WeatherForecast ' Fair tonight and \ tlnoed mllO. Maximum <lajr. 7S} mlntmum, 80. fiUntmum tbla momlntr, 41« TODAY’S NEWS TODAY 8Lx Irrig;at43d Countiea in Idaho you xvin. no. 50-5 cents. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, TUESDAY, JU.NK 1. IDUr. Circiilndon. 0I'’I‘’1CI.AL'COUNTY NBWSl'AE’BR LIBERALS ADOP COAL CODE BILL Ouffoy.'Mc’aaurd Tcm od .Bcst . Procodurb to Ovorcomo ; 'Adverse Buling HAS LEGAL. FP£OZU)ENT Statute M ay' Load. to Special Lo^Blation for Each, of 22 Industries ny LYLE C. WU.SOK U'ASHJNGTON. June 4 ConRTCMlonal llberalfllmvc oelcctod tho Guffey bitumlnoua coul.rccov- try bill IM ■Iho moat promlalnff ' wrdgo plan to ovcrcomo tho nu- prcmo eourl'fl dcntructlon of NHA ------cwlc3,~ The- end- of-NflA"brouphf a fllriko coll to -itSO.OOO bltunilnoun * ' coni mincm for June IG. -• Tlie Guffey b!U In advanced wllh support of Inbor onJ mnny cool op- • crjtora. Sen. Robert F. AVnRner, ' D„ N. Y., whoso Judicial record Wttfl cxcellcnt In hln own state, la of the opinion tlmt Uio court .will not b« ' . iiblo to InviUldato In tho Guffoy bill ■'•tlio' labor rcRulatory provisions wbicli wor« fltrloUen in Uio Sclicch- t#r NRA caao last \veeU. • ■ Cites 1‘reccdent Wafrncr Baya tho Guffey bill Is projected by a previouji ouprcmc court dcci.ilon, tho Coronado coa eiine, In whiclj Uio supremo court auatnlned a mino otvnem.' Injunction * iigalnnt iitrlUcm. Tho eourt held In that inntanco that the etoppa(;o of cool mining w-ould ultimately In- taetcre'\^Ut Jntcrntato commercc and, therefore, fell witlilh. {edeml Juflfldlctlon. , It WAS tjie Cor«nnda which President Rooaevclt referred * .iMl-wecU In his dificuaolon of the NRA decision. Tho. court'^ NRA opinion put coal mining, by Infer- ence, .In the Intrantato clnaJilflcft- lion of eorrimereo and, there, pro- tected II against federal Interven- tion. Itooscv-elt IIltA Revrnul Mr. Roosevelt remarked in effect tbnt when the mJffe’owne«|3 wanted ' cOBl mining to bo interaUtc, na In •the Coronnd<} case, tho court ao found, but ’ if tho mine -worUcrs flou£ttsi«J!n»vc;that point Uie shoe aeemeow-M on tho other foot.. With tho Coronado declaton to •guide Ita courae, tbo Guffey blll’iB 1 pasaed by cong— • / Mr.’ RooaevelL n speclnl code for the 1 Pigc 2, Comma 4) Labor Chiefs Worried After White House Parley P A IA N BACKERS ABANOiEFfORT Bonos .Chiefs Seddo to Drop •N' Attempt* at BiU Until K « t Souiott . WASHINGTON, Juno 4 ftlPJ — Bcnato and houao renfereep on.the Patman bpsua bill decided today K. to-'abandon lUl offorUi to enact ' .vetemsa' leclalalion at this session of.coQgrcss. - • • ■ ' 'A n y compromlao proposal,,they ___-acriBCd.-.wiJuW forco.vetenias “ to jnako a-serious aaerifiep.” . The Potmna pliyi, calling for ' *2,000, 000,000 curroncy expansion . . to finance Immediate pfiyiacnt of tbe adjust^ Borvico certUleates wilt be reintroduced whcn'congrcss meets again in January. . . .Ever alneo tbo seoato iaustalned tbe PrcJildent'B veto of tbo Patman bill <t5 sponsors hod .been study- ing,'ways of obtaining-renewed conalderatlon of tho bonus., • Rep. Wright Patman,; D., Tex., and Sen. Elmer Thomas, D., Okla., leaders of the Patman group, In a ____Joint .atotemwLwJi_C“ JiiB* .the aituaUotf dlaclosed '7S per of congress lA favor of the PaC- man bill.'’ ' • ' * '■j . Would aieftn SnerUlce 5. -' . "-Tho. soldiers would have to make a aeclous ,aacrUlco If to occcpt a --------•- they ■"I'l- . ''Xnasmucb as thd'next sesslda of,congrcu.la oniv aevcn months away. w « hitve decided to refer tbe PatmoB bUl back to-tho people and reintroduce It at the next sojm ilon.'MoanwhUe,ra cttmpaJgn-wQl be ■tarted.ImmrtUUly to buUd up —^nUm«nt-for4U-pa»sage."-:— •> '-ThOM'attending'-tho rceaference laeiad(^.< usamberB ot ’ tlie .botiso . .bonus. BtMrtng' commlttea.- - offU cUlB of -the Veterans'of Foreign . '.WAri-knd several aenatbrfl.lncJud- - ang'.Suu ,WUUaia;.^,-;Bor^i;-^ .•XdalKi.','^___________________ MR8; Mdoav •wthja . WEYBRIOOE,iEngIaad, Juo» < ' V Callfoml*.: former. tennl*’ .quoea; - .'coatlnued'.ber cometoelc -cuopalm . 'ototifty by »gwuieing to the fourth ‘jouad'-of tho 8 t Oeorffe’ii-VHm : open.tourbey-.wJth.-.B;;#-), O-O.vlc* ■r ^ ;; -- ,Ths'. ReeontruetburVFlnftaetfroor- - ■: poAUcta'todByiotfared tD ^ tln u e ' V ;-'rii)ah~of WS00;0«) ondidnd V.-r.-^000,tnore to the a M. S t w "Hh tbe fall of NRA. Preitdent Wlllam Oroen of ll.e A. F. of U, lejt; MlM France* Perldn*, labor neeretorj-, eenterjjind John I. mine n-orkcm* chief, rlRlit, aro nhown hero after conferring on tlio ulluntlon with President Kodsovclt at the W .lto Hoav). Green said labor htu» In a availing attitude, but Lewis Mr\-rd notice that a cnul ntrlke wlU atnrt on June la "We feel there la Lope, but our llpa nro scaled." fuild Swretary I'urUlns. IDAHO HUNTS HOLDUP GANG AS POSSIBLE KIDNAP CLUE Definite Oholi Delayed Pending Local ‘'Quick Labor” Jobs Tl^oughout U. S. . WASHINGTON, June -1 (Ol’l — Tho Now Deal's 5«.000,000.000 work-relief program today ntruck 0 . stalemate us leaders sought now- typo reemployment projects pro- viding maximum work at minimum coat . ITearfuI that they wlll'bo unable i-omploy 3,500,000--penK>nn -u . anned, odmblstratlon' officials held up definite approval of all fed. eral and non-fedcml applications. ' - They liavo an average of $1,100 per man to, spend.. Yet tbe 51,000,- OOO.bOO la projects already planned will coat approximately 2,000 for every person ukcn off relief rolla and kept on government payrolls until July 1,1035., • LociU quick Work To ^ u c o the average, PKflldent Roosevelt- has inatructcd Worlui Progress Director Hany I* Hop- kins to search the country for local quick work -whero mnlorlal-coata will bo low. with'almoat all the money going for labor and wages. While tho reemployment drive ..an at a atandaUii, federal agencies eonUnuo to-make applications for liart of tho fnoney. A total o f $12,- 770,200 In new requests was. an^ nouncod today by the division-of applications and-Information. Tho - - - “ cations Include: ■ ,^-partmcnt of interior,— study of public lands of tho United States in Arlxona, California, Colo- rado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Medcor OregoB,-Utah-and Wy- oming, ;035,000. . KILLSGIRLJHEN IKESlllLIFE Loa Asgfllos'Toatb Hontrs Self After Stabbing Sweetheart itroQgo X/)S:ANGBXi:a, June 4 (CEl'-A. youth who slabbed on attractive i^l five times after ebo told him "her right'name" andjtben flvo Limes uoro'wben’^ e sold she loved him provided pollco'with a puzzling case of,apparat derangement, to- *^^1160 B^'tbey believed the wo- taaft-was-»olore«.Dufae,.-a6, of acvcland.'OMo,. ge Boolb-was sought as tho ------- ,*s alleged alayer .after bla family tnforaed police ho bad ad- mitted tboBlaylngJh.ft BUlclde.Dat^ Booth'a body wax fopid later.haog- :g fram a tree In &^earb]r grovs. * • ,Ii«vpsNot«V-- •• ^ The note, found In Booth's------ with B'blood-alained butcher Jmlfe. kllUng-Dolores-Jifter abe .to lf .z bor iight name, 2 stabbed her five timM V t e r - ^ - t o l d &»■ that. ahe b ^ i stabbed'flvie Ume*:through ,th* breast And bear^ teg numerourother;wounds on the and hands, f-»~-• KUttaJa,th8^ tirict;url7.todaT. Search in Northwest! Settles Down to Routine By MAX O. FUNKE .BOISE, Juno 4 (UP)-AU main roads inrldaho werp blocked off today by-state po- lico after reports that a large automobile carrying six 'tough hombres' stopped' Qoorgo La- mar, Boise, near Oaldwcll last night and held him up, ' A tight barrier was thrown up at Olonns Ferry after La- mar reported tho car had thundered away from the'hold- up scene in-.an'caflterly direo- tion.:Ho- snspc0 tcd.:tli0-h0ldup8 were-tho Woyerhaouser kid- flapers. “ — . . ^ Ijxnjar, tho holdup ................two mllea ......................... - last night by driving Into tho road In front of him while he was tmvellng cost. Ono man jumped on tho running board of his machine, bo said, told him to atop while they drained his gasoline tank. ' . Lamar stopped, he sold, biit did 3t get'out of tho car. Tha’tank 1 his machlno was tapped of al' gBflollne but about.« hair.guJlon. ; ^ForGa* The men paid him for the gwio- llne, Lamar aald, but did not go ?er him for money. ' , “One of tho.men said, 'leave him enough gas to fi^t into town,'" La- mar reported, "then they roared away on the road to Middleton.'' ' The car tb'ey^ero In JLamar said, u a large eeCtj), ppsslbly a Pack* ard; Tho liccnse number could not bo read, but thcro was ■^vhllo■ In it" ' Lamar, identified one of tho___ with n description which tallied with oiio of tho Weyerhaeuser kid- napcfrs 'except for-' about three pounds ,dlffercnco in weight, ho aald. ' •» " I could not ace tho others,” told officers, “ but I got a good look at^ the one; Ho 'appeared-.almost IdcnUcal .with, the description' of ono of the Icldnapem which the Jus- tlco department bulletins carried/' The arrest In Chicago of Vol. ney Davis, at firat Wievcd a break-which linked Kaipls with the Weyerhaeuser.kidnaping, ap- ared today merely another step tbe rolenUess work of t h e ^ - .BWCnr'In- ciearmg up. uflTBiP ward a. Snmec klaaapUur la 8L Paul..'It also tended-to^coi ' tho-theoiy Ibirpis had n'hond the snatching of young Weyer- haeuser, Tbo bank notes'of SIO and (20 dendtnlnatloa-with which tho boy was ransomed,' aoemod likely to .p n ^ the stumbling block.that (Cotittoued-oh Page 2,'bolumn 1) llcmorloi J«lI._Bolne -was chosen as tbe j030 convention c^ty. -Smith Bucceedi Z<. J. Holland. Shelley, wiio haa aervod os bead of Uie group for tho punt aeven years. Otbcr officers are: Magglo Hill, ITrmildln, secrotary-treaaurer, r ^ elected, and tho following dlalrlci ch.ilrmen: No. 1, P. E. Ellis. SUtea; No. 2, John B. Cutes, Mcrldlani No. 3, anrence.P. Smith, EdcnJ No. 4, Alva T. BeiWls. Porker; ana No. 6, E. C. Taylor, Rockland. . .Tho conventiODers. who are in charge of third and fourth cions post offices la the atat'e, were gueals thia afternoon of • Twin Falls Chamber of Oommerco mcm- borsj.who took them on a sight- seeing tour .'of, nearby points of In- terest. ' Ono df tho high-lishts of tho convention won a banquoC staged last evening at tho Park'hotel. :§AYS'V. HOLL'yWOOD, Cal-Ftwico wont have'toVgo.off.the gold Their new-boat-bi«ke tho, record,'w that mossi nllAmer- ieana with nothing to do when they get over .there wlU ^ t to gtfoa-tbofaptedtboat ' . :- ,The 'U/ S.-treasury Bayi ,that ;expe;idlt)iref. an. roanlng ,a bn*' I Iloa' oad a'fatOf .under'-•atlnute&-, ■Ohat.ineans; aore-.noney,-1^~ HELECIED fiyPflSMSTERS EST FLOOD HAZARDSEXIEND TO NEW SECTORS Death-Dealing Torronta Sw'cep Into Main Obannols of Missouri Basia EEOORD OVERFLOW NEAR Residents in Lowlauds EBcapc To Bigher Ground; Death Toll Nears 200 WondcU Man Named President At Concluding Session of; OonvoQtion Here Ccorgo P. Smith, Wcndelf, today named prcniilcnt of the Idaho branch of tho national lea- of district poaUnoaters at-the concluding buslRcas 'aeaslon ofth o iCANSAS CITV, Mo,. Jiino -1fi:,Pi, —Dcjitructlvu anil lic.-iCh torrento Hint. Iwvo ruvnRcd river valleys In Colorniio, ICatiMS, and Nebroakii ,/iincu lii.nt Thuraiiay to- day nwept into the main clmnncls of tijo lower MLiMurl river bwln. "Tlio njurliy,‘brimful curronLa'of. tlie ICnw und the Ml.xiourl rlvcr.i crept ntcadily hlglier. ^\n c (low nurpau-ilng any In liLHory feared. ' Drutlis.nt 300 While the flood roceded in tlio headwatCRj of tiio ML-wouri'ii trlbu- liirle/i, leaving a di-atli toll of up- iroxlmnttfiy 200. tho flood coii- Jnued to pllo up in Kanmui. Junc- tion City, Inolated by a huge liiUo ■f water n« the Solomon and Re- lublfcan rivers ovcrfloweJ at their .unction where Uic Knw formed, awaited n new crriit coming down! the Republican valley. - Offlclnl reports of river ntagcji of atreama nt Topeka, WnmcKo, Kan,, iCnnnan City. Mo., anti Boonvllle, Mo., revealed an niarming •flood 'condition. Tho destruction, how- (ever, probabfy will bo co^fifi^^i farm lamia and property. ItOHldCJltfl 1-lco RealdenUi in. tho lowlanil.i iiavc hiul imfflclcnt warning and cvncuii- tlon continued at a .rapid pacc, Loveoa protected •tho major iMr* thma o f nuch cltlca us Topolu. and JCanaaa City. •■Tho Kaw at Wamego,'' «alri'-S. D. rioro, government mutcorologlat Roosevelt Maps Revised NRA At Cabinet Session Hope that nrrpflt of Vnlucy. Davin, No. 3 man it; tilo Knrpls irtnir. micht dincliiM a trail to l(ldnit|»en> of Cenrgn Wcyer- lIuruHcr, 0, htkd lieeit dlMoiirited - todny by federal nKentn.-Hcluiro of DuvU nt, Chicago, mid Ills prompt guilty pim In tiin Hro- nior Iddiuipliig nt .SI. ruiil, Irnllr cjited that Imiwrtanco of tlio KarpU gang In tlio Weyer- lii>eu)i«r eono liad dlnilnlnhod deKpito rlulniA Umt-UnvLi luid luaMMl a Tarnm-i apartment the day utter tlio Ixiy'n abdnl'ilnn. Now Cabinet Hoags ia B&laaca, As Bouisson Asks Partial Dictatorship E M L L S LEADER iMaritimo^Ciroles in Uproar ai Veteran Labor Obiof Is Ordered OuBtoU SAN FRANCISCO, Jurie^ 4- tttPJ —Sna“ Fm'ndsco xnarlUmo' hibor circles wen tlirowfli Into oa 1 roar today with announcement the Paclflo cout district hei.. quortera of tho lnt«niaUonal Sea- beisv" votcran labor leader, hod been e x i l e d from xaemborahlp. Scharreabcrfir, Bccrelary-treaa- urer of- tho CaUfomla,State Fed- eratlon^of-lAbor •and union dolegatft to the central labor ceunell'of San FraBelsco,-bas tho right to appeal tho expulalon to the Intematioaal'tinloa.execuUvo com'mlttoe. -Uarltime loaders be- lieved such an nppbal-Waj certain. expelled - - -wiOB ■ expelled on- thrco charges :o f •■non-union’' activities, officials,said./' .; ' ---- ato'Xaaker^Strfto# Tbe fln t count ' alleged that Scharrcaberg...violated -the iualon consUtutioa m caiUng.the oil tank- er walkont-withoutBUbtalttlag tho iBsuo to a vote ot 'ttu membership. .•„Tbe-Beeoad, concerned a -Btato- meat he-allegedly .made ttyiag wlab wo cou]d,haTo-a va r wltb 'Japan", because, 'thon'the Vaeam^ __ _ __ . The third'eduW ohiTffed he,had 16aterod a:"comp»ny wuoat.whlch Lee •. J. HblioAa,; fptaer;Jntenai: tional j4 »g B horCBeo'B'ajBocIatloa prMldeati-■ought-to-------•-'•*" oppoBlUoa'to thirXfZ* KILLS HUiREDS Cloudburst Traps Wprahipper Inside Oburch; Children Among Victims Dy'JACQCES U'AltSIAND (CnpyriRht, 1035, United I'reu) SAN 1‘iSDRO. .Actopan, Mexico, iJunu 4 IL'.i!)—A trcmemious cloud- ,I0.w v.llcy 1. to tor om ot lu . Valley . . major flooOa." He aald tho crooflt would reach Lowrcnce early Wcd- nenday nnd hit Itnnaaa City aomis- tlmo ,Wodnesdfty. broadcnat wnnilngii-to_rcflldonla of tho lower SCa'iv valley lo IeiiviTLheff homes at once. 'They .-said the (Ooattaucd on P o ^ 2, Column 0) RENCH PREMIER PA&IS, Juno i <UE>-rTho gov- ernment of Premier Fernand „ BoulMon -defeated la tho chamber of deputiM today on Its' demand for semi-dictatorial powom to govern by decree'and •avo'tbo economlo situation and tliA franc. • The 90B jU l,o a ge%-emment went down to defeat by tho car- row margin of tivo v o t « nnd promptly nnlgned, leaving the political situation In chaos., PARIS. Juno < (UE)—Tho fate of tho French government was la the balance today when Premier Fer- nand. Bouisson presented to tlie chamber of deputies a demond for full povrara to deal with' tho mone- tary nnd economic crisis by decree. Tho^,vcmment won a vote of continence on tho Question of sua- }dlng debate, 800 to 102, and ;n nsked for a vote of confidence the fuU powers Issue., SemI-Dletato(«hlp Tho aessloawafl Buspooded for hour while dcpuUca stormed la the corrido«,.nrguinff'about flaal proval or disapproval of- tho cal net TheiBa- -....... -. powe^ul body la th^B cham^r, the s and the CommunUti a agulnst granting tho powers. ' A « a-precaution; tbe government stationed aeveml - bundn>d Uobllo guards, bdmeted and carrying car- bines, at Btreet Intersections,be- tween-tho cbamber.aad.lho.arc •*- triuth^.'.- '■ Aiylum Ordered in ' 'Gnicifixo'n” Hoax «^ “ utio tta- Jr^^S*foceed hlfl “iB -yew^ toa to I'eruclfy''^ him' la na. effort to regain - the - affection* '* *■'- annual religious featlval, left In ItJi wake today a toU of ot least 310 known dead, many of them children. ,, The ooene of tho grctttcat,dlnafl- ter wtts at tho. church, whoro the woter-coua«i-a-partial coUapae and whore' mud'and sand were bomo on'ruahbg waves over the worahlppers, * Itelatlves Ilyiterlcal Tho United. Press corrcaj ent, InapecUng the rulna, " i ____ hundreds of pale and hyoterlcal relatives seclUng bodies, of the dcnd. Police Commander Manuel Gon- zalofl Aguado announced that 243 bodies have been recovered in'San Pedro nlono and others’ In various towns of tho federal district. ' San Pedro, a vllh>ge of few than 1.000 inhabitants, was cwwd- ed. yesterday by visitors from sarby towns who camo for the ill^ous festival. - . Trapped In Church Part of tho entrance to tho. Son cdro'church coll---- ' -• * " walls cracked, but ______ ______ of tho disaster wos tha wall of wa- ter which flooded tho town In leas than five mlnutea and-poured in- to tho church, trapping almoat everybody Inalde. Tbo worshlppera were buried ta a turgid, soupy flood wh' ' thick wlth'dust and sand, tho victims were children: Hysterlcol,, weeping mothers, wives and children gathered at tha church today, looking for relatives. They watched coch movement of the rcseuo worker^, believing oveiy body rotrlovod to bo that of * member of. their fa n ^ . It'WOB believed that with the continual r e 'c o v b r y of bodies, earlier eaUmates of 40a dead would bo borna out md perhaps oxcoedod. -TGDAY-^ GAMES AMKIUCAK LEAGUB By United Pmm P hllad6lphla-New York — post- cned,TttIn. . • A t Washington— , Piece-By-Piece Repair Agreed-Qn At MeMng Momentous White House Gathering Charts Bolstering of Recovery Setup Hy IL O. TllO.MI*.SO.f WASHINGTON, June ■! (U l!)—A pii'cc-b/.piece .repair of tlie NUA wns Uio jiroirmm ni?rcwi-n{iou, t-odny in a confcrenot between I'rc.Hiiiciil ItooncvcU mid !iri cabi.tict, a 8ui;Vcy of,tho sitiialioii rove.ilcii. •■ ' , Cnbiiict officors, nflor nn . e.xtnmniinnry Wliite House bc» - - > .■iiQu.-at wliicli tlifl-wliola .|)icluri:-vviu-c.iuvaiscd, 'were fairly -- well iti nKrccnieiit tliiit tho ciner«ency would bo met'pieceme^ by individiiiil rfforlH to bolster tliMiKiin plinsM of the recovery , slriicltirc. Wiiile liiey were in ngroo- inciit in nssortiiig that certain coticltisions wc’re renchcil, they, loft tbo revealing of details to llin I’ rc.siiicnt. • - - They did, bowcvcr, dincuas Iho Wngiier labor disputes-bill, the Giiffpy conl control hill, iini} llie fioci.nl security pro- Wiuthcr Iheae three would com' poao a part ot tho revamped NRA. —na not atatcd. After Uio cabinet meeting th* president' called in congrcsaloaal nnd rccovcty leaders for further ' illRCUHHion of ilia plana. A t S p. m. or tlierenbouts he cxpcctcd t^ . unnounco tho rcault to Uio press. In connecton wlUi Uio' pram- Inenco given to Uio ■%Vagncr labor diaimtcs bill In U)o confercocci. It was learned Uiat Its author. Sen. riobert F. Wagner, D., u-os preparing amendments d » - ' .ilgned to bolater Its coasUtuUoa> allly. The changes were dcacrlbed I being eaaenUnlly minor. - Tho , bouse adjourned until to- morrow after an hour and ooa- half acsaion of minor bllUi, Speak* Joseph W. Byrna sold the-boi Negro Refuses Trip South to Claim fortune O&r^UIA. Neb.. Juno 4 ai.P.)— Tho fear of old timo aouthuiv, Negroea Uiat they cannot ob> tain JUBtlco nouth of the Maaon and .Dixon line .la keeping Gab- riel McElroy, C3, a Nogro-Bap. tint mlnliiter, nwny from Hen- derson, Texas, where ho haa been told a fortune cnUmatod from $100,000 to 5250,00(1 In oil lands awaits him. The alory of McEiroy'a flight tlirough n dozen nta.tea in a franUc effort to avoid returzito Texas deapito tho rich legacy waa unfolded hero today by tha ncv. Z. E. McOee, a fellow Ne- gro minister. McGee learned about the coao when Georgo D. Polioclt, of Daliofl, was de- tained by police at McElroy’s reaucaL Polioclt, a whiU man. ex- plained to polica tlmt ha had spent aevoral, thousand-dollars hunting tho Negro so be eoutd bo persuaded to retum^to Tex- -os. accept Jils .lcgacy.,and clear' title to 20 acccs of valuable oU iBAdS. NaUonwlda Search McElroy, who hasossumed the name of Daniel Young, has been tho object of a nationwide scarch for two years, McGee said. The fuglUve pastor's story 'as confided to McGee, was: - la tho corly 'OOs McElroy was a ’Baptlat paator near Kcnder- non. A band ot night' riders broke up a poiiUcal meeting over,which bo was prealdlng. ShoU were fired. McElroy was struck in tho leg. Ho returned tho fire. Thlnldng be had killed two whito men, ho fled. • . In another Texas tom ■ he permitted a family named 'V'oung to adopt,him. But he .beard rumora that tho night rlderfl were aUll after him. So ho flbd Texas. Today, deaplte assurancea of Police Chief Itobert Samardlck,- Mayor Towl and County Attor- ney Jamefl English that ao’- luirm would befall him If be ro- turned- to • Texas,. McElroy steadfastly refused to. leave Omaha. MOMENTOUS MEETINQ ' ' WASHINOTON, Judo 4 (UD— Presldcnt^Rooaovelt and 'bis -'cab-, inet In a momentous special meet* Ing today charted the future of tha New Deal's broken dowo natlbaat- recovery organisation. ' - -A program of definite admlol*- traUvo and leglalaUvo acUoa.to ' meet tho-crlala arising from (hit ' supremo court's deatructlon‘of all N i l A codes was expected’ la' a - matter of hours. Capital Jenae lb* capital was tenso a« tU ■ , . cabinet memt>en filed into .'tha Wlilto House. President Rbote>' f’ A S K IE D FIGHT Project Added .to OHJectiTca In Ootmty; Athletla tneetlhg of representatlvea of civic groups and diatrlct leaders at the rest End'Country-club la ‘-8uhl This project was added to tha list ot U which already bad b ra agreed to by, the oommlssion; bead- ed by A. L. Swim. TwlarFallB. In 81tw AdoAUoa' after-wTmo ■as a recoBunendaitlon -that tm- .Bveloprt power altef .lo ,tho oouB- ty bo .withdraw ' B'-fratt-speculJUlie elqoeof ajutdet- other pn>]e^:whUh bad. bees laoluded la the^rognun ant'wU- eatag ot-thA-atato^hlghway:-lAd buildlag.of -ono- to Creseat.^ty, CaUf.. eUffllaaUo&'ot raUeidulBn dev«lopm^or,,Uu'Vtntat/Kh ir* rig«ill&uUstitet.Md-Wh»bmitil be,had felt It ceding conferences during tbe day, . v^ there was expected to emergo' deflalto progRua that-would set:ak <■ rest tho days of uncertainty, .tbak have followed tbo supremo court dcclaloa last week. { .' Mr. Boosevelt'fl* detennloatloe to take Immediate action-led.:^ general belief that ho would.sa# a' continuance ot7NR'A"WtMa"r?S tho limited scope penoltted'by M .-'6r court'* dcdslen, ; Inclusion of-congresslonal: * * era la the ooafereacea '-'■ iegl^Uon would bo aou thia Una- Cbngress,r 't __________ _ particularly, has cleared-tha''«a» for eorly action. ' One well intormed conj " _^Ve*maa lald th*' _________ would 'insist on eoactiqent''^.tb«’^' nac; labor dispute* ic* the labor guiranbe»:o4o.' J !d ta the npw'lnv^d cod^^-, ' State^Righb^Vr G etG :p.P:Sbw tr^.^,to^e« ------------ -Idw ^ aUtet hen Uoaday.-l^'' em ^ today, V vTtM'doolaratlons araeL.,- the.'JuQrsota addreaa-'iot-.L ------- lor, of ,C«Ur RapWB,'Iit: comnitteeoiu of -hlB'S iL*late«_to_l» ----- conaUtaUeai^ ^.BATONHOIW m

5 0 -5 Labor Chiefs Worried After White House Parley EST ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · WeatherForecast ' Fair tonight and \ tlnoed mllO. Maximum

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Page 1: 5 0 -5 Labor Chiefs Worried After White House Parley EST ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · WeatherForecast ' Fair tonight and \ tlnoed mllO. Maximum

Weather Forecast' Fair tonight and \

tlnoed mllO. Maximum <lajr. 7S} mlntmum, 80. fiUntmum tbla momlntr, 41«


TO D AY8Lx Irrig;at43d Countiea in Idaho

y o u x v i n . n o . 5 0 - 5 c e n t s . TW IN FA LLS, ID AH O , TUESDAY, JU.NK 1. IDUr. Circiilndon. 0I'’ I‘’ 1CI.AL'COUNTY NBWSl'AE’ BR


Ouffoy.'Mc’aaurd T cm od .Bcst . Procodurb to Ovorcomo

; 'Adverse Buling


Statute M a y ' L oad . to Special Lo^Blation fo r Each, o f

22 Industries


ConRTCMlonal llberalfllmvc oelcctod tho Guffey bitumlnoua coul.rccov-

• try bill IM ■ Iho moat promlalnff ' wrdgo plan to ovcrcomo tho nu-

prcmo eourl'fl dcntructlon of NHA------cwlc3,~ The- end- of-NflA"brouphf

a fllriko coll to -itSO.OOO bltunilnoun* ' coni mincm for June IG. -• •

Tlie Guffey b!U In advanced wllh support of Inbor onJ mnny cool op-

• crjtora. Sen. Robert F. AVnRner,' D„ N. Y., whoso Judicial record Wttfl

cxcellcnt In hln own state, la of the ’ opinion tlmt Uio court .will not b«

' . iiblo to InviUldato In tho Guffoy bill ■'•tlio' labor rcRulatory provisions

wbicli wor« fltrloUen in Uio Sclicch- t#r NRA caao last \veeU.

