55 Crimes Against TUtsi

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  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    5- Changes in Populations:Exponential "Infux" o so-called "repatriated"Populations.

    Provision o alse passports.False identities.Land. Propert.!he ere #5$%$$$ o&ciall reported ' (elchior)dadae* he helped 'ring 'ac+ #$$%$$$ in ,onths see "the /uonge Crisis" hich has raisedtensions and eventuall served as a "so+escreen" in the case o ")dadae urder "0. 1isiediate successors% )taraira and)ti'antungana% theselves orer reugees in/anda% 'rought 'ac+ at least 2$$%$$$ in threeears% so to sa% a surplus o 5$%$$$.3ll non-4urundian repatriates6. !he "/u+ingaaCoission" has 'rought ore than #$$%$$$ roho +nos here% since the ere o'viousl no

    ore "4urundians" let. (andela7s plan andpractice as to invite anone ho anted to settlein 4urundi% 'ringing in ore than ,$$%$$$ in 5ears #$$$-#$$50% under the transitionalgovernance led ' Pierre 4uoa and )dai8ee.!he C)99 -F99 has recentl announced that it hascopleted the challenge o 'ringing in over

    $$%$$$ during its 2$ ears ter on the head othe governent #$$5 to #$$2;0.

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi



    =hettoi8ation o the !utsi ' orcing the in

    Concentration Caps called "9isplaced Caps."Cclical attac+s on the caps. 3n old ritual duringthe (edieval Christian holidas consisting inthroing stones and launching violent assault onthe >es in order to "3veng the (urder o Christ."9eclaring stateless6 thousands o !utsi ho fedthe countr.?trateg o untiel changes o Passports and I9.!actical shit to "9igital" Forats.!he phsical presence o candidate is re@uired toprocess I9 adAustents and rene the papers.!hen e o the ill 'e alloed to leave the "ironcage." !his practice has a place and a nae in the3nnals o the ")ure'erg Las".!he !utsi 9isplaced Cap o /uhororo 'eore the

    deadl attac+s.2$- /eduction in ?laver o !utsi Children and !utsi3dults hose su'ission is achieved ' theco'ined action o 1unger% assaults% huiliationand terror.22- Cries against the Cos. 3ssassinations.

    (utilation. Exterination. Pseudo-agriculturalscience to criinali8ation cattle. Cos are accusedo poisoning the soil. Polluting rivers and la+es.!utsi ?hepherds and Cattle are outlaed.2#- 4reaching the Iigration Baths prescri'ed '

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    the La o the Land2,- Illegal and unilateral disaraent o the !utsi.(ilitar - Political - Econoic - La - Civic - Land

    =enetic 9isaraent2;- 9esecration o the ?a''ath through "ForcedLa'or" +non as "counit service"0 in hichthe >es !utsi are orced to ta+e part% under threato severe "legal" penalt.25- Fren8ied Islaici8ation o the countr. 3capaign o internal >ihad that is unprecedented inthe countr.

    =u-(arc Europe died in 3uschit8 #; Auin #$2$$D:$D. !E!E E-(3IL 9E rosco tanner G I Austreceived ' eail an article entitled "Europe diedin 3uschit8 "ritten ' a ?panish ChristianAournalist% naed ?e'astian Hillar /odrigue8 andthat seeed particularl interesting. 1ere it is: "I

    as al+ing along the course /aval 4arcelona0hen I reali8ed suddenl that Europe died in3uschit8. e assassinated < illion o >es inorder to Jnall iport #$ illions o (uslis K e'urnt in 3uschit8 the culture% the intelligence andthe a'ilit to created. e 'urned the people o theorld% ho proclaied hisel the elected people

    o =od. For it is the people ho gave to huanite'leatic Jgures that changed the ace ohistor the Christ% (arx% Einstein% Freud ...0 and isthe essential origin o ac@uired progress and ell-'eing. e ust adit that ' releasing its 'orders

