一畫 一不做,二不休 in for a penny, in for a pound He was found stealing money from his landlady by her daughter. "In for a penny, in for a pound," he muttered to himself and then killed the little girl. 一文不名;一貧如洗 not have (or without) a penny to one's name; not have two halfpennies to rub together; (as) poor as a church mouse; not have a bean; not have (or without) a red cent When I got married I didn't have a penny to my name. That family never seem to have two halfpennies to rub together. I am sorry, I can't lend you anything -- I haven't got a red cent. 一石二鳥;一箭雙雕;一舉兩得 kill two birds with one stone Since Benjamin, one of my classmates in university, lives near my mother, I'll call in on him as well and kill two birds with one stone. 一帆風順 plain sailing The security situation in the Taiwan Strait is far from being plain sailing. 一見如故 get on like a house on fire () / get along like a house on fire () If two people get on/along like a house on fire, they like each other very much and become friends very quickly. I was worried that they wouldn't like each other, but in fact they're getting on/along like a house on fire. 一文不值 not worth a damn His promise isn't worth a damn. 一針見血;一語中的 hit the nail on the head He hit he nail on the head when he mentioned casual sex as being the cause of her coming down with AIDS. 一言以蔽之 in a nutshell There's a lot I could say about my boss's speech but to put it in a nutshell, it was terrible. 一命嗚呼 turn up one's toes I hope to take a trip to the United States before I turn up my toes. 一絲不苟 dot one's/the i's and cross one's/the t's You'd better make sure you dot your i's and cross your t's if you want to work at that company. They're very keen on details. 一絲不掛 in a state of nature; in the altogether; in the buff; not have a stitch on (or without a stitch on) I had just got out of the bath and still was in the buff (or in the altogether/in a state of nature) when the maid walked in without knocking.


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in for a penny, in for a poundHe was found stealing money from his landlady by her daughter. "In for a penny, in for a pound," he muttered to himself and then killed the little girl. 一文不名;一貧如洗

not have (or without) a penny to one's name; not have two halfpennies to rub together; (as) poor as a church mouse; not have a bean; not have (or without) a red centWhen I got married I didn't have a penny to my name.That family never seem to have two halfpennies to rub together.I am sorry, I can't lend you anything -- I haven't got a red cent. 一石二鳥;一箭雙雕;一舉兩得

kill two birds with one stoneSince Benjamin, one of my classmates in university, lives near my mother, I'll call in on him as well and kill two birds with one stone. 一帆風順

plain sailingThe security situation in the Taiwan Strait is far from being plain sailing. 一見如故

get on like a house on fire (英) / get along like a house on fire (美)If two people get on/along like a house on fire, they like each other very much and become friends very quickly.I was worried that they wouldn't like each other, but in fact they're getting on/along like a house on fire. 一文不值

not worth a damnHis promise isn't worth a damn. 一針見血;一語中的

hit the nail on the headHe hit he nail on the head when he mentioned casual sex as being the cause of her coming down with AIDS. 一言以蔽之

in a nutshellThere's a lot I could say about my boss's speech but to put it in a nutshell, it was terrible. 一命嗚呼

turn up one's toesI hope to take a trip to the United States before I turn up my toes. 一絲不苟

dot one's/the i's and cross one's/the t'sYou'd better make sure you dot your i's and cross your t's if you want to work at that company. They're very keen on details. 一絲不掛

in a state of nature; in the altogether; in the buff; not have a stitch on (or without a stitch on)I had just got out of the bath and still was in the buff (or in the altogether/in a state of nature) when the maid walked in without knocking.

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I had just got out of the bath when he knocked at the door and I didn't have a stitch on. 一模一樣

as like as two peas (in a pod)If two brothers or two sisters are very much alike, you can say they are as like as two peas in a pod. 一鳴驚人;一舉成名;不同凡響

set the Thames on fire (英) / set the world on fire (美)Mary may set the Thames on fire with her piano playing.His great invention set the world on fire. 一籌莫展

up the creek (without a paddle)He was really up the creek when his wife left him. 一丘之貉;物以類聚

birds of a feather (flock together); be tarred with the same brushWe all thought that he and his girlfriend were birds of a feather.I dislike politicians of all parties because they're all tarred with the same brush. 一箭之遙;近在咫尺

a stone's throwMy house is only a stone's throw from the school. 一意孤行;我行我素;獨斷獨行

go/take one's own wayI warned him not to marry that girl, but he was determined to go his own way. 一知半解

a little knowledgeA little knowledge is a dangerous thing. (這一句是頗有名的諺語,意為「一知半解最危險;半瓶子醋害死人」) 一見鍾情

fall in love (with someone) at first sight; love at first sight (這裡 "love" 為名詞)They fell in love with each other at first sight.They fell in love at once; it was love at first sight. 一清二楚

(as) clear as crystal; (as) clear as a bellI don't know why you can't understand the instructions; they're as clear as crystal to me.The whole thing was as clear as a bell to me. I knew what to do. 一竅不通

be all Greek to someoneHe tried to explain how the computer worked, but it was all Greek to me. 一白遮三醜

A white complexion is powerful enough to hide seven faults.A white complexion is powerful enough to hide seven faults. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩;上一次當,學一次乖

once bitten, twice shy

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He has cheated and deceived me on one occasion, so I don't trust him. Once bitten, twice shy. 一臣不事二君;一女不事二夫;一僕不事二主

no man can serve two mastersWe all know that no man can serve two masters, so you cannot work for two competing companies at the same time. (我們都知道,一臣不事二君,所以你不可能同時為兩家相互競爭的公司工作)Daniel tried going to school and working, both full-time, but soon discovered that he could not serve two masters. (丹尼爾嘗試同時全職地兼顧學業與工作,但不久就發現到魚與熊掌無法兼得) 一閒生百邪;無聊起壞心

the devil finds work for idle hands"The devil finds work for idle hands" is what your mother says to you when she finds you watching television, rather than doing your homework! (當你母親發現你在看電視而不做功課時,她就會對你說「一閒生百邪」)When Paul was young his parents warned him that the devil finds work for idle hands. (保羅年輕時,他父母親

就告誡他,一閒生百邪,無聊起壞心) 一燕不成夏;一事成功並非萬事大吉 (喻勿以偏概全)one swallow doesn't make a summerWhen you say that one swallow does not make a summer, what you mean is that just because something good has happened, it doesn't mean good things will continue to happen. (當你說「一燕不成夏」時,你的意



a drop in the ocean/bucketThe money we collected for the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster is really just a drop in the ocean. 入不敷出

live beyond one's meansMy father always told me not to live beyond my means. 入境隨俗

when in Rome, do as the Romans doA lot of people often say "when in Rome, do as the Romans do." 十之八九

nine times out of tenWhen my wife comes home from work, nine times out of ten she buys me an evening newspaper. 十拿九穩;穩操勝券

be in the bagWe're sure to win. The match is in the bag. 力不從心;心餘力絀;心有餘而力不足

the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (這兩句的上半句 "the spirit is willing" 和下半句 "the flesh is weak" 常被分開單獨使用)When I asked him for help yesterday, he said "my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak." 人面獸心;口蜜腹劍;笑裡藏刀 (披著羊皮的狼)a wolf in sheep's clothingMary trusted Jack until one day she was cheated by him, and realized thathe was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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appearances are often deceptive "Appearances are often deceptive" is a commonly used idiom, meaning things are not always what they seem to be. 人在屋簷下,不得不低頭;情勢所逼,不得不然

needs must when the devil drives You can say "Needs must when the devil drives" when you must act in a certain way or do a particular thing (because it cannot be avoided). 人在屋簷下,不得不低頭;飢不擇食

beggars can't be choosers I asked Tom to lend me his bicycle, and he sent me this old, rusty one. But beggars can't be choosers. (我要湯姆將他的腳踏車借給我,而他卻送來這台老舊又生鏽的腳踏車。沒辦法,人在屋簷下,不得不低頭。)Mary: Let me wear your green dress; I don't like the blue one you lent me. Alice: Beggars can't be choosers. (瑪麗:我要穿妳的綠色洋裝;我不喜歡妳借我的那件藍色的。愛麗絲:人在屋簷下,不得不低頭。)註:Beggars can't be choosers. 有「人在屋簷下,不得不低頭」和「飢不擇食」這兩個意思,所以翻譯時端賴

