5 Mistakes of tarot readers

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5 Mistakes of tarot readers

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Hi there! I've got a quick question for you…

If you've been trying to learn to read Tarot, does any of the following sound familiar?

• "I can't seem to commit the Tarot card meanings to memory. I try, but memorising 78 cards is so hard."

• "My biggest challenge is trusting my intuition. I'm just not psychic enough."

• "There are so many different Tarot card meanings – I never know which is the right one."

• "I've been doing a few Tarot readings for myself, but I always need to look up the card meanings. How will I ever be able to read for others if I always need to check what the book says?!"

If any of these resonated with you, find a quiet place for 15 minutes and read this free eBook from start to finish. It'll save you time and energy in the long run and will make learning Tarot SO much more enjoyable.

Learning Tarot doesn't have to be hard, complicated or stressful. In fact, learning Tarot should be fun, easy and engaging.

And I'm on a mission to make sure of that.

I believe Tarot is an incredibly powerful tool for spiritual development, personal insight, transformation and change. And I believe everyone should have access to the power that the Tarot offers.

But I also know that many people start learning Tarot in a way that takes away from this incredible power.

It's easy for Tarot beginners to get lost in the hundreds of different (and sometimes contradictory) card interpretations and reading techniques, complex esoteric systems and language, and over-complicated (and often boring or impractical) teaching methods.

I know it because I've been there before.

When I first started learning to read Tarot I found myself feeling discouraged and 'stuck', ready to give up. I was trying to memorise the meanings of individual cards rather than learning techniques that would help me to interpret all cards. I was looking up the meanings in my book whenever I read my Tarot cards, rather than listening to my inner voice and reading intuitively. And I always worried that I wasn't a 5th generation psychic like 'everyone else' rather than simply learning to use my unique talents and gifts.

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |


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I was spinning my wheels and going nowhere fast. Something had to change.

So I created my own personal strategies to overcome these challenges and within a few months, I became a more confident and intuitive Tarot reader.

Now, fifteen years on, I have read for literally thousands of clients online. Plus, I've built one of the most popular Tarot websites on the internet (www.biddytarot.com) and I continue to inspire two million people every year to read Tarot with confidence and ease.

Imagine how much of a better Tarot reader you could be if you were able to avoid the same mistakes I made. You could be reading the Tarot more confidently and more intuitively in a shorter amount of time, helping to create positive change not only in your own life but others'. Instead of feeling stressed and overwhelmed by the Tarot, you could be accessing your full intuitive potential and tapping into your inner wisdom in ways that elevate your passion for life.

So in this free eBook, I want to save you time and energy in your own Tarot journey by sharing with you my secret strategies to overcoming the 5 mistakes that Tarot beginners make. Then, you too can become a more confident and intuitive Tarot reader with ease.

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |


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Mistake #1: You Try to Memorise All 78 Tarot Cards

Does this sound like you? You have bits of paper and flash cards everywhere as you try to cram keywords and phrases for each Tarot card into your head… but you're still struggling to commit the 78 Tarot cards to memory.

Or you repeat a card's meaning over and over until you can recite it without thinking… but when you move onto the next card, you've already forgotten what the first card meant.

Or you make up a song to remember what the Suits mean… but when it comes to a Tarot reading, you're stumped when you see a Pentacles card means in a relationship spread.

Many Tarot beginners learn the Tarot as if they were back in school. I'm talking memorisation and rote learning using flash cards, cheat sheets, charts, mini 'exams' and other techniques to commit burn the cards to memory.

But they are going about it all the wrong way.

You see, when you focus solely on memorising the Tarot card meanings, you completely miss the opportunity to create a personal and intuitive connection with the Tarot cards. And you lose the chance to tap into the deeper spiritual wisdom that makes the Tarot truly special.

Worse, learning Tarot quickly becomes a chore rather than a passion. It becomes tedious, boring and even stressful. It's all about what you can remember instead of what you truly sense and feel within the cards. Not quite the deeply spiritual path you had imagined, right?

It isn't so much that memorisation techniques are altogether 'bad'. The problem arises when this is the only way you learn the cards.

