53674171 Student Attendance Management System

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PROBLEM STATEMENTThe problem statement of student attendance management system of B. Tech. (CSE, IT, EEE, ECE) program for a college is given below: The purpose of this system is to automate and computerize the attendance of students in the college. The B.Tech Program is a 4 year course and consists of 8 semesters. The intake of students for every branch is given as: CSE -- 132 ECE -- 132 IT -- 66 EEE 66

Each semester consists of practical as well as theory subjects. The number of subjects offered in different semesters is: SEMESTE R 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th NO. OF THEORY SUBJECTS 7 7 6 6 6 6 4 3 NO. OF PRACTICAL SUBJECTS 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 4

Number of lectures per week: 5 lectures for each theory subject 1 lab session for each practical subject

Each subject is be assigned some specific code for convenience in maintaining the database. 75% is the Compulsory attendance for a student else a short attendance report is generated. So a list of students along with their daily attendance for class, subjects offered and faculty members is to be maintained. The faculty members of respective subjects provide attendance details to the data entry operator who all details into the system database. This process is carried out daily by the faculty members and the data entry operator. Attendance is updated on all weekdays except Saturdays and Sundays. Once the data entry operator has updated the attendance, he/she would not be allowed to change the attendance again. The students and faculty members can also login the system to view and generate reports for student information, subjects opted by them and their attendance in any subject. The system will generate monthly attendance reports and the reports should be printable.


TABLE OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Overview

2. OVERALL DESCRIPTION2.1 Product Perspective 2.1.1 System Interfaces 2.1.2 User Interfaces 2.1.3 Hardware Interfaces 2.1.4 Software Interfaces 2.1.5 Communication Interfaces 2.1.6 Memory Constraints 2.1.7 Operations 2.1.8 Site Adaptation Requirements 2.2 Product Functions 2.3 User Characteristics 2.4 Constraints 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies 2.6 Apportioning of Requirements


3.1 External Interface Requirements 3.1.1 User Interfaces Login Screen: Student Info Parameters Screen: Student Info Screen: Subject Info Parameters Screen: Subject Info Screen: Faculty Members Info Parameters Screen: Faculty Info Screen: Attendance Entry Info Parameters Screen: Attendance Entry Info Screen: Report Generation Parameter Screen: 3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces 3.1.3 Software Interfaces 3.1.4 Communication Interfaces 3.2 Software Product Features 3.2.1 User Account Maintenance Validity Checks Sequencing Information Error Handling/Response to Abnormal Situations 3.2.2 Student Information Maintenance Validity Checks Sequencing Information Error Handling/Response to Abnormal Situations3.2.3 Subject Information Maintenance

Validity Checks

Sequencing Information Error Handling/Response to Abnormal Situations 3.2.4 Faculty Member Information Maintenance Validity Checks Sequencing Information Error Handling/Response to Abnormal Situations 3.2.5 Student Attendance Information Maintenance Validity Checks Sequencing Information Error Handling/Response to Abnormal Situations3.2.6 Attendance Report Generation

Validity Checks Sequencing Information Error Handling/Response to Abnormal Situations

3.3 Performance Requirements

3.4 Design Constraints 3.5 Software System Attributes 3.5.1 Security 3.5.2 Maintainability 3.5.3 Portability 3.6 Logical Database Requirements 3.7 Other Requirements


The student attendance management system is a software developed for daily attendance of students in colleges. It facilitates the access of attendance information of a particular student belonging to a particular class. The attendance information is provided to the DEO by the faculty teacher for a particular class and subject. The software system also helps in evaluating the examination eligibility criteria for a student in the sense that only those students with attendance above 75% are allowed to be eligible for the semester exams. 1.1 PURPOSE This specification document describes the capabilities that will be provided by the software application Student Attendance Management System. The purpose of developing this attendance management system is to computerize the traditional way of taking attendance in classes and also manage student and teachers information along with their classes and subjects. Another purpose for developing the software is to generate the reports automatically whenever required-in between the semesters or after the semester. 1.2 SCOPE The scope of the project is the system, on which the software is installed, i.e., the project is developed as a desktop application, and it will work for a particular college. But later on, the project can be modified to operate it online. 1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS INFO: Information B.TECH: Bachelor of Technology DEO: Data Entry Operator 1.4 REFERENCES IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specification-IEEE Std 830-1993. 1.5 OVERVIEW The rest of the SRS document describes the various system requirements, interfaces, features and functionalities in detail.


