5D Life Audit

5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

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Page 1: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

5D Life Audit

Page 2: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

Are you building an amazing 5D life in alignment with your soul?

I’m Aloise, founder of Dharma Life. My mission on earth is quite simply to help you ascend and awaken your powers. This is the most rewarding journey you will ever take from your head to living in your heart. Right now our planet is ascending, we are going through the Great Awakening. The good news is the hard work is already done, we have reached a critical mass in consciousness and we are on the Golden Age Timeline. The best thing you can personally do right now is get your life in order so you ascend with ease. As the frequency continues to rise anything that is out of alignment will be coming up for healing. Living in 5D is all about creating your own heaven on earth in every area of your life. You are being reawakened to your greatness.


5D Life Audit

Page 3: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

There are three things that I value more than anything.

The first thing that I stand for is the belief that every person is born on

this planet with a purpose. No one's here by accident. We're here to bring in the golden age, joy, happiness… or some might even say do our dharma. When we do our dharma we are happier, healthier and live longer, dharma is the right path of action for the individual and the planet. Being in service to others is a major part of being a 5D citizen.

The second is I know I am here to help society shift into 5D and the Golden Age.

It's not something that is ‘woo wooey’, or crazy. It's what I agreed to do before I came down, I am here to bridge people from 3D into 5D consciousness. Somewhere along the way, we’ve decided to abandon our path and do what society tells us too, and my job is to help bring you back onto that correct path, your true soul 5D path.

The third thing I value, more than anything else, for you to step into your power

Your reading this because you are meant to be here, its your time to step into your 5D Self. 5D is all about waking back upto the power we have, many different aspects` of you will be coming alive over the coming years, your psychic gifts, telepathy, past lives, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Page 4: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

I invite you to take the 5D Life Audit This audit will help you to discover how close you’re to living your highest excitement in all areas of your life. To live in 5D we must be being true to ourselves. When you’re on your 5D soul path, following your passion and purpose, life flows. The universe opens up for you, and there’s no greater way of living in 5D than being of service, walking your true purpose path, and doing what you love. But to step into the highest version of yourself and create an amazing life, you need to be honest with yourself about what isn’t working. What are you passionate about? What excites you? What do you need to change? When you're in your highest excitement doing what you love, then you’re in 5D: your natural and true state of being. Portions of your consciousness have remained dormant they are the ones that have clung to the old way of doing things, out of a need for consistency, safety and security. Now is the time to dream bigger, anything is possible, by stepping into the highest version of yourself you will unlock more of your wisdom and higher mind giving you more access to the codes that are necessary for you to inhabit a 5th dimensional light body. Completing our 5D Life Audit offers you valuable insights. By taking a close look at your life and seeing which areas are out of alignment you can get clear about how you wish your life to be, you bridge the gap and move towards your 5D life.

Page 5: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

Remember its all possible especially now. This is a time of letting go, that which doesn’t fit any longer, and no longer serves you and bravely stepping into your new life. Are you ready to find out just how close you are to living a 5D blissful life and which areas you need to focus on?

Page 6: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

The first stage of the 5D Life Audit is to recognise what excites you in your life (and what doesn’t). This is the simplest way I can suggest for you to shift fully into and stay in 5D on an ongoing basis your ducks need to be in a row in all areas of your life so you can unlock the higher frequencies. Your level of excitement acts as a compass. It lets you know when you’re in alignment with your higher self, doing what you love. You might have a good idea about what gives you your highest excitement, but this audit is designed to get you feeling into how much excitement there is in ALL areas of your life. This will give you a clearer indication of what’s important to you. It’ll show what aspects of your life need adjustment to be in better alignment so you can live your new life. Before you begin, find some quiet time. Make a drink. Get comfy. Go through each section of the 5D Life Audit and check what’s relevant to you. Recognise what makes you feel low excitement, medium excitement, and high excitement.