上下文的意思而定。 人多勢眾;人多膽壯;人多保險

there's safety in numbers We decided to go to see the boss together; there's safety in numbers. (我們決定一起去找老板,人多膽壯。)Working on the principle that there's safety in numbers, we decided we should all go and complain together. (基於人多勢眾的原理,我們決定應該一起去投訴。)



in two mindsMy wife thinks we should go to South Korea for our holiday, but I'm still in two minds about it. 三番兩次

again and again; over and over (again); time and (time) again; time after timeI've told my son again and again not to run a red light. (to run a red light:闖紅燈) 三緘其口

hold one's peace/tongueIn spite of the fact that he made provocative remarks, I held my peace/tongue. 三思而後行

look before you leapLook before you leap when doing business on the Web. 三句不離本行;說行話;談論工作上的事情 (這成語通常帶有貶義,暗示這些關於工作的言談讓人覺得很無聊)(to) talk shopThey did nothing but talked shop, and I came home early because it was so boring. 三個臭皮匠勝過一個諸葛亮

two heads are better than oneTwo heads are better than one. 大同小異;半斤八兩

(very) much of a muchnessThe two articles are very much of a muchness.

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poles apartThey are poles apart in their political attitudes. 千方百計

by hook or by crook; leave no stone unturned (or no stone be left unturned)I know this work looks difficult, but I'll finish it by hook or by crook.The police left no stone unturned to catch Taiwan's most wanted fugitive Chang Hsi-ming (張錫銘) and they succeeded.He promised no stone would be left unturned to get his wife back. 千載難逢

once in a blue moonMy wife and I rarely, if ever, eat out. So, when I told her last night "let's eat out and go to see a movie", she was very surprised and said that's really once in a blue moon. 寸步不離

at one's elbowHis wife was always at his elbow whenever an important decision had to be taken. (像) 大海撈針

(like) looking/searching for a needle in a haystackTrying to find a book we want in so many books is just like looking for a needle in a haystack. 口是心非;言不由衷

with one's tongue in one's cheek (adv.); tongue in cheek (adv.); tongue-in-check (adj.)He described me as an excellent teacher, but he said it tongue in cheek/with his tongue in his cheek.That's a tongue-in-cheek remark/reply. 大驚小怪;小題大作

make a mountain out of a molehillDon't make a mountain out of a molehill when you know I look about ten years younger than I really am. (I look about ten years younger than I really am. 我看起來比實際年齡年輕大約 10歲) 小題大作;殺雞用牛刀

break a butterfly on a/the wheel (「小題大作」亦可用 "make a meal out of" 和 "make a mountain out of a molehill" 來表示)I know what I've done is wrong, but there's no need to break a butterfly on a wheel/to make a meal out of it. 大發雷霆

do one's nutWhen I told him what she had said about him, he did his nut. 大獲全勝;所向披靡

sweep the board; carry (or sweep) all/everything before oneI swept the board at the casino last night.Although I hadn't done well at high school, I carried all before me at university. 亡羊補牢

lock the stable door after the horse has boltedIt is never too late to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted.

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a stitch in time saves nine (經常略為 "a stitch in time")You should try and repair your car before it becomes worse. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine. 凡事豫則立,不豫則廢

forewarned is forearmedLet me know when the Department Required Test (DRT) is given; forewarned is forearmed. (通知我什麼時候

舉行指考;凡事豫則立)Check the temperature before you go outside. Forewarned is forearmed. (外出前要看看氣溫。預先知道,才

能有準備。) 三三兩兩;零零碎碎;點點滴滴

in/by dribs and drabsThe guests arrived in dribs and drabs. (賓客三三兩兩地到來)The work had been coming in by dribs and drabs for several years. (幾年來,接到的活兒都是零零碎碎的)

[Back to Top]四畫


in apple-pie orderMy wife likes to keep everything in apple-pie order. 少年老成;老成持重

have an old head on young shouldersMichael has an old head on young shoulders and handles his business very well. 手足無措 (或窘得不知如何是好)not know where to put oneself/one's faceWhen I told Linda almost everyone at her department had seen the photo of her hugging and kissing her boyfriend affectionately in the street, she was so embarrassed she didn't know where to put herself/her face. 日復一日 (或一連數天)day after day; day in day out (這亦可寫成 "day in, day out")It went on raining day after day.If we do the same things day in day out, it isn't surprising we get bored.

附註:關於 "day after day",其他表示時間的詞也可以這樣用,如 "year after year","month after month" 和

"night after night";至於 "day in day out",其他表示時間的詞,尤其是表示較長時間的詞,也可以這樣用,如

"year in year out" (這亦可寫成 "year in, year out",以下亦同),"month in month out","week in week out" 和

"night in night out",但 hours, minutes 和 seconds 則不可以這樣用。 日以繼夜;夜以繼日

day and night; night and dayHe thought of her wife day and night when she went on business trip abroad last year. 日薄西山 (或好景不長)someone's days are numberedNow he knows his days are numbered. 五十步笑百步

the pot calling the kettle black

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She was criticizing me for not looking for a new job but that is like the pot calling the kettle black. She isn't looking for a new job either. 太歲頭上動土

beard the lion in his den (這裡 "beard" 為動詞)My boss's in his office, so let's beard the lion in his den and ask for a pay raise. 中飽私囊

line one's (own) pocket/purse (with + money/profits)The president's lack of oversight has allowed some of the Cabinet members to line their pockets with hundreds of millions of dollars. 心不在焉

here/there in body, but not in spirit; someone's heart is not inI didn't understand very clearly what you said, because I was here in body, but not in spirit at the time.John should try to find another job because his heart is always not in his work at all. 心滿意足;痛痛快快

to one's heart's content (這個字的重音在第二音節)It's weekend, so you can sleep to your heart's content. 心曠神怡

feel on top of the worldIf health has been a problem, don't worry. You'll feel on top of the world from now on. 火上加油 (或煽動情緒)add fuel to the flames/fire; fan the flames/fireThe workers weren't satisfied with their wages, so when they were asked to work longer hours, it added fuel to the flames. 火中取栗 (意為替別人冒險)pull the/someone's chestnuts out of the fireI had pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for him on several occasions and was unwilling to do it again. 方柄圓鑿;格格不入

a square peg in a round holeIf you go to university, you will be a square peg in a round hole there because you just have no desire to study. 互相殘殺;互相傾軋

cut each other's throatsFor a bag of gold coins they would cut each other's throats without hesitation. 天涯海角

the ends of the earth"Oh dear, as you know, I would take you to the ends of the earth at any time." 天壤之別;天懸地隔

be worlds apartOur ways of life are worlds apart.George and Mary decided to get married even though their families were worlds apart.

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never put off till tomorrow what you can do today (亦寫成 "never put off till tomorrow what may/can be done today",但較少人使用)It should be borne in mind that never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 不自量力 (貪多嚼不爛)bite off more than one can chewI told him he would be biting off more than he could chew if he tried to get 950 points in the TOEIC test. 不言而喻 (或不用說);不辯自明

go without saying; speak for itself/themselvesIt goes without saying that I will never love her.The company has had a very successful year; the figures speak for themselves. 不念舊惡;寬大為懷

forgive and forgetWe hated each other in Taiwan; we met again in the United States last year and decided to forgive and forget. Now we have become very friendly. 不相上下;半斤八兩;銖兩悉稱

six of one and half a dozen of the otherVoting for a DPP or a KMT candidate is a case of six of one and half a dozen of the other. 不動聲色;泰然自若

keep one's countenance; play it coolMost people could hardly keep their countenance in the face of death.They expected us to be angry, but we had decided to play it very cool. 不知所措;暈頭轉向

at a loss; lose one's bearings; not know whether one is (standing) on one's head or one's heelsWhen she asked me if I had ever divorced any women, I was at a loss for words. ( at a loss for words:無言以

對)In all this mass of details I'm afraid I've rather lost my bearings.When his shop was very busy yesterday morning, the poor shopkeeper didn't know whether he was on his head or his heels. 不屈不撓

(keep one's) chin upHe's having a pretty difficult time but he seems to be keeping his chin up. 不合時宜;不妥當

out of jointDon't mention his name! No one here likes him, and it would be very out of joint if you talk about him. 不倫不類;非驢非馬

neither fish nor fowl; neither fish nor flesh; neither fish, flesh, nor fowlThey felt he was neither fish nor fowl--not qualified to lead the department, yet not appropriate to work as a staff member either. 不遺餘力;竭盡全力

fall all over oneself; fall over backwards; bend over backwardsThey fell all over themselves to be helpful, but only got in the way.