The student attendance management system is a cost and time effective computerized system that maintains daily attendance of students on the basis of their attendance in theory and laboratory courses opted by them. The students are offered various theory and practical subjects depending upon the ongoing semester. The system maintains student details, the subjects opted by them, their attendance in a particular subject and details of the faculty member teaching them. The system also generates summary reports of all these details.

2.1 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE The application will be a windows-based, self-contained and independent software product. 2.1.1 SYSTEM INTERFACES None. 2.1.2 USER INTERFACES The application will have a user-friendly and menu-based interface. Following screens will be provided:

LOGIN SCREEN: for entering the username, password and role (Administrator, DEO, Student or Faculty Member). Further access to different screens will be provided based upon the role of the user. SUBJECT INFO SCREEN: for capturing and displaying information regarding what all subjects are offered during which semester and branch, how many credit points are assigned to that subject and whether the subject is of theory or practical? STUDENT INFO SCREEN: for capturing and displaying the details of all students enrolled for the course in different years, their name, enrollment number, branch, semester and courses opted by them. FACULTY INFO SCREEN: for capturing and displaying the details of all faculty members-their name, department, qualification, experience, salary, teaching subject/s and class/es. ATTENCANCE INFO SCREEN: for capturing and displaying the attendance details of all students belonging to a particular Batch Year.

The following reports can be generated:

STUDENT ATTENDANCE DETAILS: Printable reports can be generated for an individual as well as a list of students belonging to particular Batch showing the status of their attendance in all subjects opted by them.

2.1.3 HARDWARE INTERFACES Screen resolution of at least 800*600 required for proper and complete viewing of screen and support for printer is also required for printing of reports. 2.1.4 SOFTWARE INTERFACES Any windows-based Operating system. MS Access 2000 as the DBMS-for database. 2.1.5 COMMUNICATION INTERFACES None. 2.1.6 MEMORY CONSTRAINTS At least 64 MB and 2 GB space on hard disk will be required for running the application successfully. 2.1.7 OPERATIONS The Administrator at client site will be responsible for manually deleting old/non required data. Database backup and recovery will also be handled by administrator. 2.1.8 SITE ADAPTATION REQUIREMENTS The terminals at client site will have to support hardware and software interfaces specified in the above sections. 2.2 PRODUCT FUNCTIONS The system will allow access to only authorized users with specific roles (administrator, DEO, student, faculty member). Depending upon the role, he/she will be able to access only specific modules of the system. A summary of the major functions that the software will perform: Login facility for enabling only authorized access to the system.

DEO will be able to add/modify/delete info about different students enrolled for the course in different subjects. DEO will be able to add/modify/delete info about different subjects that are offered and opted by students in a particular semester and branch. DEO will be able to add/modify/delete info about various faculty members belonging to a particular department and teaching a particular subject/s. DEO will be able to add/modify/delete attendance info in all subjects opted by all students enrolled in the course. Administrator will be able to create/modify/delete new/existing user accounts. User( Administrator/ student/ faculty member) will be able to generate and print reports of student attendance info including the student info as well as subject info.

2.3 USER CHARACTERISTICS Educational Level: At least graduate, should be comfortable with English language. Experience: Should be well-versed/informed about the course structure of B.Tech. DEO and Administrator must have an experience of at least 3 years. Technical Expertise: Should be comfortable in using general-purpose applications on a computer.

2.4 CONSTRAINTS Since DBMS is MS Access 2000, which is not very powerful, it will not be able to store a very huge number of records. Due to limited features of DBMS being used, database auditing and performance tuning features will not be provided. 2.5 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES

The number of subjects to be taken by a student in each semester does not change. The number of semesters in B.Tech program does not change.

The attendance once updated is not modified.



This section consists of software requirements to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design the system and testers to test the system.

