#5 Sectarian

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  • 8/13/2019 #5 Sectarian


    Q.What are the causes and Losses of "sectarian differences" in Pakistan

    and how this problem can be solved in light of Islamic teachings?


    Sectarian strife has seen a major up tick in Pakistan. an! eplain the

    bloodshed as the work of conspiracies b! outsiders the forces of

    hegemon! and #ionism which aim to weaken Islam. $ccording to Iranian

    President ahmoud $hmadinejad%

    "These are unspecified enemies."

    &thers la! the blame for the strife at a ver! different source% the

    unintended effects of the Islamic revival. $ccording to scholar 'ali (asr%

    "As the Muslim world was de-colonialised and Arab nationalism lost its

    appeal, fundamentalism blossomed and reasserted the differences and

    conflicts between various sects"

    (evertheless% it is an anathema which has adversel! affected Pakistan and

    the worst fought of these battles is the Shi)a*Sunni divide. Sectarianism is

    as the former ala!sian Prime inister% +r. ahathir% had said,

    "Ummah's curse"


  • 8/13/2019 #5 Sectarian


    "The fragmentation of a single, simple and forthright religion"

    resulting in Muslims becoming "backward, weak and unable to deal

    with the multitude of challenges the now face".


    1. Islamization in Pakistan:

    -he origins of sectarian conflicts lie in the eighties. nder the patronage

    of the #ia*ul*/a0 regime the process of Islami1ation was introduced in

    Pakistan. -he "Islami1ation" of 2eneral #ia ul*/a0 was resisted b! Shia

    who saw it as "Sunnification"as the laws and regulations were based on

    Sunni 3i0h% or Islamic 4urisprudence.

    In 4ul! 5678% 9:%888 Shia protested the Islami1ation laws in the capital

    Islamabad. -he process eventuall! came upon issues in which Sunni and

    Shia viewpoints differed. In such instances the Sunni interpretation of

    Islam was preferred b! the government over the Shia one% causing a rift

    between the two sects.

    $ccording to ;a1i 3ae1 Isa,

    "A ruler who divides his people into sects is a mufsidun i.e. one who

    commits great sins and crimes, an oppressor, a trant." !eril, iraun

    #$haraoh% e&alted himself in the land and made its people sects ...

    !eril, he was of the Mufsidun" #()*%."

  • 8/13/2019 #5 Sectarian


    2. Fanaticism

    Islam being one of the major religions in the world toda! is said and

    believed to be etremist in its ver! nature. Sectarian tension and conflict

    is one of the features of this etremist approach. $khirat

    or Paradise as uslims believe it to be the real purpose of life.

    3. Ext!mist militias

    an! political parties have developed along these lines in Pakistan such

    as -ehrik*e*4afria Pakistan >-4P% Lashkar*e*4hangvi% Sipah*e*Sahabah

    Pakistan etc $ll of them having their militant wings. -hese etremistmilitias have wreaked havoc and have further caused the sectarian

    differences to eacerbate. 3urthermore% man! student bodies have been

    formed which have corrupted students from their focus upon education.

    ". Fo!i#n int!$!ntion

  • 8/13/2019 #5 Sectarian


    -he Iranian @evolution >56A6 and the $fghan conflict >56A6*77 gave

    fillip to this trend and spawned a new generation of sectarian activists.

    $lthough Pakistan is an independent state% her national policies have

    alwa!s been under the influence of foreign interventions. International

    communities adversel! eploit this weakness. -he emergence of

    sectarian conflict is an immediate outcome of this international

    eploitation among nation states cannot be bothered. ost of the

    militant groups are funded% trained and brainwashed b! the foreign

    countries in order to protect their vested interests across continents.

    Semi literate clergies with support of some unknown state agencies

    get utili1ed b! foreign countries in this contet without noticing who

    pla!s the game.

    %. St!!o t&'! c(ic(l(m an) *(s+oom #o,t+ o- *a)assa+s

    &ur national curriculum lacks intellectual potential to instill the sense of

    harmon! and introduce students with emerging social issues. Secondl!

    there are no checks and monitoring procedures on the curriculum of our

    religious institutions >adrassahs that whether the! are compatible with

    the challenges of the modern age or not. @ather the outdated philosoph!

    of ideological state is brought forward on ever! forum while discussingalarming issues such as of sectarian tension between masses. adressahs

    have been granted the power to award B$ and $ degrees in Islamic

    Studies. maslak is permitted to teach its own

    curriculum. +egrees are obtained without ac0uiring knowledge of all

    aspects of the discipline. The students in these Madrassahs are

    indoctrinated with the idea that unit with the sect, and not the faith, is

    important.In this bleak scenario there is a plantation of religious schools

  • 8/13/2019 #5 Sectarian


    in all parts of the countr! particularl! rural areas where povert! prevails

    with a threatening face.

    . N!#ati$! ol! o- m!)ia:

    $nother major reason is also the burden of operationall! unregulated

    electronic media that eaggerates information% which in turn creates

    pressure and contributes to intensif! the densit! of issue of sectarian

    conflictCtension between different sects.

    /. Po$!t& an) (n!m'lo&m!nt:

    $n empt! bell! can make !ou do an!thing including suicide bombing and

    target killing. -he ever*increasing ratio of povert! contributes towards

    eploitation of poor for the protection of the interest of various groups.

    ass povert! onl! facilitates involvement of people into anti*social

    activities including lawlessness% suicide bombing and issues of sectarian

    conflicts in Pakistan. +issatisfaction as a result of not having access to

    sustained income leads to promote ethnicCsectarian identit! and in its

    etreme cases provokes armed reaction towards the social norm and

    peaceful environment.


