5 Ways to Build A Highly Profitable Business By Creating A ... Rep… · 5 Ways to Build A Highly Profitable Business By Creating A Signature System 8 Having a signature system that

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5 Ways to Build A Highly Profitable Business By Creating A Signature System


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5 Ways to Build A Highly Profitable Business By Creating A Signature System



This book has been written for information purposes only. Every effort has been made to make

this book as complete and accurate as possible. Also, this book provides information only up to

the publishing date. Therefore, this book should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source.

The purpose of this book is to educate. The author and the publisher do not warrant that the

information contained in this book is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or

omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or

entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly

by this book.

Copyright © Chavers Fitzgerald International. 2019 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book

may be modified or altered in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including

photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express

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Momentum Coaching is a subsidiary of Chavers Fitzgerald, Inc.

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5 Ways to Build A Highly Profitable Business By Creating A Signature System


Table of Content

Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6

Identify and Design Your System ................................................................................... 9

Define Your System's Uniqueness ................................................................................. 11

Identify Target Markets for Your System ...................................................................... 12

Craft an Enticing Title ..................................................................................................... 14

Package and Sell Your System ..................................................................................... 15

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5 Ways to Build A Highly Profitable Business By Creating A Signature System



According to statistics, most small businesses today are service providers. They

may be financial advisors, lawyers, personal trainers, accountants, corporate

trainers, coaches, consultants, engineers or in similar occupations. Essentially

businesses like these sell time, not a product.

Steve Jobs stated, “Your work is going to fill

a large part of your life, and the only way to

be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is

great work. And the only way to do great

work is to love what you do.

” Loving what you do requires investing time

into your love to cultivate it.” Time is a finite

resource. We each only have so many hours

in a day to grow our business.”

” Loving what you

do requires

investing time into

your love to

cultivate it.”

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5 Ways to Build A Highly Profitable Business By Creating A Signature System


More than 35% of entrepreneurs work 40 hours

per week. This includes weekends as 17.7% say

they work every weekend. About 31% of

entrepreneurs work 50 hours per week and

11.8% work 60 hours per week. Working more

extended hours means that some business

owners have to miss essential lifestyle events,

celebrations, and other experiences. About

37.9% say they missed a family or social

occasion at least a few times per year due to


That means it is harder to scale a service

business where you sell your time. Typically,

you have to hire more employees or

outsource certain activities. Moreover, labor,

especially for knowledge workers, is


With time being a top factor to consider when running a service-based business,

more than half (53.2%) of small business owners say they are uncertain about the

future of their business.

So, the question remains: How do you grow when you’ve started and run a

service business? To answer this question, you have to know your strengths.

Everyone has a strength (or multiple strengths) they can capitalize on, but many

believe they have to be the foremost in their field to be considered an “expert.”

Many who seek out knowledge or guidance are not other experts, but ordinary

people, looking to understand fundamentals. In this sense, we could all stand to

understand our expertise and find ways to package it into a signature system

that sells.

Everyone has a

strength they can

capitalize on, but

many believe they

have to be the

foremost in their

field in order to be

considered an


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Having a signature system that you can package and offer to customers in

program form can be a real game changer for your business. Signature systems

are attractive to customers because they provide ready-made, easy-to-follow

solutions to their problems. However, don’t worry about having to find or invent

one to use. Base your system on your own experiences and success in a specific

area. You already know the process inside and out, so now you can explain it

clearly to someone else who wants to get the same results.

You can package up this expertise into a signature program and make it a

crucial part of your existing business, helping you develop a more unique and

memorable brand. Alternatively, it may lead you to develop a whole new

business or a lucrative sideline.

If you want to take a big leap forward with your business and boost your brand,

you want a system that you are known for and which provides you with the

potential for multiple income streams.

A signature system is a method for solving a problem your audience faces. It's a

method you've used in the past to solve this problem which you can teach to

others so they can achieve the same results.

This system can earn you income directly, but it can also be used for branding,

gaining exposure, building a marketing funnel, and setting up multiple streams

of income.

The biggest perk of your signature system is that anyone can do it. All you need

to do is figure out what you can teach and how you can teach it.

There are five critical steps to creating your unique signature system and putting

it into a program to teach your audience.

More than half (53.2%) of small business

owners say they are uncertain about the future

of their business.

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Identify and Design Your System

Your signature system is something you've used in the past that's worked for you.

This could be:

▪ Building a list of 10,000 leads in a month

▪ Finding a health and fitness routine that fits into 30 minutes per day

▪ Decluttering your office in a day and keeping that way

▪ Clearing your mind of distractions and achieving greater productivity

▪ Writing and publishing a book every month for the next year

▪ Using Instagram to bring in new customers to your retail store

You may have seen systems like this offered by big-name online entrepreneurs

that guarantee you'll be making millions by this time next year.

However, everyone has a system they can teach. Signature systems are most

often offered by entrepreneurs, trainers, coaches, consultants, small business

owners, and service-based businesses. In reality, anyone can turn their

experience and knowledge into a teachable system.

Start by looking at some area of your business or your life where you've solved a

problem and seen results. Work backward to see how you did it. You should be

able to identify the specific steps you took. Is this something you can teach to

others so they can get similar results?

If it's hard to think of anything offhand, try asking others. Talk to people you've

helped, such as customers and clients. Ask them directly or see what they're

saying about you on social media. They can give you some ideas you haven’t


It's important to choose just one system to start with initially. Choose the best or

easiest to understand at first. Once your first program is up and running, you can

always create new systems in the future for more income and exposure.

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It's likely that you have such a system, but you've never thought of it in this way

before. You'll need to go through each step and decide how you can teach

others how to do it. You'll also have to provide whatever resources or

background information others will need to know.

