- 1 - VESPERS / CONFESSION: Saturdays / Eve of Feast Days 6:30 PM 3RD AND 6TH HOURS: Sundays 9:00 AM DIVINE LITURGY: Sundays 9:30 AM Weekday Feast Days 10:00 AM www.stvlads.com PASTOR: Rt. Rev. Fr. Taras Krochak 403-241-7742 / 403-264-3437 ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. Fr. Timothy Chrapko 403-453-5407 / 403-264-3437 PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Don Popowich 403-932-7724 / 403-264-3437 CULTURAL CENTRE: Michele Faryna 403-264-3437 / 403-264-3437 УКРАЇНСЬКА ПРАВОСЛАВНА ГРОМАДА СВ. ВОЛОДИМИРА 404 Meredith Rd. N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 5A6 ST. VLADIMIRS UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CONGREGATION 404 Meredith Rd. N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 5A6 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2016

404 Meredith Rd. N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 5A6 · Prokeimen – Tone 7: The Lord shall give strength to His people; the Lord shall bless His people with peace. Verse: Bring to the Lord,

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Page 1: 404 Meredith Rd. N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 5A6 · Prokeimen – Tone 7: The Lord shall give strength to His people; the Lord shall bless His people with peace. Verse: Bring to the Lord,

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VESPERS / CONFESSION: Saturdays / Eve of Feast Days 6:30 PM 3RD AND 6TH HOURS: Sundays 9:00 AM DIVINE LITURGY: Sundays 9:30 AM Weekday Feast Days 10:00 AM


PASTOR: Rt. Rev. Fr. Taras Krochak 403-241-7742 / 403-264-3437 ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Rev. Fr. Timothy Chrapko 403-453-5407 / 403-264-3437 PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Don Popowich 403-932-7724 / 403-264-3437 CULTURAL CENTRE: Michele Faryna 403-264-3437 / 403-264-3437



404 Meredith Rd. N.E. Calgary, AB

T2E 5A6


CONGREGATION 404 Meredith Rd. N.E.

Calgary, AB T2E 5A6


Page 2: 404 Meredith Rd. N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 5A6 · Prokeimen – Tone 7: The Lord shall give strength to His people; the Lord shall bless His people with peace. Verse: Bring to the Lord,

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Т. 24. – Ч. 13 — V. 24. – N. 13

4-ГО ГРУДНЯ, 2016 Р.Б.



(ГОЛОС 7. АПОСТОЛ: ЄФ. 2:14-22 [ЗАЧАЛО 221] І ЄВР. 9:1-7 [ЗАЧАЛО

320]. ЄВАНГЕЛІЯ: ЛК. 12:16-21 [ЗАЧАЛО 66] І ЛК. 10:38-42, 11:27-28

[ЗАЧАЛО 54].)

Тропар Воскресний – Голос 7: Зруйнував єси Хрестом Твоїм смерть, відкрив Ти розбійнику рай, Мироноси-цям плач змінив, і апостолам Пропові-дувати повелів єси, що Ти воскрес, Христе Боже, даючи світові велику ми-лість.

Тропар Свята – Голос 4: Сьо-годні передзображення Божого бла-говоління і спасіння людей пропо-відання. У храмі Божому Діва ясно з’являється і про Христа всім прові-щає, їй же голосно заспіваймо: Ра-дуйся, промислу Сотворителя спов-нення.

Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духо-ві.

Кондак Воскресний – Голос 7: Влада смерти не може вже тримати людей, бо зійшов Христос, сокрушаю-чи і знищуючи сили її. Ад вже перемо-жений. Пророки одностайно радують-ся. Явився Спас сущим у вірі, промов-ляючи: Виходьте, вірні, до воскресін-ня.

І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки віків. Амінь.

Кондак Свята – Голос 4: Пре-чистий Храм Спасів - дорогоцінний чертог і Діва - священна Скарбниця Божої слави, сьогодні вводиться в дім Господній, благодать із Собою




(TONE 7. EPISTLE: EPH. 2:14-22 [BEGINNING 221] & HEB. 9:1-7

[BEGINNING 320]. GOSPEL: LK. 12:16-21 [BEGINNING 66] & LK. 10:38-42, 11:27-

28 [BEGINNING 54].)

