haqqi studied ( law – medicine – engineering – art )at university. 14 – Haqqi worked as a ( ambassador – diplomat – writer – translator ) in different countries. 15 – He won a prize for one of the ( pack – school – collect – collection ) of his short stories. 16 – Haqqi spent most of his time working as a ( lawyer – politician – writer – diplomat ) 17 – As well as( write – wrote – writes – writing ) two books , he wrote short stories. 18 – He is an expert ( with – on – that – by ) Arab culture. 19 – He worked( abroad – above – aboard – ashore ) for more than 20 years. 20 – His story , the post man , was ( make – made – makes – making ) into a film. 21 – He has a ( fixed – fixing – fax – mix ) routine in writing. 22– She is a graduate ( in – from – of – off ) Oxford University. 23 – As ( long – soon – tall – far ) as I am concerned , this is an interesting book. 24 – They still wear ( habits – traditional – customs – tradition ) clothes in siwa Oasis. 25 – We always take a three ( months – month's – month – months' ) holiday at the end of the year.

26 – My friends , as well as my brother , ( studies – studying – study – is studying ) 27 – Ali is ( graduated – graduate – graduating – a graduate ) of Ain Shams University. 28 – My father is a / an ( engineer – diplomat – politician – political ) . He is interested in politics.

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Find the mistakes in these sentences then write them correctly: 1 – Yehia Haqqi worked like a diplomat……………………………………………………………………. 2 – He developed a new style with writing………………………………………………………………..… 3 – He graduated from medicine…………………………………………………………………………..… 4 – Haqqi is thought of as the father of modern short poems…………………………………………….. 5 – Hany worked as a law. …………………………………………..………………………………………. 6 – They insisted that going by bus. …………………………………………..……………………….…… 7 – I went aboard to do post graduate studies in Paris. ……………………….………………..……….. 8 – I always got the first price in painting. ……………………………………………….………..……….. 9 – The bag was filled of books, so I couldn’t shut it……………………………………………….……… 10 – She wears old-motioned clothes. They are very modern. …………………………………………..

Past TensesPast TensesPast TensesPast Tenses The Past Simple Tense ��ز�� ا %&� ا��()'

Form (L� D^���: ed اذا آ�ن ��) ����0ف (����g ا��L-� أي أن ا�����Pن ز�, ا���$� ا��*�: �, ا���) �� ا

play→ played need→ needed ����ت ا���Uل ا34�3 aEN :stop →stopped carry →carried

ف #�آ, 3?�ل yاذا ا-�XV ا���) 'ـ E �V��"و y X� ied(L� : carry →carriedاف ��?ك -0�yg أ�� اذا ا-�XV ا���) 'ـE �V��"و ed (L� play →played

�V� g�0-N ذة�k ك أ���ل��ه ,P��g ا�ed (L� �-�Lو�� : �� اwrite→ wrote cut → cut put→ put buy→ bought speak→ spoke run → ran give→ gave sell→ sold take→ took bring → brought

Usage 1-�$��� He went to his uncle yesterday . أ�Eاث ا-�GV �� ا2 -�$��� .When I was young ,I used to play football .��دة أو ��"g �� ا 3 -�" �� ...........Once, I faced a lion. It was very big . أ�Eاث ����'�� أو روا

Key Words a����once ذات ("ةm9m in the past ا#�ma /ا�� yesterday أ(~…last ا

m9 ).... ��U)ة ز"H9 ( in+ \��< jU) just now ��#� the other day ا���م ا ) )�� one day) mA ago ma�� m9 in the ancient time ا�P(] ا

C$ [, "���H�� ma�� .C�� always / often= used to + inf] اFH4.ام"ار ا��.ث m9 اHe always / often went to the cinema when he was young. =He used to go to the cinema ………..

Negative wasn’t / weren’t �ـ -��� was / were أ�� ��� و�2د .�didn't + inf�� ا���� -*���م *

Amr played tennis yesterday. → Amr didn't play tennis yesterday. Amr was a tennis player. → Amr wasn’t a football player.

Question ..Question word +did + subject + inf ?…………… �� ا�*Aال -*���م

He went to the cinema yesterday. → Where did he go last week? was / were ,� N�' did -*���م was / were أ�� ��� و�2د

Passive �����Vل -*���م ����� ا�����ل .was / were + p.p + �� ا

He wrote the letter.→ The letter was written.

Used to + inf د أن� ا�* @Ý��ÈÏ)æŁa@t‡¥@‡Èm@ ë@óšb¾a@óÏ@t‡¥@oãb×@ñ†bÇ@åÇ@�Èí@( @ @

I used to play football when I was young. He used to be a driver, but now he isn’t.@ Didn't use to + inf äÛa@Àâ‡�ƒn"ã@óÐ: ـ @I didn't use to play football when I was young.@He didn't use to be fat but now he is.@

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Just as

;;;;�����When (�" By the time

Did + ���� + use to + inf. .. â‡�ƒn"ã@@âbèÐn%⁄a@Àë@: ـ

Did she use to cry a lot when she was a baby? am / is / are used to (v + ing) X�� د����


I'm used to playing football . = I usually play football. am – is- are + (��� + used to + (v + ing) …….? bèÐn%⁄a@Àë@â‡�ƒn"ã@@â:ـ

Is he used to playing football ? m@@⇃n"no longer @@ß@ü‡i�@å@@used to¾a@À@ÝÈÐÛa@bç‡Èi@ïmdíë@@Áî"jÛa@ÊŠb›ojr¾a@Z

He used to live here. ►He no longer lives here. @⇃n"m any more ـ any longer @åß@ü‡i@@ used toÛa@ÊŠb›¾a@À@ÝÈÐÛa@óÐã@Éß@òÜà§a@òíbèã@À@ómdm@ë@Áî"jZ@ @

He used to live here. ► He doesn’t live here any more.

used to + inf used for + ( v +ing )

used to + inf â‡�ƒn"í<<E<<<<E<<<<E<<<<E<<Š‡—¾a@óÏ@ÝÈÐÛa@bç‡Èi@ómd튇—¾a@óÏ@ÝÈÐÛa@bç‡Èi@ómd튇—¾a@óÏ@ÝÈÐÛa@bç‡Èi@ómd튇—¾a@óÏ@ÝÈÐÛa@bç‡Èi@ómdíD<D<D<D< Wood is used to make furniture.

used for +(v + ing) â‡�ƒn"í@<<E<<<<E<<<<E<<<<E<<éîÛg@bÏb›ß@ÝÈÐÛa@bç‡Èi@ómdíéîÛg@bÏb›ß@ÝÈÐÛa@bç‡Èi@ómdíéîÛg@bÏb›ß@ÝÈÐÛa@bç‡Èi@ómdíéîÛg@bÏb›ß@ÝÈÐÛa@bç‡Èi@ómdí Wood is used for making furniture.

The Past Continuous Tense ��ز�� ا %&�ا��(*�� Form

�$������Pن ز�, ا��*��: �, ا I / He / She / It → + was + v. +ing. We / They / You→ + were + v. +ing.

Usage 1- .Between 7 and 8 last night, I was doing my homework yesterday . �� ا���$� -[�ط آ�ن �*��2 – o ث�E ��"وأو �$��� .*' �$��(. When I was studying, the light went out��E ):ث آ�ن �*�� �� ا

Key Words G"�� وه� روا': �� -�z ا��*�� ���Kت ز�, ا���$� ا

:�*' �$�� ) ��*� �$��+ ( ��*� �$�� ���2� آ��� +

When :�*' �$�� ) ��*� �$�� + ( :�*' �$�� ���2� آ��� ) ��*� �$�� + ( While + ( v. ing ) :�*' �$�� ) ��*� �$�� + ( ��*� �$�� ���2� آ��� / During + noun / v. ing :�*' �$�� ) ��*� �$�� + (

Negative �wasn’t / weren’t�� ا���� -*���م *

Amr was playing tennis yesterday. → Amr wasn't playing tennis yesterday.

Question ?..……………+ Question word +was/ were + subject + v. ing �� ا�*Aال -*���م

When I was studying, the light went out. → What were you doing when the light went out?

Passive �����Vل -*���م ����� ا�����ل .was / were + being + p.p + �� ا

He was writing a letter.→ A letter was being written.

The Past Perfect م� ا���&% ا�* Form

I/You/We/They/He/she/it…had +played / carried / watched /washed / went / cut / put

Usage :�*' �$�� ن�P� �-�L�.إذا �Eث k�|�, �� ا���$� ��Uول �� ا�?�وث ��Pن ��$� �3م و ا After I had studied, I slept. Before I slept, I had studied.

Key Words G"�� ه� روا': �� -�z ا��*�� ���Kت ز�, ا���$� ا

1- :�*����2� ا���$� ا ��)ا�?�ث ا ��L-�( روا': �3e3 �� '�ا ��2� آ���� ��$� '*�: + ��$� �3م +

(�" Before + ( v. ing ) �3م �$�� + :�*' �$�� ���2� آ��� /

Page 50: 3rd Year First Term


����� When د أن��' As soon as U Becauseن

m���2� آ���� ��$� '*�: + after that ��$� �3م + '�� ذ :�*' �$�� � after that + ��$� �3م + ��2� آ���

��2� ا���$� ا���م روا': �3e3 �� '�ا-2 ��)ا�?�ث اUول (

��2� آ���� ��$� �3م + ��$� '*�: +

;��' After + ( v. ing ) :�*' �$�� + �3م �$�� ���2� آ��� / didn't +��$� �3م + X�E Till / Until أن �ـ ������$� '*�: ��� On + v. ing + �$�� :�*' ��� Having + p.p. + :�*' �$��

��$� '*�: + ��� ذ�� before that + �3م �$�� ���2� آ��� ��2� آ���� ��$� �3م + :�*' �$�� + before that

��د أن�...���... It wasn't until + �3م �$�� + that G�L� :�*' �$��+

��د أن�...���... It was only when + �3م �$�� + that G�L� :�*' �$��+

��د أن�...���... No sooner + had +\,9 +p.p. + than G�L� :�*' �$��+

��د أن�...���... Hardly=Scarcely + had +\,9 +p.p. + when G�L� :�*' �$��+ (��� + had + hardly / scarcely / no sooner + p.p.......................................

Negative .hadn't +p.p ��� ا���� -*���م

Amr had studied English before playing. → Amr hadn't studied English before playing. .

Question ?………… + .Question word +had + subject + p.p �� ا�*Aال -*���م

Amr had studied English before playing. → What had Amr studied before playing? Passive

�����Vل -*���م ����� ا�����ل .had + been + p.p + �� اAmr had studied English before playing. → English had been studied before playing?

The present perfect tenseThe present perfect tenseThe present perfect tenseThe present perfect tense ������������ ���� � ���� � ���� � ���� �

Form •I/You/We/They ...have written a letter. –He/she/it…has written a letter.

Key Words already K�� = Just �3ا /N�E �~ �� ا{H��ت �(: �L��g ا�� '�, have / has واrecently ا A� o الA*�� وا��L��� ا����� وا�*Aال lately = ا������ ا���� ا o never � أ'�ا�����~ �3e3 �� اHN��ت وا�*Aال ��'� ever / 3��� ا�L��g ا��have / hasوا ��V-�Pو�,�'

since ��� )د�?� G"ا( أو ) و �� ���2� آ���:�*�����$� ا+( for ة��� ) �)+ ��ة آ��� yet ��' z��� أو ا�*Aال ا����� E�� ا4ن/ ������ ا���� ا o = so far= up till now � ا oالA*�� أو ا������ أو ا��L��� ا���

هامةتركيبات• since then / since last week / since yesterday - for the last week • It’s + �ة ز����� + since + :�*' �$�� ���2� آ���

• .…..went to....and still there =have////has gone to ��� D�+��Pن ذه5 و • • ....went to....and still there =have////has been to +��Pن ذه5 و��د • • I have never seen taller than Sami. never �W�M�%رY)+(�9 ���� • Sami is the tallest one I have ever seen. �W��) �W�M + ever(� ���� • I have never seen Sami before. \�< [) • It's the first time, I have ever seen Sami. ("ة ا%) أول• I last saw him when I was in Alex.=The last time I saw him when I was in Alex. ة") "�' = I haven't seen him since I was in Alex.

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• I wrote the letter a moment ago. = I have just written the letter.

Negative *- ���� .have / has + never + p.p أو .���haven't / hasn't +p.pم ��� ا

Amr has just studied English.→ Amr hasn't studied English yet. Amr has never studied English.

Question ?………… + .Question word +have / has + subject + p.p �� ا�*Aال -*���م

Amr has just studied English. → What Amr has studied ?

Passive �����Vل -*���م ����� ا�����ل .have / has + been + p.p + �� ا

Amr has just studied English. → English has been studied.

Choose the correct answer: 1- As soon as he (takes-has taken-will take-had taken) the photograph, he showed it to his friend. 2- I (was taken-took-was taking-had taken) to a football match at the weekend. 3- What (did you do-were you doing-have you done-do you do) when I called you? 4- I (have had-had-had had-was having) my own computer for three years now. 5- While I (did-was doing-have done-doing) my homework, my sister was listening to music. 6- The windows at school (cleaned-were cleaning-were cleaned-had cleaned) this morning. 7- We (told-were telling-have told-were told) to give in our homework on Tuesday. 8- I (enjoy-was enjoying-enjoyed-have enjoyed) reading novels since I was a young child. 9- I’ve played football (since-for-ago-from) five years. 10- We (haven’t decided-didn’t decide-hadn’t decided-don’t decide) what to do for the holidays yet. 11- At the age of seven, my parents (are taking-were taking-took-take) me to Jordan. 12- Someone phoned me while I (cook-was cooked-am cooking-was cooking) the dinner. 13- I (have seen-saw-would see-was seen) him a few days ago. 14- I used to (drove-drive-driving-driven) very slowly. I drive faster now. 15- While father (was reading-read-had read-has read) the paper, mother was cooking dinner. Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences: 1- Twenty million people saw the new film already…………………………………………………….. 2- My parents use to live in a small flat in the city centre……………………………………………… 3- Yesterday evening, we revised for our English test when all the lights went out………………… 4- I attend this school for five years…………………………………………….................................. 5- Our school was opening exactly 25 years ago today………………………………………………. 6- She played the piano since the age of six and she still plays every day………………………… 7- Our block of flats build five years ago……………………………………………………………….. 8- Five trees cut down a week ago…………………………………………………………………….. 9- Yesterday evening, the programme watched by a million people………………………………… 10- Did you used to play with dolls?............................................................................................ 11- I have seen him yesterday…………………………………………………………………………… 12- The washing machine delivers while I was reading the newspaper…………………………….. 13- I am used to reading at least one book a week, but now I don't read so many…………………. 14- While I come to school today, I met an old friend………………………………………………….. 15- The room clean when the earthquake happened……………………………………………………

Patient: Doctor, will I be able to play the piano after the operation? Doctor: Yes, of course. Patient: Great! I never could before!

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A) Language Functions 1- Respond to each of the following situations:

1- A friend asks for your opinion about modern novels. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Someone asks you what you were doing at six o'clock yesterday evening. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- Someone asks you what you think the best thing is about short stories. Give your opinion. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4- A friend asks you what you used to read when you were five. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:

1- A: I’d like to know what is on today. B: It’s an action film. A: When does the last programme start? B: At 12 p.m.

A: Ok. Book me a seat, please. Place: ……………Speaker A :………….…… Speaker B :………..… Function…………….. 2- A: How would you like to pay for your suit? B: By credit card.

A: Well. Shall I put it in a bag for you? B: Yes, please. Place: ……………Speaker A :………….…… Speaker B :………..… Function……………..

B) Vocabulary and Structure 3-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. When I was at school I won a poetry writing …………………. a) race b) article c) competition d) game

2. I really enjoy reading Agatha Christie’s novels. I particularly like her …………. a) way b) styles c) system d) design

3. They have just received this photo as an e-mail ……………. a) post b) attachment c) letter d) part

4. My daily …………… starts when my alarm o’clock goes off at 6.30. a) routine b) habit c) custom d) way 5. Yehia Haqqi was one of the ……………… of modern Egyptian literature.

a) careers b) goers c) astronauts d) pioneers 6. I have got a valuable stamp …………………… .

a) connection b) collection c) infection d) team 7. In my country, it's the ……………… for women to get married in white.

a) habit b) costume c) custom d) customary 8. I just have a sandwich …………… midday for my meal.

a) at b) in c) on d) with 9. We arrived an hour late. The film …………… half an hour before.

a) began b) was beginning c) had begun d) has begun 10. Agatha Christie’s books …………….. into more than 40 languages.

a) have been translated b) were being translated c) translated d) have translated 11. The Romans ………… Petra nearly two thousand years ago.

a) were captured b) had captured c) have captured d) captured 12. When I was younger, I ……………… go swimming every day.

a) usually b) used c) use d) used to 13. My uncle ………… at university for three years. She comes home every weekend.

a) is b) has been c) is being d) had been 14. I heard him come in while we …………… dinner.

a) were having b) had c) had had d) has had 15. As soon as the photograph ………….., it was shown to his friend.

a) had been taken b) had taken c) has been taken d) took

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16. Somebody phoned me while the dinner …………………. a) was being cooked b) was cooking c) was cooked d) cooked 4-Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:

1- Traveling by plane sometimes makes me a headache……………………………………………. 2- My uncle is an export on Information Technology…………………………………………………. 3- My brother is fond of fashion clothes……………………………………………………………….. 4- We moved to this house two years ago today. So we lived here for two years………………… 5- When I was younger, I use to play tennis everyday……………………………………………….. 6- The prisoner of Zenda was wrote by Anthony Hope………………………………………………

C) Reading 5-Read the following passage, then answer the questions: Sleep is a powerful influence on our lives. The traditional theory about sleep is that our brain needs to rest for several hours to refresh itself and to “file” in our memory everything that happened to us during the day. If we are not allowed to sleep, we eventually die. However, Ray Meddis, a scientist at university, has a fascinating new theory. He suggests that we don’t really need to sleep at all. We sleep only because our brain is programmed to make us do so. According to Dr Meddis, the tiredness we feel at the end of the day is produced by a chemical mechanism in the brain which makes us sleep. We are programmed to feel sleepy at midnight, even if we have spent the whole day relaxing or doing nothing. He believes that the unpleasant symptoms we suffer when we don’t sleep enough are not because we have not rested but because we have disobeyed our brain’s programming. But he believes that if scientists could turn off the sleep mechanism in our brain, we could live completely normal lives without sleeping. A) Answer the following Questions:

1- What happens if people don’t sleep? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- According to Dr Meddis, could we live without sleeping? Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- What is Dr Meddis theory about the reason for tiredness? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: 4- The traditional view is that we sleep because …………………. a) we are programmed to do so b) the brain needs to rest c) the body needs to rest d) the memory needs to rest 5- The word “file” means ………………….. . a) to cut b) to record c) to walk d) to find

6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions: Call me old-fashioned. Call me old. Call me what you want, but I refuse to become part of this

new Internet world. I don’t possess a computer at home or at the office. Actually, I stopped going to an office 35 years ago, when all communications were done in a relaxed manner with a pen, a typewriter or over the telephone. Tell me what you think of the following and that appeared the other day in the newspaper. It was for a cure for cancer and that is what is said: “Awareness is the key. Visit spfulford.com at the awareness site.” There was no address or telephone number for the site. So what do unfortunate people without a computer do if they are seeking a cure for their illness? There are, I am told, certain advantages in having access to the Internet. The internet users can pay bills, order groceries or discuss illness with their doctor. In the future, the internet may develop “consciousness”. In other words, the internet will be able to think, have feelings and act on its own. If this is right, I may change my attitude about computers. As I grow older each day, I would like a gadget that not only thinks for me but also accepts responsibility for all my mistakes

Give short answers to the following questions: 1- What did the writer think was wrong with the internet and for cancer cure?


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2- What are the three things that people do on the internet? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- What would the writer like a computer to do for him?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4- The internet may develop “consciousness” means it will be able to …………….. . a) cure diseases b) take responsibility for our actions c) think, have feelings and act on its own d) think for the writer

5- When the writer was younger, people communicated with each other by …… a) advertising on the web b) writing letters or talking on the phone c) communicating with computers d) using mobile telephones

D) The Mask Of Gold 7-A) Answer the following questions:

1- Why is the laser machine a secret? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- Where was Leila’s first dig? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions: “Dr Hafez, I think we need to go. The plane to Cuzco leaves very soon, doesn't it?"

1- Why was Leila in such a hurry? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- Why were they going to Cuzco? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

C) Complete the following sentences: 1- The Incas conquered the Chimu, …………………………………………….………………. 2- Although the Incas didn’t have any writing, ………………………………………………

E) Writing 8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on:

The importance of literature and education ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

F) Translation 9- A) Translate into Arabic: Egypt has a strong cultural history. Some of the great Arab writers, musicians and

craftsmen are Egyptians. Tawfik Al Hakim, Naguib Mahfouz and Yehia Haqqi were probably the best known writers in Arabic.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Translate into English: 1-���< PEا�� [�P��H��ء ا����ب و اHC� .آ\ ,م �#�< ر�E~ ا���)�ر�� ا

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2-���"�� $+&�" ا���: ,�: ا��ا�� ا(� ..آU< :Y2 :��� QH.�\ أم ه!< و ا�H: آن


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Choose the correct answers: 1- I’ve played football (since-for-ago-from) five years. 2- At the age of seven, my parents (are taking-were taking-took-take) me to Jordan. 3- Someone phoned me while I (cook-was cooked-am cooking-was cooking) the dinner. 4- I (have seen-saw-would see-was seen) him a few days ago. 5- Hamlet (wrote-had written-was written-was writing) by Shakespeare. 6- I used to (drove-drive-driving-driven) very slowly. I drive faster now. 7- He didn’t (use-using-uses-used) to need much sleep. He does now. 8- Somebody phoned me while the dinner (was cooking-was being cooked-cooked-had been cooked). 9- While father (was reading-read-had read-has read) the paper, mother was cooking dinner. 10- Where did you (used-using-use-uses) to play when you were young?

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

1- Having wake up, he switched on TV………………………………………………………………….. 2- My son born in 2004……………………………………………………………………………………. 3- My brother will go to Paris, he came back last week………………………………………………… 4- As he was carrying the vase, he had dropped it on the floor………………………………………. 5- The washing machine delivers while I was reading the newspaper……………………………….. 6- I am used to reading at least one book a week, but now I don't read so many…………………… 7- While I come to school today, I saw an old friend……………………………………………………. 8- At six o'clock yesterday evening, I am watching TV…………………………………………………. 9- Five years ago, I am used to ride a bicycle…………………………………………………………… 10- I used reading the newspaper every day. Now I don't have the time………………………………

���.< �a�) ر أدوات��� /:�U� تY9") ?) \)�H� :UC4 :2 / ���Y) /�Y�U)

رات (ZJHU ا���م() ~4V� / ;�*� /�4"� راE. ("ن ,دة"!%� ا��H.ى/ ��H.ى %C) /�)"H�) ���tو "#�� .,YH� ?��� "��U� ام.FH4ة ا"H9 اrدب ��Yى/ ��Pز / �.,< ("�6/ (��" ;��\/ ��ا�0 .د(�/ &Y� �9Y*� اS4�H) )#H) ������ة ا��� ا�M"9 ��4 ز�دة)���.� ا ?�Y))9: آ���( ��F� ق��) \M�� ات.YH�) �< ا, (�"ر ��M: ��4ك ��.و

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:JJY� �.,</ � .�V�U.ى ��ل/ اrدب ا

Page 56: 3rd Year First Term


AgatAgatAgatAgathhhha Christiea Christiea Christiea Christie N or M N or M N or M N or M It is a time of war in England and everyone knows that there could be an invasion at any time. The government knows that the enemy is being helped by a dangerous group of spies inside the country, but nobody knows their identity. But it is believed that the spies’ headquarters is a small hotel on the coast, and the spies’ leader are a man and a woman.

Two secret agents, Tommy Beresford and his wife Tuppence, are sent to the hotel to find these spies. They meet the other hotel guests and the people from the town. The guests include Mr. Bletchley, a retired soldier; Mrs. Sprot, a shy young woman; and Carlvon Deinim, a scientist. Mr. Bletchley introduces Tommy to Mr. Haydock, a retired sailor who lives in a house overlooking the sea. The three men sometimes play golf together. The Beresford’s first suspects are the hotel owner and the scientist, but he soon discovers that both are innocent. Then they hear that the invasion is planned for the following week. This means they have seven days to find the enemy and save the country from invasion. One day, after a game of golf, Tommy finds a radio transmitter hidden in Mr. Haydock’s bathroom and realizes that Haydock is one of the spies. Haydock does not seem worried by Tommy’s discovery. Tommy leaves its friend's house, but on the way back to his hotel, he's captured and locked in a room. Tuppence discovers the other spy leader. To everyone's surprise, it is the shy Mrs. Sprot. The police arrest her and soon find Mr. Haydock. Tommy is set free. Without the help of the spies’ leaders,the invasion can’t take place.Tommy and Tuppence have saved the country!

Presenter: Welcome to The Book Programme. Today, our subject is the queen of English crime

fiction, Agatha Christie. You may never have read any of her books, but you probably know her name. To tell us more about her name, we have Professor Dunn from London University. Professor, could you tell us about Agatha Christie’s life?

Professor Dunn: Well, Agatha Miller was born in 1890 and was the youngest of three children. She was a shy child who was very close to her family. She didn’t go to school, but was taught at home by her mother. She started writing at a young age and wrote all her life.

Presenter: Was she only a writer? Professor Dunn: No. During the First World War she worked as a nurse, and while she was

looking after wounded soldiers, she learned about medicines and poisons, information that was later used in her writing.

Presenter: And when was her first novel written? Professor Dunn: In 1920, soon after the war ended. Presenter: I remember reading that Agatha Christie was deeply affected by the death of her

mother. Can you tell us about that? Professor Dunn: Yes, when her mother died in 1926, Christie disappeared for about a week.

Nobody knew where she was. Later, she could remember nothing about the week and is thought to have suffered from amnesia Y9. ا�jاآ"ة . Soon after this, Christie started travelling abroad. Her first journey, on the Orient Express train, was to Baghdad and the ancient city of Ur. On her second trip, she met the archaeologist Max Mallowan, whom she later married. She became very interested in archaeology and worked with her husband on excavations around Iraq. It’s reported that she cleaned and repaired some of the things that were found herself.

Presenter: Some of her books are based on her travels to these countries, aren’t they?

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Professor Dunn: Yes, including famous novels like Murder on the Orient Express, Death on the Nile and Death Comes as the End, a dark story of a family in Ancient Egypt.

Presenter: And she continued writing all her life, didn’t she? Professor Dunn: Yes, she did. In all she wrote eighty crime stories, many of which were turned

into films or theatre plays. Her most famous play is The Mousetrap, which was first performed in 1952. Since then, the play has been performed without a break and is the longest-running play in the world.

Presenter: That’s incredible! Professor Dunn: Yes it is. Her best books have been published in over a hundred countries

and translated into over forty languages. Agatha Christie died, aged 85, in 1976.

amnesia اآ"ةj� ا�)��� Y9 identity.ان اexcavation ر&vا [, Q�YUH� �"ئ innocent اmousetrap ة �9"ان.�J) invasion وP] murder \H< ���"� secret agent 4"ى \��, poison >4 spy �4س� leader .E< espionage ��4�4�� اshy ل��� suspect 0�9 0�H_) �F! /:9 0�H_� headquarters دة�Y�ز ار4ل transmitter ا��Y" ا�"�E#:/ ("آP ا(� genre :ع أو أ��4ب أد��% murder stories ���"�� >�J اcrime ���"� victim ���a thriller روا�� (*�"ة equipment ات.� أ�)Pة/ (science fiction :��, ل�� �J< feed / fed / fed >��� romance ��#% �A"ب �_.ة �J< bang رو(adventure ة")W) radio play ��,��2 اذا"#) biography �F! �4"ة blind :�,أ reference ?�") deaf >Mأ medical condition ���� ��2 dumb >Cأ� dig / dug / dug "��� guests ف��a deliberately ا.�, capture "4+� /:�, :��H#� substance دة) design �J� > />��J$ queen �C�) tourist offices ��2�4 Q$C) wounded = injured بJ) military forces ��"C#�� ا��Yات اcrime fiction ���"�� ا!رات radio signals ��C�4c روا�ت اdisappear :�HF� retired soldier .,YH) ى.U� Orient Express train ?�"#�ر ا�_"ق ا�< overlook :�, \�� archaeology ر&vا >�, hidden +�F) travels ر�2ت hide / hid / hidden D�F� /:�F� including 6� 9: ذ�� discovery ف_Hاآ crime stories ���"�� ���~ �J< lock اperform ��2"#) :9 دى دورV� somewhere ن (C) :9 the longest-running H9 ل��r ض"�>� ا�_identity card ��JF "ة $��� اprove [ه"�� /;�*� scandal ���A9 proof نآ�� trial ا&�ت/ �"ه�) evidence \��دة/ �_). / !ه. witness د(! qualities ت�M court ��C�) notice s2�� case ��A< leaderless .E ��Mر patient �.ون >brave ع�! patriotic �)0U��� Q shame ىPF�ر/ ا����� ��"�� charity ا��

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nervous about :�J, /[) ZE� on the coast \2#� ,�: اembarrassed about [) 2"اجc� "�_� save …… from jYU� ......[) very close to [) ا.� Q�"< on the way back to :���دة ا� 9: �"�� اat a young age [4 :9ة"�WM to his surprise 0H_ه.� welcome to :9 >C� �2") with the help of ة.,#�� suffer from [) :%�� in his forties }"�, [) تU�� 9: اcر�Increase by … % ��#U� دادP�% ... afraid of [) ZE� work on excavation Q�YUH���\ 9: ا� at the time of اj9: و>; آ be based on س �)"ب (] �Y� escape fromم ,�: أ4on his journey / trip 0H�29: ر pass on information ت)���) \YU� work on a crime ���"� \2 :�, \��� compare …… with رنY� ......ـ� at any time ;<9: أى و do a project on / about [, وع"_) \���

commit / do a crime ���"� QC$"� take the train ر�Y� �"آQ اbe deeply affected by ـ� Y��, ا"&+$ "&+H� solve a crime ���"�� ��\ اtake place ث.�� set free 4"اح ���� take control "��#� />C�H� keep fit ��%.��>� ا���s9 ,�: ا�� without a break Z<�$ ون.� over a hundred �E أآ*" (] (

Amnesia اآ"ةj� Y9 Not being able to remember.ان اExcavationر&vا [, Q�YUH� Digging up the ground to find things from the past اMurder \H< ���"� The crime of killing someone Poison >4 Something that may kill or harm you if you eat or drink it Shy ل��� Nervous and embarrassed about talking to other people Mousetrap ة �9"ان.�J) A device for catching, and often killing mice Leader .E< A person who leads Suspect 0�9 0�H_) �F! Someone who may be guilty of a crime Innocent ئ"� Not guilty of a crime Transmitter لز ار4(� Equipment that sends radio or television signals Invasion وP] Entering another country using military force to take control Headquarters دة�Y� The place from which a company organisation or military action is ("آP ا

controlled Secret agent 4"ى \��, someone who works for a government and tries to get secret

information about another country or organisation Spy �4س� someone whose job is to find out secret information about a

country or organisation Identity ���(� Who someone is ا

My young daughter is always shy in front of strangers. 0����ل ��� He insulted his friend , so he was ashamed of what he had done. Z<�) [) ن��� +��

I always remember my daughter's birthday. ء 0#�% Y�$ [) "آjH� The picture reminded Leila of her adventure in Peru. ـ� "�' �F! "آj�

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The medicine that the doctor gave me cured my bad cough. :�_�– l��)(? اr("اض( � Scientists are trying to find a cure for Swine Flu. ء !�/ ,�ج It took about a month for my wound to heal. ( >�H�$– .�A� )"وح�آ#�ر- 2"وق- My father was treated in a good hospital. l��� We all should treat young children in a friendly way. \)��

Ahmed was the only one that came to the meeting. SY9 ) .2ء واm! أو �F!( It didn't take me much time , only an hour. SY9 )د"�) ( Although he lives in a crowded street , he feels lonely. ��P����2.ة أو ا� "�_� I did my work alone. =(by my self )= (on my own) =(without any help) و�2.–���"د{

He went on a long journey by train. ( by land) ��2دة �"�0 ����� (ر,( I had a very tiring flight on this plane. ( by air ) ���� ��2ر He was ill during his voyage as he was sea sick. ( by sea ) ��"�� ��2ر I enjoyed our school trip yesterday. ��),�\ أو (.ر0�4 ( ر4 ��2"� I took my family on a picnic in the park. م ( %Pه� ����� �ول �U$ ?) ( I took my friend on a hike around the house. م ( $�_�� �ول �U$ ون.� (

Marsa Matrouh is on the north coast of Egypt. \24 ) ��)2.ود ا�.و The shores of the Mediterranean have a population of about 140 million people. ء:�! ) p�%ر�C�)ا They enjoyed their time on the beach. m�)"��:ء ا_� )ا���ج ( اI enjoyed my self on the bank of the Nile. "(U� ��a ا

Dr. Ahmed Zewail discovered the femto second. Z_HC� Dr. Ahmed Zewail made the discovery of the femto second.

She died , aged 60 , in 1995. She died at the age of 60. She died when she was 60. [4 m9

My father retired at the age of 60. لPH�,. أو �YH� ) [��)9: و>; و 4] ( I resigned to start my own business. \�YH#� )[4 9: أي و>; أو(

There are 40 students here including(include) 15 girls. �\�_-[�AH� )ءP� ا�C\ و��.ه(��<( The class contains 40 students. ى�H�� :�, )(�Y% أو (�J9 [C�� اءP�أ( My school consists of 4o classes. ��CH� )"�).Hن (] � cإ \J�U$ c اءP�أ ( Marawan sent a letter enclosing(enclose) a photo. ( �9"� )?) ءm! The spider enclosed itys eggs in four silk sacs. m9 Z�W�

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to phone you yesterday. m�, در< Only the Democratic Party is capable of running the country. m�, در< Computers enable us to work faster. [) [C�� / m�, .,#�

They travelled across Europe by train / car . و4E\ ا���ا�Mت اذا �< �#�0Yآ\ >�\ FH#%by.م % [C� FH#in \�< car / taxi.م و�(Y�4 ء إذاm! We travelled to Alex in our car.

!mء >�\ � FH#on.م %و(Y�4 ت إذا�Mا��� .m< She'll be arriving on the five-thirty train و4E\ اIt'd be quicker to get there on foot (on horseback). s2c [C� و

Choose the correct answer:

1- He banged his head and is now suffering from (memory-amnesia-flu-asthma). 2- The Romans (invited-invented-inspired-invaded) Britain in 43 BCE. 3- How did the man prove his (innocent-innocently-innocence-guilt)? 4- The enemy used radios to (transmit-talk-speak-transplant) messages to their ships. 5- He has admitted (making-doing-taking-working) several crimes, including two murders. 6- She's been suffering (with-of-from-about) cancer for two years.

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7- A 78-year-old man has won this year’s prize for crime (fiction-faction-fraction-friction). 8- We are (making-taking-getting-doing) a project about archaeology in Egypt. 9- Police are still no nearer to (answering-replying-responding-solving the crime. 10- The spy was captured (at-on-by-with) his way back to the hotel. 11- The three men were convicted of (murdered-murdering-being murdered-murder). 12- He is a (retiring-tired-retired-retirement) sailor who lives in a house overlooking the sea. 13- He was (deeply-deep-depth-deepen) affected by the death of his parents. 14- (In-At-By-On) her trip, she met a doctor whom she later married. 15- He was seriously (wounded-buried-damaged-spoilt) during the Second World War. 16- A kilo of heroin was found (hide-hiding-hidden-to hide) inside the lining of the suitcase. 17- He was found (innocent-guilty-shy-ashamed) and imprisoned. 18- Rimini is a thriving holiday resort (on-at-with-in) the east coast of Italy. 19- The mousetrap has been performed without a (brick-break-brake-broke) since 1952. 20- Bombing civilians is a cruel (dime-crime-criminal-chrome) against humanity. 21- The Mousetrap is Agatha Christie’s longest-(run-ran-runner-running) play. 22- He lives in a big flat which (looks-looks out-outlooks-overlooks) the Nile. 23- Foreign tourism increased (at-by-in-of) 20 % last year. 24- Petra was (captured-arrested-imprisoned-caught) by the Romans in AD 106. 25- The new government has decided to (sit-sat-get-set) all political prisoners free. 26- We spent the day on the beach but it was too cold to go (swim-to swim-swimming-swam).

Find the mistakes sentences then write the sentences correctly: 1- Asthma is the medical condition of not being able to remember anything. 2- Sam is making a project on education. 3- What about stop cars from coming into the city centre. 4- In her journey, she visited Italy and France. 5- When the children met the queen, they were too ashamed to speak. 6- The Mousetrap is a criminal story. 7- He lives in a house outlooking the sea. 8- A surgeon is a person you think may have done a crime. 9- In the way back to his hotel, he was arrested by the police. 10- With our surprise, he passed the driving test. 11- They spent their holiday in a small hotel over the English coast. 12- They found the radio transfusion hidden in the bathroom. 13- The police officer could dissolve the crime. 14- Nobody knows the identical of the spies.

The Passive Voice .-ل����/% ���ا :تكوين الجملة في المبني للمجهول


D#ا / ��$

v. to be ▼

♪ -*���م(am/is/are) إذا آ�ن ا���) اU#�#� ��0رع '*�::�*' �$�� �#�#Uا (��� ♪ -*���م(was/were) إذا آ�ن ا

have/has/had��' ~��H g�3 �#�#Uا (��� ♪ -*���م(been) إذا آ�ن ا ♪ -*���م(be) إذا آ�ن ا���) اU#�#� ��ر '��

Will/would/shall/should/can/could/ may/ might/needn't/…to

v. +ing �א���� �����������א�����א (being)�������� ♪

p. p. ▼

~��L��g ا��ا�#�#Uا (����

Find the mistakes in th following sentences: 1. The house is kept clean by the servant………………………………………………………….... 2. The room was cleaned by her tomorrow. …………………………………………………………

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3. Football is being played by them every day………………………………………………………. 4. The flowers was being picked by the gardener…………………………………………………... 5. A new house had been built by him recently……………………………………………………... 6. Ahmed will be visited by me last week…………………………………………………………….

: تحويل السؤال والنفي للمجهول 1-k�*�4m4 إ�m ا�Z�"JH اrا \�����ل و%��ل ا���%0 اC) ?A%و \,�� . %�jف ا%�)� و %j�% do / does ?Aف-2C) am / is / are فj�%وdid (%C) ?A%و was / were ,.ة ا�r"ى (*\ - 3#��ل ا�9rا �ا���Uل ( have / has / had/ أ("��� . j�$ cف )ا,ـ\ -4���ـ\ إ�: FH#� c byـ.م ��ـ. nobody , no one إذا آـن ا�� . ا�m�Uو��ـ�ل ا�����Vل إ�� who وaEN أن -5 ����� .by whom �3?�ل �� ا

\*) : Who will play tennis ? By whom will tennis be played ? Find the mistakes in th following sentences:

1. They was not helped……………………………………………………………………………… 2. The bill did not paid……………………………………………………………………………….. 3. English does not spoken…………………………………………………………………………. 4. Who can the door be opened?............................................................................................ 5. Where does the car repaired ?............................................................................................

��"ق اv$�� :تحويل األمر إلي المبني للمجهول � ")rف (���ل اj2 ?)must / mustn't / please( 1- Object + should / shouldn't + be +p.p. 2- Let + Object + be +p.p. 3- Object + (am/is/are) allowed + to +be +p.p. Find the mistakes in th following sentences:

1. The work shall not be done…………………………………………………………………………… 2. Don't let the door been opened…………………………………………………..………………….. 3. The car is allowed to repair here………………………….………………………………………….

@ÞìÈнbi@ò•b$@püby@ÞìÈнbi@ò•b$@püby@ÞìÈнbi@ò•b$@püby@ÞìÈнbi@ò•b$@püby@Z@Z@Z@Z@@@@@@@@ : احتوت الجملة علي مفعولينإذا

?aو ?) �(U) أن %�.أ �+ي [C��to / for \<, "�W���ل ا���� .إذا �.أ%I bought Sandy a present. Sandy was bout a present. A present was bought for Sandy

��ف اE � e3 X�� :هto X ا���Uل اgive :��� / offer م.Y� / pass ر"�� / write QHC� / sell ?��� / bring "A�� / show [��� / lend Z�#� / read أ"Y� /

hand >�#� / deliver \M�� / tell "�F� / owe [�.� / pay ?9.� ��ف اE � e3 X�� :هfor X ا���Uل ا

fetch "A�� / build :U�� / get :�, \J�� / find .�� / buy ى"H_� / save 9��" / leave ك"H� / keep ـ� s�H�� / call �,.� / cut ?�Y� / make \��� / book P���

: إذا جاء المفعول جملة كاملة وكان الفعل أحد األفعال اآلتية �J� believe"�H.ق � consider ف"�� know >,P� claim = allege ���� mention "آj� report

�H�� assume >(�� understand .YH"ض J declare"ح�� think ?<�H� expect [��� announce ,��)������Vل �3?�ل '& ����� ��WWWW ا

2-Subject + v. to be + p.p.+ to + inf. ��)� + It + is / was + p.p. + that-1 ���� آ �It is said that Helmy is the best actor. Helmy is said to be the best actor.

9I know / we believe: ا���W ا�"���4 و ذ�c.� 6 (] ا���W ا��W" رj \*) ���4{ ا��W�J هm ا��#FH.(� وه

في المبني و تتحول v. ing بعد المفعول إذا جاءوهي الحالة التالية ال نحذف فيها الفاعل بل نحذف المفعول

.Subject + v. +being + p.p :للمجهول بالطريقة اآلتية

I like people respecting me. → I like being respected.