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She fell over backwards trying to please her boss, but it got her nowhere. 不擇手段;千方百計

by hook or by crook; stop at nothing (to do something)David is trying to get that promotion by hook or by crook; he even spread rumors smearing the other candidates.The young man wanted to be rich and would stop at nothing to get more money for himself. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子

nothing venture, nothing gain/win/have (or "nothing ventured, nothing gained")"Nothing venture, nothing gain", as the saying goes. 內神通外鬼

an inside jobThe bank robbery was an inside job. (這起銀行搶案是內神通外鬼)There is a growing number of Americans who believe 9/11 was an inside job. (越來越多的美國人認為 911 恐怖攻擊事件是內神通外鬼) 文勝於武;筆勝於劍;筆桿子比槍桿子更厲害;筆端千鈞力,刀槍也難敵

the pen is mightier than the swordWhy not give up sword and take up pen? The pen is mightier than the sword for many times. (為什麼不「投戎

從筆」呢? 文字的力量可是勝於武力好多倍啊!)Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons. (不管誰說

筆桿子比槍桿子更厲害,他肯定沒遭遇過自動武器)-- General Douglas MacArthur (麥克阿瑟將軍) 心急水不開 (或心急水不沸)a watched pot never boilsDon't just sit there waiting for your girlfriend to call. A watched pot never boils. (別只是坐在那裡等著你女朋友



from scratch; start (again) from scratchHe's a successful entrepreneur who started from scratch. 白紙黑字

in black and whiteI don't want to hear you promise to pay me. I want your promise in black and white. 本末倒置

put/set the cart before the horseYou're putting the cart before the horse by buying all this furniture before you've got the house. 本性難移

a leopard never changes its spots; a leopard cannot change its spotsIt's not surprising that he was sentenced to five years in prison again, because a leopard never changes its spots. 生龍活虎;生氣勃勃

alive and kickingMy father is 82 years old but he is still very much alive and kicking.

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the power/right of life and/or deathThe ancient kings of this country held the power of life and death over all their servants. 功敗垂成;功虧一簣

(there's many) a slip twixt (the) cup and (the) lip; pipped at the postI have to tell you that your plan is a slip twixt the cup and the lip.We thought the owner would agree to sell us the house but we were pipped at the post by a more generous offer from someone else.

附註:1. twixt 或 betwixt 是 "between" 的舊式拼法。2. 在賽馬中,一匹馬快到終點時突然被另一匹馬超越稱之

為 "pipped";現今,無論在任何比賽、競爭或選舉中,只要在最後關頭或最後一刻被擊敗或被超越時就可使用

這成語來形容,如例句所言,眼看要成交時,有人卻出更高的價錢把房子買走了。 左右為難;進退兩難

on the horns of a dilemmaI was on the horns of a dilemma when I was offered another job because I still had/felt a great deal of loyalty to my boss. 左右逢源

butter both sides of one's breadShe's buttering both sides of her bread -- she works for our company during the day and has another job during the evening. 四面八方

on every hand; on all hands; in all directionsOn every hand was a charming view of rocky buttresses and wooded heights. 打鐵趁熱

make hay while the sun shinesJohn may as well make hay while the sun shines, because he is young and healthy and able to earn a lot of money. 半途而廢

fall by the wayside; wither on the vineHow's that book you were working on?-- Oh, I'm afraid it's fallen by the wayside.My wife who was trying to lose weight had already withered on the vine by eating cream cakes. 失之東隅,收之桑榆 (即得失相當;損益相抵)What you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts (常縮寫為 "swings and roundabouts")It's a bit of a swings-and-roundabouts situation. (a swings-and-roundabouts situation:得失相當的情況) 未雨綢繆;以備不時之需

for a rainy dayYou'd better save some money for a rainy day. 出人頭地;功成名就

make one's/its markAfter having been working for the company for more than 15 years, he finally made his mark.

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put a quart into a pint pot (通常用於否定句)Many new people have moved into this small town and they have nowhere to live. You can't put a quart into a pint pot. 以怨報德;恩將仇報

bite the hand that feeds oneThe man had worked for the company for several years. When he was caught stealing, his employer felt that he had bitten the hand that fed him. 以眼還眼,以牙還牙

an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)I didn't believe in the death penalty -- an eye for an eye -- but how else can we stop this sort of thing? 以其人之道還治其人之身

pay someone back in their own coinII decided to pay her back in her own coin and refuse to help her. 生死存亡;成敗攸關

sink or swimHe has refused to give us any more help, and has left us to sink or swim by our own efforts. (他拒絕再給我們

任何幫助,讓我們自找生路)He was left by his family to sink or swim by himself. (他遭家人遺棄,生死存亡一切得靠自己) 以毒攻毒;以賊捉賊

set a thief to catch a thiefThe government set a thief to catch a thief, hiring a stockbroker convicted of fraudulent practices to entrap the stockbroker they were investigating for fraud. (政府以毒攻毒,雇用了一名曾因詐欺被判刑的股票經紀人來誘使

那位涉嫌詐欺、正受到調查的股票經紀人自投羅網) 兄弟鬩牆;同室操戈;自相殘殺

creations of CadmusI can never imagine that the sons and daughters would attack one another like the creations of Cadmus in the presence of their dying father. (我無法想像這些兒女們竟在他們那垂死的父親面前互相攻擊,兄弟鬩牆)



at death's doorWe were very surprised to hear that our favorite teacher was at death's door. 老調重彈

harp on one (or the same) stringI've already told you many times that I have no money to lend you. I wish you'd stop harping on the same string. 多此一舉;徒勞無益

carry coals to NewcastleTo offer him money is to carry coals to Newcastle; he is very wealthy. 妄自尊大;自以為了不起

too big for one's bootsJohn is too big for his boots; that's his trouble.

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keep a quiet/still tongue (in one's head)You'll keep a quiet tongue in your head, will you? 充耳不聞

stop one's ears; turn a deaf earHe stopped his ears to bad news.The president always turns a deaf ear to people's complaints. 光陰似箭;歲月易逝

time fliesScientists prove time flies when you're busy. 先發制人;比...搶先一步

steal a march on (someone)The company plans to steal a march on its competitors by offering the same computer at a lower price. 夸夸其談;信口開河;信口雌黃

shoot off one's mouthIt seems like every senior official in the administration is free to shoot off his mouth on any subjects at any time. 血濃於水

blood is thicker than waterHe gave his brother a good job because blood is thicker than water. 百聞不如一見;眼見為憑

To see is to believe; Seeing is believingTo see is to believe? No, eyes can be easily deceived. 全力以赴

do one's level best; go all out; go great guns; pull out all the stops; put one's best foot forwardI did my level best to help him.I will go great guns for the team.Don't worry too much about the TOEFL iBT test. Just put your best foot forward and do what you can! 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃

the early bird catches the wormRemember, it's the early bird catches the worm - you should try to get to it early. 有志者事竟成

where there is a will there is a wayIn the writing test, John concluded his essay by writing "where there is a will there is a way." 有其父必有其子

like father/mother, like son/daughterA good example of "like father, like son" is George Bush and George W. Bush. 安如磐石;十分平穩

(as) steady as a rockAs he aimed the gun, his hand was as steady as a rock.

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safe and soundAll his sons returned safe and sound from the war.