3.1 EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS 3.1.1 USER INTERFACEES The following screens will be provided: LOGIN SCREEN: This is the first screen displayed. It will allow users to access different screens based on their role. Various fields will be: Username, Password, Role (Administrator, Student, Faculty member, DEO). STUDENT INFO PARAMETERS SCREEN: This screen will be accessible to user with any role. It will allow the user to enter the Batch Year for which the user wants to access student info. STUDENT INFO SCREEN: This screen will be accessible to user with role DEO. It will allow the user to add/modify/delete any info about new/existing student/s. Various fields on the screen will be: Student name, enrollment no., branch, address, phone no., etc... SUBJECT INFO PARAMETERS SCREEN: This screen will be accessible to user with any role. It will allow the user to enter the semester number for which user wants to access the subject info. SUBJECT INFO SCREEN:

This screen will be accessible to user with role DEO. It will allow the user to add/modify/delete any info about new/existing subject/s for a particular semester. Various fields on the screen will be: Subject name, code, credits, type, branch, etc... FACULTY MEMBER INFO PARAMETER SCREEN: This screen will be accessible to user with any role. It will allow the user to enter the department name for which user wants to access the faculty member info. FACULTY MEMBER INFO SCREEN: This screen will be accessible to user with role DEO. It will allow the user to add/modify/delete any info about new/existing faculty member/s. Various fields on the screen will be: Faculty member name, department, designation, qualification, experience, salary, teaching subject, etc... ATTENDANCE INFO PARAMETER SCREEN: This screen will be accessible to user with any role. It will allow the user to enter the Batch Year for which the user wants to access the individual or list of students attendance info. ATTENDANCE INFO SCREEN: This screen will be accessible to user with role DEO. It will allow the user to add/modify/delete any info about new/existing student attendance. Various fields on the screen will be: Student info, Subject info, Daily attendance, etc... REPORT GENERATION PARAMETER SCREEN: This screen will be accessible to user with any role. It will allow the user to enter the Batch Year for which the user wants to view and print student attendance info. 3.1.2 HARDWARE INRERFACES As stated in section 2.1.3. 3.1.3 SOFTWARE INTERFACES As stated in section 2.1.4. 3.1.4 COMMUNICATION INTERFACES None 3.2 SYSTEM FEATURES 3.2.1 USER ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE

The system will maintain information about the various user accounts with their different roles to access the system. The following kinds of user accounts can be there: DEO, Administrator, Student, Faculty member. The following info will be maintained for a particular user account: Username, Password, Role. The system will also allow creation/modification/deletion of new/existing accounts by the administrator. VALIDITY CHECKS Only user with role Administrator will be authorized to access the User Accounts Maintenance module. Username cannot be blank and should be unique for every user. Password cannot be blank and should be unique for every user. Role cannot be blank.

SEQUENCING INFORMATION User account for a particular user has to be created in order for the system to be accessible to that user. At system startup, only a default user account for Administrator would be present in the system. ERROR HANDLING/RESPONSE TO ABNORMAL SITUATIONS If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful. 3.2.2 STUDENT INFO MAINTENANCE The system will maintain info. about various students enrolled in the course in different years. The following info. will be maintained for each student: Student name, enrollment no., enrollment year, branch, address, phone no. The system will also allow creation/modification/deletion of new/existing students info by the DEO and also the ability to list all the students enrolled in a particular year. VALIDITY CHECKS

Only user with role DEO will be authorized to access the Student Info Maintenance module. Enrollment no. should be unique for every student. Student name, Enrollment no., Enrollment year, Branch, Address or Phone no. cannot be blank.

SEQUENCING INFORMATION Student info for a particular student will have to be entered in the system before any attendance info can be entered for that student. ERROR HANDLING/RESPONSE TO ABNORMAL SITUATIONS If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful. 3.2.3 SUBJECT INFO MAINTENANCE The system will maintain info. about various subjects offered to the students of particular semester and branch of the course. The following info. will be maintained for each subject: Subject name, code, credits, type (theory or practical), branch, and semester. The system will also allow creation/modification/deletion of new/existing students info by the DEO and also the ability to list all the available subjects for a particular semester and branch. VALIDITY CHECKS

Only user with role DEO will be authorized to access the Subject Info Maintenance module. Subject code will be unique for every subject. No two semesters can have the same subject. Subject name, code, credits, type, branch or semester cannot be blank. Credits can have value between 0 to 10.

SEQUENCING INFORMATION Subject info for a particular branch will have to be entered in the system before any student attendance for that semester can be entered.