Tropar of the Resurrection – Tone 7: You destroyed death by Your Cross. You opened paradise to the thief. You changed the Myrrh-Bearers weeping and commanded Your apostles to proclaim that You are risen, О Christ God, granting the world great mercy.

Tropar of the Feast – Tone 4: Today is the foreshadowing of God’s benevolence and the herald of salvation for the human race. The Virgin appears openly in the Temple of God, foretelling Christ to all. Let us then with a great voice, cry out to her: Rejoice, O fulfillment of the Creator’s dis-pensation.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Kondak of the Resurrection – Tone 7: The dominion of death can no longer hold men captive, for Christ descended, shattering and destroying its power. Hades is bound while the prophets rejoice in har-mony. The Saviour has come to those who believe, saying: come forth you faithful, un-to the resurrection.

Both now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Kondak of the Feast – Tone 4: The All-Pure Temple of the Saviour, the Precious Bridal Chamber and Virgin, the Sacred Treasure of the Glory of God, is led today into the House of the Lord, bringing with

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вводячи; що в Дусі Божественнім, яку оспівують ангели Божі: Вона є Оселя Небесна.

Прокимен – Голос 7: Господь крі-пость людям Своїм дасть, Господь благо-словить людей Своїх миром.

Стих: Принесіть Господеві, сини Бо-жі, принесіть Господеві молодих ягнят.

Прокимен – Голос 3: Величає ду-ша моя Господа і зрадів дух мій у Бозі, Спасі моїм.

(Єф. 2:14-22) Браття... Він бо наш мир, що вчинив із двох одне й зруйнував серединну перегоро-ду, ворожнечу, Своїм тілом, Він Своєю наукою знищив Закона за-повідей, щоб з обох збудувати Со-бою одного нового чоловіка, мир чинивши, і хрестом примирити із Богом обох в однім тілі, ворожне-чу на ньому забивши. І , прийшов-ши, Він благовістив мир вам, да-леким, і мир близьким, бо обоє Ним маємо приступ у Дусі однім до Отця. Отже, ви вже не чужі й не приходьки, а співгорожани свя-тим, і домашні для Бога, збудова-ні на основі апостолів і пророків, де наріжним каменем є Сам Ісус Христос, що на ньому вся будівля, улад побудована, росте в святий храм у Господі, що на ньому і ви разом будуєтеся Духом на оселю Божу.

(Євр. 9:1-7 ) Браття... Мав же і перший заповіт постанови богослуж-би та світську святиню. Була бо уря-джена перша скинія, яка зветься свя-тиня, а в ній був свічник, і стіл, і же-ртвенні хліби. А за другою заслоною скинія, що зветься Святеє Святих. Мала вона золоту кадильницю й ков-чега заповіту, усюди обкутого золо-том, а в нім золота посудина з ман-ною, і розцвіле жезло Ааронове та

her the grace of the Divine Spirit. God’s an-gels hymn her with chants of praise: For truly she is the heavenly dwelling.

Prokeimen – Tone 7: The Lord shall give strength to His people; the Lord shall bless His people with peace.

Verse: Bring to the Lord, you sons of God, bring young rams to the Lord.

Prokeimen – Tone 3: My soul magni-fies the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour.

(Eph. 2:14-22) Brethren… For He is our peace; in His flesh He has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, the hostility between us. Through His teaching, He has abolished the commandments of the Law, that He might create in Himself a new man in place of the two, thus making peace, that He might rec-oncile both groups to God in one body through the cross, thus putting to death that hostility through it. So He came and pro-claimed peace to the distant as well as to the near; for through Him both have access in one Spirit to the Father. Therefore, you are no longer strangers and aliens, but citizens with the saints and members of the house-hold of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone. In Him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in Whom you also are being built together into the dwelling-place of God through the Spirit.

(Heb. 9:1-7) Brethren… Now even the first covenant had regulations for worship and an earthly sanctuary. For an outer tent was prepared, which is called the Holy Place, in which were the lampstand and the table and the bread of the offering. Behind the second curtain stood a tent called the Holy of Holies. It had a golden censor and the ark of the covenant, covered on all sides with gold, which contained a golden urn holding the manna, and Aaron's budding

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таблиці заповіту. А над ним херуви-ми слави, що затінювали престола благодаті, про що говорити докладно тепер не потрібно. При такому ж урядженні до першої скинії входили завжди священики, правлячи служби Богові, а до другої раз на рік сам пер-восвященик, не без крови, яку він приносить за себе й за людські про-вини.