• ■ Cites 1‘reccdent• Wafrncr Baya tho Guffey bill Is

projected by a previouji ouprcmc court dcci.ilon, tho Coronado coa eiine, In whiclj Uio supremo court auatnlned a mino otvnem.' Injunction

* iigalnnt iitrlUcm. Tho eourt held In that inntanco that the etoppa(;o of cool mining w-ould ultimately In- taetcre'\^Ut Jntcrntato commercc and, therefore, fell witlilh. {edeml Juflfldlctlon. ,

It WAS tjie Cor«nnda which President Rooaevclt referred

* .iMl-wecU In his dificuaolon of theNRA decision. Tho. court'^ NRA opinion put coal mining, by Infer­ence, .In the Intrantato clnaJilflcft- lion of eorrimereo and, there, pro­tected II against federal Interven­tion.

Itooscv-elt IIltA RevrnulMr. Roosevelt remarked in effect

tbnt when the mJffe’owne«|3 wanted ' cOBl mining to bo interaUtc, na In• the Coronnd<} case, tho court ao found, but ’ if tho mine -worUcrs flou£ttsi«J!n»vc;that point Uie shoe aeemeow-M on tho other foot..

With tho Coronado declaton to •guide Ita courae, tbo Guffey blll’iB 1 pasaed by cong— •

/ Mr.’ RooaevelL n speclnl code for the 1 P igc 2, Comma 4)

Labor Chiefs Worried A fter White House Parley


Bonos .Chiefs Seddo to Drop •N' Attempt* a t BiU Until

K « t Souiott

. WASHINGTON, Juno 4 ftlPJ — Bcnato and houao renfereep on.the Patman bpsua bill decided today

K. to-'abandon lUl offorUi to enact ' .vetemsa' leclalalion at this session

of.coQgrcss. - • • ■ ' • 'A n y compromlao proposal,,they

___-acriBCd.-.wiJuW forco.vetenias “ tojnako a-serious aaerifiep.” .

The Potmna pliyi, calling for ' *2,000,000,000 curroncy expansion

. . to finance Immediate pfiyiacnt of tbe adjust^ Borvico certUleates wilt be reintroduced whcn'congrcss meets again in January. . . .Ever alneo tbo seoato iaustalned

tbe PrcJildent'B veto of tbo Patman bill <t5 sponsors hod .been study­ing,'ways of obtaining-renewed conalderatlon of tho bonus.,• Rep. Wright Patman,; D., Tex., and Sen. Elmer Thomas, D., Okla., leaders of the Patman group, In a

____Joint .atotemwLwJi_C“ JiiB*.the aituaUotf dlaclosed '7S per of congress lA favor of the PaC- man bill.'’ ' • ' *

'■j . Would aieftn SnerUlce 5. -' . "-Tho. soldiers would have to

make a aeclous ,aacrUlco If to occcpt a --------•-

they ■"I'l- . ''Xnasmucb as thd'next sesslda of,congrcu.la oniv aevcn months away. w « hitve decided to refer tbe PatmoB bUl back to-tho people and reintroduce It at the next sojm ilon.'MoanwhUe,ra cttmpaJgn-wQl be ■tarted.ImmrtUUly to buUd up

—^nUm«nt-for4U-pa»sage."-:—•>'-ThOM'attending'-tho rceaference laeiad(^.< usamberB ot ’ tlie . botiso

. .bonus. BtMrtng' commlttea.- - offU cUlB o f -the Veterans'of Foreign

. '.WAri-knd several aenatbrfl.lncJud- - ang'.Suu ,WUUaia;.^,-;Bor^i;-^

.•XdalKi.',' ___________________

MR8; M doav • wthja .WEYBRIOOE,iEngIaad, Juo» <

' V Callfoml*.: former. tennl*’ .quoea; - .'coatlnued'.ber cometoelc -cuopalm

. 'ototifty by »gwuieing to the fourth ‘ jouad'-of tho 8 t Oeorffe’ii-VHm: open.tourbey-.wJth.-.B;;#-), O-O.vlc*

■r ^

;; -- ,Ths'. ReeontruetburVFlnftaetfroor- - ■: poAUcta'todByiotfared tD ^ t ln u e ' V ;-'rii)ah~of W S00;0«) ondidnd V.-r.-^000,tnore to the a M. S t

w "H h tbe fall of NRA. Preitdent Wlllam Oroen o f ll.e A . F. ofU , lejt; MlM France* Perldn*, labor neeretorj-, eenterjjind John I . mine n-orkcm* chief, rlRlit,aro nhown hero after conferring on tlio ulluntlon with President Kodsovclt at the W .lto Hoav). Green said labor htu» In a availing attitude, but Lewis Mr\-rd notice that a cnul ntrlke wlU atnrt on June la "We feel there la Lope, but our llpa nro scaled." fuild Swretary I'urUlns.


Definite Oholi Delayed Pending Local ‘ 'Quick Labor” Jobs

Tl^oughout U. S.

. WASHINGTON, June -1 (Ol’l — Tho Now Deal's 5«.000,000.000 work-relief program today ntruck 0. stalemate us leaders sought now- typo reemployment projects pro­viding maximum work at minimum coat .

ITearfuI that they wlll'bo unable i-omploy 3,500,000--penK>nn -u

. anned, odmblstratlon' officials held up definite approval of all fed. eral and non-fedcml applications. ' - They liavo an average of $1,100

per man to, spend.. Yet tbe 51,000,- OOO.bOO la projects already planned will coat approximately 2,000 for every person ukcn off relief rolla and kept on government payrolls until July 1,1035., •

LociU quick Work To ^ u co the average, PKflldent

Roosevelt- has inatructcd Worlui Progress Director Hany I* Hop­kins to search the country for local quick work -whero mnlorlal-coata will bo low. with'almoat all the money going for labor and wages.

While tho reemployment drive ..an at a atandaUii, federal agencies eonUnuo to-make applications for liart of tho fnoney. A total o f $12,- 770,200 In new requests was. an nouncod today by the division-of applications and-Information. Tho - - - “ cations Include: ■

,^-partmcnt of interior,— study of public lands of tho United States in Arlxona, California, Colo­rado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Medcor OregoB,-Utah-and Wy­oming, ;035,000. .


Loa Asgfllos'Toatb Hontrs Self A fte r Stabbing Sweetheart


X/)S:ANGBXi:a, June 4 (CEl'-A. youth who slabbed on attractive i^ l five times after ebo told him "her right'name" andjtben flvo Limes uoro'wben’ e sold she loved him provided pollco'with a puzzling case of,apparat derangement, to-

*^^1160 B^'tbey believed the wo- taaft-was-»olore«.Dufae,.-a6, of acvcland.'OMo,.

ge Boolb-was sought as tho------- ,*s alleged alayer . after blafamily tnforaed police ho bad ad­mitted tboBlaylng Jh.ft BUlclde.Dat Booth'a body wax fopid later.haog-

:g fram a tree In &^earb]r grovs. * • ,Ii«vpsNot«V-- •• ^The note, found In Booth's------

with B'blood-alained butcher Jmlfe.

kllUng-Dolores-Jifter abe .to lf .z bor iight name, 2 stabbed her five timM V te r -^ - to ld &»■ that. ahe

b ^ i stabbed'flvie Ume*:through ,th* breast And bear teg numerourother;wounds on the

and hands, f- »~ -•K U ttaJ a ,th 8 ^ tirict;url7.todaT.

Search in Northwest! Settles Down to

RoutineBy MAX O. FUNKE

.BOISE, Juno 4 (U P )-A U main roads in r ld a h o werp blocked o ff today by-state po- lico after reports that a large automobile carrying six 'tough hombres' stopped' Qoorgo La­mar, Boise, near Oaldwcll last night and held him up, '

A tight barrier was thrown up at Olonns Ferry after La­mar reported tho car had thundered away from the'hold­up scene in-.an'caflterly direo- tion.:Ho- snspc0tcd.:tli0-h0ldup8 were-tho Woyerhaouser kid- flapers. “— . . ^ Ijxnjar, tho holdup

................two mllea.........................- last night

by driving Into tho road In front of him while he was tmvellng cost. Ono man jumped on tho running board of his machine, bo said, told him to atop while they drained his gasoline tank. ' .

Lamar stopped, he sold, biit did 3t get'out o f tho car. Tha’ tank 1 his machlno was tapped of al'

gBflollne but about.« hair.guJlon.; ^ F o r G a *The men paid him for the gwio-

llne, Lamar aald, but did not go ?er him for money. ', “One of tho.men said, 'leave him

enough gas to fi^t into town,'" La­mar reported, "then they roared away on the road to Middleton.''' The car tb'ey^ero In JLamar said, u a large eeCt j), ppsslbly a Pack*

ard; Tho liccnse number could not bo read, but thcro was ■ vhllo■ In i t " '

Lamar, identified one of tho___with n description which tallied with oiio o f tho Weyerhaeuser kid- napcfrs 'except for-' about three pounds ,dlffercnco in weight, ho aald. ' •»

" I could not ace tho others,” told officers, “but I got a good look at the one; Ho 'appeared-.almost IdcnUcal .with, the description' of ono of the Icldnapem which the Jus- tlco department bulletins carried/'

The arrest In Chicago of Vol. ney Davis, at firat W ievcd a break-which linked Kaipls with the Weyerhaeuser. kidnaping, ap-

ared today merely another step tbe rolenUess work of t h e ^ -

.BWCnr'In- ciearmg up. uflTBiP ward a. Snm ec klaaapUur la 8L Paul..'It also ten ded -to^co i ' tho-theoiy Ibirpis had n'hond the snatching o f young Weyer­haeuser,

Tbo bank notes'of SIO and (20 dendtnlnatloa-with which tho boy was ransomed,' aoemod likely to .p n ^ the stumbling block.that (Cotittoued-oh Page 2,'bolumn 1)

llcmorloi J«lI._Bolne - was chosen as tbe j030 convention c^ty.

-Smith Bucceedi Z<. J. Holland. Shelley, wiio haa aervod os bead of Uie group for tho punt aeven years.

Otbcr officers are: Magglo Hill, ITrmildln, secrotary-treaaurer, r^ elected, and tho following dlalrlci ch.ilrmen: No. 1, P. E . Ellis. SUtea; No. 2, John B. Cutes, Mcrldlani No. 3, anrence.P. Smith, EdcnJ No. 4, Alva T. BeiWls. Porker; ana No. 6, E. C. Taylor, Rockland.. .Tho conventiODers. who are in charge o f third and fourth cions post offices la the atat'e, were gueals thia afternoon o f • Twin Falls Chamber of Oommerco mcm- borsj.who took them on a sight- seeing tour .'of, nearby points of In­terest.' Ono df tho high-lishts of tho convention won a banquoC staged last evening at tho Park'hotel.

:§AYS'V.HOLL'yWOOD, Cal-Ftw ico

wont have'toVgo.off.the gold Their new-boat-bi«ke tho,

record,'w that mossi nllAmer- ieana with nothing to do when they get over .there wlU t to gtfoa-tbofaptedtboat ' .:- ,The 'U/ S.-treasury Bayi , that ;expe;idlt)iref. an. roanlng ,a bn*'I Iloa' oad a'fatOf .under'-•atlnute&-, ■Ohat.ineans; aore-.noney,-1^~

HELEC IED f iy P f lS M S T E R S


Death-Dealing Torronta Sw'cep Into Main Obannols of

Missouri Basia


Residents in Lowlauds EBcapc To B igher Ground; Death

Toll Nears 200

WondcU Man Named President A t Concluding Session of;

OonvoQtion Here

Ccorgo P. Smith, Wcndelf, today named prcniilcnt o f the Idaho branch of tho national lea-

of district poaUnoaters at-the concluding buslRcas 'aeaslon oftho

iCANSAS CITV, Mo,. Jiino -1 fi:,Pi, —Dcjitructlvu anil lic.-iCh torrento Hint. Iwvo ruvnRcd river valleys In Colorniio, ICatiMS, and Nebroakii ,/iincu lii.nt Thuraiiay to­day nwept into the main clmnncls of tijo lower MLiMurl river bwln. "Tlio njurliy,‘brimful curronLa'of. tlie ICnw und the Ml.xiourl rlvcr.i crept ntcadily hlglier. ^\n c (low nurpau-ilng any In liLHory feared.

' Drutlis.nt 300 While the flood roceded in tlio

headwatCRj of tiio ML-wouri'ii trlbu- liirle/i, leaving a di-atli toll of up- iroxlmnttfiy 200. tho flood coii- Jnued to pllo up in Kanmui. Junc­tion City, Inolated by a huge liiUo ■f water n« the Solomon and Re- lublfcan rivers ovcrfloweJ at their

.unction where Uic Knw formed, awaited n new crriit coming down! the Republican valley. -

Offlclnl reports of river ntagcji of atreama nt Topeka, WnmcKo, Kan,, iCnnnan City. Mo., anti Boonvllle, Mo., revealed an niarming • flood

'condition. Tho destruction, how- (ever, probabfy will bo co fifi^ i farm lamia and property.

ItOHldCJltfl 1-lcoRealdenUi in. tho lowlanil.i iiavc

hiul imfflclcnt warning and cvncuii- tlon continued at a .rapid pacc, Loveoa protected • tho major iMr* thma o f nuch cltlca us Topolu. and JCanaaa City.

•■Tho Kaw at Wamego,'' «alri'-S. D. rioro, government mutcorologlat

R oosevelt Maps Revised NRA A t C abinet S ession

Hope that nrrpflt of Vnlucy. Davin, No. 3 man it; tilo Knrpls irtnir. micht dincliiM a trail to l(ldnit|»en> of Cenrgn Wcyer- lIuruHcr, 0, htkd lieeit dlMoiirited

- todny by federal nKentn.-Hcluiro of DuvU nt, Chicago, mid Ills prompt guilty pim In tiin Hro- nior Iddiuipliig nt .SI. ruiil, Irnllr cjited that Imiwrtanco of tlio KarpU gang In tlio Weyer- lii>eu)i«r eono liad dlnilnlnhoddeKpito rlulniA Umt-UnvLi luidluaMMl a Tarnm-i apartment the day utter tlio Ixiy'n abdnl'ilnn.

Now Cabinet Hoags ia B&laaca, As Bouisson Asks Partial

■ Dictatorship

E M L L S LEADERiMaritimo^Ciroles in Uproar a i

Veteran Labor Obiof Is ■ Ordered OuBtoU

SAN FRANCISCO, Jurie 4- tttPJ —Sna“ Fm'ndsco xnarlUmo' hibor circles wen tlirowfli Into oa 1 roar today with announcement the Paclflo cout district hei.. quortera o f tho lnt«niaUonal Sea-

beisv" votcran labor leader, hod been e x i le d from xaemborahlp.

■ Scharreabcrfir, Bccrelary-treaa- urer of- tho CaUfomla,State Fed- eratlon^of-lAbor • andunion dolegatft to the central labor ceunell'of San FraBelsco,-bas tho right to appeal tho expulalon to the Intematioaal'tinloa.execuUvo com'mlttoe. -Uarltime loaders be­lieved such an nppbal-Waj certain.

expelled - --wiOB ■ expelled on- thrco charges :o f •■non-union’' activities, officials,said./' . ;

' ---- ato'Xaaker^Strfto#Tbe f ln t count ' alleged that

Scharrcaberg...violated -the iualon consUtutioa m caiUng.the oil tank­er walkont-withoutBUbtalttlag tho iBsuo to a vote ot 'ttu membership. .•„Tbe-Beeoad, concerned a -Btato- meat he-allegedly .made ttyiag wlab wo cou]d,haTo-a v a r wltb 'Japan", because, 'thon'the Vaeam^

__ _ __. The third'eduW ohiTffed he,had

16aterod a:"comp»ny wuoat.whlch Lee •. J. HblioAa,; fp taer; Jntenai: tional j4 »gBhorCBeo'B'ajBocIatloaprMldeati-■ought-to-------• -'•*"oppoBlUoa'to thirXfZ*

KILLS H U iR E D SCloudburst Traps Wprahipper

Inside Oburch; Children Among Victims

Dy'JACQCES U'AltSIAND (CnpyriRht, 1035, United I'reu) SAN 1‘iSDRO. .Actopan, Mexico,

iJunu 4 IL'.i!)—A trcmemious cloud-

,I0.w v.llcy 1. to tor om ot lu. Valley . . major flooOa." He aald tho crooflt would reach Lowrcnce early Wcd- nenday nnd hit Itnnaaa City aomis- tlmo ,Wodnesdfty.

broadcnat wnnilngii-to_rcflldonla of tho lower SCa'iv valley lo IeiiviTLheff homes at once. 'They .-said the (Ooattaucd on P o ^ 2, Column 0)


PA&IS, Juno i <UE>-rTho gov­ernment of Premier Fernand

„ BoulMon -defeated la tho chamber of deputiM today on Its' demand for semi-dictatorial powom to govern by decree'and •avo'tbo economlo situation and tliA franc.• The 90B jU l,oa ge%-emment

went down to defeat by tho car- row margin of tivo v o t « nnd promptly nnlgned, leaving the political situation In chaos.,

PARIS. Juno < (UE)—Tho fate of tho French government was la the balance today when Premier Fer­nand. Bouisson presented to tlie chamber of deputies a demond for full povrara to deal with' tho mone­tary nnd economic crisis by decree. ■ Tho^,vcmment won a vote of continence on tho Question of sua-

}dlng debate, 800 to 102, and ;n nsked for a vote of confidence the fuU powers Issue.,


Tho aessloawafl Buspooded for hour while dcpuUca stormed la the corrido«,.nrguinff'about flaal proval or disapproval of- tho calnet TheiBa- -....... - .powe^ul body la thB cham^r, the

s and the CommunUti aagulnst granting tho powers.' A « a-precaution; tbe government stationed aeveml - bundn>d Uobllo guards, bdmeted and carrying car­bines, at Btreet Intersections,be- tween-tho cbamber.aad.lho.arc •*- tr iu th ^ .'.- '■

Aiylum Ordered in ' 'Gnicifixo'n” Hoax

« ^ “ utio tta- Jr^^S*foceed hlfl “iB - y e w ^ toa to I'eruclfy''^ him' la na. effort to regain - the - affection* '* *■'-

annual religious featlval, left In ItJi wake today a toU of ot least 310 known dead, many of them children.,, The ooene of tho grctttcat,dlnafl- ter wtts at tho. church, whoro the woter-coua«i-a-partial coUapae and whore' mud'and sand were bomo on'ruahbg waves over the worahlppers,

* Itelatlves Ilyiterlcal Tho United. Press corrcaj

ent, InapecUng the rulna, " i____hundreds of pale and hyoterlcal relatives seclUng bodies, of the dcnd.■ Police Commander Manuel Gon- zalofl Aguado announced that 243 bodies have been recovered in'San Pedro nlono and others’ In various towns o f tho federal district.' San Pedro, a vllh>ge of few

than 1.000 inhabitants, was cwwd- ed . yesterday by visitors from

sarby towns who camo for the ill^ous festival. - .

Trapped In Church Part of tho entrance to tho. Soncdro'church coll---- ' -• * "

walls cracked, but ______ ______o f tho disaster wos tha wall of wa­ter which flooded tho town In leas than five mlnutea and-poured in­to tho church, trapping almoat everybody Inalde.

Tbo worshlppera were buried ta a turgid, soupy flood wh' ' thick wlth'dust and sand, tho victims were children:

Hysterlcol,, weeping mothers, wives and children gathered at tha church today, looking for relatives. They watched coch movement of the rcseuo worker^, believing oveiy body rotrlovod to bo that of * member of. their fa n ^ .

It'WOB believed that with the continual re 'c o v b ry of bodies, earlier eaUmates of 40a dead would bo borna out md perhaps oxcoedod.



Phllad6lphla-New York — post- cned,TttIn. . • •

A t Washington— ,

Piece-By-Piece Repair Agreed-Qn A t MeMng

Momentous White House Gathering Charts Bolstering of Recovery Setup

Hy IL O. TllO.MI*.SO.fW ASHINGTON, June ■! (U l ! )—A pii'cc-b/.piece .repair o f

tlie NUA wns Uio jiroirmm ni?rcwi-n{iou, t-odny in a confcrenot between I'rc.Hiiiciil ItooncvcU mid !iri cabi.tict, a 8ui;Vcy of,tho sitiialioii rove.ilcii. •■ ' ,

Cnbiiict officors, nflor nn . e.xtnmniinnry Wliite House bc» - - > .■iiQu.-at wliicli tlifl-wliola .|)icluri:-vviu-c.iuvaiscd, 'were fa ir ly -- well iti nKrccnieiit tliiit tho ciner«ency would bo m et'piecem e^ by individiiiil rfforlH to bolster tliMiKiin plinsM of the recovery ,

slriicltirc.Wiiile liiey were in ngroo-

inciit in nssortiiig that certain coticltisions wc’re renchcil, they, loft tbo revealing o f details to llin I’ rc.siiicnt. • - -

They did, bowcvcr, dincuas Iho Wngiier labor disputes-bill, the Giiffpy conl control hill, iini} l lie fioci.nl security pro-

Wiuthcr Iheae three would com' poao a part ot tho revamped NRA.—na not atatcd.

After Uio cabinet meeting th* president' called in congrcsaloaal nnd rccovcty leaders for further ' illRCUHHion of ilia plana. At S p. m. or tlierenbouts he cxpcctcd t^ . unnounco tho rcault to Uio press.

In connecton wlUi Uio' pram- Inenco given to Uio ■%Vagncr labor diaimtcs bill In U)o confercocci.It was learned Uiat Its author. Sen. riobert F. Wagner, D., u-os preparing amendments d » - ' .ilgned to bolater Its coasUtuUoa> allly. The changes were dcacrlbed

I being eaaenUnlly minor. - Tho , bouse adjourned until to­

morrow after an hour and ooa- half acsaion of minor bllUi, Speak*

Joseph W. Byrna sold the-boi

Negro Refuses Trip South to Claim fortuneO&r^UIA. Neb.. Juno 4 ai.P.)—

Tho fear of old timo aouthuiv, Negroea Uiat they cannot ob> tain JUBtlco nouth of the Maaon and .Dixon line .la keeping Gab­riel McElroy, C3, a Nogro-Bap. tint mlnliiter, nwny from Hen­derson, Texas, where ho haa been told a fortune cnUmatod from $100,000 to 5250,00(1 In oil lands awaits him.

The alory of McEiroy'a flight tlirough n dozen nta.tea in a franUc effort to avoid returzito Texas deapito tho rich legacy waa unfolded hero today by tha ncv. Z. E. McOee, a fellow Ne­gro minister. McGee learned about the coao when Georgo D. Polioclt, of Daliofl, was de­tained by police at McElroy’s reaucaL

Polioclt, a whiU man. ex- plained to polica tlmt ha had spent aevoral, thousand-dollars hunting tho Negro so be eoutd bo persuaded to retum^to Tex-

-os. accept Jils .lcgacy.,and clear' title to 20 acccs of valuable oUiBAdS.

NaUonwlda Search McElroy, who hasossumed the

name of Daniel Young, has been tho object of a nationwide scarch for two years, McGee said. The fuglUve pastor's story 'as confided to McGee, was: -

la tho corly 'OOs McElroy was a ’Baptlat paator near Kcnder- non. A band ot night' riders broke up a poiiUcal meeting over,which bo was prealdlng. ShoU were fired. McElroy was struck in tho leg. Ho returned tho fire. Thlnldng be had killed two whito men, ho fled. • .

In another Texas to m ■ he permitted a family named 'V'oung to adopt,him. But he .beard rumora that tho night rlderfl were aUll after him. So ho flbd Texas.

Today, deaplte assurancea of Police Chief Itobert Samardlck,- Mayor Towl and County Attor­ney Jamefl English that ao’- luirm would befall him If be ro- turned- to • Texas,. McElroy steadfastly refused to. leave Omaha.


Presldcnt^Rooaovelt and 'bis -'cab-, inet In a momentous special meet*Ing today charted the future o f tha New Deal's broken dowo natlbaat- recovery organisation. ' -

-A program of definite admlol*- traUvo and leglalaUvo acUoa.to ' meet tho-crlala arising from (hit ' supremo court's deatructlon‘o f all N i lA codes was expected’ la' a - matter of hours.

Capital Jenae lb * capital was tenso a « t U ■, .

cabinet memt>en filed into .'tha Wlilto House. President Rbote>' f ’

A S K I E D FIGHTPro ject Added .to OHJectiTca

In Ootmty; Athletla

tneetlhg of representatlvea of civic groups and diatrlct leaders at the

rest End'Country-club la ‘-8uhl

This project was added to tha list ot U which already bad b ra agreed to by, the oommlssion; bead­ed by A. L. Swim. TwlarFallB. In

81twAdoAUoa' after-wTmo ■as a recoBunendaitlon -that tm-

.Bveloprt power altef .lo ,tho oouB- ty bo .withdraw 'B'-fratt-speculJUlie

e lqoeo f ajutdet-

other pn>]e^:whUh bad. bees laoluded la the^rognun ant'wU- eatag ot-thA-atato^hlghway:-lAd buildlag. o f -ono- to Creseat.^ty, CaUf.. eUffllaaUo&'ot raUeidulBn dev«lopm^or,,Uu'Vtntat/Kh ir* rig«ill&uUstitet.Md-Wh»bmitil

be,had felt It

ceding conferences during tbe day, . v^ there was expected to emergo' deflalto progRua that-would set:ak <■ rest tho days of uncertainty, .tbak have followed tbo supremo court dcclaloa last week. { . '

Mr. Boosevelt'fl* detennloatloe to take Immediate action-led.:^ general belief that ho w ou ld.sa# a ' continuance ot7NR 'A "W tM a"r?S tho limited scope penoltted'by M .-'6r court'* dcdslen, ;

Inclusion of-congresslonal: * * era la the ooafereacea '-'■ iegl^Uon would bo aouthia Una- Cbngress,r 't__________ _particularly, has cleared-tha''«a» for eorly action. '

One well intormed conj • "_^Ve*maa lald th*' _________would 'insist on eoactiqent''^.tb«’ '

nac; labor dispute* ic* the labor guiranbe»:o4o.' J !d ta the npw'lnv^d cod^^-, '

State^Righb^Vr G e t G : p . P : S b w

t r ^ . ^ , t o ^ e « ------------ — •

- I d w ^ aUtet hen U o a d a y .- l^ '' e m ^ today, V vTtM'doolaratlons araeL.,- the.'JuQrsota addreaa-'iot-.L------- lor, of ,C«Ur RapWB,'Iit:

comnitteeoiu o f -hlB'S iL*late«_to_l» -----




Page 2: 5 0 -5 Labor Chiefs Worried After White House Parley EST ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · WeatherForecast ' Fair tonight and \ tlnoed mllO. Maximum

Pajfc Two tD AH O EVENING TIM E a T W IN FALLS. IDAHO iTncsd&y, JtmoMi J03B-


Ada Officers and Btato Police Seek Oanff os Fouiblo

Kidnap Olue'

JConllnuctf from PaRc One) eventuixlly will trip Ihu Jtldtiap- cm. Juat nji It provided the break la the Llnilbcri;h cnee.

