5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s

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Page 1: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


Page 2: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s

So you’re following a Ketogenic diet or your just getting started by cutting back on some carbs and you want to get into ketosis and stay there.

However, you want to burn some extra body fat and get really lean without being miserable.

You may have found out that most diets rely on some form of ketosis for fat loss.

Ketosis is pretty much a state in which your body predominantly starts using fats for fuel in the form of ketone bodies rather than glycogen.

So you start following a ketogenic diet and in the beginning your results are pretty good, but then a few weeks go by and things start to slow down or maybe things come to a complete halt.

If that happened to you or if it’s happening to you right now, I’m really glad you found this article because today I’m gonna go over the 5 biggest keto mistakes that stop your fat loss and bring you out of ketosis.

Some of these mistakes can potentially even make you gain body fat rather than lose it, so you really want to make sure that you avoid all 5 at all costs.


No Weights - No Torture Diets




Page 3: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture DietsMISTAKE #1

To Much Protein

I know that this doesn’t sound too bad but this is one of the biggest mistakes because people are very quick to identify carbs as the culprit responsible for their higher body fat percentage.

Then the second macro-nutrient that people identify with gaining weight and storing body fat is fat.

Those of you that have been doing keto for even a little while now know how important eating fat is for you to get into ketosis and maintain your energy levels while burning your own body fat.

However, the last macro-nutrient that most people would never consider slowing or stoping fat loss is protein.

I mean after-all, protein is the all worshiped macro of the entire fitness and health industry, how can protein ruin ketosis.

Well I’m here to tell you that having too much protein can and will take you out of ketosis.

The ketogenic diet is not a low carb diet it is a combination of a low carb, high fat, and moderate protein diet.

Page 4: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture DietsThe reason why your protein intake should not exceed a low to moderate level is because if you have too much protein your body will turn the protein in to blood sugar in your liver through a process known as gluconeogenesis.

In this process not only do you increase your blood sugar, but you can also spike your insulin levels.

In case you don’t know, insulin is your fat storage hormone.

Once your body has the option of using the blood sugar or glucose for energy, it will choose that over your fat stores and you will stop burning fat.

So to prevent this you can go get a glucometer and ketone blood test strips and constantly test yourself, which may actually help for some of you.

For those of you that don’t want to be bothered just make sure you keep your protein intake below 20 percent of your total daily calories.

Many people following the ketogenic diet would say that you have to go even lower than that like 15 percent of your total daily calories and others will say you can go higher and have 25 percent of your total calories from protein.


Page 5: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture DietsHowever, if you stick between a range of fifteen and twenty percent you should have no trouble getting in to ketosis and staying there.

Make sure you don’t make this mistake.

Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet.

When it’s done correctly, that’s when it’ll help you melt the fat from your body.

Moving on mistake number two is a mistake that I made when I first tried to follow a ketogenic diet and that mistake was accidentally eating too many hidden carbs.

Page 6: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture DietsMISTAKE #2


With this diet plan you only want 5 to a maximum of 10 percent of your total daily calories coming from carbs.

For most people this is going to wind up being under 30 or even 25 grams of carbs per day.

Let me tell you from experience even when you’re trying not to, it’s so easy to accidentally eat 25 grams of carbs.

Very rarely will someone grab a piece of bread or make a bowl of pasta while following this plan.

However, there are many snacks and processed foods that might lure you in because it says sugar free on the front of the box.

However, if you were to take a closer look you would see that they might have replaced that sugar with things like:

• Corn or rice syrup• Honey• Surculose• Aspartame

Page 7: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture DietsMost people know to check the nutrition label and if you don’t then I recommend you start, but even if you check every nutrition label with such a low allowance of carbs even certain vegetables can easily bring your total to over the amount of the allotted carbs that you’re allowed per day.

Higher carb vegetables that you want to limit avoid are the following:

• Onions• Ginger• Leeks• CarrotsAnd pumpkin.

Some of the lower carb vegetables that you can use instead are:• Broccoli• Celery• Spinach• Asparagus• And mushrooms

Even with those vegetables you want to make sure you get an idea of how much of them you can have.

You can go over your total amount of carbs even with good vegetables if you have too much.

The same thing goes for fruit.

