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9. 5. Writing to Learn, Functional Writing, Creative Writing



In pairs, decide on what can go into a writing journal.

2. Functional writing  

· the practice of expressing specific inforation eant to irror real!life scenarios such ashow to a"e or do soething, gi#ing ad#ice, in#iting soeone to soething or telling what

happened in a specific situation$

· includes letters, eoranda, directories, anuals, fors, recipes, and inutes$

· to succeed in producing effecti#e functional texts, learners ust ha#e a clear sense of  

 purpose and audience %learners& awareness of audience and purpose will facilitate the

selection of appropriate language, st'le and forat which will further support the piece of




In groups, decide on how to teach 'our students) foral*inforal letter writing*article

writing*proposal writing. +ecide on the forat, the tas" and the length reuireent.

3 .Creative Writing

· a"es it possi-le for students to experient and pla' with the language

· is engaging and oti#ating

· helps students see language as a counicati#e tool, with focus on eaning, not erel' on

a linguistic s'ste


Short stories, poes songs, draa, screenpla' are all exaples of creati#e writing tas"s that ha#e

 -een suggested for use in a foreign language class.


lternate ending acti#ities include)

· coing up with a different ending to a "nown text

· predict an ending of a stor' fro the class reading

· write a seuel to a stor'

· ha#e students re!write the stor'*part of the stor' fro another character&s perspecti#e


/ow would 'ou de#ise such a tas"0 1ocus on)

· the reuireent%s(

· group wor"*pair wor" 

· length reuireents· e#aluation o-jecti#e%s(

· ar"ing schee

· tie allotted

· disseination




Cohesion and coherence are central to all instances of language use, and indeed, to counication

of an' "ind. /owe#er, it is in writing that learners of a foreign language often find that an' pro-les

the' ha#e in these areas -ecoe highlighted.

 2. 3oo" at the following extracts fro copositions written -' learners of 4nglish. 5oth

students ha#e pro-les with cohesion, which is wh' the texts see odd e#en though

ista"es of graar and #oca-ular' ha#e -een corrected.

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 My landlady is an old woman. My landlady is very kind to me. She

does not give me pork to eat. My landlady does not know I am used to

eating a lot of pork. In my country people of my country tend to eat a

lot of pork.



 My landlady is called Mrs Smiths. She lives on a ground floor of

house. It is a very old house. Sometimes it rains. Water comes through

a roof. My room is not at top of a house. My room is dry.


Rewrite these extracts so that the' 6read& naturall'. 7hat pro-les does each student ha#ewith cohesion0 %Other ista"es ha#e -een corrected.(

8. +efine 6cohesion& and a"e a list of words which coonl' act as 6cohesi#e de#ices&.

9. 3oo" at the following two sentences. 5oth are cohesi#e, -ut one has a pro-le of coherence.

7hich one0

a. :esterda' I got up late and had a uic" -rea"fast.

 -. :esterda' I got up late and -ought a new car.


Co-erence /e0crie0 t-e logical relation0 et2een t-e i/ea0 an/ in3or4ation e4o/ie/

in /i0cour0e. In co-erent tet it i0 clear -o2 0entence0 relate to 0entence0, an/

6aragra6-0 to 6aragra6-0 'ee46li37ing a 6oint 4a/e, countering a 6oint 4a/e,eten/ing a 6oint 4a/e, etc. Co-erence i0 -el6e/ 7 co-e0ion, ut o3ten a 2riter

a00u4e0 t-at t-e rea/er 2ill u0e 6articular a06ect0 o3 general 8no2le/ge an/ 8no2le/ge

o3 t-e 06eci3ic convention0 o3 certain 8in/0 o3 tet0 to 0u66l7 t-e nece00ar7 logical


In 0entence 'a aove, it i0 clear t-at t-e relation0-i6 et2een getting u6 late an/

-aving a uic8 rea83a0t i0 one o3 cau0e an/ e33ect. In 0entence ', t-e t2o 6art0 o3 t-e

0entence a66ear to e unrelate/ an/ it i0 /i33icult to in3er an7 connection. In t-i0

0entence t-ere i0 a 6role4 o3 co-erence.

T-e 0econ/ o3 t-e 0entence0 in 'c elo2 i0 gra44aticall7 0i4ilar to 0entence 'a aove.

Again it i0 6er3ectl7 co-erent. +o2ever, in t-i0 ca0e t-e relation0-i6 et2een t-e t2o

6art0 o3 t-e 0entence i0 not one o3 cau0e an/ e33ect ut o3 euivalence:ot- 6art0 o3 t-e0entence illu0trate an/ e6an/ t-e in3or4ation containe/ in t-e 6rece/ing 0entence!

c. I had a wonderful wee"end. :esterda' I got up late and had a leisurel' -rea"fast.

