50 Item Pharmacology Exam-Budek

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  • 8/14/2019 50 Item Pharmacology Exam-Budek


    50 item Pharmacology Exam

    50 item Pharmacology Exam

    1. A client with myasthenia gravisreports the occurrence of difficultychewing. The physician prescribespyridostigmine bromide (Mestinon) to

    increase muscle strength for thisactivity. The nurse instructs the clientto take the medication at what time,in relation to meals?

    a. after dinner daily when mostfatiguedb. before breakfast dailyc. as soon as arising in the morningd. thirty minutes before each meal

    2. A client is advised to take senna(Senokot) for the treatment ofconstipation asks the nurse how thismedication works. The nurse respondsknowing that it:

    a. accumulates water in the stool andincreases peristalsisb. stimulates the vagus nervec. coats the bowel walld. adds fiber and bulk to the stool

    3. A client is receiving heparin sodiumby continuous intravenous infusion.The nurse monitors the client forwhich adverse effect of this therapy?

    a. decreased blood pressureb. increased pulse ratec. ecchymosesd. tinnitus

    4. A client is being treated for acutecongestive heart failure (CHF) and theclients vital signs are as follows: BP85/50 mm Hg; pulse, 96 bpm;respirations, 26 cpm. The physicianprescribes digoxin (Lanoxin). Toevaluate a therapeutic effectivenessof this medication, the nurse wouldexpect which of the following changesin the clients vital signs?

    a. BP 85/50 mm Hg, pulse 60 bpm,respirations 26 cpmb. BP 98/60 mm Hg, pulse 80 bpm,respirations 24 cpmc. BP 130/70 mm Hg, pulse 104 bpm,respirations 20 cpmd. BP 110/40 mm Hg, 110 bpm,

    respirations 20 cpm

    5. Diazepam (Valium) is prescribed fora client with anxiety. The nurseinstructs the client to expect whichside effect?

    a. incoordinationb. coughc. tinnitusd. hypertension

    6. A client receives oxytocin (Pitocin)to induce labor. During theadministration of the oxytocin, it ismost important for the nurse tomonitor:

    a. urinary outputb. fetal heart ratec. central venous pressured. maternal blood glucose

    7. A clinic nurse is performingassessment on a client who is beingseen in the clinic for the first time.When asking about the clientsmedication history, the client tells thenurse that he takes nateglinide(Starlix). The nurse then questions theclient about the presence of whichdisorder that is treated with thismedication?

    a. hypothyroidismb. insomniac. type 2 diabetes mellitusd. renal failure

    8. A client who is taking rifampin(Rifadin) as part of the medicationregimen for the treatment oftuberculosis calls the clinic nurse and

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    reports that her urine is a red-orangecolor. The nurse tells the client to:

    a. come to the clinic to provide a urinesampleb. stop the medication until furtherinstructions are given by the physicianc. take the medication dose with an

    antacid to prevent this adverse effectd. expect a red-orange color in urine,feces, sweat, sputum, and tears as aharmless side effect

    9. A nurse is caring for a client with atracheostomy that has beendiagnosed with a respiratory infection.The client is receiving vancomycinhydrochloride (Vancocin) 500 mgintravenously every 12 hours. Which

    of the following would indicate to thenurse that the client is experiencingan adverse effect of the medication?

    a. decreased hearing acuityb. photophobiac. hypotensiond. bradycardia

    10. A nurse is caring for a client with adiagnosis of metastatic breastcarcinoma who is receiving tamoxifencitrate (Nolvadex) 10 mg orally twicedaily. Which of the following wouldindicate to the nurse that the client isexperiencing a side effect related tothe medication?

    a. hypetensionb. diarrheac. nose bleedsd. vaginal bleeding

    11. A client has just been given aprescription for diphenoxylate withatropine (Lomotil). The nurse teachesthe client which of the following aboutthe use of this medication?

    a. drooling may occur while taking thismedicationb. irritability may occur while taking

    this medicationc. this medication contains a habit-forming ingredientd. take the medication with a laxativeof choice

    12. A nurse is gathering data fromclient about the clients medication

    history and notes that the client istaking tolterodine tartrate (Detrol LA).The nurse determines that the client istaking the medication to treat whichdisorder?

    a. glaucomab. renal insufficiencyc. pyloric stenosisd. urinary frequency and urgency

    13. A client has an order to receivepsyllium (Metamucil) daily. The nurseadministers this medication with:

    a. a multivitamin and mineralsupplementb. a dose of an antacidc. applesauced. eight ounces of liquid

    14. A nurse is teaching a client takingcyclosporine (Sandimmune) afterrenal transplant about medicationinformation. The nurse tells the clientto be especially alert for:

    a. signs of infectionb. hypotensionc. weight lossd. hair loss

    15. A nurse reinforces dietaryinstruction for the client receivingspironolactone (Aldactone). Whichfood would the nurse instruct theclient to avoid while taking thismedication?

    a. crackersb. shrimpc. apricotsd. popcorn

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    16. Oral lactulose (Chronulac) isprescribed for the client with a hepaticdisorder and the nurse providesinstructions to the client regarding thismedication. Which statement by theclient indicates a need for furtherinstructions?