Алилуя – Голос 7: Благо є прослав-ляти Господа, і співати Імені Твоєму, Всевишній.

Стих: Сповіщати вранці про милість Твою, і вночі про правду Твою.

Алилуя – Голос 8: Слухай, дочко, і споглянь, і прихили вухо твоє.

(Лк. 12:16-21) І Він розповів їм при-тчу, говорячи: В одного багача гойно ни-ва вродила була. І міркував він про себе й казав: Що робити, що не маю куди зіб-рати плодів своїх? І сказав: Оце я зроб-лю, порозвалюю клуні свої, і просторні-ші поставлю, і позбираю туди пашню свою всю та свій достаток. І скажу я ду-ші своїй: Душе, маєш багато добра, на багато років складеного. Спочивай, їж та пий, і веселися! Бог же до нього про-рік: Нерозумний, ночі цієї ось душу твою зажадають від тебе, і кому позоста-неться те, що ти був наготовив? Так бу-ває і з тим, хто збирає для себе, та не ба-гатіє в Бога.

(Лк. 10:38-42, 11:27-28) І сталось, коли вони йшли, Він прийшов до одного села. Одна ж жінка, Марта їй на ім'я, прийняла Його в дім свій. Була ж в неї сестра, що звалась Марія; вона сіла в но-гах у Ісуса, та й слухала слова Його. А Марта великою послугою клопоталась, а спинившись, сказала: Господи, чи бай-дуже Тобі, що на мене саму полишила служити сестра моя? Скажи ж їй, щоб мені помогла. Господь же промовив у відповідь їй: Марто, Марто, турбуєшся й

rod, and the tablets of the covenant. Above it were the cherubim of glory which over-shadowed the mercy seat, of which it is un-necessary for us to speak of in detail now. According to such order, the priests would enter into the outer tent, performing divine services to God; whereas into the second the high priest himself entered but once a year, not without blood, which he offers for him-self and for the transpasses of the people.

Alleluia – Tone 7: It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to Your Name, О Most High.

Verse: To declare Your mercy in the morning and Your truth by night.

Alleluia – Tone 8: Hearken, O daugh-ter, and see and incline your ear.

(Lk. 12:16-21) And He spoke a parable to them, saying: The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying: What shall I do, because I have no room in which to store my fruits? And he said: I will do this. I will pull down my barns and build bigger ones, and I will store all my fruits and my goods there. And I will say to my soul: Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years. Take your ease, eat drink and be merry. But God said to him: Fool! This night your soul shall be required of you, then whose shall be those things which you have prepared? So is he who lays up treas-ure for himself and is not rich toward God.

(Lk. 10:38-42, 11:27-28) As they he entered a village; a woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving; and she went to him and said: Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me. But the Lord an-swered her: Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many

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Від понеділок 28-го листопада до п’ятниці 6-го січня - Різдвяний Піст (Пилипівка) Субота, 10-го грудня - Вечірня й Сповідь - 6:30 год. вечора. Неділя, 11-го грудня - Св. Літургія - 9:30 год. рано. Понеділок, 12-го грудня - Святого Апостола Андрея Первозванного - Апостол України - Велика Вечірня з Літією й Сповідь - 6:30 год. вечора. Вівторок, 13-го грудня - Святого Апостола Андрея Первозванного - Апостол України - Св. Літургія - 10:00 год. рано. Субота, 17-го грудня - Вечірня й Сповідь - 6:30 год. вечора. Неділя, 18-го грудня - Св. Літургія - 9:30 год. рано. Неділя, 18-го грудня - Святого Миколая, Апрхиєпископа Мир Ликійського, Чудотвор-ця - Велика Вечірня з Літією й Сповідь - 6:30 год. вечора. Понеділок, 19-го грудня - Святого Миколая, Апрхиєпископа Мир Ликійського, Чудо-творця - Св. Літургія - 10:00 год. Рано. Субота, 24-го грудня - Не Буде Відправлена Вечірня. Неділя, 25-го грудня - Св. Літургія - 9:30 год. рано.

