REGION DE LA MIXTECA location This region is distinguished as semi-desert, is located south-west of the town of Tehuacan and where populations are: san jose san gabriel miahuatlan zapotitlan chilac caltepec DRESS The traditional vestimento Mixteca changed over time, the dress is now known in the shawl, white blouse embroidered with vivid colors, the zoyate, the Nahua "skirt" and huaraches. The previous suit only the wealthy could have it and was only used for special occasions like weddings, parties or stewardships traditions. Ordinary people (the rest of the people) used the "Güipil" as blouse and dress made of sheepskin like a towel (and) that I wrapped around them. The traditional rebozo San Juan Mixtepec was white. The yarn to make the shawl sprang from the slime of a worm called "worm yield" these worms were bred as pets and also with very fragile so they could live as they were very delicate. The garment shawl quintessential mestizo, born of their need to cover mestizo women face to enter temples. Inspired by the friars imposed touch indigenous women on this occasion and took the loom weavers to weave shawls prehispanic and later cotton silk and wool. The white blouse with designs of flowers around the neck, arm and chest. The zoyate is made of cotton with figures of frets and the tip with a section made of palm. It is used around the waist as a belt or sash, and at the fact that this palm is used as a purse. The Nahuas are wide and colorful flower designs and traditionally reach the ankle. sandals of the first people were made of palm Mixtepec, then using the skin of animals, then to get the strap sandals. CLIMATE The prevailing climate in Pinotepa Nal., Is classified as Subh- medo hot with summer rains with annual oscilacintrmica Aw2 isothermal type (w) ig. The storm precipitacin focuses on estacinclida (June to September), which falls PERIOD 81.7% of the annual total (1514.7 mm). The average annual temperature is 27C (Garcia, 1988).

5 regiones

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This region is distinguished as semi-desert, is located south-west of the town of Tehuacan

and where populations are:

san jose san gabriel miahuatlan zapotitlan chilac caltepec


The traditional vestimento Mixteca changed over

time, the dress is now known in the shawl, white

blouse embroidered with vivid colors, the zoyate, the

Nahua "skirt" and huaraches. The previous suit only

the wealthy could have it and was only used for

special occasions like weddings, parties or

stewardships traditions. Ordinary people (the rest of

the people) used the "Güipil" as blouse and dress

made of sheepskin like a towel (and) that I wrapped

around them.

The traditional rebozo San Juan Mixtepec was white. The yarn to make the shawl sprang

from the slime of a worm called "worm yield" these worms were bred as pets and also with

very fragile so they could live as they were very delicate. The garment shawl quintessential

mestizo, born of their need to cover mestizo women face to enter temples. Inspired by the

friars imposed touch indigenous women on this occasion and took the loom weavers to

weave shawls prehispanic and later cotton silk and wool.

The white blouse with designs of flowers around the neck, arm and chest.

The zoyate is made of cotton with figures of frets and the tip with a section made of palm.

It is used around the waist as a belt or sash, and at the fact that this palm is used as a purse.

The Nahuas are wide and colorful flower designs and traditionally reach the ankle.

sandals of the first people were made of palm Mixtepec, then using the skin of animals,

then to get the strap sandals.


The prevailing climate in Pinotepa Nal., Is classified as Subh-

medo hot with summer rains with annual oscilacintrmica Aw2

isothermal type (w) ig. The storm precipitacin focuses on

estacinclida (June to September), which falls PERIOD 81.7%

of the annual total (1514.7 mm). The average annual

temperature is 27C (Garcia, 1988).

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One of the greatest traditions of Tehuacán, the dish is called "Hips

Mole", which arises from the Matanza Festival, included since 1997 in

the directory CONACULTA festivals and artistic cultural heritage of the

state of Puebla on 22 October 2004.

"Massacre" is a tradition that began in the early seventeenth century. Being introduced goats in

New Spain, began crossbreeding foodstuff gastronomy contributed to a variety of dishes as the

backbone in garlic, ajoarriero spine, udders kidneys, tongue, head, brain tacos beans with goat leg

and what the chefs deftly was created.

