Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and Trainers Module 5291 Design: Planning and Preparation Assignment Template for examination in 2011 By completing this form and submitting the assignment for assessment by CIE I confirm that the assignment is all my own work. I have appropriately referenced and acknowledged any work taken from another source. Date of Submission CIE Unique Candidate Identifier Centre number Year Candidate number Check digit Candidate Name © CIE 2010

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Cambridge International Diploma for Teachers and TrainersModule 5291

Design: Planning and PreparationAssignment Template for examination in 2011

By completing this form and submitting the assignment for assessment by CIE I confirm that the assignment is all my own work. I have appropriately referenced and acknowledged any work taken from another source.

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Your context

(approximately 300 words)

Please give brief information about your context:

Your professional background

I am a textile designer with a great passion for teaching. It all started when I used to, in my free time go to government schools and interact with kids teaching them art and craft. I got into the profession full time by accident. Now, I volunteer at a Government school where I use my skills in language and the love of interacting with kids to effectively help the first generation English speaking kids with reading and curriculum English. (79)

Your role and responsibilities

At The Gottigere school I have to follow the syllabus of the 10 th standard. Apart from that I arrange for comprehension reading worksheets and help them with their reading. These classes are held before the normal school hours like extra classes where the syllabus may run along the lines of proclaimed texts but we want to take these children further and give then an additional skill of reading & speaking English with confidence and not fear the language. I basically come up with plans, design work sheets, asses and understand their learning graph in a systematic manner. I volunteer Tuesdays and Thursday for the morning sessions from 8:15 to 9:15 am. (111)

Your institution

Vidya an NGO along with Rotary has implemented a program called Bhavishya Yaan. We work closely with the children of Gottigere Government School which Is a government run school that caters to grades 8th, 9th and 10th. Here we try and get the kids to enrol themselves in a class scheduled at 8:15 - 9:15 Or 4:00 – 5:00 pm. We give these kids a balance between the prescribed curriculum by the state and help them to enjoy the English language by boosting their confidence and erasing their fear for the language. (91)

Your learners

My learners can be termed as 1st generation English speakers. The entire school imparts knowledge using kannada as a medium and English is something they have encountered through grammar and school text. The school has not hired an English teacher and other subject teachers have been pitching in for a long time. The teachers themselves are out of their comfort zone and are not able to give the kids confidence and do not take any ownership about

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the outcome. When these kids finally pass out of their 10th, they feel inadequate to interact with people in the real world due to their lack of language skills. The kids are smart, curious and keen to learn as they know it will only help them in the future.(126)

Your professional development during the Diploma

(approximately 100 words)

What do you expect to learn from this Module about design which will help you in the next Module, which focuses on practice?

By effectively planning my entire curriculum in detail, I can avoid all my time management blips. It will enable me to go prepared into all my classes with the resources required for that particular class. With this planning I will be able to measure learning and cater to different types of Learners. I used to be always worried who to focus on the ones who grasp early or the ones who need attention, but now I know that I can use the ones who grasp early and encourage peer learning to everyone’s advantage. Initially I used to teach in the traditionalist method which was teacher driven, but the way I design the program and session will enable me to make a balance and be effective. (125)

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Part A: Designing the programme and the sessions

1.1.1 Identifying aims and objectives

(approximately 400 words)

Which aspects of your professional practice would you like to change and develop in undertaking the Diploma, and why?

I would definitely want to work more on Bloom’s taxonomy to encourage and guide my learners to effectively analyse, evaluate and think out of the box. Apart from stressing on understanding and think that once the level of understanding is achieved I have been successful, I want to take it a step further and guide the learners to discuss doubts and demand for resources and come to a conclusion through analysis evaluation and encourage creativity to a large extent.

I am also going to design my plans to lessen learning dependency. Instead of the topic being continuously teacher driven, using methods from Bloom’s the learner should be able to independently use resources available, question, reason and discuss reasoning confidently.

My methods will definitely wrap itself to cater to all learning levels. I will now consciously make sure all kids are involved in learning and the activities should encourage to push their individual boundaries. (153)

What are the most important factors for you in designing the programme?

I want the learner to think independently not only in matters of syllabus but any aspect of his life. Learning that happens in class need to have a long term concept.

