.. .. .. ' 5/12/Z •8 TE}:P. - PLEASE RETURN THIS SCRIPT ·r o PRO DU C TION MANAGEP. WH E N P ICTU RE l!l CO i.1PL.C::T E D ro,rw iu 'l{eceived from Ste ;-; ogt·aphic Dept . 1 SCRIPT 5/ 12/38 Title 11 i.iWE LS ·:.rr~;i DI:.TY ?;.C:I:S 11 --- TEi':IP. Signed ________________ _

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5/12/Z •8

TE}:P. -


'l{eceived from Ste ;-;ogt·aphic Dept .


5/ 12/38 Title 11 i.iWE LS ·:.rr~;i DI:.TY ?;.C:I:S 11


Signed ________________ _

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\'1 ARRE!! DUPF -


Based on an Origina l by Rov,l and Brown

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" •• . • tho.t c..ftvr L-:ll , the fundumontu l problom i::; :'.1ot buihling isolated play ­e:rou!1cls for th e shun c hilclrcn ., bu t rootinG out the evil influences tha t r.w.k..., for r~lUl"."1.:J ••• destroying tho corruption t}Y ·.t r:nh1tr.irw the physicn l r:n~l ?:10r,~l f iJ . t h th'."'. t i::r-::i inherent i n t: 1,J ::;h:.ms; tl:. '.t th, r; imp~(}SSionr-..b l e boys v,ho hf'.v -..: s:lC!'l £'; bit t;:;r life to str •.rt ·;:i th • • • i..:rc further ombi ttc r cd and ,·,ncour t.[;c-~l to crime by tho 0 lo r i ­fi c d c x:,.rnpl0::; tho;.,.- :Joe in hic;h office , f L;cr:-;r.tl: ,' rli[-lOO•Jyinc the- lt:.'.'/ cmd f 1,-. , .. r 0 nt 7 ,_. ,.. ·!· t · in~ r"; •n 'T wi· th i· t 11

'-~ l..,. '"" -.t,J (.;, V .,., .i.(..) \.~1'~1. .. J ,'/ - •

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C H il R A C 'I' E R S

•/ , ,j"}' • ... ~ · 1-' .. :.;· •

,,:, .... I' . ;, , · . ,.· ,. •: ....

t · .\ .., ,. , f


~ - ,. ' ( ... ~

• • • . r .- • I •

ROCI:Y SULLIV,U • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J Al'.~ES C i.G NEY

ROCI~ SULLIVA !r {AS ;l BOY) • • • • • • • • • • JEi1!\Y C ONJillLLY • • • • • • • • • • I I t • • JER HY CO:!NELLY (AS it DOY) • • • • • • • • • L · u- · -, · · · ,.,. 11· ( · "' · "'o--~·,·, c· rn1 ) ·zt 1{i1 !" •• .i ,-.J.· .: .t!u H :t. l,1l J ., l • • • • • • •

LAUfU~ F2:i:HGUSO}! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J:d.II:S FI'{.ttZIETI , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I...-,~c Y:.EEFETI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • so:~rY



. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . ..

. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

RR.ilrond gun r ds o.ncl dc tcctlv 0 s - Rocky I r. f l<th or - mo.Gist. r £;to - slum k i ds - body ­gu~ r do - policemen - politici~ns - ed itors -ni 6ht - elub pr.-trons - l an dla-:ly - r cpo rt-. ;rs po l ice li uu t 0nc.nt - prison 0'1.1rircls - otc .

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1 . On C'.n EST.:.BLISl!IirG SHOT of [: slum st r ,::,:)·t in ·· crr.:!"'.t ;nr;:.:.'.r ic~n cl ty . Squ nlLl. t ~!1::;11~; r ,.tu ovc,r L nr!r::.' ov:, <1':.rk C~!nyon clutte r ed ~·.:j_th pu:..;h- c:-:l'ts , tb~ ju;;bl, :,cl t r r:sh ::.rn~ filtr. of broJ.:r.m box-:.:n , s: ·.r1Y-.C(.; [~n;l nlum chi l J rori ; c. tc;:;minc humc>.nl t7r s,·:i r linr- in [:n ,: :-.r ound. tho puuh ­c :.-.rts r-.:r.d s!wp~ , br .r c;:.-:ininc in c. tlczcn st r ~--.ncc t ont_;u cs for its r:;c'.~cr o s c r nps of -'.)xi stonco $ Pr cr.1 ~.,_ hun:1 r cd , rusty firo - e,scc.pcs , fly the b:-:nnGr~ of the slnr.s -- the p~:tch ccl shcc ts , the t orn V:.'.''.nhinG, the SOCCY r:1r. ttr .Js sos ::.~d. pillm-:z 1,Jut out t o ~i r .

SHOOTING Ti:nu thu ir on bt~rs of c. stocp r r.il inc , c.t tv, o :Jo~rn :i.s th e:; st~.nd cc. zin c L lly nt th(; busy l if e r.bou t t!1cr. . Th ey f,rc. bot~: t'.bout t:\:h~ s:-,_;1,., t:~c -- f ou rt co n or f if te em -- the sho rt .::r one r cC.- :1c:irc cl c.nd knovrn r.s itOCI'~ SULLI\' ,·~r - th e ot::. ~r , t i'.ll c::r' l'.rnl clc.rkhc.ircd , with the pr osc.ic nc:r.i~ 0f J:SRRY, both um~cmi-:-.bl:; of Iri ch cx ­trc.cti o!;,, s t::'.nc1inc t:louchi~c , h~nG.3 in po clrnts . Vic sense inr.1cdi~·.t 0 ly their Lo r cdo r.1 ~n :·. r0stlcssncss .

ROCKY: ( sp i ts vxp •:.n~tly - then ~4th"~ "i~ of ~ .1.~nrus t) • ..L. L._ - I..-"- ... ...l ..., t.:;.

Dond ~s u 1o nr - nc.il •.• t

JEHHY: (~ftc r c ~cd i t~tivc n~.usc)

Hov, ' bout sec in ' e>. picture , nocky ? They· cot r. r:oc,c1 on,:; eve r r., t the iH! ~.dc1'.'ly on rourtcc!'lth Str oo t •••

r:OCK"i: (nlthout r.mch int c.,r cst )

Y~ch ••• whr:t?

J: .:.'TIRY: Tho ' Covered W~[ nn 1 ••• it ' ~ b r cn d no~ . J ust coa a out .

!10CEY: Got c.ny douDh ?

JERRY: Ne • • • You cot r-.~PJ?


'i~ CCKY: (sh ortly)

A sl icht pc.u:::c .-:-.nd Rock :{ spits '.'.f ::-.in . J c rr~ · lo nks of f l:ml r cn ctu •

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2 . LOlJG SHOT ( l.sCYS I! 'J F .,G • )

Twn 7,-rcun:· schor l ;.•il'lo '.'.ppr o-:-.chin~ : , beth ~,b out thirt -:c n or f :-,'..lrt ::(,n . 'Ih-:: 7 c r.r1,~· scho c,11.Jo·~ts ; th ey nrc ~ppcrcnt -1:,r r-.;turnin:; frr:.r :, 11chcl0l .

JElmY : Sny , Roel~~-, ther e:' s Li~u r :,· !-.fart in c c-:·1l nc •, •

I!OCl~Y: ( l c~oki~c off - but clisr-ui:;cu his l n t: )ros t •.-•i.· t·1: ,. "h r u·~) ., ...... ""· LI l,

Sc· ~·,h r: t - - ?

o.s the c ir ls !)U.rn , v or J cc,nscin~s of th 0 bey s I pr ~8<.mce • l10ck: ,e [18Su::1,·.s the ~:ttitu,lc nrnl r.1r:nn0r of the usuc.l u ru [;-­s tor e c c,·,b, .~r t .n (: r c r1:'.r k~ to J orr y , loud en c-uch f or Lc-,ur c. t c h e:~r .

nocrY:" Th ~-:.t nin ' t :--. ~}r.c.1 lo~ 1kin ' l>lonclc ••• th e en~ in th o □iddlG •••

aa I~ury stops nnJ tur n o on Ro cky . Secr e t l y , she is pl <.;l"·.s0 cl r:i t:1 itocl -:y I s '.:'.tt cnti 0n , but s he pr e tends tc "!Jo inJicn::-.nt .

L,.1.URY: :ifov, clC'n1 t be t3<'- S!"1~:rt ~c.l c cky , n0cl~· Sulli v c:n .

i.lOClCY: ( [..ctin ~· t h :-; [: l o0f cd ult )

GG 0n , bo~t it , pic - tnila ••• ( t h0n , st ill r~ ct inc th o !>.L·- shot - t c Jerry )

s~-:,', l;.;t 1 s r.1O:' cli 0v,-;r t c ku rph y 1 s po o l - r oor:·, •

JEHTIY: (v:c·r ri:;G. - 1:1hi sp Grs qui ::;tly)

':i:h,.t BPi cl[;u Str c.,:_, t u~n:_· r:1ic !l.t se c w:; bc..fo r ..:: ·.-.,c r__:,~t in to Lu r phy 1s.


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4 ( Cont . )

5 .

7 .

HOCKY: ( l oud l~~ - for Lc.ur y ' :; b ..:~1of it)

T~· .t Bri( \- :; Str .:.,~. t :1ob ? ':Jl1,..:-' s ~·,r.rri cJ f'.1;,ut th.:..:r·:? Ju st l o t ' en tr y ~ cr.-1ct h in ' •

' ( s tc.rt s off ) C ~;MO r,:1 • • •

:w th c:r pc.:]~ t: ·.c :irls , i'k 1c~:;: sw:::~;l·c r s ;):,' but [:l:-;nccs nu t r f t !°LC c, r no r cf his cy;J t o s -::<.: t h.:, c ff ,Jct on Lr:ury .


1mm S HOT ,

o.t t he fc.r 0 nd of V!l"!.l c ~1 i s r. v c rt icc.. l sicn , r of'.din r :


L:UHPff.i' 1 S



n OCD: AND J S:nitY

ir 1 f .c , r1c1.l :·:ir. c . In S!)i t 0 c f thei r c1cfi::-.nt bcc. ri nc , it is e vident th~t both b oy o ~~c ~xc cc din c ly ~or ricc1 , f or thc ,y rc c.liz c th o~: !'.re ir. t !1c :.1:i.ds t 0f r:l i cn t c rr l t 0ry c Thc,i r smil-: ;s ::-~r e r t.:;c,ll y f crccc1 :::ncl th 07,- lrno p cr.stinc. \·1c.tchf'ul , ::1iclcl onc c l .:i.nccs c.11 r::)C'Ut th cr.i .

n;ED • S rt O'l'

F;OCYY: ( sno0rin c l-:,:)

Pr cb r ly c ,,t Y-lin(! ','lC r, : r e conin ' .'.".n::l r:0t c o l <l f oe t •..

( lu c u1)r icus l y ) .tic-po so •••


1:;hcr r, five: or Dix boys of r. nir. 1:i.l r.:r r.co r.r '.) e:nc r ca s;x1 CV•'.)!' c.. 'C.:!nnv er ~ p ['Ti('; . Suclclon l '\~ ,. s ....,.., 11 r r ("'" Ccl - J - . . . ti .... ; . . ..... ' ,...~.,c.,.. urc }~in rush e s up [!J1cl i nt,J rr upt !J t l1.:..,r.1,

( CON'i'Il ·TT.TED)

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8 .

Si'.'U1LL BOY: ( .JXcit :.;c:1:-,r)

He-;·, f : 11 :-,r s . \Inc cl 1yn thinlc 's c ;:;;:;in 1 • • • ? H c ouplc. rm c s f r on t h.:: D:'.'lc!c Str ~~-t ?:1ob •.. L

rlll rccct excited l y .

TaLL BOY: Whc'' s tho nu c s ?

SI.TALL BOY: T!-1,, t nocky Su ll i vc.n ~·.ncl his pn l 1 Jorr:r Connell~ : •

A1-TOT!mn BOY: Juat th0 tuc ~l on e ?

Si:::.LL BOY: Yo::.h ••• j n :::t t ho tw o .

THIHD BOY: Bo7 , oh Doy - oh boy ••• L Wait 1 11 WC • •, '

c10s:c s:rn'I1


Dirt y hc n~s Tiit h br oke~ fincor~ai ls p ic k u p bo ttles , . c t1.ns , pi e c es 0 f woo(1 fr c11"! th:: hur: p . OVEil SHOT c,r.:: he r.r d excit ed. c. !10. cx1.:.l t:_-,_!1t v ci c c;s c,f th0 hunte rs I p2.clc in c.nticip:J.tion , if t h:) pr ey , c.d l ibb inc .



th e ir - eyes nr v inc frorn oitlc t o si de , ~s they cast cnu ­ti0 us lo oks int 0 dnorw ~y u ~nd ~l loyc .

JEi1!lY : ( n .:-,rv cu~;ly )

Vfrt'.'.t c11:,,:-i. s r.:r , ii'.c ck~•? Let ' s run f or the !)Gcl - r :<: r.i •••

iJc~- c . • r.b on t •

:toe:::: (

, :-~ r,,1r.• ,..,f',•l,•r ) ._....,...., ... •\,,.I,,,._~ .L . .... Ll. .l. ,;

\Vh'.:'.t f L~:r•? i.:u ttin ' tc wo rry

( ,. .. •1 ,'t·"'"J- , . '"'- ·'•P'' "'"f <J'.).1..-.• - - ; J. . , 1J\., "J V \ .' .1,.

"1· rl,..,.1,,r, 1 1.-' 1-,. t ,·, . .. , , +-,. ,· r ) ...:> \.- v 4.... _J _ .. 1 J 1.. , t v . v v ,J

It 1 :.i r. lot nc:.,>.:!:' h .:.:r c in th e r_:utt cr. T~10~ .0 c r:r. ' t rlr op ~--b r lclc on ye:. froli1

( C O~:'l.1 ! NlIED)

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5 .

9 (Cent . )

10 •

11 .

12 ,l

13 ,

Sndcl.::ml: ,· t~1:.;;,· st ,}p nh -.·rt .

L01~G S::OT

~hc.:c~l ~-f th ~~r.1, □ l nv:17,r f.'.~ VC:!1Cin c , :~re fonr 0r five h 1~Gld . . n :--.r :1,Jcl 'ilith :.1Pttl e:8 :-•.n::'. stic.! :s .


~:;:chnn ~·:tnc u :trnif ic :--.nt 10::-,}:s. T:ioy i1wtinctivc l y turn :-.nd lo c}: r:;H•u t .

LO::fG s:r OT

Fi v e or si x c-.(.:,-~i ti0 nc. l e,n :::r.1ic.s , n:lriil::-.rly r.r nc(l , cu ttin c 0.f f t 11.:.lr r :Jt°-r or. t .

GiWlJP S;IO'.i:

TIOC!~-{: (l ic t; ·rcc r: :d .s t .:l0t }1. )

'.!:11cy I r u c:.~n; ·ln I u~:: • • • J ,.:;rr :; , v,c r: )ttr· . ;3crr~r1 ••• L


in th o 1:1.i.ds t ..... 1-' tl1 .::: nc.l co ... 1,•,~r ~•e:i.0un r:l li l:,:.1in c fr on tr:c: Br id :··1..., Str() (. t l~..--::)·.1.J.u1:1.s, vii th fJYl'.'":rlin ·· insu lts f r or.1 n(' CJ,-,,, 'J' , ,.,...1,·r \' 1]

0 t} ·J •1 ·i " le~" .. . J. .. ····ch 'i'"' 'I.-.;: vi· •1 ,· t·· ,c , ... r.i•,i c r - .. " • ...,.L, " , • • - • -t- .. , .... ,., ... .. , - V l ! <... • ! • ' .. - ...

tin e 0f it , v:1.Lilo n 0c1~-:t ic 1•,ci::::-1.': hc,.~:·1cl1 i r1 l)J thr..: o t hc rso

HGC!\:! : { S :::tC'. ;)G )

j[ \::=--, .J'-·-r1~~r, c1~r.!:lt: t }10 { ' :'JJ.[: "1 1.rcr ••• S l"L , t t:#.. • ••

t: c~ hone cn1 co t 1 111 h 0ltl cff th ese

Just thc: 1 t~t'l:1"::m1c c lC'l~t.s hir, r:v ·,:r t L-::, he;,.•_(\ r,i th r. stic k c.n~l 1tr ck/ ::::t·-.ci ·c:~•fi. I 21 ::. 7·:.·:·1.:.:Yt , J:.;rr~• is c.t llir; side , C.0f·o~·1cl i:1 · ~ ~1ir1 • . T()rr~,.. r1t~r ·L~_:~1 .n t. \, ,_._.!",.:0t ~ s tic]{ .f'ro1~ 0nc c-f tltc rt~i~- P .. : ., :>.!1'..:. : :~,tr\''! ~-':" • ..:r1 c !'J..' -.;-:i.th it , •,·1it:l;:ip,; r8 , t .c :·.rs .:;ly , t ;., hin hl c;-.:.(ti ~·1··· c.! :un .

• ••

Lot 1 ::; ~-o •••

( Co .,, .,T, .ll'T"D) .: , J. ..... ~, J,W

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1~. ( C;. n t • )

15 •

16 ,

17 .

•r~1.:::; Cl' '.'.~h t }trr -u~·h t L..:; ::.·:!.n" ,··f th0ir cncr .1ic:., ,;~c.l ~t: ·.rt :)r-.cL 1:..~;1,~, the c t'1 •..::-::, ·•. t th ::, ir hc::e;l~ •

M.i:D • SE0':1

;:-wci~Y: ( J.cfir.nt l y)

c ... -~·10 -.-:-:·1, y :: nucs • • •

\'JIP:.r; '.i'C:


I.'illD • S ~W'.r

T: ~LL BOY: Don ' t lJt ' ~'-t nonlc,.:.::; f oc ,l yn •P

'I'}1J;,.;- :~• t. t :·::..-:J.r ~.1c:.i l1i· .lin t sc,::10-pl:.-:co j nr: t t l c-1..·,t ,.ls •

H0cl-::;.r tck:,:., J·c..rr y 1 f.: stiel-: ~·:n~·: hurls it r.t then . They cluck t: ·1:.; sticl: !.:,f cU s::i.pp(;c-.r inr "'-r -~un.1. t he c n rncr ,

18 • TVJO SI~O?

'i, OCJ :-.:.": Sr::,· , ~-:. :·c·t J :..;l",r:::--• • •

t ·.,~ cu:t; i.'r~ ~··r 11.;.r C:";)'0 1

Ove r ,J.:;rry 1 c r:I. •·1·:t < >"~'.; re':' i:-;::. c··.0h , ;..·l c:,::rlin : · sllr_-!1t l y . J-::rr:r puts u !' }i i:..; ],:~.:---,:..~ . .l.'°;'.jtin cti.v c J.:;; t c, .fu-.;l it ,

( co;'THJilED )

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7 .

18 (Gent . )

19 .

20 .

Jl~ll!lY: Is it bl( :ccli!1 1 ::,uch ?

( cC"'r.:i!1~· clo~c : to e::..:c.n in c it)

Ne • • • it ::-.i~1• t c .. 00p • . I it 1 s just (.ip.:mcd up . Dut ;I ·:111 r~i i ~!-"'1t no,:;c.1 otitchcs .

JE:mY : N0 t ac ••• I c~n 1t at~n0 1c~ •••

EOCl:Y : T:!-1v:" don ' t h:·1:i.t rmch . I [" C,t tv:cnty -t:.l.I' CC ~ll r.t ;~no tine onct .

JEi\I~Y : 1 111 just uc~h it 0u t •••

HOCI-:Y: T:i-.. ;rc ' ,~ :'.r1 t.:1.c tr-::cks

C'Ut!:::i, J0 f'c.uc c t dc-,wn noc.r •••

Olcc~~r •••


with t:1(.; t·, 1c !jC ?:J :tr: tlt_:-; 1:-, ::., t:H.11:in : · their wt,-:;· ove;r tl1 0 tr::cl~s c~rr~. r c,ilc . Lon~~ ~?:'.:'.5.n3 t' f :"'re i [."J1t - c~1,s c:.rc st, :._ndin ~: r·.c t~l ~nlcss en the tr:.ck .

Ti11TCY.: SlIO'I'

r~a tl~o:y v:~11< r~lor1:.:, ~ oc-~(:tr-J · t ~-:.; st c r1cilc ;cl n~ncn o~L tho cr.trs •

21 . E;SE:1.TS :

11 C}·:ES:1P!•:_;1I-Z ,·1: :D O~:l 0 11

"T;~J(/~S ;1~~! i :30C-1TT!- ':iii;S~El~!\Jtt If CJ.;:,',D I.i1~_;·- f' ."1C U'I C ti

11 r Le~ rn; •.. s:;.: .. :d iOXrn 11

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22 .

(") ''l ,..,,.,i.

CL OS!:: S i: 0'l' ( i.!OVI"JG)

r,f th ... ~,.; · :1- ·_:.-;, ~-::, tho: ,- tr.to ir i_ t1~,;; r.c.r, ;:,3 tL'.~1t 1,Jl-:-.c,:.s ·:,1th vli ·_:,:;- -:::;y·-~u l o:-1:· in :: •

,. f' , .... t he :li :J-

-.:,,.~...--.. ' . ...__ .... , •...

iWCl~·,- : Srq , r.~:y:;..., thi~ vtin t -:,r \' JO r.1il:ht h np o!'lo :•f t !1er. f~:·0ichts (-;_·::-·.-m t c. I'lo ridr, •••

,TEimY : (·-:1it1: n,nc :or)

1'h0:,- sr.;/ :,·0u c r:n r,c s •:,inr:iin ' t he r e eve n i :1 J nnur.:ry .

HOCI~.t : Sure , •• \·•0 c 0nlC. (~ -✓01: hnp ~·.11 the wr..j' '..;o Cr'.lifor-J :t: ·. , if ·nc v!f:n tcd •••

r·w c l'~Y' s V OlCE : ( ovr:::i i;ccnc )

Tc-0 1x .d. i t ~~in l t \'!int ( r ... 1.·1c c ou ld ~--r c.b Cl C (ll :i.: 1 .:-'. ~:~c s c,f th:.t C ,"'!".l •••

Th 0 t: -:lj t~C(..7:t f r c-i.:::ht c ··.:i..~ ~;-;·--~s th-, st c :ic J.l o:l in sc r ip ­ti r1n, r u.r .an £ ;:

11EVi~i:~~Ti.tI'.t il' :l"O'.;: !'i, '1I::·: Pi ~J! co . " ·r ~~-1~ ~ TL'' Oi~D 1 C OJ·J;, •

c; 1i:!Zill1 _:OL:DS ~"L t: 1i ;.; ".ll~~ PULLS ~:1CI: 'TO incl uc1c b'"'y 0 , wh0 ~1~~v, .. st,\.)I)!i,:.<t \"iC-~l,::i I:! · • i~c•cJ::1 :Le ~1:c r,.~):-:'1 .. 1t s!1='.1~1:,l J" ~nc1 t h\..,r. c ::."',:;::;:, ·~3 t ,., tl 1c p[.-·:_:L0c)~-::~: ::0,....1~n :·f tl :o fre:i rh t ; ,Jc r r 1· :,.t ~1l0 ::::i·lo . it·--c:;::,' f:' . r;;· ~r: ; t~o lf'c1-: f 0r :--.n in ­s v . nt , t!1 ,.:.~ pc.·•,:!'U ir..t:· tl · c ~.nt , rim" , th r o.~, ·h th o e rr.ck of th ,; .:'.nor .

( vrh i:.; )'it. r s ) It I s lo-:-.(~cc": f· .. J.l r:f cr·.c<.::3 ••• Fountnin ~~n~ L Eun ·:.r :1..::, --:f ' :.;.1L

( t !·1 ... i , 1.:lt: , c: j .. r J~ of l Li.s ~1<..,:-.· : r,~· tl :~ };:-.clloc1: )

'.k. c, .... ~!l rl .. r .:::L v ,- t 0 1 :: l ock 0 -::zy • • •

J ",,: ,-,~ ....... - J~ \.JI. ..:. •

( ..... n··i " •· ,-1· ·) '- .... - \ ....... ._, ... ·· ;-:r::·~--. ,-.,~ ;,}·, -1.1.J..·'. 11 ~; , ;~!·ci -::/ •.. -.;1c {'.cn t t 11: cQ. t~-!C!:.C- :·'~.:·1s •~• It · ~_i1:1t li ~:c uto r~l -­i?~' ~· :! .l t .. l!·e,:;JJ Y't ·.r!- ·i •••

( CO!:T il iUED)

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26 ,

27 .

28 .

~~ oc 1 'J." : ( 8c ::.-r: 1ft:l l: / )

1.'b c :-: n s c J. l ' or!, c :"' n ' t ·.n: ? ( , :$ J .;r1·J h a sit ~·.t0s - r'l r- ,·1J' Yl , ·,-,t; 1•.-)

'- .. . . . .. -... - ~ '"'

C ~-

Li st en ••• r1h:·. t 1•·:.; d en r t t r.kc ••• we t:'.i n r t co t . 1'1,..,r.vy Ll: ik c

Cc1?' lC 0:1 , l 0 t ' s i'i!1d n t i. bu;;t t l1".t leek 0pon •••


•:111.::ro v:(; s ,>:) n0cl:~; o.'·1~.1 J 0rr:· in -..:.hl- dr:rknos s ., g tr .1;c~in~: o v0r ~: t;r r.!.:-m-1 c :w 0 C'f .f:'C't,nt:.1.:-! :, -.)J!..; , ::;tu.fi'i :\· 2.nj cr ~,n­uin:· hr.n:..1.fuls ,:·f f c-unt.~ir, ~)-.;;-.:.: intG tn.:,i r yil°-.r.l :ct s , c~ p ~ ~::~~'-t !:ci r ch:1.rt s . , On l: ." c.. n :,rr0 •:1 s i".rcr-.l: ,_,f 1 :i.ch t from tl ·,c (~nc r cr.:-.cl : f ~lls un t:10:---:.

"itOCEY : ( (JAC .i. tC'r.ll;' )

Goe • •• y_:.:, ~;t:.~1 s ;)ll ' er·! .,!n ~:.r f •~r ~ n ~.c1·:.::l ::·. ~..,:i.0co , ·:_.·•v::;. i.n. f rc 1n t cf the t. c.:}·.D:::l ~ '2 ·, ..... r -:,:.-! ... 1,,.:"..7-' 11 :.,uy ' 0 !'1 e We ' 11 c1 ; __ ~ f~~ U l ' 1

CFi' TO :

i-,;ovI~·r(r s::o~ 0 ~ :if .11 (1_ \'i "'..tC~1r1r. ~·, , n t .1·0 llj . l"!f; j~; ,~;1 111.1t: t . !IC l)C'(;r s ;_,1n.1 .. :.:" tr t~ir1s , lvc J:i ·.,1 f~'! ." t~ "'~:!!Jj_)C.t;!>C I'8 • S11.c.l110:1ly h •.1 o~c :::s J ",_,,rt ·c.8 ~-.o : vc r .'L~ ·r[; ~- vc i,:::c. 7[.,; r:t ti ccs the 1.;r ,, 1wn p::--. .Jlc '-c l: C'!'l "::1 :. f =·i.1.~t::-.in- :.-;on f :r>0irh t c r.r . Ho ~)lov;s ::-. vrh::.Gtl o ~r.. l r;tr.n.~~ r.t ti1.:, fr: ;ich t - (c'c r , his clu: ) ro i~ o(. t ~· stri :~..::.


l• ' 1" 1' •• -. 1~ y,, ' -', . . 1--t C ,. l' J.~. l"' t . ' : Z 1• '· ·._· ,· ··,,·-\ 71 . . ··. ':1-, ·.·1_,, .l..,t • .J -.) • I,\._• • •~ •• , • • ' •• , • - - V - • 1

L O:-:G Si:OT Gli,Ll .. D I. : l: . f,;.

'"" l"'\!""l '" · '-"""'. · "'-'

!-:~D. S:iCT

( _.., ,.... -· . ..... --~'

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10 .

28 ( Onnt . )

30 .

intc th ::; tl:--.rlclcss . Tb,·) tr,;- bn: ~·s .,r ,.: cri~·~cinr 10,·1, bc,­hirK~ r. 1)i]. o ,""1,... cr~~"";s •


GtI .... :-;DS ' VOIC:C:S; ( ,...,l 1 ,;,h 1'1··r· ) ... ~L - . ,~~ • Lu

Juat ~ c0upln kids • . • I hunrtl ' en ••• C0nc on outc th0r0 ••• l Y~l~ I"10C'<.lltlr.1s o..in t t [~l'"'nnr. cit c.1.~"·f .. )T t his tine ••• ,

iWCI-2{ : (v~1is pora dotc r ~incd ly)

;·1c ::cttc ~ r1~J{o ,~ br.:--~l: f or it , Jerry • • • ri<'.. ·ht nc•n •


Gu r.r cls still r.c1 li:: 1;in;; , sh.'.'\ntir!.:_: \'l:--.rnin ;;n f~r the lJcy s tc, cc-me ;:--u.t , ·,ill on ~-n~c'.dc1.1ly ·i:r10 uli1.: f (;r ns l ot:p c-u t ove r t !10 ::-icr::!.s c f i.l' !C .s-::-.:·:rtl ()cJ. i u :·.rc1s f'.nt', ru n fc ,r c~cr.r life , t 11 0 v1::-.tc hr:01, h~ r cl en t 11~.i1· h0,:;ls •


LOiiG SIIO'.i'

ns r. c,ck :- r.n-1 J or r :,• r~c o :--1:··:~:J:y fr :::·1 nrouu d o.. ccrnc r to ­•.11r~.rc1 c, ·d<:Si~A, f c ll cmccl clOE1cl y 1,y tl~,-; ::;:;:1::-utinc r:'.i lr o1:1.d ,::u :-:rc1..s, v:l'.;c) hr .v.:; ;),:;.:..:n j ('::.n u-~1 L•:' t . unif,~ 1r•r:10d pcliccnn n . Jc~"ry is in t ~·'..0 l e:·.(~, ·::::. tJ ·. ~:,,ck;.· just behi nd hin •

( pc-.nt:Lnr ·) T11c c.ll c·:,r ••• t bc !::.ck vn:y ••• to t b:. l1i r.locut •

J err y t urns nu Cldonl·:r ~0.nt ~1.:-:rts into ~ n cr,rb:,' .:-.ll cy , i1·:-clq r.ft c r hin r.n et tl ·1-vir l.\1.G'.:.n.L:rs r .. f....,,.-., dozcY-1 y r'..r d.s behind .

VII p::; 'l' 0 :

31 . rlLLEY

c.s J ..:::rr:.' o.r,J I> cJ:-;r !' :." . ..:!0 V . tl: (: f ,✓ :· 1eo r~t c:10 end c•f it • J e;rr:{ jur:1p8 ~.E.l. iJ:.1lls hi;•;; ~li' n~.•, ju ~t r .s n0ck:y r 0 r~chos it c.n :l th e jX,1.ico .:-:n.~ ( ·u::-.r(.;.D o: , t,.r L:8 r.lloy •

( Co~·.("'1 TT-;Ti'Ti'D) J.1 ·- -• l,) --'

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11 •

61 (C en t . )

,_. ') V<, t

JE!tir~~: ( {'..,., ,·-. ~ •L,-l')' • ,,,-(' ._.tl" _fr,1·1cc) ... _ .. , • .1· .,._ ... . '\., -

Cr'• !<.J er'! , Ecck/ - junp .

I.'Il~D. S!IOT

i.t·_,cl: y l'1:.-J{c .s [: rfild l c r;p , cr.tcr:'-:s th e tcp en c'. is ju:.;t d r ,·,v,inc hir .,3olf u•) v.rh on ut r c-n:: h~.nth~ :Juiz c his l e:~:s r:nd. pull hi~ .-: ~:'.( \·m •


C. s J (; l ' r: .. - l")ll E;l·1.:-; [i ,:-).. :Y\:/~ ·• t: ... ··,·1'"' ~~11u:.- st u j. }S ~.l'l ~1. 11 urr i CG !)C' .. D t c,x. 1- : •i;rn , ::;tnrr. ~_c r c-cn:-J, 0lc! f'11rni tu r o .--;n:-; r.1'.·. ttr-:.:ssos , thron r:h th ,:; murLy c:.~.rk n -.rnf : t -::-th e :Jo il cr r oo n .

c.s lT.::rr~" 0 r1t.cr:.i . r.rhc r :,; :~.l'c ~: nu n:·;:..::r r,f c'.irt:; t 1 oxoo nnd oniC'n -.<:01:~,t s Y.':b.lc11 t:;~. ~, ... ,...~ :·.s ,'Jcr .. ts; c. r~;:-J:~ - sl1ift tr~1Jlc nut :f \ ;, ;-:- v, .. : .. ' ~·: ; ::;r,:·; ,~, ;:;t c--l cn l: ·.1,tc r r.s ·:n: ·t n t l1.,.-r junk C."_•~·.inot t.1'1~ ~)~·c]:(,. .. 1~()lll'l'_"' .. . ~1' t11c r;tc :r.11 ;j ~il v r's, 1~i11c3 (~ncl ,'·i,•.t ,:.r - tt~11h:n.

Jcrr ':·," li :··1-~t.:; ~~~:.0 :~j~ t~·::.: l :·.r.tc1,!18 ~!·1(L ~l ts ::c \1n 0r~ :'. bo x to c'.·:tch };is :l2.~-~:-.th . Aft •.1I' :-.. .:.~-. :··:,:,~1t, h...; toccr1uJ norriod c .. 1Jc,L:t !ll·:·r:l~·:r -- l: i.::; ,. ): _lJi"l•::.:; :) i'"':-t i LJ .': t'J c·f ccnc0rn c.s ho \::':-•. it.:J i1:1~·:.·.ti~ ~· .. t1: ~· i\ ·I'' 1-J.:i_~ J1c1.l .

Inc . r.-::::-,-1.:.•r'.t he., :.;r1 _ _-•1t e:n:-.i it:-- ,· .. , h-:: :··tl: rr3 qu ic]: fnc 't 8tcp3 c.n:1 t\..:!~sc~.; :-.s i;li..~:;>- c.. ~10 cl n !>•:-~ .

-T-i·, ;- ·\':"" • ,j _.J ,.. .__ l- . •

( . ,,1-, J11 ,.... , - -, 'Y'l ,. i· ,.. ..-,.. • -:i r ··, ~

•,. __ ·'-' .! J~.,J. t...J J ... .I.• •• .... _..;;... l,; ..✓ -

t:l.o:::. c: th e :. j_· :'rc,~.c:7in[: (' C ,I, , •• " • c, ) 1.) l l , . l ' o.)

l C:_; c ~ .::: ? 'ii21.:. t ~,-1~·-u.?

3~t c: ~;~_1r~11 .~.r ~) \, ... ,:·/' f . ~)r •:, _:"' .. :'!3 , V!\~:·.r :Li.'! r. r r.r~:·01} 3\"TCc.tcr 1~!1 1c11 t c"; •. 1)1 :: f c~r- .l1:i.~.:.

( c .::c:'Lt-.·.U:·) T} 10 ~- c :-.1.1. :~--t. :·~j_~ , t.T c.1"l r~ .. -1 :~ ,..,l:! ~: . •••

c.t i."1l ·..__.·r ••• Jut •••

" .. 1

'J.11',~:,• C 0 l"' S : 0t

t:· ff t c t!1c

"~ :-J J er r~l ' ~3 r; x~···r c ~, o i "~r: ~_; 1-._! 'r.' 3 s l1c,cJ:. :.: ! ·~ ~1. j) C'. i! 1oc1 cii tJ t:~) ;~ 0 i nt -1:-; ,.;n t -

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12 .


35 ,. nrnERT :

Sign at the entrance of an olc. red brick bui l ding , read ­ing:

-S , P . C. C. Detention Building

for Delinquent Boys


as Rocky , led by an elderly uniformed attendant , le ads the way to r, door bearin[.; the legend: flVisitors ' Room".



38 .

a.s Rocky cnter•s , looks around and sees Jerry \·1::1.i tin3 for him . The Visitors ' Room is a lnrco roon , containing chalrs and s:r.~111 tr.bl es ..-ill s.ro1~!1.d. the w~~.ll s, with noth ­in g in the center . Another uniforDed nttepdant stands at gu1:,.rcl, · gazlng out of n windo\'.r v,hilo sn~o~dng o. pipe .

There are Ll. r..umber of visitors , among whon is a plump ner-.:;ress tulki11 ,::. volubly to her son . At !.mother table , an Ita li o.n :father ~nd mother vii th their son , the mothe r tenrful and sobbins; the f~tbBr clGd in his brick - layer ' s clothes ; and o·che:::· t~•pi C £tl ch[lrac ter~ .

Over Jerry ' s right eyebro,·{ is a str ip of adhesive tap e protecting the cut.


as Rocky creets Jer~y e&gorly ,

ROC?CY: (v!i t h Cl t':,rin)

Ei ' ya , Jerry •••

J:2:RRY: (worriecny)

All right . How they tre ntin ' yn , Rocky?

( cor-:1rINUED)

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38 (Gant . ) ROCK'I:

Lilrn r. prin ce . :1hree squ.u.r e mec,l s r.. dc.-a· ••• real butt01~ or1 t.I'-.e bre ad ••• ·\ott:: lif e ! You com:i.n' to n:y trial to~nor r ow... ?

Jerry ' s f&ce clouds . He loo ka off , first to see th ~t t~10 s u o..rd is :..'cyonc:. ec .. r - shot , ther:. v:hisper s .

JERRY: Li s ten , Rocky ••• I been uorryin ' abo ut t~is 1 a ll l c~t night , I c ::.n1 t let you te.~-rn the rib.Ole blame . 'l'hcv ' 11 send ~~ou to the Re:forr.i Sch;o l fer tv~ yc3rs .

ROCKY: (snorts)

:VJ.1s.t 1 s tw o :re c.rs? ? ergot it ,

JERRY: But I c ~~n• t f erg et ::t . Look a , Rock y , we been to 5c thcr si nc e we was little k ids ••• i.'.;1:~.:· can I t we s~iclc toge t h er i~ this , too ? I 1 11 tell 1 em I ~n s i n o~ it ~nd they ' ll s end u s up to ge ther .

ROCKY: (hush es hin)

P:o.pe dovm ••• you rmnt tho.t f l a tfoot to hear :·c, ••• ?

( the~1. ters ely ) i:foY.' get this ••• You got o.wc.y, didn ' t yn? Ok~y ••• don ' t be a sucker .

JEFUtY: Yeah - but Eo cl{y, r.:::ybe if I to l d 1 em I was i r2 on it Hith yon , they ' d be ensic~~ on you .

ROCKY: ( s~orts)

They ,·:ould in ::. p i g ' s eye . How listen • •• just because you c ·:u:. run n l itt le · fas t o~ ' ~ me ~in 1 t no reason why you go tta keep eet in ' y ourself .

JERRY: B~t it ain ' t f ~ir to you •••

ROCKY: Loo~ -- so t~0y ' ll se~d ~e up . So r.rhs.t ! 1.".'l'li',t I vc I got to · lose? Me old nun I s t,.:ot t:-ou'b les enough r:i thou t me . Forcet it . It ' s the b re ak s . I got caught and you r:;ot a r.11:.y . 'I'hc t ' s a ll .

( cm~TINUE D)

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38 (Cont.l) JERRY:

(mnk in 0 one l e.s t des p er at e appeal)

14 .

But look , Rocl-::y, if I 0 ot caught :1.n d you r:cre tr:e one l:ho go t r..rmy... I 111 bot Y.._OU ,vo,.i.ld.'Yl1 t keep quiet . You 'd mo.lrn I om send you up , too .

Rocky hes:!to.tes for c. momont . Jerry ' s i:;uess is correct , but he plnys h ar d- boiled .


ROCKY: G-o on • • • what do ye, th:!..nk I run , •• ? A b oy - scout ! If you got c augh t in ­s to;;.d 0 1 me, it 1 ci. be just your hard luc k , I ' d l~y dead, just like you 'r e gonnc.. do .

JERRY: (hu r t)

Y8. would?

ROCKY: Sure ••• Almiys rm,,ember - don I t be a su ck e r .



A r n ther sm~ll room , ~here juv enile c~ses ~re info rm al l y ho ~~rd . 1~ fc'.'! ch ::-air ·s for de.fe~-:cJ.;~.,:1t , attorney n.nd witnes s ­os f r-.ce r:.. la!'fC , ~l c, t des k on the ::'.R~10 floor - level , be ­hind whic h sits t! 1e 1:.c .. gistr 2.te v,i th :1 stc1.ographer on one s:1.do ::~:...,_d n clorl: Oil the other ·.

Rocky is se ~'.t ed L:c~".1( t ho Judge . :3ch:i.1:d hi1,1 is Geated an elderl-, ··, t :i_red -l ooldnr '!', ! ~} -! r::~ th c2roonir.£; shoulders -his f,tthci, . ifo ~_:cby is J"crry , lister.in;' G.:1:dously . A un f'or mecl r:ol-'.. ccrr.:~11 is :._ t t.l'!o (oor ,. 0 ;1d s t .::.:nding , faci ng the 1m:1~;j_str c.tc i:; tl 1e I'S.iJ .:co~J 1 :.,ttor n c,~r, rop:roscnting the p l o.i n ti ff , c .. :1:-:-.r·Ct- bi tt e:i typC: 1:.r:10 is co!·,~pletely oblivious to Rocky ' s y out~ 1 ~nd v:ho st .'.:'. tc:5 hl s c l-11 ... rge ,-,i th ns much ve:1cmcnce ~rn u· he v:oro ::..skin,:-:; t ::1c c cn vicU.on of a harden ­ed cri ~-1in:1l .

••• And, your Ho~o~ •• it is es sen -tial to c onsider th .. ~ th is pe tty l ::,rccn y ct. :::\::o is n0t the d0 1~ei.dun t ' s i::ii t io. l off o:-c.sc. J:.:-; h::.s C.l)l)Curcd pre ­v lou~ly 1.~e:for-·c Your Eono r on r. similc.r ch c.~~ce c.nd 2.m1c r,cott - free or. r~ su sp en d­e d nc:-1tc::.cc . A:r,cl ::•:)ov0 ::lll , this fla gr ant pett: ' thi ov c ry o:f the r:.1ilro :1d must not co::-~tinue , ••

Page 19: 5/12/Z •8 -TE}:P. - Script Slug


::rn the s.ttorncy' s vc,icc co1::cs ('VER SEO'.L'.

ATTOi\:,:EYt S VOIC E: (continuing)

••• these undiscip l i~ed , lnw l cs s slur.! br ::.-. ts must be tc.ti.ght respect for lnu Gnd orde r.


CA;·:SRA PA?;$ _i.,,CROSS the fc.ccs of the su l len Rocky and STOPS on his father .


41 . GROUP s:mT


.ruroE: Your son is ~.n orpho.n , Mr. Sullivan '?

I.~ . SULLIVAN : ( r.''.dl, , - ni t !1 n e:ilii:rht ...,,_ - ._; - l:.J

trace of brogue) Ho is th a t , ~our Honor , iver since his mothar , ~sscd on when he wns nothin ' but~ b ~ Jy ••• God rest he r soul .

J1J:cGE: Ar..c: you h l:vc :J.-:Jni ttcci -chr..t it is i!i~possi °Jlc for you per-sori.C'..lly to euidc ~irn p~opcrly under tho pre ­sent conc:.itions?

MR. St"LLIVA:J: f ·••r~s h·i" "'o·· ·cl s~u'lv) \ \v ._ .. t_: - ·• -• .:> ~~ .; ... • ,.:.., J

I ' ve tried. 1)10 be s t , Your Honor , to br:Ln s: -t'i.:e lc.6. up d Q.cont , but hein 1

I ' m ~orki~ ' n ig hts a~d ha ve to s l eep L :J. tr.e a.~.7 • • • it I s to o r.11.lch fer mo to try to lrnc~ l: ir.1 of f the streets •••

JTJDGE: I sec •••

(to Rock~ - ~1th .,,~ , .. ,. 7 ~ ~-~~) .t - - •"-.. - - . '-'J

Anythin g you wa~t to s ~y for your ­self , son· ?


;;.s he r-12.i1"tcs: -.s ,~l sulJ.c:n sllc:ncc . 3chind him Jerry

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16 .

42 ( Co~t . ) look s on in et; ony . !~i 3 lip s r:rc . tishtly comprcs8ed . CA; <~;:1-.\ I 'DLLS ~! --C~~ 'l'O E : CLt,:U:;: -

JUDC-E: ··_=011 , I 1:m sorry ., son ••• t here 's no ot:1or cour se; for :·x . ·er> f ollm., •••

CLOG:2 s ;.:G'l'

cou t;~:a n0rvouGl·y . i1ocky tu r n::, nl L_)1t1 :- 2.nd socs Jerry ficl~;0tit1 '-: restlessly , ~'.bout -co t:.c.:.· sm~ot ·-1.ing , Eo t i vos J c,rry .:,_ sh.:rp ., ~ te :cn look .

