2 5/17/13 1. Personal Information A. Name and Professional Address Charles Francis Delwiche Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics Biosciences Research Building, Room 2108 University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742-4407 Tel: 301-405-8286 FAX: 301-314-1248 email: [email protected] Website: http://www.life.umd.edu/labs/delwiche/home.html B. Date of Birth: February 2, 1962 C. Place of Birth: Oakland, California D. Educational Background B.A. 1984 Botany, University of California at Berkeley Ph.D. 1990 Botany, University of Wisconsin - Madison E. Academic Activities Research: 40% Teaching: 40% Service: 20% F. Professional experience 1984-1986 Research Assistant, University of California at San Francisco 1986-1990 Graduate Assistant, University of Wisconsin - Madison 1990-1992 Research Associate, University of Wisconsin - Madison 1992-1996 Research Associate, Indiana University 1996-2002 Assistant Professor, UMCP 2002-2007 Associate, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research 1999-2010 Director, Norton-Brown Herbarium (MARY) 2002-2010 Associate Professor, UMCP 1996-present Affiliate, Department of Biology, UMCP 2002-present Affiliate, Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, UMCP 2004-present Affiliate, Bioengineering, UMCP 2005-present Faculty Director, CBMG Imaging Facility 2005-present Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History. 2010-present Professor, UMCP Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics 2012-present Director, Biological Sciences Graduate Program (BISI) 1992-1994 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow 1997 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Young Investigator

5/17/13 1. Personal Information Charles Francis Delwiche ...science.umd.edu/labs/delwiche/misc/CurriculumVitae.pdfTeaching: 40% Service: 20% F. Professional experience 1984-1986 Research

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Page 1: 5/17/13 1. Personal Information Charles Francis Delwiche ...science.umd.edu/labs/delwiche/misc/CurriculumVitae.pdfTeaching: 40% Service: 20% F. Professional experience 1984-1986 Research



1. Personal Information

A. Name and Professional Address Charles Francis Delwiche Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics Biosciences Research Building, Room 2108 University of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742-4407 Tel: 301-405-8286 FAX: 301-314-1248 email: [email protected] Website: http://www.life.umd.edu/labs/delwiche/home.html

B. Date of Birth: February 2, 1962

C. Place of Birth: Oakland, California D. Educational Background B.A. 1984 Botany, University of California at Berkeley Ph.D. 1990 Botany, University of Wisconsin - Madison

E. Academic Activities Research: 40% Teaching: 40% Service: 20%

F. Professional experience 1984-1986 Research Assistant, University of California at San Francisco 1986-1990 Graduate Assistant, University of Wisconsin - Madison 1990-1992 Research Associate, University of Wisconsin - Madison 1992-1996 Research Associate, Indiana University 1996-2002 Assistant Professor, UMCP 2002-2007 Associate, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research 1999-2010 Director, Norton-Brown Herbarium (MARY) 2002-2010 Associate Professor, UMCP 1996-present Affiliate, Department of Biology, UMCP 2002-present Affiliate, Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, UMCP 2004-present Affiliate, Bioengineering, UMCP 2005-present Faculty Director, CBMG Imaging Facility 2005-present Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History. 2010-present Professor, UMCP Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics 2012-present Director, Biological Sciences Graduate Program (BISI) 1992-1994 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow 1997 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Young Investigator

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2007 Kavli Fellow and Chair of 2007 GAFOS organizing committee 2011 Kavli Fellow and member of 2011 IAKFOS organizing committee

2. Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities

* indicates contributions from UMCP student; ° indicates UMCP postdoc, † indicates former student or postdoc.

a. Books i. Chapters in Books

Sharkey, T. D., F. Loreto, and C. F. Delwiche. 1991. The biochemistry of isoprene emission from leaves during photosynthesis. Pp. 153-184 in: Trace Gas Emissions by Plants, T. D. Sharkey, H. A. Mooney, and E. A. Holland (eds.). Academic Press, San Diego.

Barns, S.M., C.F. Delwiche, J.D. Palmer, S.C. Dawson, K.L. Hershberger and N.R. Pace. 1996. Phylogenetic perspective on microbial life in hydrothermal ecosystems, past and present. Pp. 24-39 in: Evolution of Hydrothermal Ecosystems on Earth (and Mars?), M. Walter, (ed.). Terrence J. Wiley and Sons, New York.

Delwiche, C.F., and J. Palmer. 1997. The origin of plastids and their spread via secondary symbiosis. Pp. 53-86 in: Origins of the Algae and Their Plastids, D. Bhattacharya (ed.). Springer, Vienna.

Chapman, R.L, M.A. Buchheim, C.F. Delwiche, T. Friedl, V.A.R. Huss, *K.G. Karol, L.A. Lewis, J. Manhart, R.M. McCourt, J.L. Olsen, and D.A. Waters. 1998. Molecular systematics of the green algae. Pp. 488-507 in: Molecular Systematics of Plants, 2nd Ed., P.S. Soltis, D.E. Soltis, and J.J. Doyle (eds). Chapman and Hall, New York.

Palmer, J. and Delwiche, C.F. 1998. The origin and evolution of plastids and their genomes. Pp. 375-409 in: Molecular Systematics of Plants, 2nd Ed., P.S. Soltis, D.E. Soltis, and J.J. Doyle (eds). Chapman and Hall, New York.

Delwiche, C. F., R. A. Andersen, D. Bhattacharya, B. Mishler, and M. McCourt Richard. 2004. Algal evolution and the early radiation of green plants. Pp. 121-137 in The Tree of Life, J. Cracraft, and M. J. Donoghue, eds., Oxford University Press, London.

Delwiche, C. F., 2007. Algae in the warp and weave of life: bound by plastids. Pp. 7-20 in Unraveling the Algae: The Past, Present, and Future of Algal Systematics, J. Brodie, and J. Lewis, eds., Taylor and Francis Group LLC, Boca Raton, FL.

*Hall, J.D., and C.F. Delwiche. 2007. In the shadow of giants: the charophyte green algae. Pp. 155-170 in Unraveling the Algae: The Past, Present, and Future of Algal Systematics, J. Brodie, and J. Lewis, eds., pp. 155-170. Taylor and Francis Group LLC, Boca Raton, FL.

Delwiche, C. F. (2007). The origin and evolution of dinoflagellates. Pp. 193-205 in Evolution of Primary Producers of the Sea, P. G. Falkowski, and A. H. Knoll, eds., Elsevier, New York, NY.

*Hall JD, *Karol KG, McCourt RM, Mishler BD, and Delwiche, CF. 2012. Contributions to the

Companion Volume to the PhyloCode, DeQueiroz K, Gaulthier J, and Cantino P (eds), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. Invited and peer reviewed (in press)

b. Articles in Refereed Journals Delwiche, C.F., L.E. Graham and N. Thomson. 1989. Lignin-like compounds and sporopollenin

in Coleochaete, an algal model for land plant ancestry. Science 245:399-401. DOI: 10.1126/science.245.4916.399

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Graham, L. E., C. F. Delwiche, and B. Mishler. 1991. Phylogenetic connections between the “green algae” and “bryophytes.” Adv. Bryol. 4:213-244.

Sharkey, T. D., F. Loreto, and C. F. Delwiche. 1991. High carbon dioxide and sun/shade effects on isoprene emission from oak and aspen tree leaves. Plant Cell Environ. 14:333-338.

Sharkey, T. D., F. Loreto, C. F. Delwiche, and I. W. Treichel. 1991. Fractionation of carbon isotopes during biogenesis of atmospheric isoprene. Plant Physiol. 97:463-466.

Morden, C. W., C. F. Delwiche, M. Kuhsel, and J. D. Palmer. 1992. Gene phylogenies and the endosymbiotic origin of plastids. Biosystems 28:75-90.

Delwiche, C. F. and T. D. Sharkey. 1993. Rapid appearance of 13C in biogenic isoprene when 13CO2 is fed to intact leaves. Plant Cell Environ. 16:587-591.

Mishler, B.D., L.A. Lewis, M.A. Buchheim, K. S. Renzaglia, D. J. Garbarz, C. F. Delwiche, F. W. Zechman, T. S. Kantz, and R. L. Chapman. 1994. Phylogenetic relationships of the "green algae" and "bryophytes". Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 81:451-483.