Most important factors I see to make sure learning is long term is:

Making sure to analyze the objective of every class and the outcome and reasoning for the same. The objective has to be specific, focused and achievable. Therefore I can concentrate on quality learning instead of Quantity.

To effectively manage to combine the syllabus prescribed by the State and balance it with activities that will help them push their own thinking boundaries. Use Bloom’s guide and to get the learner to look at the topic from all angles and question a loud.

Making sure that all kids are involved in learning and they are aware of the same. I want the kids to be motivated and not feel pressured and they move towards the higher levels of thinking according to Bloom’s. (164)

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How are you dealing with these factors in the programme plan?

When I design the program plan and session plan I need to make sure that I consider the time involved for teacher interaction, group learning and an activity.

I need to be clear If and when the activity will involve writing or solving, whether in a group or individual the kids will be given questions based on the Bloom’s ladder of thinking and asked to make a choice so they do not feel pressured but will still want to attempt a few questions that are out of their comfort zone.

Constantly bring to the kids notice their improvement and development for them to feel confidence to be able to discuss and reason without any pressure. (115)

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1.1.2 Understanding your learners

(approximately 400 words)

How have you identified the needs, aspirations and potential of your learners?

As we all know that each individual is different. To identify needs of the learner I will be doing the following:

Meeting previous teachers to discuss student learning styles and abilities

Looking at previous reports to understand where the student needs help

Diagnostic testing to gauge previous knowledge

One on one conversations with students to learn learning styles.

During class I plan to:recap every session to gauge the approximate understanding of previous knowledge and how to take them to a higher thinking ability

design activities to enhance learning and the choices they make will show me if they are moving along the higher level of Bloom’s ladder. As a teacher, I have to constantly question whether they climbing the ladder designed by Bloom’s as per their potential.

All the forms of analysis used for this process of analysing will be documented and will help me check if my future lesson plans need any changes and why? (157)

What are their needs, both as a group and as individual learners?

As a learner they have been moulded a certain way of learning and that has been mainly force feed technique. Being in the 10th grade, it’s important for these learners to learn to be able to analyse, reason and be confident.

After Identifying their needs as individuals:Reading English

Speaking English

Comprehend various questions with confidence.

to think independently. They are afraid of being wrong and therefore the learning stalls in fear.They should with confidence be able to read, write, improve their vocabulary all the time asking

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questions. As an individual, I hope to help them understand their learning styles and identify their strong and weak points and take help in places they see a deficiency while giving help where they are strongest!

As a group: They are not comfortable in discussing and sharing and have has to be constantly guided into it.To steer this learning group to be independent I will be conscious into leading this group through peer group learning.They should be able to listen, communicate & debate as well as stand up to what they believe. (182)

How have you designed learning activities to relate to the learner needs you have identified?

The learning activities are designed with a lot of group activities so shared learning happens with equal opportunities to think and write independently.

I will be using graphic organisers / mind maps to help them understand the concept better and assimilate the various information visually

I will use flash cards wherever necessary to help the visual learners.

I will encourage role play to target independent group activity and encourage the kinaesthetic learners.

I will schedule a section of the class for comprehension and vocabulary so they hone their skills of questioning and finding answers with the help of peer group so there is a feeling of participation.

To encourage differential learning, I need to make sure each learner will participate on an individual level through specially designed worksheets so there is a learning curve that the student follows.

I will bring in a creative session at the end of every unit so the learner group can push each other, ideate together and show higher order thinking, therefore over time it will make it look very natural! (176)

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1.2.1 Planning the learning programme

(approximately 400 words)

How are you integrating active learning into your learning programme?

Active learning can be defined as an investment of a significant amount of mental energy and a high level of psychological involvement in the learning process. (ACTIVE LEARNING: DEFINITION, JUSTIFICATION, AND

FACILITATION By Joe Cuseo). It is about involving the kids in the entire process during class, so that learning becomes an interactive session.

I plan to use the following learning activities to make it an active learning class

- Group discussions – would program group discussion in 2 parts. A discussion to understand what they know of the subject. After the topic has been taught a discussion in groups as part of re-cap and then discuss a series of questions which will help the students use logic, analyse the theme intelligently, discuss and justify their view point

- Learning group – give different questions to every group, that gives them opportunity to discuss and present to the rest of the class their thoughts on the subject.