Serial Numbera It2ued The lonjc H « of Bcrlnl numbem

on the ransom bills him been <il»- Irlbuted wldefy. Some newopa* pero printed *Uio cnliro lint tind called on rendem to wntch clonely to r ttio teU-Me

P w r pivolnl elUeii In the senrcli wcix wlUiln' n IM-inlle rndlua. Aberdeen, where Georco nays tic

' wafl kepi inoit of the neven days

“ Break" Near. TACOMA. Waah.. June 4 (III!) — Tliero la a •'brealt" coming In aeoreh for the kid* aapera of O*year-old Geori;e Weyerbaeuser, aRcnta a( the u; s. dfpartment of Justlco predleteO today.

•It mlRht bo 1ft 10 boura and Jt nlRbt bo In 10 days," aafd a apolieamna for tho bureau of lavcfiUsatlon of .the deportment.


Former Penney Aldo Hero Gets Manager's Post in Oospcr . . EatablUhmont

Ka\'al'.iu)d coaat piard boats and pinnea wero ordered by I'rf*ldBnt nooacvdt. to »o»rclj for WUllam B. Iioe<la (above), belr ts tbo tJnpIato tnUllon*. wben be fallea to rrtum aa •chedtiled from » .fUhlnjc trjp between Miami and Dlminl. SliortJy an«rtvM ^ tbe younr mllllonivlre'a smaU launch put lato Fort Lauderdale, Fta., lat«

be wna la tbe.ciutody cf bla ab­ductors, Is farthest away. Seattle, wbere aa aoComoMJo believed luftlj by the gang was found, la clooc; by. Bremerton, PuRet Sound to vni wbere dose watch was kept dur>

. InfT oil the time tho son of the Tacoma mlUlonolrt wna mlaalni; from home, la within & ahort dia- toace.

Probo PoMlble Link While etato and Toeal pollcc

kept the state of Woahlnirton in a BUto of virtual aClfre. with cverj ro^ , Whctljcr It lead over the land or tho sea. closed. Tacoma authorities Investigated a possible connection between the nbducUon and tho dloappeoronco of IL T

. .Cartier, owner of a small JoeaT drug store.

Cartier disappeared a week be> fore tbe Weyerbaouser kldsaplnfr Hla safe vras dlscoveivd.open

News in Brief

boy, also misbt have c&rflod off the drugRtat when he caught them rjpplylng themoclves with xuvrcotlcs on his shelves.

_____ L. Wash, June 4 —• Search for.tho kidnapers of Georgo ' Weyerhaeuser, 0, who received

*200,000 la marked federal blUs when they tunod him ____

• hla millionaire father, John P. Wey­erhaeuser, appeared today to be KctUlnf; down to a routine iob.

...... Tho first flurry of Uio search hnopassed. Highways and water routes leading fram the state still were under guard, but there was ti general belief tho gaagsters had

. cscapcd or were temporarily secure■ Is a hideout near here. •

Che«tc Car Discovery In Seattle of the car

taken from P. IL Tltcomb.whea he •earrled the ransom to tho sanc iM t weight to the latter theoiy.

■ Deportmeat of justice agents took charge of tbe car,' presumably to check It closely for flager prints and other minute clues which ulti­mately may lead to apprehenoloa ol the mob.

- .Whether Alvla Karpla and tho reautants of the oaco powerful Berker-Korpls gong engineered the abduction, or local hoodlums play*

' «d tho central role, was undeter­mined. Federal eguts Bpparcntly

' >»<<< a definite group under etu- plclon, but they refused to confide their views to anyone, evcnjocal officers., Pictures of the suspects have

. b«ea distributed to tho 30 agents grouped here.

' rFELLEd BY GOLF BALLNEW BimyponT, M ass .

While elttioR In the parlor of hei ho^e, Mrs. Thomas E. Watt wa; knocked unconscious reccptly by

.. a golf • ball driven through the 1 windmv. Her home'Is across the road from tho old-Newbury golf eoum.

Tbe Klamath Indlaa tribe, lo< . cated on a 1,000.000-acre re*ervn ■ tlon la southern Oregoa's moun<

talas. U tho world's richest com- launlty, havtag a potential per capita we^th of » r -----


. N «w laotemtor Af tb« ra er . tA ftwenbly of the F ra b ^ ila a church Js-JOr; fw p h A. Vowx,

aowl^ wt*ld«nt ol the board of' ttU lo^m lsaloM and. has beM

liar daiSco a t Shadowland in

Back From Oregon Arthur J. Pcnvc

lost evenlngfrom . where he had been

relumed leton, Ore., buslncofi.

VUIts DauKbterUrs. Aslier B. .Wilson left 6uS'

day for AUanta, dSi, to visit her daughter, Mrs. W l l l ^ B. Sibley.

VUIts In ScatUeCeorgo BiiHadAy. son of Mr. and;

Urs. I k C. Solladny left thts mom*. Ing for £eattla to visit relatives.

Ciib WIU Meet Gem State .Study club will meet

at the home o f Mrs. D. IL John­son tomorrpw at 7:46 p. m.

Prognun nannisd Primrose Itebekah lodge •will

meet today a t 8 p. m. at the Odd Fellows hall. A children's program will .precede tbe business sea '

To Returo From Iowa Mrs. Edward Cooper Is expected

to return this week from Marahall- town; In.-.-whem-aho has-spcnt ihS post few week*.

GuesU Vklt Joseph True, Pittsburgh, Pa.,

and Malcolm Henderson. U- S. 8. Colorado, Bremerton. Vi'hsh., ore visiting Dr. and Mrs. John R. Morgan.

Me«t for BehearwU All Camp Flro girls are re*!

quuted to meet for reheard at tho home of Mr*. W. A. Van Eago- len. 203 Eighth aveijus north, Wednesday at 1:S0 p. m.'

Retnraa Frooa Ulssouzl Stanley C. Phillips, of the Twbi

Falls mortuaiy, returned Sunday from 'a flvo weeks' trip to Mis­souri, where he was called by tbe death of his father.

Society Win Stect Mm. James Flelds wlirentertaln

the Community Church Lndles' Aid society Wednesday afternoon nt tho church parlors.

Go««i to Portland Mrs. M. E. Murray, mother of

Mrs. Charles A. North, baa trone to Portland io spend several months with her brother.

Hero from .Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Thomer

and two children are here from Chicago making r. visit at the homo of Mrs. ■‘Thomer’* mother, Mra. T. n. Irwin.

John BreckenHdge, soa of* Mr. and Mrs. U U -Breckearldge.Ja bomo from Swarthmore college, Swarthmore, Pa.

Attend ConvenUoa 'D. E. Regan, regeal, and Mr*,

negna, state musician for the q. A. IL,.expected to leave today for Wclser to atteod the slate » — veatlon of the orgaabtatloa.

Power Slaa Her*John X>. Orr. aaslstaat generol

manager of the Idaho Power Com­pany, was a business visitor here r . 4au^tor, "came with him as far as Gooding.

Brosseau, left Sunday oa a motor trip to their former home in Crookston, Mian., and nearby p ^ ts . They cBKpeet to be gene five or six weeks.

Named Commissioner A t a rcceat meetiog o f TVlo

Falla Boy Scout council. J. I t Keenan, former aeoutmasterr was elcctcd commissioner of Twin Faib district, succeeding Stanley Phfl- llp», jeslgnddi'lt was announced to-

„ .

Visit from Montana'Here from Missoula..Mont, for

_ visit, at the M. A. Dlagel home an Mrs. }I. A . Mlchaelis and Miss Qllle Burge. .Previous t<> her mar­riage Mrs. Mlohaells was Mlss-Zel- la SIbbltL She Is a alster-ln-Iaw of Mr. DingeL

UUam Scott,' ooa o f Dr. and M r* C R; Scott, gr^uated yester­day morning from the College .of *• •o.OolrtSM.U- Dr. and Mrs. Scott _...jded the exercises anffrelumed tO'TKln Falla In the eveolng.

AUto. trip to Beaver, where he weat in coidpany ’with his daugh­ter Mias Charlotte, Mrs. E. IL Sny­der, ondabe latter’s soa Chules,

‘Naughty Marietta’ ROMANTIC PAIR Showing Extended


Word has been received by R. P. Robinson, manager o f the'Twin Falls J. C. Tenney company atore, jthat Clarence Gould, former aaslst- ant manager berr, has been pro­moted to tho position of manager of the J. C Penney company ntore at Casper, Wyo., to which city he

OS recently transferred. •> iCasper h u a population of 18,00Q|

and the store is a large one, belngi three stories In height, with a bojie- ' meat Gould left here with his family May lS to became aasletont mannger o f the eatabllahment. He was here three years, having i from The Dalieo, Or*.

It is prtictically n foregone elusion that a picture such os ‘•Naughty Marietto” could not take core of tbe number of peo­ple who would want to seo It In a period of three days, and that conclusion was right, for reconl- brenklog crowds have been Jam­ming the Orpheum slnco Sunday to nee this remarkable musical advenluro token from Victor Hcr-

n Immortal operetta.


with-the removal of the ilus- sel Barber ond'Bcauty shop to lU new locAUon at 137 ^ I n avenue east, the former quarters of,this concera arc being occupied by n new firm, the Sanger-Jones com­pany, dealers In real estate. In­surance and loans

Orgnnizm oro - J. C. Sanger, Twin Falls, nml Cecil Jones,Iflton, representative of the Secur­ity Building and Loon company, wbo-ls to arrivo later this week.

Ttie office In located in tho John- jn building at 123 Mala nveaue


atUnd grnduatlon exercbca at Colorado Women's college where hlfl daughter. Mlaa Clammae, was a member of the senior class, He reports that hla party was In the flood area nt Colorado and gotaway Just before highways ’----closed to traffic. ;

Gnffoy Kcastxro Termed -Best Procedure to Ovorcomo

Adverse Rnlingr

New Mass Sehodnlo Sunday masses during tho.i er months will bo held at 7 and

10 a. m. at SL ISdwnrd’s CnthoUe church. It la annousced.

To Inntall Offlcen . A t the.rcgulae.mectlng of T»-ln Falla Elks lodge .Thm^ay night, ncwly-elected officers are to bo In* stalled In connection with a rally for tho state convenUott which opens at Boise the ^ext day, it is aanounced. There will also be tnltlaUon of candldat<La.

of the'Church of the Noaarcae at Nampa today attracted.!a delega­tion from Twin Skills, Includln; Rev. L. D. Smith, Rev. John Karl SOB, Rev. Mackey J. Brown, Mrs. H. C. Givens, Mrs. Or *

(Continued From Page One) bltumlnoua coal industry. A.blll haa been Introduced in house and sen­ate to perform tho some service for the cohstruetlon Industry.

Special Code* PossUtlo There aro 22 mnjor A'merkan In-

dustriea. It would bo posstble to special code leglslaUon for

all of them. That probably would got around tho court's objection to unlimited delegation o f undefined

which was point No. X in S^RA.would create a nln»-maa

nmlsssoa to control tho bltumln- s Industry. Aa editorial research alyala o f tho bill explains: ''Wageo, hours and working

ditlons ore to be fbced 1^ colleo- tivs bargaining which Is guaran­teed In tho bllL--'A-tax of -25 per cent o ( the selling price of the coal is levied on all prodoeers, but 00 per,teat o f tho lax la refunded to those operators who ■ubscrlbo to the code—much along tho lines of tho A A A cotton restriction pro­gram. Subscribera to the code are released from tho aeope' of federal anti-trust laws."

Szodoetlon Qdbtaa Tho bill Would provide pro — — a n d ---- -------------

X " Daughter Oraduato W. J. .Young relumed.last «re- jifC from Caldwell where ho at-

..Tided graduation cxerelses at tbe Collego of Idaho. Sla daughter, Virginia Xoung, was a member of

Lea%-o for-iVathlngton •Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. George

left lost evening for Washington, D. C., whero they will make their home, and where Mr. Georgo will ottcnd Georgetown university to complete preparation .courses for tho United States foreign service.

Lodgo’ MeetingS'Scbedoled Twin t'allfl Lodge, No. 46. A . F.

ft A. M. will hold an Importotat business meeting Wednesday at’ 8 p. m. at Masonic temple. It Is


Sustains Injorlca ICenneth Self sustained a frac­

tured ankle la aa accident which oeeured early Sunday oa the high­way east o f here. _Tlie ear which

raa operaUnc *01 to have . out o f control and craohed

across the highway into a fence.

Atteadaaoe Vrged A ll members of th& Junior Cham­

ber o f Commerce wero being, urged today to attend an Important bud* ness meeting to be held at 7:80 this evening at.the club rooms. Dotialls la connection with the swimming pool* beaefit'-daaeo wlU be dealt with. It Is stated, And'all members '1th tickets are asked to be res- nt.ondreporL

As«***4 »25 FineCharged with reckless driving,

J. W. Williams, Jarbldgo, Nev., was assessed a fine of S39. in tho justiee court of Guy T. Swope here yet* tcrday aftentooa. The charge was preferreO 'ay Orville Creed, Filer, whoso car was. sold to have- been struck by the Williams machlpo on the highway west of hero. • ----

Attoad________Mrs. HortefiM- Ferrlne, ' Miss

Bernice Bobcoek, Miss . Violet Adams, and Miss- Jane Maxwell left,.this.mnmlng tn.atfmd ,gra/»-

' s at the University

d MluAdams will visit la Spok* e befSe returning'

Jomraetto MacDonald has iiuiy a new admirer with her re- larkablo performance and the

-tv> singing sensation, TJelson Eddy,, has become tho.talk of Twin Foils since Sunday.

"Naughty Marietta" Is being held over for an extended rui tho Orpheum,. aeeordlnpr to announcement made this after- Roonl



Explosives Assist Program of Torrftolng to Ban' Wftsto

Of Land

for an Industry which is said hy porsons familiar with It to be un- ahl*.to function without stablUea* tlon from tho outside, l lie treas-

»onW issue *800,000,000 Of 50- tax exempt bonds, proceeds

of which Would bo used to'buy up marginal coal lands and to re- babUltato m in o rs disemployed thereby.- A coal tax would retire tho bondL

Ex-^lave Now 114CHICAMAUOUA PARR, Tenn.

(UR>—MarkTbroah, a Xonnerfllavc la H i yean old. Ho Uvea here

dren sow is 03 years old.-

Find Old Gravesnm SD AlX , Mass. (UW — ERA

woHcen digging la a paoturo here, unearthed a tons^orgottea ceme­tery wljose gravestones dated-from 1700.

jottoa with colored tints. Specl ments of green and ton recently


Rumble seats are so -called be­cause, In olden times when coach­es were used, servants rode on the opes back seat of tho vehicle which rumbled ooastantly while the coach was In moUon.

: oouiNa smfp&Ti

Brvce Cabot and Omee B r ^ ley as they appear In "Red- beod.’* the Honogram' nlcturo hoadlflg the Boxy "tnde. at boBw pay-off” , prograw tontor* row oily.

Mystery Hit Next Feature at Idaho


Idaho theaUr will present the big return mystery hit, ”Tbo Xetmel Murder Case." starring William Powell as ''Phllo Vance," with Mary Astor, Eugtno Pallette, Hel­en Vinson, Robert Borrat, and many other favorites. This big hit has been returned at regular mid­week baxgala prices.• Coming to the Idaho ocxt Sun-- day is Jacklo 'Cooper la tho great­est picture of his ctuiHir, "Dinky,” with Mary Astor and Roger ?0 or.

•• WASHINGTON, fttl!)— Farmers havo turned to tho usd o f dyna­mite in a nationwide fight against soli oroalon. Annual lootcff.'caused by erosion of the soil cost'hun- dreds of millions o f dollars and In many coses destroya tho fcr- tlilly 'ofcatlretarm fl; — — —

More than 100,000 members ot tho ClvlUan Conscrratlon Corps, divided among about. 600 camps, — being nsalgnei to help farm*

Jh thelr-batUes to save their lands.

Under a cooperative plan, the CCC men-do .the work on terraco outlets, while tho .formers do the terracing o f their fields. The part

_ atumps and bouldera -Jrom “ the-terraco lloes. Thl8 make»poaslb]e 'tho use o f mechanical equipment la -the grading o f the terraces.

Gully Coatro)Another small army- o f CCC

wotkerjrii engaged *la. gully coa- trol^work.' Theusonds o f fAnns have been cut through with guinea which have inereosed in dimen­sions from .those. o f jmall.ditches to chasms . many' feet from ten to thlriy or more feet deep. TheM great gashcji la the earth. If left unchecked,- steadily widen •unta whole farms' —- -- stroyed.' ‘ '

Dynunlte Is used to shoot down tho sheer banka so that they may bo olb^d by'hand labor with'plok and shovel. After tho bonlcs are sloped, graag, bushes, and trees *— 'planted to .pr^ent furthererosion.

5 U done.'. This method is

pins fur oavingU

2n Asia, the eyes of vImals are eaten aa a delicacy.'


eyea and noti and Ui«a Mm»

^■■jr-Ofr^aioiMr wiia.ui* aooa 3 0 E - K « ^ ,

K O X \u b o K i


Scnth-Dealing Torrent« Sweep Zoto Main Ohmmeh of

U iu oor i Basin

(Continued Froim Poge One) danger sone Includes the lowlands from' Fort RUey, Kans., to the western ends of tbe Oyles west of Kansas City, Kans.

Crop* Damaged . ,The'flood waters cut through the

most fertile valirys of tho Missouri basin. It wos these areaa that had survived tho severe drouth of last summer and this spring. Ono of •w. .noat sariouBly damaged crops , _ that o f the Big Kaw valley potato yield.

D a m ^ to highways, crops and

portions. EsUmates .by highway departmcat'englneera, state agri­cultural authorities and relief

y ^37,000,000.• He»vy

Nebraska reported <10,000,OOC

mated *2,000,000 damage to high- waxi and 110,000,000 to other prop­erty. • .

The Colorado damage was <stl* matjtd. .by... Governor Johnson at SIO.OOSOOOT ‘Although the full /orco o t the iflood had not'slruck Missouri, damage to farm areas In that state was placed at more >8,000,000.

D SO FJO RYJurj-men late this nfteraoon ere .to havo In their hands all the

evidence in the ^ ,S60 auto-acci­dent damage suit brought by Joe Williams, Hansen, agnlpst J. iC Bothwell. Twin Falls, both aides having rested this forenoon per* milting' of arjniment this after* Booa and the pvlag o f the court's tnatructlons. .

Judge A. B. Borclay this morn­ing denied a motion by. Chapman and Chapman, attorneys for the defendant, for a'directed!verdict, ond ordered a receas until l : r '

Tho case opened a week ago. To help speed tho trial, which is being held before a jury, a night session

M conducted! yesterday.

-1.. Nine Ohio flH ALIFAX N. S. (CLE) — Nova

Sootia, about half tho also o f tho state of Ohio, has nine Ohio’s wlthla ltd bouadaries; Nine towns and settlemeots bear that name, throe o f which are In the one oeun^ c< Bhelbume.'

Tbe thin braided wire con iCrom the inside o f an old speedomeUr cable, with one o f tho solid ends cut off, makes an excellent tool for cleaning a.rtuUator overflow pipe. Ita flexibility pteniU It to M slipped ctwlly Into tho pipe, and the sharp, end cuts any scale

oludgo. —

SKEPTIC’ .TRIUNE, Tenn., ni£) — A skopUcal person who visited Summer’s Knob . eemetcry' near here even accepts epi­taphs as personal neasagea.'- An inscription on a tomb

rsad:As you are now .Bo onee was X.Aa now I am Ton aoon wID be,

Underneath the Jokester' added la charcoal;

To fellow you Pm' not content,>1111 find out Which Way you went.

:t I f * An In rta , lutd W «; . iTeror Boise

— AnTTiffw: U c



To can atteaUoa.to Ireland •• the logical termlnu for tmi»-Atlanuo aliilneo, Chorle* L. Foley (above),. S4-yeai^ld flyer,' jdaaa a sobstnitotpbere fUght from New Tork .to Dub* Ua. Be says be win fly at about 38,000 feet-ln an espedoUy.

plaae, expects to make the croMlng la tn-elve hour*, and win noderteko a return trip eight boon Iai«r.

SPECIAL lE T IN GPlana Wednesday Otithcrlng to

A llow Bills; Utmieipal Budget Adopted

bills under the annual oppro- < lUon bill adopted aa .an ordln- 0 last night and published to- .

day.The ordinance appropriates a to- ,

tiol of $302,475 for tho operation o f the city during the fiscal year, tho funds being divided: general, JI1T,4T5; sprinkllBg, $11,200; street. llghUng, 112,000; Uhrary, $11,000; band. $1,300; bond Inter* eat and sinking fund, $40,000. All funds excepting the general 'Aro to bo raised by special levies. ■ w

Council last evening heard read ' _>o reports of heads of depart* • merits, opproved a number of ap­plications for building permits; authorized A. M.. Peters to act aa aubaUtule' fireman for tho vacn- * tlon period; and voted -to conduct a hearing Wednesday evening on a complaint filed by Chief 8. B. Elrod against the management of

local club.

News of Record:Birtlu

Mr. 0 Mrs. I«slie Hcndrlcka re the parents of a son bom May

31 at their, homo on Elm atreet

Fan orals

LARSEN — Services for Mrp. Mary Laraen, wife of H. P. I-ar- sen, who died Sunday, will be held tomorrow at 2:30. p. m. at the White mortuary'chapeU Interment wiu bo In Rock Creek cemetery.

BRISTOL-Rltes for George E. Bristol, former building contrae- tor of Twin Falls, who died Satur* day la Oakland. Calif., will be held tomorrow nt 3:30 p. m. at the Twin Falls moHuary chapel. Inter­ment will bo In Twin Foils ceme- tery.


M ia Max. Prec. ___B2 7fl .00

Chicago , Denver _ Havre —42 oa .00

_-52 00 .00

: Angeles— 5s a ty ------

New York— PocateUo . PoTtload -

. _ Francisco- —.00 TWIN, FALLS___ 41wuusUm

78 .0000 -.0078 .0072 .0083 .0071 .0088 .007G .00

■ 02 .00

CROWD ANTICIPATED .A large atUndance is bcli

looked'forward to a f tho Four— ■ing'Guernsey show of

tho county fair grounds at Eller, aceordiag to Harvey S.. Halo, conaty extension agent and gen­eral supcriatendent. I t will open at l0 a.-m. and will.bo featured by a basket lunch at noon.

TBOUNGCS RETURNS Houston !ItaUngtf, returned to­

day from Salt Lake a t y where he la a'studeat at tho 'Uolveralty of Utah.

VISIT IN NAMPA Morjorip Kingsbury and LueDle

Lawrcnce aro expected back tod«V frohi.Nampa When thcy'havo been visiting at. the Mrs. D. U Crane home.


Errant Cow Jailed On Vagrant Charge i

HAMMOND, Iad...(U»-.Pollce- -cn O'Donnell and Frledericl found a' calf’wandering about the alreets' of Hammond and took It into headqusfters.• •‘Book her," said Officer O’Don­nell, os he led the calf up to-tho sergeant’s desk:

"On what charge 7" the sergeant asked.

••On, on—oh, make' it vagrancy,” . suggested O’Donnell. '

The calf was locUed up in the city bam when Polleo Matron Hattie Werkowskle objected to tho officers locking the prisoner In •* tho ladles.JaiL

Fighting WhalesHONOLULU, T. H. lUIl—>Vhak«

have made tholr reoppeoroMC in ’ Hawaiian waters and one o f their latest sports la fighting with owordfloh. “njo contests are hov^I*

oven to the natives.

TO VISIT FAIR Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Alexander ipect to leave tomorrow for San

Diego whero they will visit the ex­position. They will travel by car.


L I N K ’ SSchool of Business.


U S E »C A R Syrilli loU o f good ecirrke ahead o f

B E C A U S Etb e repola iioD o f ib e , F b r f Dealer Is bebfaid them.

9 . Many matsc. lam ■ prJtet, ■SmaU Jowm', .payment.Eerrt4mK».

' Union Mdtor Comjpany

. Your FORD Dealer

Introductory Special

SUITS. , .

A LLr o R ' $ 1 $2.00

Valoo ■


' '-TA1LOB8 B O O E R S O N B O ^ ' '

PH O NE 437.

• . Demothlnr

NOTBI a . a HoweD, formed manager et tbe Band.Ito.

CIeaa6rs.<lt now oHMjciated with' Uu LaB^ronk -FrcDch Cleaners 'and Tailora. ^

. JOB X aroAN B .



HELDOYER!. . . Of Courae!

. o r This o r Any Tear , -.Stays Two More P a y i r ; -

-1 ^ 7 m n iB THUBBDATi;

Page 3: 5 0 -5 Labor Chiefs Worried After White House Parley EST ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · WeatherForecast ' Fair tonight and \ tlnoed mllO. Maximum

. Tiiofldnj', June 4, 1035 IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO ' Page Tbre»


; Group Wtttchea Poaslblo W orld Series EivttlB W in Over

I Pliilftdolphia,

' By CCORCe KIRKSEy 'n e w YORIC. June * (UI*J-r-TUe

. YnnTccca ond Uio Clonta, pace- ; tnokcra in tbe major Iea(;iie pen-

nuat racoa, were hoU a Ramo far. ther oul \ti Iront ot Ihclr nearcol

.• to their lead by Icnodilng off Uio rrtPlillailclphla AllitcUcs, 7M., . Tho CUinla profltea by loaTinj;

whllo Iho CUlcnffo Cuba Jialtca the . riMli ot Ihe champion SL Loulo

. Cardlnalfl. 0-2.Tiio ClantA bold a 4-Razno lend

over tbe Cardinals, and Uio Yanka have. a -2K>gamo lead over, the

. Clilcago Wliltc Sox.-nival players - 00 tho two Neiv Yorlc cluba are talldag acaln about tho "nlcJtel" world iicrles—U>e price ot n sub­way ride to tlio Polo KrouirQa or Yaolceo ntaaium. The last all-New Vorlc aerlca woa Jn 1025.

ClantB Scout Yankee*'• Five membero ot BUI Terry'fl

■ Giants yesterday visited tho Yan­kee aladlum.to seo their possible

• norleo rivals In action. . Clonn ityutt. lato ot tho Clcvcliiad In- ()lan.i, accompanied by rilchcra Carl Itubbell. Hal Schumacher and aj-deU (SllcU) Caatleman and

' Catcher Cua Mancuso went — tho flcoutlnfr expedition.

Tlicy flaw tho. Yankeea make aeven runs on nine hlto.-two of tliem trIplea by Benny Chapman and Tony Xjuaorl'and one of them n homer by Bill Dickey, hla third In t\w daya and his nIotJi of the

. neoflon. The A ’a threatened la Uie alntli. and Johnny Murphy had to relievo Jimmy Do ShonR to put o-“ Uie tire. Ho forced Inky Hlfrpii to hit Into a double playbaneu filled, ending tJio game. .

Wild Flnlih• la a wild finish Cleveland de. featcd the St. Louis BroWns, 11- 4. makint; aeven runs la tho litli tnnlos. Tho victory woa Uie Uilrd In ft row for tho Indiana and put them In a virtual tlo with the Whllo Sox for second place.