Delwiche, C. F., M. Kuhsel, and J. D. Palmer. 1995. Phylogenetic analysis of tufA sequences indicates a cyanobacterial origin of all plastids. Mol. Phylog. Evol. 4:110-128.

Barns, S.M., C.F. Delwiche, J.D. Palmer, and N.R. Pace 1996. Perspectives on archaeal

diversity, thermophily and monophyly from environmental rRNAsequences. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:9188-9193.

Delwiche, C.F., and J. D. Palmer. 1996. Rampant horizontal transfer and duplication of rubisco genes in eubacteria and plastids. Mol. Biol. Evol. 13:873-882.

Palmer, J.D., and C.F. Delwiche. 1996. Second-hand chloroplasts and the case of the disappearing nucleus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 7432-7435.

Köhler, S., C.F. Delwiche, L.G. Tilney, P. Webster, R.J.M. Wilson, J.D. Palmer, and D.S. Roos. 1997. A plastid of probable green algal origin in apicomplexan plastids. Science 275:1485-1489. [Delwiche and Köhler joint first authors]

Roos, D., and C.F. Delwiche. 1998. Endosymbiosis: cyclical and permanent in evolution.

Trends Microbiol. 343:345-346. Delwiche, C.F. 1999. Tracing the thread of plastid diversity through the tapestry of life. Am.

Nat. 154: S164-S177. Tengs, T., O.J Dahlberg, K. Shalchian-Tabrizi, D. Klaveness, K. Rudi, C.F. Delwiche and K.S.

Jakobsen. 2000. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the 19`hexanoyloxy-fucoxanthin-containing dinoflagellates have tertiary plastids of haptophyte origin. Mol. Bio. Evol 17:718-729.

*Cimino, M.T., *K.G. Karol, and C.F. Delwiche. 2000. An artifact in the SSU rDNA sequence of Chaetosphaeridium globosum (Chlorophyta: Charophyceae). J. Phycol. 36:440-442.

Oldach, D.W., C.F. Delwiche, K.S. Jakobsen, T. Tengs, E.G. Brown, J.W. Kempton, E.F. Schaefer, H.A. Bowers, H.B. Glasgow Jr., J.M. Burkholder, K.A. Steidinger, and P.A. Rublee. 2000. Heteroduplex mobility assay guided sequence discovery: elucidation of the small subunit (18S) rDNA sequences of Pfiesteria piscicida and related dinoflagellates from complex algal culture and environmental sample DNA pools. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA: 97:4303-4308.

*Karol, K.G., R.M. McCourt, *M.T. Cimino, and C.F. Delwiche. 2001. The closest living

relatives of land plants. Science 294:2351-2353. Delwiche, C. F., *K. G. Karol, *M. T. Cimino, and K. J. Sytsma. 2002. Phylogeny of the genus

Coleochaete (Coleochaetales, Charophyta) and related taxa inferred by analysis of the chloroplast gene rbcL. J. Phycol. 38: 394-403.

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*Cimino, M.T., and C.F. Delwiche. 2002. Molecular and morphological data identify a cryptic species complex in endophytic members of the genus Coleochaete Breb. (Coleochaetales, Charophyta). J. Phycol. 38:1213-1221.

*Cimino, M. T., J. L. Reveal, and C. F. Delwiche. 2003. (1569-1570) Proposals to conserve the

name Coleochaete soluta against C-prostrata and the name C-orbicularis against Phyllactidium pulchellum with a note on the name C-nitellarum (Coleochaetaceae, Chlorophyceae). Taxon 52: 133-134.

Eriksson, T., M. S. *Hibbs, C. F. Delwiche, M. J. Donoghue, and A. D. Yoder. 2003. The phylogeny of Rosoideae (Rosaceae) enhanced by combining sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA with the trnL/F region of chloroplast DNA. Int. J. Plant Sci 164:197-211.

*Charity, J. C., K. Pak, C. F. Delwiche, and S. W. Hutcheson. 2003. Novel exchangable effector loci associated with Pseudomonas syringae hrp pathogenicity island: evidence for integron-like assembly from transposed gene casettes. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 16: 495-507.

*Bachvaroff, T. R., *G. T. Concepcion, *C. R. Rogers, E. M. Herman, and C. F. Delwiche. 2003. Dinoflagellate EST data indicate massive transfer of genes to the nuclear genome. Protist 155: 65-78.

*Sánchez Puerta, M. V., *T. R. Bachvaroff, and C. F. Delwiche. 2004. The complete

mitochondrial genome of the haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi and its relation to heterokonts. DNA Research 11:1-10.

*Johnson, M. D., T. Tengs, C. F. Delwiche, D. Oldach, and D. K. Stoecker. 2004. Highly divergent SSU rRNA genes found in marine ciliates Myrionecta rubra and Mesodinium pulex. Protist 155:347-359.

Delwiche, C. F. 2004 The genomic palimpsest: genomics in evolution and ecology. BioScience 54:991-1001.

McCourt, R. M., Delwiche, C. F., and *Karol, K. G. 2004. Charophyte algae and land plant origins. Trends. Ecol. Evol. 19:661-666.

*Sanchez Puerta, M. V., *T. R. Bachvaroff, and C. F. Delwiche. 2005. The complete plastid

genome sequence of the haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi: a comparison to other plastid genomes. DNA research. 12:151-156

*Bachvaroff, T.R., M.V. *Sánchez Puerta & C.F. Delwiche. 2005. Chlorophyll c containing plastid relationships based on analyses of a multi-gene dataset with all four chromalveolates lineages. Mol. Biol. Evol. 22:1772-1782.

*Drummond, C., *Hall, J. D., *Karol, K. G., Delwiche, C. F., and McCourt, R. M. 2005. Phylogeny of Spirogyra and Sirogonium (Zygnematophyceae) based on rbcL sequence data. J. Phycol. 41: 1055-1064.

*Bachvaroff, T. R., *Sanchez-Puerta, M. V., and Delwiche, C. F. 2006. Rate variation as a

function of gene origin in plastid-derived genes of peridinin-containing dinoflagellates. J. Mol. Evol. 62, 42-52.

Shalchian-Tabrizi, K., Skanseng, M., Ronquist, F., Klaveness, D., *Bachvaroff, T. R., Delwiche, C. F., Botnen, A., Tengs, T., and Jakobsen, K. S. 2006. Heterotachy Processes in Rhodophyte-Derived Secondhand Plastid Genes: Implications for Addressing the Origin and Evolution of Dinoflagellate Plastids. Mol Biol Evol 23, 1504-1515. doi:10.1093/molbev/msl011

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*Sanchez-Puerta, M. V., Lippmeier, J. C., Apt, K. E., and Delwiche, C. F. 2007. Plastid genes in a non-photosynthetic dinoflagellate. Protist 158, 105-117. doi:10.1016/j.protis.2006.09.004

*Johnson, M. D., Oldach, D., Delwiche, C. F., and Stoecker, D. K. 2007. Retention of transcriptionally active cryptophyte nuclei by the ciliate Myrionecta rubra. Nature 445, 426-428. doi:10.1038/nature05496

Palenik, Brian, Jane Grimwood, Andrea Aerts, Pierre Rouze, Asaf Salamov, Nicholas Putnam, Chris Dupont, Richard Jorgensen, Evelyne Derelle, Stephane Rombauts, Kemin Zhou, Robert Otillar, Sabeeha Merchant, Sheila Podell, Terry Gaasterland, Carolyn Napoli, Karla Gendler, Andrea Manuell, Vera Tai, Olivier Vallon, Gwenael Piganeau, Séverine Jancek, Marc Heijde, Kamel Jabbari, Chris Bowler, Martin Lohr, Steven Robbens, Gregory Werner, Inna Dubchak, Gregory J Pazour, Qinghu Ren, Ian Paulsen, C F. Delwiche, Jeremy Schmutz, Daniel Rokhsar, Yves Van de Peer, Hervé Moreau, and Igor Grigoriev. 2007. Tiny eukaryotes provide genomic insights into the Paradox of the Plankton. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 104: 7705-7710. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0611046104

*Sánchez-Puerta, M. V., *T. R. Bachvaroff, and C. F. Delwiche. 2007. Sorting wheat from chaff in multi-gene analyses of chlorophyll c-containing plastids. Mol. Phylog. Evol. 44:885-897.

*Hall, John D., *Kenneth G. Karol, Richard M. McCourt and Charles F. Delwiche 2008a.

