大會手冊 大會手冊 大會手冊 大會手冊 (一) 一、 活動主軸與目的 二、 競賽項目與規則 三、 參賽隊伍與產品發表會時程表 四、 活動場地攤位配置圖 五、 參賽隊伍中英文簡介 1. 龍華科技大學 2. 杭州萬向職業技術學院 3. 德明財經科技大學 4. 高苑科技大學 5. 上海杉達學院 6. 正修科技大學 7. 真理大學 8. 致理技術學院 9. 育達商業科技大學 10. 逢甲大學 11. 實踐大學(B) 12. 清雲科技大學 13. 南台科技大學 14. 實踐大學(A) 15. 上海對外貿易學院 16. 僑光科技大學 17. 蘇州經貿職業技術學院 18. 國立臺北商業技術學院 19. 北京經貿職業學院 20. 上海金融學院 21. 浙江紡織服裝職業技術學院 22. 中華科技大學 23. 崑山科技大學 24. 景文科技大學 25. 台南應用科技大學


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大會手冊大會手冊大會手冊大會手冊 ((((一一一一))))

目目目目 錄錄錄錄

一、 活動主軸與目的

二、 競賽項目與規則

三、 參賽隊伍與產品發表會時程表

四、 活動場地攤位配置圖

五、 參賽隊伍中英文簡介

1. 龍華科技大學

2. 杭州萬向職業技術學院

3. 德明財經科技大學

4. 高苑科技大學

5. 上海杉達學院

6. 正修科技大學

7. 真理大學

8. 致理技術學院

9. 育達商業科技大學

10. 逢甲大學

11. 實踐大學(B)

12. 清雲科技大學

13. 南台科技大學

14. 實踐大學(A)

15. 上海對外貿易學院

16. 僑光科技大學

17. 蘇州經貿職業技術學院

18. 國立臺北商業技術學院

19. 北京經貿職業學院

20. 上海金融學院

21. 浙江紡織服裝職業技術學院

22. 中華科技大學

23. 崑山科技大學

24. 景文科技大學

25. 台南應用科技大學









競競競競 賽賽賽賽 項項項項 目目目目 評分百分比評分百分比評分百分比評分百分比

1 計畫書 10 %10 %10 %10 %

2 展場設計與商品陳列 (B2B 貿易模擬) 20 %20 %20 %20 %

3 產品發表會 (全英文進行) 30 %30 %30 %30 %

4 展場商務溝通模擬 (國貿專業人員以全英文進行) 40 %40 %40 %40 %

三三三三、、、、參賽隊伍參賽隊伍參賽隊伍參賽隊伍 與與與與 產品發表會產品發表會產品發表會產品發表會時程表時程表時程表時程表





((((預定時間預定時間預定時間預定時間)))) 參賽隊伍參賽隊伍參賽隊伍參賽隊伍 隊名隊名隊名隊名////參賽產品參賽產品參賽產品參賽產品

1111 09:50 ~ 09:58 龍華科技大學 Rise & Shine / Wakey

2222 10:00 ~ 10:08 杭州萬向職業技術學院 絲承天下絲承天下絲承天下絲承天下 / / / / 萬事利絲綢萬事利絲綢萬事利絲綢萬事利絲綢

3333 10:10 ~ 10:18 德明財經科技大學 德明國貿德明國貿德明國貿德明國貿 / 行動掃瞄器行動掃瞄器行動掃瞄器行動掃瞄器

4444 10:20 ~ 10:28 高苑科技大學 Cosmolite / Samsonite 行李箱行李箱行李箱行李箱

5555 10:30 ~ 10:38 上海杉達學院 上海杉達學院上海杉達學院上海杉達學院上海杉達學院 / / / / WSKT WSKT WSKT WSKT----PCCPCCPCCPCC 型型型型温温温温控器控器控器控器

