6 Ways to Ensure Your Email Gets Read

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  • 8/12/2019 6 Ways to Ensure Your Email Gets Read


    6 ways to ensure your email gets read

    If youre like a lot of us, you get so much email every day that you might spend as little as

    15 seconds scanning a message to determine how it applies to you. Now, imagine that

    other people are reading your email the same way. If they can't uickly identify the

    purpose of your message, theyll pro!a!ly delete it or leave it in the In!o" for #later#$ if

    later ever comes.

    In this article, I give 6 tips to ensure that your email messages are read and get the attention they deserve.

    1. Make the purpose of the message clear

    %hen recipients receive your email message, they should !e a!le to see at a uick glance how the message

    relates to them and why its important. &hey may !e looking at a preview of your message in icrosoft (utlookor

    on a %indows phone or %indows o!ile device, such as a personal digital assistant )*+-. (r they may see only

    u!/ect lines in their In!o". If your u!/ect line is confusing and irrelevant, your email will surely get deleted in a

    hurry. 0ere are some e"amples of what can !e included in u!/ect lines to make sure the reader opens your mail

    standard su!/ect heading such as #ction 2euested,# #2esponse 2euested,# #34I,# or #2ead (nly,#

    depending on the action indicated in the !ody of the message.

    &he meaningful o!/ective or supporting pro/ect that the message relates to, for e"ample, #34 '5 !udget


    &he reuired action if applica!le, for e"ample, #onsolidate departmental !udget spreadsheets.#

    &he due date if applica!le, for e"ample, #+ue !y 7uly 8.#

    n e"ample of an effective u!/ect line is #ction 2euested$onsolidate all department spreadsheets for 34

    '6 !udget and return to me !y 7une 15th.#

    2. Tell recipients what action you want them to take

    9e completely clear a!out the actions you want the recipients to take. 9e specific and put all the material that is

    related to an action in one place. &o get even faster responses, talk a!out how the action relates to the recipient's

    o!/ectives, and always give due dates. It's also important to clarify what type of action you want the recipient to

    take. &here are !asically four types of actions you could reuest. If you make this level of detail clear, the

    recipient will !e most likely to read the email and take the action right away. &he four actions include

    Action:&he recipient needs to perform an action. 3or e"ample, #*rovide a proposal for a 5: reduction in

    &ravel ; .. on 3riday.#

    Read only:&he recipient needs to read your message to make sure they understand something. No

    response is necessary. 3or e"ample, #*lease read the attached sales plan !efore our ne"t staff meeting

    on ugust 1?th.#

  • 8/12/2019 6 Ways to Ensure Your Email Gets Read


    FY only:&he recipient should file your message for future reference. No response is necessary. In fact,

    even reading the message is optional. 3or e"ample, #

  • 8/12/2019 6 Ways to Ensure Your Email Gets Read


    -onus: on/t send 0unk email

    (ne of the uickest ways to get onto your recipients' #delete radar# is to overwhelm them with meaningless email.

    2esponding to email with #I got your email, thanks,# or sending out lots of irrelevant data that you think they might

    want to know a!out is a uick way to create a track record of sending unproductive mail.

    &o summariCe, it is incredi!ly easy to create an unproductive culture using email. 3ollow these guidelines and you

    can !e sure you and your team are a!le to keep focused on meaningful o!/ectives and don't create email