Phylogeny of the conjugating green algae based on chloroplast and mitochondrial nucleotide sequence data. J. Phycol. 95:643-654. doi: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2008.00485.x

*Hall, J. D., McCourt, R.M., and Delwiche, C.F. 2008b. Patterns of cell division in the filamentous Desmidiaceae, close green algal relatives of land plants. Amer. J. Bot. 95:643-654. doi:10.3732/ajb.2007210

*Sánchez-Puerta, M. V., and Delwiche, C. F. 2008. A hypothesis for plastid evolution in chromalveolates. J. Phycol. 44:1097-1107. DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2008.00559.x

Hoppenrath, M., *Bachvaroff, T.R., *Handy, S.M., Delwiche, C.F., and Leander, B.S. 2009.

Molecular phylogeny of ocelloid-bearing dinoflagellates (Warnowiaceae) as inferred from SSU and LSU rDNA sequences. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2009, 9:116- DOI: doi:10.1186/1471-2148-9-116

°Handy SM, †Bachvaroff TR, °Timme RE, Coats DW, Kim S, Delwiche CF. 2009. Phylogeny of four dinophysiacean genera (Dinophyceae, Dinophysiales) based on rDNA sequences from single cells and environmental samples. J. Phycol. 45(5): 1163-1174 doi: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2009.00738.x

°Timme, RE, and Delwiche, CF. 2010. Uncovering the evolutionary origin of plant molecular

processes: comparison of Coleochaete (Coleochaetales) and Spirogyra (Zygnematales) transcriptomes BMC Plant Biology 10:96 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-10-96.

Robinson GE, Banks JA, Padilla DK, Burggren WW, Cohen CS, Delwiche CF, Funk V, Hoekstra HE, Jarvis ED, Johnson L, Martindale MQ, Martinez del Rio C, Medina M., Salt DE, Sinha S, Specht C, Spralding AC, Strange K, Strassmann JE, Swalla BJ, and Tomanek L. 2010. Empowering 21st century biology. Bioscience 60:923-930. DOI: 10.1525/bio.2010.60.11.8

Finet, C., °Timme, R.E., Delwiche, C.F., and Marlétaz, F. 2010. Multigene phylogeny of the green lineage reveals the origin and diversification of land plants. Current Biology 20: 2217-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2010.11.035

Kim, S., †Bachvaroff, T.R., °Handy, S.M., and Delwiche, C.F. 2010. Dynamics of actin evolution in dinoflagellates. Molecular Biology and Evolution 1469-1480 doi: 10.1093/molbev/msq332

Coats, D.W., Kim, S., Bachvaroff, T.R., Handy, S.M., and Delwiche, C.F. 2010. Tintinnophagus acutus n. g., n. sp. (Phylum Dinoflagellata), an ecctoparasite of the ciliate Tintinnopsis

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cylindrica Daday 1887, and its relationship to Duboscquodinium collini Grasse 1952. J. Euk. Microbiol. 57:468-482. DOI: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2010.00504.x

†Bachvaroff TR, °Handy SM, Place AR, and Delwiche CF. 2011 Alveolate phylogeny inferred using concatenated ribosomal proteins: monophyly of the Apicomplexa and dinoflagellates. J. Euk. Microbiol. 223-233. DOI: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2011.00555.x

*Hoffman, G.E., *Sanchez Puerta, M.V., and Delwiche, C.F. 2011. Evolution of light-harvesting complex proteins from Chl c containing algae. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11 Article #101 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-11-101

*Miller, J. J., Delwiche, C.F., and Coats, D.W. 2011. Ultrastructure of Amoebophrya sp. and its changes during the course of infection. Protist 163:720-745 DOI: 10.1016/j.protis.2011.11.007

†Bachvaroff, T.R., °Kim, S., Guillou, L., Delwiche, C.F., and Coats, D.W. 2012. Molecular

Diversity of the syndinean genus Eudubosquella based on single-cell PCR. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 78:334-345. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.06678-11

°Timme, R.E., †Bachvaroff, T.R., and Delwiche, C.F. 2012. Broad phylogenomic sampling and the sister lineage of land plants. PLOS One:e29696. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0029696

Coats, D.W., †Bachvaroff, T.R., and Delwiche, C.F. 2012. Revision of the Family Duboscquellidae with description of Euduboscquella crenulata n. gen., n. sp. (Dinoflagellata, Syndinea), an intracellular parasite of the ciliate Favella panamensis Kofoid & Campbell. J. Euk. Micorbiol. 59, 1-11. DOI: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2011.00588.x

Chanroj, S., Wang, G., Venema, K., Zhang, M.W., Delwiche, C.F., and Sze, H. 2012. Conserved and diversified gene families of monovalent cation/H+ antiporters from algae to flowering plants. Front. Plant Sci. 3: DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2012.00025 [CFD participated in phylogenetic analysis and evolutionary interpretations].

Leliaert, F, Smith, D.R., Moreau, H., Herron, M., Verbruggen, H., Delwiche C.F., and De Clerck, O. 2012. Phylogeny and molecular evolution of the green algae. Critical Reviews in Plant Science 31:1-46. DOI: 10.1080/07352689.2011.615705

Delaux, P-M, Xie, X., Timme, R.E., Puech-Pages, V., Dunand, C., Lecompte, E., Delwiche, C.F., Yoneyama, K., Bécard, G., Séjalon-Delmas, N. 2012. Origin of strigolactones in the green algae. New Phytologist 195:857-871. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04209.x

Viaene, T., Delwiche, C., Rensing, S., and Friml, J. 2013. Origin and evolution of PIN auxin

transporters in the green lineage. Trends. Plant Sci. 18:5-10 doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2012.08.009

Read, Betsy, Jessica Kegel‡, Mary Klute‡, Alan Kuo‡, Stephan Lefebvre‡, John Miller*‡, Andy

Allen, Kay Bidle, Mark Borodovsky, Chris Bowler, Colin Brownlee, Jean-Michel Claverie, Mark Cock, Colomban de Vargas, Marek Elias, Stephan Frickenhaus, Vadim N. Gladyshev, Karina Gonzalez, Chittibabu Guda, Ahmad Hadaegh, Emily Herman, Deborah Iglesias-Rodriguez, Bethan Jones, Tracey Lawson, Florian Leese, Yao-Cheng Lin, Erica Lindquist, Alexei Lobanov, Susan Lucas, Mary E. Marsh, Florian Maumus, Christoph Mayer, Thomas Mock, Adam Monier, Herve Moreau, Bernard Mueller-Roeber, Johnathan Napier, Hiroyuki Ogata, Micaela Parker, Ian Probert, Hadi Quesneville, Christine Raines, Stefan Rensing, Diego Riano, Thomas Richards, Sophie Richier, Sebastian Rokitta, Asaf Salamov, Analissa Sarno, Jeremy Schmutz, Declan Schroeder, Yoshihiro Shiraiwa, Darren M. Soanes, Klaus Valentin, Mark Van der Geizen, Yves Van der Peer, Assaf Vardi, Frederic Verret, Peter Von Dossow, Glen Wheeler, Bryony Williams, Willie Wilson, Gordon Wolfe, Alexandra Worden, Louie L. Wurch, Jeremy Young, Joel B. Dacks‡, Charles F. Delwiche‡, Sonya Dyhrman‡, Gernot Glockner‡, Uwe John‡, Xiaoyu Zhang‡ and Igor V. Grigoriev. 2013. The rapidly

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evolving pan genome of the globally distributed coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. Nature (in press). ‡These authors contributed equally to this work.

*Hall, JD, Silva, PC, and Delwiche, CF. XXXX. Systematics of the filamentous Desmidiaceae

occurring in North America. J. Phycol. (in preparation).

c. Book Reviews, Other Articles, and Notes Delwiche, C.F. 2000. Griffins and chimeras: evolution and horizontal gene transfer.

Bioscience 50:85-87 (book review of Horizontal Gene Transfer, 1998, M. Syvanen and C.I. Kado, eds., Chapman & Hall, London).

Delwiche, C.F. 2000. Gene Transfer Between Organisms. Pp. 193-197 in: McGraw-Hill 2001 Yearbook of Science & Technology. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Delwiche, C. F. 2005. Voyage to the Bottom of the Tree. Science 307:676-677. Coats D.W., °Bachvaroff T., °Handy S.M., Kim S., Garate-Lizarraga I., and Delwiche C.F.

