DISCOVERING TALENTS FOR GODS’ KINGDOM ISSUE 12 SEPTEMBER 2013 Ken Blanchard TALENTS 5 Christian Magazine How should I do Business with you? By George Powell Good Seed Good Soil Rev. Peggy I. Kennedy

5Talents Magazine September 2013 Issue

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5Talents is a Christian Magazine, which encourages people to discover their God given talents for furthering His kingdom.

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discovering talents for gods’ kingdom

issue 12 september 2013

Ken Blanchard

TALENTS5 Christian Magazine

How should I do Business with you?

By George Powell

Good Seed Good Soil

Rev. Peggy I. Kennedy

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Contents Table‘Suited Up’ with a

Passion for Leading Like Jesus

“David Livingstone”

~ Elizabeth Clayton


Why should I do Business with you?

By George Powell 10 175Talent Magazine is a webzine published monthly.

MISSION: - Promote the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ- Impact the character of individuals in the ’Body of Christ’ based on the word of God- Advertise programs and ventures that fulfills ‘The Great Commission’ for the end time purposes

5Talents Magazine grants permission for any original article to be quoted provided 5Talents Magazine is indicated to be the source. For use of an entire article permission must be granted.

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EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Premasis Satman EDITOR Elveera Redwood Lauren Scanlon




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Good SeedGood Soil

~Rev. Peggy I. Kennedy 8

God’s Will, in a Whale!

~By Pastor Joseph

A. Nigro 14

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uring troubling times in our world, many of us are longing for someone to

turn to… someone to calm us down, speak some truth, and point us in the right direction. With the increasing conflict in Syria, many innocent lives have been lost and it is truly heartbreaking.

The ‘chemical weapons attack’ in East Damascus on 21st August 2013, killed 1,429 people, including 426 children. Doctors, without boundaries, were operating in three hospitals in the Eastern Damascus region, which received roughly 3,600 patients over less than three hours on after, reportedly seeing a “large number of patients arriving with symptoms like; convulsions, excessive saliva, pinpoint pupils, blurred vision and respiratory distress.”

Nations around the world are up in arms and ready to attack Syria. I don’t want to go into all the politics of this crisis; I just want to tell you what reaction we Christian should have, for such crises.

When there’s a problem, families talk it out. They negotiate and come to an agreement. They strive to love each other, keep the peace, and find a solution that works for everyone. Blessed Mother Teresa of Kolkata very

wisely said, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”

However, you may feel like you don’t belong. You may feel like that arguments go over your head, or that you are not part of the solution.

How can we, as Christian, affect the world? How can you, as believers of Christ, affect the world? If the situation in Syria too big and complicated for you to be a part of , you can at least play a small part in all of it.

Fast and Pray for Syria !

This is how we,as Christians can join in this fight by faith. Not in a literal way, but with the power of faithful prayer (Eph 6:10-17)

Young people can play a vital role in this. Promote peace in your families and your surroundings. Pray for the world and let your heart break for those who are hurting. Your witness, your sacrifices, and your prayers make a difference. You can make a difference ! You are a member of the body of Christ, and this body needs you right now (1 Cor 12:12)

God Bless.


“A piece of Peace for Syria”

Premasis Satman

Executive Director

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Mathew:20: 27-28 says, “27 and whoever would be first among you, must be your slave,28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Ken Blanchard is a man spreading the servant leadership message of Jesus globally. Ken is also a world renowned Management Guru, premier thinker and writer on Leadership. He has authored or co-authored more than thirty five books including “The One Minute Manager”, “Raving Fans” and “Gung Ho”! The book “One Minute Manager” which was co-authored by Ken in 1982, was on the New York Times best-sellers list for over two years. It is sometimes interesting to see God’s plans when we look back at life. Ken gave his life to Christ in 1999. Subsequently, during one of his conversations with a well-known pastor. Ken realized Jesus to be a great One-minute-manager in the way that he functioned. When he began to study the Bible, he became fascinated with how Jesus transformed twelve ordinary and unlikely individuals into the first generation of leaders, launching a movement that continues to affect the course of world history.