6666 10:40 ~ 10:48 正修科技大學 正修正修正修正修 PO YE / 數位全口數位全口數位全口數位全口 X 光機光機光機光機

7777 10:50 ~ 10:58 真理大學 真理國貿真理國貿真理國貿真理國貿 //// Pettio 寵物推車寵物推車寵物推車寵物推車

8888 11:00 ~ 11:08 致理技術學院 The A Team / / / / 世界時區手表世界時區手表世界時區手表世界時區手表

9999 11:10 ~ 11:18 育達商業科技大學 安全當道安全當道安全當道安全當道 / / / / 背負式安全帶背負式安全帶背負式安全帶背負式安全帶

10101010 11:20 ~ 11:28 逢甲大學 研勤隊研勤隊研勤隊研勤隊 / / / / PAPAGO P2 行車紀錄器行車紀錄器行車紀錄器行車紀錄器

11111111 11:30 ~ 11:38 實踐大學(B) 台華窯台華窯台華窯台華窯 / / / / 雕金系列雕金系列雕金系列雕金系列

12121212 11:40 ~ 11:48 清雲科技大學

清雲科技大學國企系團隊清雲科技大學國企系團隊清雲科技大學國企系團隊清雲科技大學國企系團隊 ////

XXXX----Robot MRobot MRobot MRobot M----788788788788

下下下下午場次午場次午場次午場次:::: 攤位攤位攤位攤位



((((預定時間預定時間預定時間預定時間)))) 參賽隊伍參賽隊伍參賽隊伍參賽隊伍 隊名隊名隊名隊名////參賽產品參賽產品參賽產品參賽產品

13131313 13:00 ~ 13:08 南台科技大學 EDEN / / / / 迷你美顏機迷你美顏機迷你美顏機迷你美顏機、、、、萃取液萃取液萃取液萃取液

14141414 13:10 ~ 13:18 實踐大學(A) iDesk / / / / 隱藏式電腦氣壓桌隱藏式電腦氣壓桌隱藏式電腦氣壓桌隱藏式電腦氣壓桌

15151515 13:20 ~ 13:28 上海對外貿易學院

上海對外貿易學院上海對外貿易學院上海對外貿易學院上海對外貿易學院 ////


16161616 13:30 ~ 13:38 僑光科技大學 我形我塑我形我塑我形我塑我形我塑 / / / / 化妝品容器化妝品容器化妝品容器化妝品容器

17171717 13:40 ~ 13:48 蘇州經貿職業技術學院 一枝一枝一枝一枝獨獨獨獨““““繡繡繡繡”””” / / / / 蘇州刺繡蘇州刺繡蘇州刺繡蘇州刺繡

18181818 13:50 ~ 13:58 國立臺北商業技術學院 iSports iSports iSports iSports 愛運動愛運動愛運動愛運動 / / / / 運動用品運動用品運動用品運動用品

19191919 14:00 ~ 14:08 北京經貿職業學院

北方青花禮品有限責任公司北方青花禮品有限責任公司北方青花禮品有限責任公司北方青花禮品有限責任公司 / / / /


20202020 14:10 ~ 14:18 上海金融學院 上海金融上海金融上海金融上海金融学学学学院院院院////割草割草割草割草機機機機、、、、修枝修枝修枝修枝機機機機

21212121 14:20 ~ 14:28 浙江紡織服裝職業技術學院 寧波瑞涵服飾有限公司寧波瑞涵服飾有限公司寧波瑞涵服飾有限公司寧波瑞涵服飾有限公司 / / / / 男士西服男士西服男士西服男士西服

22222222 14:30 ~ 14:38 中華科技大學 幸運女神隊幸運女神隊幸運女神隊幸運女神隊 / / / / 珠寶珠寶珠寶珠寶

23232323 14:40 ~ 14:48 崑山科技大學 福漾福漾福漾福漾 / / / / 香包香包香包香包、、、、福袋福袋福袋福袋

24242424 14:50 ~ 14:58 景文科技大學 國際貿易系國際貿易系國際貿易系國際貿易系 / 活性碳系列產品活性碳系列產品活性碳系列產品活性碳系列產品

25252525 15:00 ~ 15:08 台南應用科技大學 Smiley Mask / Smiley Mask / Smiley Mask / Smiley Mask / 透明微笑口罩透明微笑口罩透明微笑口罩透明微笑口罩









服服服服 務務務務 台台台台

◎◎◎◎ 展場全區配置展場全區配置展場全區配置展場全區配置






攤位:__1__ Booth: __1__

學校(中文):龍華科技大學 學校 (英文 ):Lunghwa University of Science and


隊名(中文):Rise & Shine 隊名(英文):Rise & Shine

產品(中文):Wakey 產品(英文):Wakey


攤位:__2__ Booth: __2___

學校(中文):杭州万向职业技术学院 學校(英文):Hangzhou Wanxiang Polytechinc

隊名(中文):丝承天下 隊名(英文):silk with the world

產品(中文):万事利丝绸 產品(英文):Wensli silk 杭州万事利丝绸礼品有限公司是万事利集团的全资子公司.专业为各大公司、会议组织等主体提供设计、定制丝绸产品的个性化服务。其中国驰名商标,个性化设计服务遍布诸多行业,成功成为 2008年奥运会,残奥会,2010 年世博会,广州亚运会特许经营商,还为国内外知名企业—澳洲跨国公司必和必拓,阿里巴巴等企业专门订制礼品。万事利公司这次展会的主打产品有丝巾,领带,书画制品,和工艺品。丝巾种类多样,有大、小方巾、长方巾等不同类别,款式丰富,面料精细,制作工艺复杂,因其高雅的特质,极强的搭配性远销海内外。男士领带也是我们公司的特色产品之一,色泽悦目,花纹文雅,充分显示了佩戴者正式、深稳的专业气质。我公司隆重推出“纳米真丝领带”,该领带具备防水防油防尘的特点,更适宜商务人士。丝绸书画制品是我公司的高档产品,各类产品装帧考究,工艺复杂,主要有织锦画,全真丝织锦版珍藏册等产品。我们公司的丝绸工艺品结合传统工艺与现代先进制作技术,蕴含传统文化气息,做工精美,款式多样,不仅可做纪念品,更是现代商务礼品的首选。 Hangzhou Wensli Silk Limits is a branch of Wensli Group that mains at researching, producing and marketing in the line of garments domestically. Wensli is a national famous brand with its superior services all over the world. It manages to be a franchisor of 2008 Olympic Games, Paralympics Games, 2010 World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games. It also provides service of customization for world famous corporations such as BHPBILLITON and Alibaba .The main products of Wensli in this exhibition are silk scarves, ties, paintings and silk handcrafts. The first thing that deserves being mentioned is silk scarves. It is also the core product of Wensli. It has been divided into several categories such as: large face cloth, small face cloth and rectangle face cloth. Because of its excellent material, fashionable design and delicate craft, scarves enjoy a large market world wide although their price is a little bit high. Ties are also one of the specialties in Wensli. With their rich color and graceful patterns, ties success in showing elegant quality of male wearers. At present, Wensli launched a new kind of tie named nano silk ties that are waterproof, oil-proof and dust-proof and is a better choice for business men. In addition, Silk paintings such as tapestries and pure silk treasure copies are top class products of Wensli. From above, it can be concluded that products of Wensli are made by combining traditional crafts and advanced techniques. Because of their culture richness, delicate crafts and various types, they are not only for collection, but also the best choice as gifts.