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    and olding under a du'ious pretext o tolerance%the values o a allacious Cultural relativis%Europe opened its doors to #$ illion o (uslis%

    ost ho are illiterates and anatics that e caneet% at 'est% in places li+e this /aval streaentioned a'ove% ipoverishent o the !hirdorld and the ghetto and ho prepare at orstsuch attac+s as those o (anhattan or (adrid%holed up in their apartents re@uentl provided' oral social services. !hus% e haveexchanged culture or anatical% the capacit tocreate or the desire to destro% the intelligence orsuperstition. e exchanged the transcendentalinstinct o the >es - hich% even in the orstiagina'le conditions have alas 'een in searcho a 'etter orld peace or the ipulse o suicide.e exchanged the pride o lie or the anatico'session o death. Bur death and that o our

    Children. hat a ista+e e adeK ""!he /appers: the ne issionaries o Isla in4ra8il" ino $2$5$; M2$0 N3nalsisO 4 (arline(edioni (etula )es 3genc 4ra8il is the largestcountr in ?outh 3erica. It is 'ordered to the east' the 3tlantic Bcean% and shares 'orders ith all

    countries o the continent except Ecuador andChile. ?Qo Paulo% 22 illion people% is 4ra8ilRslargest cit and the Jnancial capital o the countr.!his is one o the largest cit in the orld.Conse@uentl% it is also the ost violent cit in the

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    countr. 4ra8il% ith its one hundred and ninetillion people% has the second largest Christianpopulation in the orld. 4ut% no% or a little less

    than Jve ears% ith the 'ac+ground o the 1ip 1opusic% a cra8e or Isla has sei8ed the slus o?Qo Paulo% the avelas. ?trangel% it is the attac+so 22 ?epte'er #$$2 hich ere the startingpoint o this ne trends.

    255$ and 25$ 4eteen 255$ and 25$% theo&cial a'olition o slave tra&c+ing% three illionand a hal slaves ere transerred ro 3rica to4ra8il% a'out #$ S o ho are (usli. 4ra8il hasthus toda the second largest 'lac+ population inthe orld% ater )igeria.


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    #2- !he ?hoc+ 3ter ?hoc+ G !heor see "3ttac+son !utsi /eugee Caps ith /uhororo as as'ol"% =atu'a assacre"% "C)!4-?hoc+"% "Wu

    (ase (assacre"% "(urder o Xoung 4usuguru"%"/ound-up o (arch th% #$2;"% "Audicial Parodiesolloed ' convictions or perpetual iprisonento !utsi Xouth6G% all ipleented this in a ra.##- ConJscation and Fol+lori8ation o the rituallrespected 9rus o ?u++ot#,- ConJscation o the sste o Education#;- ?steatic sel-anesties ater the assacresand the +illings o !utsis#5- !a+eover o the atching !oers#

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    ?ee Fil and 'oo+ "9arinRs )ightare",#- ?steatic transgressions o the "?even)oahide Las"

    ,,- Conspirac against the >udeo- !utsi /oalInstitutions. ?ee Especiall -'ut not onl- therepeated transgressions against the nors ocivili8ation in the "(a'utsa case",;- Post-(orte Christiani8ation o [ueen4araparae. 3 giant Cross has 'een raudulentlcrated on the to' o the >eish [ueen. Protestessages have 'een sent Aust ater the cross aspu'lici8ed. I this cross is still there% it should 'ereoved as @uic+l as possi'le% ith the help oan individuals or organi8ations that cares a'outthe post-orte destin o a person% and o thehistorical conorit o acts.,5- Coalition against the !utsi 1istor. Involvingsoe ailiar eatures and soe that are less

    +non* soe acting openl and others in theshade% ith the purpose o "/eritingMFalsiing the!utsi 1istor.",

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    counit7s Lands. ?ee: the ")e Code o Land "*see C)!4")ot a clod o earth% not a tree% not a handul o

    grass that the 1utu could clai as his on"3nnual /eports ro 2D22 to 2D2#% p.;# cited 'Ian Linden% op.cit% p.2;$0* "!he land o" Europeans"and" the European aring lands" or exaple%the land o the catechists ere ore li+el toescape the Aurisdiction o national legislation and'ecoe the private propert o the Christians"(ulera /eport% 2D#D% @uoted ' Ian Linden% op.cit.%p.#,20.3 European thin+er o proinent ran+ing explainedthat the Catholic Church is " a private copan "as or us% e a add oreign60% Jrst disguisedunder the guise o an international huanitariannon-proJt organi8ation in the stle o the I33 International 3rican 3ssociation0% C3/I!3?

