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5 October 12 UpdateNote

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In Reference to the Soul: Baba said: I gave you, Who Is God Female or Male? I gave you the first Female Nazdurtet. I gave you Female Messengers. I gave you Sacred Feminine. And the moment you hear that men are more spiritual you dare question me about your soul? It appears that you don’t want to be Goddesses. It appears that you don’t want the brothers to have anything and yet you don’t even take the time or the right knowledge to acknowledge that I, Paa Munzul Nazdur: Amun Nub RE Akh Ptah (Djedtwy) came in the person of a Man. You are so caught up in it not being all about you that you are questioning something that you do not fully comprehend. Have you ever seen a soul? You are so willing to lower your divinity on something you really don’t know exist. There are so many levels to the soul question:

1. The Negroid Males Soul dwells above linked to him in his body 2. The Negroid Females soul dwells around her, on her left side and that is why babies always look

to the left and smile they are smiling at the soul. Many have cats to protect their soul. That’s why you have some people cats will come to and others cats will hiss at them

3. The Caucasoid Females soul dwells all over the physical material world away from her. Her soul is roaming. Witches. Many keep a dog with them to hold their soul.

4. The Caucasoid Males souls dwells in death, the under abode in Hell as specters, warlocks. They must sacrifice blood and flesh. Kill to satisfy their spectors.

If you are a male born with a female spirit. You don’t have a soul inside. Your soul is on the right side of his shoulder because that’s where the x is. This week: There is no such thing as an Alif they created the Alif, if you look at the Hebrew letter Aleef you see a line with 2 Hamzha on either side diagonally. Now the Arabic Alif is a line however it was written as a vowel or fathah. Vowels and are placed above and below the letters in Arabic. When an African American says okay, they really don’t overstand what they are saying. When you say okay over and over you’re not comprehending just trying to get them to be quiet. African Americans do that a lot. What’s another name for Set in the Bible? Seth or in Hebrew it is Shiyth. A’hset’s name is really is Ah-Shiyth or A’h-Sutukh. And they, the Greeks got Isis from this. Ah is from A’ahah as in the moon. Shiyth means something like seat…throne. The reason they said Isis. Because they are saying “I sit” like “I sit on a throne”. Her name is Ah-Shiyth. And Ah is the moon and he was saying for years the females had no problem being the moon and men the sun. What does the moon do, it only reflects off the sun’s light or the soul, your had no problem with it. So saying you get your soul from men, it’s the same thing, but when Muslims tell you, 5 Percenters you didn’t have a problem and I teach it to you…”I don’t have a soul” women are moon beings they are ah. That’s how he knows we are not elevating because we are asking the wrong questions.

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Women don’t have soul according to the Bible. We are stuck in religion. We are so stuck in religion and no one is talking about AF anymore. Baa’ is the soul, they sent the illumination. The men were sending the luminous or the illumination to the female. You have to think about what soul are you even talking about. What does it mean, you have naphish which is self then you have rooakh which is wind or breath. Which soul are you talking bout the baa’ which is the supreme soul or the rooakh which is the breath. There are so many levels to overstanding the soul. Personality- because the moon is the reflection, the same thing as the personality. Personality is not the actual person just the reflection. People are so obsessed with attacking him, its not that they want to acquire knowledge to transform they want to trip up pop There is a dimensional concept of existence there are three forms of existence. Yet 7 stages. 1)There is you. 2)Then the you that projects to the mirror 3) your reflection on the mirror 5) then there is the you that is looking from the mirror, 6)then there is the you from the mirror to your eye. 6)Then from the eye to the brain that is portrayed upside down, 7) then there is the you that is flipped right side up so actually there are seven The second stage is how or what is the state upon which you got from the mirror if it has to have travelled from you to get to be the reflection. Once it hits the mirror it reflects back to you and it gets back in the form of energy and it takes form inside the eyes You have 1.the journey 2.the reflection and 3.the actualities. That image is sent up to the brain using the brain to reason the interdimenrsional and outerdimensional reflection of you. Interdimensional is one that formulates inside, outerdimensional is the one that everybody sees. Once you formulate all of this. I see myself in you, you make them exist. You make everyone else exist by doing the same process you made yourself exist Why is that more men have a cleft lip than women, just food for thought? How many things are apparent that have not been genderized – another thought. Mursul is sent one, like one who is sent not messenger.** Religious people have captured words and stolen them like predict which really is a root for predicament not to forsee something, like prophecy, they steal words that don’t mean what they say they mean. They use predict for non religion and prophecy for religion. Genesis 19:1-16 * You know when these “men” came to see Lot the men of the town wanted to get to know them. They saw Lot falling to his knees and how he was treating these so-called men and wanted to get to know Yada Strong’s #3045 them. It never mentions anything sexual. Lot was saying they made

