Directors: Dean Barnes, Phil Bowyer, Rachel Bowyer, Jo Douwes, Barbara McLean, Ross Nevette Soul Action is registered as a charity in South Africa as NPO: 076–225 and PBO: 930 033 937. 50 Fundraising Ideas towards an excellent, affordable, and all-inclusive school www.gamechangers.school | [email protected]

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Page 1: 50 Fundraising Ideas - GAME CHANGERSgamechangers.school/.../2016/10/Fundraising-Ideas-Pack-1.pdf50 Fundraising Ideas towards an excellent, affordable, and all-inclusive school | school@soulaction.co.za

Directors: Dean Barnes, Phil Bowyer, Rachel Bowyer, Jo Douwes, Barbara McLean, Ross Nevette

Soul Action is registered as a charity in South Africa as NPO: 076–225 and PBO: 930 033 937.

50 Fundraising Ideas towards an excellent, affordable, and all-inclusive school

www.gamechangers.school | [email protected]

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Copyright © 2016 by Phil & Rachel Bowyer

All rights reserved. This pack or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner

whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief

quotations in a book review.

First Published in the Republic of South Africa, 2016.

Suite 214, Private Bag X0014, Ballito 4399, KwaZulu Natal. South Africa.

email: [email protected]

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If you are a parent and you would like your child to access quality education in South Africa you are

going to have to pay for it – if you’ve got more money, you have a better education (Dr Gallie, 2015).

South African schools are currently ranked 5 to 1, by government, based on the wealth of the

community in which they are located. Level 5 schools are generally located in the most well-resourced

communities, whereas Levels 1-3 are located in the economically poorest communities. Even though

more than 20 years have passed since the end of Apartheid, a system that segregated education by

race, Level 5 schools remain just over 60% ‘white’ whilst Level 1-3 schools are over 95% ‘black’ African.

With only about 2-5% of the South African population able to afford the fees required to attend the

country’s top schools, just over 90% of South Africa’s 11 million school aged children currently attend

low or non-fee paying government schools, where the quality of education children receive is low.

Children in the poorest schools are being taught half as much as children attending the wealthier,

former ‘white-only’ schools (3.5 hours teaching per day, compared to 6.5 hrs teaching per day).


Since Soul Action believes that every child, from every economic and racial background, deserves

equal opportunity to fulfil their God-given potential, we intend to overcome some of the current

barriers to an excellent, affordable, and inclusive / integrated education, in the following ways:

Excellence: multi-sensory teaching that caters for the whole child, when combined with strong

leadership, careful staff recruitment and ongoing personal development, leads to excellence

Affordable: a sliding scale for fees – based on each family’s household income – will mean every

child, regardless of their culture, race, wealth, will be able to access the school and its facilities

Inclusive: just as income linked fees opens up the possibility of greater integration, the school's

proximity to homes of families from different economic and racial backgrounds


Soul Action is offering you the opportunity to partner with us in making an excellent, affordable and

inclusive education a new reality, by pledging to raise £1000 as an individual, or by organising others.

This ideas pack will assist you as plan as many fundraising events as you require to reach your target

of £1000 by Christmas 2017. With all the funds in place Soul Action intends to acquire the equivalent

of five 4000m2 football (soccer) fields, each costing in the region of £72,000 GBP per field (R1.2m ZAR).


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Soul Action believes that high quality education increases the opportunities

that every child should have to make a positive contribution to society,

to have better job prospects and to have economic independence.

In contrast “...inequalities in terms of school quality can undermine efforts

to reduce earnings and income inequality” (Branson et al. 2012, p.12).

Research shows that, “If we provide a variety of pathways for learning to

occur, we are more likely to reach all students and each is more likely to

grasp the concept” (Knowledge to Action Guide, 2014). As well as a platform

to develop knowledge, understanding and skills, the classroom provides

opportunities to grow holistically, “…in wisdom, and in stature and in favour

with God and people” (Lk 2:52). Since all children learn differently, our multi-

sensory approach caters for visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners.

In response to South Africa’s current education system, which, “…dictates

that if you’ve got more money, you have a better education” (Dr Gallie,

2015), Soul Action proposes an approach where every child benefits from

better education, a new model where the standards are high for everyone,

because everyone pays the same percentage of their families’ income –

similar the principle of tithing that operates in many Christian churches.

Soul Action believes that South African children, from different economic,

cultural and racial backgrounds, learning side-by-side in a multicultural

school, from a young age, offers a catalyst towards a more integrated society.

As children have the opportunity to learn and understand about different

cultures together they can appreciate and develop a respect for each other.

Soul Action’s co-founder and director, Rachel Bowyer, has over 20 years

combined teaching experience, both in the UK and South African education

systems. She has a BEd Hons in Music and Mathematics, a Post Graduate

qualification to teach adults and children with Specific Learning Difficulties,

and a Distinction in Education at Masters level. In 2010 Rachel’s work with

non-fee paying government schools was recognised by JET when she received

a community Education Award for school-level programmes of excellence.




Inclusive &




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50 FUNDRAISING IDEAS Feel free to utilise the ideas contained within this pack directly, or to inspire you as you

consider, plan, publicise and host as many fundraising events as you require to reach your

target of £1000 in 2017. On behalf of Soul Action and South Africa’s children – thank you!