J"uvc:.:.:-:1 ~ VOICE: ( ov::.x1 .SIW'.i.')

I 1 J.1 l1c.vo to coi;ir,15.t yo \.1. to th o St:ttc R,Jf or~;-. Schoo l 1J.r, til you nrc sixteen •• ,

J c r::.\T tcr ,s0[ 1 ., b nt under noc]_;:;r' s s t-:.:r n look , }:.-,ops an u~oni zod &iJ.c.nco .

C.~-~ _:.:.;RI. Pt,LL.'. ~-;;.c;.\ to h i c J.i.idc J"..1.C:~.' :c .:~R ~10 E; t.: -r ts to '.;-ri to en . r_;;_,_o for :,::. in fro;--:.t o:f hi:,! ,


II ,·: 11 . ' I ~ • : • l 1 • .... , .., . wU __ iv ~----, .. 1. . . . J . •• m - ·.:·.: _e;c. :•: ov.:ri:;ccn -c.,.ti l i~~:· OJ..., P0tt:r L::-.:c·cc~:~-. CoE:1i ttod to >c.:-co Ro.fo r m ,Sc: 1oc-J. :Cor J"uv .. milc ::.ioL .nqu e:ncy .


uoir ,:.. :Cor ·c110 b :·.sic t >c.:.··~c:: ;. '::.:.:.1G. ,.·.-ri tin;; on 2. p oli cc rec ord filin :_, c .:·.r cl -- . ·.l, t'. ::.s -;_; _ _.._, :i.:::·.:.cl y.:r i t c s , t:·,c f ollo, . .:·i r~~~) :Jl"\O'Cn Z'..rO s 1.1.~~~ ' i:, ·."'.~)(.)[:;O,l ~

SFLL I \iAi~, rl:Ci,l,L'\I .; P-..LL~:~

P:S'l'TY Li:.RC3HY: 1:.1:::i.rrin :_ tor::. H0f or:,,1 School -'I\_cl) "? C ~-l~ ~-i

f 't. :::S~~Il~FC~~~D I: ·coc l·: 3}.T.C'i' of f,c for :-.._ C-c~10ol

( C(•TTr:· ·· ... n) ,J , ..• I U . .,

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4:~, (Cont . )

45 ,

ASSAULT AND HOLD- UP . State Reformatory -~1ree Ycnrs

GRP.lfD LAHCE:t·JY: County Prison -One Yec:r

ILLEGAL EI-~TRY, GRAHD LARCENY: St~te Penitentiary -Five Yoors - Paroled l.fter Three Years


MANSLAUGH'l1ER: No conviction


RAC~CETEEianG - INTIMIDATION : '.I'rial Pending


SUPERE"POSED S-foclr SHOT of State Reformatory

SUPERIMPOSED Stoel ,: SHOT of County Pr ison

SUPERD1POSED Stock S!iOTof State renitentiary

SUPE11IMPOS:CD SHOT of Gangsters , Dlowing un a I Spcak 1 - ·

Rocky ( no~·.r played by Cagney) in the Le ade r­ship

SUPERIMPOSED SHO'l' of Hocky vii th others, hi - jackin c an~ m;,;:.chine - gunninc r ival c;s.ngntors

SUP~Hff OSED SHOT of Rocky spend ­ing ~10ney ir. ,:;aJnbling clubs; arink in g in assoc i ation with be autiful dames


c.s Rock:,r is seen confor::."in. l.; 1 ✓i th his a tt orney , Frazier , 'l'hc latter-, ~--b out t ·,_;_:;,_rty - fivo ~_:·c~'.rr- ol d , possesses o_

well -c arod-ior eppe ar~nco anJ sua ve ~aim er that su ccosn­full~• ti ::;gu ino s ~'- s h rc', .rdness , cunnin ,_-a nc1 illir.1it ;;1.ble nr.ibi tion . '11::1G:·- spen 1~ in lo w v oices .

ROCKY: YG.J.:.\ •• , l ) n t rihy s:10ulc1 I be the fall - cuy n~J t ake t ~c r ap , Frazier?

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46 .

47 ,

10 .


as he prote s ts wit h pa in ed . e l i bness .

li'Rt-.zr ~R: Du t t h or 0 1 s no , •:-i.~~ ou t , Rock y . How., be s en sible -- il' t: 10:~ c wt me too ••• I 1 11 not on l y b e c1.:Ls1.J~r r ed b1J_-;:, tl: .ey ' 11 c~1eclc u.p on r,1~0 v.:m l t box _'J ~<.1.. [:!' a~:, tl1;;. t t,.-,o l:unc1.r c d ;::.r .m d . Th j_s \ h t:· , I ' ll 0ot you on ly t :~c o ycn rs ~t th e ~oat •••

CAi,;:SRA PULLS DACK to i nc J.nde p a rt n er in c r i ~e care ful ly .

Hock :,~, n0 dt ud i e ::.: RockJ t ro '.:,·11s.

HOCKY: Thr<::c ~ycar 8 i n t ;1.e Gt ,i t e f-or. a.in I t no J i cn ic . Sure , y ou r cttle it off -- only t:-irce JG;).r s·, but ~rou.1 J.J. be h~ v in 1 it s oft •••


~•r-:AZI ]~R: ( 1.lr tC ti OU:Jl ~,r)

I lmof': i t I s a t ou_s:1 br eo.k , Rocky •• , but I ' m no t r.;oinG to mark tim e . I'm goin g to sc ou t arou n d , •• m::tl<:o the r isht co~ ne ctions - uot o!'lly for me ••• fo r b ot h of u s ,

( ... , ·, t· · ·- J ·~i,., ..... J·vc \ , - •.! . ' •• •• . ., v . ni nceri t y)

Underst and.?


J: •JCTf : Yc :;-,h, Ol-:.:.:y, Fr ::-.zie: · • • • I tal ~e t he r ::.p , b1~t :,rOi .l t2.l:c c :·.r·~ oi"" t !'lc.t :r:.un (:::·c t ,:, ' r; . I b1 0, .1 : ~u 1 :r•c c~ sma rt l r~w"2,rcr • • • °bP. t

( ~,10, ·l :/ - :t,•e :1:'C'.!.n 0 l y) do n 1 t h 0 s 1".'!;:.rt 1 •. :i t ::i. ne .

1 • ,J.1. s

CANERA PULLS 13/•.Cl( to il ; cJ .ude 1..-r·~1zier , p r otcnt :i.n ,: with s. lmrt o:-:r ress5.on .

l 'Iti-1 L~l :·;n: Hm=: l L ·.d:;e ~ , P.oc l:y •••

( C01T'1'!l'rn:; D)

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48 \Cont . )

49 .

ROCK"l: ( ominolrnly)

No -- you list en , Fr Gzier , and re~ member •.. thr0e yem'3 o. t ·che most ••• If it 1 s any more , I 1 11 drag you in to i t •••

FRAZIER: I 1v0 GOt it all fixed ••• Noth ing to worry about .

( ~1e extends his h8.nd cheeri ly)

ROCKY: (~she sl owl y t;kea it)

~xcept t ha t hundPcd G' s • I want th a t the day I co t out ••• And don ' t even think of tryin 1 c.. doub le X on me •••

As the y sh:...ke hc.nds -

DIS SOL VJ: ~10 :


J:ntry y.,a;__;e, Y1~1icb. is ha lf filled wit~1 nrunes ,

A hand records the entry of:

;'Sullivan , Wm. (Alias - Rocky):

Sentence - Two Years

'i1he book is closed . CJ,.I.:ZRA J:~OLJX, on it an inot2..nt , ·

'j~hen - a hond oponc i t .1nd tu.rns to the ::_-:;,a6e be nring Rocky's entry clr,te , 1.-::·lich is no, , follormd by hundreds of' subsequent entries , 'l'l1e ~~e.nc1 moves clovm tl 1e name coluHn u.n r"!. !)ause::.; a ·~ i1oc}-~y• s J.:.a.rn<:i, I·c moves along to a colunm c.ncl v,ritec j_n t:10 one word: 11Discharged" .


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20 .

50 , On t:1.c same SHOT as t ~rn openinc - t J~c s~ne slu,,1 str0 0t ~~,it'.·:. c1.ll it::: dcpres:.;ir:.;, ,: sc1unlor ~-!"'.<~ ci.~:·.bnesr. . '-1~0rc ll~s b ecn li tt le cJ::.Y:.f..C j_:i tho pas saio of 'Jf.::irs • • • if an~.-t·_.,.i.n::;, there is only n1.orc <li-·ec.r i i~ess , r;10::."'e dirt , more wretchedness .

51 ,

52 ,

53 .

54 . ) 55 . )


concentr .::i.tes on t he s:pire of tll0 pn:!'.':i.sh church .

',"iIPE 'l'O :


.I:... sw.:11 rtoman Cc.t!1.olic chu rch, ratl1er oltl. , oi' cr oy , W3, 1 t~·,er- be, 1·t,en stone , cro ndc ll ir:. h ctwcc:1. ·che anc5. ent te .'.-:e;·,,.c:t1ts , ,:rn "if burdcmo,l ·.0.ci t :1 all ·c:rn 1;•ci c;!1t of misery i:,nc: '·.r:rotc :wd.r:e3r. surr01.:r .,dir :.~ it , :1....iu·c, tb.I•ou2) 1 t l .1.e t: ·w11 ::.:~nh~ :-~:.:;.rsh, 1-1.incor(:::.ri-c no:l scs o:..· t ~:e ::.:lurn street -­t ho G om ).d of.' r:11..1.::iic.: is : _::,.::.1"'rJ. • • • ·c:·.,.c 3 :i..n .:;i:n .:.:, o:C u. boyo 1

choir .

Ii.bou t t· :_ron,cy bo:rs 1 ran[ ;in g in u~e frm•· . ton to f'i.f te:n1.. :Soy3 of t: .10 c.U::; tri ct, -;-:) .eir ::;rh1: r :-:ands ir~conc; ruou::::l:r holL1ii:. ;·~ tlle sc: -::.c - boo!r:u . 'l.':.!eir i'l: cen :,.re ::·.troalrnd v•.rit:1 dirt : the :tr l:-..::t:i.r tou:::J.cd. , c-~;·10. t;-ieir clot::1c ~- pa tclled or r2.c;r;oc"!__ -- 1J1..'. t l::;:C.J.ei r :rc-,-__ :n::: voices s,·:ellinc, vii t:1. :i:·u11 , ric;-1 son 0 , o:: Dl l7 tr:1r. .sc0;1c' '. ~-•.11 t:1.l s , I'op J. mor:1ent , w>.0~1. ·c>o nil ver y 001i:c·c..:no o:,.' 0~1c bC')' ·,:.::.11: e~; a top note wi t'.1 :ic ll - lil cc cl:~ri t7 , ·c::;_c C::.i:~;:_;y li ·ct lc c :m rc :i~ :ts a c ­tually :111ed with be ~ 1ty .

3 t: ,ncUn- ·· 1Jcf ore tJ:~c bo- ; s , li ::. ;:onin .,:: Y:i t:1 3 ;::t t in f J.c ti on , a s )_J.O dir ,)c ts t >ff--, '.••~-t .:: ; · .. ·. r: ~ ,.·:::1/.L, i ::i t :-.J.e '/ 0'.'.n;_:: lJrics t of t l·!c pc,ri sh -- t >o b :)7 ·1:B Lne ;;: _ts J 0).'r·y Connolly . Ovor ;~; .-.. r·i <:•1t e- ,-0·1) 1"0· ·, ' " '"' ""'(;•""" ''' 1·,i 7 "' ,~,.,.,-~.-Ll..,."L'-c , ·1',1_~ :-.0, ,r•,c....._r.r, -i-•. -·U .., . _ , .. v .t ,.,,~; _ . ... _.:Jv t. . ~ vJ. ... V .J.. '""-

dutil1[; ~..:,.::cl~ to that bo:,-·:loo c:. :;~m.:_;- fi, :::.1-t.

CU'1' TO:

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56 .

21 .

Sta nci.i:!:.'" half in tb0 shP.do~.r, bal.f illur1:i.n..-:i. ted by a s~~ar _:; :>r..~,,- of sunli-- ::~1t , :ts Roc!:~.r Sullivan . :~at in l111:;.1c1. , he l iste ns to tl1c sin,:::i.n~ , l1is e:~:nrossion one of 1)Oit: ­nant m0:>1ory, mi.:;~ecl. vri th cynical nmuser,1ent •

As he starn.1s pntientl:r , an old ' './Omfl.n enters encl passes him . Rocky na tches her c.s ah c r:ocs quicl:ly -chrou ;;h the routine of li:: )"1ting a candle at the niche of her favor ­ite saint , mu1,1blinc a p ra:r8r and dro pp ins _ a penn~ r_into a bo:;::. • .



58 .

as the boys finish sin[:.in g . No sooner are they throur.;h vvith tl:-.eir last note s , th a n they stnrt to sc r nr'lble v.rild ­ly and noisil~r fo r the narrO\ -' st a irs leac.lin[: down .


LOHG SHOT ROCK·t I E :i:i'. G.

as he watches t he old v-ro;:1an, her head cov ereC. vith a blac!{ shawl , as she enter~ t he coa fcs sional booth .

5 g • ANO'I'l:: R P.lJGLE

as the kids , released from their spiritual du ties ., scramble pas t Roc lry to th.e str e0t , o.d libbin~ as they run . One tri p s up the other - a re cl- he aci.. 'I'he red ­head rises pu8n..qc i ously , s narling .

R:'...,D: ·:fa it 1 11 I go t ya outside , ya mug- face ~ •• I ' 11 mob ilize y a

OTHER I3OY: Yeah •. • you ancJ. yer old man


••• 1

Rocky g lances Rfte r the1: ~ 2,n d ora ma of his boy hoo<l ac c.~_n . si ch t of the pri'3st enterin r co nf es si onal boot h .

sniles -- se einr; the pan -- 1 . 'lhen h e turns ar!d catc h es the opposite side of the

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Gl •

RS c. ·:ri::- 1 :1a::sr: s over ' ··.is f.:i.ce, c.nc:, on suc1L!.on L -~~·y1...~lr-0 , st~ ;r-c~; J:or·.:nrd clmm the nave .

.."IIP:S '.l'O:

·with Roc!cy stand i nf outside , wa~tini . I!1 a moment the old 12.dy exits , and RocJ.~r C!1t8rs to tc1.ke her place • .

62 • r:rT . C0N?ZSSI0 ; :J;.L i.100TH

as Jorry , on one side of the screen , ,reparcs to hear the confc ssiono.l of thEY n~:::t pon5. t0.n-c .

J~!\ }1::-: And ':;hn t is troublini you , !n:r son?

Throu ;:::,.11. th.G screen , Hoc; .:;;· is scarcel~; v1s i~1le , but his voice is hearC. cloarly ,

CLOS:;.;: SlWT

rt0(~}.2.:: !-".otl:in;; l'.luch , _;_i'a t: iar , •• onJ. y 1:)eon bothorin c no for n.l,"103t year:=; . ·:·i!mt c:.id :ro'..:. 0v .:;r (l.O

hunch o:~ fouatain pc~1S •••••

it ' s fifteen ,-:ith that

as his expressj_on beco:nes one of 0.sto!1isl"nnent and sur ­prise , OV.8R SI-i0~i.1 Rocl7 co ;1t5.nuos .

ROCI'2t I S VOICE : ••• we sna tchecl. fro!"l th n t frc :.i.ght car?

Rocky 1

RRRY : ( ,.._." SD :i.' nr. - h i eo :.:.~c.. ... (,,..) ... --- 1..,1

breo.L:in:: into gr in} '

( 11C "' l •r r, C "' ·'--'-, " .J. u. ~ .... .J L,, . .. ...,

face a rride

onen 8.nd Hoclcr - ~

screen r:l.scs

to r_~rect hh. 1) ••• yo ~.l olcl •••

noc=~~!: ( c:rinn in~~)

!:OH I ",T[l_ , J e rr· •r ' ., .,

( (' o· ;;n,; ,TTT'"'')) .._,, ~- ··- - ~•;u; . J.L

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G ~ (Com; . )

61 .

Tho:" ::::05.ze ench ot~1cr I s hands ancl sho.!ce enthusinsti ­cal l y .

DI SSOVn:: ·110 :

l'.T:D. S _r~c '.I:' I?T'~. v:i:s11:r.: ;JY :JOOR

Jerr:; n~:.d Roc!{·t as tl:.o:r e::1tor . J eri-7 opEms t 1 1 0 cloor :for Rockr and sn.017s h:ti11 in .

J:::l~TT~: ( smiling )

!{cmemhor ol cl 2athcr :3o?le ' n vcnt r y , Rock.y ?

ROCKY: ( lau:;hs - ar . h e

l ooks o.bou t) YeHh • • • t!.1is is the pla ce rther e he used to bai.'l me out and :;~a.ke me feel lil:e tv✓0 cents .

as Jorry leans a~ainst the sitle of ~ls desk .


1.T:.:;;nI1:t: \'[oJ.l , don It Forry ah out !':lY tryin13 to b8.1.·:1 :~011. ou t ••• 1)ccn1.1.se I ' m not , •• l;ut Fha t I H)'rl c;oin;:; to ldck al)out ls 1.'t~'"!.:;T ·:-;rou :;to p:,e d Friti::13 r.1e.

ROCK~-:: ( frov ,rn:i.ng)

:fol.-:, cone (!ov,n to 0nrtl1 , Jerry •• • You ~~::i.or: n~·1-:,. t h8.::'."Y,.._,cns to J.ettc·rs ~rou 1:ri te in c. t 2.r . :::v,,r:rooc~:- from the P .r~. ·co the screws rc2..c~ 1 e!71 , ••

( sl JO].~t lau.~h ) And after e.11 , F:·1'.>_t C:.id I ]nve to Y1rite abou.t? 1'Tot~15.::i.1 l1app3 nod Hhile I "\'.'ns inside , a.n<l vr:-10~ I ~,,as outside ••• l.'Jel l ., I f .:;.r;1:crcC. -._rcu could alY,r.cys read tL.G ne-Hr.p.'l 1:i~::rf; . • It rrns nhmys on th e f r ont p~.co .


as he smiles s2.cUy . ·J:1w~1, :ilowly

( C OH'l' IUU.CD)

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21 .

66 (Cont . ) J: RRY:

Yes •• • I r end all th o novspa pe rs , Rocky •••

He lo ol;:s at h is olc: frien d , his o:,~press io n sndc~ened . :3ut he quickl~r thror.rn it off , and lau _zhin 0 ly continues .

J:;RnY: (c ontin uing)

I ' ll bet you ' re wonderinc how I cv0r finish ed up •••

(fi nge rs his r eve rs0d collar)

Yritll this?

67 • T':'!O SHOT

68 .

ROCKY: '.Jel l , I lmew your ~frt ab vay s wanted you to be o r dD.ined •• , And I gu ess al l th at e ver lrept :rou back wn s me •• •

(he stops bac! : -p r etends to look Jerry over)

Any, :.1n y , you do n't mo.ke such a bad ... lookin ' pri e st .

Both le. u ~:h •

SAi.lE SE O'l1

nocr-~: (continuinc;)

I r_rns r!o.itin 1 around '.'J.:.en you had those lri ds sinc;in I u p tl1ore ••• and I coul ~ iust se0 ~ ou and me doin 1

tho so.me" th i :ri~ fifteen - twenty year s ac;o •••

. JJ:::i1TIY: ( 1E>-u0h::i )

\-'"1th P.at he r 130710 • , • yes .


ROCKY: Rcr1.or.2bor th e tir.10 v,e s li 'JPe d into th o h~~ ~1- books tho r:·rn.'.;ic ... oi.' "S weet ild01 inc 11 ?

,.TERRY : ( l n uch: tTJ.G)

I sure do •• •

( C 01-~:1 I NUED)

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68 (Cont . )

70 .

-:--nn~r . (C .._ ) v . ~oL\. · , • On u •

( ,., ~ - ,... 0 . ;.. O r"ll "' ... , C O " -., .<.s l ; . -" l, · 1 .~ -· J. ;1 Q • • '"' ,..,. ·. i , cJ .. no ;1) ~ ·:: v., l• .l.:. . .L_ ,

r'--; :n(~l·•" L_·, ,-11+: Lr.ac: .. .. .. J, ... . V ~ ..... • • • - .. I

••• 30th lauc-h . ICnocl: on tl:!.0 door .

J:~nnY: Cor;1e in , p lea.so .



as a S"Mll bo:r pokes i!1 b.is touscled head and aru.101..1.nce s .

BC:.': Sa7 , Jerry ••• you 1re au p posed to be clown t2~.e 11stor'3il . '.i':10 :fellas 1re rm5.ti:1 1 9.ro 11nc.l for :ro,1 to s tart the ca.:·.~e •

J~ 11TTY: Run ~.:i.on:-: and toll 18r.1 I 1 11 'be r ir'.:ht ov,c:r . s:'c 11 t ; •.cm to cl1.00 2e teams in t:.:0 r ... ~G2ln"CJ."~~c.

as 'l:>o:r sla1~s door o:'.'f scenc anc "1. 1;)8.Ves . Jorry notice::: Roc!: y 1 s questionL1r ; loot .

tT: ~:!1It~t: ( co ti.ttnuin .[~)

You. r c:::1e;-,1~Jer olr1 Elnus 1~10 ier I s hnrd·; fa rc store , Hoc!. ~:r • • • ?

( Roc lr.~r nods) ··;c.11 11e r•c)• ·1 •,··1' ' · ,,,0 nt. -'·'· ::in~T\""'~r • -..:., , ·~ - . ., • ~ '.. ·.... L, - . • j ,, . L, c.. J ·. -:;. ... ,J ,

s o he let !r :e ] :i .. :t 'JC·) ·:;,1e place a cou p le of yea:t."~- n,r:o 1 i ,_ tle TI vc• • •• I., ., • • ,

••• rnc]. , l it tle h:," b t~en .:>'.':i.::in,,,. it u p • ••

RCC I;:-.::: ( not un (.c rst en clL:.g -

1 ("' , ' r• ·n· "' ) ... . .... 1., . u

·_-ihn ·c for? -~·o:~ fl. :i.::-i I t .'~0!1!13. co into tl1e 1.=nr O:~·:Etro ,.,Ju s:t~1e2c?

J..-~RRI': 1·T.o ••• ·_i+v· 1 n Vo ,~ C"'ll'"\I'"\ Tt,, o bn,..,n - - • • • - · ... , . ..:,• . ..,\j , -· ._..1~; ...

tryin.~ .fo r a 1on .'~ t inc to st2 . rt a }!'.:ind of rocr G['l.tion c0::l'c,;r for t: 1~ ):ic"..s -­to !(:;o p 1 c)ri. o-:f ' tl· ~c !Jt rln et :J - PJ.\19 .j

fro:'l. the 1·,001 - roo:-: ,~'. r.n: !. l)a cl:: alle ~r r- ,., ,.... - . - , ~ ,- .. .,.. '°' ,...

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70 (Cont . )

71 . CLOSL S!!OT

~OCKY: ( t~1i:::1l;:inc he unJerstnncts)

A so!"t o.f l~ind.0r~8.rten place • • • ?

,T.CRHY: r/ell , more than thn t • • • It I s for tho older fcllo us too . ·,Ye I vc ,r.:;ot a ba~ketball court there ancl h:>.ve rer;ular Saturd8.:,r nif~ht socials - dancing , movies ••• an oducr , tion2.l talk .no\·: and tl1cn by some ir :11)ort0.nt p8rson •••

(gott in~ r:2.rmed np) It I s helped trcmcndousl~r to keep a lot of t:.1ose !dds fro:r.1 bccomins •••

(::tons shor t -0111b2.rras sod)


undcrstandinB nm: , n s1.i::s slmrly .

ltC)CI(Y: Fror., b econ in~ 11m:~s - li!rn me , for instance?

Cf.J :IJ;R!1. :?ULLS J3AC;C to include Jerry , e;;iba:;.~ranse<l , as he tries to cl :i.an.30 the subject .

J~~Rl1:{: Say , I 1cl li!rn :rou to see it , Hoc l~' • ·~1:1.a t do you say to co::1i11.g alone with me now ?

Rf)CICt: I can ' t just no,:r, J ,Jrr y . get se ttlcd , •• nnd see

I got ta SOlY\C people .

J~R!l.Y: {~:.on9fully)

Then :,ron 1 11 h" s b, •,r-~n ,.. he<re for some t i rnc? ~ , . . ~ -~--. ·,

ROC~:Y: I dunno . It dcpon~s on a little ½ucincss I rot t c soc ebout . 1 111 l:nou i.n Q. fe, ·, da: : s .

Jer!' y 1 s face clou ds , but he rc i'r'l:i.ns fro:·~ cor:1::1cnt.

tJij!{J1":( : ·:111.c re I re :.rou ota yin: ; ?

HOCi .:"'.~: That ' s jlJ. !,t it ••• I :;otta find n roo::1 .

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71 (C on t . )

72 .

JERRY: Around here -- in the per ish ?

ROCKY: (snilcs)

Why not -- no place like home .

J7:RnY: (on i 1npuls0 )

:1hy don I t you r,o over to see Vra . l'1ar:,-ione • , • ? You re'.'11c;.1bor h :-;r? S1:1~·1s r,ot sonc fu rnished roomli .

ROCKY~ Sn:,r - th2 , t 1(l lJ c swell . Suro , , • I still r,):n0r.ibc:-1 the spr eads she used to ,:';ivc C V 'J l:'7{ time there \Ye.a a t 1cddin 1

or a furn,rnl . :Cnrrc ls of s9a .:i:hett i and plenty of . t!mt red vino •


J;l:RHY : It 1s ov e r on Doct: Street llonse fro::1 tl10 corner .

. ~ . second

As thc;,r ~·mlk out to:;oth c r, Jorry te .kinG up his b l n ck ha t -


ROCKY: Fine • • • 8.nd I 111 see :rou t omorroY/ •

t.TI;RR~: I 111 be lool:inc for·, ;ar d to it , ~1ocky , ••


as t!1.c-:t :::to p f.'or a c e conc ~. in th e 1.loor<:.ro.:r, Jerry c;ri ns boy ish l :r and hr.i.1:2- embr a ccs h:1.s ol ll. :!)8.l , c;i vins him a sort of bear hu[j .

JL:RRY : Gee ••• it I s c ood to s cc ~rou, Roel~~, •••

noc1~2t : (uith a f.'.l,~1ili a r r;c st u ro) ·

You ., too - ••• Fn.thcr ,


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74 _.

76 11

77 .

28 .


n s he stands in the e :1trRncc of tho house on Dock Street and rinr.;s the boll rear1J_n[~ 11 Janito r 11• i, small boy opens the door .

I'm look i!l f R()CI~t :

for a room


~ .. Is

(r:it~l a sli .' ··ht ItD.lian -Anerica.::-i or.cent)

Sure , uc cot roo r:1.s but :·,ry 1,!o., nhe aln 1t here nm;r ••• !:r~ . 2crr~uFJon , •• S'.le I 11 shorr ~ra ·S;·1.c ro or;is - she lives one fl i,ri:h t u p in tho front ,


as he 1-moc!rn 0!1 door , IIe is s-.irpr i sed w'.1on it is opcneci. by 0. lovol~' gi rl o f t-.::·c~1-~:r-,f iv 0 or h10nt:• - six yoars of' a;::o . Si·w c rct=:;ts hi1-, \"/itb. a c~uestioninc; smi l~ .

tm D, S~IOT

TTOCI:Y: Virn . r•;c.,r,;ionc I s !:id s3nt me un -­said y-ou ,1d b0 able to sho,;,1 ~i1e a roo m,

rns . ?::nc-usoN: OJ.:., ye s • , , I ' llJ"ust rot tho !:O'TS

' , " • • •

as he stD .nds in the or,en ( oor ,.1Q:.-, fo llO':Jirl{_: her vii th his cydas and t2, 1-:in;: :1.r:. -c~.~-o ~~ovc':rt ·i,- ntric '..:cn r;urround ­ings . Eo f i nds it D ·crn.n G0 f.o::· snc: 1 an attractive ;7,irl to be in this slun to.-i01"!0nt n

CAr.::,~~TIJs PULLS _:/sCI~ as the ~:1.rl r :.:tu rns -into scene H5.th t:•·w !rny8 , and etart:1 lo~. (1:i.nc l1i :·.~ Hl,otalrs . HocL:y follows her , still stu c~:•·inr~ lier curi oi_~sly ,


as she d.00n hor b a st to i~1t0rcst h.5.!-n in rentin 0 t:1e po. thet.ically nhe.b1:iy roor ,1.

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'77 (Con t . ) :~ns. ~--': .. ;Rr:•USO~I :

( ~-:: s)1'~ ·1c ts t h e '7::.:r!(O':: ~:>l:i.!lC.~ U}) )

I::-.~s. :;::.··v-~'.ionc ·,:ill ~~ive it a cood clean!~~ , of course .

:~C)C~~Y: Sure • • • ·.~lw. t 1 3 2. ll r i .sht • • • I 1 ve s, "'H;!1 w or~e places .

') r, ' •.J 'I.

~Ie cpossc s to -..rim': .ow a nc. J.00~~8 cut; in tho int c r:i.:: she sto ps over to the l)od anc'. t id ies up t~10 c_ov0r .

ROCl·:Y: ( lool~in G tl".rough w:i.r.dov,)

Certain l y has a vi~~"' fr0!7 hGro , huh ?

S'.10 t ak?! s t!1is o:;)portuni t:r to stu c~-/ :li!7i cDrcf nlly . So~:-.e tf:.i n.c_i: :=:.1,out hi :·, rir:.:o:'1s de fin ite l: .r f amiliar ·co her , bu.-c :to r the :-,10:11cnt she 5.s un2 .ble to place hi, _; .

TIOCI2t: (rio i nt :l.n' ·. t h ro ur;h v,inclovr )

Say , r;a.;;n t t there once a hc. rb ~n' shop v1lwr0 that cl1~u.r.:storc is , over t) .1ere ?

I.:ru..). :i::': .. RGUSOIJ: Yes , ••• thor,:· wan , .h'.-:>ou-c ten or tuolv fl yc::;.rs & G O •••

She l oo!:s Rt him a ~:nin , J·ior ex p r o s ::.::ion c!1oninr. :-::roa'c effort to place him .

( ·curno) 01.:a: 1 • • • I 1 11. ·cE>. ~ :c t :1.e 1~ 001·1 . I:ow ~1'LlCh ?

~ ::\S. 2-~ RC;TJSO~T: It I s four c7.olJ.2.1·s n ~.:oel ~, ya :rable i n advance •••

Sold . (t nl~c s s. f 0'.::r ·bills

f r o0·1 ··)ocl~c t ar~i :i:ives h,..-;r a .,,;5 . 00 '1i ll)

:·.:,s . i ·l' 1J{('"rTJS0}·1: ( n~ c-·)I" !.nir...,.n ~t) c .... -~ ..., ,L .., ,j L_,..\,. \.., L:) . ..!-

I hr.vc '.:.1 t an:.-c ~:.0.21~:e ••• T.:r::: . T.fo.r:cionc Hi ll h e '.18.c~: DP·:)r. r . !.l.(l ,s:10 111 [;ivc :/ OU ·Gl10 c:ol J.-::~r- c .. n(l the ; ~-,o c0i :·rc .

( C 0-r·,, - ;··v•·.,·,) ) I I ,_ J __ , . J .-

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77 ( Cont . 1 )

• • • to n13':1rl u · .. so~·1r~ tor.'c lt3 n:1c~ sonp .

( •o;., .. .-,.,,., .,_o ... ~ 1,c .. , . ;- · - '-' l, L, .......

0 .':' ,r. : ., .... r ,, 0" ,. } ••• J. •. • J . .., \., <.. ,.,

I v!il l .

Sh.c ope ns t~: o d oor ·co leav e , £1.!ld !,a.uses on t: :,.e '.;;1.1~ez~10ld. Roe! :~:{ loo:rn r.. t n.~~t (l'J.cstio~::.n ~J.~• ::,_z she 2·i;r.n(~s t: 1-)rc st ['.r: •.11-:;; o.·c l 1 i :·-1. ·.::!1en , 0~1en.k j_11c: .'.Jlo·:1ly , s h e ventu res .

Aren ' t ••• .Sullivan ?

: :a.s. i?J:;RC-USO I{ : a ·.·u-,n I-:~ -rou l\o cl'"'r

.L \.I . .., -.J • • • • - ~..,

ROCCT: ( sur:t ,rj _sed - slowly)

Y00.!1 • • • thz. t I s r1e .

i'-~"18 . :;':SRGUSOI•! : ( ~-·-c··)11i· n 1- ·F>or"l'"'r'l ) .. l, , ,· ,.-. .. ' ' .·. : '-' ~

I 1:1 ••• I 1r,1 La ur~ Ii8.1~t:i.n . Do you 11 c: ~:c'il:)0r '"ile?

.... , .. r,, - r J \.' ''-' .. • ..... l

( ~:t~. :' ~ Z a~; ll t~l ... t~1:i.n:d .>1.~ )

!,2. urn l :2 .?:1 t :~n • • • ? ( t:1ci 1, 3u -:,.r:.e:1ly r_;rins )

St1.r 0 • • • t:1.~ ·c ~)lon(~0 1::i.d "I-ti th the lot :."·. curls • • • :("lll , .1~2 r cr ;·i n 1

Ol~t l ou d • • ,

He stc}')s :;.-'or':t:i:r (1 e.n,: tP .1:··~r, ; ,c,.--. o ·~to n\lecl }:i:;i.nc~. . As t: :..ey ~•tn ...... rl c-lv,·1•inr • ' 1<>n('" 'l,"h("\Y>("\ -_:r,. ,--.·r1_ 0_•,·,·_1._~.,· ..... r ·d pau ... •;•">· 'i'hen , .., c.,, ,, ~. ,., .,.-. ·-· ·· • • • • ~ - ·- ·'-' , ' - J - • "

Roe~,:::,; ~t G;->S b!lC~: sn ~•-j_1-~0 ,

• • • • • •

( n :·.-nrc c in ti vo J.~r) Sa~r ••• ~'OU !":iC::.:11 t ·i.~1E' !1 o nt so b o.c:., L.o.urc. o • •

'l1l:i11. nl ·: s

L~:. u"'TIA : ( er·1bnr !'a ::~·cd) • • • ( l a w(h ~)

'fhe :::;o.r:io to ~ou , Ho c !~ •••

:~cc~ -f: ( l"\ny,·110 :: C'<l)

J.?.ui.; ,.::1:1:C-' s ~i,;~15.3 l~...'?.r~J.J.o ~.r,Jtl 1't.rc .ro:ot •••

::r s . 2u1":·::1st ·11.? ~--O~l ~.,it ct~•~C~ 1.l·•• nrJ'.J·'?

( ( • ,-.~ rr;, T"' r. -r.·,i') • • ·- ' ,} • .J , • .I

Page 35: 5/12/Z •8 -TE}:P. - Script Slug

'77 (C cnt . 2 ) LAURA :

(sobnrly) I ;w. s • • •

RCC!:Y : Split up ••• ?

LAURA: He was killed in nn auto accident f our yea rs a.~o .

ROCI:Y: That ' s too br-ic.: .• Anybo dy I know?

What did he do?

LAUR.A: No ••• ho ~-,~s •••

( w:i:ch a ··.,an smi le ) •• , just a.n orclina r y chap ••• A e-;arar.;c - che cl::er for one of the h i 0 ta;d CO!i:panio s • i.fot r ih c'\ t you I cl call a bi r•:- shot , Roclc7,r .

ROCI1Y : ?/J-w. t are yo,1 t~.oinc nov, ?

Lf.'.1J11/~ : T]1cre I s n l)ir, o/ficc u;,to ~·m ••• H'ith about a hunC.rco. tiftv de s]::s in it . i~t each dcG1c therc 1:~· ~ Girl pound in~ a type-v,riter all day . '.i.'lloy check in at nine , and leave at f~ve - nnd cv r ry Satur day noon each g irl g e ts seventee n dollars and t, :!<-;nty cent•; . I 1!n just one of t l~osc hund r ed ::md fifty girl s .

HOCKr : I c;et it . So it ain ' t been c xn ctly a holida~r for ,-ou a ll t !1is t:i.mo .


'.".'ha t

L!~UHJ\.: ( smilf; s )

c.,mctly ••• ( then , to ch..".nr··c

the f,uh ,io ct) .s.bou. t yon , i\ocJ~~:-?

nccr:::: ( l o okn e. t h :n• q:.1i z.z ic~ lly)

l~O you V.'2 n t t O lG10Vi?

Page 36: 5/12/Z •8 -TE}:P. - Script Slug

u.ur\.A: ( pointedly)

I ' ve seen:: . lot of hcacD.incs , li}m cvi;ryboc:~! 0 1,<Je, Tioc]~~, , ••

(uit ~ ~i fficulty) I was only v1ondorin~ why you co.me br. cl.: ho re •••

ROCI2.:: I ' ve ~o t a little business here .

His expression clouds , ~)ut she covers up .

U-1.U~A: ·.',

1ill 7,rou be here .i.'or a while?

ROCKY: (c;rins)

I ' J.l let you . :.:now in a day or brn , •• if vou don ' t ~ind me dropnin '

v -in .

I · ;is:1

Olrny ,

Lf . UT'\.A : ( s in cc-~ ::0 0 l :' ) :.rm.~ ·.,ould ,. lloc .:~r ~

TIJO Y::.:·: I u:i.11 ... &

She st a rts to leave a

RC:Ci~~: Vould you do me a little fa vor?

( she n ocl.3) t Ph one U ) t; 10 railroad stat i on a nd tc -111 ' or,i to sc:1d my ba5 over ,

L.4.UT'1.A: ( s::nil c s 1 :1.rhtl~r)

I ' ll c.oit r 5.ght no·.r:i

ROCK"Y.': Ol~a y - th 8.nl :~ ~

.. ,.., 0,.,.

She l eaves , cJ.osins door ~o:;~_i"!·l :Lor . Roc!{y looks c.ft(' r he r - 1!i3 c ~:pr css i on c l: tJY.'5.!1': t 11B.t Laura }1ns made a defini tel~,.- a :?pea lin r: j::--•1)::.'o ssion on i1.i,'1.


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80 • .

Z:i','11• EL Lra·.f..:'CHO CLU;3 NIGll'l'

A t lire0 - ;;to:;.'oy bro•:m~tor~c , U!1'covm. A small, li r:htcd. nco::-! f,:L•:'.n 1~~1:;;ntificr: the, club .

-...·IPii 'l'O :

I n ~he ~n ,ck .~.:·ronnd is E'. br..r, l C:.ad.:: into th, :: clu·o pl"'Op0r . :::. noll - cl:r·e:::sed thronr:; .

an onb'~mce on ono side 'l1he roma is f illcd with

As }tocky cnto:es a headv:citer ste lJS up ·co hi!n , look s him ov0r co..rcfully as h0 notices he is alon0.

CLos:.:.,h SEOT

llCCl'~: I want to seo Jim Fr&zier .

r_1.1110 hef :dwaitc:r· :~c.::: 1.'.t\ni:?..us him a ;···o.:i.n, then turns and l.1ec!{o11s a rn.nn ,;.~J:_o is si·~ti11~ ,- v:C tl1e l;i:.:.:r•. This rnnn co::,cs ·v.x, t.ci I:ocky . ':!:ho hoc~2.v1aitor :·:iov0s to the door to ,c:rC;ot some oth0r m··ri ve ,J..2.

~(OCIIT: I ,~:2.n-c t o .soe J:l.r:1 Fruzhir .

·:,!; 1 n o ,i'J,,..~.!.t C

( lool'::in,:- i~ock,7 ovor cc.r0fui'ly) ·

Ho ' s busy .

I ' 11 wait .

i-~OCKZ: i:i:ocky Sullivan .

Thcr-o l.S a flic)rLr of 1~ceo ,-n it. ion of the name in the l"• "'11 I <:: <'n CC ·:;C i·}1,~ '1 1 -r • fo1• ··· ,. J'.~,... •rov .:... t ', on '10 C.. <' , 1u. ~ .,c--, • , .. , v -'-~ -- "" c-.. ,. ,,, :1, H, , J1 " Lu e

Come on .

i~oc'<"Y f ollov:s him off .

. . . IPE TO:

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81 .

82 .

I ff: . G,"i.;:IDLii~G H.OOM 'l'Rl;CKI~!G SH011

The r oom is elaborately fitted with roulet~e t ables , d ie <:; ·cr,bl ss , and ov c ry othc 1° g ci:ihlinr clovicc . · A la r s e wcll - drGs~e~ crow d is p laying h~avi ly ; n great deal of monoy is in e vi d ence . As Hocky fa llo ws t ho man throu c:h the roor.i his ey ,Js take in every cl0t~.il of tho s c ene and h0 is obviously ir.1pres sc u. with the omount of r:10ney in play , As they r ea ch a door et the end of the roo m the r.Jcn 09ens it , no cky follov1s him in .


F it ted with a fev: cha i ::."s ano. a ta.b l e or two . 2n ot he r door le e.dine; into a priv2.te office . nods h i s hcr.d at a chair .

i',L'.N : Have a. seat .

nocKY: 1rhanks .

He sits; th e man le 2..ns a ['.:.ainst the wnll .

Th er e is Th e man

CU'"i' TO :


The of f ice i s elaborately fu r nished . Th r ee or f our men o.r e in confor, .mc e Y1ith P1"nz icr and Keef e r •

'rhe fa r mer han chan ro d l itt l e in actual facia l appear ­ance , yet the 9osition of au thorit y and tho a i r of powe r anc1 wea lt h w:i.'.:-h v:hich he j_s su:rrountled , vest '.1im with an ac.lcleC. ci.i gni ty and Ln:'.)or ·cancc .

M:-,c Kcef'or ,:;i ve:s the im p ro ssi on of E:n ambitious , rathe r ge nerous ari d. lcUt l - 3::,oken , but essential ly nllr()vt d ua n [!;­ster , now ~r ad unted into r uck8 t ucr . It is c l c~ r that he is th0 '.)038 , ciost):i.te th'} f :;ct th:_ t .?:i.·czi c r doG:.: t he ta lk ­inr:r.; in short , the r·cl2. t:i.on:,:1i :1 i s c,c~t~iV8lont to that of a more - or - l c~3 , innrti c u l 2te c orporn ti on 9r0s iGcnt rely ­inr, on his trus~ ocl cor'.;'.)orc.tio!'l co un ~,c.l to p e!) up and check U!) on a tcm!)orar il ;,r c.'tof icion t bocrG. of clircc cors . Fj~azL .-r- i s scat cu bc ::-:ino. hir. c;.c:2h., 3tuclyin :: sone papers and s~)0a k i nc E,t the S2i '!l(; tirne ,

, C OrJ'i'I NUElJ)

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30(Cont . )

8 4 .

F'lL:.tZIEit: (a '' :-,·c"' 0 1·n,... . .i.. 11" H, 1 i• .,.,ec·c· o·--.0 11) vJ, .4- -- -..... l, ... l., \,,,,,4,,. J. .L ~

Comr)a: "in : · this :;1m1th with l ast, , th ,; t!,to, .r:n ar -:a sho 0:1s n r~ccrcase of alLloot ten - pe rcent -- ~ten there shoulc.1. be o.n increase .

( l ooks shar~ly at. one :-nan in na1··ticu l ai-· )

'.' lhn ~ D.~-1 out it , Gr acly '?

GiLDY: (prote s t 5.ng)

11hat don ' t ap9ly to the i1nvmbers ul

I 1r;i talkin~ 3. about the: Hholc take .


35 .

Koefoi • moves i.'::1pat:i. <.mt l y , spoe.ks gruffly ,

..l:\. .. W.:.:.,1:t" ...:t...l \. :

~-:uit s·~cll 2.n 1 , Gi"2.cly ~ 1'ho uptown j_s s;10:i.0 t -- w:1a.t I sa Y,mt 'col"?

GilLDY: Plcntv J Do I c;ut the r,cJTW eoop -..:ra -tion ~.:-ou ::tv0 t b.cm cloi·,rntov-m? :tfo, Can r' r·na.i·ani:;,:;o ~hu ~:;:;.no pro·coc tion with t ~ is n ew ns~is t Qnt D. A. ? No. r,,hr •'..,C : q o ·'- ~ 71 ,.,,,0 of ,-,-,·;r b •,c,·•- _,·,1on h r.·ld ,.£,.--v- , .. '-"'v_ __ L, . .. ~: ," v,_0 ,._,

f or ~ucstioni n 7 -- tw o wcuks now !

J?l :i·.ZI :E1i: ( tu:..,n in .--:; 'co Gnothcr man )

\::hat £.'.·lout it , -'l 1ho;·.19:30n? liow1d -chi s nc v1 a0:::ii s ·,·.r..n-::- ryr osc cu-cor ,;,'ct -~ n - - 0 1·,-1 ' 10 1 ' ' 1· " ~ 1· ... -:-i-, · '· 1· t I s ·s-·1· x ...LJ. c:. -Lt J yf ... . .1... V V..,4 - . • l·

wee k s now -- an~ he 1 s still in?

