4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the si te is al ready allocated) Si te address Glassel Road, Banchory OS gr id r eference (if available) Si te area/s ize c. 1.6Ha Cur rent land use Playing field Brownfie ld/gree nfi eld Brownfield Please include an O rdnance Survey map ( I: 1250 o r I:2500 base for larger sites, e.g. over 2ha) showing the location and extent of the si t e, po ints of access, means of drainage et c. 5. Ownershi arket Interest Owners hip Sole owner (Please list the owners in 6. Legal Issues Are there any legal p rovisi ons in the ti t le No deeds that may prevent or rest rict develo pme nt ? If yes, please give deta ils (e.g. way leave for ut ility p roviders, restriction on use of land, right of way etc.) Are th ere any othe r legal fact ors that might No preve nt or restrict development? (e.g. ranso m st rips/issues wi th access ing the If yes, please give deta ils si te etc.) 7. Planning History Have you had any formal/ infor mal Yes/No pre-applicati on d isc ussions with the If yes, pl ease give details Planning Service and what was the Informal discussions with LOP team response? Previous plann ing applicat ions Please provide applicat ion reference number(s), descr iption(s) of the development, and whether planning permission was approved or refused: None Previous 'Ca ll for si tes' history. Please provide Previous 'Call for sites'/'B id ' reference See Ma in Issues Report 20 13 at number: www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk!l d12 None Local Development Plan stat us Is the si te currently a ll ocated for any specific use in the www.aberdeenshire.gov.ukll dR exist ing LOP? Yes, recreation place. If yes, do you wish to change the si te description and or a ll ocation? Yes 2

5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

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Page 1: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel Road, Banchory OS grid reference (if available) Site area/size c. 1.6Ha Current land use Playing field Brownfie ld/greenfield Brownfield Please include an O rdnance Survey map ( I: 1250 o r I :2500 base fo r larger sites, e.g. over 2ha) showing the location and extent of the sit e, points of access, means of drainage et c.

5. Ownershi arket Interest Ownership Sole owner (Please list the owners in

6. Legal Issues Are there any legal provisions in the tit le No deeds that may prevent or rest rict develo pment? If yes, please give details (e.g. way leave fo r utility provide rs, restriction on use of land, right of way etc.) Are there any othe r legal fact ors that might No prevent or rest rict development? (e.g. ransom strips/issues with accessing the If yes, please give details site etc.)

7. Planning History Have you had any fo rmal/informal Yes/No pre-application discussions with the If yes, please give details Planning Service and what was the Informal discussions with LOP team response? Previous planning applicat ions Please provide application reference number(s),

description(s) of the development, and whether planning permission was approved or refused: None

Previous 'Call fo r sites' history. Please provide Previous 'Call for sites'/'Bid' reference See Main Issues Report 20 13 at number: www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk!ld12 None Local Development Plan status Is the sit e currently allocat ed for any specific use in the www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklldR exist ing LOP? Yes, recreation place.

If yes, do you wish to change the sit e description and or allocat ion? Yes


Page 2: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

8. Proposed Use Proposed use Housing/employment/mixed use/other (please

specify): Housing Approx. no of units 40

Proposed mix of house N umber of: types • Detached: 20

• Semi-detached: I 0

• Flats:

• Terrace: I 0

• Other (e.g. Bungalows): N umber of:

• I bedroom homes:

• 2 bedroom homes: I 0

• 3 bedroom homes: I 0

• 4 or more bedroom homes: 20 Tenure Private (Delete as appropriate) LCHO xiO Affordable housing 25% proportion

Employment Business and offices Indicative floor space: m2

General industrial Indicative floor space: m2

Storage and distribution Indicative floor space: m2

Do you have a specific Yes/No occupier for the site?

Other Proposed use (please m2

specify) and floor space Do you have a specific Yes/No occupier for the site?

Is the area of each proposed use noted in Not applicable the OS sit e plan?

9. De livery Timescales We expect to adopt the new LOP in 2021 . 0-5 years ./

How many years after this date would you 6- 10 years expect development to begin? (please tick) 10+ years When would you expect the development 0-5 years ./

to be finished? (please tick) 6- 10 years + IOyears

Have discussions taken place wit h Yes/N o financiers? W ill funding be in place to cover If yes, please give details (e.g. bank facil ity, all t he costs of development wit hin t hese grant funding, secured loan etc.) t imescales Bank facility Are t here any other r isk or t hreats (ot her No than finance) t o you delivering your proposed development If yes, please give details and indicate how you

might overcome them: Development is dependent on bid to re-locate athletics field to Woodend.