1. Aerobics-athon – organise a once off timed event or a regular weekly aerobics class,

with the goal of improving yours and others’ flexibility, muscular strength, cardio-

vascular fitness, and of course raising funds. You will need to think about a suitable

instructor, gym mats or flooring, music and space. Gather friends, get fit and raise £££’s

for the school by asking for a voluntary donation and / or seeking sponsorship.

2. Art and / or photographic exhibition – are you a budding artist or belong to an art club?

Or maybe you see yourself as more of an appreciator of art, but with the ability to

organise creative-types? Consider staging an exhibition, that either celebrates local

talent or highlights a certain theme. Given enough notice artists, designers or

photographers may wish to create new pieces. Be creative about how you raise funds,

for example, ask artists to donate works to sell or ask the public for a donation to enter.

3. Auction – some say that if you haven’t used something in the last six months you

probably don’t need it. Well, six months may not take into account the impact of

seasons on what we use or wear, but if you haven’t seen or picked something up in over

a year it is definitely time to let it go. Imagine what treasures lie dormant in your attic,

cupboards or under the bed, then multiple that by the number of colleagues or friends

you have, and you have a potential charity auction on your hands. Add some higher

value items, like donations from local companies, sports clubs, or expertise like advice

or training and you have an auction the whole community won’t want to miss out on.

4. Bag packing – if you know your fresh fruit and veg from your dairy, or even your breads

from your bottles and cans, why not consider visiting your local supermarket(s) and

asking if they would allow you and a team of willing volunteers to pack shoppers’ bags.

Speak to the store manager, explain

the vision and values behind the

school, and ask if they’d be willing to

support your fundraising efforts –

either in this way or maybe they will

even have other ideas on how to

raise £1000. Ask family and friends

to sponsor you per bag, or ask the

manager if they would be

comfortable in you asking for

donations from customers –

remembering that every little helps!

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5. Barbeque – spot a break in the weather and organise a bbq, barbie, or if you’re proudly

South African, a braai. In addition to steak and boerewors (sausage), homemade patties

(burgers) and pork bangers (sausages), South African side dishes include biltong,

butternut, chakalaka (spicy vegetable relish), cheesy garlic bread, braaied potatoes,

creamy potato gratin, mieliepap (maize porridge) and sweetcorn. Remember dietary

requirements such as gluten free, halal and vegan if you plan to invite the community.

Be bold, ask the local butcher or supermarket to donate food, consider whether asking

for donations for food or charging for each item will maximise your fundraising efforts.

6. Bike ride / cycle race – next time you’re thinking about a casual Sunday afternoon cycle,

don’t just ‘think bike’ but ‘think bigger’ by inviting your friends, family, colleagues or

wider community to join you in a sponsored cycle. Or perhaps you take your cycling

seriously and regularly compete in races – Mountain, Road or Single Speed – then, why

not put all that effort and energy to even better use by raising some £££s as you pedal!

7. Book club – have you or your colleagues, friends, neighbours ever considered forming

your own book club? Well 2017 is the ideal year to start! Things to consider include

which day / evening and time you’ll meet each month or week, the location and

atmosphere you want to create – especially how to include everyone and facilitate good

discussion – people’s passion and how that might influence whether you look for titles

amongst Critics Circle, Firecracker, Nebula and Hugo and Pulitzer prize winners, or where

the group has specific interests. Ask members for a donation each time you meet.

8. Book sale – what to do with all your books once they have been read? Why, a book sale,

of course! Put out a plea for book donations and set up a book stand or a book sale

outside your home or at your local community hall. Ask for donations per book / bag.

9. Bring and buy – exactly what it sounds like; you beg or borrow a space, badger people

you know to bring something they are willing to donate, broadcast it to the wider local

community, and before they leave you encourage them to buy a bargain and bag up with

more than they came with. It is sure to bring in a healthy profit for the school.

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10. Cake sale – bake as many cakes as you can, or better still get your colleagues, friends,

family to bake as many cakes as they can, and sell at a central location. You could even

turn it into a Bake-off type competition if you like, selling the winners (and losers) cakes

either to the highest bidder or suggest a donation. A cake sale can be an event all by

itself or it could be a stall as part of a bigger event celebrating local creativity and taste.

11. Car boot – clear out your attic, garage or spare room and drive whatever you haven’t

used for a while down to your local boot sale. Be prepared to get there really early and

don’t be surprised to find bargain hunters ready and waiting to root through your loot

even before you get chance to open your boot. If there aren’t any car boot sales locally,

speak to the local and relevant authorities about organising your own at your church,

school or the local community centre. Think about asking for a donation from every car.

12. Car wash – do you live on one of those streets that is blessed with parked cars, bumper

to bumper, on both sides? Well, sometimes fundraising involves spotting the

opportunities that present themselves nearest to you; so whether it is your neighbours,

teachers, supermarket shoppers, the office block or passers-by, you could literally clean

up by asking for donations or sponsorship to wash as many cars as you can in a

weekend. Explain what a good cause it is as people wait for their wash and polish.

