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The Power of Tonic Herbs

Sky Sierran Kubby


Chapter 1

Why Tonic Herbs?

Why Tonic Herbs?The Ancients of many cultures used the innate power of tonic herbs to heal their bodies, purify their spirits, achieve balance, and enhance their connection to nature. Eating them in copious amounts, these herbal remedies became the foundation of health care in ancient times, and even continue to inspire today’s mod-ern western medicine. While modern medicine, also known as allopathic medicine, does not necessarily embrace its natural roots, the majority of pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter medicines are actually derived from, or inspired by, herbs and other plants. Take White Willow Bark, for example, which in Hippocrates’ time was chewed to relieve pain and inflammation. In modern times, the Bark’s active compound salicylic acid is the ingredient that inspired common over-the-counter pain relievers such as Aspirin.

So herbal remedies and natural medicine are not new, yet in our modern culture, they are often defaulted into the category of “folk medicine” or “bush medicine”- even passed off as “quack-ery”. But as anyone who has experienced the healing power of these herbs can attest to, their natural derivation should not bely their legitimacy.

Tonic herbs are special plants that have powerful healing prop-erties. They are Earth’s gift, vital for our health and prosperity. And now, we at Medicinal Foods are honored to be sharing them with you.

Many tonic herbs are also adaptogenic, meaning they help the body resist stress, as well as help build strength and vitality. Plants have their own resistance to stress and disease and when we consume those plants, their strength passes onto us, enhances our own immune system. Just as a Reishi mushroom has a one cell thick wall that is impenetrable, as a barrier of protection in a forest full of pathogens, their immune system passes onto us when we eat them.

The herbs we’ll discuss in the next chapters, and the formulas made from them, are based on a lineage of medicine that has been intact and alive since 2975 BC, when the first “Pharmacopia of Medicine” was written. These tonics pull from over 3000 years of Ancient Chinese Wisdom and utilize the Three Treasures System, believed in Traditional Chinese Medicine to be the high-est form of great herbalism: The Superior Herbalism.

The Three Treasures System

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, all of our health is-sues are caused by imbalances, excesses, and deficiencies. In this light, optimal health is only achieved when the body’s three treas-ures, or the “essential energies sustaining human life”, are in bal-ance. The Three Treasures are: Jing, Chi and Shen.

Jing relates to the kidneys, and is believed to be inherited by par-ents. Jing, like DNA, is your essence you came into this life with. Like the wax of a candle, if you burn the candle at both ends, your life expectancy drops twice as fast. When the candle is


gone, so is your life. Think of Jing as the mitochondria power-house of your cells. For women, childbirth can be a major Jing leak. For men, semen retention is a way to prevent Jing leakage. Jing can be rebuilt with tonic herbs like Cordyceps.

Chi, or “Qi”, is the vitality or energy that relates to the spleen, and is likened to the flame of the candle. “Heaven Chi” enters through our breath and penetrates the 12 meridians (or energy pathways in the body). Tonifying the spleen can help with the breakdown of our food into energy. Chi is like the ATP, or energy that is produced by the mitochondria in the Krebs cycle. If the Chi isn’t there to provide the fire to break down the food and supply the minerals to build the blood, then the Jing begins to get depleted. Yang is the release of energy from organs.

Chi tonics are also known as adaptogens and are the rasayana or “restorative” tonics of Ayurvedic medicine.

Shen, or Spirit, or Mind, is like the aura or light that comes off the flame of the candle. Taoist and Zen masters consumed Shen-producing tonic herbs for use on their spiritual paths.

The Ancients used different combinations of tonic herbs to main-tain the balance of the Three Treasures. Only 70 of a total of about 30,000 herbs are considered to actualy be tonic herbs. These highly revered herbs were believed to help tonify where there is deficiency and bring “life” back into our organs, building vitality, energy and resistance. The ancient Chinese believed when an organ becomes deficient in Chi, the energy or life force of the organ needs to be tonified.


5,000 years of Ancient Wisdom can’t be wrong

Tonic herbs have anti-aging properties and aid to the attainment of longevity; have broad-spectrum health-promoting benefits; and improve spiritual and emotional well-being. What’s more, most of them have no negative side effects and are easily di-gestible and assimilable.

There are some tonic herbs that are considered Superior Herbs, or, revered as Quintissential Substances to cultivate all three treas-ures and regulate all 12 organ systems.

These Superior Herbs were termed Immortal Foods as distin-guished in the Divine Farmer’s “Materia Medica” and the Yellow Emporer’s, “Classic of Medicine” by the legendary Qi Bo.

“"In ancient times the art of herbology was practiced by categoriz-ing all herbs into three classifications. The first category of herbs was called superior, or immortal foods because of their lack of side effects and strengthening qualities.”

