The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics NII-Electronic Library Service The JapaneseSociety forPlant Systematics ACTA PHYTOTAXONOMICA ET GEOBOTANICA iik `Ym ffr 'X m )FIEi e iig ti!! iEE 4NJit Ni ,lt me pt -ti-d k M Vol.XIII Nov. 1943 H zignc- wsi t ti " tsO#if On the Species of Troltius in Japan. k4' glS f51r jll : Kingo MiyABE The first endemic species of Trollius reported from our floral region is Trollius j'aponicus Miq. It was in 1867 that Miquel published the description of the species baseden the fiowering specimen collected in Yezo by some unknown Japanese collector prior to 1823, the year when Siebold first came to our country. It was stated by Miquel that the specirnen was one presented to Siebold. Among the endemic species of Trollius, T. iaponicus has the widest distribution, In Honshu it is distributed from the alpine district of Prov. Shinano to that of Prov. Mutsu. While in Hokkaido itis widely distributed from the mountains of Prov. Shiribeshi through those of the non-vo!canic origin in Prov. Ishikari to the Mashike mountain group in the southern part of Prov. Teshio. Southwards it is extended to the Hidaka mountain range. It is, however, not found in Saghalienand Kuriles, and also on the Asiatic continent. The Hidaka mottntain range, which forms a part of the backbones of Hokkaido, is well known as the homes of many interesting species new to science. We have found also among Trollius two new species having striking characters, namely, T. citrinuS and T. Mshidae. The former has a light lemon- colored flower and a peculiar canoe-shaped petal, the characters the most unusual among the genus. The latter is somewhat related to T. 1'aponic"s, from which it is readily distinguished by itsinflorescence, shorter petals and longer styles, the longest among our species. Among the other endemic species, T. hondoensis Nakai has a limited area of distribution in the Central Honshu, and T. Pulcher Makino is also restricted to -- 1 ---

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iik `Ym ffr 'X m )FIEi e iig ti!! iEE

4N Jit Ni ,lt me pt -ti-d k M

Vol. XIII Nov. 1943

H zignc- wsi t ti " tsO#if

On the Species of Troltius in Japan.

k4' glS f51r jll : Kingo MiyABE

The first endemic species of Trollius reported from our floral region is

Trollius j'aponicus Miq. It was in 1867 that Miquel published the description

of the species based en the fiowering specimen collected in Yezo by some

unknown Japanese collector prior to 1823, the year when Siebold first came to

our country. It was stated by Miquel that the specirnen was one presented to

Siebold. Among the endemic species of Trollius, T. iaponicus has the widestdistribution, In Honshu it is distributed from the alpine district of Prov. Shinano

to that of Prov. Mutsu. While in Hokkaido it is widely distributed from the

mountains of Prov. Shiribeshi through those of the non-vo!canic origin in Prov.

Ishikari to the Mashike mountain group in the southern part of Prov. Teshio.

Southwards it is extended to the Hidaka mountain range. It is, however, not

found in Saghalien and Kuriles, and also on the Asiatic continent.

The Hidaka mottntain range, which forms a part of the backbones of

Hokkaido, is well known as the homes of many interesting species new to

science. We have found also among Trollius two new species having striking

characters, namely, T. citrinuS and T. Mshidae. The former has a light lemon-

colored flower and a peculiar canoe-shaped petal, the characters the most

unusual among the genus. The latter is somewhat related to T. 1'aponic"s, from

which it is readily distinguished by its inflorescence, shorter petals and longer

styles, the longest among our species.

Among the other endemic species, T. hondoensis Nakai has a limited area of

distribution in the Central Honshu, and T. Pulcher Makino is also restricted to

-- 1 ---

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2 H?ts reIy.s" rf y"wsa)wtwa

the Island Rishiri in Hokkaido and to the Shiretoko Peninsu!a in South

Saghalien. T. pulcher is the only species in our region or probably in the Far

East which has subglchqlar flowers with stibconnivent sepals.

The rest of the species have their centers of distribution in the adjacent

continental regions. Trotlins Riederi.dnus Fisch. et Mey. and T. membranoslylis

Hult. of the Ochotsk and Kamtchatka origin are widely distributed throughottt

the whole range of the Kurile Islands. T. Riederianas has been collected in theIsl, Ekaruma in the N Kuriles, in Ketoi, Shimushir and Urup ln M. Kuriles,

while in the S. Kuriles, ft was found only in Etorofu, where a beautiful

polysepalous form was collected. T. membranoslylis is more common and widely

distributed in the Kuriles. In the N. Kuriles it was collected in Shumushu,

Paramushir, Onnekotan and Makanrushi, in the M. Kuriles in Rashuwa,

Ushishir, Shimushir and Urup, and in the S. Kuriles in Etorofu, Shikotan and

Kunashiri. It is noteworthy that the plant appears isolated in the central

Hokkaido in the velcanic mountain group ef Daisetsuzan.

Trellius maerqPetalus Fr. Schm. and T. Ledebouri Rchb. var. polysopalusRgl. et Til. have the relation in their distribution to the Maritime Province

and Manchuria. The former is found in the District Mauka in the western

coast of Saghalien, while the latter is restricted to the Island Rebun off the

coast of Cape Soya.

As it was pointed out by Dr. Tatewaki, that in the fioras of the Islands

Rebun and Rishiri in spite of their close proximity from each other, there

exists the most striking difference in their constituent elements.


presents one of the notable cases. In the island of Rebun, T. Ledebouri var.

PelysePalus of the continental distrjbution is found to grow, whlle in Rishiri

T. P"lcher Makino, which has its area of distribution extended to Southern

Saghalien, only flourishes. This interesting case in the plant distribution (1)Tatewaki has attempted to explain by the geological formation of these islands.