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that homo, they were just trying to get knowledge from them. Homos are smarter than other people, homos are smarter than everyone on planet. Think of who is homo and look at their brain. It was just saying these “men” were learnt. They are saturating TV with ghost stories and ghost hunters. Take a biblical belief like Jonah and the whale…. That it’s a large fish. Which is abnormal in your brain. This is what the Bible does they keep a belief system by them have you believe in these things like large fish keeps you believing Loch Ness monster so then they say there is another one in Philadelphia, dragon…belief in myths so you can believe in them. So take Columbus Day, what do we know about Christopher Columbus, he died in prison of syphilis. They let a federal holiday for him and he had STD, he’s a homosexual. This is the things that they do to you. He died in prison of syphilis but they won’t honor same sex marriages. But you can have nothing open today (Columbus day). It doesn’t make any sense. Another thing they do is no prayer in school but you can have a Halloween party so it’s obvious what they want to pump. They keep you under the spell. Their powers that be. Gangs are the real thing, they are not anticipating these gangs, that’s the real revolution now you are born in to the gangs. They don’t mind, they don’t care about killing cops, people, or children nothing, there is going to be a real war between these gangs and the government. This is how they think. Who said so? With the laws that’s coming, they [gangs] have the mentality who said so, who said it’s not right, who cares what you said, who were people just like me and you that says…. The world is going in two directions those who are obedient and those who are not. Rural (lets just take it) or gentle. And that’s the revolution in the making. Meanwhile the government is not real and they are using people from the ghetto to protect the rich. They use bums put them in uniform, and make the police, cops risk their lives and get shitted on, teachers, military and they don’t respect them and one day they are going to wake up and turn on the powers that be. Mindlink: you have a DNA history that vibrates. But at the same point our minds took different paths. If we ever became mind linked that is universal all. Our genetic history, the vibration it links us to our ancestors however at one point we stopped thinking on their vibration, not even that we think Heka Khasutu, we just cut ours off. No one is thinking unity linked. Used Mir 12 as an example, if they had not gotten building, 9 would be flourishing, we think so divided it severs our power, so you have a group of people in building not linked, there so much dissension, between sisters and brothers, elders, who’s in charge, fighting in Trinidad north and south, it’s so much it severs our link to even receive the power to transform and everybody is going backward your taught through their TV system to be individualistic, dissention. So it comes easy for us to separate ourselves, that’s why they keep dissension between you. Like the Willie lynch letter it severs our connection, light skin vs. dark skin etc. Spell is deep we are completely under the spell. He tried to break spell and we are more under the spell. We are programmed to go back to information if someone tries to take us to outformation. He gave us outformation to Actual Facts, but we are programmed to ask about Enki and Enlil, Adam and Eve, we find a way to bring it back to information, so Nazduru is like we are not giving them more and they are not comprehending what we have given

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The abuse level of the human being renders them incapable, we have been abused so much it renders us unable to get outformation. If you take a person and keep telling them they’re dumb it starts to get coded in your DNA not to want to go past stupidity we are incapable of being intelligent because we have been abused to stupidity. Another thing people do that’s stupid is fall in love. If you’re put on an island starving, and a Chinese person brings you a bowl of rice you’re going to love the Chinese person because you were starving and they brought rice. If you see the Chinese person bust a cap in someone you will say “but he brought me a bowl of rice”. Love to an abused person is an escape, moment someone give you what you were lacking, you feel you love them. The person offering the bowl is the abuser, you put all that abuse together then put you on an island with no love so your starving for it. He asked the sisters in the visit was your father around – both said no- when you don’t have you feel rejection, a lack of affection, attention, so when somebody gives it to you it magnifies it so its like wow, so all the other stuff done to you to keep you in abused state, they give you a bowl of rice, that’s all you think about. When you think about person u say they are nice, all the things you lack. You are not in love with (*them) being, but (*their) action. Everyone you choose to be around and you choose to be in your life is the concept of the Chinese and that bowl of rice. Everyone satisfies a piece of what you are lacking. If people at the temple had all worked together there would not have been two Miraat There is no such thing as love only security Whoever treats you right surrenders themselves to you. We have to..don’t be fooled by the illusions of grandeur or the illusion of what we lack, as opposed to what purpose does a person serve, why they give you, you have to evaluate your surroundings. Don’t involve yourself with person who has less to lose than you do, look a person who has nothing and always relies on you but is gone once you have nothing left. Soul these women refuse to be god, the woman who wants to get the bowl of rice. TV guide is like the Irish bible. Make it known there is no such thing as AMOM, because people still doing it online. There is no such thing as secret projects to give money. He also said to let people know no body is an incarnated being, like a deity being. Some one may say oh my name is Aset so am I Aset or my name has Hathar in it am I Hat-har? Nothing made for the Chinese will help you. Nothing made for the (fill in different cultures….) will help you. Nothing from any other culture will help you, ancient Chinese rituals for health. If it’s for them it’s not for you find the African equivalent. Mentioned how white people have to push their hair back..it must not be natural if they have to keep pushing it back. It must not be natural. Are their any other beings or animals with their hair in their eyes? No unless their fur is wet.

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Muslims and prayer: Muslims are brain dead because they pray all day long, in the wee hours in the morning so they get no sleep, they really have 9 prayers a day, they fast for abnormally long periods of time over and over. Redundancy voids the brain. So the whole religion is brain dead. They are constantly delirious.