攤位:__3__ Booth: __3___

學校(中文):德明財經科技大學 學校 (英文 ):Takming University of Science and


隊名(中文):德明國貿 隊名(英文):Takming International Trade

產品(中文):行動掃瞄器 產品(英文):Mobile Scanner

虹光行動虹光行動虹光行動虹光行動 CoCo 棒棒棒棒 2 專業版專業版專業版專業版 ◆ 輕巧可攜式掃瞄器輕巧可攜式掃瞄器輕巧可攜式掃瞄器輕巧可攜式掃瞄器 ◆ 快速高解析度功能快速高解析度功能快速高解析度功能快速高解析度功能 (((( 秒掃瞄全彩秒掃瞄全彩秒掃瞄全彩秒掃瞄全彩 A4A4A4A4、、、、解析度達解析度達解析度達解析度達 600dpi600dpi600dpi600dpi)))) ◆ 吋彩色吋彩色吋彩色吋彩色 LCDLCDLCDLCD 螢幕預覽螢幕預覽螢幕預覽螢幕預覽 ◆ 自動饋紙底座立即掃瞄自動饋紙底座立即掃瞄自動饋紙底座立即掃瞄自動饋紙底座立即掃瞄 ◆ iPadiPadiPadiPad 或智慧型手機瀏覽或智慧型手機瀏覽或智慧型手機瀏覽或智慧型手機瀏覽 ◆ 2012 Reddot 2012 Reddot 2012 Reddot 2012 Reddot 設計獎得主設計獎得主設計獎得主設計獎得主

Avision MiWand 2 Pro

Mobile Bookedge Scanner with Feeder Dock ◆ Ultralight and Portable Scanner ◆ Fast and High-resolution Function

(Scan Full Color A4 in 1.6 Sec.)

(Resolution up to 600 dpi) ◆ Preview Images with 1.8” Color LCD screen ◆ Instant Scan with the Automatic Feeder Dock ◆ View Images in iPad or Smart Phone ◆ Reddot Design Award Winner 2012

Avision Inc.

www.avision.com Tel: 886-3-5782388 E-mail: [email protected]


攤位:__4__ Booth: __4___

學校(中文):高苑科技大學 學校(英文):KAO YUAN UNIVERSITY

隊名(中文):Cosmolite 隊名(英文):Cosmolite

產品(中文):Samsonite 行李箱 產品(英文):Samsonite luggage

中文簡介 Samsonite - Cosmolite


材質材質材質材質:多層熱處理過的 pp 聚合物


V22*002 Spinner 55cm / 2.2kg

V22*006 Spinner 68cm / 2.9kg

V22*004 Spinner 74cm / 3.4kg

V22*007 Spinner 79cm / 3.6kg



� 採用高性能材料 Curv®,產品堅固、耐用,卻又輕便靈動。

� Samsonite 有史以來最輕的旅行箱。

� 符合人體工學的單管拉桿。

� 360 度旋轉滑輪。

� TSA 海關鎖。

英文簡介 Samsonite - Cosmolite

Color : Black, Silver, Red

Material :

Multi-layered heat treatme’s PP polymer

Size & Weight :

V22*002 Spinner 55cm / 2.2kg

V22*006 Spinner 68cm / 2.9kg

V22*004 Spinner 74cm / 3.4kg

V22*007 Spinner 79cm / 3.6kg

Warranty : 10 years warranty worldwide


� The revolutionary Curv® material: “light, durable, and fashionable”

� The outer layer uses seashells as design inspiration.

� “Beauty doesn’t last forever”, but with our soldering process, it is scratch resistant.

� Its wheels can rotate 360 degrees and can move easily on the ground to save energy.