تتحول في المبني للمجهول .to +inf المفعول إذا جاء بعد وأيضا ال نحذف الفاعل بل نحذف المفعول

. الحظ حذف أي مفعول في الجملة.Subject + v. + to be + p.p: بالطريقة اآلتية

I hate people to laugh at me. → I hate to be laughed at. ����� j2 s2cف أي (���ل �

Page 62: 3rd Year First Term


@ïmdí@*Ûa@ÞbÈÏþa@ïmdí@*Ûa@ÞbÈÏþa@ïmdí@*Ûa@ÞbÈÏþa@ïmdí@*Ûa@ÞbÈÏþaÈiÈiÈiÈi†–ß@b熆–ß@b熆–ß@b熆–ß@b熉‰‰‰@æë†i@@æë†i@@æë†i@@æë†i@tobèÈß@Éšã@bèÈß@Éšã@bèÈß@Éšã@bèÈß@Éšã@.inf+ to ÞìèvàÜÛ@7jß@ïÛg@ÝíìznÛa@†äÇ@ÞìèvàÜÛ@7jß@ïÛg@ÝíìznÛa@†äÇ@ÞìèvàÜÛ@7jß@ïÛg@ÝíìznÛa@†äÇ@ÞìèvàÜÛ@7jß@ïÛg@ÝíìznÛa@†äÇ@NNNN@@@@@@@@ل (*\�9rا }jوه: help / make / see / hear .allowed to + inf إ���HH9 mل let أ(

I was made to do a lot of work. I was allowed to do a lot of work. He was seen to play tennis. She has been seen to sing lovely.

òîjj�Ûa@òÜà¦aòîjj�Ûa@òÜà¦aòîjj�Ûa@òÜà¦aòîjj�Ûa@òÜà¦a The Causative Sentence

6��.م أه��� ذ� j% cآ" ا0�4 UUC� وU� \�������)�ل أن !�F أ�" >. >م � mU����m9 mU ا$ mوه .[�HY�"�� :و%#FH.م ا2.ي ه$�] ا1- + ("�� have(has/had/having) )���CUا �����)�� -�z ز�, ا + ("�� �6 + p.p. 2- ("�� �6 + need to be + p.p. (v. + ing. ) The mechanic will repair my car. I will have my car repaired. My car will need to be repaired(repairing) The barber cut my hair. I had my hair cut. My hair needed to be cut (cutting).

@…ìuë@†äÇ@…ìuë@†äÇ@…ìuë@†äÇ@…ìuë@†äÇto have. v@ï�b�c@ÝÈÐ×@@ï�b�c@ÝÈÐ×@@ï�b�c@ÝÈÐ×@@ï�b�c@ÝÈÐ×@Ýrß@ÞbÈÏc@åß@éÜibÔí@bß@ↂn�ã@Ýi@ÞìèvàÜÛ@7j½a@¿@é߆‚n�ã@üÝrß@ÞbÈÏc@åß@éÜibÔí@bß@ↂn�ã@Ýi@ÞìèvàÜÛ@7j½a@¿@é߆‚n�ã@üÝrß@ÞbÈÏc@åß@éÜibÔí@bß@ↂn�ã@Ýi@ÞìèvàÜÛ@7j½a@¿@é߆‚n�ã@üÝrß@ÞbÈÏc@åß@éÜibÔí@bß@ↂn�ã@Ýi@ÞìèvàÜÛ@7j½a@¿@é߆‚n�ã@üZZZZ

receive D��*� /take / own m���� / possess m���� / belong to ��� / suffer �-���/ eat / buy /spend /take ……

I have a car. A car is (possessed – owned) by me. A car belongs to me. I had a new shirt yesterday. A new shirt was bought by me yesterday. @@@@

3�ن ���got �3�4 ا2*01ام � v. be ���(�� ا567�ل ا�*

got lost / got hurt / got stuck / got injured / got involved…..

catch :�, n�Y� / arrest :�, n�Y� / damage ").� / destroy ").� / kill \HY� / marry وجPH� / burn ق"�� / beatمP(�

He got lost in the desert. I got hurt in the battle.

: (*01م ( after-as soon as ) آ�; ا����� 6% ا���&% ا�*�م :05 إذا Having been + P.P. After the police had arrested the robbers, they put them in prison. Having been arrested the robbers, the police put the robbers in prison.

6= ���� و>-د adv.>�� . A�B �&-4 ا�*��4@ ا�?

You must plan your work carefully. → Your work must be carefully planned.

let �� ا��A5 إذا آ�ن ا����A و ا���5-ل وا�0 D E35/� (*01م &�)� be D p.p. �"� ا��/35(� ه=�G�و ا:

myself / himself / herself / itself / ourselves / themselves / yourself / yourselves He doesn’t let others laugh at him. → He doesn’t let himself be laughed at.

4-I� ات-JK-م�5���= ��/= �.-ل إ����/= �� �� �����ا A: j�%byQ4ف -1U) \, و اذا �< $��. %�.أ ��(��� . و %�.أ ���\ 9: %�~ ز(] j�%v. to beف -2�� . ا���jوفv. to be و %A? ا3- \����. ا� c���) �J� \,�� .ا

Choose the correct answer:

1- The Mousetrap (wrote-was written-has been written-is written) as a radio play in 1947. 2- Petra (was captured-captured-has been captured-has captured) by the Romans in AD 106. 3- The Cairo Metro (used-is using-is used-was using) by about two million passengers everyday. 4- English and Arabic (are spoken-is spoken-are speaking-is speaking) in most tourist offices. 5- We can't possibly allow the antiques (to sell-to be sold-to be selling-to being sold) abroad. 6- A lot of money (is spending-spends-has spent-is being spent) on education. 7- Alexander Fleming (invented-was invented-has been invented-had been invented) penicillin. 8- Pelé (said-is said-has said-had said) to be the greatest footballer. 9- Churchill (considered-has considered-is considering-is considered) the greatest British statesman. 10- A box of chocolates was given (at-for-to-with) Amanda.

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11- A letter (is being written-is written-is writing-was written) at the moment. 12- People (say-are said-have been said-were said) that he is a spy. 13- When he returned home, he found that all his money (had stolen-had been stolen-are stolen). 14- I don’t mind (being helped-helping- being helping-am helped) by people. 15- The whole village (damaged-got damaged-was damaging-has damaged) by an earthquake. 16- More oil (may find-may be found-may be finding-may be find). 17- Don’t let yourself (be deceived-be deceiving-deceive-to deceive) by others. 18- The law must never (break-broken-be breaking-be broken). 19- Hamlet was written (in-on-by-to) Shakespeare. 20- Ali (didn’t see-wasn’t seen-doesn’t see-hasn’t see) at the party yesterday.

Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning: 1- This year’s prize for crime fiction has won by a 78-year-old man………………………………….. 2- Three hundred million people were seen the last World Cup Final on TV………………………… 3- One of our classroom windows have been broken………………………………………………….. 4- It now know that Egypt was visited by increasing numbers of visitors last year…………………. 5- Japanese will be speaking at the meeting……………………………………………………………. 6- Care should take when working on electrical equipment. …………………………………………. 7- People must not be left bicycles in the driveway…………………………………………………….. 8- Lunch was being serve when we arrived. …………………………………………………………… 9- They are going to be built a new factory in Portland. ……………………………………………. 10- They were being painting the house when I arrived. ……………………………………………… 11- America was discovered by Christopher Columbus. ……………………………………………….. 12- Television was invent by John Logie Baird. ………………………………………………………… 13- Someone has been broken the window. …………………………………………………………… 14- The paper might not have written……………………………………………………………………… 15- The bedrooms have to clean. ………………………………………………………………………..

A) Language Functions 1- Respond to each of the following situations:

1- A friend asks for your advice about keeping fit. Advise him. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- You want some advice from a friend about how you can eat more healthily. What do you ask? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3- A friend wants to meet new people, but he / she is very shy. Make a recommendation. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4- Ask your teacher for advice about how to do well in the next English test. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:

1- A: Why are you late? B: The metro has broken down. A: But you are always late for the first lesson. B: I’m sorry, sir. I won’t be late again.

A: Ok. Book me a seat, please. Place: ………..… Speaker A:…………….….Speaker B:…………… Function……….…… 2- A: What’s wrong with you? B: I have a nasty headache.

A: How long have you been suffering from it? B: Two days. A: Let me examine you.

Place: ………..… Speaker A:…………….….Speaker B:…………… Function……….……

B) Vocabulary and Structure 3-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- The little girl doesn’t want to sing because she is ……………… . a) innocent b) secret c) spy d) shy

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2- He did nothing wrong. He is ……………………. a) suspect b) guilty c) innocent d) sensible

3- Her uncle can’t remember his accident. The doctor thinks he may have …………. a) headache b) phobia c) amnesia d) injury

4- In some countries, people use a passport instead of ……………… card. a) an identity b) a personal c) a national d) an individual 5- The police think he did it. He is the main ………….

a) suspect b) pioneer c) publisher d) agent 6- The quickest way for Sawsan to get to school is to ………… a train.

a) go b) bring c) come d) take 7- He is a …………. He finds out secret information about a country or organisation

a) spy b) secret agent c) diplomat d) politician 8- He remembers nothing about the past. He suffers from …………….

a) asthma b) amnesia c) insomnia d) fear 9- It is feared that there are no survivors of the crash.

a) is feared b) feared c) has feared d) fears 10- Agatha Christie ………… the Mousetrap in 1947.

a) has been written b) wrote c) has written d) was written 11- All the information you need ……………… on the internet.

a) can find b) can be found c) found d) can found 12- The meeting ……………… at the moment.

a) will be held b) is being held c) will hold d) is holding 13- Bicycles …………………… by the Germans.

a) was invented b) were invented c) invented d) invent 14- Prices …………… to rise more and more.

a) expected b) are expecting c) are expected d) expect 15- As soon as the tickets …………….., we went to the theatre.

a) had been booked b) had booked c) were booking d) booked 16- The glass window ……………… when the boy hit it with the ball.

a) is breaking b) was breaking c) was broken d) had broken 4-Find the mistake in these sentences, then write them correctly:

1- Before I entered the university, I had to show my credit card………………………………… 2- Rafat El-Haggan and Gomaa El-Shawwan were very famous Egyptian kings…………….. 3- We saw a lot of photographs, but we couldn’t identity the thief……………………………… 4- The Tempest written by Shakespeare…………………………………………………………. 5- It is say that eating the right food affects health well…………………………………………. 6- Nothing was knowing about the missing boy…………………………………………………..

C) Reading 5-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

In 1961, John Kennedy became president ~�Eر. The world was then introduced to his beautiful wife Jacqueline. She was intelligent, graceful �Y�!ر, and beautiful. Americans and the world fell in love with her. Her interests were writing poems and stories, ballet 0���� .and drawing ,ا

Jacqueline traveled all over the world. She became a photographer for a Washington D.C. newspaper and soon met Senator John Kennedy. She married John Kennedy in 1953. They had two children, Caroline, and John Jr., who was born just before John Kennedy became president in 1960. The family moved into the White House. As First Lady, Jackie promoted the “arts”. She introduced the world to the White House by conducting tours for visitors. She had many responsibilities, but her children always were her top priority ���� .اrو

Tragedy ة4+) struck ;�2 with the assassination ل�H]ا of President Kennedy. Jacqueline Kennedy had to care for her children alone. She moved to New York City. She protected the children from all the publicity ��U�,. She wanted as much privacy ��M�J� as possible, but the people and press always wanted to know about her life. She married Aristotle Onassis in 1968 and lived in Greece. After his death she moved back to New York City and was the editor for Doubleday. She died in 1994. She is remembered for her grace and beauty, her love of words and her family.

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A) Answer the following Questions: 1- When did Jacqueline marry John Kennedy? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2- What did Jacqueline do after John Kennedy’s assassination? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3- Why is Jacqueline Kennedy remembered? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: 4-Jacqueline’s interests were………………………………. a) writing b) riding horses c) ballet d) all of these 5- As first lady, Jacqueline’s first priority was………………………

a) riding horses b) the arts c) her children d) the American people 6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions: In many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we have the right to use

animals in laboratory experiments رب�$? Using animals in medical :�� research has many benefits .E�9ا. Animal research has enabled researchers [�*2�� to develop treatments for many اdiseases, such as heart disease. It would not have been possible to develop vaccines حY�� for اdiseases like smallpox رى.�� without animal research. Every drug anyone takes today was tried اfirst on animals.

Which is more important, the life of a rat or that of a three-year-old child? Medical research is also an excellent way of using unwanted "a "�]ور�� animals. Last year, over twelve million animals had to be killed because nobody wanted them as pets ���� The fact is that human .��2ا%ت أbenefit cannot be used as a reason Q�4 for using animals in research, any more than it can be used as a reason for experimenting :�, رب on other humans. Animals suffer a lot during ��"ى $�these experiments. They are forced to live in small cages and they may be unable to move.

Animals have the same rights as humans do; to be able to move freely ��"�� and not to have pain >� instead of animals in %��ذج forced on them. We can use computer modeling ��ف or fear أresearch laboratories to save animals' life. A) Give short answers to the following questions:

1-Why is animal research useful? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- How do animals suffer during experiments? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3- What other ways can be used instead of experimenting on animals? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4-According to the passage, some people support using animals in research because they think that…......………..

a) the life of people is more important than the life of animals. b) animals are harmful creatures. c) many people do not like animals. d) animals do not suffer during experiments.

5-The idea against using animals in research is that…......………….. a) the life of animals is more important than the life of humans. b) people should help to increase the number of animals. c) researchers have to use animals in their medical research. d) animals have the same rights as humans do.

D) The Mask Of Gold 7-A) Answer the following questions:

1-What similarities were there between the ancient Egyptians and the Incas? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………

2-Why did Dr Hafez choose Leila to be in charge of one of his teams? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………

B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions: "That's a sign that it may be a royal tomb."

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1- Who said this to whom? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………

2- Which sign was the speaker referring to? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………

C) Complete the following sentences: 1- The Incas killed women and servants and buried them with the king so that …………….…

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2- Amalia Guzman was ………………………………………………………………………….. .

E) Writing 8-Write an e-mail to your American friend, Tom, telling him how he can enjoy his visit to

Egypt: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……









9- A) Translate into Arabic: The 20th century will be remembered for its scientific revolution. Our age is the age of the

atom, space, and revolutionary medical achievements. Therefore conferences are organized to apply and make use of these achievements.



B) Translate into English: ج-1H%ا� �Mة و ����? (�cت ا���9: �*�.�� ا�����UCH� . ��Q أن %#FH.م ا


2-"�' >�ة 9: ا��#�YH\ أو 9: ,����� ,] !C\ اHC��دة � ��دة ( ��Cن (�و, :����ل ا�F� .إن ا……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……

A Funny Murder A man calls home from work and a strange woman answers the phone. The man says, "Who is this?" "This is the maid," answers the woman. "We don't have a maid!" "I was just hired this morning by the lady of the house." "Oh. Well, this is her husband. Is she there?" "….She's upstairs in the bedroom with someone whom I thought he was her husband." He'd always suspected, but now he knows. He says to the maid, "Listen, would you like to make $ 50,000?" "What do I have to do?" "I want you to get my gun from the desk in the office and shoot that both of them." " $ 50,000? Really?" "Yes." The maid puts down the phone. The man hears footsteps, followed by a couple of gunshots. The maid comes back to the phone."What should I do with the bodies?" "Throw them in the swimming pool!" "What pool? You haven’t got a pool." "Uhhh . . . is this 010 22 33 444 ?" !!

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Choose the correct answer

1- The Mousetrap (wrote-was written-has been written-is written) as a radio play in 1947. 2- Petra (was captured-captured-has been captured-has captured) by the Romans in AD 106. 3- Agatha Christie’s books (translated-were translating-have been translating-were translated into more

than 40 languages. 4- The Cairo Metro (used-is using-is used-was using) by about two million passengers everyday. 5- The Eiffel Tower (was designed-designed-have been designed-was designing) by Gustave Eiffel in

1889. 6- Many of Agatha Christie’s stories (made-is made-have been made-have made) into films and TV

programmes. 7- A famous tennis player is believed to (be hurt-hurt-have hurt-is hurt) after a city centre road accident. 8- We can't possibly allow the antiques (to sell-to be sold-to be selling-to being sold) abroad. 9- The Cairo Metro (may be extended-may extend-may be extending-may have extended) from Imbaba to

Cairo airport. 10- When he returned home, he found that all his money (had stolen-had been stolen-are stolen).

Find the mistakes in these sentences then write them correctly: 1- I remember being giving advice by my father. ………………………………………………………... 2- He has never be accused of cheating. ………………………………………………………………. 3- My car has damaged in the car park. ………………………………………………………………… 4- Money is being collecting money for children in need. …………………………………………........ 5- The date of the meeting will have to change. …………………………………………………………. 6- The bank robbers will get catch by the police………………………………………………………… 7- Who are going to invited to your wedding party? …………………………………………………… 8- He doesn't let himself cheat. …………………………………………………………………………. 9- I hate being telling what to do. ………………………………………………………………………… 10- I want to be tell me the truth……………………………………………………………………………..

:�HF� اآ"ةj� ا�)��� أ�Y9 >C.ان ا

?�"#�ر >�ر ا�_"ق ا&vا [, Q�YUH� �"ئ ��aف ار&vة �9"ان ,�< ا.�J) "4+� /:�, :��H#� وP] ,��\ 4"ى $ >�J� />��J�H< ���"\ ر�2ت

6���2 4< �� 9: ذ�4 Q$C) �4س� ���"���J< .E ا< ��"C#����4�4 ا��Yات ا�� ا

!0�H_) �F 0�9 ا!رات ��C�4c ���ل "V���2دى دور 9: (#دة $�"ض ��rل H9"ة�Y�,. ("آP اYH) ى.U� لز ار4(�

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ت�M :��, ل�� �J< ف_Hاآ >��� �s2� ��#% �A"ب �_.ة ���~ >�J رو(

.E("ة �.ون >W) ن (C) :9 ��,��2 اذا"#) ع�! �F! �4"ة ��JF_�>� ا��� أ,�: ا

ر/ ا�PFى �� أ���A9 >M ("�? ا"��� ���"��دة/ �_). / !ه. (�آ�� روا�ت ا(!

Page 68: 3rd Year First Term


The importance of trees

If you ask people why we need trees, most of them will answer: “we need wood from tees for building houses”; “we get fruit and nuts from trees”; “we make paper out of wood from trees”; “we can use wood as a fuel for cooking and heating”. Recently, people have added a more serious reason to this list: “Trees help the earth to breathe” or “They protect us from global warming”. It has been said that more than 5000 things in everyday use are made from trees. Here are a few of them: furniture, sports equipment, pencils, magazines and papers, cardboard boxes, musical instruments and- believe it or not- some kinds of toothpaste. In addition to these uses, trees also give us valuable chemicals. Turpentine, which is used as painted remover, is made from the sap of trees. Sap can also be used to make rubber. If wood is heated, chemicals are produced which can be used to make medicines and some

kinds of plastic. Wood products can also be turned into paper, cardboard and materials from which clothes can be made. You

may be surprised to hear that wood products are also used in some types of ice cream and other foods. So, the next time you are reading a newspaper, eating an ice cream, playing the piano or cleaning your teeth, just stop and think: how would you manage to do these things if there were no trees?

Presenter: In today’s Natural World, Professor Jeremy Beech is going to answer listeners’ questions about trees. Welcome to the programme.

Professor Beech: Hello. Presenter: Can we have both first question, please? Female caller: Hello. I’d like to ask the professor about the tallest tree in the world. Where is it

and how tall is it? Professor Beech: The tallest tree in the world is a giant Sequoia and it’s in California. It's 83.8

meters tall. Scientists say it is between 2300 and 2700 years old. Presenter: That’s incredible! Now, let’s move on to our second caller. Boy caller: Hello. I know a tree’s leaves help it to take in light from the sun. But I’d like to ask

what the bark of a tree does. Professor Beech: Well, the bark is like our skin - it protects the living part of the tree on top of

the ground and the tubes which carry water from a tree’s roots to its leaves. If the bark is badly damaged, the tree dies. Animals such as goats, love eating bark, so it’s specially important to keep animals away from young trees.

Presenter: Thank you. What’s the next question? Male caller: Hi. I’d like to ask: how is it possible to calculate the age of a tree by counting its

rings, without cutting the tree down? Presenter: Good question. Perhaps you could start by explaining what the rings are that this

caller is referring to. Professor Beech: Well, most trees grow bigger every year. Just under the bark, that is a

circle of soft cells which hardens every spring or summer. This forms a ring of new wood each year. This means we can calculate the age of the tree by counting rings.

Presenter: You can see the rings if you cut the tree down. But how do you do this without killing the tree?

Professor Beech: we can drill into the tree to make a deep, narrow hole. We then extract a very thin piece of wood which does no damage to the tree.

Presenter: And are the rings the same width every year? Professor Beech: No, they aren’t. The width depends on the climate and the amount of rain.

If there’s a lot of rain during the year, the rings are quite wide. If it’s a dry year, the rings are narrower. In this way, we can find out what the weather was like hundreds of years ago when the tree was younger.

Presenter: Really? Well, I’m afraid that’s all we have time for in today’s programme. Thanks to everyone.

Page 69: 3rd Year First Term


bark ء���ت products ا�HU) harden ��M 0���� rubber ط�) ring �Y�2 sap رةJ, tube أ%��ب toothpaste نU4ن أ���) cardboard ى�Y) آ"$�ن/ ورق turpentine "��UJ� ز�; �#FH"ج (] !�" اinstrument أداة calculate Q#�� extract ج"FH#� /��FH#� width ع/ ,"ض ا$#cooking utensils :(�� ر�9?/ ر>�� thin أدوات اfence �4ر remove \�P� shed ���Y4 shelter وى+) /+��) firm Q�M / زم (Pارع farms !"آ�/ 2stiff .)� /Q�M heating ��9.H� اobject D! trunk عj�� اpipe ����%أ label �J�) natural world :������< ا�� آ�ن violin اsequoia ����ر%� أ�Mات (���U� \��� "�! musical sounds ��Y�4 9: آleaves أوراق freeze .��H� protect :��� flood n��� /نA�9 roots ورj� sandstorm ���)ر ��M, seeds ورj� irrigate وى"� goats P,�� �pick Z�Y اcalculate Q#�� pink وردى count .�� melt وبj� caller �%����$ \JH�� �breathe ~�UH اcircle ة"Eدا car tyre ررةا��#� اform ن�C� /\C_� nuts ز��� اcells ��� chemicals ��E (�اد آ���soft >, ��plastic 6�H4 أ(�~/ %damage ").� /رث furniture د(&rا branch 9"ع flat �#) fruit ر/ &�"ة�& palm tree ��F% regulations >8% dig "��� dates �� soil ��"$ coconuts .U(� أ�4.ة fertilisers ��ز اpalm oil \�FU� stick ز�; اJ, rot [��H� recharge [�! .��� container ء{ brush ا%ء/ و,!"9 fuel و>�د alternatives \Eا.�

along the side of the street �%� :�,mرع_�make a list ��E ا< .�� a set of instructions �)ت����$ �,�� set rules .,ا�Y� ��.د اgive instructions ت����$ :��� break the rules .,ا�Y��Z اF�

Page 70: 3rd Year First Term


provide …… with ودP� / .�� ......ـ� connected with ـ� S�$") take in �H�� / >(�� /ع.F� protect … from :��� ...[) keep away from [, .�H�� in addition to :��9 اac� keep…away from .��� ......[, good for ـ� .��) cut trees down ر�!rا ?�Y� loaded up with ـ� \��) refer to :� ����/ �F"ج give out �_�" اdrill into :9 "��� carry out instructions ت����H� �j�U اdo damage to ـ� �ـ... a Q�#� tie …… to �"� S"ر depend on :�, .�H�� make sure .آ+H� turn to :� (]...... ���H� make … out of ?UJل اgo on :9 "�H#� get better at :9 [#�H� grow on trees ر�!rا :�, ��U� leave out .��H#� carry from … to [) \YU� ...:� �#fall over SY ا

bark ء �� /�_�"ة >_"ة ا the material that forms the surface of the wood of a tree harden ي�Y� to become firm or stiff. ring �Y�2 an object in the shape of a circle tube ����%أ a pipe that liquids or gases go through. calculate Q#�� to find out something or measure something by using numbers extract ��FH#� to remove something width ا$#ع / ,"ض the distance from one side of something to the other cardboard ورق (�Yي/ آ"$�ن very stiff thick paper, used especially for making boxes instrument ��' something such as a piano or violin used for producing musical sounds products ت�HU) things that are made or grown to be sold rubber ط�) A substance used for making tyres, boots, etc. sap ت�U�رة اJ, the liquid that carries food through plants and trees toothpaste نU4ن أ���) substance used for cleaning your teeth turpentine ;ز���FH#� "��UJ� a strong-smelling liquid used for removing paint (] !�" ا

We are retiring to the Maldives because we like a sunny climate. خ U���� ا��� ��ل H9"ة ز(��U �����( ا2( What’s the weather like this morning? ~Y���� ا��� ��ل H9"ة ز(�J< ��U"ة( ا2(

There is a great hole in the ground behind my house. ل( أرضPU��رج ا�( The glass fell off the table and scattered "&UH� on the floor. ��aل( أرPU��) ا Some plants grow in a muddy soil. ��"$ )��,زرا(

She bought a bag made of leather. [) ع�UJ))) ا�_�WH$ c D" و %"اهU( ?UJ��دة ا��)ا Bread is made from flour. [) ع�UJ) )) ا�_�WH$ D" و c %"اهU( ?UJ��دة ا��)ا This car was made in 2009. :9 ع�UJ) ) �U4 /نC)( This car was made in Italy. This car was made by an Italian car company. )!�F أو دو�� أو !"آ�( (�UJع ��ا��4

I like playing tennis. Q�� )0�م��, ( I like to play tennis. Q�� )نvا( I would like to play tennis tonight. .�"�

Page 71: 3rd Year First Term


He managed to cross the Nile. [) [C�H� He succeeded in crossing the Nile. :9 �U� He succeeded in the driving test.

3 metres in height 5 inches in length 5 centimetres in depth

"��4< ��. 2"ف اcام ا.FH4ا s2cin

3 metres high 5 inches long 5 centimetres deep

��J��� ,.م و��د 2"ف �" %#FH.م ا2 m9و

?�Y��ف اA�th>4cا [��CH�ت ��C��n ا� m� : اwide→width long→length strong→strength

deep→depth grow→growth

ت ا�mH $�.أ �ـ FH#$else.م ��C��. ا� some – every – no – some Someone else/ everyone else / something else / nothing else

م elseو$#FH.م (�H4cأدوات ا .�� what / who / why / where Do you need anything else? Who else attended "A2 the meeting?

آ�� �P�3ن ��دة �, آ����, و3g اD#N '��ه���� ا��:ا adj. / adv. + p.p. old-fashioned ���.< �a�) densely-populated نC#� ��Q ا�P) kind-hearted Q�Yد2< �deeply-rooted ا.� ���, open-minded [هj� (��WU ا�jه] H�H) absent-minded اbrightly-coloured ن���2د FH#� strong-minded.م �_C\ واc widely-used ?4(? ا "�C�$ ذو adj. / adv. / n. + v. + ing : far-reaching لU���Q اMو .��� long-lasting ����� ة"H�� "�H#) mouth-watering j�j�ب(!)m و����0 ا \�#�( never-ending أ�.ا m(HU� c labour-saving ����� 4"�? ا�fast-growing ��U $��9" ا

catch �3e3 ������ �-���' catch the ball ة"C�� 6#�� catch a thief �� 6#�� catch fire ق"H�� catch a disease ب ��"ضJ� catch fish catch 6�4 د�J� catch a train /a bus ـ� ����

catch up with �2�� /"�#� catch someone's attention }�H%ب اj�� hold ������ �-���' :�3e3

hold a meeting / a conference "�$V) ع أو�H�ا .Y�� hold a position / a postQJU) m�, \J�� hold an opinion 6 �"أي#�H� hold (500) people \��H� .... hold (him) responsible for ���V#) \��H� hold

the line = hold onSF� �#m�, "�H ا

The food in the canteen is quite good. ديءه That's quite a different matter. �$ ) /) .2 m�ا She's going to quit her job. ك"H� / درW� /[, Z<�H�

First connect the printer to the computer. ز(�� \M�� The railway link would connect Tanta with Cairo ـ� S�$"� There was nothing to connect him with the crime. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries ـ� \JH�

Thoudsands of people emigrated during the famine. �,م ( (����) %.رة ا A sever drought ruined the crops. ف) %.رة (�"( >�S أو �� When I opened the window , I felt a fresh draught. ر ه�اء�$

He showed me how to operate the new machine. �Uآ�) A dentist has to get dental instruments that cost a lot . ��U9 ةP(�ت أو أc' The carpenter uses his tools to repair the window. ر (*� ( اداة _U�� )ا

Page 72: 3rd Year First Term


et's + ر.J) # the ر�!rن (] ا,�% .���:- A deciduous tree loses its leaves in autumn and grows new ones in the spring. 0�A�% A coniferous tree describes a plant, bush, or tree which has leaves for the whole year ���.H#)

-:�Pاء ا�_�"ة واFH4.ا() أه< أBark ء��� .The tough outer layer of a tree that protects its living parts on the trunk اTrunk ق#� .The strongest part of a tree that grows wider and supports branches اRoot رj�� .The underground part of a tree that hold down the tree securely اLeaves وراقrا The food factory of a tree. Branches وع"�� .Grow out from the trunk and support the leaves اFruit ة"�*� ..Produced by some trees every year ا

Choose the correct answer on vocabulary 1 - (Globalization – Nationalization - Global warming –Immunity �,U) ) is the increase in the Earth's heat.

2 – The violin and the lute are both ( music – musician – musicians – musical ) instruments . 3 – They ( played – made – did – answered ) the piano and performed well. 4 – He ( able – managed – capable – could ) to climb the tree with great difficulty. 5 – We must keep animals ( on – in – up – away ) from young plants. 6 - Ahmed and Noha are the same ( old – young – edge – age ). 7 – We use ( cardboard – dashboard – blackboard – board ) to make boxes. 8 – Tyres and boots are made of ( rubber – oil – iron – glass ) 9 – You can use ( toothpaste – flour – milk – shaving paste ) to brush your teeth. 10 – The ( leaves – nuts – fruits – branches ) are the parts of the trees that grow underground. 11 – The hard outside part of a tree is called ( bark – branch – fruit – roots ) 12 – Every year, Trees grow extra ( branches – trees – rings – roots ) of new wood. 13 – The new trousers are too long , so my mother is going to ( short – shorten – shortens – shirt ) it.

14 – The liquid that carries food in trees is ( sad – sat – sap – sin ����� ). 15 - ( Paint – Piano – Jug إ�"�� – Mug ) is a musical instrument. 16 – They used ( toothpaste – rubber – turpentine – cardboard ) to remove paint. 17 – Goats and other animals can ( eat – kill – water – freeze ) tress by damaging the bark. 18 – The more rain there is in a year , the ( narrower – wider – taller – shorter ) the tree rings are.

19 – The ( wide – width – length – age ) of the rings depends on the climate and amount of rain. 20 – If the bark is badly damaged , the tree ( sleeps – dies – runs – walks )

Find the mistakes in the following sentences 1 – Tubes carry water from the bark to the leaves.……………………………………………………. 2 – They can exact a very thin piece of wood.…………………………………………………………. 3 – There are many things that are made of trees…………………………………………………….. 4 – Trees can protect us from local warming…………………………………………………………… 5 – What do you refers to?.............................................................................................................. 6 – Sap is used to making rubber………………………………………………………………………... 7 – The road is the underground part of a tree…………………………………………………………. 8 – Trees breathe in oxygen during the day…………………………………………………………….. 9 – The trunk of the tree is like our skin…………………………………………………………………. 10 – The climate is very hot today………………………………………………………………………..

Translate into Arabic:

Cutting off trees in cities is an ill deed. Trees give us shade in summer and the green colour makes us feel at ease. Trees also purify the air and they give off oxygen by day. That’s why we should do our best to spread the green colour all over our country. …………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Page 73: 3rd Year First Term


Conditionals �(L�M�ا A���ا

:$�CHن أي ���� !"ط (] &�&� أ�Pاء أداة ا��Mط ► >��� ا��Mط ►>��� >-اب ا��Mط

:أنواع الجمل الشرطية واستخداماتها: أوال Zero Conditional ► present simple + present simple

% )100(�� �0وث >-اب ا��Mط ( �� ا����ا���1- "�WH$ c �H�& �EY2 [, "���H��. If we heat ice, it becomes water. 2 - ")rا m9 . If he comes late, send him away.

First Conditional ► present simple + subject+ (will/shall/can/may)+Iinf…………

ا����� ا و�� ( (�� �0وث >-اب ا��Mط %90 ) [, "���H�� \�YH#�� .If you travel withy me, you can find a good job .أ2.اث ��C] أن $�.ث m9 ا

Second Conditional ► past simple + subject+ (would/should/could/might)+Iinf…………

% )50(�� �0وث >-اب ا��Mط ( ا������ا����� ����a ��#U� "a�� .The exam is soon, if you studied, you could succeed .أ2.اث ��C] أن $�.ث m9 ا

Third Conditional ► past perfect + subject+ (would/should/could/might)+have+p.p.……

) 7ن ا�0Iث ا*.% U56% ���(�� �0وث >-اب ا��Mط ( ا������ا����� أو ,�m ,.م 2.و&)(��, m�, م.U% أ2.اث. You lost the match, if you had played well, you could have won.

):Š’Ûa@laìu@òÜà @Š’Ûa@òܺ@ÁiŠm@Áiaë‰@ïç늒Ûa@laìu@òÜà @Š’Ûa@òܺ@ÁiŠm@Áiaë‰@ïç늒Ûa@laìu@òÜà @Š’Ûa@òܺ@ÁiŠm@Áiaë‰@ïç늒Ûa@laìu@òÜà @Š’Ûa@òܺ@ÁiŠm@Áiaë‰@ïçë( أدوات الشرط: ثانيا m� : $YU#< أدوات ا�_"ط إ

Z@@@püb¨a@Éî»@À@ïmdm@paë†c@Z�üëc @��/ إذا If = In case = In the event ► ��) + ���� آ

In case she goes to the cinema , she can watch the film. - ���� �� In case of = In the event of ► + noun / v. +ing.

-In case of accepting the job, she can travel abroad. �m9 0 ���� وا2.ة 9 ���� آ(�� +► Unless إذا �� A% أو m�U��j�% ~Cف ا�ن SY unless أو اC) if s2c ام.FH4ا .U,

- If he didn't go to the party , he wouldn't see his friends. =Unless he went to the party, he wouldn't see his fiends.

ون � Without = But for ► + noun / v. + ing. ون.� - Without going to the party, he wouldn't see his fiends.

@�bîãbq@Z@@@ÁÔÏ@òí‹Ð—Ûaë@ïÛëþbi@ò–b‚@paë†cZ@ ►SY9 Only if = provided that = providing =as long as إذا ��)+ ���� آ

- Only if Amr does his homework, I will reward him. - Only if the sun rises, it is day. q@�brÛb@Z@@@ÁÔÏ@ïÛëþa@òÛb¨bi@ò–b‚@paë†c@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Z

إc و .�W�M +( or = or else = else = otherwise) + will / won't + inf أ(" -You must ( have to )study hard else you will fail.

cإذاإ except if ►......��) .You will fail except if you study hard- ���� آ��ل + ��ر + 9,\ +......► Should = if إذا �) -Should Amr do his homework, I will reward him.

@�bÈiaŠ@Z@ÁÔÏ@òîãbrÛa@òÛb¨bi@ò–b‚@paë†cZ@ @ Should = if ►+ \,��ل + ��ر + 9�).........

-Should you play well, you could win the match. Had ���Mrا �������ل ) 9�\ أ4m9 m4 ا�) + \,9 + had )أن s2c

-Had Sami enough money, he would marry. If I were you , I would / wouldn't…….. ) � �!�"�(

-If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time.

Page 74: 3rd Year First Term


If it weren't for = Without = But for►+ noun / v. + ing. -If it weren't for money, we wouldn't be happy. Were )��M ( ل���) + \,9+ ����� آ%; إذا were (���دة m9 ا-Were I a bird, I would fly. Were + \,9+ to + inf. د��ة[�" (������ آ%; إذا m9 were ا-Were Sally to come early, she could find me.

���H4cا [, "���H�� "E�A� (? آ\ اUه were %#FH.م U%أ s2c -If he was ill , he would got the doctor. -I f he were a bird, he would fly.

@�b%ßb‚@ZÁÔÏ@òrÛbrÛa@òÛb¨bi@ò–b‚@paë†c Had + \,9 + p.p. ���Mrا �������ل ) 9�\ أ4m9 m4 ا�) had s2c أن( - Had he studied hard, he wouldn't have failed.

If it hadn't been for= Without = But for► + noun / v. + ing. -If it hadn't been for happiness, our life would have been very hard.

òßbç@pbÄyýß@@@òî ‹“Ûa@Ýà§a@ïÜÇ@@@ @د��, \�� [) \���H�� ���"! \�� m� : إ

Choose the correct answer on grammar 1 – If it ( doesn't rain – won't rain – didn't rain – hadn't rained ) tomorrow, I will go for a walk. 2 – ( If – Unless – Without – In case ) danger, call the police. 3 – If we heat metals , they ( expanded – would expand – will not expand – expand ) 4 – If you meet my father, ( won't – wouldn't – don't – can't ) tell him I am in the club. 5 – You will understand the lesson ( unless – except if – as long as – so ) you listen carefully. 6 – If she ( read – reads – had read – will read ) the newspaper, she would have known. 7 – If I ( am – were – had been – have been ) you, I would apologize to her. 8 – If he didn't come , I ( would have forgiven – won't forgive – forgive –wouldn't forgive) him. 9 – He will pass the test ( except if – unless – if not – only if ) he studies hard. 10 – If he arrived early, ( he would – would he – he will – will he ) catch the metro? Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly 1 – If I felt tired , I will go to bed.………………………………………………………………………………. 2 – If I found any money at school, I will take it to the teacher.……………………………………………. 3 – I will tell you if I saw anything unusual……………………………………………………………………. 4 – If you haven't taken the photos, I wouldn't have remembered our holiday.……………………..……. 5 – Water will freeze if the temperature is zero or below.…………………………..………………………. 6 – If you throw that stone, you break a window.……………………………………………………………. 7 – If she trains hard , she wins next week's race.……………………………………………………………. 8 – If he arrives early , he will catch the bus?…………………………………………………………………. 9 – If you will mix red and white , you get pink.………………………………………………………………. 10 – If you heat ice , it freezes………………………………………………………..………………………….

1- The averaged size tree can provide enough wood to make 170,000 pencils. 2- One (a single) tree produces up to 260 pounds of oxygen a year. That is more than enough to supply oxygen to a family of four people! 3- A tree can absorb as much carbon in a year as a car produces, driven over 8 500 miles! 4- The world’s tallest tree is a Sequoia (or California Redwood); it is more than 360 feet tall. 5-The world's oldest trees are 4,600 year old Bristlecone pines in the USA.

��"�J��� ا��.%#FH.م ا �H�& ����, �Y�Y2 [, ث.�H$ �����.إذا و�.% ا Q�#�.%�9j)< و%�.أ ���� ا�_"ط (] ���� ا so because ......... \*) Sد را���و .U, :

�� ا��.rو�FH#%m.م ا perhaps/ will/ shall/may ل����� ا ,�"ت إذا �H2د,] ا���� #% ����%��اFH.م ا*����M ~C ا�m�U إ�m إ&�ت (? $���\ �وا ����� �إذا و�.%رعA)

�����*� (ا%#FH.م ا*����M ~C ا�m�U إ�m إ&�ت $���\ ?�وا ����� �إذا و�.%ma)

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A- Language Functions 1) Respond to each of the following situations:

1. You want to make tea the English way. Ask your friend for advice. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Your sister ask for your advice about how to keep fit. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. You are at an interview. You are asked about your marital status. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. You are introduced to someone you have never met before. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2)Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: . A: I'd like to renew my passport, please. B: You need to fill in this form and bring two recent photos . Place:…………………SpeakerA:…….......……SpeakerB:…….……..…… Function…………. A: Can I book a flight to London, please؟ B: Sure. When would you like to travel ؟ A: Tomorrow morning. Place:…………………SpeakerA:…….......……SpeakerB:…….……..…… Function………….

B) Vocabulary and Structure 3) Choose the correct answer

1. Our favourite musical ………………. is the piano a) play b) instrument c) equipment d) device

2. I collect postcards which I keep in a ……………… box. a) paper b) card c) cardboard d) wood

3. The river can be used by many ships because of its ………………… . a) wide b) width c) widening d) widened

4. We can tell the age of a tree by counting the rings in the …………….. a) leaf b bark c) truck d) trunk

5. Scientists tell the age of a tree by ……………… the rings in the trunk. a) calculating b) counting c) adding d) widening

6. The function of the ……………… is to hold the tree in the ground. a) seed b) root c) trunk d) leave

7. The …………… is the hard outside part of a tree. a) branch b) root c) bark d) trunk

8. …………… is the liquid that carries food in trees. a) sap b) soup c) soap d) oil

9. If water …………… to 100° c, it boils. a) will heat b) is heated c) heats d) has heated

10. If you work hard, you …………………… well in the test. a) would do b) could do c) might do d) will do

11. If she …………………hard, she will win next week's race. a) trains b) will train c) trained d) had trained

12. If I …………… for too long, I get a headache. a) will read b) had read c) would read d) read

13. Your train leaves in ten minutes. If you hurry, you …………… it. a) are catching b) would catch c) will catch d) catch

14. If I am thirsty, I …………………. Water. a) will drink b) would drink c) am drinking d) drank

15. If I have any free time tomorrow, I …………….. for a walk in the park. a) went b) go c) ‘d go d) ‘ll go

16. …………………… you work harder, you’ll fail your exam. a) If b) Unless c) When d) As 4)Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,: 1- The table is two metres in long………………………………………………………………......