(2008) Prevalence and phylogeny of parasitic dinoflagellates (genus Blastodinium) infecting copepods in the Gulf of California. Oceánides 23(1, 2): 67-77. (invited)

*Hall JD, *Karol KG, McCourt RM, Mishler BD, and Delwiche, CF. 2010. Contributions to the Companion Volume to the PhyloCode, DeQueiroz K, Gaulthier J, and Cantion P (eds), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. Invited and peer reviewed.

Delwiche, C.F. 2010. Video: Bowerbird decorating his bower and defending it. Nature (online) 9 September 2010. doi:10.1038/news.2010.458

Delwiche, C.F. 2011. Plants (a primer). Current Biology 21:R417-R422 DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2011.04.021

d. Talks, Abstracts, and Other Professional Papers Presented i. Invited Symposium Talks and Other Invited Professional Presentations

Invited talks to Green Plant Phylogeny Research Coordination Group (GPPRCG, or "Deep Green") Meetings. Delwiche, C.F. 1995 Progress on the molecular systematics of the Charophyceae. "Deep

Green" Streptophyte Meeting, Berkeley, CA. Delwiche, C.F. 1995 Taxon selection of charophyte and chlorophyte green algae. "Deep

Green" Chlorophyte Meeting, Breckenridge, CO. Delwiche, C.F. 1996 Maximum likelihood analysis of large data sets. "Deep Green"

Analytical Methods Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA. Delwiche, C.F. 1996 Morphological characters codeable across charophytes and

embryophytes. "Deep Green" Morphological Characters Meeting, Seattle, WA. Delwiche, C.F. 1998 Using phylogenetic methods to infer gene transfer. "Deep Green"

Phylogenetic Analysis Meeting, Princeton, NJ. Delwiche, C.F. 1996. The evolution of rubisco. Louisiana State University Mardi Gras

Systematics and Evolutionary Biology Symposium, Baton Rouge, LA. Delwiche, C.F. 1996. Plastid diversity, horizontal gene transfer, and the evolution of plastids.

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Maryland. Delwiche, C.F. 1997. Tracing the thread of plastid diversity through the tapestry of life.

Keynote address on Cellular Evolution and Endosymbiosis. 8th European Congress on Biotechnology — Budapest Hungary.

Delwiche, C.F. 1997. Plastid diversity, horizontal gene transfer, and the evolution of plastids. Dept. of Genetics, University of Olso, Norway.

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Delwiche, C.F. 1997. Movement of plastid genes within and among eukaryotes. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Symposium on “Gene Movement: Introgression, Genome Analysis, Biotechnology”; Philadelphia, USA.

Delwiche, C.F. 1998. Origin and evolution of plastids. Society for the Study of Evolution, American Society of Naturalists, and Society of Systematic Biology Joint Symposium on "Evolutionary Relationships Among Eukaryotes", Vancouver, Canada.

Delwiche, C.F. 1998. Tracing the thread of plastid diversity through the tapestry of life. University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.

Delwiche, C.F. 1998. Rubisco phylogeny and the evolution of carbon fixation. NASA Astrobiology Workshop "Life: from Local Origins to Global Persistence," Durham, New Hampshire.

Delwiche, 1999. The tangled web of plastid phylogeny. Gordon Conference on Microbial Population Biology, Plymouth, New Hampshire.

Delwiche, 1999. Plastid Endosymbiosis: Primary and Secondary and Tertiary, oh my! Symposium "Phylogeny of Life: the Bacterial Perspective on Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Evolution". International Botanical Congress, St. Louis.

Chapman, R., M. Buchheim, C. Delwiche, M. Fawley, J. Huelsenbeck, K. Karol, P. Kenrick, L. Lewis, R. McCourt, G. Rothwell, and F. Zechman. 1999. Phylogeny of green algae and land plants. Symposium on "Phylogeny of Green Plants," International Botanical Congress, St. Louis (presented by Chapman).

Lewis, L., R. McCourt, K. Karol, M. Cimino, C. Delwiche, and B. Crandall-Stotler. 1999. Phylogeny of basal streptophytes: charophycean algae, liverworts, mosses, and hornworts. Symposium on "Phylogeny of Green Plants," International Botanical Congress, St. Louis (presented by Lewis).

McCourt, R., C. Delwiche and K. Karol. 1999. Charophycean green algae: molecular and morphological evidence and the phylogeny of paraphyletic pre-embryophytes. Symposium on "Phylogeny of Green Plants," International Botanical Congress, St. Louis (Presented by McCourt).

Delwiche, C.F. 1999 Reconstructing the evolutionary history of plastids with molecular phylogenetic methods. Computational Biology Program Seminar Series, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelpha, PA.

Delwiche, C.F. 1999. Phylogenetic methods in bioinformatics. Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Delwiche, C.F. 2000. Congruence, conflict, and organismal phylogeny in chimeric organisms. Annual Meeting, Evolutionary Biology Program of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Digby Nova Scotia.

Delwiche, C.F. 2000. The endosymbiotic origin and evolution of plastids, with special reference to those of dinoflagellates and apicomplexan parasites. Merck Symposium, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Delwiche, C.F. 2000. A phylogenentic perspective on the history of life on Earth. American Astronautical Society 38th Goddard Memorial Symposium, Greenbelt, Maryland.

Delwiche, C.F. 2001. The Age of Aquarius: progress and prospects for a new millennium of phycological research. Keynote address. Southeast Algal Colloquy, Wilmington, NC.

Delwiche, C.F. 2002. The diversity of photosynthetic organisms. "Assembling the Tree of Life" Symposium, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY.

Delwiche, C.F. 2002. Architecture of the Photosynthetic Branches of the Eukaryotic Tree of Life. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL.

Delwiche, C.F. 2003. Gene transfer of rbcL in eukaryotes. Keynote Address, Symposium on Gene Transfer Mechanisms in Symbiotic Systems. International Symbiosis Society, Halifax, Canada.

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Delwiche, C.F., Karol, K.G., and McCourt, R.M. 2002. Phylogenetics and nomenclature in the origin of land plants. Symposium on Green algal conquests of the land: Many conquests, one victory? Madison, WI

Karol, K.G., McCourt, R.M., and Delwiche, C.F 2002. Charales as the sibling taxon to land plants. Symposium on Green algal conquests of the land: Many conquests, one victory? Madison, WI

McCourt, R.M., Karol, K.G., and Delwiche, C.F. 2002. Basal streptophyte phylogeny and its significance to plant evolution. Symposium on Green algal conquests of the land: Many conquests, one victory? Madison, WI

Delwiche, C.F. 2002. Photosynthetic eukaryotes: from the acquisition of organelles to the colonization of the land. Astrobiology Science Conference, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, CA.

Delwiche, C.F. 2002. The origin and diversification of photosynthetic eukaryotes. International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (ICSEB), Patros, Greece.

Delwiche, C. F. 2002. Dinoflagellate cDNA and the evolution of plastids. Delaware Biotechnology Institute, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.

Delwiche, C. F. 2003. Graphing the history of dinoflagellate plastid evolution. NSF/NIH Joint Symposium: Accelerating Biological-Mathematical linkages. NIH Campus, Bethesda, MD.

Delwiche, C. F. 2003. EST data and the evolution of the dinoflagellate plastid genome. Ecology/Evolution Seminar Series. U. C. Davis, Davis, CA.

Delwiche, C. F. 2003. Genetic traffic among organelles. International symbiosis society, Halifax, N.S., Canada.

Delwiche, C. F., Bachvaroff, T. R., and Herman, E. 2003. Hypotheses on the origin of dinoflagellate plastids. CIAR meeting, White Point, N.S., Canada.

Delwiche, C. F. 2003. The evolution of plastids. Biocomplexity meeting, Rutgers University. New Brunswick, NJ.

Delwiche, C. F. 2004. Plastid evolution and algal genomes. EvoGeno group. The Institute for Genome Research Rockville, MD.

Delwiche, C. F. 2004. The early evolution of photosynthetic eukaryotes. Astrobiology series. University of Colorado, Boulder.

Delwiche, C. F. 2004. The acquisition and integration of photosynthetic organelles in eukaryotes. Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies, Catalina Island, CA.

