ASTROLOGY 4 NATION 2 Sunday February 13, 2011 5 NATION 2 Sunday February 13, 2011 By A.S.Fernando In the previous articles on the subject of Medical Astrology, we discussed the parts of the human body and the internal or- gans ruled by the zodiacal signs. Apart from the zodiacal signs, the seven planets too exert their influence over the different parts and organs of the human anatomy as follows: The Sun – Bile, heart, brain, head eye, and bones The Moon - Breast, saliva, womb, blood, lymphatic and glandular sys- tems Mars – Bile, ears, nose, forehead, sinews, fibre and muscular tissues Mercury Abdomen, tongues, lungs, bowels, nerve centres, bile, muscular tissues Jupiter – Phlegm, blood, thighs, kid- neys, flesh and fat and arterial system Venus - Ovaries, eyes, generative system, water, semen, and phlegm Each planet governs certain ana- tomical structures and diseases as well. The Sun - Cerebellum, brain, blood, lungs, heart, stomach, breasts, ova- ries, seminal vesicles, diseases of the heart, appendicitis, fistula, inflamma- tory troubles The Moon - Pericardium, veins, lymphatic vessels, intestinal functions, eye, alimentary canal, membranes, genitor-urinary derangements, testicle troubles, wind and colic, bronchial ca- tarrh, dropsy, tumours, insanity, de- fective eye sight Mars - Muscular tissues, muscles, cerebral hemispheres, inflammation of lungs, homeopaths, haemorrhage from lungs, spitting of blood, con- sumption (TB), typhoid, enteric fever infection, and contagious diseases Mercury - Nerves, breath, air cells, sense perception, hair, tongue, mouth, nasal disorders, defects in speech, brain and nervous disorders, asthma, bronchitis, delirium, neuras- thenia, headaches, neuralgia, palpitation, warm infections, genito-urinary troubles Jupiter - Arteries, veins, auricle, ventricle, pleura, ear, blood, apoplexy, pleurisy, de- generation, piles, tumours, diabetes Venus - Kidneys, aorta, flesh, marrow, impediments to urination, discharge from eye, coetaneous eruptions, throat diseases, digestive troubles, venereal diseases, Saturn - Spleen, upper part of the stomach, endocardium, ribs, bones, hair, nails, catarrh, consumption, gout, constipation, Bight’s disease There are overlappings of the plan- etary rulership over certain organs and parts of the human body and also the diseases attributed to planets. In such cases, the rulership of the rel- evant planet should be ascertained by a close study of the afflicted Houses, planets and signs. Moon in Astrology – planet that chalks up the path of human destiny Movements of planets in February 2011 Hand tells tales, but does not lie By Sudarshi Aries (Mesha) You will spend time and money on helping the sick and the needy. You are assured of a steady income and success in business or literary efforts. Those looking forward to an employment will secure a job possibly in the state sector after February 20. Chances are very bright for those running the Venus Maha or Antar Dasa. There is a Dhana-yoga for you which is likely to bring you some unex- pected wealth. The young and unmarried can look forward to matrimony or love and romance. Taurus (Vrushabha) A dhana-yoga after March 6 is indicated. There is success for those engaged in politics and educational pursuits. Those with the na- tal Moon in Leo would acquire new housing property and conveyances. Children would do well in their studies or in their vocations. A high position in recognition of your intellectual prow- ess is in the offing. Gemini (Mithuna) Mercury, the lord of the Lagna occu- pying the 9th House of fortune while the 9th lord posited in the 4th ruled by Lagnadhipati producing Parivartana yoga assures you of a very auspicious period at least up to March 6. You will succeed in whatever venture you em- bark on. Your wealth in the form of immovable property will grow in a considerable measure. If your natal Moon is in the 11th House you will come into sudden wealth as well. The Sun in the 9th is not auspicious for your father. Cancer (Kataka) Heavy expenses and the problems in the family are in store for you at least until March 15. You are prone to acci- dents or health conditions requiring surgical treatment. However, you are assured of resources at disposal to overcome obstacles in your way. Cir- cumstances will compel you to leave home for a brief period. Most of your problems will end by March 25. Leo (Simha) There are strong indications point- ing to success in a career in arts or journalism. You are prone to health problems resulting from the heat of the body. Residential and travel com- forts, fame and wealth are assured. An inheritance is likely. Loss of wealth for those running the Maha or antar Dasa of Saturn is indicated. Foreign travel for an edu- cational purpose is in store for you. Virgo (Kanya) Natives attending school are as- sured of educational success. Plan- etary positions are not auspicious for mother. Wealth in the form of lands and property will come your way. Mercury in the 6th and Saturn in the Lagna exchanging Houses is very aus- picious. You may have to face slander and indignity. Libra (Thula) Venus and Rahu in the 3rd House endow you with cheer, self-confidence, dynamism. Mars in the 5th house fur- ther fortifies your morale. Fame and success are in store for you. The pres- ent circumstances are likely to keep you away from home. You have to pay special attention to your health if you are running