- Interactive question & answers – all students will form one question about what they found difficult or interesting part of the topic. It will be tossed and one by one a student will pick up a question and try and answer the same.

- Games – we will play a series of games either in the form of quiz, hang man to make learning fun (219)

How are you integrating assessment into the learning programme, to ensure that learning has taken place?

I plan to asses every session by using formative assessment as well as Summative assessment.

Summative Assessments I will use exclusively to asses an individual’s learning and their mastery of the topic. This will be done by a worksheet. While the student will be given multiple options and will be conducted at the end of a unit or a session, it will allow me to document the figures to be able to form a growth graph of the learner.

Formative Assessment is part of the instructional process. When incorporated into classroom practice, it provides the information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they are happening. In this sense, formative assessment informs both teachers and students about student understanding at a point when timely adjustments can be made. These adjustments

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help to ensure students achieve targeted standards-based learning goals within a set time frame. (142) 

How do you plan to use the outcomes of these assessment exercises?

Since this is my first planning after my program, the assessments will be very important to direct me in whether I have understood my learners and managed my time well. Here the results tell me on how to proceed further, what to retain and what to change to have a better and more effective learning session for both me and my learners.

As this planning sessions in detail is completely new to me as a teacher, it’s important that the lessons are planned right so both the learner and the teacher gets the most of the session, therefore I plan to assess my learners after every session so I can pinpoint where exactly I need to change the session or what really works and if I can implement it more in my other sessions. (134)

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Your programme plan

Programme title

Life and Work of Vikram Sarabhai


By the end of 10 sessions the 10th standard students of Gottigere school will be able to write a report on Vikram Sarabhai’s life and work with the help of their textbook.

Learning objectives

By the end of the program the learners will be able to:

- Pick a list of sentences from the text and form their opposites

- Identify using words from text if they are singular or plural

- To identify and pick nouns and verbs from text

- analyse under which tense umbrella does the words from the text come under

- To paraphrase previous mind map

- To categorize information using mind map

- Plan the details of a role play of Vikram sarabhai’s life and work

- perform a role play to show Sarabhai as a teacher, student and Leader.

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- To differentiate various aspects of Vikram Sarabhai’s life with their own

- To justify the importance of Aryabhatta in Vikram Sarabhai’s life

- To forecast the space travel in the future.




Learning activities Assessment Resources Evaluation

1 3-7-12

8:15 – 9:15

Use the mind map to assimilate the selected text on Vikram Sarabhai’s early days and education

End of the day re-cap and use recall questions targeted at random individual learners

Chart, sketch pens, board and chalk

Analyse if the concept of mind map has helped the learners assimilate facts.

2 5-7-12

8:15 – 9:15

Add to the mind map based on selected text of Vikram Sarabhai’s professional life

Group Discussion important milestones of Vikram Sarabhai’s Life and work

Chart, sketch pens, board and chalk

To check if the learners have a basic understanding about the story line.

3 10-7-12

8:15 – 9:15

Story time of who was Aryabhatta

To understand the connection of Aryabhatta in Vikram Sarabhai’s work

To write a report on what else would they have named their space centre and why?

Print out of the story

Video / picture of a space centre, parts of a rocket and satellite

Mentor observation and feedback.

4 12-7-12

8:15 – 9:15

Explain the meaning of nouns and Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

Describe verbs and how to identify them

Play a game of Name place animal thing

Play Dumb charades using action words

Board chalk

Slips of paper with action words for dumb charades

Mentor observation and feedback

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Learning activities Assessment Resources Evaluation

(group)To pick words from text and slot under verb or noun

Give them random words and see if they can pick verbs and nouns from a gamut of random words.

Worksheet for slotting

5 17-7-12

8:15 – 9:15

Form groups and they present what they think is the most important factor in Sarabhai’s life

To assess the content being presented to class.

Effective use of team members

Flash cards to hint on the sequins of his life.

Paper and pens,

Previous mind maps on

display to act as guidance

Peer feedback

6 19-7-12

8:15 – 9:15

Explore their use of opposites in their daily life

Make situational scenarios and allow the kids to analyse what would be the opposite of the situation.

Situation cards one for every student, so we can have a discussion on their answer and why they think it so.