附註:"safe and sound" 的發音並不是一個字一個字唸,而是將 and 中的 "d" 不發音,並將 "an" 與其前面的

子音 (在此為 safe 中的 "f") 連音,所以實際的讀音是 "sa - fan - sound"。英文有不少類似 "safe and sound" 這種使用兩個詞性相同的字、中間用 and 連接起來的固定搭配,它們有些有連字號,有些沒有,但不管有無連

字號,它們實際的讀音大多如上述,如 "cloak-and-dagger"、"hard-and-fast"、"ins and outs"、"up and about"、"spick-and-span" 等等;當然啦,如果 "and" 前面那個字的字尾是母音,那麼就不會有這種連音的情


"binomial"。 名副其實

worth (or worthy of) the nameNo policeman worth the name should ever let a criminal escape so easily. 如坐針氈;坐立不安;焦躁不安;如熱鍋上的螞蟻

like a cat on hot bricks (英) / like a cat on a hot tin roof (美); on pins and needlesShe was like a cat on hot bricks before her wedding ceremony.I was on pins and needles all day until she called me. 如意算盤;痴心妄想;一廂情願

wishful thinkingTheir hopes of a peace settlement are nothing more than wishful thinking. 因小失大

spoil the ship for a ha'porth o'tarI'm going to buy some new paint brushes -- all the old ones have gone stiff. I've paid a lot for the paint and I don't want to spoil the ship for a ha'porth o'tar.

附註:這句成語中,ha'porth = halfpennyworth,o'tar = of tar。它原來是寫成 "spoil the sheep for a ha'porth of tar",即「不願花半便士買焦油醫治羊傷而導致羊死亡」。有些地方將 sheep 的音發成 ship。 自吹自擂;自我吹噓

blow one's own trumpet/hornShe's very good at blowing her own trumpet. 自取滅亡;自掘墳墓;咎由自取;自食其果

sign one's own death warrant; dig one's own grave; stew in one's own juiceYou're just digging your own grave if you go on smoking so heavily. 自作自受; 自食其果;自尋死路;作法自斃

cut/slit one's (own) throat; have made one's bed and must (or have to) lie in/on it; stew in one's own juiceYou've made your bed and you must lie on it.I would just be cutting my own throat if I stopped work now. 自討苦吃;自找麻煩

make a rod for one's own backI've just made a rod for my own back by working for that company, because they always expect one to work many hours without pay. 自高自大;自命不凡

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be/get/rise above oneselfDon't be getting far above yourself; you are no more than a secretary. 自斷後路;破釜沈舟

burn one's boats/bridges (behind one)Now we've burned our bridges behind us and we have no option but to go forward with the project. 劣幣驅逐良幣

bad money drives out good"Bad money drives out good" is a proverb and also an economic principle. 有失才有得;有得必有失

one/you can't (or cannot) make an omelet (or omelette) without breaking eggsTwenty jobs will have to be cut if the company's going to be made more efficient. But you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. (如果這家公司要更有效率,那麼它必須裁員 20 人。但有失才有得) 光說不練;只會坐而言,不會起而行

be all mouth and trousers; be all mouth and no trousers; be all mouth (語氣較弱)They talked all night about how to solve the problems, but wouldn't do anything to help. Their trouble was that they were all mouth and trousers. (他們整晚都在談論該如何解決這些問題,但就是不肯動手幫忙。他們的毛病

就是光說不練)We did not vote for him because he was known to be all mouth and no trousers. (我們沒有投票給他,因為大

家都知道他只會坐而言,不會起而行)[Back to Top]七畫


(one's) bare handsI killed the tiger with my bare hands. 作威作福;盛氣凌人;頤指氣使

lord it (over someone)Since she got the highest mark in the final math exam, she has lorded it over the other students in her class as if she knew everything about math. 防患未然 (在萌芽時就將其消滅,或一開始時就加以制止)nip (something) in the budThere are a couple of things bothering me very much that I want to nip in the bud. 身強力壯;非常健康

(as) fit as a fiddle/fleaHe was fit as a fiddle when he was at law college. (尤指因缺乏社交技巧而) 局促不安;不自在的

ill at easeHe is always ill at ease at parties. 忍氣吞聲

swallow one's prideI was forced to swallow my pride and apologize to my boss for his fault. 每況愈下

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go downhill; go down the Swanee; go from bad to worse; on the slide; on the waneI'm going to leave the country. Since the present government came into power, the whole situation of people's lives has been going down the Swanee.

附註:"Swanee" 是美國一條河流的名稱,因史蒂芬˙佛斯特 (Stephen Foster, 1825-1864) 1851 年的民歌 "Old Folks at Home" (家鄉老友 -- 有人譯為「老鄉親」) 而出名,歌詞開頭是 "Way down upon the Swanee River"。 坐失良機

miss the boatShe missed the boat when she said no to that deal. It turned out to be worth millions. 言出必行;言行一致;說到做到

suit/fit the action to the wordHe suited the action to the word and married her last year. 言多必失

the less said the betterIt is best to say nothing at all when you are in an unfamiliar environment because "the less said the better." 言歸於好 (尤指長期不和後)bury the hatchet; make one's peaceJohn and his wife who went to court yesterday to fight about their marriage have decided to bury the hatchet. 投桃報李;禮尚往來;善有善報;好心有好報

one good turn deserves anotherHe fixed my bike so I let him use my computer. One good turn deserves another. (他修理我的腳踏車,所以我

讓他用我的電腦。投桃報李/禮尚往來嘛!)One good turn deserves another so we made a great effort to help those people who had helped us in the past. (善有善報! 所以我們盡了最大努力來幫助過去曾經幫助過我們的人) 否極泰來;苦盡甘來;雨過天晴

after a storm comes a calm; after the storm comes a calm; the calm after a stormDon't worry again, Tom, after a storm comes a calm. All bad things are gone, and everything will get better and better. (湯姆,別再擔心了,否極泰來。所有不好的事情都已過去,未來一切將會越來越好)John: I can't believe how peaceful the office is today, when yesterday everyone was threatening to quit. Jane: After a storm comes a calm. (約翰:我不敢相信今天辦公室會這麼平靜,昨天大家不是還揚言要辭職嗎! 珍:雨過天晴) 拋磚引玉;吃小虧佔大便宜;以小魚釣大魚;用小本賺大錢

(throw) a sprat to catch a mackerel/whaleThe policy aims mainly to throw a sprat to catch a mackerel. (這項政策旨在拋磚引玉)Every week I invest one hundred NT dollars on the lottery tickets. It's a sprat to catch a mackerel because one day I could win one hundred million. (我每個禮拜都花一百元買樂透彩,這完全是一種小冒險求大利的行動,因

為有一天我可能會中 1億元) 投鼠忌器;自己有過勿道他人之短

people/those who live in glass houses should not throw stones"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones" is a saying, meaning people with faults of their own should take care not to attack the faults of others. (People who live in glass houses should not throw stones 是句諺語,意為「自己有缺點就別揭人家短處」)Mary says that Amy is selfish, but Mary is more selfish herself. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. (瑪麗說艾美自私自利,但她自己更自私自利。自己有同樣缺點的人最好不要說別人)

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clothes make the manClothes make the man, dressed to the nines. (佛要金裝,人要衣裝,盛裝赴會)Some women have used "Clothes make the woman" to mean the same thing as "Clothes make the man" because of their belief that this is gender equality. (一些女性使用 "Clothes make the woman" 來表示 "Clothes make the man" 的意思,因為她們認為這是性別平等) 快刀斬亂麻;大刀闊斧

cut the Gordian knotIt appears that even President Barack Obama, a leader upon whom the expectations of the world await, has been unable to cut the Gordian knot. (似乎就連歐巴馬這位全球寄予厚望的領導人也不能快刀斬亂麻)The new manager found that none of the staff liked him, but he soon cut the Gordian knot by dismissing them all. (新上任的經理發現職員都不喜歡他,於是就快刀斬亂麻,把他們全部給辭退了) 忍俊不禁 (忍不住笑出來)(have...) in stitchesHis jokes had us in stitches. (他的笑話讓我們忍不住捧腹大笑)She had everyone in stitches. (她把每個人都逗得忍不住哈哈大笑)。



golden ruleI have one golden rule that anyone can put into practice: eating less makes you healthier. 空中樓閣

castles in the airYour plan to run for the president is merely a castle in the air. 知足常樂;足食猶如盛宴

enough is as good as a feastThe old proverb "enough is as good as a feast" doesn't apply to her. 長話短說;簡而言之

cut/make a long story shortTo cut a long story short, the fact is that you are not welcome here. 來日方長

tomorrow is another dayAfter he had failed the GEPT, I told him that "Don't be too sad. Tomorrow is another day." 卑躬屈膝;畢恭畢敬;點頭哈腰

bow and scrapeFrom the way she's bowing and scraping in front of the boss, you'll know what sort of person she is. 事後諸葛;事後聰明

wise after the eventIf we had waited another week we could have bought the car more cheaply. Well, it's easy to be wise after the event. 直言不諱

call a spade a spade; speak one's (own) mind

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I like this guy because he always calls a spade a spade.I'm furious about it, and I intend to speak my mind to my boss. 枉費心機 (或白費心機);徒勞無功;狂犬吠月

bay (at) the moonThis company has spent a lot of money on advertising its new improved type of CD player. But it's baying at the moon. Who wants a CD player when DVD players are now cheaper?

