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  • 8/2/2019 3ysa



    NAME: Comp #

    Mark the single most appropriate answer.

    1. Submucous diathermy is a treatment of

    a. epistaxisb. deviated nasal septumc. nasal polypid. chronic hypertrophic rhinitis *e. atrophic rhinitis

    2. Cerebro-spinal rhinorrhea

    a. is a common complication of sphenoid sinusitis.b. characterized by discharge containing sugar. *c. treated by nasal packing.d. immediate closure is mandatory.e. usually bilateral

    3. Which of the following is more likely to cause swelling of themaxillary region?

    a. acute maxillary sinusitis.b. chronic maxillary sinusitis.c. dental abscess. *d. antro-choanal polyp.e. allergic rhinitis.

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    4. Which of the following nerves supplies the nasal mucosa?

    a. 2nd cranial nerve.b. 3rd cranial nerve.c. 4th cranial nerve.d. 5th cranial nerve.e. 8th cranial nerve.

    5. Displaced fracture nasal bones

    a. treated as soon as possible.b. treated only after the age of puberty.c. may be treated by submucous resection.d. x-ray nose is mandatory for treatment.

    6. Quinsy is

    a. abscess inside the tonsil.b. usually treated surgically.c. more common in children.d. accumulation of pus lateral to the superior constrictor.e. usually bilateral

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    7. Nasal polypi

    a. usually arise from the maxillary sinus.b. are a premalignant condition.

    c. may be caused by atrophic rhinitis.d. are usually found in the osteomeatal complex.e. is a disease of childhood.

    8. Conductive deafness is caused by all of the following EXCEPT

    a. otosclerosisb. stapes fixationc. Menires Diseased. ossicular dislocatione. tympanosclerosis

    9. Cholesteatoma, all are true EXCEPT

    a. causes bone erosion.b. usually associated with attic perforation.c. may lead to labyrinthitis.d. is of neoplastic origin.e. may be congenital.

    10. The floor of the mouth is commonly involved in

    a. Ludwigs anginab. Glossitisc. Peritonsillar abscessd. Infectious mononucleosis

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    11. The human audible frequency is between

    a. 20 2000 Hz / sb. 20 8000 Hz / sc. 20 20000 Hz / sd. 200 20000 Hz / se. 500 2000 Hz / s

    12. Congenital hearing loss should be treated

    a. before the age of one year.b. at the end of one year of age.c. between one and two years.d. by the age of 4 years.e. at school age.

    13. Complications of sinusitis include all of the following EXCEPT:

    a. orbital cellulitis.b. retrobulbar neuritis.c. dental apical abscess.d. cavernous sinus thrombosis.e. chronic pharyngitis.

    14. The commonest etiological agent in otomycosis is

    a. Actinomyces.b. Aspergillus niger.c. Aspergillus pyocyaneus.

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    d. Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

    15. Menires disease:

    a. is caused by viral infection.b. affects the cochlea.c. characterized by permanent sensorineural hearing loss.d. is treated by stapes mobilization.e. may be complicated by facial nerve palsy.

    16. The main objective of management of atticoantral disease isto

    a. improve hearing.b. reconstruct the ossicular chain.c. repair the perforation.d. prevent complications.e. a and b

    17. Complications of tonsillitis include all of the following EXCEPT:

    a. nephritisb. rheumatoid arthritisc. tonsillolithd. quinsye. parapharyngeal abscess

    18. During the first 24 hours after tonsillectomy, the following is

    (are) alarming manifestation(s):

    a. frequent swallowingb. otalgiac. rising pulse rated. dysphagia

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    e. a and c

    19. The most useful radiological evaluation for the paranasal sinusis

    a. plain lateral view.b. plain occipitomental view.c. axial C.T.d. corneal C.T.e. sagittal C.T.

    20. The audiogram showing a conductive type of hearing loss willindicate

    a. normal air conduction, impaired bone conduction.b. impaired air condition, normal bone conduction.c. impaired air condition, impaired bone conduction.d. normal air conduction, normal bone conduction.

