**咖咖(Kaya)** Kaya( Coconut & Egg Jam ) Ingredients : 6 eggs 400ml coconut milk 500g sugar 5 pcs pandan leaves Method : 1. Heat the water in the bottom layer of the double-boiler until boiling. Mix all the ingredients in the upper layer, slowly stir until well mixed(Stir every 5 minutes or so to prevent the kaya from getting burned). The whole process takes about 45 minutes. Tips: 1. To make kaya more fragrant, replace chicken eggs with duck eggs. 2. Longer time is needed for bigger portion. 3. To produce brown kaya, use 100g (out of the 500g sugar )to make caramel. Then, mix the caramel into the mixture evenly before pouring in the coconut milk. Then add in coconut milk, continue stirring the mixture till become brown kaya. 咖咖 6 咖咖咖 400 咖咖咖咖 500 咖咖 5 咖咖咖咖 咖咖 1咖咖咖咖 ,,。 5 咖咖咖咖咖咖咖咖咖咖咖咖 ,。 1咖咖 咖咖咖 1咖咖 kaya 咖 咖咖 ,,。 2咖咖 ,。 3咖咖 100咖 咖 咖 咖 。,,。 咖咖咖咖 http://auntyyoung.blogspot.com/


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Page 1: 咖椰

**咖椰(Kaya)**Kaya( Coconut & Egg Jam )Ingredients :6 eggs400ml coconut milk500g sugar5 pcs pandan leaves

Method :1. Heat the water in the bottom layer of the double-boiler until boiling. Mix all the ingredients in the upper layer, slowly stir until well mixed(Stir every 5 minutes or so to prevent the kaya from getting burned). The whole process takes about 45 minutes.

Tips:1. To make kaya more fragrant, replace chicken eggs with duck eggs.2. Longer time is needed for bigger portion.3. To produce brown kaya, use 100g (out of the 500g sugar )to make caramel. Then, mix the caramel into the mixture evenly before pouring in the coconut milk. Then add in coconut milk, continue stirring the mixture till become brown kaya.


做法:1。 将隔水锅下层的水煮沸,上层加入上述所有材料,慢慢搅拌之全部凝结成糊状为止。间中每隔5分钟就要搅拌,以免焦底。全程大约费时 1小时。小贴士:1。 想要 kaya 香,可以以鸭蛋代替鸡蛋,效果会更好。2。 材料分量越多,烹调的时间需更久。 

3。 如想要做成褐色的咖椰,先保留 100克糖搅拌成焦糖。先调入焦糖至均匀,再倒进椰奶,慢慢搅拌之全部凝结成糊状为止。