'-~iiO?-.;P,SOH: ·,.-.,·011 , you ;-cnow ~)oliti c 3 , Ji m.~. J-~11 tb.e r e;d t a::w " ••

i11J.·1.:\ZIB.C~ : ( :3:i10I t·~ [! )

Y}l1c. --c c.1:·G ·/.1C .~.1c.y~.:1c - off ' f 01"'? arc you lo3in you r c rip ••• ? tn9c 1 s ~ooC , hot ai~ :or th e L0 ci.:~uc -- °i)u·i~ not fo 1· ns J



01--. Led Ci t izens '

Oko.y -- Ji m -- okny . I !l l have h im out in f.orty - ci2,h t J.1cu:r·s 2

( CON':i'HHJ-:C:D)

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"' ~ ( - c,1~ ·1- ' U "= V .l v • /

85 .

I1·i11~ZIEl1 : All ri r ht , Gr~d y -- th nt 1s se t t l ed .

(to th e otl1er s , s,.n .. i ously') ~:i.ni.l if an :· of t l1e r 0:.., t of yon havo any t r oub l e 3 , c.,;.on I t r:ai t till the b ot t or.1 f ulls ou t . Corr,o in anC:. se t it f i xc ll . If you rn:-;0d more money , say so , If you w3.n t mor e boys -­te ll it to Mn.c , If it 1 s the law -­s0 ·.:1 no r i ,ch t a,;.;ay . 'I'hat I s wh2.t vie I re paj·ing you fo r -- t o u se you r heads !

i: f~EPER : Sur e . ':,e co.n hl r ·C; mu 0 s at a d im0 a dozun ! Dc 1 ro nav in " fo~ br&ins ••• - "' ....,

As Frazier re 2che s for his br i ef - cas e ••••

CU'I' '1'0 :

I N1' , Si,:J·,LL ROO::;

:i:toc l:J has I'i sen and is 0x aminin ~ so; nc of the pi c tures on tho waL.s -- shoY.r~:ir· l ;}, .C:tchte r.:: , v,:.i. .. os tl ol,s , s:Jo rt ­i n :1: sce ne.~, •)tc . 11.ocL:y l ooks c:t a l ar';e phot o~ra, h of a r acin r :1orsc .

n oCKY: Say -- ~in 1t t his hor se Sea ro am, the b i :~ \'iinncl .. ?

MA!~: (::::iroudly)

Su r e . Hc 1 s won ove r si::vcnty ­fi v e s rnnd , so for ,

n oc 1•;:y: ( i1:1pro sscd )

Sr.lventy - f i ve Gs ! 1'ihut n r acl:et l

f1';A:'i : Oh , that c.in 1 -c c. l"[..clrnt ! Thc~ •s ju ~t u ho bb y wi th Fr ~zic r ,

Rocky s i vun him an umused :::;lo.nee ,

Ct;-:1 TO :

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86 .

37 .


The r:'!0n are stanc":.ing c l ose uuout the desk , with Keefer stanclin g to one sic'io, l ookit1.3 on , Thro,.:e-h t he crouped fig.ur0s only a gli1;1pse of wha.t .Frazil:.)r is doing can be seen but ap~arontly he is cpportionins money t~ each of tho:r.1,

PTTAZIER: Here ' s yours , Thompson -- and here ' s the pay - off for a ll you r men . -- And I \'/ant the i r s i sna ­turu s on the 1°ecoipts o

THOUPSON: I 'l l ge t ' em,

FTIAZI:::H: Herc ' s yourn , Grn.dy, And we didn't deGuct thet ten - percent .

GRADY: T!1an1:s -- Jim -- 'rl10.nks , Mac.

h~~1,1J.~R : Do:-:-i. 1 t ! ·~he nk ! so r.nJ.<: h the.-'.: U!)town beconu

bring in

Frazier takes out a small black book f~om his case , he opens it o

FRAZI:I!;E: rf:in<J. s i ::·ninrr, , ~·ontlm:.en . for th o ·-·'r 0 c ~:rcl.s ~


TrIOHPSOIJ: (a .s they a:i.1 si3n)

You W8.nt to be co.rE:.f ul about those rccor(~s , Jim o

(snortin,:s) You ' re telling us~ , e

87 . MED. SHOT

Their lmsiness finic!1cd t: ·10 men stG.rt to leave ~ Keefer cros.sos to tl:c door v::i.th ·ch0m.

l'l_,_:;.1,;_~,_-,i( :

I think we cnn ,.11 hr)., 10 one on t:10 house • ., .

They G ;:;2.rt ou t. 0,3 Frazier co.rcfully :rn;?lo .c :.:;;s the book and oth er p a pc~s in his case . Th e m~n ~ilio was with .,oc!{y ontors, corn(:s to him .

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88 .

89 .

GLO SE s :·10'i1 Nr l.:E.SK


I\'iAN: Hocky Sullivan out sici.c to see you .


F'F,AZIEH: ( s ·cartlcd)

MAN: Rocky Sullivan .


t hinkin 3 hard anci quickly . His oxp1•0ssion is worried for- un i nstant, then re laxes ; und with a more assured v oice :

FRAZIER: All ri ght -- send him in .

90 • ME1J. SHOT

Tho man r;oes out for a mor.icnt; then Rocky ente r s . Fre.zier corr.cs around tho G.f:.sk , groc tin g Rocky cordi ­ally und warmly . Ile c;~tends :1is hond .

FRAZ:CER: ( v<:::ry friendl y)

Hello , Rocky J -- Say , this is a surp:ciGe l

ROCh.'Y: (non - committ0J. as he shakes hands )

Yeah •••••

FR.f.ZII~h: I hc.G. tho dD.'Ce on t!y calendar but I tho u s ht it vus ~ext month . Oth0rwise I r d have b e.en down to meiJt you .

Th~t I s


RCCKY: (vii th 2.. -::-cstur6 ) olrny . (looks abou t)

lny - out you c ot Jwre . (lo okinc at Frazier directly)

l ike :,r0u I rq in t1-~c big money .


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90 (Cont . ) FHAZIEH:

You know Mac ICeefcr?

ROCKY: I ' ve heard of him . Got the town tied up -- ci:n buy and se ll ite1

FHAZIER: ( lt.u r::hs)

':iell , we don 1t buy it -- we just sell it .

39 .


as Rocky seats himse lf in a soft leather chair , Its Down seat ~-i vcs considerably 1mcle:e him , As Rocky reacts to its luxurious feelin[;:

FRAZIER: Soft , eh?

... ,OClC( ~ ( s :i.Gnific r.r: ~1·:-r)

A l~t ~crter !n ~~a= stir - cot I 1ve be e~ s lc cpin 1 on fo~ throe ycars e

FHAZIEn: (s eats himself on desk)

'.".'ell , you I re ont now .

HOCKY: That! s r i ::;ht ,J

(~rins - th0~ still li,;- h tlv ·;

Got tha.t cti~1.gh", · F1·2,zier ?

FBJ..ZIER: ( s01;1eY,:1.:;; t ~ v.l'';)l~i sed )

Thi:-;·:-. 1·u.n' 1 Y'•" a·, rc,,:,· ,·1r~ - ? '?h:y yes ._... V 4 J. ..,....,,l_ V ~ •l a , '- , .l_ ., , I, t,; 0 ,• I • , · ,

of cou rse • . ,On l y ; as I sai do. , I didn ! t uXpC;ct -you •• u

ROCEY: Yeah •••• you said th&t once •••

::::1F:1-\.z:;::::R: I t 1 11 he ::, :·:;r:;· i~s;~., c::--· only a fcv: cl::.~r 3 ,, " .~ t hv CrJ j , )i -,~ ~·J n \ \,.C e 1-~ i ' 'You don:t havo to ·.·,;c:~.,.-s .~ iJ~'iJ.t it , nocky~

1~0Ci~Y ~ ( good-nc.t1'.:..·c 0.: · 1

b·-1,t ~1° ··1 y' " .... ,.:> .J .. . _ _ . '

I ' ::1 !10t worried u·~·,out :;. ,:· ~ " ~


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81 {Cont.) FRAZIER:

(takinp out wal l et) You ' J.l need. some money for expenses • •. I guess .

(hands Rocky bills) There ' s five hundred , Rocky .

ROCKY: (takes it - starts folding it carefully , as he speaks)

Okay ••• I 'l l take a few days getti n' scttled ••• That ' ll give you time to get that dough together and figure out where I come in.

FRAZIER: (repeats worried ly)

11\J/here you come in ?11 r•Jhat do you mean ••• ?

ROCKY: (casually)

Dope it out ••• which raclrnts you want mo to talrn care of; which sections of to~n •••• and ••••

(grins) • •• hm-1 much r1y spllt is ,

FRAZIER: Your split?

ROCKY: Sure ••• 1.Ve ' :1 0 ~)e;rtn ::;:."'s -- you and mo •••

(o. swif t frovm crosses Frazier's face at Rocky ' s emphasis on the v1ord - but Rocky continues, still good ­naturcdly)

That was the ic ;_en, r1asn ' t it? I tool-: the rap - throe ye ars; you took a ll the dough , u3 o d it to make connections ••• 11for both of us" •••

(c:lolibcra-ccly) Remember?

FRAZIER: Of course but vou 1vc ~ot thinGs • • • "-' i..:)

a littl0 rr.ixccl U :) , Rocky . I 1m · only wor~in 3 f or K0cfcr . I don 1t have nnythin c to scy , Keefer ' s the bo~rn. If you v:o.nt o. cpot in the business , you ' ve g ot to talrn it up with i,im .

( C OH'I' rm.TED)

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91 (Cont . )

41 .

ROCKY: (quickly \'!ags h i s head)

No ,., I don ' t tn.kc it up v1ith anybody but you , F'razicr .

(slowly) . You better work it out yourse lf . All I kno\·: , . , I 1r.i pickin ' up v,ith you where I l eft off , That was the i dca o • • and r,e I re ~onna stick to i t ., Huh?

FRAZIER: (nervously)

r/e ll ,. , of cour::::e , but , ••

ROCKY: { c minously)

But what ,,., ?

Frazi e r hesitates , confused ,

92 , MED, SHOT

At this moment· , the door opens and Keefe r enters • Frazier rises and. co mes aroun<l desk ,

FRAZII~R: Mac ,,. I want you to meet Roclcy Sullivan ,

KEEFER : (pl eas antly shakes hand.n v•:i th Rocky)

Pleaned to meet you , Sullivan , I know all abou t you • . • , You ' re oka y , ffnen did you got out'(

ROCKY: A coupla days 260 ,

KEEFER: What are you doin 1 ?

i10CKY: Lookin I around , , •

lLlEFER : Maybe I micht ho.ve a spot fo r yo u ,,,

ROCKY: Tb~t 1 s what ~e were just tnlkj _n 1

about •• • (Gl:mco s si~ni.f:i .cantly at Prazi cr J


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92 (Cont . ) Vi:t:~znm ~

·:,he r e a~.'e you stoppin: ·:, nocky •••

lWCKY: I 0 ot a ro om ov E.-r in my ol c: n e ie;hbor ­hood on Dock Str eet , •• ntunber 2'1 . Wel l , I 111 boat it now ••••

(to Fra zier directly) I 111 be up •••• s ay -- f i r st thing Monday . Okay?

P.HAZIEJ, : Monday ••• ? Yes ••• that 111 be fine , Rocl:y .

IIBEl<'ER: I ' m .::;oin I dov,;ntown ••• I r 11 gi vo you a lift ••

(op ens door) See yo u l ate r , J i m.

l;ocky ( c.s he cxi ts do or) turns to flash Frazier a \'la.x·nin J look .

ROCKY: Soc you l"-'ionl1.e:y ••• Fr8.zier .

'11hcy exit . doo1' clo :30.

C.i'..T.~:.:~,i ~ HOL,S on r"razior as h0 v;atches the As soon as i ·c does , he pi c ks up t he phone ,

FF.AZII:.R : Get ne Steve •••

CAMEHA HOL. =S on Fra7.i0r fo r an inst ant us he g lances up at door through whi ch Roc!cy left _.

CU'11 TO:

93 . nrr . BAR

as bartender answcrz pho n e which is si t u o.t ed in a s c clud 0d co :r-ner of the roo:r.1, Tho b£,rtcnJer , after listeninc , ca.lls t o one of tv10 men at tho bar , who ar c t h ro wins bar - dice ,

DAHT:;:;;ND:SH ; It 1 o for you , Stove ,

CAlilli,;A P,UJS . H'.i.11' Ste v a , HS he; cl'o:rn 0 r; to ohono a.nd answers it , Ho i s a c1u i ', t , c:00.d- pa.n t ypo ... (Ber t Ho.nlon?)

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94 .

95 .

CLOSE SHO'.i' li'RAZlim ' S OPF I CE

PF:P.ZI:2R: There I s a fel l ow le a vin e; with Mac •.•


S'i:'EVE: Yeah •• , wait r-. mi nute , chief ••• hoPe thev come now , ••

(i ooks off)


CAr.;E~~A PULLS BACK &s Keefer and Rocky pass throuGh ba1· r oom on their wra.y out , ancl ex:i. t •

STEVE: (over .'.)ho ne - quietly)

Yoah ••• r got u GOOQ l ook ,,, (listens-for a second)

YeD.h •••• (listens)

Yeah ••• I got it •• , (liD te ns)

Sure ••• I 111 ccc El ccuple b oy s f r om acro~s the riv e r •••

(listens) Yeah ,,.

As he continues repoatin ~ this --


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96 .

97 .

98 .

99 .

10 0 .

41 .



being b a lanc ed on the wrlst of a boy 's hand -- . then flipped e xpertly, point firt1t, into a square piece of wood . This is followed by a sti ll more difficult foat -- flipping the knif e fro: n b e tw ee n the teeth ( M't.L-:1bley ­p e g) - then -



of th 0 nci chborhood as they idlEJ about . Bim and Swing admiring o.nd cor.1r.10n ti~ :~ ad libs at Soapy I s ( Bobby Jordan) de ~t c rous p erformance . St anding to one side , respect ­fully aclr,nring the act, is the small Italian son of the landlady, ;·;irs . Ij as t :ion e , Jo h nny , Soapy, looki ng up , g lanc e s down the strc ~;t a:r:d soc s Rocky approaching .


of Roc k y, wn l k in 0 tmvar d them , abs orb e d 5.n a sec t1.on of t110 Su nd a y pnper , tho r ost of V✓hich is u nder one a rm.


SOAPY: (t o Johnr..y l'!lat;giono)

n Gy , John :··y • • • is thct (!,Uy tho n ew t 0nant u psta irs?

JOHNNY: (look ing of f )

Yea h ••• i t 1s him .

Soapy Gives Bim a wink a nd or de rs Swing .


SOAPY: Start pluyi n 1 wit h that ba ll, Swing ••• Wu' 11 c;i v o h :1.r:1 t hu v1oiks •


a s h6 inno c entl~/ continu e s tows. rd the e n trance , still ab ­sor bcci in th..; newsp[,p or . Ar, Rocky co: :.e ,1 up to tho on ­tr.anc e st0ps , UG[lj_nst v1hic h Swin e; i s b ou n cinc t he ba ll,


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45 .

100 (Cont . )

101 .

he is suddenly bumped ir.to , whon the bnll bounces too high and Swing leaps for it •••

S'.":IJJG: Say ••• v,hyn I t ya look where ya goin 1 , fer cryin I out l oud 1

At tho same time th o papers und0r Rocky ' s arm have slip ­ped to the ground , o.nd as he bends to pick them up , Soapy suddenly jostles against h im, yelling to S\1ing .

SOAPY: Gir:rrne ' that ball or I ' ll mak0 ya eat it •••

SWING.: Try an ' get it .

(runs off )

SOAPY: (running afte r him)

Come on , Bim ••• let ' s get that little heel •••

Rocky straightens up , looks aft0r the th r ee running boys -- then suddenly feels his hip - pocket ; reacts surprised , then s rins . In an instant , he starts afte r them .


as the boys , smnc twe n ty yards ahead of him , dash into an a ll ey .


102 .

103 .

as the last boy is scun climbing over th e fence at th e far end of the alley .


taking it in silently and then quietly turninG and walkinG back th e way he came .



It has chnn 0ed ver: r li ttl o in th e rmny years ; if any ­th inG , it is only mor e clutter ed with box~a and st olen

( co!·:Trnnm)

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10 3 (Cont ,) souvenirs . At the entrance is a do.n00r flag , sto len from some excavo. tion , rcadin 0 : "DA?JG:::R - r.'!E!J VIOHKING11 •

The three boys are clustered in a ti~ht knot, going through the cont en ts of a \'mlle t .

BIM: (awe - stricken)

Goe, what a roll -- there mus t be more 1n a hundred bucks the r e ••••

SOAPY: (countin 0 )

A hundred nothin l We'r e in tho big money now - ..

What u hau l • • • swnm:

' Sudden l y a quiet , smooth voice , offscone , sta rtles them .

ROCKY' S VOICE: All right , ••• put ' em up. You 1r e all coverud ,

They turn , nmnzed ,


105 .

and see Rocky, Gtnnding in the en tr ance , his hand in his pocket , lo okinc at them ominousl y . They fling up thei r hands crnnically , and Rocky advances on them .

ROCKY: (with deli bore. t o menace)

Say you r pray0r s • • • nru.gs.

BH1 : Say , mister ••• Give us n break ••• Don I t ••• ,

SOAPY: (snapping)

Shut up , 13i1:1 • • • stop yor squeal in r •••

Rocky l oolrn them ovur . CAI.:r-;RA ::'ANS .ACROSS the faces of tho boys , as they s tr ::.nd there , fr igl-: toned to dca th but their jaws set , hard and d0fiant ,


finally can no lon3or c<1ntrol himself nnd starts into n slow grin -- und l::1u.zh t:: qui Btly .

( CCP':'T :l Pr:'D ) I • ~ • I • ~ J _;

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105 (vont . )

47 .

ROCKY: (continuing)

Wext time you try to hook a poke ••• Don I t try it on n suy who lmow s your hido - out .


SOAPY: Hov, , • • how did ya knov1?

Hooky smilus - t !·wn looks around at the old pluce . Ges ­turing with his head for $oapy to follow hi.r.i, he takes two or three st ep s to a wooden door and points to it . Th ert} are scor es of initials curved out on it , but among them is distinctly scan 1R. So '• Rocky points to these ,

SOAP::: ( incr 0dulous l y )

Say ••• you ••• you ain ' t Rocky Sull ivan?

Rocky only 5rins .

BI M: (r cn ctin g big)

Roc~y Sullivan t Can ya 1maginc ••• 1

s~r-.:rwa : Us tryin 1 t o hook you ••• What a boner !

SOAPY: I gue ss th e minu t e yn saw us duck in th n t al l oy , ya knev, we w6r c hea d in 1

fer t~c hide - out .

ROCKY: (laughs)

Sure ••• an ' I took the old sho rt - cut .

Tho boys l a.ut;h, pa rtly vri th r ol1cf .

noCKY: {continuing - to Soapy)

Vo/hat do th ey call you?

SOAPY: Soapy •. this squirt her€": 1 s Bim. ••• and ••• this is Swin, .

(oxt onds h 8.nd J Glad ta nc ct yo.., P.ocky •••

(to the othe ra -with pride )

l1ioot Roclc-.r Sulli vun ••• (th ey a l l sho.ko hand s ndmi rin Gly)

You t ook a room up v.":·,ov o us in l~ur:1.ber 24 •• , didn I t 'JD.?


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48 .

105 (Cont . 1)

106 .

ROCICT: You kneu a l l the t i mu I was l ivi ng there?

SOAPY: Suro • • • Johnny I-:in.Gciono told us •••

ROCKY: And you took a chance l ike that ••• ?

(wa0 s h ead ) You kids cot a lot to l ear n •••

SOAPY : Hell ••• you ou0hto. be ab le to dish it out •••

Hocky l auGhs , then taldng o. bi ll fror.i his wall et .

r,mD. SIWT

ROCKY: Hov, 1 d you kids l ike t o he.v e a bite with r,1e ••• ?

SOAPY: And how 1

ROCKY: (gives him bil l)

Her e ' s u fin ••• Run over to the delicatessen and bring up so1:10 sa nd ­w1 chc s and pickles and !.>OTftC beer t o my place ••• and we 'll h ave a lit t le feed . Okay ••• ?

BIM: 01:ay?

(ent husiastically) Cor,ic on .. whc.t 1r o we waitin 1 fer?


:cxr . DOCK C':.'RE::.:T HOUSF.: EliTHAHCE

As Rocky starts up th e s t ops , a girl ' s voice offsce ne causes him to stOiJ n.nd turn .

LAURA' S VOICE : Hello , Rocky •••

CAr.:ERA !'ULLS BA.CI~ n.nd Lc.uru is so c n curry i ng o. few shop ­piq; ba 6 s fro::- 1 whi ch pro trud e ce lery lo aves , etc .

ROCKY: (warmly) ·

How1yn , Lau ra •••

(COHTnrnED )

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106 (Cont .)

107 .

ROCKY: (Cont . ) Lcl':lr.l.e help you • • •

She smi l es her thanks and Hocky kicks the front doo r ope n.



as she opens it .

LAURA : Getting accustomed t o being back , Rocl<:y?

ROCKY: Yeah ••. I got a real wolcone a coupla :minutes · uc;o f ro 111 sorr:o of the !{ids •••

TRUCK ,·Ji th the m as they ent er th o room . Tho door is left ajar . Rocky lo oks e.bout the neat; but shabby fu r-, nishings .

ROCKY: So.y, Lnurn ••• you oughta be ab l e to ge t o. bGtter brec.k than this •••

(h e looks ab ou t the roo m si gnific &ntly+

LAURA : It ' s not r ea lly so bad, Hocky •••

(from on0 of t ho bags she takes somo i nexpen ­siv e flow ers and places tl1 om in mi lk - bottle vases her e and there)

••• and bes id e s, I 1 m u s ed to it , I never kn eVJ an :,-th j_ng o l so , s o I don I t ••• miss it ..

RCCKY : With you r looks ~nd brains ••• if you ' d lrn~,e bee n smart ••• you 1d hav e la nded s or:1et h :!..nf; g ood •••

LAURA: I never tri 0d to b 1.; sr.mrt , Rocky ••• I tri ed to be h a ppy .

ROCKY: (b l untly)

Woll ••• were ~ou?

( co: iT I HUED)

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so. 107 (Cont.)

For n

LAURA: (smiling sadly)

whil e ••• ( th on , lool~in c square l y at him - quickly)

Were you ••• ?

ROCKY: . (a slicht puusc )

Sure ••• \."i"na tovcr I wanted , I cot ••• (then , with confidence)

••• and I ' ll GCt it aGain .

LAURA: Maybe 7rour wc..y is right ~.. I don I t know . I never darod think about it much, but I don't l>lame you , Rocky . If anything , I admi r e you :Jecause , good or bud , you did what you wanted ~

Suddenly from offsceno , the sound of boys ' voic es and r unning feet up th e sta irs . They both lo ok tow ard doo r~


109 ,

as the boys run past vii t j-, parce ls; Soapy catches sigh t of Rocky inside und calls to him ,


SOAPY: We got the en.t s , Rocky ~ All set? I1cl lo , Lauro. .

LAURA: HGllo , Soapy •• ~

ROCKY: (to Laura)

See you l ater ••• (starts out)



ns Rocky and th o thr oe bo ?G sit a.r ound the tabl e and di g into tho a s sort ment of d0licc.cics . Sw:i.ni::; is at the gus rr.nge .

SOAPY: (calls t o hir:1)

Suy , v:h c.t abou t th em beans?


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51 .

109 (Cont e ) · sv,n~o:

Comin 1 ••• comin ' rich t down •••

He brings the pot to tho ta.bl<':;, a.nd Soapy fishes out the can with two forks . Thon , as Soupy plunges tho can OJ:Bn­er L'1to it , Swing suddenly reminds h ::i.mself .


almost for6ot ••• (diGs into his pocket and brings forth u jar)

BIM: (grabbing)

Pickles ••• wow l

Sonpt mnkes a stub at his hand with the c2.n opener . In the moanti i:-ie S1·,int; is :.;till empt7ing his pockets . A great mass and vuriety of cans , and jars , emerge from his pockets .

ROCKY: (laus;hing)

What ' s all this ••• ?

SWING: Souvenirs -- free .

ROCKY : Fre0 ·?

".OAPY : Sure ••• here ' s your change . Four bucks ~nd four bits -- even .

ROCKY : Where ' s the other fifty c en ts?

SOAPY.: Geo ••• we hndda buy somothin 1 •••

didn It we? They all laugh , and diG in to t h 0 benns .

SOAPY: Boy ••• we coittml y v1£:.s __ dur:1b to pick yo u fer a sucker , Hocv.y •••

r1oc1~~: Th e first th in~ you kids wrmt to learn is to use; your lwn ds . I mi[;h t lrn.vc bo on a di ck • • • sec?

3I i: : Sur e • • • thu t I s v.rhD. t I 1m always tcllin I him •••

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109 (Cont . 1)

11 0 .

SOAPY: Aw, sh1.1 t your fnce • • • o.nd push over some of ' em potato chips .



as Jerry is seen cominG up the stnirs . As he passes Laura's landinG, he stops, loolrn at her door, looks up the stn1rs, then decides to call on Laura before v1s ·1 t ­ing Rock;y-. Ho knocks at her door . Laura opens it and pleasantly greets him .

LAURA: Hollo , Father •••

JERRY: I just thoueht I ' d say ' hello' on my way up .

LAURA: (her eyes twinkling)

Vlhy , aro you visiting someone here?

JERRY: (hidin g a smile)

Oh, just an old friend •••

Each hus boliev od tho other wa8 unm·.1D.rc of Rocky rs return Qnd each intended to spring it as a surprise on th0 other .

LAURA: It inn I t by any chance s01:1oone I know ••• Father?

JJ:RHY : Woll - ~res, you do know him •••

Then ho roo.lizos Lau ra doe; s know , and both laugh hco.rtily .

JERRY: I wanted to surprise you ••••

LAURA: So did I •••


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53 .

111 , IH'l' . ROCKY' S ROOM

Th e y o.rc quite finishe;d •:dth their rop~st o.nd RockJ ho.s nppc.rcntly be en o.skin,s tho b oys o.beut old friends . •

RGCI\'Y: Wbc.tcver ho.ppenod t .J Stinkey O' Noil ' s old ~an?

SOAPY : Oh, hi~ ••• hG 3ot drunk one night on Election Da.y o.nd fell out of a \'!indm·, ••• Th ey had a swell wo.lw fer throe de:rs ••• fro G boor nnd pretzels for cverybod~, .

ROCKY: VJ11'."..t nb sut LQur a? '!.."Jh~t kind of a guy wo.s she married to?

SOJ.PY : He wo.s cko.y ••• o. nice , quiet guy ••• but they c 0rte inl:-,' ha.d it tough . He vms outo. work fer r. long time •• • n.nd then , when h o finnll: -; GOt his job b~c~,: . • • ho gc ts hi1~sc lf kill c d by c. truck . It hit her· nwful ••• but , boy , Lmu,n. to ok it l iko o. r.m.j o r .

'I'horo is n Jr..no ck on the d c or ,

ROCKY: (cn.11s)

Como in •••

CAMERA PANS tc DOOR o.s Jorry o~tc rs , Rocky rises t o greet :iim but t he boys :1.J.l stiff en up . Jerry reacts surpris s d t c S ()8 Soap~r and h is p1J.ls here in Rocky ' s room . As Ch.I',L~nA PULLS BACK -

ROCKY: ( cc nt :i.nuirig)

How' ya , J orr: , , •• lrn n w those kids?

JZRRY: Suro ••• He 11.o , Soap-:,• •• •

SOAPY : ( re 1 u c tr ,.~ tl}-)

' Lo , Fc.thor •••

J3RRY: (tr y in g t o b~ pl e asant)

Did.! 1 1 t te.k o yuu bo ;;~s end Rocky long t o cot acqun l n t od ••• ?

_(CO;.~ IlTTJED)

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54 .

111 (Cont ., )


113 .

BIM: (t o Rocky , wuntluring)

' Loolrn li] w y ,_,u nrid tho Fnthcr aro o ld pals , Rocky o•o

ROCKY: ( ln.u Bhs)

Next t i mo you ' r e d (wm the hido - out , l oo k nt the o ld door ognln ••• Right next t o my name you ' ll sec tho initials 1 J . D. 1 • That's Jorry Donnelly ••o

SOAPY: (17.3tonishod)

No kiddin 1 ? (to Jerry)

You moan , Fo.thor , thot you used to hn.n5 out wi th Ro ck;l down tho o l d boiler - room t90?

J:2:RRY: (lo.u gh s)

We sm~o did ••• but now it 1 s the 11 store 11, you know o

Inste.ntly there is o.n o.wkwnrd pnusc ~

CLO s:r.; SHOT J: .mRY

o.s he r c ncts nt once , but perseveringly continucs c

J:C:RRY: I • •• I hoped ycu bays would be down E-t thc:; 11 stc.r-e 11 today for tho bnsko tball g9.mo n.nd maybo gc t into th e block t oP.m. • •


SOAPY: Nn- o., we ' r e pretty bus-:5· toda;l •••

.Anot:r.o r pnusc . Rock:;· sons o s s ome thing is amiss betwe en Jcrr~,.- and the • throe boys .

ROCKY: :;ihQt 1 s the !"i1$lttc r, Soc.p? Why don I t y0u go d u vm tc ) th e g n.mc? Sounds l i k0 it cu01t~ bo ~ood .

(CON'i'IlWZD) .

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113 (Cont . )

114 .

SOAPY : Fe r Pete ' s s~kc ••• whnttn we l oo k lil rn -- sis~;i os or nor:i-:thin t ? Plc. ::,-in t nr cund v1i t h a. bnslwtball nll of o. sudde n ?

Th e o th e r tw o o.dd th ei r disr..pproving c runts o.d l i b . Rocky co.tch o s n g l onm o f hop0 in ._Tcrr:r ' s g l nncc o.nd turns t o 3 o a.py .


ROCh.'Y: So yo u think it ' s n sissy gnmo •• ,? \'fo 11 , I t 1 1 t o 11 -s·ou whc. t -- I 111 bet you o. buck t o a pluc 30 d nickel none of you thr oe can 6C t that bnll pBst th o other team .•• an ' I hnvon 1t s o on t cm.

Sr/DJG : Govrn.n ••• we I d run ' cm into the ground .

BIM: VJo ' d mo ldor I cm.


tryin g t c., h id e h is dcli t;h t .


SOAPY ' S VOICE : Vfill :'ou c ome d own , Rocky?

ROCKY ' S VOICE : Suro •••


BIM: OkRY••• I go t t ~ n ick e l nn d wc 111 t nk t) yCJu up on t h at be t , Ro cky .

SOA PY : Sur e -- wc 1 11 split the winnin ' s •••

S'HING: ;:fo l l - v10 oughtn. hr-.v0 ~ t l e o.st a ch nn ca t o prRctico up f o ist •••

J 3:Ri~Y : (ho.ppy )

All ri gh t , bo :,s , t h:: 11s tor o 1 s 11 ope n .•• y ou cnn co ri [) 1t ov e r now,


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56 .

115 ( Cont . )

116 .

SOAPY: ( to Hocky)

Thon you ' ll be over soon?

RCCKY: Suro . I 1 11 be nlong inn coup l n minutes .

SOAPY: ( swng[;c,ring)

Okny-- lot ' s 60 ••• (nn d with~ partin~ shot from tho door J

••• o..nd no v.rclchin ' on that bet . A buck t o n nick e l ••• don ' t forGOt o

·They e xit hurr i edly , ad libbin_-; o As the bc.•ys lonvc , Jerry stnnds lo o kin g aftor them until the do o r closes , then he turns to Rock;{ •


Jerry smil os wn.nl::,7, shak e s his head .

JZRR:! : Tho y oun g devils ! I I vo wor1m d on the m fur o vor· o. yc o.r-- and go t novlli orc . -- Lnd n.fto1• ten r:iinutc s with ycu ., t he ~-, d ju np t hr ough a hoop if you t o l d th 0m t o J

HOCK'I: (shrug g i ng )

!110.ybc it ' s because I w.30..r my coll~r frcntwo.rds G

J:i:i.:RR.Y: Mn.yboo ••

( h e 1:10 vc s t cv: n rd Ro ck:,~) You ' ve: rae: t Lo.ur h .:?

ROCKY: ( crinnin g )

Yc a.h. Sh e I s tv.r· nod ou t to be a nic e dish .,

JZTIRY : She ' s had c. hard s tru.;clc , Rocky .

ROCEY: ( cr n icall: /)

And s he ' s ri ch t ~1 c r 0 she started .

Their e ye s mee t ., and Jerry ts.ctf t~J.l~/ c h'."Jlgu s t ho s ub j ect .

( CGJ,!'11IKUED)

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57 .

116 l Cont . )

117 .

118 .

J3RRY : ~ell , □ inca y ou 1vo b oon sp onso r in g 1:1:,-

11 store " suppos -:: v1t;_1 co ove r o.nd s co it .


ROCKY: (surpris e d a nd not pl oo.s0d with th e id e n)

JERRY : I' d lik e t o show :,-ou v1hn.t I 1m try i ng t o do , nocky e

ROCKY: Okay .

He gets his hnt . As t he ~- start ou t ,



RockJ nnd J c rr; 1 come out , sto.rt do wn _t he street .


Vihcre St ove is loun 6 ing , As h~1 s o<::s the two men go down th e str e et , he starts to follow nfte r them .


As Rocky and J erry walk Rlon ; th e d irt y , crowd0d street , lin od wit h wr etch e d ton t:mc nts . l.s th c :,0 pro ceed , nl th ough it mn.y- not b o indic .".'..ted in th e di~lo Guc ., several pas ­sersby , wom,'.1n , mo n , old r,.nd J-oun i; , b ow or tip thei r ho.ts t o thG priost r..nd wish h i m £:OOd aft e r no on . To t hem he r op li as in kind .

Durin g th u foll0v·1in 2_: scen e: Jorry is t ry in g desperately to find words to t o ll Rocky th 0 1.1f'.ny many things ho has to t0ll h i m, yet he is ~vrnr u t h?..t nny " pro8.chinG " on his prtrt v.r:tll on ly ali c nat, ; Ro cl~y r'.nd r.nka the ir friend ­ship in~css i blc . he cho o s e s h is words with care and ntt empt s , 0-s much n.s possib l e , t o thr ow off h is rob e s of priesthood .

For a moment tb c y walk s il •.m t l-:,,-, them J c rr;, · motio ns to t he littered , f ilt hy str 0 ct , tl1 0 squalid house s .


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58 . ·

119 (Cont , )

12 0 .

121 .


,T~P.RY: It ' a beautiful , isn ' t it , Rocky ? ~ gr cnt plnc~ t 0 livo l

ROCKY: (lmowin c whn.t !10 nc o.ns)

Ye n.h o Swe ll . (his c~0s r co.n the street)

1:-Jhy don ' t you" 3c t out of it ?

J3 RRY : I did fer awhile nt scho~l . But I couldn I t for,·;ct it. -- Som0tirae s \'!hen I v1~s c..l onc in m:;- coll it s eeme d o.s if I 1 d brou i:;}1t it nll in the r e wit h me -- o.11 th e d irt nnd filth nnd :-:1i sc r y of' thcsc tcncmonts o

ROCKY : (gr iml y )

Yco.h , I brou.:;ht 1 t t o o. c0ll u i th me, too ••••

.TERRY: You don ' t n ind sc, much when yo u ' r o c. kid . -- You just ge t t uu~;h -- nnd fL-ht for wh!1t ~-0u wnnt -- o.nd t~l<:e i t~ a.n:,-wo.:;· you CQ.n ge t i t o

ROCKY: ( smilin s )

But no t ge t co.u,:ht ,

J:3:RRY: Sure . r.:11:· t0nch us ?

not? \v110.t else did thrJ :"

the crinin~ls 1 i kc this ••••

And t~1on pc oplc b lo.mo thP.t cor:1c cu t of plo.ccs ,

He ~;lances qu i ckly o.t JGr:c:; , hn.viE [; . co.ucht the sli gh t tin 61c o f 11re f c rr.111 propn 2;nr:.clc.. 5ut Jcri·y o.ppco.rs no t t o hov o noticed the: u;l".n c e .


Jcrr✓- continues , wrnpp od in his tl1 cu Ghts , still without l ookinc at Rocky .


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12i (Cont . )

122. MED. SHOT

J:3:RRY: Y·,n:, d,rn I t th o;;- blc.mc the po.rents , or conditions , or society its e lf?

(th0r c is n pc.us e -Rocky docsn I t o.nswer -th on in a differen t t ono , slov,l:t)

Rocky , I wo.n t od to toll :iou , I wn.s \1ith your fc tthor ·whe n ho wont .

ROCKY: (simply)

Thnnks . -- I tried to se t b ack -­but I couldn ' t Mako it .

JERRY: He wns a grand mnn .

ROCKY: Yenh . -- but they licked him .

JERRY: Yeah -- t he y lick e d h im.

59 .

( so.d l j ·) Just lilrn the:',-· licl rn d mr mot her . -- They didn ' t hn.v u n ch., .. ".nce ., Rccky ., e ith e r of ' em, to t en ch us to work for what we wanted -- inst cnd of f i 3ht ing for it.

ROCKY: ( S QCC ly) .

Somobod··: to.ur•ht '70U e ~ u -L._

JERRY: ( sh ru 62;ing ) ·

That was just nn accident . That ha pp en s ., som.:; times ., too .

as J err y sto ps before on e particularly wra tch ed buildin g that is lit e ral ly fallin 3 down . H0 points to it.

J:2:RRY: 'Thero ' s enc of tho p r et ti e st of the bunch . A fino hous (; for tw o hundred peopl e -- \01it!:1 fort~; r r; O!YIS -- nnd one washroom .

l~OCKY: (c -·nic " l ]·· ) "' - - c. .. _ - ,Y

'i'ihJ.t a bo nfir1 :; it would ::m.kc •••

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123 .

124 .

125 .


Hi s fc.ce sh ows his nngcr and d0tcrr:!inntion as he spcaks . -


J:::RHY: I 11:1 GCing t o buy thnt, Hccky -- I 1m goine t o buy it and t J nr it down and in its plnco build a r e cr eat i on cent e r for those kids, v:ith a g:,T:1 nnd a library Rnd some workers who understand kids and kid psycholo c r •-- lnd if lt 1s tho lnst thin ~ I do, I'm cc in 3 to too.ch them thnt o. cl00.n life is more fun than a crooked one •••


Somehow proud of Jerry's ambition , but cynical and unb0li0vin[; .

ROCKY: Fihen ' s nll this connn ho.ppon?


Jerry ' s voice becomes moro norr.i.al o.s his emot ion fades .

J3HRY: I 1vc alrc11d:· sto.rt od o. fund -- and in o. fo11v ycc. rs , :r:w .. ~·bo I ' 11 ha vo lil011Cy cnOUGh to ~.iakc 0. bos i nn ins .

ROCKY: (~s they walk along)

It 1 3 o. cr•J n t id c 0. -- S OlU1dS SVfO 11 -­if it worlrn ••• - ( slo\"1ly - locking Rt J crry) But tho onl :i· vmy I c vor so tm n.n:tbody cot anythin g is b:,· f i c;ht in 6 for it .

'l'ho 07}"0S of the tw o ::ion m::ie t in undc)rstanding . Rocky knoi'JS that J 0rr:7 has b ee n tryinc; to nsk him t o open up , to como over to hi s 3i d.e nnd l C;a.d a "cl ean lifo . 11 Jorry knows _that Ro cky has askod hir r. t o " lay off o11

J2RHY: Sorr;;7 if I ' ve b0 un pr e nchinz , Rocky . -- But I fe 0 l all t!1is dooply o

ROCKY: Yeah -- I fc, ; l it too . But I go t diff e rent ideas .

JcrrJ~ smiles and with o. Ge sture of f::>icndsh ip , half puts his r . r1 11 a:round Rock:· ' s sh: :rnlc.krs e.s h ,1 leads hi:n off •

J::::IGi.Y: C1r.1on, th o 1:ids 111 bo VH~it i ng for us -- ':i'horo ' s t.h('; 11s torc . 11

So indicn.t0s it a s they cros G towo.rd it .

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126 .

127 .


i\filD. LON C ~HGT /,T II STORii:11

L s:-:in.11 , tu::- ,bl o - duwn cntr'.:1.ncc with bf'.r c v,rindows , throu~h v1h ich thG b-::i:;·s cP.n be po.1·t i 11lly s c1..m. H0ck7 n.n d Jerry nppror,ch th e c, n tro .nc e nnd ,.mtcr the II sto r e . h PJ.N Ci.Ai2His 1ro-


who is n few ynrds awc-'r• J.s he secs th e trm r:1cn co into tho buildlnc , h e turns into o. c i Gnr - storc , steps i nto th o phone booth .


129 .

130 ,

SHOOTilm into tho bo o th . -::;r; S:23 Steve deposit a c o i n i n the slot , dio.l n number .



Tho place i s lon i nnd bnro , with two rnnkoshift basket goo.ls , and some shnbb :: r.;ym oquipmont o.lon; the vmlls ; a med i cin e ball , s ome dumbbells o.nd we i ght - pu ll s ,


o.s they walk d ovm th o l e ne th of the II storc . 11

One t o o.in is pra.ctlc i n c nenr on e i;on l , dribbini:; , pass i n .:3: and sh oot in g f o r the bnslrnt , while o.t the farther end , Soc.py , Bii:1 and Sv:i n,:_:, with two b oy s w~1om wo r e cog nize fr om the ch o ir sc0n0 , f c r r.1 t~ o othe r t e nm. One of the latt e r , n. tall , lo.nky ldd , co.ll c d Tin y , attempts to give instructions to Soa py and his pnls , but th ey refuse to to.k 0 it -- do i ne thinzs th, :. ir OVID v-my.

'l'H: Y : (ye ll in ,:::;)

You Gotta dri bb l e: it , Soe.py . • • You cc,n I t r un rd th it .

soi.PY : Don' t ~ o rry ab out me •••

(tu rns t c Sv, in b ) Snr,p i t br.clc , S~·:ins •

1 (Swin 0 doe s so)

J.-t t his po i nt , J e rr y b J.mrn o. wh i ri-Cl o fer order. .

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13 1.

132 .


JLRRY: All ri~ht , boys ••• if you ' re rersdy , \":e I J.l c tm~t the r:~::::,.:1e nov, .

62 .

Ad J.ibhin~ f;._--•0:-,1 ths dJ.ClclL :es G.nd te'"·. ;-.i:J then:,eJ.ves , a::­t }1ey te.~,-c tl-:icir- posi tions . Hock;{ ~, tandc to one side loo 1::::i:-i;:; cm •;.ri th _:-.rc::.1.t H:·,,u;;e r.1ont . ~)0C.;?Y nnd l1i-s pr.ls winl~ and .:,est ure confider. tl y to him U:J the~, J..i ne up .


Soapy end a ·i)OY fron tl1-c OP:Jo~;ii1 ,-::; teo.ra talrn pJ.nces in the center , v"i th J crr·y :;.::-, referee rm tw ee n t1.1er1 ready to toes up the ball . The ball i~ to~sed ~ut Soa9y leopG for it be;ore it i s tossed .

J::-~nnY: You ' ve r;ot to i:mit :.:'or tl1c whi[jtle before y ou jur,1p .

so;· .. PY: Okny ••• but l ~t 's st&rt • • •

Jzrry tooses t he hr .::.l nn6. ti-:.(; ot: -:,~r '.Joy ~~etc the c.dvan ­ta ~e -- strikin ~ the ball to his sidd . s~i~~ short - elbo ws one boy try~n~ to block him and ge ts the ball .


DOY: (yells Jrotesting)

I • • • •

.rz:rm.Y ~ I f you do tl· ,r-. t n :·.nin , ;J·ain ---:, it 1 11 co2t you a -~~oal .

S'-.'Il:G: I clidn I t do no thin 1 •• , • iie I r; screwy •••

.?.gain ·cne c ente rs J.ine up 10I' ;'. t ot~ s &ncl this time So1:,\)Y geta the j~~ . Tha bnll ; oes to Di~ nnd he snnps it to Soapy , CJ,l'li mJ. r ·J,1!3 wi tb hh1 - w!:w starts to run for his bas l--:et .

CJ:.~T:.,IN : (of op)osin G teem as he tr:i.e s t ,) ~1.C!:..-.d him off)

~ribble ••• you ~otta drib ble ••• or :;ass . ...

:JOi .. PY: Aw, d ri ·;ble this •. •


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132 (Cont .) He snaps tho bc.11 in the boy ' s face , catches i t on its rc ·,):)und , then q_uic 1_:l y sl·.o ots for the ~oal . It 3ocs tllrou~·h 1)ut a cry of ;wotes t 0.oes up .