Delwiche, C. F. 2004. The early evolution of photosynthetic eukaryotes. CHRONOS Molecular Paleobiology Workshop, American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Delwiche, C. F. 2005. The acquisition and spread of photosynthesis in eukaryotes U. Mass. Amherst.

Delwiche, C. F. 2005. Endosymbiosis and its impact on the evolution of life. German-American Frontiers of Science Meeting (GAFOS), sponsored by National Academy of Sciences and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Irvine, CA.

Delwiche, C.F. 2005. The first green revolution: Endosymbiosis and the evolution of chloroplasts and their genomes. Smithsonian Institution Department of Paleontology Seminar Series.

Delwiche, C. F. 2005. The evolution and diversity of charophyte green algae. Jeff Palmer Symposium, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

Delwiche, C. F. 2005. The origin and evolution of dinoflagellates. EREUPT Meeting, Rutgers, NJ.

Delwiche, C.F. 2006. Algal diversity and chloroplast evolution. Williams College, Williams, MA.

Delwiche, C.F. 2006. Algal diversity and chloroplast evolution. Purdue University, IN.

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Delwiche, C.F. 2006. Threads of Many Colors: Algae in the Warp and Woof of Life. Systematics Association Symposium Unraveling the algae - the past, present and future of algal molecular systematics Natural History Museum, London, UK.

Delwiche, C.F. 2007. Organellar genomics and phylogenetic placement of Emiliania huxleyi. Pre-annotation jamboree, Roscoff, France

Delwiche, C.F. 2007. Tapestry: the Evolution of Plastids and their Genomes. Austin, TX. Delwiche, C.F. 2007. The first green revolution: the early evolution of photosynthetic

eukaryotes. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK Delwiche, C.F. 2007. The origin and evolution of chloroplasts. American Society for

Microbiology, symposium on the evolution of eukaryotes. Toronto, Canada. Delwiche, C.F. 2007. The origin and evolution of chloroplasts. Plenary Speaker. Phycological

Society of American/American Society of Protozoology. Providence, RI. Delwiche, C.F. 2007. Tapestry: the evolution of plastids and their genomes. Smithsonian

Environmental Research Station, Ft. Pierce, FL. Delwiche, C.F. 2007. The evolution of plastids and their genomes. Field Museum, Chicago, IL. Delwiche, C.F. 2008. Gene and genome evolution: lessons from dinoflagellate plastids. EHAP

Seminar Series. Harvard University, Boston, MA. Delwiche, C.F. 2008. The origin and evolution of dinoflagellates. KORDI South Sea Institute,

Geoge Island, Korea. Delwiche, C.F. 2008. The evolution of organelles and their genomes. International Symposium

“Bacteria made Organelles made Eukaryotic Cells,” Komaba Campus, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.

Delwiche, C.F. 2009. The evolutionary origin of land plants: an EST view. ATRIUM Plant Biology Minisymposium. University of Maryland – College Park. College Park, MD.

Delwiche, C.F. 2009. The evolutionary origin of land plants: an EST view. Michigan State University, Lansing, MI.

Delwiche, C.F., 2010. The dinoflagellates: a natural laboratory of plastid evolution. Invited speaker at the 7th Okazaki Biology Conference, Kakegawa, Japan. Sponsored by the Japanese National Institute for Basic Biology.

Delwiche, C.F. 2011. Analysis of transcriptomic data for evolutionary studies of Charophyte green algae. PAG XIX, San Diego, CA.

Delwiche, C.F. 2012. Diversity of green algae via transcriptomics without a reference genome. Institute for Genome Sciences, UMB, Baltimore, MD.

Delwiche, C.F. 2012. Illuminating the origin of land plants with algal transcriptomes. Smithsonian Institution Botanical Symposium. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

Delwiche, C.F. 2012 Illuminating the origin of land plants with algal transcriptomes. Mid Atlantic Plant Molecular Biology Symposium. Pautuxent, Maryland.

Delwiche, C.F. 2012 Illuminating the diversity of green algae with algal transcriptomes. 90th Birthday Symposium for Paul Silva. The University Herbaria, University of California, Berkeley.


iii. Contributed Talks to Professional Meetings

Wang, G.H., C.F. Delwiche, W. Aberth, and A.M. Falick. 1986. Identification of secondary particles emitted from post-acceleration detectors. American Society for Mass Spectrometry, San Diego.

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Mishler, B. D., C. F. Delwiche, and L. E. Graham. 1989. Phylogenetic relationships of the “charophyte” green algae. Willi Hennig Society, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (Presented by both Mishler and Delwiche).

Delwiche, C.F., and K.J. Sytsma. 1994. Molecular Phylogeny of the Coleochaetales. International Symposium on the Systematics and Taxonomy of Green Algae, Stará Lesná, Slovakia.

Delwiche, C.F., and J.D. Palmer. 1995. Gene duplication in the evolution of rubisco. International Society for Evolutionary Prositology, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Delwiche, C.F. 1999. “Tracing the web of plastid diversity through the tapestry of life.” Society for the Study of Evolution Meeting, Madison, WI.

Cimino, M.T., K.G. Karol, K.J. Sytsma, and C.F. Delwiche. 1999. The Coleochaetales: multi-gene phylogeny and alpha taxonomy in a key green algal group. Society for the Study of Evolution Meeting, Madison, WI.

Delwiche, C.F., T.R. Bachvaroff, and T. Tengs. 1999. Plastids in Alveolata: a laboratory of plastid evolution. Society for the Study of Evolution Meeting, Madison, WI.

Delwiche, C.F. 2000. Grappling with conflict among information sources in reconstruction of the early evolution of land plants. Phycological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Karol, K.G., Delwiche, C.F, and R.M. McCourt. 2000. Phylogeny of the basal lineages of streptophyta based on rbcL and atpB gene sequence data. Phycological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Cimino, M.T., and C.F. Delwiche. 2000. Building a species phylogeny for the Genus Coleochaete (Coleochaetales) using the genes rbcL and atpB. Phycological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Cimino, M. T., K. G. Karol, J. D. Lewandowski, and C. F. Delwiche. 2000. Phylogenetic relationship of Coleochaete and Chaetosphaeridium (Coleochaetales) based on the chloroplast genes rbcL and atpB. Phycological Society of America, San Diego, CA.

Delwiche, C.F. and Bachvaroff, T. 2001. Molecular phylogenetics and the dinoflagellate chloroplast. Phycological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO.

Lewandowski, J. D. and C. F. Delwiche. 2001. Two chloroplast tRNA introns found in Chaetosphaeridium support a monophyletic Coleochaetales. Phycological Society of America, Estes Park, CO.

Delwiche, C. F., and Bachvaroff, T. R. 2003. Dinoflagellate plastid genes. Evolution Meetings, Chico, CA.

Delwiche, C.F. 2004. The systematics of the Coleochaetales. Phycological Society of America, Williamsburg, VA.

Delwiche, C.F. 2006. Gene transfer in the evolution of chloroplasts. Phycological Society of America. Juneau, AK.

e. Films, CDs, Photographs, Websites, etc.

Delwiche, C.F. 2010. Great bowerbird repairing and defending its bower (video). In Maxmen, A. Bowerbirds trick mates with optical illusions. Nature news. doi:10.1038/news.2010.458

f. Contracts and Grants

Completed Delwiche, C.F. 1991. National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. NSF grant #:

BSR-9103673. Award amount: $69,600 (including stipend, special allowance, and institutional allowance). Duration: 2 years.

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Delwiche, C.F. (PI). 1997. "Isolation and molecular phylogenetic analysis of the dinoflagellate peridinin-type plastid genome." Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Young Investigator Award in Molecular Studies of Evolution. Award amount $100,000. Duration: 3 years.

Delwiche, C.F. (PI) and R.M. McCourt (coPI). 1999. "Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy (PEET): a unified approach to systematics of basal streptophytes (charophycean green algae)." NSF (Division of Environmental Biology, Systematics). Award amount: $750,000, including $125,000 subcontract to the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Duration: 5 years.

Delwiche, C.F. 2000. NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Supplement to PEET grant. $5000.

Delwiche, C.F. Organizer, 2000 "Deep Green" Computational Challenges Meeting -- College Park, MD (Funding: $20,000 from Green Plant Phylogeny Research Coordination Group, $5000 from the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Science).