According to Dr. J. Suzuki, professor of geology in the Hokkaido Irnperial

University, the island of Rebun is made up chiefly of old sedimentary formations

belonging te Neogane Tertiary and in part to Mesozoic. The is!and might have

hacl some connection jn old geologic times with the continent in the inter-

change of their vegetati'on. The isl,and of Rishiri on the other hand i,s a young

stratified volcano of the later formation. Its vegetation is due to the migration

of the plants from the adjgining regions, especially prominent in its alpine -and

subalpine fiora'.

One more species of great interest is left for some extended remarks. It has

{1) Tatewaki, M.- Proa Imp. Aead. X (1934> 680.

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N)5;thr,.-y.N"lVe)thiopptmo 3

a wide distribution in both North and South Saghalien. It is characterized by

the yellow po!ysepalous flowers with short petals and styles bent in a "key-

shaped" manner. The plant accords well with the description of Troilius

Riederianus (non Fisch. et Mey.) given by N. Schipczinsky with the exception

of that of the membranaceously keeled styles. The case will be discussed fully

under Trollius Schipcalnskii Miyabe.

It is my pleasure to acknowledge my indebtedness to Mr. Bungoro Yoshimura,

assi'stant pTofessor of botany in the Preparatory Department of the Hokkaido

Imperial University, who helped me in many ways and whose acute suggestions

were of great service in the prepaTation of this contribution.

To Dr. Hiroshi Ilara of the Tokyo Imperial University I wish to express my

gratitude for the loan of a necessary literature on the subject.

To Dr. Shiro Kitamura of the Kyoto Imperial University I tender my thanks

for the trouble taken in the publication of,the present paper.

To Dr. Misao Tatewaki, I wish to express my thankfulness for his valuable


To Prof. Y. Tochinai, the director of the Botanic Garden of the Hokkaido

Imperial University and to Mr. B. Ishjda, the assistant manager of the same,

I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness for many valuable living specimens

which they have succeeded in collecting under no small di.Mculties.

Key to the Japanese Species of Trollius.

1. -Petals

conspicuously longer than the stamens・t・--・・・・・・・・・・・-ny・・・・・・2.


shorter or slightly longer than the stamens・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・4.

-Petals gradually tapering to the acute or obtuse apex・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・-3.

Petals linear or linear-subspatulate, obtuse, rounded or subtruncate at

2・ the apex.

3. Rebun-kimbaiso. T. Ledebozfri Rchb. var. PolysePalus Regel et Tjl.


(Fig. 1, C.)


oblanceolate-linear, 30---40 mm. in length, and longer than the


3・ 1. Botafzaaki-kimbaiso. T. macropetalus Fr. Schm. (Fig. 1, A.)

Petals subulateJlinear, 12---20 mm. in length and shorter than the sepals.


2. Kifmbaiso. T. hondoensis Nakai (Fig. 1, B.)

LSepals 9--16, subconnivent, forming subglobular flowers.4' 4. Botanfeimbai. T. pulcher Makino (Fig. 2, B.; Fig. 5, B.)



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4 u 7b:th i y .h' d v " miont#gl






,-Petals about the same length as or slightly longer than the stamens.

I styles in flower short, ca. Iemm. in length, strai,ght, gradually '

broadened at the base, concolored, and those in matured pods

sometimes with a broad scarious wing on the dorsal side.

5. Chishima-kimbaiso. T. membranoslylis Hult. (Fig. 1, D. E.; Fig.

4, A. B.)-Petals about equal in length to or shorter than the stamens-・・・・・・・・・6.

-Petals about equal in length to or shorter than the stamens・-・・・-・・・i7.

-Petals about equal in length to or shorter than the filaments-・・・・・・・・・9.

-Sepals golden-yellow in color・・・・・・・・・-・・--・・・-・・i-・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・8.

Sepals light lemon-colored. Petals orange-yellow toward the apex,

li'near-spatulate, obtuse or subacute, recurved at the apex with

their margin refiexed presenting a canoe-shape, with prominently

saccate nectarostigma, where the petals are abruptly bent at

13oS-150e to their spreading stalks.

10. Elidaka-himbaiso. T. ec-trinus Miyabe (Fig. 3, A. B.; Fig. 6, D.;

- Fig. 8.)

-Sepals obovate-oblong, oblong-elliptical or ebovate=rotundate. Petals

narrowly linear, 8-11 mm, in lengtb, of about the same length as

the stamens or slightly shorter, 3-nerved. Styles lk-21,rnm in


6. 1fita-kiinbaiso. T. Riederianus Fisch. etMey. (Fig.1,F.; Fig. 4,D.)

Sepals obovate-rotundate, rotundate or obovate-ellipticaL Petals linear-

subspatulate, 7--9mm. in length, shorter than the stamens,

generally 5-nerved. Styles 2.5-3.5 mm. in length.

- 7. Ylazo-leimbaiso. T. 1'aPonicus Miq. (Fig. Z, A.; Fig. 5, A.)

-Sepals 5, yellow in color. Follicles 3-8, more er less divergent with

slender consplcuously elongated styles, 4--5 mm. Iong, the longest . among our specles.

8. PiPairo-kimbaiso. T. 2Vishidae Miyabe (Fig. 2, C.; Fig. 5, C.;

Fig. 7.)

Sepals 10-13, yellow in color. Styles ± 2 mm. in length, strongly

recurved and more or less incurved toward the tip, and in some

fiowers those on the periphery are bent abruptly at about the

right angles in a "key-shaped"


- 9. Kdrajuto-kimbaiso. T. SchiPczinsleii Miyabe (Fig. 2, D; Fig. 6, A.)

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U 7ts:.eq L? v .k- I ・if

" )tii opIdias 5





gtun mtt.tL..-.71


Fig. L (A). Petals

hondeensis Nakai; (C).of Z membranostylis

Iwakawa, (B) - (F). del.
