Since coming to a personal faith in Jesus Christ – “suiting up,” as Ken terms it – his passion and priority has become inspiring and equipping people to lead like Jesus. He has come to recognize and lift up Jesus as the greatest leadership role model of all time. Along with Phil Hodges, he founded The Center for “Faithwalk Leadership” in 1999, now better known as “Lead Like Jesus”. The ministry’s mission is not to run ministries or businesses or to start churches. Instead, the ministry aims to inspire and equip leaders so that God is glorified, people are served, and organizations are more effective

‘Suited Up’ with a Passion for Leading Like Jesus

in impacting the world, for the Kingdom of God. Out of this small, not-for-profit organization, the movement – “Lead Like Jesus” – came to life with Ken as its chief champion.

Ken and Phil Hodges are the co-authors of ‘Lead Like Jesus’: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time’. This message is impacting individuals, homes, churches, businesses, and communities everywhere. This is once again a reminder of the absolute relevance of Jesus. He was relevant to mankind two thousand years ago and continues to be, even today in the era of Generation X-Y-Z, social networking, economic fluctuations, jumbo jets, terrorism, technological revolution and much more. On October 2nd, 2013 Bangalore will have the opportunity to listen to the ‘Servant-leadership’ model of Jesus, from Ken Blanchard, along with Phyllis Hendry, President and CEO, of ‘Lead Like Jesus’. Ken is universally acknowledged by friends, colleagues and clients to be one of the most insightful, powerful and compassionate men in business today. When Ken speaks, he speaks from the heart with warmth and humour. He is a polished storyteller with a knack for making the seemingly complex easy to understand.

The ‘Lead Like Jesus’ encounter is a unique world-class leadership program designed to stimulate, challenge and raise the bar of leadership potential and impact. So if you are a Parent, CEO, Pastor, Sunday school teacher, Electrician, Accountant or just anybody with a passion to know more about the greatest leader of all times, don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the encounter. For registration details please contact +91-9739847877 or mail [email protected]

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KEN BLANCHARDauthor, speaker, consultant

“People who feelgood about themselvesproduce good results.”

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Meet Ken Blanchard

Q. How did you get involved in leadership, and what motivates you to continue?My involvement in leadership began in the 1960s, when I was an assistant dean at Ohio University. The chairman of the Management department, Dr. Paul Hersey, asked me if I would be interested in writing a textbook with him. That book became Management of Organizational Behavior. It introduced Situational Leadership®, a whole new way of looking at management. Now in its 10th edition, the book has been a bestseller in the field for over 40 years.

When I was on sabbatical in the late 1970s, I gave a speech—“Different Strokes for Different Folks”—at a Young Presidents Organization event. People were so excited about it that they insisted my wife, Margie, and I start our own management consulting company. We went from not knowing how to balance our own checkbook in 1979 to running a company that today has more than 300 employees and offices around the world.

In 1982, the book I wrote with Spencer Johnson, The One Minute Manager®, was published and went on to sell more than 13 million copies. I guess you could say that book was a trendsetter, because it was the first well-known business parable, a format that is still quite popular today.

What keeps me motivated to continue is that I believe the world is in desperate need of a different leadership role model. When you look at leaders around the world—whether they’re running departments or countries, businesses or religious institutions—you see too many people focusing on self-serving goals. We need a new leadership model that focuses not only on goal accomplishment, but also on the greater good.

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Ken has authored or co-authored more than thirty five books including “The One Minute Manager”, “Raving Fans” and “Gung Ho”!

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farmer went out to sow his seed...But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart,

who hear the word, retain it and by persevering, produce a crop.” (Luke 8: 4-15) It’s always very exciting to have the Spirit lead you back into a familiar passage and show you something very fresh and new ! In a recent ‘prayer commitment’, the Lord directed me to Luke 8 and instructed me pray through these verses, regarding not the preached word of the Lord, but the prophetic word of the Lord which had been “sown” into our lives, businesses, and nation. I had never considered that before!