the Jupiter’s Maha Dasa or Antar Dasa. Scorpio (Vrushika) You will inherit property from your maternal relatives. Mercury in the 4th House assures you of a Dhana-yoga. .An academic career is in store for those looking forward to employment. You are prone to diseases affecting your lungs, and heart. Children would bring you happiness. However, you have to pay special attention to their health and safety. Sagittarius (Dhanu) You will shine in a career where you can demonstrate your oratorical skills. You will continue to enjoy home and travel comforts in ample measure. The Sun and Mars in the 3rd house have placed you in a strong position in life. Venus, the lord of the 11th House now in transit in the Lagna has produced a Dhana-yoga. Career success is assured unless and until you run the Saturn’s Maha or Antar Dasa. Capricorn (Makara) Mars, the lord of 11th House now in the 2nd House has produced a Dhana- yoga. However, heavy expenses relating to the needs of children would continue to trouble you. Fame and foreign travel are strongly indicated. You would over- come problems relating to your career. The period after March 25 is very auspi- cious for you. Aquarius (Kumbha) You are going through an eventful pe- riod due to coming under the cumula- tive influence of four planets, Neptune, Sun, Mars and Mercury posited in your Lagna Atmakaraka Sun, Gnanakaraka Mercury ruling the 5th House of in- tellect, Mars the giver of energy and vitality and Neptune known to bring about sudden changes will ensure the success of all ventures you undertake. Pisces (Meena) Jupiter, the lord of the 10th House now swakshetra in the Lagna assures you of career success. However, you will face problems relating to your health, children, and the family until March 25. You are also advised not to undertake any activity involving an element of risk during the ongoing period. The necessity to take precau- tions to protect your property from damage or destruction due to enemy action or natural causes is also indicated. What the stars foretell for your Lagna (For the 3rd quarter of February 2011) Medical Astrology - Mother of Ayurveda What the Mounts on the palm say – General Mount indications We are pleased that it has now become possible to make space available for a Readers’ Column in the Astrology section, `The Nation Zodiac’. We invite readers to participate in the `The Nation Zodiac’ by sending their views and suggestions relating to its contents as well as by seeking answers to their Astrology-related queries. Readers also may make their queries in Sinhala as well. Please address all your communications to: The Nation Zodiac, The Nation Editorial, RIVIRA Media Corporation (Pvt)Ltd, 742, Maradana Road, Colombo 10 email: [email protected] Readers’ Column Part 16 The Sun 13 Aquarius at 07.43 Mars 15 Aquarius at 16.43 Mercury 18 Aquarius at 17.33 Venus 25 Capricorn at 06.20 Nawam Poya Feb: 10 – Thursday – Pura At- awaka begins at 12 noon and ends at 01.24 am on Saturday Sil on Friday Feb: 17-Thursday - Pun Poya begins at 05.32 pm and ends at 02.05 pm on Friday Sil on Thursday Feb.24- Thursday - Ava Atawaka begins at 05.32 pm and ends at 04.46 pm on Friday Sil on Thursday March 03- Thursday – Amawaka begins at 11.58 pm and ends at 02.17 am on Saturday Sil on Friday Part 67 READ YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE By Sudarshi From Ratnavel in Wellawatte I have been told by astrolo- gers that my son is subject to Kemadruma yoga which could cause poverty and immense suffering and we have already taken remedial measures pre- scribed by an eminent astrolo- ger. Though we are not rich, we are not poor either and we have some means and I do not see how my son could suf- fer from want. Please explain what Kemadruma yoga is and whether my son is subject to this bad yoga in your opinion. I am sending a copy of my son’s horoscope. Answer: Kemadruma, in case of your son, has been formed due to the absence of planets on ei- ther side of the Moon. However, there are other planetary posi- tions that produce this yoga. But they are not relevant in the pres- ent context. I find that Jupiter in the Lagna casts his special aspect over the 9th House where Venus is posited which itself nullifies the Kemadruma. There is no cause for your anxiety. From Ranjan in Badulla I am a small-time business- man. I have been incurring losses continuously for the last few years. I have been receiv- ing poor returns from my small investments too. Friends who have borrowed money from me also have let me down. I strong- ly feel that I am going through a terrible ‘apala kalaya’. Please examine my horoscope and let me know whether I stand a chance of making a turnaround and prospering again. Answer: You have been running the antar Dasas of Saturn, Mercu- ry and Ketu in the Maha Dasa of Moon for the last four year - to be exact, from March 3, 2007. Gochara results too have not been favour- able to you. Now that you have be- gun running the Venus antar Dasa in the Maha Dasa of Moon, there should be a gradual change for the better in your circumstances. Times ahead are much better for you. Harbinger of both fortune and misfortune Creator of the world of love and romance Readers’ queries answered Saturn Neptune, Sun, Mars, Mercury Tat - kala Kendra Positions of planets from February 15 to 23 Moon Feb:26 - 13.55 Moon Feb:24 07.28 Moon Feb:22 05.10 Rahu Venus, Pluto Moon Feb:28 23.06 Jupiter