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2- If you heat water, it melts………………………………………………………………………..... 3- The knife doesn't cut very well. I need to sharp it………………………………………………. 4- I read if there will be nothing on TV. ………………………………………………………………. 5- If you will freeze water, it turns to ice…………………………………………………………….. 6- If you will call me, I will give you the address……………………………………………………

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books 5)Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Doctors do not always know what causes high blood pressure medically called hypertension. But we know a few things about this disease. For example, men’s hypertension rates are much greater than women's. Besides the disease usually begins in middle or old age and it sometimes runs in families. Many people have high blood pressure without knowing it because there are usually no

obvious symptoms. If you want to know if "you have blood pressure, you have to ask your

doctor to check it for you.

If you have high blood pressure, you have to look for a solution. If you are heavy, losing

weight can sometimes help. Some people's blood pressure goes down when they give up

salt. Others can improve by learning how to relax and make the fullest use of the right kind of

exercise. Fortunately, it is possible to control high blood pressure today with proper

medicine. High blood pressure can lead to serious problems such as heart diseases, so it is

very important to control it.

A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1- What should a person do to keep his blood pressure normal? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- Why is it very important to control high blood pressure? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3- Which sex is higher in hypertension rates male or female? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4- Hypertension requires ...............salt in food.

a) more b) less c) most d) much 5-The underlined pronoun “it” means ………………………

a) a disease b) blood c) pressure d) hypertension 6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Perhaps because of their constant >Eدا presence د��و, most of us rarely think of the importance of trees in our lives. We may take them for granted, or see them as mere decorations. Trees, however, benefit our environment and provide us medicines. They provide shade in summer and shelter in winter. In fact, trees planted around our homes help reduce heating and cooling costs. During summer, trees can block Q��$ the sun and have a refrigerating .�"�$ effect on us and our homes, and during the winter months, trees can keep us warmer by protecting us from wind and snow. Trees absorb �H�� harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide and in turn give off oxygen. As well, they filter !"$ and trap Q��$ pollutants .making our air cleaner ر(د such as smoke, dust, and ash (�اد (��&�

Apple, pear آ�*"ى, and orange trees are just a few of the types of trees that provide us with nourishment ��jW$. In addition to food, trees are also a constant source of medicine for the human race. For centuries the Chinese have used tea made from ginkgo seeds �CU�� j� as aور اcure for ـ� In more modern times, ginkgo .ا�"�� illnesses, such as asthma ا�respiratory ~�UH آ��ج leaf extract has been used as a treatment for Alzheimer and depression. The Native Americans use Aspen ازP(�ت ا�% bark for reducing fever and fighting influenza. A) Give short answers to the following questions:

1- Trees provide us with shade in summer and shelter in winter. Explain. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- How do trees reduce air pollution? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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3- Mention some types of trees that provide us with nourishment? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4- Most of us rarely think of the importance of trees in our lives because……….

a) we always see trees b) we rarely see trees c) we hardly see trees d) there are no trees

5-The Native Americans use ………. for reducing fever and fighting influenza. a) ginkgo seeds b) the tea tree c) Aspen bark d) orange trees

D) The Mask of Gold 7-A- Answer the following questions:

1- Which civilization is superior: the Inca or the ancient Egyptian? Why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- Why did the Incas and the Ancient Egyptians put food and drink beside the bodies of their dead kings and queens?


B- Read the quotation and answer the questions: “Did you have a good flight?”

1- Who said these words to whom? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- What were the speaker’s feelings towards the addressed person? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

C- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences: 1- Martin Lander used to work for………………………………………………………………… 2- Machu Picchu was ……………………………………………………………………….……..

E) Writing 8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on

The importance of trees ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………










F) Translation 9-A- Translate into Arabic:

Nothing is more ugly than a street without trees. Trees give us shade and green colour makes us feel at ease. They also purify the air as they give off oxygen by day. That's why we should do our best to spread the green colour all over our cities. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




B- Translate into English: 1->(�a9: أرا [�HU&زرع !�"ة أو ا :�, (�Uا��) ?��_$ �)�C�� . ��Q ,�: ا



2-}���(\ ��.�� (? ورد ا��U\ ا�jى ���H آ��ت ه��E (] ا�H% أن U��, . ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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Choose the correct answer 1 – If it ( doesn't rain – won't rain – didn't rain – hadn't rained ) tomorrow, I will go for a walk. 2 – ( If – Unless – Without – In case ) danger, call the police. 3 – If we heat metals , they ( expanded – would expand – will not expand – expand ) 4 – If you meet my father, ( won't – wouldn't – don't – can't ) tell him I am in the club. 5 – You will understand the lesson ( unless – except if – as long as – so ) you listen carefully. 6 – If she ( read – reads – had read – will read ) the newspaper, she would have known. 7 – If I ( am – were – had been – have been ) you, I would apologize to her. 8 – If he didn't come , I ( would have forgiven – won't forgive – forgive –wouldn't forgive) him. 9 – He will pass the test ( except if – unless – if not – only if ) he studies hard. 10 – If he arrived early, ( he would – would he – he will – will he ) catch the metro? Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,: 1- Don't worry if I was late tonight…………………………………………………………………………. 2- If they didn't come soon, I'm not going to wait………………………………………………………… 3- If she ran all the way, she'll get there in time…………………………………………………………. 4- If he will be sick, he had better go to bed……………………………………………………………… 5- The dog doesn't attack you if you sit quite still………………………………………………………... 6- Unless you don't wear boots, you may get bitten by snakes………………………………………... 7- He can stay with me provided he agreed to help with the housework……………………………... 8- If the bark of the tree was badly damaged, the tree dies……………………………………………. 9- You can see the rings if you are cutting the tree down………………………………………………. 10- If there was a lot of rain during the year, the rings are quite wide………………………………….

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Murder on the Orient Express

Hercule Poirot, probably Agatha Christie’s most famous detective, had finished working on a crime in Turkey and was about to go home on the Orient Express. When Poirot got on the train, he noticed that it was unusually full for the time of year. Soon after the train had left Istanbul, a wealthy businessman, Mr. Ratchett, asked Poirot to protect him because he believed his life was in danger. Although Ratchett offered Poirot a lot of money to do this, the detective did not believe the man's story and refused to help him. During the night, the train had to stop because of heavy snow. The next morning, Ratchett was found dead: He had been murdered. Had someone got on the train and killed him? Now Poirot believed Ratchet's story and, together with a doctor who was also on the train, he started work to solve the crime. The two men soon discovered that Ratchett had a secret identity. He was not a businessman, but a criminal who was hated by many people. After examining the train and Ratchet's body, Poirot realized that the man had almost certainly been murdered by one of the 13 people from the same part of the train as Ratchett. This meant that

there were 13 suspects. One by one, Poirot discovered that these 13 people all had a good reason to hate Ratchett. Together, they had carefully planned what they were going to do and had all taken part in the murder. This was why the Orient Express had been so full on that journey.

Presenter: In last week’s a programme, Professor Jeremy Beech answer some of your

questions about trees. Today we welcome professor Beech back to talk about forests.

Professor, Could you start by telling us about the different kinds of forest? Professor Beech: Yes, of course. Well, as you all know, a forest is a large area of land which

is covered by trees. About twenty percent of the earth’s surface is covered with forest. Different climates and soils support different types of forest. Let’s look first at rain forests, like the ones in South America and Central Africa. Here, temperatures are high and it rains a lot. There are many different types of trees in rain forests. Some grow very tall to reach of the sunlight above. Below them are shorter trees, and below these are other low plants. Rain forests make up about seven percent of the earth’s surface. The second type of forests are found in places where the climate is neither very hot nor very cold. These forests consist of trees which lose their leaves in the winter or in the dry season. The final kind of forests is found in countries with cold climates and on the sides of mountains. Most of the trees here never lose the leaves. Their branches point downwards so that snow can fall off them during the winter. The largest forest of this type is northern Europe and covers 11,000,000 square kilometres.

Presenter: That’s very interesting, Professor. Thank you. Now, if any listeners would like to ask Professor Beech a question, you can contact the programme...

suspect 0�9 0�H_) criminal م"�) support >,.� /.U#� absorb �H�� murder \H< ���"� detective 4"ى "�F)

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spy �4س� innocent ئ"� cardboard ى�Y) آ"$�ن/ ورق capture :�, :��H#� /"4+� attachment �9") /���) competition �Y�#) secret identity ��"4 ه��� weapons ���4أ rainforests ت (��"ة�] enemies أ,.اء wet \H�) empty رغ9 rainy "��) chemicals و�� (�اد آ��branches 9"وع purpose ض"] forests ت�] notice s2�� area of land رضr�2 (] ا#) collect ?��� leaves أوراق realize رك.� /�Y�� percent �E�� ("�confusing "��) /6 9: اsurface �4 characters ت�JF! soil ��"$ film-maker أ�9م ?%M trunk عj� partner 6�"! season \J9 results lEH% island ة"�P� minor "��M /ى�%& produce lHU� plot S�F� amnesia اآ"ةj� (_). Y9 scene.ان اaspect Q%� gradual :ر��.$ reduce �Y�\ setting نC) old age [#� (��aع theme آ�" اnoise pollution :Ea�a ث��$ public phone :)��, ن����$ seeds ورj� kick \9~/ �"آ"� insects 2_"ات hero \�� thirsty ن_�, describe ZJ� damage ").� treat l��� headache اع.M spy �4س� hide / hid / hidden �HF�D habits دات, invasion وP] preferences ت��A�$

point downwards "�_���% �4\اr get on the train ر�Y� �"آQ اpoint down \�4r "�_� in danger "�� :9 different from [, Z�HF) work with ?) \��� fall of the leaves , [) SY#وراق��rا : take part in رك_�:9 point to :�, ور_� at the end of ��(% :9 covered in / with / by ـ� :�W) together with :��9 اac� make up ن�C� in a short time ة"�WM ة"H9 :9 consist of [) ن�CH� leave out ك"H� on the sides of :�%� :�, connected with ـ� \JH) come off \J�U� suffer from [) :%�� take in �H�� search for [, k��� pick up SYH�� work on a crime ���"� PW� \2 :�, \���

put down roots [��H#� /"YH#� do a survey ع��H4ى ا"�� solve a crime ���"���PW ا \�� look straight ة"!�) "8U�

Page 81: 3rd Year First Term


Practical Test One

Work Book

Languag Functionns 1)Respond to each of the following situations: 1) A foreign friend wants to know how to make Egyptian tea . Tell him/her what to do first. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2) Someone asks what you were doing at eight o'clock this morning . …………………...……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3) A friend asks you what you think about TV news programmes. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4) A friend wants a job to help poor people. Advise him or her. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: 1) A) At last we're here. What time does our flight leave, Dad? B) At midday. We've still got lots of time. A) Are you sure we have everything we need? B) Yes, I'm sure. Please stop worrying, Ali! Place:…………………SpeakerA:…….......……SpeakerB:…….……..…… Function…………. 2) A) So, for your homework, I want you all to make a list of all the plants growing in your neighbourhood. B) Shall we just write the names of the plants? A) No, write the names and a short description. B) When is the homework for? A) Next Thursday, please. Place:…………………SpeakerA:…….......……SpeakerB:…….……..…… Function………….

B) Vocabulary and Structure 3) Choose the correct answer

1) I expect I( am going to see - am seeing - I'll see – see)you at the weekend. 2) After the accident, the doctor ( examined - looked at - tested – studied)her to check she was

not injured. 3) Do you have ( a - the - many – any) free time this afternoon? 4) We went to the opening of a new school last week. It was a very interesting ( occasion - time -

view – situation) 5) Petrol( made - is made - makes - are made)from oil. 6) Wind and wave power are typos of( new - waste - renewable – cheap) energy. 7) When I was younger, I ( usually -used - use - used to)go swimming every day. 8) My sister ( is - has been - is being - had been)at university for three years. She comes home

every weekend . 9) The police think he did it. He is the main ( suspect - pioneer - publisher – agent). 10) I really enjoy reading Agatha Christie novels. I particularly like her ( way - style - system – design). 11) It ( is thought - was thought - thought – thinks)that air travel will become more popular in the future. 12) He did nothing wrong. He's ( suspect - guilty - innocent – sensible). 13) If he doesn't get eight hours sleep every night, he ( will feel - feels - would feel - is feeling)really

tired the next day. 14) If I have any free time tomorrow, ( I went - I go - I'd go - I'll go)for a walk in the park. 15) The piano is our favourite musical ( tool - instrument - equipment – device). 16) Her uncle can't remember his accident. The doctor thinks he may have ( a headache -

phobia - amnesia – injury) 4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,: 1) I need to get fit, so I've made a decision. I do more exercise…………………….………………… 2) The Prisoner of Zenda was wrote by Anthony Hope…………………………………………………. 3) We moved 'to this house two years ago today, so we lived here for exactly two years……………

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4) Before I entered the university, I had to show my credit card……………………………………….. 5) If you heat water, it melts………………………………………………………………………………… 6) Ra'fat EI-Haggan and Goma'a EI-Shawwan were very famous Egyptian kings……………………

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books 5) Read the following passage, then answer the questions: The Taj Mahal, which is outside the city of Agra in India, was built by the Emperor Shah Jahan. It is a tomb for his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Her body is buried under the building. The Taj Mahal was started in 1633 and took 22 years to build. Today, it is one of the most popular buildings in the world for tourists. The Taj Mahal is built of white stone which is covered with beautiful designs. The highest part of the roof of the Taj Mahal is shaped like an onion. In front of the building is a lake. At night! in the light of the moon, you can see the Taj Mahal in this lake - it is a beautiful sight. A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1) Who was Mumtaz Mahal? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

2) In what year did they finish building the Taj Mahal? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

3) Describe the Taj Mahal. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4) Why was the Taj Mahal built? a) in memory of Shah Jahan. b) to attract tourists c) in memory of Shah Jahan's wife d) as a castle. 5) Why can visitors sometimes see the Taj Mahal in the lake? a) The water is like a mirror b) The building is in the middle of a lake. c) The Taj Mahal is on an island. d )The city is often flooded 6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions: People suddenly started seeing the strange plants in their gardens last spring. No one had ever seen anything like them before, and no one knew where they had come from: At first Some people pulled them out and burned them because they thought they looked horrible But most people left them where they were, without touching them. The next summer, people. enjoyed the big purple-coloured flowers that the plants produced. It was not until August that people read in their newspapers the first reports that the plants could walk and run and even catch people and kill them. There is never much interesting news in August so people thought that journalists had made up these stories about walkng plants to sell a few more newspapers and make money. Then in September, there was terrible news………. A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1 Why did some people destroy the plants? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

2 How were the plants dangerous to people? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

3 What did people think when they read the newspaper stories for the first time? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4) Where is this text from? a- a newspaper b- a science fiction story c- a detective story d- a book on gardening 5) What does them refer to in the plants could walk and run and even catch people and kill them?

a- the plants b- the journalists c- the newspapers d- the people

D) The Mask of Gold 7-A- Answer the following questions: 1) What job did the man sitting next to Leila on the plane say he did? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

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2) What did Dr Hafez think when Leila introduced him to Martin Lander? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

B- Read the quotation and answer the questions: "I decided I didn't want to tell this man too much more. He spoke easily and confidently".

1) Why do you think Leila did not want to answer any more questions? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

2) Later on the journey, Leila fell asleep. What did the man do while she was sleeping? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

C- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences: 1) Although Martin Lander has an American passport, he................................................................ . 2) When Dr Hafez met Leila at the airport, he asked her if .................................................................

E) Writing 8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on

a novel or a short story you have enjoyed reading ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…







F) Translation 9-A- Translate into Arabic: Yahia Haqqi was born in 1905 in the Sayyida Zeinab district of Cairo. He graduated in law and worked for a short time as a lawyer. In 1929, he began his career as a diplomat. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…


B- Translate into English: 1-6��, Y�< ;Uآ �����JU� أن $#ل وا�.�6 ا


%�,�� اr%_�� ا�Q�$ mH أن $�ر4) ��ل %)�� ا��4rع-2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

Q 1-: What starts with E, ends with E and only has one letter? . Q 2-: What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean? Q 3-: What letter of the alphabet is an insect? Q 4-: What letter is a part of the head? Q 5-: What letter is a drink? Q 6-: What letter is water? Q 7-: What letter is a vegetable? Q 8-: What letter is an exclamation? Q 9-: What letter is looking for causes? Q 10-: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but not once in a thousand years? Q 11-: In what way can the letter "A" help a deaf lady? Q 12-: What word of only three syllables contains 26 letters? Q 13-: What is the end of everything?

:The Answers 1- An envelope 2- A blackboard. 3- B. (bee) 4- I. (eye) 5- T. (tea) 6- C. (sea) 7- P. (pea) 8- O. (oh!) 9- Y. (why) 10- The letter "m". 11- It can make "her" " hear. 12- Alphabet = (26 letters) 13- The letter "g".

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Great Engineering Egypt has many amazing works of engineering, both

ancient and modern. South of Aswan, for example, Abu Simbel is the site of two temples which were carved into a cliff in about 1250 BC. The larger temple was positioned so that at certain times of the year, the rays of the rising sun would illuminate the statues of Ptah, Amun-Re, Ramses II and Ry-Horakhty.

In 1954, the government decided to build Aswan High Dam. This meant that the Nile Valley would be flooded and that Abu Simbel itself would be under water. It was unthinkable that Egypt should lose one of its most important monuments, so plans were made to rescue it.

The massive statues were cut into pieces which weighed over 30 tonnes each. These were raised over 60 metres up the cliff, where they were attached to a concrete base. The work took thousands of workers more than three

years to complete. Today, the temples, which were re-opened in 1968, are an amazing combination of ancient and modern engineering.

Many years after the building of Abu Simbel, China had a different problem which was solved by another great engineering project. Many years ago, enemies were attacking the rich towns of northern China. The emperor decided to keep the attacks out, so work on the Great Wall of China began in 220 BCE and continued for hundreds of years. Eventually, the wall reached a length of 6,400 km. It is the longest structure ever built and was all made without machines. Its five-meter width is wide enough for soldiers to ride along on horses to stop attackers from climbing over the wall.

Tourist: Excuse me, could You tell me the best way to go to the city centre, please? Egyptian man: Yes, the quickest way from here is to take an underground train. Tourist: I didn’t know Cairo had underground trains. Egyptian man: Yes, it’s the only underground railway system in Africa or the Middle East. I

know this because I work on it as an engineer! Tourist: Is it new? Egyptian man: No, but it’s a lot newer the London or Paris System. The first line opened in

1989. It’s about 44 kilometres long and goes from the Helwan, in the south of Cairo, to New El Marg in the northeast.

Tourist: Really? That really must have made travelling around Cairo easier, especially for commuters.

Egyptian man: It certainly has. Trains carry nearly two million people every day. Tourist: Is it expensive? Egyptian man: No, not at all. That’s one of the best things About it. Journeys cost the same

whether you travel between the stations or go from one end of the line to the other. Tourist: That’s fantastic! It must have saved people a lot of money and improved the journeys to

work. Egyptian man: It has. Tourist: So how many lines are there in the system? Egyptian man: There are two at the moment, but there are plans for six lines. Line two goes

from Shobra to El Monib. It goes under the Nile. Tourist: Really? That’s amazing! Tunnelling under the Nile can’t have been easy. Egyptian man: They used a massive drilling machine called Nefertiti. It dug a tunnel with a

diameter of over eight meters. Tourist: Is there a line to the airport?

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Egyptian man: No, not yet- that’ll be line three. They’ve started work on it already. Tourist: the whole thing sounds like a massive engineering project. It can’t have been cheap. Egyptian man: No, it wasn’t, but we’re very proud of it, and it's considered to be one of the

most modern underground systems in the world. And, of course, it’s an investment in Egypt’s future as a centre for tourism and business.

Tourist: when will it be finished? Egyptian man: All six lines might be open by 2022.

great >�8, sound like 0�_� flood n��� tourist E4 project وع"_) unthinkable ل�Y�) "�] tourism �2�#�ر monuments (_"وع هengineering m4.U ا&' the way to :� وادي ا�Nile valley \�U ر��� cheap ا��"�� إcity centre �U�.�� �.�" ��� modern k�.2 make a plan وS4 اunderground ق�%rو ا"H) ancient >�.< draw up a ��� >4"� railway .�.2 �C4 م8% consider "�H�� rescue jYU� the middle S4وrق ا"_�ذ invest "�*H#� rescue اY%إ ����, engine ك ـ (�$�ر"�) investor "�*H#) weigh نP� engineer س.U() investment ر�*H4ا weight زن�� اengineering �4.U(� �"raise ?9 $��ر $Y.م ـ progress اa lot newer .د آ*�"ا�أ the whole 0ء �+آ��m_� �"$�? rise اline S� amazing \هj) concrete base ��%,.ة �"4< open (v) (adj) ح�H�) ـ H�� finish :(U� complete \�C� commuter :�9" ��(� إ#��ا plan ��� attacks ت ه��carry \��� improve [#�� emperor إ(�"ا��ر hold 6#�� safe "9�� empire إ(�"ا��ر�� pick SYH�� amazing ه��j) ل�great wall of >�8 أ,�� �4ر ا��J] اlift ?9"� site ?<�) eventually أ��"ا cost ���C$ ـ Z�CH� temple .��) stop attackers [���(�� ��U? اwhether ---- or أو .... �4اء carve ;�U� structure ءU� station ���) cliff ��ء FM construction"ة ("$�U� save money ل) "9�� position ?Y� ـ ?<�) reconstruction ءU�� إ,دة اmassive >Fa certain times �U�� re-open أو>ت (HH9ا .�� ح�giant ق��, rays �� ���S ـ (combination l�P أ!drilling "�2 0�' rising sun �<"_���< attack ا�_�~ ا(� dig "��� illuminate "�U� ride :�H�� ـ Qآ"� tunnel ـ ��% ��% "��� illumination رة ,�: t)" ا�on horse \�F إ%diameter "�< government �)�C��ل statue ا*�$

:�9" إ#� travel to SYH�� pick up �ــــ S�F� plan for �M :9 in favour of m9 ت��U) be carved into :� j� go from --- toهQ (] ـ إ

.��� keep out ;�$ [) "��� go under [) ?U�� stop ----from ر �ــ�F9 proud of [) ?U�� prevent ---- from ر أن�F9 proud that + ���� [) ?U�� discourage ---- from نJ�� t :�, on horses)" ا

:9 ~9UH� compete in m9 ;�*� attach to = fix to \�F� r ?�Y� cut into pieces�Pاء t :�, on horses)" اPـ ���ـ QـU�H� keep out "ـ�H#� keep up

cـ"بHY$ keep off ~ـ��� keep in

Page 86: 3rd Year First Term


keep up with �#ـ�ـ" ـ �ـ�اآـkeep down Q �#��ـ" ,�ـ: keep pace with �#ـ�ـ" ـ �ـ�اآـkeep at Q ��اtـQ ,�ـ:

�ـ. ,ـ]keep to ��H �ـ�زم keep away from �ـ�ق cut off �ـ�>ـZ إ(.اد� Keep back

�ـ� cut up ��ـPق' Zـ�>ـH$ cut out �Y� cut to sizeـ? 2#ـQ ا��Yـس �Y� cut down\ ـ �JHF" ـ ��Y? !�"ة

��\ آــ ��H� travel aroundل� work as

��4.Uل ه works of engineering ��� ?A� make a plane أ,�

The underground A railway system under a city. ( Br E) = subway ( Am E ) ا��H"و Commuter "9#) Someone who regularly travels to work , especially a long distance.. Diameter ������� �� A line that goes from one side of a circle to the other and through the centre.

Monuments �� Old buildings or places that are very important and ancient.

Enemy و., Someone who hates you and wants to harm you. Tunnel ��% A long hole that has been dug under the ground or through a mountain.

Cliff "ف�ا%�.ار/ High steep rock or piece of land. Base ة.,أ4س/ > The lowest part or surface of something.

Unfortunately , her bad grade worked against her. �F! .a \��� Studying hard works in your favour in exams ……… \��� �J�� Have you worked out how much we owe them? Q#�� Can you work out this problem? �� ��\ (_��C أو (#+

I tried to work on Tarek but I couldn't. �F! عU<ول ا�� My father is still working on the car. ول UM? أو إ�Mح ا�_:ء�� I like those who work their way up in their projects. ���ر $.ر���I am working up to be able to finish this work. ء:! \��� �. $.ر���H#� work for ( himself – someone – company --- ) �J��.ى أو \���

The government always raises( raised ---) the prices. ل���) ?9"� + The prices rise ( rose – risen ) every year. ?�$"� ) ل��)�.ون (� Her beauty aroused ( aroused ---- )my emotions. "�*�)ى�U�)!:ء ( The problem arose( arose – arisen ) and we tried to solve it. _U$– n(U$ )��C_)(

The temple was carved into the sandstone cliff. :ـــ�ت 9ـ�U) \أو دا� The statue is carved out of wood. [ـــ�ت (ـ�U)

Abu Simble is the site of two temples south of Aswan. "ء/ ى (�>ـ? أ&ـ�Uـ You can apply for the job on our website. ;%"H%ا� �C�! :�, ?<�)

She decided to go out. أن �Yـ"ر He decided that you should attend. ـ"رYأن� You have to decide on your goal in life. د.��

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The Normans conquered England in 1066. وPW� ) .�� و أو.,( The capital has been occupied( occupy ) \H�� ) .�� ن أوC)( by the rebel army. "E*� ا���p اVillages along the border are regularly raided. [_� ) رة](

I'm very tired today. adjectives ending in (ed)ص��ـ" ,] أ!Fـ$ I'm interested in reading books. Shopping is very tiring. adjectives (ing) ء��ـ" ,ـ] أ!�ـ$ I watched a very interesting film yesterday.

>\ إذا آن ا�_�F ه� ا�jي �#�Q هj{ ا���J(ing) و��C] أن $+$: ا��Jـ� ا��HU)�ـ� �ــ ��� . (ـ? اHe is boring. ( It means that he causes boredom )

hundred thousand million ���� �ت آ��"ة $�Cن ����C� ,.د (�.د و$_�" (Y�#� >�ت إذا �ء >��) ,.د (�.د $�Cن (�"دا أ( إذا ��C� .هj{ ا

His salary is 500 hundred pounds a month. Thousands of people watched the match on TV yesterday.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize that it was so late. رك.� He will never achieve anything if he doesn't work harder. �Y�� He reached his goal after long hours of hard work. �Y�� ـ :� �J\ إ

Our national team lost( lose) the last match. Dـ. !ـY�� ـ" ـ#F� I missed my uncle very much. ـ�F! .ـYH�� He missed the train as he got up late. ـ�تMـ�$0 (�ا��

Her parents are very proud of her. ــ�ر �ـF9 I am proud to receive this award. ــ�ر أنF9 She takes a great pride in her work. ـ� "FH�� Choose the correct answer on vocabularyChoose the correct answer on vocabularyChoose the correct answer on vocabularyChoose the correct answer on vocabulary

1 – My father studied ( engineer – engineering – engineered – engineers )at university and has designed many important bridges. 2 – Education is a/an (investment –wish –hope –fun)in the future of a country and its people. 3 –The Great wall of China was a/an (wish –massive –royal –tiny) project which took years. 4 – The tunnel has a ( size – diameter – wide – long ) of 7.6 meters. 5 – He works in engineering as he is a / an ( engineer – farmer – detective – lawyer ) 6 – The verb of " commuter " is ( compute – comment – communicate – commute ) 7 –The quickest way to get to the city centre is to(buy –sell –take –come)an underground train 8 – A journey on the underground ( pays – costs – gives – repay ) one pound. 9 – People can ( steal – save – keep – take ) money by travelling on the underground. 10 – The first line of the Paris Metro system ( opened – played – moved – painted ) in 1900. 11 – ( Cliff – Base – Monuments – Raise ) is a large structure that is built to remind us of an important event or a famous person. 12 – To ( carve – raise – illuminate – cut ) means to make light shine on something. 13 - To move or lift something to a higher position means ( raise – cut – arise – buy ) 14 – To carve is to cut stone or wood into a particular ( shade – shadow – shallow – shape ) 15 –The (artist –actor – director – player)carved the sculpture from a massive piece of stone. 16 – If you want to ask a question , you should ( rise – raise – cut – wash ) your hand. 17 – It was ( think – thinkable – unthinkable – rethink ) , we can't believe or accept it. 18 – The temples are an amazing ( combination – unit – mixture – control ) of ancient and modern engineering. 19 – The Wall ( arrived – reached – got on – came ) a length of 6400 km. 20 – ( Actors – Soldiers – Queens – Toddlers ) are responsible for protecting their countries.

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21 – They ( lost – missed – took – damaged ) their train so they had to wait. Find The mistakes in the following sentences: 1 – We are proud of he won the prize.………………………………………………. ………................ 2 – Abu Simbel is the sign of two temples. ……………………………………………….. …………... 3 – The temples were curved into a cliff…………………………………………………………………. 4 – They do a plan to rescue the monuments. ……………….………………………………………… 5 – A jockey is riding in the horse……………………… ………………………………………………. 6 – It is width enough for them to move……………….. ……………………………………………….. 7 – H has his own factory , he works against himself. ………………. ……………………………… . 8 – The thieves attached the old woman and robbed her. ………..………………………………….. 9 – My father died at the ago of 66……………… ……………………………………………………… 10 – I can't hear you , please rise your voice……….. …………………………………………………. Translate into Arabic: 1- Some of the most important aims of education are to build up an Egyptian citizen who is able to face the future and to create a productive society. Education also aims at preparing a generation of scientists for the service of humanity. …………………………………………………………………………………………….........…………. …………………………………………………………………………………………….........…………. 2-The government sets up industrial projects to increase our local production. It encourages the private sector to invest capital. It also demolishes the barriers that hinder economic progress. …………………………………………………………………………………………….........…………. …………………………………………………………………………………………….........…………. 3-The Great Wall of China was built according to the emperor's orders. It was built to protect China from the attackers . It is regarded as the longest graveyard in history. …………………………………………………………………………………………….........…………. …………………………………………………………………………………………….........………….

Translate into English :

�. وا��#�ت – 1���ر���F (*\ اH�ر ا&vا [) "�*C� . J) 6��$" ا

…………………………………………………………………………………………….........…………. 2 –>�8, m4.Uأ�� ��4\ ,�\ ه .��ذ (Y%إ "�H�� .

…………………………………………………………………………………………….........…………. 3- >���m9 ��2 ا�#� وا2.ة (] أه< ا�.ول ا(��� ��Eا"� . إن (�>? (J" ا��W"اm9 ا��P��H و '&ره ا


The Uses Of Modal Verbs :���#��ب ا34� m��' G��# �"��� ا���Uل ا

will ����, can ���� �� : ) '#ا & $%$� أ�#ا آ!�� أ� �� �� ا�� -

You can go when you willwillwillwill. My mother cannedcannedcannedcanned the jam, she made.

will / can ا�� ��: ing. �V����0ف إ N –

He is willingwillingwillingwilling to get high marks. He is canningcanningcanningcanning the jam now. :)� �Eوا �-��Eن وأ��Hى ') ا Uل ا���Uت آ�����KH �Vث 3 z�� . -

: �.�� ا2*01ا�

Obligation and NecessityامV�ورة وا��G�ا

must /need to have to/ has to It's necessary for.....to…….

• You need to get up early. • He has to study hard. • It is necessary for you to come early. • You must ( have to ) pay the money.

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had to It was necessary for.....to…….

will have to It will be necessary for.....to…….

Lack of Necessity 0م و>-د &�ورة�

don't have to/ doesn't have to needn't to It isn't necessary for.....to…….

didn't have to/ didn't need to It wasn't necessary for.....to……. needn't have + p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.

won't have to/ won't need to It won't necessary for.....to…….

Prohibition4�I*�/� أو ا��ا

mustn't/ can't

It's forbiddenع���� for.....to……. It isn't allowedح��*� �6 to It's prohibited ���ع� to

mustn't/ can't + have + p.p.have + p.p.have + p.p.have + p.p. It was forbidden for.....to……. It wasn't allowed to It was prohibited to

Advice �I(�/�ا Should / ought to= It is advisable to It is desirable to= I advise you to If I were you, I would It would be a good idea to it is a good thing to You had better = You would rather

Should / ought to + have + p.p.+ p.p.+ p.p.+ p.p. It was desirable to= I advised you to It would have been a good idea to It was a good thing to It was advisable to

Possibility ا�*��ل �0وث X%ء



• He had to study hard. • It was necessary for her to take a taxi.

• He will have to meet her tomorrow. • It will be necessary to travel tomorrow.

• You needn't to get up early. • He doesn't have to go quickly. • It isn't necessary to come early.

• You won't need to get up early. • It@ won't necessary to come early.

• You needn't have got up early. • He didn't have to go quickly. • It wasn't necessary to come early.

• You aren't allowed to come with me. • It's prohibited to go out.

• You weren't allowed to stop me. • It was forbidden to play yesterday.

• You shouldn’t stay up late. • = It is not advisable to play. • = I advise you not to stay up late.

• You shouldn’t have stayed up late. • = It was not advisable to play. • = I advised you not to stay up late.

• Some cars can use electricity. ( It's possible) • We could run out of oil in the next 20 years. ( This will be possible )

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could have + p .p . + p .p . + p .p . + p .p .

Ability ء%X A56 %�� 0رةY�ا


(am/is/are) able to m�, در< have(has) the ability toرة.Y� ,U.{ ا(am/is/are) capable of m�, در< + ing.+ ing.+ ing.+ ing.


(was/ were) able to had the ability to

(was/ were) capable of + ing.+ ing.+ ing.+ ing.

will be) able to will have the ability to

(will be) capable of + ing.+ ing.+ ing.+ ing.

Permission أو ���L[4�Z إذن


(am/is/are) allowed toح أن��#) (am/is/are) permitted toح أن��#)

may =could )�4ر \C_�m(


(was/were) allowed to (was/ were) permitted to

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: 1- I …………………………. be at work at 8 a.m. or my boss will be furious.

a- mustn't b- have to c– should have d– needn't 2- You ……………………. buy a pen. I can lend you one.

a- should b– have to c– need to d– needn't 3- You …………………. speak so loudly. We are in the library.

a- mustn't b– don't have to c– need to d– needn't 4- I …………………… hurry. My train leaves in 5 minutes.

a-don't have t b– shouldn't c– needn't have d– must 5- My son … study mathematics at school next year to join the faculty of engineering.

a- has to b– needn't c– needn't have d– need 6- You ………………….. do all this hard work alone. I can help you.

a- have b– have to c -don't need to d–need to 7- Tomorrow is a national holiday. I ……………………… get up early.

a- will have to b– need to c– won't have to d– should

• I could have gone to the cinema but I had no money. • Adel couldn't have scored the goal . He was injured.

• I can see very well without glasses. • We are able to solve this problem. • She has the ability to fet up early. • I am capable of answering this test.

• Tomorrow,I will be able to travel. • Tomorrow,I will be capable of traveiling. • Tomorrow,I will have the ability to travel.

• You could come late yesterday.. • You were allowed to sleep here. • We were able to solve this problem.

• I could see very well without glasses. • We were able to solve this problem. • She had the ability to fet up early. • I was capable of answering this test.

• You can sleep here. • You are allowed to sleep here. • We are permitted to solve this problem.

• May I use your phone, please? • Could you help me, please ?

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8- We ……………………….. forget that tourism is very important for Egypt. a- have to b– mustn't c– won't have to d– should have

9- She's on holiday. She ………………………… go to bed or get up at particular times. a- doesn't have to b– needs to c– shouldn't have d– needn't have

10- I …………………………… get up early on school days. a- shouldn't b– have to c– must d– need

11- The security system will not ……………… you to enter without the correct password. a- permit b– prohibit c– able d– ability

12-Parking is strictly …………………………. in this area. a-inhabited b– indebted c– prohibited d– infected

13-In the past, women ………………. do certain jobs. a- can't b– will c– shall d– couldn't

14-……………..I ask you a few questions, please? a- Ought b– May c– Have d– Don't

15-There is plenty of food in the world. We ……………….. feed everyone. a- can b– won't c– have d– should have

16-He ……………………. gone to the cinema, but he preferred to watch a film on TV. a- could have b– may have c– needn't have d– won't have

17-He worked on his bike for a long time. Finally, he ………………… to mend it. a- could b– able c– ability d– managed

18-A small dog had somehow ……………………. surviving the fire. a- managed to b– succeeded in c– was able d– could

19-When I was younger I …………….. stay up all night and not get tired. a- could b– can c– was able d– managed

20- …………… you buy me some stamps, please? a- May b– Might c– Should d– Can

21-I …………….. find my keys this morning so I got into the house through the window. a-shouldn't b– can't c- couldn't d– might not

22-He …………….. British. He speaks English fluently. a- must be b– can't be c– won't be d– must have been

23-He ………………. ill. He eats like a horse. a-must be b– can't be c– won't be d– must have been

24-He ………………. taken the early train. I'm really not sure. a- will have b– must have c- could have d– need to have

25-You ……………take any pictures here. The sign over there says, "No Photographing." a- can b– may not c– should d– can't

Find the mistake in these sentences and write it correctly:

1- I got to finish this work at 7 p.m………………………………………………………………. 2- You have to clean the kitchen today. I'll do it in a few hours……………………………… 3- We didn't have waited long. A bus came at once…………………………………………... 4- You have to take any more pills. You are quite well now………………………………….. 5- You must drink this liquid. It's poisonous………………………………………………….… 1- In the past, people can't find clean water, so there were a lot of diseases……………… 2- I don't see my neighbour any more. He must moved to a new house………………….... 3- He can read or write. He is illiterate…………………………………………………………. 4- Excuse me, should you tell me the way to the station, please?...................................... 5- We could get into our car because our keys were locked inside…………………………. 6- We will keep out of oil in 20 years……………………………………………………………. 7- Almost any information you need shall be found on the internet…………………………. 8- He uses a stethoscope and wears a white coat. He can't be a doctor…………………… 9- She can the ability to do her job very efficiently……………………………………………..

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A) Language Functions 1) Respond to each of the following situations:

1- Your friend phoned you several times, but you didn't answer. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2- Your brother asks you how they built the Great Wall of China. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3- Someone asks you why the Pyramids were built. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4- You suddenly find out that there is no money in your pocket. You make a deduction. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2)Mention the place, the speakers and the language function:

1- A: Your ticket and passport, please. B: Here you are. A: Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?, B: A window seat, please. Place:……………SpeakerA:……....……SpeakerB:…………… Function…………. 2- A: Have you got anything to declare, sir? B : Just these two laptops. A: You'll have to pay 300 pounds. Place:……………SpeakerA:……....……SpeakerB:…………… Function………….

B) Vocabulary and Structure 3) Choose the correct answer 1- The tunnel has a (diameter – size – circle - weight) of over eight metres. 2- The underground in Cairo has made it more attractive (to – with – from - of) business

people and tourists. 3- Egyptians compare the Cairo underground system (for – with – at - in) those in London and

Paris. 4- The Egyptian man feels very (sad – pessimistic – unconfident – proud) of the underground

system. 5- Foreign (investment – commitment – agreement – appointment) in Egypt rose by 7% last year. 6- The computer is capable of storing (aggressive – decisive - massive - depressive)

amounts of information. 7- A (commuter – babysitter – plumber - toddler) is someone who travels a long distance

to work every day. 8- The Great Wall of China is 6,400 kilometres (length – beneath – long – strength). 9- Passing his driving test (shall – can – must – mustn't) have made Ahmed happy. 10- Ali was not at the meeting. He (must – can't – shouldn't – might) have read my e-mail in

which I asked him to come. 11- He (must – can – will – might) have rung yesterday evening, but I'm not sure. 12- He (can't have – should have – shall have – have) finished that book already. I lent it to

him only two hours ago. 13- The Cairo underground (can't have – couldn't have – might not have - must have) saved

people a lot of money. It's cheaper than any other means of transport. 14- It (can't have – should have – could have – may have) been cheap. It's made of gold. 15- The Cairo underground (didn't have – shouldn't have - must have – have) made

travelling around Cairo easier. 16- She (must have - might have – have to have – doesn't have) rung me this morning. I'm

not sure. 4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,: 1- The pieces of the statues were attached to a concrete basic………………………………

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2- At certain times of the year, the sun eliminates the statue of Ramses II………………… 3- The temple was curved into a cliff……………………………………………………………… 4- There can't have been a thunderstorm. The streets are covered in sand………………… 5- Ali must have forgotten. He's got very good memory…………………………..................... 6- He must have behaved badly. I'm not sure……………………………………………………

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books 5) Read the following passage, then answer the questions: Objects sometimes fall from space and hit the Earth. Although most asteroids burn up as soon as they reach the Earth’s atmosphere, some cause big craters "�2 or holes in the Earth’s surface. Scientists think that millions of years ago dinosaurs died out when a gigantic >Fa asteroid hit the Earth, causing an enormous dust cloud. The dust ر�] cloud prevented sunlight from reaching Earth so all the plants died. Animals which lived on plants soon died too because they had nothing to eat. Then big meat-eating animals like dinosaurs started to suffer because the animals they usually ate had disappeared. Dinosaurs were huge creatures and required a lot of food. Soon there weren’t enough animals for them to eat and they became extinct. ض"YU) Asteroids are not the only things that fall from the sky. There have been reports throughout history of showers of dish, frogs and even sheep. The Greek writer Aeschylus was killed when a tortoise fell from the sky and hit him on the head. Eagles like to eat tortoises, but they find it difficult to break their tough shells. They sometimes pick them up, fly high into the sky and drop them on rocks so that the shells break and they can get at the tortoise inside. Aeschylus was bald and a passing eagle mistook his head for a rock. A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1. What happens when asteroids hit the Earth? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Why do eagles drop tortoises on rocks? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. How do scientists think that an asteroid caused the extinction of the dinosaurs? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4. The underlined pronoun “them” refers to………………………………………….. a) tortoises b) eagles c) objects d) winds 5. A passing eagle thought Aeschylus’s head to be………………………………… a) an asteroid b) a dinosaur c) a tortoise d) a rock 6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions: Every one has heard of Bill Gates , one of the richest and most akeside , the private school where he first began to use computers. 13-year-old Bill and his schosuccessful people in the world. Microsoft , the business he started with a friend in 1975 , has become the world's largest computer software company. At school Bill soon showed that he was very intelligent, and especially good at Maths and Science, His parents decided to send him to Lol friend Paul Alien were soon spending all their time writing programs and learning about computers instead of doing their schoolwork ! After finishing school in 1973 , Bill went to Harvard , America's most famous university. The next year , he and Paul Alien wrote an operating program for the Altair , one of the world's first micro computers. The two friends started Microsoft in 1975 . Since then , the company has continued to grow , producing most of the world's leading PC software. One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitious , and hardworking. When he does find time to relax , he likes puzzles , golf and reading about science . He has already given huge amounts of money to charity and says that he plans to give away almost all of his wealth when he retires. A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1. Why has Gates been so successful? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. What does he do in his free time?