13. Coffee morning – organise some quality Fairtrade beverages, biscuits or cakes, and

invite family and friends around for a cuppa and a chin wag. You could show the Game

Changers film, available at https://youtu.be/pRIu8A2szDs to stimulate educational

debate or facilitate a discussion on dreams. Either ask for donations there and then, or

perhaps some people will be inspired to organise their own year of events to raise funds.

14. Dancing – whether you see no harm in barn dancing or you’re strictly ballroom, organise

a sponsored dance-athon that raises funds by the hour, minute or per song. Or how

about a competition, with a panel of experts commenting and scoring, and maybe an

audience that donates funds for every vote they cast to keep people dancin’ or out.

Perhaps you’d prefer something a bit more social, if so, why not consider a ceilidh, rave

in the nave or a 70’s night, where you ask for donations from dancers on the door.

15. Dress down / up day – store away that school uniform, save the suit and ditch the posh

dress, in favour of your most colourful, outrageous or comfiest outfit. You could

organise a once off event where people donate to dress up or pare down, or consider

picking a day and push for a monthly or even weekly event. Imagine every Tuesday for

Trainers (Tekkies in South Africa), or Wellie Wednesday (gumboots in South Africa),

Thursday would become furs-day (choose your African animal print?), and Friday, in

preparation for the weekend, would have to be about the Football (soccer) shirts.

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16. Dinner party – invite your friends, family, neighbours to join you for dinner, asking them

to donate what they would expect to pay for the same meal at a local restaurant, or – if

you’re cooking with confidence – as much as they think the meal is worth. If you’d like

an African ‘flavour’ to your dinner party, see Idea 5 for inspiration on the different types

of food you could serve. If you’re feeling really adventurous, you could organise what is

known as a ‘safari’ dinner, where people travel to different homes for each course.

17. Dish washing – before the days of automatic dish washers there was such a thing as

washers of dishes, a communal tradition utilising H2O, soap suds and a second person

as a dryer-upper. In honour of what is fast becoming a lost art, why not offer to wash

the dishes every evening for a year and see what your parents will pay you in return; it

must be worth at least a £ a day! If you must use an automatic dish washer, you could

always offer to stack, empty and put away every day for a reasonable price of course.

18. Dog walking – ask around, see if your neighbours have hounds that need walking for

£££s on a regular basis. It’s a win win win: local pooches get exercised, you get exercise,

and as a result African school children get access to some quality cognitive exercise!

19. Easter – organise a supervised session for local children where they decorate, dye or

paint blown or hard boiled eggs. Ask each child’s parents for a financial donation and

keep your costs down by asking people to donate whatever equipment you may need.

20. Egg hunt – Ask colleagues, friends, family, or local businesses and shops, to donate foil

wrapped chocolate eggs of various sizes, or plastic eggs filled with sweets and treats.

Hide the eggs, in or out doors. Offer official collection baskets; for a donation of course.

21. Fashion – put your creative talent to the test and let the catwalk raise the rest by

inviting individuals with a creative flare – from your office, school or wider community

– to contribute to a fashion show. Be creative about how you raise awareness and

funds, e.g. approach local art and design students and commission designs that

highlight the value of education, or ask local designers to donate items to auction off.

Local boutiques could be invited to show their latest designs – for a donation or course,

or members of the pubic could donate on the door to see what’s hot on the high street.

22. Five-a-side football – challenge friends or local community groups like builders,

firefighters or shopkeepers, to a five-a-side tournament as part of a football fundraiser.

Teams could be sponsored by the number of goals, tackles, clean sheets. They could

simply pay to play and / or you could charge fans a fee to see. Who wouldn’t want to

make a substantial donation to see the local High School students take on the Teachers?

Just make sure you also have a team of medics, both to play and to patch up any injuries!

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23. Games night – cut the console, tie down the tablet and lock up the laptop for a once

off or monthly games night. Loan a load of board game and ask gamers for a donation

to enter your celebration of traditional games, such as backgammon, cards, checkers,

chess, Cluedo, Connect4, dominos, Monopoly, Operation, Pictionary, Risk, Scrabble,

Settlers, Uno, Yahtzee, to name a few. You could plan a single evening, one night a

month dedicated to a single game, or give people time to play multiple games by setting

up a circuit of games that take more or less the same length of time to play.

24. Garage sale – is your garage full of everything but the kitchen sink and the car? Do you

love to hoard, just in case it might be needed in the never near future? Well now it is

needed, but to sell rather than to use! Organise a single garage sale at your home, or

multiple garage sales the length and breadth of the street, if you want to go big big big!

Don't forget to advertise in the community using flyers, posters and maybe even a

newspaper article highlighting your efforts and the great cause you are cleaning up for.

25. Garden party – are you a keen gardener or know some green fingered guardians? It

doesn’t matter if your garden is large or small, square or round, secluded or surrounded,

a wide open space or a window box, you can raise funds for our school by asking the

public for donations to see your prized annuals, bulbs, fruits, perennials, roses, shrubs,

trees, or even your selection of house plants. Clotted cream, jam and scones are

optional extras, and who wouldn’t dip into their pocket for a glass of homemade

lemonade in summer heat or even a selection of hot teas to take the chill off.

