If anyone has any queries or quesons please don't hesitate to call into the school office, where a member of staff will be happy to help during office hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 5th November 2018 — 16th November 2018 Check Class Dojofor further news and updates Fundraising Dates for your Diary!! Christmas Fayre Friday 14th December Christmas Jumper Day Anti-Bully Week This week in assembly, the children chose RESPECT over Bullying. As part of An- Bullying week, they have been learning about the importance of respecng themselves, each other and the wider community. The week started with decorang the outside perimeter of the school in bows and balloons symbolising our RESPECT for the cause. Also children wore odd socks demonstrang how unique we are. In addion, years 1-6 have been discussing cyber-bullying and the affect anonymous malicious messaging on line has on an individual. For Children in Need this Year, we decided to join in with the 'Big Bring & Buy Sale'. The school council chose to sell confectionery during break and lunch time to help raise money for the cause. They also sold Pudsey wristbands and came to school in spotty clothes, there was even a giant Pudsey in the hall which we filled with loose change. A fun day was had by all! MP Eddie Hughes has been in school today and was delighted with the progress the school has made since his last visit. His morning started with a visit to our Community Hub chatting to some parents over a cup of tea. He was them questioned by some of our school council children who where keen to fond out his views on Brexit’. Lastly he had a tour of school giving the children a real opportunity to showcase their work.

5th November 2018 — 16th November 2018 · 2018-12-04 · 5th November 2018 — 16th November 2018 Check ‘Class Dojo’ for further news and updates Fundraising Dates for your

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Page 1: 5th November 2018 — 16th November 2018 · 2018-12-04 · 5th November 2018 — 16th November 2018 Check ‘Class Dojo’ for further news and updates Fundraising Dates for your

If anyone has any queries or questions please don't hesitate to call into the school office, where a member of staff will be happy to help during office hours 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

5th November 2018 — 16th November 2018

Check ‘Class Dojo’ for further news and updates

Fundraising Dates for your Diary!!

Christmas Fayre

Friday 14th December

Christmas Jumper Day

Anti-Bully Week

This week in assembly, the children chose RESPECT over Bullying. As part of Anti-Bullying week, they have been learning

about the importance of respecting themselves, each other and the wider

community. The week started with decorating the outside perimeter of the school in bows and balloons symbolising our RESPECT for the cause. Also children

wore odd socks demonstrating how unique we are. In addition, years 1-6 have

been discussing cyber-bullying and the affect anonymous malicious messaging on

line has on an individual.

For Children in Need this Year, we decided to join in with the 'Big Bring & Buy Sale'. The school council chose to sell confectionery during break and lunch time to help raise money for the cause. They also sold Pudsey wristbands and came to school in spotty clothes, there was even a giant Pudsey in the hall which we filled with loose change. A fun day was had by all!

MP Eddie Hughes has been in school today and was delighted with the

progress the school has made since his last visit.

His morning started with a visit to our Community Hub chatting to some

parents over a cup of tea.

He was them questioned by some of our school council children who

where keen to fond out his views on ‘Brexit’.

Lastly he had a tour of school giving the children a real opportunity to

showcase their work.

Page 2: 5th November 2018 — 16th November 2018 · 2018-12-04 · 5th November 2018 — 16th November 2018 Check ‘Class Dojo’ for further news and updates Fundraising Dates for your


School Diary

Autumn Term 2018

W/C 3rd December—parents evenings

14th December—Christmas Fayre & Christmas Jumper Day

21st December—Break Up

Stars of the Week

Week ending 9th November

Butterflies ESMAE

Caterpillars JAYDEN








Mr. Whitehouse MAISY

Lunchtime GRACIE & DYLAN

Week ending 16th November

Butterflies RICHARD

Caterpillars ADRIAM


1/2H KAI








Mrs. Butlin PETER

Mr. Whitehouse LOGAN



School Uniform

Can I remind parents that school uniform is compulsory and must be worn at all times.

PE Kit

Can you please ensure PE kit is in school at all times. We have lots of children at the moment not bringing kit to school. Please bring it in Monday and it can stay in school for the remainder of the term.

AUTUMN 2 Week 1



RANK Week 2


Nursery AM 68.5 13th 11th 88.9

Nursery PM 85.9 12th 12th 77

Caterpillars 92.8 8th 5th 94.5

Butterflies 97.9 2nd 1st 99.2

Y1/2B 94.4 6th 2nd 97.9

Y1/2H 98.3 1st 4th 94.7

Y2T 95 5t 3rd 97

Y3C 93.8 7th 4th 94.7

Y3/4G 89.3 11th 9th 92.8

Y4R 90.7 10th 8th 93.4

Y5/6C 95.6 4th 6th 96.4

Y5/6W 91.7 9th 10th 90.8

Y6M 97.6 3rd 7th 93.5

Weekly/Cumulative Class Attendance

At ESPA; we continue to strive to improve our attendance and punctuality. Please ensure your children are in school by 8.50

a.m. (doors open at 8.30 a.m.). If your child is ill, please call the office each day of their absence and provide medical evi-

dence where possible. Holidays during term time will not be authorised and fines are likely to be issued by Walsall Authority if

you take children out f school during term time.

Christmas Meal and Party Dates to be confirmed!