圖圖圖圖圖圖圖圖 圖圖圖圖圖圖圖圖 Digital service provided by library ICIKM 08 (International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management), March 24-29 , 2008 – Kathmandu, Nepal ��. 圖圖圖圖圖圖 - 圖 圖圖 、、 Greenstone Digital Libraries (GSDL) is a suite of open-source software for building and distributing digital library collections ��. 圖圖圖圖圖圖圖圖 - Open Journal System (OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research. ��. 圖圖圖圖圖圖圖圖 - Open Conference System (OCS) is a free Web publishing tool that will create a complete Web presence for your scholarly conference. ��. 圖圖圖圖圖圖圖 - Koha is the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS) and offers a full-feature set including OPAC, circulation, cataloguing, acquisitions, serials, reporting and administration module ��. 圖圖圖圖圖圖 - DSpace.org , EPrints for Digital Repositories , including Institutional Repository, Discipline Repository, Requirements for "Conceptual proposal" ��. The "Conceptual proposal" should be prepared in English complying with "Annex I: Foresight Taiwan Conceptual proposal Application Form". It should contain the following information: a. General information b. Budget estimation c. Project outline, limiting to 6~8 pages ��. The project outline should contain the following sections and also be adhered to specific additional requirements associated with each project type. o Research project's background and goals.


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Page 1: 圖書館的數位服務


圖書館的數位服務 Digital service provided by library

ICIKM 08 (International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management), March 24-29 , 2008 – Kathmandu, Nepal

.�� 數位資訊服務 - 典藏、搜尋、傳播Greenstone Digital Libraries (GSDL) is a suite of open-source software for building and distributing digital library collections

.�� 學術期刊管理出版 - Open Journal System (OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research.

.�� 學術會議管理系統 - Open Conference System (OCS) is a free Web publishing tool that will create a complete Web presence for your scholarly conference.

.�� 圖書館管理系統 - Koha is the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS) and offers a full-feature set including OPAC, circulation, cataloguing, acquisitions, serials, reporting and administration module

.�� 文獻典藏系統 - DSpace.org, EPrints for Digital Repositories, including Institutional Repository, Discipline Repository,

Requirements for "Conceptual proposal"

.�� The "Conceptual proposal" should be prepared in English complying with "Annex I: Foresight Taiwan Conceptual proposal Application Form". It should contain the following information:

a. General information b. Budget estimation c. Project outline, limiting to 6~8 pages

.�� The project outline should contain the following sections and also be adhered to specific additional requirements associated with each project type.

o Research project's background and goals. i. For proposals submitted to the Translational Research category, please

emphasize on the originality of previous work of the research team. ii. For proposals submitted to the Technology based transformation of services

category, please provide a brief comparative review of the current status of Taiwan and several foreign economies, e.g., Hong Kong, Singapore, Ireland, Switzerland, and Finland.

o Methods, procedures and progress. i. For proposals submitted to the Translational Research category, please

describe how to bring previous discoveries into applications. o Anticipated achievements and impacts.

.�� Review Criteria a. Conformance to the program goal

Clarity and substance of proposed research Feasibility of proposal

b. Potential benefits and impacts c. Quality of the principal investigators

Quality of published work

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Research experience in the proposed field d. For the translational research projects, there is an emphasis on originality of the

discoveries in question e. Other criteria proposed by reviewers and agreed by 2nd phase reviewers

Requirements for formal proposal submission

.�� Conformance to the program goal o Clarity and substance of proposed research o Feasibility of proposal

.�� Potential benefits and impacts

.�� Quality of the principal investigators o Quality of published work o Research experience in the proposed field

.�� For the translational research projects, there is an emphasis on originality of the discoveries in question

.�� Other criteria proposed by reviewers and agreed by 2nd phase reviewers

It is often argued that information technology (IT) is vital to all high valued-added services and that investment in IT will inevitably lead to a strong position in the service sector for Taiwan. We agree that IT is vital to services, but believe that the second part of the argument is flawed. IT is a critical, but generic, tool for the service sector. To strengthen Taiwan's position in service, it is necessary to focus on service itself and to use technology to develop highly differentiated and value-added services that can be exported worldwide.

2.1 Financial & Risk Management2.2 Environmental Management2.3 Health & Clinical Services2.5 Tourism and Leisure Services

主題計畫:旨在找出服務業中,能經由台灣深厚的科技實力進行轉化,提升其價值及發展成 可出口的服務業領域。


構想書階段 6-8 頁, 分為初審與複審會議等兩個階段

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.�� 由計畫辦公室進行構想書收件及審查程序

.�� 構想書審查委員由智庫委員及國科會學術處推薦之審查委員組成

.�� 王院士作最後決議,審查結果送國科會核備

計畫書階段, 分為初審、複審、決審等三階段

.�� 初審作業

.�� 構想書審查通過者

.�� 由國科會網站收件

.�� 轉送計畫辦公室辦理計畫書初審作業

.�� 審查委員名單由國科會核定

.�� 複審以會議形式進行,審查委員由行政院海外科技顧問及王院士邀請之國外專 家組成

.�� 國科會召開決審會議,王院士向主委、政委報告複審推薦計畫

計畫書請循國科會專題計畫線上系統,限以英文格式申請:「Research Grant Proposal」、「General Research Proposal」,於民國 96年 11月 19日下午 5:00前完成線上作業系統,俾便本院學術事務組彙辦計畫申請事宜。請於 C012-2表格上傳完整之「National Science Grant Proposal」,取代系統原設之 C012-2 表格。

The purpose of a foresight project should be more than collecting facts, building taxonomies, surveying expert opinions, convening grass root discussions, and restating goals. It should include all these, but to do so in the context of attaining a deeper understanding of the issues and developing strategic options for solving a specific problem. In short, the outcome should focus on understanding and potential actions. The other activities are supporting players.

The purpose of Foresight Taiwan is to answer the question: how can science and technology be used to improve, enhance, and transform, the three pillars of Taiwan 's economic future, namely, electronics, service, and early stage technology.

Foresight Taiwan is not intended to be an exercise in data collection, fact finding, and taxonomy. Its purpose is strategic and narrowly focused. It adheres to the original definition of "foresight" as a forward look at science and technology to obtain a "challenging vision of the future and a more effective strategy now."

High Value Exportable Services

Preliminary data indicate that the activities of Taiwan's service sector are either purely domestic services, such as local banking and health care; or activities ancillary to the production process, such as logistic. Expansion of services to other countries can take one of two forms. First, skilled professionals, e.g., accountants, can perform their services abroad, especially in neighboring Asian countries. This is one form of exportable service: exporting service by exporting people. There appears to be a great deal of interest in doing this on the part of Taiwan based professionals. However, the most lucrative services of this kind are associated with international finance, in which

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Taiwan seems to be poorly positioned.

A second form of exportable service is service-based products. These are also more interesting because they are highly scalable. The revolution in information technology (IT) has created enormous opportunities for such products, far more than has been realized. With a strong IT base, Taiwan is a good position to seize such opportunities. We propose that a solicitation be made for proposals to define such a service-based product. There many potential choices, for example, insurance, financial derivatives, trading platforms, to name just a few. Products involving risk management are particularly interesting because they require a strong science base.