26. Golf day – thinking of organising a charity Golf day? Well you’d better know your Better

balls (where pairs use their best score on each hole), from your Four balls (where 4

players compete in a round), or your Foursomes (where 2 players play against 2 others,

each pair hitting alternative shots with one ball), from your Scrambles (where a team

hits from the best position). Got it? Now all you need is a course of course, local

companies to donate prizes, and to sell green fees, plus other money making schemes

like ‘get out of bunker’ cards and try-that-shot-again cards (also known as mulligans).

27. Jam bull see – organise a sale of totally miscellaneous second-hand articles, yes, you’ve

got it: a jumble sale! Being jumbled is not compulsory, so whether you’re a touch OCD

or simply want to sell more, you could make things a whole lot easier by organising

donations into colours, sizes, themes and / or providing shelves, rails and tables. Given

the good cause you’re raising for; you could even explore an education theme by asking

your local school if you could organise a sale where parents can buy old school uniforms.

28. Karaoke – do you love a good sing song? Well if quality is what you’re after it might be

worth considering a musical recital (see Idea 32), rather than karaoke. But if you just

love listening to people as they try to sing, then grab your sequin jacket, get hold of a

microphone and a sound system, throw in a whole load of classic anthems and ballads,

and host a karaoke evening at your local church, club or pub. You could ask for a

donation at the door, or to sing, or even raise sponsorship for world’s longest karaoke.

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29. Knitting competition – why not challenge your friends, family or colleagues to learn how

to knit, or if you know enough competent knitters, ask them to find sponsors and knit

the world’s most collaborative, colourful, largest, longest, or unusual knitted thing ever.

There are a load of knittable fundraising options quite literally at your fingertips.

30. Light party – host an alternative October 31st party on the eve of the Christian feast of All

Hallows; the bit of the year Christian’s remember loved ones past, martyrs and

saints (hallows). Make it everything Halloween isn’t by including lots of light, or holding

the event indoors rather than knocking on doors, or honouring people’s gifts through a

talent show rather than tricks, or organising a treasure hunt as a treat. Add a disco –

silent or otherwise. Parents will be sure to donate to ensure their kids are safe.

31. Litter picking – organise a group of volunteers, and sponsorship, for a mass litter pick,

either on a specific day every week or commit to once a month for the whole year.

Whether you decide to get sponsored by the minutes you spend cleaning up or the

quantity you collect / recycle, it won’t be wasted, as not only will you raise money for a

school in South Africa, but the local environment will soon start to look better too.

32. Musical and / or poetry recital – do you appreciate prose, rhyme and sonnet, or maybe

play the cello, piano, or something less typical, then spread the word through flyers,

posters and / or radio, and invite the wider community to attend and participate. If a

variety of artists show an interest, you could organise a battle of the bands, or a festival

of literature, music and performance (also known as an Eisteddfod in Wales). Artists

could donate to play and / or the audience could make a donation to hear / see.

33. Online auction – if you’re not already one of the 25 million sellers using online auction

sites, like the one where Everyone Bids And You make money, then think about setting

up a profile and start selling what you no longer need. Alternatively ask friends or family

if they’re already members and see if they will sell your items and / or think about

donating a percentage of their sales to charity for a month or year if they feel generous.

34. Pampering – spoil yourself, your friends, and your loved ones by pampering them (for a

donation of course). What pampering feels and looks like is down to the individuals you

have in mind to invite, but it could include such things as facials, massages, nails,

chocolate Fairtrade fountains, craft beers, a movie night, a major sports final on the big

screen or wine tasting – it is all a matter of knowing your audience well enough, what

they love most, and what would make them feel most loved and left pampered.

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35. Pancake race – how many pancakes can you make, how high can you flip and for how

long, how far can you race or – best of all – how many can you eat? Challenge your

colleagues, school friends, family members, or even the whole street, to a pancakathon.

Whether you decide on a single event or go multiple – pan is Greek for ‘all’ after all –

you will need to consider whether it would be most profitable to ask for donations

towards entrance or to seek out sponsorship by the cake, flip, mile, or mouthful.

36. Parachute jump or sky diving – if there is ever a quick way to raise £1,000 in one go it

has to be by jumping out of a plane at 13,000 ft (4,000m), at speeds up to 120mph

(190km/h). Think about it, even if you are only sponsored £1 for every metre, you could

raise enough in a single jump to buy a whole penalty-box-sized worth of space for our

school. Organise a few friends to jump and you could be looking at half a fields worth!

37. Pets win prizes – plan a pet show in your community with categories that include best in

show, best bird, cat, dog, rabbit, or exotic pet. And what about the pet that is most like

its owner and the most obedient? Want to add an educational element, then consider

approaching local organisations like the Police or RSPCC or SPA to give a talk on pet care

and responsibility. Ask for donations for prizes and to enter.

38. Plant sale and / or garden question time – if you know people with green fingers, now

is the time to turn those relationships into a load of blooming cash, by enabling them to

showcase and offload their beautiful creations (for a donation). In addition, or as an

alternative, most keen gardeners will love and / or benefit from being on a panel or

being able to quiz a panel of horticultural experts. Invite the community along, suggest

a donation for entry / per question and get to the root of those tricky problems.