Chronicles recorded that "since 1784, every third Thursday of the month of October, is sacrificed

goats which derives a flavor and seasoning meat with unsurpassed"

baskets made of reed , different parts are manufactured marble and onyx stones in most of the


fruits, flowers, bread donkey and confetti adorning offerings Chilac straw hats are manufactured

and synthetic fiber mats, bottles are lined handbags.


The fauna in the area, it is basically black iguana (Ctenosaura pectinata and

C. similis), armadillos (Dasypus movemcinotus), ounces (Felix yagouarundi)

chachalacas (Ortalis vetula), quail (Dendrortyx macroura), cucuchas

(Leptotila sp.), mazacoa (constrictor constrictor), vbora rattlesnake (Crotalus

terrifus) and tetereques (Basiliscus sp.), among others (Rodriguez, 1989). It

should be mentioned that due to the cacera, have greatly diminished populations of black iguana,

deer (Odocoeleos virginianus), and rabbit (Sylvilagus cunicularis).

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The vegetation of the region, corresponds to the Neotropical, corresponding to the remnants of

tropical deciduous forest (Rodriguez, 1989), as the primary vegetation is highly disturbed due to

human activities: agriculture slash-and-burn agriculture, extensive cattle, timber extraction, and

urbanization. Within the cacahuananche estn representative plants (Gliricidia sepium), palo

mulato (Bursera simaruba), copal (Bursera copallifera) cuajilote (Guazuma ulmifolia), among


Region de la sierra


In this particular region are virgin forests of the area and where vanilla is grown in a place

called River Tezinzintepetl Tonto is as specified production that occurs in that area the rum,

like the liquor "Lapo".

This region is located east of the town of Tehuacan and where populations are: zoquitlan eloxochitlan coyomeapan tlacotepec de díaz.

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Wood carving, manufacturing of wooden spoons,

reed baskets, blowers triangular palm, and in small

quantities making wool clothing.

Woven palm and reed.

They are made of wool textile work, (and Nahua

cotons embroidered) palm tissues and reeds.


. Among insects are unique characteristics of solid species

like the butterfly Aricia morronensis. Among amphibians

highlights the natterjack toad and the painted frog. The

diversity of the reptile community includes, among others,

the lizard, the vipers and the Montpellier snake.

But, undoubtedly, are the group best known birds. In the

forests abound with pleasure chickadees, crossbills and

myths. Among raptors, by the day, the hawk and the hawk always lurking, and at night,

and the tawny owls are the kings, and this park one of the few parts of the Region where

you can hear her singing.

The edges of the pine trees and the hedges are preferred by scribes, finches and

thrushes, and they become abundant the eagle and the golden eagle.


• The Sierra region presents ... virgin forests that

have floral scents thousand, are your gardenias and

vanilla scent which this garden.

• Saw Tzinzintepetl beautiful, cute as sultana rests

his vassal the fool laughed that which protects


• Its dense forest green robe with lace are its

waterfalls flamboyant white tail lights and fireflies.

• Far away beasts are mills that move slowly so that

later the stills rich rum den.

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• I'm from the mountains never forget my country has its tradition do the famous liquor

lapo always inspires the song.

• From birth to Tehuacán saw because I can not forget his greatness; Even as much to tell

his stately palace, the freshness of the main park, the stunning beauty of its beautiful

Cathedral. Also our killing and our famous mineral water.


This region is in the highest place and cold in the municipality and is patron of the region

"Our Lady of the Snows" and extensive vegetation dominated and most of the people who

live there are engaged in the lumber yard, which most of this wood is pine and fir as well as

its other activity is the embroidery and textiles.

This region is located north of the town of Tehuacan and where populations are: san antonio cañada vicente guerrero nicolas bravo


Costumes from the mountain

Men wear trousers and tunic blanket, strap sandals and straw hat

and overcoat, women wear blouse with hand embroidery thread

and brightly colored satin, embroidered each strip is a

combination of flowers, birds, sheep, eagles devouring snakes ,

all arranged with great taste, dress is complemented by a

petticoat and jewelry are usually jewelry.


They are made of woven palm work and reed.

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The faunal composition is quite varied. Among insects are

unique characteristics of solid species like the butterfly Aricia

morronensis. Among amphibians highlights the natterjack toad

and the painted frog. The diversity of the reptile community

includes, among others, the lizard, the vipers and the

Montpellier snake.