133 • MED. SHOT


135 .

136 .

VOICES: Foul ! Faul t

JERRY: (announcin g ) _

The. t was a foul ••• I vron I t count that goa l •••

SOI.PY: That bozo put his :"!!Ut} in the way ••• ~hat 1ya ~oi a1ninst us •••• ?

J'.2:TIRY: Non lool~ h1~re , Soupy , you've e;ot to play the rules •••

i\. chorus of .:)rotes ts nnd shoutc fror.i Soapy , Bim and Swinr:; -- vri th rnzzinr; !:.nd I,ron;: chee r s fror.1 the . 0_1_)posinc; teo. •".l c.nd ::;:l.delii ,es . Jerry J.ooks helpless l y 0. t Iwcky .


grins , and starts to Jerry .

T'i!O S!fOT

o.s Rocky v.rhi spcrs to Jerry . Jerry nod::; s.nc1 turns to the ~ioys .

M:3:;D. SHOT

JEHRY: ( anno1.:mc es)

i1.ll ri;;: ~t , J.ine U) •• • 1-.:r . Sullivan will ref e ree t :1.i 3 :;n.me .

S08.:)y and his pnl::; let up a ell c er . i'.s :\oclcy lines them up , they ,3rin &nd ·-.':'inl : at . en.cl ,. other conf'idently .

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1 37 .

1 38 .

139 .

r.IED. S~-{O'l'

;~s ltoclz:y to~ scs t ].~e 1)~11 1·0~') t~' ~B /">la~'". J.[;rt:i.n. 0oap:,r tri0s to r:0t t•:c j ur.19, but 1:ocl:? ' s ::•.ulld cor .1e::;· do,_--m _:_Col'ci ·;Jly c~-td smc.c:~s h:1rn 0;1 tllc 1-,eo.d .

HOCI:Y: (bc.r1~s)

~nit fo r thE ~ic nal • • • chur,1p .

~·,rps TO:


The 1Jfill in pl ay , ~:'J1en ~-{oc!~~r s11C.clcnly no tice3 S\\ri11. •:: tri.p u~) one of tl: e othd' bo ys . Ee v:ui t3 ti11 Svn.ng run~, pes t t1_im r-.nd e.::~tendc hls foot to trip up Srrini . Sr,i n :-:-r i r.c s yelli ng lYu,,::nuciou3J_y ( very 1·nuch like Donald Duck) .

SYHNG: ( tourth)

½hat's the b i ~ idea , Joc~y?

LWCKY~ ( jn:)t res tou;~h)

I 1m. D skin ' you • • • and. t 1-at ,.., :--•1 ·" or 1 1 11 lnv .1.l v.. , ; '-· -- 1 .l -~'- ... J

cold ••••

don ' t try ·you out

Just t 1!ei·1 1·.•e notices Sor ,p:.; d::., :\."i:)1J:l.inc; the ball and as a > .)y tri e3 to 1:-;loc): Lin , 30~,J-· :3 tiff - ·c.:c;::1s t; ·ic ';:,oy to tl· :i.c jC '.-'.'. J.(OC)~y s ~;C }) S 0\Tf;l' c:.ncl stif'. "'•- cr: :~s 0O0.py •• •. VJho :;to r,-gers .

HOCI2:.: List i:m, mon1:oy, y:-,u .' ::011Yw. play this accordin ' to t~ L r u le& , or not?


CLO SE S}.10'i1

S01\.~JY-: ( a~ 1.··ecin1.i )

0 • •

( sh ou ts to ])is "·en·,- , .. ..,,.es) L, cu,l - :, lc._ v

!':,u.<ss •• p l uy I cor cEn 1 t o ru le:3 .

breaks into a rrin C 3 r.: 1· t,,a ti.· 0·1 1· 11 ,. { " o ··;~ i...; \, \ I J. - J...&.- i.:) • J..o.' c rqn:J:. c

l !o8 l-:J ~-:un ::'L::'.in r:. the '.:c1~r •

·•_iIFS TO:

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140 .

14 1.


v,asJ·_,_:Ln 0 at c sin\: :(n tho rer.r of the ;'store " -- ::-..:.1 n.re ~;c-.ttcred up nncl loot:i;.i ,:, c:ui te bc:ltcn r:nd ~n•u:.i.:..;0d in spirit as rrnJ.l r.s on 1:nees L: .. 1d elbows .


SOJ..PY: (to Dim - ~n~rily)

·1\hy 1 d 1yr, l et t:·wsc j:Jyr,, ;~et t'Grow~h \'.ri th t!·1:;t gon.l u t the cnG., you do:;_)o l

BIM: He WE:.S too fast for me •••

[>~.:,j I!iTG· : ~h&t ~e need is ~ore ~rn.ctice .

as noclcy o.nd Jerry come into scene .

ROCKY: Ho·;, E:.bout thr.t nic}rnl I won?

SOi,PY: ( dLic;u~ todly)

01~o:~,r, c;ivc him tl1c n=:cJ..:el, Dim •.•

Roclcy tctl~es tho nfcl=cl and be 0 ins to toss -it playfully with c tensing grin .

S\'!Ii'TG: ( to 1"tocky - defiantly)

Give us, ~ little )rr. ,ctic c to1,1O~·-rovi , nnd ' '!8 111 111op up tho so 1 u~~s •••

J 3HRY: J\1 1 ri 0:1t -- meet r11e here tomo:ci~ovi I 1 11 i:trrunr,c ~·.neth e r fCJne .

SO.i.PY: ( to Roclcy)

'/[u;:inn double thc.t bet fer torno :. rovv?

TIOCI::Y: Sure - why not t rut rer.1ember -f cordin' to tho rul ec .

SOL?Y : · ~w • • we ' ll rnoider 1 cm anyway .

0 e I

,-.. s i'.oc 1~y ~--,inks to J e rry ,-:"!:o oho ·.1::; hi o c:.cli c ht at ho..v :;.ns mndc c. dent on tho:;c :,,oun: ; hoodl ur.w c, t la st r.-i th Hoc 1--.y 1 ::i aid ,


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142 .

143 .

.:: ... :;:m, SEOT NIGHT

It is e£".rly even1n:.; anc: t~·,c streot J.i'.""l,ts ho.ve ju ::t iJecn ·iut on . Hocl~y C0':1cs out of the store and wal: ~s up the street. headinL for hone .

~-.-:::D . CLOSE SJ:OT

Steve , loun :,·;inc; :Ln t1::1.c dO (ll'Ho.y , sees ItoclrJ ; he steps out ~nd f'ollo· J s ofter !!im .


145 .

146 .

147 .

14 8 .

He ,·_reilk::; alonc; for u f e\l l;;inutes , 11:,.s 1:1:lnd occupied vdtll J er ry Hncl the l::i.ds , r:hen ;:,lov,ly, r;ome sixth sense oorn of y30.rs of cr:i.me , tells him he is bc J.nc; followed .


t'e LJeE: him talrn more note of hi:.:; surroundLY',S , ,<:;t:l.11 WL',llcin; '.~ for ,). ~nornmt . Then :he stonn , pul l s out n ci .. ':8.rette ., reac J:,03 .ror his ;-:-:e.tcb.es .


who C!uicl:ly sto :)n G.nd t:'-.::rnfJ to 8 1.'l. 1.ndow P.nd looks at th0 di s9lr..y •

CLOSE ·s::rnT noCKY

i'.s h 8 li .~ht:.l the cj_g~rctte }it ~ tl ~.rns ~1i s hend ::;lir;htly so t!w t he can sec ~~tcvo O"t.:t o:~ 'c:~,::, C0:i."'t1e:r of bi 3 eyes . Be t >ro, .:s n·:.ruy t' :t, ::<'. tc:· J 2..ad 3 ta rt s on ac;s.ln .


Steve lc o..ves t}'lG i;.fj r'!dov., 8.l trl r10°rn:..: on c~:s.in c.fter i·locl:y .

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149 .

1 50 .

1 51 .

1 52 .

1 53 .

1 54 .

1 55 .

156 .

67 .

H,.,. 1-n"'"S 110".r• hr., -;,.. ).,C.;,,._ t:11l' ••d 1-·~ co· -,1·1·n1l<"S 0'1 \,;,' ... ~. ~- --'•' I • .1,.V •·'-' , , - • •- ___ t_, o I.,.• J,,. .1. ,.,; .i '

ev c r·y ::;,:.nse a.leri:. , tr:. 1 :1.:!.,"". in 0very detui l o.::' bis .surroundin:~;G . ~:.;; ;·,e loot :.; st2·ni::ht a J-.ea.cl 1·=0 ::;cc~:

A =:i~c.cn is ::_.10..rJ~ed n t t:1c cu:(:; . ~-'1,e di!n !'i gurcn of thj _'ce men can be see ,.~ i rrnidc it .

CLOS=: 3S0'1' HOCI:Y

I·J e 1-~l 0' '/ <:' ",.,.,. _. ,:> .j. ,., 1· ..... r • 1· C' "II ' ........ r' • ) .. . "" I r, 1) r., . • 11 (• .1."'r (.,..~,iod o.nd he ~J.. l ,:.J U • J.Lav uJ._. ...... ,_ . .:, . VJ.I._,, ..&.,v ..., , \;,.."._ ·D

has e : " od :i . .:' ea n)10 is ~':t'f:'Jn.i.i1.-_'. h:i.r:1. :r:e looks about quic l\:.ly ; thoro i.s 0i1e of t ' ~.e r.iob ~J0!-:1.nd l~irr., t}-:,.ree a: :e 1:~cl of llii:-1, Searchi ::--:.'_; .::·or ~~ wr7 01-1. t l'.e loo1rn ac:r-n D s th~ st r eet and sees :

l\-I~D. S1!0'l'

v:~:lich is locc , t ccJ. J;:ir~',ff.y '~ct 1:·nen t}'}C :'1on o.nC: :.-{oe!:y . 'l'hc s to~•e ls 1it'.;b ted c..nd G.J:_1arcntl~r cin:,·/c·,y o:!.' cu .., t:::r::::rs .


Decidin s on a couroe of action he croG~o ~ tho st r eet and. :J.cc.ds for the ci.rup:storc .


Ste v e int~~ f . ~ . is also croa~in~ the stree t fo ll ow­inc: hocl.:y , ,.-,l:o is in t: '!c t , . -r . £:.l::-,,ost r~t the dru c;s tore .

I N'l' . SEfo tN

The eyes of tl: t" !:len nre: n l ucd on :~t.:.::vc; they c.rc fair ­ly certG.in no :Y t l 1•:·. t u,e r:'!r:.n r:.he8.d of' him i s 11ocky .

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157 .

158 .

159 .

160 .


The J.::.:~·.cier of tho tl!r 0c Y,1E:n , _::urs , motions to Steve to follow on in t ~e store .


Hoc1cy, lookin'.":: out throu~r- tl~c front 'l!·.•i ndow a~; he cro::;ses tl:ru tl1e store , t,oes the si-·nnl . He c r o1:ises the sto1'e , te.!rns ~ se, .t c.t tJ~e sodc. fountain , from v:hic} ·· p osition he can nee j_n t;~e ;:d:"ror over the fountain , the door , and th r e>u•~h the ·.1indo•;;r at ln:::: le.ft , the three men diaionally across t~e street . Nou , as he bJ~ofJ his sec.t ho secs , in t]ir:J mirror , Steve enter and ,, o ·co the ~na. .--az:Lne rsck i)Y the door .


us tbc phc .rmac{st co,ws u :) behj_nd the fountain . He is a thin pale young ma!'l of about thirty .

PH1.n!1,iACI ST : Nico ni::i:ht , ain ' t it? -- ;vhat 1 11 it be?

lWCKY: Cherry col-:e ,

He starts to ,:,:ct it . Rocky c:lencos :i.nto tl :1e mirror , sees bteve o;rnmini n ·:; t :18 ::--1n•~nz.J.nc _o; ~~1c~nce3 out the vd.ndo·:: , Gee s that tl::e t];r-ce r.wr. c.re still in the s edan .

INT . ·sr;Df,.N

Th0 s tr ce t is fo. i rly busy n:i. tt, ,Jccte3 trio.ns and cors . One of t J:-c ;·•;en loolr:c :n·o1.md , tl:i.0n turns 'co the:.) others .

IM,N: Too much traffic to cull it on the street . -- 1h~ t storo 1 s the spot .

BUG3: Nn~ -- I don 't lik e the setup . r.i1l~,"' nuv ' •· l 1n.:., 1 ed ,.,,,1·" r-.· -- ,:,n 1 } 1fi 1 s • •• - _.. tJ .__. •.,. .._. ,J • , , . ) 1,.,., V ~ • _,..

in too :~ood [·~ s 11ot . ·,ic-; po in the door an I he ::;~"'J.Y\'•:s around cm I s t:: .r t s pur1:):lnr.;. It' G no rrnod .


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l GO ( Cont . )

151 .

162 .

2~.,m EAJJ: So \'!e wait .

Liss cn -- '!-'G ["Ct hi~1 :tnto the phone ·:ioo t h e.n I l'•c:: cr,2 1 1 t r.iove .

( to the : irat mnn) Er.i -- r.o do,m. t:.0 tl· 10 c.:-:1:Lc ;,tes.:;en ri::-i .,-~ ·c} ·.c dru .~ut.•)! ' e , n :,lc :f:'o:-.' 811.J_livan . If ;:-;~ i'o.L~s f u:t' :Lt c-.:11 ,ro c5 \n t! -·.e booth -- we 'r e be t .

1ST n i:.Ir: Olcay .

noc:~y , lo okin:; out of t~-e window , sees the mr.n le2.ve . The ~)ho..rmnc5_st ,)1£:i.c cu tJ..:e coke hc:::'ore him . TJ.:e n r:,oves off' to 8. t t end to 0t0v0 . , (oc )~y s5.}s hin drink .

GLOSS f\IiO'i'

Yes , sir?

STrW i::: Fov, a'oont r,1y ~::,1•0scriptio n'r'

flJ;. ;:;I-.;J-_CIST : ( nuz ,..;lcd )

\rhy -- V:'i !Gn I d :.-·ou li ;;av e it • • • • • • s 'r~: t..; ;_.~ :

(very J.oy.r - 1Jut v,i t: ·· .. :1'..i t :·:.or i ty -hi o ~"'.and in his no c 1::e t)

1•h·_, !'1 , . -~-111 t,., ,,t ·,~ 1--- t ;·,-. ·,.-,ut vou .. ..., (.. .._ • ..L. CA v - ., • ... , . . . O JJ J

r~o bac 1 1 :,;_ t.1 c-., :::--c ;· c.1.-,j_ption counter an ci s tr ;y t ).\.cr r., . \,.e 0;) y ~)ur mouth shut f:.nd yrn 1r c;7r,:~s clof; cd -- r:;ct • ,_ ? l. L, •

( COi-:·l'I FUE D)

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70 .

162.{Cont . )

163 .

164 .

165 .

1 56 .

167 .

PHAHI-~1.crs·r : ( thorou r~hl:y fri :;1-: ten ed )

Yeo , Gir -- yos -- I' ll have it in just a f ew minutes ••••

He turn:J nnc. hu:crief) into tb.0 back .


The business tins not ½ecn lo st on him; he ' s ~1 sc to v/"y t·=-·.c Dharmacist left. }fo ~-;its ~)ois0d , ne-.it in r; for 'clie n ext- 1110ve. SuddGnly ti"-<3 ~)hone sta rts rin :'.ing . A sli: ··ht frown cross0s Hoc 1cy 1 s face . I!c se cr1s to he -::,i tP. te for a monent , t~!en he ri :~cs 2.nd starts .fo r the booth .

I NT • .STO~~E Ivi:.m. SHOT

as i.{ocky l 0a ve::; tl':,e fountain and stcrts to cross towtt rd the ~oath in back ,

Il':T , SZDi .E l.ISD . SHOT

cs they ,ve.tch Hocky move f1•or,1 tl:(~ fountain . Dut~s grins .

DUGS: Hu fell for it , -- C1mon .

They both hur ry out of the car .


as they hur ry across. ~uri n~ this t~ey ere out of position to se0 i.{ocl~y t·r;rou ·,:h the:- ·.n.nct.ow.

I I-r'I'. Df-tUG~/i'OiC: i,;~~D. SEOT

Hocky 'm.s ;juct rl:ac :-:,e;d tr0 phone bc ot h . !Jc 011ons the door .

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1(,8 .


170 .

171 .

172 .



s t,.:;v e;, :;t~ ~d.ir1::- at t~· t., \~~-'·czi ,. c r c.clc is ncc r t l1c ~J')ot.11. i.:~ ;:oc; ·~Y o~J:.m:... t~ .c ,~o .. r , '!0 \ .l: j.rl :.:, ')ull: :; out }1 :i.s ,.,,,.c, ,,,,, t ·1c "t .J' c1.-~ i 1" ·L""to ~-;trv 0 ' s ;),,, ly c,.,. 1,,.1,.._...,_, ,C.\ , 1.J ..... ,, . ~- •• .1~ • ,,, '-J .. '-" - - - •

:tOCI:Y: knGwcr tha~ ~hone l

Steve J.ool·: :,; r.t hi1~ , h,1s ito. n t f or c r,10::,!cnt.

l·lOCEY: You 0~·1ly r:ot 3. r.iinute !

H!:!.vin '·· no l:.l tc:.•n, ·. ti v e .:.,tcvo ::; t-:µs i.1 t o tho ;·,oot~~ .

rtOJl~Y : Clo :-;c t ' :c do or l

Stev e clo:JeG it . '.?l.1(;r e i 3 :j1..s t c.t f rnc tion of a. s 8cond as nocky cl._1e;1~L do···m i.:cs ide t he r.10.guzi~10 rack ,

CLOSE s ·.-·oT G'l.1i{8;'.:;T j)OOR

;'.s ··.1u--:r; ::1;d I:ii s p r~rtner ru ::J.: in c.nd rec.ch for t}t(; ir ,~U.."1S •


c..nd ph one; i·)dot:·_ in 1'} . _('. i. s t>s r om ., o: t! 10 · ~t; .. 1:3 is hoa r<i c.!"JC:. ·:~tc ~:o,:n· n.1;~ ti .:,_• ·· 7.~ .. ;[: nf t: .Q ;oo th ore ri •iC~l 0d . '~;·1:_; .r:.. ·.~-lir ,:; ]f ;:tt\;\ ~·.: i :;: scr·:j! to :--;.tn1: to tt1e flo or , t:ocl :y r :.mo.i n::: t o~·1sc , !.Li. n ~u tor1r.. tic ror-.dy .

STiL: :.,;T ?JOOR


he wc.i t ::.:, n -::.,oncnt l on',;o r . Ov ,.,r tbe sc ,) :·!0 cc.n 1)c heard th e di::. t;r,.nt ~cJ•cr.r.; of e. ~)ol:-.c ,: .:l'l:·.t: tlc . '.('hon :to cl-•~y ju.--:1ps to :1.d, feet , hu.cr,;_.:;..; tl)\'.T .rd tbc b8.ck .

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1173. .iNT . REAR OF STORE

174 .


buck o.f the prescr:i .!'tion counter, as Rocky dashes trn•ough . The phnrrnacist , panic - stricken ju st e;npen (lt him as he hurries through . For a moment Roch.--y :::tops , looking for the bo.ck door . SeeinG it he hurries to ·it .


pocketing his gun, Rocky opens th e cloo1• cautiously , loolcs out , then diso.ppears into the street .



A crowd has gathered and are ... tter.ipting to push into the sto r e but n.rc somewhat I"C strained by a policeman, another officer is poking around the phone booth ., another is questioning the pharmicint far in the b . g ., the bloody body of Steve is seen lying on the floor , his feet j_n the booth where he fell . The siren of an -approaching nrnbul ance is heard screaming .


Soapy, Bim , Swing and some half d oze n other kids are in back of tho ad--c.l t cu rios ity seekers , peering thro'Ll8h whatever spaces between the adults they can .fin d , look­ing with letrge, excited eyes at the corpse on the floor . Soapy turns to Swing who hasn ' t aci cood ·a. v i ew :

SOAPY: Gee -- kin you see 1 i m! He got a hunnerd bullets in 'im!

BD.1: 1!~110 d'yu. thinl-c done it, Soapy ? Who d 1ya think?

SWII'JG : ( pun tor.iiming with an hin.ginary mnch ine - e;un , and in i ta tin 1( its sound)

B- r-r - r - r-r - r - r - r - r - r - r -

A squad Cl::.r pull3 ur,, siren blazinc; , officers come across the ::; idf , ;;nll: a~d push the kids ,md peop l e a.side .


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73 •

176 (Cont .)

177 .

178 .

179 .

180 .

OFFICER : All ri 0ht -- out ' u th e way ! Beat it , kiclc , bent it !

As t hey push their way through .



Bugs is on n. wall phone ; standin g h.y him are his . two partners . He i s waiting for his co nne ction . When he gets it:

BUGS: Ho l lo , Mac? -- 'rh is is Bugs . We got ' im •••




on the phone ; he wear s a puzzled exp r ession .


KgEFER: What I ro you t alking about? You got who?


BUGS: Sullivan -- Rocky Sulli vnn like Fraz i er s atd you wanted





Keefer ' s face clou ds but h i s voi ce does not change expression .


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74 .

18 0 (Cont . )

181 .

KEEFER: Yeah? Whore?

(he listens) Yeah -- yeah •• ,

There is a pause during \'1hich he listens nnd the doo r opens a s Frazier enters . Keefer eyes Frazie r cool l y us he con t inuc s to listen . Then :

KEEFER :· (into phone )

Okay . Drop outu sight .

H0 hangs up, turns to Fr a zier , Their eyes meet and Pro.zie1~ knov,s ins t [.m tly wh3.t has happened ,


After a moment ' s pause as they st are at each other :

KEEPER: What ' s th e idaa about this Rocky Sullivan bump?

FRAZIER : (coolly)

Oh -- I meant t o tell yo u ~~bou t that .

KEEFER: Yeuh -- but you didn ' t .

FRAZIER : You didn I t know Rocky , I used to work wi th him . He I s the v,ors t kind of a double - crosser .


K:SEFER : (eyein g him )

FRAZIER: Do you l{now why he cui:1e up to see me yes te r daJ ? Do you kno\·1 what hi 8 Dror,os i tion rn1s?

• '(he D:1USCS but th0re is no an srrnr from Keefer)

He y:cmt0d to :-::Ct ~_.,-ou so h e could ~ ..___

r,,uscle i~1 . Ee wanted me to work with hi1a ,

Yeah ?

Y...EEF2R: (b e~inninG to be sold )


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75 .

131 (Cont . )

182 .

FRAZIER : I pretended to go along with him so he wouldn I t be suspicious .

KEEFER: All right , \'✓e 1 11 forget it . But from now on don ' t g i~e the boys no orders . I ' ll handle that , I don ' t like rough stuff unless there ' s no other wa.y out .

FRAZIER: I know , Mac - - but it was nccesso.ry to work fast . Rocky was no ordinary mugg . He was a killer •• ,

KEEFER : Okay . So h0 got it .

He turns away as if to close the matte r,



Bj_rn, Soapy and Swing c.re seated nround a box , p l aying with a pack of dirty cards .

SOAPY: ••• sure he 1Nas a c;angs ter . They found a rod on him , didn't they?

BIM: vVho rd ' ya thin1i;: the other guy vms , Soapy? The [U Y the pharma cist told the cops about?

SOAPY: (suddenly)

Say y 'l{now what? I betcha it was Rocky !

SWING; I betcha it was ! I bet cha it was l

The three boys look at each other with intense excite ­ment .

SOAPY: They trj_ed to Get I im -- an ' he give it to them !


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76 .

182 (Cont . ) SWI!JG:

Sur e -- '!'her coul dn I t get Rocky . He ' s too smart f or ' em.

BIM: Gee think 1a

(h e breaks off a s he sees

Hey ! Rocky enter)

The other tv,o look up .

183 • MED. SH OT

as Rocky en tors, his face s et Vii th determination . When he speaks to the boys it is crisply in a h~rd v o ice .

SOAPY: Hey -- Rocky ! dru g- s to1~e an 1

Wo wuz up to the • • • •

ROCKY: Shut up .

The boys shut up , but th ey crowd around him .

ROCKY: Now get this . Stay away from this joint for the next couple of days -­until you ge t the olrny from mo,

SOAPY: Sure , Rocky .

BIM : Sure, Rocky -- but what •••

ROCKY: Don ' t ask questions ! -- Just scram !

Suro . Okay .


Sure, Rocky . ~e gct 1 ch a .

They go out . Roc1cy stands still for a momont , lookin g around . Then he also r;oos out quickly .


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185 .

77 •


In a quiet residential section of the city , late the snme n:;_ght . The sti ... oot is pr3.ctically deserted us u sedan d r ives u p to .::. lurc o , cor.1for tG.ole tv,o story hou se , the v:i ndows of which aro dark . The car drives up to a two - car e~u ... a 0e attached to the house and stops .


Frazier gets out , opens the gclrage dooro , gets back into tho er.tr and drives in .

186 • INT . THE GAnAGE

137 .

As Frazier drives the car in nlon~side another ca r pc.rkcd there . He switches off the moto r but lea v es the li 0hts on , obviousl? to light his way to the garage light svli tch . He opens tho door and gets out . As he does so the door of the other cur is seen to open , and a r.10mGn t la t0r Frazier f :inds Rocky ' s au to ­matic in his belly and Rocky ' s face staring into his .

CLOSE SHOT '1.'\10

Frazier is petrified with fear . He stares at Rocky ns one would at a ghost .

FRAZIER : Rocky ••••••

ROCI\""Y: Yrrn.h,., it I s me . li'razier an I I a in I t dead yet .

FRAZIER: (unable to s ay any ­thing olso )

Rocky ••• ,

ROCKY: Shut up -- an ' [;ivo me your keys .

Almost j_n a trnncG :craz ier td ves ther.1 to him . Rocky then r ec .ches i:i , c \·:itclv ~.s o!'.r t he li,shts in the cnr , pu.she s the gun in f':pnz ier I s b:,ck .

iWCKY: Get mov 1n[~ ••••


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188 ,

189 .

78 .


Ac Frazier enters followed by Rocky . Fraz i er switches on the lights , Rocky closes the door . The r oom is well furn i shed , lined ~1th books . Frazie r walks a stop::i i n to the roor:1 , then tu r ns to fn.ce Hocky , h is s tr •icko n w:. th fe:--.r, pe r sp ir o tion ..)!l his forehead .

fe\'1.' f a.co He

tu r ns yel l ow:

FRAZIER: I didn I t hf,Ve n.nything t o do vii t h it , Rocky ! It ' s the t r uth , Rocky I swear to Heaven !

ROCKY: (low voice d)

I ought to gi ve it t o you , Fr a zi er --­I ought to cut you r dirty hea r t ou t ••••

FRAZIER: (compl etely cr aven)

Rocky -- you can ' t -- don ' t -- do n't

ROCKY: Stop crnwlin 1

a hundred grnnd . first .

You ~ot me hooked fo r I ' m gonna eet that


Frazier regains s0;11e of his coura 0 c : he I s too smo.rt not to 1"ealizo v1hat Rocky moann . Ho o.ttcmpts to pull hlmself togGthcr , to use craft to 5e t out of his spot .

PRAZII.rn : Sure -- of course it ' n yours , Rocky -- 1 111 get it for you .

ROCKY: Okay . Go ahead .

FRAZIER: I hnven 1 t it here -- you don ' t think I keep that much around •••

ROCKY: You got a ~afe here .

FRAZIER : Yes - - of cou:r·s e -- ·::iu t be li cvo mo Rocky -- I haven ' t arzything like thG t much •••

ROCKY: Le t I n s e e thn t s nf e •


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79 .

189 (Cont . )

190 .

FRAZIER: ( recldy to do ~,nything to keep Rocky I s finc:er stcC1dy on tho trigger )

Yes -- suro -- I ' 11 show you -­I 111 p r :)vO it to you , Rocky •••

He goes to a wall panel , opens it, r evc2.ling n small wul l so.fo .


FRAZIER : I I ve got r.. fov., thous nnd horo - - ·JOU I re welcor.ic to th2.t -- nnd I'll 0 et you the rest ••••

ROCKY: Shut up and open it .


Frazier fumbles in hin nervousness ns he dials the com­bination . Rocky remains behind hi r,1, sile!1t . Frazi er opens the safe .

FRAZIER: There you cc.11 s oe for :rourscl f •••

ROCKY: Sit down and shut up .

Frn.zior quickly goen to n ch:.-:.ir and sits . Rocky in ­sp e c ts tho s2f e . ;'/i th one h c:..nd he ta kes out the entire cont <mt s , dtunps it on the desk .

191 . i-,TED. SHOT

As Rocky sits c.t the desk , ho ~')uts h ~.s nutomatic on the top ~i-~cl preJ) t:rre~-:; to inspc :ct t::-1f ; co,,tc nts of the s a fe . Frazier stnrcs at hi ~ , porspireti on still run n ing down his face . ao c 1~ lo oks throuGh a package of money . ,

ROCKY: Ten g r an d ••••

FRrlZ I l~f{: Thnt 1 s a ll -- and ~1oso sGcurities th8r c -- [E l d so;:;~o bO!"id3 -- they ' ro worth quite a b it ••••

ROCKY: I don ' t fool wi th bond s .

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192 .


SHOT so th~t we aro 2b le to soc tho contents of tho s~fc t1nd identify them ns nocky .speaks . Rocky picks up about three bo.nJt.: pa.ss - books .

ROCKY: Sor.ie sweet bnnk nccounts , Fro.zio r.

(he looks through them) Fa1,rncrs' nnd Ltcrchmi ts -- a hundred and sixty grnnd -- Broad Street lJa tio!"letl -- two hu ndred a nd eighty -­Industri a l Trust -- eighty seven .

· (he loolrn up) You ' ve do~c t:.11 right , Frazie r. You I ve done swell ! An ' th2. t makes me plcn ty happy . V/hy, shouldn ' t it , Frazi 01~ -- 1 cause we I re both partne r s aren't we?

FHAZIER: Yes -- of course -- of course , Rock y •••

ROCKY: . Suro we nre -- just like you said thr ee ren r s UGO•

He nu ts th0 pass books in his pocket, turns to the other papers -- p~pcrs we have seen Fro..zio r put in his 'bri0f case di.J.ring the pc.y off , ~ncl. -chc little bl n.ck book th 8. t the men sign ed . Rocky looks at the book .

Thmnmmmm gr 8. nhs

- ' people !

fWCKY: -- so you been too , ch? Some

Big shots !


coll e c tin I nu to ­prct ty important

(quickly - f ea rsome) That I s noth in 0 , Rocky -- just a few ~ec eipts ••••

ROCKY: Yeah -- qui to a f ev: r.:.11' from a cou ple G. 1 officials it r.iight be int eres tin ' to ~1ow more about . Think I better tukc ' em along an ' study up on 10m . One pnrtner ought to 1-:now e vo r~,rth i nr; the o t.."ler one does .

He sticks then into his pocket . Frazier would like to proteDt but ls afraid to .

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as Rocky picks up the phone on tho desk .

TIOCKY: ( to Fr~zj_cr)

What 1s Keefe r's number -- his pri V Cl to numb e r .

FRAZIER: Circle 0500 •

. ROCKY: (as he dio.ls)

I'll put ;rnu on -- you tell ' im I 'll be up in the morning and tho. t you wnn t ' 1m to pny me th at hundr e d grand . Get it?

Yes ••••

FRAZIER : (weakly)

ROCKY: And one wrons cr a ck -- an ' you won ' t hav e to do any more t alkin 1 • • •.

(looks at him standily)

FRAZIER: Yes -- of course ••••

ROCh'Y : (gett i ng his conn e ction)

Hello , Keefo r? -- 'fhis is Rocky Sulli vs.n -- Yeah •.•

(h o grins ) A littlo surprise -- No, I ain 't in t he mor£uo .••• that 1s one of your boys l Wait n minute -- Frazier wants to t r.tl k to you ••••

He hr.mds Fr::1zior t ho r.rnuthpic cc but k eeps the r e ce iver to h is own on r . Hi. s ey0 s bor e in to .'."rnzi er , Els he r ea cl1cs for• l-1is autGm0.t1 c ·\·:i tll l1in otl 1cr hand . Fra zi e r h~:s n ee cl for no rcrn ir1de1· ; he 1 s al to 0 e ther to o frightened .

FHAZIE R : Hello , Nae -- Sullivnn will be up to tho El G::rncho in th e r:10rnine;

Tc:::-1 o I clock time to set

HOCKY: t ha t 'l l r ive h im

to the hanl<:.

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82 .

193 {Cont . )

195 •·

FRA?.Ir:R : • • • .'.'. t t en o I cloc}c . I r:8.n t you to g iv e him one h'..u~dr 0d thou s~nd dol ­l ars on my acco unt .••

(norv .:.>usly) llnc -- you ' ll do it , won't you you ' vc EOt to !



Keefer in o. dr essing go 1'.TI i s stn.nding by the phone , frowning . He listens for a momon t , thinking - then decides :

KEEPER : Okay . I 111 ~ive it to him .



Rocky listens with satisfaction •

. FRAZI ER : No olip ups , Ma c -- you ' ve got~ understand thnt ••••



I{E~F ER: Olrny -- okay . I G LJ.cl I 1 11 3i VO it to him .

He hnngs up . Fo r a. ~:ioment he :Ls deep in thought , tho:n , ns he turns o..v•/U)',


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197 .


Il •!T . ~ili~PER IS OFF I CE ~·!Lili.,. SHOT DOOR

an it opens a.nJ Rocky enters folloYrnd by Blacky , the smile man who escorted him to the office when he first called on Frazier , Rocky steps in , looks ar ound . Black/ closes the door , leans against it .


199 .

Keefer and some five of his lieutenants are grouped around the room , loungin g indolently in their chairs . Their eyes are leve l ~ed on Rocky , their faces are hard and expressionless .


Rock: :- grins at them ,

ROCI\.Y: Nice day fo1• a murder .

Not a face changes e.:~prcssion . Keefer speaks abruptly ,

lCSEF:2:R: Where ' s Frazier?

HOCKY: VJhe1~0 t s the hundred G 1 s ?

KK~Fi.£R : You thin k we fre gonna pay off , huh?

ROCKY: Sure you a1'e . And ouick , Because if' I don I t t~et the rnoney inside o r tlu~ee minutes , Fra~icr ' s gonna be splashed all over the best hideout in town ,

There is o. short pause . Then :

KEEFETI: You don I t expect to g~t av,ay with this , do you?

ROCKY: V!hy not?

( COl':TimJED)

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199 (Cont . }

200 .

201 ,

Thero i s no answer . One or ths men take□ a pear l-11.,,n~lled 1':nif e out of his p ocket ,

;.I!'. lJ : (flip p ins the knife open)

I gues s we c rn malrn ::ou tall:: .

HOCKY: (calmly)

All ri gh t , 31~:,:;pose you do make me talk? I ~~i ve you a \\'ro ng nurnbe r 1 then I give ycu anothe r one . In the meantime Frazie r i s watc h ing a clo cl: an r YJa i tin r fo r the !:)hone to ring .

( grir.1ly ) He ll , v,ho :i.s :t t -- me or I•'razier?


He stare3 silently at Roc 1C"IJ for a moacnt . Thon :

KI;;LFl:.:R: Give l im the douc;h .

l.iED. 8 .i':O'i' GROUP

There is a nwvern~nt of prote Gt frorn the men but Keefe r st i fle::i it by speak i_i."G f ir' 1,1ly a;:;ain o

IillEi'?.EH: Give f L :l t:10 dou gh .

One of the men opens the desk drawer and takes out 2cvere. l pac ka' ,;es o f :::-:one~r• i!e tos:;;es them ov0r to Tiocl-:::· ,·,ho pi ckf.l t :1em u11 with v. m:15.l e .

I\EJ~::!~R: Suppose you don I t produce Frazie r?

ROCI·:Y: V'/ha t r d I v,ari.t Y:i th hin?

( r ii'l:Ln .:3 the : money in a qu ick count)

Li sten , ~eefa~ -- noTI t~nt you pa id o ff , I 111 tell :.,-01, 0on1.etl') in t. This busincs 3 hn ~_:encd tecaus0 Frazie r d oilble - cros ~ ~;C::. me .

( COlt1.1Ir:U:m )

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85 .

20 1 (Cont . )

202 .

203 ,

20~ .

KEU"Ert : (non - co::'!J:1i ttal)

Y0ah . •,


ROCi-CT: V-/e worl ced to.3ether thr0e years ago ,,,

I~EFi1R : So he tol d me .

his face betrays no emotion 2.s Rocky goos on , alt hough he is t ryin 0 to dec i d0 Y1hioh on0 t o bel i eve , Rocky or Fl"aZler .

ROCJCT rs VOICii:: Ye ah . But did he tell you we pul l ed a job , An t t:ia ·;; I took the rap -­three y0ai• s -- und he kept rny sh are o :;: th0 haul f or me --


Roc ky ho l ds up the mon c:y .

ROCKY: This is it , Keefe r , A hund1•ed grand .

(Keefe r doesn ' t reply) Gir :m10 a pho ne -- an out s +de line •

Keefer sho v es one to him , Roci::y d ials a numb0r .



The Italia n prop ri etor ansners the plm ne ,

I'i':\L I .IU: : ' Allo?

CU'l' TO :

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~05 ,

206 .

207 .

208 ,

IiJ111 • KLi!J.i.••.ul r 0 O.?E'ICE

Roc k:r speaks crisply into the phone ,

fiOC!CY: IIello -- t his is Roc~ry • ... - Olcay • VJhen I walk b7f your uindovi cal l that nur:i"oer I gave you -- but don r t call it if you sec wo smokin ' o. cigarette . - ... That means I 'm being followed .

86 .

cu11 ::eo:


I'l',".J...,IAN: fAllo -- tAllo -- i'/h a t r sa ma ttcr

with you -- you crazeee 1



Rocl:y han~s up .

ROC1CY: When I v,alk po.st t hat c ertain uindow -- Fr~ zier fl l ~a sprung , ..... Unl 0s s I Im fo lloYted ,

Okay , boa t it end let him go ••••

Rocky rises , walks out ,


After Rocky has gone , th e no n tur n townrd Kee f e r ~

i.L~ Jr : ( the one rri th t!-io Jr.nifo)

~e lll get hin -- as soon as we sec Frazier .

l(Eb r'Ll1: (rcachin ~ for tho phone )

no . Vic don t t (.o ncthin r. ( into :::i~-ione)

Get nc the 'l'yoon Street po lic e precinct ,

Tilerc is a pause an th~ men look at : 1im vrith surprise ,

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209 .

2 10 .

211 .


\'!hen :-ie get s his conn ection .

KEEFER : Hel lo -- thi3 is Mac Keefe r. Lemme talk to Buckl ey .

(pause) Hello , -- Buck? -- Mac. Yeah . Li ssen , I 'm gon na do somethin r for you -- I 'm gonna give you a hot tip . Last ni ght Rocky Sullivan snatc hed Frazier . I jus t pa i d off a hundred grand to him •• ••


87 ..


Buckl ey , the precinc t lieutenant is on the phone .

BUCKLL'Y: What t 1 ... e you doin ' ? -- Ki dd in r me?

He listens for a moment , nis fao o becoming serious . He nods .

BU•.;KLEY: Yeah ~- yeuh -- yeah •••••

I NT . lilll!.'FER rs OFFI CE MED. SHOT

KEL"r'"ER: O]s:ay. Don t t tl1ank rne . I t ts a pleasu r e .


He hangs up . Instantly th e men crov,d around , prot0st ­ing .

MAN: What fs the idea bringin f in the cops on it?

21':D 1.'i.!U~ : Vlhy tn t we handle it ours cl ves?


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211 (Cont . ) l:BEPi.::R:

( cont er:1pt uom::ly) Because I tn not a mw;~~ -- I 1m caart , s ec . ~c l et the co ppe rs handle it -- Rocl:y gets life , maybe -- i'/ e s ta:,r 1.n t1·1e clea r an l maybe get b ac k th a t dou~h .

3RD i.-1!-.E:


Yeah -- but drar; g in I int he coppers .•••

KI:E.l!' L"'R : Sure -- yo u lc.'l. lik e rou gh stuff 1 ·1'/hy? Vihen \"l e ca n do it nice and l ega l 1 No tr oub l e , no fuss -- an r the top boys Ill like it . Vlhy don r t you 6u ys us e your b~ains , like I do 1

J~ scowls at t hem wit~ d is gust .


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212 ,

2 1 3 .


215 .

89 .

FAD:2 Il{

EXT , :00CI·~ ST. HOUSE i\1~~D, SlIOT

~ocky ~alks quickly up the street and into the bui ld .~n3. Pi'.;,: C:,.i.-:..,:Rl\. fa.JOUND so th ,-:-t it J.s Si-iOOTIHG up the street , A police ca2° speeds dor:n the st1~eot anc1 pulls up to the cur b . Tvo plain - clothesm en alig~t from the car, 5lancc up nt the m.unbcr of the house, thon hur•ry up the stair:-J . They ring the bell ,


Rock:; , climbin3 the stairs, has just reached the second floor landing r1hen , bE:low , the front cl.oar is heard to open 8.,K1 one of th0 (letccti vcs is heard :

DETJCTIV~ ' S VOICE : Whe r e rs Rocky Sullivan rs room?

LA1IDLADY rs VOIC E : Third floor i n the f1~011t .


Ee pauses on tll l:l landj_ng , cl ances down, sees t~1.e men as they cross t}1e hall t0\·1aro. the stairs • De lmo \'1s he is in a tight s p ot wi t l-::. tl-.,o money an- :! Fra :,;ier r a pape rs on him , Quickly makin~ a decision , he cross es to a door , opens it .


Soapy rc mother turns, surprised, ns the door opens . Soapy is s een :Ln tllc b , g . in the Jdtch on , at the table ., eating his lunch , Rocky motions to Soapy .

l10Ciff : Come upstairs -- quick 1

Soapy rises fro1"1 the tc..blc, Hocl:y turns 8.ncl hurries awa y , As Soapy moves out h is 1,10thc r calls to him an 0 rily .

S0.'\l·Y r S i"::OT!-r.1.m: You co:rnJ bac \: he re an c.-:. f:i.nish your lunch .,.•,

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21G .

217 .

218 .

2 19 .

220 .

90 .


a c hn runs u p t:10 D tai~ "s > rci:: cheG ti:1t, thirc1 l an d in~ ~. Ile onons t he hall H~.ncl.or1, takes his gun , p i tc::10s :i. t :mt , hurric0 on to h:~s roo m.

IN T . HOCKY rs noo:-r ;_i:,~D. SIIO'i1

Lie takes a lar 3e mani la enve l ope fr01;1 the dre,3se1" , hurrioc~ly takes the pa cl-:a~es of mono/ fl" O!il ll is poc lrnts , s tuf' fs t h en in , tJ.1e11 ta.::.-:co the bo olrn o.nc1 p8_p e,x•s of Frazi er rs and .stuff s tlwn in . .Ffo in lickL ·1g the env e lop e and scalin3 it a3 So a py d ashes in .

~-IOC~CY: Hi cl.o this SO I!1e p l r-.ce Yihe rc i t 111 be safe l See ·c>.at i 'c I s not opene d -­and you lmon Yfh;; t ha 1,Jpcns to d ou bl e .. Cl"OS:J ers 1

SOAPY: (ea gerly t aldng the envelope)

Sure , Rocky l

ROCI\.-Y: ( push:tns hL1 out)

Lll l"i,Sht -- no Yi bcD t 1. t, ciuick 1

He pushes Soapy out , clo s cs 'che c-:.oor •

as tho tv.10 p lai n - clot l1cs;.i10~ re :-c·:-, the socon cl floo r lan di n g .

TJ.IIr.D FLOOH L!~lrvnm

Soapr starts down tho staira> t uckin ~ t he anvelope tm ci.cr ;.1i.s s ;.15.rt . ii'i10,-:.. ho ::,to :~s e.s ~~o aces the t,·10 men co::-,1::i.nc; up . Ee has o;.v:·. nE.i.:.ic::,:: i.:101:1cn t as hr) hesi ­tates . •.r:·:on he start s dc\'/n- nJ',:i.n : 'fhc 'c·.:o 1:!0~1 puss hil"1 01~ t ~w ·:m:, u~; , ba:.,ol~ ; ::;iv::.~...,__: :1.L : c glP,n cG . Soap y hurries d own .


as t ho tv:o of :::'ic o:rs rc .-.c 1.1 it . They bot:.-1 clraY 1, s tand a r:a~" fro ~·, tj;e c.i.001' • One o :i..' t:20 r.! lcic:.~s it .


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Dl .

220 (Cont . )

221 .

222 .

223 .

221 .