The passage came freshly alive, as did the confirmation, that the fulfillment of the prophetic words received from the Lord may have more to do with the heart condition of the hearer than the inherent power of the word. Join me in praying through this passage; allow the Spirit to shift the focus from hope deferred to His grace releasing persevering expectation.

PRAYER : “Lord, we thank you for sowing into our lives. As you have spoken prophetically we have heard your desires and plans for our lives, businesses, ministries, and even nations. Stir us afresh to resist your enemy (and ours) from snatching that Word from the pathway that we are on...even when the pathway looks far different than the future landscape of the fulfilled Word. Lord, at times we are fickle! You speak to us and we respond with joy. But, soon the Word “withers”. We fail to allow the Word to root in our hearts. Even when the received Word

does take root, we do not tend the Word, with faith. We give place and space to “why not” and the Word is displaced by worries, value placed on other things, and even distracting pleasures. We have not cultivated and cleared our lives of what would choke out the prophetic seed sown. We repent, Lord, and we ask you to cleanse us from our inaccurate allegations against you that you speak but do not fulfill what you say. Our greatest desire is that your desires will be fulfilled. We align ourselves with even the timing required, to allow the Word, as good seed, to germinate, sprout, and rise up in our view line. We receive the prophetic intentions you have declared. We invite your Spirit to survey the soil of our hearts. We appropriate your grace to work fresh perseverance within us. We pray, that we will be in that number that bear the prophetic Word to completion; and we will see what you have said. We will share in your joy of ripened fruit and a crop of fulfilled Word.

We pray that we will join the ranks of those who have celebrated: “Praise be to the Lord...who with His hands has fulfilled what he promised with his mouth...”(II Chron. 6:4) Sow more prophetic seed, Lord, until the landscape of our lives, ministries, businesses, and nations becomes a fertile field, bearing much fruit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

If you are interested in receiving a regular Word of prophetic encouragement and instruction, please sign up for Hear the Sound at www.TwoSilverTrumpets.ca.

Good Seed ~ Good SoilRev. Peggy I. Kennedy


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n the town where I live there is a great new European Bakery called “Petite Patisserie”. I absolutely love it! One thing is for sure; it has

caused me to be very committed to my exercise routine, because otherwise, I’d have to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes several sizes larger.

I was talking with the owner just recently, about a certain group of people, with whom she is going to stop serving . . . and for various reasons. They demand more than is reasonable; they return products claiming they found “foreign objects” in them, and they are constantly dissatisfied; in an effort to get things for less or to not pay at all.

In short . . . they lack principles and character.

All of this leads me to ask the question of people with whom I do business. And the answer comes down to a pretty short list.

I do business with people I know, like, and trust.

Stop and think about it . . . I bet you do, too.

So think about this, as a business owner, or one who offers some type of service to others, why do you suppose people do business with you?

Initially it is most likely, because you offer some product or service they require. But it is only a matter of time, after they have gotten to know you, that they conc lude they either do or do not like you, and most importantly of all, they’ve determined that they can trust you.

So how do you create trust? How do you


Why should I do Business with you? By George Powell

become trustworthy? How can your business develop the reputation of being trustworthy?

It can be as simple as A, B, and C.

Appreciate your customers :

To appreciate something means to raise the value.

Mostly this just comes down to “great customer service “. For example, when a customer walks into your store, your business, or office, how are they greeted? Do they feel valued? Do they feel welcomed? Do they feel appreciated?

Honestly there are places of business that I would never frequent again in my life. Why? Not because of an inferior product, but because of how they made me feel. If I feel ignored, or as if I’m a bother to them, then I won’t be a bother any more !

On a deeper level, ask yourself, how does my product or my service raise the value of my customer? How does it meet their need? How does it improve their life?

And it does go both ways. In the case of my bakery owner friend, these “high need customers” must learn to appreciate the high quality product they are receiving.