� The “TSA” lock can pass the airport custom without a lot of hassles from the airport security,


攤位:__5__ Booth: __5__

學校(中文):上海杉达学院 學校(英文):Shanghai Sanda University 隊名(中文):上海杉达学院 隊名(英文):Shanghai Sanda University

產品(中文):WSKT-PCC 型温控器 產品(英文):WSKT-PCC Central air condition

energy saving controller

元上 WSKT-PCC 节能温控器

识识识 计计 识识自有知 ,享有限温、 的知 利。 第一款集限温控制、能 计 远 监耗 量、 程 控功能于 一体的数字式温控器。 设可 定制冷(20 热℃)、制 (26℃)上下限温度。 实计 计数字式自控管理, 精确 量。 络 远 监 远 监监 调 态 远网 化 程 控: 程 空 运行状 、 程集群控制。 节 简简 节能改造 ,改造成本低、 能效益好。

Young Sun WSKT-PCC Energy Saving Thermostat

WSKT-PCC energy saving thermostat features exclusive intellectual property rights, acquiring self- temperature limiting and timing patent. The pioneer of the digital thermostat in domestic market with integrated functions of temperature limiting, energy metering, remote monitoring and controlling. Upper and lower temperature limit set in cool mode (20*C) and reheating mode (26*C). Digital and automatic control management; real time and precise metering. Networking Remote monitoring and controlling; Remotely monitoring Air-conditioner’s operating status; remote group control. Easy and in economical improving energy efficiency to achieve good energy-saving performance.


攤位:__6__ Booth: __6___

學校(中文):正修科技大學 學校(英文):CHENG SHIU UNIVERSITY

隊名(中文):正修 PO YE 隊名(英文):CHENG SHIU PO YE

產品(中文):數位全口 X 光機 產品(英文):Digital Full-Mouth Dental X-Ray

EXPERT P-E 數位全口 X 光機採用最先進的數位技術系統,提供 360 度 X 光掃描上下齒顎





� 觸控式控制面板

� 視覺圖像導覽

� 三點雷射定位

� 簡潔新穎的外型設計

� 最先進的 X 光影像感應器技術

� 自動和手動焦距調整功能

� 脊椎影像補償功能

� 牙齒成像軟體

Expert P-E is a digital panoramic dental X-ray unit. It provides a 360-degree scanning dental

X-ray of the upper and lower jaw for the diagnosis of various dental diseases like cancer,

bone loss associated with gum disease or improper bites. Mainly sold to hospitals or

specialized clinics it’s also suitable for the treatment of root canal, tooth implant and


Here are some features of our product:

� LCD Touchscreen

� Sight Display Guide

� Position Beams

� Modern and user-friendly Design

� Powerful CdTe Sensor Technology

� Auto & Manual Focus Function

� Equal Vertical Function

� Powerful Dental Software


攤位:__7__ Booth: __7__

學校(中文):真理大學 學校(英文):Aletheia University

隊名(中文):真理國貿 隊名(英文):AUIT

產品(中文):Pettio 寵物推車 產品(英文):Pettio Pet stroller

Pettio 寵物推車開創於 2003 年,集合一群來自嬰兒車產業的資深工程師、產品設計





倫敦到巴黎及米蘭的街頭,都可以看到 Pettio生產的推車風采,產品也深獲當地使用者的


主要推薦銷售商品為 型號 108 樂活時尚系列 (粉紅款)


● 360 度旋轉前輪 – 推行靈活又舒適 ● 可煞式後輪 – 斜坡停車最安全

● 快速單手收合 – 收合車台簡單快速 ● 飲料杯架—可放置飲料及雜物

● 兜風啪啪板 – 寶貝的悠閒伸展台 ● 合金安全扣—可防止寵物跳出

● 便利的置物籃 – 攜物購物最方便 ● 可拆洗柔軟墊 – 保持清潔與健康

● 快速緊密收納 -- 簡單又不佔空間

Pettio Crop. is a professional manufacturer which specializes in the production of pet

strollers, pet carries and related pet care products. Our main customers are from U.S., Europe

and Japan and we are very pleased to enjoy with a very excellent reputation in quality and


Our staffs, from Taiwan and Mainland China, are most with abundant experience in the

industry of baby stroller even more than 10 years. Therefore, we always take the same

attitude to design and produce our pet products with the highest standard as for babies.

Main production Model:#108


● Swivel front wheels ● Rear wheels with brake

● Easy & Quick folding device ● Drink tray

● Comfortable Foot-rest ● Adjustable safety hook

● Shopping Basket ● Washable soft pad

● Compact fold


攤位:__8__ Booth: __8th


學校(中文):致理技術學院 學校(英文):Chihlee Institute of Technology

隊名(中文):x 隊名(英文):The A Team

產品(中文):世界時區手表 產品(英文):World Time Watch


型號/規格: WWS 系列

品名: WWS-1A 世界時區腕錶

材質: 316L 不鏽鋼

腕錶直徑: 44.5mm

腕錶厚度: 14mm

錶帶寬度: 22mm

錶帶: 真皮


Model: WWS-1A World time wrist watch


Body – stainless steel 316L

Glass – inside flat

outside curved hardened

Strap – genuine leather

Weight – 85g

Dia – 44.5mm x 14mm


攤位:__9__ Booth: __9___

學校(中文):育達商業科技大學 學校(英文):Yu Da University

隊名(中文):安全當道 隊名(英文):Safety in Power

產品(中文):背負式安全帶 產品(英文):Full Body Harness Safety Belt

朝順國際有限公司創立於 1999 年,專營工業用安全帶、工業吊帶、捆物帶、攀岩


為了提昇產品品質,本公司於 2006 年率先引進全國第一台符合 CNS規定的全自動

安全帶衝擊吸收性及度試驗機;2007 年首創全國工業安全帶同業,第一家通過標準檢驗

局的驗證登錄;2008 年更進一步導入 ISO 9001:2008 品質管理系統,以確保百分百的品





CHAO SHUN INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. was established in 1999. We produce

and design industrial safety belts, tie down products, ropes, climbing safety belts,

Nylon/Polyester ropes, weaving belts and hardware accessories.