,・,} ・


//tt tN,.fx1




$,U -L"

B and stamens of

of T' Ledebouri

Hult.; {F). of 7:

B. Yoshimura.



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biiiIRril 11lnl・



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Nu-.--T.NL-myX-. -A



riv4 J

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Ii1t' 1,









TroUitts macropetalus

Rchb. var. Polysopatzas Riederianus Fisch. et




i) !



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yin 1td







lii r,rl・





ni i・ ,l


Kl kdi'i' aLL..-.-"-F

Fr. Schm.; (B), of T.

Regel et TiL; (D), (E). Mey. (A). del. R.

Fig. 2. {A). Petals

and stamens of TroUius

jaPonicus Miq.; (B). of

T. Pulcher Makino; (C).of T. IVishidae Miyabe;

(D). of T. Schipczinkii

Miyabe. --- del. B.



Fig. 3. (A) Petals

and stamens of Trollius

citn'necs Mjyabe from

Mt. Tottabetsu, deL K.

Hino; (B). of ditto

from the Sapporo Bet.

Gard., del. B. Yoshi-

mura, after being Iong

boiled in water.


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6 H tsre te y."tvozalopptxu

i "


" t.-(\tliLL

, '

F.ig. 4. (A). Follicles, of Tfoltius membranosts,lis HulL from Ruesan, Paramushir,deL R. Iwakawa; (B). of ditto from Kurodake, Mt. Daisetsuzan, deL K. Hino; (C).pistils ot ditte from Isls. Onnekotan and Shirnshir, del. B. Yeshimura; (D). follicles

of Trotiius Riederianus Fisch. et Mey., del. B. Yoshimura.

4 s


Eig. 5. (A). Follicles of

Yoshimura; (B). of Trellius

Trolli"s IVishidue Miyabe, del.


- u

A Bv.mu.y c

" - ...Lu"-1

B CTrollius joponicas Miq. from Mt. Ashupetnupuri,

pulcher Makino from Mt. Rishiri, del. S. Fujiwara ;

S. Fujiwara.



del. B.

(c). of

Fig. 6. (IN) Folllcles of Trotlius Sthi-

tlezinhii Miyabe from Mt. Asase, Distr.

Shikka, del. R. Iwakawa; (B). pistils of

ditto from Sekkaizan, Distr. Shikka, del.

B. Yoshimura; (C). of ditte from Mt

Tosso, Distr. Motodomari, del. B. Yoshi-

mura; (D). young follicres of Trollius

citrinus Miyabe, 'deL R. Iwakawa. .

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B2P:re ij yNd Y"zat opptM 7

TRoLuus L.

1. Trollius macrQpetalus Fr. Schm., Fl. Sachal. (1868) 88 et 218; Nakai in

Bot. Mag. Tokyo, XLII (1928) 9; Makino & Nemoto, F]. Jap. ed. 2. (1931) 343;

Kitagawa, Lineam. Fl. Mansh. (1939) 229.

Trollints chinensis (non Bunge) Maxim., Prim. Fl. Amur. (1859) 22; Schipcz.

in Komar. et Schischk., Fl. URSS. VII (1937) 47.

Trollius Ledebouri var. macroPetat"s Regel, Tent. Fl. Uss. (1861) 8; Fr.

Schm., Fl. SachaL (1868) 105, ed. russ. (1874) 113; Komar., FL Mansh. II (1sc4)232; Nakai, Fl. Korea. II (1911) 432; Chosen ShokubutsuI (1914) 58, f. 46a;Miyabe & Miyake, Fl. SaghaL (1915) 17; Mori, Enum. Cor. Pl. (1922) 163.

Trollius Ledebouri (non Reichb.) Sugawara, Ill. Fl. SaghaL (1939) 875, t. 408.

NoM. JAp. Botan2alei-kimbaiso, Kwaen-kimbaiso, (n.n.)

HAB. S. Saghalien. Distr. Mauka: Mauka (Glehn); Nodasan (S. Sugawara). DisTRiB. Saghalien, Maritime Prov., Ussurl-region, N. Korea, Manchuria.

This striking plant, which has long erect linear-oblanceolate petals, tapering

gradually to acute apex anq exceeding in length that of sepals, is only knownto grow jn eur floral region in the District of Mauka in the western coast of

South Saghalien. (Fig. 1, A.)

Those reported from other places under the name of the present species

belong mostly to Trollius Ledebotiri var. Polysapalus RgL et TiL

2. Trollius hondoensis Nakai in Bot. Mag. Tok XVII (1928) 8; Makino &

Nemoto, FL Jap. ed. 2 (1931) 342; Honda, Norn. PL Jap. (1・939) 102.

Trollicas asiaticws var. Ledebouri Maxim. apud Matsum. Shokubutsu Mei-I

(1895) 3eO; Makino in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XI (1897) 249, in Iinuma, Somoku-Dzusetsu, rev. ed. II (1910) 806, pL 642, & I!L FL Ni'pp. (1940) 574, fL 1720. Trollius Ledebouri var. macropetalus (non Regel) Matsum. Ind. Pl. Jap. II-2(1912) 126, excL pl. ex Yezo et Kuriles.

NoM. JAp. Kimbaiso, K)rnkwaso.

HAB. Hbnshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Togakushi (S. Matsuda); Mt. Yatsugatake(T. Miyake). Prov. Mino: Mt. Ibukiyama (J. Matsumura, K. Mori, S.Yoshida, G. Koidzumi).

DisTRiB. Endemic in the alpine districts of Central Honshu.

Compared with Trollius asiatict{s(,i)our plant differs in many important points.In the latter the sepals are generally 5in number and the peta]s longsubulate-linear tapering gradually to acute or obtuse apex, while the sepals inthe former are 14-20 in number and the petals are broad spatulate-linear

(1) Curtis's Botanical Magazine VII (1793) no. 235. -

30L---Regel, Pl. Radd. I (1861)・ 57. n. 83.