Uranus Ketu Moon Feb:20 05.40 Moon Feb: 18 05.40 Moon Feb: 16 04.46 Moon Feb: 14 00.31 Aquarius Auspicious days in February 2011 Sunday 6 - up to 13.40 Monday 7 - after 17.07 Tuesday 8 - after 19.39 Thursday 10 - up to 11.04 Saturday 12 - up to 01.24 Tuesday 15 - after 00.55 Wednesday 16 - up to 20.35 Thursday 17 - up to 07.11 Tuesday 22 - after 21.09 Sunday 27 - after 17.15 By A.S.Fernando First let us consider things both abstract and tangible represented by Number 3. Some of them are creativity, chil- dren, expansion, happiness, expres- sion, art, diversification, sociability, communication, jealousy, pride, in- spiration, trinity and triangle. Number 3 represents the above with reason. For example, Number 1 represents male and Number 2 fe- male. The union of male and female leads to the production of children. On the other, it is creativity. Every religion or philosophy in the world is based on a kind of trinity. The entire philosophy of the Buddha is based on the three principles of Duk- kha, Anitaya and Anatma (Suffering, Impermanence and Soullessness) Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is the trinity that underpins Christianity. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva form the trinity in Hinduism. Number 3 represents the triangle with the three laterals, force, matter and consciousness. People represented by Number 3 are dynamic and creative. How- ever, they lack the organising abil- ity. Number 3 people possess a keen mind and are capable of good judg- ment. They are religious and orthodox in their outlook. They are good conver- sationalists with winning manners. Number 3 people are both creative and innovative. Very often their skills blossom more by accident than by design with the inspiration or help coming from another person. Number 3 people are ambitious and they often reach high positions. They are sticklers for discipline. Methodical in their work, they love neatness and symmetry. They are equal to any task and responsibility rests easy on them. Number 3 people hate subordinate positions, but once tasked with a re- sponsibility though as a subordinate, they would carry it out with commit- ment. They are good communicators capable of putting across their mes- sage to others very effectively. If Jupiter is weak at the time of birth, a Number 3 person would manifest his weak qualities like lazi- ness, pessimism and extravagance. A Number 3 person would dem- onstrate the good qualities that the Number represents in a high degree if Jupiter is strong in his birth chart or the birth day falls on a Thursday, or on a day between December 16 and January 14 or between March 15 and April 13 or if born in the Hour of Jupiter (Guru Hora of the birth day). He would be a genius if he meets all these qualifications. Number 3 person and his attributes – III Numerology – Part 5 By A.S.Fernando Each planet has its strong and weak aspects. A well developed mount with good markings shows its strength. Grilles, cross bars, islands and crosses weaken the good effects of a mount. A vertical line adds strength to any mount. In some hands, all mounts are found equally developed without bad signs. Such hands indicate a well-bal- anced character endowed with good qualities derived from all mounts. Owners of such hands are even- tempered, broad-minded, amiable persons who hold positions of emi- nence and promi- nence in society. If there are only two well developed mounts, the sub- ject would possess a combination of qualities germane to the two mounts. In such a case, the mount redder than the other with a clear vertical line should be consid- ered the stronger one. In all cases, a mount should be read together with its finger. The qualities as signi- fied by the length, smoothness or knottiness, type of the tip and the nail of the finger should be care- fully harmonised with those of the mount in making predictions. Such a synthesis would bring forth the health defects of the subject. Mount of Ju- piter A strong red line on the mount be- tween the first and second fingers in- dicates the weak- ness of intestines. A single vertical line on this Mount as on any other mount, adds to the strength of the mount. It is a line of success. Two vertical lines on the mount show failure in achieving the target due to wavering between two goals. A line crossing a branch of Line of Heart below sig- nifies a disappointment in a love relationship. Crossed hair lines on the Mount indicate a head in- jury. Star, circle, triangle, square, trident, and single vertical line add strength to the mount. Grille, cross bar, island, horizontal lines, dot or cross point to defects in health and char- acter. A cross on the mount sig- nifies success in marriage. A triangle on the Mount shows that the subject is a clever politician. Health troubles include biliousness, rheumatism, nerves, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, ear trou- bles, predisposition to sui- cidal pessimism. Mount of Apollo or Sun The markings which add strength to this Mount sin- gly or in combination are the star, triangle, square, trident or the single verti- cal line. A single deep and straight line on this mount signi- fies wealth or fame or both and the sub- ject pursues one single career dur- ing his life time. Two lines mean real talent, but the full potential is not exploited. A sister line of the Sun Line portends great suc- cess. Many confused lines