39. Present-free birthday, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day and / or Wedding – now this is a

hard one, because it means personal sacrifice rather than just expecting others to foot

the funding bill…have you considered offering your next potential gift givers the option

to donate what they would have spent on you to a greater cause, like establishing an

excellent, affordable and inclusive school in South Africa? It’s actually not that big a

sacrifice when you put it like that is it? Who wouldn’t go without, or have less, for one

year so others have the opportunity to access quality education for the next 15 years!

40. Present wrapping – skilled with scissors, sticky tape and strategic folding? Why not

approach your local shopping centre, retail park, toy store or mall and offer to wrap

purchased presents on key occasions like Christmas, Valentines, Mother’s and Father’s

Day? You may have to spend a bit on paper – although some stores might provide

resources for free, given the good cause that you’re wrapping for and the extra business

that you being present will no doubt encourage. Ask shoppers for donations per wrap.

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41. Quit something – can you ever imagine giving up biscuits, cakes or even caviar? Maybe

you know that you would benefit from a choc-a-block, but you haven’t had a good

enough reason. Well, don’t give up quite yet, first get your friends and family to sponsor

you by the day, week, month or year. You never know they might even join you and get

sponsored themselves; you could form a support group if it helps! In addition, why not

donate what you would have spent on luxury snacks, dining out, sports channels, or

whatever expensive leisure activities you’ve downgraded, for the whole of 2017?

42. Quiz night – whether you keep it general or go the specialist subject route in a

Mastermind kind of way, everyone loves a good quiz night. Hire a hall (for free), pitch

it to the local pub, stage it at school, or convert the church for the night – it doesn’t

matter as long as the location is accessible and you include a good mix of general

knowledge, sporting questions, trivia and things only a child would know. Suggest a

donation to enter, including enough to cover prizes and funds for the school, or maybe

you think bragging rights is enough motivation for some people to compete.

43. School reunion – love them or loathe them, a school reunion is either just an

opportunity to impress with stories of what and where long lost classmates and

playground adversaries have been up to beyond status updates, or it could be the

perfect place to raise awareness and ask for investment in the future of African school

children with donations towards an excellent, affordable and integrated school.

44. Sell yourself – well rather than ‘sell’ self, perhaps profiting from your expertise, talents

or time, is a better way to put it. Whether you are fluent in French, a master mechanic,

or music maestro, consider offering regular lessons, once off advice for a sizeable

donation, or auction off your time to the highest bidder. It is all for a good cause and

you would be using the resources that God has given you for the benefit of others.

45. Sponsored silence – keep ‘mum’ for 24 hours, or at least for a set number of hours,

either as a once off event or the same slot every week, alone or with others. Ask

colleagues, family or friends to sponsor you by the minute or hour.

46. Swimathon – what could be better than raising money by doing what you love most,

keeping fit, and being really really clean? You could ask people to sponsor you based

on the number of lengths you swim, the overall distance, or total time in the pool.

Perhaps you could convince a whole shoal of colleagues, family and friends to swim for

24 hours, maybe for longer, or for as far as you can, in a non-stop never ending relay?

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47. Talent contest – hold a contest to showcase your talent, your friends’ and / or their

families. Imagine a kind of ‘Your location’s got Talent’ as a one off event, or if you really

want to make the papers and get the town buzzing, go for once a month for the whole

year! Artists could donate to enter, you could suggest a donation at the door, or be

creative, e.g. ask the audience for a donation as they vote to keep acts in or out!

48. Theatrical production or school play – ‘sell’ tickets to your next school play and send

the proceeds to Soul Action’s school. If you’re part of a local drama group, you might

like to consider writing your own play, perhaps inspired by the themes excellence,

affordability and integration and perform it to an audience for a donation, highlighting

the issues and solution offered by Soul Action’s school. Alternatively, some local

theatres will block out performances, e.g. matinees or full dress rehearsals, and give

any profits from tickets sales to a good cause or charity. Approach your local theatres.

49. Treasure Hunt – think about organising a fun hunt for children and /or parents, or just

adults (with vehicles). Participants enter in teams (for a donation). You provide written

clues, drawings or close up pictures of famous local buildings, road signs, street

furniture, various local monuments, etc. Clues can either be strategically positioned on

route, or all handed out at the start in envelopes marked 1, 2, 3, etc. Start each team

with a different first clue so they’re not all looking for the same answer every time.

When a team finds a clue / place they could take photos of themselves and the answer

using their phone. The first team to return with all the clues / answers are the winners.

50. Walk, park run, fun run, Marathon (full or half) – did you know that over 70% of South

African children walk to school, college or university; in the Province of KwaZulu Natal

(where Soul Action is based) 40% walk more than 3km / 60 minutes. Since children in

the lowest income groups are more likely to walk than higher earners, our school will

be located to cut down on Kms, but for the purposes of fundraising we want you to max

out those sponsorable miles, and see how far people are prepared to go to make

excellent, affordable and inclusive education achievable for rich and poor children alike.

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A-Z OF FUNDRAISING As you begin to explore potential ideas and plan your fundraising initiative(s) it is always helpful to start by taking time to consider what you’re aiming to achieve, when, where, why, with whom & how.

A is for Aims

As one of Game Changers’ 360 fundraising individuals and / or groups it goes without saying that your primary aim is to raise funds towards your target of £1,000 and our target of £360,000. That said, perhaps you’d like to create something lasting in your church, community, office or local school, see this an opportunity to bring people together for something meaningful, or it’s just a once off event?