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журишся ти про багато чого, а потрібне одне. Марія ж обрала найкращу частку, яка не відбереться від неї. І сталось, як Він це говорив, одна жінка з народу свій голос піднесла й сказала до Нього: Бла-женна утроба, що носила Тебе, і груди, що Ти ссав! А Він відказав: Так. Бла-женні ж і ті, хто слухає Божого Слова і його береже.

3 а д о с т о й н и к – І р м о с – Г о -л о с 4 : А н г е л и , в х о д ж е н н я П р е ч и с т о ї б а ч а ч и , з д и в у в а л и с я , я к Д і в а в х о д и т ь у С в я т е є С в я -т и х .

Ірмос, голос 4: До одухотворенного Божого кивоту, нехай не доторкається рука скверних, уста ж вірних, невмовка-ючи, голосом ангела співаючи, Богоро-диці нехай з радістю оспівують: Істинно Ти вища за всіх, Діво чиста.

Причасники: Х в алі ть Гос п о-да з н ебес , х в алі ть Йог о в о в иш-н іх .

Чашу спасіння прийму й Ім’я Гос-поднє призову. Алилуя, Алилуя, Алилуя.

things; one thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her. As he said this, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him: Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked! But he said: Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it.

Instead of “It Is Truly Worthy” – Ir-mos – Tone 4: Beholding the entry of the All-Pure, the angels were struck with amazement, seeing how the Virgin entered into the Holy of Holies.

Irmos, Tone 4: Let no profane hand touch the Living Ark of God, but let the lips of the faithful, singing ceaselessly to the Theotokos the words of the angel, cry aloud with joy: O Pure Virgin, You are truly high above all.

Communion Verse: Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the high-est.

I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the Name of the Lord. Alleluia, Alle-luia, Alleluia.

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ФЕСТИВАЛЬ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ КОЛЯДОК цього року відбудеться 4-го грудня (сьогодні) о 15:00 г. при концертові залі Белла {Bella Concert Hall в будинку Taylor Centre for the Performing Arts, Mount Royal University (4825 Mt. Royal Gate SW)}. Ласкаво запрошуємо всіх до участі!


Monday, November 28 to Friday, January 6 - Nativity Fast (St. Philip’s Fast) Saturday, December 10 - Vespers and Confession - 6:30 PM. Sunday, December 11 - Divine Liturgy - 9:30 AM. Monday, December 12 - The Holy Apostle Andrew - Apostle of Ukraine - Great Vespers with Litia and Confession - 6:30 PM. Tuesday, December 13 - The Holy Apostle Andrew - Apostle of Ukraine - Divine Liturgy - 10:00 AM. Saturday, December 17 - Vespers and Confession - 6:30 PM. Sunday, December 18 - Divine Liturgy - 9:30 AM. Sunday, December 18 - Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia - Great Vespers with Litia and Confession - 6:30 PM. Monday, December 19 - Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia - Di-vine Liturgy - 10:00 AM. Saturday, December 24 - No Vesper Service. Sunday, December 25 - Divine Liturgy - 9:30 AM.



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ПРИМІТКА ЩОДО СВ. ПРИЧАСТЯ – Св. Православна Церква розуміє Причастя, як повну спільність у духовному житті, приналежність до одного віросповідання, і що можуть приймати Св. Причастя тільки ті, хто є членами Православної Церкви, і які належно підготували себе до цього через молитву, піст і нещодавню Сповідь. Після отримання Святого Причастя, ми повинні залишатися в церкві до завер-шення Літургії. Наше спілкування починається після того, як ми поцілуємо Хрест і отримаємо просфору (Антидор - яку можуть брати усі присутні). Якщо у вас є питання, щодо вищої примітки, або якщо ви хотіли б стати членом Православної Церкви, будь ласка, звертайтеся до о. Тараса або о. Тимофія.

РІЧНІ ЗБОРИ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ПРАВОСЛАВНОЇ ГРОМАДИ СВ. ВОЛОДИМИРА відбудуться сьо-годні після Св. Літургії. Ласкаво просимо, щоб усі члени цієї громади прибули на ці важ-ливі збори!