show that inspiration has stopped short of realisation of the goals. A spot on the mount means the danger of losing reputation. A star on the mount with a good Line of Sun assures fame as a genius. A square on the mount fore- tells great financial success. A circle on the mount brings the subject much fame. A triangle on it means high hon- ours in the field of arts. Health troubles indicated by bad signs are weak eyes, heart trouble, sunstroke and fe- ver. What the Mounts on the palm say General Mount indications SPECIAL FEATURE By A.S.Fernando “Look for me by moonlight, Watch for me by moonlight, I’ll come to thee by moonlight Though hell should bar the way.” Excerpted from Alfred Noyes’ Highwayman The Moon has inspired many a bard. Moonlight possesses such a power to enchant us; it is looked on as one of the greatest gifts that Mother Nature has bestowed on us. Stretch yourself on the lawn in the moonlight under the canopy of star-studded sky; you would feel that life, after all, is worth living. Moonlight makes such a soothing effect on man, even a wicked person would soften under its magic spell. Moon’s influence on living beings Moonlight adds beauty and charm to nature’s creations. It is the moonlight that creates the mystic world where love and romance flourish. According to modern sci- ence, the Moon exerts a tre- mendous influence on human, animal and plant life on earth. The Moon is the celestial body that exerts the strongest influence, next to the Sun, on all living beings and plant life. Human mind It has been scientifically proved that the Moon works a powerful influence on human mind. Even the ancients had discovered this profound truth. The term, `Lunatic’ has de- rived from the word `Luna’ which means the Moon. Moon and women The Moon is also linked to the women’s menstrual circle, fertility and childbirth. Moon- light, according to scientists influences the hormone pro- duction and the functioning of the pituitary glands. Recent scientific research has established that the Moon makes strong effect on plants. For example, plants vary their biological functions in tune with the phases of the Moon. Modern science says that the Moon makes tremendous influ- ence on human mind. So does Vedic Astrology. Poets refer to the Sun as father and the Moon as mother. So does Astrology. According to astronomy, the Moon is not a planet, but a sat- ellite orbiting around the earth and the Sun too is not a planet but a star. But in astrological nomenclature both Moon and the Sun are planets. Just like the Moon causes the high tide and the low tide in the sea, so it does affect the human being metabolically. Jamma Kendra The usual practice of astrolo- gers in Sri Lanka is to cast a horoscope with the rising Sun sign as the ascendant. But in India, an equal importance is given to casting a horoscope with the Moon sign as the as- cendant. In Sinhalese, we refer to the Moon sign horoscope as Jamma Kendra. Meanwhile, both Indian and Lankan astrologers have made it a practice to base their predictions on `gochara’ results (results produced by planets in transit) in relation to the position of the natal Moon. Of course, they depend on Vim- shottari Dasa system for timing of the results. A weak Moon In astrology, waxing Moon is a benefic and the waning Moon is a malefic. The Moon is considered very weak when it is close to the Sun longitudinally. There are numerous favour- able and unfavourable yogas or combina- tions depending on the Moon’s posi- tion in relation to other planets. Moon-related yogas Chandra Adhiyoga is caused when the natural benefics Ve- nus, Jupiter, and Mercury are placed in the 6th, 7th and the 8th from the Moon. Amal yoga is produced when natural benefics are in the 10th House from the Moon. Varishta yoga is caused when a strong Moon is in the 3rd, 6th, 9th or the 12th House from the Sun. A strong Moon brings success in life and an afflicted moon at birth would cause Balarishta yogas. The Moon plays an important role in hastening a person’s marriage or making it a suc- cess or a failure. An early marriage can be predicted if the Moon is strong in a person’s horoscope. In fact, the Moon is the most important planet in the horoscope of a female. A woman is fortunate if a strong Moon is posited in her Lagna. Moon and mother The fortune of a native’s mother can be ascertained by examining the 4th house. For example, the Moon in a sign ruled by an inimical planet as- pected by malefics foreshadows the death of the mother. Shraramana yoga The Moon’s position in a natal chart plays an important role in determining whether there is shramana yoga (a plan- etary combination that induces one to renounce the lay life). For example, shramana yoga is indicated if the lord of sign where the Moon is posited is aspected only by Saturn. ZODIAC Rs Forked Lines Sister Lines Spots on Lines Islands Tasselled Lines Ascending and descending Branches Chained Lines Chained Lines Broken Lines Square on Lines Crosses on Lines Circles on Lines Grille on lines Triangles on Lines The Fork The Star Angles Squares The Characteristics of Lines Dots or Spots Life-long friend of fair sex A P R 1 4 - M AY 1 5 M A Y 1 5 - J U N 1 5 J U N 1 5 - J U L 1 6 J U L 1 6 - A U G 1 7 A U G 1 7 - S E P 1 7 S E P 1 7 - O C T 1 7 O C T 1 7 - N O V 1 7 N O V 1 7 - D E C 1 6 D E C 1 6 - JA N 1 4 J A N 1 4 - F E B 1 4 F E B 1 4 - M A R 1 5 M A R 1 5 - A P R 1 3 SOLAR CALENDAR

