PROTECTED BY THE BLOOD Series: The Almighty Blood Lesson #5 Lk. 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing by any means shall hurt you. Lk. 10:20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. Rev. 12:11 And they over came him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death. We’ve looked at the blood and its accomplishments, its purpose and found that the first act of the blood is to purge the body. Then we saw the intelligence of the blood, how it feeds every cell of the body, and how it regulates the temperature of the body. All of this we’ve been able to see as a function of the blood as it flows through this natural body. What is true in the natural is also true in the spiritual. Now in this Lesson “Protected By the Blood,” we look at the blood as the defense of the natural body. I. The Defense Of The Natural Body Is The Blood. 1. Fever in a patient tells the doctor that the body is fighting back. 2. When a blood transfusion is given, it is desired that the patient have a fever around 102 to 103 degrees while receiving it. It means that the blood is fighting any foreign elements that are in the blood being given to that patient. 3. There are elements in the blood to fight against every micro being, virus and bacteria that come into and are against the body. Otherwise you would die.

#5. Protected by the Blood

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Series: The Almighty BloodLesson #5

Lk. 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing by any means shall hurt you.

Lk. 10:20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

Rev. 12:11And they over came him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death.

We’ve looked at the blood and its accomplishments, its purpose and found that the first act of the blood is to purge the body. Then we saw the intelligence of the blood, how it feeds every cell of the body, and how it regulates the temperature of the body. All of this we’ve been able to see as a function of the blood as it flows through this natural body. What is true in the natural is also true in the spiritual. Now in this Lesson “Protected By the Blood,” we look at the blood as the defense of the natural body.

I. The Defense Of The Natural Body Is The Blood.

1. Fever in a patient tells the doctor that the body is fighting back.

2. When a blood transfusion is given, it is desired that the patient have a fever around 102 to 103 degrees while receiving it. It means that the blood is fighting any foreign elements that are in the blood being given to that patient.

3. There are elements in the blood to fight against every micro being, virus and bacteria that come into and are against the body. Otherwise you would die.

4. There is a constant war going on. Viruses and germs are invading this body. Cut yourself and billions of germs will be in that before you can turn around. The blood rushes to the cut and begins to fight against that foreign invasion of this physical body or it could not live.

II. Likewise The Blood Of Jesus Is The Defense Of The Spiritual Body.

1. The blood of Jesus is our defense, our shield, and our preservation.

2. The blood will rise against spiritual diseases that otherwise would destroy us.

3. The blood is our covering against the storms.

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Lk. 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing by any means shall hurt you.

4. This power is in the blood. The power of the Holy Spirit and this blood became one in these operations. Our actions, our repentance, our confession, our doing what is right, only clears the channel where this blood can flow and do what it would do all the time.

5. There will be attacks. Things will come against us. However, if we maintain the proper relationship, if we walk in the light, the blood will protect and preserve.

III. “And They Overcame Him (The Devil) By The Blood Of The Lamb…” (Rev. 12:11).

1. The blood is our greatest defense. First of all, it secures the ground. When we are born again we are brought into relationship with God, we are put in Christ, and we are in Christ, which means Christ surrounds us. That is the ground secured by the blood of Jesus.

2. We have no right to be here except for Calvary, except for the blood. There’s enough sin on any of us in this class to send us to hell. Thank God there is the blood.

a. The blood has secured the ground.

b. From the vantage point of the blood, we hurl the name of Jesus at the enemy.

3. The cobra is a very poisonous snake, and for centuries his bite was certain death. A person bit by a cobra had no hope. In a matter of hours he was dead.

4. In India, where this snake is most prevalent, the government discovered that a certain breed of Belgian horses was immune to the bite of the cobra. The cobra could bite this horse and not affect him. They learned that by allowing the horse to be bitten, the blood of the bitten horse could produce a serum that would in turn immunize the persons bitten by the cobra.