Page 3: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

I 0. Natural Heritage Is the sit e located in or within 500m of a RAMSAR Site No nature conservation sit e, or affect a Special Area of Conservation No prot ected species? Special Protection Area No

Priority habitat (Annex I) No Please tick any that apply and provide European Prot ect ed Species No details. Other protected species No

Sit e of Special Scientific Interest No You can find details of these designat ions at: National Nature Reserve No • https:/ /www.environment.gov.scot/ Ancient Woodland No • EU priority habitats at Trees, hedgerows and woodland Yes

http://gatewax:.snh.gov.uklsitel inklindex (including trees with a T ree ~ Preservation Order)

• UK o r Local priority habitats at Priority habitat (UK or Local No http:/ /www.biodiversi~scotland.gov .ukla Biodiversity Action Plan) dvice-and-resources/habitat- Local Nature Conservation Site No definitions/priority/) Local Nature Reserve No

• Local Nature Conservation Sites in the If yes, please give details of how you plan t o LOP's Supplementary Guidance No. 5 at mitigate t he impact of the proposed www.aberdeenshire.gov.ukllde development:

Nearest trees are at Corsee Woods on the east side of Glassel Road and should not be affected by development.

Biodiversity enhancement Please stat e what benefits fo r biodiversity Restoration of habitats this proposal will bring (as pe r paragraph Habitat creation in public open space ./ 194 in Scottish Planning Policy), Avoids fragmentat ion or isolation of http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0045/004538 habitats 27.pdf) by ticking all that apply. Please Provides bird/bat/insect boxes/Swift provide details. bricks (internal or external)

Native tree planting ./ See Planning Advice 5/20 15 on Dryst one wall ./ Opportunities for biodiversity enhancement Living roofs at: Ponds and soakaways ./ www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklmedia/ 19598/20 Habitat walls/fences 15 05-opportun ities-for-biodiversty- Wildflowers in verges enhancement-in-new-development.pdf

Use of nectar rich plant species

Advice is also available from Scottish Buffer st rips along watercourses Show home demonstration area Natural Heritage at: Other (please state): https:/ /www.snh.scotlprofessional-

advice/planning-and-development/natural-Please provide details:

heritage-advice-planners-and-developers Details currently being worked up as part of

and htte://www.nesbiodiversity.org.ukl. feasibility study.


Page 4: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

II . Historic environment Historic environment enhancement Please state if there w ill be benefits for the No historic environment. If yes, please give details:

Does the site contain/is wit hin/can affect any Scheduled Monument or their of the following hist oric environment assets? setting Please t ick any that apply and provide Locally important archaeological site details. held on the Sites and Monuments You can fi nd details of these designat ions at: Record

• http://h i storicscotlan d. maps .arcgis.com/ a Listed Building and/or their setting (U~sNiewer/index.html?appid= 18d2608ac Conservation Area (e.g. will it result 1284066ba3927312710dl6d in the demolit ion of any buildings)

• http:/ /po rtal.h isto ricenvi ro nment.scot/ Inventory Gardens and Designed • https://online.aberdeenshire.gov.uklsmrp Landscapes

ub/master/defau lt.aspx?Authority=Aberd Inventory Hist oric Battlefields eensh ire If yes, please give details of how you plan to

mitigate the impact of the proposed development

12. Landscape Impact Is the sit e within a Special Landscape Area Yes, Dee Valley SLA (SLA)? If yes, please state which SLA your site is located (You can find details in Supplementary within and provide details of how you plan to Guidance 9 at mitigate the impact of the proposed www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklldp) development:

Landscape Impact assessment carried out for 20 17 LOP review showed development would have low impact.

SLAs include the considerat ion of landscape If your site is not within an SLA, please use charact e r e lements/features . The this space to describe the effects of the sit e's charact e ristics of landscapes are defined in scale, location or design on key natural landscape the Landscape C haracter Assessments elements/features, historic features or the produced by Scottish Natural Heritage (see composition or quality of the landscape below) o r have been identified as Special character: Landscape Areas of local importance.

• SNH: Landscape Character Assessments https:/ /www.snh.scot/professional-advice/landscape-change/landscape-character-assessment

• SNH ( 1996) Cairngorms landscape assessment http:/ /www.snh.org.uklpdfs/publ ications/ review/075.pdf

• SNH ( 1997) National programme of landscape character assessment: Banff and Buchan http:/ /www.snh.org.uklpdfs/publ ications/ review/037.pdf

• SNH ( 1998) South and Central Aberdeenshire landscape charact er


Page 5: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

assessment http:/ /www.snh.org.uklpdfs/publ ications/ review/ I 02.pdf

13. Flood Risk Is any part of the sit e identified as being at risk of river or surface water flooding within SEPA flood maps, and/o r has any part of the site previously flooded?

(You can view the SEPA flood maps at http:/ /map.sepa.org.uk!floodmap/map.htm) Could development on the site result in addit ional flood risk elsewhere?

Could development of the sit e help alleviate any exist ing flooding problems in the area?