附註:bay 在此當動詞用,意為「(獵犬) 不斷地吠叫」。 孤注一擲

put all one's eggs in/into one basket; put one's shirt onWhen the company she had invested all her money in went bankrupt, she wished she hadn't put all her eggs in one basket.I think I've a very good chance of getting that job, but I wouldn't put my shirt on it. 乳臭未乾

(still) wet behind the earsHe made a lot of mistakes, back when he was still wet behind the ears. 屈指可數;寥寥無幾

can (or be able to) count on one's fingersHe's too stingy, so he can count his good friends on his fingers. 迎頭趕上(或擺脫困境;挽回損失)make up leewayDespite the fact that John has poor performances in exams, the teacher has decided to give him a chance to make up leeway. 奄奄一息;半死不活

(to) within an inch of one's lifeHer husband beat her to within an inch of her life in a domestic violence. (她丈夫對她家暴,把她打得奄奄一息

/半死不活)附註:這成語的基本型式為"within an inch of" (= very near, very close to:差一點,險些兒),如:"We came within an inch of death." (我們險些兒喪命)。 明珠暗投;對牛彈琴

cast pearls before swineI tried to explain the beauty of Chinese characters to my foreign friends but it was just casting pearls before swine. 怏怏不樂(情緒或心情不佳)out of humor (in a bad temper; moody)He seems out of humor. He has been shouting at everybody all day long. 昂首(或抬頭)挺胸;趾高氣揚

hold one's head high; with one's head held highI have boasted in my youth and held my head high and gone on my way careless of consequences. (Evelyn Waugh) -- 伊利文渥夫為英國作家,生前著有「一掬塵土」(A Handful of Dust) 等作品。It is important to walk with your head held high to keep your body shape. 近廟欺神;親暱生狎侮;過度親密,易生侮慢之心

familiarity breeds contempt

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The movie star doesn't let anyone get to know him, because he knows that familiarity breeds contempt. (這位電影明星不讓任何人跟他混得太熟,因為他知道過度親密,易生侮慢之心)You two are going to find it difficult living and working together. Familiarity breeds contempt, you know. (你們

兩人將會發現生活和工作都在一起是有困難的。親暱生狎侮嗎!) 拖拖拉拉;磨磨蹭蹭

let the grass grow under one's feetThat man is never content to let the grass grow under his feet. (那名男子做事不喜歡拖拖拉拉、浪費時間)I want this work done quickly, so don't let the grass grow under your feet! (我要你快點把工作做好,別磨磨蹭

蹭!) 拆東牆補西牆;以債養債

rob Peter to pay PaulIt's very unwise to rob Peter to pay Paul. (拆東牆補西牆是非常不明智的)Robbing Peter to pay Paul is quite common during economic downturn. (經濟衰退期間,以債養債的情況頗為

普遍) 姑息養奸;護惡養奸

nurse a viper in one's bosomThe leaders of that political party will soon be forced to admit that they have been nursing vipers in their bosom─that man's ideas could lose them a lot of public support. (那個政黨的領導人不久將不得不承認他們一

直在姑息養奸 -- 那個人的主意可能使他們失去許多民眾的支持)Your brother is a drug addict, and you have nursed a viper in your bosom. (你哥哥是個毒蟲,而你卻一直護惡



go through fire and waterI will go through fire and water to help my relatives and friends. 風平浪靜;水平如鏡

(as) calm as a millpond; like a millpondThe Dead Sea is normally as calm as a millpond./The Dead Sea is normally like a millpond. 既往不咎(過去的事就讓它過去吧;盡棄前嫌)let bygones be bygonesDespite the fact that her father treats her very badly, she has decided to let bygones be bygones and take care of him when he is too old. 怒氣衝天;大發雷霆

go up in the air (參見「大發雷霆」-- do one's nut)My girlfriend went up in the air because I had a date with another girl. 美中不足

a/the fly in the ointmentI've been offered a wonderful job, but the only fly in the ointment is that the pay is not too good. 洗心革面;改過自新;重新做人

turn over a new leafI've decided to turn over a new leaf and find a good job. 省吃儉用

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pinch and scrapeI have to pinch and scrape in order to save enough money to visit my parents in Japan next year. 信口開河;胡說八道

talk through one's hatHe says he knows genetics very well, but he's talking through his hat! 英雄所見略同

great minds think alikeA: "I was just thinking to call you, then the phone rang and it was you calling me."B: "Great minds think alike."

A: "This summer I've decided to take scuba diving lessons."B: "Really? Me too. I have already paid for the course."A: "Great minds think alike." 首屈一指;獨占鼇頭;出類拔萃

bear (or carry off) the palmStudents of this university bear the palm in the international landscape designing contest. 神色自若;泰然自若;不動聲色

not turn a hairWhen someone we fear passes near, it makes our hair stand on end, no matter how much we try not to turn a hair. 恨之入骨

hate like poisonThey hate each other like poison.The teacher was hated like poison by all his students. 飛黃騰達

make it big; fly high"Believe me! I am going to make it big myself one day."He began flying high when he got married to his wealthy wife. 指名道姓(說出做壞事者或違法者的姓名)name namesShe swears she will never name names, even if she were offered a reward. 胡說八道

stuff and nonsense!Stuff and nonsense! I never said that sort of thing. 怒目而視

look daggers atI suddenly noticed my wife looking daggers at me and thought I'd better shut up. 屏息以待(或屏住呼吸)hold one's breathI held my breath and waited to see if my name had been called for an interview with the movie company.The movie was so horrible that everybody held his breath. 厚此薄彼

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make fish of one and flesh of anotherDon't make fish of one and flesh of another in treating your children. 咬牙切齒

gnash one's teethThe man gnashed his teeth when he saw his wife going on a date with another man. 咬緊牙關

grit one's teethOne has to grit one's teeth during difficult times. 秘而不宣;守口如瓶

keep one's (own) counsel; play/keep/hold one's cards close to one's/the chest (參見「守口如瓶」-- keep a quiet/still tongue)he's known to keep his counsel and not prematurely reveal his position on some sensitive issues.With reference to the reasons for his unexpected promotion, he always plays his cards close to his chest. 挑三揀四;挑挑揀揀

pick and choose (注意:pick 和 choose 的順序不可對調)There are just too many new houses in the city for us to pick and choose. 挑燈夜戰;開夜車

burn the midnight oilThe semester is almost over and we're all burning the midnight oil before exams. 為所欲為

get away with (blue) murderSome well-placed people in Taiwan can indeed get away with blue murder! 活到老學到老

live and learn"Live and learn" is an idiom meaning it's never too late to learn. (Live and learn 是句成語,意為「活到老學到

老」)I had no idea that she was as old as that. Well, you/we live and learn. (我沒想到她年紀這麼大了。真是活到老

學到老) 若要人不知,除非己莫為

murder will outYour extramarital affairs can't be kept secret forever, because murder will out. (你的婚外情不可能永遠保密,

因為若要人不知,除非己莫為)The President thought no one would ever discover his crime, but murder will out. (總統以為沒有人會發現他的

罪行,但若要人不知,除非己莫為) 垂頭喪氣;夾著尾巴

with one's tail between one's legsHe left the meeting with his tail between his legs after he was criticized by the president. (他遭到董事長斥責後

垂頭喪氣地離席)The salesman was forced to leave the office with his tail between his legs after he admitted telling a lie about his sales figures. (那位銷售員在承認謊報銷售數據後被迫夾著尾巴離職) 要某人好看;叫某人吃不了 (或吃不完) 兜著走;給某人顏色瞧瞧