    21. Which is NOT correct about infectious mononucleosis?

    a. It is viral in etiology.b. It causes lymph gland enlargement.c. It is confirmed by positive Paul-Bunnell test.d. There is an increase in the monocytes count.e. There is an increase in the lymphocytes count.

    22. The followings are useful investigations for allergic rhinitis,EXCEPT

    a. Eosinophil count in nasal smear.b. Skin prick test.c. Radioallergosorbent test (RAST).

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    d. Total IgM level.e. Provocation nasal test.

    23. The main function of the Eustachian tube is to

    a. allow secretion from external auditory meatus to pharynx.b. allow free mobility of the tympanic membrane.c. protect the inner ear.d. keep the air pressure the same on each side of the round

    window.e. all the above.

    24. Manifestations of a newly born with bilateral choanal atresiaconsist of all of the following EXCEPT

    a. purulent nasal discharge.b. cyclic breathing.c. cyanosis.d. failure to pass a nasal catheter.e. b and c

    25. Predisposing factors to otomycosis are all of the followingEXCEPT

    a. immunosuppressive disease.b. frequent use of local antibiotics.c. diabetes mellitus.d. exostosis.e. swimming.

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    26. Respiratory obstruction after adenotonsillectomy could be dueto

    a. laryngeal spasm

    b. falling of the tongue backward.c. missed piece of gauze.d. all of the above.

    27. Which of the following is NOT an anatomical feature in themedial wall of the tympanic cavity?

    a. promontory.b. pyramid.c. oval window.d. round window.e. tympanic part of facial nerve.

    28. Myringotomy operation may be performed for

    a. acute otitis media.b. secretory otitis media.c. otosclerosisd. chronic suppurative otitis mediae. a and b

    29. The most common presenting symptom of juvenile

    nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is

    a. epistaxis.b. anosmia.c. headache.d. hearing loss.

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    e. nasal speech.

    30. The most frequent benign neoplasm of the frontal sinus is

    a. papilloma.b. angioma.c. fibroma.d. osteoma.e. polyp.

    31. Which of the following drug is most effective in the treatmentof malignant otitis externa?

    a. Cloxacillin.b. Metronidazole.c. Gentamicin.d. Methotrexate.e. Amphotericin B.

    32. Fistula sign may be positive in

    a. acoustic neuroma.b. otosclerosis.c. cholesteatoma.d. secretory otitis media.e. otomycosis.

    33. Rhinolith is a sequelae of

    a. nasal polypb. foreign bodyc. allergic rhinitisd. rhinitis medicamentosa

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    34. A 40-year-old patient is having progressive unilateralsensorineural deafness. You should suspect

    a. acoustic neuroma.b. unilateral viral labyrinthitis.c. presbyacusis.d. otosclerosis.e. all of the above.

    35. Chronic vasomotor rhinitis is treated by

    a. local antibiotics.b. systemic antibiotics.c. desensitization.d. systemic parasympathomimetic.e. topical glucocorticoids.

    36. The most common causative bacterial organism of acute

    tonsillitis is

    a. B-hemolytic streptococcus.b. Streptococcus pneumoniae.c. Haemophilus influenzae.d. Staph. Aureuse. Strept viridans.

    37. Which of the following condition is more likely to be unilateral?

    a. antrochoanal nasal polyp.b. otitis media with effusionc. otosclerosis.d. vasomotor rhinitis.

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    e. presbyacusis.

    38. Unilateral nasal discharge may be caused by

    a. deviated nasal septum.b. foreign body.c. allergic rhinitis.d. common cold.

    39. The treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma is mainly

    a. surgeryb. radiotherapyc. chemotherapyd. neck dissection

    40. Vestibular neuritis is presented with all of the followingEXCEPT

    a. decreased hearingb. vertigoc. nausead. tinnitus