14. Infrastructure a. Water I Drainage Is there water/waste water capacity for the proposed development (based on Scottish Water asset capacity search tool http:/ /www.scottishwater .co.uklbusiness/Conn ections/ Connecting-~our -propert~/ Asset-Capacit~-Search)?

Has contact been made with Scottish W ater?

Will your SUDS scheme include rain gardens? http:/ /www.centralscotlandgreennetwork.org/ c ampaigns/greener-gardens b. Education - housing proposals only Education capacity/constraints https://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk!schools/pare nts-carers/school-info/school-roll-forecasts/

Has contact been made with the Local Authority's Education Department?

c. Transport If direct access is required onto a Trunk Road (A90 and A96), o r the proposal will impact on traffic on a Trunk Road, has contact been made with Transport Scotland? Has contact been made with the Local Authority's Transportation Service?


No If yes, please specify and explain how you intend to mitigate this risk:

No If yes, please specify and explain how you intend to mitigate or avoid this risk:

No If yes, please provide details:

W ater Yes

W aste water Yes

Yes If yes, please give details of outcome: Growth project and water network upgrade underway No Please specify:

Please provide details of any known education constraints. Is additional capacity needed to serve the development? Capacity available at Banchory Academy and Banchory primary school. Yes If yes, please give details of outcome: School roll forecasts discussed.

No If yes, please give details of outcome:

Yes If yes, please give details of outcome:

Page 6: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

They can be contact ed at Roads satisfied that access of Glassel Road can transRortation.consu [email protected] be safely achieved. v.uk Public transport Please provide details of how t he site is or

could be served by public transport: Bus stops exist on A93 and Glassel Road.

Act ive travel Please provide details of how t he site can or (i.e. internal connectivity and links ext e rnally) could be accessed by walking and cycling:

Site well-located to core path network. d. Gas/Electricity/Heat/Broadband Has contact been made wit h the re levant Gas: Yes utilit ies provide rs? If yes, please give details of outcome(s):

Supply available Electricity: Yes If yes, please give details of outcome(s): Supply available Heat: Not yet If yes, please give details of outcome(s): Feasibility being investigated Broadband: Yes If yes, please give details of outcome(s): Connection available

Have any feasibility studies been undertaken to Not yet understand and inform capacity issues? Please specify:

Is there capacity within the existing network(s) Yes and a viable connect ion to the network(s)? Please specify:

As above Will renewable energy be installed and used on Yes the sit e? If yes, please specify the type of renewable Fo r example, heat pump (air, ground o r energy t echnology(s), if it is to provide wat er), biomass, hyd ro, solar (photovoltaic electricity and/or heating (i.e. space heating (electricity) or the rmal), or a wind turbine and/or hot water), and the scale of provision (freestanding/integrated into the building) (To supplement off-site connection all the way

t o I 00% energy provision (off-grid)): Various LZC technologies will be used to secure zero-carbon outcome

e. Public open space Will the site provide the opportunity t o Yes enhance the green network? (These are Please specify: the linked areas of open space in settlements, Can provide a link between Corsee Wood which can be enhanced through amalgamating and Woodland bounding the golf course and existing green networks or providing onsite the river. green infrastructure)

You can find the boundary of existing green networks in the settlement profiles in the LDP Will the site meet the open space standards, as Yes set out in Appendix 2 in the Aberdeenshire Please specify: Parks and Open Spaces Strategy? A minimum of 40% P.O.S will be included in

site layout.


Page 7: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

httBs:/ /www.aberdeenshire.gov .u k/media/6077 I aBBrovedBandosBacesstrateg):.Bdf Will the site de liver any of the shortfalls Not applicable identified in the Open Space Audit for Please specify: specific settlements? httBs://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/communities -and-events/Barks-and-oBen-sBacesloBen-SBace-strateg):-auditl f. Resource use Will the site re-use existing structure(s) o r Yes/No recycle o r recover existing on-site If yes, please specify: materials/ resources? Not yet known Will the site have a direct impact on the water No environment and result in the need for If yes, please provide details: wat ercourse crossings, large scale abstract ion and/o r culverting of a wat ercourse?