(will) have someone's guts for garters

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If I catch you smoking again I'll have your guts for garters. (如果我再抓到你抽煙,我會叫你吃不完兜著走)The students had to finish their English assignment before lunchtime or else the teacher would have their guts for garters. (學生必須在午飯前完成他們的英文作業,否則老師就會給他們顏色瞧瞧)

[Back to Top]十畫


beat about/around the bushWhy should you beat around the bush when asking for higher wages? You deserve more money. 茶杯裡的風暴;茶壺裡的風暴;小題大作;大驚小怪

a storm in a teacup; a tempest in a teapotAlthough Mr. and Mrs. Wang had an argument last night, It was just a storm in a teacup. 害群之馬(團體中的敗類)a/the bad/rotten apple; black sheep (如果是 "the black sheep of the family",則意為「家庭中的不肖子」)Most students in the class study hard but there are a few rotten apples.There are quite a few black sheep in the Legislative Yuan. 酒肉朋友

a fair-weather friendI cannot believe that John was a fair-weather friend of mine, because he has promised to help me whenever necessary. 借酒澆愁

drown one's sorrowsIf I fail my examinations, I'll go and drown my sorrows. 骨瘦如柴(瘦得皮包骨)(as) thin as a rake/lath/stickHe had been ill for several months, and looked as thin as a stick. 家醜外揚

wash one's dirty linen in publicDon't wash your dirty linen in public. (家醜不可外揚) 海底撈針

look/search/hunt for a needle in a haystackIt's pretty much like looking for a needle in a haystack because these fish are extremely hard to find. 差之毫釐,失之千里

A miss is as good as a mileI've tried to reassure him that he only failed by three percent but the way he sees it, a miss is as good as a mile. 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒

while/where there's life there's hopeThe company has survived previous recessions; while there's life there's hope. 破口大罵

swear like a trooper"If you are going to swear like a trooper, I am going away."

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hit a man (or someone) when he's downNever hit a man when he's down. He may get back up again. 栩栩如生;維妙維肖

to the lifeShe painted me to the life.The portrait is drawn to the life. 唇槍舌劍

cut and thrustThere was a real cut and thrust between them about the game. 班門弄斧

teach one's grandmother to suck eggsHe is always telling the director how to run the business; that's like teaching his grandmother to suck eggs. 殊途同歸;條條大路通羅馬

all roads lead to RomeHelen was criticizing the way Jill was planting the flowers. Jill said, never mind, Helen. All roads lead to Rome.All roads lead to Rome. I believe we will find a way out. 挨家挨戶

(from) door to doorHe sells dusters (from) door to door. 胸懷大志; 抱負遠大

hitch one's wagon to a star (or the stars)Allen's hitching his wagon to a star--he plans to be an entrepreneur by age thirty. 臭氣熏天

stink/smell to high heavenThat fish must be a couple of days old. It stinks to high heaven. 泰然自若

(as) cool as a cucumberDespite the mishap Margaret was cool as a cucumber. 挺直腰桿;理直氣壯;昂首闊步

walk tallIf you depend too much upon others you will never be able to walk tall. (如果你過份依賴別人,你就永遠挺不

起腰桿來)We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. (我們理直氣壯,聲音更強有力) 害人害己;作繭自縛;作法自斃;自食惡果

be hoist with one's own petardThe criminal was hoist with his own petard when he tried to kill his wife, because he accidently drank the poison that he intended to give to her. (這個罪犯想謀殺他的妻子,但害人反害已,因為他誤喝了他打算給妻子

喝的毒藥)The most enjoyable moment in any action film occurs when the villain is hoist with his own petard. (動作片中


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every Tom, Dick, and HarryIt is not a smart idea to admit every Tom, Dick, and Harry to the party. 甜言蜜語;恭維奉承

sweet talkShe uses sweet talk to get her way. 情人眼裡出西施

beauty is in the eye of the beholder; love is blindYou should remember, my dear, that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 欲速則不達

more haste, less speed"More haste, less speed," as the saying goes. 聊勝於無

half a loaf is better than none (or no bread)The fund is not enough, but half a loaf is better than none. 捷足先登

the race is to the swiftI returned, and saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. (我又轉念,見日

光之下,快跑的未必能贏,力戰的未必得勝 -- 語出聖經) 敝帚自珍;言過其實

all his geese are swansWe all know John always says that all his geese are swans. 殺雞取卵;斷絕財路

kill the goose that lays the golden eggsThey sold part of their business but it was the most profitable part. I think that they have killed the goose that lays the golden eggs. 殺雞用牛刀;小題大作

break the butterfly on a/the wheel; take a sledgehammer to crack/break a walnut/nutHe's a person who usually breaks the butterfly on the wheel. 得寸進尺

give him an inch and he will take a mile/yardHe's such a person that you give him an inch and he will take a mile. 得意洋洋

walk/tread on airSusan has been walking on air ever since she got the official letter that she's been accepted as a graduate student at the University of California. 患難見真情

a friend in need is a friend indeedYou came to my side when I was in trouble. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

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pull/tug at/on the/one's heartstringsThe book about the romance between a young lady and an old man was one that really pulled at the heartstrings. 眾擎易舉;人多好辦事

many hands make light workWe need a few more volunteers to move the furniture -- many hands make light work, you know. 盛氣凌人;作威作福;擺架子

give oneself airs; lord it overBecause he has two big houses, he is always giving himself airs.After Mary was elected president, she tried to lord it over the other girls. 畢恭畢敬;卑躬屈膝

bow and scrape; cap/hat in handIn this fashionable store, the salespersons virtually bow and scrape before customers.They went to her, hat in hand, asking for a change of assignment. 從容不迫;不慌不忙

take one's timeYou can take your time altering that dress; I don't need it right away. 魚米之鄉

a land of milk and honeyTaiwan is a land of milk and honey. 這山望著那山高

the grass is greener on the other side of the hill/fenceDon't compare yourself with others. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Just do your best. (你不必去跟別人作比較,這山望著那山高,你只要盡最大努力去做好就可以了)You might think you'd be happy if you were working in my company, but, well, the grass is greener on the other side. (你真是這山望著那山高,如果你來我的公司工作看看,你就知道你現在有多麼幸福了) 眾矢之的

an Aunt SallyA number of institutions revered and respected in earlier times have become Aunt Sally for the present generation. (早期一些受到尊崇的制度,現在已成了這一代的眾矢之的)Any public figure risks being made an Aunt Sally by the press. (任何公眾人物都有成為新聞界的眾矢之的的風

險) 捧腹大笑;笑破肚皮;笑翻了天

(nearly, almost, etc.) split/burst one's sides (with laughter)The members of the audience almost split their sides with laughter. (觀眾幾乎笑破了肚皮)They nearly burst their sides when I told them my reason for being late. (當我說出我遲到的原因時,他們幾乎

笑翻了天)When I heard what happened to Patricia, I almost split my sides. (當我聽到派翠西亞所發生的事情時,我幾乎

捧腹大笑) 動一根汗毛

harm a hair of someone's head"My dear love," said the elder lady, as she folded the weeping girl in her bosom, "do you think I would harm a

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hair of his head?" (「親愛的,」那位年長的夫人一邊說,一邊把那個哭泣的女孩摟在懷裡,「你想我會碰他一

根汗毛嗎?」)-英國大文豪狄更斯 (Charles Dickens) 名著《孤雛淚》(Oliver Twist) 中的句子。

If the kidnapper harms a hair of my daughter's head, I'll kill him. (如果綁匪敢動我女兒一根汗毛,我就殺了他)十二畫


hide or hair (通常以 "neither hide nor hair of" 的形式出現)I haven't seen hide nor hair of the children. (or "I have seen neither hide nor hair of the children.") 短兵相接;肉搏戰

fight hand to hand (名詞:hand-to-hand fighting)Scottish troops fixed bayonets and fought hand to hand with a Shi'ite militia in southern Iraq in one of their fiercest clashes since the war was declared. 混水摸魚

fish in muddy/troubled watersHe often buys up stock in companies declaring bankruptcy; fishing in troubled waters generally pays off. 畫蛇添足;多此一舉

gild the lilyOffering three different desserts after that elaborate meal would be gilding the lily. 提心吊膽;焦急萬分

have one's heart in one's mouthWhen the plane was about to take off, my heart was in my mouth. 進退維谷;進退兩難

between the devil and the deep blue sea; between a rock and a hard placeI'm between the devil and the deep blue sea on this negotiation; I need a car, but not at these prices. 虛應故事;敷衍塞責;裝裝樣子

go through the motionsThe team is so far behind that they're just going through the motions.She didn't really grieve at his death; she just went through the motions. 進退兩難;進退維谷

between the devil and the deep blue see; between a rock and a hard place; between Scylla and Charybdis; in a cleft stickTrying to please both my boss and his supervisor puts me between a rock and a hard place.Because of new employment laws, these companies are caught in a cleft stick.