The thing is, memorising the Tarot card meanings only uses your left brain (logical thinking). To learn Tarot easily and make the most out of using this spiritual tool, you need to use your left and right brain (creative, intuitive thinking).

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |


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Tarot is so beautifully intuitive. Just by looking at the imagery of the card, you can tap into your deep inner wisdom and access insights you may never have accessed before.

So when you only use your left brain and attempt to memorise every card, you're missing out on the right brain experience that allows you to create a personal connection with the cards and to access your intuition.

My Secret Strategy… When learning to read Tarot, use both your left and your right brain. That means, don't just memorise keywords and phrases for individual cards. Learn the techniques and systems that will help you to interpret all Tarot cards.

For example, learn how to interpret the picture or the story within the Tarot cards so that you can pick up any card and instantly connect with its deeper meaning.

And don’t just rote learn the Tarot. Actively engage with the Tarot cards and bring them to life with fun yet practical exercises that help you to read the cards intuitively and from the heart. Draw a Tarot card every day and look out for real life examples of what the energy of that card looks and feels like.

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |


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Mistake #2: You Get Overwhelmed By All the Different Tarot Card Meanings

You thought that learning 78 card meanings was hard enough. Now, in every book you read and on every website you visit, there seems to be so many different meanings for just one card, let alone 78 of them.

Does Death mean change? An ending? A new beginning? Rebirth? Something good? Something bad? Actual death? Loss? The end of a relationship? A new phase in an existing relationship?

Whoa! No wonder you're getting so overwhelmed.

It seems that every Tarot author has a slightly different spin on the Tarot cards, leaving you feeling confused and wondering, "Which is the right meaning??"

Here's the truth:

Oftentimes these seemingly different interpretations are actually talking about the same things. It's just that each author is viewing the Tarot card from a slightly different angle.

It's like describing an apple. It's always an apple, but one person might describe it in terms of its colour, another person in terms of its texture, and another person in terms of the different ways in which it can be consumed. The descriptions are all going to sound very different, but they are still describing the same thing – an apple.

It's the same with Tarot cards. Everyone is describing the same Tarot card but with a slightly different spin.

You see, many Tarot readers and authors have arrived at their individual interpretations by taking a very deep and personal journey with the Tarot cards. They have chosen meanings that ring true for them. However, they may not ring true for you or you may find that you have other ways of interpreting the cards.

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |


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So draw on your own personal experiences with the cards and select what meanings feel right for you, than relying on how everyone else describes the cards.

My Secret Strategy… If you're very new to Tarot, look for the most common themes for each Tarot card and stick with these. Forget about the different interpretations for now - just know that these common themes can manifest in different ways and that's why you're seeing so many different interpretations.

And as you continue to explore the Tarot, take note of your very own meanings of the Tarot cards. Keep a journal or create a workbook with a page for each Tarot card. Write down your personal experiences with each Tarot card, including stories, pictures, people and concepts that ring true for you. These personal meanings will be the most powerful because they represent your own journey with the cards and will resonate with you at a very deep and intuitive level.

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |


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Mistake #3: You Get Discouraged Because You're Not 'Psychic' Enough

Many Tarot beginners make the mistake of thinking that they have to be a 5th generation psychic or an initiate of the 3rd order of the top secret purple hat clan.

Well, you can put that one to bed.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

You don't have to be psychic to be a good Tarot reader.

I'm not psychic. I don't see crystal clear visions of people's futures. I can't communicate with spirits. And I can't read people's minds (although I have my husband believing otherwise!).

But I do consider myself to be intuitive. And I believe you are too.

You see, I believe that intuition is something that is within every one of us. We choose whether we listen to our intuition or we don't.

So to be a good Tarot reader, all you need is to be open to accessing your intuition and listening to your inner voice.

My Secret Strategies… Here are three of my personal strategies for accessing your intuition.

First, meditate. Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes gently closed. Take in a couple of deep breaths as you feel a sense of relaxation flowing through you. Watch your thoughts disappear like soft, white clouds as you open your mind up to its full potential. Spend the next 5-10 minutes in this blissful state. At the end of your meditation, say to yourself, "I open myself up to my inner wisdom and I wholeheartedly trust in my intuition." Do this on a daily basis.