4 NATION 2 Sunday February 13, 2011 5 Moon in Astrology ...4 NATION 2 Sunday February 13, 2011 ASTROLOGY NATION 2 Sunday February 13, 2011 5 By A.S.Fernando In the previous articles

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ASTROLOGY4 NATION 2 Sunday February 13, 2011 5NATION 2 Sunday February 13, 2011

By A.S.Fernando

In the previous articles on the subject of Medical Astrology, we discussed the parts of the human body and the internal or-gans ruled by the zodiacal signs.

Apart from the zodiacal signs, the seven planets too exert their infl uence over the different parts and organs of the human anatomy as follows:

The Sun – Bile, heart, brain, head eye, and bones

The Moon - Breast, saliva, womb, blood, lymphatic and glandular sys-tems

Mars – Bile, ears, nose, forehead, sinews, fi bre and muscular tissues

Mercury – Abdomen, tongues, lungs, bowels, nerve centres, bile, muscular tissues

Jupiter – Phlegm, blood, thighs, kid-neys, fl esh and fat and arterial system

Venus - Ovaries, eyes, generative system, water, semen, and phlegm

Each planet governs certain ana-tomical structures and diseases as well.

The Sun - Cerebellum, brain, blood, lungs, heart, stomach, breasts, ova-ries, seminal vesicles, diseases of the heart, appendicitis, fi stula, infl amma-tory troubles

The Moon - Pericardium, veins, lymphatic vessels, intestinal functions, eye, alimentary canal, membranes, genitor-urinary derangements, testicle troubles, wind and colic, bronchial ca-tarrh, dropsy, tumours, insanity, de-fective eye sight

Mars - Muscular tissues, muscles, cerebral hemispheres, infl ammation of lungs, homeopaths, haemorrhage from lungs, spitting of blood, con-sumption (TB), typhoid, enteric fever infection, and contagious diseases

Mercury - Nerves, breath, air cells, sense perception, hair, tongue, mouth, nasal disorders, defects in speech, brain and nervous disorders, asthma, bronchitis, delirium, neuras-thenia, headaches, neuralgia, palpitation, warm infections, genito-urinary troubles

Jupiter - Arteries, veins, auricle, ventricle, pleura, ear, blood, apoplexy, pleurisy, de-generation, piles, tumours, diabetes

Venus - Kidneys, aorta, flesh, marrow, impediments to urination, discharge from eye, coetaneous eruptions, throat diseases, digestive troubles, venereal diseases,

Saturn - Spleen, upper part of the stomach, endocardium, ribs, bones, hair, nails, catarrh, consumption, gout, constipation, Bight’s disease

There are overlappings of the plan-etary rulership over certain organs and parts of the human body and also the diseases attributed to planets. In such cases, the rulership of the rel-evant planet should be ascertained by a close study of the afflicted Houses, planets and signs.

Moon in Astrology – planet thatchalks up the path of human destiny

Movements of planets in February 2011

Hand tells tales, but does not lie

By Sudarshi

Aries (Mesha)You will spend time and money on

helping the sick and the needy. You are assured of a steady income and success in business or literary efforts. Those looking forward to an employment will secure a job possibly in the state sector after February 20. Chances are very bright for those running the Venus Maha or Antar Dasa. There is a Dhana-yoga for you which is likely to bring you some unex-pected wealth. The young and unmarried can look forward to matrimony or love and romance.

Taurus (Vrushabha)A dhana-yoga after March 6 is indicated.

There is success for those engaged in politics and educational pursuits. Those with the na-tal Moon in Leo would acquire new housing property and conveyances. Children would do well in their studies or in their vocations.

A high position in recognition of your intellectual prow-ess is in the offing.Gemini (Mithuna)

Mercury, the lord of the Lagna occu-pying the 9th House of fortune while the 9th lord posited in the 4th ruled by Lagnadhipati producing Parivartana yoga assures you of a very auspicious period at least up to March 6. You will succeed in whatever venture you em-bark on. Your wealth in the form of immovable property will grow in a considerable measure. If your natal Moon is in the 11th House you will come into sudden wealth as well. The Sun in the 9th is not auspicious for your father.

Cancer (Kataka)Heavy expenses and the problems in

the family are in store for you at least until March 15. You are prone to acci-dents or health conditions requiring surgical treatment. However, you are assured of resources at disposal to overcome obstacles in your way. Cir-cumstances will compel you to leave

home for a brief period. Most of your problems will end by March 25.Leo (Simha)

There are strong indications point-ing to success in a career in arts or journalism. You are prone to health problems resulting from the heat of the body. Residential and travel com-forts, fame and wealth are assured. An inheritance is likely. Loss of wealth for those running the Maha or antar Dasa of Saturn is indicated. Foreign travel for an edu-cational purpose is in store for you.

Virgo (Kanya)Natives attending school are as-

sured of educational success. Plan-etary positions are not auspicious for mother. Wealth in the form of lands and property will come your way. Mercury in the 6th and Saturn in the Lagna exchanging Houses is very aus-picious. You may have to face slander and indignity.