Delwiche, C.F. (PI), E. Gantt, and E. Herman. 2000. "Plastid-associated genes in dinoflagellates identified by cDNA screening and expression analysis." NSF (Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, Eukaryotic Genetics). Award amount: $200,000. Duration, 2 years.

Delwiche, C.F. 2001. Research Experience for Undergraduates Supplement to PEET grant. $5000.

Palenick, , B., McCourt, R.M., and Delwiche, C.F. 2002. A proposal to sequence the genome of [Ostreococcus] the world's smallest eukaryotic primary producer. Project approved by the Joint Genome Institute. No direct funds.

Delwiche, C.F., Chang, C., and Eisen, J. 2005-2008. Microbial genome sequencing: EST survey of charophycean green algae. 36 Mos. NSF (Division of Molecular and Cell Biosciences, Microbial Genome Sequencing Program), MCB-0523719; $688,966 total funds, including $270,643 subcontract to JGI.

Delwiche, C.F. 2008. High speed acquisition of plant distribution data for Maryland. USDA/Chesapeake Watershed SESU. $11,000

Current Delwiche, C.F., Coats, D.W., and Lin, S. 2006. Assembling the Tree of Life: an integrated

approach to the phylogeny of dinoflagellates. 60 Mos. NSF (Crosscutting), DEB-0629624. $2,600,288 total funds, including $1,033,148 in subcontracts to the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, the University of Connecticut, and the University of British Columbia.

Mather, I., Delwiche, C.F., Kwak, J., and Pick, L. 2008. MRI: Acquisition of a Leica Confocal Microscope to Develop a Visual Imaging Center. NSF DBI- 0821250. $464,846.00

Delwiche, C.F. 2009. High speed acquisition of plant distribution data for Maryland (Continuation). 12 Mos. $11,000 USDA/Chesapeake Watershed SESU.

Delwiche, C.F. 2010. Collaborative research: assembling the green algal tree of life (GrAToL). 60 Mos. $420,299 to UM. NSF DEB-1036506. This is a collaborative project, with project PI K.G. Karol (NYBG), and co-PIs L. Lewis (U. Connecticut), J. Lopez-Bautista (U. Alabama), and R. McCourt (Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia). Full award is $2,706,890.

Delwiche, C.F. 2010. Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Can Evolutionary History Predict How Changes in Biodiversity Impact the Productivity of Ecosystems? NSF# 1046075 60 Mos. $658,746 to UM. This is a collaborative research project, with project PI B. Cardinale (U. Michigan), and co-PI T. Oakley (U.C. Santa Barbara). Full award is $1,999,999.

g. Fellowships, Prizes, Awards 1983 President's Undergraduate Fellowship for Research, U.C. Berkeley.

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1990 Sigma Xi Dissertation Research Award, semifinalist, U.W. Madison. 1991 National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. 1997 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Young Investigator Award in Molecular Studies of Evolution. 2002-2005 Associate, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research - Evolutionary Biology 2006 Botanical Society of America Darbaker Award for Excellence in the Study of Microalgae. 2007 TIAA/CREF TopTerp for Excellence in Education, Maryland-Georgia Tech Game 2007 Kavli Fellow and Chair of the GAFOS Organizing Committee 2012 Kavli Fellow and member of Inaugural Indonesian AFOS Organizing Committee

h. Editorships, Editorial Boards, and Reviewing Activities 2001-2005. Editorial Board, Journal of Phycology. 2007-2011 Editorial Board, Journal of Phycology. 2004-present Associate Editor, Molecular Biology and Evolution 2008-present Editorial Board, Cambridge Studies in Morphology and Molecules: New

Paradigms in Evolutionary Biology. Cambridge University Press.

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i. Reviewing activities for journals 1 year and 5 year reviewing activities. AE=Associate Editor, EB=Editorial Board Member. 1y 5y 1 American Journal of Botany 2 BioScience Biological Bulletin 2 5 Current Biology Evolution 1 Gene 4 Int. J. Syst. Evol. Micro. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology Journal of Experimental Zoology Journal of Molecular Evolution EB Journal of Phycology Marine Biotechnology AE Molecular Biology and Evolution

Molecular Ecology 4 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Nova Hedwigia 1 2 Nature Perpsectives in Evol. and Systematics 2 Plant Physiology Plant Cell and Environment The Plant Cell 4 Proc. National Academy of Science Phycologia 2 Protist 3 Science 1 Systematic Biology Systematic Botany Taxon Journal of Biological Chemistry

3. Teaching and Advising

a. Courses Taught in the Last Five Years (with Number of Students) i. General

Course (credits) F96 S97 F97 S98 F98 S99 Intro. Plant Biology (3) 112 181

ii. Specialized Course (Credits) F96 S97 F97 S98 F98 S99 Molecular Systematics (3) 7 9 Photosynthetic Life (3) 10

Course (Credits) F99 S00 F00 S01 F01 S02 Comparative Bioinformatics (3) 9 14 20 Molecular Systematics (3) 14 11 Photosynthetic Life (3) 6

Course (Credits) F02 S03 F03 S04 F04 S05 Comparative Bioinformatics (4) 13 11 9 Advanced Bioinformatics (3) 7 9 7 Molecular Systematics (3) 17 Photosynthetic Life (3) 7 Bioinformatics Workshop (3) 5

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Course (Credits) F05 S06 F06 S07 F07 S08 Organismal Biology (3) 229 Comparative Bioinformatics (4) sabbatical 19 Advanced Bioinformatics (3) 5+7 Molecular Systematics (2, 3) 7+8 4+9 Photosynthetic Life (3) Bioinformatics Workshop (3)

Course (Credits) F08 S09 F09 S10 F10 S11 Organismal Bio. (BSCI 207) 186 195 198 Adv. Bioinformatics (grad) 9+9 7 6+7 Course (Credits) F11 S12 F12 S18 Organismal Bio. BSCI 207 (3) 223 7 - Evol. Health Med. HONR278K 14 Molecular Systematics (3; grad)

iii. Independent Study, Tutorial, Internship Supervision

Course (Credits) F96 S97 F97 S98 F98 S99 Special Problems (3) 2 1 2

Course (Credits) F99 S00 F00 S01 F01 S02 Special Problems (1-3) 1 1 2 Undergrad Honors (1-3) 1 2 1 1 Biol. Seq. Analysis (1) 3 2 2 1

Course (Credits) F02 S03 F03 S04 F04 S05 Special Problems (1-3) 1 1 Undergrad Honors (1-3) 2 1 Biol. Seq. Analysis (1) 3

Course (Credits) F05 S06 F06 S07 F07 S08 Special Problems (1-3) 1 Undergrad Honors (1-3)

Course (Credits) F08 S09 F09 S10 F10 S11 Special Problems (1-3) 1 Undergrad Honors (1-3) 1

b. Course or Curriculum Development BSCI 348P - Photosynthetic Life BSCI 348S - Comparative Bioinformatics

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PBIO 699K - Molecular Systematics HONR278K – Evolutionary Processes in Health and Medicine (Honors Seminar) Founding member, Workgroup for Teaching and Learning in Bioinformatics, 2002-present. Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Journal Club Project Leader, HHMI Curriculum Development Project "Integration of Bioinformatics and

Genomics Throughout the Curriculum" ($90,400 sub-award), 2004-2006.

c. Manuals, notes, software, webpages, and other contributions to teaching Molecular Systematics: http://www.life.umd.edu/labs/delwiche/pbio699k.html Photosynthetic Life: http://www.life.umd.edu/labs/delwiche/PSlife/home.html Bioinformatics in Genomics and Evolution:


d. Advising: other than research direction i. Undergraduate

1996-2011, Undergraduate advisor for Biological Sciences (BSCI) students.

ii. Other Advising Activities 2000-2008 Faculty advisor, Graduate Lambda Coalition 2002-2008 Faculty advisor, Terrapin Anime Society 2010 - Present Faculty advisor, oSTEM at Maryland (“Out in Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics”) 2012-Present Faculty advisor, Terrapin Anime Society

e. Advising: Research Direction i. Undergraduate - *supported by HHMI Research Award, °supported by NSF REU grant

Lerner, Rachel 1997 *Tabutabai, Ali 1998-2000 *Williams, Ernest 1998-2001 °Drummond, Christopher 1999-

2000 *Duarte nee Ricker, Jill 2000-2004, to

Ph.D. program Penn State *Snyder, Steve 2001-2003 °Zeccardi, Adam 2001-2002 Concepcion, Greg 2001-2003, to

Ph.D. program at U. Hawaii Rogers, Carolyn 2001-2003, to

med school Hou, Julie 2003-2004 *Wittig, Michael 2004-2006, to

Ph.D. program at U.T. Austin *Hoffman, Gabriel 2005-2007, to

Ph.D. program at Cornell U. Carolan, Molly 2007-2009, to

Ph.D. program at U.C. Merced

*Cosbert, Letitia 2007-2010, to Howard U. Medical School

English, Jonathan 2007 Visiting student from St. John’s College, Annapolis, MD.