But, undoubtedly, are the group best known birds. In the

forests abound to placercarboneros, myths and crossbills.

Among raptors, by the day, the hawk and the hawk always

lurking, and at night, and the tawny owls are the kings, and this park one of the few parts of the

Region where you can hear her singing.


Are representative xeric scrub, which

ranks first in area (32.9%). Includes

crasicaule scrub characterized by the

presence of columnar cacti, the desert

scrub dominate rosetophilous where

agaves and ruffs, the mesquite located in

floodplains; chaparral vegetation found as

transitional in the bottom of the mountains

high complex. We also have vast expanses

of deciduous forests, which are the second

type of dominant vegetation in the

Reserve, with 24.1% of the total area,

where live plants that adapt to sudden changes in weather as much of the year are dry but

when it rains it creates an explosion of greenery. In the highlands, ranking third in area

occupied (19.5%) have temperate forests of pine, oak, juniper and other associated species

such as orchids and bromeliads.

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It is located northeast of the city of Tehuacán and where populations are: tepanco de lópez

chapulco santiago miahuatlan .



palm tissue


(The Cerro Colorado near the headwaters and historic measures 2.200 meters of altitude above

sea level, The Chichintepec that has 3.180 meters and the Santa Lucia southward, which measures

2.500 meters are the main point of Tehuacán).

In the Cerro Colorado fought the first tehuacaneros (Popolocas) of Moctezuma Aztec forces ... And

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with the passage of time this hill was important to the story ... there in the hollow stone still in

place over the years on This legendary mountain, appeared the Virgin of the Conception (news

given by the Spanish), and in her honor was built the Cathedral, also known as the old parish of

Our Lady of Conception and Cave, where the remains of illustrious rebel leader, Don Valerio

Trujano who was the right arm of General Don Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon happened in this part

of Tehuacan, in their struggle for independence from Mexico.

Region del valle


It is located at the ends of the north and southeast of the city of Tehuacán, which include the

following towns: tehuacan

DRESS The dress expresses the cultural identity of a region, and regularly in response to the climate and

the physical configuration of the place. Similarly, it may call the social, economic, religious or

marital status of the person who wears it.

A costume determines colors, fabrics and embellishments that largely have to do with the

historical formation of the different peoples.

The attire of the regions of the state varies both by the number of existing ethnic and geographic

differentiation for each, on the other hand is where women's dress clothes are the true

significance of each site.

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Among its attractions are architectural Cultural Complex and the Church of "El Carmen", Tehuacán

Cathedral, the Church of San Francisco, the Temple of Calvary, the church of St. Peter the Apostle

(Ácoquiaco), the House of Culture and the Tehuacán Valley Museum.


Vegetation The municipality has a great diversity in this area. In areas of the valley where the ground is not too flat but not too rough, there are areas of mesquite. In the mountains of Zapotitlán and Zongolica, the vegetation consists mainly of desert scrub, scrub and low forest vegetation. To the northwest, where the municipality reaches higher and the climate is milder, are pine-oak forests. In the Ithacan-

Valley 10 Cinemas that your ends between points north and south, which acicalas your face and

your outline with your Ajalpan yellowish clay, with a blue sky with unmatched dust Texcala onyx

with faded red and your hill .

• Valley entretejes sad and happy that your flat geography that swings down interlocking

disheveled reed wheat and cornfields ... Rales thirst, mesquite and fruit ... da lowlands.

• In your bosom rises presumptuous your mystical city that at another time in your Indians

become Mrs. ... and amid peace and fuss when the light starts to become shadow, sings his hymn

written Symphony magpies and laurel leaves jacarandas miraculous waters with notes of cactus

with sticky ink and indelible lyrics grenades.

• City quieter than your diaphanous thyself fair princess tiara of your dreams with the beautiful

park with your patron Cathedral serious your stately palace and a monastery, the street date for

irrigation, and the aged Ahuehué in San Lorenzo, and Calvary legendary myths.

Valle, City, and I feel my name, because its air school kept my laughter and my tears dried many

times as a child, because my remains of man who seems earth shall be your land to join in

anything to my elders, and because my mind made flower in the garden of her eternal spring to

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fall to their land and their women.