Step One

Page 7: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

If you relate to any of the following, choose Low Excitement:

- Doesn’t interest me

- Doesn’t inspire or motivate me

- It’s boring or soulless

- Feels pointless

- Makes me unhappy

- Lowers my mood

- Makes me feel dissatisfied and discontent

- Feels limiting and restrictive

Low Excitement

Page 8: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

If you relate to any of the following, choose Medium Excitement:

- It’s fine

- Can take or leave

- Have no objection, but neither does it light me up

- It’s quite enjoyable

- Fairly interesting

- Gives me a luke-warm feeling

- It’s ok, but it’s not that important

Medium Excitement

Page 9: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

If you relate to any of the following, choose High Excitement: - Totally inspires and motivates me - Feels expansive - Makes me feel vibrant and alive - Truly resonates with me - Feels joyful - 100% worthwhile - Fulfils my dreams - Nurtures my soul - Enhances my self-belief - Feels so totally right - Gives me the best feeling - Reflects my outlook on life - Makes me feel limitless - Is aligned with my passion - Creates a feeling of bliss

High Excitement

Page 10: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to


What do I need to change,


Where do I want to be, what should I be doing more of?

Go through the following list and score each item on how it makes you feel. Choose LE for Low Excitement, ME for Medium Excitement and HE for Highest Excitement. Make some notes as you go. Add your own categories to the list and ignore what isn’t relevant. The aim is to discover just how excited you are about all aspects of your life so you can make changes or adjustments that matter. Home Life LE ME HE Notes

Your Home

Your Location


Personal Space

Domestic Chores



Home Life Results: LE: _____ ME: _____ HE: _____

How Excited Are You About Your Life?

Page 11: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to


What do I need to change,


Where do I want to be, what should I be doing more of?

Relationships LE ME HE Notes







Social Life

Social Media

Meeting New People

Relationships Results: LE: _____ ME: _____ HE: _____

How Excited Are You About Your Life?

Page 12: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to


What do I need to change,


Where do I want to be, what should I be doing more of?

Career LE ME HE Notes

Your Job/Mission

Work Responsibilities

Life-Work Balance

Career Prospects



Career Results: LE: _____ ME: _____ HE: _____

How Excited Are You About Your Life?

Page 13: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

What do I need to change,


Where do I want to be, what should I be doing more of?

Financial LE ME HE Notes



Leisure Funds

Retirement Funds

Ability to Earn

Living in Abundance

Financial Freedom

Financial Results: LE: _____ ME: _____ HE: _____

How Excited Are You About Your Life?

Page 14: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to


What do I need to change,


Where do I want to be, what should I be doing more of?

Personal LE ME HE Notes


Leisure Time


Being in Nature

‘Me’ Time





Yoga/Tai Chi/Health Retreat

Personal Results: LE: _____ ME: _____ HE: _____

How Excited Are You About Your Life?

Page 15: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to


Interests/Gifts LE ME HE Notes

Being of Service

Helping People







Quality of Life

Social Enterprise




How Excited Are You About Your Life?

Page 16: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to


What do I need to change,


Where do I want to be, what should I be doing more of?

Interests/Gifts (cont’d)




Making a Difference

Interests/Gifts Results: LE: _____ ME: _____ HE: _____

How Excited Are You About Your Life?

Page 17: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to



The 5D Map

Add up your scores. How many lows, mediums and highs do you have in your life? Pop the scores in the relevant area then write down what you want to change and outsource in your life. Which areas of your life are giving you the lowest excitement? What gives you medium excitement? What is your highest excitement? Look at the areas you have low excitement and see if you need to change something, or if it’s something you can delegate and not do anymore. Create a plan if you have a plan, things will change over time. Look at the areas of high excitement and see where you should be putting your energy more. Now write down where you want to be this time next year this will give you something to focus on and move towards. Most people don’t know what they what their lives to look like so they stay the same. Keep this guide and refer to it during the course of the year to see how you grow. Remember don’t hold back!

Step Two

Page 18: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to


Interpreting Your Results

If you score the most for Highest Excitement, congratulations! You’re on course for living a 5D blissful life. You should of already be experiencing the upgrades more psychic capabilities, increased synchronicity, expanded awareness. Your role if it resonates will be to help other during this time. Adjust in any areas of low or medium excitement so you can experience more 5D bliss across the board. Are there any areas of low excitement you can outsource or change? Review how you feel on a regular basis so that you use your level of excitement to navigate a life in 5D in alignment with your soul. Fine tune your life and great ready to unlock your super powers. We will be doing this work in my new programme BEING 5D coming soon

High Excitement

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Page 20: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to


Interpreting Your Results

If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to experience higher excitement and more 5D bliss. Introduce yourself to new experiences and interests. Meet new people. Do something that you haven’t done before. Make adjustments to the way you do things. Feel into what it is that lights you up. Maybe there is some healing work you need to do come join our Dharma Community and do the dharma programme. As you make adjustments and take on new interests and experiences, observe how these make you feel. What areas were you drawn to in the audit? What can you do in the areas that you chose highest excitement to increase them.