    International % /ed Cross% FP% 3ction 3gainst1unger% 9octors ithout 4orders% etc. . !hese arecopanies that need an o&ce and a earehouses to unction properl% 'ut not lands andvalles extending to inJnit. =raduall% theinternational non-proJt organi8ation a'ove hasonopoli8ed extensive si8e o land in the countr

    hich ere expropriated ro ailies% clans and/oal doains and counit reservations orvarious uses. !his private association haslegitii8ed the "9ecree on vacant land " put inotion in 25 and ade e\ective in 2D# '

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    Leopold II Wing o the 4elgians% to satis hisvoracious a'itions* the decree provided thecatholic clerg expelled ro Europe ith 'oth

    iediate relie and ull protection% or "ethnic"reasons Jrst% secondar or "coercial" reason%and Jnall or "sectarian" reason. In act all theseconJscated lands ere densel occupied duringsei8ures% as one can read ro the reports o theJrst Europeans ho ere alloed to al+ acrossthe countr 'eore the First orld ar. I is%indeed% the R terinus ad @ue R or theipleentation o application o "leopoldiandecrees" in the B! Bccupied !erritories 0 as erela'elled the current /anda% 4urundi and thehole eastern Congo the ere not et part o theIEC -Independent ?tate o the Congo- 'eore theLeopold II7s 3greeents o 1elgoland0. For thoseho do not understand certain nuances% the

    expression "vacant land" eant% in the Leopold7scode% the "land that E 1E0 need." Bne ightread and listen to Congolese riters li+e Eli+ia('o+olo in order to understand hat e are tal+inga'out here.?o: It is a priorit to 'egin ' assessing thelandholdings o this colonial private copan

    called the "Catholic Church"% then to chec+ thelegalit o its certiJcates o propert "inaccordance ith the las and custos o thecountr" as it is custol% 'eore attepting to"legall" expropriate an countran. e are not

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    certain that such a tas+ is the responsi'ilit o thiseird group descri'ed elsehere as a "Coitteeo ConJscations o land and other propert held '

    the !utsi." Conversel e +no no h it is thisperson +non as the " 'ulldo8er on+" ho asassigned to this tas+ o expropriation: or one stoneto 'irds% he ill expropriate the original oners!utsi0 on one hand* and ensure% on the other hand%that the land ac@uired ' the private copan atsta+e the ver one he 'elongs to and hichassigned hi on that tas+0 ill not 'e a\ected 'an conse@uential changes to the proponent nethet.It is critical or the !utsi population here andelsehere to declare 'eore the orld% null andvoid all decisions ta+en ' these chains oerchants and ercenaries that crisscross thecountr o our ancestors. !han+ ou

    ,D- Crie o persistent ?lander against the !utsi>es Wuta'i+a I'ara0 not onl no and in oneplace 'ut everhere and all the tie. In thecountr as ell as a'road. !he !utsi have 'eentransored into scapegoats since 2D,5 see: the?ets Papers0. !hereore the !utsi ust pa oreverthing that goes rong ith these 1utu6 ho

    ere then tacticall 'eing renaed "4antu"%departing the period o the capaigns launched 'soe =eran issionaries o Lutheran a&liationho had coe in ?outh 3rica to reesta'lish the'alance o poer% in the context o the 4oer ar6

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    hich as on ' the 4ritish. La'eling started.?capegoating olloed. !he circulated the th othe "4antu Prophet"% identiJed at Jrst ith the