    a. I need to take the medication withwaterb. I need to increase fluid intakewhile taking the medicationc. I need to increase fiber in thedietd. I need to notify the physician ofnausea occurs

    17. A home care nurse provides

    instructions to a client taking digoxin(Lanoxin) 0.25 mg daily. Whichstatement by the client indcates aneed for further instructions?

    a. I will take my prescribed antacid ifI become nauseatedb. It is important to have my blooddrawn when prescribedc. I will check my pulse before I takemy medicationd. I will carry a medicationidentification card with me

    18. A client with anxiety disorder istaking buspirone (BuSpar) and tellsthe nurse that it is difficult to swallowthe tablets. The nurse tells the clientto:

    a. dissolve the tablet in a cup of coffeeb. crush the tablet before taking itc. call the physician for a change inmedicationd. mix the tablet uncrushed in custard

    19. A nurse is caring for a child withCHF provides instructions to theparents regarding the administrationof digoxin (Lanoxin). Which statementby the mother indicates a need forfurther instructions?

    a. If my child vomits after I give themedication, I will not repeat the doseb. I will check my childs pulse beforegiving the medicationc. I will check the dose of themedication with my husband before Igive the medication

    d. I will mix the medication withfood

    20. A nurse provides instructions to aclient who will begin an oralcontraceptives. Which statement bythe client indicates the need forfurther instructions?

    a. I will take one pill daily at the sametime every day

    b. I will not need to use an additionalbirth control method once I start thesepillsc. If I miss a pill I need to take it assoon as I rememberd. If I miss two pills I will take themboth as soon as I remember and I willtake two pills the next day also

    21. A nurse provides instructions to aclient taking clorazepate (Tranxene)for management of an anxietydisorder. The nurse tells the clientthat:

    a. drowsiness is a side effect thatusually disappears with continuedtherapyb. if dizziness occurs, call thephysicianc. smoking increases the effectivenessof the medicationd. if gastrointestinal disturbancesoccur, discontinue the medication

    22. A client with Parkinsons diseasehas begun therapy with levodopa (L-dopa). The nurse determines that theclient understands the action of themedication if the client verbalizes thatresults may not be apparent for:

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    a. 24 hoursb. Two to three daysc. One weekd. Two to three weeks

    23. A nurse in a physicians office isreviewing the results of a clientsphenytoin (Dilantin) level drawn that

    morning. The nurse determines thatthe client has a therapeutic drug levelif the clients result was:

    a. 3 mcg/mlb. 8 mcg/mlc. 15 mcg/mld. 24mcg/ml

    24. A nurse is caring for a client with agenitourinary tract infection receiving

    amoxicillin (Augmentin) 500 mg every8 hours. Which of the following wouldindicate to the nurse that the client isexperiencing an adverse effect relatedto the medication?a. hypertensionb. nauseac. headached. watery diarrhea25. A nurse is caring for a client withglaucoma who receives a daily dose ofacetazolamide (Diamox). Which of thefollowing would indicate to the nursethat the client is experiencing anadverse effect of the medication?

    a. constipationb. difficulty swallowingc. dark-colored urine and stoolsd. irritability

    26. A nurse is caring for a client with adiagnosis of meningitis who isreceiving amphotericin B (Fungizone)intravenously. Which of the followingwould indicate to the nurse that theclient is experiencing an adverseeffect related to the medication?

    a. nauseab. decreased urinary outputc. muscle weakness

    d. confusion

    27. A nurse has formulated a nursingdiagnosis of Disturbed Body Image fora client who is taking spironolactone(Aldactone). The nurse based thisdiagnosis on assessment of which sideeffect of the medication?

    a. edemab. weight gainc. excitabilityd. decreased libido

    28. A nurse is caring for the client witha history of mild heart failure who isreceiving diltiazem hydrochloride(Cardizem) for hypertension. Thenurse would assess the client for:

    a. bradycardiab. wheezingc. peripheral edema and weight gaind. apical pulse rate lower thanbaseline

    29. The wound of a client with anextensive burn injury is being treatedwith the application of silversulfadiazine (Silvadene). Whichsymptom would indicate to the nursethat the client is experiencing a sideeffect related to systemic absorption?

    a. pain at the wound siteb. burning and itching at the woundsitec. a localized rashd. photosensitivity

    30. A nurse is caring for a client with adiagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis whois receiving sulindac (Clinoril) 150 mgpo twice daily. Which finding wouldindicate to the nurse that the client isexperiencing a side effect related tothe medication?

    a. diarrheab. photophobiac. fever

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    d. tingling in the extremities

    31. The nurse notes that the client isreceiving filgrastim (Neupogen). Thenurse checks which of the following todetermine medication effectiveness?

    a. neutrophil count

    b. platelet countc. blood urea nitrogend. creatinine level

    32. A nurse is monitoring a client whois taking fluphenazine decanoate(Prolixin) for signs of leucopenia.Which finding indicates a sign of thisblood dyscrasia?