IS. Other potential constraints Please identify whether the site is affected by any of the following potential const raints: Aberdeen Green Be lt No httBs://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklmedia/20555/aBBendix-3-boundaries-of-the-greenbelt.Bdf Carbon-rich soils and peat land No httB:I /www.snh.gov.ukiBianning-and-develoBmentladvice-for-Blanners-and-develoBers/soils-and-develoBmentlcBBI Coastal Zone No httBs://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklmedia/20 176/4-the-coastal-zone.Bdf Contaminated land No Ground instability No Hazardous site/HSE exclusion zone No (You can find the boundary of these zo nes in Planning Advice I /20 17 Pipeline and Hazardous Development Consultat ion Zones at httBs://www.aberdeenshire.gov.ukiBianning/Bians-and-Bol icies/Bianning-advice/ and advice at httB:I/www.hse.gov.ukllanduseBianning/develoBers.htm) Minerals - safeguarded o r area of search No httBs://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uklldBmedia/6 Area of search and

safeguard for minerals.Bdf Overhead lines o r underground cables No Physical access into the sit e due to topography o r geography No Prime agricultural land (grades I, 2 and 3. 1) on all o r part of the sit e. No httB:I /maB.environment.gov .scot/Soil maBsl?laxer=6 'Protect ed' open space in the LDP (i.e . P sites) Yes www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk!ldB and choose from Appe ndix 8a to 8f Rights of way/core paths/recreat ion uses No Topography (e.g. steep slopes) No Other No If you have ide nt ified any of the potential const raints above, please use t his space to identify how you will mit igate this in order t o achieve a viable development: Alternative athletics fie ld being provided at Woodend, subject to separate LDP bid.


Page 8: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

16. Proximity to facilities How close is the site to Local shops 400m-lkm a range of faci lities?

Community facilities (e.g. school, 400m-lkm * Delete as appropriate

public hall) Sports faci lities (e.g. playing fields 400m

Employment areas 400m

Residential areas 400m

Bus stop or bus route 400m

Train station >lkm

Other, e.g. dentist, pub (please 400m specify) lnchmarlo restaurant

17. Community engagement Has the local community been given the opportunity t o influence/partake in t he design and specification of the development proposal?

18. Residual value and deliverability Please confirm that you have considered the 'residual value' of your site and you are confident t hat t he site is viable when infrastruct ure and all ot her costs, such as constraints and mit igation are taken into account.

Not yet

If yes, please specify the way it was carried out and how it influenced your proposals:

If not yet, please detail how you will do so in the future: Public exhibition and meetings.

I have considered the likely 'residual value' of the site, as described above, and fully expect the site to be viable:

Please tick: 0 If you have any further information to help demonstrate the deliverability of your proposal, please provide details. See enclosed note.


Page 9: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel


19. Other information Please provide any other information that you would like us to consider in support of your proposed development (please include details of any up-to-date supporting studies that have been undertaken and attach copies e.g. Transport Appraisal, Flood Risk Assessment, Drainage Impact Assessment, Peat/Soil Survey, Habitat/Biodiversity Assessment etc.)

Please tick to confirm your agreement to the following statement: By completing this form I agree that Aberdeenshire Council can use the information provided in this form for the purposes of identifying possible land for allocation in the next Local Development Plan. I also agree that the information provided, other than contact details and information that is deemed commercially sensitive (questions 1 to 3), can be made available to the public.

Page 10: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel



Alexander Park has been the home of Stonehaven and Banchory AC for over 15 years.

Jt is an extensive grass field extending to c. 1.6Ha. The site lies to the west of the Glassel

Road, while the lnchmarlo Driving Range lies to the north, and the golf course lies to the

west. The A93 main Aberdeen to Braemar road runs to the south of the site.

The land slopes down slightly from north to south, so it is not ideal for running.

There Is also significant water run-off from the land above the site, and the site is often wet.

There are no changing facilities on site, and the nearest parking is at Burnett Park, which lies

on the east side of the Glassel Road.

The current facilities are accordingly significantly less than optimal.

The site currently lies with in the settlement envelope of Banchory, but is protected, along

with Burnett Park to the east, for recreational development.


As set out in the 'bid' to adjust the terms of the allocation for (2017 LOP) Site OPl, there is

currently an opportunity for the athletics field and running track to be relocated to

Woodend, where new changing facilities could be shared with Deeside Rugby Club.

An indicative plan of how the athletics facilities could be incorporated on that site, has been

lodged along with that 'bid'.


Detailed discussions have been held with the SBAC about the potential benefits of

relocation, and the Club are 'in principle' willing to relocate to Woodend.

This is subject to an improved athletics facility being provided.

This has been casted, and it seems that a budget of c.£ 1m wil l be required. The

development accordingly requires cross- funding.

The change of zoning proposed at Alexander Park, from recreation to housing would provide

the required cross- funding. A development of C.40 new homes has been shown on the

indicative plan accompanying the LOP Bid.

A residential development in that location can be readily serviced, access is convenient- off

the Glassel Road, and the site would not be prominent in the landscape. It is well screened

by existing woodland on the Glassel Road as well as on the A93.

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Page 11: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

It is accordingly suggested that the change sought would have a significant sporting benefit, while providing a reasonably sized residential development opportunity, which

would have little environmental impact, and be eminently deliverable.