    "/esistant ]ulu." see 'elo # exaples: Let: 4usto Prince /agasore intentionall ^hutuci8ed7*/ight: Photo o a 1aitian 'a'% ho 'ecae thes'ol o the alleged "genocide o 1utus ' !utsisin 2DV# " 1istor has 'een su'tl 'ut copletelreversed ' the agic o this photo-icon circulatedthe Jrst tie ' Proessor /enU Learchand% onthe cover o his 2DV; /eport.!his utilated 'a' is not naed ^)diaso7 oneaong a handul o coon 1utu nae0. 1isnae is illia. !his is not a 1utu ro 4urundi.1e is a native ro 1aiti. )evertheless% his pictureas displaed a'ove% as idespread all over theorld ' all +inds o edia since its Jrstappearance in 2DV;% and ended up 'eing the ost

    poerul icon testiing that there as a "=enocideo 1utu" ' the !utsi in 2DV# in 4urundi. !heorldRs edia have echoed this lie and nothing canstop the. Proessor /ene Learchand eventualltraced the nae and location o this 'a' 'utnothing changed* interestingl he hiselsuccu'ed to the ascinating agic o this so

    expressive icon o hat ust 'e o'viousl'ecause o the alternative ^4antu loo+ o the 'a'0a genocide coitted ' the !utsi6. !he everda!utsi ho is victis o the greatest conspirac oexterination since the end o the II is

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    itnessing the transoration o his status as real"victi" into its opposite as a virtual "executionero this 1aitian 'a' eventuall victi o a 'lood

    civil ar in his countr0.;$- Crie against the ?tate. ?ignature oInterregional and International 3greeents aiingat the overnight elting o the countr and theoutright aver o the ?overeignt o 4urundi as aLand% as a People and as a )ation. Exaples galoreshoing that the 1utu do not ant this countrhich% as the 'oast% the have pic+ed up on thea% 'ecause it is not theirs. )ti'iuvao IsiRT'urundi. )ti'iuvao 3'ai'a+o.)ti'iuvao Ivi8a HRi 4urundi.;2- Crie o creating (ilitia to spread the !error oProxiit6% to launch 3ssassination capaigns% andto start the ultiaceted progra aied at thetotal destruction o the !utsi race.

    !he (ilice ran_aise French (ilitia0% generallcalled sipl (ilice% as a parailitar orcecreated on >anuar ,$% 2D;, ' the Hich /egie%ith =eran aid% to help Jght the French/esistance. !he (iliceRs oral leader as Prie(inister Pierre Laval% though its chie o operations%and actual leader% as ?ecretar =eneral >oseph

    9arnand i+ipedia(e'ers o the /esistance captured ' the (ilice%>ul 2D;;!1E 3/ 3=3I)?! C1I3P3?. !he ]appatistoveent C1I3P3? appears in 2DD;. 3ter an

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    agreeent as signed ith the governent% thelatter reAected its oath% and the villages andpopulations hich supported the "]appatist" ere

    su'Aected to a dreadul ar called "ar o lointensit"% led ' parailitar groups e@uipped andtrained ' the (exican ar. !hese ilitias% settledin the heart o the villages suspected ospathi8ing ith the re'els% raped oen on assteatic 'asis ever tie that the latter got outo their hoe% +idnaped oung girls and orcedthe into prostitution and sexual slaver. 3peranent threat hindered the lie o the holecounit. Fear o rape traped oen in theirhouses."!he rape o oen in ront o their hus'ands andchildren is a violation o the privac o a terri'lescope. It a\ects the relationship o the couple% theail% and the entire counit. In the patriarchal

    societies% the raped oen are despised% reAected.!his is the dislocation o the ail unit "3gnes?!.% /ape in !ie o ar% ?ilence and Ipunit. Le(onde 9iploati@ue. >ul 2;% #$220;#- ?upree crie o 3nthropophag% ith li's o!utsi captives literall eaten as a ritual eal. In thetradition o the Christian sect ")angaivu8a." 3

    "Eucharistic" ritual perored repeatedl duringthe )tega - (arangara assacres6 and during theears o "guerilla ar".;,- ?ecret 3greeent ith "dar+ orces" in thetraditions o "Hoodoo" or "4lac+ (agic". itchcrat.