These Superior Herbs, such as Schizandra and Reishi Mush-rooms, were considered superfoods to the ancient people, and can now be incorporated as food in the diet to enhance health, vitality, and especially for Taoist and Zen masters, spirituality.

Now, we at Medicinal Foods are excited and honored to make these amazing adaptogenic, tonic herbs available to you again. In the next two chapters, we will introduce you to the cast of herbal tonic characters, their purposes, and describe why our Tonic for-mulas will greatly enhance your life.


Note: Anytime is a good time to start taking tonic herbs, unless you are feel-ing sick. If you are showing any ailments, then tonic herbs can drive the illness deeper. Begin in relatively good health. Please consult your herbal-ist, naturopath, or physician if you have any questions.

Chapter 2

The Ancient Future of Tonic Herbal Blends

I consulted with tonic herbalists, acupuncturists and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners to distill these very powerful, yet safe tonic herbal formulas. I’m pleased to bring to you “The Ancient Future of Tonic Herbalism”. May these formulas help you resist stress and bring vitality, health, and balance to your lives. I promise, it’s not too good to be true.

In bringing you the ancient future of tonic herbalism, I consulted with many tonic herbalists, acupuncturists and Traditional Chi-nese Medicine (TCM) practitioners to distill a few very power-ful, yet safe tonic formulas.

Medicinal Foods Tonic herbal formulas contain ancient wisdom in a powdered herbal form. You can mix it in with your Cacao Elixir, Tea base or even sprinkle on your food. The recom-mended dosage is 1-2 Tablespoons per serving, which is more ef-fective and closer to what the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) protocol is, rather than taking a handful of tablets or cap-sules. Think grams, not milligrams when dealing with these herbs.

Medicinal-Foods offers the following Tonics for Vitality and Energy:

• Supreme Blend CHI TONIC

• Lotus Centered SPIRIT TONIC

• WombYin Nutritive LOVE TONIC (just for women)

Supreme Blend CHI TONIC This is a powerful Chi (Vitality) Tonic, which is safe for both men and woman. When taken over time and when starting in relatively good health, this formula can help replenish strength, energy and vitality in areas where your Chi may be stagnant.

Ancient Taoist and Zen Masters ate these Superior herbs as Su-perfoods for radiant health of Body, Mind and Spirit. Many of these powerful adaptogens help resist stress, replenishing Energy


The Supreme Blend Chi Tonic helps replenish strength, energy, and vital-ity in areas where your Chi may be stagnant.

and Life Force, and Tonifying Organs and the Blood.

Usually there is stagnant chi in association with chronic illness such as asthma and many inflammation-based based issues. A Chi tonic has an inward pulling effect as it builds up the life force. When you’re Chi depleted, or when your health is gener-ally good, it’s a great time to take the Chi Tonic. Just be careful of taking it during ill health, such as with fever or sickness, since these ailments can be driven deeper in the body by use of the Chi Tonic.

Otherwise a formula like Supreme Tonic Blend is safe to take for a few months, and then take a break.

Meet some of the Superstars and Supporting Characters of this formula:  

• Astragalus, to build Chi, immunity and tonify the Lungs as well as help with assimilation.  

• Shizandra, the five flavor fruit is a rockstar adaptogen used to center the mind, pull everything inward and stop kidney Jing leakage. Also used for PMS, Night Sweats and High Cholesterol. 

• Dan Gui moves and builds the blood and calms the liver. Helps transport iron to the bone marrow to build the blood. 

• Cinnamon for Chi, Blood and Skin,

• Dan Shen to cool the blood.

• Licorice, the great harmonizer, grounds and balances this formula. Also builds Spleen Chi for absorbing nutrients out of food.

• Lychee for happiness

• Jujube for blood Chi and spiritual activation

• Rhodiola, grown high in the Himalayas this Chi builder and blood oxygenator contains serotonin and dopamine activators.

Click Here To Order CHI TONIC

WombYin Nutritive LOVE TONICThis tonic made especially for women contains the very best herbs to nourish the woman’s Yin essence. It beautifies, balances and builds blood and Upright Chi, while increasing female “Elix-irs”.

A woman is the essence of Yin. By building Yin Jing, rather that Yang Jing, the woman will not become too aggressive with her sexual energy and burn out. By cultivating the Yin essence, hap-piness, love, devotion and Yin fluids will build gently over time, for release at just the right moments.

• Shizandra, is considered a Superior Herb revered as having the ability to nourish all 3 treasures, enter all 12 meridians and nurture all 5 elements. Used to beautify the skin, enhance vision, and nurture every organ. With a dual directional ability to center the mind as well as soothe the nerves, Schizandra also works as an adaptogen to increase the body’s resistance to stress. Also generates vitality and sexual energy. A mild aphrodisiac that is believed to build feminine Water Chi, this herb brings warmth to genitals and increases female elixirs.