Ledebo'ur, Fl. Altaica II (183e)

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s HJ5:.va te ;i Nd vvma g)xdiwt

with obtuse apex and are atso longer than the stamens. But in the shape ef

the leaves, they have a close resemblance to each other. We agree with Prof.

Nakai in considering our plant as a val.id endemic species. (Fig. 1, B.)

3. Trollius Ledebouri Reichb. Icon. Crit. III (1825) 63, tab. 272; Ledeb. Fl.

Ross. I (1842) 51; Regel et Til. FL Ajan. (1858) 38; Regel, PL Radd. I (1861)57, TenL F]. Uss. (1861) 8, n. 22; Komar., FL Mansh. II (1904) 230; Schipca. in

Komar. et Schischk., F]. URSS. VII (1937) 47; Kitagawa, Lineam. Fl. Mansh.

(1939) 229.

var. polysepalus Regel et Til., Fl. Ajan. (1858) 38; Regel, 1. c. (1861) 8, n.

23; Komar., L c. (1904) 232.

Trollius asiaticus (non L.) Maxim., Prim. FL Amur. (1859) 22.

Trollius Ledebouri var. macropetalus (non Regel) Fr. et Sav., Enum. Pl. Jap.

II (1879) 268; Huth in Bull. Herb. Boiss. V (1897) 1084.

1'rollias Ledebouri (non Reichb.) Boiss. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. VII (1899) 597.

NoM. JAp. 1?ebun-leimbat'so. (n. n.) HAB. Elbkkaido. Prov. Kitami: Rebun Isl. Motochi Momoiwa (U. Faurie, C.

Suda, E. Nirei, M. Tatewaki' and K. Seki).

DisTRm Hokkaido, Ajan-, Amurt- and Ussuri-Regions, N. Korea, Manshuria,

North Mongolia to Transbaical Region.

In our plant, flowers are orange-yellew in color and 3-4.7 cm. in diameter.

Sepals are 5-10, rarely 13 in number, obovate-oblong or ot]ovate-rotundate.

Petals are reddish-orange in color, il-15 mm. (generally 12 mm.) in length,

linear, obtuse, rounded or subtruncate at the apex, somewhat widened toward

the apex, 3--nerved, !,onger than stamens, but shorter than sepals and have

remarkably wide stalks. Nectarostigrna are 1.5-2 mm. from the ba$e. Anthers

are 3-4 mm. in length. Follicles are gl.omerate, 16i 31 (generally 22-24) in

number, and 8-15 mm. (generally 10-12 mm.) in length including the style.

Styles in fruit are straight or recurved and 2-2.5 mm. in length. (Fig. 1, C.)

The plant collected in the vicinity of Hakodate by Robert, which was

identified by Fra=chet and Savatier and Huth to Trollitts Ledebouri var.

macropetalus Regel, belongs to the variety under consideration, judgi4g from

their descriptiens of its sepals and petals. The plant i's restricted in its

distribution to a limited area in the Island of Rebun, and has not been known

to grow wild elsewhere in our region. The RoberVs specimen is apparently

from the plant cultivated in a garden in the vicinity ef Hakodate.

4. Trallius pulcher Makino in BDt. Mag. Tok. XXVIII (1914) 109; Makino

& Nemoto, Fl. Jap. ed. 1. (1925) 986.

Trollias Patulus var. sibiricus (non RgL et Til.) Miyabe & Miyake, Fl,

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HJas rk te :t .N'a V-"maopptM 9

Sagha]. (1915) 17, p. p.

Trollius 2'aPonicus (non Miq.) Boiss. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. VII (1899) 597.

T;ollius.Riederianus (non Fisch. et Mey.) Nakai in Bot. Mag. Tok. XLII

(1928) 6'quoad pL Rishiri; Makino & Nemoto, Fl. Jap. ed. 2 (1931) 3t13;

Sugawara, Ill. Fl. Saghal. II (1939) 877, p.p., tab. 409.

NoM. JAp. Botan-leimbai. HAB. Ifohleaido. Prov. Kitami: Isl. Rishiri, Mt. Rishiri (W. Hirose, T.

Kawakami, T. Makino, M. Tatewaki, & B. Yoshimura).

S. Saghalien. Distr. Odomari: Peninsula Shiretoko, Mt. Shiretoko (T. Miyake) ;

Mt. Omanbetsu (T. Miyake); Ninushi' (T. Miyake); Ohesaki (T. Miyake). DIsTRTB. Endeml'c in the Island of Rishiri in Hokkaido and in the Shiretoko

Peninsula in South Saghalien.

This is an only species in our region which has subglobular flowers with

numerous subconnivent sepa!s, resembling somewhat those of Trolliass

europaeus. The. plant is accurately and thoroughly described by T. Makino,

and tolerably well' illustrated ・by S. Sugawara i,n hi's Illustrated Flora of


The flowers vary considerably in size according to the habitat. The large

flowered form is common in the mountain regions of the Shi,retoko Peninsula.

They measure commonly 5 to 6 cm. in di,ameter, while in some cases reaching

even to 7cm., when they are forced to spread by pressing. (Fig.2,B.,Fig.5,B.) 5. Trollius membranostylis Hult., Fl. Kamt. II (1928) 99; Komar., Fl.

Penins. Kamts. II (1929) 116; Tatewaki., Phytog. M. KuriL (1933) 227, 267, 278.

Trolli"s Patalus var. genuinus lus. pedunculat"s (non Regel et Til.) Miyabe,

FL Kurile Isls. (1890) 215.