ERROR HANDLING/RESPONSE TO ABNORMAL SITUATIONS If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful. 3.2.4 FACULTY MEMBER INFO MAINTENANCE The system will maintain info about various faculty members belonging to different departments teaching the course. The following info will be maintained for each faculty member: Faculty member name, department, designation, qualification, experience, salary, teaching subject/s. The system will also allow creation/modification/deletion of new/existing faculty members info by the DEO and also the ability to list all the faculty members belonging to a particular department. VALIDITY CHECKS

Only user with role DEO will be authorized to access the Faculty Member Info Maintenance module. Designation should be unique for every faculty member. A faculty member cannot belong to more than one department. Faculty member name, department, designation, qualification, experience, salary, teaching subject cannot be blank.

SEQUENCING INFORMATION Faculty member info for a particular branch can be entered in the system only after the subject info and student info have been entered. ERROR HANDLING/RESPONSE TO ABNORMAL SITUATIONS If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful. 3.2.5 STUDENT ATTENDANCE INFO MAINTENANCE The system will maintain info. about various students enrolled in the course along with their subject choice and their daily attendance in that particular subject. The following info will be maintained for each student: Student info, Subject info, Daily attendance.

The system will also allow creation/modification/deletion of new/existing students attendance info by the DEO and also the ability to list all attendance info for a student belonging to a particular batch year. VALIDITY CHECKS

Only user with role DEO will be authorized to access the Student Attendance Info Maintenance module. Student info, Subject info, Daily attendance cannot be blank. Attendance once written cannot be updated and if less than 75%, then student will not be eligible for semester-end exams. Attendance cannot be less than 0 and not greater than 100%

SEQUENCING INFORMATION Student attendance info for a particular branch can be entered in the system only after the subject info and student info have been entered. ERROR HANDLING/RESPONSE TO ABNORMAL SITUATIONS If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful. 3.2.6 ATTENDANCE REPORT GENERATION The attendance info reports will be generated for every student enrolled in the program either for an individual or the whole list of students of a particular batch year. This report will be generated in the following format:


2. 3.









VALIDITY CHECKS User with any role DEO is authorized to access the Student Attendance Report Generation module. SEQUENCING INFORMATION Student attendance info reports for a particular student can be generated by the system only after the whole student and their subjects info have been entered. ERROR HANDLING/RESPONSE TO ABNORMAL SITUATIONS If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages will be prompted to the user for doing the needful. 3.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS None. 3.4 DESIGN CONSTRAINTS None. 3.5 SOFTWARE SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES 3.5.1 SECURITY

The application will be password protected. Users will have access to enter correct username, password and their role in order to access the application. 3.5.2 MAINTAINABILITY The application will be designed in a maintainable manner. It will be easy to incorporate new requirements in the individual modules (i.e. student info, subject info, faculty member info, student attendance info, user accounts info and reports generation). 3.5.3 PORTABILITY The application will be easily portable on any windows-based system that has MS Access 2000 installed. 3.6 LOGICAL DATABASE REQUIREMENTS The following info will be placed on the database:

STUDENT INFO: Student name, enrollment no., enrollment year, branch, address, phone no SUBJECT INFO: Subject name, code, credits, type (theory or practical), branch, and semester. FACULTY MEMBER INFO: Faculty member name, department, designation, qualification, experience, salary, teaching subject/s. STUDENT ATTENDACE INFO: Student info, Subject info, Daily attendance. USER ACCOUNTS INFO: Username, Password, Role. 3.8 OTHER REQUIREMENTS



Student Log in


Maintain Student Information

View details

Maintain Subject Information Administrator

Faculty Member

Generate reports

Maintain Faculty Information

Maintain User Account

Maintain Attendance details





Enter user id and password



Prompt for change of user ID/password

Confirmation for user ID/password change Enter new user ID/password Update details

Get new user ID/password

User Account Maintenance



Search for account in database Prompt to edit account

Delete/M odify/Add new account details

Ask for new account details

Get success/error message of account updation

Update account in database

Accepting Details



Login and prom pt to edit(add/m odify /delete) inform ation S earc h for ex is ting s tudent/s ubjec t/fac ulty m em ber/attendanc e details

E nter new s tudent/s ubjec t /fac ulty m em ber/attendanc e details

S tore and update s tudent/s ubjec t/fac ulty m em ber/attendanc e info. G et s uc c es s /error m es s age for info. updation