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THANKS FOR A GREAT EVENT: A sincerest thank you goes out to the organizers, volun-teers, supporters and everyone who came out for our Fall Puschenia. It was a wonderful evening of great food, good entertainment and warm community fellowship. God bless each and every one of you for making this event a great success!

2017 CALENDAR DATES: The 2017 Congregation Calendar of Services and Events is cur-rently being prepared. All congregation organizations are asked to supply a list of dates and events you wish to have included in this calendar to Fr. Taras via e-mail: [email protected] no later than Sunday, December 4 (today). Thank you for your co-operation in this matter!

UKRAINIAN CAROL FESTIVAL: The Calgary Branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Association of Calgary and Echoes of Ukraine presents Calgary’s 20th Annual Festival of Carols on Sunday, December 4th (today) at 3:00 PM at the Bella Concert Hall at the Taylor Centre for the Performing Arts Building (Link Entrance), Mount Royal University (4825 Mt. Royal Gate SW). All are invited to this festive event!

FAMILY ZOOLIGHTS EXCURSION: Due to several conflicts, the Little Lambs/Pathways Jr./Pathways Sr. Zoolights excursion has been rescheduled to Sunday December 11, 2016. The event will begin at 4:00pm with dinner and a session at the Church followed by a trip to Zoolights. All who are interested in attending is asked to contact Fr. Timothy @ 403-700-9947 or [email protected].

THE NEXT SESSION OF RE-CATECHISM will take place on December 16, 2016. Rdr. Mi-chael Holden will be speaking on the theological significance of Church Music. The session will begin at 6:30pm. Soup and buns will be provided. If you are interested in attending or

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ST. VLADIMIR'S UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CONGREGATION ANNUAL MEETING will be held to-day following the Divine Liturgy. All members of this congregation are asked to be present at this important meeting!

The congregation’s Nomination Committee is looking for volunteers to fill various posi-tions on the Parish Council Executive and various other committees for the continued operation of our congregation for 2017. Please call us to discuss where you wish to

volunteer. Joanna Calkins 403 278-0822, Nestor Papish 403 560-1499, Greg Syrnick 403 246-0610.

As faithful stewards of God’s Holy House, we have a sacred obligation and responsibil-ity not simply to volunteer a few extra moments, but rather to humbly and joyfully of-fer our time, our talents, and our resources back to God in the management and care of that which He has given to us. “Who then is the faithful and wise steward, whom his master will set over his household, to give them their portion of food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master when he comes will find so doing.

Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions” (Luke 12:42-44)

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have any questions, please contact Fr. Timothy @ 403-700-9947 or [email protected].

ST. NICHOLAS CONCERT: A St. Nicholas concert will be on Sunday, December 18. On this day our children will be performing in concert for St. Nicholas. Everyone is welcome to join us at Coffee Hour with the concert to follow. Our children look forward to entertaining you!

UKRAINIAN CHRISTMAS CAMP runs Monday, December 19 to Wednesday, December 21 for children between the ages of 3-10 years old. Each day will be filled with Christmas crafts, song, baking and Ukrainian Christmas stories. We are offering full or part time care. You pick the day(s) and time needed. The cost is $30 for a half day and $55 for a full day. Please email [email protected] before Friday, December 9, 2016 to register. Space is limited. Payment can be made by a cheque made out to St. Vladimir’s Sadochok and we are now accepting interac e-transfer, please send payment to [email protected].

COMPANION TO THE DIVINE LITURGY PEW BOOK: A New “Pew Book” for Parishes & Missions with the Divine Liturgies of Saints John Chrysostom and Basil the Great, in Ukrainian and English is available for purchase. PRE-ORDER TODAY! $7.00 each or $6.00 each for orders of 25 or more. Dimensions & Description: Half Letter Size (5.5” x 8.5”), spiral bound with 208 pages, featuring large 14 point sans serif font. You may pre-order your copy (copies) of this Pew Book through Michele at the Cultural Centre Office by calling 403-264-3437 or emailing [email protected]. NOTE: Order Deadline is Sunday, January 22, 2017.