These Ideas also available to view online at http://gamechangers.school/category/fundraising-ideas, categorises 50 ideas as i) acts of service – where people, members of the general public, or the wider community benefit, ii) buying and / or selling initiatives, iii) home based initiatives, i.e. fundraising opportunities that takes place within the comfort of one’s own home, iv) community wide events, and finally v) various sponsored events. Some ideas will naturally fall into multiple categories.

Service Buy & Sell Home based Event Sponsored

B is for Budgeting

As you plan, make sure you have a clear budget in mind – or better still written down or saved to your computer – one which includes what you will have to spend and how much revenue you expect to be generated from things like entry fees, donations and / or sponsorship. Remember to build in a contingency for those unpredicted expenses! If you do have to cut back on spending in order to save and raise more money it will be important to refer back and to try and stay true to your original aims.

C is for Communication

If you want people to attend, buy tickets or even help out, they’ll obviously need to know exactly what will be happening, when, where and why. Whether you’re planning an initiative with colleagues, family, friends, school, or for the community, you’ll know the best way to get your message out there, but things to consider might include Facebook groups and twitter, local newspapers and radio, shop windows, church notices, staff noticeboard, school bulletins and / or assemblies. If you’re expecting an upfront commitment from people, whether that’s financial or just some assurance that they’ll be there, think about how you’re going to facilitate that – do people need to buy tickets or just sign up?

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D is for Donations

You may be surprised to hear that it is a good idea to avoid charging an attendance fee, for one thing it may impact the kind of licence required to host your initiative (see point G page 5 for information on licences and permission). Soul Action would prefer you to ask for voluntary donations to capitalise on Gift Aid tax relief (see page 14 for more information). Please ask sensitively and without coercion, and try not to avoid rattling tins or collection buckets – these may require a collecting licence.

E is for this calendar of Events

This document offers a selection of almost 60 events, celebrations, commemorations and occasions

which we think could provide opportunities to highlight and raise funds for the school. As you read

through Pages 6 – 14, you no doubt be aware of or familiar with some of the highlights we’ve picked

out, although you may not have thought of them as potential fundraising opportunities before.

Depending on your interests, relationships, resources and location, etc. we expect that you will be

aware of others, opportunities which you should feel free to use as you reach your target of £1,000.

F is for our Fundraising Ideas Pack

These Ideas are also available to view at http://gamechangers.school/category/fundraising-ideas

G is for Giftaid

Gift Aid can be claimed whenever a donor attending one of your fundraising initiatives is a UK

taxpayer; provided you take the time to capture their personal details on the forms that we have

included in Appendix II on Pages 18 and 19, or online at www.gamechangers.school/gift-aid. It is

important that all donor(s) complete their details clearly and in full; they are required to sign to say

they agree to our friends at Assemblies of God Incorporated treating as Gift Aid all qualifying gifts of

money they’ve made. For more detailed information on Maximising the Money, see Page 17.

H is for Hygiene

If you’re considering serving or selling food at any of your fundraising initiatives be aware that any

food supplied, sold or provided outside of the family / domestic setting is currently subject to EU food

law and must be safe to eat, regardless of whether the operation supplying or selling the food is doing

so to make a profit. Food must not be ‘injurious to health’ or ‘unfit for human consumption’. For

advice on providing food in a village hall or other community setting for volunteers and charity groups,

visit https://www.food.gov.uk/business-industry/caterers/food-hygiene/charity-community-groups

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I is for Insurance

If you and / or the organisation you represent already have existing household or other insurances it is worth double checking the policy before you plan your initiative to see what is and is not covered, or whether you require any extra insurance. If you are in any doubts about what insurance you might need, seek advice from the Association of British Insurers or charity brokers like Unity Insurance Services who will be able to offer you advice on Public Liability Cover to protect you and / or your organisation against claims for any injury to the public or damage to other people's property.

J is for Just Giving (tbc)

We are in the process of registering with Just Giving, the world’s leading online fundraising platform.

K is the prefix of ‘kilo’ from the Greek word khilioi, meaning thousands!

By agreeing to be one of the 360 individuals and / or groups committing to raise least £1k towards the

Game Changers total fundraising target of £360k you understand how vital your contribution is.

Although you may be convinced of this already, it is important that you communicate the reason

behind your fundraising to potential donors with clarity in as many creative ways as possible so that

they might begin to comprehend the impact of what may seem to them a small contribution to the

cause. For Christian audiences, why not make use of the Game Changers film, available to view at

https://youtu.be/pRIu8A2szDs. As you communicate the vision and values behind the school, you

might find some people are so inspired that they simply want to donate £1,000 – we’ve already had

this happen – or an individual may wish to host their own initiative & raise £1,000 – we’re already had

this happen too! Please encourage them to visit www.gamechangers.school for more information.

L is for Licences

To use certain public locations, you may require go-ahead from relevant authorities, for example, under the Licensing Act 2003 some events require a licence or a Temporary Event Notice (TEN), which can be obtained from your local authority. Permission must be obtained well in advance, and a copy of that permission must then be sent by you or the organiser to the local police as soon as possible.