Be a person of your word :

Recently I hired a “professional” to build a water feature in my backyard . . . a tiny pond with two or three little waterfalls. As time went on and

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a broken promise was followed by a broken promise, I quickly came to the conclusion that this person is not dependable and whenever he would make another “promise” I would think to myself, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

As a person who has to make commitments all the time with my coaching and leadership training company, I’ve determined that I will never become the person of whom others say, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

In order for that not to happen, one of the personal and business values by which I live is, the “DWYSYWD”principle.


Nothing chips away at the foundation of Trust than empty, broken promises.

So do you want to grow your business? Do you want to be successful? Do you want others to speak highly of you? It’s simple . . . be a ‘person of your word’.

Consistently deliver.

How many times would you fly with an airline that advertised 98% of the time we’ll get you there safely?

Or how many times would you eat in a restaurant that boasted high quality food products most of the time?

Or how often would you go back to a Company that once-in-a-while delivered on their product?

The answer is never, never, and never!

Why? Because you want, need and expect consistency … So do your customers !

So why should I do business with you? Or maybe the better question is: Why would I do business with you?

It’s most likely because I’ve come to know you. I’ve

learned that you are likeable. But most importantly of all, I know I can trust you.

By the way, when you visit me in Portland, I’ll be sure to take you to my European Bakery.


Note : (Dr. George Powell serves as a Pastor in Portland, Oregon at Abundant Life Church (www.alcpdx.com) and as an Independent Coach, Teacher, and Speaker with the John Maxwell Team (www.johnmaxwellgroup.com/georgepowell)

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ut Jonah ran away from the Lord...” (Jonah 1:3)

Did you ever just outright blow it? Have you messed up so bad that you think you will never get out of a situation? Do you think that God has left you behind and He’s moving forward without you? Did you disobey God and get yourself in a bad relationship or bad debt? I take comfort in the book of Jonah, because I see that I’m not the only one who messes up. Here was a prophet of God who ran away from God. Yet, the example of Jonah represents our lives many times. God calls us and we run...or we do the opposite of what he says, and we end up engulfed in a “whale” of problems. Shortly after I was saved, I went to a church service, where a missionary was preaching. Everything that the missionary was saying was piercing my heart. I knew that God was telling me that I was going to be serving Him in Missions. While he was preaching, I literally jumped up out of my seat and ran out of the Service. I thought that there was no way I was going to any foreign country. I too had become a modern day Jonah. “...such a violent storm arose...” (Jonah 1:4) When you first turn from God’s Will, everything may go smoothly at first, but then suddenly the storms of life start to rock your boat. Your problems start to overwhelm you and your life begins to have

an adverse affect on others. You try to tell others that God’s in control, but they are fearful of what’s happening in your life and abandon you. “But the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights...” (Jonah 1:17) Unexpected problems have multiplied and you’re totally engulfed in difficulties that are impossible to get out of. You are now riding around in the belly of God’s whale, trying to figure out how to get out of your hopeless circumstances. You may have failed God, failed your loved ones, failed yourself, and you feel that it’s impossible to get back. I’m sure Jonah wasn’t thinking about the distant future while riding in the belly of the whale. “From inside the fish Jonah prayed..” (Jonah 2:1) Jonah’s only concern was to turn back His life to the Author and Finisher of his Faith. He knew he was in “deeper” than he could get out of, and only God could rescue him. Many of us are in such impossible circumstances that only God could get us out and put our feet back on solid ground again. It’s when we cry out to Him with a sincere heart and we submit to His Will again that He hears our cries and answers our prayers. I ran away from God for months shortly after I had ran out of that church Service, and I became a prodigal son. Yet God in His mercy loved me back to Him, and I can now say with a sincere heart that I consider it a honor and a privilege to serve Him in a foreign country.