Page 12: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

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Page 13: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

I MR076 I



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Page 14: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

I MR076

4. Site Details Name of the site (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) A ~XA WI> E.lil.. I'A!P~ Site address 4 "-"' <S ~ i!U- ~OAI> ~~ J(JCI-/DJ:..'/. OS grid reference (if available)


Site area/size t;,. I· c.,. N,~o,. Current land use 1'£/\Y/N~ r/C.t..D. Brownfield/greenfield (J A..~:> WI'-/ FZE. L I> • Please include an Ordnance Survey map (I: 1250 or I :2500 base for larger sites, e.g. over 2ha) showing the location and extent of the site, points of access, means of drainage etc.

If yes, please give details

6. Leg.al Issues Are there any legal prov1s1ons in the tide deeds ~No that may prevent or restrict development? (e.g. way leave for utihty prov1ders, restnct1on If yes, please give details on use of land, nght of way etc ) Are there any other legal factors that mtght ~No

prevent or restnct developmentl (e.g ransom strips/issues With accessing the If yes, please give details site etc.)

7. Planning History Have you had any formallinformal Yes/No pre-applicatiOn discussions With the If yes, please give details Plannmg Service and what was the responsel IAI ~e.;e.AUJ.. J)/Ja>$Sio/J$ Jv~ ~,. rt/!!,;(#'1

Previous planntng applications Please provide application reference number(s), description(s) of the development, and whether planning permission was approved or refused: Nt>N£

Previous 'Call for Sites' history. Please provide Previous 'Call for sites'/'Bid' reference See Main Issues Report 20 13 at number: www.ab~rdeen~bir~.gov .!.!klkl!>. r/4-vJ!!

LocaJ Development Plan status Is the site currendy allocated for any specific use in the www.aberd~ensbtre,gov,!,!klldR existing LDPr Ye~ ~tl~lo./ Pl.

If yes, do you wish to change the site description and or allocationl /£51

8. Proposed Use


Text Box
Page 15: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

Proposed use Housing/employment/mixed use/other {please I sped~):

Housing Approx. no of units ~. Proposed mix of house Number of: types • Detached: zo.

le Semi-detached: It:> • Flats:

• Terrace: /0 • Other (e.g. Bungalows): Number of:

• I bedroom homes:

• 2 bedroom homes: /(J

• 3 bedroom homes: /0

• 4 or more bedroom homes: Zo· Tenure Private~mcd/Sclf 8ailct/8uppoi &tlliouses (e.~ (Delete as appropriate) fol" el~e1 1~,(9theF {please specify.): Lt:~ Jf I<> Affordable housing " proportion 2.5,

Employment Busmess and offices Indicative floor space: m2 I'J/A General mdustrial Indicative floor space: m2 AI/ A Storage and distribution Indicative floor space: m2 _J./ lA · Do you have a spec1fic Yes/No

Njl'\ • occup1er for the s1te~ Other Proposed use (please m2

spectfy) and floor space Nj'"' Do you have a specmc Yes/No occupter for the s1te? ~otjA .

Is the area of each proposed use noted Ve~~e/Not applicable m the OS Site plan?

9. Delivery Timescales We expect to adopt the new LOP m 2021 0-S years \, How many years after this date would you 6-10 years expect development to beginl {please tick) 10+ years When would you expect the development 0-5 years ....., to be fimshed? (please tick) 6-10 years

+ IOyears Have discussions taken place With YesiNe fmanc1ers? Will funding be 1n place to cover If yes, please give details (e.g. bank facility, all the costs of development within these grant funding, secured loan etc.) timescales 8AI.IIG rAC./LI'f)/.

Are there any other risk or threats (other "-/No .

than finance) to you delivering your proposed development If yes, please give details and indicate how you

might overcome them: PBYDL-"M ( E.II.-t" I~ /)NEJ/OI!!!IJ-1- IJI...I ~/b


Page 16: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

I 0. Natural Heritage Is the site located in or withm 500m of a. RAMSARSite N11 1 nature conservation site, or affect a Special Area of Conservation ~ protected species? Special Protection Area !J~

Priority habitat (Annex I) "'(; Please tick any that apply and provide European ProteCted Spec:es fit~ details. Other protected species l-ID

Site of Special Scientific Interest ~ You can find deta.!ls of these desrgnatlons at: National Nature Reserve J../IJ • https1/www.envtronment.gov.scot/ Ancient Woodland Nt> • EU pnonty habitats at Trees, hedgerows and woodland

http:l/p~~~~nh.&ov.uklsitell!lklin~ (including trees with a Tree ye.1* .