• Polygala, to connect Kidneys (Marital) with Heart Love, calms emotion and strengthens will.

• Longan, calming to Spirit and nourishing to blood, adding luster to the skin.  Most beautiful women in china ate Longan daily.

• Asparagus Root, A great Lung and Wisdom tonic, known in Auyerveda as Shatavri, translating to “Who has a 100 Husbands”. It is believed to increase love and devotion and improves circulation to pelvic region. Is said to “put wings on your heart” and to make one feel lighter. Ancient taoists who ate only Asparagus Root were believed to have developed the ability to fly, perhaps metaphorically and spiritually, however, consumption has been reported to induce flying dreams.

• Lychee, Yin Kidney tonic for happiness, nourishing Liver and Kidney blood

• Jujube, one of the two harmonizing herbs besides licorice. Sweet and blood building.

• Morinda, for strong bones, tendons and libido.

• Carthumas, to move blood and good for menstruation.

• Dioscoria, for Chi, Yin Jing and Female Testosterone Levels.

• White Peony to build Yin Blood and regulate female Hormones. Also has anti-spasmodic properties for cramping.

By activating the spleen’s ability to break food down into energy the woman can build more Upright Chi. Latest studies show that a vital spleen helps break down the nutrients we need from our food, especially iron. This is good for women who have excessive menstruation and a chronic cycle of anemia. One of the keys to


Womb Yon Nutritive Love Tonic beautifies, balances, and strengthens the woman’s Yin essence.

healthy blood appears to be refreshing the iron ions inside the red blood cells. Order some LOVE TONIC now!

Lotus Centered SPIRIT TONICA potent and expansive “Shen” (Spirit) tonic can help increase self-awareness, enhance relaxation and instill a sense of peace by creating a connection between the Heart, Mind and Spirit.  An-cient Taoists and Zen masters revered these Shen herbs for use on their spiritual path.

The Spirit Tonic Includes:

• Albizzia Julibrissin Flower, great for the Brain and said to calm the Spirit and nourish the Heart. Spiritually activating.

• Eclipta, Good for liver and Kidney Yin, cooling to the blood, and great for the hair. Cooling to the scalp and reduces anger.

• Bupleurum, Great for stress reduction, this detoxifier can move the liver and build Spleen Chi.

• Longan, calming to Spirit and nourishing to blood, adding luster to the skin. The most beautiful women in China ate Longan daily.

• Schizandra, the five flavor fruit is used to center the mind, pull everything inward and stop kidney Jing leakage. Also used for PMS, Night Sweats and High Cholesterol

• Licorice, the great harmonizer, grounds and balances the formula and builds Spleen Chi for getting nutrients out of food.

• Spirit Poria, Balances emotions and settles the spirit. Excellent to prepare one for meditation. Nourishes spleen.


Lotus Centered Spirit Tonic enhances relaxation, instills a sense of peace, and creates a connection between the Heart, Mind, and Spirit.

• Polygala, connecting Jing and Shen, calms the spirit, removes invisible phlegm from chest and brain and enhances the kidney - heart connection

• Jujube, one of the two harmonizing herbs besides licorice. Sweet and blood building.

• Rhodiola, grown high in the Himalayas, this Chi builder and blood oxygenator contains serotonin and dopamine activators.

• Anemarrhena Rhizome, nourishes Yin, clearing heat, inflammation and irritability. Generates fluids and moistens dryness. Calming.


As you tonify your organs think of these amazing tonics as foods, like the Ancients did. These superfoods are to be consumed in relatively large quantities, as medicinal food.

A serving size is one heaping Tablespoon, 1-2 times daily. With the intention of tonifying, you need only mix in your tea, smoothie or elixir once or twice a day to receive the benefit.

Over time begin to take notice of the results you are experiencing. Do you feel rested, more alert and energized? Are you experiencing less stress and more abundance? Is your vision clearer and do you have more strength?

Order some Spirit Tonic now!


Gogi berries are consumed traditionally as a longevity tonic, in formulas, as well as by steeping dried berries in tea.

Fresh Goji Berries

Chapter 3

Nano Medicinal MushroomsLet’s explore three of the most powerful ancient medicinal mushrooms in existence. Reishi is probably the most studied herb there is, great for stress relief, purifying the liver and has a “calming energy”. Cordyceps is an incredible Lung and Kidney Tonic. And Chaga is a high antioxidant “Siberian Superfood”. By hot water extracting the valuable medicinal aspects of these revered mushrooms, then nano-particling what’s left, we get maximum cellular absorption.

Nano Medicinal Mushrooms

Nano Reishi MyceliumReishi, (Ganoderma Lucidum), is one of the most well studied of all the medicinal mushrooms. Used in Chinese Medicine for 5000 years. It is known in China as Ling Zhi. This so-called “Mushroom of Immortality” balances the whole body and nourishes all three Treasures: Jing, Shen and Chi. Reishi is known to be the most potent adaptogen available, increasing your resistance to stress.