HELP REBUILD: As many of you know, our sister church of the Western Eparchy, Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Thorhild, Alberta was destroyed by fire in February, 2015. The parish is in the process of rebuilding their church. If you are able to support this important project, donations may be made and sent to: Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church, PO Box 153, Thorhild AB T0A 3J0. Thank you to all donors for your generous sup-port!

WESTERN EPARCHY SAMP SUPPORT: St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation is pleased to announce that the Western Eparchy of the UOCC has favourably reviewed our re-quest for a financial support of the Southern Alberta Mission Project. The Eparchy has gra-

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TO ALL of St. Vladimir’s Parish………UWAC BAKE SALEBAKE SALEBAKE SALEBAKE SALE -- Sun, Dec. 18 after Divine Liturgy at the Cultural Centre in conjunction with the St. Nicholas Concert

Please bring your special Christmas/Різдво baking donations.......

…….and help UWAC help orphans in Ukraine! drop them off at the Cultural Centre Fri. Dec. 17 OR on Sun. the 18th

…flats & bags for packaging available today and next Sunday in the Cultural Centre.

AND Come and shop for Homemade Holiday baking!Come and shop for Homemade Holiday baking!Come and shop for Homemade Holiday baking!Come and shop for Homemade Holiday baking! Helpers would very much be appreciated on Sunday the 18th to setup, tag, sell and bag

To volunteer your much-needed help, please contact Ethel at [email protected] or 403-934-4688

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ciously provided our congregation with a donation in the amount of $5,000.00 to financially support our Southern Alberta Mission Project. St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation expresses its sin-cerest gratitude to His Grace, Bishop Ilari-on and the Western Eparchy for their con-tinued support of the Southern Alberta Mission Project!

СЕРДЕЧНО ДЯКУЄМО: Thank you to Father Taras and Father Timothy for the Memorial and Funeral service for our dear Mama and Baba Vira Loza. To Fa-ther Taras and Dobrodiyka Donna for visiting Mama, especially for the prayer in the last hours of her life. To our Church family, Mama's friends, Nadiya's, Luba's and Halyna's friends for praying and attending our Mama's funeral. Thank you to all for helping and support-ing us at this difficult time. Вічная Па-м'ять! Нехай з Богом Спочиває! — Nadiya, Steve and Yaryna Melnychuk.

MEMBERSHIPS: It’s a few weeks into the new Church Year. Your Parish Council wants to remind those who have not yet taken the opportunity to pay the 2016 membership dues to please do so prior to the Annual General Meeting on December 4th to be eligible to vote on the important matters that occur at the AGM. Also, for 2016 income tax receipts, it’s important that payment must be received at the Cultural Centre office by December 31.—Don Popowich, President Parish Council

SINCEREST GREETINGS ARE EXTENDED TO: Paul Amiot, Walter Ozimko and Liz Topolnitsky who recently celebrated their birthdays. May the Lord bless them with good health and grant them Many Years – На Многі Літа!

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The following people have graciously vol-unteered to be our hosts and volunteers for Coffee Hour for:

December 4 – Daria McDonald, Alana Preusser & Stella Riesen

December 11 – Marla Belsheim & Mila Gryba

December 18 – ST NICHOLAS CON-CERT—Coordinators: Maryann Kowalsky & Michele Faryna

December 25 – Oksana Golubkova & Ole-na Pavlyshyna

We sincerely thank our Coffee Hour hosts and volunteers for providing us with this ex-pression of congregational hospitality and the opportunity for extended Christian fel-lowship! God bless you for your generosity and hospitality!

A NOTE REGARDING COMMUNION – The Holy Orthodox Church understands Communion to mean that we have all things in common, sharing an identical Faith, and only those who are members of the Orthodox Church and who have prepared themselves through prayer, fasting and recent confession may participate in Holy Communion. Following reception of Holy Communion, we should stay in the church until the conclusion of the Liturgy. Our fellowship begins after we venerate the Cross and receive the Blessed Bread (Antidoron - of which all may partake). If you have questions concerning the above, or if you would like to become a member of the Or-thodox Church, please feel free to speak with Fr. Taras or Fr. Timothy.