PLAnr - CLOTEESr.IAN: C •mon, Sulli va.n -- open up I

A moment, then Rocl~~r open s the dool" > smilins at them . He slanccc at the drarm c;uns .

IWOICT: V✓hy all the artillery?

One of' the nen quickly f 1"isks him f'Ol" a gun ., then thoy shove hL a bac i~ in to t i1c room .


as Soapy tears across the street , goes into a doorway , turns anc"i. stands v:3.tchin 0 the house •.


greatly exc i ted as he watches .


The two men have torn the l"oom apart, searchins . One of th e m0n turns bacl: to Rocky who is still grinning at the :::1 impudently .

PL.t1.IN- CLO'l1HES I"!Aii : ':Jhat fd you cl.o w5_ th t h:J dou c;h ,· Sullivan?

HOOKY: What dough?

PLA I !T- CLOTII::2:3 HAN: All right, v1i s e guy .•. Get movin I.

Rocky gets his hn t . They start out ,

E:~T. ROCKY r S HOUSI.; ?.!:CD , SlIOT

as the tno m01--.. l ca c1. Rocky out , put him into tho car .

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Z25 ,

226 .

227 .

228 .

229 .·

230 .

231 .


as he watc he s Rocky beinc~ bustled into the car . iic is terrified and. yet thrilled ,


as the car drives away .


He uatchcs it £30 dovm the street . Then feeling under his shirt to reassure hir:rnelf that the envelope is safe , he comes out from the doorway , turns up the alley .

EXT . ALLEY I'mD . SH0'11

as Soapy comes up . He st ope under the Ylindows above , wl1istles a peculiar bar .

1i{IlmOV! OH S:i~Co::m FLOOR

as Suinc ' s head pops out .


He calls up ,

SOAPY : Get ;3im an I come on 1



Soapy , Bim , and Swine are c;roup(;d t ocsether , the envelope . in Soapy 1s hands , TlH:;ir f'[lccrn a.re all excited .

I3I1;: V'l11adda t he cope p i nch ' im .r or?

SOAPY : I dunno , :{c, din 1t lmvo tir:10 to t e ll r.ie nuttin 1 , Iic ju::;t r,ive me thiB an t told MC to hide it 1

( co :WrIHU3D)

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23 1 (Cont , )

233 .

234 .

SHDiG : Vihatcha think ' s in it , huh , Soapy?

SOAPY: Hov,da I knov1? -- Sotiethin r valuable , I betcha ,

BI M: Let ' s onen it an ' see ,.,

1reachcs for it ~ Soapy spits at his hand)

SOAPY: (oninously)

Wanna lose :'our Jrnnd ? Rocky sa i d don ' t open it , See?

BIM: Okay , okay ,., I just asked ,.•••

SOAPY: Gee ya orta seen the~ cops : They pass !'.le richt on the stairs -- an r

they don I t know nut tin r - an ' me v1id dis under r:ic shoi t l

The three lau~h 2. t th i s colossal joke .



as the tno plain - clothesr,1cn l ead Rocky in , He is · entirely calm , almost nonchnlnnt . ThG lieutenant , Buclcley , come s fror :1 his oi'i'lce . Several reporters , loun 3i n3 around , look u ;), and rccoJnizing Hocky , be ­cone interest ed ,


REPORTER: Say -- that 1 .s P.ocky Sullivan !

They rise , ad libbinc , and com0 forward ,

!-.~D . SHOT

The reportern a.nd Ducklcy come toward Ro·ck y .


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234 (Cont • )

235 .

1ST REPORTER Hello , Rocl:y 1 into tovm?

i'!he n d 1you blor, into

ROCKY: (to the reporters)

Hello , boys .

3RD REPOR'.rER : Hiy ah , Rocky • Vlh.a t I sa matter -­pass a red liE;h t?

BUCICLEY: (pus h in c; th:t·ou 0h them)

All in good t ~ne , boys -- all in eood time .

(to the pl~in - clothesr.1en ) Take him in back , Burt .

The men lead Roclcy away ~


As the r ep orters cr ovid around Bucl:ley .

(to 0ethcr) Wh.at1s up , Duck?


Vlho. t ' ve you r;o t on him? C 1mon, Buck -- l ct 1o have it? Give us the low d o.·m , Buck .

BUCKLEY: (v ury pro ud - hardly able to kee p from bcar 1i ng)

Well , boya , thi s 13 ju s t a l it t l e example of the cff ici 0ncy of thi s pr e cinct ••••

1ST i:E PORTER : Skip that , an 1 lot 1 s ho.ve the dope .

5UCKL~ Y: (i cnor in z h im -- this i s h is h i e monont)

At tr10 o r c l ock t h is mornin c -- Rocky Sullivan ~id na pped J ames Prnzicr •••

Ther e i~ a s ensation .

v-Thatl Kidno.ppcd 1



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95 ,

235 (Cont , )

236 .

REPORTERS: (Cont , ) Frnz i er 1 A snatch ro.p on Rocl{y l Holy Codfish 1

BUCKLEY: At ten o 1c l ock , Mac Keefer pa i d Sullivan a hundred thousand do l la r s ransom l

REPORTERS: Keefer J -- Mac Keefcr l Great Jumpi ~ Jenii'e rl A hundred erand 1 Go on , Buck -- cut out posin 1

and l0t 1 s have it all 1


(he l ooks pompously at his watch)

- twelve thirty , Sullivan was ap ­prehended b;,' Detecti vos O 'Rourke and Glenister actin G under the or•ders of Lieutenant Edward C • Bucl~ley •, • Spe lled , B- U- C- K---

The reporters hurry to· phones . Bucklc:r looks v.fter them for .a r.1or.1ent , ;:;rin ninc; , then he turns and vmllrn to the back and through the d.oor thr ouc;h which the men escorted Rocky . ~0 can hear the reporters callin g their papers and excitedly ci ving tho story ,


Rocky is seated in the center of the room , Grouped around h im are the two _nl2.in - clothesr ,10n who picked him up and s0veral more , The lieutenant enters .

P..OCKY: ( s~:1ilinB)

•••• you cot it e ll urong . There wasn 1t any s natch . -- Fra zier 1n rne wns nTiny on a little bus iness trip . ~hat 1 s all .

The llcutenant comes up to him .

!3UCI:LI:Y : You r.ii[:h t as well 3_;.)ill , Rocky .

Vlc Got c.11 the do p e nnyvmy •

ROCKY: 'Hhy don I t you :.~uyn l et me call my lawy er 'i

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96 .

236 (Cont . )

237 ,

238 .

2ND PL.l\II·J- CLO'I1EESHAN: (sarcastically)

Yeah -- sure .

BUCKLEY: (srinnin g)

Yeah - who is your l[l,wyer , Rocky ?

(cal mly ) - Frazier •••


The ·men look at him o.n0rily , They move closer around him , a.s -

1//IPE TO:


As Frazier , his over coat col la r pulle d up over his tuxe do collar and tic , his face unshaven , hurries t h rou 2;h, opens the door to I·~eefer I s office an d enters .


Keefer is there as.Frazier enters . He looks up , his eyes hard and cold .

:r.'RAZIE TI: ( c or.lin2: to him - em­barrass ecl and ner v ous )

Hello , Hae .

He crosses to the desk, pours himself a drink of whiskey , Keef er watches hir~ .

· KE}:'.:PETI: A little nervous , ain ' t you?

PRAZIER : Well , it wasn 1t any picnic •••• Under a steam - bo il er in some cellar , Qll nich t , •• with rats and dirt nnd ••••

(stnrt0 scratchin~ himce l :f)

IIB EF!~R: (l-~1s fo.co 1:.arcl)

i~yba this ' ll l cnr n you to leave the rouch stuff to mc l


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238 (Cont . ) FPJ,.ZI:SR :

(tlarin c slichtly ) Is it r1y fo.ult if t!J.oso apes of i1aven 1t sense enou.::)1 to get the man?

(he takes his drink)

yours ri Ght

You didn ' t put an~ Jody after Sullivan?

IG:SPER : Ho . You dicl that once too much .

Good .

FRAZI ER : (r elieved)

!:EK: 1ER: I ' m lettin ' the cop pers take care of hir:1 this time .

PHAZI ER : (startled)

'!.'hat do you raean?

l~F~FER : I tipped ' orn off he sna tchod you . Just ~H:::ard they picked him up .


He shows tho fear thio statement i;ivos h i m.

:~Rl'-,,ZIER: Good Christ , ;,:ac 1


Pra zier puts dov-m hin r;la:J s , c;ocs close to liac .

::?PJ,ZIER : ( fro.nticnlly)

~6 can ' t do that l

KEEI~En: I alroady do ne it .

r-'R.'.I.ZIER: But ,-on C::.on ' t lmcl crstcmci. 1 •• Sullj.van picl:'cc:1, 1·ie U:) n t ny }·:o:r:1c ! -- Er:. i s '.'Ot

'e.\r< ·•·,~~r J..1-, .; 11· . -t1·1" ~- ,.,,, ,,.. ~l ,..,,v S"' .,.,cf ;:,.L~hn V \,,., - l •' l,., __ • ,_; t .... V ... L\ .._J -- . ,. ,... c. .. J. • . J

-~C COlUlt ~JG(;!::-.; , r f: CCi )t ri , D3. l !1C:$ , Rdrlrcsses , :-:-iy bo.nl:: i)co]-:s -- c ve:,r :r t ~-;.in :·:1 If ho I s Pl 'or.i c ent r--, • ·,'"' o· ·. 1-1·, ,, 1 ·-I c'·n ~, ···) ,1J.· n :· · ho ' 11

- 1..., .. ...,.,A - ... .J ..... ~ • •• - I. - • f ,I. U J talk o.nd h( : 1 s ,,;ot c,vi( .cnc<) to b a.ck it up . T:1c w:-tolf;~ tovm Hill be blov,n wide opcn 1

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241 .

242 .

243 .

244 .


His f QCe flames with anGor •


f.3E..."'ER: You dumb shyster ••• 1

( then qnic)cly) All ;."ight -- v1).1a t I re you vm.i tin 1

for ? \!e ~o tta pull hin outa there 1


98 .

as Frazier hurries to the desk , picks up the phone , starts · dialinc a number . Keefer , sv,earing under his breath , paces the floor .



An official c~sr 9ulls up to tho curb and a lar13e, im ­portnnt - lookinc chief of detectives c0ts out , crosses t he sidenalk antl enters the station .


The Rta tion is now crov1decl with rn i)orto r s . As tho chief of detectives enters they greet hir1 cn.sually .

Eiyah :, chicf l Eello , Barney . Etc .


The Chief p1.1shes his vm·t thro-~1:-~h ther.1 without answerinG , his face set . He J:.eacls for t l1e d oor of the lieutenant I s office .

1S·i1 R:::ronTEi~ : (to another)

Hoc!<:~r I s brincinr; doHn the '.)rass ha ts 1

Yeah -- they· ~o,cta be aronnd to help t n.kt:: the bov,s l

3RD F:E::?ORTER: ( la U[;hin~~ )

Whn t I lilrn 5.s }~ecfer . na yin I out tho. t hundred 1.;rn.nd . ·Do~r, cnn~ ~:ou tie t ha t '


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241 (Cont . )

245 .

1ST REPORTER: It ' s lucky for· Sullivan he 0ot nabbed . He I d be vrnrse off outside ••••


as it opens and the Chief of Detectives comes out with Buckle~T who nm•! E'cllpears v ery !)ale and frightened . They come out briskly , silent l y ,

246 • J\IED, SHOT

as the reporters turn to them , The Chief leaves as quickly as he entered , pushinr; his way throull_;h the reporters . I3uckle y cresses quickly to the door to the rear room , The reporte rs sensinz:; so:metl :.ing he.s happened , crovd around him .

REPORTERS: V/ha t ' s up , Duck 1 VJhat 1 s the natte r? 1!/hat 1 s happened? C 1mon , Bue l: -- quit stallin I l

BUCKLEY: (pus h in c his way throu r.:;h - pleading)

Not now , boys -- not now l

He goes into the rear ro om, closes the door behind him , The rc~)orters stand around •

1ST TIEPOW.i1ER: I 1m boDinnin 1 to sn e ll somet h in ' fishy l

They wait for a r:1omcnt , the n emorc;os with the lieutcne.nt .

t he door opens and Rocky ~~he repo rters crowd nround ,

K2PORTERS : C I mon , l :oc11::~r -- let ti_s in on it 1 '!fr1cre you tn} :in I hin ., luck? '.'ihet t I s rtll t:i·:o hocu3 po cus about? ~'Iha t h;i.p pc nc d , Rocky -- c;i ve us you!~ ::.:idc of it 1

EOCKY: ( ·1 · . .,_ th ) S1:11-ll1 /, - YJ[lVJ.11 ~:; £'. u em

Sorry , f0llo' ,is • I c 2.11 1 t to.11: . -- But the li 0u te n :-.:'.1t '11 t :5.ve ~.rou a sta tenent . '-' .,

H0 pushes throu.::_;h the::::: as t hey crm·td e.round 13ucl:ley .

( C owe INU?.:D )

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100 .

24:6 (Cont . )

247 .

248 ,

I31!C I\LEY: ( pers _pirinc;)

Sullivan r s bein·- -: rclcase;l . ·.ie found out it 1 ~ all be;n a little mistake , ••

His words create a sensation .

TII:PORTE~S: A little r:iistal~c l Hey -- wait a ,:1inute 1 Sa, .' -- we flas}1eci. i!1 the stor,· 1 Yo~ can I t ~)ull a t hi n::~ li!rn tl-:is 1 VI.hat ' d you T'!ean a mi ste .k e ! r.'.istat:e in a p i;; ' s , ••••• .

;3UCI{LEY: (his fnce dripp i ne;)

Now vmit ., bo7,rs -- now wnit l Take it easy -- I 1n tryin 1 to explain l -- Y 1 see we cot an anonyr.1ous tip ••• a false alarm •• ,

The voices of the boys ., their e.nger ~·.10untin 0 ., Etlr.10st drovrn b.im out •

cu·.r TO:


as Eocky comes out • Sone little dis to.nee dorm the street a ner:shoy 2.r, shoutin,-:_:; his pape rs .

Sxtreeeo p~,er l Read Rll about it l La Hyer l:i dna:)pcd 1 E;~troee l

Rod:y calls :i:lim. He cor :ics rnnninc; 11.ri.. Rock~r gi ves him a coin ['..nd ta lrns a pa~x,r . 'rh0 boy r;oe s on ., cal1in 0 • Rocky .lo oks over tl1 0 he1u:l in o s ,


The heacllii:es read:

Two- Gun ~oclcy Co.pturC;d In Hundred Tl:ousand Dollar l'ac:.n0.p:1in3 .

I·:cld FnC.cr Special ;'ruard Speedy TriRi Assurcd; 1

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249 .-

250 .

251 .

252 .

253 ,

10 1.


He gr ins as he stuffs the po.per into his pocket and move::; off ,



as · truckr.1a.n flin.'._;s a. lmndle of nm·,spo.pcrs to the curb flankinG n nc\".'sstand .


as Soapy v!i th h i s two ixtls dr..rt to it and tear one of the papors out ,



Samo ho['.dlines o.s i::-i. prcvioun scone . CA;::ERA PULLS BACK nnd we find the boys to be in th0 J.-!idcout , clustered around Soapy , Thc):r a r c dovourinJ the story .

SOAPY : (roe.dine)

' ••• Rocky Snll i vo.n evidently r oturnod directly to his bo 7 :wod hmmts , follou ­i nc - his ralo~se an; hnd been · in the district only n fcu days before he kid ~ nr..ppcd James I'ra.z i or , pror1incnt attorney o.ncl playboy , :Corn rnnsor.i of one hundred thousand dollnrs •••• ,

3IJ\.'I: Say , maybe ttwt doucl1 is in t het envelope •••

f:.OCEY1S VOICE : i.io.ybc it is , Bim .

The boyn Hhirl c. bout , startled ,


as Rocl:y ont ers ., s;,1ilinc ,

( C 011TIHUED)

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102 .

253 (Cont • )


SOAPY: (ad.r:!i:rinsl:,)

Rocky J Dici.jo. brea~c out l

ROC1.'Y: No -- I walked out .

SOAPY: 3ut it says in t; ·_o papers " •• •

ROCKY: ( wipes tl:8 boy t s face - Jlsyfully)

lfover believe what you re£>.d in the papers , kid •••

SWING: (awe - stricken, gaping at Rocky)

Foist you 1re in -- den you ' re out : (·:Joj-s laugh)

Boy· -- t:--4ey coi tairily can rt hold you , Rocky .

ROCKY: ( to Soapy)

Hm-, about that envelope?

(proudly) I go t it .

( le. u;;hs)



Okay -- let ' s have it o

Soapy cr osses to the coal bin .


as Soap;:,7 st2.rts shovellin~ ~Y,a7}-tr .. e coal rr.i.. th h is bare hands , 2ocl'.:y l ooki~G on intcrestc;,.-i.1:,- . After he has the cor ,l cl eared fror:1 tl;.e side of tb: ; pa.rti tion , he pries aper;. vlith his finge:~s a lvosf : bc -'.:',rd.. Back or the boa rd is the brick .,=:all o:' the i)asm·~,er:t . Soapy t~·1en pr ies out a loose brick . Eehind t~ia is anot~ cr loose hrick . l?i r1r:ill ~:--SoEtp:r r cr-.C!!..CG 2.11 !-.:.is .r,r~ll n.r! ·.1 ··~J.!) to °tr!e sl:oulc1e1..,

1 and pulls out t:-_s G:welops .

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255 .

256 .




SOAPY : ( r.·:r im,.in ,~ )

nere yn ~re ••• just like . ya give it t O !i1C •

ROCIC.f: Th!l t r s a sm&rt plant y ou 0 ot , Soapy •••

SOA?:.: : (excitedly)

S1.u' e is ... If I c1i. cJ.n I t lmov, where it was I co uldn ' t find it myself' .


103 .

as Rocty opens the envelope m,.d checlrn the cont en ts . The bo~rs v:i th ,saping n2outlls re:d poppin 0 eyes see the packaces of r.1oney .

SOA?Y : ( vri t h v,o nder)

Say , RoGky • •. is t ::·!a. t all real dou~h - 110 J h onies •• , ?

ROCIG : (b usy ·.-.:::..tl1 Frazie r ' s po.r,ers encl. r. ccount b~.1oks)

If it ai n ' t , I 1ve su1"O been c ypped .

Tl1e boys lau r::;h.

s·.-..·n!G ~

Gee ••• I cUr.b I t !~norr t he re was tr.at much d our :h in t1-,e v .. ·aild 1

.BI11: Is tl1£t t t1·Lc J.~1..1i.":.d1 1 Grl .~:1~a1:1d tI10 pape rs S[li c1 2,rov. c, ot as rn11 !:iO!;?

ROCi.C'i : (l o0L i n2 up o.t t;1e kids - seriously)

LiEi ten , kid. - you cl c:·. 1 t kr!OYI any ­t/~in s o. tout this , s c e l

BE: : ( • . , .... ,..,.,,. •• •Ll-, r • ••,.,•· S l'V·' .,,..r-: f,~ ,.,+.)

•,. L:_ /.:, <.Y • .~. • •'• •• .,_;, Ll, U. ,.1., V

Po - EO - I dor. 1 t l:no•.·: 'nuthi1:. I, Ro d::;,-.

But you ~;:n.::ir, w'.:at :i:lp ~;e:-1s to cuys . tl~ t tc.l i·~ • ••

( C01J'J.1 IHUED )

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10·1 .

25G ( C;ont . )

257 .

Bi::-i cu lps e.~cl just is o.ble to nod his head . The n Hoc~<;/ relaxes and lc.u [_;l~s .

ROCKY: (continuin 6 )

Okay ••• (takes out his wo.llet ; gi ve 3 Soo.py a small roll of bi l ls)

h ere ya are , Soapy ••• Cut this up c.ny V•:ay you like ••• m,. d rm:-,crabcr what I S[l.:i.d Cl.bout 6uys who t a.lk •. •

SOAPY: ( f inicrin: ,: t ... 1-ie rol l of bills ) '"'

Goe , Rocky ••• t l anks ••• Listen , don ' t vJOrr ·'J u.b0ut rr.:,r ;_:;ar:.G talkin t ••• \:Ve ho.d c. sq, .1ea l0r v,i d u.s a c oupla ye ru:' s D.[~o ... Hovi he oin 1t ;_~ot a~y teeth lcft 1

ROC:~ : ( 1 ~u e:;hs )

C\ :a 'r -c ouplD.

Solo n~ . 1 111 sea ya in a <...1r:y B • (he s tal"ts out)

BOYS: (o.d lib)

So J.or1<:; 1 1{0 cky ..... Thre: 1-:::.: f or th.s cut •·••


as t hey cr o 0::d about Soapy •

.tie:t.' o ya ar0 , c1.1.t.

SOAPY: Svli 11;~~ •• •

I t he re s yo ur

(:::itn re s ~,.t ·'.~he bills ·;.1i t!!. ['1:: '.:.ze ~JJ EC ; counts t :.:o:·:, Y'tApic1lj")

Yiftj ' bu cl:s L '.Iu.-1 1

SvA?Y: . . ) :.::;i·,,, ...

F .. _·_, ·'.'- ·1.,·:_,' <-·, , ,·)I e;o, · ~, I .... - -- - · · \ --- . .:.~ ..... ";-.crJ , r:i..y ole

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105 .

257 ( Cent . )

258 .

259 .

SrtIIJG : (curious - as he tries to see S02py 1s share)

EoYr much you s ot , Soapy .••

SOAPY: A hunnerd .,,

(g lures at them -t he.n)


1.";batsa1:u1tter? Gonna 1r.al<e sor.iethin 1 out a it?

S'XING : No - sure , you deso i ve it • You I re the boss •••

EH1 : Say ••• v,h~tt ' a we gonna do wid it? T>.is is boinin 1 a hole ri[;ht through r.:e hand .

SOAPY: Plenty to do - Come on .

Ee sta1~ts cut , the others follow1:n g ,


as they co1::e out to the s treot and pass tl~e sntrance • A grizz led olcl ne s ro jani tor i s dozin .=:; ()l:. a c ::a ir next to e. line of a sh - cu.1:.s • Soap y tr,ps h i :'.'r: en the shouJ.der and he wake s , blinking .

SOAPY: { VJ·l ti• ,.,

... .... J,. "" ..

turc ; ·cc.Im r:, off a iro;- H h is roll)

...;-- · Gl~e y I are , Sr.cki::: --- fi ve T;,,:o ye arr; rci1t L1 &dvG.rrce club roo nts ,

ces ­bill

bucks . for the

'Ih e ne gro blini:.s in m:1'.1zc ;-,113;.1t . their hn.ncls in tl'~!::!ir po c lrn ts ,

Tr-,e 1-cids SW~-CCGr Off , clu t.:cr-~i: y : t :::.eir r::one y·.

I H'r . JE R~Y • S HO;;-~ EI S S'TUD'f

Jerry is v:crk i n3 at l:is de~-:1-:. voice in '!::h e hs. 11 , l1c l oc•lrn up



As ;~.e he rJ.rs La ur a rs D' on r..i s ¥:or k •

( C0':;':1I 1HJED)

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lOG .

259 ( Coi:t • )

260 .

261 ,

LAURA' S VOICE: (with excitement)

Is Father Donnolly in? - I ' ve got to see h im .•.

Jerry removes hir. reading ;;lasses , rises , crosses to the door . Ee calls out :

JERRY : Ecllo , Laura , Come in please .

come. in ,

s ::1e enters • She is c n.rrying c. copy of t he afternoon paper • She is worried .

LAURA: :?a tb .er • ••

JERRY: (g l3.ncin ; u t her quickly ; notin g lie r vrnrry)

H.:.:ro - here - v:hat ' s the nn. tte r ?

LAURA: Have you s e0n the pup er?

She thrusts it into his hands .


As he rea ds the l:.cn.dlin e~ . He look::i up slowly , shaken , his fa.cc li~od with v, crr? - ·fls he 1r,c~ts Lo.urn's eyes . 'I'hcn he sigh::. v.103.rl ly , puts the pG.per en his desk ,


LADRA ~ Do you believe it , Father , •• ?

J IRRY : ( s J.oy,ly)

-T don f ~- 1'Il0\'' l V .u.. ~ •••

L,HJRA : (-.·,itl: fcclin;:J

B,,• 1r1d · ~ n1 ~ u~~- ·~ n ' t be • ... i:; • _ 11,:. p .t-_n 0 - .• , 1 1., co. true , father - it cloecr~ 1 t seem possible; Rocky ,.-:ould do tl12. t --

JLRr{Y: (£LS before)

I hope not . ( c m.;TIHUED )

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107 •

2Gl ( Col1'c. )

262 ,

263 ,

L)_ TJTI)i : L.m. 1 t the :eo GOI1t; th L;:_: ·::c ca11 do? -·.:0 1vc ·..:c•t to l !e-lp ti: ;;l Fie can 1t just L ·, t hi::-:! o.lo:"lo •••

( r,oc-1•1 -in ,- - }1,, v· 1·11· · • · · U~ . L • • ~,. - U

•v,c, de ,., c~,, C' "]. 01') J.,.:.~, ,_... t - _,!_,_, .:..

Of co ur s c - rre Ive t..o t to s tc~ncl by hir.1 ,

He r;ocs to the ch:sl i , sits , plc ~:s up t:-10 pho:~e , ~:l:mqes uc:aino.t th.c pc.per to chcc.k -chc :,c.r:!C o:i.' the pr ccinct stettion ,


L~mro. stand~ closo to hirr: u.s he sp:la.ks into the phone .

JEf{2Y: I r,ant the Tyscs ·_ 3treet J?Ol ice

(t~ c re is~ p~uce) l-.1:c l lo , t il is is Fa. tLer Donr.c lly St . rfar-~D.r0t I s Church ,

statio n .

( c:lrn-1ly) I - \'!isl". to i::":q_uirc about SuJ.li vo.n • ••




Tho desk :~ r ~ cant is on the p~one .

s ~,_i_:c;~:)_11·T: Don I t no rry 2 bout; zlirn , Fu th er . He v.ra.~ rcle::, .:-;od ' cou·c ::m ho ur [;~,:::o.

(1),.,. ,..c - 0 ····c•r, ·=ri t1·1 _t...,l -..) UJ. J. , - ... _

a r·Iry 0 rh, ,:_t ct::) I co nlo:~.r.. 1 t s2..y , 1_:1[~ t.h., r • I cl on r t krlor: ::10 cl--.in I c.:)out j_t , i:rys,::l f , ••

L'T'l 1• J i;:.nnY , s s 'rUDY EI:D , CLCS:S SEa:1


Jorry h8.n~s t:.p. He tu1•:1.o to Lr:.ur2.. - r::or o cnco1.u.., o.ged .

J::~Rli. ~;-: Fe: \'!O.S rcl0e:..sccl an l !OlU' a<:.;0. 1.11~'1t I e c..11 I cct·.J.<.~ i'inLl ou.t ~11cr o ,


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266 .

108 .


Rocky is s tandine; o. t t .:10 ho c.d of t~1.e ola. brass bed . On the cover is seen t!:.O knob of the post nl':..ich he ho.s rc~::oved . In tho !1011.on brass post he i n otu.ffin3 the: :::oncy ::al pape r s . 'l'hc re is n lu;ocl<: on the door • Rock;y _;lc.nccs up in n.nnoyo.ncc , hu.i--:-rics throu .c:h h is job . There is cmoth:.:r knock , then Jerry ' s voic0 is hoard .

JERRY: Rocky ! Can I come in?

ROCKY: Yco.h - just a w.inute .

He quickly replaces the knob , grabs up n t o,::ol fr om the bureau , 9rotcnds \'.'ipin,s bis face , and C.AJ~ERA PANl'JING WITH HIN crosses to the door , unlocks it , and opens it . H0 s.milos at Laura und J erry •

ROCKY: Hello , Jerry - come on in . Hello , Lo.ura .

They come in . Roc..1-{:y closes the door •


Laura and Jerry rc~:;ard hirn intently , relief in the gir 1 1::; face , concon1 in tl:c pries t 1s

LAURA: Rocky - wo were tcrribl v worried ~bout you - it wa::; a sh~ck to read •••

ROCKY: (grin r.ir.g ) ·

Yec.h - ~:·ou 1v0 oec:·1 readins the papers . 'l'!u,. t I s a bad h[:.bi t to iSC t in to .

JERHY: ( quic tly)

1:;e cc.lled tho police station .

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267 .

268 .

109 .


Ho looks :from o~o to th e otl-:cr r:i~l1 ;_•ot~l surorino , . -ROCKY:

You did? (c. sJ.i cht po.use ;

he cirins) Su~· - I c.in 1 t bn d nobody t~ . .lrn thc.t ri:uch int erest in me - fo r a. lon 0 tine .,.


JERRY : rn1y s hou ld.n I t \7C be intcroatcd in you? ·_·.;e 1re : :om• fric.ndn .

LAURA: But whe.t ho.pp0no::.1., RocJ:~y? How could th cy so..y a. t h i rl:'.~ lilm th e:.t when you did n I t do it ? • , ,

ROCrCY: (in sto..ntly en the defense - fo r s ctting for o. r.~OIT'e:1t v,t.o those pcopL: ::.re)

What ' s it to ,.,, ?

He stopz , notin .:_: t :i:~c ir htu•t 1·c ucti on ,

ROCiC:I: ( tr:; in ; to c..1) o lo .,.:::i ze)

I boon t J-;rou :-)1 a r::.e:sr. r, 1 questions o.11 clc..y. Look - t h:;rc •;; :1 3 nothin ' to i t , Frr:z ~.c r e.:-:1 nc ~·rns out on s o,T,O bu ::::.i !·te s s - 9.!1 t s rnnc dope ·wan ts to r.: ~-:Jw t r cu ·.) l (.; :.l n. 1 l1[: v c a 1 rrn0h on t ::o c c,pp ol'ri -::.t the sr.:.ra-3 t ::..r,,c, • •

( J. GU :::'":8 ) Jus t & f ~ls ~ a l nr m,

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270 ,

2 71 .

2'72 .

110 .


Sta!1ding b y the head of the bec.l looking dovm at the floor .


from Je1 ... ry I s aYigle . Hear the foot of th e bedpost is a money wrapper wh::.ch Rocl:y ,· in his hurry , has dropped ,

ROCl'.Y 1S VC;ICE: ,,, so he phones in a tip t~nt. Frazier is sn 2. tc: .-.:ed , and. tl~at r gotta hundred grD.nd . A1.1d those half-rd ts fall fo r it , •• befor .3 ::rem col~ld v,ink , those re p orter•s ,c., p la ,'3~rnd it over the front paGes . 1.'hey I rrs nh ·1Gys hun 0ry for a story ••••

~ie loo~.cs 1J.i.J f ror.1 tl1e floo r e..nd at Roc l-:y . Behind the r:ns :;_~ of ~:is face we feel th2 t h e )cnov,s Roc1cy is lying i s sure t.1-:i.~ t t :i:1e wr,q~)c r WC.!'": nround s m:-ie of the rans om money ~e~tianed i n the ne ~s pa~o r account .

rtOCI:Y I S VOICE: ••• 'l'ha t. 1 s o. 11 there was to it . Any -~~n~r -:,i th a I'ecor.J ••• ya know how it is •••

ROCKY: .,, o[;ets ha11led l n ,-io':! e.11 1 then -­just 1 CBUS8 thAy go t not hi n 1 better to tll inlc o.f .

JERRY : (::;at t 8r - of - f2..c t ly)

~ell , 1 1~ ~ lad ~t wes nothin~ more than l:.!1a t .

Hi.~ e: 0· ,:; s ,:1eet Ro c:7 1 " , 1:n;-_ t Roe ~q I s don I t waver .

~OCl<:'1; '11!-ia:-11-:s, J e rry ••• for 1:iOrryi n ' r..boi.~t it •

.r~RHl-: I ' ll be gottinc alo ns -- I 1ve work v:ai tJ.r.. 0 f'o r r.:e .


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111 .

278 (Cont . )

273 .

Ile !'!,oves tc, th: J door , fr; llm:ed b~· Rocl{7; and Laura .

~?it a ~inu~ e , Laura . I want to tal: •: to you .

Al l right . UUnA :

' Evening , Fathe r ,

ROC"i\.-Y: So lon g , Jerry .

J erry nous , sm.Lles at t l:~ei!l, and exits .


Rocl0; turns to h e r , sm:tlins . Laura sits in ~n old arm ch air ,

ROCKY: You got n party dress -- some g la d ­ra :s , yo u k~o~ - - soMethin 1 fancy an 0veni n 1 gown?

LAURA: (s ,..,, i in-- '"/'.'>/;\1,1~,) i., ___ _ . ,:· ,~ -...,t ... . .. ..;

A v sr ·'i ol d one •••

RCCI0.'.: 'He 11, G•Jt it o n -- and we 1 11 do a li t tle celebrQtin ' .

LAURA: (pl eas e ·:i, but cnr io u s)

W1:·ty • • • whot 1 J.l \te be celebrating , Rocky?

ROCKY·: ·This whole bu .si~ 1oss

( 1~u s~1s) Aft e r a 11, ~1n d ,in I t pace everJc1a~r , , ,




0::1 the firs t

A~1d you clon I t c:;et nr,e.~~ fr o1:1 the police ever v d av .

( l"";l_"ll~ (:. s : lao 1rs LJ <.. 1--... ..._, ~ '" - -

S t r ui j. lt nt hfr .) What reRlly h apyon od , Rock7 ?

R~)CICY: ( .s r ir u~J.nc;)

Dl.1."ln't s -·,,,110· •:• ·i'- eh? . - .,, c..i. ,,, J.l, I ,, ..__ •

LAUR/,.: No.

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112 .

273 (Cont . )

274 •

2?5 .

276 .

ROCKY: .Smart kid .

(he h8 s i tn tes a r1ornen t , considers her - r:hetller she can be trusted and how fRr)

It wasn ' t a snatch . Frazier owed me some douch and I r;;ade him pay off •


Expressionless as she asks him calmly .

LAURA: And l':ow did you make them let you go?


Ile co mes over to her , ta lees one of her hnnds in his , holds j_t •

ROCKY: Laura -- if we 1re goin 1 to Get along -- the first thing yon gotta lenr ·n is not to ask too man~-- qu e stions ••• How, how a~)ot1.t [!ett in I Lire.ssed up for to n j_ght?


She looks at him steadily for a long mone nt .

BC,C ~:x-1 S VO ICE : IioH lonr; :ts it r.ince you. 1ve had a. good ti n e , Lavi-·v. • • • ? I mean a !.£.£! go oc1 t ir1e ?

1~he unhv.pp:i..nes.s of years j_s v j_sible in her eyefl as she answers s lor,ly .

Hot s o l o:1· ,

Anoth0r t h -,_?1.:·-­ah. 10.:,,-~ fl .'1R •;mr an ' I 1 11 she .wt run for ••••

LA1TRA: aoc!:y •••

H(·C;:f 1 .:... VOIC:8: ~,c-111 ve ':c t ta l earn ;:,e s tr 3. '1.,::<) ·i. t . • • C 1 :non -, - "'" \'··'·1 r., 4- t"' ' " t O \"/Il I S :J '-' ' l tl .._, L, .:.J...L U

A pnuse , as sh e he,'Jitate;; . It r.my be rJront:; _ - she knows

( COHTIUu:.::D)

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113 .

27C (c en t . )

277 .

280 .

Roe'.:::,: i s n rac~-<e;~e'3r , a criminal -- thr.t the r:1oney th,:y Vl'i LL b 8 s;~end 111 1; ts :i.n n 11 p ro 08.b llit~r croo ted mone y buc it off ere: an cs CE,)C - - and s mne real fu n v,ri th --R 1 r • "l _:2£_:_;:.~ • • • • ..:;~1e .S :1:l OS •

LAURA: I hope t1::8 t ol d go wn ho l ds together ••••


~s she rise s nnd s ·cart r. out ,

A :JIG EEliD CL03 ::;up

DIS .::iOLVE ·ro:

of Ln.ura :tn the camb li ng roo n of the El Gaucho Club . Ifor e: ... e s are ·:.:ide. ar..:l [;he i s t inrslins with excitement . OVSR ·-~l~IS CO.i.3.::.- the (~5 . .s-can t SGliND of the dn:1 ce orche::: ­tra i n t!1e ot :-;.er roo~1, the: r 8.t tle of chips , the barl.:: of tbe croupi e r, etc . 'Ne DRA\'; CA1·.::mA ::J/lC/ .. ~LiO'.;LY revealing t :i::1t LEn1c.Pn is :lre:; ~.sGil ::_\·,:r the e v ,:3ni.n_,-; r.~ \"fell as she· cm.:Ll 1~,rn-i8g0 . :::11e ::.s stml d.i ?'1~£ nez ,r 011e of tlie ro \,_lette t.'.:,h1-;;:: , lo otj_ns aroun c.~. tzte cro w-.lml r oom . Rock:, cnn 'be see ·,1 5.n t:.J.e b . (·;., bu:,ring sc:~1e ch: 1.;)s . As Laurr. 1s eyes tr2. ·-1,?-l aroun:1 ·c: ,e r ou m noticinE : the othe r women:

fro ':1 her f",\ l [£].0 , 2ett.·• :·<: ::1;.c, bri.LliHiltly dre s sed v:o~ncn and ~i rl s :::,t tl·1e tr.':>l;;;: o. 1c:. tl 1r0 l '(,ho ut the room .

J·.rED. CLOS:;:: SH0:2

.Sh0 be co::nef: n ore ~ e J.f - cr;:u1ciN.W r\s s:·10 co:.l;_x,r es the bearc t .Lfull~' a r•3ssed v1c: 10:1 1:ri.t:·1 h :~r o·im hv.:-,11)10 froc!: . 8he [-_·lanc es a0-_ •,-11 .'."'.t >:ir:-clf ;1or: n.;-1d tJ:;::n , "moothes t1·tc fol dc of !v'lr d r e:J ,':1, r· .. ::ns ni~ exp l orr.tor J hRnd over he r h:::i. il"' c1:1.d :i..s i;;n~ns e J.~7 r :-:: J.ievGd r:he n Rock~: rst'l.~rn .'.'l, cn.r ­ry in ~~ i n h:;..s :~~\:-td a lr,r~:e ·qile of c:::1:t ps . Ro e }~, i :: i.n D.

din:rn:c coat . La' ~ra sr.1:L:L0,'J up n·c hi:" '!.

HOCYY: Eer~ y I Rr,:l , kLt . 'rr;,r your lu ck .


( Col TITl l}T-r:' . ) , ·, ·'· •. . , L.: • .,lJ

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1 1·~ •

2:;o (Co nt . )

20 1 .

ROCI\.'Y: t>ure .

'rhe: - turn to t: ·Le t able but a re in ter ru pted by Bla ck:, , w~1.o co m•3~ up to Roc k ~!. There '.J..S no affec t io n :i..n the l ool ~ between them .

3Lf.,.C!CY: The boss v12nts to l:::,1ow if yo u ' ll step into the office .

ROCI(Y: (inn ocently )

VJho I s the 'uos s ?

BLACKY: ( 'iti th a l ook )

Keefer . He wants a talk with you .

_ h0CKY : O){ay ... • I I n ~ocii:1 ble .

( tu r n5.n:. to Laura ) Tr~}~e u crue l( at the vlheel , for a while . I ' ll be ri gh t back .

LAUnA: ( e'.·,~)ri.rrassed. )

But , Hcick y •••

HOCK~{: (with a 1)a t and a smile)

Yiin so .-.1e :mone~:-, Bab o .

He folloY!S 3le.cky off , l en.v ini:; hr;r standing at the t ab le .


i:>hc ed 0c:-; up to tl:.,; ~able bc ·~, . .-c8~ the othnl"' plnyers . Se v err. l of tr.er, ;Ilr, :1ce 2,;:. her c~.,riov.:.ly , e.ddin 6 to he r ei:;barr•as sr:e :!"lt . l'i·10 e :"o ·L.1~)i0 r drc- ;.1c s ou t ·c::1e ;·!in l1i nt=,; nu: ~'"oe r , collec.'us th -~ c:1ii_..,~ . 11lte f.•lri.-::,-er~ ~to.r t maki }1f; .... '-'e1·r be+•c• '·f .... ,.,I .. " ~- -. -,,-,. ,1J• f c- 1-.,. <'J· t,.,;·1'0:-i L"1t'Yl<:l r1· c:1cs l.lJ.L v..:.J . l 'J. L,v C. . • , ... . • v • • V .. , - 1. .,. -.,J .. _., l, J.., .. · ., Uc.. • - .... ...

a fe•. : cl1 ips ~~~1 R nu.n~;•.n' . 'l'; \e \7f',J:: o.:-t noxt to Laura :;i ve~ he r n •~ t;\'' lU<-' r.,,·l c· ' )Y1':,..,.,..,..,,., .l · ·,•,,· ""J 'i lr-, L!"ltlr" 0 r1r;-c•re 11 • .,,. Cl..:.. t.:, ..... .,v,- , - ..... . .. , ,., .... \. _!} . · ··~ ..... ___ ____ ..,.. . '-"' u, c.. '"' ;,..,l' (.i.·,,.,.c\c.•r.,-:- t() r·o . •1-,0-1.r. ' ()'' .::,;- ·. c-,J·r.:r'--=- •! ' ('J•r-,1· btltl. · ·n,- c.111· ps

V - - ... .. 1 ~• • l; r . - .1. J • 1._-: • _ i-' -.> V .. v ,...i .L...., l., U

on t~1c.: bt)r-..r·cl <J ;r.tr.s.\r!: :r,:~~::,1-i . S:i.-:-: ;--lrlr~ces 'b~1 cl-: at t ;1.e - L -

v-,c:· .. :a:: -- mir,}ic: ;~~!r sr:ulJ . ~1:,0 -...'::-eel s pin s . Lau r a nr. tc::e s t:1 s bnll , :t~ r :i.1ca1't :r,;our.:..:. :Ln[;, t errib l: ~ excited .

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282 .

283 .

284 .


115 .

IN'l' • KCbFE~ 1 S OFF ICE MED. s:roT

Keefr.n' and Frazier arc present ; theJ have given Roe~· a hi 0l1ball nhi er. he is trlir l inz in his hand , s ee:mi ng l y abso r bed in t lB swirlin s ic e - cubcs .

iIBEFER: ••• an I see in I as how Jir.1 owed you the d.ou0h - - an I it all bGing kind a a misunders~Rnd~n' -- we · dccided to c.all it square - all a r ound . Wit h no hnrd feelin 1s •• ,

(vli tll 3ignii'i c ance) • • • 1 spocla ll y no \'1 thn t you I r e in the lmov: on thinc;s • ••

ROCKY: ( lookin::: UD - a ha lf smile o; hls lips )

You guys want to talk :iusiness ?

IillEFER : Yeah .

ROCKY: Okay. Let 1s talk .


They exchange a l ook ,

FRAZIEri: Loo~c here, Rock'.; -- 'ilhs.t about tho s e accounts ym: took from r.1y safe?


TIOC:CY: I f i.3v.r 3 that as n }cind of :i.ns ii.ranee • Ya lmor: , just i n eas0 :,;ou fellows chan 0 e )·our min ds .

I2EPER : (coldly)

Okay . 1,:11:::.<ld.a yo u vrnn t , Rocky?

R0CEY : ( 1) l e £'\SD.!' l t ly)

Noth :tn I frcr:i. you , i•.:ac ••• (th en to Frazier -in a harcl , c o ld · t. on 0 )

Jus t the ori::inal nr,:recr10nt b 0 tvreen \.,. ...... /

Frazier an I r•1:rs (J lf - - 50ii of his ohare in c v 2-r :rth in s ,

( ( ' (','Tr., T1'n c,"'\ )

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285 .

116 .

I(o·.Jfor loe;ks up nt li':rnzier . Frazier he.sitn.tes , tl1en s lo,·: l~.,- ,.:; no\.,,. r, .

FRI.ZIER: All rir;;ht .

ROCKY: (to Frazier)

An 1 I 1 11 take ::;oorl care of those accounts . An I I ~·muldn I t try any more trick3 , Frazier •••

(to Keefer ) ••• or a bunp . It 1d be l{inda foo l­ish - 1 eaus e I ' r-1 civin I them books some special attention .

ne takes a sip of the drink , puts it down on the des}c .

IIBEFE:R: I.f it • s a t·leal between you :..~uys -­it I s a deo. l -- just lite it vms on paper . Tlrn t I s i:te , .Rocky -- I do tlnngs le 0a 1 .

ROCKY: (drily)

Yeah • • • so I noticed .

He rises and le aves .


Laura h1:.s de1;10n.st rat e:J. thEt there is s1-1.ch a th.i.ne; as bc s in~er ' s luc~ . She hns a hu Ge stack ot chips before her and a number of p eo ple at the table are vmtchJ .n 0 as· ·sh::; ::-,mlrns h:=-;r play . T~1e w):;se l S!Jinfi . She watches it with e'xcJ.tcrrient . Rocky cones up behi!-1.d her , loo ks on . The ball falls ~nto a slot .