M is for Music

If you plan to have live or recorded audio visuals, even in the background, you may need a licence. Contact PPL UK or PRS for Music for a license to play live or recorded music at public events. If your event is private, the performer or venue has the relevant licences, or you only use specially recorded copyright-free music, you may not need licences. If you’re concerned about whether or not you need licences, the easiest thing to do is not to use any audio visuals unless your initiative depends on it.

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N is for Notify

Please notify the Game Changers team with regards to any fundraising initiatives that you are planning beforehand – so we can keep track of what is going on and encourage others – and do keep us updated afterwards as to how your fundraising initiative went. To pledge and register visit www.gamechangers.school and click the Pledge and Event Registration page to keep us updated.

O is for keeping things Official

As well as pledging and officially registering your initiative(s) online, official sponsorship forms are also available to download at www.gamechangers.school and as part of the Appendix of this pack. For donations to qualify for GiftAid tax relief feel free to print multiply copies; it is very important to use these official forms and to encourage donors to take the time to sign and complete them properly.

P is for Public Safety

Although public safety rests with you as organiser, the owners of the land where you host your event, and the local authority – if the event takes place on a public road – you do have a responsibility to notify the ambulance service, fire, police or safety advisory group(s), and to incorporate any recommendations made by these services. Although the police have no, or at least limited, authority to approve or ban an event, or even regulate things such as traffic, they will intervene if they feel there is an imminent or likely threat to life. Throughout the event either yourself as event organiser, or your deputy, should be contactable and available to liaise with the police and / or safety advisory groups.

Q is for Quality

Although the main aim is try and raise as much funds as possible, we wouldn’t want you to do so at the expense of quality, one of our values is after all excellence (see Vision and Values - below). Please don’t feel you have to cut corners or skimp, especially if it means the possibility of endangering the public’s safety or damaging property in any way (see Safety – above, and Risk Assessments – below).

R is for Risk Assessments

As you focus on fun-draising during your planning it may be difficult to imagine a worst case scenario, like someone getting hurt or something getting damaged. Whilst it is impossible to plan for every eventuality, a good risk assessment beforehand will help to identify potential hazards, who might be harmed and how, evaluate risks and decide on preventative precautions. Some of the more obvious risks to consider include alcohol availability, bouncy castles, children running about, fireworks, large crowds, sports or other physical activities, or safety hazards at the venue (including outdoor events).

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S is for Small beginnings

With all this talk of Licences, Public Safety and Risk Assessments you may be wondering if the simple fundraising idea you had in mind measures up or will make any significant dent in the £1,000 we’ve asked you to raise, let alone the £360,000 we believe we need to raise. Well, the beauty of having a whole year to fundraise is that you can choose to make your initiative(s) as large or small and frequent as you like, from a big one off concert to a weekly coffee morning or book club. You can also team up with other fundraisers in your community, church and / or local schools to raise the £1,000 together. There is no limit to the number of initiatives you do or with whom you work to reach your target. Just as Zerubbabel, the leader tasked with rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem c.520 BC must have thought his task was insurmountable and / or overwhelming, take heart from God’s encouragement through His prophet Zechariah that, “It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit” (Zech 4:6). The apparent size of this task, and overcoming any difficulties ahead of you along the way, do not depend on your ingenuity, skill or strength, but on God – if you allow the Spirit to flow through you. As you prepare for your first fundraising initiative, or whenever you and / or others think you’re not making the progress you imagined you would, God says: “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin” (Zech 4:10, NIV). The temple was completed in c.516 BC.

T is for Teamwork

Rather than collaborate with a number of individuals to reach a target of £1,000 by Christmas 2017, you may feel that the size of your fundraising initiative(s) requires a team of people to pull if off. The makeup of this team will most likely be determined by the scale of the initiative & the skill set it requires.

If you find your team is growing to the extent that you feel like you are spending more time managing people at the expense of organising the actual initiative(s), it is probably worth considering breaking down into smaller sub teams with sub team leaders who reports back to you (as the overall project manager). It will be important to be clear about roles, responsibilities, who reports to who, and what decisions people can or can’t make. The key thing from a Game Changers point of view is that you make the most of what might turn out to be a whole year working together by having as much fun as possible, whilst as the same time raising awareness and funds for what is a great and worthy cause.

U is for Updates By submitting your pledge at http://gamechangers.school/pledge, along with each of the fundraising initiatives you’re planning to do thereafter, you and your fundraising team – if you have one – will benefit from receiving regular encouraging and informative updates from the Game Changers team.

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V is for Vision and Values Be sure to make the most of your fundraising opportunities by continually returning to, reflecting on,

and communicating the Game Changers vision for a new approach to schooling in South Africa.

Familiarise yourself with our dream for education, the stark contrasts within the current system, our

feasibility study amongst parents, and our values – all accessible at http://gamechangers.school

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the

hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15, NIV).

W is for Wisdom Never forget to always pray for wisdom, imagination and discernment as you plan, prepare and host your fundraising initiative(s). Prioritise time with God by yourself and whenever you gather your team.

X is for Xmas, or if you prefer ‘Christmas’ If Christmas is coming it means the year is almost over and your fundraising year is coming to a close. One last push over this period could enough to see you over the line or surpass your target for 2017

Y is for You On behalf of South Africa’s children, the Game Changers team wishes to thank YOU for a great year.