    a. blurred vision

    b. constipationc. sore throatd. dry mouth

    33. A nurse is administeringamphotericin B (Fungizone) to a clientintravenously to treat a fungalinfection. The nurse monitors theresult of which electrolyte studyduring therapy with this medication?a. sodiumb. potassiumc. calciumd. chloride34. A clinic nurse asks a client withdiabetes mellitus being seen in theclinic for the first time to list themedications that she is taking. Whichcombination of medications taken bythe client should the nurse report tothe physician?

    a. Acetohexamide (Dymelor) andtrimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole(Bactrim)b. Chlorpropamide (Diabenase) andamitriptyline (Elavil)c. Glyburide (DiaBeta) and Lanoxin(Digoxin)d. Tolbutamide (Orinase) andamoxicillin (Amoxil)

    35. A nurse is caring for a clientreceiving streptogramin (Synercid) byintravenous intermittent infusion forthe treatment of a bone infectiondevelops diarrhea. Which nursingaction would the nurse implement?

    a. administer an antidiarrheal agent

    b. notify the physicianc. discontinue the medicationd. monitor the clients temperature

    36. A client has been taking fosinopril(Monopril) for 2 months. The nursedetermines that the client is havingthe intended effects of therapy if thenurse notes which of the following?

    a. lowered BP

    b. lowered pulse ratec. increased WBCd. increased monocyte count

    37. A client is taking labetalol(Normodyne). The nurse monitors theclient for which frequent side effect ofthe medication?

    a. tachycardiab. impotencec. increased energy leveld. night blindness

    38. An older client has been usingcascara sagrada on a long-term basis.The nurse determines that whichlaboratory result is a result of the sideeffects of this medication?a. sodium 135 mEq/Lb. sodium 145 mEq/Lc. potassium 3.1 mEq/Ld. potassium 5.0 mEq/L

    39. A client has an order to beginshort-term therapy with enoxaparin(Lovenox). The nurse explains to theclient that this medication is beingordered to:

    a. dissolve urinary calculib. reduce the risk of deep vein

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    thrombosisc. relieve migraine headachesd. stop progression of multiplesclerosis

    40. Quinidine gluconate (Dura Quin) isprescribed for a client. The nursereviews the clients medical record,

    knowing that which of the following isa contraindication in the use of thismedication?

    a. complete atrioventricular (AV) blockb. muscle weaknessc. asthmad. infection

    41. A client has been takingbenzonatate (Tessalon) as ordered.

    The nurse tells the client that thismedication should do which of thefollowing?

    a. take away nausea and vomitingb. calm the persistent coughc. decrease anxiety leveld. increase comfort level

    42. Auranofin (Ridaura) is prescribedfor a client with rheumatoid arthritis,and the nurse monitors the client forsigns of an adverse effect related tothe medication. Which of the followingindicates an adverse effect?

    a. nauseab. diarrheac. anorexiad. proteinuria

    43. A nurse is providing instructions toa client regarding quinaprilhydrochloride (Accupril). The nursetells the client:

    a. to take the medication with foodonlyb. to rise slowly from a lying to asitting positionc. to discontinue the medication if

    nausea occursd. that a therapeutic effect will benoted immediatedly

    44. A female client tells the clinicnurse that her skin is very dry andirritated. Which product would thenurse suggest that the client apply to

    the dry skin?

    a. glycerin emollientb. aspercreamec. myoflexd. acetic acid solution

    45. A client with advanced cirrhosis ofthe liver is not tolerating protein well,as eveidenced by abnormal laboratoryvalues. The nurse anticipates that

    which of the following medications willbe prescribed for the client?

    a. lactulose (Chronulac)b. ethacrynic acid (Edecrin)c. folic acid (Folvite)d. thiamine (Vitamin B1)

    46. A nurse is planning dietarycounseling for the client takingtriamterene (Dyrenium). The nurseplans to include which of the followingin a list of foods that are acceptable?

    a. baked potatob. bananasc. orangesd. pears canned in water

    47. A client is taking famotidine(Pepcid) asks the home care nursewhat would be the best medication totake for a headache. The nurse tellsthe client that it would be best totake:

    a. aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid, ASA)b. ibuprofen (Motrin)c. acetaminophen (Tylenol)d. naproxen (Naprosyn)

    48. A nurse has taught a client taking

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    a xanthine bronchodilator aboutbeverages to avoid. The nursedetermines that the clientunderstands the information if theclient chooses which of the followingbeverages from the dietary menu?

    a. chocolate milk

    b. cranberry juicec. coffeed. cola

    49. A client with histoplasmosis has anorder for ketoconazole (Nizoral). Thenurse teaches the client to do which ofthe following while taking thismedication?

    a. take the medication on an empty

    stomachb. take the medication with an antacidc. avoid exposure to sunlightd. limit alcohol to 2 ounces per day

    50. A nurse is preparing the clientsmorning NPH insulin dose and noticesa clumpy precipitate inside the insulinvial. The nurse should:

    a. draw up and administer the doseb. shake the vial in an attempt todisperse the clumpsc. draw the dose from a new viald. warm the bottle under runningwater to dissolve the clump