In a constant effort to improve our products’ quality, our company was the first

one to introduce completely-automatic safety belt shock- absorption and

strength test equipment in 2006. Our horizontal-stretch test equipment has

been approved by CNS core exam and we ensure good quality products. In

2007, our company was the first one to receive Verification registered by

M.O.E.A.(Bureau of Standards Metrology and Inspection) in Republic of China

(Taiwan). We also implement the ISO 9001:2008 quality control system in 2008 to

guarantee the product qualities.

Full body harness safety belts can be used to rescue and working at height. When

the operating personnel crash from the high place, it disperses the impact, reduces the

internal injury, and makes the rescue to be easy. This product matter user’s safety.

Do remember to choose a reliable company and high quality products.


攤位:__10__ Booth: __10__

學校(中文):逢甲大學 學校(英文):Feng Chia University

隊名(中文):研勤隊 隊名(英文):Maction

產品(中文):PAPAGO P2 行車紀錄器 產品(英文):PAPAGO P2 Driving Recorder

PAPAGO的 P2行車紀錄器,不同於一般市售的行車紀錄器,其搭載測速與 GPS 定位系



的售後服務。擁有一台 P2行車紀錄器,將帶領您展開一趟安全、愉快的旅程!

� 120 度廣角大視野,絕對沒有死角

� 內建 GPS 定位系統和重力感測器

� 車用環境安全設計,提供高低溫保護功能

� 清晰不模糊,使用最高效 Full HD規格

� 內建 2.4 吋彩色液晶大螢幕

� 緊急不遺漏,紀錄緊急事件前後一分鐘,


� 固定式測速照相語音提醒

PAPAGO! P2 is not only a driving recorder but a speed cam detector and the GPS + G-sensor

system with the competitive price comparing with other high end or middle class products.

Also, we have dominated high market shares in China, Hong Kong, and countries in South East

Asia. We have many distributions in these countries, as we can provide better after-sale service

in comparison with other brands. By having our P2, we lead you a safe and wonderful journey!

� 120 ゚ Wide Lens

� GPS + G-Sensor and automatic manual recording system

� Safety Environment, provide high and low temperature detection,

automatically turned into safety mode which still under recording.

� Perfectly Clear Screen, use the highest Full HD high

quality image.

� 2.4 Inch Color Screen

� Recording Automatically/Manually, record the minute

before and after the collision

and ensure the files no overwritten.

� Audio Speed Limit Voice Warning System.


攤位:__11__ Booth: __11__

學校(中文):實踐大學 學校(英文):Shih Chien University

隊名(中文):台華窯 隊名(英文):Tai-Hwa Pottery

產品(中文):雕金系列 產品(英文):Carving Gold Kiln (CGK) series



24 K金「雕金燒」,各式作品以台華窯特有“雕金燒”技術,純手工彩



As a treasure box in the capital town of pottery in Taiwan, Tai-Hwa

Pottery is known as the “Palace Museum at Ying-Ge”. Tai-Hwa has had the

goal of challenging itself today by creating works of tomorrow. Our

company has introduced Germany nano-technology liquid-gold to create a

remarkable series of works using 24K materials. All works convey this

unique technique along with a colorful hand-panting on the surface under a

1,000 oC for kiln drying. Quality of all works delivers an elegant and

splendid style which represents the uniqueness of Taiwan’s culture and art



攤位:__12__ Booth: __12__

學校(中文):清雲科技大學 學校(英文):Ching Yun University 隊名(中文):清雲科技大學國企系團隊

隊名(英文):Ching Yun University state-owned

enterprises team

產品(中文):X-Robot M-788 產品(英文):X-Rbot M-788










The product, mainly applicable to home, hotel rooms and small office, is good for cleaning to

various short-haired carpet, wood floor, hard floor, ceramic tile, etc.

It is the new generation Robotic vacuum cleaner with rechargeable battery, controlled by

advanced intelligent program ,with the following function: automatic vacuum cleaning,

mopping, sterilizing, timing cleaning, "full go"cleaning, wireless remote control, speed selection;

easy to use and clean.

