6 th Grade Language Lessons

6 th 6 th Grade Language Lessons Contents 1111 :::: 2 2 S S S S tttt yyyy llll eeee ssss o o o o ffff l l l l aaaa nnnn gggg uuuu aaaa gggg eeee 2222

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  • 6 th 6 th Grade Language Lessons
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  • Contents 1111 :::: 2 2 S S S S tttt yyyy llll eeee ssss o o o o ffff l l l l aaaa nnnn gggg uuuu aaaa gggg eeee 2222 :::: f f iiii gggg uuuu rrrr aaaa tttt iiii vvvv eeee l l aaaa nnnn gggg uuuu aaaa gggg eeee 4444 :::: F F iiii gggg uuuu rrrr aaaa tttt iiii vvvv eeee L L L L aaaa nnnn gggg uuuu aaaa gggg eeee q q uuuu iiii zzzz 3333 :::: l l aaaa nnnn gggg uuuu aaaa gggg eeee r r eeee vvvv iiii eeee wwww
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  • Part 1: Two Styles of Language
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  • What are the 2 Styles of Language? Literal Language Figurative Language
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  • Figurative Vs. Literal Literal Language is meaning exactly what you say! If I say, Please sit down! If I say, Please sit down! thats exactly what I mean sit down! thats exactly what I mean sit down! The words have no hidden meaning The words have no hidden meaning they mean exactly what is being said they mean exactly what is being said
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  • In Figurative Language, In Figurative Language, you dont mean EXACTLY what you say ! For example, if I say. I DO NOT Mean Lets go chill!
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  • Chill REALLY means Hang out together Spend Time with Friends or Family Do Nothing! Play Talk Listen to Music Watch TV C H I L L !
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  • LiterallyCHILLin FigurativelyCHILLin
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  • 6th Grade Figurative Language
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  • 9 Styles of Figurative Language Similes Have You Heard of These? Personification Idioms Metaphors Oxymoron Alliteration Hyperbole Onomatopoeia Irony
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  • Similes Personification Idioms Metaphors Oxymoron AlliterationHyperbole Onomatopoeia Memorize Them! Understand them! identify Them! use Them! Irony
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  • Why is Figurative Language So Important ? Its a helpful Tool for writers Its a helpful Tool for writers Helps the reader to Visualize Helps the reader to Visualize It puts a Picture in the It puts a Picture in the readers mind readers mind It makes the writing It makes the writing More Interesting to read More Interesting to read Cool !
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  • Figurative Language Techniques Lets look at each technique Lets look at each techniqueindividually Get ready for a QUIZ at the end of the presentation Get ready for a QUIZ at the end of the presentation
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  • Simile When you compare two or more things When you compare two or more things Similes use the words Similes use the words like like or or as __________ as as __________ as Example: I slept like a log.
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  • Metaphor Metaphor comparing 2 things Metaphor comparing 2 things Do not use like or as Do not use like or as Use linking verbs is, am, are, was, were, Use linking verbs is, am, are, was, were, Example: Love is a rose.
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  • Idioms Expressions that are Expressions that are commonly used commonly used The meaning has nothing to do with The meaning has nothing to do with the words that are being said the words that are being said Sometimes the IDIOM doesnt even have to be put into a sentence Sometimes the IDIOM doesnt even have to be put into a sentence People just understand what you mean! People just understand what you mean!
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  • Idiom Example: Bend over backwards FigurativeMeaning I do everything I can to I can to help out this person LiteralMeaning
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  • Idiom Example: Cant Cut the Mustard FigurativeMeaning You Cant Do it! You Cant Take it! You Dont Have What It Takes! LiteralMeaning
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  • Personification When a thing or animal takes on a Human characteristic When a thing or animal takes on a Human characteristic These characteristics are usually VERBS or actions These characteristics are usually VERBS or actions that only Humans can do that only Humans can do Think of it as something Think of it as something a PERSON can do a PERSON can do
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  • Personification Some Examples: 1. The FLOWERS begged for water. Notice the THING or ANIMAL Notice the THING or ANIMAL Notice the VERB that a person can do Notice the VERB that a person can do 2. The MOON danced on the lake. 3. The SUN played hide-and-seek in the clouds. the clouds.
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  • Hyperbole Expression that uses Exaggeration Expression that uses Exaggeration to impact what is being said to impact what is being said Used to Used to paint a funny picture paint a funny picture or to or to make a point make a point Similar to an idiom Similar to an idiom
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  • Hyperbole Example: Remember Exaggeration is the Key! Your dog is so ugly We had to pay the fleas the fleas to live on him! to live on him!
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  • Alliteration Use of the same consonant sounds in words that are written Use of the same consonant sounds in words that are written together together Candy and Cindy do not alliterate, but cool and kids do Candy and Cindy do not alliterate, but cool and kids do It is the sound, not the letter, It is the sound, not the letter, that is important that is important Similar to Tongue Twisters Similar to Tongue Twisters
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  • Onomatopoeia Words that Words that sound exactly sound exactly like the object they name like the object they name or the sound it makes or the sound it makes Zip is an example of a onomatopoeia Zip is an example of a onomatopoeia AKA: Sound Words AKA: Sound Words
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  • Oxymoron An expression when two or more words are put together An expression when two or more words are put together But when put together they take on a new and emphasized meaning But when put together they take on a new and emphasized meaning These two words have These two words have opposite meanings opposite meanings on their own on their own
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  • Oxymorons Big Sip Cold Sweat Crash Landing Dry Ice Mud Bath Nothing Much Plastic Glass Slumber Party Small Crowd Old News Inside Out Freezer Burn Auto Pilot Awfully Nice Original Copy Jumbo Shrimp Half Full Pretty Ugly
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  • Irony Irony is the Irony is the EXACT OPPOSITE EXACT OPPOSITE of what you BELIEVE of what you BELIEVE will HAPPEN will HAPPEN Spoken or Written Words that mean Spoken or Written Words that mean the opposite of their the opposite of their usual meaning usual meaning
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  • The Titanic was Advertised as being 100% Unsinkable
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  • in 1912 the ship sank on its Maiden Voyage. But Isnt it Ironic?
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  • In 1981, whilestanding next to his car, President Ronald Regan was hit in the chest by a bullet fired by John Hinkley, Jr. fired by John Hinkley, Jr.
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  • Hinkley's bullet completely missed President Reagan. In fact
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  • The bullet ricocheted off the car's bulletproof window andstruck President Reagan in the chest.
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  • Irony Is Everywhere!
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  • Language Review 1. What are the 2 styles of Language? Figurative and Literal 2. What is Literal Language? When you mean exactly what you say 3. What is Figurative Language? The words have a different meaning than what is being said
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  • Figurative Language Quiz 1. Blind as a Bat Simile 2. Time is Money Metaphor 3. My Computer Hates Me Personificatio n 4. Crocodiles Teeth are White Daggers Metaphor 5. Her skin was cold as ice. Simile 6. I was feeling under the weather. Idiom 7. Gary gathered the garbage. Alliteration 8. He had bad luck. Oxymoron Oxymoron
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  • 9. His brain is the size of a pea. Hyperbole 10. The snow whispered as it fell to the ground. the ground. Personificatio n 11. Life is a rollercoaster. Metaphor 12. Easy as ABC Simile 13. These three free fleas sneeze. 14. The kids got out of hand. Alliteration 15. He was terribly good at texting. Idiom Oxymoron Oxymoron
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  • READ
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