Next Steps:

▪ What is something you've learned how to do and have gotten positive

results? Can you turn this into a system you can teach others?

▪ Write out the steps you've used to get results with this system.

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Define Your System's Uniqueness

The real value of your system is that it's unique. Others have similarly solved this

problem, but no one's system is quite the same as yours because you came up

with yours on your own.

Do you know what makes your process different from others? Discovering your

system's uniqueness is an important step, and it will be crucial in marketing a

program that teaches it.

One way to do this is to look at your competition. Search online and find similar

systems, and then see if you can glean what sets yours apart. Search relevant

keywords in Google and on Amazon, where many businesses sell programs such

as these.

Pay especially close attention to the benefits these products offer. Somewhere

in their marketing materials, they'll mention the specific benefits of their program.

You don't need to use the product to find these. Identify the unique benefits

your system offers that theirs don't. These are the unique benefits you can use in

your marketing.

Next Steps:

✓ Find similar systems that solve the same problem as yours.

✓ Look at the benefits each system offers and compare with your own to

discover your unique benefits.

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Identify Target Markets for Your System

If you have a good system that gets results,

someone else can use it to get the same

results as you. The challenge here is to find

out exactly who those people are so you

can focus your marketing efforts on them.

You may already have an audience that

you market to. This market isn't necessarily

the right one for your new system. You may

need to reach out to a new audience, or

you may find that your system is right for a

particular segment of your market.

If your system is well suited to your current market, this will make it easier to sell.

Your existing customers already know and trust you. If you've been doing your

marketing well, they're ready to buy from you.

What if you have to look for other markets? This will involve some extra work on

your part, but it will expose you to a new audience. This potentially allows you to

start a whole new business.

The key to choosing a market is to consider pain points. You're looking for

people who are suffering from the problem your program solves.

Once you choose an audience, you may find yourself tailoring your system to

meet their specific needs. For example, you might have a system for building

high-engagement blogs that you've used for your marketing funnel in your

business. You might choose to tailor it to people who are just getting started with

their online business presence like you were when you set up your first blog.

As you start creating your system and researching your market, you might find

that these newbies struggle especially with using social media to help build a

blog readership. Because of this discovery, you might change your system to

tailor it specifically to growing blog traffic and engagement with social media.

The key to

choosing a market

is to consider pain


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Next Steps:

▪ Would your system benefit your current market or a subset of your current


▪ Who is facing the problem your system solves?

▪ Identify the target market for your signature system.

▪ Could you change your system in any way to better serve your market?

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Craft an Enticing Title

Naming your signature system is extremely important. It needs to be consistent

with your brand or the new brand you hope to create, and it needs to tell

people exactly what your system will do for them.

. Remember that this is what people will hear first, and they’ll decide whether

they check out your offer to learn more or not. The title needs to be exciting and

motivating. It should be as specific as possible, but also quick and snappy.

In addition to the title of your program, the title for each step is also essential.

When you tell people what's in your program, you can list these steps by title,

and this will further motivate people and tell them what benefits they can


Brainstorm several different titles and give each some consideration. Make a big

list and narrow it down. Ask other people to help you figure out which is the best.

Often, another person will have a different perspective as an outsider who didn't

create the system.

The title should be memorable and drive home

the benefits the customer will receive.

Next Steps:

▪ Create a list of titles that explain the benefits of your course.

▪ Narrow down your list until you have the best title.

▪ Create titles for the steps that you can use for marketing.

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Package and Sell Your System

You might have an excellent system in place, but it's not going to generate

multiple streams of income unless you know how to package and sell it.

For this step, you'll turn your system into a teachable program. The system is what

you used to get success; the program is the container you put your system in so

that others can use it and get the same results.

Your first signature system should be a medium-priced product. It'll be in the

middle of your funnel, between lower-priced or free content (like short reports or

blog posts) and higher-priced items (like personal coaching).

A signature program can take any one of many different formats:

Study your target market and determine the best format for them to digest your

information (text, video, or webinar) and the best delivery system (one-on-one,

group-based, self-study, or a mix.

Your format should also depend on the nature of the material you're teaching. If

you're showing someone how to set up websites, you might offer video tutorials

where they can see what you're doing, and tech help with a live representative

if they run into trouble.

Online Courses Video Series Speaking

Webinars Group Coaching Bootcamps

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On the other hand, if you're offering a language learning course, you might

deliver classes through a webinar system, with self-study materials and group

meetings for students to practice speaking.

It would help if you also decided how long the course will take and how much

you'll offer in terms of materials. Keep in mind that the more material you

provide and the more in-depth you get, the more you can afford to charge for

your program.

Support materials are especially important. As students work their way through

the course, they'll undoubtedly need some help. These supplemental materials

can include anything from checklists, resource guides, and workbooks, to live

online support and quizzes.

Finally, you'll need to determine what marketing channels you'll use to reach

your audience. If you've defined your target market well, this shouldn't be hard

at all. You should already know where they hang out online and what kinds of

content they like.

Next Steps:

▪ What format and delivery system will you use to offer your signature


▪ What marketing channels will you use? (Remember to emphasize benefits

in all your marketing materials)

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Hello. I’m Derrick Chavers Fitzgerald, creator

of Momentum Coaching.

I hope this report has gotten your head

buzzing with great ideas for your signature

system. If you're ready to get started, I'm

offering a full course that teaches you how to

create and perfect your signature system and

create a program for teaching it to others.

You'll find everything you need to know in the

course, and by the end, you'll be building

multiple streams of income by sharing your

expertise with your audience.

Want to learn more about how you can package up your expertise and create

your signature system? CLICK THE LINK BELOW.