You can use the adaptor or docking station of the Cleaner to charge for the main body


You can place the Space Isolator at proper position to stop the Cleaner passing through some



攤位:__13__ Booth: __13__

學校(中文):南台科技大學 學校(英文):Southern Taiwan University

隊名(中文):EDEN 隊名(英文):EDEN

產品(中文):迷你美顏機/萃取液 產品 ( 英文 ) : Mini Facial Steamer/ Flower

Extracted Liquid




攤位:__14__ Booth: __14__

學校(中文):實踐大學 學校(英文):SHIH CHIEH UNIVERSITY

隊名(中文):iDesk 隊名(英文):iDesk

產品(中文):隱藏式電腦氣壓桌 產品(英文):iDesk


● 獨特性,可將電腦藏於桌內。

● 防盜性,桌面及桌下皆具防盜鎖,螢幕與主機安全無虞。

● 收納性,內附螢幕收納孔,可將電腦與桌體結合。

● 環保性,採用環保無害氣壓桿,直立桌面無需電力,省電又環保。

● 空間性,有效整合桌面以提供更多空間。

● 時間性,輕按桌面,10 秒內立即升起。

Product: i-Desk

● Uniqueness: hiding computer inside the table.

● Security: securing main screen and desktop with security locks.

● Acceptance: combining computer and desk with screen admission


● Eco-protection: adopting power-free, environmental friendly

pressure-bar to save energy.

● Space: integrating desk surface effectively to provide more space.

● Time-saving: lifting desktop immediately within 10 seconds.


攤位:__15__ Booth: __15__

學校(中文):上海對外貿易學院 學校(英文):Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade 隊名(中文):上海對外貿易學院 隊名(英文):Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade

產品(中文):蜂花檀香產品系列 產品(英文):Bee&Flower








Bee & Flower, a classic sandalwood brand for shower and skin care, was invented in Shanghai

in 1928. Bee & Flower is fragrant and can cultivate your temperature and feel relaxed. People’s

attachment to pure sandalwood soap gives new meanings to Bee & Flower soap.

Originated from natural sandalwood, Bee & Flower sandalwood series inherit elements of

one-thousand-year traditional culture and integrates modern skin care principles. The

sandalwood fragrance is characterized by elegance, warmth and tranquility. The feeling between

something and nothing comes from your inner most. Shower with the soap is the choice of taste,

via which your soul and body are combined and you can calm down and comfort yourself.


攤位:__16__ Booth: __16__

學校(中文):僑光科技大學 學校(英文):Overseas Chinese Univerity

隊名(中文):我形我塑 隊名(英文):My Bottle. My Style

產品(中文):化妝品容器 產品(英文):Cosmetic Containers


Our products to the material divided into three, namely, acrylic, vacuum and plasticEspecially bottles, cans and broken down into five series. Each series has differentfunctions and features,Provide a variety of customer preferences and choices.


攤位:__17__ Booth: __17__

學校(中文):苏州经贸职业技术学院 學校(英文):Suzhou Institute of Trade &Commerce

隊名(中文):一枝独“绣” 隊名(英文):An excellent one

產品(中文):苏州刺绣 產品(英文):Su Embroidery







With a history of more than 2,000 years, Su embroidery is the general

name for embroidery products in areas around Suzhou, Jiangsu Province.

Su embroidery features a strong, folk flavor and its weaving

techniques are characterized by the following: smooth, dense thin, neat,

even, delicate and harmonious.

Su embroidery had won Suzhou the tile City of Embroidery.


攤位:__18__ Booth: __18__

學校(中文):國立臺北商業技術學院國立臺北商業技術學院國立臺北商業技術學院國立臺北商業技術學院 學校 (英文 ): National Taipei College of


隊名(中文):iSports iSports iSports iSports 愛運動愛運動愛運動愛運動 隊名(英文):iSports

產品(中文):運動用品運動用品運動用品運動用品 產品(英文):Sports equipments




合作來滿足消費者不同的 LOHAS, iSports (樂活.愛運動)需求,本次展出旗下兩大休閒品


Speedo - The Swim Super-brand




The North Face - Outdoor sports expert





Xing Yu International Co., Ltd. (Starlike) was founded in 1979. We are the agency

specializing in international sports and leisure brand. In line with the most affirmative spirit of

sport and leisure services provider, we cooperate with lots of famous sports and leisure brands

in the world, in order to satisfy the different demands (LOHAS, iSports) from our customers. In

this exhibition we display our two brands to express the new leisure style of Taiwan.

Speedo - The Swim Super-brand

We focus on developing high-tech swimming equipments, and become the authority of

water products by our professional abilities. According to customers’ need, we provide full

range of products (Athletics, Sports & Fitness, Health & Beauty, and Leisure) to choose. We

promote swimsuits and beach shoes in this exhibition.

The North Face – Outdoor sports expert

We are a pioneer leading the trend of outdoor leisure. Also, we introduce the different

products for the various functions by professional and high-tech technology. We provide

customers with comfortable, durable, and convenient movement of new experience. In this

exhibition, we promote jackets, shoes, and backpacks.