T•:,rcntv - four ., CROUPIER! black ,

Laur a is on :i. t . She c ets her s tRcli:: of chips , the n notices Roc! . ..:y.

ROCKY: Looks like ... r ,uiVe r lon "" I' . J _ , • • ...., all r.ight .

I ' ve be ,~:."! m ,f ull:: lucky , Rocky , I must b e al::-:-:ost t'.·:e:nt:T ciollars ahead ,

( c ON'r nms0 )

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285a ,

11'7 .

RCCKY: ( leu,c-~1inz:)

Yeah - at five 1."}ucks a chip you 1~ust be . I ' d say ycu 1d rio!1 about a thous ­an d do l lars for yourself ,

LAURA: (her mouth fn.llinn: open)

Five dollars - a chip •• : !

ROC i·:::Y : Y02h ,,. rlanna quit ancl. dance?

LAU'rlA: ( she can. l1ardl:,,- E: n0 ak)

Yes ,,..... ploase ,,.,.,, - 10 t I s ., •••

Roch-y takes the chips .

ROCXY: 1 1 11 cAsh those in for you .

The~j wall: off together , Le.ura repeat ini:; ::.ncred ulously .

LAURA: Five dollRrs , , • a chip ,

( b re [~ th le s s 1 v ) Rocky , , , if I I d h~, ve known t~'.a t , I v:ou ld l:JB. vc fa. in t ed ,


ROCI2.:": Like this p lace?

I O\'Jn a i:-ii6 cc [(CC~,.:~ :

of it .

She loo k s un at h i m in surprisfc , him , th~n she smiles - shal-:es hE::r


She st ar ts head ,

No ••• I ' ve le2rned No quest i ons ,

lesson •••

ROClCT: Smart kid. ,

(th ey d~nce for a :mcr.1'211t - then)

to question

( COlf.L' Il!UZD )

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22,6 .

287 .

118 ,

ROC}~; ( Co!'lt . ) :·:owid :ro1,,~ l i ~,~c to t:;iv.s up t:12.t two ­cent job a ' y~~rs anJ tak e a job he r e?

LAURA: Her e ?

ROCKY: Sure ••• ·why not?

LAURA: But - - v:hat -- wha t would I do?

ROCKY: Be a sort of hostess in the c;ambling roor:I , Walk around in a nifty dress -play a little - gr-;t the crov1d play ­ing . Gi v e ~rou a hundred a v1eek and expenses ., •

CLOSE ;::,11011 LAURA

She looks at hir.1 with c onflicting emotions : vrnnde r .­worry -- v:,~.,Hing ver y much to eay 11yes ". It would mean the e nd of nl 1 her r.'orric s and. trou '.)l0s - would be an end to a 11 her years of st ru c_~::;le . Deep down , an ot her voi ce tells h0r it 1s :'lot r::i.:._~1.Yt ••• Dut the voice fader .

ROCI<:Y I S VO ICE: (a sl i[ht pnuse - he continues to sell her )

You WOl'..ldn't hRve to rrn:r..'ry ••• It 1s a nrmnlC7J", rich cro '.'ld, •• '£hen , l id be around to keep an eye on you ~


RCJCKY; Besides , I need at least one f ri end in th is p lace .

He docs n I t ge t an an s •110r, nor docs }1c need on0 . She leans her head on his shot.~lder as they dance off .


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28 8 .

289 .

290 .

1'1/1.DE IN


1 19 .

on the ed5e of a p ool table . A hand COLlES IN with another dollar bill , puts it on trle others .

YOffiIG HJ;.NGER- 01P S VOICE : Another buck you don I t make it L

SOAfY t S VOICE: I take it , ~ise gu y ••••


SOAPY: (continued)


,,, and anudder buck ya made a l ow.iy bet .



A l arge gro up of nel2:hborhcod boys a.re go.thercd ar ound the almost 1mrccocnizable trio - Soapy , Bim and Swing . They are nm'1 alJ. 2. t tire d in br ::mc.- ::-ie·::, flashy clothes: ex ~g;erated , padded shou l de r s , t i ~1 t wa ist l ines , bell ­bottom 1)Em t:.:; , p at ent -l eather shoe :J, tight 1:nots on their lou dly c olored ties 11.u:linf~t f l ashy silk s 11irt s • Nev, hat s at a rakish nngle complete the picture of ves t - po clrnt editions of drug - store cowboys .

Among .the croup are Eevern l older boys , typic ~l hange rs­on aro un d a p (,o l - roo-:-::. A:., S•:.':i.:n..,-7 c1.~all:::; his cue with a prof'es sional ::1.Hnner and So Hp ·~r :' :.d. ts 011 the f l oor in a biG - le as ue f ashicn , the ~1.c1.r~ir:l.r:t:; ci:eele crov1cl8 in closer•

21;D !r~1.i,!GER- O!i: I r,ot four bi ts r:10rc -- n::--iybody r,:ci.nr1n. bet L

S', ' j ""rlij(' • .. .!..l. . .. r •

( c-,e~'isi vel~r) At;.yb8dy to.l:0 :!.t . o. ::1ite it; foist to see it ai~ 1 t l ea~ L

( to8ses it on ta b l e to Pini~)

( COl:'l1 LTUED)

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120 .

290 (Cont . )

291 .

292 .

293 .

2~H .

2l'JD Ef?;GER - 0}! : Put up , or shut up -- r.1.onlrny i

SWiiJG : Awrigh t -- I tE:.J::os it t

He throvrs a ha l f cloll nr on the tab l e vri th a 0 rand ges ture .

BIJ\I: ' J._ t ' s ' a stuff , S,,-fing . Show these palookns ,;;ho ' s here L


of three or fonr of the adm irinc younger boys as they ~Qtch Swing remove his cont , carefully fold it , and toss it to a chair .

lrnD. SHOT

1ST YOUHGER BOY: Crir:'liny t Tl:nt • s five bu ck s they got on ' n gumc \

2HD YOUNGEH BOY: Where ' d dey [;Ct [~11 ' a dough?

3RD YOUi'f GEi~ :JOY: Dey must I a robbed n. bank or sumpin I L

Bim turns tc the bo ys angr ily .

DIM: Close y our yaps or we 1 11 rob the cradle , pun},:s t

The boys shut up obediently ns Swine rnnk es his shot .


J •• diffi cult shot ~,.s S,::ins mn1rns it v.ri th ease •


s,·ting pi cks up the money •


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294 (Cont~ ) sr.rrHG:

(the center of Hc.1:1i rj_n[: e7_res )

i'Tot bad ~ EiGht bucl-:s r!e mal:e • So ne old uoman woiks a 1most a week for that t

121 .

P.s one of tho older boy2 prepares to 3hoot , Soapy looks off , calls .

SOl.P:! : Hey , ~ash -- where ' s at dope shoet?

A e;av;ky neg1•0 youth , working in the p l ::::.ce, tosses a rr-i.ce sheet to him over the heads of the others and moves in to the table .

The pool game progresses durin 6 the folloviing scene .

SOA?Y: I ' m bettin 1 on Sea Foam -- straight across the board o

BHi : Aw - he ain t t no mudder 1

One of the hangers - on cones up to Soapy .

EJJ!GEH- ON: Look , kid -- I GOt a ~inna I ' ll let you in On o•,

sot.PY: Get av-:ay from me , you tout t

E1'..NGE.!1-0 N : Awright - i f you don ' t wanta tip •••

BIM: ( very bi,'. - shot - ish)

Screw , burn ,

r~t"' C•U • . ,J.,,.u •• •

You v.:Hnt a rM1l~e this l'Hce , you onny got 8. rr1i11t1 te •• •

mnNG : So let ' em vmi t i

Bn:: Put mine on ~indstora -- tDo bucks for pJ.r;.ce tv!o for ~llo•:1.

V,'hat 1:ir.d ri. hc c:i£.;~.n 1 b e t is tlrnt? ( • , 1 • ) r.um1. cs _11r.;

Two for 1Jl~i.ce -- tv.10 f o:l:' sh<m ':"

( C O!:T IlTUED )

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12 2 .

2G4, (C ont • 1)

295 .

296 .

N:.::D. SHOT

~rri: ( sh rined)

;,y:ris;1t -- mn.1:e it fiv e to wir1 t

I 1m ~·lid Soa py .

!Io))e you - a ll ·;:in f kids . ( [;r i:1nine J

;;_'inn ah buvs me n sHeens takes , huh , Soa py? • ~

SOI.PY : G1Y:an - - cct those bets plo.ccd bnforc vro s\7ec:r you outa here on your bco.n t

· V.!.hSif : ( high ifo [(ro laughter)


.11s more be ys continue to enter . There o.r c now at least fifty or si xt y in the room .


A newcom e r ede; es u.11 to Sv;in g .

BOY: ,-,11cre 1d ya hoist r-.11 the dough , Suin e;?

m·;ruo-: ( r.10d :ir.::; }-d c:h voice)

Vie \'rrote to S,tnty Claus an 1 \"l10n we v,okc up this 1:11)l'ni n 1 , we found it in our socl-:s t

The boys ncrca:r.i r!i th l au ghte r .

EX'l' . POOL- fiOOl,i I-EID . SHO'I'

Four or fi v e l~idr; :.:-,re c ocn r 1.mnin c to·:,o.rd tho p oo l - ro om. One boy , p2nt:ln c ., :u , t c llin r the r1:

DOY: Ya our;htr:.. soc I er1 t They i:~ot n l l ne·.-., , claf ;:..;y c"iuc:::; - - hn ' dcy 'r c . t 1 r oY;in 1 .noney f-ll'otmd li ke no t h i n 1 ,

-\ .. ,.... l- -- -~ ,- , . . ...... I" ,,... . , . .... , . - ....... . • ... J.; • • .:_,_

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298 .

· 299 .

300 .

123 .

Ii:T . :?OOL- l-:O! 11':

The c~me ku; bce~·1 su~pondccl ,,.rhile they nll li.s ton gPco(1 -ily to tho loudsp cn l:01·, n.:.; u cor.n~1cntutor dcscribos tho :r·acos .

co; .L~l'[T;. TOR' s VOICE : • • • they I ro cor:iin ' round the bond now -- lo ,,k n t th~1. t old Sen Poar:i -­hole.tin /; tuo lc:n r;th s •••

( fl 7l'cll .fr·on Soa py) Rut there t s mu ;ibcr 0ix -- i t I s \"!ina.­s torm c r oepin I UI.J -- look at th u t bn.by coma ••••

DIM: ( yell in[.;)

Come on ., bn.by -- come on , ·r"Iincl8torm \

SV!IlTG: Hold i t , 8cn Forun -- hold ' at lead , or I ' 11 brain yr-., l

corn .;EHT \ TOR' s VOICE : The ;{' re on tho home s trot ch no•:, ••• Vlinds tor1:1 one lLp 'ci ehind -- 'ilirn:J.s torm payin[ tvrcnt ~·- tu - onc . •. V/lu.!.t 8. race -­i::oF i Thc,ro I s 8. sriill o o, 'i.'ho i~• it ••. ? It ' s nu.r:101.1r three - - \'/hi tc - co.r~ -- lon 1.c n. t I em go ~ ••••

As t:1.e boj'3 yell vri th ex.ci temcn t -



~ bo y , on e of those we have seen in the choir , is ye l lin 0 llJ! to anotl1cr on the roof of c. t enemon t .

FOY: • • • over ::i. t t:11.r; ,h y I ri I>ool - roorn t SoaJY;-.r an I l.lim ::,.::-11 Su inc :mus t~t f n l len intu a pilo n su~nr ••• Doy 1 re t ' rov:in 1 :,,roun ' tho dough •••


A fight i~ in procross; v:i th four othern • i, bo:,· urnnind.C'.ll o:f the fic;ht .

r:rPE '11G:

s or:ie V i.,.,c o boy~: :a.:rc tnnc;led c nme s rnnn in 1:.; in to t .i1er.1, Ee yc:l ls •

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124 .

300 (C ont . )

301 .

302 .

303 .

BOY: Soapy cot ahold 1 n Rbout a million ~ollfirs ••. He' s spcn din ' it over at Murphy ' s -- dcy givin ' out free beer an ' pretzels •••

The fiGht ceases instnn tly • 1,11 tho boys tnke off for Murphy ' s •••



t. fer! boys are prHcticing b .'?.skot - ball and tvro or three others are r!rc~t l ing on n m::1t • By cor.-iparison to the previous crov,d of boyn in tho " store " , it is definite that there is a very scanty re prc2cntation . Near the fr·ont of the~ store , most of the boys r..rc runnine up to and listening to soverc.1 · othur boys who have just 1•un in , panting . The ·boys pl~tying basket - bn.11 gi ve up the ir game nnd run ove r . The several boys all speak at once .

BOYS: Sor-lpy -- loc rlcd down wid mazuma t Murphy I s pool - room L Winn in ' on de trc.ck t No kiddi n I 1 Dey nrust P. rob ted o. bank L Free beer doy ' re passin ' out t Boy -- arc doy biG shots l /:.11 now clas f;y duds -- vlid bell ­bottor.is L Free beer t '.2vc17 t ' ing on de house l Lot 1 s go •••

They scramble nut . Sever a l of th o boys in .basket - ball shorts .start scrambling into their clothes .


As tvrn boys try to ):Ut on tho s,-..r10 pair of pants at the snme tir1e . One s ocl~n t hu other - he socks back • They grab at the p ~nts furi ~usly and in th e ir excitemen t , begin to rip them apart .


as Jerr y enters . Ho looks boys are just dnshing out . nasD him , nn.1mli lc •

a roun (~ h :i.m in sur v risc • Tv:o They ~; l o\·1 thcd.r pace as they

( cm;rrr NUED)

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303 (Cont • )

They run . room . He Ono [:;i VOG tinucs on bal l.

BOYS: 1Lo , F'c:thor ••• liow 1ya ., Fnthcr •••

JEHHY: ( con f u ~rnd)

V/hero I re: you boys goine:;'?

BOY: We' ll bo rig!~ bnck •••

125 .

THUCK POH'i!l.:RD '.1a TH ,JERRY o.s hu vmlks in to tho g l unccs :J.t t }::.c boys s t1~uggl in g vlith tho po.n tn . up , DC[trc:i.10s for his orm ~)nnts . Jer1•:r con -t o one boy , v;ho is still s hoot in g th e b8.slrnt -

JEHTTY: Uickey , what I s up? Y.'hor o ' s every ­body?

NICKEY : ;,w d c~,r a l l Y/O!lt ovor to 1.Iurphy ' s pool - room .

JERRY : ( anxj_o usly)

Y'lhat? V!ho.t 1 s ovor thor•o to cl~•.y?

l'.iI CI(EY : Soc..py ., Dj_m an t Sr:inc; ~ Dey I re over there - - t1~cn tin ' ovor)'"body t trowin ' a biG sprond o

JEHRY: ( not co rnp •chcmd in [.;)

Tr eat in g e vGr7/body ?

MICJ~EY: Dey got ho l d 1 2- sor.1e _i:'lck . I ' d. b o::tt i t over mcscl.f , l.,ut I ' m on da. onts ,·t5.c cln t bu.Jv~}~ -- tm r I non I t g o licl:in I c.rour.cl -- not n:c .

He shoots fo r a baskot .


as he ;:, te.nds t houghtful .for a r:;.orncnt . become more d0tcrr.i:l.nod , n.nd he st2..rts

Then his features out .

'.::1 PE 'l'O :

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306 .

307 .

12G .

;:!•.m. SHOT FR0i1 HI8 ,:'.HGLE

'l'hc boys acr.in around th e . pool - table , noisily pl[ ·.yin~ nnd betting .


There is j uct o.. f l nsh of ~mnoyan c o nnd ~n0 er in hi3 fucc o.s ho st'.:1.rts fo:rwnrd . J,s ho passes a couple: of' r.clul t sharpies , one of them lool:s o. t hir.1 in surprise •

8II.i.!7-tPIE ; s ,_'.y -- v,hnt is dis -- n raid ?

2HD SHJ.RPIE: Maybo cloy 1 ro t o inin ' din into a Sm1day school •••

They both laugh . Jorry ignorcG them; continue:.:: forvrn.rd .


playing pill - pool ., '·'' i th t< 1 0 older boys , cnllow youths of cightfH;n und nineteen . ;,11 tho rest ::-.l'C gD.. tho rod about , rrr\ tcl1:'Lng intc mtly . Jcr1 1 y is seen loo}cin s ov0r tho heads of tho boys in front of hir.1 , Soapy is c..bout to pl:3.y u difficult shot .

s1.:_:nm: Make it novt , Soapy •., It ' s the money ba ll . It ' s t ~o bucks if we uin •••

Soc.~)Y rnalrns tho shot 9.nd the ol(lcr youths , grumbling , pny ~ dollar cnch to Socpy ~nd Swing ,

BOY: !toy , Soapy ••• you pronised us r.mothor round o:i~ ·ucern if :[ou won ,•,

(chorus of Rpprova l J

S01.i.P~: : ( tr-i urJ:-ihru.1 tly)

Okny ••• go ou t and bring ano the r C8. 3C •••

( l :•lU:)1C.) ••• Y,1Y:t ' s th e cl::.f ..:'' ? Thc~::;c bolo[;ney t s t :::·o pa)-in ' :tor i ~ •

Tho boy stc.rts rusllinr.; out .

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12'7 .

308 . T';:o SH0'11

QG Soap~~ pick::i u p tho r;1oncy , Bim nhispc rn to hin .

DI!-~: S '..\~/, Soapy • •. thoi~c ' /J P::,. thor J crry •. •

308n • r:ED. S:-I0'11

Ther e is r.m omhc'.r::.•rts;:-;ed silence ns ,Tcrrr fncoo the boys • S0:1.p:' , Di m a nd Srd:::ig ro i~t·.'.!'c: hhi v.1 i th ho s tile C)-ur:: • So:no of th e oth o1" bo-:~s sh.ov .' their 1:nnoy nnco et t tho int0r1·up ­tion; s or,10 3ho\l or,1b m•r ~urn1:1on t • Tl10 older h::tnc;crn - on ro c;:~rd him v;i t:.1 frnnk rcs0n tmont . Jorry r.m1ilos ar..cl e.ssumos a cnsu8.l munncl' , but it is n strain o

JERRY: Giving n pnrty , Soapy?

SOli.PY: Yo8.h • .

JERRY: Ev0r ,1bo C'' invi t,x-:.?

u (ihor c ic no ~nswor) ~~'hy f•on 1t you }y~vc it ov er r-,t the storn?

SOI.PY: 1Cnucc uo 1r o hav i n 1 it hero .

JEP.RY: Em·, ::tbout tho ;~r.;-:c todny?

( SoD.p~; clocsn I t·. 2.n1.m or Jcrrv n<lrlrcsucc ~ few of the y0un/; 0r boys)

:.rem I t :mu fvllm- :' c coj_n6 over to got it st~u,,tcd?

CLOSI~ SH01:£1 'l'h"Z BOYS

They s q1l.irm in e;mb etrrnssr.1 cn t • Ea c}1 · 1001 •:s c. t the other ; then one · of th em brc o.;:s thr) si l rmco •

BOY: Sur o , Po t he r - - vo j u~t ~nntcd to zoo wh nt v:c.s coi ns on h e r o •

(to a f c rr ot hers ) C or. o on , Er.-~rncr - - C I rwn , Lou let. l s got over to tlie ~:tor o .

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311 .

312 .


.Sor,10·,.-.;l.,_.- t cncour::1; -red , Jc~r~r turns to other boys .

<J.:!f{RY: How Pbout yo u fcllo~s?

l\ s 110 z~· :;;bs .--t thcr:'! c.ppco.l i n ::lJ , they turn nn.J look to ­wr-rd S,--:i0 _~-'~' , _::11;"!. Pnd !::ivn;1:::;. ,icrr~ .', therefore , tlti•ns -too - but there :i.s no reS _\.)OEne in S02 .~)Y 1c chill c:;~:,E' ·Jssion . Jerry r:ow t.--J~eG in So:-._,7/ 1s r1~shy :_:c'c - u~) r'ncl tries to llicl.e J-:5.s dis;--pprovril \'JitL" ~-:er.'l;: smile .

JERRY: ( o.r..;;:i ous ly)

I·I o·,.:-i F.'. bout i Jc , So ri. i_JJ'?

Soa py , "fter 211 F'Vll:v.r~rcl :c,mise , turns to the ::du l t boys e~~ s~ys loudly for Jcrry 1s benefit .

SO!:.P~·: llow 1d 1yB like to double 1at bet on c1is shot , Schmc30gie?

!:DULT BOY : Go 1hea.d , pul1L ••• it 1s 2 bet .

'l1hc croY;d :t?::i elm r-\1out , CP. ,i;c 1• to see the shot • • • ::i.d libbinc excitedly .

CLOS:2 S:t-:OT

His j>ce l:.2rc.le;:-1s. lie ::;te _~Js for·:122 •cl, -~r):es the cue from th0 hn::.1ds oi' t :t'.e 8.dul t boy .

I.lliD. s::orr CROUP

'J.1hcy 1 ooJ.: u.~) P.t J orr;r in ::rnr:,n•i s e . II.3 f f-1 ce cJ t he1~1, thr o\·:s th0 cue do~n on the tR)le ,

J_.~rtR~:'.· : Yo1..~ L1o!l 1 ·c b 0lol1;; hc1'0 , S09_py , nnd you ouc!:.t to :mm: that , You 1r·o r:1:l.nors •• ,

SO/:_ l-'Y : ( s"tJ.lJ.o:1ly)

I c1a11no l~no,.-,r ,,·:hD."C ~,-o'..l 1re t ri.lkin ' ~ 1)0llt •

( C 01'.Tii:ftJED)

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120 .

7 1° (Co·~··-) ._:.: l,:., !1 L, .

313 .

014 .•

315 .

J~!\RY·: I c nr.. 1 t l et ;;--r:;u ".Joy s h~n :::; nround. here .

(t~cy stnre rt him - then slov:ly)

If ;-rou 1;~::-!i:0 me -- I 111 be forced to hflve t!-:-.is place closed u9 .

SOLP:..'" 1\liD :JOYS

Thei::.· llrrd f nce s s t~rc rt hiD. rebc::!.liously •

SO!:PY: 1\.\•:rieht -- so ·,ere f:....:nd. f'.no-chc r joint J

His 2~1.::;er is 1~ouscd , bu'c ho ho l ds :i_ t in check , lmowin 0 f).ny s!·w...-, of m\:~:er r:ou.1ci only 2lie::1 :,.tc ti10 boys •

~tEJ1RY: SoP.:)Y - r~ir:: ... Sr:in. ,~ -- v!here (lid s-ou ::_~ct t hi s r.10 110: r · yol:.. 1 ve been S")€)~J.dins ?

• (they vo~ •t rnawcr) ·.:tou cJ.idn ' t co n e b ·/ i t honestly •

( ~no~ 1., 0- " ~l " 11ce) • • - • U-,v .L U. o. ,_; •

Hp_s1, •·c r ny ·c:1:i.11·: ::i= 1v-c sr:J.d to you ]_11 tJ~e }_J~g·;:, Ee\'\' ··:TC'"\l°l:J .;~eF'.l~t [-)11Y­

th i ns t o yo u ? Don ' ~ y ou De liove ~rtO ,,.r]-10;.1 I te l}. :rou t~\~ ·c l1fl.!1;:;:·!.llCT r..ro· l:.::.·ld. ~)ool :::->oor.:s , ;; :: .. <mc~::.i1:; money · •ou 1\re ,:•0 t '· '.'>·.-· i·· ·- ~- )' .' ·" ll '."Cler h 0 ·10.i<>d J ,._; l.J..,; . .L • .L 0 , . , _...., ~1 . -.J..- l V , croo 2,:e ,:. Hey -- tr:n.n t·; to -oe ~)i g -sl 1ots nncl t c1:.:-:t c ,--;-·..1:., ::i -- th r t '.t on 1'c ~ct ~'O,). :-•.n~~-.-.-:~cro e:;-::c~~:,t ovc r1tuf:'.lly ir: j :-, :~1 •. •

So~_1,)~' r11<J. tl 1c otl1c~:· ::ro:-"s. ~~1~011~ f ::.ccs rcGc ~tful , ~l~ os t o_~J~l ~ rc ~c lli ous . silent ,

I'em 8.in sullen , 3 -._lJC they J:'G!,12.in

,r.:~;fr.:{· Is V OIC:2 : '.::~1::it ( ,.., ~•-au ~~r'.:,-, fcl J.o· . .1s ••• Coi~:e on r l oj-t_, . \:; it ~':. ~·:e . <·.1i ·C GJ.!:~s st,_,_fr •••

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317 .

318 .

319 .

320 ~

CLOS:S Si~O'i'


JETihY: ( C Cl ' .a.. ·i '1 " .: · 1· •' ) J. L.,_,..t. .... .1.. ... '--

• , • rn.ci. let 1::i .':0· ~ to ·_c~l'..er nt t::ie ;;storeil a:::1d i"i:_;u:ee -cl·:5.t4 o ll ou t .-

f' P. YORIFC· SC.!·.l'Y t. :i;D i30YS

13 0 .

'i':i3re 13 :-i. li~o~·,10~1t Is s il c:-ice . '11J.'.en Sor :..YY s ,:>cclrs I te rs cl:r , def5.r.ntly .

$ 0;~ PY : ~:e don 1 ·c f3J.l fo~ th2t :e)ie - in ­the - sl-:··i s tuff no r.lore .


j"erl'~ ' st A.nds for a morn.en-~ 1 str.r i n ;:_:~ pt t h Oi-,!, '.Phci r eyes do not wr v e r . The n J crr~ turn8 , st~rts s l o~ ly ou t . '.i.'ff:JC~~ ~-:pr;r l~II.~. 1\s he p.~sse s the t,:,o sl1.~r ::)ie s , one of th.er .~ cr,lls .

SlfPRPIJ: : . ~-.'h.:-it ' s.-1 T,!!"ttcr couldn ' t you ce t 1e~ to hen v an ~i d y ou ••• ?

I t 1 s the l !?st ntr:- w to Jerrj- . J-~c ~1u-·::1 s to r;o ~n 1•.D·:,)Orcut , li::noc1:::inc; !~h, to tho floo r . strides out .

t:':'.I; r.!f' n , S.;hen he

Di SSOL VZ 'l'O :

l et s

as Je rr y o:1ters . 1-Iis f0r-tur00 ::-~re clm:.decl ::-,nd r ef lect his troul,1. Gd str~~e o.f r.li:.10., On t::..:.c !"l"t - rr-.c;: s·;:;e.L"i.c..11 ,.,Jiich hP.s fl . ·:Jox - lB;: c-; lm .ccr hr>lf , ,fo1,~'Y h~ :ii~~s l-~liJ l!P.i.i 2.nd r~otices so:.-11e n.niJ. ~Ed l•. ne\·:c•:81)0:' . !°':e scr>~!:3 the ma il ,p , .; c1 ·1 ·,r • -!·.'•r..·- 0)"'1-'" J!l ,p .,...,,,.,.:-)r-·;e·,., r• ·, l ,..- 1-•r,, re"d" ~ ~--,.., l"_~~s '-J.lA ...L ... ~ .;y y.1..4V1 1 .,__v l._l V4•-' ..LJ.V ~ t...J.1_ , I, - --~- \... ,,::> _.l_ ( .,, , _ ..., ..,

v:F•.lldn ,: to·.n=ird hi s ::it1.uly , c;. ,.i~~0..1· l·)L.:IEC~ \·,' I'rI'i E D.I .

l,filD , SLO'l' L7T • S 'rUDY

fl.S Je rr y cross0s t o docl~ , t-<:·r ::;:") l:.i ·,,·:::;ol f i;-,nd st:>rts rco <.l­in c r-, J10r.vily - scored r.~1c.i. :i ... ;: ... digEc: ·lt ed :i. to ri nl .

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321 .

322 .

323 .

324 .

1 31 .

l!~SEi\ 1.r: 1:!:c.:..~t orio.l - :1oxt torn cp:_:iroprioto CP.l1TOOH -:tllust r t .tin s :

:~rr: :-it cr crric8ture o:.· ~ocl :~- , c1ebm1rirly bor:in~ to 2 , • .. ,.; i'OY" '10(.• c-r·1·•·j f''·L,..l 7 " 1")(;i le ·"' ii Fol -; ce Dc-ot 11 ,,l,o . .,.~lln n·'l,·-.. "-L ..L. _ .. 1. • - --- , , ..- L •· -.. '- -·- ~ ... • , ••-· · , . •, (. < - 1

1)- bo'::s bri c l~, PS }1e o _.)G~-l2 rl __ cel l door to let Rocl:-,:r out , \,,. ; ,-,._, l·'-, ..... iv:illOO l"' r'"'~'" 'i .. .. • ''Scr·, v '-o bo+-1·: '-''l" --ou :;>oc1r·,.· ,..L. -.., .... u -'- •-~ L..,L•. 1 l...i, . \.A_ .. .L.t.:,_; • .,. • J. v l.J u .L v _ ..,'I , •\ --u • I

i-;:; w? u ;;ust 2 lit ·cle :~i~tc-.l:c . ;r Roe! ·:~-1 s bulloon rends : HQirr,· .- L~ Gl'-1-"·11"1'"1~- ·1·;u {· clO'"'. I -:- 1 ,.,, . ·i .i. 1'•. q ·ore.,., !) ·, ,-.1·r 1 J11 T'1c

-'l.( . . J , ..L \UV ~., ..__ V, • V J.- V .._,, l, ...._, l, .&.L ., .. L'..) iJ. (,.1 ~- I. . • J,_..._ ,

c::t:citio :r.1 rei:1ds : i1rJhen i s r, i:i~hl.8.p_~:,ins; not 2 lridn~p ::?in.c_;?;r

f. . knoch: on the door , OV~R SCE~·!E .

r.-rnD • SI'£ O'l' JERRY

as he looks up abaentmindeclly 8.nd CG.11s .

Cor:10 in ,

t,n elderly wome.n - Jerry t s l,.ousekeepcr - enters ,

l-:.i:R.S . Pf 'I:-tICE : I C.icm 1t heP .r· you come in , FPther ••• I-lare 1s P. :~)nCJ .,:-:,~_:8 COl ,i C for ;TOU by 111esse~tt3e r bo ·~r •

S~ e hrnd 3 bim a ler 3e envelo p e rnd , seeing he is 0reppcd UD in thou~ h·c, Slililes cm ~tJ.y -~o ~i.is :~.1crf·o.nctory nod :::nd l er .ves quiet l y .


as he stPrts a :ein to rce~ the editorial , but hi s etten ­tion 2nG. cu:e i osi t y s.re rh ·c.,.m ~o t >:e .::,acl-:r.se he hoG just ;0l F1ccd 0:1 the de~~!.:. He j_)icl ,:s up the onvelo:()C F.lnd opens 1 -c. 11

0 his nmr:.zement he ;.:1r2 ':!s out r.n ordin~ry envelope fi l le~ ~ith money , rnd e t yp eurittcn note . As he st~rts re2d.in,: the note , vc1': ·· auch _pcrpJ.e.;;:cd -


Deo.r Father Con:1elly :

~¥ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~!l d ~10 , 000 L. l C OSO L\. :•) \..!f!8C ~_._ ... 1r

in c r .sh rs 2:1~'" c1 en:: t J. c:·: f' c1~ ·:,tour fu t ure recro rti on - co n t cr . Good luck ,

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326 .

32? .

328 .


~3 1:c 0t~r ·e::: 1Jr O:it~:l:) csJ .Ji, :t~-~s·C ;,-c t: ~c, r:()tc rJ ~L~ t ;. c: : ~i.~ tl \ c cr-iVf)lo :~),~ of· 1)i lls . ~r:10 1-;. 1,0 c.1:r.,~r~:-~~ -~1·1.-3 ;):i.lle c1..1.!c ot· t~ ;.C 8?1vcJ.o ·:Je f-'!!ti ~:is :=--'Ct0]1 ·~~:·•_011 iw <.tr~r:!1 to t: .•c :·,i--:i.r~toc:. lJ':'i J.~:- ,:1--~:r:-~)er l1olc~in .'~ t~1c ~)ill s to:~e t: ·,_ci··• 1·1e r,cr--c..!cs to tt.t.is , ·Cr~,i~i~ to _;_)11t rlJ. .l-1is tl101.1..~,-l~ts to :_:.·ct~·1cr . lf=ts c;lcnce f-:-J.ls ~.::-;Pir. o::-i. ·cl:c o:_;;ol! r;.eyrs:,_1;,) cr on 'che c.:c:::l:.


A DOrtion of it is covered by t ho ~cc~~~c of bills .

IliS ER'l' : ZrITO~IfL itself ,~ portiO?! of t ]1e c~:;."toon sl ·!oY:in. ~7 norrh, ) •

il'.·.=:r::t \':'!' S Joe:-~-:.\.-STJLLCVf. l~ fiEL;i;!: SED ? II 1:.r:10 ·,_)1.1.lleu. tl:.e str•j_n :.::3 tl.:.'.1t ~{2:-0.o_c_Etrtain officirl ym)p cts dPncc to .o tune of °'t)l,i.1) e1~~-,. r11c1 cor 11,t\{Jtio11? Yest0r .jrr:,r tl-1is ;:iotoI'iOU3 :r·::i.cl:etcer .0:1,::1. L~1ll:.l~lPn \'If' S c :-..1:) '. t l:i_ t; err- lJ.y 1•e d - ).: P.?1.:1cc1_ ir~ I:'.

\~JOO, 0 0 0 :ef'.'.noo ;·~ l:ic ~ . ..:c1 ~)pi::. : . -- today i1e is fx1 ce • • • r;_:~lY???

Jerr: .T 1s hrncl cc;·J::.:s L :11'0 SI-iO'."i' Pnd :,;:,us; :.cs the :::one:·· esicle SO t i \.'.""• t i 1C C fl.E Y'0 N). f--..:.rt~10r •

r:is l1 e Li.n5.shos rcr.6_ii.: ~~ - tlw::1 his j[>_,-; ti ;-{:t0ns o~-,--:. his f Gr tu_r'c :3 3] 10\·: t ~ 1~ t ~::e l ·.! ,,.., r:! 2 :):;,1 c ·c 'C ~:· :; ooc~- i C:.o r of t l·!c iclont :i.t3 ,- Qj~ t: ·10 co1:.t~-i~"Y'J.to1"' OJ~ t: ,.:·Lf~ : :c ~J.CI'O"t'..S c)_()l1::1t) _On , I~i:.Ji:n.~-~, lt8 st l1.f:fs tl10 ::.1c,11-:):r ir~tn j_1j~s 1ccl-,;:ct r r..cl s·Cfl.rts brio'.::ly for the dool' .

s i· nnrl -; r - t O '"·" "· 11 e 1• ,., re Tor ·,,· ' ~-'·,,:, U<. • - - -- ~~- • f.~ ~ L, _ __ - f l.: .a. J , V- .• . ..,.

one , r !~.d. l: i r. :1/ l uF=~? ~-::1(:i. .-:_::--11 1'}·~~-l o·.~ rJ t~ .. 10 lr1 :~e.lr:qJ:_,-. Sl!c r.?.:.•.)C ~ "!1:~ c1~::. te


i;:·.:::>.J.:i. OOJ J oh n:-~y ;,:::-.__;;;i­t ~~;_1P. , 1.::.:,s. : :r1.~~2:i orte ., e~-:c:i_ ·Ced .

• • 1 L•c,·C I ~;' :,--,:;_;~j1t , ~~n·c:~e::r'. n ocl~ec , he j :..rn t re ::_,p_c 1::P. u ·;_; r.;:1(! .:) . v 8. r.1•"} t '.'/ o: 1·c J cto J. J. :',I' • • •

( ·:: r>ve s ·;:1:J.ll) ••• :.icoc :.·,.o . . ~;oo ( lP. tJ.')Y • • •

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32'i0 .

331 .

J-~l\h~f: . .-:1.;l (.'. . . J l~e ';,.;cJ.:. ~ro·~'- ,::'.,-.er~ h8 \'rn.s :,io·,·i: 1.__; t o?

l :~1S . :.:r .. ,;GIC~-:i:;: ( ' ·,1.· ,.,. c:o·~1·•u .. )

i ,. ~ i,J J J.- \.I

1·To ••• I r:as s o ~:to ) 1~ec to ,:::ettr, G.:.i.~; t,: ,e r:ty d.oll c.r ••• I forsotta co ::csl:::. 1~.ce::1 •••

J".:R[{.!: i'.11 rich:; , ;~l'G • :;.:nr~t:'.ione , •• if' ::··ou ~le':r' \'..,:::c~:'e I c.r.;1 .f :i .. !:.cl l1i1 ~1 •••

8Cnd Jol·k:ay ovor to l c·t me :c,:;.1.ow ••• ( ' "" ·'· '"'" , .. Lr.,"' t '··e .L.L.._,, U \ .. .,. \,.1J • ._, •) 1 ....

k:7-c"i I s .>.l:-:-ir)

l C.o- a. do.t ••• (t hen , ~it h Dride)

Eo· . .- ic rn~r l~ottlc .:;·ohnn-:r in sin~; ­i n :; '? C-oo (~r:,. vo:tco ••• J.~l:0 l ec ttle Cc.r1l!: o • •• -~~Cf; ?

s:[tOO~.'I ~·.:·r_· I1~·nu I'tO:..;s:·.~ ;:;:;·;Jfl\tj·:cE S'Iit E:21' L ~ D. G ,

l '"" •? ~ •,) .

.:·:.s J 3:r.~:..~y ~.s s 0o ut to ::-1.1s\ .'c r , tJ :i.cir· r t'!:;0i1tion is dr:1wn to r. C f'c~J jus·c :=:J,.J.llJ .n J U]_) ii1 fron-i:; o f ·i.;>e 1'".:01.w e , r1K~. L 8U l"'n

.st~ _L),Jir:...~. o;):;:,, 1.~c10~~-r;~~t:1 r_ clo:.'jCI1 l!=".r[:;c _._.1 e!~cels r-11c1 l1rt -boxc3 . ;_s s:t_e r·v.1:s u_(J -~]j.C st t:1;s r i1ll 0J1tors t.l1e l.~;.';11 , ,:i-r.::rr-y i;i: ;_od: .. r,.ceJ.y noc:i .c cs l·cer 8 !·.,~r ·~ dross r•r:·:i. stri :cj_n;::.; r:. ... >.·:_)0~:C 'f->.11C0 • :_5 L0urr. '·'Cf•S Je ·a-.,q ·cj 'C J"'" '11•c re~ -cts ' .. c.;... ~J ..1 ~ ..l. ,.1.. V ··· · .._,, , 1,,,; • • • C

s t, rtl0d o nc1. bcco:..-.:Gs so :.~er::.:.8t c:·.:b~.:!."'l"D.SSGd os s~1c not~Lccn l .:::m l ool 1~in( ; s::.e.nificr,, r:tl~ ,. :, t L.c1~ :--;_r-n~:· pu:echns c s :--n cl new c'l."-~ess .

CLOS:; S<O'.l'

ro~cti1.-: ~~ r.::~~j_o..,_lSlJ"", t~\C~l cc-vcr·5.l1I U.J) v,:i·~::. a casl1rl e:L1") t" ?:1cl :nl u P s F' j_-,_t s:~· :i 1 c:.

:;·l~RR~:·: Get ofl"' cr.-:r.,1:1 t<1da :/ , L~l l l'P. ? • • • •

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33 2 .

Li lJR/~: ( Co nf'1lc-"'-~ - 1~"' (·l1s ...... ~ ... l.l -L : '-• \A.~ ...

r~ervo·~:~;J.y - sper!~s r r.i · ""' u:11 ,~) -, .• ,1 ..... .L -J

Ye s ••• you see , :rn ther ••• I ' ve got a l:.0ri j oo • • • I d on It ha v e to y:ork h::-,lf so 1::r.n7J' hou rs • • • Hnd I Get much bob:er r-,r>y .

j"ERRY : A ne~ job ••• T~nt ' s splendid , L8ura . Ho~ di d you ge t it ?

1 ~· /1. J ~ .

L~ur e is c onfu□ ed, PS s h e tries to ~void Je r r y ' s se e rc h ­in c;, :__i:1:~ioi.13 loo!-c.

L:' Un./ : 1.'Icll -- you see -- l~ocl:y got it for mo •••

( then s iie sto p s s udden ly - r v,k-1·;0.r clly )

j ·~nR·Y: noc !cy? Th?.t ' s ••• tl wt ' s f ine . T3~r t l~e r,ri :I, I ":·:r. s just r t,l\:i !lfi i-·lr s • :--;~G::).one v::1erc I co ~.~1(1_ fine~ h im . Do :{ou 1::no,;.:, L:-u1~a ?

L!! 1.J~J::: Ovr;r o:c t! 1e :i3:l Gr.ucl10 Cl ub .

' "] '"' .•. 1 1~ ., "'·" . · ·, · · "''"' 11 .L 1, . '-' S .1.~.s • • • Ol.!. l C 8 , 10\ , • 1/v ,

I ••• I ~uess I 111 put t:1ose 1..::un d les in k;l r oor.1 ••• ·c~·wy 1::i.~,~ l)r etty lH~0v y . J. .. 111 S"'C ·,-0· 1 '"' 00 11 ,, ,~ni· .,., \""O....., I t T

V J L • .:.>I. '- c< • · .J., · '• - / Fntller ?

Then , v,i -ch c ,: ervou s l r 1..i_::h, :::b.e cross83 ~)ast hi1 :1 e.nd atPr ts up tb~ ~~o.irs .

S2iU-:;.'[: ( (~uictly , ns he lo oi- 0 • .., -:·'·'- r.-.1• hn r) .,.\,.-., r. .... u...., - """·

:.:cs , I ho )c so , Lr 1.1.ra •••

As ho tu rns to le ~v e -


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.a;•r?r, vvv . ;534 .

335 ,


I :/ l' . EL G:' DCEO CLUD U,. S:J.LL , l)IUV P.TS ROOr:i)

'.2r.c door op 0ns r-),.d v:e :c'e co -·~·,izc t1·,c d:-.:::1-: follov,· i:Do\·,11 o.s 010.c~~ie , C". S ho sho \·;s jc:r:ri i: ·1to t lrn roo~il e

BL.t,CI~IE: Yot'. YI0.5. t l181'0 •

• • • I ' ll tell him you 'r e

All ri gh t


JBRRY: t l·· ~- , ' -·.., -.l 1· . - - --\.i...'l .

as l:0 t: J.T':.--1s to loeve o.nc: s1"1.0;·:s ro~ct i on t o Jorry 1s in ­co ::15r1.lO't'.S Drcsence i:1 ·;;l1is Dlr.co . C!, : :~R!' l' i:; s to d0or \ '·' J·•·j· l--, ·· 11.· -r.·1 ,, ·;., ·,·,r· leDVC " ,-,··-r: °j)t, ;: s ;.~c,· to J'crrr ·"ee11.·-:-,,7 f . J-- ) ..... (..: . i,.J J..,,.J • ,:, , r • - - \.4 _ _ .,.I .)_ .. ,.).. ,/ I J. -~

rr thor un cor:i.fort nble i::.~ t:· 10 so surrou.r..clL1 z s , but never ­thcl e ss curious .

I 1.1 tl:e ccn-ccr is f-1 rm.mcl ~1ol:0r tr. bl e . t:; Pi11st the wnl l is a c2·H··l l tP tl c , co:.:.tr.i.n:L: ;:: 1-:. c'..11:cl;:- r.:- luc l: Cf.'G':3• Jorr•y crossoG to t his rnd t r~os it .

HS t j:1c c1002.· opc 21s (}'..:.:l :;tl y 11:1d HoGl·~~' er:tors , H0 g rins wh en ho secs j·err -y };JP.yin; :, i'i:i.·c:"! t>c .:::;r.cJ.Got ,

r.-(\(' r- - • ~ \ .... .,J - · · - •

\"Jr.11.~1R try ~:-our J ue l: , J":;rry ? ( C o:·.10 S f O:::>v:r. 2. ... d)

Yes ,

JBriil~{: ( t 11:r':--:s £?.11:i r-0_-~; l:t c s

0 i . ··-i -"'~LC 'l !' 4• l · ·· ) "'· -~;, _ .:._ ,. -... ,,..,_:, but I Jw.,.re:1 1 t f'.~1? i;ioney

{I.:e rc :-c~!.l) iS iJ1to hi:-~ ::;:,oc}:ct r-nci. dr 1 RY/ s O~l G JCl"i.O c~·.!.--..rcloJ~C v:i tl-_ t) :c ::;:,o.c.~r.:;c of' bi lls)

• • •

, • • e; ~ce:~i-c tj ::is c ~:c~ • • • it i sn ' 'c 1::ine; •

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'1 ? >' .. ·uv t •

338 ,

CLOSE~ S:::-O'l'

CLOS:i: S.::·o'.!.'

ftOCKY: ( i;-: :)I'C S 8Cd )

~en c;rr' .:1Cl •• , ·,.:o ·,: J \·fhe r c ' d y ou !":O t hold of' r 11 -clw t? ·~

JERRY: ( sr:1i l 0s soft l y )

\'!herC; did you ? ( th.on hr,nd s i t to Rocky )

Bero , Eocl;:y , :-.:c1d t J·,r.:n }:s ••• bu t I 'm 2froid I c nn ' t a c cept it ,

HOCIC"i': Sr:-,; , , • :rcu (1:1.zz~r or ~,onethi l"! ' ? ·1:hRt ' s o.11 this r.bout ? 'l'h~t n in I t r1:7/ i:10 ::1.cy • • •

SERRY: (qu i etly )

•1 • • KllOi '! t h r.t , :-:ocky ... and thnt 1s ril1:t I c r-.n 1 b ·CQ1(0 it .