Libra (Thula)Venus and Rahu in the 3rd House

endow you with cheer, self-confidence, dynamism. Mars in the 5th house fur-ther fortifies your morale. Fame and success are in store for you. The pres-ent circumstances are likely to keep you away from home. You have to pay special attention to your health if you are running the Jupiter’s Maha Dasa or Antar Dasa.

Scorpio (Vrushika)You will inherit property from your

maternal relatives. Mercury in the 4th House assures you of a Dhana-yoga. .An academic career is in store for those looking forward to employment. You are prone to diseases affecting your lungs, and heart. Children would bring you happiness. However, you have to pay

special attention to their health and safety.Sagittarius (Dhanu)

You will shine in a career where you can demonstrate your oratorical skills. You will continue to enjoy home and travel comforts in ample measure. The Sun and Mars in the 3rd house have placed you in a strong position in life. Venus, the lord of the 11th House now in transit in the Lagna has produced a Dhana-yoga. Career success is assured unless and until you run the Saturn’s Maha or Antar Dasa.

Capricorn (Makara)Mars, the lord of 11th House now in

the 2nd House has produced a Dhana-yoga. However, heavy expenses relating to the needs of children would continue to trouble you. Fame and foreign travel are strongly indicated. You would over-come problems relating to your career. The period after March 25 is very auspi-cious for you.

Aquarius (Kumbha)You are going through an eventful pe-

riod due to coming under the cumula-tive influence of four planets, Neptune, Sun, Mars and Mercury posited in your Lagna Atmakaraka Sun, Gnanakaraka Mercury ruling the 5th House of in-tellect, Mars the giver of energy and vitality and Neptune known to bring about sudden changes will ensure the success of all ventures you undertake.

Pisces (Meena)Jupiter, the lord of the 10th House

now swakshetra in the Lagna assures you of career success. However, you will face problems relating to your health, children, and the family until March 25. You are also advised not to undertake any activity involving an element of risk during the ongoing period. The necessity to take precau-tions to protect your property from

damage or destruction due to enemy action or natural causes is also indicated.

What the stars foretell for your Lagna

(For the 3rd quarter of February 2011)

Medical Astrology - Mother of Ayurveda

What the Mounts on the palm say – General Mount indications

We are pleased that it has now become possible to make space available for a Readers’ Column in the Astrology section, `The Nation Zodiac’.

We invite readers to participate in the `The Nation Zodiac’ by sending their views and suggestions relating to its contents as well as by seeking answers to their Astrology-related queries.

Readers also may make their queries in Sinhala as well.Please address all your communications to:

The Nation Zodiac, The Nation Editorial,

RIVIRA Media Corporation (Pvt)Ltd, 742, Maradana Road,

Colombo 10 email: [email protected]

Readers’ Column

Part 16

The Sun 13 Aquarius at 07.43Mars 15 Aquarius at 16.43Mercury 18 Aquarius at 17.33Venus 25 Capricorn at 06.20

Nawam PoyaFeb: 10 – Thursday – Pura At-

awaka begins at 12 noon and ends at 01.24 am on Saturday

Sil on Friday

Feb: 17-Thursday - Pun Poya begins at 05.32 pm and ends at 02.05

pm on FridaySil on Thursday

Feb.24- Thursday - Ava Atawaka begins at 05.32 pm and ends at 04.46

pm on FridaySil on Thursday

March 03- Thursday – Amawaka begins at 11.58 pm and ends at 02.17

am on SaturdaySil on Friday

Part 67



By Sudarshi

From Ratnavel in Wellawatte

I have been told by astrolo-gers that my son is subject to Kemadruma yoga which could cause poverty and immense suffering and we have already taken remedial measures pre-scribed by an eminent astrolo-ger. Though we are not rich, we are not poor either and we have some means and I do not see how my son could suf-fer from want. Please explain what Kemadruma yoga is and whether my son is subject to this bad yoga in your opinion. I am sending a copy of my son’s horoscope.

Answer: Kemadruma, in case of your son, has been formed due to the absence of planets on ei-ther side of the Moon. However, there are other planetary posi-tions that produce this yoga. But they are not relevant in the pres-ent context. I fi nd that Jupiter in the Lagna casts his special aspect over the 9th House where Venus is

posited which itself nullifi es the Kemadruma. There is no cause for your anxiety.

From Ranjan in BadullaI am a small-time business-

man. I have been incurring losses continuously for the last few years. I have been receiv-ing poor returns from my small investments too. Friends who have borrowed money from me also have let me down. I strong-ly feel that I am going through a terrible ‘apala kalaya’. Please examine my horoscope and let me know whether I stand a chance of making a turnaround and prospering again.

Answer: You have been running the antar Dasas of Saturn, Mercu-ry and Ketu in the Maha Dasa of Moon for the last four year - to be exact, from March 3, 2007. Gochara results too have not been favour-able to you. Now that you have be-gun running the Venus antar Dasa in the Maha Dasa of Moon, there should be a gradual change for the better in your circumstances. Times ahead are much better for you.