攤位:__19__ Booth: __19__

學校(中文):北京經貿職業學院 學校(英文):Beijing Professional Business

Institute 隊名(中文):北方青花禮品有限責任公司

隊名(英文): North Blue and White Gift


產品(中文):青花韻 產品(英文):Blue and White Rhyme 中文簡介(商品) 北方青花禮品有限責任公司業務範圍包括具有中華民族特色的各類青花禮品。此次參展商品為“青花韻”系列,分為瓔珞青花(工藝品系列)、青釉墨蹟(文化系列)、素胚時韻(生活系列)。 1.瓔珞青花(工藝品系列):此系列為本次參展的主打系列。主要產品為各類工藝品擺件。其產品色澤清晰,清脆欲滴,由內而外透著一種浸透質樸的風骨。材質採用如玉器般溫潤陶瓷燒制,視覺美觀且手感舒適,素描首發的青花圖飾,傳神再現中國傳統青花瓷設計精髓。 2.青釉墨蹟(文化系列):文化系列包括毛筆、鋼筆、筆筒、書簽、本、名片夾、鑰匙扣、鎮紙、滑鼠、音箱、U 盤等。大膽把青花引入至尋常的辦公產品中,使其華麗轉身,一躍成為天姿國色般的文化精品。 3.素胚時韻(生活系列):此系列包括茶具、茶葉罐、水杯等。把青花元素體現在生活用品中,是古典與現代的完美結合,使人們在工作之余能夠充分感受到淡雅的氣息。 英文簡介(商品)

The business scope of the North Porcelain Gift Co., LTD includes all kinds of porcelain gifts with

Chinese national characteristics. This exhibition goods --- the "blue & white porcelain・rhyme "

series can be divided into three series: arts and crafts series, culture series and life series.

1. Arts and crafts series:

Arts and crafts series porcelain products are our main exhibition product series. It mainly

includes various kinds of crafts ornaments. With crystal clear color the products look like

dripping. From inside to outside it reveals a saturated pristine strength of character. Adopting

materials of jade-like moist ceramic with firing workmanship, the products have not only nice

visual appearance but also comfortable touch feeling. Our first launching porcelain figure sketch

vividly reappears the good design essence of traditional Chinese blue and white porcelain


2. Culture series:

Our culture series products include brushes, pens, pen holders, bookmarks, card holders, key

chains, paper weights, mouse, speakers, U-disk and so on. We boldly introduce the blue and

white porcelain goods into normal office products, Together with it’s magnificent idea

change,they become the master pieces of culture products.

3. Life series:

Our life series products include tea sets, tea caddies, tea cups, etc. Reflecting blue and white

elements in the daily necessities, is a perfect combination between classic and modern. People

can feel fully its elegant atmosphere in their leisure time.


攤位:__20__ Booth: __20__

學校(中文):上海金融学院 學校(英文):Shanghai Finance University 隊名(中文): 隊名(英文):

產品(中文):割草机、修枝机 產品(英文):Grass-and Shrubber Shear

产品名称:Grzzly锂电池割草机修枝机 Product Name:Grizzly Grassand Shrubber Shear

产品型号(Model):AGS 360 Lion/ AGS 720 Lion-Set

产品图片(Picture of the product):


Motor Power: 3.6 volt - lithium-ion accumulator (1,3 Ah)

运行时间:连续使用长达40至50分钟 Running time:max. 40-50 min

充电时间:3至5小时 Loading time:3-5 hours

切割范围: 长度---120毫米(适用于切割灌木的刀片)


Cutting range:Cutting length-120 mm (shrub blade)

Cutting width-80 mm(grass blade)


Equipment:Charging equipment,dedicated blade for cutting grass and shrubs






Features:̇ Including grass and shrub blade

˙Advanced lithium-ion technology

˙No self discharge,no memory effect

˙Turnable handle for vertikal cutting


攤位:__21__ Booth: __21__

學校(中文):浙江紡織服裝職業技術學院 學校(英文):ZHEJIANG TEXTILE & FASHION

COLLEGE 隊名(中文):寧波瑞涵服飾有限公司

隊名(英文):Ningbo Vegna Garments Co.,


產品(中文):男士西服 產品(英文):Men’s Suits

寧波瑞涵服飾有限公司成立於 2003年,主要產銷西服套裝、禮服、單西服、大衣等



VG073 在款式的設計上,採取修身板型,彰顯時尚;在色彩的搭配上,選擇白色,


VG1031設計簡約大方,時尚而不失穩重。面料選用 T/R,與銀色相搭配,不僅顯得


VG1030 黑色莊重而高貴,大氣的線條、優雅的風度,內斂的奢華,能夠讓男性在舉


Ningbo Vegna Garments Co. Ltd was set up in 2003. By taking Quality Culture as our its

business concept, the company has now become a modern enterprise, whose business scope

covers the manufacturing and marketing of such garments as suits, tuxedos, singe-piece suit,

and overcoats and so on. Taking in the best of Western Fabricated Apparels, Vegna Garments

is most characteristic of elegant, individual and refined style.

VG073 is 3-piece suit. It is a slim fit design, making it appear fashionable. It is white in color,

which makes people look taller. In terms of making operation, it is characteristic of exquisite


VG1031 is the simple and graceful in version, which makes it look not only fashionable but

also classic. In terms of fabric, we use T/R blended fabric.