    -he 0uestion of sect >shiah% division >fir0a% dissension >fitnah and

    groups >hi1b has been considered in the /ol! ;uran.

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    "...+o not be divided #tafarrau% in religion" #*)%.

    "...And be not of al-mushrikun #hpocrites, dividers, poltheists%.

    /f those who split up #farawa% their religion and become sects,

    each sect re0oicing in that which is with it" #1)- %.

    -he 4ews divided themselves into A9 factions and at this time $llah

    >SW- revealed the following $!at,

    "And be not as those who divided #tafrau% and differed #ikhtalafu%

    among themselves..." #)12%.

    Sectarianism destro!s life and from the puddles of blood% gains further

    strength. -he Sunni*Shia divide brings us to the brink of a pit of fire.

    3...And be not divided among ourselves, and remember Allah4s

    avor on ou, for ou were enemies one to another but 5e 0oined

    our hearts together, so that, b 5is 6race, ou became brethren,

    and ou were on the brink of a pit of fire, and 5e saved ou from it.

    Thus Allah makes 5is Aat #signs% clear to ou, that ou ma be

    guided7 #).1%

    -he ;uran castigates the 4ews for dividing into sects >58,6D% a curse

    which our Prophet% >peace and blessings be upon him tried to prevent

    within his mmah. /e abhorred dissensions. When two uslims were

    loudl! arguing in disagreement about the meaning of a ;uranic verse he


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    3$eople before ou perished onl because of their disagreement about

    the 8cripture7.

    In his famous sermon delivered at $rafat he said that

    39ver Muslim is a Muslim4s brother, and that Muslims are brethren"

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    5. o$!nm!nt m(st !ns(! t+at stat! m!c+anisms a! !--ici!nt an)

    !--!cti$!. Polic!4 la, !n-oc!m!nt a#!nci!s an) 5()icial s&st!ms n!!)!$am'in#. In the first instance% terrorists get awa! from clutches of the

    law% and if few are wedged% judicial procedures take too long to punish

    them. -hese terrorist can onl! pull off from their nefarious activities if

    the! see their fellow colleagues behind bars or in death cells.

    2. o$!nm!nt s+o(l) mak! mico an) maco !conomic 'olici!s t+at

    +!l' !)(c! 'o$!t& an) (n!m'lo&m!nt.Benefit from improved

    econom! should trickle down to poorest of the poor and not merel!

    change hands among those who are alread! well off. +espite high growthrate in recent !ears% inflation has gone out of hands and eorbitant cost of

    ever!da! commodities has made living out of reach from man!.

    D. R!li#ion its!l- '!sci6!s 7I5ti+a)7 as a tool to tackl! !m!#in#

    iss(!s t+at Umma+ -ac!s. Dialo#(! an) )isc(ssions amon# o( s!l$!s

    is a ,a& -o,a) to tak! a)$anta#! -om t+is 'o$ision.Imposing

    one=s opinion and believes on others through brutal forces is an

    unacceptable act. Islam eplicitl! rejects spreading of religion through

    force and held a human life sacred to above an! other thing.

    E. R!li#io(s 'olitical 'ati!s s+o(l) )!no(nc! s!ctaian $iol!nc! an)

    c(t o-- alli!) militant ,in#s. -he! have the responsibilit! to propagate

    religious harmon!. $fter all% among different sects there are more

    commonalities than the differences. Because most of the sectarian

    organi1ations are religious based% their negation from mainstream

    religious political parties would be a blow to their operations. If at one

    end all literature that ridicule core believes of other sects should be

    strictl! banned% then on the other end% people should be educated to not

    pa! heed to that material. In religious congregations religious scholarsand Fkhateebs= should promote tolerance% love to humanit!% and right of

    minorities as promised in a true uslim societ! to people.

    :. O( !)(cation s&st!m is o(t)at!) an) n!!)s !$isions. It s+o(l)

    t!ac+ 6asic +(man i#+ts4 !s'!ct o- ot+! !li#ions4 tol!anc! an)

    lo$! to +(manit& to st()!nts.Still majorit! of people are illiterate and

    mass scale initiatives should be taken to catch up ever increasing lot of


  • 8/13/2019 #5 Sectarian


    G. People of different sects are killing each other. -he! are brainwashed

    against the other sects. $ suicide bomber though knows that he is also

    loosing his life% still he is committed for the action. Hharm of heaven is in

    his sight. -hese are miracles of teaching. sing the same techni0ue and

    promise% we can teach masses how and wh! to scarif! our life to protectlives of other human beings. Pint an) !l!ctonic m!)ia m(st tak!

    !s'onsi6ilit& to s'!a) t+is m!ssa#!. -he! must report what is true and

    not necessar! what the! are told b! other organi1ations.

    /. o$!nm!nt s+o(l) canc!l all ,!a'ons lic!ns!s iss(!) so -a an)

    im'os! 6an o- )is'la& o- ,!a'ons.$ harsh punishment should be

    determined against those found breaking the laws and% most importantl!%

    this ban should be implemented in true spirit.


    If we have to move forward as a nation% we should put the sectarian genie

    back into the bottle or else face its adverse conse0uences. -here is no

    doubt that past incidents have complicated the issue but !et we must

    stand forthwith to meet the challenge. 3orward looking nations do not

    carr! transgression accounts into the future.