Learner feedback forms to give me an idea on my class

7 24-7-12

8:15 – 9:15

Groups to produce a play with regards to Vikram Sarabhai as a teacher, student and leader where everyone in class has a role to play

Peer assessment using scoresheet

Paper and pen A guest teacher to monitor the session, so I can get feedback on how to better the same.

8 26-7-12

8:15 – 9:15

To be able to categorize if nouns are singular or plural

Game Nouns converted to either singular or Plural

Word cards

9 31-7-12 Tenses - past present and future. Make 3 groups to and Paper and pen Students to give me

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Learning activities Assessment Resources Evaluation

8:15 – 9:15

Use the text as a form of recap and convert the sentences into either past present or future

make them scan the text to pick at least 10 sentences in a particular tense. Then the group challenges one member from the other team to state the correct tense

feedback on this session

10 2-8-12

8:15 – 9:15

Recap on the lesson

Recap on all the activities done during the session

Menu card form of worksheet for individual assessment

To design question paper Will be able to come to a conclusion based on the quantitative results from the question paper

Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

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1.2.2 Planning the learning sessions

Learning Session 1

(approximately 400 words)

How do you intend to prepare the learning resources and learning environment for this particular learning session?

Since I am a part of an NGO and the school I associate with is a Government school, the available resources and very basic.

For the learning session 1 I need to organize for

- Flash cards to show pictures of Aryabhatta- Paper, sketch pens and chart paper- Print outs of additional information help them to explore Aryabhatta’s greatness- Movie on Space shuttle and rocket take off- The room to show movie need to be a dark room - easy seating so everyone can see the screen comfortably- laptop with projector / DVD player with TV

For this class I will require additional hand-outs that talks about Aryabhatta, Work sheets to show the fun entity of Aryabhatta maths.I need a laptop with web connection to show for a video about the passage of a rockets and parts of the rocket.

We are going to have a very audio visual class to target different learners. Expanding their knowledge of rockets and space centers with a presentation on what would they name their space center. The learning environment should be adapted to show a video, where the windows need to be darkened, supply of electricity and availability of a large screen. The learners should be able to view this comfortably with no distraction. (217)

What roles do you expect to play in the learning session?

This is a teacher based session. It means that I will be doing a lot of talking, getting the kids to imagine and doing some exercises for them to experience the greatness of Aryabhatta!!Since the technique is more based on auditory and visual, I want the environment to be inquisitive, alert and to have fun while learning. I want the class to be active with a lot of discussion directed towards me taking place.

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I plan to play a role of a story teller, by telling them the story of aryabhatta. I also plan to engage their interest by showing the various process when a rocket takes off and space centres

I will take time describing the various parts and pausing at various moments to explain the process of take off and how the space shuttle us helps in our real life. (68)

What roles will your learners play in the learning session?

They have to participate in discussions and informal debates about various aspects of the subject.

Feel confident to question and analyse. To connect previous lessons and other information into this class and share knowledge

To actively communicate, participate and involve themselves in the group work suggested to them. (48)

How do you plan to evaluate this learning session?

In this session I will take quantitative feedback from the students on whether the class was effective, enjoyable and engaging. This feedback will help me gauge if I have included all the learners to participate effectively.

The mentor visiting the session will also give me constructive feedback to take forward in my teaching career. on whether my learners were engaged and communicative. The mentor would also comment if my session plan was well managed in terms of Time, covered a variety via content and whether such classes opened up the learners minds. (92)

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Your session plan for Learning Session 1

(approximately 200 words)

Session title Life and Work of Vikram Sarabhai

Aim By the end of this session the 10th standard students of Gottigere School will be able to explain the importance of space centres in our lives by the help of videos and charts

Learning objectives By the end of the session the learners will be able to

- understand the link between aryabhatta in vikarm sarabhai’s life

- to explain the parts of the space shuttle

- discuss on usefulness of satellites in our daily lifes


Time Teacher Activity Learner Activity Differentiation Assessment Materials/Resources

8:15 –


Story of Aryabatta and his contribution to the society

Listen and link the flash cards in sequins Questions to help recall.

Flash cards, picture of Aryabhatta

8:25 Videos of space Watch videos, and interactive discussion Videos and

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Time Teacher Activity Learner Activity Differentiation Assessment Materials/Resources

– 8:40

shuttle take off and out of space living

discuss what intrigued them. To reason and actively debate, question clear any doubts they have on the video

organize rooms for the same

8:40 –


Make groups as per learning styles and give them worksheet to complete

Group work and do an assorted activity based on the theme

Groups will tackle activities like – drawing, role play of a rocket take off, conduct an interview, graphic organizer to show the sequins of aryabhatta’s life comparing with Vikram Sarabhai’s life.