Supported by Hodson Trust Award for summer research.

Burton, Carl (Cal) 2008-2011, to med school at U. Chicago

Crum, Virginia (Gray) 2008-2009, to industry

MacTurk, Liam 2009-2012 Thierer, Jay 2010-2012 McCann, Ryan 2009-2011

(died in 2011) Hyman, Jake 2009-2012, to

Ph.D. Program at Portland State Lee, Matthew 2011 Atitkar, Rama 2012 Rogers, Travis 2012-present Patel, Chandni 2012

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Kavathekar, Dev 2012 Undergraduate team for “High speed acquisition of plant distribution data for Maryland,”

Norton-Brown Herbarium digitization project: Andreone, Benjamin 2008-2009 Friedman, Steven 2008-2009 Garcia, Karla 2008-2011 Hyman, Jake 2009-2010 Jaeger, Travis 2009-2011 Khayami, Maryam 2008-2009 Kramer, Chad 2009-2011 Markley, Holly 2008-2010 McCann, Ryan 2009-2011

Mendoza, Adriana 2008-2010 Tahsin, Tashnia 2008-2009 Kakkad, Asheel 2010-2011 Ali, Farhan 2010-2011 Lee, Matthew 2010-2011 Muppala, Karthik 2010-2011 Ahmed, Usama 2010-2011 Tian, Hualing 2010-2011 Badmus, Saheed 2010-2011

ii. Masters

Committee Chair (Completed) Lewandowski, Jeff M.S. 2002. CBMG, Maryland.

Committee Member (Completed) Sellers, C. Grier M.S., 1999. Biology, Maryland. Kane, Ethan M.S. 2005 Entomology, Maryland.

iii. Doctoral

Committee Chair, Ongoing Doctoral Gibbons, Ted BiSi CBBG Ph.D. Program (pre-candidacy), Maryland. Mendez, Gregg, BiSi CBMG Ph.D. Program (Candidate), Maryland. Tweedt, Sarah. BiSi BEES Ph.D. Program (pre-candidacy), Maryland. Co-advised with Doug

Erwin, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, Paleontology.

Committee Chair, Completed Doctoral Bachvaroff, Tsvetan R. Ph.D. 2003, Plant Biology, Maryland. Cimino, Matthew Ph.D. 2003, Plant Biology, Maryland. Hall, John D., Ph.D. 2007, CBMG, Maryland. Kerr, Malin V. (née Vretblad, formerly Hibbs) Ph.D. 2003, Plant Biology, Maryland. Karol, Kenneth G. Ph.D. 2003, Plant Biology, Maryland. Marushak, Tanya Ph.D. 2003, Plant Biology, Maryland. Co-advised with Irv Forseth. Miller, John. Ph.D. 2010, CBMG, Maryland. Sánchez Puerta, M. Virginia, Ph.D. 2006 CBMG, Maryland.

Advisor to Visiting Graduate Students Torstein Tengs, 1998. Visiting doctoral student from University of Oslo, Norway. Frank Albert, 2003. Fulbright Fellow, University of Würzburg, Germany. Serita Nelesen, 2007. Visiting doctoral student in Computer Science from University of Texas,


Committee Member, Completed Doctoral Baptista, Alessandra Ph.D. Candidate, Entomology, Maryland. Desjardins, Chris Ph.D. Candidate, Entomology, Maryland Grabowski, Beatrice Ph.D., 2000 Plant Biology, Maryland.

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Hardin, Shane Ph.D., 1999 Plant Biology, Maryland. Johnson, Matt Ph.D., 2005, MEES, Maryland Kerr (formerly Hibbs, nee Vretblad), Peter Ph.D. 2003, Entomology, Maryland. Klink, Vince Ph.D., 2000, Plant Biology, Maryland. Laughinghouse, Dail. Ph.D. Committee, 2012 MEES, Maryland Mortensen, Holly Ph.D. 2008, Biology, Maryland. O’Quin, Kelly, Ph.D. 2011, Biology, Maryland Reynolds, Sheila. Ph.D. 2010, BEES, Maryland Wangchuk, Tashi Ph.D., 2004, Biology, Maryland. White, James Ph.D., 2010, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Maryland. Winkler, Isaac Ph.D. 2007, Entomology, Maryland.

Committee Member, Ongoing Doctoral

Pfieffer, Lisa Ph.D. Candidate, Biology, Maryland Sosa Calvo, Jeffrey, PhD. Candidate, Entomology, Maryland Flores Lopez, Carlos Ph.D. Committee, Biology, Maryland Salgado, Catalina. Ph.D. Committee, Plant Sciences, Maryland Herrera, Cesar. Ph.D. Committee, Plant Sciences, Maryland King, Harley. Ph.D. Committee, MOCB, Maryland

External Examiner, International Doctoral 2009 Bo, Marzia, Ph.D., Biologia ed Ecologia Marina, Università Politecnica delle Marche,

Ancona, Italy. 2009 Tuan, Le Cong, Ph.D., Biologia ed Ecologia Marina,” Università Politecnica delle

Marche, Ancona, Italy. 2009 Lucchetti, Alessandro, Ph.D., Biologia ed Ecologia Marina,” Università Politecnica delle

Marche, Ancona, Italy. 2009 Magagnini, Alessandro, Ph.D., Biologia ed Ecologia Marina,” Università Politecnica

delle Marche, Ancona, Italy. 2009 Ratti, Simona, Ph.D., Biologia ed Ecologia Marina,” Università Politecnica delle

Marche, Ancona, Italy. 2009 Splendiani, Andrea, Ph.D., Biologia ed Ecologia Marina,” Università Politecnica delle

Marche, Ancona, Italy.

iv. Post Graduate Advising and Sponsorship Thomas McCutchan, Section Head, Molecular Biology Section, NIH Laboratory of Malaria

Research, Visiting Scholar, Spring 1998. Ruth Timme, Postdoctoral Associate, UMCP 2006-2010. Sara Handy, Postdoctoral Associate, UMCP 2007-2009. Greg Concepcion, Postdoctoral Associate, UMCP 2009-2012. Endymion Dante Cooper, Postdoctoral Associate, UMCP 2011-present Bastian Bentlage, Postdoc, UMCP, 2012-present

f. Extension Activities 2003 Co-instructor (with Peter Cooper, NCBI); “Using Online Bioinformatics Tools and

Databases in the Undergraduate Biology Curriculum,” ASM 10th Undergraduate Microbiology Education Conference, 2003.

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2003-2005, 2008 Organized an on-campus workshop “A Field Guide to NCBI Resources) in 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2008.

4. Service

a. Professional i. Offices and committee memberships held in professional organizations

1998-2003 Chair, Endowment Committee, International Society for Evolutionary Protistology

1999-2002 Member, Education Committee, Phycological Society of America 1999-2003 Member, Executive committee, "Deep Green" Green Plant Phylogeny Research

Coordination Group 2000 Member, local organizing committee. NSF Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise

in Taxonomy Meeting on "Monography", Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

2000 Organizer, Deep Green Phylogenetic Workshop on "Computational Challenges in Biology". University of Maryland — College Park.

2000 Participant, NSF Phyloinformatics Workshop. Davis, CA 2001 Research Coordination Network: Beyond "Deep Green": Toward an Integration

of Plant Phylogenetics and Plant Genomics ("Deep Gene") San Francisco Meeting. PI: Brent Mishler, UC Berkeley. Delwiche is listed in proposal as core participant. NSF, Research Coordination Network Program.