• Charley Root, 3C, who started UiQ year oa a hull-r^ pitcher, cbeelced the CuUn’ four-game

■ iitrcalc by netUnp down the .Car­dinals after tho world champs hud • run up nix connceutlve vlc-

' toricB. Stanley. Hack, Cuba’ third liaaeman. continued hla .hard-hlt- Unc with a home rwa and a do"

.“ible. Root also hit a homer. 'No Other pamea were played.


With Leisure, He May Coinpose His Own • Ai^icles—And Scribe Says Give

Presses Back to Indians'.

• Brucb Campbell, Cleveland out­fielder, who hit » homo run with

' Uio baaca filled In the Intllanu’ sev- • cn-mn uprialns In Uio HUi Inning . Bgaloat his .former team, Uio St. ’’ Louis Browns. •


,.TaIk o f Dividing. Season Again ; ■ gtiirta as Angels Move to

.■ Conunanding L e a d '

By'United, Press- Tftllc ot splltUoK the.,Pacific

coaat league oeooon to provldo.two •neiiarate racca, the tlrot_ ending lato this mdntt; began to elr-

. culato throughout tho circuit t»; day OS Los Angelea moved,once more Into *a commandlrig position at the top. ot Uio ladder, •

Convinced by Coldand'a cot- lapac that no one can'cstch. tbe Angels now on their daah toward the wire, aomo xnagnatea were aaldnir for a oew deal, .whieh wpulil start • thO'-.'teama from ncratch again.'They rtcalled the

. revival of intereat tho same kind

half, • suddenly Iwunded to the------- froot—end -in ade-e-reee^ f-lhe

ae^nd half.'Angela Too Good

Although . It was more than jT likely Umftho U>a Angeles team.

' heou . and shoulders above the other Mvca.teanis In'cJass. would

— moko another runaway race after Uio apllt, Uie . proposal will, get many votes from elub owners. *. Ucanwbllo a.peculiar qulrlc lo tiie schedule aoat tho battered

' Oaks ' agalnAt tbo Angela again<«c 6 thrc*-gtuna Mrtea wltU'ontyine da;y's gap slnee .'their, last meetlag. In whlcK tho AnReU ——four straight. Similarly the i ----program. with which the leanie

f - ended iaatrweek-prevailed-e&e. * ''Where today. Sacramento. Uie Mls- . ed at - San Praoclaeo. the Mls-

. slons a t Portland and-HoUywood . a t’SofltUe.

No games wer« played Monday.

Ghnoiily Gets Will, KANSAS c m r, June \ : (IIE>~

Joe Chnouly,- SU LoulSr' Ushtr . .weight.' dedlaloned TOllia Davfes,

El Paso,- (X>; .Karl Lautenscb- lager.-Kansai City, middleweight;

- declsloned-Bobbji-Hull.-™'— *-Kan..' ((l): M l^ey Nolan,' Em-

'■'» 'TRATOOB’S DBOOnm SIAES' • . cm CAG O --^ l^e;s^ ■ o f' Nosth'

Is CliarlejtTrayiior. younger broth­er o f'P le Traynor, manager, and thlnl-basemoo ot:, Uia Plttaburgh PlratcsL-


R ay Doan, Iowan, Oives Baba $17,000 O ffer; No Beard


nnjf Doan, . . .sport* promoter who offered Babe Ituth ill.OOO lo bamalorm with one of hlu clubn the remainder, of tho . (taiioa,. sponsors the House 'nf Dtvltl .team. • . Neither Babe Olddkiiott nor Grovor Cleveland Alexander Imd to grow wliliiUcn

■Qy HENRY Mct.EMOnE 'NEW YORK, June 4 IL’,i;i—

Tho mo-it dIstxe/ialDg pikrt ot Babo ' Ituth'a recent and. I Rather, profane departure from baseball, la, to me, not tho loss of hU magnificent homo runs or the finish ot a brave, he­roic flRure. but tbe definite blow It dellvera to , American literature.• For many -yeara,'unflcr tho simple but challenKlng tiUo — Cabo ItuUi Soya--lio haa coii- trlbute.d to Uie nowspapcra dally tuaayo which, for direct* ncBs, clarity and simplicity of ntylo (particularly the latter) have not t>een equaled 'sinco Charles Lamb's pen was stilled. Somo enthusiastic crlticn liavo even hailed a few of Ruth'a pieces as Uio c(]ua\ ot anything o£ Bemarr McFadden when the nrnnter stylist waa at hla height and uij lng more nploach and bablca in Physleal Culture and Uio lato lamented'Crophic.

They’ ll Continue ;. Articles wilt continue to ap­pear. under tho 'Babe's name, 1 have learned, oven though ho.be out o f baseball' enUrcly. but will they bo the same? May wo aenqibly expect hla dlouer- tatlona. now. that he la detach­ed from hla subject.- to pack tho some fire to strike sq deep­ly (and truly) 7 I say no. And ' I think all ot Uiose 'nho have

Just Waiting, Ruth. Asserts

Baps'Pnchs fo r Attompling' to '.Mako-Him Into VQIorified


. NEW YORK. Juno 4 0 ) — Babo RuUJ’s future remained Jn doubt today as ho prepared to go U) tonight's porty ; aboard

quit the Boston Bro^ea, and .roUro from acUve play.. >- •

'T.vo got nothing lined up." Ruth said. VI'mnnDB wait iv . thts sore kneoTo^get well firstr-

■ Thea'Tm' gona 'rest -and play~ some golf a n r ^ l f ood seo

. what happens." _____ ,In ,hls final denanclaUon of

Judge • Emil : Fuchs. Braves’ pre2dent. RuUi-soid attempW

-were-made~to toako.a-"glor*- itled salesman" o f him by, making - penwaal, appeomaces and autographing Uckets.

"tampalon Speoehe*”— "Fuchs, has-somo^-fellows-onv.

tho team golng'aroum^_maktng -clunpalgn speoc^ . and .trying to^ U ck a ts .* ’ RuUi s&U. -'Ho has run poor Rabbit Martto- vttle-rtiggM. and .Bank Gowdy, as.well. 1 flnolly.tord'Fuchs rd

■ play, baiwball ani let him at-, tend to'the butlneu of runhing Uie club."' ■

Ruth'«ald;he expects Pui;bS;:

up:'hla .Iw b a il

Wed, Juno fl—Uruiiswlck vs. Wiley's.

Thut*.. Juns 0 — National Ouard >-■. ConsolldAt«sI iJtbor.

Frl., Juno 1—Union Motor vs. Consolidated Krelcbt.


seen tho shaping o( n "Babe ..ItuUi Says" wIIt 'nKree.

I say no becaune 1 don't be- . llevc that hla cl'O’it-wrltcra will have tho Mmo rcapect for him

• now. Ghost-writers, contradic­tory as Jt may, sound, arc only humon. Tliey are no greater. Uian their subject. Give-them a shapely blond who wan forc­ed to endure tho agonies of a

• court-trial simply because-aho- ' pluf^ged her pent-bouso papa In .11 fit of ranger, and 'they will' stay up nil - night gathering datn in order to tear your heartstrings . with-, nohio ' dls- couroen* of thu Inhumanity of man, the curao ot tho Jury sys­tem • and Uio-Bubllmlty of a ' woman who’ll reiiort to a Ros-, coo to protect her homo. Oo Use other tvttnd, give Uicov notli- itig moro to v/ojk with lhan a

' sea cnntaia whiAtumed hlii twat . around and, lo a raging atorm, •rcacuM 000 oouls from a sink­ing ship, and they’ll turn In

.• mediocre work. : • ■He VV a Inipll-atlon

‘ RuUi, as a player, a carver o f majestic foiir-baggera with Tho bases loaded, was an In­spirational' aubjcct. You liod only to 000 him. still tn hla playing cloUies and,npikes, rush

, into tho press box and eon- verso with his ghost-writer, to know that his vtry p'rcoenco' W M Aliftv ^' I 'can see him now, after a world •. uerles game, -plowing, breathlessly to Uie side ot tho •‘Babe Ruth" of th'af day, eag­er to lend ossistAnco (n tho

-birth of tomorrow's theslfl." .•’Whatcha gonna say, kid?"

hs would oak eneouragl&gly. "•• “Oh. ah, I thought you'd

discuss Pendoclc's-----’*"That’s-UIO stuff, kid; Uiafs

tHo • atutf. Say a&ythlng you want mo to, Idd. Juit-keep It clean.‘I ’ll bo seeing you." .

And tho ghost-writer.'thrill­ed by. tho very, nearness of tho great one, would,flow Into a‘ deathless "discussion ot asUg- maUe umpires, high > ones tn-

-PJ^lf._thrQwlng anna.jflad,.ill;_ earned bits and runs:

And. getting back to how . Rutii’a departure from base*\ ball will strike at tho high

standard of American Jltera- '.ture, there is this terrific dan- ■ g «r~ ■ • .

WUi. nothing to do. Babo- ' “ j y “ write hU ow i

Then we will have to gli^ our printing presses back to theIndians.— - . .. ........... . ........- •<Copyrioht, 1935, United Prnt)

Burfi^ss Tbps. Club ~ :At'Practice:Shoo(Scorlojr 02 out of a possible 100

scorr.-G. W.-Burgesa Jed the Twin Falls 2Ufla.cliil;-shooters:Sunday la'the second fracUeo meet of the season. S co ^ : :_0. W,<Burge*^:-Prone,'47: sit*

ting,- 23; taeellng. 22; total 02. • C. E.,-Slack—Prone. 4<; sitting.

23; .kneeling, 20r (btal, 8T.Ed' aaodgrasa~;Prone. 4T| f i t ­

ting.'23z.kne<iyng.,15r.total. 86. ■ •-Tom E. ,tucaffiiErone. 40: alt-

.tJnff.lB;'j£neiellag.;iS;jota!.-fia*...:. '•C.'J..Ba)lard-iPranK 4d; alttlngi .ie: knceIlng;:iB: total. -77. -. •

WUllam G«rber-:-Prohe; ag; si U ^ . 25; kn«ellng, 14; total. 78.

Giants' 'pitebcr,‘ led 'all NaUonaJ League ’hurlera -ln iruns batted in durlng”lB34.- His she homen led theloop'»chucke^too. ' '

cd ot ending hla plnylngdays behind a long black beard,

Cubi Shift Lineup I>cd Llndslrom will be coi

vcrloJ from a thihl ba.ieman ' ccntcr fielder when tho Cubs opeh a Rcrlra with tlio Oncinnatl Rcdn today. . . . Mnnncer Chnrli’y Crlmm in bcnchlnfr KIkl Cuylcr In an effort to put nome puneli Into Clio offense.-. nin Rndellff, rocltlo outfielder with Ihe Wliito Sox, In one of the fow Itacl off men who ever hiiUed Jn mare runs thnn the rent ot hin teatnmatcn. .. Ho has driven In 28 this «o«on, ono‘ moro tlmn'Zeko Bontira, who bata la tlia clean-

lltlOB. •, Bej ma (pronounced Beo.

Ma) of SouUi Bend, Ind., who bo- eame a.regular when tho St. Louis Browns iiold Second Baseman Os­car Mcllllo. looks lllie (i kangaroo A'bea he goes after a hiRh ball. . . . Ho Iwunccn Into tho air. . . . Bcjma, Incidentally, hit a home

•j cach of his flr.it two Rames - rcBUlar. . . . Tho runa on-

aUleil the Browns' to beat Bos­ton botti canes.

card! Show Pep Tha SC. Loub-CunJIhaln are dia-

plitylng Uio name spirit which en­abled them'' to win tho National league pcnant and the world'se­ries last year. Wlien Jim ColIIna hit a homo run with tho bases full to dcfent the Cubs In thu nintli Inning Sunday Uio Card players slapped each oUier oa- Uio back and Jumped around llko a bunch of Aclioolboys.

Mnaa'scr Jimmy Dykes ot Iho White Sox It casting, a longing eyo at Iiloote Straiten, six ' five Inch rlgtit-handed pitcher Itt kccplng' SL Paul ta tho thick of ttio iUnerlcan association .flRht. . . . Dykes may ofterrto~tmdo Pitehcra Les Tietje, and, Ray (Babe)' Ptielpa for Stratton.

Tctje nhowed real promise dur­ing Uio imlnlng season, but dur­ing ttio resulnr ncasoit' ho ■haa pUched 37 1-3 Innings, nlloH-ed 80 hiU anti given 28 baM? on balls. ■ -k- ..Opposlag. t«nms-havo scorad 31 ninn while lio has been " *'•* mound.

' SOK Outdraw Cub*The paid dttcndanco for the

20 lio'mo games tbe Cuba liave playcil this yenr la only 137,000. . . . In' contract, tlio rejuvenated White Sox playc^ 'before 83.000 cuatomero Id four games lost week-end.

Ixa G«UtIs At Slmcnotiaboth expect \v-arm vreaUicr to Im­prove their hitting. , . Tlio Yan­kee flrat baiemnn has aa aver­age ot .271. ... Hls.all-tlmo aver- ORo In tho majom la .S4S. . . Sim-

' Is hltUng .270. . . His major reeonl otiows au average

Two-Bun Outburet in Olosing "Framo Upsets F a n Spoft'

Shop Team, C-5


Kutlonal UivlolonIV. r.. ret.

Union motor .....CohFiol. Prtlcht . IKILV ........... .

ComOl. Labor ..

iapje 1 t .JJ(.



Sport Shop ....,..... 6 S

Anierlmn Division


1ST ROUND M EDefeats Summers to Oomploto

Initial H alf Undefeated A t Jcromo

JEROME. Juno 4 (Sp<-clol) — Oasis won the first halt title In tho Jerome buni-bnll 'leaKue hiTc yealenloy when It <lefc-iitod 3um- mora Scrvlce, 8 to 2. '

Conoco captured iti Jlrsl vlelnty by uncorking a iiurprlfllnc 10 to ( nhiitoiit over Woodmen on Itiin-

brilliant mound work In hold, hig tho \V. O. W. outfit to throe


W. L..........20 10 .S22.2* 18 .000.21 IB .53fl.10 17 .528■■ 10 .513

New York.......St. Louin.........rittalnirgh ___Chlcniio .......Urookiyn ......CInclmmll ....!-hllndolplila Uoston ..... .

...10 .132


OasisSimunrrv . W'liodiiirti .. Conorn

Now York...Chlcilgu ....Clovuliind ...DotroU .....Honliiu ■ .......W(uiluni;t0n' l‘hlliiilelr>liiii St. J-oul:i...

Rupert Conquers Sterling N in» By 12 to 0; Blackfoot-

Xi^btena Lead |'

of the first

Pushing acroas a pulr ot ncores In loat^of Uie final canto, Slutlclns no.ied out Sport~Shop 0. to'Q ot Lincoln field last nif;ht to take the lead li games wontn tho National division of the Idaho, Evening Times ftoft ball league.

Tho SlatkhiUen entered tho final half ot the acventli lagging by one run, 0 to 4, but tho two-run up­rising reversed matters and an­nexed victory.

Hex Davla, with three blnglen, 'pped tlie wlnnera' nlne-hlt at-; ,ck off Jerry Smith. Floyd an(

Jerry Smitli. with two each, led tho' Sport Shop elRht-hIt on-] ijinught against 'Ilagler's dellv-, erion. . • ‘ - I

ScoreiR. II. E.

[>ort Shop ....OtOOlOO— 6 8latUtn* ........3020002— 0 0Balterles: Jerry Smith .-and

Sturgeon; llagler uiid Davla.

Dizzy Dugan Wins Over Terris Hill

Onsls banKecI out 11 lilt.i In downing Summi'rs y e s te r d a y . Kver>* miin on Uio Ousin llnciip col­lected at least one bln Io. and Ad- kins. Schmcmliall. M cJun.kln, Shawver and Olds itnianiied’ two each. Summerii, \V.anl and Hard­ing lilt uafcly twlcu each for Suni-

em Scrvlce.Score: ■' ■ ' •

R. If. 1-:,Oaiiii ........................a i i 3SuwnMs .......................2 R 4

Batteries: Oldn and Adlilns; \\’ard and Ambrose; D. Thoiii|ison.

In tho Conoco 10* to 0 win over Woodmen, tho oilers combined 10 safu Idtj with nine tVoodmen er-

Fallon, with four anfetlcs. and Salladay. with three, topped tlio victors. Only three \Voodinen hit safely off the' deliveries of Hansen, Conoco htirler.

R. H. E, Conoco '..........................10 10Woodmen . ..0 -3 0

AMERICAN LEAGUE Bt/UIXY. Jimo 4 (Special) —Jj. Pot. Burli-y stepped into undisputed

Giri second phice and Rupert climbed - 15 .r.uril'" Uilnl, position na a' result of Id .riPO--‘’ “ f>dny'a frames In tho Soaks IH Valley ba.iebnll. league. • '19 .513|- Hurley defented Shelley. 0 to 8, 22 . .1.1(1 and Rupert downed Sterling, 12 to

1., 23..10 27 .270' ileanwhlle. RlacUfoot lightened

It-'i flr.1t place grip and srnt Poca­tello to,fourth pu.iltlon by defeat* hlK the Indiana at Foeatello, 8 to 3.

Uurli-y annexed Vlcto^ In the (•nine hiTc Sunday by spurting to jiciin- five nms in the elj;hlh frama after Shelii.y Imd complied five in thu nocond, Hurley's rally waa f<-attin-d by Ilitiitor's homo run.

1 In the Rupert K‘nne at Sterling, Ikjb I,(.'rrl(rhfs crew was ta com-



Keellnir the man who will win the national open here thin week will he the one hiost coniilnleut with his putfi and hh ability to slay clear of trnpii liad-mo.it ot tho 12S ent­rants concentrating practice on those defiartments of tho (jame

aomo 100' of them who are qual­ified to begin the three-day as­sault on the notional title on this famou!! cnurno Tliuniday.

Somo few experimented with tho courae’s treacherous traiwi and bunkeni, Alm'oat every one of them made a nwlii/j around the IH holes, however, and they eith­er wern't ahooting their best Rolf or didn't want to oiieii up until It was necessary.

At any rate; none of them wet*e .ihowliig anything near a win­ning stride.

Seen Today

The standinKS;

nim'hfoot ......Ilnrlry ............JtujK-rt ............ .

. Pet.......... n 0 1.000

........ S .5 .000.......... 2 2 JSOO......3 8 .400

I - * -.1-4 .200

Davis Cup Nfetmen Stage Last Drills

l'-0UE3T HILLS. N. Y „ Juno « iL'JN—America's' Dovls cup' team had Its final workout today bctor* nallliifr for Europe tomorrow oa the S. S. Wmihlngtou. Doa Budgo. San I-'ranclsco. met Sidney Wood, New York, Id one oluglo .match- and Gene Mako. Los Angelea. playeii John Vmi Ryn. Philadel­phia, In the other. In the doublea tS'ood and Vat) Ryn opposed Budg* and Mako.


WILMINGTON, Calif., Juna 4 Dlrzy Dugan.. J75, Wllmlng.

ton, decisToned Terri? Hill. 172. Loa Angelea, (C): Speedy Fjiplta. 120, Baa Diego, deelalooed Young Dummy MotiaD. 123. Dallaa, Tex., H ); Harry Burke. Pomona, Cntlf.. defeated Billy Back, 130. Loa An-

* « ) : Peppy Jennings, 113, . . Angelea,' outpointed 'Henry

Fuacaldo, 110. Los AnBClcs. (4); Squish Okazaki, 122. San Pedro, kayocd Hector Enclnoa, 132. San Pedro, (4); Harry Shone, 118, Loa Angelea. deelsloned MIKo Grin, oldn. 118, .Compton, Calif., (4).

Salladay LeadingJerome’s Hitters

JEROME, Juno 4 (Special) — LeodlDg hlttera la tho' first half of Uio Jeromo baseball league:Salladay, Conoco__1..... .........Harding, " ------Schmershail, OaslAdklna, Oaala... .Ambrose, Summer


DanleU, W. O. 'W....

ivlderiy man with u whllo beard, riding along chccrlly on a bleyelt. . . . Two IjnWerally ot Callfomla JuifJors. renewhiR their hitch-hiking trip through the went. Arriving here Jihey had been given lifts by 10 friend­ly aulolnts, and expecte<l lo bo hciped by halt a hundred others beforo arriving homo via Salt Lake City. Denver, etc. Somo nIghLr they say. tho sleep In hay-mowa, and at other Umea on bare floors. Ilatlean, they each' coro' small natchels,-whlch seem to Impnaa cat' drivers and mako tho Uiumblng easier.’ . . . Guy. at police station, being treated for over-indulgence of canned lieat. . . Appreciation on

, the part of many for tho sur- ceaso from tho dally rains of last week. . . . Hitch-hiker on Main avenue, drawing it- little wagon with all hla belonglnga. On tho rear of tho wagon waa the regulation red flag. '




Section 1. Tliat there Is hereby appropriated oiit ot tho revenua tlmt, shall accrue to tho City of Twin Falla. Idalio. through general and special tax levies, and through other sources for. tho riacal year commencing on tho tin t day ot May, 103S. tho amounta Herekiofter •apeclflcuUy aet forth, for the oeveral objects aiid purposes herclnWter ' named, and aald sumOelng deemed necessa'ry to dcfray all aecessarj' ' expenses of the aald Citj- for tho said fiscal year. ' ' • - . -

GENERAL FUND:City Hulldlitgs:, ' • ' - .

Light. Heat and Janitor .................I___$ 030 00 tSupplies uad Repairs __ ____________ j 1,050.00 ' 2.830.00'

Seven-PounderW. I t Rlffey. Twin Falls,

catches ’em big.' Fisherman Riffey today had brouRht . In a femolo Rainbow trout weighing a full aeven-poundo and totol- ,llng 20 »i Inches.- caught lato yAtcrday in Rock creek.'

1110 trout was tho largest yet brought In-thls season In the G. W. Gerrlsh store's rod competition.

Crabcaten Desgiio Leaders Zako Fast and T igb t Qame by

; 6 to 3 Scoro.

FILER.- Judo ' 4 (Special) li'lier'i basobali squad offered a fantJUid tight batUe’hero Sunday but couldn't quite atop tho mnrrh o f HdzeUoa'a unbeaten Sc Idaho loaguo leaders.

Huelton held to Ita top lourela by nrlntilng, 0 to S.' With'both outfits offering clean- cut defeasive . play . throughout, Haxelton rolled up lU allm margin 'or^ltlbrjrTiJ^tfratiafijrollt'*Bln5 hiU .whllo Filer waa collecting flve. Larry Albee’t triple wa» the loagut extra-basa clout of the day. Hack Albce,- aca llazeltoa hurler, ntruck out nine opponents,

are:R. H. E.

• WENOELI/TBIOMriiS 3dintTAU0H. Juns « (Special)

— BooDlaff bata ■ of - WeniloU'a Southerfl Idaho Icigiie entry prov- ed:too porwuful -^or Uurtaugh here eiiQdty.'- and tbe -vlaltoM aah— -* - 20 U>‘ 3'triumpb.,.- ' . . ■ . W*odeU-6hilk©d up20 «afehlta.

Uurtausb t u bold to five off Uo; Conaell'wlth both of thb'tiome tcan.ecorca comlsg’ in tbe sloth.

»re ; .. R.' rf. K.

itjell 20-28 ■

Bitterlea: McConnell .and Ruthi ^ c n l: CeBtiy and O lb ^ - ;; ‘ :

DoluioHSiir^L •Stopi T<6ot

PnTSBtmoH. June 4 Joho l»BryLewU,'180K > I<ee An*

rick, 185H'. Los ’AoRles. ( l )rA l- l<^UattBew*, 25?, 8t;-Louia. scored a technical JC O.-over Tom-

153‘ S;CIcveland CT);


'SO—0H E7. OOAOH, motor roecntly ovoiiiauled, now fin-. Ish, ffood rubbci*. ,’3B llcehso...................... -......$ 2 7 5

’30—OHEV. o o tr s s , origiaal'finish good, sew tires, ’36.llccnso ..... ;----- ;.......:.......... .......V.;...;..... ^ 7 5

->29— 0HE7. OOAGS, oxtrd good, Eori-Seen trctnk, beater, ’35_Ucenso ____ ................. ..$200

'33--OLDBMOBILE SBDAN. 'S-cyL, built-in trunk, six...... tires, sido nooots, very cloaa. '36 liccnso..._,...$585

-!33—FLTM 0U TH -'8E D AN (^7 i:rB ew -fin ls li,-'35 lieenflftA good rubber, •& real value for ------------------^ ^ 5

'29—DODOE BEDAS, D A 'sorios , new new tires,'•ido mount*.'’36 .Oicense ....................................$215

'30 -N A 8 H D e L T J ^ \O AO H , 6-cyL, extra , good, sido mounts, 8 olmbst u52.4ires, hot water beater, built-in tnmk^ ’36 license------- i.... .— ......... ---------- $36 5

’30--FOSD T O W N SEDAN, nina good, Eori-Eeen trunk, good rubber, 'SB. license........................ ...........$225

'SO—FOBD SPORT COUPE, new finish, good rubber, ’3S -■ : license

'SO—PORD COUPE, new finis^ heavy duty tires, - ’36 ■ licens8.:...,_r-....-^— --------

■’S2-P0ED.;TEU0K,^4^>yL. 1B7 Dual, heavy duty tires,

r a u o i^ grain iody , good iubber....$2S0 ’30f-OTEV. S E p A ^ D E IJ T O extra good f o f j| ^ 7 S :?2»:-<naEV'. PIOK-TJP, ckised cab. '20 -^O D Q E -TBU0E, IVs ton, runs good .

S ED AK;.m is ’2 & -D U B A in ’ SEDAN,' ve___________________ - , v i i r good; ’36 llcenso.•2 7 ^ U IO K -O O U P B ,> real buy'for;.’2 ^ B U I 0 K . 8 ^ ^ i ' l i i f a t 6, extn.goo<l>‘ lo w . tn U ^ ',

•atf-iBUPMOBILB SEDAN, CUyL, ram good,- leather nfc

’27-3 )O D aB S E D A N ,><y l., ’low mfleagB,>M)d rubber.'.A ^ ; b i t y , foT '

lO S S V B O L tc

I'ollcr:Salaries futurs an


AdmlnUtratlon: ' .Offltjrs Salaries ... ..... _________ ' 8,700.00 •Jixpcdwcs 'of WaliV Office, losurarico, Eto. i 8,025.00

_ 15,830,04 :

. 19,810.0q

-10.816.60 '

Garbage Dliposai'10,0*0.00

• 2.000.00 . 5.000.00

____________ __________ ___________________ 2.000.00Tools an’d Equipment, Shop Supplies and

Other Expenses ................ ' .... ' 8,010.00

C ^a l Uolnlenanco and Otlier Expeaaea -•

Filter:Salaries and Wages .............Chemlcols _____I _ .......................... ..


• 4,575.00 . 17,093.00 - . .--i

New Machlner>*'and Other Expens

Light ond Power........ .........' JmprovemenCa, Plumbing and Supplies >

MeAt And Dairy:Inspector- ................Other Expensca - .............-

Engineer .......- ........ -..........'

0.181.&0 .2,000.00 , 2,630.00



SPECIAL FlTNDSt - 8tr«et Sprinkling Fuad:Raised by Special Assessment: •

^ r ____ ___________________Casoltna and Oil -

Purchaso of Water from City Publlahl^. Adver^bg and PrcpareUoa

Pootage, Office' Supplloa7"and~^ectioa


S.500.00' '•’3-2,000.00

S.ZOOM . - 'C . '1.500.00 i



Appropriation for Street Lighting .