附註:在這四個成語中,between Scylla and Charybdis (Scylla 是一塊岩礁,Charybdis 是大漩渦) 最早出現,

而 between a rock and a hard place 最晚出現 (1900 年代初期才出現)。 無與倫比;獨一無二

be in a class of one's/its ownHe is in a class of his own as a computer expert. 無所不知

know all the answers (通常用在 "think one knows all the answers" 這個片語中)He always think he knows all the answers and doesn't respect anybody else's opinion.

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bright and breezyShe is a very bright and breezy sort of girl. 無稽之談;荒誕不經的故事

a cock-and-bull story; a tall story; an old wives' tale/storyJack told us some cock-and-bull story about getting lost.My sister's account of her adventures in Africa during the summer vacation sounds like a collection of tall stories.Toads cause warts? That's an old wives' tale. 無風不起浪;無火不生煙

There's no smoke without fireHe's denied taking bribes, but there's no smoke without fire. 筋疲力盡

run out of steamI have been working very hard on this project for months, but now I'm running out of steam. 喋喋不休 (而使人厭煩)talk someone's head offThe woman beside me in the bus talked my head off during our journey. 悶悶不樂

down in the dumps/mouthShe's been down in the dumps ever since she lost the match.What's wrong with him? He's so down in the mouth about everything. 焦躁不安;坐立不安

have ants in one's pantsThis child just can't sit still; she must have ants in her pants. 棋逢對手;勢均力敵

diamond cut diamondThey have been playing chess from morning to night, because of diamond cutting diamond. 揮金如土

spend money like waterMiss Wang spends money like water - no wonder she's always broke. 晴天霹靂

a bolt from the blueBill's dropping his life insurance was a bolt from the blue for his wife. 發號施令

call the shots; call the tuneIt's up to the boss to call the shots.Mary said that it's her turn to call the tune. 量入為出

cut one's coat according to one's clothYou must cut your coat according to your cloth.

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rack one's brain(s); beat one's brains outI've been racking my brain trying to recall where we put the key.John's beating his brains out to finish this puzzle. 陽春白雪;曲高和寡

caviar to the generalThough more popular than it used to be, the opera is still caviar to the general. 童山濯濯

(as) bald as a cootNowadays more and more men are as bald as a coot.A person who is completely bald is as bald as a coot. 惡有惡報

chickens come home to roostNow that you're finally admitting your true age, no one believes you--chickens come home to roost. 惶惶不可終日;惶惶不安;忐忑不安

have kittensWhen I heard the bad news, I began to have kittens. (聽到這壞消息後,我開始惶惶不安)His mother nearly had kittens when Alex announced that he wanted to be a trapeze artist. (在艾立克斯宣布他

想成為高空鞦韆表演人之後,他的母親幾乎惶惶不可終日) 循規蹈矩

(on) the straight and narrowThe police were surprised that such a trustworthy man, who had kept to the straight and narrow all his life, had committed such a high crime. (這樣一個一生循規蹈矩,值得信任的人,竟然犯下如此重大罪行,讓警方感

到非常驚訝)Lashing out at your children isn't ideal behavior for keeping them on the straight and narrow. (要使你的小孩循

規蹈矩,嚴斥並非理想的作法) 貴人多忘事

have a memory/mind/head like a sieveI was introduced to the manager twice, but I still cannot remember his name-I've got a memory like a sieve. (我曾兩次被介紹跟這位經理認識,但我仍記不住他的名字 - 我真是貴人多忘事)I've never known anyone so forgetful-she's got a mind like a sieve. (我還沒見過這麼健忘的人 - 她的記性真



the squeaky wheel gets the greaseNo matter what table they give her, Helen generally insists on a better one and gets it--the squeaky wheel gets the grease. 禍不單行;不雨則已,雨則傾盆

it never rains but it poursWhen troubles come together, we can say "It never rains but it pours." 酩酊大醉

(as) drunk as a lord; drunk as a fiddler or skunk

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He came home drunk as a lord. 隔牆有耳

the walls have earsBe careful what you say; the walls have ears. 歲月不饒人;歲月不待人

time and tide wait for no manLet's get on with the voting; time and tide won't wait, you know. 預防勝於治療;亡羊補牢不如防患於未然

prevention is better than cureMore advice is needed on how to stay healthy because, as we all know, prevention is better than cure. 新官上任三把火

a new broom sweeps cleanOnce he takes office, you can be sure the President will replace most of the people on the staff-- a new broom sweeps clean. 塞翁失馬,焉知非福

a blessing in disguiseMissing the train was a blessing in disguise, for if I hadn't, I wouldn't have met my future wife. 滄海一粟;九牛一毛

a drop in the bucket/oceanThese contributions are just a drop in the bucket; the new church wing will cost thousands more. 愛屋及烏

love me, love my dogI had agreed to take my new job only on the condition that Mr. Wang remained at my right hand. "It's a case of love me, love my dog." 腰纏萬貫

made of moneyDo you think I'm made of money? 誇大其詞

lay it on thickHe'd injured his hand slightly but he was laying it on a bit thick about how painful it was. 亂七八糟;七嘴八舌:眾說紛紜

at sixes and sevensWe've just moved in, and the office is still at sixes and sevens.The new college admissions tests were poorly explained, leaving the students at sixes and sevens. 勢均力敵

neck and neck; it is even Stephen/StevenThe two are neck and neck in developing a new operating system for the computer.The two leading candidates have an equal support rate -- it's even Stephen. 裝腔作勢

put on an act

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We know you're a good swimmer -- stop putting on an act. 落井下石;乘人之危:雪上加霜

hit/kick a man/someone when he is downNever hit a man when he's down. 微乎其微 (幾乎沒有)next to nothingShe knows next to nothing about politics.The city has done next to nothing about the parking problem. 腳踏實地

have/keep one's feet (set/planted) (firmly) on the groundShe is a girl who has her feet (planted firmly) on the ground. 溜之大吉;逃之夭夭;拔腿就逃

take to one's heels; show (someone) a clean pair of heelsThe boys took to their heels when the farmer found them stealing his mangoes. (那些男孩在農民發現他們偷芒

果時都溜之大吉了)The criminal quickly showed the police a clean pair of heels when they found him with the stolen car. (當警察發現罪犯駕著那輛偷來的車子時,他飛快地逃之夭夭了) 誠實才是上策

honesty is the best policyMary: I borrowed Jane's white blouse without asking her, and then I spilled tomato sauce on it. Should I tell her what happened, or should I just put the blouse back in her closet and hope she won't notice? Teresa: Honesty is the best policy. (瑪麗:我沒先問珍就借了她的白襯衫,後來我把蕃茄醬弄在襯衫上。我該告訴她實

情,還是就把襯衫放回她的衣櫥,希望她沒注意到呢? 泰瑞莎:誠實才是上策)When I was a young boy, my father usually said that honesty was the best policy. (在我小時候,我父親經常說,

誠實才是上策)[Back to Top]



die in one's bedHer father died in his bed last night. 對牛彈琴

cast pearls before swineThe old professor felt that lecturing on semiotics to undergraduates would be casting pearls before swine. 截然不同

(as) different as chalk and cheeseI don't have anything in common with my brother. We're different as chalk and cheese. 維妙維肖;栩栩如生

to the lifeJohn can copy his teacher's manner of speaking to the life. 精打細算;省吃儉用

scrimp and save

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For years we had to scrimp and save, but now we can enjoy life more. 精疲力竭

flat outHe was flat out after his night's work. 說曹操,曹操就到

speak of the devilWhy, speak of the devil -- there's Amy.