Chart paper, sketch pens, markers, colors, rulers, pencils erasers


Watch presentation by learners

Each group presents their artwork before their peers and teachers

Peer assessment based on gradesheets

Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

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This will be the first class I will be trying to use video as a form of learning. Provided electricity and net connectivity is there we will go ahead with this form. My plan B would be to use large printouts of the topic and then discuss!

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Learning Session 2

(approximately 400 words)

How do you intend to prepare the learning resources and learning environment for this particular learning session?

In This session I will come prepared to make learning fun. Since the topic has already been explained to them – here they will only be making a connection

There will lots of games which will be student focussed. The resources will be prepared with research based on learning and participation.

I will find alternate arrangement to have the environment spacious with lots of light to make grammar fun.

I will in the end of the class have an individual summative assessment to identify if this method of recap and recall was effective (92)

What roles do you expect to play in the learning session?

In this particular session I plan to play the role of an Instructor / demonstrator using games to actively involve kids with their subject matter

an organized process along with effective supervision, to ensure that my learners will learn while having fun also be competitive

I want to make sure that the learners know that I am accessible to any questions and will help in finding out answers together as a team.

I expect the learners to also draw parrellel to their own vocabulary and try and utilize the same. (90)

What roles will your learners play in the learning session?

Since this class is all about active learning, my learners will have to be able to recall all information they know about the topic.

Together with the help of his team mates via buddy concept so there is no pressure felt on the introvert kids they participate in games to ensure active learning is taking place.

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Here the kids will get a chance to participate on behalf of thier team.

I would like my learner to be engaged in the process of seeing, hearing and participating.


How do you plan to evaluate this learning session?

This entire’s session will be assessed on group work, team building and the level of participation.

Here I can evaluate if my learners have learnt the topic and can use them in their daily vocabulary.

Have the students successfully crossed the lower order thinking skills of recall and understanding and are ready to take it a notch further.

To analyze the summative tests written by my learners and identify if this session was a success and can be taken forward as a learning methodology for long term planning.

I will make notes on the personality of the kids, so in future it might help me balance out a group better. (110)

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Your session plan for Learning Session 2

(approximately 200 words)

Session title Life and Work of Vikram Sarabhai

Aim By the end of this sessions the 10th standard students of Gottigere school will be able to differentiate between nouns and verbs in a given comprehension text

Learning objectives By the end of this session the learners will be able to pictorially depict verbs.

Learn the technique of making assumptions based on given clues

Pick all nouns from text

Identify verbs

Practice non-verbal communication


Time Teacher Activity Learner Activity Differentiation Assessment Materials/Resources

8:15 –


Recap on grammar about nouns and verbs

Join in answering what they know. Open discussions for on the board exercises

Chalk and board

8:25 Organize a game Game of hangman team wise Pieces of paper,

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– 8:30

for nouns pen, big bag to shuffle

8:35 –


Be a guide and maintain discipline

Be a team player and play a game of name – place - animal - thing


8:50 –


calming excersice Follow instruction to get back to calm state.

8:55 –


Organize verb cards for the students

The learners here will learn from peer discussion as well as teacher student discussion

Chalk and board

9:10 –


Summative grammar testing

Individual working of worksheet and to utilize all that learning has happened today

Menu card type of worksheet, so all learning levels will feel comfortable to answer the same

Summative assessment based on scores on the worksheet


Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

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Part B: Reflective ReportIn your report, you should reflect on your overall experience of planning the learning programme and learning sessions. Among your reflections on this stage of the teaching and learning cycle and your Diploma project, you should include the following themes:

(a) The sources (human, published and web-based) you used in designing this programme plan and the two learning sessions, and the ways you have used them.

(b) The highlights of your planned programmes and learning sessions which you think will particular facilitate active learning and encourage learners. How might learning be extended beyond the two learning sessions you have designed?

(c) What have you learned about the process of designing programmes and sessions?