5. Need I remind you that a serpent more poisonous than the cobra has bitten the human race. By one man’s sin, all of us have been made sinners. The Bible calls the devil, the serpent.

a. Through the bite of that old serpent, the devil, death has passed upon the entire race.

b. For thousands of years death reigned. The Bible says it. Death reigned and death ruled. Why?

c. There was no antidote. The poison was in the bloodstream, and all had to die.

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6. Two thousand years ago, one came to this earth who was immune to the serpent’s bite. He knew no sin.

7. To save the human family from death, “The Holy One” (Jesus), willfully allowed the serpent to bite Him. “He that knew no sin, became sin...” By allowing the serpent to bite Him, He took my sins and your sins.

8. Jesus in effect said to Satan, “Inoculate Me with the sins of the whole world, and in My death, I will conquer death. My blood will become the antidote, and though it is written, ‘the soul that sinneth shall die,’ the soul that receives the antidote of My blood shall live.”

a. All have become sinners, but Jesus said, those that receive this antidote of My blood shall live.

9. There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Emmanuel’s veins. The blood is the cure, the only cure for the deadly leprosy of sin.

10. This is not a cheap patented medicine. This is an eternal cure.

11. We must preach this. We must again make our pulpit the place of proclaiming the blood of Jesus Christ. Our churches must hear it again, and again, until our faith is renewed and restored to the truth that God has made the provision, that through the blood we have access to the presence of God. Calvary has made it possible for me to walk right in, in the name of Jesus.

12. John Wesley’s brother, Charles, wrote a song. The chorus of it says, “He signed the deed in His atoning blood, He ever lives to make that promise good. And though all the hosts of hell walked in to make a second claim, they march right out again at the mention of His name.”

13. The holiness of Jesus’ blood neutralizes sin and immunizes the sinner.

14. “…Sinners plunge beneath that flow - lose all their guilty stains...” The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.

IV. Another Characteristic Of The Human Blood Is It Bathes Every Cell In The Body In Its Proper Atmosphere.

1. Listen to this. This is preaching material. This is the thing that makes for faith.

2. The “bathing action” of the blood creates the proper atmosphere so that a right relation is maintained between the cells, thus making harmony throughout the whole body.

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3. We have this ecumenical thing born right out of hell, that makes everything the church. There is this cry for unity, unity at the expense of pure doctrine and at the expense of truth. We’re screaming for unity and harmony in the church, but only the blood can create harmony.

4. The blood of Christ does the same for the spiritual body as we continue to walk in the light, as it does for the natural body, bathing every cell, creating the proper atmosphere of harmony between the cells in the body of Christ.

5. In the natural, when the metabolism of our physical being is out of balance, strange things begin to happen. We become sick, nervous, and irritable, we don’t get along one with another.

6. If we correct the imbalance, the blood itself will restore the peace and harmony to our being.

V. “When We Sin Willfully...”

1. When we sin willfully, allowing anger, strife, and bitterness to remain among us, the blood of Christ cannot maintain the harmony between us, the cells of the body of Christ. We are each members in particular of the body of Christ.

2. When the blood of Christ is restricted and cannot flow as it would through the body, then we cannot maintain the harmony.

3. When we refuse to walk in the light of faith and obedience, a root of bitterness springs up among us and many are defiled.

4. However, “If we confess our sin,” the blood will wash the sin away, and the harmony will be restored in the body.

5. When through confession and repentance we clear the way for the blood to flow over every member, the yoke of the enemy is broken.

Ps. 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Ps. 133:3 As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.

6. The unity of Psalms 133 is only secured by an unrestricted flow of the blood of Jesus through the body at all times.

7. As the blood is allowed to flow and bathe each member, we loose our jealousies, backbiting, our murmuring, our hurt and sensitive feelings. We loose everything that separates us.

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8. As we walk in the light and the blood cleanses us from all sin and wrong attitudes, we see each other in the perfection of Christ, and all of the terrible things of disunity begin to disappear.