附註:這成語是從 "Speak of the devil and he's sure to appear." 縮略而來。 需要乃發明之母

Necessity is the mother of inventionThe first prisoner to tie together bedsheets to escape knew that necessity was the mother of invention. 養尊處優

live off the fat of the landThe tiny upper class lived off the fat of the land while many of the poor were starving. 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆

As you sow so shall you reapAs you sow so shall you reap. I'm a firm believer that we create our destiny. 竭盡全力;全力以赴

do one's level best; with (all one's) might and mainI was convinced that he did his level best to find a new girlfriend.She pulled on the rope with all her might and main.

附註:"with might and main" 這成語算是累贅,因為 might 和 main (名詞) 都意為「力量」(strength or power)。 銖兩悉稱;半斤八兩;不相上下

six of one and half a dozen of the otherI say she's a stewardess. She says she's a flight attendant. It's six of one and a half dozen of the other. 蒸蒸日上;竿頭日進

on the up and up (also, on the up-and-up)Our business is on the up and up. (我們的生意蒸蒸日上)From now on everything is on the up-and-up. (從現在起,一切都會越來越好)

附註:on the up and up 這個成語在英式英語中意為「蒸蒸日上;竿頭日進」,但在美式英語 (口語) 卻意為

「誠實的,正直的 (honest);可靠的,值得信賴的 (trustworthy)」,如 Mary, don't think everyone is on the up and up with you. There're dishonest people around. (瑪麗,不要以為每個人都對你很誠實。有些人是不誠

實的 )。 盡地主之誼

do the honorsYou do the honors and pour out the tea while I bring in the cakes. (你盡一下地主之誼,給客人倒茶,我去把糕

餅拿來)He was asked to do the honors during his best friend's wedding. (在他最要好朋友的婚禮上,他被請求招待賓


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practice makes perfectI've knit at least a hundred sweaters, but in my case practice hasn't made perfect. 暴跳如雷

hopping madI was hopping mad when they left my name off the list. 徹頭徹尾;完完全全

to the backbone; first and lastHe is naive to the backbone.She was an artist first and last. 墨守成規;蹈常襲故

keep to the beaten trackHis boss told him to keep to the beaten track and not use any new ideas until the company became established. 廚師多了煮壞湯;老大多了撐翻船

too many cooks spoil the broth (有時略作:too many cooks)If someone says, "Too many cooks spoil the broth," he/she means that your work will be more efficient if you use fewer people. (如果有人說 "Too many cooks spoil the broth",他或她的意思是說,你的工作若用比較少的

人來做,會比較有效率)Our director never asks more than 10 people to work with him in his projects, and he wants the best 10. He always says, "Too many cooks spoil the broth." (我們主任從未要求 10 人以上來參與他的企畫案,他要的是最

佳 10 人組。他常說「廚師多了煮壞湯」)十六畫


bear (or carry off) the palmHe carried off the palm by sheer perseverance. 興風作浪;惹是生非

make wavesWe've finally settled our differences, so please don't make waves. 興高采烈;喜不自勝

bright-eyed and bushy-tailed; full of the joys of springHere is my new kindergarten class, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.He bounced into the office, full of the joys of spring. 隨心所欲;一意孤行;自行其是 (想怎樣就怎樣)be a law unto oneself; have it one's (own) wayYou can't tell Mary how to punctuate; she's a law unto herself.Oh, have it your own way — I'm tired of arguing. 隨波逐流;隨遇而安

swim/drift/go with the tide/current/streamBill doesn't have a mind of his own; he just swims with the tide.

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附註:這成語的相反詞,即「不隨波逐流」,叫做 "swim/go against the tide/current/stream"。 隨風轉舵;隨機應變

trim one's sails (before/to the wind)His advisers told him to trim his sails before he alienated voters and bungled the election completely. 曇花一現;虎頭蛇尾

a flash in the panHis second novel proved to be a flash in the pan.We had high hopes for the new director, but she was a flash in the pan. 戰戰兢兢;提心吊膽;膽戰心驚

in fear and tremblingI went to him in fear and trembling to seek his acceptance of my apology for my rude remarks. 擅離職守;不告而別

take French leaveIs Randy really ill again, or is he just taking French leave? 謀事在人,成事在天

Man proposes, God disposesMy father usually says that man proposes, God disposes. 擠眉弄眼;送秋波 (尤指女人對男人放電)flutter one's eyelashes atAll through the meal his wife was fluttering her eyelashes at the man sitting at the next table. (在整個吃飯過程中,他的太太一直對鄰桌一名男子擠眉弄眼)She even very often fluttered her eyelashes at me. How could I resist? (她甚至對我頻送秋波。我怎能抗拒呢?)

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cry bucketsI cry buckets every time I watch this drama. 輾轉反側;坐立不安

twist and turnI was in the hope that I had a good night's sleep but instead twisted and turned all night long because I was worried about my job. 膽小如鼠;不敢得罪人

would/could/will not say boo to a gooseHis wife used to say he would not say boo to a goose. 膽大包天;膽大妄為;厚顏無恥

(as) bold as brassNo one had invited her to the wedding, but she showed up at the church, bold as brass. 聰明伶俐

(as) bright as a buttonMy little son's as bright as a button.

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someone's eyes (nearly/almost/practically) popped out of one's headMy sister showed me the ring Jim gave her, and my eyes popped out of my head. It was so beautiful. (我姊姊給我看吉姆送她的戒指,我驚訝地瞠目結舌。戒指真是太漂亮了)When he told me how much money he was earning, my eyes almost popped out of my head. (當他告訴我他賺



mind one's P's and Q'sTheir grandmother often told the children to mind their p's and q's. 覆水難收

don't cry over spilt milk; it is no use crying over spilt milkThe papers you wanted went out in last week's trash, so don't cry over spilt milk. 歸根結柢

when/after all is said and doneWhen all's said and done, the doctors did what they could for John, but he was too ill to survive. 轉石 (或滾石) 不生苔; 轉業不聚財

a rolling stone gathers no mossKate's lived in ten cities in as many years, so I don't think the saying "a rolling stone gathers no moss" means anything to her. 鎮定自若;泰然自若;不動聲色

keep one's countenanceUnder the circumstances it is hard for him to keep his countenance.



make an example ofThe teacher made an example of the boy she caught cheating.The judge imposed a tough sentence to make an example of the car thieves. 譁眾取寵

camp it up; play to the galleryAmateur actors often camp it up, trying to be more dramatic.He peppers his speeches with humor and wisecracks about his opponent, clearly playing to the gallery.

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(as) plain as day; (as) plain as the nose on your face; (as) plain as a pikestaffIt's plain as day that they must sell their house before they can buy another.It's plain as the nose on your face that she's lying. 歡天喜地

on cloud nineHe was on cloud nine after winning the marathon.

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not have two halfpennies to rub togetherWhen my dad left us we did not have two halfpennies to rub together. 露出馬腳;洩漏天機

give the game awayWe were trying to pretend we didn't know it was her birthday but David gave the game away. 轟動一時;一鳴驚人;名噪一時

make a noise in the worldHe seemed very eager to make a noise in the world. 變化無常;反覆無常;朝三暮四

chop and changeAfter six months of chopping and changing, we've decided to go back to our old system. 鐵石心腸

(as) hard/tough as nailsDon't ask her for a contribution--she's hard as nails. 響徹雲霄;震天價響

rend the skies/airPatriotic songs rend the air at the boot camp. 驕兵必敗;驕者必敗

pride goes before a fallYou must learn to be modest because pride goes before a fall. (你必須學習謙虛,因為驕兵必敗)Susan: I'm the best student in my history class. I'm sure I can pass the exam without studying very hard. Sam: Be careful. Pride goes before a fall, you know. (蘇珊:我是我們班上歷史課最優秀的學生。我確信我不用太用

功就可通過考試。山姆:當心哦! 驕者必敗) 蠟燭兩頭燒 (過度耗費精力)burn the candle at both endsYou look very tired today. Have you been burning the candle at both ends? (你 今天看起來疲憊不堪。是不是

過度勞累了?)He has been burning the candle at both ends with his work and his studies. (為了兼顧工作和學業,他一直蠟