Hbwry Fund:Raiaed by Special. To* Levy: - ' ' AppropriaUon for Uatatenance of Library

B a n d F ^ r ■ . - . . R#laedby.8p*clBiT«jc-LBvyi . . Approp^tk>a.for.Mah)teaasce oIBapd -

Bond, In tem t and Slaklag Fnadi RalMHl by Sptetal Tax Levy:

- iW a c F u o i ' - • •ptetal Tax Levy: -■: ;• t---

. .. ..FM<l'foLPrladpal.Paymeti{i..^^3j^00ft00_:_ Intereat and .OAUectiMi Feet /' H W pjy .'g

Section *; .TU i Ordlilance.ahanlwitt fnU Ii after lta.-pansi^ approvU;aM pnUlatlWiiaecoQUa .'PanedJor tha.CbuncUof tlM6trot7Wia.nLU<.li

Of-Juae,.^«5. : r , -V; .i

^ o f J«me,'-OB55.,'. '..‘ v-

Page 4: 5 0 -5 Labor Chiefs Worried After White House Parley EST ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · WeatherForecast ' Fair tonight and \ tlnoed mllO. Maximum



L r u i H S A mtur*

au iN o 'cVTitiD SUll, IdlilD.

Ill U&lt«r'la the Twin Falla ] ir Act of Con«r««B. March I. 1

Oy CarrUr Pa>abls In Advkne*

Itr Mklt. WUIiln IdkhD. One

All noilc«> rtqulred br U « or by ordtr c( eeurt of eompiltnt JurtiAli-----to b* publlahed wrtklr, will I>d puhlUh»(1 tn th» Thurtdar t*>u* nt thU

pur.«.nt to

* HELP'NEEDED ■ 'Of all the buildlnp whk'h Is under way ln;T\vin

Palls not any has quite the universal interest of the free summing pool in Harmon Field.

, It is truly a community project, sponsored by the Junior Chamber o f Commerce and will benefit all classes o f citizens, boys and girls, men and ■women.

With the proper amount of cooperation the pool w ill be ready for use by the time of the hot weather in July. This cooperation does not mean only an in­terest in the project but financial contributions as well from tiie public. Th<5 sponsors are nialdng it easy for all to have a share in the enterprise, and

, now are engaged in selling tickets for a benefit en­tertainment. • ■

There is an inducement for everyone, ■whether they • dance or not, to purchase tickets and help in any oth­er way in making the. venture pay a handsome divi­dend for the swimming pool fund.• It has been a long tiraC'since this community em­

barked on.such a meritorious public effort; one in which all groups could unite, and one ■which will be

. o f lasting and universal benefit . The Evenuig Times urges the,'public to support the swimming pool project with enthusiasm—seeing to it that the required number of dollars are forthcom- -ing for the much-wanted outdoor plunge.

T.hs world won’t wear n path to your door even i f you do }fave a wonderful trap—i f you- always keep it going. •

JOHN J. M6CUE Twin Falls joins with the other cities of Idaho in

lamenting with Boise the sudden death o f former Mayor J. J. McCue, chief executive o f that city to a inbnth ago when Ife was succeeded by Byron E. Hyatt.

Mayor McCue, a practicing attorney, and former Democratic county chairman, occupied a prominent position in Idaho and’was well-kuo^vn here. He visit­ed t/iis city Jess than two months ago in connection

• . with fraternal mattei-s, and last fall presided* at a state convention of niayors here. Comparatively young, 62, he had many more years o f a successful career ahead o f him, but this was cut short by a heart attack at his home, Sunday.

He contributed to the advancement o f his.city and state, led an .exemplaiy life, was active in profes­sional, fraternal, religious and political work, and liis end,-at the peak o f his career climaxes a modest and honorable life.

nBGIX PgltB TODAY K An iAU xn rrnYKiiinuT.

Mamlfitl. » . U r*iUM- aai «!»■ •Mltaud «l(h ualMa

B/M iU!«*ECoU ® iw ,N E A -S »M «. Iftt


r with Htekaci.

According to a sty}e note, higli heels are go­ing out o f fashioh. Things have come to a pretty pass i f women-are going to start iunhing around ;\vith low heels. • ' ■ •, ,

takta I . - _____ — _________VlOUIBIt. T IO T O tt •THYIC* nonsT t« M « hi.««r. Mia. vitlnaiu lUai■a am •>« a«4Ula(aac«.v o iv oo ON tn rn T n s btout

OCAFTER XIUTTTB Hieot train." yiolrt Men#if

W Mid ||«bUr ta Uio bud- •omo. porU7 ftoUtrnfta vbo tiA la­nded ber prira UlUs sltUns room wlUi lla wbtu palot aod potlihed old UUes and bright cbloUca.

Victor Btrybbunt opened hU •jrea qnlto widely » t thlo.

“VloloU Dot tbls Is Mtraordl- narr M j wiro »Afd . . .-

•TVbat dld'»bo Ull yont B down. Victor. Katbnrlne U ttiloi did; 7oa mft7 so op la a miontt. Out first I ’d llko to talk to 700."

•■Ot eon^B ot conrso.’’ Do lol- od comfortAbl; In oao ot the doop- labloced ch&lra. sluclog arocsil

blm approTlosIr.. 'Dot 1 noTor know 7on Ilrod lo Innicock. yifr

I1.11--^O'TO b«n boro altaost- soTon

jenrs'I knew jou’d inftrrled, of eoorse.

Saw A bU about It In tbe papers.* ner dark eyes wore ratbor «nt|-

matlc. ~7oa didn't write (0 wtob loy. I—1 rather thoasht yoo

wonId-“no touched bis ton llpg wlU> tbe

comers -ot 'a line wblto bandkor* chloL -Katharlijo’s nsotber died tbat year.** bo cald ratber bollowly,

."Tea, X remember. Tour daugh­ter Is- a loTcly creature, Vtoor. Docs sbo remind yon of me at that agoT"

-E h r victor Btrykbursfs eelor deopened a trlflo.'. He glasced ap- prebenslToly la tho direction ot the staircase.

-Dent wonT.** Violet wont toRlf. “Her door U dowd. 1 can't bear, t was KatbartDO'a age lust 17 yoara ago. Victor. 1 was 10 when t went to work In your eflJce.*

~Ii It posamie, ItM that longr mnrmnred tbe man, axhaling a deep breath.

•7 was rather like her," Oln morod tho .woman with tbe .Urod dark eyes, aUrlng oat across the darkctod garden. " I bad the same prickly-pear atutnde tn.regard to men . . . oh. yes, 1*70 talked to KotharlM today rather a lot fre toond ont more aboot ber, porbfpt, than' yQQ yoaraoir know.”

CTER toao held a snbUs blot ot mysteir la It. Tbe man

glanecd at ber approhonalvaly. > know yoo‘n wondering what

tbls U all abacU",Bald Mrs. Uer«or. rooting benetf to speak In n ellgbUi brisker tone. “Just th l*- tho child la Tory deOnltety nn- happy."'

~Unhnppyt Uy daogbterr Thor# was lajnry In th e man's tone. — posslblol Ton wero always InoglnBUTO girl, VI. Katharine baa OTonrthlflg In tho world. Why should abe be nnbappyr

Mrs. -UoTMr abmgged her slen­der ihonl.ders.' *1 met tbe second

SPEEDING INTO W A R . . Announcement’ in Berlin o f new plans for me­

chanization ofth fi Germany army is a reminder that thie world may .never again see .immobile warfare

■••of the kind on view ih' the last war. •• The new German army aims at speed. Motor ve-

. two carefor every four infanti^men. Artillery is be- hides are being provided in the un)ieard-of ratio of ing motorized; the tank corps is being vastly ex,- panded; the underlying principle is that the next war w ill be an- affair of rapid movement, with the side which is able to strike the-quickest winning an

• overwhelming Udvantage. •A ll of this is an indication that military science

once more is getting back to its time-honored funda- m ental^which iSeneral Forrest expressed, so aptly ;vith lut> *>emaik about; getting there fiist with tlig, ,nost men.

JVIanijfaciurer o f an antiseptic month wash buys new racing yachts.“Jt's an ill breath tliat blows nobody good.

JOBS FOR VETERANS .It is ihtcrosting to note that a number o f cities,

driven by the desire to find work fo r unemployed war veterans and also by budgetary difficulties which have reduced police forces below the required limits^ are experimenting w th the stunt o f giving war vplerahs- relief jobs directing' tra ff ic about school zones,'tlius-freeing policemeri formerly de- •tailed to such posts fo r crime prevention duties. ;

In some ways there is much to recommend this scheme., I t is a reminder that much o f the time and energy'of a pqlicc force is taken, up by-job? .which really hav6 nothing to do ■<vith- tnc fight against

* crime. . 0 • ‘ •Guarding school children against traffic dangers

------- requires no sp.ecialized-traininj?.- To give -the detailto needy veteransi .and use^policemen for jobs that only policemen can..do,, sounds like -good common sense.

One o f the major difficulties sifter is going to ■ have with her new rubber bathing suit is to keep Md brother from using it as a sling shot , .

Mrs. Strykburst tor the lin t Um« today. Victor.**

He bod the gntci to fltish. ‘’Cortlao's been splendid with

Katbarlao. She’s Tery .axecntUe. She took ber In hand . . . "

•'Bxsctlyli Mrs. Hersor's tone was dry.

TKaUiarlne needs a lot ot toTO, sy'mfathy and Dodorolandlng.” sh* pumaod a momeat loier. “Or­well. yon know how U was with jso. Bbe may go oS the deep ead . . .”

" I haveat tbe faintest neUon what yon mean!" Tbe man's aa- Doyanco showed lo arory syllable.

“I mean you may expect h'w' lo Bd sympathy—or loro—wberorcr ]e can And IL"''Oh, tommyrotl"“1 did." reminded the woman,

with rather a bitter smile, borne was nnbappy. 1 bellered the lint pretty itorr m Ban told 'Ton may remember . . .*

Ho looked as U ths reminderero to him a palnfnl ____Violet Mener ron, 'as II Urml-

oat/ag tho Infemew. that’sreally all I wanted to say. Victor. Qo on np new. P int door lo tb(i rlKbt at tbe head ot the etalra."

Ills Ucad echoed pompoasly through tbo Jiousa'

Tbe womaa. loft alone, starod around, ber for a noment. as tboDgh roaetag herself rron M dream Into which she bod fallen.

’fiBTontcen years." murmured tbe woman, half to benelf. She ecttled benotf with a book, but her gaze wandered from" the pages.' ..

(y, mbbtng his bands together. "Katharine’s Jn Coe shape. We wero In iuck to como off so easily. Don’t you think l could Uke ber off with no tonlgbtr -

"The doetor advised letUng her stay Ull morning.’' Violet Merser smiled at him. ‘nTou'd rather get ber out ot my hons^ wotildn't your

"Noasonee, noneenset 1 am ete^ aslly Indebted to you for yoar kind- neaa to'Ratharlnel"

"I’m not going to tell ber uy> thing hbout-ns," said the’woman wlU) dellbentlon. .

-Nfllorally. you wouldat Tott'rs mo9t sensible woman. Tlole;. t

always said so . . .""Not sensible eaougbr A Ba

donlo touch to her rolee now. "Tbat Is. I ’ll not say a word, on

le eosdltloni"Ho stared. "And thatr "That yon. let ber come to aee0 occasionally. That you dont

attempt to wean ber away trom mo. I like tbe child, rre taken a groat faoey to her. rre two ot my

»n now, Victor, yoa aee.""Heallyt But of oonrss yon mnst » friends wllh Katharine. Why

notr*"There may .be another objeo

tlen- to. that," eomtwated Violet Ueroer dryly. ."Your wife . . . "

^ertlne Is all right.' She means well. It’s not so eaty, yoa-know,

1 raise another woman'a child." Violet Mener smiled to.herselL

She could-almoat boar the second Mrs. Strykhant’a Tolco. no had ' Mn told that many, many times.

*1 agree. I ha6^a stepmother myselL Looking back now. X can see-that sometimes she meant 'Toll . . . "

;"Yon'ro Tery coxy here." Die oyes roamed around the altUng ‘Tooas.

-Stan inherited, it trom bis uacle." the woman told him. "I married ^tan Mmor. the UIo»

trator.""Interesting," murmured

man, at a loss. -TVell, well, VIoUU 1 mnit be getllng back. My wife wUl wonder U something has bs^ pened.", She allowed him lo cloip her slender band In bis fluby one. "And-and wa didn't know each other before, V ltto ri"

"night yon aren There i liet In the words.

KATlIAmNB came dewi stain slowly jbe following

morning.-lon’ro aa rig litr . Violet’s eye*

sougbl- ben anxloasly.. -Outside OertlBO sat at the wheel of tbe big

Ellen, with a suitcase, fol­lowed her young nlstresi.

"Oh, I'm perfecUy fine. Just bate I get my laad legs'agaln.*- Sybil and Olana wore

edge of the gronp, their long legs brown and'slim nnder the brief shorts ot their white play snlls.

"Do eome ngals to see oa, UiU Eatharlae. Please dot ' "Ob. I wiHf And there Bi8« b# another puppy for the ttasket. muetat theret A nice quiet one who will stay at home when he’s teld te r

"Oh. yes, yea," they chonisod, danclfls cp and down.

Bertlae smiled stiffly, bar com-' paoy smfta. She 'climbed ost to asa.lat Ellen who was helping Katharine In.

"Thank you erer so much, Mrs. Morscr. . U) .hnsband aad 1 eternally, gratoful.",'■

Katharine waved to them nntll 10 ear disappeared 9ut ot sight,

aronnd tho bend.*'Mummy. who was tbe fattfoh

man who came after we went to bed last n lghtr Sybil’s wlatful, roand face with ita long coidea moao was lifted to her-mether’s.

•Oh, you bad , ones, yon wei supposed to be aaleopi"

“We peeked." BybD said c<jn- ildlngiy. "We beard the ear stop and saw him come op the walk. Was U »t Miss Katharine's daddy and was be cicet"

"Very alee," said Violet aWktly. Diana pounced npon her. ' "Mommy, yon'ra not listening; X

can - always t«n- when yoB*r* not lUtealog. Ton ns« snch a faraway Tolea.*"

"Oh, do IT Bat I was, really, this Uati: Sybil asked If KaUia- rlne's father were nice and I said yoa.'be was.'* .

"Bot sort ot puffy, Mnnuny. rasnt bet Xt wasn’t quite dark

and wo got good look at him. Not neoriy so good-looking ss Miss Katharina. Dont yoq think aba's beautiful. Mammyt Sort of like a morle start"

-Ym , I da She's really lorely." "Sball I erer be that lorely, do

yon suppose. If I stop biting my natls and. thlngsr* Sybil aaked granly.

* I thlak Tery likely, took, H we waat to get dowa to the *luiuo to got things for laneb we’d better start" . •

Vlolot wheeled the little car ont and tbe two hopped Into It,

"ilammy, .what wero you mut­tering to yoarself juat newt"

Sbe Hashed ber dark eyai at them. "Just, a song aome one 2 know nsod to sing.. The words of It. I mean. Don’t remabber the tnne."*

•What .were,they, Mnmsr Violet answe^; "Oh bow I

laugli. when X think bow J cried about yonl"

(To Do OonUaned).

...... a reform projpsm. IIo c...Ilnued to remain silent In order to |>ennlt tho full scopo of tlio renc lion to dovelop.- lie >vant«d the (Vind df public opinion to fUl bU ■oils and dotonulne fils course (rhich, bis couusellara seem to agree, wna n-Ue atrat«sy.

EXFLOIIATIONPrcaidcriUnl iJiwyern explored nl

tho possibilities which have been pHnted add somo which have noL A Jeadloff Whlto Houao counaelJor ptve an off-the-cccord analysis of tho sltuaUon aa ho saw It, which ofleca an indication of tho fuacia- menlAl d op th o o f f^vcmmcnt wiileh were probed. Sold he:.

"ThlD cnuotry'haji j:ono through revolution, whether It Iccows it

‘ noL' Futuro historians wUI real­ize it better than wo do. Tho revo­lution is over, or rather it was < until the supreme Court spoke.

"The prosperity o f bualneas la not a local state matter. Everyone now recoenlres timt, • no matter what the Supreme Court says,

"The notional govemnieat has beeil neceptlnr that fact as set* Ued, because tho public ORreed.- It has taken extra consUtutlonol steps to provide <ui orderly, blood­less governmental revolution,. fu> nlshlng central authority which business needs for cooperaUve ef­fort ■

"If the Supreme Court says It cannot .be done because of Uio con- sUtuUon, and tho people want to do It, tho consUtuUoa wfii b'o chanRed. The only oth,er thing possible la a dlctatonhlp, and we do hot want that."

These ore obarp words for - presidential counsellor, but they

:re mild In comparison to those ..lere;l by 00: 0 less conservaU\*e authorlUes,


. Octavine. sFor persons wno'belleva that

humiin destiny is guided by the planeU, the dally horoscope is outlined by a hoted' astrolouer. In addition.to Information of general'Interest, It outlines'in- formation of special Interest to persons bom on the designated' dates..

- ............... . ...... today ....U1080 bom from July 21 through Augtist 21. :

General Indications for Everybody

Momlnp—gootf but extraviiKant. Afternoon—Good. EvenlB}^-Cood.Today la better thnn mdsL Af-

falrn wltii the opp<•pn?:.

Today’s Birthday You may have to paas throusb very difficult period thlo year

from September through Kovom- ber, and February Uirough' Sep­tember, 3030. Use cnro of your henllh nnd In tboao .nround you. Do not talco any chances in your buslnesa or make any changes which are uanece«sary cither with your homo or bujilneas Affairs.

January, 1030, nhould be o good month for you If you will guard your expenditures and learn to listen to othern’ timely advice.

T H E e TA TE -a .BIQ P R O JE C T . (Minidoka County Newa)' Communities in Southern Idaho

ire alowly awakening'to the fact tjjat tho conlilrucllon of the'Min-: lOolca Project ISxtenslon la one of the moot feulblQ projects in the state for ' the conslderntion of Waahington officials handling the public works' four billion dollar fund._• This project of reclaiming 110,-

000 acres of fine land 'fits in ad­mirably with'tho administration's program, has tho aanction- of the Bureau of YUclamntlon nnd can be started with llltlo delay, Bur\-cys and - ooli testa having already been made at government ex­pense. • . '

In*lead of ■ sending, drouth- stritken settlers to Alaska the government liaa an opportunity hens to place hundreds of familieo on this land nnd be nnsured « t the .fomo tlmo that tho land will sup' -ort_thc fmnlllcs.

You May Not Know That—

_____IBo stale’s standpoint thebuilding of tho extenaion, neces­sitating another poti-er unit at American rails dam, would Imme. dlateiy place ot work thousands of men nnd the supplies needed would be of no little considera­tion. • •' • •

WaUr for the North SldeJdJnl- 3kn Extension has been allocated

by tho government for many years. By tying in tho tapplng.of Yellowstono lalco in tho project.oU Southern Idaho would bo assur­ed o f an adequate water oupply, and there can be no better way for tapping tho Tellowstohb' than to malce It part of the Minidoka Project Extension program u tho Bureau of neclomatlon.

munlcate with OeUvlne In «ar« of this newspaper. Enclose a 3-oent stamped aeJf-addroxed envelope.. I

Buhl Parents Plan Trip- to Moscow31., June

and MJ-a. C M . _________________Buhl Thursday asomlng to attend tho graduation of their daughters,Jane and Viiiglrila'at the'Univer­sity of Idaho on June' 10. lilr. and Mrs. Merriek and tbe girls will drive, from Moscow'to California ,ii;;oi;ia''of earwrmonoxl ^ ^ ^ the to attend the Standford - com-(nir baa been placed on tho'tt'ar- mcncement June-16 when WUllam Kct for use by cauUoua motor- Uerflcte-^wlU.^«o«lv«-hi*-HJ«BToe^^--When-co-''--------- - -

n v u L t - n C Lvn m eetS ?UHU June 4 rSpeclal) — The

Modem Priscilla, 4-H aewlng cln^ held the second meeting this jrear at the home of . tho leader, Mrs. Kost The following were elected offlcen: itoso Kucera, president; Norma Jean Boward, vlei president; Mina HaUleld, necretary:. Gladys .Bay- less, reporter; Katharine Robert­son, song leader.

g theV device Tor n

Before xetumlnff. home the party,i»ij aoaoxJdo tbo ntaJoaphere will visit the San Diego fair ohdlreacheo .Oi per cent, a point nt other places of InUrcst in south’-, whiclj deal may result InTrTcw — Califonua; . IhoonL a. warnloa’ alarm rissa.

In a perpetual trust fund nt tho office of tho atntb deport­ment of finances, there arc un­claimed depoelto in closed banka awaiting clalmanta in the fol- {owing amounts:

Bellevue Bank & Trust Co.,' SI8I.DO1 Bliss State, bonlt,' 9110.02; Carey. State banic, <110.20; Delco' State bank,' $207.42; £den Slate bank, *»03.17: Citizens Bank of Gooding. $300.10: Bank of Han- nen, 9JC0.20: Heybum S(nte bank, ) X10.07: Bank of &(ur- taugh, U82.40; - Paul State bank, $103.10; Farmers- and Mcrcliants Bank of Rupert,

_30IEJmUNEjUL-I...... (Buhl Kerald)Standbg In a position to gain

Immensely, Buhl io — ------Intereat tho ropid development of the groundwork for the long- dreamed Bruncftu IrrlgaUos proj­ect Situated on tho end . of th‘ rallway and aloo on the main Wgli way, Buhl seemo deoUned to be come a base of suppilen os the work progresseo, and local farm* em and merchantn can expect to find a big, market among the thousands ot new rosldenta o f the tract while work la prosTesalng and until the fam s begin yielding returns. ^ •

A few years agoNhe - Bruneau ^ e d vWonarjt. I t aVu has

mean busineas nnd that, tho project la being launched under most auA- ptclous clrcumntancctf. The tract prohvifca to make immedlato work for hundreds and even thousands of men, to faring mlillons of dollars In now money into southern Tdabo, to add more millions to Idaho's taxable-property-and to perman­ently stluiulate tho commercial ac* Uvlty oe tho slate. A ’long cher- Inhed dream nppeara about to bo reallted.

After coming to a dead stop^at

molorlst will proceed ... speed, not shlft^^ Into a higher gear untU .the tracks bavo been

P A U L J IA I/ I/ O N 'S .


n Expert Interpreter 'and. Con: (Copyright, 1035, By Paul Mallon)

H I S T O R Y of Twin Falls City & County


Nion struck I’renldent nno»r\-eIl harder than published necounti have Indicated.

Immediately after It swept away the baslo le j^ eruund on which his N «v Deal s t ^ , his oAsoelateo now agree, ho was prnonaily as confused as wem all his Inu^ern. He did not aay or do rniything for that simple reason.

Within t%venty-four houni, how- ,er,' his slienco developed a pur­

pose. A r««cUon In the country be­gan to be evident. The I ’realdent llum decided to light to preserve — T .than tho aemblnnco of his

OIFSIEISThe most favorable phaso of

tho decision waa reaction to it.. For weeks before, business men (U. S. Chamber of Commerce, et nl) were complaining public- - ly that tho Xew Deal should let them olrao so they could go .ahead. I f very many of them went ahead. It wan not appar­ent. The doprcaaloa'in tho stock market was • unexpected and. remarkable. -.. '

Some businesa men explain this by .saying that they, could not start n bull movement in and out of tho market because they did not know whaL the President was going to do. This

• Is entirely true. The inflation­ary or deflationary results rest- ' ed entirely with whatever deci­sion he made. ■ ■

But most nuthoritles also bus. pected that, if nature wera per­mitted to tako Ita eaune, & <fa- flatloaaryj^riodof price-cutting and wage-cuttiAg would set In, which would raoro than offset uiy buolness,hallelujahs at be­ing released from government restraints.

INTEltSTATE COMMKRCB Whot Is driving lawyers mxid is

the fact that'tho Supremo Court

dill not really Iny down any ilxed ppllcy of re.itraint ngulnoftho gov­ernment in Its NRA decision. •

For inaUnce, the court aald the retail poultry business In New Vork City fa Interstnto commerce as for as federal anti-truat law la concerned, but not as fal- as tho NRA provision of wages and houra la concerned.

In other words, for one federal law, the business Is laterstato commerce nnd subject to federal regukitloa, but, for the other. It Is not TSils definition was eyidently ao iQ^dy that lh« court itself add- ed: “The precise Ikie can be drawn only'ns individual otses arise."

HINT ”Innuentlal bnslncM men ha>-o

be«n making a subtle drive Vnele Dan Itopor, the conuneroe secretary. By telephone and tclo- grnph they have bcaBn advising him lately to oonduct his department (or the' benefit of business In the uune spirit In which the labor de­partment is conducted for labor. They did not tell him so directly, Uit their genUo bbts were based on Uio feeling that Mr. neper’s political bftclcground has caused him to lay nslde undue stress that phase.

TIio drive is net Intended to'get Dim otit of tho cabinet, biit'to i>«r- ■uodo him to recQgnlto that there

-mo business beaiden politics.

_ jen ils ore alwoys denoi____ „the puBllo utilltlca for conducting n Washington lobby, but the truth aeoma ttf t>e the utilities seed all Iho lobby they can get

Proof of that waa established by the ultrn-smart trick executed by Senator Wheeler on tho Hokllng Company bill. I t nearly ruined the itlllty opposition.Tho original'bill was not cxacUy

.nxterproof'-and- went too far. Wheeler's commltteo decided to nake many changes nnd did.. Ort- laarily theso changes would be'of-' fered on tho senate floor as com­mittee amendments to tho original bill. A vote would bo required on each one. But the slick Mr. Wheel­er decided to nvold that After tbo changes were tfaode, he re-in­troduced' tho blii. Including tho committee omendmcntA UnnoUccd bo rushed this tftanged bill through the committee a second time. When the measure was brought up for discussion. It waa discovered that there .were no -commltteo nmend- mentn, that all had been Incorpor-ate4 In the bill. Thus sep-----votes on these changes wen possible.

Tho opposition strategy had to be entirely rcvlaed;


Eden will havQ a strong addi< tion'to tbo school force next* year, with the comlng'of Coach Omery one time coacli o f athletlu a« ' Northwestern iinlverslty at Bvons* ton. 111. Mr. Offler is well quail* field aa n teacher, having taughV at Oak pork, ni., and wbllo thero . coached tho football and bosket* ball teams succcsafully. He wag called to take the athletic dlrec* torahip of Northwestern tinlvcrslty. where ho was also successtnl In putting out winning teams In bas> SMtbat?, baseball nnd track. H « • Joined'tho army after the brcoliJ with Germany, receiving a cnp- 4 tain’s commlsalon anu haviog charge of athleUcfl and physic^ ’ development at Camp Grant

27 YEABB AGO { '

Twin Folia County Bor asBocln* .Ion met In tho K. P. hall for a re< cep.tlon to the attoraeys who were In attendance at tho district court Friday evening. Mi J. Sweeley told tho inside history of the formaUon of Twin Falls comity. J. C. Ilogern,

—okc on trials and tri- ploneei- lawyers o f tho

atate, while Judge Ihivlca eulogised • tho lawyers ea ahapera of empires. Judge Robison, Oglorodo Springs, • -Tivo his im'presalon ^ the human- .ty of tho court room as viewed from the bench. ‘

Judge Walters. Probate Judgo Chambcrtftin and F. A. HuCto also

short talks.

w orks pregrtun win be ?0,MS,100 to t proivjersjto go_ through Income” tax return#. This was the.first Iteni on the'

list of works

TreosuiT ftuthoritlM, since the death of Secretary Woodln; havo developed tho Idea that a lot ot ohcMtiag Is going on among smaO Inoome tux payers. Formerly Invostigalloas w «fro made only o f largo returns. New aU AvUl bo thoroughly Inveatl- gnted, even tho snullMt. Fnef timy be dcmandcJ Coe every de­duction.

Too -ticasory may not get much money out of digging be­hind two* and threo-doilar. re­turns but It eaji give employ­ment to unemployed Inveotigat- ora and cause havoc among tax­payers.

An unrcported social visit to

__________attars of (ensnd iDttrut U «l(«r ■nouli] not «zt«n<l to mer« thui toe

word*. &nd preftrmbly ihaold b* contlnod 1 to ,1»0. Ho eontrlbuUonn eonilCma unlM* <lrn«d. but «nltUJ»a" ss, sIlreuid toi.Ei]lU)r Id»ho - Bretiliic Tlm«« tind submltt»d throufb ta*BUlla.