(approximately 1000 words)

I have been teaching at the Gottigere government school for 2 years before I decided to take the passion seriously and do something about it. I had no earlier experience in teaching and did so from my early memories of other teachers. When I joined CIDTT, I had no idea what I was getting into, but most of the topics were eye openers and food for thought. Every class showed me how much better my class could have been and how I can target a larger group to effectively learn.

The most important aspect is planning: I would never plan my time in class. I would go with a broad perspective in mind and then just go with the flow, but it showed me that I was not effectively using my time to engage the learner actively. I would test the kids regularly but would always make hierarchy list – not realizing that all learners are different and what a grave mistake I was making while assessing them.

As part of the CIDTT course I have of course used the material given by Cambridge and those that was given by TTF. Apart from that Ian Barker’s “Teachers and Trainees” was a big help in trying to planning the session plan.

I have also researched the internet for additional information on the related topics, Energisers and games and lesson plans.

As I was attending the CIDTT classes I was very fascinated by Bloom’s Taxonomy and was amazed by how much the kids are missing out because some of us teachers are not trained. I was totally fascinated on how I could take my learners from understanding a lesson to translate their understanding creatively. My program plan takes the subject through the process of understanding and then climb the Bloom’s ladder systematically. For the lesson I have chosen “Vikram Sarabhai’s life and work” and I start by attempting to first understand the text with the help of mind maps move on to presenting what they understood by analysing their text, finally to draw and write a report of what would they name their space centre

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and why?

My entire teaching methodology has changed after attending the CIDTT classes. I am consciously introducing sessions to encourage independent learning, the buddy concept to make sure everyone is involved and integrate active learning in every program plan!

According to my 1st session which is a student driven session where they put together what they know about the topic along with additional information and put up a presentation or role play. Group work, sharing, distribution of tasks and leadership skills are part of the learning experience.

My 2nd session is more of a teacher directed session but instead a lecture based class, I am going to offer a change to the learners. My first preference would be to show videos on some of the subjects but if not possible due to circumstances out of my control, then I am going to bring in large format print outs to show visually the information that was intended to deliver and help expose their thinking to a new level.

I know for a fact that I can never go back to teaching the way I used to. My learning goes beyond demonstrating for a mentor or doing it for certification. I will always take what I have learnt forward and I know that’s it’s an adventure and it’s important for me to at intervals brush up the tons of information delivered, read up on newer techniques or ideas and practise to make the demonstration perfect over time, So the learners themselves can see results at the end of the year.

Planning a program and session plan is a bit daunting and initially would put it off until the last minute, but the process is so important as it allows forTime management: This process does not allow the teacher to waster even a minute of the time scheduled and the learner gains so much out of the sameOrganized: Since the plan is prepared in advance, it allows the teacher to be aware of the resources required and therefore come prepared with any special resources that are required for the class.Variety: Making a list on the entire program shows us the big picture and helps us add different activities to engage their curiosity. Planning helps spice up the sessions to make sure learning is fun and active. Bloom’s Taxonomy: the program plan allows me to be aware on the learning ladder of Bloom’s taxonomy and make sure the program is planned so that we are landing on all the platforms and try to get most out of the session.Active Learning: every session plan highlights how much of active learning methods I have used.Evaluate: These methods above help me evaluate my plan, performance and subject matter continuously through my learners, mentors and peer group and I can categorically analyse what method worked and why and what did not work and why so with practice I can add a process to the same.Surprises: Planning a program and session lowers the surprise that can happen in a class. There will be days that things will go wrong, but overall you are prepared and ready to tackle a class with your resources and subject matter.

Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2011.


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Planning a program and session plan always allows us to look at the big picture from start to finish. It helps me assimilate the course via a mental checklist so that I have integrated all things I feel important into a program via session plans. My goal of achieving the aims and objectives within a given set of time is possible only with detailed planning and Effective management of time. This also sets a good example when a teacher comes into class and the learner has fun gaining knowledge not realizing that they have gone through a choc-a-block schedule to achieve this.

It’s going to take a great deal of unlearning from the learner and myself as a teacher to make sure that higher order thinking as per Bloom’s taxonomy is achieved. Am looking forward to the journey knowing that am going to learn a great deal from this collective experience of interacting with the mentor, the learner, discussing with peers and reading other teachers experiences. (1086)






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Assignment Template for 5291 Design: Planning and preparation. For examination in 2011.