Medium Excitement

Page 21: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to


Interpreting Your Results f

If you score the most for Low Excitement, it’s time to take a long and truthful look at your life. Understand what is stopping you from living in 5D bliss. Be prepared to shake things up in your life to let higher excitement in. If you’re engulfed by problems or feel in a rut or believe that everything is going against you, change your perspective. By focusing on the ‘bliss of being’ and the simple things in life that you can be grateful for, you start to build your level of excitement and step into your bliss. It all begins with changing your thoughts and attitude, and then discovering what actually brings you joy and a strong sense of purpose. Please download my free video series to help you increase your frequency fast. https://www.aloise.life/made-for-more-video-series

Low Excitement

Page 22: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to


Get Excited! What changes can you make to achieve a greater level of excitement and a life of 5D bliss? Answer the following questions… # If you had all the time in the world and enough money not to worry

about anything, what would you do?

# Where in your life are you finding the most happiness?

# Where in your life do you need to experience more happiness?

# How are you limiting yourself from living a life in alignment with your soul, where is fear holding you back?

# Are you surprised by the results of the 5D Life Audit? If so, why?

# What action are you taking to follow your highest excitement in more areas of your life?

Step Three

Page 23: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to


Be Accountable! Right now, choose one thing that are going to shift and change and take an action towards it. We are the creators of our own realties, and divine source energy beings. Feel your future now. You create your future in the present. The present stretches itself out to become your experience of the future moment. Because you can only live in the present it is so much more important that you make room for more of what does serve you. START CREATING THE FUTURE THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN THE MOMENT NOW AND REMEMBER THAT YOU NEED TO BE A VIBRATIONAL MATCH TO THAT FUTURE EXPERIENCE NOW. Focus on how you feel rather than trying to think your way out of the feeling.

Step Four

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Affirmations to Increase Your 5D


Say now what you want moving forward!

“I focus on my highest excitement and attract more bliss in my life.” “I am a 5D citizen with many psychic super powers.” “I appreciate and am grateful for life’s wonderful experiences.” “Every moment, I’m creating an amazing life now.” “I love living a blissful life of service in alignment with my soul.”

Page 25: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

Take Action: So now you have taken the 5DLA you will have a clear road map of what areas you need to focus on and change. Over the next four years the old systems will breakdown and the new ones will be born, we are like a caterpillar going into a butterfly it is going to be messy at times so by getting aligned you will be in the best shape possible to ascend and you will be able to observe all that is happening on the planet and enjoy the ascension process. Having a community during this time will be a must. I will be opening the doors to my dharma life academy shortly where I will be teaching two programmes Do Your Dharma and BEING 5D. This is a monthly subscription community. DYD – helps you unlock your greatest potential uncovering your purpose and teaching you the laws of the universe. BEING 5D – helps you awaken your powers and ascend with ease. Join our community will help you maintain accountable whilst you build you new 5D life, there are monthly trainings a library of past trainings, and a whole new tribe of high vibe friends waiting for you Please join our 5D Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/851846801992813/

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Page 27: 5D Life Audit - aloise.life · Interpreting Your Results If you score the most for Medium Excitement, then consider what you need to change in your life to move beyond mediocre to

Come together with likeminded, powerful, individuals like yourself to work through challenges your facing and receive support and guidance from me to move towards what truly lights you up. The group coaching is centred on the Dharma Life Academy- a community which will help you unlearn what’s holding you back and relearn the skills you need to propel you forward. This community will give you the tools you need to navigate the new paradigm. The results of the dharma community are deeper peace, a great sense of fulfilment and a life you love so much you will pinch yourself!

Dharma Life Academy

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For a select group of individual’s I offer intensive and deeply personalised coaching to take inventory of where you are and become crystal clear on where you would like to go in all areas of your life. To determine what would be the best course of action for you, you can schedule a free 30-minute call with me. To schedule your call with me – https://calendly.com/aloise_life/30min

VIP One on One Coaching