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…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. What does he plan to do with all his money? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4. After school Gates went to the most ………………. university in America. a) unknown b)ordinary c) well known d) notorious 5. Gates and his ………………. Paul Alien started Microsoft in 1975. a) pen friend b) colleague c) classmate d) brother

D) The Mask of Gold 7-A- Answer the following questions: 1. Where did the Chimu build their tombs ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. According to Amalia, Why did Leila come to work in Peru ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. B- Read the quotation and answer the questions:

“I know. We have the same problem in Egypt since the time of the Pharaohs” 1. What was the problem he was talking about ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. How could that problem be solved ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. C- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences: 1. The Incas wouldn’t allow the Chimu kings to rule unless .......................………………….. 2. Leila was working with Dr Hafez before because .....................................………………… 3. Robbers stole objects from Peru and ...............……………………………………………….

E) Writing 8-Write a letter toyour pen-friend Tony inviting him to visit Egypt during the summer holiday. Tell him that you will show him the places of interest and ancient monuments . Your name is Ahmed and you live at 16, El Gehad street, Zeiton, Cairo. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

F) Translation 9-A- Translate into Arabic:

The Great Wall of China was built according to the emperor's orders. It was built to protect China from the raiders . It is regarded as the longest graveyard in history.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. B- Translate into English:

� (Hع �"ؤ�H�H4cوا ر$)�P� >���ح (] آ\ أ%�ء ا�#� ا(������8 ا�m$+� mH إ�ر���F اH�ر ا&vا [) "�*C� .J) 6��$" ا………………………………………………………………………………………………………

� >�8, m4.Uأ�� ��4\ ,�\ ه .��ذ (Y%إ "�H��. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The word engineer comes from a Latin word meaning ‘cleverness’.

The building of the Panama Canal, which links the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, was one of the most difficult engineering projects ever. It is estimated that over 25000 workers lost their lives during the long and dangerous project, with most dying from disease and landslides.

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-Choose the correct answer 1–I don't know where my bag is, -I ( might – can't – should – can ) have left it on the train. 2 – Hesham didn't take his keys , he ( must – can – can't – may ) have seen them . 3 – I have just seen Ali at the club .He ( must – can't – may – mustn't ) be at home. 4 – This is not Ayman's house .You ( can't – must – may – might ) be mistaken. 5 –He didn't wave back to me. He ( must have – can't have – may have – may have ) seen me. 6 – They have just told him of his success . He ( may – might – must – can't ) be sad. 7 – I am not sure what my son is doing. he ( must – may – might – can't ) be watching TV . 8 – It is moving by itself. It ( must – may – might – can't ) be a rock. 9–You (may use –must use –can't have used –could have used)my mobile.I didn't mind at all. 10 – He is smiling , he ( must – may – might – can't ) be happy. 11– I don't know the reason for his sadness. He ( must have heard – may have heard – could hear – can't have heard ) some bad news. 12 – The man ( must have killed –must have been killed – might have killed –may have killed ) by the thief, I am sure. 13–The criminal(could – couldn't –must – may) have escaped through that well-locked door. 14 –That restaurant ( must – may – might – can't ) be very good , it is always full of people. 15–I have lost one of my gloves, I must(drop –have dropped–dropping–drops ) it somewhere. -Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,: 1 – I am sure he might be an engineer……………………………………………………………. 2 – He must has had an accident………………………………………………………………….. 3 – He has a lot of money , he can't be rich………………………………………………………. 4– It is possible , he must have taken the book…………………………………………………. 5– I am sure , he must been intelligent…………………………………………………………..

>�8, 0�_� n��� E��Yل (_"وع 4) "�] �2�#�ر (_"وع هm4.U ا&' :� وادي ا��U\ ر��� ا��"�� إ �.�" ��� k�.2 ,��ق ق �%rو ا"H) >�.< ��� >4"� .�.2 �C4 م8% "�H�� jYU� S4وrق ا"_�ذ �#H*�" اY%إ ����, �Pن >�" (�"ك ـ (�$�ر ر آ*�"اأ�.د �*H4زن ا�� ا S� م ـ.Y$ 9? $��ر"� �"$�? ا�_mء �+آ��H�� 0 ـ (��Hح :�9" ��(� إ#��ا ,.ة �"4%�� (jه\ < \��� :(U� \�C� ه��ت ��� ��6# SYH�� [#�� أ��"ا ?9"� "9�� [���(�� ��U? ا ���C$ ـ Z�CH� ه��j) لء أ,�U� ء (�>? أو .... �4اء U�

Page 96: 3rd Year First Term


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde takes place in London in the nineteenth century. Dr. Henry Jekyll, a respected scientist, is doing research into human nature. He believes that human beings have a good and evil side and that these sides are always in conflict. Dr. Jekyll’s colleagues disagree with his ideas and disapprove of his research. So Dr. Jekyll starts doing secret experiments on himself to prove his ideas. He takes special medicine which changes not only his character, but also his appearance. For a short time after he takes the medicine, he becomes Mr. Hyde, an evil man who looks frightening, has a violent personality and commits terrible crimes. Later, friends think something strange is happening when Dr. Jekyll rewrites his will, leaving everything to Mr. Hyde, a man they do not know. They worry more when the police start

asking questions about Mr. Hyde. Who is this stranger who is never seen at the same time as Dr. Jekyll? They think that Dr. Jekyll may be protecting Hyde from the police, or that Hyde is blackmailing Dr. Jekyll. Dr. Jekyll has now proved that human nature is both good and evil, but soon he starts to enjoy being Mr. Hyde. He changes into Mr. Hyde more often and finds it more difficult to change back into Mr. Jekyll. Eventually Dr. Jekyll changes into Mr. Hyde without taking any medicine and finds he cannot change back again. This means that he cannot leave his house, because someone might see him and he might be arrested. The story ends badly for “both” characters.

Presenter: Hello, and welcome to The Book Programme. I’d like to start by telling you something that happened last night. As I was going to bed, I saw that my son’s bedroom light was still on. I knocked on the door and went in. My son was reading in bed. I complained that it was rather late and that it was time for him to go to sleep. I said he would be tired the next day. My son explained that his book was really exciting and he wouldn’t be able to sleep until he’d finished it. When I asked him what he was reading, he said, ‘Treasure Island’- probably the most popular book by the writer we’re looking at today: Robert Louis Stevenson. My guest is Sally Spencer, who’s writing a biography of Stevenson. Sally – could you tell us about Stevenson’s life?

Sally Spencer: Certainly. It’s not surprising that your son enjoyed Treasure Island. It was written in 1883 and has been a bestseller ever since. The author, Robert Louis Stevenson, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1850. As a child, he had health problems and spent a lot of time in bed. In 1867 he went to Edinburgh University to study engineering. However, he was more interested in literature. Stevenson soon told his father he wanted to be a writer.

Presenter: What did his father think about that? Sally Spencer: He was disappointed as he wanted his son to have a respectable

profession. He wanted him to be an engineer like him. But he said his son could be a writer if that was what he wanted.

Presenter: Did he start writing immediately? Sally Spencer: No, he didn’t. In 1873, he was very ill and his doctor told him he should

go abroad to recuperate. That’s why he went to the south of France, where he started to write essays, reviews and short stories.

Presenter: When did he start writing novels?

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Sally Spencer: Well, he wrote his best works, including Treasure Island, Kidnapped and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde between 1880 and 1887.

Presenter: Was he living in Britain during this time? Sally Spencer: Yes. He lived in Britain until 1887, when his father died. Later, Stevenson

and his wife sailed to the South Seas and visited the island of Samoa. The climate there was good for Stevenson’s health and they liked it so much that they decided to live there permanently.

Presenter: Did he ever go back to Scotland? Sally Spencer: No, he didn’t. He stayed in Samoa and continued writing until he died in

1894. Presenter: Thank you, Sally. I must admit, I found Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde even more

exciting than Treasure Island. When my son reads them both, I’ll ask him if he agrees.

present ��.ه -"a2 evil "_� (host Z�A اpresenter l) زاM visitor "E"اع Y) conflict.م �"%knock ق"�� colleagues \�)ز frustrated S��) complain �C_� disapprove of �9ا�� c frustration ط إ�2campaign ���2 secret 4"ى kidnappers ن���HF) bestseller � ��P"ة character ��JF! isle اrآ*" (��author Z�V) his appearance. (8)"ة autobiography Q$C� �4"ة ��ا��4 اhealth ��J� (frightening, Z�F) temporary ;<V اcure ج��� ��"�violent Z�U, temporarily �H<V) �Y اrecuperation ه�YU��violence ZU ا� ��"�badly ���4 �Y اengineering �4.U(���< science ذو !personality ��JF ا� اadmit ف"H�� commits QC$"� supernatural �������رق � own up ف"H�� his will 0H�Mو living things ����ت اUEC� اguest Z�a blackmailing ازPHا� good "�F� اhostess ���A) present م.Y� strife \aU� disappointed �S��) ـ \)rا QE presentation >�.Y$ fight \$Y� disappointment \)rا ���� kick \آ"� struggle 9C� kidnapped ف��F) complaint ى�C! approve of �9ا�� island ة"�P� camp "C#�) mystery n)] "4 biography ��$�4"ة ذا sale ت�اوآز��ن-(�� personal :JF! permanently ��Eدا �Y�"�� playwright :2"#) Q$ �appear "(8 آpermanent >Eدا healthy :�M freighted ZE� respected م"H�) recuperate :�_H#� eventually أ��"ا scientist >�, post operation �2ا"���. ا� ه�-(YU�H9"ة ا personnel [��)�� (.�" !��ن اresearch k�� literature دبrا character ��JF! human nature ��"_���� ا�����H"ف confess ا� comment :�, ���� human beings ��"_�� ��" deny "CU� well اhumanity ��"_��ر denial اC%إ bribe ر!�ة

:� 8U� Look at" إ��A) نح آ�J�� The light was on ا[, k��� Look for +��) نح آ�J�� The light was off ا�UH: �ـــ� Look after ء:A�–\W_� Turn – switch on :� ��W� Turn – switch off–���:ء ��H� Look forward to? إ:9 "C�� Think about :�, ق"�� Knock on ?) ��H� Agree with :� ��H� Change intoل إ�:–��WH" إ

Page 98: 3rd Year First Term


?) ��H� c Disagree with �F! :� �C_� Complain to إ �C_� Complain about (] !:ء �H#� Approve of#]–��ا�9

?) ��H� c Disapprove of "�"#� In bed 9: ا[, k��� Search for [) ب���) Popular with

Sail to ���" إ�: to ا�_:ء H� Leave"ك ا�_:ء �ـ[) \�� Bored with :9 رك_� Take part in

do experiments on ��"�$ ي"�� bestseller

� اrآ*" (��

do research into m9 k��� م�Y� frightened of [) ZE� commit a crime ���"� QC$"� frightening Z�F) protecting from [) :��� Take place ث.��@ @

My father gave me a valuable present on my birthday. ��.ه We will present a cup to the winner. م ه.�� / �).ي.Y� She used to present a programme about woman on TV. l) Y�.م �"%All students are present today. "a2 )��M ( He introduced me to his friend Ahmed. "�v �F! م.Y� He offered me 50,000 for the house. �F_� Y�.م !mء

While I was sleeping, he knocked on(at) the door. ��"ق ,�: Shopkeepers knock off the prices to sell a lot. �ـ" #� ��Fـn اScientists can knock an asteroid off its course by setting off an explosion near itر�ـ. ,] (#ـ�� The assistant was busy, so the thief knocked off some jewellery and ran away. . �#ـ"ق

.F!( He isn't from Egypt, he is a foreignerـ� (] دو�� أ�ـ"ى( أ��Uـ:��ZM ا���د ��M( أ��Uـ: / ?EA��ت/ اW�� .Learning foreign languages is very important )ا Qأ,"9ـ0 ( ["�ـ c ـ�F!( I'm a stranger here, I don't know where the post office is.

She complained to her father about her money. �F! ـ� �C_� He complained about his work. Dـ! [) �C_� He complained of headache. �_�C (] (ـ"ض He complained that he didn't get his salary. �C_أن�

He is good at English. m9 .��

Biography A book about a person's life or all books like this considered as a group. Autobiography A book that someone writes about their own life. ��$�4"ة ذا Best seller A book that a lot of people have bought. ���) \A9rا Author Someone who writes a book , article -------etc. Z�V) Composer Someone who writes music. [��)


1-A legal document in which you say who you want to give your money to after you die. ��Mو 2-the determination to do something. إرادة

Research Serious and detailed study of a subject to find out new information.

Respectful Showing respect for someone or something. [�"��� (�H"م

Respected Admired by many people for your achievements , skills etc [�"�vم (] ا"H�)

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He is good to his friends. ?) Q�� Taking exercises is good for you. ـ� �M ـ .��)

You must respect your teachers. ـ"مH�� Zewail is a respected scientist. 0$زا �#�Q ا%��س ���U�>\ ( (�Hـ"م ��H"(0 ا,( He is a respectable man. ـ"مH�) �Y�", و أ4"ة ��JF! 0�rن He wants a respectable job. م"H�) ءm! He doesn't want to hurt their feeling , he is respectful. [�"���(�Hـ"م

He is quite ( fairly ) good at English. ) .2 :�) �Mـ� U#2ـ�( إ He is rather bad at English. (ـ�U#2 "ـ� [�ـ�M ) :�إ) .2

He agreed to sign the papers. He agreed to our plan. �9أن ��ا I'm afraid I don't agree with you. ?) ��H� �F! We agreed on a price for the car. ء�m! m�, ��H It was agreed that he was the thief. �9ا�� He didn't accept her apology. ( invitation / condolences / bribes ) زي ـ ر!�ة ( ��Yــ\ �)د,�ة ـ,jHارـ $

He tries to find a temporary job during the summer holiday. ;<V) Their stay is not temporary , it is permanent. >Eدا

I have got a lot of work to do. ��ـ\ ��ـ. ( ,�ـ\ ـ (Cـن ا� c >4ا Mr Ahmed leaves work at two o'clock. He has got a job as a teacher. ( 0ـU() ـ ���tو ).ـ�ا4< � I have got a lot of jobs to do. He started his career five years ago. ـ"د��� ������ة ا���()Uـ0 ا Teaching is a profession. ) $�Hـج إ�: (Vهـ�ت و$ـ.ر�ـU() )Qـ0

Choose the correct answer : 1. My uncle visited Aswan but now he has decided to live there (temporary–permanently – by

chance – fantastically ) 2. Someone (broke –knocked – took – booked ) on our door last night , but I didn't open it. 3. Doctors and nurses belong to medical ( confession – decision – transition – profession ) 4. All my friends come from very ( respectable – evil – devil – unrespectable ) families. 5. My grandfather is ( recuperating – recuperate – recuperates – recuperated ) at the moment

after along illness. 6. I am reading the ( geography – autograph – biology – biography ) of Shakespeare. 7. He has worked in different places . Now , he would like a more ( permanent – temporary –

enjoyable – profitable ) job. 8. I ( hate – respect – respectable – respectful ) people who are honest and work hard. 9. He is not amateur , he is ( profession – professional – lazy – professionally ) 10. You should behave ( professional – profession – professionals – professionally ) 11. Your ( relatives – enemies – neighbours – colleagues ) are people working with you. 12. Conflict is a situation of ( fighting – dancing – cooperation – respect ) between people. 13. People who ( come – see – watch – commit ) serious crimes should be sent to prison. 14. He left all his savings to his son in his ( hand – will – memory – fan ) 15. all my brother's ( colleagues – teachers – nurses – classmates ) in work are friendly. 16. The story took ( place – part – turns – off ) in Luxor. 17. The police made him ( confess – say – commit – admit ) his crime. 18. The young boy was ( frightening – fright – frightened – bright ) of the huge man. 19. How about ( go – goes – went – going ) on a holiday ? 20. Some people are against his ideas and disapprove ( in – at – with – of ) his research. 21. (Blackmail–Borrow–Lend –Laugh) means to take something from someone for silence. 22. This story was a ( absent – bestseller – bookseller – fruit seller ) for two years. 23. He suffers from many ( healthier – healthy – health – wealth ) problems .

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24. He suffers from illness and spent most of time (in bed–in the street–singing–studying) 25. NeitherJasmin nor her friends ( is – are – was – has ) happy. 26. Marwa , as well as , her friends ( is – are – were – have ) happy . 27. I'd rather ( to study – to studying – study – to have studied ) English . 28. I prefer sleeping to ( watch – watching – watched – watches ) TV. 29. ( Evenly - Eventual – Eventually – Scarcely ) I managed to solve the problem. Find The mistakes in the following sentences: 1-Dr Jekyll makes place in London…………… ………………………………………………. …….. 2-He used to complain to pain in heart……….. ……………………………………………………… 3-He started making experiments on himself…. ……………………………………………………... 4-The boy took the right medicine , so he died… ……………………………………………... …… 5-He wrote his biography before he died………. ………………………………..…………………… 6-He was do research into human nature…… ……………………………………………………….. 7-I always complain about my father about my room. ….…………………………………………… 8-He wanted to improve that he is a great scientist. ………………………………………………… 9-He went to prison as he composed a crime……. …………………………………………. ……… 10-My colleges in the company gave a party for me when I retired……………………………......

Direct & Indirect speech ŠN‘bj½a@ŠNîË@ë@Š’NbNj½aŠN‘bj½a@ŠNîË@ë@Š’NbNj½aŠN‘bj½a@ŠNîË@ë@Š’NbNj½aŠN‘bj½a@ŠNîË@ë@Š’NbNj½a

Direct Speech k���� ا�KPم ا

Quotation marks و��Pن '�, أ"�اس 3���ه� آ o �� "..."Kم ����k ,� �2 إ

Ahmed said to Ali " I will go to Alex."

Reported speech k���� ا�KPم 6� ا I'�*��P, ��� -() ا�KPم ا �� ��إ�6 �)�&' ,P��~ و�?�ك �� ا�kن ا�P� ~��H ��k ةk�.

Ahmed told Ali that he would go to Alex.

òNNíŠNj¨a@òÜNNà¦a Statement @@@ـ:ا��� ��ـ� �ـ��ـ� �ـ�� ـ� ��ـ� إ ��ـ� ��ـ� ���� @@ @@ @@ @

�@N@ـ:@�اسـرج ا)'ـات %$�#� -أو� @1MMMM@ÞìÔÛa@ÝÈÏ@@ÞìÔÛa@ÝÈÏ@@ÞìÔÛa@ÝÈÏ@@ÞìÔÛa@ÝÈÏ@ZZZZ@@@@

said said

tell say to

say say

told said to

tells says to

says says

@@@@@@@@@@@@ @

2- @@��i@@Á��i‹�ãë@‘aì��Óþa@Ò‰��¥@@��i@@Á��i‹�ãë@‘aì��Óþa@Ò‰��¥@@��i@@Á��i‹�ãë@‘aì��Óþa@Ò‰��¥@@��i@@Á��i‹�ãë@‘aì��Óþa@Ò‰��¥that@@@@@@@@. @: �#�$ات دا%� ا)'�اس : -�� @@òÜà¦a@åß‹@òÜà¦a@åß‹@òÜà¦a@åß‹@òÜà¦a@åß‹ZZZZ@@@@

��7اس ـرج ا)'ـ % ا561ـ��اس إذا آنـ$ ا01� دا%� ا)'#�� ���.@@@@آ @

� 87مـ :مــرع �ــ ► <ـ87 =>�ـ <ـ�رع =>ـ: ►

� 87مـ �<= 87<ــ ► ?�< 87�ـ :�رع >�?ـ ► @�7ـ 5A(ـا�B'�1ل ا ► must have + pp must ج���D�ا ►

wasn't to mustn't ► didn't have to needn't ► must - have to - has toورة���� ► had to



1M@@‹�îîÌm@á�ní@üåßVÛa‘aì�Óþa@Ý�‚a‡i@oãb×@aˆg@ò�îàÜÇ@ò�ÔîÔy@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @Ali said to Ramy, “ The earth is round. ► Ali told Ramy that the earth is round.


Salma says, “ I will travel to London.” ► Salma says that she will travel to London. 3M æb×@aˆgò�İî"i@ñ‹�nÏ@Ý�jÓ@ëc@Þb�¨a@À@Ý�îÓ@t‡�¨a@@ @

Page 101: 3rd Year First Term


He said just now, “ No one is allowed to leave.”►He said just now that no one is allowed to leave.

4M@oãb×@aˆgÜ�à§a@ò��Û@ò�î ‹’@@ if@@ò�rÛbrÛa@ëc@ò�îãbrÛa@ò�Ûb¨a@@ @She said, “ If I had met him, I would have known the news.”

► She said that If she had met him, she would have known the news.”

2@M@mzn���ÄÛa@Þì�VÛa@Òë‹@òîãbؾaë@òîäß@ïmŁb×Z@ @yesterday ► the day before - the previous day tomorrow ► the day after - the next ( following ) day

that day م���ما��� today ذ�m ا ► then�/��� now ا4ن ►

Before (�" ,� ago, last ► that night m�3 �����ا tonight �����ا ► there ك��ه here ��ه ► the following- the….after next �����ا�(�دم/ ا ► those ءNAه)������( these ءNA5(ه�)��( ► that ������( ه�ا ( this 5(ا ه��)��( ► take � e� bring 0?�)���( ► go 5ه�� come �3e�)�Uا ��( ► two days before the day before yesterday in two days’ time The day after tomorrow

� أ-�� إذا �D -?�ل ا�_�, N -?�ل ا����Pت^EK� 1��0�� أ����� ا


I ►he my ► his me ► him ا�Pه �����دا ��� ا���D�P و-?� .��ذا آ�ن ا���D�P ذآ I / we ��0� ا

I ► she my ►her me ►her �L-أ D�P��� أ�� اذاآ�ن ا

we ► they our ►their us ►them 1�2 D�P��� أ�� اذاآ�ن ا

you ► he your ► his you ► him ���د ��� ا�����5 ��ذا آ�ن ا�����5 ذآ you ��0� ا

you ► she your ►her you ►her �L-5 أ����� أ�� اذاآ�ن ا

you ► they your ►their you ►them 1�2 5����� أ�� اذاآ�ن ا

m�وف ��3� ا�KPم ���2 �� �6 5�����. �K �3?�ل و3�(� آ�� ه� وإذا آ�ن ا he / she / it / they /��0� أ�� ا

She said to her brother, “I phoned you yesterday” ► She told her brother she phoned him yesterday.

E�ــ F:ـ@@‚a†@æb�×@aˆg�r×c@‘aì�Óþa@Ý�ß@‹�èİi‹ã@òÜ�»@å��i@b@@@and added that@@@Ýrß@k%bä¾a@Áia‹Ûa@ëcbecause/but/ so

@@@@She said “I didn’t attend the party. I must apologize.”

► She said that she didn’t attend the party and added that (so) she had to apologize.”

Order aà¦NNßþa@òÜNNNíŠNò

• @@@@@ـ:@@@@��Hـ�ل 5Aــ� اG1ـ�ل إ @@ @@ @@ @ordered – asked – told – advised@@@@

• Iـ@)@@@@@@@@to@@@@@@@@+@@@@@@@@�رـا)@@@@BM@@@@@@@@�مـ� ا�LMـJ�<� Kــ ا( @@ @@ @@ @He said to his son “study hard.” ► He asked his son to study hard.

• I@)@@@@@@@@not to@@@@@@@@@@@@+@@@@اBMـ�ر@@@@)@@@@@@@@@@@@�مـJ�<� 8ــ� ا6�Mـ ا( @@ @@ @@ @He said to me “don’t waste your time.” ► He advised me not to waste my time.

He said to me " Open the door and don't close the window."

► He asked me to open the door and not to close the window.

Question aà¦NN@òÜòîßbèÐn�üa

: ا$#1 ��� ���� ا���إNOال ���H�1 ا1>- •- P�D ?آ ��� .�Tل ا?:1�S وا)ز�� وا�Q1?ت ا01

ask= want to knowأر�. أن أ,"ف= wonderءل��< enquire = أ$#H4أ Oإ : �5A ا�G1ل �Vل-

Wh- questions did / do / doesف�E 1�.... (��� + (�� + ل���� ��� إ���V��#Nا �W�� ♥ -*���م أداة ا�V��#Nم آeداة ر':.و-?�ل ا

Father said to Ahmed," When did you study English?"

► Father asked Ahmed when he studied English.

♥ ,P�����$�إذاو ����?3 1� (���� -��0 '�� ا o ���*� (�� �2و .

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Ali said to Sami," Where will you play tennis?" ► Ali asked Sami where he would play tennis.

:Yes / No questions ���)+ ��) + ����ل إ��آeداة ر': و-?�ل ا�V��#Nم if / whether '�أ ا�*Aال '��) �*��� -*���مإذا♥

Aziz said to Amir ," Did you bring money?" ► Aziz asked Amir if he brought money.

Exclamation kNvNÈnÛa �Uـ: (*ـ\ ��exclaimedـ�ل 9�ـ\ ا�Yـ�ل إ�ـ: •����ـرات ��a�Hـ ا� : (Aـ9ـ إ��ـ0 ��ـn ا

with regretـ.م% with admiration ب أ4ـwith sorrow Z إ,�ـwith joy 9ـ"ح with surprise QـA]

���ــ" ,ـ] ا��ــ"ح و FH#%Hurrahــ.م •H�� Alas Z4ـrــ" ,ـ] ا���H�� . ��ـU, Qـ. ا��Hـ��ـ\ (*ـ\ •H� .Hurrah – alas – oh – what – how :$�ـjف ا���Cـ� ا�Hـ: $ـ.ل ,�ـ: ا

The boy said, Hurrah! We have won the match ?

►The boy exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.

The merchant said, Alas! I have lost all my wealth.

►The merchant exclaimed with sorrow that he had lost all his wealth.


� 'ن آ�إذا -������|�V3(L� : congratulated + obj. + on + v. + ing. V��?-� �� Congratulation / well done إ

She told Soha that it was wonderful to get the full mark.

►She congratulated Soha on getting the full mark. � 'ن آ� إذا-������� أو أ����?3(L� :

wished + obj. + a ……… V��?-� �� .… Good morning / wish you a إ

He said to me, “Have a nice holiday." ► He wished me a nice holiday.

Amr said to Ahmed’’ Good morning’’ ► Amr wished Ahmed a good morning. Ahmed said to Amr’’ I wish you a happy time’’ ► Ahmed wished Amr a happy time.

� 'ن آ� إذا-����:) �Lا���ار� apologized to…..for….+ v.+ ing ……… V��?-� �� .…sorry for …./ apologize for إ

Ahmed said to Amr’’ I’m sorry for not coming tomorrow’’ ► Ahmed apologized to Amr for not coming the day after.

.accused….of….+ v. ing -*���م �X �2ــ) اV3Nــ�م -He said to the servant, “You stole my wallet."►He accused the servant of stealing his wallet.

اح �X �2ــ) -�"Nم ا���*- suggested that…./ suggested + v. ing. He said, “Let’s swim" ►He suggested swimming. ►He suggested that they should swim.

.promised to+ inf -*���م ا���� �X �2ــ) -His father said, “If you get high mark, I’ll buy you a bike.

►His father promised to buy him a bike if he got high marks.@@@@@@@@M@»@óÏ�ÈÛa@Ý�_‹@@⇃n"ã@offer to@.

He said, “Can I help you ?" ►He offered to help me.

M@@Ý»@ÀØã⁄a��Šb@⇃n"ã@ denied +v.ing

. ►The thief denied stealing the money.@@ @The thief said, “I didn’t steal the money

M@⇃n"ã@‡í‡ènÛa@@Ý»@À threatened to

She said to me, “Don’t make noise or I’ll punish you."@@@@►She threatened to punish me if I made noise.

MÝ»@À@⇃n"ã@‹í‰znÛa@@ warned…. to+inf.

He said to his son, “Don’t play with match or you'll get burnt

►He warned his son not to play with match or he’d get burnt.

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M@»@óÏ��Ûa@݆ì�a@@@Ý�rß@Êgood bye – farewell@@@¶g@Þì�ÔÛa@Ý��ÈÏ@Þì��±@@@bade@.@ @

►He bade her good bye.

He said to her, "good bye."@@M@»@óÏ�Ûa@Ý@‹�Ø“@@@¶g@Þì��ÔÛa@Ý��ÈÏ@Þì�±@thanked@.

He said to me, "Thank you very much." ►He thanked me very much.


He said to me, "yes, I shall go with you." ►He agreed to go with me.

M@ò�àÜ×@põb��u@aˆg@@no@@@¶g@Þì��ÔÛa@Ý��ÈÏ@Þì��zníë@Ò‰�¥@@refuse .

She said to me, "No, I won't obey your orders." ►She refused to obey my orders.

M@@Ý�rß@pa‹�îjÈnÛa@e�Èi@‹�îÌnm@ü@@would like – would rather – had better@@.@ @I said to my friend, " Would you like to go with me to the cinema?"@@@@

►I asked my friend if he would like to go to the cinema.

M@@Ý�ÈÐÛa@Þì��zní@come@@@¶g@@@@@go@@@@É��ß@õb�u@aˆg@@@here@@@¶g@Þì�znm@ónÛa@@there@.@@ @

He said to me, "Come here." ►He ordered me to go there.

M@uë@aˆg�à§bi@‡�èÐn%a@ña†di@bàç‡yc@µÛaû%@òÜ�ÈÐi@‹‚Łaë@âb�àÈn"ãë@ÁiŠ@ña†d×@âbèÐn%üa@ña†c@ÝàÈn"ã@‡Çb"ß@Ý�@@Ýif@òîãbrÛa@òÜà§a@óÏ@.@ @She said to me, "Where did you go yesterday ? Can you answer this question ?"

►She asked me where I had gone the day before and if I could answer that question.@@M@Þaû"Ûa@ÝjÓ@É�šìí@ò�í�‚@ò�Ü»ë@Þaû%@ò�Üà§bi@‡�uë@aˆg@@asked@ò�í�©a@ò�Üà§a@ÝjÓë@@@said – told@.

He said, "You can solve your problems. Will you follow my advice?

►He said that I could solve my problems and asked if I would follow his advice.

M@��i@‘aì�Óþa@Ý�‚a†@òÜ�à§a@pc‡�i@aˆg@@@If I were you…@@@@ómŁb�×@Þì�znm:…….advise +object +to+ inf. @ @

He said, " If I were you, I would buy a car." ►He advised me to buy a car.

M@Þì��¥@@@must@@@¶g@@had to@ó�šb�¾a@óÏ@@@.

He said, " I must study hard." ►He said that he had to study hard.@M@Þì�znm@ü@@@must@@@@á�öa†@lì�uë@óÜÇ@Þ‡�m@o�ãb�×@aˆg.@ @

She said, "Children must obey their parents." ►She said that children must obey their parents.@M@Þì��¥@@@must@¶g@@@@would have to@@@@Ý��jÔn"¾a@óÏ.

He said, "I must go to Cairo tomorrow.►He said that he would have to go to Cairo tomorrow.

Choose the correct answer : 1 – He ( said – told – asked – talked ) Dina that he was writing a letter. 2 – Samir ( told – said to – asked – said ) that the helicopter was flying high. 3 – Leila said that she ( is watching – watched – was watching – had watched ) TV then. 4 – He said that he (will visit – would visit – is visiting – visited) his friend the following day. 5 – He said that he ( had seen – has seen – will see – can see ) her playing the piano. 6 – I asked her if ( I could – could I – can I – are I ) use the new camera. 7 – Farouk asked Osman why ( was he – are you – is he – he was ) late. 8 – I said," Where(your book is– your books were – the books are –is your book ) , Hazim ?" 9 – Karim ( asked – told – said – talked ) Nour if there was sugar in the cup. 10 – They wanted to know ( if I played – did I play – do I play – that I play ) music. 11– He said just now he ( would buy – will buy – has bought – buys) a new car next month. 12 – She asked me where I ( stay – did stay – was staying – am staying ) then . 13– Can you kindly tell me where ( is the manager – the manager – the manager is )?

Find The mistakes in the following sentences:

1 – I asked him what was he doing……………………………………………………………....... 2 – She asked me weather I had watched the DVD............................................................... 3 – He told that it was a busy day............................................................................................

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4 – He says that he was taking his brother to the airport......................................................... 5 – He said ," Where do you go to school? " – by bus.............................................................. 6 – She said just now that he had watched TV........................................................................ 7 – Mona asked me why did I came late?................................................................................. 8 – He said that he travels to Cairo the week before.................................................................

A) Language Functions 1) Respond to each of the following situations: 1.You're doing a project on wildlife. Ask a friend of yours for more information. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. You advise a friend of yours not to eat too much. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.Salem believes that fresh fruit and vegetables are good for health. Express your opinion. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.Reham eats food with too much salt in it. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2)Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: . 1- A: Can I find a book about Robert Louis Stevenson?

B: Of course it is on the shelf on the right corner. A: Thank you

Place:…………SpeakerA:…….....……SpeakerB:…….….…… Function…………. 2- A: Your tickets please.

B: here you are . A: Your seats are no 43 and 44 at the last row. B: When does the show start?

Place:…………SpeakerA:…….....……SpeakerB:…….….…… Function………….

B) Vocabulary and Structure 3) Choose the correct answer 1. He suffers from many ( healthier- healthy - health – wealth)problems . 2. This story was a ( absent - bestseller - bookseller - fruit seller)for two years. 3. ( Blackmail - Borrow - Lend - Laugh)means to take something from someone for silence. 4. The young boy was ( frightening - fright - frightened – bright)of the huge man. 5. My uncle visited Aswan buy now he has decided to live there ( temporarily - permanently -

by chance – fantastically) 6. Someone ( broke - knocked - took – booked)on our door last night , but I didn't open it. 7. He left all his savings to his son in his ( hand - will - memory – fan) 8. All my friends come from very ( respectable - evil - devil – unrespectable)families. 9. The police made him ( confess - say - commit – admit)his crime. 10. He said that he ---( will visit - would visit - is visiting – visited)--- his friend the following day. 11. He said that he ( will visit - would visit - is visiting – visited)her playing the piano. 12. I asked her if ( I could - could - can I- are I )use the new camera. 13. Farouk asked Osman why ( was he - are you - is he - he was)late. 14. The teacher said, " Where ( your book is - is your book -the books are -your books were), Hazim ?" 15. Samir ( told - said to - asked – said)that the helicopter was flying high. 16. Karim ( asked - told - said - talked)Nour if there was sugar in the cup. 4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,: 1. He wrote his biography before he died............................................................................... 2. He used to complain to pain in heart.................................................................................. 3. I asked him what was he doing.......................................................................................... 4. She asked me weather I had watched the DVD......................................................... ….. 5. He told that it was a busy day..............................................................................................

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6.He says that he was taking his brother to the airport..............................................................

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books 5) Read the following passage, then answer the questions: A student passed all his school examinations and then went to a college to continue his studies. There, he enrolled in a course in geography. But after the first lecture, he didn’t attend any more lectures. The geography lecturer noticed this student was always absent and that he had changed to another course, so he was very surprised when he saw the boy’s name on the list of students who wanted to take the geography examination at the end of the year. The lecturer had prepared a difficult examination paper, which followed his lectures very closely, and he was eager to see how this student answered the questions. He expected that his answers would be very bad, but when he examined the answers, he found only one small mistake. So he sent for the student to question him. When the student had come, the lecturer told him that he was curious to know how he was able to find only one little mistake although the student came to the first lecture and he was absent from all the others. To his great surprise, the student told him that he would not have made that mistake if he hadn’t been confused by his first lecture. A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1. Why was the lecturer surprised when he saw the student’s name on the list? ................................................................................................................................................. 2. What made the lecturer prepare a difficult examination? ................................................................................................................................................. 3. Why had the student made a mistake in his examination paper? ................................................................................................................................................. B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4. The student mentioned in the passage must have been very ……………………. . a) curious b) stupid c) clever d) impatient

5. The underlined words “the others” refer to ………………. . a) the questions b) the lectures c) the students d) the professors 6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions: It is true that men have invented a lot of useful things; the alphabet, machines, rockets and so many other things. But scientists and archaeologists now agree that women invented one very important thing which has changed history. They invented agriculture. Before the invention of agriculture, men were hunters. They went out every day. Sometimes they killed animals, sometimes animals killed them. Life was difficult and dangerous. Women had to go out every day too. They collected roots, fruit and grass. One day, more than 10,000 years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds. She dropped them near her home. They grew and the first wheat was born. The idea grew, too. Women planted roots and fruit trees. Then they could stay at home and look after their children and their animals. Archaeologists think that women kept the first domestic animals. Then their husbands did not have to go hunting for meat. They stayed at home. They built villages and cities. Civilization began. Men began civilization after women had invented agriculture. A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1. Who proved that women invented agriculture? ................................................................................................................................................. 2. How did the early man get his food? ................................................................................................................................................. 3. What was the first crop cultivated by women? ................................................................................................................................................ B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4. An archaeologist is a person who studies ……………. a) animal life b) agriculture life c) geological life d) buried remains of ancient times 5. The underlined word “they” refers to ………….. a) women b) seeds c) men d) animals

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D) The Mask of Gold 7-A- Answer the following questions: 1- What did Pablo tell Leila about the Inca? ................................................................................................................................................. 2- What made Incas send the Chimu King’s sons to Cuzco? ................................................................................................................................................. B- Read the quotation and answer the questions:

“Amalia will show you around the site and tell you what we have done.” 1- What site was he talking about ? ................................................................................................................................................. 2- Why was Amalia chosen to show Leila the site? ................................................................................................................................................. C- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1- Roman was tied with a long rope when he got into the tomb so that …...…………………. 2- Before showing Leila around the site, Amila …………..………………………………………. 3- Peruvians allowed foreigners to excavate their ancient cities provided ……………………..

E) Writing 8- Your uncle has promised to give you a large sum of money as a reward for passing an examination. Write a letter thanking him and explaining how you propose to use the gift. Your name is Amer and you live at 25, El Galaa street, Mansoura. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….








F) Translation 9-A- Translate into Arabic: Dr. Jekyll has now proved that human nature is both good and evil, but soon he starts to enjoy being Mr. Hyde. He changes into Mr. Hyde more often and finds it more difficult to change back into Mr. Jekyll. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


B- Translate into English: ه\ $�Q أن $��\ آ���\ 4"ي ؟


و% و��Mرا �H) ن�C$ وأن [�"�vا ",.��Q أن $�H"م (_ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Q: Why is number six afraid ? A: Because seven eight nine (seven ate nine)

Q: Why don't we need a compass at the North Pole? A: Because every direction is south. Q: What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it? A: A teapot.

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Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Ali ( wondered – said - said to – told )…………his son had bought a car the day before. 2. Ola told me that she ( would – will – had – had )…………visit Tanta the following day. 3. The teacher told his students that The Nile ( ran - had run - will run – runs )……in Egypt. 4. Aya ordered Maha ( to – if – whether - not to )……….. make noise in the class. 5. Ahmed asked me ( why – where – what – when ) …….. I had gone the day before. 6. The police ( told – warned – wondered – wandered ) ……. people from the deadly spiders. 7. I do not approve ( of - in- off - at ) …………….. your opinion. 8. He asked me where I ( stay - did I stay - was staying - am I staying ) ………………. then. 9. ( Who - Whose - Where - How many) …………book was the one you were pointing at? 10. She asked me whether ( I had been - I went – I go - had I been ) …………… there before. Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

1- Hala asked that she would visit Aswan the next day…………………………………………… 2- Ghada told me that she is playing chess then…………………………………………………... 3- The officer ordered his men if shoot fire on the enemy………………………………………… 4- Ali wondered if Ahmed has done his homework the day before……………………………….. 5- He asked Dina that he was writing a letter………………………………………………………. 6- Ahmed told that the helicopter was flying high…………………………………………………... 7- The teacher said, " Where your books were , Hazim ?"………………………………………... 8- Karim told Nour if there was sugar in the cup…………………………………………………… 9- I told the professor I didn't attend the following lecture………………………………………….. 10- They wanted to know that I play music…………………………………………………………....