MAGIC IIOX BPIIINGS ^ I lo r of Evening Times !Dear Sir: ' '

‘Just areund the corner” nnd u are therftr Only 4B miles south

of Twin Falla, and heboid, tho Moglc Hot springs. Tho 'fond in good, tho water la flae. No better can bo had up or down tho line.A place for health, it requires no wealth. Uvo os cheap as you can at home, and when you ore thero

>u con havo tho best of care.Thlfl Is my sixth vlalt to the

springa,-and there you meet the motropoliton wlM-men of finance In thla resort, and some of lessee means. 17>ey como from Portland, Ore., (md many miles around, and say there la no better to be found.■ A5j <5pcn’ aIr*BWImming'pooJ.~a' ■ tennis court, a trout atream full of trout, a nice little picnic, ground with Lab16s for lunch and chalra to sit down, a rcsUuinmt, a grocery, store with wood and coal ^ore< So be glad you are olive and have the chance., Somo doy they will In­vito ua to como and dance. Malce a dato with jvurself, go to Maglo Hot springs for a time this summer and get t>etter heallh and yov~ monej^s' worth—0.’ dandy outing.

- wn a rcalileat o l Tn-Jn Fhlla T. B. I*

Washington was made recently by, lira. Herbert Hoover. I t was tho flrat since she left -the Whlto House. She remained with friends, who were cautioned not to dlvulgo her presence to society edltora oc others.


Page 5: 5 0 -5 Labor Chiefs Worried After White House Parley EST ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · WeatherForecast ' Fair tonight and \ tlnoed mllO. Maximum

TUcs'iilay. Jana '4, 1935 • IDAJgO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO r iT «

...SOCIETY.. 1935 Bride Again Doubles Rings To Wear WeddMg and Engiagement Bands


The loat o i » aerlu of public muao rcoltaJa w u pruented loal «vcnlnfr by Mrs. Regan andMiBS Mildred Eliod at tho Nnza-

• « a o church. A vailed projrraia of piano, uteel fifuJtar, eJartaet; vocal solos and piano trios and duetq was enjoyed by tho largo audience wMeb /inm U)» cudltorJuB).

The fttase w u beautifully dcco* rated In uprtnsr flower* bonUcd obout the piano.

The program waa aa follow«i ■pMt I

Plano trio. "Merry Oo Round," Vandoverc, LelNaal Bamfl. Jennie SIpirlnii, LcRoy' Bamaj "Jolly ThouKbtfl," Holoon, Juno Hoopa; •'With Charm and.Grace,"'Kohl- man, JesQfo. S/jferljut; tUel eultar ■olo, ''Drowsy Waters," Avai, Rob*

' «r t Jenaen; "Country Dance," and "Drtam Boat," WUllamB, Billy Hoops; •The Elephant," Engelman, LelNonl Baini;. 'Tomroy's New Dnim," Prtatcn. LeRoy Hams; steel frultar, "Nanoula." 'Smltu; NeMa May lAWSon; "A March for He," Preston, Kenneth Ballftnt}-ne; duct. "Gallop," B«br, June Hoops ftRd DJlly lloopt; "Jano LarUapur," Zucar, Edith Ulbeau; "Tarrentcllc," KeUortn, Betty Mangclaon; clari­net solo, "Over the Waves," Itoaon,

, Robert Goodnight, accompanlcd by In n a Goodnight; "AuJamc Revels,"

. Sehrlbner, Barbara I^-l;./itee) gul- , tar,-‘ 'Natana." Lucas, Ray Wnyno Theltten, .accompanied by Mrs.

• Rogon.____ ■ ' r> v r tn '. '

'’£.(tUo AttacJc' o f" Drc«m*,' Grelg, Frances Leonard; "LltUo Mocking Bird," Adair, Marie Loclc- hart; song, "LltUe Dutch Mill," Lc- Roy Bameo, a^mpanlod by Mrs. Regan: "Sailor Boy." Machclahlan, Lou >Vllliams; "Dress Pomde," Gray, J. a WUllams: "Tho Flrat .ftrbutus," OlaffUn, Harriet etana- bury; •'Merry Plclclo," Grey, Irma Goodnight; accordion solo, "Ceder* brooIf,'f WoJla, Jack rarmr; "For* ward Mflreh.’ u Copeland, Evelyn Carey; ••Tho Silver Nymph," Hclna, Betty Ann Babcoelc; "Attack of (ho

' Redskins," - Jaclc Farmr; "Sonata In 0." Mozart, Glea Boren; "Chimeu of Noraandy,".Planquettc, Vcmeal Hathcox' Bong, 'Isle of Capri." Qlen Boren, playing hla own ac- companlmcnt; trio, piano, violin, vocal, Maurene Boren, Glen Boren, airs. Bona; "Swaying DalfaOlla," Overlade, Betty Louise Detweller and “Sonata Pathetlque," Beetho-

■ vcn, Betty Tarbrougb.- * - ■* «


A hobo party was the theme of• ft cord party given by the,Pythlon

flUtcra ycaterday aXtemoon at the Lilac Qardens .with 10 tablca at

-p lay. Mrs. Minnlo Arahart waa awarded the prlxe for the best cos­tume. At- contract, bridge prlzea wtro received by Mrs. Reese Wll-

- lliyna and Mrs. F. H. CScUIer; at auction, MIsa Leona Walker and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds and pinochle by Mra. D. V. 'Kinder and Mrs. Lena KunkeL Mr*. Wllllaifi Fel< buAh arranged a musIcaJ program.

V Following the-gamea refrcshmenlB■ wero scrvcd ln bandanas on sticks

and.coffee In tin cubs. Mra. A l­bert Putzler was naalated la aehr- Jng by Mra. Gus Johnaon, Mra. Helen Mlnnlck, Mrs. W. E. Cord, neur and Mrs. W. G. Thompson.

* * . * .LODGE WOMEN - -PLAN DINNER PARTV ’' Members of the Nelghbora of

. Woodcraft met last evcnJnf at the Odd Fellows/hall for a buaiaesa

• meeting prealded over by Mrs. Vi­ola Wyland. Mra. Jean Steams----Initiated Into the organization . . plans wero made for a dinner party

' to b« held June 17 at't£o.Park hotel. Th& committee appointed for tho affair Includes Mra. Jamca B.‘Watts, Mra. BcUq Richarda and

, Mrs. Helen Dean. After the meet­ing.refreshments were, served.


, Cathollo Woman's L o a g u s meeting has been postponed'ono week, from Juno 0 to June 19.

lAdlea' Aid aoclety of th» Methodist church will meet In the church pnMors Thuroday at 3:30 p. m. tths. F. E Drake's dlvUIon w ill bo hoatesses. All ladles of the church are invited it la atated.

* * . *Tho Auxiliary of the Spanloh

War Veterana will meet Thurs­day at 8 p. m. at Legign Me­morial hall. There will b«.aa ex­hibit of trophies of the Spanlah war and Immrtant business will bo transacted. Rcfrcshmtnts will be acrved.

An elecllon of offlceia . held, and a apcclal FTOAC pro­gram will bo p resell led under the direction of Mrs. George Warburg. AH members of the other potfloUc -organizations are cordially Invited to attend the meeting.

OI,EVER SHOWER HONOIta M|SS SWENSON - Complimenting..Mls's .Mildred

Swenson, who will be mii^ifd'June 0 at Salt Lake City; Mias. Norma Klmpton entertained 88 friends of tho bridc-to-bo at.ahowcr at the home of the hon- oree's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Swenson, lost evening, A clever mock wedding ceremony was the feattu« of the evening. Mias Edna Atlcinson portrayed the'part of the bride, Mins Mildr«d Blaser, the groom and Miss. Kimptoo, the prcacher. Two vocal scIeeUons. •'Mr. and Mrs. Js the Name" afaU ■Au Revolr." were given by Mrs. Earl Hood, Mias Atkinson and Miss KJmpton.

Sevcml amusing games and con­tests were played by the group. Prizes wero awarded Mrs. McDon­ald and Mias Nedra Rlchlns. Mlsa

gaily with rublea, i _______" * or onyx. Few, very few,.

manyipg men ar* buying thorn, tl)ough.

Larger Stonea When It cornea to tngagemcnt

ringa—which, probably, hsvo. been bought k)ng ago,' for tho June moon njATks tho beginning or tho fulfllhn«nt o f romance—the irizo of tho otoae and ita setting aro In­creasing. Brides, while preferring

............ .... like verylarge dlanccat tho other ring. Diamonds, oct in square settings, are very popu­lar. Ah emerald cut Is much 1‘ desired..

Wctldlnga havo always been marknl h f Jewelry. The bride and the bridegroom cxchango gtflo o f offectk)n, tho brkleaaakla and the uahenT muat bo preoented with ktaUng tokens o£ appreciation.

A wagon attractively dwhite and filled with gUta for Miss Swenson was drawn by little Ker- ma Whito and Joan Swenson. Gay bouquota of the aeaaon's flowers adorned the rooms. Mra. Swenson served dainty refreshmcnla.

Buhl Ladies Attend P. E. 0. Convention

BUHL, June 4 (Spccial)—Mra. M.' M. Van Patten, Mrs. Rose J. Wilson and Mrs. R. A. Ring were delegates from tho Buhl Chapter S of the P. E. O. Sisterhood at the stata' convention which' was 'held lost week In American Falla. Other Buhl members who attended the meeting were: Mrt. H. E. Read, Mro. L. P. Runyon, Mra. J. H. Barker, Mrs. Florenco'Constant and Mrs. J-. P. Hunt. M «. Fred Phlnney, who was elected state president, is a former Buhl resi­dent .

CAM P FJHE GIRt.8 The Potgo group of Comp'Flre

girls met recently at the borne of M rc Frank M cacsjy for a abort boalness meeting. Aa a meana of earning money for cr-np a pop­corn atand waa sugKcsted. Re­

nte Wahtooheye Camp Fire glrla met yesterday afternoon at Use home of Louise. Barr. Plans v tT t maSo to' taka part In the grand council fire to’ be h»Id Fri­day'evening in the dty park. IDe next meeting ;WJ)1 be held Marion,Taylor.


P A T T E ^ 8320

! No matter What your age c .. . weight,' there's one Indisputable

road to summer chj< —ihat is; to mak« yourself an Irresistible ~'

.„tuca.o£^dalnty femininity] Fat 9320 shown takes the easiest: —via flattering femlolno soft

iT'|:nithorct]'tnto"n'Bmootli jTiHe, ... Ualnty loose flaring aleeves that lend grace to any'arm. Just to mako tho,picture mor« complex and IntcrcoUng, tho notched col­lar and beltrdetau inject a tailored note I Tou'U find the* dress a. Jo; to make, and there's \ real thril

________ Marian_____ chart'included,

. PatUm 9320 may . be- ordered only in sizes 12. l i , 10, 16, 20, SO. S2, 84, ao, 38, 40 and 42. Size 10 requires SU yards.SD-lnch fabric.

Send FIFTEEN CENTS In coins or Stamps (coins.preferred* for EACH -i Sa IUAN MARTIN . pat-t«m .'B « - .......... • ' •.........TfAHE. . , ____ ,

.N in m E B and SIZE or. each pat* .tern.". JPST OPT . >. M AglAN MAg- T D f 8CBIMER PATXEBN-BOOK . . . forty eallghUinIng pages U leiul your .way to Sunuser Cblel

. Ootbes for every .occaaton for* ev- eiy'member ,o f the ■family,-from

. tiM Tiny Tot, the Daahlng DeK the Blushing BHdo to the Mature l la tn »r £ v e iy d e s ^ bekutlfnllr :iUustratad,-.<Texy poUeta-so- easy «n n the. B a it e r s airo aasared of cttocoof FOR r d r a COPT NOW! PBICE OP iBOOK- n F - TEEN CENTS. BOOK AND PAT- TERN' TOasniEB* TWENTT-— i-coc»r^

Send yoor. oMer to.-ldabo l£v«- Blnr ‘nmes,-Pattern' Deportment, Tw&i Fails. Usho..

<By NEA flERW Ca)NEW YORK—The xmart bride

again will coublo.her rings thla season. Before tho wedding band Is allnped on her finger- by h « favorite young man ahe-wlll ap­pear with a jewelled foro-runner, ulUng the worid proudly that her^ d in g dato la a e t. ..............

tb o vogue wtilch favored wed­ding rings, without engagemeat rings, and came la a few years ago,’ haa passed away. A'brkJe. Dco more, )s entitled to two ringB. 'Just as aho Is conservaUv* m

her diotcc o f ook>rs for her i ding, though, this June’s-brido pro-

' plo weddbg ring. Nar- are best, engraved with ------ of course.

2>latlnum rldM high as a fav­orite and a brido wtso wants to be dlsUncUy In .tho lOU manner siay eJjoosa-a ring compoeed o f minute Units, 'fastened to^Uber Uko a chain bracelet White gold iiuper-

brides who atUl prefer tbe goMen lustro thero are nartw engraved rinj5a no Jovcly as one oouW wish.

Of course, i f a bridegroom ' a cocI<etful of idlo dollon ox

:a whlfih almost, c


. The ladles of tho Community ,CouncU .held a farewell reception — ■ • • at the church Inhonor of Mr. and'Mr*. Stuart Sev- ems, who moved recently to Kim­berly, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gish, who will -live In Bliss, where Mr. Gish haa accepted the position of superintendent for next year, and Mr.- and .Mra. Chorlea Prior, who moved this spring to a farm near Kozelton. Games wero played throughout . the evening and rc- frcahmints wero servcUr by tho Council kulles.

Tho Young Married People's class., the Lucky Thirteen Sunday School claan, held 0 no-hoatess so­cial Monday evening at tho chtz«h.

Ronald Laycoolt Is in lha bos- pltal-with-blood poisoning in the ana caused from a cat bite on the hand. .

Mrs. Elva Mlnnlch and daughter. Miss H;Jen Ulnaleb Ictt Wedaes' day for Ohio whero they win spend a few weeka visiting with rela­tives.' They will stop for ti while at Boone, la., to visit with a broth- — and sister of Mrs. Mlnnlch.

Pres# Club PicksStudent Officers

POCATELLO, June 4 -(Special)-New officers for. the Press club,

_aaorary JoumallsUc society, of tho University of Idaho, southern branch, were selected at a. recent meeting.■ ~ Hanson, J*o.more In arts, was elected .-presi­dent; Harry Whitten, Blackfoot, freshman la' arts, vlco president: M argm t Browne, Twin Falls, ---------- In arts, secretary; andTenney Johnston, Vernal, Utah,', fruhman In phamacy, treasorcr/ Replaced officers rcsp^vely are: Stephen Alley, Bancroft; Sam Hanson, PocatoUoi Mario Ralamus- sen, Ontario, Oregon; aad William Phoenix, Jerome. ' “

Selected aa pledges to the club ero Alice Conway and Ruth Judy

Allen, Blacltfoot; Estel Thompson, Wetesr; and Woodrow Hudson. St., Anthony.


. n ynai 2o be' mix. J ■ don’t vant to Uve any longer aa X am," .says Hartlrt Mary. >rectanan {aboro),'W,.of..CUoB- cester, N.' Jt, ; willing- to .risk .-death at the st<rf«on’s knU« to tM tnad« nor« boantlfnl, abe


Son, William Olaxuicr, BUhop Emerflon Pugmlro Officlat®

A t Hagcrman Bit«a -

[ uio acsv tiaav' uuu mQ right for U to conceal the newly acquired n-edding ring.

(Jewelry by Trobart and Hocffer, New York)


Manager Ancouncea Plnns for How Sound Eqnipinotit and

■ Now Seating

Inataliatlon of a new sound sys. tem, new seals, floor llghta and other Improvements at an esti­mated cost of » 10,000, is projected for, the Orpheum theater of this city. It was announced today by Nevin McCotd, manager.

Tho Inalallationa are to be t.... pleted during June, be slates, and adds that It probably will be nccea- aary for tho Orpheum to cloao for a two-tfay period when the new seats arc placed the'latter part of this month.

Comfortable SeaUng The ma]or Improvements started

with tho remodeling of tho theater front, and word was received lost night that tho ' latest and most modem theater chairs would be shipped from New York Wedncs- doy. These will bo Installed with- In the next three weeks. Tho en- tiro main floor.of the Orpheum la to bo re-seated with thla equip­ment, larger aisles and seats be- ling lued, to Improve the patrono' jcomfort In .conjunction'with the ro-centing project tho Orpheum la installing the latest floor-lighUng equipment with SO aisle lights be> Ing placed tbrougbout tho audl> torium.'

wUl bo thelnsuilatlon of tho lat­est Western Electric sound equip­ment," McCord saya. •'Thla ia known os Vkle range" sound.'It entails tho use of four boms or spealcers In addition to tho speak­er equipment already in use. rang> lag m slM from that of a French awto hora to the lary?- dynamic

jcakcr types."This new wWe range sound not

-Jly greatly improves the quality of the reproduction but also en>

the listener to bear a much„ ___ er range of tone than anypreviously reproduced. S k i l l e d technicians aro already working on this InstallaUoa and the new equipment ahould be ready for use wltnu the. next two or three weeks."


A t Twin Falla municipal'band's opening conceH Thursday at 8:1S p. m. In the city park, the follow-

______ 'Bxcclsls," Losey;ture, ''Zampa,'.’ HcroU; ..... ,•‘Southern Rosea,” Strauss; med­ley, "rleosant RccoUccUona,"

TolceriotenalMlon;Taftrclir "C lury o f tho MarinfA"'-Grabc!; quartet from •lUgoletto," Verdi; selection, "The Merry Widow,” Lehar; march/ “Fairest of tho Fair," Sousa; Star Spangled Banner.

O AM E rTom LjiiA R iu ES OAKLET. Juno f ' (Special) —

MlsB Erma Hole, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. -Albert Hale, Jr., and a taaoher for the-past year at tho Oakley elementaiy scHoq;,' and Harold .Peterson. Willow Creek, left- Sunday for Salt U£ke Ctfy, w b m they were to be married'in the temple: Mrs. Hale, mother of tho bride, and Mrs. Peterson, moth­er of the gw6m, accomi eonple td.SaitLoke.-. ,

'FARM'SPECIAUISTS. MEET .County extension agents. Smith-

Hngbes . agrieulttiral Instructors, and other specialists met this sJt-- (zaooo at:tne court hooso ^ th ' J. H. Reardon, BoUo, cotm^ agent leader,, to discuss problems In connecUon with soU eonserv*"—


li^m -Harmoo, IS, iriQ pick hla sbon irith.greatcr can heKofter. Attending a mOTle,.te'eloised.hls eye*, far • a ota ia t' When he awoke It waa dark and loneaomo— 3 o’clock la the morning. A night poUce officer, attracted.'by .his


HOLUS, Okla., June 4 ' lUm —The Keyes glrla. who two decades ago created almost os great a sUr aa tho Dionne quibts do now, celebrated their 20Ui birthday today, the nation's only quadruplets to reach ma-

Tlie 'sisters, Mary, Roberta,. Mona and Leota, prcity brown-

- bruBcltcfl, aro • ■ ■ -the birthday celebration with a. high school closa reunion.

A ll tho slstcra aro interest­ed in 'tho Dlonno quints, and also in their college work. They bavA Just finished tbelr aopho- moro year at Baylor university, Waco. Their grades aro uni­formly good, but the four sim­ilar fnceu sometimes cause con­siderable confuAloa for teach­ers, the girls agree.

In two wc<ks Uio glrlB, all of Whom play the suxophone, will go to Nortlj Carolina to appear beforo various clvlo clubs.

HAGERMAN, June 4 (Special) I'uneml services for Mm. Olnton Trovlllo, 49,' who died at

.0 Suntlny morning, wero'held iday afternoon at tho Park op-

house wltn Sen. William met and Bishop Emerson

x'uirmlro In charge. She passed away after several daya* Illness -•'iiowlng a paralytlo stroke.

upeclul music was given ^ a quarict composed of Mrs. John Baptlo, Miss Blanche Tate,- C. Holt and Rev. Carl Davidson, Wen- uea. fnterment .wos In tho L O. O. T . cemetery at Hagerman. Pall bearers mrt>-Frederick and Bill

Isford. 3V?In Falls. Kenneth and Ralph Hulme, Harloti Bell and Ellsworth Moore, all former school pupils of Mrs. Trovlllo.

"Estclla Geneva Trovlllo no dnuRhter of Mr. and Mrs.

i(oi>ert Justice, Hagerman. anil was bom Aug. 18. 1680 In Ncbro-v ka Clly. Ncbr. A flcr graduntlng from the Hagerman school, she at­tended tho Idaho Tcclmlcal Instl- tuto at Pocatello three years and Uio Albion Normal school one year. She taught In Hagerman and Malad before her marrlago Nov. 20,1017, to D. C. Trovlllo. Sho wiui a member of the Baptist church and the Royal Neighbor lodge.

Blir\'lvlng her are her mother, Mrs. Robert Justice,- Hngcrman: a brollier,' Sterilng Justice, Po­catello; her imnband. D. C. Tro­vlllo. and thrco children, Alice. IB, DeWltt, 12, and John. 11 all of Hagerman.

FREE Tb REMARRYLONDON, June 4 (Uri—-Die di­

vorce court today made absolute tho dccKe nisi of divorce granted to LorU Ashley, who had named Douglas Fnlrbanlts, sr., co-respon­dent

Lord and I-ady Ashley now art free to remarry under British law.

Iverywoman’s Club Stages Breakfast

BU7IL. Juns 4 (SpecJol)—TJia Everywoman's club is planning - brealcfaatto bo held at 11 a. m. Friday, June H, at tho Park hotel In Twin Falla. Mra, A. A . Vogel :and Mrs. Ray PetUJohn a: charge of the orraBgemcnta. ... the lost meeting o f tho club held at tho home of Mra. Leo Petecson, •Miiui M. Thomaa presided in tho absence o f the president, Mrs. B. Ct Davitf. Tito rncmhera responded to roll call with suggestions for the now club year boolL Mcsdamea A. E. Hcllor, Ed Harding and M. W. Cook were electcd to serve oh the year book committee .with the presiding officers..

Mrs. John Thomas read the re­port of tho courtcay. committee. Otlicr officers will read tliclr re­ports at the fh «t meeting of the new club year. R<ports o f the D1.S- trict convention,,which was held la Rupert, were given' by Mrs. E. D. Logan, Mm John Drury and Mrs. A. A . Vogel. '

Mrs. M. 8. BerUeson, Mrs. C. C. Rogers and Mrs. Hays were gueaU of the club.


Dally vacation Bible school opened Monday at the Methodist church with the pastor, Rev.' Roaeberty

" ] g dean. Tho school Is spon- -. ..d by the Methodist, BapUst, Christian and Pentecoatal churches of the city.


l i n ' k ’ s ,• of Business


Vcgetnblc Growers W ill Press Statewide- Drive Under

Carl DeLong'

havft foAdolph Kckstrotn, above, husband of Marlon Tallry, an' cliislvo target, as thn newly­wed* motor neat for Ibn song­bird's flint venture, after thn recent secret marrlngo la New York, where Erkstrom, Mlu Tallry'a teacher for tho last two yean. Is well known as a incisl- clan. Eckstroni, son nt HtvnlUh Immlgmntn, hi 31; his bride 28.

Built to houiia ISO guests, n hotel In Antrim, England, which In be­coming a populnr holiday rciiort.

not a slnglo bathroom. The itself has no public wuJer

supply. _____ •

Decision has'been retiched-.toy >. tho executive committee of Idaho Vej;ctablo Producers, Inc., to launch n statewide mcRitKrshIp and activity campaign under tho leadership of Carl L. DeLong, lo­cal ilealcr, who announces his re­tirement Irbm private produco bualneon.

Present at the soniilon. held here ycfltenlBy, were E. N. Petty- grovc. Haastn. president; TiJllchell W. Hunt, Uuhl, secrctarj” Crorgo Henlilcy, Idaho I-'aUn; John ■ D. Rcfflsborg, liupcrt; and John Citl- lemine, Jerome.

.Tlio association will lead l(n In­fluence to reduction of freight mica on potatoes, onion ond oth­er produce, and will ncck to main­tain grades un<l ijuallly. It Is staled. Advertising of ihc prod­ucts 111 also one o( tho. purposia of the organlrjitlon.

HAS llUNnUED'ni b ik t h d a y 'nUPKUT, June 4 (Special) —

J. L. Noble and son-in-law. Loyal Colo.with Uielr wlvca attended tho - ■ cfllcliratlon of tho ono bundredUi blrlhiliiy of an uncle, Maroni Man­or, la .9pring%-i»<*,, ULnli. Joday, <lrlvlng to tliat clly In a new. car. •

M O V E D .. . .Tlie Russell Barber and Beauty Shop line moved from

123 Main East to 137 Main East. W o wolcomo a)1

• friends, both old and new-to como to our new location.

Permanent Waving. Jl.BO and up.

Phono 649-W 137 Main East

the newM A R IA N M A R T INS U M M ER P A T T E | W B O O K


USED CARS1029 Pontiac Ooach-^ •.

excellent sbapo, new paint

$230.001031 ObevTolot Bport Sed&n

— flix wheels, trank racl^ V D iT .e l^ condition'

$335.00 VOhryilef B is S odo ji^

$125.00Ksfib 1838 Sod&a—

$250.001020 Oonpo--

$95.001 9 »:S a io k O d op e -

$595.00b r :6w n in g


ItVeisoelc.fuQ o f ’ ieWj uc»iK»»^«v .7 ^JllRttfnlng psgM for you. > to thumb Ihr^gh, forty page* Uloatraf ing your Way to Summer Chiet And b o . one bos been overlooked! Not only doe* ihe Bride set ipecUl sUenlioo, but «o . '^oes Mother* u d Utile Slater and that lyoung lady o f nuch Faibioi^Iiiii^n

In wnart etyle afier atylel Wh*l to we«r| IforFum SunudPitflle*. And tlulbaH UU— Mother gfto m feir tip* on how lo

;Wirlm dovn” Md “ drew op,” «nd Wh*l .; fabrie* to buy fo r b m d f u d the «)ie1e ! ifuntly In generall Order yonr copyi - ixiodcy. Price of book, 15e. . Wfaca yoa ~ t >rder « > « U m -wUh the boofc* yad 8«l' i 'Ijmtb Cor 25c,.. (See pattern fe is ty la ■ “ n id ^ y iM p w .)y ■

• ’ ^ f l ^ c t w - o r d e r j o ^ ••

Pattern Department

Page 6: 5 0 -5 Labor Chiefs Worried After White House Parley EST ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · WeatherForecast ' Fair tonight and \ tlnoed mllO. Maximum

•yaga S ix roAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO .'. Tiicsdfty, June ■!, 1535 .


eORlf^C. ■mE VEARS OP ts s s TO l©€>0, THE STATE OP C A L IF O R N IA g o t ir e / C ^

FTioM ALJKSKA/AeojT s,ce » TONS werc cwippas

T H E R E O -S H A F T E O •W O O D P E C K E R - ,




: 1775/2 SEMIMOLES




Tlif- ward Srmlniile lUMnn iici ..rnUat, or rimftway. Followlnff . tho lu t Somlnola war, muut o( tlicao InJlann were cxlk'tl-to OUlo- -

honm iiy thv United SLilc* Kuvernmvnt. Somo fncnpcil Into Iho Evergtnilcs of Klorlila, und dcsccnJant* of Itila band nro llvlnK there todny.

By Ahom OUT ODR W A Y . • By Wllllani.

’ V E A H , IT 'S A C4R S T O P W M S IM FB O M T V AW , COMS O U ; P O g I ^ T '5 OF O U R H O U S E ,A L L R IS H T / M O M 'S I E A T ' I 'D a E T T iS ' S S r O F IT - t v A r r - w o P e ; < r j I Aiki'T m om AM ' iTA/AJ'T VOUR r"'^ GOT OCJT/\ THE ICS BOX/

' ‘.CA B/.,IT 'S T H S y / W PA9 T | 0 M

PARTS', AM' 6 0 5 W K M O W 5 WHEN/ “r H e V L L G E T H O M E ' ^

^ D O M 'T G E T H O M E ,'


i« ; S “ S S « . ' '^ ^ H E R O E S A B E MADE— (JOT BOEWJ

W AS H T U B B S -

SIDE OLAKOES By Goori^o Clark

Grand ,Opera Star <;lIORlZONTAb l;< American

opera itar. •UWolktnc iilek. ISOem welsbL'13 To aufur. ISHatll IcnidlDS

ocAdemteA lB8«»ame. '19 Koto in acale.20 Rodents.31 MosL JS Toward.24 DutLer lamp.