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NOTE—BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVER-SARY GREETINGS: If you wish to have your Birthday or Anniversary included in or removed from the weekly an-nouncements, please inform Fr. Taras of your request.

AUTOMATED FUNDS TRANSFER: St. Vladimir's Congregation now offers Au-tomated Debit for the purpose of donat-ing to our congregation. Further infor-mation can be found at http://stvlads.com/ by clicking on the “Resources” tab near the top of the home page, then clicking on “Forms” and reviewing the information located under the heading “Pre-Authorized Debit” section.

SOUTHERN ALBERTA MISSION PRO-JECT (SAMP): St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation sincerely thanks everyone who generously contributed to the Southern Alberta Mission Project in the past and humbly requests your continued support of this most worthy project by voluntarily donating $75/member in support of this important work of the Church. If you wish to donate to this project, please indicate on your offering envelope that this is a donation to the Southern Alberta Mission Project (SAMP) in order that the congregation may track the progress of this program.

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“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.” (Psalm 23:6 RSV)

The power and constancy of God is shown forth in the beating of the heart, in the actions of the lungs and in the network of vessels, large and small, that circu-late life-giving blood throughout the body. We are indebted to God for every mo-ment of existence, and for all the comforts of life. The powers and abilities of the human being that elevate him above “lower” creation are all gifts of the Creator.

He loads us with His benefits: the food we eat; the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the air we breathe. God is a bountiful Benefactor and Preserver. All around us we see the glories of God as Creator: the brilliant sun and the gentle moon; the show-ers that refresh the land and cause vegetation to flourish; the lofty trees; the shrubs and plants, the waving grain, the blue sky, the green earth, the changes of day and night, the renewing seasons, all speak to us of God’s creative love. (… page 12)

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Page 12: 404 Meredith Rd. N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 5A6 · Prokeimen – Tone 7: The Lord shall give strength to His people; the Lord shall bless His people with peace. Verse: Bring to the Lord,

As the Creator constantly gives to us, so we constantly give in return. When the heavenly Benefactor stops giving to us, only then may we be excused; for then we shall have nothing to give back. God has never left us without evidence of His love. We are sustained at every moment by God’s care, and upheld by His power.

Herein do we find the basis for stewardship in our Orthodox life. God’s good-ness and mercy follow us every step of the way. Not until we wish God our Father to stop giving His gifts to us should we say, “Is there no end to giving?” Not only should we faithfully give to God our regular tithes of money (the Biblical standard of 10% of all our income – which is His own anyway!) but we should bring even more as a special tribute of gratitude as we contemplate all of His gracious bounty bestowed on us.

Be sure. The Lord does not need our offerings. We cannot enrich Him by our gifts. Yet God permits us to show our appreciation of His mercies by self-sacrificing efforts to extend the same to others. This is the only way in which it is possible to show our gratitude and love to God. He has provided no other way. (Source: http://www.acrod.org/)

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Ethel Tacey - President

Tel: 403-264-3437 Tel: 403-264-3437

St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox CHURCH SCHOOL

Joanna Calkins - Director

Tel: 403-278-0822 Tel: 403-264-3437


Michael Zubkow - President

Tel: 403-246-1609 Tel: 403-264-3437


Zennovia Haydey

Tel: 403-238-3071 Tel: 403-264-3437

St Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox CHURCH CHOIR

Greg Syrnick

Tel: 403-461-9771 Tel: 403-264-3437

St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox LIBRARY & ARCHIVES

Tel: 403-264-3437

SADOCHOK (Ukrainian Preschool) Ages 3-5

Tasha Drynych & Joanne Inkster

Tel: 403-863-2428 Tel: 403-277-8600


Director - Marta Sudyk

Tel: 403-217-3506 Tel: 403-264-3437

St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox SENIORS’ GOLDEN AGE CLUB

Laudie Collins - President

Tel: 403-284-3788 Tel: 403-264-3437

St Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox ORTHODOX RESOURCE CENTRE

Annie Kulmacz

Tel: 403-264-3437 Tel: 403-264-3437

St Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox CULTURAL CENTRE

Michele Faryna - Administrator

Tel: 403-264-3437 Fax: 403-264-3438


Paul Amiot - President

Tel: 403-257-5778 Tel: 403-264-3437