�C_� "_� (Z�A ا زاM "E"اع ���2

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�. ا��"ا�2� ه�-(YU�H9"ة ا �اوآز��ن-ت (�� "CU�

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The power of nature Unusual weather

For most people, the word weather means that Sun, rain, wind or snow. If you live in southern Europe or Africa, you know that temperatures are higher and there is less rain than if you live in northern Europe or Canada. It is unusual for a weather forecast to surprise us. However, strange weather can occur all over the world. For example, people have seen giant pieces of ice falling from the sky. And what would you think if you saw a ball of light as big as a football on a plane, or floating through your home? Weather experts called these ball lightning. Some storms are very unusual and may cause terrible damage. The English town of Dunwich was once an

important port, but in the fourteenth century, high waves and violent storms hit the area and most of the town disappeared beneath the sea. The worst storm in Britain, in 1703, killed more than 8000 people. The worst flood in history was in 1887 in China when the Yellow River flooded and killed around a million people. Unusual weather is becoming more common, with very high or low temperatures and very heavy rainfall all over the world. This causes serious droughts in some places and floods in others. However, this is not a modern phenomenon: in Europe in the eighteenth century, there was a Little Ice Age when rivers like the River Thames in England froze. What will happen to our weather in the future? No one really knows, but one day ‘unusual’ weather may not be unusual anymore.

Amena: We’ve been learning that some people are afraid that the light from the sun might go

out permanently during an eclipse.

Professor: Really? Well, that couldn’t happen, of course. But people are right to think that

the sun’s very important.

Shahd: Yes that’s right. If we didn’t get heat and light from the sun, there would be no life on

the Earth, would there?

Professor: Definitely not! Human beings have always understood this.

Shahd: So, what exactly is the sun, Professor?

Professor: It’s a giant ball of hot gases, which is 150 million kilometres from the Earth.

Amena: Wow! As far as that! Do we know how hot it is?

Professor: Yes, we do have this information. The surface of the sun is about 6,000 degrees

centigrade, but if you took the temperature at its centre, you’d find it was more like 15

million degrees.

Shahd: That's incredible.

Professor: The sun gives us heat and light, which we need, but it also gives out x-rays and

ultraviolet rays, which can be very harmful to life.

Shahd: Really? Can you explain why they don’t harm us, then?

Professor: I’ll try and explain. Most of these rays are absorbed in the atmosphere, so they

aren’t able to affect us. But I ought to warn you about one very important thing.

Shahd: What is that?

Professor: The sun is incredibly strong and you should never look straight at it. If you look

at the sun, you’ll damage your sight.

Shahd: Is it OK if you look at the sun wearing sunglasses?

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Professor: No, I’m afraid it’s not. A friend of mine thought that, but he now has problems

with his eyes. If he hadn’t looked at the sun, he wouldn’t have damaged his sight.

Just remember, never look at the sun

power ة�< cause Q�#� look straight ة"!�) "8U� powerful ى�< common م, sunglasses ~�! رة8% force م�: northern إر[�! sight 8" ـ رؤ��U) ـ "J�� اstrength ة�Y� وا>: protective�southern :��U اnature ������ ���� float ��.ث occur اnatural :���� phenomenon �t"اه experts اء"�� eclipse ف�#C� �W"ق drown ز�Pال earthquake اsolar eclipse ~�_� ,��U� violent Z�U"-�*�ر erupt آ#�ف اlunar eclipse "�Y�د economy �#�ف اJH<ا beneath ;�$ clips 6�_) giant ق��, flood نA�9 permanently ��Eدا �Y�"�� ball �2- آ"ة �� sandstorm ��M, predictions اتV�U$ as far as زو��� Y� tornado.ر (weather ~Y��2رة heat waves �4 اrرض surface ا ���) forecast ~Y��� +�UH� degree ����) ��در geothermal [�2"ارة �waves أ(�اج ultraviolet rays ���9ق أ! roughly ��"Y$ absorb �H�� infrared rays ;�$ ��أ! landscape :���� "8U) harmful رa absorbed in 0MJH)ا >$ tides رP�� ا��. و اfloods ت%A�9 take in �H�� wind blow ح�"�� Q($ wind rest ح�"� (��" YH#) inhale �_UH#� rainfall" اskin .�� soak up �H�� storm chasers ZMا����� ا�HH) damage رة�9رة ـ ,�] (ء Z�$ geyser ـ �#% follow ?�H� planet Qآ�آ waves أ(�اج rivers ر أ%)clouds Q�4 distance �9#) freeze .��� definitely .آ�+H�� temperature 2"ارة ��در depend on :�, .�H�� area �Y�U) atmosphere ى��� H9"ة period ا��Wف اexplanation "�#�$ rays �� ���� float أ!electric storm ��E��M آ)"�, surface �4 weather ~Y�� اdrought ف���ن safely ا)+� forecast ����� ا�U_"ة اlightning ق"�� ا�#�Uات ا��r"ة ��H9 recent years ـ &hole QY اthunder .,"� ,��ق go rise ?�$"� giant اvolcano نa clear night ��9 �"آM ���� experts اء"�� earthquake الP��J" ا����.ى ice age ز�ء port اU�)

southern = in the south of ب�U� cause / do damage ر"a Q�#� solar eclipse

~�_���اA$ ZM"ب storms hit آ_�ف ا� اlunar eclipse

"�Y���� with high temperatures �#�ف ا �.ر�ت 2"ارة ,get heat from [) 2"ارة :�, \J�� with low temperatures �A�FU) ت 2"ارة �.ر�get light from [) ء�a :�, \J�� warn of / about

��jر (]

damage sight

").�"J��ا absorbed in the atmosphere

m9 (MJH)ا >H� have problems with

آ\ _) }.U, take in �H��

cause Q�#� to make something happen Drought ف�� a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.

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lightning ق"� a bright flash of electrical light in the sky during a storm occur ث.�� to happen especially without being planned first. sight "J�� the ability to see اgeyser [� ��U� a hole in the earth from which hot water can riseع (ء 4 Phenomenon ه"ةt ������ something that happens or exists especially something that is unusual or difficult to understand. rainfall S<#H�� The amount of rain that falls on an area in a particularا���" ا

period of time. ultraviolet rays ���#�U���� �9ق ا!rا light which can make people's skin go darker.

How old is the tree? How + (adjective) :$+� ا��Jـ� ��.ه What age is the tree? What + ( noun ) :$+� 4< ��.هcا

He doesn't smoke any more(any longer). .�� >� :�U� 9: ا(�) \��� �+$: اHe no longer ( no more) smokes . � -$,� �& ا+*(�ت%'�& ا��$ �� %$

The ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean. ق"W� ق ـ"W� ) ارب�Y�دة ��#�] و ا,(

The sink in the bath is blocked. �2ض The Egyptian pound sinks to its lowest level against the dollar. \Y�@@�@@�@@�@@�n�FU�

Two boys drowned while they were swimming. @@@@ق"W�) @@@@دةص@@@@,F!��@@@@(

�42@@@@"J�� .Taha Hussein lost his sight at a very early ageا

A man carrying a goat is a sight. 8ـ"@@�@@@@�@@@@�@@@@�@@ رؤ�ـ�U)@@@@"ـ�,

�ـ< .Tourists come to Egypt to see our sights �4ـ�2ـ�@@@@(�ـ

.YU? To get these stains out of you shirt, you have to soak it in hot waterــــ� .Mother put a cloth on the floor to soak up( = absorb in ) water �_ـــ"ب@@�@@@@�@@@@�@@@@�@@��Hـــ�

ZE�@@@@[)@@@@!D He is afraid of snakes. He is afraid of arriving late. ZE�@@@@:�,@@@@�F! She is afraid for her children. ZE .J) He is afraid to swim in the rough sea.ر@@@@��.ه@@@@أن@@@@�ZE�.ه@@@@أن@@@@��@@@@����@@@@��) .People are afraid that the light from the sun might go outآ

�"4ـ�@@@@(@@@@("9ـ+ @@@@[�#� .The ship tried to reach the harbour in the storm @@@@ ) ا .Alexandria is a big port in Egypt)@@@@وا��Hـ"�ـ�@@@@��_�ـ]@@@@ا�#�ـ]@@@@إ��)ـ@@@@$Jـ\@@@@ (.�UـU�))0ـء @@@@(.�Uـ0

.There was a strong wind yesterday ا�"�ـح@@@@

.There is no rain in the desert ا���ـ" ف ��� .All of Africans die of drought ا

�Mـ�,There is a storm outside. It's raining heavily and there is thunder and lightening. .A blizzard is a severe snowstorm@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&���ـ�@@@@,�Mـ�@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ر@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@J,إ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@The hurricane caused destruction. ن@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@A�9 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@The village was destroyed by the flood


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Page 111: 3rd Year First Term


Choose the correct answer: 1- How can the powers of nature ( effect - reflect - affect – conflict )human beings ؟ 2- Life on earth depends ( at - in - on - of ( heat and light from the sun . 3- The sun is made of ( frozen - heat - hot – cold ) rock. 4- The ( distant - distance - far - long )between the sun and the earth is 50 million kilometers. 5- The temperature at the surface of the sun is 15 million ( degrees - meters - marks – targets ) 6- The atmosphere ( sends - transmits - absorbs - emits ) most of the sun’s harmful rays. 7- You can look at the sun safely if you are ( dressed - making - putting - wearing ) sunglasses. 8- To ( absorb - harm - emit - transmit ) means to take in . 9- To be ( harmful - useful - vital - harmless ) means causing damage. 10- ( Site - Sight - View - Seat )is the ability to see. 11- A / n ( spring - geyser - eclipse - volcano ) is a hole in the earth from which hot water can rise 12- The singular noun is volcano. What is the ( collective - number - group - plural ) form? 13- The plural noun is glasses. What is the ( single - singular - solo - one )form? 14- Where was the worst flood in ( history - historical - historian - historic )? 15- Weather ( experiences - experts - economists - experiments )call these balls ball lightning. 16- Most of the town of Dunwich disappeared ( beside - above - beneath - over )the sea. 17- The worst ( stormy - storm - star - stream )in Britain, in 1703, killed more than 8000 people. 18- Unusual weather is becoming more common, with very high or low temperatures and very heavy ( rainfill - rainfell - rainfall - rainform ) all over the world. 19- One day unusual weather may not be unusual ( any - some - no - less )more. 20- People are not often surprised by weather ( broadcast - forefathers - forecasts – paste ) 21- ( Lightning – fog - thunder - mist )is the light you see during electric storm. 22- A( drought - draught - doubt - draft )is a long period without rain. 23- Scientists are not sure what ( bans - prevents - causes - hesitates ) volcanoes to erupt. 24- An eclipse of the sun is a strange natural ( phantom–phenomena -phenomenon–eruption ) 25- Alexandria is in the ((south - north - northern – southern )of Egypt. 26- Dunwich was destroyed by high waves and ( gentle - violent - cruel - weak )storms. 27- ( Heavy – Strong - Weak - Mild )winds destroyed buildings all over the country. 28- Is unusual weather ( rare - only – per – scarce ) a modern phenomenon? 29- Why do you think unusual weather may not be unusual ( on- at - in- with )the future? 30- Here the wind is so strong that it can ( left - lift - restart- lower ) the trees up. Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly: 1- When I was a child. I used to dreamt of being a doctor.............................................................. 2- In addition to he wrote the letter, he saw the film........................................................................ 3- Because they played very well, they lost the match.................................................................. 4- Despite the weather was bad, we went out................................................................................ 5- He didn't go out as his illness..................................................................................................... A) Translate into Arabic: Governments are trying all the time to help local communities and local people to keep their heritage. Ecotourism also calls for promotion of recycling and energy and water conservation. We should greatly appreciate the natural beauty of nature.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………

B- Translate into English: 6�U�, :��$ :H2 �M .إذا أردت أن $8U" إ�: آ#�ف ا�_�~ ��Q أن $"$.ي 8%رة �


Page 112: 3rd Year First Term


A) Language Functions 1) Respond to each of the following situations: 1. Ramy always feels tired. Give him advice.

................................................................................................................................................. 2. You're asked about the weather today

................................................................................................................................................. 3. Omar who feels unwell asks for advice about food. Suggest fruit.

................................................................................................................................................. 4. You ask Hosam about the name of the book he is reading and its writer.

................................................................................................................................................. 2)Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: . 1- A) Where are you flying to sir? B) To London. A) May I see your ticket and passport, please? B) Here you are, sir. Place:………………SpeakerA:….....……SpeakerB:………..…… Function…………. 2- A) Have you finished the work on my car? B) I'm afraid not. We haven't got the parts yet. A) Oh, that's a nuisance. When do you think it'll be ready? Place:………………SpeakerA:….....……SpeakerB:………..…… Function………….

B) Vocabulary and Structure 3) Choose the correct answer

1-What has been seen ( falling -feeling - felling - filling )from the sky? 2-Dunwich was destroyed by( long - tall - high - short )waves and violent storms. 3-Storms can (cause - happen - hesitate - paste ) at any time and in any place. 4-It has not rained here for five months, It is the longest (drought-draught -doubt -draft )anyone can remember 5-To ( cause-destroy-occur-remove) means to make something appear. 6-Unusual weather is not a modern (- atmosphere - fantasia - phenomenon - phantom ) 7-When there is an(hurricane-eclipse-drought-volcano) of the sun, everything goes dark and the birds stop signing. 8-If the sun (wouldn’t give-won’t give-don’t give-didn’t give) light and heat, there wouldn't be any life on earth. 9-If you (wore - wear - don’t - didn’t wear ) a hat, your face won’t get burnt. 10-It is ( usual - unusual - ordinary - common ) for a weather forecast to surprise us. 11-If the Arctic glaciers ( freeze - melt - smelt - raise )the sea level will rise. 12-If there ( will be - were - are - had been )clouds in the sky tonight, you will not be able to see the moon. 13-( Lightning - Fog - Thunder - Mist ) is the light you see during electric storm. 14-How do you think the wind ( effects - reflects - affects - affectionate )the people who live in Port Martin? 15-Should he ( comes - come - came - had come) early , he will catch the bus. 16-( Without - for - In case of - should ) having enough money, I can buy a car. 4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,:

1. Weather experts cell these balls ball lightning................................................................. 2. Some storms are very unusual and may pause terrible damage. ................................ 3. The English town of Dunwich was once an importance port.......................................... 4. If I discover a new planet, I would give it my mother's name.......................................... 5. If there was an eclipse of the sun in my country, I may definitely watch it...................... 6. If you looked at the sun, you'll damage your sight...........................................................

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C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books 5) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

When people are playing a game, they need to follow the rules. If they don't, the game becomes disorganised and unfair. If a student ignores a rule against talking in class, the other students can't concentrate. Drivers who don't follow traffic laws can cause serious accidents. Most things we do are governed by rules. These may be unwritten, like the "rules" of social politeness, or official laws passed by parliament and backed up by the legal system. But all rules and laws have the same purpose - to make it clear what is right or wrong, and what happens if someone breaks the rule. They are designed to ensure fairness, safety and respect for other people's rights, And in this' way they help us work, play and live together peacefully. If there were no rules and everyone was free to do whatever they wanted, most people would probably behave selfishly. We need rules to help us get along together and show respect for each other. Most of us are basically honest, and knowing the rules means that we usually try to follow them. One reason we do this is to avoid punishment, but the strongest argument for following the rules is - quite simply - that it makes the world a better place for all of us. A) Give short answers to the following questions:

1- What is the common purpose of all rules and laws؟ .................................................................................................................................................

2- What are the types of rules and laws mentioned in the passage؟ .................................................................................................................................................

3- In one sentence (of your own), give your opinion about those who break the rules, and say why. ................................................................................................................................................. B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4- In class, a student should not --------------- the rules. a) ignore b) govern c) control d) follow 5- Following the rules means that ---- -- ---- --- ------. a) we get punished b) we avoid punishment c) we cause accidents d) we behave selfishly 6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions: The name Leonardo da Vinci makes people think of the Mona Lisa. But Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great painter. He was also a scientist, a musician, an inventor and an engineer. And he was a genius in everything he did. Leonardo believed in learning by seeing. He looked carefully at everything around him - people, plants, animals and things. He took his notebook with him everywhere and drew what he saw. He drew so he could learn about how things worked. Leonardo left 13,000 pages of drawings. He especially liked to study and draw machines. As he drew them, he thought of new things that could be done with them. For example, he thought of a car 400 years before cars were invented! He also tried to invent a flying machine. Leonardo da Vinci didn't want people to read his notes and steal his ideas, so he wrote his notes backwards. To read them you must hold them up to a mirror. A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1- According to Leonardo da Vinci, what is the best way of learning؟

................................................................................................................................................. 2- What did Leonardo do to learn about how things worked؟

................................................................................................................................................. 3- Find in the passage words which mean: a) a person who has great ability or skill b) opposite to the usual direction

................................................................................................................................................. B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4- Leonardo da Vinci's drawings of machines helped others to invent - --- --- ---- --- ----- a) bicycles and cars b) cars and vacuum cleaners c) planes and washing machines d) cars and planes 5- To stop others stealing his ideas, Leonardo wrote his notes - ---- ---- - --- ----. a) upwards b) downwards c)towards d)backwards

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D) The Mask of Gold 7-A- Answer the following questions: 1. Why did Amalia dislike Leila ?

................................................................................................................................................. 2. What surprise did Leila have while she was sitting in the café ?

................................................................................................................................................. B- Read the quotation and answer the questions:

“ I’ll have a word with her about that.” 1. Who was he talking about ?

................................................................................................................................................. 2. What would he talk with her about ?

................................................................................................................................................. C- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1. Dr Hafez thought that Amalia ………………………………………………………...........……. 2. Leila asked Dr Hafez’s advice concerning ……….………………………………………..

E) Writing 8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on

“The Sun” ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................

F) Translation 9-A- Translate into Arabic:

It can’t be denied that nature is beautiful. When nature is angry, it becomes man’s enemy. There are things such as volcanoes, earthquakes, floods and storms which cause great damage.



................................................................................................................................................. B- Translate into English:

؟ .1(H)�(�ا [C�� [اآ�"����اZM وا���� (*\ ا���� ه\ $�YH. أن ا��8اه" ا.................................................................................................................................................

2. ,�Y�#�دة أ(�ده ا�H4ة ا"��rات ا�U#� ."9ـ; (Jـ" دا�Eـ أ%)ـ (U_ـ+ ا��Aـرة و�#�: ا��J"��ن 9: ا.................................................................................................................................................

The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it. ~Patrick Young There is no season such delight can bring as summer, autumn, winter and the spring. Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.

Page 115: 3rd Year First Term


Choose the correct answer 1- When there is an …………. of the sun, everything goes dark and the birds stop signing. a- hurricane b- eclipse c- drought d- volcano 2- It is ……………..….. for a weather forecast to surprise us. a- usual b- unusual c- ordinary d- common 3- If the Arctic glaciers ……………..….., the sea level will rise. a- freeze b- melt c- smelt d- raise 4- If there ……………..….. clouds in the sky tonight, you will not be able to see the moon. a- will be b- were c- are d- had been 5- ……………..….. is the light you see during electric storm. a- Lightning b- Fog c- Thunder d- Mist Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,: 1. If I discover a new planet, I would give it my mother's name. …………………………………… 2. If there was an eclipse of the sun in my country, I may definitely watch it. …………………… 3. If you looked at the sun, you'll damage your sight. …………………………………………..

8" (�!"ة �#�Q >�ةU� 8%رة !�~ ,م >�ى �: إر[م ا��J" ـ (8U" ـ رؤ�� !� وا>: ���U: ا��Yة

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ن ,��ق (_�6A�9 ��Eدا �Y�"�� آ"ة -�J<���2 را ��M,

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~Y��� +�UH� ����) ��رض درrا [� 2"ارة � أ!�� �9ق ��U#��� أ(�اج��"Y$ �H�� اء"���8" ����: أ!�� $�; اU) رa 0MJH)ا >$ ��Pرا��. و ا

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Qر أ(�اج آ�آ أ%)Q�4 �9#) .��� �H+آ�.��H. ,�: در�� 2"ارة �� �Y�U) ى��� H9"ة ا��Wف ا"�#�$ �� ���� أ!

��E��M آ)"�, �4 ~Y�� ا

Page 116: 3rd Year First Term


Controlling Floods In many countries, rivers that cause floods have

to be controlled. There are many ways of doing this, including buildings walls along the sides of rivers so that they do no flood even when the water level rises. In some places lakes are created next to rivers so that, when the level rises, the water runs into the lakes instead of into the streets of town or cities. In other places, dams have been built to stop rivers flooding. The Aswan dam is a good example of this.

In London, the British capital, many areas are below the level of the river Thames, which means that

the city has to be protected from possible floods. To do this, a huge metal wall called the Thames Barrier was built across the river. Usually this stays open so boats can pass up the Thames to London or down the river to the sea. If the water in the river rises to a dangerous level, however, the wall can be raised. Between 1982, when it was finished, and 2009, the Thames Barrier was raised over 100 times. Venice in Italy has the same control system.

We usually think of floods as bad and there are many examples of floods which have destroyed towns, cities and farm land. But floods can also benefit people. In the past, for example, Nile floods made agricultural land more fertile for farmers.

Adel: So, Hamid, can you go right to the top? Hamid: Yes, it’s open to the public from nine o’clock in the morning until one o’clock at

night. My parents went last week and they said the view was fantastic. They said they could see right across the city, and the river looked beautiful at night, especially when it was beginning to go dark and the city lights came on.

Adel: Do you know why it was built? Hamid: Yes, it’s a television tower. It was designed by one of our best architects, Naum

Chebib. Adel: And there’s a restaurant at the top, isn’t there? Hamid: Yes, it goes round very slowly, so that you can see the whole city while you are

eating. Adel: How much does it cost to go to the top? Hamid: I think it’s about twenty-five pounds. Adel: That’s not bad, is it? Hamid: No, but you have to pay a bit more if you take a video camera. Adel: Do you know how tall it is? Hamid: Yes, it’s 187 metres tall. It’s not the tallest building in the world, but when it was

built in 1961, it was the tallest concrete structure in the world. Adel: That must have been quite difficult. I thought all modern buildings had metal inside to

strengthen the concrete. And it was damaged by an earthquake, wasn’t it? Hamid: That’s right – when the city was hit by an earthquake in 1992. The damage wasn’t

serious – and it’s all been repaired now. Adel: Have you ever been to the top? Hamid: No but I’d love to go, especially after what my parents said. Adel: Why don’t we go together? I’d love to see what the Pyramids look like from the top. Hamid: They’re fifteen kilometres away, but you can see them really clearly. If we went in

the evening, we’d see the Nile at night. Adel: OK, let’s arrange a date and time.

Page 117: 3rd Year First Term


Structures ت $"آ��Damage ر ة#� Earthquake الP� ز

Repair �J� Historian رخV) Exploration ف_CH4ا Mysteries �A) ا4"ار [Barrier P�2

cause floods ت%A�9 Q�#� water level ء�� (#�Hى اrise ?�$"�

protect from [) :��� control system >C�H�8%م ا benefit ة.E9 agricultural :,زرا

fertile QJ�

sail "��� grow crops \�M �Pرع (�export ر.J� import رد�H#� covered with � :�W)ـ

consist of ��CHن (]

Frightened (",�ب

Disappointed S��)

cut into :� �Y#< اnature ������ اexperiments رب�$ temperature ارة"�� در�� اbreak promise و,.ة Z�F� publish "_U� Honeymoon \#�� !)" ا

Marry وجPH� Solid Q�M

A) Language Functions 1) Respond to each of the following situations: 1) You do not understand why it goes dark at night. Ask someone to explain it. ................................................................................................................................................. 2) A friend suggests that swimming is a good way to keep fit. State another way. ................................................................................................................................................. 3) A friend suggests that you join a squash club together. Suggest something else. ................................................................................................................................................. 4) Someone asks where your friend Ali is. You have not seen him for a long time. You are almost certain he is on holiday. ................................................................................................................................................. 2)Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .

a) A : Excuse me, sir. The captain has asked everyone to return to their seats. B: Does that mean we are going to land soon? A :Yes, in about 15 minutes.

Place:………………SpeakerA:……......……SpeakerB:……...…… Function…………. b) A : Have you seen Tarek?

B: No, sir. He was at his desk on the phone a few minutes ago. A: Isn't he there now? B: No, maybe he's gone home already... A : He can't have gone home. He's preparing a report me.

Place:………………SpeakerA:……......……SpeakerB:……...…… Function………….

B) Vocabulary and Structure 3) Choose the correct answer

1- Don't worry. I'm sure ( you see- you're seeing - you'll see- you're going to see)them again soon.

2- Wanting friends is part of human ( nature - conflict – will- life). 3- They have just received this photo as an e-mail ( post - attachment - letter – part). 4-lightning is a dangerous but natural ( sight – response- eclipse – phenomenon). 5- She didn't see her brother this morning. He (must have left - must leave-- can't have left- can't

leave)the flat very early. 6- He left his glasses at school yesterday. I'm hoping someone( must have - might have- can't

have - can have) found them. 7- The quickest way for Sawsan to get to school is to ( go- bring - come – take)a train. 8- That plant has been ( explored - raised -positioned - put)so that it gets lots of light. 9- Taha's mother asked him where ( he had been - had he been - has he been- he has been).

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10- She promised she (will phone - phoned - would phone – phones)me as soon as the plane landed.

11- Is that someone ( hitting - knocking - smashing – beating)on our door? I'll see who it is. 12- Their uncle is a scientist. He's ( making- taking - getting – doing)research into new forms of energy.

13- If you ( had left- leave - would have left- left)earlier, you wouldn't have missed your train. 14- ( If - Unless- When – As)you work harder, you'll fail your exam. 15- I'm hot today. How about ( gone -going- went - go)to the beach? 16-Accidents ( take part -come in - cause – occur)more frequently when the roads are busy. 4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,: 1) Let's try to find them. They can't have went very far................................................................... 2) Teachers and supervisors belong to the teaching confession .................................................... 3) He asked me if saw his newspaper............................................................................................. 4) The statue of Ramses II is a very important Ancient Egyptian magnet. ~��UW���2"ا ....................... 5) People can waste lots of money by using the underground........................................................ 6)The accident wouldn't happen i,f he hadn't been using his mobile phone...................................

D) The Mask of Gold 7-A- Answer the following questions:

1 Why did Dr Hafez keep looking round as he was talking to Leila on the plane? ................................................................................................................................................. 2 What did the Peruvian archaeologist Ramon find? ................................................................................................................................................. B- Read the quotation and answer the questions:

"It's really quite deep. I can see some bones and some bits of pottery". 1- Where is the person who says this? ................................................................................................................................................. 2 - What does he go on to say about the bones? ................................................................................................................................................. C- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1) Dr Hafez told Leila that thieves sometimes ............................................................................. 2) One of the most exciting days of Leila's life was when the archaeologists broke through........ .................................................................................................................................................

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books 5) Read the following passage, then answer the questions: Olive oil has been used by people of the Mediterranean countries, Greece, Italy and Spain for about 4000 years. Many people have realized the healthy benefits of using olive oil instead of other oils. As well as tasting delicious and being the healthiest cooking oil. Olive oil has many other uses such as cosmetics, hair conditioners and soaps. It is a preservative; it keeps fish and cheese fresh for years. Perhaps more important, is olive oil's value as a medicine. Not only can eating olive lowers the risk of serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease, it can also have a healing effect on many stomach disorders and diseases. This could explain why people in the Mediterranean countries tend to live longer. It will make your food taste better and your life last longer. A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1. How can we keep fish last for years? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. What is the value of olive oil as a medicine? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Why do the people in the Mediterranean countries tend to live longer? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4. ……….. is one of the Mediterranean countries

a) Sudan b) Saudi Arabia c) Spain d) England 5. The underlined pronoun "it" refers to …………

a) list b) olive oil c) food d) life 6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

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A young woman is walking to her car in a car park. Suddenly a man jumps out at her from behind. She kicks him and while he's on the floor she jumps into her car and drives away unharmed. When the girl tries to kick the bad man, he grabs her and pulls her off balance and now she's on the floor, defenseless, with nowhere to rum. This little story teaches you two things: never walk alone at night and most importantly, use your brain and not your body to defend yourself against an attacker. Staying safe is all about not putting yourself in a dangerous situation. Avoid attack before it happens by using your common sense. This means walk with confidence; stay in well-lit areas make sure someone always knows where you are, and carry a mobile phone with you all times. A) Give short answers to the following questions: 1. What is the most important lesson you've learnt from the story? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Why shouldn’t you walk alone at night? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Is it very important to carry a mobile phone all times? Why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 4. The young woman was unharmed because she …………..

a) was strong b) was weak c) was alone d) didn’t have a mobile 5. The writer s someone who is trying to make people …………

a) worried b) safe c) confident d) frightened

E) Writing 8-Write a an e-mail to a friend describing a book you have recently read. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………






F) Translation 9-A- Translate into Arabic: Egypt has many amazing works of ancient and modern engineering. At the south of Aswan, for example, Abu Simbel is the site of two temples. These were carved into a cliff in about 1250 BE. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. B- Translate into English:

6�U�, :��$ :H2 �M .إذا أردت أن $8U" إ�: آ#�ف ا�_�~ ��Q أن $"$.ي 8%رة �.................................................................................................................................................

������ن M m9"اع داE< (? ا#%cا p���. .................................................................................................................................................

"All I Really Need to Know About Life, I Learned from Noah's Ark"

(1) Don't miss the boat. (2) Don't forget we're all in the same boat. (3) Plan ahead--it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark. (4) Stay fit--when you're 600 years old someone might ask you to do something really big. (5) Don't listen to critics, just get on with what has to be done. (6) Two heads are better than one. (7) Build your future on high ground. (8) Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic. (9) No matter what the storm, when God is with you, there's a rainbow waiting.

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Characterizations The Incas bØã⁄a@kÈ‘

Along the Pacific coast of South America, the Inca empire stretched from Colombia to Chili and reached its height between 1492 and 1525 .

Though the Incas had no writing system, they controlled a huge empire . They were tough as they lived in high altitudes . Their capital was Cuzco, an ancient city in Peru . They conquered the Chimu, who were famous for their silver and gold work . They sent the Chimus’ sons to Cuzco to make sure that their fathers were loyal . They made their tombs at hillsides Leila

Leila was a research assistant at Cairo University. When she was young, she used to listen to Dr Hafez’s stories about his work and new

discoveries, so she decided to take up archeology. She did her degree in Rome, at the Italian Institute of archeology. She didn’t study with Dr

Hafez as people might think he gave her special treatment . She first worked with Dr Hafez at the valley of Nobles in Luxor. They both excavated the

tomb of Sennofer. It was her first dig . She went to Peru to help Dr Hafez in his excavations. She took him a laser – dating

machine and details of a new technique developed by the Egyptian archeologists . She proved to be a good observer when she noticed the familiar pattern of rock in the

village near Acomayo . She was brave and intelligent when she jumped into Martin’s truck, chased him, and

crashed into his plane to stop him from flying away . At Cairo airport, she was received as a heroine . Leila felt safe to find herself in Cairo again . But she felt a shiver down the back of her neck when she remembered her two months’

visit to Peru Samira ( Leila’s younger sister )

Unlike Leila, Samira was always funny and never worried about anything . She worked as a reporter for one of Cairo newspapers. She was enthusiastic and looked

for new titles. Martin Lander

He had worked for United Mining, but he got involved with some robbers who took the Inca objects out of the country .

On the plane to Lima, he asked a lot of questions, so Leila suspected him . Further, he did a doubtful act when he searched the seat-pocket in front of Leila while she was asleep .

Martin’s eyes lit up when he knew that Leila would excavate in Cuzco, which was full of Inca treasures .

He met Leila three times : - On the plane to Lima . - At the cave . – When she chased him up to Cuzco airport .

Dr Hafez He is a world famous archeologist He trusted Leila and she understood him . At the new Inca site, he was joking when he asked Leila not to show him two strangers

sitting at a café .( He had a sense of humour .) Amalia Guzman

She is a Peruvian archeologist . She was unfriendly to Leila and didn’t offer to carry her heavy bags at Cuzco airport . Martin Lander had persuaded Amalia’s father to put up his money in a false silver mine. So,

she hated Martin . Amalia was jealous of Leila as :

- Leila was the leader of her local team . – Leila found the llama figure and the gold mask, so Amalia put a gold rabbit among Leila’s work clothes to put her in trouble .

Later, she went to the police cell and set Leila free .

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On the way to Acomaya to catch Martin Lander, Amalia and Leila had an accident. When Amalia had already recovered, Dr Hafez promised to make her the leader of the new site team .

Ramon He is one of the local workers in the site. He also found a gold figure of a child. He first entered through the hole of the tomb as he was small enough . He translated from Spanish to English and helped catch Martin Lander . Pablo Alvarez

He worked for the UNESCO and the Peruvian Ministry of culture . He made note of everything they found in the site. He had a sick child that needed a lot of money, so he had to help Martin Lander in his

robberies . Dr Hafez suspected Pablo as :

- Pablo insisted on putting the gold mask in his safe – He left for Quenco the same morning of the robbery . – He left the window of his hut open . – The robbed safe was opened by his key .

Dr Hafez tricked Pablo when he said the police caught Martin Lander. So, Pablo confessed

Facts About the Incas The empire of the Incas was a land of great contrast, dominated by the great mountain ranges of the snow capped Andes. The Chimu people tried to invade the Inca empire but The Inca prince, Yupanqui destroyed their fortress and saved his people from invasion. Machu Picchu escaped the notice of the Spanish conquerors, and was not discovered until 1911. the Sun God was called Apu Inti. All Incas considered themselves children of the sun, as they realized the sun made their crops grow and that is how they survived.

The Inca empire lastesed 90 years. In a short amount of time the Incas had established a mighty empire that streched 500km along the Pacific Coast of South America. It covered modern Equador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile. Very little is known about the sacred Inca ceremony of Capacocha. It was a human sacrifice. The Inca people made human sacrifice to the mountain gods. These sacrifices were often made during or after a crisis: an earthquake, an epidemic, a drought, or after the death of an Inca Emperor.

Only young children were sacrificed to the Mountain Gods, the common age was 8-10. These children had to be perfect, their hair was braided"�A), they were covered in the most delicately woven tapestry زة"�) ~��), they usually came from noble families and they were honoured to be chosen for the sacrifice. Recently mummified remains of these sacrificed children have been found at archeological digs in Peru.

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Chapter 1

empire إ(�"ا��ر�� adventure ة"�F) laser رP�� �� أ!at its height (H�< :9 traffic jams م �Z<�H ـ �pause :%+H ازد2stretch .H�� nervous :�J, title ان�U, coasts Dا��! truth ق.J�ل article اY) inland د����� packing دا�\ اH)rم اP2 headlines تH_%) extend .H�� funny :�#) ، 6�A) enthusiasm س�2 Across "�, worried ��< honk رة�#� ���� %��" اwake up sY�H#� Andes P�.%ا� \�� horn "��% ) ~آ�آ( lie (lay-lain) مU� altitude ع ر��2 ��"ان flight ار$�neighbourhood ورة�) �Y�U) control :�, "��#� sob :C�� melons ���� conquer وPW� ، "JHU� reporter \4ا") distant .��� nobles ء��% excited ر*) ، .��4 roar "�Eز details \�M�$ it's all over ;(H%ا sigh .(UH� technique ��UYH��< safe ا أ(] ، 4figure ل!C\ ـ $�* paper ����M ة ـ.�"� set off \2"� excavation Q�YU$ ، "�2 treasure PUآ to date [)P� ��.د H9"ة اshiver �_,ر archaeology ر&vا >�, keep in touch with لJ$8\ ,�: ا�

researchers [�*2� carbon-dating ن��"C�س آ��� %�ع (��] (] ا�Y� ء�!rب ,�" ا#2 �Y�"�

I woke up this morning and I didn't know where I was. I lay on my bed for a moment, thinking. After a few seconds, I remembered. Yes, I was back home in Cairo with my parents and my sister, Samira. Outside I could hear the familiar sounds of our neighbourhood -children playing in the street, the call of the man selling melons, the distant roar of traffic. I could hear Samira doing something in the kitchen. She was probably making coffee, l sighed. I wasn't in Peru any more. I was home. I looked around the room. On the table beside my bed there was a photo. I picked it up. It was a picture of me. I was looking at the camera and holding up a little gold figure of an animal.

ح و�< أآ] أدرى أ�] أ%�J���Y. ,�.ت إ��: (P�Uل �9: . و��. �A? &�ان $�jآ"ت . (C*; 9: ا��"اش ���8 أC9" . ا8Y�H4; هjا ا ، >��%ه"ة (? وا�.ى وأ�H: ��4"ة Y�رج $�6 . اF�0�9 �4�; 9: ا p�� 9: ا��: ا�jى %(,ل �����ن �9: –ا�Mrات ا�; ا,H.ت �4��rا

.�رات $).ر ,] ��#�دى ,�: �4�0H ، واU� م�_�رع ، و�E? ا_��4�; �Mت ���4"ة $��Yم ����\ !�:ء �9: ا������ . ا . ;�%ر��� آ�. ا�Y)�ة $ . :��PU) :�9 ;�Uأ,�. �9: ���"و ، ��\ آ >�� ورة %�8"ت ��2ل ا�U$. "W).ت ، 9+%������9 ، ��9ذا ���Jرة $���. ,��: ا��A�U.ة ا(�"ا وأر9? 9: �.ى $�*c ذه�� �WM"ا 2r. ا����ا%ت . آ%; �Mر$: . ا��YH; ا��Jرة . ��"ا!: C� . آU; أ%8" إ�: ا

I lay back on the bed and looked at the photo again. I remembered that day so well. That was a good day. Everything was going so well. Dr Hafez, the leader of our excavation, was really excited. Yes, that was a good day. But some of the days after that were not so good. When I remembered them, I felt a shiver down my back. I closed my eyes. Quickly I opened them again. Calm down, I told myself. It's all over now. You're safe here in Cairo

. $jآ"ت ذ�6 ا���م ��.ا . ا�Y�H4; ,�: ا��"اش و%8"ت إ�: ا��Jرة ("ة أ�"ى ���� آ�\ !�:ء آ�ن ��#�" ,��: (� . Y9. آن ��(��*� ا�Q�YUH ,] اv –وآن ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 . �"ام � .Eر >&– Y2 رة&c� "�_� . ���� �Y. آن ��( ، >�% . 0�H�$ :�H�م ا��rا n��إc أن �

م !�"ت �",_� أt \��4)�"ى . �< $�U� ���� [C~ ا�Y.ر �rآ"ت $�6 اj$ ).U�9 . :�U�, ;A��]ة أ��"ى . أ"�) ��(H�H9 ن (�,"�4 . :#�U� 9:" و>�; Uن هه"ة اه.Y9 ، :E. ا%H): اr(" اvن ، وأ%; 9: أ(Y� ..." ا

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Two months can seem a long time. Two months ago I was setting off on the biggest adventure of my life. I was in our car with Samira. She was taking me to the airport. As usual, the airport road was crowded. Luckily we had set off early. We had plenty of time to reach the airport. And Samira never stops talking. I listened to her and I wasn't worried about the traffic jams. And I forgot how nervous I was about flying.

����� ��U)ة ز"H9 ء أآ��" . >. ��.و أن !)"�] ��*�ن.��� :�Y�"� :�9 ;�Uآ [�"(�! j�U) :$("ة ��2 :�9�W) . ?�) U$ر��4 ��YH#�) ;�Uآر . ��4"ة���ر (Pد�2 . آ%; $U��J: إ�: ا���د آن �"�� اH���ن . وآ�C9 ، %.�,�) [�, [�"�C�) �UY��%ا .�< �Uآ s���و���#] ا

ر ����J% :C\ إ�: ا ;<�� >.ر وا9" (] اU�.� ، . و���4"ة Z�<�H$ c ,�] ا���Cم ,�\ ا���cق . �(���; إ�H�4ا ��Y��� "� و��< أآ�] أ!� .�_+ن ازد2م ا��"ور ، و%#�; آ< آ�9�FH) ;U (] ا���"ان

"You must be so excited to be going to Peru," Samira said. "Yes, of course I'm excited," I said. "I've never been to South America before. But to tell you the truth, I haven't really had time to be excited. I spent most of last night packing my luggage. Oh, I hope I haven't forgotten anything." "Don't worry," Samira said. "Everyone always forgets something. The last time I went away, I forgot half my things. I couldn't understand why my luggage wasn't heavier!" laughed. Samira was so funny. You quickly forget you are nervous or worried when you are with her. I'm her sister but I'm not at all like her. I worry about everything.

، ;�< " >�% .��< أ49" إ :U%إ k�2 رة&cا :%V��$ ?���� \��< [�) �����U�� ا�C�")أ : . [�C���: و>�; – �Mr.>6 ا���Yل –و H�� >�� Y2 رة&c� 0�9 "��H: . أ!H)م أP2أ ��a���8< ا����� ا) ;�A)أ .Y9 . أآ�ن >. %#�; أى !:ء rا :U�$���4"ة " . أو{ ، أ ;�< " c

) ن !��#%cا :#U� ) �E9.ا :Y�Y$ . J% ;�#% $: إن '�" ("ة 49"ت �9)��2 Z . "�*أآ :�H�H)أ [�C$ >��ذا ����9< أ�H�4? أن أ9)�< �Y& . " ! ;C�a . ��W�� $U#: �#",� أ�FH) 6%ف أو >�� . آ%; ��4"ة ("�2 (� $�Cن ().U�9 . :�, (�*) ;#� :UC� و(Hأ� :U%إ

أ>�� �_+ن آ\ !:ء . ا��cق %+9. "You must tell Dr. Hafez to take good care of you. I don't want you falling off a mountain in the Andes," Samira went on. "His excavation work is high up in the mountains, isn't it?" "Yes," I said. "It's at about two and a half thousand metres. The Incas lived at high altitudes. Machu Picchu is at three thousand metres and Cuzco, their capital, is even higher. They were really tough, those Incas. "It's amazing what they did. Did you know, they didn't have any writing. And yet they controlled a huge empire!" "But Dr Hafez is looking for a king's tomb, isn't he? You told me that." "Yes, one of the Chimu kings. The Incas conquered the Chimu, who were famous for their gold and silver work. Most Inca gold work was actually made by the Chimu people. If we discover a king's tomb, it would be wonderful to find some of their work. Only kings and nobles had things made of gold."