Troltius Patulus var. brevistylus lus. peduncutatus (non Rgl. et Ti.I:) Makino

in Bot. Mag. Tok. XI (1897) (249). Trollius Patul"s var. sibiricus (non RgL et TiL) Huth j.n BulL Herb. Boiss.

V (1897) 1084.

Trolli"s Patulws var. brevislylis (non RgL et TiL) Yabe et Yendo in Bot.

Mag. Tok. XVIII (1904) (182). Trollias Patulass var. Riederian"s Kudo, Fl. IsL Paramushir (1922) 105.

Trollius Riederianus (non Fisch. et Mey.) N. Schipcz. in Net. Syst. Herb.

Hort..Bot. Petrop. IV (1923) 13 pro min. parte, in Bull. Jard. Bot. Rep. Russ.

XXIII (1924)---iLO,--&---in-Korn.-et Schisch., Fl. URSS. VII (1937) 50; Ohwi, Florula

Shikot. I {1932) 37; Tatewaki, Rep. Pl. Isl. Shikot. (1940) 34.

1leollius joponicus (non Miq.) Nakai in Bot. Mag. Tok. XLII (1928) 7. quoad

pl. Nutakkaushipe et Etorofu, & Rep. Veg. Mt. Daisetsuzan (1930) 48.

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10 N ]is:rk t :/ iN- d Y " waOpttw

Trolli"s J'aPonicus f. Peduncttlatus Nakai, 1. c. (1928) 8.

NoM. JAp. Chishima-no-kimbaiso, Chishima-kimabaiso.

HAB. Elbleleaido. Prov. Ishi,kari: Mt. Daisetsuzan CH, Koidzumi, T. Mkai);

Mt. Koizumidake (S. Ito & S. Imai); Mt. Nutakkaushipe (G. Koidzumi); Mt.

Niseikaushipe (M. Okamoto); Mt. Kurotake (K. Miyabe & M. Tatewaki, Y.

Irnai & S. Yamagiwa); Mt. Asahidake (K. Togashi); Mt. Ishikaridake (Y.Tochinai & B. Ishida), Prov. Nemuro:(?) Mt. Shari (U. Faurie).

S. Kletriles. Isl. Kunashiri: Nikishiro (M. Tatewaki); Seseki (Tatewaki);Oclaibake (Tatewaki,). !sL Shikotan: Mt. Masuba (Tatewaki); Mt. Notoro

(S. Ono). Isl. Etorofu: Vicinity of Furebetsu (K. Miyabe); Bettobu (T.Kawakam!, K. Miura); Bettobu-Shamanbe (M. Miura); Shana <M. Aizawa);

Shibetoro (Kenji Miyabe & G. Tanaka); Sekiya-Porosu (Kenji Miyabe & G.

Tanaka); Moyoro (Kenji Miyabe & G. Tanaka); Uyebetsu (M. Nagai.); Toro

(K MSura).

Ml Khrriles. Isl. Urup: Tokotan (M. Tatewaki); Mishima (Tatewaki & K.

Takahashj,); Kobune (Tatewaki). Isl. Shimushir: Nakadomari (Tatewaki &

Takahashi). -Isl. Ushishir: Kuretayama, Minami,jirria (Tatewaki&Takahashi).

'Isl. Rashuwa (I. Kedama, Tatewaki); Mikasa <Tatewaki & Tokunaga);

Yotsuiwahama (Tatewaki & Tokunaga); Nakadomari (Tatewaki);・Higashiura(Tatewaki); Sonrakuwan (Tatewaki.). N. Kburiles, Is!. Onnekotan: Nerno (Tatewaki). Isl. Makanrushi (Tatewaki). Isl. Paramushir: Otrnai (T. Tarao); Murakamiwan (Y. Kuclo); Hiratazaki

(Y. Kudo); Kashiwabarawan (Y. Kudo); Nodawan (Y. Kudo); Shirakawa (Y.Kudo); Ruesan (Y. Kudo). Isl. Shumushu: (T. Ishikawa, S. Seki, Capt.

Gunji); Kataokawan (M. Aizawa, K. Yendo); Numajiri <Y. Okada).

DisTRiB; From' the Ochotsk region eastward to Chukch Peninsula and

Kamtschatka, extending southward throughout the Kurile Archipelago as far

as the volcanic mountain group of Daisetsuzan in the Central Hbkkaido.

It is very unfortunate to name a plant on the character which is not constant

but sporadic appearing now and then. The characteristic scarious-winged style

of the present species is certainly striking, Even in the same plant bearing

several ri,pened fruits, we find some with winged fol!icles and some withouU

Moreever, this character does not appear on young pistils in the flowering


Fortunately, we have two excellent specimens with the ripe pQds with the

characteristic short outward bent style provided on its outer side with a broad

searious wing running down the upper third of the pod. One is that collected

by Y. Kudo at Ruesan in the Island of Paramushir on Aug. 5, 1920. Another is

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S75tre} yNd t- "za1oajtw 11

one collected by K. Miyabe and M. Tatewaki at Mt., Kurodake in the Daisetsuzan

Range on Aug. 19, 1925. (Fig. 4, A, B.)

In flowers, the styles are short, 1.5-2 mrn., straight or slightly recurved

gradualty broadened toward the base, concolored and without any tra,ce of a

wing on the dorsal side.

The ripe follicles are short broad elliptical, 8-9 mm. in length inctuding the

style, and generally 10-13 forming rather roundish clusters. Hulten laid a

stress on the size of the anthers. In the Kamtschatican specj,mens, the anthers

are $aid to be only 1-2 mm. in length, while in the Japanese plant they are

generally 3-4 mm. '

One of the characteristics of the present species is its long li.near petals which

are slightly longer than the stamens or about the same length. (Fig. 1, D. E.)

Hult6n based his new species T. membraneslylis on N Schipczinsky's T.