Harbinger of both fortune and misfortune

Creator of the world of love and romance

Readers’ queries answered


Neptune, Sun, Mars,


Tat - kala Kendra Positions of planets from February 15 to 23

MoonFeb:26 - 13.55




Rahu Venus,






Moon Feb: 18

05.40MoonFeb: 16


Moon Feb: 1400.31


Auspicious days in February 2011

Sunday 6 - up to 13.40Monday 7 - after 17.07Tuesday 8 - after 19.39Thursday 10 - up to 11.04Saturday 12 - up to 01.24Tuesday 15 - after 00.55Wednesday 16 - up to 20.35Thursday 17 - up to 07.11Tuesday 22 - after 21.09Sunday 27 - after 17.15

By A.S.Fernando

First let us consider things both abstract and tangible represented by Number 3.

Some of them are creativity, chil-dren, expansion, happiness, expres-sion, art, diversification, sociability, communication, jealousy, pride, in-spiration, trinity and triangle.

Number 3 represents the above with reason. For example, Number 1 represents male and Number 2 fe-male. The union of male and female leads to the production of children. On the other, it is creativity. Every religion or philosophy in the world is based on a kind of trinity. The entire philosophy of the Buddha is based on the three principles of Duk-kha, Anitaya and Anatma (Suffering, Impermanence and Soullessness) Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is the trinity that underpins Christianity. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva form the trinity in Hinduism.

Number 3 represents the triangle with the three laterals, force, matter and consciousness.

People represented by Number 3 are dynamic and creative. How-ever, they lack the organising abil-ity. Number 3 people possess a keen mind and are capable of good judg-ment.

They are religious and orthodox in their outlook. They are good conver-

sationalists with winning manners. Number 3 people are both creative

and innovative. Very often their skills blossom more by accident than by design with the inspiration or help coming from another person.

Number 3 people are ambitious and they often reach high positions. They are sticklers for discipline. Methodical in their work, they love neatness and symmetry. They are equal to any task and responsibility rests easy on them.

Number 3 people hate subordinate positions, but once tasked with a re-sponsibility though as a subordinate, they would carry it out with commit-ment. They are good communicators capable of putting across their mes-sage to others very effectively.

If Jupiter is weak at the time of birth, a Number 3 person would manifest his weak qualities like lazi-ness, pessimism and extravagance.

A Number 3 person would dem-onstrate the good qualities that the Number represents in a high degree if Jupiter is strong in his birth chart or the birth day falls on a Thursday, or on a day between December 16 and January 14 or between March 15 and April 13 or if born in the Hour of Jupiter (Guru Hora of the birth day). He would be a genius if he meets all these qualifications.

Number 3 person and his attributes – III

Numerology – Part 5

By A.S.Fernando

Each planet has its strong and weak aspects. A well developed mount with good markings shows its strength. Grilles, cross bars, islands and crosses weaken the good effects of a mount.

A vertical line adds strength to any mount. In some hands, all mounts are found equally developed without bad signs. Such hands indicate a well-bal-anced character endowed with good qualities derived from all mounts. Owners of such hands are even- tempered, broad-minded, amiable persons who hold positions of emi-nence and promi-nence in society. If there are only two well developed mounts, the sub-ject would possess a combination of qualities germane to the two mounts. In such a case, the mount redder than the other with a clear vertical line should be consid-ered the stronger one.

In all cases, a mount should be read together with its finger. The qualities as signi-fied by the length, smoothness or knottiness, type of the tip and the nail of the finger should be care-fully harmonised with those of the mount in making predictions. Such a synthesis would bring forth the health defects of the subject.Mount of Ju-

piterA strong red line

on the mount be-tween the first and second fingers in-dicates the weak-ness of intestines. A single vertical line on this Mount as on any other mount, adds to the

strength of the mount. It is a line of success.

Two vertical lines on the mount show failure in achieving the target due to wavering between two goals.

A line crossing a branch of Line of Heart below sig-nifies a disappointment in a love relationship. Crossed hair lines on the Mount indicate a head in-jury.

Star, circle, triangle, square, trident, and single vertical line add strength to the mount. Grille, cross bar, island, horizontal

lines, dot or cross point to defects in health and char-acter.

A cross on the mount sig-nifies success in marriage. A triangle on the Mount shows that the subject is a clever politician.

Health troubles include biliousness, rheumatism, nerves, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, ear trou-bles, predisposition to sui-cidal pessimism.

Mount of Apollo or Sun

The markings which add strength to this Mount sin-gly or in combination are the star, triangle, square, trident or the single verti-

cal line.A single deep and

straight line on this mount signi-fies wealth or fame or both and the sub-ject pursues one single career dur-ing his life time.

Two lines mean real talent, but the full potential is not exploited. A sister line of the Sun Line portends great suc-cess.