In ot- 0entence0 'a an/ 'c an/ 6rovi/e0 t-e co-e0ion. +o2ever, t-e relation0-i6 it

i46lie0 can e /erive/ onl7 t-roug- t-e contet an/ t-roug- 8no2le/ge 'in t-e0e ca0e0,

o3 conventional -u4an e-aviour 2-ic- t-e rea/er ring0 to ear in t-e act o3


;. 3oo" -ac" at the preceding paragraph in this tas". +efine the relationship -etween the

 paragraphs -eginning 6“Coherence” describes ! and "In the sentence #a$ above% !.

<. In writing 4nglish, which appears to present ore pro-les to 'our learners, cohesion or


=. 7ould this -e euall' true of the process of reading0


5. Writing to Learn, Functional Writing, Creative Writing

STEP 5.1!

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n'thing can go into a writing journal -ecause it is, uite sipl', a collection of e#er'thing soeone

wants to write down.

· jup starters ! snatches of con#ersation, radio*T> -its, -ill-oards, songs, pictures!!jot

down an'thing that stri"es 'ou as an interesting iage or idea

· record of o-ser#ations!!ph'sical or ental

· pro-le stateent and pro-le sol#ing· dialogues

· process anal'sis

· letters

· inter#iews %including conferences with teachers and discussions with peers(

· scenarios or cases %especiall' good for audience anal'sis(

· reflections on writing process!!uestions*pro-les*successes

STEP5.&! Free An02er0

STEP 5.(! Free An02er0

STEP 5.*!


2. ?articipants should -e a-le to identif' the pro-les with cohesion as these are the features which

a"e the language unnatural.

In text %a( there is a lot of unnecessar' repetition. The learner appears to ha#e pro-les in judging

how uch inforation the reader needs in order to percei#e the cohesi#e threads, and o#er!

copensates -' a#oiding su-ordination and the use of pronouns. /owe#er, he also appears to ha#e

difficult' in using conjunctions and*or ad#er-s to ar" soe of the cohesi#e relationships %6@'

landlad' is #er' "ind to e. She does not gi#e e por" to eat&(. This relationship of 6concession&

would norall' -e ar"ed through use of 6although& or 6howe#er&.

The writer of Text %-( has siilar difficulties, -ut additionall' has pro-les in operating the s'ste

of articles which would ena-le hi to ar" ore explicitl' inforation which is new, as opposed to

that which refers -ac" to soething alread' stated in the text %6a roof&!the roof, i.e. of this house$ 6attop of a house&!the house, i.e. ' landlad'&s house, in which I li#e(.

The text ight -e rewritten as follows)




 My landlady is an old woman% who is very kind to me. &owever% she

does not know that people in my country tend to eat a lot of pork% and

 so I am used to this. Conse'uently% she does not give me pork to eat.



 My landlady% Mrs Smiths% lives on the ground floor of a very old house.

 (lthough water comes through the roof when it rains% my room is dry

because it is not at the top.


8. ACohesion& refers to the explicit linguistic signalling of relationships within a text. These

relationships are coonl' signalled -')


· %Not onl' pronouns -ut also 6pro!#er-s& B I don&t li"e cheese -ut ' sister does$ and 6pro!

ad#er-s& B I ha#en&t -een to apan -ut ' sister went there last 'ear.(


· although, as well as, so -ecause


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· howe#er, nonetheless, furtherore, conseuentl'

Su-stituted nouns

· I li"e cats -ut ' sister can&t stand the animals.

Coparati#e fors

· I ha#e just seen a -ad accident, -ut the one I saw last 'ear was e#en worse.


· the, this, that, soe of the9. This is answered in the text itself.

;. The function of the second paragraph is to exeplif' the general point ade in the first paragraph,

 pro#iding exaples of 6successful& and 6unsuccessful& coherence.

<. lthough con#entions of organising parts of the texts #ar' according to culture to soe extent,

 people who can write coherentl' in their first language norall' ha#e the potential to transfer this

a-ilit' to the foreign language. Coherence is ore a uestion of logical thin"ing than of linguistic


?ro-les of coherence freuentl' ste fro an inadeuate coand of cohesi#e de#ices, howe#er.

s is iplicit in the answer to uestion 8 a-o#e, this 6coand& in#ol#es ore than just "nowledge

of the words. It also in#ol#es a coand of coplex sentence construction and the ultifarious

wa's of signalling definiteness in a text. Cohesion a' present particular pro-les to spea"ers of

non!4uropean languages as the s'stes of cohesion in 4uropean languages are relati#el' siilar.

=. Soe readers will use their "nowledge of the topic and their general "nowledge to percei#e

accurate logical connections e#en when the' cannot identif' the precise eaning or textual function

of soe of the cohesi#e de#ices. In reading, ignorance of cohesi#e de#ices is less li"el' to affect

coherence. Nonetheless, "nowledge of these greatl' facilitates reading s"ills.