�; ��4"ة (] ا��Vآ. أن ا�&رة $��Vك وأ%; ذاه�� إ�: ��"و" > ��E9+,��ل . ��Q أن $�F" ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 �+ن ��UH: �6 ���.ا " ا�H4"ت ��4"ة > ، P�.�%vل ا9+%� c أر��.ك أن $�#�Y: (�] أ�2. ���

��6 ؟ ا�Q�YUH اjآ ~��ل ، أ����: ا " . �Y� :Hم �) $H< 9: ا, ;�< " : >�% . "H) �Eه�Y �9ق �4 ا���" . إ%) ,�: ار$�ع ( �Y"ب (] أ���] و��#�! , ,�: ار$�C%ش أه\ ا��U�.�9 .و>. ,

"�H) فc' ��&�& ع $��. ,�: ار$��_H��_$ ,�] ذ�� – وه�: ,H��M)< -وآ�زآ�� . (�, . ��P$ 6. ار$��C%س �9: إ�U� آ�ن ه�cVء ا�Y2 ���J��F_�%� وات و(? ذ���C2 6ا إ(�"ا��ر�� ��F�a . إن ( أ%�Pو{ (*�" ��.ه_� . �P��Hون ��Hأى آ >(�.� [C� >�ه\ ,��; أ0%

ل ا����U ا�jه��� وا. %�< أ2. (��ك $_��� ! " �,r أرض أه\ $_��� ا��j] آ%�ا (_)�ر�] �C%cا أه\ اP, .Y9 ��A��ل . �,r8< ا��9 "�)rا��4 اه\ $_��� �9: وا>�? ا�� �,�UJ) C%ه\ ا�r ه���j� أن %��. ���n . ا����U ا��Eن را��C� ة (��6 �9#�ف"��Y) U�_اآ� وإذا (�

ء ا���UJ,� (] ا�jهQ إU, c. ا����ك وا���Uء �!rا .��$ >� k�2 ، >(� ".أ,�"How exciting," Samira said. I am also taking Dr Hafez a small machine and details of a new technique developed by the department of archaeology here in Cairo, I went on. "'Researchers there have found new ways of discovering how old things made of wood or cloth are. We're hoping to use it in our excavations in Peru." "Is that carbon-dating?" "No, it uses a small laser to date things. It's the latest technology and all very new - " "And secret?" I paused and thought for a moment. "Well, yes and no. Not many people know about it, so, yes, it is sort of secret. And we want to be the first to use it."

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"SECRETS OF AN INCA TOMB. That would be a good title for an article about your excavation, wouldn't it?" I laughed. Samira is a reporter on one of the Cairo newspapers. She is always looking for good articles for her paper.

�; ��4"ة �0 (] !:ء (*�" : " > � " ! ��E< ;�Mأ���4ب : " وا \��M�� �WM"ة ��.آ�Hر �2s9 ، وأ,���0 $�' Aأ� :�) j�' �4فه"ةY� 9: اUر ه&vر{ >#< ا��H� م< .�.� .�ء ا���UJ,� (] ا�Q_F أو ا�!rف ,�" ا_Hآc ة.�.� 2*�ن �">��ش ، Y9. اآZ_H ا�Y

ت ا��YU4 :Hم �) 9: ��"و �"��� 9: ا().FH#% ن ؟" " .و%+(\ أن��"C�ر�� �H� . ه\ هjا ه� أ��4ب $�.�. اء " �!rر�� ا و���? ( ه� �.�. . FH#� �(9 ، c.م �)ز ��Pر �WM"ة ���.د $�����UC$ إ%0 ��*\ أ2.ث " ... " Aأه�� ��4" أ��� " . ؟ �8��� " . $�>�; وC9"ت U#2 . cو >��< ، ه� ���H" 4"ا . %% 6�j�س (] �����%0 ، وU�و%�] %"��. أن %��Cن أول (�] . ��Y9\ (] ا

0U) .��H#�" . " C%6 ؟ . أ4"ار أ2. >��ر إ�jآ� ~���ل ,�] �2"�$�6 ، أY��إن ���4"ة $���\ . C��a; " . �4ف ��Cن هjا ,�Uان ��. ه"ة وه: دY�� Z�J� آ�"ا����M ��4 �2.ى ا(H���J�cت ��.ة Y) [, k��$ �Eا .

"You must get lots of interesting stories," Samira went on. "You know - EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGIST FINDS INCA TREASURE - that sort of thing. I can see the headlines now!" I laughed again. Samira is wonderful, so full of enthusiasm. The car behind us honked its horn. I looked up. The traffic lights had turned to green. Samira looked in her mirror and drove off quickly. Soon we were at the airport. I checked in for my flight. Samira hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. She started to cry a little. "You're going so far away," she sobbed. "It's all right, Samira. I'm only going for a few weeks." "I'll miss you, big sister," she said through her tears. " I'll miss you too. I'm not very good at keeping in touch when I'm working. But I'll send you a postcard - or maybe an e-mail!"

��E�.�. (] ا��JY ا�_��Y : " وا�M; ��4"ة >� " �9*� . (] ا��Vآ. أ�C�4 0%ن �.�6 اC%إ PUآ Z_HC$ ��"J) ر&' ���أو !�:ء " , \��Y�و�] ا�"�E#�� 9: ا��"اE. اvن . (] هjا اU��س ���Vه ,�: 2. آ��" إن C�a .4; ("ة أ�"ى " . إ%r :Uرى ا����� واEة را"��

"A��rن ا���� ، 8U9"ت إ�: أ,�: �9ذا ��!رة ا��"ور >. $�W"ت إ��: ا(� �MF� �Mت '�� ا�0��UH اU��� دة�����رة ا�#�أM.رت ا . �,"#) ;Y��%وا ر . %8"ت ��4"ة 9: ("'$)��� إ�: اU�Mو �M �"��2 ا���"ا. 4",ن (F�ن إ��: (Q�HC ���9 >.(; أورا>: ا

%UHY: ��4"ة و>��UH: ,�: ا�F. و�.أت $�C: >��� . ا���ازات , . ��E " . إ%6 ذاه�� ���.ا �.ا : " $U).ت ��Pن >���; ود(�,)�� $��#�\ " . أ% ذاه�� ��A? أ4��? SY9 . اr(" ه�] � ��4"ة " " . " ���4ف أ��YH9.ك ��� أ���H: ا�����C"ة : " >Aأ��� وأ%��

أآ�ن 9: ,���: . �4ف أYH9.ك ).U, لJ$cأ2#] (.او(� ا c :U%إ . ���.�"� ��<�� 6���� �"��. –إc ا%�U: ��4ف أر�4\ أو ر��� ر�4 ! " . إ�HC"و%:

Q & AQ & AQ & AQ & A

Answer the following questions: 1- Which sounds did Leila use to hear in Cairo? * She used to hear the sounds of her neighborhood children Playing in the street, the call of the man selling watermelons and the distant roar of traffic.

2- What was the picture Leila holding about? * It was a picture of her while holding up a little gold figure of an anima.

3- What did Leila do two months ago? * Two months ago, she started an exciting adventure in Peru.

4-Why did Samira want Dr Hafez to take care of Leila? *...........as most of his excavation work was high up in the Andes and she was afraid Leila might fall off a mountain .

5- What was Dr Hafez looking forward to doing in Peru? Why? * He was looking forward to finding a king's tomb because it would be wonderful to find some of their gold work.

6- Why would it be a wonderful thing to discover a king's tomb? * .........as only kings and nobles had treasures made of gold in their tombs

7- What was amazing about the Incas? * They controlled a huge empire but they didn't have any writing.

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8- Why were the Incas tough? * .........as they lived at high altitudes { about two and a half thousand metres}.

9- What were the Chimu famous for? * They were famous for their gold and silver work.

10- What important things did Leila have for Dr Hafez? * She had a laser-dating machine and some important papers about the latest developments in Archaeology .

11-How can archaeologists date things made of wood or cloth? * .............. by using carbon dating or a laser-dating machine .

12- Why was using laser considered a sort of sec ret? *............ as not many people knew about it. Dr Hafez wanted to be the first one to use it.

13-How would Samira make use of her sister's adventure? * She was a journalist and Leila's adventure in Peru would be a good article for her newspaper.

14- How was Leila different from her sister Samira? ** Leila worried about everything and nervous. ** Samira was funny, never stops talking and full of enthusiasm and never worried about anything.

Complete the following to make meaningful sentences: 1- it was a familiar thing for Leila to hear…………...............................………………………………. 2-The Incas conquered Chimu, who were famous for..................................................................... 3- Dr Hafez's excavation work in the mountains was so dangerous that.............. …………………. ......................................................................................................................................................... 4- The archaeologists had to look for the Incas tombs in high mountains because,....................... ........................................................................................................................................................ 5- An archaeologist would be lucky to find a king's tomb as ......................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ 6- It was easy to date things by using ............................................................................................. 7- Samira found it a good chance to write an article about.............................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................ 8- It would be a strange thing that Egyptian archaeologists ............................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................... 9- Although Leila and Dr Hafez were Egyptians ,............................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................... 10- Samira urged Leila to tell Dr Hafez to take good care of her lest.............................................. ......................................................................................................................................................... 11-Only kings and nobles had ......................................................................................................... 12- The car behind Samira's car honked its horn because ............................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ 13- Samira imagined seeing the headlines about ......................................................................... 14- Before going to Peru, Leila was excited and worried as .......................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ 15- Luckily, Leila and Samira had set off to the airport early as ..................................................... ..............................................................................................................................................................

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Read these quotations and answer the questions: 1- " Dr Hafez is looking for a king's tomb, isn't he.”

a- Who said these words and to whom? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b- What was Dr Hafez's job? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… c- Why was discovering a king's tomb exciting? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

2- " Not many people know about it, so, yes, it is sort of Secret." a- Who said this and to whom? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b- What was she talking about? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… c- Why did they want to keep it secret? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

3-" You must get lots of interesting stories. " a- Who said these words? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b-Why would such an adventure be interesting? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… c- How would the speaker make use of such stories? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

4-" I can see the headlines now! " a- Who said this, to whom? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b- What were the headlines? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… c- On what occasion was this said? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

5-" I have never been to South America before. " a- Who said this, to whom? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b- What would the speaker do in South America? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… c-Why wasn't it an easy task? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

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Chapter 2

Sleeves م $�H.د Stretch أآ�Businessman لءب Yawn ر�\ أ,�*$ Mining engineer [�.� $"�4 ,�: اrرض U() Land.س $Plenty "�*و�9" / آ Sight "8U) Wonder ءل#H� Take place ث.�$ All the same ل�"أس Nod ,�: أ�� 2 $�(mء �A strange accent ���"] �UC� Feel sick ن�*W� "�_� To be based m9 }Pن ("آ�C� Bump mEه�ا Q�) Archaeological dig رف أ&_Hآc ت�"�2 Announcement إ,�ن Hurry ع"#� Immigration ة"�(� (QHC اBoard ة"E��8ه" Pretend ا�#���U/�"آQ اH� Skyscrapers ب�#�ت ا��% Flight attendant ان"��� (���A اmid-thirties تU�&�*���ب ZJHU) Peoples ا! Sun tanned face ~�_�رس Take up و�0 ا�4" (] ا�� Rolled up ف���) / :U*) Amazing {adj} pه.) Outdoors ���� �*m9 Confidently �Y ا�)�اء اCopper mines س�U��< اU) Valley of kings ك���� وادي اDefinite د.�) Confidently �Y*� In common "H_) ك Normal دي, All over ء (] 2#] ا��m9 Luckily s آ\ ا%�On business ��() m9 / \�, Briefcase أوراق ���Y2 Similarities ��_� ���Look for [, k أو�0 اResearch m����In ا���k ا – flight mان دا��"�� Follow in his footsteps ات��F� �H� Keen on :�, ��"2? %�~ ا

Institute .(�) Thick cloud Z�*ب آ�4 Jewelry {n} ه"ات��) Area �Y�U) Maybe �_"ق و�)� / �Light up \�(H ر�� Comfortable ح$") Silly Z�F4 Latest أ2.ث Collect my luggage �0 �4"هH)أ ?��$ Fold the papers up وrراق $��ي ا Project وع"_) Terminal building mE(U�E"ة Get off a plane ا���U: ا��r" ا�� $PUل (] اIntroduce {v} :� ا���"ك Y$ Customs.م !�F إSigh of relief ح�.��ل U$ Let me through)�.ة ار$�� :� �#��� إLocal time m���� ����� Stare ا��H>�; اBe aware رف �ـ, Puzzled "��H) It is a pleasure 4"وري m,دوا [) Correct �J�

There isn't a direct flight to Lima, the capital of Peru, from Cairo. I had to fly to New York and then change planes. It was a long flight and I read a book at first, then I fell asleep. By the time we got to New York it was still day time - New York is seven hours behind Cairo time. My connecting flight was not until very early the next day. I stayed at a hotel at the airport. Everything was so different from Cairo.

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The next morning I boarded the plane to Lima at just after 6 a.m. I had asked for a window seat. I was very nervous but I was curious at the same time. As the plane took off from New York, I looked down on the city's skyscrapers. The tall buildings shone in the early morning sunlight.

��M ��"و , ،��� :�ه"ة إY�ك ر�2ت ��"ان (�!"ة (] اUه ~���6 آن ��Q أن أ49" ��ا. j����2 ���E"ة ‘و"��: %����رك &< أآ��\ ا 9: ا��.ا�� &< [��U: ا��Uم . أ�"ى �Hأت آ"Y9 ����� ان"����Y. آ%; ر��2 ا . U�Mو ).U, م ـ���� P% cال 9: %)ر ذ��6 اUرك آ����% :�إ

ت ,ه"ة �#�? 4Y��: . k�2 إن %����رك (H+�"ة ,] $�>�; ا�H�آ" (] ا���م ا��ح ا�J�د(� 9: اY�أ>��; �9: .وآن (�,. إ>�ع رH�2: اه"ة �Y� آ*��"ا ,�] ا���HF) D! \ن آر k�2 آ���E"ة .U9.ق �����: رآ��; (�H] ا�H�ح ا�J�� �9: ا2��M �4د#����. ا� ���� :��ا���H)�� إ

j9ة . (�!"ة U��. ���ار اY) :9 ~��أن أ ;��� .< ;Uع . وآ��H�4�� ����) ;�<����E �.ا و�UC: 9: %��~ ا� ;Uة . آ"E���و,�U. إ>��ع ا �U�.��ب ��#�ت ا����� $��? �a :9ء ا�_�~ 9: . (] %����رك %8"ت إ�: أ�4\ ,�: %��%: ا���آ"آ%; ا��ح ا�J� .ا

"Beautiful, isn't it?" the man sitting beside me said. "Yes, it's amazing," I said. "Was this your first visit to America?" he asked. '"Well, 1 only changed planes in New York. I arrived last night. So it can hardly be called a visit. But, yes, it is." I turned to look at him. I saw a man in his mid-thirties with fair hair and a sun-tanned face. He was wearing a blue shirt and his sleeves were rolled up. He didn't look like a businessman, but he didn't look like a tourist either. I wondered what kind of work he did. It was difficult to say. He looked as if he worked outdoors a lot. "Are you going to Peru for a holiday?" he asked. "No, not really. It's a business trip," I said. "Me too," he said. "I'm a mining engineer." I had read a lot about Peru in the past few weeks and knew about Peru's copper and silver mines. "And what kind of mining are you doing in Peru?" I asked. "Copper, silver?"

;�< " : >�% . pإ%0 (.ه. " :UU� ؟: " 4+C�")أ :� ".ه\ آ%; هj{ أو�: ز�را$6 إ " U#2 . ة"E���; ا.�H4ا .Y� 9: %����رك Uه SY9 . ��a���Q أن %#��) ز�رة . k�2 و�M; ا����� اJ� 6�j��< ، ه: . و% ، [C�ت (�] ,��"{، ذا !��" أ!�Y" وو��0 أ��4" " . ز�رة �U�&�*�ه.ت ر��� ZJ�HU) :�9 ا_0 �9�� أزرق . ا�r ;�H%8" إJ���< وآ�ن ("$�.�

0UC�ل و�,rل ا�< �C] �_�0 ر� 0)("ا ، أآ�! Aأ� [��E#��< �C] �_�0 ا . ;�ء#$ . Q�J���\ ا�jى ��ر04 ؟ وآن (] ا� %�ع ا) 6�رج ا��QHC آ*�"ا . (�"ف ذ� \�ء أ�زة ؟ " 4+ل >E� . آن ��.و وآ+0% �AY���\ : " >�; " . ه\ أ%; ذاه�� إ�: ��"و ��� ~�� ، c

ل " . إ%) ر��2 ,�\ . Y9 " : ) �%+9 ، Aأ�� ���a و,���; " . )�U.س $��.�] وأ%����4��? ا������Y اrو �9: ا"��� [�, "��*C�آ�U; >�. >�"أت ا (�9 �A��س وا�U��< اU��.

He smiled. "Oh, there are plenty of copper mines and silver mines already in Peru," he replied. "I'm looking for places where there are other interesting things to find." I wondered what he meant by that. Perhaps he didn't want to say anything definite about his work, but I was interested all the same. After all, mining and archaeology have some things in common, He had a strange accent. I thought he might be German. He wasn't American, I was sure of that. "Does your work take you all over Peru?" I asked him. "That's right, I work all over the country. I'm based in the United States, but 1 spend a few months every year in Peru." "Are you American?"

"��6؟ �4+�0H : "�\ ا��jى ����~ ����ارى >ل اjآ� ~�����.�] $��Yم ��0 �9: ���"و ؟ %��س أم �A�9 ؟ : " ����\ ، أH�ا��H#< "أى أ%��اع ا �E�\ 9: ��"و . و{ : " وأ�ب >��� �A���< اU)س و�U��< اU) [) "�*C�ك اUه . �Y��! ء أ��"ىإ%U: أ��k ,�] أ(�آ] ����. �)� أ!��

(U, Z_C�ء� " .��C] ا#$ 6�j� .JY� نر ه�jا ا�����aع . ; (ذا آ�&' .�Y9 6���< ��_+ أن ���Yل أى !�D (��.د ,�] ,���0 ، و(�? ذ ر�� أ!�ء (_H"آ� �(�ر $��&vوا [�.�H�9 D! \و�"[< آ ، :)�H0 ["��� .اهH�(� ;%%: ا���U#�� . آ�)rن ا��C� .�< }،أ ;UUt . >�� ��(9

6� ، وأ% (H+آ.ة (] ذ�C�")أ [C� .0H�ه��jا ����M ، ��9+ن أ,���\ ��9: �����? " ".ه\ �Q��H ,��6 أن $��ب ���? أر�ء ��"و ؟ : " 4+ "�Y��� أ!)" (] آ\ ,م 9: ��"و . أ%�ء اA� :A<أ :UC�ت ا���H.ة و�c�� " ه\ أ%; أ("�C: ؟ " . " إن (Y" ,��: 9: ا

"Well, I have an American passport," he said. "But I was born in South Africa. How about you? You said you were going to Peru on business. Can 1 ask what kind of business?" So I told him about the archaeological dig and that it was part of a UNESCO exchange programme. When he heard I was an archaeologist, he seemed quite interested in my work. "Does this UNESCO programme mean Peruvian archaeologists are working in Egypt?"

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"Yes," I said. "It's an interesting idea, because there are some similarities between the Ancient Egyptians and the ancient peoples of South America." "So you are from Egypt?" "Yes. I am a research assistant at Cairo University." "What made you take up archaeology?" "Well, Dr Hafez, who is an old family friend, is a well-known archaeologist. He was at school with my father. When I was young, I used to love listening to Dr Hafez. He used to tell us about the work he was doing. Sometimes he would show us pictures of things he had found. Things that were thousands of years old. It was so exciting, I decided I wanted to follow in his footsteps."

ل < " : U#2 .إ �Y�"9ب أ�U� :9 ت.� إc أ%U: و�C�")از �4" أ��أ�2\ :U% . ���() :�9 و"��� :��و(ذا ,6U ؟ �Y. >�; أ%6 ذاه��� إل ؟ . ,�\ �,rأن أ4+ل أى %�ع (] ا :������8U ا���%�#�C " . ه\ ?�دل $���$ l). وهjCا أ��"$0 ,] ا���" اr&"ى وأ 0%��Pء (�] �"%�

ر ، � &' ���, :U%�4? أ ).U,و :����م �H�م ا�Hهcر (�] ���"و ." .ا ,��0 ا�����8U ا���%�#�C أن ,���ء '&� ?��H�(l ا�%"��ه�\ ���U: ه�jا ا����ن J) :9" ؟ �." ;�<": >�% . �C�")�9: ا ����.Y���ب ا_��ء ا���J"��] وا).�Y�ك ���n أو��0 ا��_�0 ���] ا�U6 أن ه����C"ة !��Y ذ إ%)

����U��ه"ة . %�<" ." إذن ه\ أ%; (J" ؟ " ." اY��� ا)�� k�� ة.,#) ر ��.را��4 ؟ " . " أ%&vع ا�a�) [ر�HF$ 6�� ا�jى �) " ". U#2 . ر (�_)�ر�&' >��, ، ��E��� >�.< ��.M وه� ، s9 آ�W�M ;�U"ة آ�U; . وآ�ن (�? وا��.ى �9: ا��.ر��4 . إن ا�.آ�Hر 2).�U,و

���\ ا� ,] ا%"�F� د أنH,ا k�2 ، 0��ء ,*" ,��) (] >��\ . jى آن ��Yم �0 أQ2 أن أ�H4? إ�!r ر�M :�, U� آن ���%وه�: . أ�2[�U#� إ�: اcف ا(Fر�6 !�� (*�" �.ا. أ!�ء �"�? $��Pم أن أ�jو j2و{. وآن ذ��.ت اY9."

"Did you study with him in Cairo?" "No, I didn't think that would be a very good idea. People might think he was giving me special treatment. He wouldn't do that, but you know the way some people talk. In fact, I did my degree in Rome, at the Italian Institute of Archaeology." "Where did Dr Hafez work? Was it in Luxor?" "Yes, that's right," I replied. "Was it in the Valley of the Kings?" the man asked. "No, it was in the Valley of the Nobles," I replied. "We worked there together. It was my first dig. We discovered a tomb which had wonderful paintings of birds and animals on the walls. The colours were as bright as if they had been painted yesterday They were amazing. And there was some beautiful jewellery."

ه"ة؟ "Y��< أ,YH. أ%) C9"ة ��.ة �.ا .c"."ه\ در4; (�0 9: ا . ��M� ���)�) :U�)��س أ0% �U�6 . 9"�� t] ا�UC���\ ذ��6 و�� [�� ��(9 U��:. س$�"ف آ��H� Z.ث ��n ار ا���&cا .(�) [) ����� 9: رو(�أ��] آ�ن ا��.آ�Hر �2s9 "."9: ا��ا>? ��J2 .Y; ,�: در�H: ا

�< هjا ��M :" أ��;".���\؟ه\ 9: اJ<r"؟ %." \�"��Y9. . ��\ �9: وادى ا����Uء . c:"أ���; ".ه�\ آ�ن ����\ �9: وادى ا�����ك؟ :"4+ل ا ك ��4Uه U��,. ��#U��:وآن هjا أول ,�\ �2" � . SEا���������ر و��2ا%�ت ,��: ا ���Eت را (�Y"ة �) ر��4(U�_Hان .اآ���rا ;�%وآ

~)r� ;_Y% .< �Y. آ%; j)ه��. زاه�� وآ+%( .�������n ا����ه"ات ا� 9: ��"و:"4+ل >�E".آن �)(�*) "�Y) ه\ $+(��] أن $�.ى "Are you hoping to find tombs like that in Peru?" he asked. I decided I didn't want to tell this man too much more. He spoke easily and confidently. But he was asking a lot of questions. Maybe that is normal on a plane, but I wasn't very comfortable. Luckily, the flight attendant came at that moment with drinks and food. After that, I opened my briefcase and got out some papers I was bringing from Cairo for Dr Hafez. I started to read them. They were quite interesting, all about the latest developments in archaeological research. When I had finished, I folded the papers up and put them in the pocket in the seat in front of me.

Q��� ت أآ*�" (���)������Y9. آ�ن ���H.ث ��#)��� و&��Y إc أ%�0 آ�ن ���"ح . >"رت أ%c :U أر[Q 9: أن أ��" هjا ا�"�\ ا���P. (�] ا ���4rا [) "�*C��< أ!�" . ا :U%ة، [�" أ"E� [H) :�, ����� 6����2 �9: . �cر$�ح ا�_.�.ر�� ��Cن ذ"���#] ا��Z�A�) "A�2 s ا

م ���ه"ة ���.آ�Hر . هj{ ا����8 و(�0 ا��_"و�ت وا�Y��: (�] ا) ($"A2أ :H��. ذ����Y2 ;�H9 6 أورا>: وأ�"�; ��n اrوراق ا�s9ر . ��2��&cرات ��9: �����ث ا����H�، وآ�)�� ,��] أ��2.ث ا��)�$ �Y���! ;��% ا. ���.أت أ>��"أ $���6 اrوراق وآ).��U,وراق وrا ;����� ;���(H%

:)�. ا�����د أ(Y�� :9��Q ا(H�aوو . After lunch they showed a movie, but I didn't watch it. I must have slept through it. The cabin was still dark when I woke up. I stretched and turned around in my seat. I half opened my eyes. I saw the man looking through the pocket in the seat in front of me. I watched him for a few moments. He seemed to be looking for something. I yawned and pretended to wake up.

>��������E ���ال (�.ة ا% ;�Uآ :�U%آ�. أV���< أ!ه.{، �9] ا :UC��. ا�jWاء $< ,"ض ��9< � . ;�% آ).�U, ����8) ;��E"ة (� زا���آ����U ا;8Y�H4ا . .��Y��ء��; و�8$ه"ت . رأ��; ا�"��\ �����U�, ;��H9 . D�! [�, k: >���� . (.دت ذرا,: وأر��: و$���; ��2�: وأ%� �9: ا*$ظY�H4c�.

"Sorry," he said. "Did I wake you? I was just looking for the in-flight magazine. I couldn't find mine."

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"Here, have mine," I said. He took the magazine and began to read it and I closed my eyes. But I didn't sleep this time. We didn't talk again until we were just coming in to land in Lima. I looked out of the window. I was keen to get my first sight of Lima. But there was thick cloud over the city. "There's nearly always this thick cloud over Lima," the man said. "Disappointing, isn't it?" "Yes," I replied, "But I'm not staying in Lima. Dr Hafez is meeting me at the airport and we're taking a flight to Cuzco." "I see. So you'll be working in Cuzco?" "Yes, in the Cuzco area," I replied. I didn't want to tell him exactly where Dr Hafez's excavations were taking place. His eyes lit up. "In that case, I might see you again," he said. "I'm going to be working around Cuzco myself. By the way, my name's Martin Lander." I nodded, but I didn't say anything. The plane was coming in to land now. I'm nervous when the plane takes off, but I'm even more nervous when it lands. I don't know why. It's silly really. When I see the ground coming up to meet the plane, I just feel sick. I gripped the arms of my seat with my hands, I must remember not to ask for a window seat the next time I fly.

ل< ":Z4ا .(U) :HF#% .�أ >� ".ه\ أ�6H8Y؟ �Y. آU; أ��SY9 k ,] (��� ���ط ا���"ان، إذا ;�< ":\A�$ .:H��) j� .":U�, ;A�]وأ �< أ%< هj{ ا��"ة. أ�j ا����� و�.أ �Y"ؤه :UC�.

��� ,�: و!6 ا�)��ط 9: %"M :H2 ث ("ة أ�"ى.�H% >� rول ("ة، [�" أ0% . ���j9ة k�2 آ�J�"2 ;U ,�: أن أرى U�%8"ت (] اا�U�.��ك �4ب آ*�Z �9ق اUن ه . آ

\�"�ل ا< ": \*) .��� ��Eدا ��! ��J� ���ب ا�Z�*C �9ق �#���2ط . هjا ا�� Q�J� D_��6؟ . إ0% jآ� ~�����] . ���: :" أ���; ".أ :�UC�و ���E"ة إ�: آ�زآ� . أ>�< 9: ��ر &< %#YH\ ا�����U: ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 9: اY� �9: آ�زآ��؟ . 9)�;"."�4ف [����H�4 \0 ".إذن ه�H��أ ": >��% .

ت�< أ!+ أن أ��"{ ". �Y�U) :9 آ�زآ��"���� s9ن ا�jى ��Yم 0�9 ا�.آ�Hر 2C��{ و>ل .�.>� ,] اU�, ءتaأ " : �����9: هj{ اك 9: آ�زآ� Uوه U, Aأ� ��4 ا�4: (ر$] c%.ر . >. 'راك ("ة أ�"ى ، 9#�ف ��Cن ,��: أ%U���< أ>\ أى !�D " و� :UC�أو (+ت و

E"ة 9: ا�)��ط . ����Fف ,U.( . اvن �.أت ا� "�E"ة، و�UC: أ!�" ��Fف أ!. ,U. ه���) أ!�� $�Y? ا . 6�إ0% ��_c . D أدرى Q�4 ذ Y2 Z�F4 . )ن $��*W�� "�E"ة U%�9: أ!���\ اYH�,.ة M رضrأرى ا ).U, . ى ���.ى ��_.ة.��Y) :�,ذرا ;C#�)آ" . أj�$أن أ Q���

دY�E"ة ا��"ة ا��j9ة ,U. �4"ى �U��ور ����. اY�� .(� أc أ��Q اThis time the pilot made a perfect landing. There was hardly a bump. Still, I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the announcement. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We have now landed at Lima International Airport. The local time is 15.30 hours There was a line of people at Immigration, and I seemed to have to wait a long time. I was aware that Martin Lander was just behind me, but I pretended not to see him. You don't talk to people after you get off a plane. When you are on the plane you are friends, but as soon as you get off, you become strangers again. It's curious really. I finally collected my luggage and went through Customs. They wanted to look at everything in my luggage, especially the laser machine. But I explained that I was part of a UNESCO archaeological project. I showed them some papers and then they let me through. I went into the terminal building. There was a big crowd of people waiting. But soon I heard a voice calling out my name.

:�ر �)��ط (*����< %، 9: هj{ ا��"ة >م اQ�) ى+� "�_% .C . ا�,�ن ;��4 ).U, اء.�J�ء ا���F" . " و(? ذ��U$ .Y9 6#; ا#) ا�.و�: . �4.ا$: و4د$: ��� اvن 9: (�ر Uه�� .Y� . "(8��. ا� ZJU��*� وا*�س " . ا��H>�; ا����: ه� ا�U�ك Z�M (�] ا�Uن هآ�

��H"ة ����� . ,��Y% .U ��9 ا���ازات "8H%أن أ Q�� 0%م . و�.ا أ.���8$ه"ت � :UC�آU; أدرى أن (ر$] c%.ر آن ���: (�!"ة و 0Hة . رؤ�"E���در6$ W) .�س �U�E"ة . ��Q أ�H$ c.&: (? ا���درة ا�W) د"���� [C�ء ، <.Mأ >H%+9 ة"E�� $�C%�ن ,�: (H] ا).U�9

. $���Jن ["�ء ("ة أ�"ى Y2 Q�"] ")r 0%و(" . إ :H�H)أ ;��� ��(U�رك و9: ا���أرادوا أن ����Jا آ\ !D 9: . رت ,�" ا��� ا����Pر ' ��M��� و�U�� :H�H)أ . �C#�%��������8U ا ?��)�< أ%�U: أ,��\ ��a] (�_"وع أ&�"ى $� ;2"�! :�UC� . n��� :��, >(H��أ����"ور �� ا���Mل . اrوراق و��. ذ�6 ���4ا �M :�س ��8HU"ون . ذه�; إU�ك 2_. آ��" (] اUن ه��< ��� . آ [�C�n و>�; ����\

:�4دى �U� $�M ;��4 :H2 "Leila! Leila! Over here." It was Dr Hafez. I smiled and waved hack. He was very pleased to see me. "It's wonderful to see you, Leila," he said. "How are you? How was your flight? How is your father? And Samira?" So many questions! And I was tired. Tired, but excited to have arrived. "Everyone in Cairo is fine, Dr Hafez. They all send their greetings. And the flight was okay, but it was so long. It's the longest time I've ever been in the air." "Did you bring the laser?" Dr Hafez asked. "Yes, of course. They asked me about it in Customs - "

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" :��� ! :��� ! Uه ل . آن (#"ورا �.ا �"ؤ�H: . ا�H#�; و��2; إ��0 ��.ى . إ%0 ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 " .ه�< " : إ0�% ��_D را�E? أن اراك �� :���2ل وا�.ك ؟ ��4 . Z6 ؟ وآ�H�2ر ;%�6 ؟ آ�Z آ2 Z���4 آ�rا [) .�.������ ! "ة ؟ اH) ;Uرة . و>. آ�&�� "����� إc أ%�U: أ!�H)

:��M�� ". s9 دآ�Hر 2� "�F� ه"ةY�إن ه�jا . وا�"��2 آ%; ��.ة إc أ%)� آ%�; ������ ��.ا . ا����? �"��4ن �6 ا����H . آ\ (] 9: ا :$���? " ." ه�\ أA�2"ت ا����Pر ؟ : " �4+ل ا��.آ�Hر �2s9 " .ه� أ��ل و>; (C*; 0�9 9: ا��� ���ال ��2�� ، >��% . :�9 0�U, :%��+�4

رك ��� .... " . اDr Hafez was staring at someone behind me. Somehow I knew it was Martin Lander even before I turned. I didn't know what to do. I decided to introduce them. "Oh, Dr Hafez, this Js Mr. Lander," I said. "I met him on the plane." Dr Hafez looked puzzled. "Haven't we met before somewhere?" he asked. "In the Machu Picchu area, wasn't it? You were doing some archaeological work there." Lander laughed. "No, I'm afraid that wasn't me. I'm a mining engineer, not an archaeologist. I'm sure I would have remembered meeting you. But it's a pleasure to meet you now. Your assistant has been telling me about your work in Egypt." Dr Hafez's eyes lit up. "Ah yes, the Valley of the Nobles excavations!" he exclaimed. "Wonderful tombs - " "Dr Hafez, I think we need to go. The plane to Cuzco leaves very soon, doesn't it?" "Does it? Oh yes, I think you're right. Is that the time? Oh dear. We'd better hurry. Nice to meet you, Mr. Mander." Martin Lander didn't correct him. "I hope we meet again in Peru," he said.

:��� ) �F! :9 "8U��< أآ] أدرى ( . ��"��Y أو �+�"ى ,"9; أ0% (ر$] c%.ر H2: >�\ أن أ��H; . آن ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 ��.ق ا \�)� إ�: ا��v" . أ9Uر . أو{ " >��; . >"رت أن أ>.م آ� (.�%c .�#��E"ة �. دآ��Hر �2s9 ه�jا ه�� ا�����H�) :��, 0�H] ا< .�Y . " ا أن.��

�6 ؟ ��Y. آ��Y$ ;�Uم ����n : " ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 9: �2"ة (] أ("{ و4+ل jآ� ~��� ، أ_H��_$) �Y�U) :9 ؟ ن (C) :9 \�< [) \�YH% >�أك Uر ه&vص �F���\ ا��< أآ] أ% . c 6�a " . c%.ر " .ا Z4��ر . &' >�, ;#� (] .إ%U() :U.س $�.�] وU��Y$ �� U%آ. أ+H) أ%

6�,.J�) :�9 6���, [�, 6$" . و�C] (] دوا,: 4"ورى أن أ>��6 اvن .>�\ آU; 4+ذآ" ذ#�) :U$"أ�� .Y� ا��.آ�Hر ".�U�, ;<"�!أ s9�2"�ت وادى ا���Uء . '{ : " و>ل . 2 >�% " . " ��Eرا "�Y) ". " ... s9��. أ,YH. أQ�� 0% أن %�A: . دآ�Hر 29 �(�H��E"ة ا

�6 ؟ jآ ~�� �.ا ، أ��"< ?�Y$ آ�زآ� :���< ، أ,�YH. أ��M :��, 6�%اب . أه�jا ���M ؟ أو{ " ." إ% . :�(� أن . �2ن ا��>�; ؟ �� إ�U��,%.ر . %#"ع ) .�4 � 6H��Y��ر$] c%.ر هjا ا��F+ 9: %�� ا0�4 "4"رت ) �J� >��\ ("ة أ�"ى 9: ��"و " >ل . YH% أن :U�$أ "

Q & AQ & AQ & AQ & A Answer the following questions: 1- Why did Leila have to spend a night in New York? *............. As she had to change planes there and the connecting Flight was the next day.

2- What was New York like? * It was wonderful with its skyscrapers and tall buildings shone in The early morning sunlight.

3- Why couldn't Leila fly directly from Cairo to Lima? .....because there wasn't direct flight from Cairo to Peru. 4- How did Leila feel on board to Lima? * She felt very nervous and curious.

5- What did Martin tell Leila about his work in Peru? * He said he was a mining engineer working for the United Mining.

6-What did Martin say when Leila asked him if he was looking for copper and silver? * He said he was looking for places where there were other Interesting things.

7- How is mining similar to archaeology ? * Both of them are looking for valuable things under the ground.

8- Why was Leila sure that Martin wasn't American? *..,........... As he had a strange accent.

9- When did Martin show interest in Leila? * When Leila told him she was an archaeologist who would do an archaeological dig in Peru .

10- In what way would Leila and Dr Hafez benefit from their Work in Peru? * It would help them to discover the similarities between the Ancient Egyptians and the ancient peoples of South America.

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11-How did Dr Hafez affect Leila? OR: How did Leila decide her career? OR; Why did Leila decide to be an archaeologist? * Dr Hafez was an old family friend who was at school with her Father. She used to see him with her father talking about his Excavation work, so she decided to follow his steps.

12- Why did Leila decide not to study archaeology at Cairo University? *....... As Dr Hafez was her father's friend and people might Think he would give her special treatment at the university.

13-Where did Leila do her university studies? * ..........in Rome , at the Italian Institute of Archaeology .

14- What did Leila discover in her first dig with Dr Hafez ? * They discovered a tomb in the valley of the Nobles, which had wonderful paintings of birds and animals on the walls. There was also some beautiful jewellery.

15-Why didn't Leila want to tell Martin more about her work in Peru? * ......... as she noticed he was asking a lot of questions . So, She was not very comfortable.

16- Which papers did Leila read on the plane? * She read some papers which she brought from Cairo to Dr Hafez About the latest developments in archaeological research.

17- How did Leila's suspicion of Martin come true? * Leila was asleep, when she woke up, she saw Martin trying to look through her papers.

18- Why was Martin sure he would meet Leila again? *.......as she was going to work in Cuzco and his work would be Around Cuzco, too.

19-When did the customs official allow Leila to take the Laser machine with her? *...............when she told him she was a part of a UNESCO archaeological project and showed him some papers .

20- What did Dr Hafez say on seeing Martin at the airport? * He said he was sure he had met him before at Machu Picchu area.

* ............. As there were no direct flights from Cairo to Lima. Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1- Leila had to change planes in New York as .......................................................................... 2- On board of a plane, Leila felt................................................................................................ 3- the work of a mining engineer was like that of an archaeologist as....................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 4-Although Martin Lander had an American passport ............................................................... 5- Egyptian archaeologists could excavate in Peru as .............................................................. 6- While Leila was sleeping, Martin ............................................................................................ 7- Leila was so suspicious of Martin that..................................................................................... 8- Martin was sure that he would meet Leila again because ............................... ……………… .................................................................................................................................................... 9- the customs official allowed Leila to take the laser machine with her only when …………… ................................................................................................................................................... 10- When Dr Hafez met Martin at the airport, he ....................................................................... 11- Leila decided not to study at Cairo university lest................................................................. .....................................................................................................................................................

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12- Dr Hafez's memory was so strong that.................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................... 13- Leila couldn't go to sleep on the plane once more as ........................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... 14- The archaeological dig was useful for Leila and Dr Hafez because...................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... 15- When people are on the plane, they are friends, but.............................................................. ....................................................................................................................................................... Read these quotations and answer the questions:

1- " Are you hoping to find tombs like that in Peru? " a. Who asked this question, to whom? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. Why was discovering tombs very important? …………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… c.What did the speaker mean by " like that”? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………

2- " Haven't we met before?” a. Who asked that question, to whom? …………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… b.What was the occasion? …………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… c. How was this an evidence of the speaker's strong memory? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………

3- " I'm looking for places where there are other interesting Things to find. " a. Who said this, to whom? …………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… b. What interesting things was the speaker looking for? …………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… c. What was the occasion? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………

-" Was this your first visit to America? " a. Who said this, to whom? …………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… b. Where did this conversation take place? …………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… c.Where were they going? Why? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………

5-" I was just looking for the in-flight magazine. I couldn't Find mine. " a. Who was the speaker, to whom? …………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… b. What was the addressee doing at that time? …………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… c.What was the speaker really looking for? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………

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Chapter 3

Sleeves م $�H.د Stretch أآ�Businessman لءب � Yawn ر�\ أ,�*H Mining engineer [�.� رض $"�4 ,�: اU() Land r.س $Plenty "�*و�9" / آ Sight "8U) Wonder ءل#H� Take place ث.�$ All the same ل�"أس Nod ,�: أ�� 2 $�(mء �A strange accent ���"] �UC� Feel sick ن�*W� "�_� To be based m9 }Pن ("آ�C� Bump mEه�ا Q�) Archaeological dig ف_Hآc ت إ,�ن Announcement أ&ر �2"�Hurry ع"#� Immigration ة"�(� (QHC اBoard ة"E��8ه" Pretend ا�#���U/�"آQ اH� Skyscrapers ب�#�ت ا��% Flight attendant ان"��� (���A اmid-thirties تU�&�*���ب ZJHU) Peoples ا! Sun tanned face _�رس Take up �~ و�0 ا�4" (] ا�� Rolled up ف���) / :U*) Amazing {adj} pه.) Outdoors ���� �*m9 Confidently �Y ا�)�اء اCopper mines س�U��< اU) Valley of kings ك���� وادي اDefinite د.�) Confidently �Y*� In common ك"H_) Normal دي, All over \آ m9 ء (] 2#] ا��Luckily s ا%�On business ��() m9 / \�, Briefcase أوراق ���Y2 Similarities ��_� ���Look for [, k أو�0 اResearch m����In ا���k ا – flight mان دا��"�� Follow in his footsteps ات��F� �H� Keen on :�, ��"2? %�~ ا

Institute �) .( Thick cloud Z�*ب آ�4 Jewelry {n} ه"ات��) Area �Y�U) Maybe �_"ق و�)� / �Light up \�(H ر��Comfortable ح$") Silly Z�F4 Latest أ2.ث Collect my luggage �0 �4"هH)أ ?��$ Fold the papers up وراقrي ا��$ Project وع"_) Terminal building mE(U�E"ة Get off a plane ا���U: ا��r" ا�� $PUل (] اIntroduce {v} :� ا���"ك Y$ Customs.م !�F إSigh of relief ح�.��ل U$ Let me through)�.ة ار$�� :� �#��� إLocal time m���� ����� Stare ا��H>�; اBe aware رف �ـ, Puzzled "��H) It is a pleasure 4"وري m,دوا [) Correct �J�

The plane to Cuzco was full. We took off from Lima and soon left the thick cloud behind. I looked down and saw the coastal plain. It looked very dry and reminded me of the desert in Egypt. But after a short time we started to go over mountains. These mountains were green - they were covered in trees and bushes. The sides were steep and I could see fast-flowing rivers. There was a big party of German tourists on board. But Dr Hafez and I were able to sit together. He read through the papers I had brought with me. As he read, he nodded to himself.