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    ?atanic sects. 1uan sacriJces. ?exual practicesun+non so ar in the countr% ith the !utsivictis o Captives. ?ee !estion o the oung

    victi !utsi 3lphonsine (usonera on "Xoutu'e".[ueen =icanda as also a victi o this +ind osatanic practice 'eore succu'ing to theunprecedented assaults ro the ecstatic andenraged genocidal 1utu o the 4utare region. ?ee:article ' >ean Chatain% "!he 3ssassination o[ueen =icanda." LR1uanitU% #; >ul 2DD;0. ?eealso: ?tud ' ?andrine /ICCI: !he ord o (eoro !utsi genocide survivors in /anda. Tniversit o[ue'ec in (ontreal% (arch #$$.;;- Tnliited E'e88leent o Pu'lic Funds.)u'ers% even in 9ollars% represent 1oericaounts that exceed the noral si8es ocalculation.;5- Crie against the Philosoph and Ethics o

    Enlightenent characteri8ing the !utsi People./eAection o the speciJc or o odernit that isipleented through oral Education and Pu'lic?chool. !echnical 9estruction o EleentarEducation. Closing o ?econdar ?chools.;udicial Parodies" o theold ?talinist tpe. ?essions o Pu'lic 1uiliation o!utsi ?tudents orced to appear 'eore the 1utucourts using "=overnent->udges". Expeditiousconvictions ith sentences o LIFE I(P/I?B)(E)!

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    or these !utsi oung College students. ?oe ill'e urdered incognito Case o Xoung 4usuguru0 inthe 9uvalier7s odd anner% or Pinochet7s% Idi

    3in7s ... !he ate o the !utsi =irls captured duringthese raids perored concoitantl in pu'licplaces% on the roads% and in the hoes o !utsiailies% .. the ate o these tutsi girls is literallunspea+a'le % ... see: the "1a'ariana ilitar-gendares stle6 ...;V - "Pschological rape o !utsi (asses" ?ee:?ergei ?tepanovitch !cha+hotine: !he /ape o the(asses. !he Pscholog o !otalitarian PoliticalPropaganda. )e Xor+: Fortean ?ociet% 2D;$0 'the exponential idespread% all across the !utsilandscape% o gigantic statues% huge crosses and all+inds o iages un+non o the !utsi osaicreligion and tradition* 'ut also andator sessionsro intoxication ro a'ove% and signiJcantl

    called "Crusades ". ?ee: the Case o a "=iant Cross"escorted ' ecstatic asses o 1utu Christianilitiaen% and hich reputation extends the'oundaries o 4urundi. 3s it has 'een reported% thisgiant cross as circulated all around the orld ordecades in countries considered as Christians.1oever% it should 'e recalled that 4urundi is not a

    Christian Land. In soe ultra- Brthodox districtshere the 4atutsi are traditionall allergic to theCross see: confict o theolog and litigation o'lood0% people had 'een o'liged to ta+e initiativeso open protest actions% strongl expressed%

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    threatening to pic+ up hatever ar the couldJnd% in order to deend their non-Christian villages%against the invasion o this Cross% hich recalled

    the o ver a ell-+non anti- >eish instruento 'lood Crusades and horri'le su\erings ro theearl #$th centur I)[TI?I!IB).; - ?upree Crie against hat is considered acentral part o the sacred doain in the !utsiailies --- "?onga-?ndroe": "Wu ne8a Xae not3'Ri anu ..." ")i ee nene u8ou8ana ..." "ae u8ousangira6;D- Crie against the 4rand o 4urundi as a(e'er o the International Counit. 4urundi%the historic cradle o huanit and civili8ation%once the prosperous and respected Land o (il+and 1one% alas stretching toards innovation%integral developent and universal progress in theJelds o science and technolog% a countr so