. 3S erased.27n#U.29 To elude.31 Heritable UDd - rljbt. trp*snL . SSAudltorr. 36Nftrroir Yalley. STBaaVr Oeb.38 Bronte.40 Sound of

pleasure.42 Purines.48 Company. iSConrent

Anitrer (o PreTlou* roxxle

worker. ClMllltarr title. C: BereL 63 ConsuntCa.

B6To peel.S7SII0 has a

----- TOlCO.CBAndUawell.. Vnown-----.

VEnXlCAL - IT o atorm. SUolL.

3Soutliea«t. ' 4SlclIltla.C Native motal.« Scolda con- luntsy:--------

7 Pace.8 Pound.9 Quanlltr.

10 To redact. UShe made Ii«r

American do.but wUh ----

IS Ftllne ■

K.Ona who ruoi awar.

16 Iluibaad or wife.

17 Klonex vault. 20Il«TlMd. 22Ubralds.24 Dlab.26DeMrt frulta 28 Stir.30 UoD'fl home. 34I{oraet1r.36 Scotch HleV

laniler.36 Hand.39 ticATcnly

body. ■ .41 Sturceon.'43 Itonojr


45 Scarlet.46 Cod o f war.47 nootatoelc 4SAu(omoblt«s. SOCIuKer of

wool nberi. C2 Japancte Otti C4 Senior.CO Italian river.

30 6£

M 5t

i» . M


57 J _ tM _ J - i




GIVIWG LAVWgR WA,t50U 422,000 FOa PAVM£ ^■




1 fi 1 1 ■ » / 0 V »

II '= IT ^D

i 1

HImli■1 X ^ 7

3» r

TOOt'iO TH' DOC'e>

SAS^>y SOT '—



A.MO CVV>»\KJ. c u > • EYOW

® 19>l OY Ht* agftVICC. inc. T. h:

' B y Hamlin


f VF '/ O O 'llE (X TH IR & O P .S & -4 -B O T TO M N e r H R P e s Tj\ n ftu , T hem i ' m ft. / s i » J C e i o e e iJ AT t h i r p ,

L O L l-V P O P l wetospftpefi's BECKJTrrTI cp.t,ufjr us w ^100,000-Ll l IW PIEU 5I


O H . V E A H l « J S U L , '/ 0 U m u s t ) B e . o w e o 'T H ' r .£ f £ o s i ^

m n ^

S p H i W Hft*f.c00UL5 V E R OL' M ftfJ i ^ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 * IM PIELO o e .M Jo R TH

. OUT f^e ;2




B y Blosicr



R E M TA U l -W S lk E ANP A CHAUFFEUR’S UNirep>4,keusy! M E C T m e a t ’t h e CARC-STRAND H 3 T E L / H U R R / I-

AMD B 2 -2 r -Z .Z Z Z . . z - z z z - z r z z s *

s >

Page 7: 5 0 -5 Labor Chiefs Worried After White House Parley EST ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · WeatherForecast ' Fair tonight and \ tlnoed mllO. Maximum

Tuefidny, Jnne 4 , 103& IDAHO BES, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO

eLASSIFIED SECTIONRATOS PER UNO PER DAV etc d&ya, p«r Ua« p<r d a y .^ 4o TbTM per Una per <107^60

_________ Two U n «Mlntmum Cborffo 30o -

CIUBltUd DUplay Rates 00 Il«- -qncrt

Is sccepUsg copy tor cloJal* ndd adverUAemenU {or pubUca- tlos In tiM idobo weniflg T tc f^ tlw Ttmea PubUnblsg Company B^rees to nvoM emra oa far aa possible, but when a typographical 'error does occur

an advertlaement, tbo r»- ...... 0* tbo Tlmoi Pub-

flrrt BUbUcallon It Uso adver­tiser ooea cot coll tta atteatloo to tbo omr., All Clanlflod Ada are re- itdcted to tbeir proper claaaS- tlcatloo and the Idabo Sveolos nrnes rtAorves tbo rlgbt to chAsffe tbe wordlag of an ad­vertisement U by doing so m dearer tecnntng wui result .

ClaasUled AOs Kbleb camr • latter and twx aumber Icatead o f thfl tuuno o t Ch« odrertuw bust bo AunrerM by letter. PlnojM do not ask for tbe Dam«' ot tbe advertiser wblob Is fcbso-

confldentlol In such cases. PI*ACB YOUR CLASai-

riED AD,- CALL S8 AND ASK f o r t h e AI>-TAKER.

a l l c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s a r r a n g e d a lp h a b e t z c - ALLT.


to wreck. Farmers' Auto 8u Used Ports Dept Phone 23&-V

CASHor 10 CATS. Any make. Needed it once.

. JOHN O ’CONNOR USED CAR CO. ,318 Sboabonc W.


Today’fO ffe rin gChevrolet Maater Coach, 1033Chevrolet Coach . . . 1030Ford Coupp......................Noiih Coupe . . . . . . 1033-DodRo Sedan . . . . 1020Sulck Master Coupe . . 3020Btudchaker Coupe . . 1023Auburn' Sedan . . . . 1032Chevrolet Truck . . . 1027

APASTW EH TS ITOE EENT,Fully Furnished Ap t at Juata*

mere Inn and Oasla Homo. Ph. iSO and o n mpecUvely. ~• FOR .RENT—FumUhed slnRli

t^riment. Sima Apta. 390-2n( Ave. N. • •

POE- R ENT—MisocUttoconB

Very dffllmhlo ahfety d boxea. Fidelity National Twin Falla. . .

F O E E E R T -E O O M B

DESIRABLE ROOM. Cloao In, Cheap. Board If dealred.. 002 Fifth Ave. Wcat


OPPORTUNITIESTboBO making qbo o f tbo Idaho Evoning Timca

OlauUied colninnn oro gottiog results overy day . . . bnying and lelling, renting and trading, finding lost ortlclcB, etc.

Too, too;' con moko tuo o f tho Evening Times Olouilicd doportmont . . . profitably. Classified ads

. are inoxponsivo, and they DO GET EESULTSI

I f yon bavo anything to bcH or trado, i f yon want to bny or rent-^no matter wbat i t ia— it w ill pav yon to try a Classified Ad in-tho Timca, feimply call tho A d -T a k e^

Phone 38 : ■-----and you'U get RESULTS!


PAINTING, Decorating .Kalao- jnlhUiff and Paper HanrlnB, EaU- rooto cheerfuUy given. Wo fro any­where. G. E. Kunkle. Phono 1200.


B — KrtBgel CoJerado wheel corrugatora. Guaranleod to

any al/«l/a or sod.- Low prlcea. KrcngeTa gbop.

mining. Phono 1058...

Poli)ters, Belters < and Springer pups. Re^fltered alock, 3 to C moatha old aa low aa '$7.C0 each on a tlmo deal. J. D. Furcht Prl-. vato Kennels, Gooding. Idaho.

A im > DOOR OLASS, WlJ shlelda and window glaaa. chargo for sotting gloss. Bring In your saah or drive your ear In. Protect your health. Save oi' -'our fuel bill------ - -

[USD—All makes. Idaho 1 writer Exchange. Opposite . Office. Phono 00:-

CARBUIUCTORS, Carburetor parta nnd aervlce. F. G. IL Motor Service.'* 230” Shoahono ‘ 8 1 . "^ ; Twin Falls.

jllla. Phone D, Mooa'a.NEW AND USED PURNTTL —

of oil Hinds. Cool Ranges aa low as 910 each. Wo trado and buy or oelL Will pay caah ior atovea and refrlgeratorn and furniture. Moon'a Paint and Furniture Store. Phono

MATTIlESaES renovated, and recovered. Clean wool carded. 20o lb. Washed and carded 80c. Fuml- t i ^ upholaterlng. T w in Falla Mattress Factory. Phone Sl-W.

FOR SALE—A carload of Mur- eoco In bulk. Buy what you need, bring back wbat you have lelL We loan you h bruab to put It on free. MeMurty Houao Paint, 4-Hou) Enamel, Floor and Linoleum Var olab drya In two hours. We also have a large stock o f’Wall Paper and Linoleum Ruga Why pay

prices. Phono tt. Moona.

FO R SA LE60 Used Ice Doxea, priced J2.B0 and up. All h&vo been reflnlahcd and are In good condition. 10 used Electrlc-Rongea. Priced $10 and up.. All have been repaired and tested and oro In working order.. Will trade for coal rang- ea o r clrculatora. 10 used Oil ^ to v es -^ C04I Ranges.


STORES 'Phono 6 Phone 810Let lu trado yctu new furniture

for your used furniture.



[^ n t Room Sots, J20 and up. 20 Wool Ruga, »2 nnd up. 18.

Used Bedateads, J1.60 and up. IG.Uoed BprlDga, <1.50 and Up. 60 Used leo Boxes. ^DO and up. Theae boxes havo all been rcfln- lahe<l and are In good condition and are good buys/ -

M O O N ’ S


' Marble A Gra^to Monuments

FRED BEER 840 Main Avo. South

■Ph^o lfi80M . ' Twin Falls

FOR RENT—Five-room house; furnished. Large , porch, furnace, garage, on 7th Ave. N., WB per month. Gettert.{lcal EaUite. PhonoIRt.W ^<1 ■ ’ . .

SPECIAL OIL-pennaaeat, |Z00. - Natural 92.00. 280 fltb Are. B, , Phona liW). Mrg. petuner. ’

E E L P W A N T E p ^ F E U A L EWAJ^TED—CJri jnoTB for-bwne

than.wages. Phono 02M-R4.■ WANTED— Woman fa rgen e^

houaewoTk and caro of elderly lady. First house cn No. Washington out of city llmlta. CaU otter 0:80 p.'n.

S ITUATIO NS W AN TE D ■ WANTED—Work.Experienced

■ EXPERIENCED .GUtL - WOnU houseworlc. Write Box 106K. Care Timea. • . ' • :


•FOR SALEr-lDO '^^tO.l. _ hens, laying £bod. m qoln-ils Hateheiy. ' ‘

FOR-RENT.. No Bcmttog.- Tteapaudng-slinu'for nlo. Id Evening Time*. ■' „

One-new . 2-wheel m u e r ^ — 8x10, tires good. Cheap tt-taken

,c/o By •

H A Y E S , ,2ND IIA N D EXCHANGE . . . Savea You 10 Per Cent to 30 Per Cent on All New and

, , Used Furniture.In New Goods we have Uv--

Ing room suites, dining room su lt^ bedroom suites, atudlo couches, beds, springs, mat- •treaaes, ru ga, occasional chairs, k lte h «-n chairs,' brooms, enamel cook atovea, ttreakfaat tablea and chairs,

chairs, ehcats, end tables, coffee tables, radio tables, etc.. etc. ,

In used gooda, we have liv­ing room, dining,room, bed-

. r o o m furniture, rockers, •.heda, , apringa,. maltreasea, wgs. rangca. k e ro a en ® atovea. Ice boxes, library, tables, dreaaers, cheats, baby b e ^ Iniact almost anything you can name. ^

Come la and compare .our, pricea and. i f you cannot save, the.treat Is on.us. We trade for nearly anything •and sell for-terms.'460 Main 60. x;; Phone 73

FOR SALE—Three room house, large porch, bath, on 4th Ave. West, few , only *200-down. Oet-

FOR- SALE— Seed potatoes will put out on shares. C..UDonv mus, RL 0 Buhl, Idaho.^_____ -

Gem Seed Potatoes. 1 year Oertlfication. Inquire Bean Grow- era Warehouse or . see' ArU— Zwelgle.________ .

FOR SALE—Russet Seed Pota­toes, One'year fn m Ashton Cd> tlCcaUon.. David I t Norton. S ml.

e j v e s t g o k a n d POTDLTEYSo.,’% mi; E., o f Burley>

WANTTZ)—OM eowa ia i iiorses. Phone m ow. -• '

Barred Rock frits, 3 to 8 lbs. Phone 01D7-J8.

L C 8 T 'A 2 n ) TOTJHD

8 T R A T E D — BlSckor»b. Weight about lO K .... ...

oiond brand on shoulder: lUjaohed. Reward. Notify H. Z. Downing. Jer-

!, Idaho. RC a . ' _______ -tfO NE 7vTO L0A5 .^

%ob” at.the Idaho Loan Ottlc^ 139 Shoahone St-Ph. SB43. Money •ji Joan on Diamonds' Watche*. Guns, Radio* Tools of (dl ktoto and

-------o f Talue. Caah

men wlDlM to worli hard to qoality

nesB. Prefer men irith-falr^^uea- tton.. Inclined, nor

a t ^ end lee boxes, pay essb. PlOBWikUoan'A.;


ClassifiedDirectoryBtapoaalble' Bnslneaa nrma' and ProfcMlonal Olficea ot



10,000; market alow; Oc to lOc lower; bulk tO.RS to tlO; top iil 110.03; packlnfT sown $8.C3 (o' JO.IO; Slaughter pign $8.00 to <Q.OS.

Cattle: 7.000; cftlvcn 2,500: mnr- liet alow; nteeni JB.75 to J12.25;: helfero JO.CO to Jll.50; cowa »7 to W.76; vealerri J8 lo JIO; Btoeic- eni and fccdera J7.23 to JO.

Sheep: 8.000; market active; lomba W.35 to J0.6S.

Painting, outaide nnd Inalde. nnd Q. t,. BhaUcr. Pbone

EEFJUOEEATIONFACTORY Refrlgeratloa Service ) all makea Commercial and

Houaehold Refrigerators. Factory Service Co. Phona S34-W,


r L D. Store. Phone li


and calling carda engrave-- or printed. Many correct styles to chooae from. Call at tho Eve- ning Times ofllce, 256 Main Ave. Eaat. Telephone 38. ______

Heal Estate Transfera

InformnUon PumUhed by Intermountoln Title Guaranrty


FWDAY. MAY 31Decd-B. S. Nixon to A. M. Nix­

on. E>4 NE NE, SW NE, BE NE 18-10-14.

Deed—Leoln PhlUlpB to J. M. Spencer, *50, lot 17, 18, bloclt 11, Cootleford. - • .

Decree Dlat. — Eat. M. Grove, dec.,.to P. B. Grove, S'.S SE NE NE 35-0-14. ,

Decree Dlat. — EaL E. Schultz, dcc. to W. n. schulti, lot 10, 6loek I, Josea Addn.Deed—W. Smith to L. I. Perry,

Jl, WTW feet, lot 8, bloclt 2, Jonea AiIdB.

Deed —, P. M. Torr to J. W. Smitb. $ l_lot P. block 1. Golden RuloAddh.' .

Today’s Markets and Financial NewsLIVESTOCK I PRICE OF l E A T


6,000; "market 5e to 10c lower; lop J0.03; bulk J0.50 to JO,00.

Cnttle: 4,600 market elow, bid­ding weak to 25o lower; bulk of atcenj *0.23 to Jll.50; hclfera J8.7S to 310.30; veal ton JO.

Sheep; 0.600, including 270. di­rect; Iftmba Btrong to 25c hlsher; yearllngo opening weajj; choice nti- tlve spring lambs JO to J0.16; fed ahom ycarllnKa moatly J7.40 to S7.00: ahom fat ewea down from J3.25.


700; ateady to 16c lower; beef atcers.38 to tiS-23; cowa and hetf- era J3 to J10.26; ealvea J12; bulls J3 to J7.

Hoga: 200; alcndy to 10c hlgh- top J0.85: bulk J0,05 to J0.7Q;

packing sows J8 to JS.73; piga J8IO-J8.50.------------------------------

Plgo; 0,500: Bteady to strong; fat lamba J8 to J8.00; ewes J3 tc J3.20. • .

CHICAGO. June 4 (r.H)—W irniirlccs mlllc<l to the tiny'a hleli/i..............lear tho cloao on the Clileacol Amcrlcnn Smclllnjr.board ot trado to<lfty wlih net ...............f:alnn of I ' j cenlo to 1?; ccnta a bunhel. Com wan •; lo -S cenUi lilcher. onln unclmnged to ■% ecn lower anil rye S to *.jt cent hlKhcr

Wlicnl opened firm wtlh com mission hounu buying Influenccu by .Liverpool nlrenjrth. Falluro ofprivate crop reportn to Influtnee aelllng Obturbed nliort.i and ab- aorpllon by large ca.‘tlcm commln. olon houncii and European nccounla lirte<l price.') to the Oay'n highu.

There wan comildemblii rcallz. Ing nn tho bulKe, but tlie market dlJiplnyed a firm umlcrtone.


range:Open High Low Clo*«

Wtrnl:July ..83t 84 . M K 83Ti.8* Sfpt ..84li 85 83H S47;.g5 Dec... 87J,i 87H 85--vi 87*i-i^ nmr


—Hord: 674; Btendy to Oc lower; few lota beat drlveloa early J0.80

J0.85: mixed . wdglila and lea quotable J8.50 to JB,BO; J 56.76 to J7.25; few late Mon.

J7J0 to- J8.Cattle: C23; moatly steady;____

wealtnenn on In-between grade grade alaughter cown, medium and good trucked In nteeni J7 to J8.30; local helfeni J0.50 to J7; com. nteera and hel(era-JO down; lot goo<l Btock ealvea JQ.60; com. to me<I. cowa ,J4 to J5.2S; bulk lower ;n^des J3.50 down; bulla J4 to J6.25; med. to cholco vealera J7 to J8.23; com. down to J' Mon. car Utah agricuJturat

I N. Y. STOCKSNKW YOIIK. .lone 4 UMIi-Tlie

miirlii'l clo.’ioil biiiher.Aliuilta Junciiu...........Allied Chemical.........Allln anilmiTn............Amerlciin Can.............American lUdlator....Amrrlcim Itiilllng Mllla

ilS T O C K S M A N C E , iN M E OEALS

.,..-.120 J3^

...... 18»i

__ 10-;*

. 19'-;

70?i 80 ;-7 74>i 75u-!ii 03 03- .

Corrif July ..01H 81>i Bept _7C -• 70 Dec. .649i 0451

Oata:July ..33 - 30 ■ 34U 36u Sept ..35 ■ 35 ’ ' 33H"'34u-34 Dcc. ..35.V 35^ 34 S 35ii

Ilyci . ' ■July ..40-\ 40f.j, 45»J 40.'<t Sept ..48 48 47' 47’ i Dec. ..5Jii Dl»4 60 81'

lla/l.ryi July ..4.W Bcpt ..■lOA

CASH GRAIN' CHICAGO. Juno -I <Ui:i--\Vl>eat;

-.0. 1 luird 07c; No. 2 rolxed 87MsC.

Com: No. 2,yellow R7c to 87lic. Oala: Sample feed 34?;c: aam-

pin white 37c.Rye: No sales.Barley: Feed 4Sc to 00c; mall-

Ing 5Se to J1 nominal.Timothy need JIO to J12.Clover need J ll to fl6;73.


BTANLEY a PHTUJPa . Twin Vails Mortuary

Phone 81 ’ Twin Falls, Idaho

TIM E TABLESchedules of pasaenger trains

and motor stages passing through Twin Falls’ daily, are as followa (tffectivo.on and after May 26,

. Sheep; 4,108; Jaw Mon.- bulk local spring lambaXnJcited In S7.60 to J8; few J7; yearllnga JO toJQ.76: com. 13; amall lot ---------JS to 53.25.

Note: EffccUve June 1, Jamba bom in tho aprlog of 1034 class­ified as yearlings.


D A)—Hoga: '100; steady to 16c lower: Rood to choice light butch- era J0.30: heavies and.llgbt lights around J8.76; packing sowa S7 to ‘ 1 J7.26: feeder pIga around J8.76.

CatUe: 76, ealvea 10; quality



No. B7 leaves _ _ _ _ _ 2:15 pi i Westboiwd

N a 071. leaves-----^O-.OO « . tN o .-«8, .Jea.vea-------- .'1:60 p. i

Dally Ezeept Sunday Na # » , to Wens, iv. — 6:30 p. i

^oithhodnd No.840. trom Wella, ar ._2:00 p. xa.



V PubUo Market Open Arrives via Northsldo — 12:34 p JnLeaves_____ - ...........- 1:20 p. m.

■ teM ■■ 8:18 p. m, es — ;------ rr-r-T P-'“ -

1st year Gem Potato SeeLeaves Tla Northalde 8

I aza. again otfertng-a' select stock of-Seed Beana. UBlversl^ N o.:81 certified' and uncertified, a3sa-Unlrerslty-Kci--Ir^-reir-pifce» can bo seen at.tha Bean Groven’ Whse. Goo. R.Jo)mscn. Filer.:

W ASHXNO M AOHINEaGood uaod SJectrio Wasben trom

110 up. B&mpsoa Uuido Oo.,'T«ln

WANTBDI-A: .single unit ot a S e ^ HUUng Machine. Stito p ^ and condition. Irrlng R. D a W , Wendell, Idaho. . . '

' K e w..PORXULSD. O n . <aD—Ortgea

tamers x«cetral |4,280,000 :fzoo 231,000,000 . -*nd 3,47" chkdc(Bs:«i^lM t ytnr. to fedenl . statistics. I t - pec c«nt increoso over 1033.

An In cxp ^v tt knock-sounder can easily b f constructed from a fu n n e l- «o ld ^ 'to the-:^end'ot a

__^^o^touching .-the vari-parts o f . the motor win en-



Nerthbonnd .

(AiTlTcs atHalley.at 3 p. xn.)-

- (Leaves Bailey at 3:46 p. ga.)

____ -wha »pp»'date-loyany to tte extent ot k « 280,000.i.iw nM -to WfflsM

at Us Los: AngelM home.;

- ................. iybySO‘Moploye* and; widows et flvv

- • JyLXaa.-loag aaditalthtol verriee.


-Butter: 02 aeoro 27o; 01 score 20’ c; 00 a;oro 20c; 80 score 26lic. Eggs: Largo 2G’^c; mudi- um 23c;_ amall 20»ac.

' CHICAGOCraCACO. June 4 (UX)—Egga;

firm;. 30,803 caaco; extra firata 23c;-first ^ado firsts 22%c; cur­rent recclpu 2lMc; dIrUen iO?4c; checlcfl lOc.

Butter:.Firm; 17,437 tu bs ;__ira firata 22yc-to 23U;c; extma 23%c; firsts 22e to 22Ucr BCconda IlU c ; opeciala 2VAc to 24%c: itandarda 23^c.

Monday; early sales about a with late Monday: com. to med. grasa Steen J5.76 to J7JS0; goo<i fed.Steen quotable up to *0.33; heUera to. JC; Iow cutUra and euttcra J3.70 to J4; few com. dairy .typo cowa up to >4.76;_bulja

down. ■Sheep: 600; acUve,. mostly

steady; good sprfng lamba J0.76 down; 00 lb, welghta at J0.60; com. down to'J6; ewes J1 to J2.


<urj—Hogs. 626; generally steadywith Mon.; f .............. .. —b. butchers to 180 Iba. JlO.OO, some 240-270 lb. averages 50.76; odd packing to 18.00.-

Cattie: 100;- killing classes around steady with Mon.; part load U 02 1b. gross steers *8.25, "sorted J7.00 to J7.76; f e w ______com. to med. grass heifers |6.00. to J0.60; few-med. to fairly good grass cows S6.25-J6.76; buUc-cutter cowa odd bulla 3 4^ tO'|S.00; good eligi­ble J6.7M0.00; yesterday, steers steady to weak; bulk med.,graa#era 38.00 to 18J6; betUr . grade sb«- itock steady;' car mixed gross helf- jra and helferish cows 37.86; few good cows J0.00; sevdnl grasa cowa 34.75 16.76.

Calves: 60..Sheep: -360; good wooled lambe

.loUble around. J6.60-J7.26, latter on under 80 Ib, averages.


& ............... .ed to 410.76.

CatUe: • 000; ' alow, generally eady; light Imperial fed steers

,J0.S6: com. to med. ' g n s - s t ^ 30.26 to 36JM; gna» batmen r.26; com. to'med. cows *S to 3S.76; 36 to 36-76; ddlry cows 36.26 down; cutter grade |9 to 36; calves: 400; slow, weak, tew vul. e n IIOJSO; ealvea unsold. - :

Sheep: 400; steady;, shortt spring lambs 37; Island sprlnK lombs at U06; shorn lambs JpO. •;

F A IR WARNING . PUEBLO, polo.- (ttia-Cltliena ot Pueblo were- amused when they a%w this sign In f»ont-of a-local church. Zt read: “Soblect ot Sua- dav*. evening's sermon, *Do You K ]^..W haC Hell lsr».Beneath it ' In 'Tnnii letteni'was.printed: ^Oome and_hear qur brganlst,"

• RAZOR .100 VtARS- OLD ‘ GUDRICH. Ont:. (UB — Sam

Heddon. veteran bdrbef,- la the ow&ec.of a t^ o r rhleb be claims Is ttOTV. thsn 100 yean old. Tbe

’ Flowing/rom a 'grottt near 'Li

ot blood-!; IS' one ot. tho .vorld*! strangest sights. T h e 'U ^ ' Uw atmeiiuce' ot real blood qrea'coBsulaten-

AnicrJcnn Tt-lqihonL-Anicrlcftn Tobiicco U... .....Annconilii Coiiih.t ... ..........Atclilnuli, Topi'ha A Sunlu 1‘Armour .... ........................Atlantic Hpflnlnt;..'........... .Auburn Motom.................UalUniurc f i Ohio.Uriullx AvliiUoii..... ......Ui-llili-lirm iJlccl.......'.___Uoclnj; -..llortJcn Ca..................J. I. Casu Oo..................C. M. SI. 1‘ &. I'ac.—NoClirj'ulcr Corp....... .........Coca Cola.......................Commercial SolvcnLa..._..Common Si Southum........... 1'Conlinvntnl Oil of Dclawaru 21Com Producta.................. . 70 5;DuPotil do Ncmoura... .'.____ D7Stiislman Kodak.__________ 142Elcelrlc Auto U to ...... .......... 20HElcctrie Power & LlghL___ 3f41--0X rilm....;.......;__________ 15StGccnml Elcclrlc........ ...... Cecnral Foodu__;_______ .... 34*SiGecnral Alolora____________31»iGoodyear Tire.:..... ............. I"-?:Inlcniallonal- Han'cater....... 30'i,Inlcniatlonal Telephone..... B'.iJohns Manvmc.i.-c....;.„;;...i.:_i 4BKcnnecott Copper................ 10LocWfl Inc.................. ........30^Montgomery Ward----------- 25%Ntuih ilotora..... ............... 13-National Dairy Products____13’ iNntlonnl Dlalllleni .............. 24';,New' York CcnlroL...... .......10‘i.Packard Motora................. 3%Paramount Publlx_____ ____ 3-SPalho Exchange, Inc.___ No aaleuPcnno. R. R.... ..........J. C. Penney Co..........Pure Oil...................Radio. Corp..................Radio Keith Orphuuih.Itcj-noUla Tobacco B...; Safeway Storen.... .....Scara Itttcliuck.........

.Shell Union Oil........Slmmona Co......... .....Socoay Vilcuum..................* 13*iiSouthern Pacific..... .......... - lOTfcStandard Birandfl................. 14 SiStandard OH of Calif...-..... 35-SStandanl Oil of New Jersey 489*Texan Corp................. ....... . 21U

Tratvi.Amcrica _________0Union Carbide &.Carlx)D....: 60Union Pacific... f ....... ....... 07»4Unlte«l Aircraft....... ....... .... 12%United Corp............ .......... 3'

U. 8. Steel, common......32’...Warner Brou............... SHWcatem Union................... 81 y.

WeatlnBhouno' Electric-....— 47’,iF. W, Woolworth Co_______ C0>4

NKW YORK. June 4 il’.i:) — .Stockii extended yeiiti-rdiiya Riiinn In a nllt'htly nioru actlvu Aon.slon today. Calnii ranclng to more thnn 2 polnta were nuftlclent to crcnto /luveral now 1033 hlfjlin.