Second, keep a journal of your 'hunches' and intuitive insights. Whenever you feel a sense of something that is about to happen, write it down. Come back to your journal later to see how things transpired and whether or not your intuition was on target. You'll become more and more trusting of your intuition over time.

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |


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And third, free write with the Tarot cards. Draw a Tarot card for the week ahead. For the next 5 minutes, write anything and everything that comes into your mind by looking at the card and tapping into your inner wisdom. Write continuously, even if it means writing, "I don't know what to write." After the week has passed, come back to your insights and see what manifested.

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |


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Mistake #4: You Refer to Your Tarot Books for Every Reading

This was a killer mistake for me when I was first learning Tarot.

For the first few years, whenever I performed a Tarot reading, I had my cards in one hand and my book in the other. I'd take a 'guess' at what the card meant, but would then quickly flick through my Tarot books to find the 'right' meaning for the card. I simply lacked the confidence in myself and instead relied on an external source, when really, I ought to have been turning towards my internal source – my intuition.

So long as I was relying on my books, there was no way I could move forward in my Tarot practice and read for others. How unprofessional to have to look up card meanings all the time!

And worse, my readings were dull and 'dry' – more like a collection of individual card meanings than a beautiful intuitive 'story' unique to the situation at hand.

When I finally put my books back securely on the bookshelf, a whole new world opened up to me. I learned to read Tarot intuitively and my readings really began to 'sing'. They flowed easily and effortlessly and were more accurate than ever.

My Secret Strategy… If you're finding it hard to put the book down, challenge yourself. Set the intention now that for the next 5 readings you do, you will not go anywhere near a book or a website or any form of Tarot resource except for your own inner wisdom.

You'll be amazed at how much you really do know about the Tarot and how, by letting go of the book, you can really connect to your intuition.

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |


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Mistake #5: You Use the Celtic Cross for Every Tarot Reading

Nearly every Tarot book includes some sort of Celtic Cross spread with 10 (or sometimes more) Tarot cards. It would make you think that this is the spread to use, no matter what you're asking or your level of experience.

Don't get me wrong - the Celtic Cross is a wonderful Tarot spread that delivers some very in-depth insights for certain situations. But not every reading needs such a complex spread.

If you want to know what's coming up for the day ahead, do you really need to draw 10 cards?! You just end up feeling completely confused and uncertain about what the cards are trying to tell you.

What's more, a 10-card reading can be overwhelming to the Tarot beginner. To read the Celtic Cross well, you need to be skilled at finding linkages across the reading and interpreting different card combinations – skills that most Tarot beginners just don't have yet.

My Secret Strategy… First and foremost, know that you don't have to use the Celtic Cross for every Tarot reading you do.

In fact, I would recommend you keep your Tarot readings very simple.

Start with 1-, 2- or 3-card spreads until you feel confident enough to increase the number of cards and the complexity in your reading. (For 25 easy 3-card Tarot spreads, go to http://www.biddytarot.com/easy-three-card-tarot-spreads/).

You'll be quite amazed at the level of insight you can get from just a few cards.

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |


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Can You Relate to These 5 Mistakes? If you can relate to any of these common mistakes that Tarot beginners make, it might be time to take a different approach to learning Tarot.

Remember, Tarot doesn't have to be overwhelming, stressful and complicated. Instead, Tarot can be enlightening, engaging and enjoyable.

And when learning Tarot is a joy, you'll become an even more confident and intuitive Tarot reader and you'll be able to access this powerful tool for spiritual development, personal insight, transformation and change.

A New Way to Learn Tarot… If you've been struggling to learn the Tarot card meanings or you worry you're not 'psychic enough' to read Tarot intuitively, then I have something very special for you.

Starting in February 2015, I'll be leading my LIVE TF1: Master the Tarot Card Meanings program to help you become a more confident Tarot reader.