    ealth ith its natural% agro-pastoral% ineral%huan% philosophical% spiritual and oralresources* the countr has no 'ecoe theshorthand or hunger% ar% corruption% theunatched chapion in ars and drugstra&c+ing% o lalessness% social savager% racial%cultural and phsical retardation% satanic practices

    o all +inds% in short% a s'ol o regression to thepriitive ages o an+ind% and assigned as areceptacle o a +ind o universal curse.5$ - Conspirac against the !utsi Extended Fail%under the cover o alse pretenses to Jght against

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    the "Illegal Iigrants"% the "?ans Papiers -Paperless"% the "False 1aitic /eugees >ust3ttepting to >oin their 'rothers"% the eird (asai

    pretending to a+e 'usiness ith his so-calledcattle-expertise6% 6% the "Fulani and ?oalidisguising as Isla aithul"% all o the 'elongingto the "!utsi" racial ail strain "/anda 2D5D"%(asai% 4ororo% Fulani% ?oalis% 4anaulenge%4ahia% (assisi% !uareg% !ou'ou% etc0. 3ll thesepeople need to 'e +ept under close atch ' the1utuM4antou supreatists52 Conspirac against the ?'ols and 3rs o"Israel in 4urundi". ?uppression o the ?tars o9avid six pea+s0 on the 4urundi )ational Flag5# - Crie o the inaous Census secretl adeo the !utsi Population. It is a practice that is totall'anned in the traditions o Israel and the !utsi>es. Tnless% exceptionall ordered ' an

    authori8ed 'od acting in accordance ithprescri'ed health and "Wosher" goals or thenation.!he CI3 source is @uoted in the 'oo+ o >ean-Paul=BT!ET% hich gives the nu'er o 2 D$$ $$$tutsi victis instead o the 5$$ $$$ or the $$ $$$that the edias give or the !utsi o /anda

    urdered during the 2DD; =enocide. !he CI3source is entioned as a e'site:http:MM.odci.govMciaMpu'licationsMact'oo+Mr.htl0. !he inoration is said to have 'een provided' an inorant called Luc Pillionnel. !he CI3 is

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    said to have pu'lished the estiation on (a ,$%2DDV.!he 'asic truth is that the issue o nu'ers is a

    crucial issue or the !utsis. In /anda as ell as in4urundi% the !utsis have 'een considered a sallcounit o D to 2;S o the population. 4ut thato&cial nu'er as rong. It as a political pretextto restrict the nu'er o !utsi alloed to attend thesecondar schools and to 'e appointed in pu'licposts o responsi'ilit. In act% the !utsis7 real si8eas a'out ;$ S o the randan population. In4urundi% the are uch ore. e hold ellounded reasons to stand or this nu'er."3t the (inistr o Planning% it as +non% since2DV% that the !utsi population as around ,# S%ell a'ove the Jgures o the o&cial propaganda.!his AustiJed the virtual a'sence o !utsi aongadinistration o&cials% aors% o&cers. It AustiJed

    scholarship restriction to !utsi students and accessto senior ecclesiastical circles o dignitaries% usingthe doga o the 1utu0 ethnic aAorit group andthe alse nu'er o DS !utsi. In Wi'uepreecture0% in the counes o =ishita and/aatau there ere

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    census during the civil ar asn7t aied at settingup appropriate tools or the /andan nationaleconoic planning% rather to solve% '

    exterination% the threat convoed ' theunstoppa'le large si8e o the !utsipopulation">ean- paul =BT!ET% op.cit.%0 coento picture on p.; -5 in the non-orallpaginated section0.I the !utsis o /anda% ho ere interior reugeessince 2D5D could reach the si8e o a'out ;$ S othe population% the !utsi in 4urundi ho enAoedsince the ver old 'i'lical ties the ost splendidconditions o groth as ull citi8ens at hoe% andho could no capitali8e the info o a nuerous!utsi counit ro /anda% could not 'e lessthan 55-