VI. When We Walk In The Light The Atmosphere Never Changes.

1. The blood goes through the entire body every 45 to 50 seconds.

2. Geography has nothing to do with our attitude. No matter if we are at home, in church, at work or play, the blood will maintain the same atmosphere.

3. Just as if geography has nothing to do with natural blood maintaining the right temperature and atmosphere in the natural body, so geography has nothing to do with the blood of Christ maintaining the right harmony wherever we are.

4. In the spiritual, the blood will maintain the same atmosphere toward the unsaved, the things of the world, the works of the flesh, and the works of the devil, toward the things that are righteous and holy no matter where we are. We must be Christians wherever we are.

5. If my wife doesn’t consider me to be a Christian in our home then it is a poor Christianity that I represent. A lot of people can be holy in a pulpit; preachers like you, but what does your family say about it?

6. When this blood is flowing, it doesn’t matter if anybody watches me or not. The same attitude is maintained toward the world as when I am sitting in a Holy Ghost convention. It is all maintained in its proper place when there is an unrestricted flow of the blood.

7. We can be different in nature, we can be poles apart in ideas, education, talents, but the blood will make up the difference.

8. Walking in the light and obedience to God we will have fellowship one with another despite any difference in personalities.

9. “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, in that you love one to another” (Jn. 13:35).

10. In Romans chapter 5, the Apostle writes about the love of God being shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. When we realize that the blood is the carrier of the Spirit, the blood is life, the Spirit is life, and they become one in this operation, then we realize that this love, when that blood is allowed to flow freely, unhindered by our jealousies and works of the flesh, then that love is shed abroad and we will cause all men to recognize that we’re God’s, because of the love they see in us one for another.

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11. When the peace, love, and fellowship of the blood of Christ are visible among us, all men will know.

12. Whatever the blood wishes to remove we must let it go. Nothing can be sacred.

13. When this wind of the Spirit blows, nothing is sacred. Every weight, every sin, must be laid aside. The same is true as we deal with the blood. Anything that the blood wishes to remove, we must let it go, because if held onto it will pollute, corrupt contaminate, and ultimately destroy.

14. How do I know that? How do I know what He wants to remove? How do you know? When there is conviction, it is the blood, the life at work. Don’t hesitate. Confess, repent, and let the blood do its perfect work.

VII. The Most Horrible Of All Deaths Is The Death By Hemorrhage.

1. Medical science says there is no death like dying from the loss of blood.

2. When we lose blood, every cell begins to turn in on the other.

3. Without blood and oxygen, death is certain. As the blood is lost, so is the oxygen, and the blood-thirsty, oxygen-hungry cells begin to turn in on each other.

4. The entire system is thrown into convulsions as the cells begin to war over the remaining oxygen and the doctor says the pain is beyond words.

5. This is doubly true spiritually. Words fail in an attempt to describe the horror of a soul dying without the blood of Jesus Christ.

6. When a soul is hungry for God and cannot find God, that is hell.

7. When a soul physically dies without God, that is hell. It is eternal death, eternal hell.

VIII.Man Does Not Have To Die Of Spiritual Hemorrhage.

1. Man does not have to die of spiritual starvation.

2. The answer to a natural hemorrhage is a blood transfusion.

3. Many people living, maybe some of you in this class would be dead were it not for a blood transfusion. They put that blood back into you. It was pouring out in one place, and they put it back in another. In time, if they are able to stop the loss of blood, then life is saved.

4. The answer to a spiritual hemorrhage is a blood transfusion.

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5. The blood of Christ will stop the torment and torture of the soul that is lost, that is dying without Christ, that is being lost everyday.

6. The blood of Christ is the antidote. It is the answer to everything that is of God. “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus” (Heb. 10:19).

7. We that are going to leave this school to go back to proclaim the gospel of Christ wherever God has called us, and sees fit to put us, may we go and preach this blood to an absolute.

8. To all that hear the message we preach, may we proclaim it with boldness unheard of in recent years. This blood of Jesus, is the answer to the need of the church and to the need of that sinner, dying without Christ.