VG1030 is black in color and exquisite in cutting, creating a graceful look and secretive

luxury. With this suit on, you will have a more dignified and elegant look.


攤位:__22__ Booth: __22__

學校(中文):中華科技大學 學校(英文):China University of Science and Technology

隊名(中文):幸運女神隊 隊名(英文):Goddess of Luck

產品(中文):珠寶 產品(英文):Jewelry


I. 財富系列

1. 貔貅項鍊:貔貅在中國傳統上,帶來歡樂及好運的作用。

2. 梅花項鍊:盛開梅花代表財富滿滿。

II. 事業系列

1. 玉環項鍊:玉環可以轉動,表示時來運轉,運氣轉進來,壞運轉出去,象徵事業蒸


2. 玉竹項鍊:代表一鳴驚人,事業心強,工作能力受到上司肯定。

3. 步步高升項鍊:代表在事業上,務實的從基層做到高階主管,事業大有斬獲。

4. 遇貴人項鍊:諧音遇到貴人,賞識自己的工作能力而在事業上加以提攜。

III. 健康好運系列


IV. 愛情婚姻系列



I. Fortune Series

1. Pixiu Necklace: Pixiu can drive out evil influence and bring in joy and luck.

2. Plum Blossom Necklace:plum blossom stands for plenty of wealth.

II. Career series

1. Jade Ring Necklace:can be moved around; signifying the arrival of good luck and the

departure of bad luck in proper timing.

2. Jade Bamboo Necklace:being ambitious and competent in career.

3. “Climbing up Ladder of Success” Necklace:promotion step by step from the grass root to

high-ranking position in career.

4. “Meeting Patron” Jade Necklace:the homonym of meeting a patron; people are

recognized and get promoted by their supervisors.

III. Health and Luck Series

1. Calabash Necklace:identifying with fortune and social status, and signifying prosperity in

luck, fortune and career.

IV. Love and Marriage Series

1. Two Dragons Playing Jewel Necklace:standing for successful love affairs ending up

marriage as a lifetime couple.


攤位:__23__ Booth: __23__

學校(中文):崑山科技大學 學校(英文):Kun Shan University

隊名(中文):福漾 隊名(英文):For Young

產品(中文):香包、福袋 產品(英文):Sachets, Blessing bags

中文簡介 (商品)







3.T 恤和書籤



英文簡介 (商品)

1.Evil-evaded sachets

Chinese sachets, like Western crosses, are used to ward off evils. It is believed that

sachets containing Chinese herbs can protect people against evil and ill fortune.

2.Blessing bags

Blessing bags are viewed as protective talismans. It is believed that they have the

magic power to protect and bless the people who carry them. They are usually

given to friends and relatives as great gifts.

3.T-shirt and book mark

Insisting on creativity and tradition, our company blends Chinese temple culture

into the design. The T-shirts and book marks feature the image of Chinese gods.

We hope westerners may have a better understanding of our culture.


攤位:24 Booth: 24

學校:景文科技大學 School: JUST

隊名:國際貿易系 Team: International Trade Dept.

產品:活性碳系列產品 Product: Activated Carbon Series



最重要的角色之一。高仕達碳科技公司提供符合 NSF標準的高品質科技活性碳與其相



我們強調安全、有效的製作程序與嚴格的品質把關,同時也通過 NSF、SGS、Water




The activated carbon is the most important material in the world. And it also plays a

unique role of solving the serious environmental issue. Our company, Goldstar, has been

researching the finest production elements for seven years and providing the highest quality

tech activated carbon.

Our high tech activated carbon is only produced from the best and most precious element

of coconut shell. According to the research, the coconut activated carbon has pure and

excellent structure characteristics. And it also has well-developed structure, large surface

area, strong absorption capacity, easy chemical regeneration, durability, and the variety of

stable particle sizes.

We also expand our business into many countries and produce other A.C series, such as

activated carbon masks, filter and filter bottle. All of our productions have passed a strict

inspection and got the NSF certification.


攤位:__25__ Booth: __25__

學校(中文):台南應用科技大學 學校(英文):Tainan University of Technology 隊名(中文):Smiley Mask 隊名(英文):Smiley Mask

產品(中文):透明微笑口罩 產品(英文):Transparent Sanitary Mask


★ 「透明微笑口罩」不會緊貼口鼻,配戴起來比傳統口罩更為舒適,且不會遮擋到親


★ 可以有效隔離飛沫,不會影響呼吸之順暢,並可維持清晰的交談,能達到餐飲業等


★ 透明微笑口罩表面特殊防霧功能,說話時不會產生霧氣。

★ 能重複使用、減少浪費,更加環保。

★ 台灣製造,品質保證。獲得多國專利。

Smiley Mask is a newly-developed transparent sanitary mask that let you see the user’s


★ It allows the wearer to breathe or carry out conversation more freely and clearly.

Helps to improve the quality of services and enhance the image of the company.

★ It can prevent “droplet infection” effectively. It is very easy to clean.

★ Special anti-fogging surface can prevent

fog generated from steam or breathing.

★ It can be reused. Therefore, it reduces

waste and is more environmental-friendly.

★ Made in Taiwan.