2002 Co-organizer (with R.L. Chapman and R.M. McCourt) of Phycological Society of America symposium “Symposium on Green algal conquests of the land: Many conquests, one victory?” Madison, WI

2004-present Chair, Phycological Section, Botanical Society of America 2004 Member, Graduate Student Awards Committee, Botanical Society of America. 2004 Participant, Microbial Genomics Workshop, Cedar Rapids, IA, 2004 2005-2008 Member, Organizing Committee, German/American Frontiers of Science (jointly

sponsored by National Academy of Sciences and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation).

2007 Co-Chair (with Ilse Storch), Organizing Committee, German/American Frontiers of Science (jointly sponsored by National Academy of Sciences and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation).

2008 Organizer, “Phycowiki” task force for Phycological Society of America. 2007-2012 Treasurer (elected office), Phycological Society of America 2011 Indonesian-American Frontiers of Science (sponsored by State Department and

organized by National Academy of Sciences); member of organizing committee.

ii. Reviewing activities: Panel service for agencies and organizations Member, NASA Exobiology Review Panel. Planetary Sciences Facility, Houston Tx. 1999-

2002. Member, Genome Canada Review Panel. Atlantic Genome Centre (AGC), Halifax, Nova Scotia,

Canada. 2000. Member, NASA Mars Exploration Payload Assessment Group (MEPAG), 2002-2003. Member, NSF Parterships for Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy (PEET) panel, 2003 Member, NSF Assembling the Tree of Life (AToL) panel, 2003 Chair, NASA Exobiology Early Evolution of Life Review Panel I. Crystal City, VA 2002. Member, NSF Systematics Panel, Spring 2004.

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Member, AAAS Science Journalism Awards Screening Committee. 2004. Washington, DC. Member, NSF PEET panel, 2005 Member, NSF IGERT Pre-Panel, Spring 2006. Member, NSF IGERT Full Panel, Fall 2006. NSF Microbial Genomes Panel, 2006 Chair, NASA Exobiology Review Panels (overall chair), June 2007. Chair, NASA Exobiology Review Panels (overall chair), January 2008. Member, NSF Systematics Panel, 2008 Member, DOE JGI Community Sequencing Program panel, May 2009. Member, NSF AToL panel, June 2009. Member, Dimensions of Biodiversity Panel, 2011 Member, NSF SDS (Symbiotic Systems) Animal Preproposal Panel, 2012 Member, NSF SDS (Symbiotic Systems) Animal Full Proposal Panel, 2012


iii. Reviewing activities: Ad hoc reviewing for agencies

NSF: multiple panels, including Biological Oceanography, Developmental Mechanisms, Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology, IGERT, Life in Extreme Environments, Microbial Genetics, AToL, Dimensions

2005 NSF – PEET (Panel, 2005) 2004 NSF - Systematic Biology (Panel, 2004) USDA - Various Programs Oklahoma Office of Science & Technology NASA Exobiology (panel member) Connecticut Sea Grant College Program Genoscope 2012 ATIP – AVENIR (France)

2013 Israeli Science Foundation iv. Reviewing activities: Ad hoc reviewing for agencies (international)

Genome Canada Atlantic Genome Centre (Panel member, 2000, 2002) Natural Environment Research Council, Swindon, UK (ad hoc) NSERC Canada Science Foundation Ireland CFI Leaders Opportunity Fund (Canada)

v. International Actvities Primary international collaborators: Brian Leander (University of British Columbia) Mona Hoppenrath (Deutsches Zentrum für Marine Biodiversitätsforschung, Wilhelmshaven,

Germany) Martin Head (Brock University in Canada) Myung Gil Park (Gwangju National University, South Korea) Mario Giordano (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy) Kjetill Jacobsen and Torstein Tengs (University of Oslo, Norway)

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2002-2007 Affiliate, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research 2008-present Emiliania huxleyi genome consortium steering committee.

vi. Paid consultancies 1997-1999 Bode Technology Group, Plant DNA forensics 1997 Gene Transfer. Simon & Schuster 1998-2000 Plant Physiology and General Biology. Prentice-Hall 2000 Genome Canada 2003 Martek Biosciences 2003 Genome Canada

b. Campus

i. Departmental (Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics) 1997 Graduate Admissions Committee, 1997. 1997 Special Committee on New Hires, 1997. 1999 Graduate Admissions & Recruitment Committee (chair), 1999. 1997-2003 CBMG Departmental Undergraduate Honors Committee, 1997-2003. 199-2000 Acting Chair, Undergraduate Honors Committee, 1999-2000. 1997-2001 Y2K compliance officer for CBMG, 1997-2001. 1999-2000 Search Committee, Computer Services Manager (chair) 1999, 2000. 2000 Faculty search committee, Functional Genomics, 2000. 2002 Computer Services Evaluation Committee, 2002. 2003 Plant/Microbial Genetics Search Committee, 2003. 2003-2004 Undergraduate Program Committee (chair) 2005 Chair, instrument manager search committee (chair) 2006-2007 Chair, Merit Assessment Committee 2008 Chair, Faculty Awards Committee 2005-present Director, CBMG Imaging Facility (Microbiology Building) 2008-present Director, pro tem., Genomics Facility (BRB)

ii. College (Life Sciences)

1997-2002 BEES/MARB SAC (Curriculum Committee) 1997, 1999 Special Committee on the BEES graduate program 1998 Junior Faculty and Research Awards Committee. 2000-2007 Bioinformatics Curriculum Committee. 2001 Participant, Spring Open House 2002 Participant, Student/Faculty Discussion Series 2002-2003 Center for Biodiversity Center Steering Committee 2002 College Undergraduate Program Committee 2004-2005 College Program Curriculum Committee 2004-2005 BEES Steering Committee 2004-2005 Biology Genomics search committee 2006 Speaker, Biosciences Day HHMI Teacher’s Symposium 2006 Consultant, Bio/Math curriculum assessment group 2007 Dean’s Faculty Advisory Committee. 2006-present College Instrumentation Committee 2009 Faculty representative, Banneker/Key CLFS Scholarship interview reception 2012 BISI/BEES CA Admissions committee 2012 Member, CBCB Director Search Committee

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2013-present Chair, CBCB Director Search Committee

iii. University 1997-2000 Graduate Council 1998 Biomedical Engineering Initiative. 1999 Participant, Visit Maryland Day. 1999-2006 Bioinformatics Initiative 1999 Invited participant, lunch with State Senate Budget and Taxation Committee at

President's House. 2002 Group Leader, New Faculty Orientation. 2003 – 2005 On-campus host (with Ann Smith) for NCBI class "A Field Guide to GenBank

and NCBI Molecular Biology Resources". 2008 On-campus host for NCBI class "A Field Guide to GenBank and NCBI

Molecular Biology Resources" 2003 Faculty participant, TENTS (Terrapin Expeditions for New and Transfer

Students) – new student orientation rockclimbing trip. 2004 Faculty participant, TENTS (Terrapin Expeditions for New and Transfer

Students) – new student orientation bicycling trip. 2005 Faculty participant, TENTS (Terrapin Expeditions for New and Transfer

Students) – new student orientation rafting trip. 2006 Panel Member, Intercampus PROMISE Program seminar “When faculty say 'x',

they mean 'y'". 1999-2010 Director, Norton-Brown Herbarium. 2007-2010 Graduate Council 2007-2010 Graduate Council Student Affairs committee. 2009-2010 Graduate Housing Task Force (Faculty representative for the Graduate School). 2009-2011 Chair, College Park Senate Academic Standards and Practices Committee 2009 Department of Resident Life Faculty/Staff Move-In Team (Fall). 2010 College Park Scholars trip to Australia (Faculty Participant). 2008-2011 Senator, College Park Senate 2008-present Graduate School Summer Research Grant Selection Committee 2012-present Graduate School Flagship Fellowship Committee 2010-2011 UMCP Senate Executive Committee 2013 Chair, Graduate School Flagship Fellowship Committee

c. Community, State, and National 2004 Science Fair Judge (Botany), Montgomery County Science Fair. 2007-present Trustee, Bradlee Vickery fund 2012 Advisor for Jordan Bellido de Luna, a 10th grader at Mt. Hebron High School in Ellicott

City for an independent research project in the school’s Gifted and Talented program. 2002 Invited participant, MEPAG (Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group) 2004 Invited participant, National Research Council's Board of Life Sciences Expert

Meeting on Microbial Forensics, sponsored by the Institute for Defense Analysis.

2009 Invited Participant, NSF “New Tools” Workshop. 2009 Invited Participant, NSF workshop “Where next for the Tree of Life?”