Z is for Zero If you’ve followed the advice above, there’s nothing more to do apart from see the funds flow in

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MAXIMISING THE MONEY Soul Action is looking to raise £360,000 GBP, and we think we can do so by partnering with 360

individuals and / or groups that each pledge to raise £1,000 GBP throughout the year in 2017.

Whilst we’re confident that God – through your efforts – can raise all of the funds, there is further

assistance available, which, with your help, could help us to surpass the total that we think we require.

For a small administration fee, Assemblies of God Incorporated (AoG) have agreed to collect, manage

and process whatever funds you raise on Soul Action’s behalf, which means the British Government

will add 25p to every £1 GBP donated by UK taxpayers – adding as much as £85,000 GBP to our total!

Gift Aid can be claimed provided the donor is a UK taxpayer and provided you take the time to capture

each individual’s full details on the forms that we’ve provided. Donor(s) also need to sign to say they

agree to Assemblies of God Incorporated treating as Gift Aid all qualifying gifts of money they’ve made.

Whilst Soul Action recognises not everyone donating to your fundraiser will be eligible for Gift Aid tax

relief, we think you’ll agree that it makes sense to make the most of the British Government

willingness to make a sizeable contribution to our school, when it is appropriate and ethical to do so. Not all acts of service, events, or sales will lend themselves to Gift Aid, but we would request that

wherever possible that you would make every effort, and encourage others to make every effort, to

ask people for a donation or sponsorship, rather than charging a fee for an event and / or goods. Overleaf we have provided specially designed forms – approved by Assemblies of God Incorporated –

which can be used to claim Gift Aid as people enter, donate, or sponsor your fundraising efforts.

All you need to do after your event, is collect all the funds, make sure they tally, transfer the funds to the AoG’s bank account below, and send your completed form(s) to the AoG Finance Department, at the Assemblies of God, National Ministry Centre, Retford Road, Mattersey, Doncaster, DN10 5HD.

Account: Assemblies of God Inc. World Ministries

Sort Code: 20-63-25

Account No. 10125830

Address: Barclays Bank, 2 High Street, Nottingham, NG1 2EN

Please include GCS-B6P if / when asked for a beneficiary reference by your bank AND where it is

possible, your Surname, Church or Group name; this way Soul Action and AoG can track and

allocate the funding appropriately – thanks in advance for taking time to ‘pile on those pounds’!

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Assemblies of God Incorporated is a company limited by guarantee (No. 2873415) registered in England, having its registered office at National Ministry Centre, Retford Road, Mattersey, Doncaster, DN10 5HD, and is also a registered charity (No. 1032245).

Name of Missionary / Organisation Receiving Donation: RACHEL BOWYER as co-director of SOUL ACTION PROJECT (B6P)

I want Assemblies of God Incorporated to treat as Gift Aid all qualifying gifts of money I have made from the date of this declaration and in the past four years. I am a UK taxpayer and

understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Donor’s Title AND Forename AND Surname

Address Post Code Amount per (specify km, hr, etc)

Total Amount Donor’s Signature Date

Notes: i) Please notify Assemblies of God Incorporated if you want to cancel this declaration; change your name and/or home address; no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and or capital gains tax, ii). Gift Aid is linked to basic rate tax,

currently 20%, which allows charities to reclaim 25p for every £1 donated, iii) If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HMRC to adjust your tax code, iv) If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, contact the AoG Finance Department (at the address below). Alternatively, ask your local tax office for leaflet IR113 Gift Aid, v). Under the Gift Aid Scheme there are restrictions on giving to a missionary who is a close relative (i.e. your child, grandchild, parent, grandparent, sibling or the spouse of any of these). If you are considering doing this, please check first.

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Gift Aid Declaration Name of Charity: Assemblies of God Incorporated

COMPLETE FORM & RETURN TO: AoG, National Ministry Centre, Mattersey Hall, Retford Road, Mattersey DN10 5HD

Your Details (Please complete in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS)

Title .................................. Surname ................................................................................................

Forename(s) .....................................................................................................................................

Address .............................................................................................................................................


.......................................................................................................... Post Code ..............................

Church or Group Name: ………...........................................................................................................

Missionary / Organisation Receiving Donation: RACHEL BOWYER as co-director of SOUL ACTION PROJECT (B6P)

I want Assemblies of God Incorporated to treat as Gift Aid all qualifying gifts of money I have made from the date of this declaration and in the past four years.

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year,

it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Donor’s Signature ........................................................................................ Date ............................... Notes:

1. Please notify Assemblies of God Incorporated if you:

Want to cancel this declaration;

Change your name and/or home address;

No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and or capital gains tax.

2. Gift Aid is linked to basic rate tax, currently 20%, which allows charities to reclaim 25p for every £1 donated.

3. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must

include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HMRC to adjust your tax code.

4. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, contact the AoG Finance Department (address

below). Alternatively, ask your local tax office for leaflet IR113 Gift Aid

5. Under the Gift Aid Scheme there are restrictions on giving to a missionary who is a close relative (i.e. your child, grandchild,

parent, grandparent, sibling or the spouse of any of these). If you are considering doing this, please check first.