product d escri ption So idWorks Simu ation Software DESIGN BETTER PRODUCTS Axial Piston Engine, Innovation Engineering, Inc. soutions

422005 SIM Simulation DS ENG

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p r o d u c t d e s c r i p t i o n

So idWorks Simu ation SoftwareD E S I G N B E T T E R P R O D U C TS

Axial Piston EnInnovation Engineerin

so ution

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So idWorks F ow Simu ationE A S I ly S I M U l ATE l I q U I D A N D G A S F l O W W I T h I N S O l I D W O R K S

SolidWorks Flow Simulation is a powerful computational fluid dynamics (CFD) toolthat enables you to quickly and easily simulate fluid flow, heat transfer, and fluidforces when these interactions are critical to the success of your design.

A a b a a g f hy al m l a a ab l : • Examine flow through your components, over your components, or a combination

of internal and external flow.• Couple flow with thermal analysis, simultaneously including natural and forced

convection, conduction, and radiation.• Let SolidWorks Flow Simulation find the best dimensions or inlet and outlet

conditions that satisfy goals such as force, pressure drop, or velocity.• Include sophisticated effects like porosity, cavitation, and humidity.• Solve flow problems involving non-Newtonian fluids, such as blood and plastic.• Use a rotating-coordinate frame to simulate the rotation of impellers and to

discover how fluid moves through such systems.

L v ag a l m mb a f al-w l a g :• Apply inlet velocities, pressures, mass- or volume-flow rates, and fans. If

multiple fluids are involved, you can apply mass or volume fraction.• Simulate temperature changes by applying a surface or volume heat source,

specifying natural or forced convection, or accounting for solar radiation.• Use heat sink emulators to study their effects on electronic components.• Track the behavior of particles suspended in a flow.• Apply time- and coordinate-dependent boundary conditions and heat sources.

Ga val abl gh w h w f l a v l v al za l : • Utilize section plots to study the distribution of result quantities, including

velocity, pressure, vorticity, temperature, and mass fraction.• Measure results at any location with the Point Parameter tool.• Graph result variation along any SolidWorks sketch.• List results and automatically export data to Microsoft® Excel.• Examine the flow trajectory inside or around the model with animated bands,

3D arrows, pipes, or spheres.

s l W k ® Fl w s m la v a all l a f f m la g fl fl w a h malb hav a a y s l W k g .

Simulate electronic design withmultiphysics or luid low as well asthermal analysis.

View resul ts or veloc itie s,temperatures, and pressures andprobe the section or results at anylocation.

Visua lize complex low resu lts such

as low trajectories, section plots, and sur ace plot data .

Simulate complex low problems such as t his turb o cha rger withrotating parts.

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s l W k s m la p f al v w f l l ha x a h a ab l f s l W k s m la , y v ga m a a g v m b h a a a mbl .

So idWorks Simu ation ProfessionaP E R F O R M V I R T U A l T E S T I N G A N D A N A ly S I S O F PA R TS A N D A S S E M B l I E S

Simulate steady state and transientheat trans er including time-varyinginputs.

Minimize material usage or weight oyour designs using shape optimizationtechnology.

Study stress, velocity, and accelerationon objects dropped rom di erentheights and orientations.

Use peak loads rom testing or

SolidWorks Motion to estimate the li eo critical components.

In addition to the design simulation functionality contained in SolidWorksSimulation, SolidWorks Simulation Professional provides tools to complete yourvirtual testing environment and optimize your validated designs.

s y a m z a mbl f all z :

• Evaluate forces and stresses between contacting parts, including friction.• Bond components with clearances or gaps, without modification.• Apply bearing loads, forces, pressures, and torques.• Use connectors, or virtual fasteners, to model bolts, pins, springs, and bearings.• Mesh both parts and assemblies with custom meshing diagnostic tools, including

mesh transitioning and local mesh controls.• Converge to accurate solutions by letting SolidWorks automatically refine

and/or coarsen the mesh as required.

u a h ff f m a ha g a a a mbl :

• Study conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer.• Utilize isotropic, orthotropic, and temperature-dependent material properties.

s m la v b a b kl g y g :

• Examine how vibrating or unstable modes can shorten equipment life and causeunexpected failures.

Assess the effects of stiffening under external load on frequency orbuckling response.

o m z al m a al g f a :

• Automatically optimize designs for minimum mass or volume as well asbuckling and frequency goals.

• Investigate all SolidWorks dimensions in static, thermal, frequency, orbuckling analyses.

• Use Trend Tracker and Design Insight plots to drive optimal changes as you work.

s m la g y a a mbl :

• Isolate the worst-case orientation to support physical testing.• Observe the interactions between various parts in an assembly after impact.

s y h ff f y l l a g l f : • Check a system’s expected life or accumulated damage after a specified

number of cycles.• Import load history data from real physical tests to define loading events.

i v ga v l m l a w h q a a :

• Combine various structural and thermal loads as required by your application.• Linearize stresses on any cross-section.

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s m la g h al-w l f y g ha v b a . W h h f ll-f a f l s l W k s m la p m m, y a h mb f a m q a w l ha a ly l a a

So idWorks Simu ation PremiumA C O M P R E h E N S I V E S I M U l AT I O N TO O l F O R Al l D E S I G N P R O F E S S I O N A l S

Study nonlinear problems that involvelarge de ormations or changes to loadplacement or orientation.

Simulate the response o elastomers such as O-rings and seals .

Plot translations versus time (dynamicresponse) at specifed locations due totime-varying loads.

Valida te the per ormance o compo site

materials including sti ness and plyailure results.

SolidWorks Simulation Premium bolsters the depth and ease of use ofSolidWorks Simulation Professional with additional capabilities, including a powerfulset of tools for simulating nonlinear and dynamic response as well as compositematerials. With SolidWorks Simulation Premium, you can design better productswith confidence–in any environment.

ca h ff f la g la m y g :

• Examine the impact of large deformations and changes to loads and restraints.• Transition easily between linear and nonlinear simulations.• Study nonlinear buckling and snap-through events.

s m la ma w h l a ma al :

• Optimize designs with hyperelastic materials, such as rubbers, silicones,and other elastomers.

• Conduct an elasto-plastic analysis to study the onset of yield as well asplastic deformation.

• Examine creep effects and material changes with temperature.

p f m y am a aly f a a a mbl : • Simulate time history loading, steady-state harmonic input, and random

vibration excitations.• Use uniform and multibase motion systems to model structures with nonuniform

support excitations.• Input excitation curves of forces in random vibration analysis.• Study stress, displacement, velocity, and acceleration with time, as well as RMS

and PSD values for stress, displacement, velocity, and acceleration.

s m la m ma al : • Utilize simulation to leverage these advanced materials used in an increasing

number of products, from consumer goods to advanced aerospace structures.• Study multilayer shell bodies to examine how each layer has its own isotropic

or orthotropic material properties, thickness, and orientation.• Use the revolutionary interface to dynamically control and display ply orientation

directly on your SolidWorks model.• Use sandwich and graphite or carbon-fiber composites, including honeycomb

and cellular foam.

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Image courtesy of National Optical Astronomy Observatory,operated by the Association of Universities for Researchin Astronomy, under cooperative agreement with theNational Science Foundation