~ Preservation Order)

• UK or Local pnonty hab1tats at Priority habitat (UK or Local ~ . httj2://www.btodiversrtncotland.gov ukla Biodiversity Action Plan) dvts:e::and-~S:Q!.!~eslh~brtat- Local Nature Conservation Site ~~. defm1tJons/prrontyl) Local Nature Reserve ,../c •

• Local Nature Conservation Sites m the If yes, please give details of how you plan to LOP's Supplementary Gu1dance No.5 at mitigate the impact of the proposed www.aberdeensbtre.goy uklldp development N~f ~~ ~ A{ tpi!.J,!2

t>/.1 ~e. P:..J.&-f :tlt>.lt. t:p 4;:.,A~ At> I-~~ ~ ·-· N-t>'l' be. .A?J.:i!!!-C:r~-.4> 8Y ~P-H£,. lot

Biodiversity enhancement ,

Please state what benefits for btodiversrty Restoration of habitats ... thrs proposal w1ll bnng (as per paragraph Habitat creation in public open space \, 194 in Scottish Planning Pohcy), Avoids fragmentation or isolation of httl};i/www.gov.~<:2t1ResQurcei0045/004538 habitats lLp.df) by ttckrng all that apply. Please Provides bird/bat/insect boxes/Swift provrde details. bricks (internal or external)

Native tree planting \; See Planmng Advrce 5120 15 on Drystone wall 'v Opportumttes for baodiversity enhancement Uving roofs at: Ponds and soakaways 'v www_aberdeenshtre.gov .uk/medtai 1959812.Q Habitat walls/fences 15 05-QfU~Qrtumtres-for-btodlvers!X- Wildflowers in verges .enhancement-ln-new-deyelopmeot.pdf Use of nectar r ich plant species

Advace rs also available from Scottrsh Buffer strips along watercourses Show home demonstration area

Natural Herttage at Other (please state):


If yes, please provide details: heritage-advtce-planners-and-deveiQp~~ and bnQ;lfwww.nesbrodiversl~.or:g.uk/. P~t..11 &>/'..#fl.ltLj &t!/#ltf ~~A

141'.:/' Cf" J:~S/.8/L..'r/y ~"1'Z>Py .. ,


Page 17: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

I I. Historic environment Hi3toric em~:frronment enhar:c;rnen!: Please state if there will be benefits for the '1111/No historic environment. If yes. please give details:

Does the site contain/is within/can affect any Scheduled Monument or their ! of the following historic environment assets? se«ing Please t1ck any that apply and provide Locally important archaeological site details. held on the Sites and Monuments You can find details of these des1gnaaons at Record

• bttp;//hlstoncscotfand.maps.arc&is.com/a Usted Building and/or their setting 1212~Niew~rlim.l~21:.html?i~P~1d= I Sd2608ac Conservation Area (e.g. will it result 1284066ba3927312710dl6d in the demolition of any buildings)

• bn~.l/portal.hl~tQn~gnvirQnm~nt ~~oU Inventory Gardens and Designed • https://online.aberdeensh1re.eo ... uk/smrp Landscapes

ublmasterldefayltas j2X?Aytborn;;y=Aberd Inventory Historic Batdefields eenshrre If yes, please give details of how you plan to

mitigate the impact of the proposed development

12. Landscape Impact Is the s1te w1thm a Special Landscape Area Yes/W. Ci!.£ V.AU£1._ SLA. (SLA)l If yes, please state which SLA your site is located (You can find detaJis m Supplementary within and provide details of how you plan to Gu1dance 9 at mitigate the impact of the proposed www.aberdeen~h1re.gov.uk/ldp) development: t.I#IJ'SCAPE.. ~I'AC:f A~- ~~ ~

Ld/1 /-IJP hVICIIJ SH~ ~ /CJl?VUJ ..it!. ~ SLAs include the consideration of landscape If your site is not within an SLA, please use L. character elements/features The this space to describe the effects of the site's charactenst1cs uf landscapes are defined m scale, location or design on key natural landscape the Landscape Character Assessments elements/features, historic features or the produced by Scott1sh Natural Heritage (see composition or quality of the landscape below) or have been Jdentif1ed as Special character: Landscape Areas of local Importance

• SNH. Landscape Character Assessments ba;psJiwww.s.nb~!;Q~RrofesstQili\l-advlce/1~.9-~~t:wJge/landscape-


• SNH ( 1996) Ca1rngorms landscape assessment ht!l}.:l/www snh.or,_uk/~~s/~ubhGltJonsl


• SNH ( 1997) National programme of landscape character assessment: Banff and Buchan btt~.Liwww.~ob ,Qr&, !.!lt.l~dfs.lp!.!bli~atiQDS.l revJew/037.pdf

• SNH ( 1998) South and Central Aberdeenshire landscape character assessment http.:/[www.snh.org.uk/~dfs/~ubllcations/


Page 18: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

review! I 02.pdf

13. Flood Risk Is any part of the site identified as being at risk of river or surface water flooding within SEPA flood maps, and/or has any part of the site prev~ously flooded?