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�.د �E"ة ا���H)� إ�: آ�زآ� آ(�� ا��ب ا�Z�*C . آ%; ا�#� وراء% اU��� و4",ن (��� [) U�%8"ت إ�: أ�4\ ورأ��; ا��#)\ . أ>� :�2#� �.ا وذآ"%. ا9ل . : ��J"اء (J" آن ��.و �����. ("ور و>; >�J" �.أ% %"$�? �9ق ا� [C�ل ��A"اء ـ . ����آ%; ه�j{ ا

ر وا�_��"ات �!rة ��W) ;% . وآ%; ا���ا%Q !.�.ة اc%�.ار ، ورأ�; أ%)را 4"��� ا�H.�9 . آE"ة ��ن ,�: (H] ا)rا [��E#�ك (���,� آ��"ة (] اUه ;%�UUC: وا�.آ�Hر 2. آ � أن %��~ (U��H4ا s9 . :�H�ث ا��rا �J$

:�) ($"A2أ .< ;U0 . آ#�U� D)�� نء >"اء$0 آU&وأ "Yes," he said. "It is just as I thought. Good." He put the papers away in his briefcase. "Sorry, Leila," he said, "but I just had to read these latest papers that you brought. These papers show that we're working along the right lines." I asked him how the excavations were going. "We're digging at a site near Quenco," he said. "It's about three hours by car from Cuzco. We now believe there was once a great city there." "That's really exciting, isn't it?"

ل < " : >� ا,YH.ت . %��*) ) دا�\ ���Y2 أورا>#2. " 0] . $��%ث ���rا ?aل . و���: ، و�C] آن ��SY9 Q أن : " > � Z4+H) ($"A2أ :H�ث ا��rا }jأ>"أ ه . ��M ��% :�, \��% U%ث $��] أ��rا }j(9.�4 [, 0H�ت 4+�"���%�] %���" أ�2. ا���ا>�? : " >ل . " ا

�CUب (] آ��"Y�رة ,] آ�زآ� . ��#�ت �,�. �2ا�: &�ث 4�$ ك 9: ( A): . إ%(Uه .��$ ;%." %�] %�>] اvن أن (.��U ,���8 آ�6 ؟ jآ ~�� ، أY2 "�*) D_� " .إن هjا

Dr Hafez smiled. "Yes, it is exciting. Of course, everyone knows about Machu Picchu, the great Inca city that was lost for hundreds of years. That's where those German tourists are going, no doubt. But we believe there are other Inca cities and cities of the peoples they conquered. Some of them haven't been discovered. Not yet, anyway." I could see that Dr Hafez had something that he wanted to tell me. "What have you found?" I asked.. Dr Hafez looked around him. But the Germans were laughing and talking to each other. No one was listening to our conversation.

s9�< إ%�0 (*��" . " ا�H#< ا�.آ�Hر 2% . _�H��_$) ?�������"ف ا� ?�����– [�U#��ت ا��) j�U) ت.�Y9 ;�������8 ا� ا�C%إ ��U�.) . 6���إن أوك دون !6 Uه :�ن �jاه��ن إ��rا [��E#���ب ا�H: >)"وه� . ا_�� �M� و(.%C%� ���ك (.% أ�"ى $Uو%�] %�>] أن ه . n��و�

�. هj{ ا��.ن� Z_HC� >��. ,�: أى 2ل . � ~��. " 0��� :��%"�F� 0 !��:ء �"���. أن���.� s9ذا : " #��9+�0H . 9)���; أن ا���.آ�Hر ��2��)�n ". و�.$< ؟� :�ن آ%�ا ��C�Aن و��H.ث ��A)< إ)rا [C� 0��2 s9�< �C] أى أ�H#� .2? إ�: �2ار% . %8" ا�.آ�Hر 2.

"You've come at a good time, Leila," Dr Hafez went on. He spoke in a quiet voice. "Two days ago we found a wall in the city. We think it may be the wall of a tomb. We're going to break through into the tomb this week." I was really excited now. "A tomb," I said. "What kind of tomb?" "It could be the tomb of a king," he said. "How do you know?" "There are some marks on the wall. There's also a picture of a llama. That's a sign that it may be a royal tomb." I didn't say anything. I just looked at him. Dr Hafez laughed. "It's funny, isn't it? Here we are, two Egyptians digging up ancient Inca tombs. But our experience in the Valley of the Nobles is really useful. It is very interesting to discover the similarities and differences between the ways the Incas and the Ancient Egyptians buried their dead."

0��< s9���: : " واM\ ا�.آ�Hر 2 �Y. أ$�; 9: $�>�; ��. � ." n��� ت�J� ل< >& " : ��U�.�� �9: ا��E2 %��] . (jU ��(�] و�.%رة 9��� ". �4ف %.�\ إ�: ا���Y"ة (] ���0 هjا ا��4rع. %8] أ0% 2�Y) SE"ة �&c�"ت ��! j�E.U, . ;��< " : ة"��Y) ... !! [�) أى %��ع

�" ؟ Y��SE " " آ�Z ,"9; ؟ " . " >. $�Cن (�Y"ة أ2. ا����ك : " >ل ".ا���ت ,��: ا�)��� ��Mرة �����ان . $���. ���n اA. أ����و$� )���< أ>\ !�� ، �\ %8"ت إ��0 وQ#2 " وهj{ ,�(� ,�: أ%) >. $�Cن (�Y"ة (���C . ا . s9إ6�a . " Q����, "��)r 0�% ا�.آ�Hر 2

Uه [�% �6 ؟ هjآ ~�� ا�Y.��� .، أC%إ "�Y) ون"��� [��"J��ن (] اU&ا . �Y2 ء (���.ة���U� �9: وادى اU$"�� [C�إ%�� r(�" (�_�ق . ه< $��� [��"J��ء ا).Y� واC%cف ��] �"ق د9] أه\ ا�H�c0 وا�_� ". �.ا أن %Z_HC أو�0 ا

"For example," Dr Hafez went on, "the Incas and the Ancient Egyptians put gold and silver objects beside the bodies of their kings and they dressed them in beautiful clothes. They put gold masks on their faces. They put gold figures of animals in their tombs. And they put food and drink beside them. They believed that their kings and queens would need food and drink when they went into the next world."

0��< s9ء ا���J"��] أ!��ء (�] ا��jهQ وا����A ����ار أ��#د (���آ)< ، :" واM\ ا�.آ�Hر 2).�Y� وا�C%cأه�\ ا ?aل و*��,�: ��4\ ا�� ذه��� ,�: و��ه)< ، وو U<ا أ��a، وو �����ه< (��~ �#��م وأ������ا ا�a6 و�jوآ� ، "��Y����ا $�&�\ ذه���� �����ا%�ت دا��\ اa

م وا�_"اب ,U. د���)< إ�: ا�v"ة . وا�_"اب ���اره< �����ن إ�: اH�� �4ف >($C�)ن �+ن (��آ)< و�U)V� ا�% ". آ"Did the Incas make mummies of their kings and queens?"

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"Yes, they did," Dr Hafez said. "The Inca kings were mummified. And there was something really interesting that did not happen in Egypt. Every year at important festivals, the mummified kings were put on litters and dressed in fine clothes. They were taken through the streets!" "So there were some differences between what the Incas did and what the Ancient Egyptians did?" "Yes, of course. And the Incas did something else that the Ancient Egyptians never did." "What was that?" I asked. Again Dr Hafez looked around him as if he didn't want anyone to hear what he was going to say. "The Incas killed women and servants and buried them with the king. They were to take care of the king in the next world."

$)< آ��(��وات ؟ " �C�)(���آ)< و S��U�H� �C%م أه\ ا�9����ا : " >�ل ا��.آ�Hر �2s9 " ه\ > ، >��% 6�� . ذ�C%ك ا����) S��U�$ >�$ .�Y� . "J) :9 ث.�� >� \���ك !:ء !�� �Uوه . >(%�#�Cت و���ن (�(��وات ا�����ك ,��: (���A�� ا�%(�� (�] آ�\ ,�م آ�(�د ا�,r�9: ا

ء !" " (��~ أ%��Y و��"ون �)< ,�" ا�_�ارع ).�Y�9���0 ا و(�C%0 أه\ ا���9 9ت ��] (�H�cا n�ك �Uه ;%" " ا���J"��ن ؟ إذن آ ?���� ، >�ء ا���J"��ن ,��: ا���cق . %).Y���0 ا�� >� "�' ��! C%أه\ ا� \�%��� %�8" "و(� ه�jا ا��_:ء ؟ : " �4+�0H "و>. 9*�و����"ة ا

0��2�0 وآ+0% �< �"[Q 9: أن �#�? أ2. ( آن ��Uى >� s9ء وا��F.م ود��U9ه< (�? ا����6 . " ا�.آ�Hر 2#�U� ا�C%أه\ ا� \H< ض أن"�W� ��ا ر,�� ا���6 9: ا�v"ة �H�. "

After that we didn't speak for a few minutes. Dr Hafez turned away and looked out of the window. We were flying over high mountains. They were covered in snow. "The Andes," I said. "They're beautiful, aren't they? I've never seen mountains like these before." Dr Hafez nodded. "Some of the mountain tops are over 6,000 metres high. It is amazing to think we are not far from the equator and yet there is always snow."

�E�< %�H.ث ��A? د> 6�j9ة ا��H; ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 و%. ��. ذU� %��" �9ق ��ل ("$��� . 8" (] اUآ . (��W� .����ل : " >��; . آن ا��� P�.%rا . ����� ل )] >�\ . إ%(����6 ؟ �< أر >S (*\ هj{ اjآ ~��إن ��n >�< ا���\ $�P. ,��: ار$��ع �H�4 . " أو(+ ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 ".أ

"H) فc' ., [�.��� U#� U%ر أ�JH% ه\ أنj�� ".] �S ا�H4cاء و(? ذ�6 ���. ا����. ���J دا��E إ0% ��] اDr Hafez didn't speak again for a while. Then he turned to me. "Leila, that man we met at the airport. Mander, was that his name?" "Lander. Martin Lander. He said he works for United Mining."

"I'm sure I've met him before. His name wasn't Lander, though. He used to work for United Mining, but he got involved with some people who were taking Inca objects out of the country. I think he had to leave his job with United Mining. And that's another thing. I don't think United Mining is working in Peru now."

�E . و("ة أ�"ى C4; ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 �"ه� < :�ر . ���: : " &< ا��H; إ����{ �9: ا�U��" . " أ��< ��C] ا0��4 (%�.ر ؟ . ذ��6 ا�"��\ ا��jى >�.�] ا���H.ة. (ر$] c%.ر . c%.ر H��.ى !"آ� ا \��ل إ0% �< " .[) 0H��< :U%آ. أ+H) �< �c :,.� [C%.ر . >�\ أ% 6�آن ����\ . و(? ذ

رج F� إ�: اC%ء (] إس ا��j] آ%�ا �+�jون أ!�U��.�] ا���H.ة ، إc أ%0 $�رط (? ��n (] اH�أ,YH. أ%0 ا�a" إ�: $�"ك . �.ى !"آ� ا�.�] ا���H.ة H��.�] ا���H.ة $Pاول . وهjا أ(" '�" . و0H��t 9: !"آ� اH� اvن 9: ��"وإ%c :U أ,YH. أن ا(��,. "

"Maybe it's a different man. Lander said he didn't know you." "Yes, maybe you're right. But you can't be too careful. You didn't tell him anything about our work in Peru, Leila, did you?" I felt my face grow hot. I remembered the questions Martin Lander had asked me. "Well, I told him a little about it. But not much." Dr Hafez looked serious. "You must be careful, Leila. There are people who come to Peru and dig up old Inca cities. They aren't archaeologists like us. They don't care about the things of the past. They break into tombs. They find gold and silver things and take them out of the country. These things should be in museums for everyone to see. But the thieves sell them to rich collectors."

" >� �9: ���"و ، أ���~ . ا��Vآ. أ6% �#; !.�.ة ا��"ص ��M :�, [�%�C$ .< . [) [Cاب . %�U��, ��F� 0 ,�] أى !�:ء��"�F$ >��أ%; �6 ؟jداد 2"ارة س ".آP� :(��� ت"�ر$] c%�.ر . !�) :��, �(2"� :�H� . " $jآ"ت ا���4r اU#�2 . �U��, [�, \���Y���Y. أ��"$�0 ا .

"�*C���~ ا [C�����: ���Q أن . " �.ا ,�: ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 �.��� اr(�" ".و �� �J��"2 :%��C$ . [�, ن���YUو و�"��� :��ك أ%�س ��+$�ن إ�Uه ���.Y� اC%ر 9: (.ن إ&vا . :�a��� ��MF�ء ا�!r ، و��H(� cن �U�*) ر�" و���.ون ا!��ء . إ%)< ��#�ا ,��ء '&�Y��إ%)�< �����HYن ا

رج ا���د � ء 9: ا . (] ا�jهQ وا���A و�+�jو%)�!rا }jه ?a�$ أن Q�� �F�! \آ� Z2 آ: �_ه.هH�� . �(%����C] ا����Jص ���ء �U]rت ا�UHY�� ". إ�: ه�اة ��? ا

"Don't these collectors know the things are stolen?" "Some do, some don't. But most of them don't care. So be careful what you say and who you speak to, Leila." "Yes, Dr Hafez," I said.

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"Anyway, before we land, I need to talk to you a little about our work and how we are organised. There are two teams under my direction. You will be in charge of one team with three local archaeologists. I find it is better to have small teams rather than one big one. I need someone who understands me. Someone I can trust. That is why 1 was so keen that you came to Peru. I find it can be very difficult here sometimes. The local people have different ideas and as I don't speak Spanish and they don't speak Arabic, we have to use English. Sometimes I can't understand their English. I think a younger person is needed."

ء (#"و>� ؟ " �!rا }jاة أن ه�(���< هcVء ا� cأ "." >��� c >(A���< و�� >(A���ن. ��� c >(�8��9: (� .إc أن ( �J��"2 :%6 آ��j����Y$ :��� � [�&.�H$ [) ?)و [ ." ;�< " : s9 دآ�Hر 2� >�% " " �U��, [�, ���< 6��,�: أ�� 2ل أر�. >�\ أن %)�S أن أ$�.ث إ

U��8U$ ن $�; إراد$: . وآ����Y�"9 كUر (����] . ه�Z (] &�ث ,��ء '&+H� .29"�� وا [, ����#) [�%�C$ أرى أ%0 (�] . �4ف :U%إ "9 [��C$ \A9r9"�� وا2. آ��" ا [) c.� ة"�WM أن أ&� �0 . ق :UUC�� �F! ، :U�(�� �F! :�ج إH2أ ��.ا . أ%J��"2 ;Uا آj(�

. ,�: أن $+$: إ�: ��"و Uه ��M ?a���2ن ��C] أن ��Cن اrا n�ر (����HF . أرى أ9 0%: ��C9أ [������و��� أ%�U: . �9.ى أه\ ا���. ا �H� c >وه ��%�4rأ$�.ث ا c ��P���%cا �W�� أن %#FH.م اU���9 ���"�� c ا9)< �HW)< ا��P���%c . .&�ن ا%�� إ�: . أ�2�� ")rأن ا .YH,أ

U4 "WMا �F!." I was really surprised. "But Dr Hafez," I said. "Are you sure it is a good idea for me to be in charge of a team? "Yes, of course. Don't worry. It will be all right." The FASTEN SEAT BELTS sign came on and the plane started descending. The flight attendant told us that we would be arriving in Cuzco in ten minutes. I fastened my seat belt, but my hands were shaking a little. Dr Hafez looked at me. "You look a bit pale," he said. "Are you all right?" "Yes, of course," I said. "I just don't like landing. Especially in small planes like this."

��E أن أآ�ن (#���� ,] 9"�� : " ا%.ه_; 9: ا���Y�Y و>�; M ة"C9 دآ�Hر 2s9 ه\ أ%; H)+آ. أ%(� [C� "." ؟���، >�% . cE"ة 9: ا�)��ط ". $C9 :Y�Y\ !:ء �4ف ��Cن ,�: ( �"ام ��,. ، و�.أت اY�� . t)"ت ,�(� ر�S أP2(� اU%��2 أ"� (Z�A اUWوأ�� �Eن >��� . �4ف %J\ إ�: آ�زآ� ��ل ,_" د>_�$"$ ;%�.ى و�C] �.ى آY) امP2 ;ر�� . :�ل . %8" ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 إ< " :�$ [�.

��2 ��n ا�_:ء ���? : " >�; "ه\ أ%; ��F" ؟ . !� ، >�E"ة . %��9: �E"ات �WM"ة آ)j{ ا �M " .إ%c :U أQ2 ا�)��ط ، و�But I was also thinking about what Dr Hafez had said. Me, in charge of local archaeologists? I wasn't expecting that. We hit the ground with a bump, but the plane soon slowed down. There was the usual roaring sound which always frightens me and we taxied towards the terminal of Cuzco airport. "Okay now, Leila?" Dr Hafez asked. I tried to smile. "Yes, thanks. I'm fine." Cuzco airport was quite small. The German tourists got off first. Smiling men and women from their tour company were waiting for them. They were holding up a sign saying WELCOME TO PERU TOURS GROUP. We waited until the tour party had got out of the way. We picked up my luggage and headed for the exit. A woman about the same age as me was waiting for us. She was wearing trousers, a brown shirt and a short overcoat.

s9�0 ا�.آ�Hر 2< ) :9 Aأ� "C9أ ;Uآ :UUC� . 6��ء '&ر (����] ؟ ��< أآ�] أ$�>�? ذ��, [, ����#) rرض . أ%�� �U��$ار [�C���_.ة ول ��E"ة 9: ا�� . ��A; ا��Eدا :�U��F� ىj��د ا�H����Q اJ���� . وآن ا���Jت ا�M }E"ة ,��: ��4 اrرض �9: ا$������ �U�ودر

���: ؟ : " 4+ل ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 . و�Mل (�ر آ�زآ� �< ، !C"ا . " 2و�; أن أ�H#< " ه\ أ%; ��F" اvن �% . "�F� آ���������ن " .أ%ن أوc . ��.ا (�ر آ�زآ�� �W�M"ا ���rن ا��E#���8HU� ��2"و%)< �����{ ����4 . ��"ج ا�#���H2: . وآ�ن ر��ل و%�#ء �)] !�"آ(H< ا

�U)�2 (�] ا��"��� أ(�#��,�� ا��9; "J%وج . ا"�F� %��� (j��U ا�U(�$وا :�� ��MF�Q�E ا��#�" اY2 �U�YH�8ر%� ا(�"أة . اH%ن �9: اآ� [#�ر�U: 9: اY$ .<و %���U� ��.$") ;% >�J"ا آ��� و(�U� J��.

"Leila, I want you to meet Amalia Guzman, one of the local archaeologists working on our excavation. Amalia, this is Leila El-Assaby. She's flown all the way from Egypt to work with us." We shook hands.. "Did you have a good flight?" Amalia asked. "Yes, it was fine, but I'm feeling a bit tired." "Leila doesn't like flying," Dr Hafez said. "I'm sorry to hear that," said Amalia. She looked at me without a smile. Then she turned to Dr Hafez. "I've got the Land Rover here, Dr Hafez," she said. "Let me help you with your things." Dr Hafez refused her offer of help. I had much more baggage than Dr Hafez, but Amalia didn't offer to help me. Instead, she turned and led the way out of the airport. In a few minutes we were in the Land Rover. Amalia drove. She chatted to Dr Hafez while she drove. I sat in the back. We drove out of Cuzco and along a dusty road.

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I was so excited to be in Peru. I couldn't wait to get to the site of the excavation and see what Dr Hafez had done. I had explored tombs in Egypt with Dr Hafez, but this would be different. I was excited and a little nervous. Would I be able to do the work Dr Hafez wanted me to do? He had brought me out to Peru to do a job. I hoped I wouldn't let him down.

"�����: ، أود أن أ>.م �6 إ�� U$�"�2 :9 U�����ن (� [�j�ر ا������] ا&vء ا ��ز(ن وه: إ2.ى ,�� . 6� ،أ>.م ��إ�� :�JY����: ا . U�) \��$ :C� Uه :H2 "J) [) ا��9"ت 4 .Y� ." U�9J$ . ���< ، " " .ه\ آ%; ر6H�2 ���� ؟ : " 4+�UH: إ��%

�n ا�_:ء � Q�H�� "��Y. آ%; �U#2 ، و�UC: أ!". s9 " . إن ���: Q�$ c ا���"ان : " >ل ا�.آ�Hر 2 ���; إ��<" : 6��4ع ذ :U�4V� " s9(� ، &< ا�H�H; إ�: ا�.آ�Hر 2#Hا� . ، %8"ت إ�: دو%� ���; إ��< " : s9 دآ�Hر 2� Uه :� " . د,U: أ4,. 9: �2\ أ["ا6a . إن �4رة ا��%.رو9" (

) رn9 ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 ,"ض Uة (.,#���"ض ,�: . ا$ >� ���C] إ�� ، "�*C� s9QE �4" أآ*" (] ا�.آ�Hر 2Y2 :�آن (,.ة#��ر . ا���رج ا� :���YHد% إ U) دا�\ ا��%.رو9" . و�.c (] ذ�6 ا�H�H; و4رت أ(Uآ �E . �A] :9ن �A? د>���; إ���$دة �Y� آ%; $�Y. ا�U�� s9رة $�.&; (? ا�.آ�Hر 2�#�رة �رج آ�زآ� و,�: �"�� $"ا�: . آU; أ��~ 9: ا�Z�F . د ا�#�� UY��%ا.9��0 ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 ، إc أن هjا . !�"ت ��&رة !.�.ة ����دى 9: ��"و �C: أرى ( Q�YUH�8ر H2: أM\ إ�: (�>? اH%cا ?�H4أ >�

��HF) ن�C� ف . �4ف�F�رة و!D (] ا&�� "���\ ا�jى أراد ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 أن أؤد�0 ، �Y. ه\ 4+4. آU; أ!���H? أن أ>�م ��0. أA2"%: ��"و �%�ز ,�\ jأ� cأ ;�U�$

Q & AQ & AQ & AQ & A Answer the following questions: 1- What did the papers, Leila brought from Cairo, show Dr Hafez? *They showed him he was working along the right lines.

2-Where were the German tourists on the plane going? * They were going to Machu Picchu, the great Inca city that had Been lost for hundreds of years.

3-What great discovery did Dr Hafez find in Cuzco? * He found a wall which was thought to be of a tomb. There were Marks on it and a picture of ‘llama. So, it might be a royal Tomb.

4- How was Dr Hafez and Leila's digging the Inca tombs useful for them? * It would help them to study the similarities and differences between the ways the Incas and the Ancient Egyptians buried their dead.

5- What similarities between the Incas and the Ancient Egyptians did Dr Hafez discover? * In the tomb: Both of them put gold and silver objects, food and drink and gold figures of animals. * The dead king: Both of them mummified him, dressed him in beautiful clothes and put gold mask on his face.

6-Why did the Ancient Egyptians and the Incas put food and Drinks beside their dead kings? * .......... As they believed they would need them when they went into the next world.

7- What were the differences between the Incas and the Ancient Egyptians? * A. Every year at important festivals, the Incas' mummified kings Were put on litters and dressed in fine clothes and were taken Through the streets. b. The Incas killed women and servants and buried them with the King to take care of the king in the next world. c. The ancient Egyptians had writings but the Incas didn't.

8- What important information did Dr Hafez remember? About Martin? * a. That man's name was not Martin Lander. b. He got involved with some people who were taking the Inca objects out of the country. c.The united Mining {which he said he was. working for} was no longer working in Peru.

9-Why did Dr Hofez ask Leila not to tell anyone abo ut their work? *........... As there were people who went to Peru to dig up old Inca Cities. They broke into tombs to take gold and silver things to be sold to rich collectors.

10- How did Dr Hafez organize the work of the Archaeologists?

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* There were two teams of local archaeologists, Leila would be in Charge of the small team with three local archaeologists .

11- Why did Dr Hafez choose Leila to be his assistant in Peru? * A. Leila would understand his ideas. b. The local people had different ideas. c. Leila spoke English very well. d. He needed a younger person who was trusted.

12- How was Amalia unfriendly to Leila from the very Beginning? * Amalia received Leila and Dr Hafez at the airport. She offered to Help Dr Hafez. She didn't offer to help Leila although she had much more luggage

Complete the following to make meaningful sentences: 1-The picture of 'llama made it probable that ............................................................................. 2- Dr Hafez advised Leila to be so careful and not to.................................................................. 3- The Incas killed women and servants and buried them with the Kings so that………………. ..................................................................................................................................................... 4- It was the thieves who ............................................................................................................ 5- Dr Hafez needed Leila badly as ............................................................................................. 6- At the airport, Leila felt that Amalia was unfriendly with her when.......................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... 7- Although Dr Hafez didn't have much luggage, Amalia............................................................. 8- Leila felt her face grow hot when............................................................................................... 9- Both the Ancient Egyptians and the Incas ............................................................................... 10- Although Peru is near the equator, there is always................................................................ 11- although the collectors were sure that the things sold to them Were stolen, ……………….... ....................................................................................................................................................... 12- The Ancient Egyptians were more humane than the Incas who............................................ 13- Dr Hafez spoke quietly to Leila on the plane lest............................................. ……………… 14- Dr Hafez refused Amalia's offer of help as ............................................................................

Read these quotations and answer the questions: 1- " That's a sign that it may be a royal tomb. "

a. Which sign was he talking about? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b. Why was the discovery of a royal tomb important? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

2-" These papers show that we're working along the right lines." a. What were these papers about? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b. Why were these papers about to be lost? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

3-" We now believe there was once a great city there. " a. What do you know about the newly discovered city? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b. What did they discover there? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

4- " Did the Incas make mummies of their kings and queens? " a. What strange thing did the Incas do every year? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b. How can archaeologists make sure that the tomb is royal? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

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Chapter 4

jigsaw puzzle ت��C����� ا� brush away the earth \������������������P� blocks of stone "��� آH\ (] اstraight "!�) hillside Q%� flashlight ء �9ش�a jet-lag Q�H���ر �_� وloyal ��F) waist S4 اadjust Z�CH� pottery رF9 wrap ��Z pills دواء(أ>"اص( entrance \�.) rope \�2 representative \*�) rituals ��Uس د��Y� outline D_� 2.ود اimpression عع bottom !��"ات bushes ا%��< exchange دل�H� sacrifice :�A� pottery رF9 ) ر��F9 :%أوا( civilization رةA2 /��%.) heritage اث"�) securely ن)+� ، �<.� reports "ر�Y$ excavate [, QYU� ـ "��� equipment ات.�) defensively ���Jص robber (.ا9 exploration ف_CH4ا rocky ى"FM private ص� obviously aا�� (] اpeak \�� ��< e-mail :%و"HC��Q �.ا dead tired �"�. اH) spade روف� foundation �� eventually سأ4(U� أ��"ا، 9: ا

I was dead tired when we got to the camp and went straight to bed. Of course, I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep again. That is jet-lag. It would take me a few days to adjust to the time difference and the altitude. At the moment my body thought day was night and night was day. So when it was time to get up, I was still tired.

���? اZJHU) :9 ;8Y�H4 ا���\ ، و�< أ�H4? أن أ�#j9 ، "Cه�; إ�: ا��"اش (�!"ة ، و��� إ�: اU�Mو ).U, ا.� �Yه") ;Uآ،Mا \�. ر��2 ��"ان ����� . ا��Uم ("ة أ�"ى � .�._��Q اH�#2س �cا ه� اjرق . ه9 ?) Z�C$م آ: أ�� أ�A� :U) ")rق أ"WH#� �4ف

"���ر . ا��H>�; واcر$�ع ,] �4 ا(% \���ر ��\ وأن ا(U�ظ ، آc ;U . 9: هj{ ا����8 ا,�H" �#�: اY�H4cن و>; ا2 ).U, 6�j� ���H) أزال .

"How are you feeling?" Dr Hafez asked as we ate breakfast. "I'm okay," I replied, "but I'm still pretty tired. And I've got a bit of a headache." "That will be the altitude," Dr Hafez said. "Go and see Amalia. She's got some headache pills. Take a couple of those and you'll soon be all right." "Okay," I said. "I have to go into Quenco for a meeting. We're expecting a visit from the local UNESCO representative next week. We want to make sure that she gets a good impression of what we're doing here." "Is there a problem about that?" I asked.

�9ر �� U�U$ ءU&أ s9�"�]؟: "4+ل ا�.آ�Hر 2_$ Z; " آ���أ " : "�F� . أ%) .2 :���� إH) ;�ز) :UC�وأ!�" ���Y\ (] ا�J.اع . و. " s9�n أ>"ا. هjا �#�Q اcر$�ع ,] �4 ا���" : " ال ا�.آ�Hر 2� (�.� �9ن ��) . ص ��J.اع اذه�: إ�: إ��U( [�U&ا :�وU$

��"4 [#�H�� [�"��; " . و�4ف $_< " : U#2 ". " ع�H�ر ا�A�� �CUآ�� :�%�] %Q<"H ز�رة (] (�*�� . ��Q أن أذهQ إدم Y� . ا���%#�C ا������ ا��4rع اU0 ه���% �, ��� ,�; " .%"�. أن %H+آ. أ%) j�+H4 ا%��+9:: " 4 ��C_) [) \6 ؟ ه� " . ذ

"No, not really, but this is an important project for us and the Peruvian government. And it is the first time there has been this kind of exchange. UNESCO is supporting us until the end of this year. But if we don't find something important before then, they may not want to support us next year. There are so many archaeological projects that need help." "What do you want me to do while you're in Quenco?" My head was really hurting me now. I needed Amalia's headache pills quickly.

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" c .�� ~������C(� ا���"و��9 ��#U� و�U� ��#U�وإن هj{ ه: ا��"ة أrو�: ا�H: ��.ث �9) هjا ا��Uع . ��\ ، و�C] هjا (_"وع هم �دل �H��� هj{ ا�#�U . (] ا(% :H2 �C#%��� ا%.%دم . $#Y�م ا�� 9: اU$.% >�\ ذ�c .< >(%�9 ، 6 �"[��ن 9: (#) ه��! .�% >��C] إذا .

ك Uة ه.,#��ج إ�: اH�$ :H��.�. (] ا��_"و,ت اr&"�� ا�ء و��دك 9: آ���CU ؟ " . " اU&أ \�,jE.U آ%; رأ4: " (ذا $"�.%: أن أ9��U: �_.ة V$ . �,"#� ��9: 2�� إ�: أ>"اص ا�J.اع (] إ�� ;Uآ.

"Amalia will show you around the site and tell you what we've done." I found Amalia working on one corner of the site. She gave me a couple of pills and I took them with a glass of water. "Could you show me around the site? I'd really like to know how far you've got with the excavation." "Of course. I'd be glad to," Amalia replied. But she didn't seem to be very happy to show me around. I wondered why she didn't seem very friendly. She didn't seem very happy to see me there at all. I couldn't understand why. Before she started to explain what they had done on the site, she asked me how much I knew about Inca civilisation.

" U��9 �� دا�\ ا���>? و$�F"ك ����9: ����\ 9: أ2. أرآن ا���>? " .�4ف $+�j إ��$ �� (? . و�.ت إ���(H�وU$و [�M"< :U�,أء ����\ أن أ,�"ف (� ." آ+س (] ا����� دا��\ ا���>�? ؟ إ%�U: أود ����9: :U�j�+$ أن [C���ت ه\ (] ا��"���" .ى (� وH��M< إ���0 �9: ا

. �����? : " ردت إ����� ��2ل ا���>�? " .�4ف ��Cن ذ�6 (] دوا,: 4"ورى . ���9: :%j�+$ .ا �+ن�ة .��4 .�$ >� (UC� . ;�: و$�#ءك ,��: ا����ق �U.ا ��+ن $"ا%�: ه��ة .��4 .�$ >� ؟ إ%))ذا �< $�.و 4��.ة ودودة $�����< أ�H�4? أن أدرك . Q�#��و>��\ أن $��.أ �9: . ا

C%رة إA2 [, آ< أ,"ف :U�+4 ، ?<��� . !"ح ( أ%�Pو{ 9: ا"I did some work on the Incas when I was studying at the Italian Institute of Archaeology. And of course I've read Dr Hafez's reports about the excavation." "Oh yes," Amalia said with a smile. "Dr Hafez – I suppose that's why you're here in Peru." I knew what she was trying to say. She meant that I was only here because Dr Hafez was a friend of my family. I wondered if that was why she wasn't very friendly to me. "Of course I'm happy to be working with Dr Hafez. I've worked with him before," I said rather defensively. "But don't get the wrong idea, Amalia. I'm here because I'm an experienced archaeologist and Dr Hafez thought my experience would be useful in this excavation."

" :�ر ا�������&vا .��(� آ��U; أدرس ��9: ().��U, ��C%ث ,��] أه��\ ا�����rا n����� ;���< .��Y� . . [��, s9ر�" ا���.آ�Hر ��2��Y$ أت"��< ���و��ت �"��� (�H#�� " .ا���; إ�� �9: ���"و . %�< . أو{ : " >�Uدك ه���و Q��4 اjأن ه� .�YH,�89ـ أول أن " .ا�.آ�Hر 2��$ ;�%�9; (� آ",

H�E: آ%; $JY. أ%�Y$ . :Uل �� Y�.M ن r SY9ن ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 آUه . :����< $�C] ودودة ( إذا آن ذ�6 ه�� ا��#�Q �9: ا،ه�) ;�ء#$ .�.ر�� آ��"ة ) ,�% :,��\ (? ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 : " >�; �+��4ب د9�4��.ة � ���? أ%� . \��< [�) 0��) ;���, .�Y��j�F$ c [�Cى �C9"ة .

�� إ��� ���� .r Uه :U%ر ذات ��"ة إ&' ���, :U% . ت�"��� " . و��YH. ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 أن ��"$: �4ف $�Cن (��.ة 9: $�6 ا "Yes, of course," she said. "Where did you work with him before?" "In Egypt, in the Valley of the Nobles. We excavated the tomb of Sennofer together. You may have heard of it?" Amalia looked at me carefully. "Oh yes," she said slowly. "Yes, I have. So you worked on Sennofer's tomb?"….. I nodded. Amalia didn't say much after that. She showed me the site. It was quite similar to Machu Picchu, on top of a rocky hill and surrounded by other peaks.

;�< " : ��� ، >� . J) :9" 9: وادى ا���Uء " " أ�] ,��; (�0 (] >�\ ؟ . %9" ���4�U�4 "��< [�, "����� U�_آ� . ;�ر��� أ��4 6�%م " .,0U ؟ �Hه� :� إ���; ��Sء . %8"ت إ���< . أو{ : " و>% " . " .Y� >�% 0U, ;���\ 9�U4 "�< :9" ؟ . �4�� ;�< .Y9 أو(+ت " .إذن�. ذ�6 .�"أ4: � "�*C� ا���< $Y\ إ�� . ?<�����UH: أرى ا� . >��< 0� S��$ى و"FM \$ ��< :�, _H��_$) .��� .2 :�آن ا���>? �_�0 إ .أ�"ى

Near the excavation area there were huts. One hut had spades and other tools leaning against its side. I could see some people working. Dr Hafez had told me there were about twenty people working on the project. Already you could see the outlines of different buildings. There were foundations of walls. Everywhere people were carefully brushing away earth. Amalia started to explain what they were looking for. She pointed towards the side of a hill.

ك أآ�اخ Uه ;%ت آ�"���س ������ن . و,�: �%Q أ2. هj{ اrآ�اخ اUH4.ت (�ر�Z وأدوات أ�"ى . ���ار (�Y�U اU�ورأ�; ��n ا���_"وع �9: ذ��6 ا��>�; آ�ن (�] ا����C] أن $�"ى ا���.ود آن ا�.آ�Hر . �����ن �� �F�! [�"_�, :�2s9 >�. أ��"%�: أ%�0 ����. ��2ا

���HF) ن���ر��� F�4ت (] ا���اSE . اك أ4Uه ;%��� . آU,رض �"��9 وrاب ,�] ا"�H�ن �����Pن اC) \س 9: آU���.أت . وآن ا 0U, ا ���*�ن�% ا�jى آ) :� a�$ ��%Q أ2. ا��Hل . إ��� :� . أ!رت إ

"We think that we may have found a tomb of a Chimu king. The Chimu sometimes built their tombs in hillsides like this. And that hill is called 'hill of the king in the Inca language," Amalia

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said to me. "The Incas conquered the Chimu but they allowed their kings to rule - if they were loyal to the Incas. They sent the Chimu kings' sons to Cuzco, the Inca capital, to make sure their fathers were loyal!" •. "How interesting," I said. "And what have you found so far?" "Some bits of pottery," Amalia replied. "And we've found the bones of some animals. We've been working on that building over there. We think it's a kind of entrance hall. Perhaps it is where the priests carried out their rituals. And at the end of the building you can see a wall. " She pointed to a wall in the hillside. The bushes had been cleared away and I could see a pattern of rocks.

���: إ�� ;��"ه< �9: . %�YH. أ%0 (] ا����H\ أن %�Cن >. و�.% (�Y"ة أ�2. (���ك $�_��� : " >�Y) ء�U�� ن��)�Y� �%آ�ن أه�\ $�_��� أ�2Q%ا��6 � ) $\ ا���6(وذاك ا�H\ �#�: . ا��Hل (*\ ذC%ا� �W� ���د $�_��� ، إc أ%)�< ����4ا �����آ)< أن �����Cا . �C%ا أه�\ ا�P�] .�Y9

C%ه\ ا�r >ءهcآ�زآ� . �_"ط أن �8)"وا و :�ء (��ك $_��� إUو>. أر��4ا أ� . >(E��H+آ.وا (] وcء '� ، C%إ ��M, . " ;�< " : �� ) 0� " .و(ذا و�.$< �H2: اvن ؟ . ] أ(" !�� ���ر��� : " أ���; إ��F���8م ���n ا����ا%�ت . ���n أ��Pاء (�] اrوا%�: ا, . وو��.%

ك Uد ه�������\ 9: ذ�6 ا���U: ا� %�اM\ اU�ن ا��jى (�رس 0��9 ا��4�Y� ��U(C)< . و(ز�C���YH. أ%�0 �)�� ا���.�\ ور��� ���Cن ه�� ا% . �E�� ا���U: و��6UC أن $"ى 2(% :9 . " \H�%Q ا� :9 SE2 :��; أن أرى %��� (�] . أ!رت إ�H4ات ،وا"��_�وآن >. $< إزا�2 ات ا��FJر ���J$ .

"So you think the tomb is behind that wall?" "Yes, we think so. But we Won't know until we make a hole in the wall and see what lies behind it." Suddenly there was a shout from one of the men working on the site. He called us over. "It looks like Ramon has found something interesting. Let's have a look." We walked over to where Ramon was working. Ramon was a small dark man with a face burned by the sun. He had brushed away the earth from something. "What is it, Ramon?" said Amalia. "It's a gold figure of a child," Ramon said. "The Incas sacrificed children to please the gods. They put these gold figures beside the body of the little girl or boy."

SE ؟ " ���YH.ون أن ا���Y"ة ��Z ذاك ا$ >H%6 " ." إذن أ��YH. ذ% >�% . 0���� .���� SE و%�"ى (���� �9: ا��Y& H��$ :�H2 [<��% [�� �UUC� ". ?<�������ن 9: ا� [�j�ل ا�"� . 8UU�9" . �9+ة M.رت ���M (] أ2. ا�) إ��: " .���U�9 %�8"ة . ���.و أن را(��ن >�. و��. !��� هU�_�)

\����Y. أزاح ا��H"اب ,�] !�D . آن را(�ن ر�� �WM" ا��#< ، أ�4" ا��_"ة ، ذا و�0 >�. أ0�H<"2 ا��_�~ . k�2 آن را(�ن �. ;��< ��ل را(�ن " .( هjا � را(�ن ؟ : " إ��< " : \����)�� . إ0% $�*ل ذه�: vء ا�aا��] �ر"�Yل آ���rن ا�).�Y� �C%ن أه�\ ا�آ�%�ا . آ�

}jن ه��A� "�WJ�&�\ ا�jه��� ���ار �#. ا����� أو ا���\ ا�H� " . ا"How terrible," I said. -"Yes, a person's life did not have much value for the Incas." Ramon said something to Amalia in Spanish. She nodded her head and Ramon went off quickly in the direction of a hut. She turned to me to explain. "Ramon has gone to get Pablo Alvarez. We show Pablo everything we find here." "Who is he?" "Pablo works for the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. He's also on the committee which advises the UNESCO representative about our project. He makes a note of everything we find. Of course, everything we find stays in Peru. It belongs to the Peruvian people. You know there are thieves here who try to rob our tombs." "I know," I said. "We've had the same problem in Egypt since the time of the Pharaohs."