God’s Will, in a Whale! By Pastor Joseph A. Nigro


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You may think that you failed God’s plan so much that you’re stuck in the whale for life, but that’s not true. Jonah was not the only person who messed up in the Bible. David failed “royally” as he lied one day and because of his lies all the priests of Hobnob were murdered. He also committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband murdered. Yet the Scriptures tell us that he had a heart after God... and he too cried out to God with a broken and contrite heart. It does not matter what sin you’re committing. God will forgive you and restore you back to the joy of your Salvation (Psalm 51) as long as you confess your sins! God tells us in Joel 2:25 that He will “restore the years that the locusts have eaten.” This Scripture tells us that God will restore the years that you lost and will make you usable again for His glory. Despite David’s sin, Jesus was a descendent of him. He even used Jonah’s failures to represent 3 days of Jonah in the whale, as a comparison of Jesus descending into the ground for three days! So God can turn our failures around and use them for His glory when we seek His will again. Like Jonah, let our prayer be,

“In my distress I called to the Lord, and He answered me. From the depths of the grave I called for help, and You listened to my cry. You hurled me into the deep, into the very heart of the seas, and the currents swirled about me; all Your waves and breakers swept over me. I said, ‘I have been banished from Your sight; yet I will look again toward Your holy temple.’ The engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me; seaweeds were wrapped around my head. To the roots of the mountains I sank down; the earth beneath barred me in, forever. But You brought my life up from the pit, O lord my God. When my life was ebbing away, I remembered You, Lord, and my prayer rose to You, to Your holy temple. Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs. But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to You. What I have vowed I will make good. Salvation comes from the Lord.” (Jonah 2:2-9)

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arly Life and Education. David Livingstone, explorer and missionary in Africa, was born at Blantyre (8 miles

southeast of Glasgow, [Scotland]) March 19, 1813, and died in Ilala, Central Africa, May 1, 1873. He grew up amid the austere Scotch piety of his home, with very limited schooling. At ten he went to work in a cotton factory, and formed the habit of putting most of his earnings into the acquisition of books (a Latin grammar, works on natural science, etc.), which he studied far into the night. His studies were so successful that in 1830 he was able to enter the University of Glasgow, with the object of studying medicine, supporting himself by factory work in the summer months.

To this period belongs his awakening to personal Christianity. He describes his inner transformation as being similar to the curing of color-blindness. His desire to serve the kingdom of God was directed by an appeal of Gützlaff’s toward the mission in China. He began to study theology with the desire of going to China as an independent missionary. Some friends, however, encouraged him to join an organized mission. In 1838 he entered

the service of the London Missionary Society, at whose expense he continued his studies. When these were completed, his proposed expedition to China was prevented by the outbreak of the Opium War. Through the influence of Robert Moffat, then in England, his thoughts were turned to South Africa, for which he was duly commissioned on Dec. 8, 1840.

Early Missionary Labors. At Moffat’s station, Kuruman, Livingstone was to learn the language of the Bechuana people. A few months after his arrival he made a journey of over 700 miles, winning the confidence of the natives wherever he went by his medical

activity. Upon Moffat’s return with the young missionary Edwards, Livingstone migrated with the latter to the Ba-katla tribe. Here, with great practical efficiency, he organized the Mabotsa station, to which in 1843 he brought Moffat’s daughter as his wife.

On account of difficulties arising apparently out of the wounded vanity of his colleague, who even brought charges against him before the missionary board of directors, Livingstone


David Livingstone Explorer and Missionary

~ By Elizabeth Clayton

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proceeded in 1846 to the country of the Bakwena, deserting the house and plantations at Mabotsa. He now founded a station on the river Kolobeñ to which Setshele, the chieftain, transferred his capital. This chief, who had known Livingstone since his first journey, was deeply impressed by his teaching, and when he made up his mind to abandon polygamy he was baptized. His great nature impelled him onward. There was no rest for him at Kolobeñ. At the cost of laborious journeys, he was continually seeking new tribes. At the time Livingstone with his wife and child was on the journey in course of which he discovered Lake Ngami, and was paving the way by his acquaintance with Sebituane, chief of the Makololo, toward wider enterprises.