Riederianus (non Fisch. et Mey.) apparently laying a great stress on the

rnembrano-keeled style. The rest of the characters judging from Schipczinsky's

description are of the plant not found in Kamtschatka and Kuriles. The plantis said to pessess very short petaIs, 4 mm, long and somewhat shorter than

the filament, and styles, about 3 mm. Iong, and strongly recurved in the so-

called "key-shaped"

manner. The plant having such characters is found widely

distributed in Saghalien.

6. Trollius Riederianus. Fisch. et Mey. in Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. IV

(1837) 48; Trautv. et Mey. Fl. Ochot. (1859) 9; Hult., Fl. Kamt. II (1928) 97;

Kom., Fl. Penins. Kamt. II (1929) 114; Tatew., Phytog. M. KuriL (1933) 197,22Z 249; Hult., FL AIeut. Isls. (1937) 76.

Trollius patulpts Ledeb., FL Ross. I (1842) 50 quoad pl. Karntsch,

Trolli"s Patulus var. genuinas lus. Ped"nculatus Regel et Til., Florul. Ajan.

(1859) 36 quoad Pl. Ins. Curil.

Trollius f'aponz'cus (non Miq.) N. Schipcz. in Bull. Jard. Bot. R6publ. Russ.XXIII <1922) 71 quoad Pl. Kamtsch.

Tlr'ellius J'aPonicus f. Peduncutatus Nakai in Bot. Mag, Tok. XLII (1928) 8.

NoM. JAp. K)ta-himbaiso. (n. n.)

HAB. S. 1ft{riles. Isl. Etorofu: Atoiya (T. Kawakami) ; Onnebetsu (T. Ishikawa) ;Shana and its vicinity (B. Yoshimura).

M: Khariles. Isl. Urup: Tokotan and i,ts vicinity (T. Ishikawa, K. Jimbo, S.Itagaki); Boat Harbor (T. Kitahara); Mishima (Capt. Taketomi). Isl..Shimushir: Yamagoshizaki (M. Tatewaki & Y. Tokunaga); Broughton Bay

(Tatewaki & K. Takahashi). Isl. Ketoi: Ishikuzurehama (Tatewaki &Takahashi).

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12 Hab:Xk:/ ?g t""maoptswa

An Kuriles. Isl. Ekaruma (Tatewaki). DisTRiB. Far Eastern Siberia, Ochotsk, Karntschatka, Kuriles and Aleutians.

The present species is somewhat related to Tbeollius ]'aPonicus Miq., with

which .it has often been confounded. It is, however, easily distinguished from

the latter by the shape and color of the sepals, which are genera11y obovate-

oblong or oblong-elliptical and yellow instead of being obovate-rotundate or

orbicular and orange-yellow. In TroUius Rieden'aness, more6ver, the styles are

comparatively short, 1.5-2.5 mm. in length, straight or somewhat incurved.

and eften hamate and bifid at the apex, while in T. f'aPont'ews they are longer, x

3-3.5 mm. in length, straight or sometimes more or less incurved, graduallytapermg to very slender apex, which is often hamate. In the character 6i thepetals they differ also from each other. In T. Riederianus the petals are

comparatively narrow-linear, 8-11 pam. in length and of about the same

length as the stamens, and generally 3-nerved, while in T. 1'aPonicws they are

broadly linear-subspatulate, 7--9 mm. in length, shorter than the stamens and

generally 5-nerved. (Fig. 1, F.; Fig. 4, D.) ・

The soecimens. collected by B. Yoshimura and H. Yokoyama at the localities

between Porosu and Sokiya and alsQ between Shibetoro and Moyoro are

polysepalous. The sepals are 11--14 in number. The outermost sepals are

rhombic-rotundate and the inner ones obovate-elliptiQal tQ narrowly oblong.

The styles in fiower are 2-2.5 mm. in length, slender, straight and !ight-

colored. In schedule they are named as f. splendens Tatew. et Ybsim.

7. Trollius japonicus Miq. in Ang. Mus. Bot. Lugd. BaL III (1867) 6, Prol.

Fl. Jap. (1867) 194; Fr. et Sav., Enum. Pl. Jap. I (1875) 9; Huth, in BulL Herb.

Boiss. V (1897) 1085, excl. pl: ex Rebunshiri et Riishiri; 1latabe, 'Nippon

Shokubutsu HenI (1900) 43, fL 42; Nakai in Bot. Mag. Tok. XLII (1928) 7,

p.p.;. Takeda & Tanabe, Kozanshokubutsu Shashin Zustiu II fasc. 2 (1932>17, Pls. 229, 230, 231; Nernoto, FL lap. Suppl. (1936) 233; Takeda, Alp. FL Jap.(1938) 3, Pl. 3; Honda, Nbm. Pl. Jap. (1939) 102.

Tbeolliass Patulus (non Salisb.) Matsum., Shokubutsu Meii (1895) 3oo; Miyoshi

& Makino, Alp. PL Jap. II (1907) 101, PL L4 f: 293; Nakai in BoL Mag. Tok.

XXII (1908> 77; Makino &, Nemoto, FL Jap. (1925) 986; Makino, Ill. Fl. Nipp.

(1940) 574, t 1721.

Tbuollius Patulus var. genuinus lus. peduncuJatus (non Regel et TiL) Makino

in Bot. Mag. Tok. XI (1897) 249.

T. Patulass var. genuinus lus. Parviforus (nQn Regel et Til.) Makino, l. c.. 250.

NoM. JAp. Ylaga-kisnbaiso, Sntnano-ldmbaiso.

HAB. 17bkkaido. Prov. Shiribeshi: Mt. Kariba (I. Yamamoto), ML Higaslti-Keriba

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HJ?igth .? )i i<I lh"wncoigma 13

(I. Yamamoto), Mt. Yoichi (H. Yanagisawa, I. Yamamoto), Mt. Iwaonupuri

(S. Nishida), Mt. Nisekoan, byachi (B. Yoshimura & H. Yokoyama). -- Prov.