Medicinal-Foods delivers the most most potent colors of Reishi, Purple and Red-Black along with the most Rare and Highest Valued, White. The mycelium, the Life Force of the mushroom, is lab-grown to the highest standards. The fruiting body is what occurs when the mushroom is about to die, so that it can reproduce. The micronized size is nano-particled, meaning it is smaller than 5 microns- so small, in fact, that it can absorb through your skin!

This superior quality of full-spectrum Ganoderma Reishi was traditionally reserved only for Kings and Queens. But modern growing technology has made its immuno-modulating, blood pressure regulating and spiritually activating properties available to you and your family.

Medicinal Foods REISHI Mushroom Mycelium Powder offers:

• The most potent and valuable Ganoderma Reishi formula ever made available to mankind!

• 25% each of Black, Purple, Red and White Reishi in every jar.

• A Potent Tonic that can be safely taken daily.


mushroom mycelium powder

• Powerful Spiritual Benefits

• Can help restore the body to its natural state of abundant health, nourishing all organs

• Immun0-modulation, regulates and fine tunes the immune system

• May Increase Circulation

• May help with anxiety, high blood pressure, hepatitis, bronchitis, insomnia, and asthma.


Add 1/4 tsp. (2g) or less of powder to tea. Or blend or shake with nut or grain milk for a creamy malty medicinal milkshake

Click Here To Order Nano Reishi

Nano Cordyceps MyceliumCordyceps is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to restore health and longevity especially with Kidneys, Lungs and Heart ailments. A rare medicinal treasure consumed by Emperors for 1000’s of years, the Cordyceps is so valuable, it was worth 4 times its weight in silver in ancient times and has sold for as much as $35,000 a pound.

With a history of Asthma and lung infections I began using this Cordyceps in combination with free-diving. I could feel the extra breath hold capabilities on the days I took this powerful lung tonic. I can now free-dive over 100 feet.

The ability of the Cordyceps to oxygenate the body helps fight off disease, since pathogens cannot exist in an oxygen-rich environment.


Pathogens can’t exist in an oxygen-rich environment. This strain of Cordyceps is so oxygenating it has helped me be able to free-dive to 100ft.

Super Oxygenating

This particular strain is “Bio-Identical”, which means it is easily assimilated by the body, and it is also the highest in Cordyceptin, one of the active compounds in Cordyceps. These are laboratory-grown at low temperatures and low oxygen to replicate the 18,000 foot high Tibetan Highland growing region.

In the wild at this elevation, Cordyceps mycelliates caterpillars climb to the tops of grass and sprout a mushroom out of their their heads! These insects are then harvested and dried. As crazy as it sounds, these fruiting bodies have been revered in Chinese Herbalism to help build the Jing as well as Chi. They’re also a great kidney tonic, increasing energy levels and kidney strength.

Today we have a vegan version equal to or even more powerful than the wild.

Here are some of the attributes of Nano Cordyceps Mycelium:

• Powerful Aphrodisiac & Immune Builder

• Increases ATP (Energy) Production by 30%

• Micronized Powder for Enhanced Absorption

• 5x More Potent than Wild Cordyceps


Add 1/4 tsp. (2g) or less of Micronized Cordyceps Mycelium to tea. Or blend or shake with nut or grain milk for a creamy malty medicinal milkshake

Click Here To Order Nano Cordyceps


Many people enjoy Chaga as a base for their smoothies and elix-irs. Get your Jing on!

Nano ChagaChaga, a Siberian Longevity Superfood, is the highest antioxidant superfood. Traditionally used to support healthy skin, eyes, and hair, this superfood also boasts anti-inflammation properties. It also aids in digestive health and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Medicinal Foods Nano CHAGA Siberian Longevity Superfood offers:

• The highest anti-oxidant powers of any other superfood.

• 100% Radiation-free

• Blend of wildcrafted American Birch and Organic Mycelium

• Rich with B Vitamins and minerals

• Anti-tumor properties

• Anti-pathogen properties

• Adaptogenic properties to increase you resistance to stress

• Detoxifying


Add 1/4 tsp. (2g) or less of powder to tea. Or blend or shake with nut or grain milk for a creamy malty medicinal milkshake

Click Here To Order Nano Chaga

Thanks for exploring Tonic Herbs and Medicinal Mushrooms with me!

My Tonic Herbal Blends and Nano Medicinal Mushroom Powders were carefully crafted for you to achieve abundant health, energy, balance, and vibrancy.

Head over to our Medicinal Foods Shop to peruse our powerful product lines. Also, for delicious superfood recipes, please visit our Blog.

In Radiant Health,

~ Sky Kubby, Founder of Medicinal Foods