Livingstone the missionary had become a world-renowned explorer. While writing the accounts of his travels, and in the midst of diverting influences, very extensive new plans took shape in his mind. A mission on vast lines, combined with colonization and trade, was contemplated. He severed his connection with the London Missionary Society, after it had sanctioned the founding of a Makololo mission, which he promised to support

Explorations 1858-64.This second period of Livingstone’s activity in Africa (1858-64) was full of difficulties, disappointments, and failures. In the ascent of the Zambesi, the expedition found little support among the Portuguese. What proved the most serious obstacle to Livingstone’s plans was their toleration of the slave-trade. Bishop MacKenzie meanwhile had arrived with missionaries and colonists. The first station of the colonizing mission was founded near Lake Shirwa. But while Livingstone was occupied with the farther exploration of Lake Nyasa (1862), the new establishment once again succumbed to the ravages of fever, drought,

famine, and the assaults of the savage slave-hunter Ajawa. After the bishop’s death, the few remaining members removed the colony to the Shire. A fresh reinforcement arrived, including Mrs. Livingstone, who desired to share her husband’s journeys. A few weeks later, he had to commit his wife to the grave (1862). From the depth of mourning he roused himself to new labor.

Final Period of African Work, 1865-73. Directly after completing his second book, The Zambesi and its Tributaries (London, 1864), he sailed for Bombay with the idea of organizing a new expedition from that base. He recruited soldiers in India; and two native Africans, Chuma, and Susi, trained in an Indian mission school, became his faithful servants. The bearers were, recruited on Johanna Island. Again, and very soon, unexpected difficulties occurred. In course of a few months the Indian soldiers had to be sent back as totally unserviceable. Livingstone understood the Africans very well, but not the Indians. The animals perished down to the last one. Lake Nyasa was reached with great efforts. Attacked by the savage Mafitu, the carriers from Johanna fled back to their home.

Livingstone pushed on amid the greatest obstacles, sick, without medicine or proper food; and, falling in with an Arab caravan, arrived at Kasembe, thence discovering Lake Moero, and reaching Ujiji on Lake Tanganyika. Despite all this, Livingstone so promptly recovered his strength in the wholesome air that he soon (1869), with his few attendants, undertook a new expedition.At Nyangwe he reached the Lualaba, and supposed he had discovered the upper reaches of the Nile. He fell sick again, and wearily dragged himself, with three attendants, back to Ujiji. Here he was met by the intrepid explorer, Henry M. Stanley, who had been sent out in search of him. Under

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his fostering care Livingstone recovered, and they both undertook a journey of exploration to the north end of Tanganyika, ascertaining that this lake was not connected with the Nile.

The search for the source of the Nile had come to be more and more Livingstone’s preoccupation, and with this in view he withstood Stanley’s entreaties to return with him to Europe. His servants carried their sick master day after day, many a time through long reaches of water. At Tshitambo’s village in Ilala they built him a hut and nursed him faithfully, until one morning they found his dead body in a kneeling posture by his couch. They embalmed his corpse, packed it in a bale of merchandise, and carried it in a wonderful funeral procession, amid many perils, to the coast. On April 18, 1874, it was deposited in Westminster Abbey.

Livingstone the missionary, emerged as a pioneer in exploring the civilization, and ultimately into the geographical explorer. But he never lost sight of the fact that only the Gospel could bring true succor to the peoples of Africa. During his very last journey, he still observed regular devotions with his attendants, and, as long as his strength lasted, divine worship on Sunday. The latest entries in his diary evince unswerving profound piety.

His discoveries were carried further with much success by Stanley, and the African continent was opened to European civilization and to the colonial enterprises of ambitious nations. Although this is unhappily not always directed by a Christian spirit, yet missionary work also has received a great impetus and achieved successful results in the spirit of the great pioneer, whose name can never be forgotten by the peoples of Africa.

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215Talents Magazine August 2013

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215Talents Magazine Sept 2013

Page 22: 5Talents Magazine September 2013 Issue

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