(You can view the SEPA flood maps at h~,lJmaJ2.SCJ2a.org uk/floodm~maJ2.htm) Could development on the s1te result m addittonal flood risk elsewhere?

Could development of the stte help alleviate any existing floodmg problems m the areal

14. Infrastructure

water capacity for proposed development (based on Scotash Water asset capacity search tool http./lwww scott1shwater.co.uk/busmess/Conn ectlons/Connect!n(=YOVr-pro~rt;y/Asset­Capacrty-Search)l

contact been Authonty's Education Department?

v./No If yes, please specify and explain how you intend to mitigate this risk;


If yes, please specify and explain how you intend to mitigate or avoid this risk:


If yes, please provide details:


es/W. If yes, please give details of outcome: #HII.-;.&7"-'""1'1

WI'< i..sJ!! /.JC:t'A.J .61'../G

Please specify:

Please provide details any known education constraints. Is additional capacity needed to serve the developmentl L'APAcn'f A Af /JI'VJCHP

_,No If yes, please give details of outcome:

If yes, please give details of outcome:

fet>AIJ~ JAtiSI"//!!Ib 1/ltA'f A~J ~ 4t..A-s~L!:L .RoA.l> CAM AI!. SAr.I!.Lj 4G.fle,~

Page 19: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

could be served by public transport [Jvs 51"~ S. £vs-f QI-J A '3 ~ ~LA~~ ~o..ti..o·

Active travel Please provide details of how the site can or (i.e. internal connectivity and links externally) could be accessed by walking and cycling: $1'1"6

IV~ Uc,A.~ ~ C~ f>A"'N N~ .,, ~GWE,ectridtyJMea~11rc .. a:lhnt: Has contact b~en rnctde wit:h the relevant Gas: Yesa.r uolities prov1ders? If yes, please give details of outcome(s):

SuP~~v ~V.AI./.A~U?. Electrfcity: Y es.a. If yes. please give details of outcome(s): .Sb;>~£y AVAIL.MLZ

Heat ._/No; Y~..t: If yes, please give details of outcome(s): F~~I.!JI~ !J/d://-14 /AJV/!?-t14'A"'"e.b-Broadband: Y esiMD If yes, please give details of outcome(s): ~J41h!Jf!..C/1o,.f ~ V..(/J-At!L.e

Have any feasibility studies been undertaken to ~~•• fkl· Y£1= understand and Inform capac1ty 1ssues? Please specify:

Is there capacity Wlthm the existmg network(s) Yes!"-and a VJable connecnon to the network(s)? Please specify:

A$ A6o~ Will renewable energy be mstalled and used on Yes~Je/geR't lcnow the site' If yes, please specify the type of renewable For example, heat pump (a1r, ground or energy technology(s), if it is to provide water}, b1omass, hydro, solar (photovolta1c etectricity and/or heating (i.e. space heating (electr1c1ty) or thermaQ, or a wmd turbine and/or hot water), and the scale of provision (freestanding/Integrated mto the budding_) (To supplement off-site connection all the way

to I 00% energy provision (off-grid)): 1/M:/t:'VJ L..t..c 1'E.O-IJ.taLa41.6-S 4>/LL.. ~ ~ ~ jE..C.u,t>..£. ~.e. CA!E!i!la!-1 6v'f"/l!e UJlA

e. Public open space Will the srte provide the opportunity to Yes/,_. enhance the green network? (These are Please specify: the hnked areas of open space 1n settlements, 0.~ /'~y;t;;;. A L//t/K.. ~ IJ>.e ~ wh1ch can be enhanced through amalgamating ex1sang green networks or prov1d1ng ons1te lc:mz,o ~ ~ttJM~b &!JG>Nt;.Wq 7); ~ green mfrastructure) qttJ '-r c~~ .:~, ~ .(1;..,~ You can ftnd the boundary of ex1st1ng green netWorks in the settlement profiles m the LOP Will the site meet the open space standards, as Yes/.._ set out in Appendix 2 In the Abercleenshlre Please specify: Parks and Open Spaces Strategy! A ;(.11~ c;: 4c ~ P.t> .$ IJIU. 46: hnps.Uwww aberdeenshlre.,ov.uk/media/6077/

/#CWPri.L> /# SrJ'E. £A yo'j: a99roved9andos~cesstrategx.,12df Will the site deliver any of the shortfalls ~~e/Not applicable identified 10 the Open Space Audit for Please specify: specific settlements~


Page 20: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

https://www.aber<leenshlre.,oy.uk/communities ! -and-events/parks-and-QRen-~Ras;;C5/..Q~[!-

.I ~~-~rrntea-audn:l f, Resource use


Will the site re-use exfrtingstr~or _ _,_ry ~o recycle or recover existi!'lg on-site If yes, please specify: materials/resources~ j Nt>+ Y&r Q.lpJV/J. Will the site have a direct rmpact on the water j ~No envrronment and result m the need for If yes, please provide details: watercourse crossings, large scale abstractron and/or culverting of a watercourse~