View and Generate Reports



Enter student and subject information to view attendance information Search and display student attendance details in database

View student attendance information

Prompt to print reports

Print student attendance details reports

Get printed reports of student attendance details



: User


Login Checker

Login Details/Change password

1: Enter user id and password 2: Submit details 3: Get login details User can be a Student or Teacher

4: Check login

5: Error or sucess message

6: Prompt for password change 7: Confirmation for password change 8: Get new password 9: Enter new password 10: Update details

11: Success or Error message

User Account Maintenance

: Administrator


: Database

1: Prompt for edit (Add, delete, change) 2: Getting details

3: Searching for details

4: Asking for new details

5: Giving details

6: Entering details

7: Updating details

8: Success or Error message 9: Success or Error message

Accepting Details

: Data Entry Operator 1: Getting Details

Accepting Details

: Database

2: Accepting Details

3: Success or Error Message

4: Storing Data

5: Update Details

6: Success or Error message 7: Success or Error message

View Subject Details

: User

Semester Details Branch Details Subject details Display Screen Display Screen Display Screen

: Database

User can be a Student or Teacher 1: Prompt For Semester Details 2: Getting Semester Information 3: Searching For Semester Details 4: Success Or Error Message 5: Success Or Error Message

6: Prompt For Branch Details

7: Getting Branch Details 8: Searching For Branch Details 9: Success Or Error Message 10: Success Or Error Message

11: Prompt For Subject Details 12: Getting Subject Details

13: Searching for Subject Details 14: Success Or Error Message 15: Success Or Error Message

View Student Details

: User

Student Details Display Screen User can be a Student or Teacher

: Database

1: Prompt For Enrollment Number2: Getting Student Details 3: Searching For Details 4: Success Or Error Message 5: Success Or Error Message

View Faculty Details

: User

Employment detailsdisplay screen

: Database

1: Prompt for details

2: Getting Faculty details 3: Searching for details 4: Success or Error message 5: Success or Error message

Generating Reports

: Administrator

Report Generation

Display Report Attendance

Printing reports

: Database

1: Generate report

2: Getting attendance details 3: Searching for details

4: Generating reports

5: Display report

6: Printing report



Login1: Enter user id and password

: User

5: Error or success message

7: Confirmation for password change 9: Enter new password

2: Submit details

6: Prompt for password change 8: Get new password 11: Success or Error message

4: Check login 3: Get login details Login Checker

10: Update details Login Details/Change password

User Account Maintenance

: Administrator

1: Prompt for edit (Add, delete, change) 5: Giving details

9: Success or Error message

4: Asking for new details


3: Searching for details 8: Success or Error message 7: Updating details 2: Getting details 6: Entering details

: Database

Accepting Details

5: Update Details

: Data Entry Operator 1: Getting Details 4: Storing Data

: Database

6: Success or Error message 3: Success or Error Message 2: Accepting Details 7: Success or Error message

Accepting Details

View Subject Details

3: Searching For Semester Details 8: Searching For Branch Detail 13: Searching for Subject Details

1: Prompt For Semester Details 4: Success Or Error Message : User : Database 2: Getting Semester Information 5: Success Or Error Message Semester Details Display Screen

11: Prompt For Subject Details 7: Getting Branch Details 14: Success Or Error Message 6: Prompt For Branch Details 12: Getting Subject Details 10: Success Or Error Message 15: Success Or Error Message 9: Success Or Error Message

Branch Details Display Screen

Subject details Display Screen

View Student Details

: User

1: Prompt For Enrollment Number

5: Success Or Error Message Student Details Display Screen 3: Searching For Details 4: Success Or Error Message

2: Getting Student Details

: Database

View Faculty Details

: User

1: Prompt for details

5: Success or Error message Employment details Display screen 4: Success or Error message 3: Searching for details 2: Getting Faculty details

: Database

Generating Reports

4: Generating reports

3: Searching for details

2: Getting attendance details Report Generation: Database

6: Printing report

5: Display report 1: Generate report

Printing reports

Display Attendance Report : Administrator









System Login

Login checker Enter login id and password

Access granted

Use Screen Detail Type Selection

Generating Reports View Details

Report Generation Logging out

Logging out

System Exit