ROCEY: ~-:ov, -- c or.~c c~o\'/n. ,L~ o c~r'cl:. . You ~Jlori :i.n horc • •, f l l'.sh thr,.t r o l l on :.:!e •• • ~.l i;10s t ![r!.oclc i:1c over , 2!'~6.. 'c l_1.cn tell !'iiC it I s ny dou;:h and you don ' t v:-nt it .

J~-~TI r:r~{ : ( ,,,~

1··• . ., ~-'._\_·.1.· ')I"t '' ..L t.J~ .:. ( . . ~ ...

1 nu.:~>) Rocky •., I !"1'}.0 y; yov. 1vo :~ot ~ ::.:oc,J ·,;io], ·c;,r :.'.' r.cc • • • ·:.1ut c1.on I t .f:'c~~,~~e:t I ' v0 L:rn· .. ,n t~w.t f .".CC e lo r1z t:'L;·.~c .

( ,;1--· ~s }:1 'J;--.(l) I~ t s no t!3C: f:~")e·C,~;:rl:-~:l~1~:, :Zoc~::r,

( J:oJ.:.1s u :,:- th e 'o• ,- · 1~- l " "Y11""" . . ,-,,,... ) • ·. l , • - 'I .. . . ) ! J \ , -

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330 .

340 ~

CLOSE S '.1C'l'

JERRY: ( COT:tinu:i.l t:; )

I so\·; 2. r!re., _;_) Cl' l il -:c thr.·~ on the floor· :i.n yom." roor:i ?Cstcrdny . I know you forced Fr~~icr to :ct you a l1u;.·~drc6 t l·;ous3.~·1cl ci.oll0rs • ••

( no '- -; C ·"''' ·nc•:•s·--'l·0e,.., J. - l1~ ~i,J J. ,. _lJl . . ~J -

l• n 1·,i· ,, ·,·,ocl, c.,_) -- · u .... ~ ~ \. Li

Everybody !:.nor:n it , Rock-J • • .-

ROCKY: (irritable)

P"-7, t :rn.t :~cws ;)fl:,:;c:,_ ... bologncy •• , Don ' t frll for th~t , Jerry .

137 .

!: s li .:;l:..·~ pau.:JC - the t,:.ro !'1Cn just look o.t e8ch other silently .

CLOSE S 1IO'l' Ff.'. VOl-U~JC:- r~OCI'-Y

HOCEY: 01~~-:-J So ._.,h r>.t J ·•,i!1::-.t ' s t h e cliff ' y:)-:~r'c t h o ~lou:::>: cc_;-,10 f':c"o::1? Ii'irot Oi' ,..,77 i"t ' " .,:,i nn f,'~•~ •: ·\ c . .,,, 0''0-'i

(. -- , ..) - la.- V. -.._ \.... W - .._ •• \,.,1,.

it to nc , Seco~ ~d - it 1 n bottc ·r you should. ~1avo n cl:..unlr of it than hi: :'!, or nc . o:cr-.y - - it I s hot , b'..-:. t :r10bod ~r I s 3·011nG. kno vr t ~'!rt , only you r.nd ::-:~c • • ~

t:fET~:\Y: 'I'l"~e.-c 1a juc;t :l.t , I~ocl :y • ••

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341 .

342 .

343 .


ROCKY: (sore)

Aw ••• don ' t be such an an gel ••• If you want to bui ld that Cente r of yours so bad ••• get it started .


JERRY : I want to build it very badly , Rocky , but I don ' t want it built on r ott en foundations •••

( then seriously -de terrr.in0dly)

How listen , carefully , Rocky - I wunt you to understand me. I know you thinl-: I 1m just a stu bb orn j ack ­ass - a sort of a holier - than - thou ­refor~IBr - a sentin~ntal i dealist . You 1re ri 6ht . I have · been ••• al l of that . But no more, Rocky •••


ROCKY: (thinking he has Jerry vmn over)

Thnt 1s t!1e idea ••• Get down to brass tacks . Don 1 t be a sucke r,

JERRY: Exactly . I thou z ht I co uld solv e -rr..y protle;ns , v:.hich ••• after al l, are the problem s of m:i boys , from tlIB bottom up . But I cnn 1t . 11ve r:ot to do it from t:!-",o to r: down l ltll r i~:~·-;.t, su pp ose I ta~~G this mor.ey - kid :~;-:tself t hn t j_t I s n: means to an end . But it :i.sn 1t , Rocky - and l t !1ever nill b e . In ­side the C•:=mter , 1r.y boys y;ill be clean , but on the outside , t t ey 1 11 be sUI'rounded by the sn.me stir-.1king corru ption , cri me a~d cr im:i.n2,ls 1

138 .

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345 .

346 .



He stiffens at th is., but Jerry continues relentlessly.

JERRY' S VOICE: (continuing)

Yes - criminals, Hooley •••


JERRY: (continuing)

••• yot.rself h1cluded l Criminals on all sides fo r ~Y boys to look up to and. vrnrship, adrnire and imitate . What earthly good is there for me to teach that h onesty is the best policy ••• when they see all around t hat d::.shonesty is the better pol icy -- t hat the racketeer and gangster are res pected and treated just like succes s ful business ~en - like a popular :!:1ero? You an d the Frazier s an d Kcei'ers and all those corrupt officinls vou 1ve ~ot i~ the palm of your ha;d , ••• Yov. 1ve got my boys , too, and whatever I teach t he:m - you shov: :r,e up 1 You show them the easiest way - ti1e quickest way to su cc eed is to do it with a gun or a r a cket J

H0C1.'Y: (slo wly - cynically)

\"/c 11 , it I S SO , a in I t it ?


JJ~HRY: (w:i. th profound feelin g )

Yes .,. it ' s so , God he lp us ••• but I 1~, !lo".: [ Oi~ 0 to try to cure a ca :1eer v:i t!;. pi lls a:·:d pla sters ••• 1 1~ c o inG to try to tear it up by its poi so ~ous roots ,

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347 .

348 .

349 .

140 .


ROCKY: Yeah ••• ? How?

JERRY: (he hol ds a slight pause - t~en decisively)

Rocky ••• I ' m Goin g to use your cuse as a crowb ar to pry open and U.'Ylcover this mess . I 1m going to force the law - corrupt or not - to indict and prosecute and bring this stink int o the c lear li gh t of day . 'l'here ' s go ... ing to be a lot of peo~lc stepped on •• ~ and if you I re in th e vrn.y, Rocky ••• 1 111 be sorry ••• but you ' l l be stepped on just as hard .

A lon g pause -- then asain their eyes meet in silence ~ Jerry expects Rocky t o snarl so1:10 cynical retort , bu t instead he slov,ly smiles - rather boyishly .

ROCh.'Y: Okay by me, Jerry . Go to it • ••



ROCKY: (continuing)

You've as much chance to get an indictr:-1ent as I have to get into the Bible So ciety . You ' ll find no ­i] ody gives a hoot about the whole thing . You'll hear 1em l augh in 1

at you ••• but go to it - - and if I ' m in the way , why - go a.head and do you11 steppin r hard as you like~


JERRY: I will , Rocky • • •

( then suddenly he extends his hand )

••• for being honest ••• and for old time ' s sake .

They shake quietly . Jerry turns to l eave - then stops and , in a softer tone .


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349 (Cont . ) JERRY:

( -'- . . ) con .... 1nu1ng There ' s only one favor I want to ask , Rocky ••• end I cn.n't pro ­mise to return it in any way •••

ROCKY: Spill it • e•

JERRY : It 1 s Soapy and those other k i ds . Give them a break -- don ' t cive 1em any more money , and don ' t encourage them to ••• admire you •••

ROCKY: (smiles good - naturedly)

Sure , Jorry ••• I ' ll do that •••

CAl!iERA HOLDS on him , looking after Jerry ,

14 1.


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142 .



upon which is lettered :

351 ,




Jerry is seated a cros s the desk from the ~nnaging editor . Ee is speaki ng earnest ly, with g roat sin ­cerity; but the editor is obviously ill at ease .

JERRY: ••• these men -- these graft in g officials -- these gangster s who are becoming popu.le.r heroes -­these t~:deves , murder ers and kid ­nappers who walk the streets in freedor:1 -- all of them nust be • cleaned out if we are to sa ve the yo~th of OUl, cities from being ta1J,Gllt tl::.8. t the quickest way to su cc eed. is to go out side of the lav: by the gun and the racket ; •• Because that 1s v,hat they El:£ be ­ing taught l

He pauses , the mc.na~ing editor re 0 a rds him unmo ved . Jerry thrm ·1s down on tt~e desk th e cartoon and editor ­ial we saw before .

JERRY: Force the p rose cution of Rocky Sullivan fo.r th,~ 1..:idnapping of Pra.z i er -- nnd e :qJcs e the whole rotten corru pti on •••

He finishes a!1d ,~_,a tc :1G s the ed itor as the 1 o.ttcr stud­iously resards Li s p0nci l for a r:1mncnt ; then looks up ~

t.!G, EDITOR : Father Connelly -- I ' d liko to he lp you I r8ally would . But •• ~

( .short ~-:a use) ••• ~ut we 1d ncvo:Jr [ et av:ay with it . ThG orcanization is too pov:e rful to fic ht ••••

As he talk s , v1e -


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352 .

353 .

354 .

355 .

143 ~


Y1hi ch reads :




Jerry facing another 1~8.nai;ing editor as the latter continues throuc:h the DISSOLVE as if the conversat ion were e. continua tion of the preceed ing speech :

RECORD EDITOR: • •• we'd only be sticking our heads into tl:.e bo.sLct . Bes ides there ' re our advertise rs to consider . Some of our biggeEt accounts are influ ­ential in politics •••

As he talks, we -



on which is littered :




As before , Jer r )r faces the tl ·tird ed it or ; his conversa ­tion co mes thrcugh the DISSOLVi: as 2.f a co::ti nuatio n ~

CHROFICLE :C:DITOR: ••• and politics isn ' t n healthy buej .ness to fool with I ' n with you a }:.u.n·:lrcd ;-;~r cer. t -- n,1r son­ully - - but r.:s fo.r a.r. the paper t s co :·!cer!1ed -- I don I t see much chance to he lp .


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356 .

357 .

144 0


which is lettered -

" !·JORTOi'r J . vm:ITS





Tho office is r.mch lnrgor and furnished in much more· l ux ur:i.ous style than the others v:c have seen . White , the publisher , v.1h o is fa.cin e Jerry across his large , period dGsk , i s also a d _if fere! 1t type of man than the editors . H0 is gray - lw. irod , di 6nified ; fine type of man . He looks at Jerry for a monent , in deep thought .

WHITE: You knov--', of c ourse , v:hat you ' re asking of me?

J2RRY: (v,e arily)

I know exactly ••• T:--:,e ot her papers have gone to [ rGat lenc;ths to ex ­plain the risks to me .

W1IITE : You ' ll g o into the fi gh t , person ­ally -- devoto your full time to it?

JERRY : There I s nothing else I \'ia!'.t to do more .

Th ere is a mone n t I s silence 8.s the 1;1.;.b lisher conside r s the r:1n.tter . Presently -

Very w0l l , ,11t h y ou . you to t he

·,ivEITE : ?G. the:r' Cor:nelly The 11Pr8ss" v:ill limit .

I 1m ba ck

He rises , extends his l!'.:l.:'.'.ld. J8rry s ra.sps it warmly .

1..TERRY: Tha nk you, I.ir • V'i::1i te •••


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145 .

358 . 1.10:NTA(j:C • of a series of !JHOTS showing the nctivit ies of the pnblishcr nnd the priest . Tr..e music builds through this . F irst:

A NEVJSPAP~R zooms up to the CM.1ERA. The headlines read :


Civic Corruption Charged



360 .

361 .

LO}lG s::roT





in feverish activity .


CITY EDITOR: • • • Ke::-ine dy -- I wa!! t the inside on Frazier £1.nd Keefer ' s banl{ accounts . I don ' t care how you get tho dope but s et it •••

( to anothe:.." reporter) Hap , I vm:nt to knov.r everythin8 we can find out about Frazier before he co.r.ie to this tovm -- if he was ever mixed up vlith Sullivan before . The lid I s off on cxp0nsos •••

(to still nnothor) Jenkins , ro 1JD.ck through the police filos and fir1d out how m.:..ny of Keefer ' s ,-:-:en h.?.vc been sprunc since Frazier moved in ••.•


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1 46 .


363 .

364 .

as it Z00!.1S UP ; in a lar go , heavi l y bordered squ are on the front pncc t he re is an editoria l by White , Tho head lines read :





as a press delivery truck speeds th 1:·ough the city streets , stops ut a corner to toss off a load of papers . A larce ba.nrler across . the t r u ck reods : 11 READ FATHER CONNl::LLY I S ' YOUTH OF TODAY I IrJ 'l1HE FRESS 11



Jerry , s1_u,rou..'l1ded by a group of ot her people who ap ­pear to be th, ~ leo.ders of c i vic clu bs , is before the mi cro phone , br oadcasting .

JERRY : ••• 3anGsterd om subsists toda y up on the intelli~ent nnd judicious use of praft l Wipe out craft und you wi pe out t he g angstors Z And once 5angste r dom j_s tn:18.sh0d , we v:il l have t3ken a lons step for~a rd in p rotec ­ting the youth of ou r citics l



of a series of handbil ls R S t he :r flutter up to and fill the screen . 'I"he se are a:-::nour!cor::0n ts of meet ­ing s of won~ns ' asso cintionn , c i vic prot e c ti on b od ies , etc . On many of those , Fathe::- Co::.•.1el ly 1s n.rm ounced as s pea lrnr; on ot ho11 s , pub l i s :r~cr Vi}-~ite . The narnes of Ro ck y , B'raz ier a:--,d EeGf0r aro c or:spi cuous .


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3GG •

367 .


v1hi c h roads :


"GIANT 1•,;fi.SS r-:EE'II::G TOHIGriT



Princi pl0 Speaker


~ ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ ~

Sponsors : The II Press 11, tho Civil

Liberties League , the Be tter Gov­ernment Lcu..gue, the Parent - Teachers Association , the Child 1 s Welfare Bureau , the Woman's Associat ion, Tho Businessmens I Union , nnd th e League of Churches .

The paper is held in a man I s hands , n_nd we

147 .



It is early in the Gvenir1g and the club has not ye t opened for b'lJ.siness . In the b . g . co.n be soen the croupiers ar:d attendal'lts getting re s.dy for the nigh t 1s busi!10ss . Seated at the table are Rocky , Frazier and Lauro.; the latter in a beautiful ovenins c ovm . Frazier tosses the pape r to the table with n.n 'lngry gesture , Ro cky gr•ins at it . Lo.ura 1 s expressj_on shm·rn her co n cern.

PRAZIER: Thnt ' s a grent boy - friend you 'v e got1

ROCKY: (/;rinn 1 n0 as he reo.dD the paper )

You cot ta hn;;.d it to him . :ae ' s makin ' more noisc 1n a drunken boi lor-m'.3.l ~or 1

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368 .

369 ,

370 .

371 .

148 .


e.s he l e ans forvmrd ., imgri l y .

FRAZIER: Li sten , Rocky -- e.nd i;et this into y our hee.d . This i s no penny - ante refo r m this pr ies t i s :3t il 1 ring up . Ee ' s s tG.rt in g e. ,.,-.,hole tidal - wave -­and we ' ve got to do s ar.,ething about it -- Rnd do i t qu i clc ., or we 111 a l l find ourse lv es in thn pen 1


as he eye s Fra zier cold l y .



ROCKY: Yeah ••• ? What ••• ?


FRAZIER: Shut h i m up 1 Buy h i m off i He ' s inte1 1 ested in nlum clearance , a recr eat i on cent e r fo r those kids and al l that hooey . Al l right --we 111 give it to him . We1 11 g ive him e verything he wants -- on a s il­ver plate 1


He stares at Frazier c oldly , contemptuously .

ROCKY: · You don ' t g et the id oa ., Frazier . Maybe yo u never met a s trai ght shooter before -- but you ' re gettin 1

a load of one now, (rises) ·

Jerry 1 s no ::"!u/3, sec , and you can I t buy hir.1 off •••

(pats Laura on sh ould0r)

Be r :l.ght back , bP..be .

372 • I,I.ED • SHOT

as Roc ky moves off ., dovrn the roor.1 . Fraz i er watches him go .

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373 .

374 .

149 .


She loans f::>r"rt&rd 11cjrvously .

LA lJ""RA : Do :rou think there 1 ~ any c1anr.:or ••• for them to :-:et Rocky for -­kidnapping?

FrtAZIER : (turning to her and , as he looks at her , ge t tin~ eri iden - slo wly)

Danger? ( r;a.rcastically )

They ' ll drag out every penal code nfainst hi~ . thro\"f the V{hole book at

LAURA: (anxiously)

count in the They ' ll

him .

Then i t mean s ••• along prison term for hir.1?


FRAZIER: (crisply )

He let s this siEk in for a :uo::ient , en j oying her horrified r0action . Then -


FRAZIER: And it ' s his own friend t~at 1 s handin 1

it to !-,ir:, ••• Vftir.:.t 1 .s he do.:tnc. it for , an~rvray? Vlhat I s h0 v1ant? All I cnn find out is he \.'mnts to tE:-8::> dov-,n the slur.1s eo.

Al1 right ~ v1ef ll 0 iv G hin the money to build some swell pJ.ayr::;rounds and club ­houses for the kids o •• mu.-.t n!ore does he vrnnt? Vfr_at 1 s he r,ot to guin by send - · ing Rocle:,· up for life ... or to the chair ., maybe?


tn:;mendously moved F.J.s she r e alizes the consequen ces of t ~e priost I s carnpnign · to :i:iocl{y -- v:i tl1 Hhom she nov,r finds herself in love .

LAURA: ( ~l mos t i~1nudJ.b ly)

No -- no -- h& mustn ' t . o•o

F:-~i'..~J;.::::1.1 S VOICE : Conne lly's a fri 0~d of yours , too , isn ' t he ?

( COI'.~Iln.SD}

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150 .

374 (Cont . )

375 .

376 .

377 .

378 .

Yes •••


LAURA : (nodding)

FRAZIER : Well , why don ' t you go to see h i m? Show him v1hat he I s doing to Rocky ••• And tell him what we ' re willing to do •••


We see she is deciding she must ta l k to Je r r y.



He is scat~d -before the small fi~eplacc , in which a f i re is burning . He is wcnry , h i s face is lined with wor ry . He 1 ist ens to Laura who is facing h:u:-i ( out of shot) •

LAURA: ••• and · they'll give you everything you ask , Father -~ money to build a model Center here , near your church -- their influence to help you get laws that will pull dovm the tene ­ments and bui l d d.ecent apartments in their places • ••

During her speech , the CAMERA HAS DR/-..WH BACK TO:


Jerry stops her v, ith a ,·.,oary v:ave of his hand •

LAURA: (conti n uing)

But are n ' t t he se the things you v:ant , Pathcr?

Jffi:tY : No , LPur o.. I dc,n I t rmnt • • • bribes .

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379 .

380 .

38 1.

382 .

151 .


She looks at hin: ., knowine she has not moved him . Hor eyes moisten and sh0 spanks v!ith more emot i on ,

LAURA: But don I t you understand what you I re doing to Rock-.f 1 You ' re· sending him to prison fol" life : You _can ' t do that to Rocky .


He looks at her wi th sorrovrful eyes , shakes his head .



LAURA : (continuing)

We' ve got to stBnd by him ., Fathe r ••• you said thnt yourself ••• It ' s net h is fault -- he v:as just a k i d who made a mistalrn and got sent up to a reform school -- and they made a criminal out of hL~ l But he I s not bad , Father -- not rually bad l You know that •••


Jerry rogards her sorrowfully ; he is visib l y moved and shows it o

I knov,

JERRY: (soft l y) •••

LAURA: And no matter ,,rhat they I ve done to hL.'11 -- no matter what he is noV1 -­we both lov0 t.im ., Father •••

She br cn.ks dovm and sobs . Jerry rises s low l y ., comes a!'Ound to he:.;r., puts his hand on h e r sho· -.dder for a monent . The n he l)aces the floor a f'cr: t:i.!r!es , returns and sta nds by her .


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382 (Cont . ) JERRY:

Yes , Laura -- wc lov e h i m. I ' ve lov0d hirn s incc wc vrnr·e k i ds s ix years old •••

( \'lith emotion) We no r ked tog othor -- fought to ­gether -- .£~ ,,,o s t2.._le t or.-other l

( r:. s!-J.ort pause) I don ' t blame Rocky for whR t he i s today --

(he quotes softly) · "But for thE; Gruce of God, there v:ral k Io"

(more earnest l y ) I ' d do anything in this v10rld to

152 .

help him -- I ' d c ive my life for h i m., if that vrnuld helpe

(as Laura looks up) But it wouldn ' t , Laura . 'i'here ' d st i ll be these .~. othGr boys -- these boys whor,1 I don ' t wan t to see grov1 up like Rockv dido I can ' t sacrifice all of· them~ for Rocky . They have lives too ., Laur a. -- und I cf-ln I t throw them away •••

( with great emt i on) 1, can ' t •• <> &

Laura doesn ' t answ er . There is a silence for a :r:1oment. The priest continues the struggle with hims0lf o

JERRY: Please tr~r to undorstRnd ••• It isn ' t a question of Hocky -- or of playgrounds or modurn ap&rtme nts . It ' s much de e per thc.n that o · It I s a natter of destroying the condit i ons the,t made Rocky vrho.t he is o . •

He breaks off , too moved to continue O After a r.10ment q

Lam~a rises a Jerry turns to h0 r , puts his hand on · her arm .

JERRY: (co ntinuing )

Lau r a -- ploeso crn~c a l ong wi th me tonight . Perhaps it ~ill h0 lp you under st and •••

Her cye,s ~,1(J·:..t betv,cen th0r.i .

his : th 0ro is o look of understanding She nods .


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383 .

384 .

385 .

1 53 .


'l'hc ont::::-ancc is briilinnt l :t light.-1d · o.nd a p:rcat crowd of pe;oplc arc 0:nt erint; . Across the entrance are large bu.'1.l1crs o.nnou.'1cing the mass meeting .



The huge room is fillod to ovcrflo\"ring . Tho murmu r of thousands of voices f i lls the roor.1.


Seated on it are s ovcrnl dozen peop l e , heads of the · var ­ious sponsoring orgnnizations . White , the publisher , comes form:i.rd . The crowd quiets .


387 .

l!liiITE : Ladies and 8Cntlemen -- I rive you the pri.'l"lciple s pc:ak e r of tho even ­ing -- Father Jeromo Conne lly •••

Jerry comes forv,ard . He is giv en a tremendous ovat ion . He bows , smiles •


v1here Laura i s sented . Te A.rs g list en in her eye s a s she listens to the tumultuous applause .


The aud i ence on its f eet , app l aud in g .

389 . CLOSE . tE ar JERRY

Unabl e to spo ak for th e np p lau ~e . He bows .


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390 .

391 .


Radio panel and loud - speaker sot modcrnistically into the rrn.11 flo.nldnG the br.r . Jerry ' s voice ce.n bo recognized cor:iinr.; ovor tho spoo.kcr . One can sense that his speech is being broadcast from n lar ge place , by th e rcvcrborr.tions of his voice , and especially lat er , when the · npplnuse of tens of thouso.nds of people is heard .


JERRY' S VOICE: ••• and the visible fact tha t you Rre present tonight and thRt count ­less thousands arc listening in ••• is proof to fling i n tho teeth of those cynics and skeptics that tho public~ cnrc - and docs propose to do someth ing about tnoappalling conditions I have tried to descr i be toniGht ., ••

{groat applause)


seated en high stoo ls about the small , semi - circu l ar . bar , which is highly modern i n trcat1~1ent (possib l y co!l.s tructcd f;nt irely of dark transparent glass) . On the b2.r is a tray contc.inin 6 a decanter of whiskey , siphons and ice . They arc drinking highballs as they li ste n attontivo l y to Jorry ' s broadcast .

Keef er chews viciously 2. t t:n unlii:shtcd cigar whi l e he scov,ls in to his dr ink , Frazier rH:rvously lie;hts one cigare;tte 'v'!ith another . Only Rocky · seems to be at ease . In fact , in his express ion can be detected a faint gleam o:t' pride at the effectiveness of his pal ' s speech .

JERRY' S VOICE: (continuing)

••• And do not doubt thr ~t our efforts so far have not struck f enr and pani c into the ce.ss - pool of of.ficie. l and near - official corruption .

KEEFER: (grunts)

Sure -- I 1m she.kin ' lik0 a leaf •••


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3~1 (Cont • j

155 .

JERRY 1S VOICE : (continuing)

This v ory e.ftcrnoon I vms npproElchod with a ~1g a r - contod propo~it i on -- a briho offered r.10 by this corrupt officiFldo:n - one hundred thousand doll2rs for the bu ildi ng u..'l'ld equip ­ment of a r c ci.~uation center in my p~rish -- if I would agree to refra i n from further attacks -- if I v10uld ~nbotnge thia mass mee ting - if I woul d shut my eyes , stop r:.y oo.rs and ho l d my tongue .


as Rocky glances ~t Ke8f0r and Frazier inquir i ng l y •

.JEi,RY Is VOICE : (continuing)

••• But th0 building of an isolated playeround to shield my boys from crimo is not rooting out the crime i tse lf . It would b0 only a palliative -­not a cure., We nmst go further then tcr.1porary romcdies o - - We must rid our~rnlvos of the criminal paras i tes t:iat feed en us -- we must wipe out those we hav0 ignorantly e l ected and those v1ho control and manipulate this dis eased officialdor:1 b eh ind locked doors . o . o i'Jc must c eQse encourar.; ing ou r youth to crime by th e glorif ic at ion of criminals in high office who flag~ rant ly dis obt.:y O\'Gr~7 law and flagruntly ge t Bv.,e,y v:ith it t.

(gN.;at applause)


Jerry I s vcice continuos co :.1in13 ov<:ir, th0 following dir-.logue is spoken through it , th0 radio speech serving only os a muted background :


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156 .

393 (Cnnt • )

394 ,

ROCKY: See yr-. tri ed to buy hir.1 off . • • I told ya you V!C::' c wast in I your time , Frazi0r 1

KEEFER: We ain ' t wnstin 1 any more time 1 That vra.s th~t guy ' s last chance . We re gonna te.ko c nre of-him tonight 1

ROCKY: You I re ta l ldn ' thru your hat 1 You can ' t bump off a priest . He ' s not one of your muggs ••• Forgot i t l

KEEFER: Sure -- I 1 11 forg e t it t 'morrow morning wh0n he I s floatin I dovm the river ! Now get this straight , SullivRn ! Even if he is nn old pal of yours -- I ' m sti ll runnin' the works . I 1rn not·ta kin ' orders fr•om you , all of a sudden •••••

JS;\RY&S VOICE : Tonight vrn hc.vc in our pov,cr to ask dofi.'1 i tcly incriminnt ing quest i on s of these officials ••• t:.md the !X)vrnr to dcmf'.nd satis ­factory answers . What rea l ly is tho truth in the c use of the rucketcor and cunmnn -- Rocky Sullivan? Why did the pol i ce release him so suddenly with a l l the evidence they had piled up against him? 'Why did the not ­orious Mac Kcofor po.y Sull i van $100 1 000 in cash a s ransom , and what political sword does he hold over the tr embling heads · of district r.ttorneys , judges , nnd police offic i als ? Why does tho prosecutor ' s office refuse t o investigate ••• ? But to ­morrow the new Grand Jury will meet , and those questions ~ bo EU1S\'lered. Therefore , I ask th€: public . to pass the follow ­ing resolution addressed to the Grand Jury : 11That we demand an immedi l:tc indict1!'lent of Rocky Sullivan ., togeth, 1r with a com­plete investigation of ev eryone connected with this travesty on justice ., and a probing into the nefarious activitios of all the l',;ac KGefors and James Fraziers in t his crir:1e ridden community 111

(tremendous applause , whist lin g ., cheering -an ovation)

Keef er angrily reaches OVfJr and c1 icks off the rad i o •


Keefer turns r..ngrily to Rocky .

IIBEFER : He nin I t gon n a appc ::-:r r,t no Grand Jury t o:::or rov, - - shoot in ' off l",is i:10uth 1 I SHY ho gc-ts it ton ight ~

~WCKY: (his eyes ho.rd)

Not as lo ng as I 1rn around ••• ,·


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1 57 .

394 , con t.)


396 .

FRAZIER: (quickly sonsing tho dc.nge:r of tho arg ur.1Cnt getting out of bounds)

Now -- wait -- both of you . There ' s no sense in running ahead of our -s e l v cs .


Keef er star ts to retort but Fraz i c:- p l aces a quieting hand on h i s arn - and presses f irml y ; Vfhil o he cont inues ca l ming Rocky , clcvorly .

FRAZIER: (continuing)

hia:'J'bo vrn don I t hr-: vc to go that f r~r - • Don ' t for get , •••

( sr::ilcs cunningly) ••• t,hc re I re e 11 kinds of Grand Juri.es ••• and there 1 rc all 1:i nds of ways to handle them .

Keefer relaxes - and Rock.f calms do rm by taking a dr ink.

FRAZIER: ( continuine; )

Ho sense going off th e hand le , Mac ~ 'l'ha t I s v1he. t you ' vc go t me for . If n thin~ can be dono l egr.·.l l y , \"lhy t nfrc 2- chance °"•?

K:3:EFER : Sur e - only I v,nnna S'. )c some act i on . I don ' t care ho 1--, v.re stop that guy .•• I only want him sto~pod -- thnt 1 s a ll.

ROCKY: Okay .,. Fix it r,ny way you· l ike O • o

hut forget ·the rough stuff , Maco 7hnt 1 s out o


(h e steps off the s tool and f in ishes his cl:rink )

See yn lrit or •

Rocky , as he str:rts out . /!-.s h o c or:t inucs to the doo r, he pas se s out of their 1 i:-10 of vi sic -n , at ound the c ornor of the bar . He he er s f.'razi c r sayir.g :


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1 58 .

396 (Cont . )


FRAZIER ' S VOICE : Don ' t worry Rbout it , hlnc ••• I 1vo got en id cc. how to st imcy thnt Grnnd Jury •••• Th nt priest \'/On I t got to first bnsc •••• ,


As be r ea ches tho door , his expr ess ion shows us his suspic i on . He glances b a.ck to make sure he isn I t . seen , open s end slar.w the door shut ., vlithout l ea ving •


399 .



o.s ho ducks b chind t h e - n.rch , open ing on the small c omb i nrlt l on cori. t - r oom nnd vanity - room ( fo r women gu ests ) nnd which , in the b , g ., leads to tho bo.ck of th6 b a r ~


In a moment he socs F'r o.zi e r wa lk quietly to the door -open it t o make su r e th at Rocky has gone - closo it , ::.md th0n r eturn to Koefer at the bar •


as he remains frozen , listening i nt ent ly to Frazier ' s and Keefer ' s quie t voices ,

TV'/0 SHor

KSEFE:i{ 1S VOICE : I hope yo u were ~tR ll in 1 before .,, 1c ouso I r~cc.nt v1hat I sa id ., ••


FRAZI ER : Of course , I wns . Nov li sta n, ~a c •• , hE r e 's tho way I ficured it . Connelly, i s first cf c..11 i~ockJ ' s old pa l . SE::cond , he ' s o. p ri e st ••••

KEEFER: So whe\ t?

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402 .

403 .

404 .

405 .

1 59 0

C' ..... 08-.C: SHOT FRt.ZIER


PH.JI.ZIER: (inte ns ely)

Where vrould 1:-e tl~e lo c;l cal ;.:lace fo r Roel:-. .. to ~-~een tho 3e Recounts of 1:1ir..o ? "\'lh-:_t, with t.h a t priest ••• rrith instructions to n:ake them public if anyth lnc happened to Rocky .

AH 0'.:.'IIE R A l'JG LE

KEEFER: ( gr'Ullts cynically)

That e. in ' t Eer;s to r.w • • I lmew t:"lat all alonG • That I s v,hy he can be such a wise - guy with us •••

FRAZIER : A 11 right . 1-: ov,, if we I re coing to cet tha t pre 3. cher tonicht -- \'le r.1ioi t as well get those accounts too ••••



KEEFER : ( in low anr.ry tones)

Yeah , but thts ti~ ·.-,e - no drucstore :n,istal:es ... I 1:::-; tnl-: in' care of this job 11:ys Alf ••••

(he reaches over to picl~ r. :) llou .:'e- ;)'cone on th e bar)

Get Blacky up-here rii;ht away ••••• (han 6s up)


Ff:.'\..ZI~R: ( thoug.'l-J. tfully)

Kac , I do~ 1 t care hov y ou take carG of.' Sullivan ••• '.)ut \·.,ith this prin ~t , it' s c ot to ap ,~ar as an accident . ,

~-::EEPER: Leave that to me ••••

".>· ( COlJTIHUED)

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1 60 .

405 (Cont . ) Keefer loolrn up and sees -


as he appears before them .


408 .

409 .

410 .

as they whirl r:t,cut , Keefer's hand clutchlng his gun ••• RockJ , off scene , shoots twice a.rid I-~eefer topples off the stool .


shoots once more to w2ke certain .


Frazler , his eyes popp:ins with fe3.r , keeps holding both har!d!J forvrn .r d., as i:' to protect his bod~r f r 0m Rocky ' s c.1n.


FRAZIER : ( pleadj_n£ - hoarsely)

Rocl,:y .•• don ' t ••. don 't , do it ... I'll do anythj_nc ••• anything •••

ROCK:l: (cori nc close to him -backins him against bar)

No yoi. .t won I t .•• Thi3 i:: your la ~t double - cross , rat . And telre this vti th ya . • • You we re •:,:ro ns about those ) aper· s ••• I n eve r let c;o 0 1

tl-:.cr:. 1\11 ya hadda do \'m3 bu11.p me off •••·•


~rying to squ i i-1;·:! along the bar vibe::-. a s ~1ot ri~gs out . He co llaps es to t h e floor , urjthi~G • ?he class bar behind hl: m sho\ '.':c: e: bullet hole &~:i: · a v,cb of cracks 1::preadinG out . Another ~ho t , ~nd his cru:r.o l ed form stops movinc . -

cm TO :

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411 .

412 .

413 .

414 •

415 .

1 6 1 .

1·.::.:D. SHOl1

Blc. ckey and two cunmen , com :i.n~ ir.. response to Keefer I s ca l l , rea~t a t hco.rir~:::.: ~: -:.!i [;'.m shots .

3L.t, c;:EY: ( qu icl:ly)

C 1r.ion ••••

The rr:en hurr)- foruard , enter t he: ga:-;!bl ini:; room .

INT . Gt iG:LI r;G R OOE PGLL Si-10::i:1

The players o.nd. crou!,iers r..ave also he ~~rd tho shot s . 7here i s a ·gen0r al r.~ovmnen t on tl 1e pa.:-t of the gue sts to ~0t out . The men start e cc orting the i r l adies ; the crou_Diers st::irt c los inG; ";he play . Blackey and his two !:!en cro ~s quickl:, th:..~ough the roo} :1.


RockJ he.2 burr: led to the door lec. Jinc into the gamblin g roor.-: . He opens it sl i £j~1tl-y, lo~ks out .

C!-•.r.:BLi l7G RO CI.: FRO!.: EIS ll~ GLE

Blackey ~nd hi~ men arc hur~y~n[ tou £rd the door .


He close s the door ~uic~ly , loc~s it . Then he lrurr i es across the rom ::. f.:3 h-::: reac1l'JS t~·1c ot)i.c r doo r , he hears Blacl,:cy rJ.1d hj .s nen po la-1c~i::~ o;~ t:!-1e door .

I I-:'~.' . s::~~-LL HP.LL

v,hich l e::i.dD fro ;·.; tLe p:.."i vs. tc [.[.!'.-!blL:c~ roor., to a of s t:1 i !··s • Ro" 1,~- co--" s ·i '"' r' ,..... .... rit1 1· ,, 1-1-· up tl "'•'-J ;·, . ., .,L. .. .1, "" .. .a. .. . :- "'1 - ...... J .. 1C

fli5ht stai rs .

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117 .

418 .

419 .

420 .

162 .

I Fl' . PPJV!' .'?E Cl:i: D nom.: r::..t:.D. SE or

Tho door r-lvcs D.!1.cl Lllr-.c:~ic 2.nd his 1:-,cn cro..'.3h i:1to the roo.:-: ~ So;.;;o o:' t}':.e crN1. r,io::~s .fo llo rr in , c,m.s i ;1 hand. . 'i'h0-;;- ~=•nuso 1::or.~antc. ril., ,0 ·:.'}~e~~ they ~00 Frazier ' s and l".:oe fcr I s b'J.l l c t - r-icidl~c. boclic::; l~·inc near the bar . The~,. r1al!-: qui c]-:1:, to thc;:-i . I.:la ckie rn d on e other man l:n ee l be-side the bodie~ ; give them n. brief once - ov e r .


f . e Blc. c1d0 ri zos , on0 of th0 men turno to rlim .

·~·vho done it?

I3LA CICJ.E : ( crisp ly) .

Sulliva~ ••• ~ho a l so ? (he survcvs the rooJ:: qui cl~ly)

He ' s r one up ~ta irs . (h0 b:.rns to tl1e, 1;111n)

Take a bunch o.1' the boys do,;ms tairs an( cover the f ~'ont and ba cl~. If Sull i ·,1an trie:: s to c;et out let h i rr.. he, vc it .

The men :1ove of'i'. i3J.s.c!de tu r:-ts to £.hothcr ma n .

BU : CKIB : Get Ec~die nnd Pet e t l:) !:1crc \'ti th a coupl 6 a I torrn;iie s .

T:he mar, m ovc 3 of.t . J3le. clde c.nd tl-:f:; f.:e!1 st art for the d oor l ee .ding to tl~.e ha. J.l ::i.ncl ~ta.irs .

!::-2:D. SliOT

to \'Thich the s tairs lo s.d . Roc.~(J i s 8.t a desk pul l inG o:Jen one dra ·:,ur c.~tcr a i.-:-.othor . ;\ "c last ho finds ,.,1...a4· '·1e ; ,... 10,,...1~· '. , -,-. f'.--y, ~r.,, c•J·i' r,lr .,. ,..,,10J·hr - r ~ ,n 1· 11 hi · C, , L." . .. u .:. .... ~ -v.:. · .. _ .. tL .J.,. v_ 1 l •;, .._ . ...,, ·. , .i~.:.i c:..- . .,, .... ~ ::_:,,r.1.. ... u

poc ket , take .s sever al 1-w.ndf~~ls o f cli ps , ~hove s t hem in his pocl::ct; reloads .tii s £:U!1 .


as Blackie &.nd :~he H!C:.,. co.r 0 f1,;,ll? f:':.s.:'.'t to ascend . The door above }._i ::-. 0} :,0n:3 slo·::l~ :- £.21::.l t :::te thy •ee u1 ns spurt . A rcturni~c fire i s aoc~ .

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421 .

422 .

423 .

42 4 .

425 .

426 .

427 .

428 .

1 63 .


o.s he h a.stily clos0~ t !l0 door , loclr:G it . He loola::3 ar on1d t he ro om. There is ~10 ot :icr e::d t . Ee ;rnrrics to the ui:i.dow . Yan k~ i t open , loo ~•::-; out .


It opens on a fire cncc.pe t !u:t £OG8 bot:1 up and dovm .


ss the door to the room is riddled by Dlackcy and his r.ien . Rocl;:y firc3 se veral t:il:1c~ at tho doo r , th0n clir;;bs m.~ t of the \"/in dow.


o.s they r:1ov o cautiously u~) tb.G st?.i~s ['.nd toward the door .

E::T. F I RE ES C.' l)E i~D . S:·!OT

Rocky quickl y r uns clow.a t he r t air s .

E::T. :·-.LLEY Fill'_!1 OP. l3liTLl)L ;c ;.:E:). SHOT

Smje of the r:1.cn v1l10 13lack ov :ie~--it c,own::rkirs co:-1(; out of the bu il di!l [; , c;un0 in hanc.s. 'I:·w::: look o.roP.nd.


a3 l1e secs tl1e~ . rr.oven care f'ull:i ,

i\LLKf '.i:EE i.:EN

He pu ll[.; clo ::·c ·:o the bu il dinr, , sti 11 [;O J.~1£; dOW!1 o

One of the~ spo ts Tiocky.

( co1rcrnnmn)

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1 64 ,

t.28 ,- _.,.,_ ) :::: \----- •


430 .

431 .

432 .

433 .

There he i :; l

-· ..... .c ""' - .:.-- J open fire .

?. OCI'~Y

~-s: return::: the fj_rc and ~lo\'/ly retreut::; back up th e .: :. r e o c; ca po •


~s they hear the shootinc .

1ST POLICEMAN: near a I the El Gaucho ---

21;D POLICEI':il\N: (~s tho shots stil l come ov er )

It ' s a mob . -- You call in 1

_-:3 runs forvn::.rd, blowi:1c on his 1::hi::tle . The other c :f'fic.er hurrie tJ to n cal 1 b ox .

~::-.IR HJ.LL

:::2.ackc:{ a~d h is rr,cn h.2.vo rea~hecl ~;he door ; they s tc.nd -.-:-Jl l to t:;_.3 sic.e of it as t hc:t s;}oot through it . Tho n ~:.acl~cy l:icks it o:)en vii tt h is foot .

?. :-icky cont intw $ f lrinc; et tl1G · r-:cn in the alley as h0 :-·.s.1-:c s his 1:,ay r,R:::t th0 r,irnlm·; , coin 6 on '...l.p tor1ard the :'': '.)f .


E.:: h o crosses the roo,~1 tovrn.rC: t:.iG ·,·,ir:dor , , Ee fires up .

Rocky· -:.'e[;shes jt , He quicl-::1:; look::; around t_rying diacovor his bc3t out ,

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435 .

436 .

437 .

438 .

439 .

440 .

441 .

442 .

165 ,

Blackey is r,oing up .


i\ocky quiekly cros::;es the ::'OO.i' . IIi:::; objective i s n hatch.rm~- that lce..d::; to -~he roof of t;1e adjoininc buildinc; . Over this uo hear thG siren of a :-iolice c1;,r.


as Blackey reaches the top . Ee scos rihero Rocky is handed . te fires .


who qui ckl7 duclcs b::Jh:;.nd a ch:i.r:.noy . fire but Dlackcy ~e~cs it impocsibl c the oth8r roof .


:i·Ie re turns the for hir.i to reach

The street i s in ont ire co:1.f"-.lsion . rr t-~o guests arc p ili nG out of the cl:.1b -- wi t ho·c1t t: ~cir coats, hats and wr~ ps •. Suvera.1 __ :)?lice c&r::; aro r.rri vine; \'Jith scree..r.-:inr, sirens . 1•:e:12:hl:ors hf: v0 colle ~ted . The \'iinclort!J a.re full of curiouri faces . Tho !JOlice cot out of their cars , riot c:.urn ln the i!' hands .


as he shm,s h:U~:.~elf in an attccpt to ce t Rocl{:t •


as he fires .


., . l . ' nc 13 .::.1 ,: ,

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166 .

443 . ROCKY

See j nG that he hv..s go t Blackey , he hends for the hatchway a.so.in .

l"ED . snar

Tho officer \"le :.:;aw run to t.l10 build ing has come out , he hnrri e::; to tho police co.ptnin vrho hac just arri vod .

OFF ICER : It 1 s ·Rocky Sullivan . Ho aot F'razie r a.nd Keef er -- They chased him up on the roof ••••

C/: PTl'.Ii'J : (briskly to a so rgeant)

Put a cordon sround the block ••••

The serGcant salutes , Doves off .

Cf.. PTAIN : ( to a lieu tena nt)

He v:on I t b0 8blc to get out of th o bl oclc ••• f . s soon as wo s et enough n;en ,:10 1 11 send t\"/O into each house .

I, ta.J : ica b cor:-i.cs d::. .. ivi!1f; UI) o Laura 8ets O'J.t , struccles through tho cro'.'!Cl to•:,al"d th o Captain .