IS. Other potential constraints Please identify whether the site is affected by any of the following potential constraints: Aberdeen Green Belt "-/No httpsJ/www.aberdeenshJ~.,ov.uk/ntedra/20555/appen~

boyndat:I~-Qf-th~rr:~llb~I,Rdf Carbon-rich sods and peatland "-a/No bttp://~Q~.uk/plannJn,-aos:l-d~~IQpm~ntladvrce-for-planners-and-developgrs/sorl:i·!:lDd·!:ileY~IQpm~ot/cppl Coastal Zone ~No

https.//www,aberdeenshwe.aov !.!k1Uledlat'20 176/~d:u~-tQ~tal-zgne,pdf Contammated land ~Nol'h IIIIa,..,. Ground rnstability -.JNoi\:lnicncnwr• Hazardous site/HSE excluston zone */No (You can ftnd the boundary of these zones m Plann•ng Advrce 1/20 17 Pipeline and Hazardous Development Consultatron Zones at htt~sJ/www aberdceo:ibl~.&o~.!.!klplanmn&421ao~-anci: pohcres/planmng-adVJcel and advrce at b!lp llwww.hse em.ukllandu~eJ21anmngidevelo~r}.htm) Mmerals - safeguarded or area of search _,No httRs,//www.ab~rdg~o~bn:~.eg~ uklldRm~dra/6 Area of search and

safggyard for miDS:OliS pdf Overhead lines or underground cables v...!No/WAI~ I I I Ao

Physrcal access mto the srte due to topography or geography '*"No Pnme agrrcultural land (grades I, 2 and 3.1) on all or part of the site. ~No httf2:[lmaJ2.eD~U:~1D ment.eov ,scot/Soli ma12sl~la)ler=6 'Protecced' open space rn the LOP (i.e. P srtes) Yes/WD www.aberdglm:ibu:~.cov,ukfldp and choose from AppendiX 8a to 8f R1ghts of way/core paths/recreation uses -/No Topography (e.g. steep slopes) '68/No Other ~/No (please specify)

If you have identified any of the potential constraints above, please use this space to identify how you will mitigate this in order to achieve a viable development: A~~71V£ A #f~Cf> rl~ ~~ l'~oV'/1)./!!tJ At i.vl'lt'.D~b - ~tJ~iT~ 74 ~eJ!A-t"~ .?.1>1' 8/o.


Page 21: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

16. Proximity to facilities How close is the site to Local shops ...... 400m-!km ~ a range of facilities?

Community facilities (e.g. school, ~ 400m-lkm ,....., public hall) Sports facilities (e.g. playing fields 400m .. ee .. , lie"' ill lin

Employment areas 400m -teem lltm • illllhM

Residential areas 400m ~~~~ lieu ;:.olkfR

Bus stop or bus route 400m -teem lkM- >lkfn

Train station -401111 -199 .... 18 >lkm

Other, e.g. dentist, pub (please 400m -teem 1 kt:: > lim• specify}

/J'{c#R/ A..eJL) ~-t.ALJI'~

17. Community engagement Has the local community been giVen the opportunity to mfluence/partake m the des1gn and speCJfacation of the development proposall

18. Residual value and dellverability Please confirm that you have cons1dered the 'restdual value' of your srte and you are confident that the site 1s VIable when mfrastruaure and aJI other costs, such as constraints and mmgaaon are taken into account.

¥-es't Is/Not yet

If yes, please specify the way it was carried out and how it influenced your proposals:

If not yet, please detail how you will do so in the fuwre: Po~.t-IC.- b.><.#IL31f"lt:J;.,j ~


I have considered the likely 'residual value' of the site, as described above, and fully expect the site to be viable:

Please tick: IS]

If you have any further information to help demonstrate the deliverability of your proposal, please provide details.


Page 22: 5. Ownershi arket Interest Legal Issues 7. Planning …4. Site Details Name of the site Alexander Park (Please use the LOP name if the site is already allocated) Site address Glassel

19. Other information Please provide any other infonnation that you would like us to consider in support of your proposed development (please ind ude details of any up-to-date supporting studies that have been undertaken and attach copies e.g. Transport Appraisal, Flood Risk Assessment. Drainage Impact Assessment. Peat/Soil Survey, Habitat/Biodiversity Assessment etc.}

Please tick to confirm your agreement to the following statement:

By completing this form I agree that Aberdeenshire Council can use the information provided in this form for the purposes of identifying possible land for allocation in the next Local Development Plan. I also agree that the information provided, other than contact details and information that is deemed commercially sensitive (questions I to 3), can be made available to the public.