Ishjkari: Mt. Muine (I. Yamamoto), Mt. Tengu (I. Yk!mamoto), Mt. Yubari

(T. Ishikawa, H. Yanagjsawa &A. IIamana, S. Nishida, B. Ishida), Mt. Ashupet-

nupuri (S. Nishida & H. Yanagisawa). --- Prov. Teshio: Mt. Shokanbetsu (I.Yamamoto), Mt. Ofuyu (I. Yamamoto), Mt. Kunbetsu (I. Yamamoto). Prov.

Hidaka: Mt. Bisei (Y. Hoshino). --Prov. Tokachi: Mt. Memoro (S. Nishida).

Hbnshu. Prov. Shinano: Mt. Shirouma (Y. Yabe, Y. Yazawa, H. Takeda, M.Miura). ---Prov. Mutsu: Mt. Hakkoda (D. Murayama & T. Yabe).

DisTmB. From the alpine regions of Central Honshu northward to Hokkaido,

where the plant is widely distributed in Shiribeshi, Ishikari and Teshio,

extending also to the Hidaka Mountain Range. It js not found in Saghalien

and Kuriles.

In the Hekkaido plant, the number of sepals are generally 5, forming large

orange-yellow flowers with the diameter of 4 to 5.5 cm. They are obovate-

rotundate or orbicular ln shape. Petals are subspatulate-linear, rounded at the

apex, orange-red in color, generally 5-nerved, 7--9 mrn. in length and shorter

than stamens. Nectarostigma are situated at 1.5-2 mm. from the base. Follicles

are glomerate, 10-17 in number, and 13-15 mm. in length including the

style. Styles are long, slender, erect, strajght or slightty incurved at the apex,

and 2.5--3.5 mrn. in length. (Fig. 2, A.; Fig. 5, A.)

There is a forrn having e!lipti.cal to ovate・elliptical sepals from Mt. Shiro-

uma, Prev. Shi.nano, which may better be consi,dered as a special southern

form of the species and to which the name form. shinanensis Miyabe,"Shinanoleimbaiso"

may properly be applied.

8. Trollius Nishidae Miyabe sp. nov.

Folia caulina intermedia breve petiolata, laminis ambitu reniformibus vel

orb!culatis 12 cm. Iatis, trisectis, foliolis medis obovatis trifidis basi cuneatis,

lobis inciso-dentatis vel lacinjatis. Caulis superior rarnosus, pedicellis elongatis

erectis vel erecto-ascendentibus. Flores 3.5-4 cm. in diam.; sepalis 5, laete Iuteis

patentibus obovato-eliipticis subrotundatis vel oblongo-eliipticis, margine

integris vel denticulatis; petalis aurantiacis ca. 6 mm. Iongis, linearibus vel

li.neari-spathulatis, apice rotundatis, aequilongis vel brevi,oribus filamentis,

trinervatis, nectarostjgmate 1.5 mm. supra basin; antheris 3-3.5 mm. Iongis;folliculis 3-8, paulo divergentibus, cum stylo 12--13 mm. Iongis, stylis

conspicue elongatis et tenuibus apice attenuatis 4-5 mm. Iongis, pauloincurvati.s, laete coloratis. (Fig. 2, C.; Fig. 5, C.; Fig. 7.)

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14 H]as:re+yN4 V・9ntlcDnttw

-NoM・ JAp. RiPairo-kimbaiso. (n.n.) '

HAB. JElokfeaido. Prov. Tokachi: Alpine meadow at the summit of Mt. Pipairo

(S. Nishida, July 28, 1914--the type in Herb. Hokkaido Imp. Univ.); Mt, Satsunai

(S. Nishida, July 24, 1917). . ' ・

DisTRiB. Endemic. .

The plant is closely related to TroUius f'ciponicus, from which it is ・readily

distinguished by the character of its inflorescence and bY its shorter petals.

The most striking difference is, however, found in the follicles and their styles.

The number of the follicles are remarkably few, some counting only three. x

They are more or less divergent with very long slender styles, the longest

among our species of Trollius.

The plant is named after its collector, Sh6z6 Nishiaa, theProfessor of Botany

in the Otaru Higher Commercial SchooL In his younger days, he was an

enthusiastic collector and investigator of the a!pine flora ofHokkaido, especially

of the mountains in the Provinces of Ishikari and Tokachi.

9. Trdllius Schipezinskii Miyabe, nom. nov.

TroUius Riederianus (non FSsch. et Mey.) N. Sch{pcz. in Not. Syst. Herb.

Horti Bot. Petrop. IV (1923) 13, in Bull. Jard. Bot. R6pub. Russ. XX!II (1924)70, in Kom. et Schischk., Fl. URSS. VII (1937) 50, pro maj. parte; Nakai in Bot.

Mag. Tok. XLII (1928) 6, quoad p!. Sachalin.

T)'ollius Patulzas Salisb. var. sibiricus RgL et TiL, Florula Ajan. (1858) 38; Fr.

Schm. FL Sachal. (1868) 106; Nakai in Bot. Mag. Tok. XXI (190b 127; Koidz.,PL Sachal. (1910) 61; Miyabe & Miyake, FL Saghal. (1915) 17, p. p.

Trollius Patulus var. genwinus lus. involucratens (non Rgl. et Til.) Fr. Schm.,

Fl. Sachal. ed. russ. (1874) 113.

Troliipts Patulus var. 1?iederianus Kudo, Contrib. FL N Saghal. (1923) 36, Rep.

PL N. SaghaL (1924) 128. -

NoM. JAp. KaraLfaeto-kimbaiso.