,145 . i,m:D, CLOSE SIIOT

A policerno.n st ops her .

POLI CE!::J\l~ : Here , l,:iss you can I t ce t through •••

Lf',UR:'\.: But I ' ve co t to - --

POLICELAIJ : Sorry ••••

Lt.URt.: Wb.a. t I s happened~

POLICE;:.,\!':: Rocky S~llivan shot~~ two a ' his pals .


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167 .

4~5 (Cont . )

446 .

447 .

44 8 .

44 9 .

450 .

LAUR/,: ( br an !:.rtl o::; 3 ) ·

Wher e -- \'!hero i s h t~? Whe re i s Ro cl< y • • • nor, ?

I'OIJI CE?,:;\ ~·! : Sonc v hores up on t ho roo f holdin ' out •••

( tho n :.;i ;::.n if'i can tl y ) , B"Jt ?~ot for lon e , lo.dy ••• We 'r e closin I i~ on h il ,: ,

Lau ra s to.nds there for· a r.'.OlT,c nt , st u nned . She loo ks a t the s cene a bout her .


a s mor e p olic e cars arr :ivC; D.::'.;.d th e men c;ot out , c nrry ­in g su b- nachl: :e guns , Tv,o 1:;011 era go i n c; into co.ch h O"J .36 down th e bloek .


Sh e t1.:rn s Rnd hurr i es be.ck t o her cab .


I! ·~·r. n :.R KENED H.'.LL\'!,'.Y OP ·::: .. PJ~HOUSi~ I3UILDI !:G

a s tr. o ,3lcyl i cl1t i::; r::o v oc1 b nc!c E:.n::!. Eor.l-::y ·c;uic tly jumpD to th e floor . Ho pauses , tc ns o , li s t 0 n inc , Sa ti s f i ed th a t t h0P e is no one nor .r , he r 0r.1ov 0s th 0 cli p fr om h is gun , i ns e rts a fr es h one . He ::.ovcs ca'llt i ous ly dorm t he hallv,ay .


Hor e po ljce hev(; a rri v . c.. Th o :· '.l.8.V~ !1ov: s·::t u p h u r,e s0~ .rc hl i ch t u a.nd c. 1' 0 pl:::. :i-i n i_'.; tl 1~-:::~ on tl ~o r oo f :.; o f the bu il d in g s .


Rc E!r 01' c r ov,c, v;hc r-e Sca r y , E].::--,, Sv:i r:.r rmd ~e v e ral ot hc r !d d s h:i_ vc t". ;.;:1c::.:)l e :~. ':'h,:!~.- o. ~--e l ool:i n r, at t he c con e v·it~.i. l D-r [l3 , f r i f)1tc-;:1ccl ey02, .

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168 .

450 \Jont . )

451 .

Geo -- gP-o cct I im •• I

Rocky - - r!i,~J Hot Rocky '

BJ'.M: I hope they don I t

~o:.PY : 'l'he t c .?.n I t : r_;t him J

Dut he looks b r..ck E't tho ~ c<:mc, fri[;htoncd .


as th o po lice br unk t ho l ock on the door .

452 . INT . E:.LL'.'li'.YS OP w.:.RF.H_OUSE BUILDING

a lov10r floor . 'fhc noj s c of tho br eakin g of the lock co:r..c s over and Roclr.y st op2. . Ho list ens .

l.'ED. S!LOT ;,T DO<R

The lock EiV e3 , .i..:ho :Joliccrr !on ce.utiously enter .


He hurri e;dly rotre .coG his steps .


as one of the of f iccl't; c.oi::c s ir , . Ho s00 3 , ju :Jt dimly , the dcpnr t ins f i gurc of Rc•c!<:y. P.c fir e s . Roe!-:~' 1 s gun is ~10.en to rch ~rn tho fl~ .;J!'~. 'l1hcn Hocl:y hurries u.p the stuir.s a::; t lw officor ,; on tlnuu s f:i:ci:11 · . One of the oth::;r of'f 5.cers hul' r i :::;; out . ..,

456 • FROilT OF BUI I.Dil -:G

as the 0fficor hurri 0~ out , calls :

OFFICER : Her o -- ho 1s in h 8r eJ

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457 .

458 .

459 .

LO!·.JG sso~ FROi.: HIS A;.JGLE

r:.s we see tho C e,;Jtrcin s.~1C::. a '"':l'OW) of !)Oliccm0n hu:cry . ~- - -forv,ard to the ,:;arehou.::o bulld:l.n.:-; .

Rocky has retreatc~ to vhoro he entered the buildin3 . But no,·i c~s ho loots u._~ at the sl::,li;: :ht he seer, that the s0arc). -'.l i3ht3 c:.?··c dirocteci to the roof of tho builciin'" , !fo loolc 3 Gulc'. r.J.y t",rou ... ---icl; bo ;,.inninz t .o renl ­ize th8. t he is trnp!)cd , Thci'G is one door opening from the hall . Ho starts for it .


as the police cautious l y move up .

460 . noCICT

461 ,

462 .

1163 .

He r.:hoots the lor,J.: off the doo r , O;.')cn-s it , ent0rs ,

f ill od u i th J.ar20 b~1.l 1..; s of mci"'chanci.is ,3 . Rocky c;_uickly surveys th t2} ro01:s,, closes the door , hu:::·r·ios tllronc;h the room scarchin ~ for~ wny outo

FAD. mm O::? ROOE

as Rocky re 2.ch0s it nnc~ I'O[;.li7,os thc1.t he I s in c. trap , Ho snnrls , :.>.s ho VJ~"ti:r·l s , fncin:.:., th1.:1 door_; then trJrns covor bohlnd soi~ bnlcs .

Il'Fi' • HALL ·.'AY l'illJJ . SIIOT

As the p o lic.-:: , led. b:,r tho Cr•.~·)'c;: .. in , co::10 up into tho hall r,.nci up ;)r or.ch the C.oor· 0 11hc y l:id~ it open, ke0pine; \"IE:11 out of rnn :>~C of HocJ<:y' u fire .

( C Oi:Yr I:NGBD)

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l'IO .

463 (Cont . )

{64 ,

465 .

466 ,

CA.P'l'AIN: Co1:-ic on out , Sulli van J

Rocky ' s answ8r is a burst of fire ,

CAPTAIN: So that ' s the way he v,ants it . All ri ght , bo y s - - l et him have the c:as .

A policeman steps forY1c..rd v1ith t he tear bomb gu n. T.ae others send a protoctive fire in toward Rocky . He re)li0s in kind .


tl!ED . SHOT

As Laura and Jerr~, malrn their v-.ray through the crowd to u 9olice ser~eant .

rn1e rc is he Sullivan ?

JElmY: whe!'e is Rocky


(poi nting) In therG . But he clon 1t neod you , FatJ10r -- not yet !

Jerr·y ~;1.1.shcs po.st t he offic01~ , hurries to t ho build ing . Laure att cmr>ts to f' ollov; but the of :fie er rcs·i.;raj_ns her ,


'i'ear boml.Js aro bclnr shot into the roo m, Roe~l':Y m£:.na00s to ovo::.~turn c.. bnlo c-n one of thm:J , S!"'ioth8ring the frn11es . Ho er c0,s ov c::.· to a 1:.,i ndow· , er e.shes t:!:lc glass v:i th the !To.z;:;l e of his c_~t'.n , for a.ir . Innt&ntly machine r.un bu lle ts 1~i:) into tho roo m. 11ocky stands at tho cd.zEi of tho winclO\'i . ilc .fircJ s nt the police .


As Jerry rushe s U) to tba Captain .

Captuin , I 1~ Puthor Co~n e lly ~n 0 1 6 f'ricmo. of Roe ),:~, 1 s •• , • Ho 111 co~10 or,_t for :-:1c - - l:.c 111 ll s·cen to me '•

( CO'I-i"T I i1UBD)

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171 .

4GG (Cont . )

467 .

468 .

469 .

471 .

CAP:rAIH: Pk-: thE.r t!-ti ~ is a. j ob for tho police . E8 111 nooQ a priest lD.t er .

(fo rc efully) I said he 111 cor.1e out .for 1-:101

Cf-..2rEJ~IN. : (aft, Jr a ;-:i.oncnt I s

. consido~2tion) All right -- GO r11Gacl , l•'atncr .

Jerry sto ps up to tho ot:<·c of tl~c door . The captain rnotionu to tho office~ ~ to cease activity •.

CLOt.E sno·r JEHhY

As he calls in:

JEHHY: Hoc · ·y -- I':oc~<~rl This is Jerry ! Co1:ic out~ -- E:oclcy --J


Hi s fncc con~ortccl with hiG fu ry .

r:oCKY: You st sy outa thi2 , Jorry !


Aro you com :l.n .::; out·?


i{OCICY: No. -- An ' you Dtay outa thi~ l


Aft er~ moment ' s hecitation ;

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172 .

4: 7 .L ( Cont • )


473 .

475 .

JE~i{Y : Al l ri gh t then -- I ' m coming in .,.



ROCKY: Stay out , Jerry . -- If you come in , I'll lot you have it l

JEltl{Y Alm OFF'ICEilS

The captain comes up to him :

CJ'.P.i:AIN: Father -- I can ' t l ot you go in there ,

JERHY: You cnn 1t stop m0 •••

He turns wo. \'J~l ks in the c1.oor.

DJ"':1.' • F~ 0 01'! CLOSI: SHO'l, JERRY

As he walks in ,


Poised ., h:i.s gtm 2.imod. . For n moment it np p c n.rs th , t h ~ 1 s go in g to shoot . Hut 2..s Jo'!..~ry stcrdlJ.ly app ro ,:Ch8n , h e finus that he cr-.11~1ot fire; , Slm;ly h e clr ops his :Cw.nd,

476 . M21i. SEO'l'

As J orry comc::.:s up to h im.

JERHY: Corne on , Rocky -- coLlc on out ,·,i'Gh mo .

P.OCKY: I G.on 1t lmov: ,,"Jhy I cli<:n 1t lot you 1-1E',Ve it •...

( C OJ:.:T II1UED)

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173 .

47$ (Cont . )

477 .

479 .

I clo .

JERRY: (quietly)

He hol: · s out his h.2.11<1 fo11 Rocky I s 3m . For a mor,;ent their oyc s meet o.ncl holtl stcuclily , rl'hcn s lov1ly l(o ch~ 1;:tves him the cun . As the~ - start to ,,..P.1:1..~ out; , side by sic lc •

lJISSOLV:L: 1i'O :

r:s it zooms up into the scroen . The hoc.ci.lincs read:

11I:0Cl~Y '.~;T_TR1)3R Ti:L.L BEGINS r:cODAY •_: ovi~LrW i t :i.1?or:1'i.1.s -SPEC L';.L J?~~osECt:1.i.10H"

IPB 'ri-iltOCGH 'ro :

SoayJy , Li m, anu. S·:-:i n: ~, and so; ·,10 doz en othc1 1 boys arc ,3:..1 oups<l r.rou.:-:id Soapy \vho is holc:.in3 £.l copy of tho p r.p er •••

SOAPY: ( sno:..,tin i· G.oro .~r.ti voly)

·rho.t elope of C'- ;~ovc :c·no;.1 I S so scarad n 1 Rocky ~ho 1 s c9~ointin 1

a SDCCia.l ohystc~ !

The boys la.urh ap :!)roc5.ativcly .

\i IPE 1£0 :

.,\HGLE &HO'}

whcro 'nore boys [1}'.'EJ no\' i : -~--;~he:r-ocl ; ncc:.in thoy hG.VC a ne ·,"3;1~.Dr.:;r . SI:0 0'.2:CNG u0' -.1~· no scu U1c.: he; r.C:i.l:i.ne;s: 111wclc( L..JEW1' Il "I:SD 1.s xrLLS I-Li' .

BI: .1: ( sn£-rlin c cn c r:!.ly)

F0r t·::o c0:ntr, I I tl ~ ump those squ E.:alors off !

':.IPE TO:

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430 ,

4cJl ,

482 .

;H1GL~ sno·:r

The boys eroupoc.i. f'..ronncl Sviing v1ho has the ncwspa .pe r, As bcfo~c we ar c shootin~ so thrt we can see the h00.cllines , ilROC:I~ 'i'A£:rn'...., - BLO\-iS LI.J OFP. C OdWP'i 1 IQN -­III GE OFFICIALS II.:?LICLTED'; ,

S;JING: Boy , oh boy ! Hocty I s sure shovlin t up t t ose ~olc hersl

\";IPS TO :


shootinr: dovm r,n a newspa p er 1 held by Soapy; the other 'ooy s rathorcd around , The headlines read: il nor,_v~r ( 'UIL':1yi f 1 n vi\.. . ;r J.. - •

BI.M: Gee -- do ya think they 111 boin him in de chair J ?

SOAPY: Na- a - o. ! 'l'hey can I t build a . dc2 .th - hounc t hf' t ' 11 hold Hock y l

s·•·'nm: Ya moan ho 111 b lo w P.n1 make G


SOAPY: (r1isely)

Jes wnit -- jos wait !


'."iIPE TO:

it is held inn boys' ho.nn , but t hi s ti~e we are close on the. p aper and do not s-::o thC; ho y s , The headlines read: '1ROCKY I.Yi..il:NS T0::10WW\;11

• Over thi ~ come the boys voic e s:

Dii.1 1 S VOICE: Boy -- I b r.;t Rocky ahows them r.1.us;:·s hO\'✓ ta d ie 1

s· .. ,;r:;:w I s vorc i;;: Sure he will J

SOAPY'S VOICE: 11k.:JT:1bo1"' V.'lw.t h o sr.iC. r.t the trial •••

c;_;.1m-u, P :\NS -r·.-,, rn ("\ •

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484 .

485 .

487 ,

488 .

1?5 o


8 ~c1-1.nd Soapy , Bir. i and S 1iiing . In the b . g ., just cominc fo~ward , is Jerry .

SOAPY: ( cc,~ti:1uinG)

He s~itl he 1d soit in their eye l He 1 11 do it , too l IIe 1 11 laug h at I em ••••


His features show his sorrou as he listens to the boys .

BIIJ I S VOICE : He 'l l show those phoneys ••• I



The page contains two vertic a l photos , side by side . On the left - Roclcy, in a characteristically a*gressive grin , hc.ndct·,ffed . O::i. t ~1e right - a photo of the 1hot seat " in t~e death - cho.;nbor , Above , six - i::1ch headlines scream forth:

11IWCK'£ BUTIJ:-TS '110irIGHT "





A pair of clip pered feet and a slit trouser - leg .

GUAHD1 S VOICE : Snllivan -- •

mm. SHOT GUARD (F::Wf,'. 2 -JC~('.[I S AWGLE)

at barred door . Next to hi~ , the elderly 9rison pr iest .

( co:~'J.'IliUED )

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~88 (Cont . )

490 .

PRIEST: Rocky , Father pern1 ission to .iust arrived . him?

Connelly ' s r ec eived be with you . He ' s

Do y ou vant to see


seated on the cell - co t , a cigarette in h is hand .

ROCKY: SL,.re • • • send him in , but te ll him none o r that ri gamarole and holy vmter stuff •••

PRIEST : Whatever yon suy , Roclcy •••

(he moves out of scene)

GUARD: (quiet l y to Rocky , in a clcJ.ib erntely inoolont tone )

List en , big - shot , you got only ten r.iinL-i_tcs, so rlon ' t try to stall around with this priest pa l o 1 yours .


his face setting hard , as he rises and deliber at ely spi ts full in the f8.ce of th e guard .

ROC1.'Y: Sc ran ••• ya screw l

CAi\lERA PULLS DACK showin 0 the cnr2.c.:;ed 3uard , a S8.disti c , vicious . type of bully - angri ly wipine; hi s fs.ce .

GUARD: ( ,C,'ol1l' · ,_0r•i r1rr) •J_ .... l, l , _, U

'l'en ri1inutes • till yol'. stj_nk U T_) the p J.ace from th c,t hot se~·c • • • I ' m gonn a tell the electrician to 5 ive it to you slovr an t er-.sy ••• wise - guy l

Rocky lun r;es D.t hlP"t throu~_;h the bar•s , but the gun.rd acilely steps back .

RCCE:( : ( sh0~1 ts t:ircv ch ba r s )

S:.Jr,!obody cct this l cmsy scr·ov .r- he ol out2.. her e • • • l

A chort-:.s of voices and no:'..scs .f:i."'0~1 the adj oiniYI.5 c0lls .

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191 ,


l '7? • .;.·, _.,. '


A!1ot:1e r Guard ~Jos t<.:d lle:i."'e - e lclerly , of ostensibly better nature , na1:1ed KerL."1cdy - ca lls .

YJ!;l-E:EDY : Quiet , b oy s .

(to youn ce r 0t~ar d ) Let him alone , Edwards .

Edvmrds rctrca ts sullenly , o.nd the noise su.bs icles . A bu.zzcr ~ounds and IConnedy opens the c orr i dor doo r to aclmi.t Jerry , v1l1om he leads to·;vards Roc1,y I s CGl l .


Jerry ' s ha 5g1:n'd face , as he s l owly wal k s down the row of cells , glancing arou~d pit yingly at the doomed men ,

.TERRY: (quietly - to guard)

Hov: much t ime before •• , ?

KENNEDY: (quietly)

Abou t ten minute s .

'Ihey reach Ro cky ' s cell . Kennedy st art s to open the door ,

m :r;.nY: (c reetin c; Roc!..:y th:·ough bars}

Hello - Rocky •••

ROCKY: Howlya , Jorry •••

J erry steps in . Ker..:nedy locks d::ior be h ind them .


JER..ll.Y: (c:,ik\•.n~r dly )

Hou do you feel?


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~193 {Cont . ) ROCKY:

(nith n fnm iliar zcsh!r c)

Like a ~ illi on ••• {then clancing tovmrd tho bo.rs)

••• if it wasn ' t for one screw nround her·o v1ho lrn E;ps putt in I the needles in me •••

{t hen cheerily) How1 s Laura ••• ? Takin 1 it hard?

JERRY: (nodn slowly)

Naturo.lly • · • she loves you , Rocky .

ROCKY: Poor kid ••• She never did get a decent break •••

(shrnp; - with a sad srd.1c)

I tried to ••• but all I ga ve her vms hOLtrt - ache::.

JERRY: You don 1 t nant mo to a&ninister extreme unction , Rocky ••• ?

ROCKY: No ••• we ' ll skip tha t , Jerry .

(then quickly , to ch 2.n3e the sub ject)

How I s Son py and t h e kids?


1?8 .

They wore pullin~ fo r you , Rocky , as long as th0rc vrn.s tho slighte st hope from the Governo r .

ROCICT: (short laush)

Guess those cr azy kids a r e ~;orc1a b0 a lot easier to handle vrith me outa tho way .

494 . ArJOTH.i:i:R ANGLE

Jerr y doe s r-. 1t r c') ly t;o th:i.s bu.t bE:comes very sc:;rious and sen t s him:::cJ.:f op~103i to H0c l<7; t hen -

JERRY: Lis tsn , Rociry • , • t:.-1ero :i..sn1 t mu.ch tj_;:10 2.nd I wr:,'!l'c to a1:.:k you a l u s t favor .

( CO:'.·fTI HlJTD)

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(:0~ (Cont . ) f-{0C1CT:

( l nuc l1s c:,~nico.lJ.y) T~c r e ain ' t n~ch left I can do , Jcrr~r •


179 .

Yes t hE-re is ••• p c rhe,p s no rc than you could clo un d er any otl1cr circum ­st11nccs •••

ROCKY: Sp ill it .

JERlfY : ( co::.1ti nu:l.ng - c.1csp i te the ir~t orr;_lpt io n )

••• if you ha v e the cour a3 0 for it , the kind I know you h ave •••

ROCKY: (shr ug s)

It ain I t r.;onna r.,.oan much to vmlk in there .

JERRY: I k :.10\' T tho.t , Rocky • • •

ROCKY: ( .,,.ri, is,.,_ c: - a f'~ ,,..8 \~T"Y : • • 1... I V - c;. - . .. • '• .. (;A ,

l oo k in his ey e s) It t 11 be like si t t in I dov m in a. b:.:-,rbe!' 1 s c11air ••• 'I1:·.i.oy1 11 ask me t f I ' ve got anyth i n3 to say . I ' ll t el l 1 mn - 11S·_:ro , s. ~1nircut , s havo

,, .,., ii o ,. , !'I r ,, ,., ,.. "' II • • • (.;..1.i.~ c;... _;,,._ ,...> U =--tj'--' 0 I I •

( l1.c l2..u3h s - bri n g in :3 i~iu!sol:C' 1x•.c t : to rc a li ty )

Su re ••• one of 1 0rn no w s pe cial (,1, .:-ct-y,~ C y,.,.-, <.• c•r. ' C<' " Jc-.·-·,·(),T 11"} ,0 Sta ·1-c

. V , •J - - - :.l e~ ,.., u c.1. t .... - ~ ' \J J._ ..L tJ • ... C lJ

£i've7··1·cm free . of cll~l 'GO to t he best ct1st om0rs .

,IBHRY: 2.ut; you I r e ::-iot 0-lra:i .rJ., Rocky?

ROCKY: (a sli ;~;:1t ;)ause - t hen , ., ,. sire- ~ -;-, -' 11} U- , L-~ ~u v ,/ - 1.•.Ca_ y

ri1hey I d th0y? Ju rrJ-

ll. l: 0 me to he ••• •:-rou l dn 1t Wioh I c ould ob li go ' em,

••• b1.1.t I c an ' t •

( COl?l1 I HUED)

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494 (Cont , l)


100 .

ROCK'..:: (Cont . ) (thou[shtfully)

You cotta first have a heart to be · scared ••• and I ai n 1 t got none , They cut th2.t ou.tv.. :i:r.e ••• a chunk at a t ime , in all the j ails I been in .

JERRY: ( slovrly)

But , Rocky ••• suppose I asked you to have the heart ••• to be scared ?

::..s Rocky looks at him , incredulously .

ROCKY: Wnat d ' ya moan?

JERRY: (tense )

Suppcse at the last minute - those Guards had to drag you to the chai r • • • s cre8.!n:1.ng and boe;ging for mercy 7 Suppose you turned yellow ••• ?

hOCKY: 'i'urn ye l low • • • ?

(co::-:fused) Say , w:1at 1s 0 ot into ya , Jerry? You were just worryin 1 about ~o havin 1

gu ts ••• coura;e •••

JERRY: I did , Rocky ••• bu t I nean 2. differ ­e::1t l-'.:ind of cou1•n2:e ... The ldnd of co~r~ i e that ' s bcrn in heav en ••• not the COl~rnce of :1.eroics or bra vaclo ••• but the kind no one but you and I and God \'.could l·:no\': D.b ou t ,

Rocky is puzzled , but · sec::; that his ~)al is clea.d serious .

ROCh.'Y: I still do~ ' t lrnc.":l who.t ya mo2-n ., Jerry .,,

Th0 priest le c-i,ns foruo.rd , b.is eyes burninc \'Ji th some in11er f ln~n.e.

JE ~R.Y; Rocky • • • r,hen I c :o;.;-:;e u ~} here • • • a crowd of ~7 boy~ SQTI mG off nt the s tR t:l. on ••• So apy , .8i::i and S,::.i.n:; , 8.nd

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4:J5 (Cont . )


sovor o.l others . You k:·1on r:l1a t they 8:J . :i.d to r,ie B.S I le.ft • • • ? 'rhey Sf.:.id ", 11.F~,thcr , tc-11 Roclry to slle>1:r them up there how to take it . Toll hin to show tho ~hole vorld , the st uff a ~cc1l .r.;u·r is r,1ad0 o-: . TtJll nocl -:y v,c r re pulli11. 1 for him , nnd to d~c - lc.uchin 6 , 11

ROCI-CY: So ,,r,1"-'-L, c~ t vn ,-,~..-if'. Jerr-:r 'f

' - <... "' V c..:. • c.. ..... _ v I l,;V

senna lot 1 ,::1;-i dO\m. • • • if ~iat 1s bothorin 1 ya .


I ain ' t ths.t 1s

( i~t,~nnoly) But I wr.i.nt ;,rou to J.ot them do•:m, Ro~ky· , You I Vur 'Gcc·!l a hero 'co those l:idi:: •. • o.nd to o. lot of other I:icls &lJ. over tho country •.• all thi>o1-t5h your life . And no~ you ' re ga in ~ to be a hero to them in do8.th , too . .tnd •.• thn.t I s Vlh.8.t I want to p re~cnt , Rocky .

ROCKY: ( s l oY!ly an::;oring )

You v,ant :·.-:c to !)'..lll c,n 2.ct ••• turn yo llo\"l • • • :::o those l:ids r:ill think I lm no good ••• ?

JERRY: (br e;o.th l oas ly)

Yes ••• I ~ant tho~ to ••• to des~ise your l"'.~Graory , Roel~:;- • • • to - to rc -:-:1011tbcr yo-...-1. c>.s a ~:·ollor1 co·::n.rd • , • :t't'. thcr t ho.n :::.c a ::lo :2ifiod hero . To be fore v er ashan~d of you ••• Do you understand?

A. lcng pause . ftocky · li ::•:hts "· nc ·a ci c-_:8.r·ct tc ui th the butt of the old ono . 'l1~rnn .s l or:l;, ,., ~-.,i th a :)it tcr 1E,1ile .

:ROCl:Y: You ahl I t c,:::;;.:in I r.l'..lch , J0rry •••

JEF~!~Y: I h·,t) \-,' ,_,_,._ .• _,_:, Ji.,. 7 1-, ... ".,. 1,J· •1r • ,:,oc1,ry ---- · . - " ~ . ..,,. ·- · .. ~, r, . • . • • • G.nd I ' r.1 o-:-.J.y r.s:c.i.1~[, it -- b Gcc.use l)ei1 -:r~ 1::!_c~s to .<:30t!1,: !' r::~.\;8 Y'!'le the id .C;a • • • t] :-10.t !·:12.:{l)C j'Cll :i1isl1t ,·.r.st11t

to j o i n l,nnc l:-:: ,!ith r.-.c, :in r..'.lv:i.n ;:-; so::1e of these bets f-:.·02:: •• . , f"r02i1 ending up J.--i0rc,

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496 .

497 .

498 .

499 .

· 182 .


who has been quiet durin6 the above . Now he be gi ns, slowly but intensely .

ROCKY: Jerry ••• it ' s a gr eat idea , but you 1r·e askin I me to throw away the only thing I go t left in the wor ld ••• the only thin g they haven ' t been abl0 to tairn e..v:a;/ fror:1 me •••


f..OCK'Y' S VOICE: (contin u ing - with restrained feeling )

Look , Jerry ••• you know ho w it a l­ways v;as •• • 'l'liey 1ve hounded us from the ndnut e we were born •• , to the minute we wal k i n t h ere . They hound ed us when we were hun gry and \'/anted to eat ,.. T]·:ey hounded us when we d id n I t wanna live no ?11ore in those dumps they still call houses •••



HOCKY: (continuin g )

They hov.ncled us v,hen r:e found we couldn ' t t et the fine thin gs we saw all around us ••• and took 1em fo r ourselves . An 1 whnt do t hey wann a prove a ll the time ••• ? That we ' re rats l 'Jib.at 111e don ' t deserve any b0tter l


ROCKY: (co r:t inuin g ... war,s bead alov 1ly)

.h.::. 1 , Jerr y , you knm, be tt e r 1n any ­b od~,.- hoH v,ro-::i.t:_: t ha t is • • • And nov1 you want DS t 0 sho\1 1C!';1 hov, ri ;::ht t r1ey 2. :cc -:-:- • ? Yo:.1 ·1·1ai; _t; n;e -co gi ve tlle rr: nei'!Sp £,.[Y.;;.l' so b - uist e:,r s out there , a chanc e t :) ta ll the v1c:r·ld -- "Another Rat IiJ.rn ed Yellov , 11,


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499 (Cont.)

500 . MED. S:JOT

JERRY: But, Rocky •• you 111 lmov1, 1 111 knov, tilu. t you I r0 not •••



(bitterly) . This is sure one littl e favor to ask , Jerr; f ••• for me to crawl on r:1y belly the last thing I do i n life ••• But you 1ro asldn I a li tt le too n:uch . No -• I won't do that , Jerry ••• You work it out with those kids some other way . lio ••• no , Jerry .

(he kee:ps shaking his head almost mechanical l y)

JERRY: But I can't r ea ch E.11 the kids , Rocky . Thousands of _h ero - worsh ip ping kids in a hundred slurr.s i~ a hundred ci tics •••

ROCKY: (ra.grily)

Don ' t Gir!Tinc tho.t htu:innity stuff again , Jerr·y . I did enoi.. t6h of that in that court - room . I op ~mc.:d u p on E:veryth ing -~• nar.10d nu.mes •• ~ 1:..,avo the low - down on the wholo stinkin ' mess . ~ha t more do ya v;ant?

JERRY: God L:no•:rn I haven I t tho ri cht to ask anythin& 1~1ore for my self , but for • ••

(snaps) Well, don ' t 1



as the guards &pproach .

501 . T\JO SHOT

lill!li-;EDY : (as ho opons door)

All ri i;h t , Tiocl-c-J • o. you r0ady?

ROCKY: Ye:ah .

( then he:, cxt(;ncls li.is !'lf.lnd to ,Jt;r r-;:/ c..r.d thoy s :::.::.:.k e in sil once . : hen , qaiatly)

You fi gurin I O l'l bc in I in v;ith mo ?

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501 {Cont . )

502 . MED. SHOT

JERRY: If you v..an t i:-10 to , Rocky .

ROCKY: Sure ••• it 13 conna be lonesome walklu 1 down tlat last mil e . · Come along, Jorry ••• bt'..t for the love of r.:ikc , don I t let mo hear ya pray . Pr·omiae r:-ie that , J0rry .


JERRY: (qictly)

I promise, Rocky ••• I won't pray .

ROCh.:i: An' you'll suy goodbye to Laury .for me?

Jerry , bitin 6 his lips , can only nod .

Th0y loud n.ocky out - Jorry follows . or five quards , includin g the vicious Rocky steps out, a convict in another whimpcrinG loudly - hJsterically .

There are four one , Edwards . As cell starts

ROCKY: (leans over and yells to the hysteri ce;.l convict)

Hey , jelly - fis h ••• pipo down l This is ~ day ••• not yours , see?


1At 1s it, H.oci....··y •• show ' em ••• · I

509 e CLO SE It.ED • SHOT

as 2- chorus of a.pp :rcv i nc ad 11 bo follov!s fror.1 the other cells . Trie 11, as Edvte.rdt, steps up to take Rocky 1s right arrn, Rocky- anrrily flint, ~s him off .

ROCKY: Got this screw offa me ••• or I'll push hin face in • • • l

G"J1:.!tD: ( r, - - 1• ·i1~.c) . ,... __ .1,.~ ..._, V

It 111 bC;; tho lr, st f&c0 )' OU see , bi g- shot ••• ar1cl :1.t 111 be l aughin ' at ya •••


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185 .

503 (Cont ,)

504 .

505 .

50 6 .

507 .


ROCK'.lf Don ' t come near me in there , sc r ew ••• or 1 111 spit i n your eye ucai n.


iilirrnEDY : All ri ght - stop bhck , Ed\'/ards .

(to anoth8r guard) You tuko h i s arm , 'i'hompso n.

They sta rt to walk .

coi;vrcT: Atta boy, Hock;/ -- pick your own compt: .. ny l

ROCKY: S'lon g , f e ll ers ••• I'll be waitin ' fer ya al l o. •

COl,jVICTS : S I lo ng .. • Silov1 1 ,;m. • • Goodbye , Rocky ••• Vo won ' t be lon g •• ~ Hold a reserved s cat for mo, Rocky .


They open the gr een door, As they do so -



HOCKY: (to J0rry - with u forcod laueh)

They cnll tnis 1tha lust mi le ', JE:rry ••• but it I s a bJ lluv a. short one .


LOCKY: (cor:tinuins)

To.kc carG of Luur~ - ••• Jerry •

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b08 .

509 .

510 .


512 .

513 .

186 ,


us ho nods si l ently , bu t keeps lookins str~ight ~t Rocky -- o~e thouc:;ht burnins in his brain : "Will Rocky come tbrough? 11


as he- l oolrn bacl{ nt Jorry , undcrLJtundin 6 his pal 's silent thought .


o.s his features express the intensity of his hope and prc.yor .


oorious ; then saying slowly, in rosponsc to Jerry ' s un ­spokEm thought .



• • • •

ROCKY: ( Y.m00 in c; his hcn.d slonly)


as this wordless conflict continues .


e.s he seems to :/ieJ.d , but &xprcssos it in his habitual grin .

ROCKY: S 1long - pa l•••

514 . I~iED. SHOT

lie turns end d :1.napponrs :L!·1to th e dC::<·-tl ·!- Charabor, out of vi ow. CJ~I.I2RA DCLLL--;_:s r; ;'i'C D:::A'!i-:- C[:J.;.:I:,:SR AED PA:i·:S SLOWLY to ge t witness e s , doctors , vxtr~ s~~ rds and Jerry , stand ­ing to one side , a lon o , lookin g on - pale , hagsard and in r:I(-;n tal agon:r .

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515 .

187 .


Hin lips b ~c in to ~~vo irnp~rccptibly in silent praye r. 'l'hc n frnddcnl: •; , fror:. Rocky 1s r1.l:!:•e;ction , o. scr ea m and sounds of cor .i.::10ti on . ._Torl':. r•~[.tcts sU trtl 8d .

HOCI2{ ' S VOI CE : (r,mffl cd - not too distinctly)

No • • • 110 • • • don I t l<:111 mo . • • I cion 1t \'f~.:.nn[,, di0 •• o I' lc ,s.sc don ' t lcrn-:;.€: dio ••• 1 I can ' t e•• I can 't •••

GUi,.i'rn I S VOICE : ( OVZH co1ru11otlon)

Leggo tl:".!D t • • • 1 .Ful l him up thore l Co:mc on ••• pull hir:1 off' thnt 1

CJd.:ER.A PJ'.~·-iS O\'S i~ i'ac0s of st8.:etlcd imd ns toundod wit ­n0ss ~s nnd r0portors .

REPORTERS: S~y , ~hnt ' s this ••• ? ·11}u .. t th o • • • l Ec 1s gon0 yellow ••• I 111 bu t•. , • • l 1:iu 1s holdir.. 1 on to that w£.ll radiator .•• _;_:;c I s go ne screwy o.. 1

G:U .. dmS I VOICES : Pry t h::-.t otr wr hi:r Ld loose., 1 G0t i:1ili1 off thr ;_ t r, ,ldin tor l

.And mrER it c.11 , Rocky I s screfarn.s continue piteous ly.

rtEPOHTER : They c ot him loosu now ••• Say , this i~ & tilrnabout , if I ever suw ono J

2:i.W R::PORTEH : Roclcy turr;::; re. t • • • l

rmLL D'.TE:SSZD ;.i.AN: It ' s horri blc- -- i t I s gl:11:·.s tl) · .. , I c c.,n't stnnd this ,

(clos e s riis e yes)

iTSPO~'i'Eit : ( vrl t r~ bot t 1 c )

h ~,rc , tE,lc,:: r., .:lug 1o 1th iD ... I felt tlt[tt v,uy 1:1~·scl.:f' t;i-:.c f i:~st time •• ,

0--Jicl'.D 1 3 VC1IC :S: Obi:;: , • , ho l d Li ':, de, ::;n nov, • , •

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51G .

5 17 ,

Gl8 e

Gl9 .

T : rr:., .L :.~ .:.. • CEi.L- i~LOCE

C.-.._" ...... ,. \, , _ ! ~ .... ...,

C Q,.;'.'IGT 3 : ( :·.(\ l:ih )

W'.::'.".t I s : ~-:.r~ r en in tr -.e,r ,: • . • ? E,: ' s nc r .:.:-.r 1in I in ~l-i-.. r e ••• It 1 ::, :i.1.'cl•:y ••• ~ ,:-c k:: ' .:1 tit rn c:l ~:cll ,,w •••

COl:VI CT : Th07/ i ·-~t hi~; strc-.~ )) ·>-~ C1.GVff!. new •••

( c :-.1lr3 l c,u '.11:- ) Sec ya s~cn L

18 t} •

Tho b yst -::::.~icr~l e, ::1vle t t:L.,:ir:r_; t c.- :1nr .n 1:i tc0 u ::,l y • Then su 1.~(lcr~l :7 r: ·:1:-iinint · h~1n. i:J hc..r.rcl .

CO:l\'ICTS : Th.~r :. s:-w r·, -;·,u ••• tl1( ; juico L ; i :·. I ,, 1,r v ·:1.• ·.- ·1 ' l t"\'/ l - ..... I.) - - ti .. l J. •••

'I'~-i,) li--r1ts '.1ir:: . Ti1,; ;-,~_-;:;t c ri c~'.l cc ,wict l ots cut n l one 110 - 0 - oii. 11•

t l10 , _u :\r 1., ncc.r hi:::; fJ Ll ::.: • i,,c;, th ,:. l i : ::1t s ('C up , ::-.r;.,1.. the v1:1ir1j_ r 1.:_~ }111r., ~;~.~:i::---1s l'.( ~HiY-t e

CLOSE s 1ioT

r;mJ;ums: ( ~Jc 0 r r1J>t-t ·1.1~~ ... )

e:~.rc .. , the

O.•.:.l: · h i .:; i' ~.c o , ,-.f ~·.lJ. t ~i:- .:.,.:.: _;_-r :.:Jciit , i;s e;r .ly.1 t.n~: s, Jr c n<.:, th ·.•;-<t ~.v· -:: l y ·r c:l ,~t·. ·..-,;it:· : :-:r•,-,_ ·::.c: ,:.;crrcr;; h l s l i p s ]:cop r:H. ~,..; ir ~t · s i l,.:;~: t 1: - i ~1 ~· r· ~-:_,-; _ _. !." :. ~ t}- :. ::. \"il--.:. i nin:~ 1'1u1~'! iricr or. a c B

!:.:n .~ ti:..(: li::! ~.:.ts c.1 .. i::, Glc\·/17;'° f ' t'! · tl !~.• socc)i.i.~~ ti1 ~10.


C:LO:~=-:. S : iO'l'

iP ~ (". ·- - f , , 1-,, • •,:' , • .. l l,.. .. , .:_ .. .-\, , U • - ~ . .- . 1.- e r Cr-_:-~:

( C 0. :,:, I '~· n:.'D) . . .... 1 , l · .....i

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520 .

18 D.

11?:. CCIC::{ DISS :{ELL0\'/ 11

ll f"(' :•: --. D ' S nE ·=r::: s .-·,· ·1 r \.J v , \r\!L .L J.t ~ -- . .. , ,~..a. li. J


rn.1·'"".-•1 1~ ~ - r-r- ,,1 ,,~ ,.\ ;•,r l ➔·Y·1r• " ~t1."'r ;••1' s ..... r'\ ... . V,r '".n ·_'L-('"! o· ... ·.·~ . .0,. :'1.tlS -.... -.1 -:... \,,., -. . . .... ... v - ♦ 1,,,.v - · ...,. • • "-"'.;.li , .. - - --

•-•iCi~,,Fl•c r.;~ist is r ~ ·- · '·ir:; · t1·ic ~.cc.:.--t,nt • S 0\i( :r r. l 0th.:- r .l. ' • \ • ..,_ V lf • • • , - .. • • " .1. .J- ~\, • • • "I

0·. f'.p:::rs :,1'(; s:: r e:vm or,. tr-: :, f l o0 r bc si (:C the, ~xys . Din

and S-..·,inc st::. r c ['_t til e: f l oc:r , sil~nt .

so .. -~PY:


( r ·" --l'L•r -,-t, ·-h ·"·\-f"~jcultv ... , ....... . .... \I. - l- -.L. I "

-- .i.,...,~lt' r, ·n-'l11r· l ,· ) '- • I • J. ..- • c c..'

t:n 1 c. t t: ·1.:.: fr _tr: l strolrn of • • • 11 I) . l.:. ~-t (~C 1-:·~.r Y.'r~ !J :i.c (: t ~ 1r 011[~11 the l ittle i:r -.:;or:. '.\,'C' l" c-!: 1.loc1.th . Ho ::,:::-on,·.r h: 0.c1 l:J cnte:r -,,c1 tl ·10 C . .:.::'.".th c h::~d)c r tl1r-.r. h-:) t c:re: h .:::-:~~cl f fr or. t :~tC r·t.1.~-..1.,:~1 1 u t ~rnt>!) ~~~l ... fl tr:!~: 11ir 1s c lf C:!1 th-:.. f l oo r . Ser -. '.:'.:·:inc f~r :-:1crcy •••

( cc-nti:11.L1.1--.::) " • •• l:.is t: ~•r :::tJ , ·r.z::\~~ ·~·.~1t11 ~.:_;jcct fc!"' .r :--rK7.. 11~,1·1~~.r , l:.c cLr: -i-· ·:Iitl 1 t: -:~ s t r cncth c:f ' ~: ;--~t.r:ic.c t ~ c.·r1 ~.:>c•rt :>~. -.i :~_t(,1., , n c) t ·:1: t :\. t tr :x ,::cl t ; ,.,.; c ~-~:!:·.d .t: r cf fc-..a-· ~-;.1:'.i ... c1s tn r;ry · }·:it; c -~ ·:r v\ .!lt1 0 t. fir1: : .. rn l i::,,:~sc. ri'l1c:n , ~-s t:~•~;: ... :~_ J"' ~- .♦:: •

1:··l l-1ir:1 to th:.: c.:.L:-:::tri c c! ~i.:i.r , 1,-:: el,.,_vicl Pil• ::ly r,.t t! -~(: e r- i"'tCr .'.. t •..; flo ~··:r.' r:i t] a,~ t . , or1l:::uU s ·~:ri.cl {G - [_ -~: i ct~ ~l., ~ -· f ~ r~ ti.:;r c ·--r1t.:::r1J) t , ••

SOi1~··:t : ( C •~ '· ; , . · · ; 1 l ) ". Lu - . . l ~ - - ,

II • • • r·.11' hr rr i t lc -- cc ·.~::trt 1.icc • • • in c; .::--,tr:.st t .c- !-:it . f : .. r ~ 1. r ' ~1 -rni ~.;t~. St 1!..J.ivc~11 ::~i(.,:}. [.~ ' cc ':.r:·.r( ·_' .. : , ..... :.;~".t~t '

ftoci~l, •••

So c.)y , hi::; ,-;~;0: , r:~t , tlir: ·,·:.'G t !"·- L·:·.n, :::· frc-i:: h J.r--:, sr rin c s u.~:• in ~.n '--' r .

( Co ·r, 1~•:r;;,D) - ~ .1. 1.. ~, .. -J

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521 .

soi.PY: I c:1..c!:.J t : ·, .l i:: v ·.: it -- I :~,··~ •t 1: ,:•l i.. ::v,:., cncJ lc~t::;y \'t()r -:.:. c f j.t ••• I t ' J ::11·1 li ,)G - - li-. :$ 1

DI! .:: C·lis c y·.; G \'IC t r.('+-, · r ,. ,. . .. ~1 - Y'lt) • :_.J... l., - c.: .. ; L a •-• ,:. 1,.

It ' s th . s~~c in ~ e oth0r J n~~ra t c•c-, S 0t ·.f.'7t • • •

S ;fI 1:G: ( c.nxl ,- , ".0 l: r )

l\.n ' ~v~r t ho rn i i0 •••

SOi'1PY : I ~0n 1t c~rc ••• L rr: t ~:: _ t VI r'. :{ 1 ~-JC t i ~ t· C 1-:~ -~ It 1 ~ ~11 11 ~8 -- l l Gs ,

·.'.:!.ct::'~ I t :2.io Ile c, ,uL ·.n r 'c ~ I t.:::,11 yn L

( ri ~ i ~1:· ·) I -~;_nn ' t. '.:·:.Ji (,'.'(: it cit: ',c r ~ .,·in ' un~--"' ,,:, · c "r ,".. i· .._ 1 ,. +-rl· ,._ I 1 11 . ~ ..., . ~ ~ ... _,·, ... , u ~, v l V e • • • • •

CLCS~ S EC'i.'

They r,r.t c:1 Jcrr :; :·.1·,_--::,~ ~.ct °th(;J · c:°'..l cit.ly ,, t t~r !1.s tr t~ •:; ct~: ..... r3 •

L'-.t I ~;

I5II .:: ( 1: .::-::-.:' ~J '-' l~·' )

;·_ 31 ~ !1ir-: - - }·~ (.., () T1 t ~- 1• r, _. .. .... _J.' , ,_ •

'.i:1hcn D:tn

"t,,- ... .. • . ·: .... - 1. ~- C~J_ f.> ,·.v1

it . .. li !~ .. : -~:: •\ .. :.-- ~~ ~ _-- ~ ! ... 2_.._ _

:- . ·:/ l,.) J. l ·.-r.: :· ~. t . . . ?

i~" c1-~;: ,~ic :!..~::,.:. a -- li ko

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