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    F99 e'ers have tried to record nuerous1utus under to di\erent naes: a Wirundi naeand an Islaic nae% so that the could Austi that

    the 1utu represent 5S o the population. 3t thesae tie% all e\orts are deploed to drag theaxiu o !utsis in the C)99-F99 so that thecould not Aoin the !utsi constituenc and displatheir real si8es as !utsis. hen everthing ails%then the Final ?olution ust appl.5, - Crie o "?u'stitution" o the !utsi politicalleaders. !he appl 1erann =`ring7s rule: "er>ude ist das ich 'estie" translation: "1e ho isa >e% it is I ho decide"0. 1erann =`ring asolloing the Carl Lueger7s rule* Lueger as the1ead o the ?ocio-Christian Coalition during thelast das o the /epu'lic o eiar.5; - Crie o +idnaping% iprisoning% selling inslaver hundreds o thousands o 'a'ies and sall

    !utsi girls aged $-2, ears top regulator age or4at (it8ah0. ?ee: the victor-herald drea oHespasian% hich as passed on throughoutgenerations o Christians as a central part o thedeep-rooted Christian tholog. It serves as araeor+ to repla the aAor scene thatsignali8es the oent "(" o the 9estruction o

    the !eple% ater the long siege intended toovercoe the courage and the co'ativeness othe deenders >es% ' hunger% disease% and 'ultiaceted actions including raids% +illings opotentiall protective adults% deorali8ation aong

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    vulnera'le groups% and idespread o terror.55- Crie o ideological and operational3ssociation ith the ")a8i Crie o Cries". !he

    'od o the strategic and tactical devices that the1utu esta'lish and set in otion or the plannedpurpose o "4rea+ing the )ec+ o the !utsi" areregistered 'lac+-on-hite in the inaous 'oo+%(ein Wap% and in the "Protocols o the Elders o]ion." ?ee in particular: the testion o thePresident o TE>F Tnion o >eish ?tudents oFrance in the "(ugesera Case"0* the itnesseventuall suari8ed the content o histestion in a contri'ution to a recent paper on"Convergence o the >eish-!utsi (eor"^Convergence des (eoires70. !his leader seesto 'e aare o the speciJc European roots o the=enocide against the !utsi. ?ee also "!a'le o the)a8is 1utus Convergence in ;D Points !o 'e

    pu'lished soon under the pen o a punctiliousanalst o the @uestion !utsi >[email protected]$e )ever orget that% according to internationalorgani8ations concerned ith the scourge oslaver in the orld including the " =lo'al Index o

    ?laver " Foundation0 % no less than V#%$$$ 'a'iesand sall !utsi girls aged $ to 2, ears% erecaught% pac+ed into containers and exported as"huan goods" or sale on all ar+ets o the orld%as " huan fesh " or ide consuption* at the

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    sae tie hundreds o thousands o others ere+idnapped and are 'eing sold as "slaves" in alliagina'le ors% this shaeul trade occurring

    ,$$ ears ater the oral 3ct o 3'olition o?laver. e never heard a single tie the Tpronapart so-called ^tutsi7 representative inside the1utu institutions0 or an other ing o so-calledpolitical copetitors% saing a ord o thisunprecedented traged% hich eans hat iteans. !his shaeul tra&c+ing o children andouth o the !utsi race continues% unaltered andunaltera'le% ith investent guidance and activecoplicit o all political actors ho too+ terduring the periods this scourge occurred #$$5-#$2;0% hich eans% "Tprona First"% and theothers6 next.(T??BLI)I E! LE? >TIF? I!3LIE)?"3nd et this 'rotherl Israeli->eish handsha+e% at

    the top o the leadership on 'oth sides% in?epte'er 2D

  • 8/10/2019 55 Crimes Against TUtsi


    those ho +no the iportance o the past% thepresent and the uture "sition o