Many confused lines show that inspiration has stopped short of realisation of the goals. A spot on the mount means the danger of losing reputation. A star on the mount with a good Line of Sun assures fame as a genius. A square on the mount fore-tells great financial success. A circle on the mount brings the subject much fame. A triangle on it means high hon-ours in the field of arts.

Health troubles indicated by bad signs are weak eyes, heart trouble, sunstroke and fe-ver.

What the Mounts on the palm say – General Mount indications



By A.S.Fernando

“Look for me by moonlight,Watch for me by moonlight,I’ll come to thee by moonlightThough hell should bar the

way.”Excerpted from Alfred Noyes’

HighwaymanThe Moon has inspired

many a bard. Moonlight possesses such a power to enchant us; it is looked on as one of the greatest gifts that Mother Nature has bestowed on us. Stretch yourself on the lawn in the moonlight under the canopy of star-studded sky; you would feel that life, after all, is worth living.

Moonlight makes such a soothing effect on man, even a wicked person would soften under its magic spell.Moon’s influence on

living beingsMoonlight adds beauty and

charm to nature’s creations. It is the moonlight that creates the mystic world where love and romance flourish.

According to modern sci-ence, the Moon exerts a tre-mendous influence on human, animal and plant life on earth.

The Moon is the celestial body that exerts the strongest influence, next to the Sun, on all living beings and plant life.Human mind

It has been scientifically proved that the Moon works a powerful influence on human mind. Even the ancients had discovered this profound truth. The term, `Lunatic’ has de-

rived from the word `Luna’ which means the Moon.

Moon and womenThe Moon is also linked to

the women’s menstrual circle, fertility and childbirth. Moon-light, according to scientists influences the hormone pro-duction and the functioning of the pituitary glands.

Recent scientific research has established that the Moon makes strong effect on plants. For example, plants vary their biological functions in tune with the phases of the Moon.

Modern science says that the Moon makes tremendous influ-ence on human mind. So does Vedic Astrology. Poets refer to the Sun as father and the Moon as mother. So does Astrology.

According to astronomy, the Moon is not a planet, but a sat-ellite orbiting around the earth and the Sun too is not a planet but a star. But in astrological nomenclature both Moon and the Sun are planets.

Just like the Moon causes the high tide and the low tide in the sea, so it does affect the human being metabolically.Jamma Kendra

The usual practice of astrolo-gers in Sri Lanka is to cast a horoscope with the rising Sun sign as the ascendant. But in India, an equal importance is given to casting a horoscope with the Moon sign as the as-cendant. In Sinhalese, we refer to the Moon sign horoscope as Jamma Kendra.

Meanwhile, both Indian and Lankan astrologers have made it a practice to base their predictions on `gochara’ results (results produced by planets in transit) in relation to the position of the natal Moon. Of course, they depend on Vim-shottari Dasa system for timing of the results.A weak Moon

In astrology, waxing Moon is a benefi c and the waning Moon is a malefi c. The Moon is considered very weak when it is close to the Sun longitudinally.

There are numerous favour-able and unfavourable yogas

or combina-tions depending on the Moon’s posi-tion in relation to other planets.Moon-related yogas

Chandra Adhiyoga is caused when the natural benefi cs Ve-nus, Jupiter, and Mercury are placed in the 6th, 7th and the 8th from the Moon.

Amal yoga is produced when natural benefi cs are in the 10th House from the Moon.

Varishta yoga is caused when a strong Moon is in the 3rd, 6th, 9th or the 12th House from the Sun.

A strong Moon brings success in life and an affl icted moon at birth would cause Balarishta yogas.

The Moon plays an important role in hastening a person’s marriage or making it a suc-cess or a failure.

An early marriage can be predicted if the Moon is strong in a person’s horoscope. In fact, the Moon is the most important planet in the horoscope of a female. A woman is fortunate if a strong Moon is posited in her Lagna.Moon and mother

The fortune of a native’s mother can be ascertained by examining the 4th house. For example, the Moon in a sign ruled by an inimical planet as-pected by malefics foreshadows the death of the mother.

Shraramana yogaThe Moon’s position in a

natal chart plays an important role in determining whether there is shramana yoga (a plan-etary combination that induces one to renounce the lay life). For example, shramana yoga is indicated if the lord of sign where the Moon is posited is aspected only by Saturn.


RsForked Lines Sister Lines

Spots on Lines Islands

Tasselled LinesAscending and descending Branches

Chained Lines Chained Lines

Broken Lines Square on Lines

Crosses on Lines Circles on Lines

Grille on lines Triangles on Lines

The Fork The Star

Angles Squares

The Characteristics of Lines Dots or Spots

Life-long friend of fair sex

APR 14 - MAY 15 MAY15 - JUN 15 JUN

15 - JUL16 JU

L16 - AU

G 17 AUG 17 - SEP 17 SEP17 - OCT 17 OCT 17 - NOV 17

NOV 17 - DEC 1




- JA

N 1








4 - MAR 15

MAR 15 - APR13