Page 8: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture DietsThe only fruit I would stick to on the ketogenic diet are small amounts of:

• Strawberries• Blackberries• Raspberries• And honeydew melon

One last thing to watch out for is nuts that are higher in carbs.

The nuts with the most carbs are:• Cashews• Pistachios• And Almonds

While the lowest carbon nuts are:• Pecans• Brazil nuts• And Macadamia nuts

Don’t be afraid of enjoying a handful of your favorite nuts but the point is that carbs are hidden everywhere so make sure that you plan ahead.

For the third mistake I want to talk about Dairy.

Page 9: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture DietsMISTAKE #3


Dairy is one of the favorite go-to food options on a ketogenic diet plan.

Although milk and ice cream are clearly not allowed on the keto plan, dairy options like cheese and butter are high in fat and very low in carbs.

Cheese and butter are both acceptable on the keto diet, but the big problem that people have is that they don’t realize how calorie dense dairy food groups like cheese and butter are.

It’s very easy to overeat and have too much fat from the dairy.

If you have too much fat from your diet then your body will only be burning dietary fat for energy rather than your own body fat.

It’ll be difficult to burn body fat if you’re in a calorie surplus whether that surplus is caused by high carb or high fat.

On top of that there are only two types of protein found in dairy products that stimulate a large insulin response – whey and casein.

Page 10: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture DietsOne study found that full fat fermented milk products and regular milk products were about as insulingenic as white bread.

Even though milk will have more whey protein in it, cheese mostly still contains casein which also stimulates the insulin response.

Like I said earlier, high levels of insulin will prevent fat loss so just be aware that when a dairy source has protein in it, it will usually cause a rise in insulin levels.

Since butter is mostly fat and has virtually no protein or no carbs, it won’t do much to promote insulin.

On a ketogenic diet, you can eat some cheese, however cheese is not something that you want to go overboard with.

Unfortunately a lot of people do just that which leads me right into my next mistake.

Page 11: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture DietsMISTAKE #4


A lot of people think that you could eat as much keto approved food sources as you want and you’ll still lose weight.

While for most people it’s common sense that products like cheese and butter can make you fat when eaten in excess, a lot of keto dieters seem to forget this very simple fact.

Portion control has to exist on any diet plan for the plan to work.

If you create a large enough surplus of calories (even if they’re all coming from high-fat sources), you will gain weight and body fat.

Now I’m not advocating that you count your calories and macros every day for the rest of your life.

In fact I believe one of the reasons that you were originally attracted to the ketogenic approach is to move towards something that’s more flexible rather than restricted.

However, I do recommend that when you first start you count your total calories and macros for a few days.

Page 12: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture DietsThis way you can get an idea if your portions are too big.

If they are too big according to your calculations of where they should be then there are two things that you could do.

You can reduce the number of times per day that you’re eating (like intermittent fasting) to have fuller meals when you do eat or you have to reduce the amount of food you’re eating per meal to have smaller more frequent meals throughout the day.

The point is the rules of thermodynamics still apply to the ketogenic diet just like any other diet.

The last big mistake that people make that is the exact opposite of having too much fat is not getting enough fats.

Page 13: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture DietsMISTAKE #5

NOT ENOUGH FATSMost people that start a ketogenic diet do so to lose weight and body fat as fast as possible.

So they think by limiting fat intake as well as carbs and protein intake, they’ll lose fat even faster.

However, part of getting into ketosis is training your body to use fat as its primary source of fuel which means that your body will still need fat to serve itself as energy.

At least 75 percent of your total daily calories should be coming from fat and some recommend going higher like 80 percent of your total calories.

If you don’t eat enough healthy fats, then your energy levels will plummet and you’ll start feeling tired and lethargic.

Page 14: 5 keto mistakes - TurnAroundFitness · Remember the ketogenic diet is not only a low carb diet, it’s a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. When it’s done correctly, that’s


No Weights - No Torture Diets

When most people start they go through something known as the keto flu which is basically your body adapting to less carbs and more fat in your diet.

The keto flu leaves you feeling tired, grouchy and really low on energy.

It’ll be much worse if you’re not giving your body enough fat.

It’s a fine balance to not go over too much fat and to not have too little fat.

This is why I recommend using my calculator that I linked up below it’ll help you find your ideal calories and macros for this diet plan.

Once you have those numbers, simply track for the first couple days to get an idea of where you’re at.