Ulilltle.1 were dtpron.ied for ft timt' but rallied, Tobaccoa mndc Kooil caln.i on Invcnimrnt buying ** wlilch \va;i, reuponslblu for nubntan- Unl (jnlna In nevcral preferrctl .itocltn. .Mercantile, ahares were fa- vori'il. Motorn were- active anil (Irm. Rails picked up. oila were In demand.

Volume' approxlmatei! 870,000 nlmn-s compared with 000.000 yea- terdny. Curl) aj«lpa totaled 217;000' »iharen compared with 134.000.- nllan-n yesterday.'



toca: Old atock, supply light; de­mand and trading moderate; mar­ket ateody; Wla. round whltcj 67U to 70c; Idaho Russets 31.351< JIJO. -

Nhw stock: Supply moderate, demand and trading good; market firm; Ala. Bllas Triumpha 31.00; U. 8. No. 2 JUO;. La.. Bliss Tri­umphs 31.60; Miss. Bllas Tri­umphs 31,56 to J1.06; North Caro­lina Cobblen 31.00 to J1.06. ^ A r r h ^ 6^>cvloads, on track

. WOOLBOSTON, June < (UD-Scat-

:cred salca are being Closed la tho Boston wool market,.acofdlng to today'o report of tho U. S.;agri­culture department.

Tronsoctiona in'volvo mostly 'Mots although a few sales ore ilseablo volume. Pricea ap­

pear about steady, some sales be­ing cloacd' fully tirm, compared with. the recent active trade.' A sizeable volume omverage to rood French combhig C4s and finer ter­ritory woob in'original bags haa been b<^ this week at 70 to 72 cents, scoured basis. ,


Markets a Glance

American Telephone nt new 1035 hirh. •Uoniln Irregularly higher.Curb ntocka up fractions to S

polnti. 'Clilcaco atocka higher. •*Call money •* of !■ per cent' Foreign exchanj;c: dollar *a»fs

In pound atcrllng and flrma In i'Yench franc. -

Graln.i: Chicago wheat IAS to .1^ ccnta blRher; corn up >i to S i oata unchanged to *i lower; ryo up ^ to >.i. . .' Colton fulurea 23 to 38. points

higher. . .itubticr.futurca' 27 to' 31 points

lilKlier.Silver: 'bar allvcr nt New YorU

72»4 ccnU, o ff IS ; Montreal fu- turca more tlian a cent louver.

Local Markets |1The following market quotations re corrected /lally Ui« Idaho

iCvenlog TJmca nnd reprcaent tho average prices paid, aocordlng to the beat available InformaUon. Tlio prices are aubject to change with­out notlee by the dealers, however.

urged to watch tbs


Soft white....

N. V. CURB MARKET’ American Super Power™...« lU Citiea Service, commoa.— ._ ‘ .2 'Eleetrio Bond nnd Share.___ 8*4Ford Jifotor Ltd------------ — 814Switt and Co_____________ _ 10United Founders.___________7-10


Sjidler, Wegeni^ A Company . Elks Dldg. — Phono jjlO

BONDSHOLC 2»i Pet .... 3100,25-3100.378FFMC 8 P cL '__________ ;.J101.876

MININO STOCKS ■Mtn. a ty Copper------ 31.30-JlJWPark City Consol. .:________30-40cSUver:Klng CoallUon______31 ' '

TlnUo Standanl .. .47.00-J7X5


silver at New York was fixed to­day at 72% ccnta an ounce, a de­cline of l? i cent* trom-yeatcr- day-s quotaUon. This brought the

e ot 77 cents an otmce...

Two Ton CakeLEBANON, Ore. (TIE) — A t- .

ton stnwberT7 shortcake win be construeted for tho 26th annual Lebanon . Strawberry fair to be held M ay^and Juno L Tho short­cake wUi bo cut Into 10,000 pieces

A new tiro having « ' double In- _er tnbe removes* much' ot the danger o f a blowout,, the Inaidi tube. being cotmected wUh the buter by a slnglo air vent When tho outer-'tube 1s p un ctu^ thr

from tto Inside tube, escape, r a y Slowly, allowing the driv

to. come to i

................ 68aUenna

Market imsettlcd; all dcalera lut ot tho market..

Aim Feeds . .Uran, 10<l lbs. — _ _ : _ _ 3 L 3 0 iron. 600 iba..

I^lorcd hens, under 4 'Iba. _ _ J lo "LiCgbora hena __________ _ _ _ _ l lo^ lortd roaatcn, over 4 ibs.'_J8oLeghorn fry e n ---- -■ •Colored broUcra, 1K*354'lbs_l4oLeghorn brollcra 1% Iba. up__ 13qColored fryers, over 2 Iba. ___ 14aOld' cocks ____________________ 60

Eggs; ungraded, in trade____ 21orotttoea

Ruaaets. No. 1 bulk to

Rucsets, NoTibulk to______ _________ .200Uvatbck

Choice light butchers, 180 to 210 poundcro — :____ :------ JO.OQ'

. aOO pounders —.......... y t.oQUnderweight btftcners, 126 to « -

100 pounden ____________3S.00Packing sows ........ 30.60 ,Steers _Hclfen .Fat cowa Veal .


itam-Betchel jUM Albert TteBlng,...,

using oxen to do their draft work. . They claimed the U g >te«n were

satlsfactoty than hones fo » . IntheBOrth.

■ BaOytng,- Us fotoef In - Loa \Aagt3tM tor u new boaos nmrt^ (ta WashlnRtcn. Boyal Vf. Bob*’

.won’t' Ntoin* Data - ft achieves Its . pnrpcM.' Bobert-- son, wbo.fceaded fbo'eoast .Tot- 0 ( ^ m i ^tertmagtv'Win moTo bto'host ««w t by freIgM

ms flrsT .bfoogW ort OBly.-ll-»en, . -B<£oti^-.aBnomieed. be iHn Is m weUHc.ealL

Blue Tag SEED p o t a t o e s :

A lio W bitoey's Famotta: ‘ Bnpcr Tnbiii • |


H A L L ’ S' - ' Potatoo.Dealnn ; Uiittati{^~?l^eS8 • ;

WHEN YOU THINK OF'nmeonbar W ilsra's. S t « i « a t ^ a , ' « b m p ^ :

■took o f m e i^ 'W ilU & a s UoaM'd o il, trUto 2 c ^ 'An ftt

"ybtt money. p s j / L ■ ^

Page 8: 5 0 -5 Labor Chiefs Worried After White House Parley EST ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin... · WeatherForecast ' Fair tonight and \ tlnoed mllO. Maximum


Washington Thlnlcs Democrats W ill Riiiflo iBsuo in '30

Party Platform


roUUelBn" licHcve tlio >o, 1 pinnnof tliJ as'30 Domocrflllo prcaWca-Mill niBlform will cmlor.w cxpiin' iilon of tlie connUtutlon lo nimurc foUcml ivutliorlly In nntlonnl clnl tind economic ciucoUonii on

. Iiroftd bfials nought l>y rrcaldent

mcnns tlie connUliillon . . will M on' tanuc In the 1030 cam-

• pulipi M It liiia not boon In Ino. inemor>- of any pcwon-now nctlvfl|- In pollllcfl. It Is iHW-ilWo Ihnt thlo,■ IMU.J will IcaJ Dcmocrnllc nniJl

Uc|>ubllcnn jjartlca lo tlio great 4)reak up.

May Drlno Rcallonment ReallRnmcnl of political parlies

him iK-L-n illncuMcil on tl'O nliirop nnd In WoJihlnKton nalon.i iilncc ■tUo Nuw Deal nrrlveJ, But no "• nuij of llie maRnlluiIe neccimary rock parllc/t to tliclr foumlnllo

•- LaJ <Ievclopca unlll Im I wcclt■ whirn till.' nupromo court outlawcU

• . Pr*lilent Roosevcll wan .under• Bonio n^wiirc lo acccpt tho cnurt fl'

.• dccUloa Jn ,n-cpnj5<Lri«tlVQ.. wlilch meant-»Ttffimln(r^c«7P«*^

pldna 10 tncut Ui<'..connllt_utlonal‘ n a i f ‘ • '• ■ * •" ........

------lliat....tlcrn. "But Imllciid ’ o f "taliliirf'llint nilvlcc, -Mr; IlooacVclt.ipnUc,ft ilircct f.ifiuo at tJia tlcclxlon anu

' ■ InvltcJ tlie people of lUo Unlua• Slalca to ponder Uio <lc«lrablllly

of llvlnR under ft conntllullon nadefined by tho court.or ft broader ■ iMtrument which would annul

Home of thcTlRhU which the court niid many peroono Inalnt belong to tha otalca.

Triple tMueGeneral opinion occmcd to Ix:

■' Uiat tho New Deni would hitcii Uw queallon of pricca nml wncc!i to y i c problem of'conBtltullonal change and prcaent tho tripartite iHfluo lo the people nwt year. Mr.

■ . Ilooacvclt laat wccU uceomiinnlcd. ■ hU dmcu.-wlon of • Uio'courfa <lc-

cUlon with ft prcdlclion that com'• modlly pricca would collapne If

tliu rulen of Uio N R A opinion were mado appUcablo lo the aBn-

' cultural adjufllment act. I f com- • modlty priccti fall other prlcen will

fpi with them Including tho price for labor. Tho political vlrtuc.i oicombining Uio connUtuHonal-prJcc'

' wtiffo lasuca In one arc obvloufl.Thero 1# some reason to bC'

' llevo that llio court wna nurprluetl at lha_ peaJilnJiaUo Wliltc Hou3< atfltcmont of lost wcclt Which wair, la effect, that, tho unfavorable N R A dccialon had oubmarincd

• • : tho New Deal.Two Juitices Willing

> Some iBwycM arc cmphanlxlng that two member? of Uio court, JuBUcoa Cardoio nnd Slone, wrote

• • a coacurrlnB opinion on N R A In . . -wliich UiuTO wa# evldcnco of a dC'

airo to help tho New -Deal o v « conaUtuUonat hurdtem .without a tumble. Tlic Carddso-Slono opln-

---- .-loa. la . judged .by lawycra to havebeen written In an effort to re­strict tho full forcc of tl)o court'd

n Uila c D the- bu-ilneaa of Bclllcff chlclcena In- - BroolUyn, N. Y.

But whatever iiiay have been . Uio court'a purpoae,. £lr. Rooac*

vclfH preaa conferenco' jitAlcmcnt . rained a- poliUcnl Isnue. Tluxt In wb'<ther Uio consUtutlon shall be Btrttched lo njcct prcwent condl- Uonn or ahall copo with them In ItA prcAont form.

If Mr. Rooaovelt Jaolata on n . platform declaration In favor of

broader conatltuUonal powcrn for Uie federal govcrnmeat It will bo politically Interenting to observe

. .how eonaervntWcB In hia own party—oueli na Seoalora Claaa,

[, Rupert Bank Paying i • ' . Depositors at Paul

...RUPERT.-.^ttac -t (Special) — Rupert branch of tho Flrot Nn-

; ' . llonal bonk .Idaho haa tolccn ' • ovei' tho depoalUi of the Flrot^Na-

• Uonnl hank of Paul to Uio extent• of. tho dopoaltor#' lnter«|ta, and

will pjjy.tham out, It l a .............•' ‘Chulea B. WUoy, who ■ hu been ' acUng caat ler of the 'ImitituUon, ' wilt remain' at the desk llquldoting

Iho baloaco.of Uio paper of the , bank for tha benefit of the atoclt- . holders. A ll deposltora will be paid . • in full.

• Jta own choice, finding, that busl- . ncaa did not warrant operaUon,

officcm atato.

LAW UPHELDDOISB. Juno 4' lai!)—A aUtc

law providing for payment of li .rlsatlon,dl.ilrlct ren d in g boat .Blood .OK conatltuUonal today fo .lowing H declalon banded down I Tlilrd dlatrlct court ycatcrdny b JudRo Charlea Wlnalcad.

The law, amended by the laat

Henry FoM Transplants Graceful Dixie Mansion to New Site Thirty Miles Away

(By NEA SCnVICE) V A N N A ll, Gft. — Wicn

Henrj' I''oM .rcc« n building that he fancica, whether It’a a iiouth* orn manor houne. Kncllnli cottnge or the hint of tho lltllo.red school housuH; lio buyii It, haJi Uie hand- hewn tlmbcrn nnd atonea, ‘even tho haml-wrouKht nallu, carefully talc- vn down, pachcd In Imxck nod bugs, ond cartcd to wherever he wnnU It oct up. I’ relly iioon ho oxhllilU It all complete, la the new location.

Mr.-rord'n most recent exploit along thla lino waa buying for $10,000 the Hermitage maniilon houAO, iilavo hutu, outbuildings and cncloulng wall near hero which ho will aet on a bluff in Uio •midst of n grove of onlui at hU Rich­mond planlallun. 30 nillea nway. Tliv land on which tbb ancestral homo of Uie Ilcnry'McAlpin fam­ily stood will bocumu the silo of a factory.

Mantlon Wai DecayingTlio matinlon had not been llV'

ed In for yearn and wa»i fast decay­ing. Knglneerii had warned . Uquariana that noon it . would beyond repair. Mr. Ford expects lo rentoro It no that every hla- torical detail will be faithfully prencn-ed.

'Iiouglit In thill country' and vlcln- -ttj-, OtMwln f hjn purehaaes d ‘ back lo eSrlient Colonial days. ^Tho" Detroit''antomohlle 'manu­facturer Ix-gan hin. collection of antlijuo bulJdlnpji 12 yeoTO iigo when ho ucqulrcd the Wayaldo lun at South Kiidbury, Majui., wade famouji by' tho poet Longfellow. Thia'waa not loflj; after Mr.'Tord had declared that "hlutory liunk."

I’orhapn ho meant that hintory I It was. taught waa bunk. At

any rate, ever nlncc that declara­tion which arouned a great iitonn of prolcnt, ho lias Iwrn buidly engaged In gathering relic.-* of the pa.1t and putUng-them Into uuch -ihape that they can bo prenerved tor.coming gcuerailotin.

Ox Team Used Tho Wiiyiddo ron l« filled with

valuable old fumltunr. Tho old lillchen la then: Intact and nomc of tliL* land about has been tilled

lo olden dayn, with a pair of ;n Mr. Ford bought for almoa.

"S ;nuver ___(eavea homo In Che morning wiin( he'll come back with at night. For, Inatance, there wan tho day that iiL- brought her Uie briclcu from her qwn girlhood home. Ho unud theue to mako ft church at hla Dearborn museum. The nchool house there. Incidentally, la the one which ho hlniaolf attended. On another occasion he bought up oDu of the last, of the lllUu’ red school houaen Ho also haa'iitones from Uio ncliool attended by the Mary of Uii> jioem—Uie one who had n llttlu • lamb that fotlowed her lo nchool one day.

Likes Relics With Story Among the varied bulldlngn

that.^lr, Fonl hrin commandccrcij entirely arc Uie lato LuUier Uur* bank's brancli office, Uiu late Charles P. Htclnmeta'B nhack-lab- oratory, a cotlngo from Oxford, England, more than 400 yeani old; an old .allk mill from Man&fleld, Conn.; a wobd carving nflll from IVoarc, N. H.; a grloC mill from Massachuscttn, Uio Postvllle, III., cpurthounc In which«Abmhani Lin­coln practiced, and an ancient toll slaUon.

Somellmea natives wlio like their hlatory. kept at home, pro­test when the rellc*mlnded ihanu- faclurcr beglna to removu Ills prlzea after his custom. .Virgin­ians, for Instance, objected to lils

iklng to Michigan ono of Uiclr ...•oucieat manor hounes. And tho llllnoluiann didn't want to lose Iho Lincolnian court house, either.'

Mr.- Ford likes hlfl ncqUlslUonn - j have Bood.storlea back of them. Ho has ft legendary one-hosa nbay,

prairie achooner with a history, _ coach Uiat Washington ond La. fayelto rode • In. n double - deck hand-tub Uiat had seen 100 yearn of service, ft locomotivw that had mado rccord runs ond ihu nmlthy of LoogfclloWa . Vlilago Black- amlth.'


Rites Held fo r Judge Fuller, Lost Civil W ar Survivor

Of Lincoln Oounly

, -Rit es for Twins.BURLI2V; Judo i (Spcclan —

Services for Florence and Tujs Infant'daughters of Mr. and Mm. Lorln Jackson, .wore held 'Sunday In tho 'Johnaon mortuary chapcl, Ulshop J. D. Hoggon officiated. Interment was In the Burley ccm*

lloftIcaled tho grave.

Albert CatmuU nnd ,a mixed quartet provided tho music nnd iipcakera were Clyde Rosa. Rosa Bulkley and William L. Waite, ninbop and Raymond Wlnard of­fered the closing remarks.


Asabtant Secrotarjr Afisorts Growers Muat Think W a j


Montana farmers hero today by XL L. WlLion, aaslstant setretory of agriculture, Montanan who Is now:on leave an head of tlio do-

' Three Gnat Policies ' Speaking b^oro tho Qallatln

fnctiirrr Henry Ford, noted fur liU prenrrx'ntlon of other hlntorlcully IntcraitlnR hulldinf^, In. other parln of tho country, will niovolhe buildings und recunolnict theiu on tils oivn iUchmoiid plantaUon. 30 nilirs unny. . • ^ .

SHOSirONn, Juno 4 (Special) runcral acr\‘icen for Judge James t,. Fuller, DO, were held thin aft- umoon nt- tho Shoshone Knights of Pythias hall with rlte;i beinf condiictcd by the Wcclc.i-Yaden American Legion post. Rev. Fred­erick Judnon, paiitor of Uio Bap- tlnt church, officiated. Interment was In Shoahono cemetery under tho yirectlon of Uio Shoahono l=\ir- nltnre nnd Hanlware company,

'udgo Fuller, Lincoln count ; uufvivlng vrterun of Ihu Cl... % died tit his homo here Sun­

day morning following on IIIbcss of several weeks, Ho wan bom Irt 1813 In New, York fltutc.rQC.three: yearn he served In tho 130th Nc\v Voris Infantry and first drzfpoona.Ho s

UlUKUVWl.................................. ,1 at Shen-amloali and wllli'Cmnt nt the Wli- dernens, Spollsylvania, Cold Har­bor, Flvo I'orlta and Appomattox,

Tp Wyoming-In 'CB Having joined the constnictlon

forces of tho Union Pacific rail­road, he caroo to 'Wyoming In 1808 and later teamed and mined In UWli, Nevada and Idolio. He mjir- rled Mlaa Atlco Decker, Bliss, Ir 187D nnd la 1003 'moved \to Sho- Bho'ne.

)• prO'__ ____ . y. rC'Urlng la 1030. Judgo Fuller wai n member of tho board of commls- nloners of Logan county, later Lincoln, and was a i ant alate ommandcr of the C. 'A. R. Surviving him nre -nevcn

arid daughterii; Aaron and Ned i Fuller. aiiOBhone: John Fuller, Twin Falln: True Fuller, ’Arizona; Russell. Fuller. American Falb: Mrs C. B. Perrin, Shoahone. and Mrs.. Flack, Calif. Mni. Fuller preceded him in death lost year,

TOM WARD SERVICES Brief fanemi ecrvlcea wcro held

this'afternoon at tho.Twin Falls mortuary for Tom Ward, 78. who died Sunday night at^ho 'Arrlng*- ton cabins,'with F. A. Bab'bel In charge. Burial was In tho Filer

■ ry unde irtuarj’.


(Special)—Ucense# to wed have been Issued hero to Wayno Ellloll WillIams,.Tirtn Falls, and Oaro Mao Senften, CosUeford. nnd to William Hammond Hill, Roberts, and Kerma Faj- Perrins. Albion.

~ Uio time fixed .hy tho district's . . board of .dlrt.ctorj.: Decision wa.i mado in the cose

of'Earl MarqlBg of Cftldwell whO; sought to rcslmln tho diairict In

r I Owyhco county from , taking' ..-stops to refund"tbe ouatondlng' nhd unpaid bonded indcbtedn'csa of

' Uio*aiBTrict • '

. ■ .Plan Kuhnz■’ RUPERT, Juno i C

. .Tunoral arrangements ■ made for Mrs. Vewi wlfo o f Elmer Kuhnz, . thelr.homo.hero Sunday

•••';;»a'extcndcd l)lnc*8. Tho boc VV. .at tlio,Opodmno mortuary.

«lu ^ B e lj^ ^ a lio t^^«j

, but Uw Trench munlUon I . perfacled tbo UaojluietSUl Iron*fin«d projecUlo Uiattjunt.orW th » taaoT. Uoet.J'J

TO PAINT IT YOURSELFOf coarse i t ’s easy—when yon use Nn-Enamcl pidnto,

van^hcs and onamcla.- JTiey flow CB.caklly and

smoothlyi covor old surfaces compIoUly and loavo 'no bnuh marks. .Ton can do wonders with Nn-£iulm6l

• Enamel Paiiit — Varnish

IS i JOtdn lTortii

Shadowland Opens Sumhier’s Season

KIMBERLY, J.inc 4 (Specl.il)— At the opening Thursday nlj^it of the nuninicr seuaon nt Sliadowland, noulhem Idaho'ii iargeat dupce pa* vlllun, ft capacity crowd- wan ror ported. The mu/iic was furnlahed by Reb Spikes and his orchcalra. J. It. KImbull, manager of lh« pa­vilion, haii unnounced Uiat owing lo Uie'dlsJiatlafaction expreiiaed by parents of young-people attending tho dancoii the ualu or beer will he dliiconllnued during ' tho summer season.

"The managementn'Li ever Inter- cated In makbg Shadowland n place of high c!a.i.i enlcrtnlnment nnd to this end has engaged-tlio heat orchestms obtainable nnd hlgl -elftss floor hpcclallics for tlie neanon.” lie says. "Tho spacious hall, splendid floor, opcn'nir ar* rnngemcnUi and good music fur* niah recreaUon of the highest qual­ity," Kimball add*.

MOUNTAIN HOME, Juno 4 (Special)—Servlecs wcro held to* day a t , the .BapUat' church .for

y Loo Cordell. IB. who died____lay evening in Twin Falls,where she had been nlnce- Janu­ary to receive medical treatment. Interment was In Uie Mountain Home cecntery under the, dlrecUon of tho 'Wh«e .mortuBjy, Twin Falhi.


L I N K ’ S' School of BuilncM

Phono 8S0

For rent. For relaxaUon. For FIU2ED0U. Cat one of our Good Used Automobiles nnd bo free from financial wony. They aro Inexpen­sive. . .

'32 Ford Four Coupo------*34:■30 Hupmobllo Sedan - — J26i•30.Dodge Sedan----------- S2fS(•20 Bulck Sedan ----------- J17i•34 FOrd - Sedan .'34 Ford Coupe--------- _452S•31 Chov. p ickup---------- J250•31 Chcv. Sedan,

side roounts, new Ure?,excellent -_____________J375

•30 Ford Sport Coups — 5225’31 Essex Coupe ..............>125•28 Bulck Sedan ■ « 75■28 stmlc. Sedan ------ S 75■27 NaKh coopo — ;-------- f 75•20 Ford Tudor Sedan ___il50.•34 Ford Pickup ------__4305•20 Ford Truck ------------- *125•30 Ford Truck -----*265■31 Ford T ruck -------------*200•33 Ford T ruck ...............*423

•20'Ford Pordor . ;______ *X7■30 Ford Tudor Sedan-— - *24'

Cash or T'ermj You Will ' ' ' ‘ Do Bcltw at-t. ■

UNION MOTOR ( ; ; f > M P A N YYonr FOED Dcftler-

Ttrfn F « a


uUves front'all parts of tstato, -Wilson' decUired thero an threo m a t policies In tho Rooso* volt*wulaco program under tho A. A A odminlstraUon and It Is up to tho farmers enUrely whether that program Is carried out.

■nioso three obJeeUves arc: a-r-To bring about a balance be-

Iwcen agriculture and Uie rest ol o f tho economic life of Uio nn. lion—tho adjustment program.- 2—Agricultural connervaUon— reflected’not only ,1a.tho.ndjunt- ment act but In tho soil conserva­tion bin. •

3—To develop economic democ­racy In ngricufturo no that ngrl- culture wlll get i ' ' national wealth.

a fair share o f tho

Future Problems ,Future agricultural problems,

Wllaon said, are:1—Need of somo such median*

lam os tho ever-normal granary, which would ntoro.tho produce of fat years to Inauro adequate nun- plien during loan year and help keep prices on a level keel.. 2—Balance of priccs during lean and,fat j-ears—keening priccs " parity..

3—Problem of tho outsider who does not nlgn a producUon con­trol -but who ntandfl to gain — " I am not so sure he will gain. It In II problem that Is receiving the cloncst altenUon. ',

4—Problem of exports.

Lens Uian 10 per cent of high ...... — ........ .........cnrol,l(5<l In

A volcran of 20 ycant* dlplo- nuiUe ner%’Iee, Norman Armour, oliove, lias been nomlnatod

' un U. S. mlnUter to Ciuiada, post left open by tho death of Wurron Delano ICobblns. Arm­our, now n inlntrr to ibUtf, wa.<i ndnilttcd tj} the bar - In >'ew Joravy und aftrnvard Bcn’cd In iMJvenil -Europeaii cflpltjUs a». nocrctary and counselor »t,U. 3.. cmtmn-ilci.. . . _

Hansen Girl Marries Milner Boy at ElkoKIMBERLY, June 4 (Special)—

MfniivToanno'Hydo, daughter of R. ,C. Hyde, Hanaen, and Albert Brent, Milner, were .married nt Elko, Nev., May 2.1, according lo ■aniiounccment. The couple - are making their home at tho Hyde farm near Hansen.

Ml-n, Urcnt wa.-i formerly

BANKING HOLIDAYFroo Oltf SuspoDdi Financial

DoalinSfs' to Halt Outward Flow o f Capital

DANZIO, June 4 (UE‘—The frc* City of Danzig today declared na. Indefinite holiday.

•Tlio holiday was proclaimed, Ay Uio senate. I t applies to oil banks and. saving Inntllutlons, to tha stock cxct^angcs, and to fo rc l^ .

Alt postal money orders to polat^ boyond Iho Dnaeig border* also wcro suspended.

Certain" cxch'ango iniitltutloai .Zero permitted to remain open but - only for excliange of foreign cur« rcncles lato Uie Danzig, gulden.'.■ Payment of wages and urgent 1 financial tranuactlons may be mado upon regulations which will ^ published Thursday.

Severe PenaltlciSovero penalties have been p ^ .

scribed for violations of tho r*»- strlctlonn..

Tlie holiday was declared to check recent heavy -wlthdrawaU from nnvlngs lianlca which wcr* mado for tho purpoae of purchaa* Ing foreign currency na a hedga agaluit possible inflation. ;- On May 2 the free city of Dan­zig raised Its (H-icount rnto from 4 per cent to C per cent. The 4 per cent rate had. been In cffect ninco Septcml>er 21,1034, prior to which

tho gulden's value ■.— ---------by law by 42.37 per cent The do* valuation an well .as the discount

Hon of a bank I;

■ HOOVEn COES EAST • OREGON, 111., Juno'. 4 (UH) •—

llorbert Hoover left hy autoroo* bllo today for New York, whor*

...... ........ ..................... -,ho will nUend a directors' meet.member of tho high nchool facul-j.ing of the New York Life Insur* ' ty here, renlgnlng to hccoino anin-lnncc company.- fitructor In Honolulu ochools. For; Tho former pre.ildent laat night the pa.1t two yearn nlio ha:i taujihl'wos the dinner guest of Former

Debates holding company bill.


public nclioob in 15 uouUiern’nt Milner. She wan graduated iitatcff, Theso 15 alnten contain 1 from the University of Idaho, Mos*

Cov. Frank 6. Lowden of Illln* ol9, 'yc.itfrday -ho delivered th«

Con-ilders prlvato'caiondiir. ago claiiaifleaUon. | high school. • . university In Des Moines. la.

■ O U », Ltceiirftir^a-TownoQ;