HAB. S. Sag7laalien. Distr. Toyohara: Mt. Susuya (T. 'Miyake)

; Galkinovlaskoj

(T. Miyake). Distr. Motodomari: Mt. Tosso (N. Hiratsuka, fi1., N. Nagai &

S. Iwadare); Mt. Kashipo at Horonaipo (H. Aburniya, Y. Hoshino & G. Takee);

R. Horo (M. Aioi).-- Distr. Shikka: Funaclomari (M. Kawashima); Chirikoro

(Kawashima); Mt. Asase (S. Sugawara); Kawashimayama (Sugawara, M. Ta-

tewaki & Y. Takahashi) ; Nhruko (Sugawara) ; Nirayama (Tatewaki & Takahashi) ;

Mt. Perengai (Tatewaki & Takahashi); R. Yennai (Tatewaki & Takahashi);

Upper source of R. Rukutama (B. Yoshimura & M. Hara); Foot of Sekkaizan

(B. Yoshimura & M. Hara).

N: Saghalien. Distr. 'Alexandrowsk: between Dui and Arakai (Glehn).

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Hxsra stLy.tIvty Jeloi.Enc ls

Distr. Tim: between Aobaekl and Kamionoru (Y. Kudo & M. Tatewaki).

DisTRiB. From Ochotsk and Udskoj Districts to N. Saghalien, southward to the

eastern mountain ranges as far as Distr. Toyohara in Sottth Saghalien.

In the present species, flowers vary greatly j,n size according to the habitat,

ranging from 3---4 cm. Gn Distr. Shikka) to 5-6 cm. (in D:,str. Motodomari

and Toyohara) in diameter. Sepa!s are le-13 in number, yellow, rhomboideo-

ova! or obovate, apiculato-denticulate at the apex. PetaJs are broad linear-

subspatulate, rounded at the apex, 5-7.5 mm. in length, light orange-colored

and shorter than the filaments. Nectarostigma is situated at about 1.5-2 mm.

from the base. Anthers are 2-3 mm. in length. Follicles are 7-19 in number,

glomerate, about 13 mm. in ,,length i.ncluding the styles. Styles are about 2mm.

in length and are strongly recurved and more or less incurved toward the

apex, and in some flowers those situated on the peri,phery are bent abruptly

at about the right angles in a so-called "key-shaped"

manner. (Fig. 2, D.; Fig.

6, A.).

The above descripti,on coincides well with that of Trollius 1?iederianus N.

Schipcz. sp. restit. with the exception of the scariously keeled s'tyles which are

entirely wanting in the Saghalj,en plant.

Thi,s peculiar strongly recurved style was attributed by N Schipczinsky to

his Treliius Riederianus as its specific character togethet with the membrana-

ceous keel on its style. It is very doubtful ,that these two characters of the

style are found in the same fiower. Most likely the antihor had mixed up two

different plants in his T. Riederiames. On the plant with scarious-winged styles,

Hulten has established his new species, T. membranostylis, taking T. Riederianus

N. Schipcz. as its synonym without any serious qualifications.

10. Trellius citrinus M{yabe sp. nov.

Herba pdrenni・s, florens ca. 50 cm. alta, caule vulgo ramoso basi vaginis latis

membranaceis obtecto. Folia radicalia 3-4, Ionge petiolata, laminis 7 cm. Iongis

15 cm. Iatis ambitu reniformibus pa!mato-trisectis, foliolis medils rhomboideo-

ovatis breve petiolatis trifidis 7 cm. Iongis 5 cm. Iatis, lobis laciniatoserratis,

folio]is lateralibus profunde bipart.itis, partitionjbus fo]i.olo medio subconfor-

mibus. Folia caulina 3, radical,ibus conformia, sed paulo minora atque inferiora

breve petiolata, petiolis 5 cm. Ionga, superiora subsessilia basi vaginata. Flores

5--6 cin. in diam.' laete citrini; sepalis 5 patentibtts, obovato-rotundatis, sub-

rotundatis, obovato-ellipticis vel oblongo-ellipticis, apice subdenticulatis; petalis

le-13 mm. Iengis luteis versus apicem aurantiacis, lineari-spathulatis obtusis

vel subacutjs apice recurvatis margine refiexis itaque navicellatis, apud

nectarostjgma saccatis et angulis 130'-1500 infiexis; antheris 4.5 mm. Iongis;

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4 km,







long inlost.

H Jptre !e )t .q v e rmowtut

rectis vel paulo recurvis sub anthesi 2-2.5 mm. Iongis. (Fig. 3, A. B.;

D.; Fig. 8.) .

JAp. EEdaka-ntmbaiso. (n. n.) Hbfekaido. Prov. Hidaka: on the shoulder oi 1852 m. peak, situated about

south of Mt. Esaoman-tottabetsu (Y. Tochinai & B. Ishida, VIII. 2, 1934

type in the Herb. Hokkaido Imp. Univ.); the plant transplanted in the

Garden, Hokk, Imp. Univ., Sapporo (K. Miyabe, VI. 9, 1943, VH. 12, 1943)

DisTRTB. Endemic.

present unique species was found growing with 1leollius 1'aPonicus in

alpine meadow on the shoulder of the ridge near ML Esaoman-tottabetsu

Hidaka Mountain range. Its bright light lemon-colored flowers amidst the

yel!ow colored T. jmpont'cus attracted the attention of Prof. Tochinai and

Ishida, who brought back its rootstocks for the alpinery in the University

Garden, Sappore.

most striking characteristics of this species are its lemon-colored flowers

recurved canoe-shaped petals which are. bent abruptly at the saccate

nectarostigma at the angle of 13or-150" to their spreading stalks. By boiling

water, the reflexed edges and recurved shape of the petals are often

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(昭和十 年九 月茸四 日 自庭ニテ 撮影)

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