TF1: Master the Tarot Card Meanings is an interactive and practical 7-week online course where I’ll show you how to build a personal connection with the Tarot, using simple yet powerful techniques for interpreting the Tarot cards.

I’ll teach you the ‘must know’ systems that sit behind the Tarot cards that make learning Tarot super easy.

And together, we’ll walk through the 78 Tarot cards so you can master each and every one of them, once and for all.

It’s neatly organised into 6 LIVE 90-minute Training Webinars, 1 LIVE Q&A Call, a Workbook jam-packed with fun and practical activities, a Private Online Facebook Community, and much more.

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By the end of our 7 weeks together, you will have a built a deeply personal and intuitive connection with the cards and you will have mastered the Tarot card meanings, ultimately becoming a more confident Tarot reader.

This means you will be able to read Tarot for yourself, or others, easier and more skilfully than ever before.

It all starts on February 9, 2015 and enrolment is opens January 27.

Are you READY to master the Tarot cards and become an amazingly confident Tarot reader?

Learn more and register for the TF1 Program at:


And if you know someone who can benefit from this free eBook, please feel free to share it with them. Just send them a link to this page right here: http://www.tarotfoundations.com/5-mistakes

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |


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About Brigit, Founder of Biddy Tarot I’m Brigit and I’m the founder of Biddy Tarot (online since 1999).

At Biddy Tarot, I’m here to help…

• Aspiring Tarot readers to connect with the Tarot cards in a meaningful yet fun and engaging way through my online Tarot courses, Tarot Guides, Masterclasses, and Tarot blog

• Aspiring Tarot professionals to build confidence and take the leap to becoming a professional Tarot reader by offering free Tarot readings in exchange for feedback

• Newly professional Tarot readers to align their Tarot businesses financially, spiritually and professionally and create long-term fulfilment and success through my Tarot business coaching

Every year, I inspire 2 million people to transform their lives and others’ with the Tarot.

I love the insight and clarity that Tarot brings to others, whether it’s by having your cards read, learning to read Tarot for yourself, or sharing your gift by reading for other people.

I’m here because Tarot has transformed my life in more ways than one.

Learning to Let Go In the Early Days… I discovered Tarot when I was 18. After an accurate Tarot reading which later resulted in meeting my first (but not only) true love, I decided I wanted to learn Tarot.

It wasn’t all easy. As a self-confessed perfectionist, I wanted to know everything about the Tarot.. and instantly. Not surprisingly, I quickly became overwhelmed by learning and memorising every possible card meaning, Tarot spread and reading technique.

My turning point came when I finally surrendered and placed my trust in the Universe and my intuition. As soon as I did that, everything just flowed. My Tarot readings were more accurate and I felt more energised and in sync.

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Tarot became my creative outlet. As a side-line hobby business, it connected me with my spiritual self whilst I pursued a full-time, fast-paced corporate career (plus a part-time Masters degree).

Pursuing My Divine Purpose In my 30s, I began to disengage with my professional life as I knew it (constantly chasing ‘success’, status and money at the expense of everything else).

Having two children changed my perspective of what’s important and where I really want to spend my time.

So, in 2012 & 2013, we lived the dream in Spain for 6 months. More importantly, it gave me the space and the confidence to quit my corporate job and become a full-time Tarot professional.

I have never looked back.

I am now reading Tarot professionally, teaching Tarot, coaching aspiring business owners, self-publishing books and managing a rapidly growing business.

I have presented at the Readers Studio in New York and TarotCon Australia. I have featured on many Tarot blogs and Blog Talk Radio shows and in 2012, Biddy Tarot was awarded the Tarosophy Community Vote Award.

By practicing Tarot, I feel more aligned, more in harmony with my Divine purpose. And I have been truly blessed with abundance from the Universe.

I have created a lifestyle that allows me to grow professionally, financially and spiritually, whilst also being connected with my loved ones.

And for that I am truly grateful.

So I am here to share the gift that has been given to me – to inspire you to transform your life with Tarot.

Join me at www.biddytarot.com and www.tarotfoundations.com.

Many, many blessings,

© 2015 Biddy Tarot |