;�< " : 6� أ89? ذ) ". " >�% . C%ه\ ا�r ��#U��2ة ا�_�F >��� آ��"ة � \*�$ >� . " �4%�� ، 9+و)+ت �"أ(4rا �WW�� ��! ��{ أ2. اrآ�اخ . >ل را(�ن ����$ �H_"ح �: . ا%J"ف را(�ن (#", �:��Y. ." وا�H�H; ه: إ

��ر ��A��2� را(��ن Qذه� Pر����� . � أ�Uه }.��% D��! أى ������9 " ." و(��] ���Cن ه��� ؟ " . " %��] %���"ض ��Y*���.ى وزارة ا \����� ����� . ا���"و��9 U,و"_��� �HF� ��9 �C#%��� �a] ا����U ا��Y$ :Hم ����ر (�*�� اAوه� أ� . }.��% D�! \إ%�0 ��.ون آ� . D�! \آ� ?�����

�Q ا���"و _�� . 9: %�.{ �8\ 9: ��"و ، 6�) �(9 �%"�Y) �<"4 ن��و�� Uص ه�J�. أ%� أ,�"ف ذ��6 : " >��; " .أ%; $�"�9] أ0% ���. �U,ا"�� %�~ ا��_J, jU) ��C" اU�.� ;�زا)

"Oh, here's Pablo," Amalia said. "He'll tell you all about what he does." A tall young man came towards us. "Where is the figure?" he asked. Amalia showed it to him. He looked at it. "Beautiful. So interesting and so sad," he said. "There may be wonderful things inside this tomb. When are you going to open it?" "Very soon," Amalia said. "In the next few days. Then well find out for sure. Pablo, let me introduce Leila El-Assaby." "Ah yes, mucho gusto, I'm pleased to meet you," said Pablo. "Is this your first visit to Peru?" "Yes," I replied.

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"Do you know much about Peru and its ancient culture?" "Not as much as you, I'm sure," 1 said. "But I read quite a lot about Peru before I came here."

���; إ��< " : ���(� " .�4ف ��F"ك آ\ !D ,] ,��0 . ه ه� �Y�ب ���\ ا! ل : " �4+ل .$Y.م %��%�*�H� " . أ��] ا���أ���0�H إ��ل *�H�. راE? �.ا و�P2] �.ا . ���\ : " >ل . %8" إ��0 . ,�: ا�rد(� ��ل اY��H+آ��. . م ا�����Y ا��� ، أ>�.م . j�U�2 �4ف %��"ف ���

QJY����: ا 6� " ���ل �< " : >�% }' . �H#��_$�) . 6H��Y�� ه\ هj{ أول ز�رة �6 إ�: ��"و ؟ . أ% (#"ور ر$) ا�Y.��� ؟ " ." أ�\ : " أ��; A2و و"�� [, "�*C��"ف أ%; : " >�; " .ه\ $�"�9] ا$ �H+آ��. ��~ �Y.ر (��UUC: >�"أت آ*��"ا . �

Uه :� " . �.ا ,] ��"و >�\ �A2رى إ"I hope you have learned what the Inca culture means to the people of Peru today," he said. "The Incas were a great civilisation. They ruled over a huge area of South America. Their empire extended from what is now Colombia in the north to the country that is now Chile in the south. They ruled over mote than ten million people. They built great cities and made beautiful things. We Peruvians are very proud of our Inca heritage. We allow foreigners to come here and excavate our ancient cities. We are happy to do that, but we want to keep the things you find here in Peru, where they belong. We have to be careful, because there are many robbers who come here to steal our culture and sell it to rich collectors. There are even museums that buy objects that have been stolen from Peru. Museums - not private collectors. Can you believe that?" He smiled. "I'm sorry, Miss El-Assaby. I've just met you already I'm making a speech."

ل < " : .< :%�C$ أن :U�$أ "a���Q ��"و 9: ا��>; ا_� ��#U�� C%رة إA2 :U�رة ,����8 . ,��; (ذا $A�2 ن���*�� �C%ن أه�\ إآ���"ف /��C2 .Y9ا (��Fa �Y�U (] ا .$ :�H�ل إ��: ا�.و��� ا�_�� �9: ا���)���C� ����"ف 2� ا������U وا(H.ت إ�)"ا��ر�(H< �.ا�� (�Cر�

�_��: 9: ا���Uب ����ا أ!��ء ������ . ( ��P. ,�: ,_"ة (���] %#�� آ%�ا ����Cن . 2U�M����8 و, %��] ا���"و��9] . ��U� .Yا (�.د% U� صF� اC%اث إ"H� .ا�رون �F9 . ���.Y� اU%.) [, ا��YUو� Uه :�%Q �+ن �+$�ا إ��� �#% U%إ . �UUC��4�.اء ��+ن %���\ ذ��6 ، و [�%

Uه ء ا�H: $�.و%)�!r� s�H�% أن .�"% :�HU$ k�2 9: ��"و �.�. (�] ا����Jص ا���j] ��+$�ن . �ك اUن هr [�J�"2 Uن ه�C% أن Q�� (�] ���"و (H<"�4 ;��$ ءH_�$ Z2"ى أ!���H) ك�Uأن ه ���ر.�ت ، ��UHY��ء (] ه�اة ���? ا�U]�� (%�� و���U$رA2 ا�<"#�� Uه :�. إ

ت �UHY��Z2 ـ ��~ اأ9"اد (] ه�اة ��? اH) .$ 6 أن� . J.>: ذ�6ه\ >#Hا� " : :�JY� '%#� ا� Z4' 8ت وه أ% اvن أ�Y: ,��6 ���� . أ%�� jU) 6H��< .Y� . "

"No, you're quite right, Senor Alvarez. We must not let anything fall into the hands of thieves." "Bueno. Good," he said. "Then we agree about this. It is nice to meet you, Miss El-Assaby. Hasta luego. Goodbye for now." ^ Three days later we broke through the wall into the tomb. It was one of the most exciting days of my life. I sat down late that afternoon and wrote a long e-mail to Samira. I knew she'd want to hear about it. I told her she could write an article about it for her newspaper. Anyway, this is what I wrote.

" c . Pر��� ��U4ر أ� ) .��Q أc %#� أن �Y? أى !D 9: أ�.ى ا���Jص. أ%; (�� $�ل < " : Q�� D! اjن . ه+_��6 �� '%�#� ا��J�Y: �4"رت ��Y . إذن ��Y�H) [�U�9ن �j�(ا ا�H�� . �H<V) " .ودا,��U�H9 م��. (�"ور &�&�� أ���

إ�: ا���Y"ة Uود�� SE��م إ&رة 9: �2$: . ا�r6 (] أآ*" ا��� ����� . آن ذ�. t)" ذ�6 ا���م وآ�H; ر4� [) "�+H) ;<9: و ;#����"�. ا��HC"و%: إ�: ��4"ة � . 6� $�Q أن $#�? ,] ذ(U$أ�. ,��; أ (H���J�� 6��c ,�] ذ�Y) Q�HC$ أن �(%C)�� 0�%أ ,��: أى . �"$) 0H�Hآ ) �% :�� 2ل ��9 .

Dear Samira, We haven't found treasure - yet. But this has been an amazing day! We opened the wall of a tomb. It may be the tomb of a king. We're all very excited here. The area around the wall had been cleared before I arrived. It had been covered with thick bushes. I was amazed by the wall. The blocks of stone were so beautifully cut and put in place like a giant jigsaw puzzle. We had to work very slowly because we didn't want to damage them in any way. Eventually we managed to move one stone and take it out. We removed some more blocks of stone, again very carefully. Soon we had a hole that was big enough for someone to go through. Dr Hafez asked Ramon, one of our workers, to go into the tomb first. Ramon's quite small. He's the only one of our workers who is, small enough to get through the hole. " Ramon got ready to enter the tomb. He had a large flashlight with him. There was a long rope tied round his waist. Dr Hafez' pulled the rope to make sure it was tight. He wrapped one end of the rope around his body. "Be careful, Ramon," Dr Hafez said. "Go as far as you can. Tell us what you see." Ramon slipped through the hole in the wall. Dr Hafez let the rope pass through his hands. We watched the rope and waited. We seemed to be waiting for a long time. But it was probably only a couple of minutes before we heard Ramon's voice on the two-way radio.

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"Hello, Dr Hafez!" he called. "Yes, Ramon," Dr Hafez called. " What can you see ?" "I'm at the bottom of the cave," Ramon said. "It's really quite deep. I can see some bones and some bits of pottery. But that's all I can see right now." "Are the bones animal bones or human bones ?" Dr Hafez asked. "Human bones," said Ramon. "Good. We'll put a ladder down now and Ramon can fix it securely," Dr Hafez said. Two workmen lowered a long ladder. By now it was getting dark. It gets dark early near the equator. After Ramon got out, Dr Hafez ordered that the wall should be shut up again. "We can't do any more today," he said. "We'll get all our equipment ready to start our exploration of the tomb tomorrow. Well done, Ramon. Well done, everyone." Samira, there's only one thing that is worrying me. One of the archaeologists here obviously doesn't tike me. I think she doesn't like the fact that I am Dr Hafez's assistant and that I am in charge of her team. I'm going to have to talk to him. Anyway, we're going to start exploring the tomb. I'll e-mail you again and tell you what happens. Your loving sister, • Leila

/ ,P�P$: ��4"ة �C] ا���م آن ��( (jه� . �< %�. آPUا ـ H2: اvن ! "��Y���2SE ا�2.ى ا U�H9 . ك�����. >�. $��Cن (��Y"ة أ�2. ا

رة !.�.ة &�� "�_% Uه ���� [�%. :��Mو \�< SE��� ������ة �_��"ات آ*��� . �Y. $< إ��ء ا���Y�U ا�W) \�< [) ;%أده_U: . آ SE���F�a >���� [�C< .ذ�6 ا ����Y�� ـ (*�\ �P�W ا���Jر ا�(%C) :�9 �,��a�)ا و.� \��� ��% :�, ���Y) ��"���. �Y9ا�Q ا�HC\ ا

c %"�. أن $��) ,�: أى %�� U%r .�.! ءS�� \�� أن %U��, ن 9: $�"��6 ��2" وا�2. وا�4 . آU��% 0 أ��"ا�ا"FH. .��P�� �P�Uع ا�U�< (� ��H9 آ��"ة �.ر�� $#� �_�F أن ��" ��U�.� �Mأ و4",ن (Aص !.�. أ� "�� ��"������Q ا��.آ�Hر . (] هj{ ا��Yا�Q ا

cة أو"�Y�� و�.,: را(�ن أن �.�\ اU�2s9 (] أ2. ,� . �U��, [��� [�) .��2�� را(�ن �WM" ا���#< إ��: �2. آ���" ، 9)�� ا��_�F ا ��H����"ور (] ��ل ا� 0� �#� "�WM >#� 0��. را(��ن ��.��ل ا����Y"ة . ا�jى H4و��2\ ����\ . ا ��F�a �90 ��ر��� آ�_��آ�ن (

}"J� آ. أ%0 و&�� . ("��ط �2ل+H�� \��� . و>م ��Z �"ف ا���\ �2ل � . 0�#�jب ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 ا s9 $"ى اذهQ إ�: أ�. آ] j2را � را(�ن : " >ل ا�.آ�Hر 2�� $#��H? وأ��"%) .� . "

SE���� را(�ن (] ��ل ��H9 اP%0 . ا��.� [��� [�) "�� \���8"%� . $"ك ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 اH%وا \���� ا�U�<را . ;�<�� "8HUU�4 �U%+ا وآ.�� \��� . :C�4��ل ا�YH4cل وا �Mت را(�ن ,�" �)ز ا�ر4U��4 :H2 نHY�<د cإ "�$ >� دى .�C] ر��% : " s9 دآ�Hر 2�2") "

. s9ح ا�.آ�Hر 2M " : را(�ن � >�ذا $"ى ؟ . %) . " ل را(�ن < " : Z(C�ع ا< :9 2. ���. . أ% :�ر��� . إ%0 9: ا���Y�Y ,��� إF���8م و���n أ��Pاء (�] اrوا%�: ا��. إ%�U: أرى ���n ا

�C] هjا ه� آ\ ( أرا{ اvن . " s9ل " .,�8م ��_"�� : " >�ل را(��ن "م ��2ا%�ت أم ,�8م ��_"��؟ ه�: ه: ,8: " 4+ل ا�.آ�Hر 2�< s9ل ���%Pال ��4< ����\ " .�4ف %PUل ��4 أvن و�#��H? را(�ن أن �*�C_� 0H\ '(] . 2#] : " ا�.آ�Hر 2����ن (] اU&م ا< . j�E.U,

�Y"ب (] �S ا�H4cاء SE (�"ة أ��"ى و���. ��"وج را(��ن أ(�" ا��.آ�Hر �2s9 . �.أ ا��8م ��\ (�C"ا ����ل . ���[�ق ���H9 ا�< " : cف ا���Y"ة [.ا . %#��H? أن %�Yم �+ى !D '�" ا���م _CH4أ ا.�U� U$ا.�) ?��� P(�% ن . �4ف�)را � ;U#2أ . ���� >HU#2أ ." ��4"ة � :UY�Y� .2وا D! كUه . :�U��$ c �Uر ه�&vء ا آ��%: (�#,.ة ���.آ�Hر أ,�YH. أc 0�% . (] ا��اa أن وا�2.ة (�] ,����(���� (Y�"9 [, ����#) :U%وأ s92 . 0��ف ا����Y"ة و��4ف أر�4\ ��6 . �4ف أ�a" إ�: ا���H.ث (_�CH4ل �9#�ف %��.أ �9: ا,��: أى �2

��"�. ا��HC"و%: ("ة أ�"ى ��r"ك �� ��.ث � . Q & AQ & AQ & AQ & A

Answer the following questions: 1- Why did Leila have a headache and was tired after arriving in Peru? * As it would take her a few days to adjust to the time difference and thealtitude. 2- Why did Dr Hafez want the UNESCO representative to have a good impression about his work? * As it was an important project but the UNESCO wouldn't support it the following year unless they found something important. 3- How did Amalia react to Leila's request to show her the site? * Amalia wasn't very happy. 4- How was the area of the archaeological site like? * It was quite similar to Machu Picchu, on top of a rocky hill surrounded by other peaks

5- How much knowledge did Leila know about the Incas? * She did some work on the Incas when she was at the university. * She also read Dr Hafez's reports about the excavation. 6}- Why did Dr Hafez choose Leila to work with him in Peru? As she was an experienced archaeologist. She also worked with Dr Hafez before.

7- What did the Incas do to ensure the loyalty of the Chimu kings? When the Incas conquered the Chimu, they allowed their kings to rule, but they sent their children to Cuzco to make sure their fathers were loyal. 8- What did Amalia tell Leila about the excavation?

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* She said they had found some bits of pottery, some animal bones, a kind of entrance hall and a wall. 9- What did Ramon find? * He found a gold figure of a child. 10- What did the Incas do to please their gods? * They sacrificed children to please the gods and put gold figures beside the body of the little girl or boy. 11- What do you know about Pablo Alvarez? * He worked for the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. * He was on the committee which advised the UNESCO representative about the project. * He made note of every thing they found. 12- What did Alvarez say about the Incas? * The Incas were a great civilisation. * They ruled over a huge area of South America {from Columbia to Chile}. * They built great cities and made beautiful things. 13- Why did the Peruvian government allow foreigners to Excavate in Peru? * They were proud of the Incas civilisation . * They wanted to reveal the secrets of that civilis * They wanted to protect their heritage from robt 14- Why did the archaeologists have to work very slowly? * ..........so as not to damage the things they discovered . 15- Why was Ramon chosen to be the first one to get inl the tomb? * ...........As he was the only one of the four workers who was enough to get through the small hole made by Dr Hafez an team. 16- What did Ramon see when he first got into the tomb * He saw some bits of pottery and some human bones. 17- What news did Leila's fi rst e-mail to Samira contain? * It contained news about exploring the tomb by Ramon aft making a hole in the wall.

1- Amalia thought Leila was in Peru only because ................................................. ……………….. 2- Leila thought if it hadn't been for her cleverness as an archaeologist......................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... 3- Jet lag is the cause of .......................................................................................... ………………. 4- The local UNESCO representative should have a good impression about Dr Hafez's work as ......................................................................................................................................................... 5- If the UNESCO representative was not satisfied with Dr Hafez's Work,...................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... 6- Both the Machu Picchu and the Quenco sites were similar because.......................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... 7- The Chimu kings' sons were sent to Cuzco to ..................................................... ……………… 8- The Incas sacrificed children in order to ............................................................ ……………….. 9 - The Peruvian government does its best to protect their heritage lest........................................ ......................................................................................................................................................... 10- When Ramon got into the tomb, ...................................................................... ……………….. 11- The archaeologists had to work very slowly so as not to................................. ……………...... 12- As soon as Ramon found a gold figure, .................................................................................. 13- Robbers didn't value the treasures of the ancient so ....................................... ……………… 14- Leila asked Amalia for some pills because ........................................................ ……………. 15- Amalia seemed not to be very happy when ....................................................... ……………...

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Read these quotations and answer the questions:

" We're expecting a visit from the local UNESCO Representative next week." a} Who said these words, to whom? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b} Why was that visit important? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… c} What were they looking for? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

" The Incas sacrificed children to please the gods." a} Who said these words, to whom? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b} What was the occasion? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… c} What did the Incas put beside the bodies of children? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

" I did some work on the Incas when I was studying at the Italian Institute of archaeology. " a} Who was the speaker, to whom? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b} What made the speaker do her / his work in Rome? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… c} How was the speaker's experience useful? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

" We've had the same problem in Egypt since the time of the pharaohs. " a} Who said these words, to whom? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b} Which problem were they talking about? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… c} Why was that problem found in countries like Egypt and Peru? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

" He's also on the committee, which advises the UNESCO"

a} Whom was Amalia talking about? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b} What was the nature of his work? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… c} What was the role played by the UNESCO? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

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Chapter 5

upset 6�$") hesitate دد"H� lap-top computer $0��2آ���� \(#� " make friends with ?) ت ��Cن M.ا>disappointed S��) stop dead آ�"�� �Z<�H ,] اto get it fixed 0��J� shadow \t inspect pH�� doorway \�.) silly ��2أ /Z�F4 in the direction of } 9: ا$�in charge ل��#) suspicious كC! get along better "�#H�?) point to :� �_�" إtake a look 8"ة% :Y�� member �A, restaurant >��) log on internet ;%"H%cا :�, \�.�

wander ل��H� website ;%"H%cا :�, ?<�) colourful ان��r� :U] preparations ادات.�H4ا sunshine ~�_��ـ to survey أ!�� ا #) \�� ��Yم �combination S��� ancestors .اد / أ�4ف�أ

When I finished my e-mail to Samira that afternoon, I thought about what I'd written. I could hardly believe it. Dr Hafez had thought there was a royal tomb in the city. Now it seemed he was right. I couldn't wait to explore the tomb. But I was also worried. I was upset that Amalia was so unfriendly to me. I went to find Dr Hafez. He was sitting in front of his lap-top computer. I wondered if he was e-mailing someone too. "Are you busy, Dr Hafez?" I asked. "Hello, Leila. No, I'm having problems with my computer. I'll have to go into our office in Quenco and see if they can help. Would you like to come with me?"

;�Hآ �� ا��"�. ا��HC"و%m إ�: ��4"ة ��. t)" ذ�6 ا���م ، C9"ت ��9Hآ [) ;�(H%ا ).U, . ق.Mأآ. أ >� . �Hآ.��ر �2s9 أن ��Y. ا,�YH. ا �U�.�� ���. 9: ا�C�) اب . >�"ا�M :�, ن8ر Z_CH#% :H2 ا���Y"ة . ��.و اvن أ%0 آH%cا :�, "�Mأ >� . Aأ�� �Y�< ;Uآ :UC� . ;�Uآ

آ%; [�" ودودة $�ه: �.ر�� آ��"ة ���r ��Aن إ��� "�ل آن ���~ ا(م �)ز ا�����C$" ا�U.ذه�; k��r ,] ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 . أ!�Yص �0 F� . اAأ� ) �F! :� إذا آن �"4\ �"�.ا إ�HC"و%� إ) ;�ء#$. ;����: " " ه\ أ%; (_�Wل � دآ�Hر 2s9 ؟ : " 4+ � �2")

. "$����C�آ\ 9: �)ز ا_��,.$: . c ، إ%U: أوا�0 ��n ا#�) >(%�C)�� ن 9: آ����CU وأر إن آ�U�HC) :�. �4ف أ�a" إ�: ا�.��ل إ " . �] أن $+$: (�: ؟ ه\ $��

I was disappointed. "Aren't we going to explore the tomb?" I asked. Dr Hafez laughed. "Of course we are. We'll start the day after tomorrow. But I need to get my computer fixed as quickly as possible. I also need to see the UNESCO people before they come to inspect us. There are always a lot of things to do." "I know," I said. "Dr Hafez, there is one thing I wanted to ask your advice about." "What's that?" "Amalia. She isn't very friendly towards me." He looked at me. "Why? What's the matter, Leila? Don't you like Amalia?"

�U: ا��2ط وr+4ت Mة ؟ : " أ"�Y��ف ا_CH4c [ذاه�� U#����? jU�4ه6�a " . Q ا�.آ�Hر 2s9 " . أ� . .�] .����UC: . ��4ف %��.أ � [C�� ص �: �+4"ع (F� "$����C�ز ا(� �Mأر�. أن أ . �C#�%���(��] �����8U ا��� أن أ>��\ اAأر�. أ�� �U��, p��H�H��. >��\ أن ��+$�ا

م �)��Y�ء ا�Q�� :H ا�!rا [) "�*C� ���. ا�Eأ,�"ف : " >��; " .دا 6 ��_+0% �� دآ��Hر . أ%��U) J�U�ك !�D وا�2. أردت أن أ$��Y: ا�Uه s9 " . " و( ذ�6 ا�_D ؟ " ." 2�� " 9): [�" ودودة (�: �.ر�� آ��"ة . إ%) إ��

:�ذا ؟ ( . " %8" إ�� ؟ �����: ؟ أc $���] إ�� � ")rا . " "I don't think she likes me much." "Don't be silly, Leila. You two are about the same age. You're both archaeologists. You should be friends."

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"I know. You're right. Maybe it's because I'm your assistant. Or maybe it's because she's in my team. There was no one in charge until I arrived." "You'll get along better when you start working with her properly. She's a good archaeologist. She knows a lot about these tombs. She's done a lot of good work on this excavation. Anyway, you haven't answered my question." "What question?" "Are you going to come with me to Quenco tomorrow? You can take a look around the town while I'm busy. There are some interesting Spanish-style houses and squares in the old part of town."

"c ���: " ." أ,YH. أ%) $��U: آ*�"اأ% � ZF#�ر . د,6 (] هjا ا&vء ا��, [) وآ�آ���"Y$ [#� 9: %�~ ا�H%أ . %�C$ أن Q��ء <.M6 " ." أ� Y�"9 [�a: . وأ%; ,�: �Mاب . أ% أ,�< ذ(%r ,.$6 أو ر��#) :U%أ Q�#�ك أ�2. (�#��ل . ر�� ��Cن ا�Uه [C� >�9

آ� �H2 " " :W�U: و�M; ا%(�) \��� $�.أ�] ا).U, \A9أ \C_� �ن (�� H$ .ة . �4ف���ر �&' ����, ��"ف ا�C*��" ,�] . إ%)$ :�(9 "�Y��ت . هj{ ا�"���ل ا���.ة ه�ل هj{ ا�,rا [) "�*C��Y. أ%�Pت ا . :�ه�\ " ." أى V�4ال ؟ " .,�: أى 2ل أ%; �< $���: ,�] V�4ا

�: إ�: آ���CU [.ا ) [�$+H4 :�W_�%ة و>�; ا.����ه.ة ا_��� :����H$ 6 أن�UC�� ؟ . :��, ���J������ اEا"�د�] ا����زل وا�U��ك ���n ا�Uه�4%: 9: ا��Pء ا�Y.�< (] ا���.ة rاز ا"�� " . ا

So next morning we set off down the dusty track to Quenco. Amalia drove. Dr Hafez has never liked driving, especially, he says, in a foreign country. Most of the town was new with the usual shops and restaurants. Dr Hafez went to the project office, but I decided to wander off into the old part of the town. He told me where the most interesting churches and squares were. I walked down quiet little streets. It was a warm day. Women dressed in colourful hats and dresses sat in the sunshine. Children ran after me, laughing and clapping their hands. These people are the Incas of today, I thought. Their ancestors ruled a great empire. How strange that I should be exploring the tomb of one of their kings.

�CUآ�� :� ,�" ا��"�� ا�H"ا�: إUY�"� :9 UY��%ا :�H�ح ا�J���< ��C] . وهjCا 9: ا s9رة k��2 أن ا��.آ�Hر �2�#�� $��Yد ا���آ%�; إ�� S< دة�Y��0 و��M 9: ��. أ�Q�� .�< .2 :�, :�U ا . ��9��+��,< ا����8< (� �9: ا����.ة �2.�* و�)� ا�����ت وا�ذه�Q ا��.آ�Hر . آن (

�2s9 إ��: (Q�HC ا���_"وع ، و��UC: >�"رت أن أ$���ل ����.ا دا��\ ا���Pء ا��Y.�< (�] ا����.ة . ~E�UC�أ��"%�: ا��.آ�Hر ,�] ا(�آ] أروع اد�] ���ء ����#] $��; أ!��� ا��_�~ . �>; دا��9 آن ا��� 9: ذ�6 ا� . (_�; ,�" !�ارع �WM"ة هد�E . وا#�U�ت . آ�ن ا���< [�.�$")

���ان rة ا.��., [�$�Y�J�) [�C2] . و#�9�a :���� ل���rا n���M"ة : >��; �9: %��#: . ��"ى ���� ا�C%ء أه�\ إcV.اده< . ه���أ >�C2 . آ< ه� ["�Q أن أ�Y) Z_CH4"ة أ2. (��آ)< . إ(�"ا��ر�� ,���8

It was hot now and I was feeling a little tired. I still had a bit of a headache. Perhaps it was a combination of jet-lag and the effects of the altitude. I needed to sit down and have a cool drink. Maybe there was a cafe nearby. Dr Hafez and I had agreed to meet at twelve o'clock at the Hotel Grande. I looked at my watch. It was half-past eleven. I had time for a drink if I could find a cafe.

D_����n ا� Q��H�� "�2را ,jE.U وآU; أ!� ���ر��� آ�ن ذ��6 �"��? إ��: ����S (�] . وآc ;�U ازال أ!��" ����Y\ (�] ا��J.اع . آن ا�. ر��2 � Q�H�ول (�_"وب ��رد . ��"ان ����� و$+&�"ات اcر$�ع ,] �4 ا���" ا�#2س ��U$س و�����9: 2�� إ�: ا ;Uآ . ر��� ��"Y) :�, :(Y) كUن ه%�� ,_"ة ���U.ق �"ا%�. . آ*��\ 9: اYH% أن UY�$ا .< s9د��� . %�8"ت �9: �4,H: . آU; وا�.آ�Hر 2��آ%�; ا

ZJU�ول (_. ,_"ة واU$ى و>; آ: أ.��; أن أ�. (Y):وآن �H4إن ا ."و�I came to a bigger street. It opened out onto a big square. A sign on the wall said PLAZA MAYOR. There must be a cafe in the square, I thought. There it was. Cafe de la Plaza, the sign said. There were some people sitting outside drinking coffee in the sunshine. But I was hot and I wanted a table out of the sun. I looked at the tables in the shade. There was someone I knew sitting at one of the tables. It was Amalia. I hesitated, then I thought of what Dr Hafez had said about making friends with her. He was right. It was silly for us not to know each other better. I decided to go and talk to her. But then I saw something that made me stop dead. There was someone sitting at Amalia's table. It was a man, and his face was in the shadow. He seemed to have fair hair and he was wearing a shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Was it the man I had met on the plane? If it was, I didn't want them to see me. If it was Lander, what was he doing there? I saw Amalia shaking her head. She seemed upset about something.

رع أآ��" ! :�رع ���A: إ��: (��.ان آ���" . و�M; إ_����H9c SE (��HCب ,��)� . وه�jا ا���ك ,��: ا�Uن هآ�� ه�� " ���زا (���ر " آ� �H9��و��ن ا�Y)�ة $�; أ!��� ا��_�~ . (�HCب ,�: اUH� :(Y��س ���#�ن �رج اU�ك ��n اUن ه��UC: آ�U; أ!��" ���"ارة ا���� . آ

a. ا�����دة 9: ا�8\ . دت (AU.ة ���.ة ,] ا�_�~ وأرU��a. . %8"ت إ�: اU��ك !�F أ,"09 ���~ إ�: ا2.ى هj{ اUن هإ%) . آ �� .إ��(H<دJ�) [�, s9��0 ا��.آ�Hر �2< ا�Y9 . "��v. آ�ن ,��: ��Mاب . $"ددت ، &< C9"ت ���9�U) \ف آ�"��� cأ ZF#��آ�ن (�] ا

Page 150: 3rd Year First Term


\A9رة أ�J� . Qرت أن أذه"< (�� . وأ$�.ث إ�)���U: أ$�>�Z ,�] ا��"آ�� $�� �jE.U, [C رأ�; !���. :��ك !��F ����~ إ�Uن هآ� ��("ا ,�] أآ�(�0 . آن ر�� وآن و�)0 9: ا�AU) . \8.ة إ���! ، J���< ه�\ آ�ن ه�� ا�"��\ . �.ا وآ+ن !�"{ أ!Y" وآ�ن ("$�.�

E"ة ؟ إن آن ه� ، 9+% c أ �� $)�P رأ�4) ا�jى >��0H 9: ا��� ؟ رأ��; إ���U0 ه��. ر�. أن �_ه.ا%: ، وإن آن ه� c%.ر �9 ا�jى آن �� ) D! ن+_� �Y�< و.�$ ;% . آ

As I stood in a doorway watching them, I noticed Pablo cross the square and go in the direction of the UNESCO office. Then the clock in a church tower started to strike the hour. I looked at my watch. Twelve noon. I was going to be late for my meeting with Dr Hafez. Was I being suspicious for nothing? Was I feeling suspicious because I knew that Amalia didn't like me? I decided to tell Dr Hafez about seeing Amalia and the man together.

�C#%���82; ���� وه� ���" ا���.ان و�jهQ 9: ا$�{ (QHC اc >(�<ا�\ أرا.�� و>�; 9: أ2. ا�U�� . 9: �"ج إ�2.ى �,#�,jE.U �.أت اE~ $.ق UC�4,H: . ا :�%�� ,_"ة t)"ا . %8"ت إ*�ع (? ا�.آ�Hر . ا�H�cا :�, "�6 ��� . 2s9 آU; �4ف أ$_�ه\ آن �#ور%: ا

�) \�"� وذ�6 ا����� :Hرؤ� [, s9 U��$ c: ؟ >"رت أن أ��� ا�.آ�Hر 2�� .Q�4 ؟ ه\ آن �#ور%: ا�_U%r 6: ,"9; أن إ��I found my way to the Hotel Grande. Dr Hafez was waiting outside. "Ah, there you are," he said. "I was wondering what had happened." "Dr Hafez. Quick! Come with me. I have to show you something." I led him back through the side streets to the square. "Look," I said, and pointed to the table where Amalia and the man had been sitting. But two other people were sitting at the table now. "What is it?" Dr Hafez asked. "Amalia Guzman and the man from the mining company - " "Mander?" "Martin Lander. I think that they were sitting at that table. They were talking. You remember what you told me about Lander? You thought he helped people to steal things from excavations." "I did. You're right. But are you sure it was the same man? If it was Lander, it would be a bit strange, I agree. But I can't believe Amalia would do anything wrong. I trust her."

رج . �"ا%. ا$jFت �"�Y: إ�: U9.ق F� " . "آ�U; أ$�#ءل (�ذا �2.ث ؟ . '{ ه� أ%�; : " >ل . آن ا�.آ�Hر 28HU) s9"ا 9: ا�� �,"#�� s9ل (�: ! دآ�Hر 2�$ .D! :�, 6�%���� إ��: ا����.ان "��Q أن أ������دة ��ل ا�_�ارع ا�وأ!�"ت " ا%�8" : ">��; . أر!.$0 �"�� ا

إ��(�� وا�"�\ إ�: ا��AU.ة ا�H: آن $��~ إ��ن '�"ان ���#ن ا��AU.ة . JF! ن�C] 9: هj{ ا����8 آ. s9 : " 4+ل ا��.آ�Hر �2�)�.�] " ." أr(" ؟ H� ��ز(ن ور�\ !"آ� ا��%.ر ؟ " ." إ��). "

ن . (ر$] c%.ر " &.�H� %ن إ�: هj{ ا��AU.ة آ#��� %�: ,] c%.ر ؟ آU; . أ,YH. أ%)� آ 0H�< �A)< 9: ه�: $jآ" (� .,$8] أن 4ت �"����C] ه\ أ%; (H+آ.ة أ%0 آن %��~ ا�"��\ ؟ إذا آ�ن ه�� c%�.ر 9+%� أ$��� (��6 أن . أ%; ,�: �Mاب . %�< " ." 4">� أ!�ء (] ا

D_��n ا� أى !D ��+ . ا�C� ")rن ["���� " . إ%U: أ&� �) . و�c :UC أ��H4? أن أM.ق أن $��\ إ��"All right, Doctor Hafez," I said. I didn't know what to think. I was Still feeling a little strange from the thin air at such high altitude. "I don't think you should be so suspicious, Leila. You do worry, don't you? Not like your sister, Samira. She never worries about anything. You should be a bit more like her. Anyway, it's time for lunch. I know a little restaurant. Good family cooking. We'll go there." At lunch, Dr Hafez spoke again. "Look, I know you don't like Amalia very much. And maybe she doesn't like you, because you're my assistant or because you're in charge of her team. I'll have a word with her about that. But you really must try to work with her. She works hard and she's a good member of this excavation." We finished our lunch and Dr Hafez paid the bill.

< ;� " : s9 دآ�Hر 2� U#2 . " "C9أ Zأدر آ� >� . 6���n ا�_Q�#� D >��� اrآ�#��] �9: (*�\ ذ� Q�"] س#2�� "� ز�; أ!) ;Uآ "���ن !.�. اcر$�ع ,] �4 اC�����: ." ا � .������ إ�: ا�_6 إ�: هjا ا��. ا�) :%�C$ أن Q�� 6%أ .YH,أ c . ، ���ورك 9#�� ��Y��9

6�jآ ~�� أآ*" (] ذ���Y$ c :(9 . ���< 6 �_+ن أى !D ,�: ا���ق . ؟ 9+%; �#; (*\ أ�6H ��4"ة أ(�*) :%�C$ أن Q�� . أى :��,2ل 2ن و>; ا�W.اء . ���E, �Y�"�� .ا��م ��� �WM"ا ��): ا��ك . إ%: أ,"ف (��Uه :�$��C< ا��.آ�Hر �2s9 (�"ة " .�4ف %jهQ إول ا�W.ا U$ ءU&أ ��% آ*�"ا �.ا . ا%8"ى : " ء &��6�% (�#���� ,�] . إ%U: أ,"ف أc 6% $���] إ��r أو :$.,#) 6%r 6��$ c :ه ور��

��(Y�"9 . 6��� ,��] ذ��(�����\ ���C. وه��: ,�� �A�������a .] (���,��� . ���4ف أ$���.ث ($ :��(9 ، ��(�) \��������\ ����Q أن $���و�: ا��� [��C� }jت ه�"���ول ا[.اء ، " . اU$ [) U�(H%ب ا#��9$�رة ا s9 ود9? ا�.آ�Hر 2

"I've got my computer fixed and seen the UNESCO people," Dr Hafez said. "Let's get back to the camp. We're going into the tomb tomorrow." But I was still worried. When I got back to the camp, I got out my lap-top and logged on to the internet. I called up the United Mining website. It gave a list of places where they were mining or

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making preparations for mining. I checked through the list of countries and found "Peru". This is what came up: PERU: United Mining operations in Peru ended in 1999. There are no plans to survey or mine in Peru at the present time. I looked at the screen. I was right. Martin Lander was lying when he said that he was working for United Mining in Peru. So if it was Lander, what was he doing here?

ل< s9�����8U ا���%�#�C : " ا��.آ�Hر �2 [����H�ص اF�!rا ;�����: و>v��4: ا2 ;���Mأ .�Y� . "C#������4ف %�.د�\ . U�9"��? إ��: ا�UC: آc ;U أزال أ!�" ���Y " .ا���Y"ة [.ا . ;�%"H%9: ا� \���ص �: و�.أت اF�ل اYU��#C" أ�"�; ا�����C$" ا�� ر��; إ�: ا).U,

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؟ Uه \� .c%.ر، �9ذا آن ��Q & AQ & AQ & AQ & A

Answer the following questions: 1- What was Dr Hafez's opinion of Amalia? ' * He thought: 1} She was a good archaeologist. 2} She knew a lot about those tombs. 3} She had done a lot of good work on that excavation. 2- What made Dr Hafez decide to go to Quenco? * A} to go to the project office to get his computer fixed. B} To meet the UNESCO people before visiting the site.

3- Why did Leila think that Amalia was unfriendly? * ........... as A} Leila was Dr Hafez's assistant. B} Leila was in charge of the team. 4- What advice did Dr Hafez give to Leila concern ing Amalia's Unfriendly manner?

* He thought they should be friends as they were of the same age and they were both archaeologists so they'd get along better when they started working ogether.

5- What did Leila admire in Quenco? * She admired some interesting Spanish-style churches, houses and squares in the old part of the town.

6- Where did Leila decide to go when she felt tired? * She decided to go to a cafe called PLAZA MAYOR in the square.

7- Why did Leila decide, at first, to sit with Amalia in the cafe? * .........as it was a chance for them to talk and understand each other.

8- Why was Leila greatly shocked when she saw Amalia at the cafe? * .......... as she saw Amalia sitting with the man Leila had already met on the plane {Martin Lander}.

9- Why was it suspicious for Amalia to be sitting with Martin? * ......... as Amalia was an archaeologist and Martin was suspected to be a robber of the archaeological sites.

10- What did Leila do on seeing Amalia sitting with Martin? * She went quickly to fetch Dr Hafez to let him see Amalia sitting With Martin.

11- Why was Leila disappointed when she brought Dr Hafez to the cafe? *.......... as Amalia and Martin was no longer sitting at the table.

12- What was Dr Hafez's reaction when Leila said she had seen Amalia sitting with Martin? * He said it would be strange for Amalia to do so, but he was sure she wouldn't do anything wrong as he trusted her.

13- What would Dr Hafez do to narrow the gap between Leila and Amalia?

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* He said he would talk to Amalia about her unfriendly manner with Leila.

14- What did Leila do on arriving at the ca mp from Quenco? * She logged onto the Internet to check the information given to her by Martin about the United Mining.

15- Why was Leila surprised when she called up the United Mining? * ........ As she found that United Mining operations in Peru ended in 1999. So, it was no longer working in Peru.

Complete the following to make meaningful sentences: 1- Dr Hafez decided to go to Quenco to ................................................................. ……………… 2- Dr Hafez advised Leila not to .............................................................................. ……………… 3- Leila thought Amalia was unfriendly to her because ................................................................. 4- Leila was going to the cafe at Quenco when ..................................................... ………………. 5- Dr Hafez asked Amalia to drive the car to Quenco as .............................................................. 6- The town of Quenco was a combination of......................................................... ………………. 7- It was strange for Amalia to be with Martin as ................................................ ………………… 8- Leila was so upset with Amalia that................................................................... ……………… 9- Leila didn't go into the cafe at Quenco when ............................................................................ 10- Leila logged onto the internet so as to..................................................................................... 11- On seeing Amalia sitting at the cafe, Leila thought it would be a good chance to..................... ......................................................................................................................................................... 12- Even ifAmalia was sitting with Martin, ........................................................... …………………. 13- Leila decided to go to a cafe as .............................................................................................. . 14- Dr Hafez had a good opinion of Amalia because ................................................................... . 15- Leila discovered that Martin was a liar when ................................................. ………………… Read these quotations and answer the questions:

1} " Dr Hafez, there is one thing I wanted to ask your advice about." a} What does " one thing " refer to? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b} What was Dr Hafez's advice? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

2} " Are you going to come to Quenco tomorrow? " a} Why would they go to Quenco? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b} How was Quenco an interesting town? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

3}" Quick I come with me I have to show you something. " a} What did Leila want to show Dr Hafez? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b} What was Dr Hafez's opinion? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

4} " You two are about the same age, you're both archaeologists, you should be friends. " a} When were these words said? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b} What was the speaker's advice? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

5}" Not like your sister, you should be a bit like her. " a} Why did the speaker say these words? …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………… b} What was the difference between the two sisters? …………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

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Unit 1 :#��� N D�-

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Unit 2 :#��� N D�-

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Unit 3 :#��� N D�-

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Unit 4 :#��� N D�-

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Test 1 :#��� N D�-

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Unit 6 :#��� N D�-

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Unit 7 :#��� N D�-

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Unit 8 :#��� N D�-

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Unit 9 :#��� N D�-

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Test 2 :#��� N D�-

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Chapter1 :#��� N D�-

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Chapter2 :#��� N D�-

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Chapter3 :#��� N D�-

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Chapter4 :#��� N D�-

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Chapter5 :#��� N D�-

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